OPNFV Arno Installation and Validation Walk Through

OPNFV Arno Installation & Validation Walk- Through Nauman Ahad, Wenjing Chu Dell, Inc. 16/03/2022 DELL, INC. 1

Transcript of OPNFV Arno Installation and Validation Walk Through

15/04/2023 DELL, INC. 1

OPNFV Arno Installation &

Validation Walk-Through

Nauman Ahad, Wenjing ChuDell, Inc.

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Tutorial Overview

1. Hardware description

2. Fuel 2.1: Prerequisites 2.2: Fuel VM Setup 2.3: Fuel GUI Walkthrough to Start POD deployment (Live)

3. Foreman (Already deployed Setup) 3.1: Prerequisites 3.2: Deployment Scripts 3.3: Foreman GUI 3.4: OpenStack+ODL

4. Functests 4.1: Prerequisites 4.2: Functest runs a. Rally (Only Results) b. vPing (live) c. ODL (live)

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Hardware Setup

• 2 PODs POD 1: Fuel POD 2: Foreman• Each POD has

1 Jump Server 3 Control Nodes At least 1 Compute Node

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POD 1 Fuel

• Fuel Installer Runs in a VM inside the Jump Server

• Fuel needs 4 Networks:1. Fuel Admin Network: To PXE boot nodes2. Storage Network3. Management Network (Includes Private

Network) 4. Public Network

• These above networks can be overloaded to a single port using VLAN tagging

• We will use 3 ports 1 Port for Public 1 Port for Admin+Storage+Management 1 Port for Lights Out

Fuel Internal Network

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POD 2: Foreman• Foreman Installer Runs in a VM inside

the Jump Server• Foreman needs 3 Networks:

1. Foreman Admin Network: To PXE boot nodes

2. Private Network (Includes Management and Storage)

3. Public Network• VLANs (IEEE 802.1 Q tagging) can’t be

used to overload networks • At least 4 ports needed. 3 in the

specified order 1st Port : Admin 2nd Port: Private (Includes Management and Storage) 3rd Port: Public

• An additional Port is needed for Lights out

Admin NetworkPrivate Network

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OPNFV-Arno Installation (Fuel)

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Fetching the Fuel ISO

• Get the Fuel ISO from: https://www.opnfv.org/software/download• Run the ISO in a VM on the Jump Server

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1. Open Jump-Server Remote Console through Lights out Management (IDRAC) Use a hypervisor (KVM/ virtual box) to boot up the ISO. We used KVM through Virtual Machine Manager

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2. Select Downloaded ISO

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3. Set Memory and CPUs for the VM

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4a. Bridge First VM virtual port to the Jump server’s second port (eth1). This will be used as the Fuel Admin Network

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4b. Add additional Virtual VM port. Bridge it to the Jump server’s Public port (eth0). This will be used for Fuel Public Network.

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5. Begin Installation. Press Tab to change Fuel settings. Set show menu from no to yes.

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6. In the menu, Enter the network Setup option. Go to eth 1 and provide the public network details. This is done so that Fuel could be accessed remotely

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8. Quit setup by entering the “Save and Quit” option

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9. Fuel Installation Completes after about 30-40 minutes

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Deploying a POD using OPNFV-Arno (Fuel)

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OPNFV-Fuel POD Deployment (Interactive Session)

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Preparing the POD nodesA: On the POD Nodes, go to the BIOS settings and enable PXE boot on the Network Port that is connected to the Fuel Admin PXE Network

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Preparing the POD nodesB: On the POD Nodes, go to the BIOS settings and set Network Port that is connected to the Fuel Admin PXE Network as the First Booting Device in the Booting sequence

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Preparing the POD nodesC: Restart the POD Nodes. The Nodes would be discovered by Fuel and put in bootstrap mode. This means that they will be available for Fuel to be deployed

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OPNFV-Fuel Specific Steps

• Go the Fuel VM• Enter the command “fuel node list”• Note the cluster number (1 in the example below)

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OPNFV-Fuel Specific Steps

• Run the command “ ./opt/opnfv/pre-deploy.sh <Cluster Number>”• The script modifies the Fuel Deployment environment so that

provisioned Nodes contain ODL files and scripts.

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Pre-deployment Script

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After running the pre deployment scripts, press start deployment on the GUI

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Deployment Success

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Fuel-OPNFV Post Deployment

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• The OPNFV-Fuel Specific scripts earlier shown, installs ODL specific files and scripts and the provisioned controller and compute nodes

• http://artifacts.opnfv.org/arno.2015.1.0/fuel/install-guide.arno.2015.1.0.pdf?utm_source=OPNFV.org&utm_medium=Download%20URLs&utm_content=Fuel%20deployment%20-%20Installation%20Guide&utm_campaign=OPNFV%20/%20Software%20/%20Downloads

• However a few issues.

1. The “/opt/opnfv/odl/odl_start_container.sh” runs into an error due to conflict with 8080 port. Manually changed it to get around it2. /opt/opnfv/odl/config_net_odl.sh not present on the compute nodes.

Would be improved in the future and is only experimental for the time being

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OPNFV-Arno (Foreman)

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• At least 4 Network Ports should be present on the Jump as well as on the POD nodes that are to be provisioned. The ports should have the following order:

1. First Port for Admin Network for PXE booting the POD nodes2. Second Port for Private + Storage Network3. Third Port for Public Network• Another port is needed by the Nodes for IPMI/ Remote access

controllers (IDRAC). These IPMI/ Remote access controllers should be accessible from the Jump Server

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Getting the deployment Files

• Use Foreman ISO to install CentOS7 on the Foreman Jump-Serverhttps://www.opnfv.org/software/downloadThis ISO packs the required files to deploy Foreman installation• Or download the required deployment files on a Jump-Server installed

with CentOS7:https://github.com/trozet/bgs_vagrant/releases/tag/v1.0• Go to the bgs_vagrant directory on the Jump Server. It contains the

deployment files and scripts needed to deploy Foreman. Its contents are shown in the figure below

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Preparing the POD nodesA: On the POD Nodes, go to the BIOS settings and enable PXE boot on the Network Port that is connected to the Foreman Admin PXE Network

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Preparing the POD nodesB: On the POD Nodes, go to the BIOS settings and set Network Port that is connected to the Foreman Admin PXE Network as the First Booting Device in the Booting sequence

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Configuring deployment for the Testbed• The configuration for the bare metal nodes to be deployed in the

Foreman POD is to be given in the “opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml” file• Find the control nodes within the file and edit the following:

1. Mac Address for the port connected to Admin PXE network 2. IP for the Remote Access Controller (IDRAC) 3. Mac Address for the Remote Access Controller (IDRAC) 4. Mac Address for the port connected to the Private Network

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Configuring the opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml for control nodes

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• Find the compute nodes within the file and edit the following: 1. Mac Address for the port connected to Admin PXE network 2. IP for the Remote Access Controller (IDRAC) 3. Mac Address for the Remote Access Controller (IDRAC)

• For each compute node, ensure that the names are different too within the file

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Configuring the opnfv_ksgen_settings.yml for compute nodes

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Running the deployment Script

• Go to the folder bgs_vagrant• Run the command: “./deploy.sh –base_config <location of the


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Deployment Starts

• Continues for 2 hours and deploys OpenStack setup with ODL controller

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How the Deployment Works

• The deploy.sh script takes in hardware specific parameters for the POD nodes to be deployed• The deploy.sh script detects network configuration for the Jump Server• It spins up a Virtual Box VM using Vagrant within the Jump Server• The VM fetches necessary files and sets up Foreman• It also fetches the Khaleesi Framework that does all the automatic

installation• Khaleesi consists of Ansible calls made to the Foreman API to deploy

the POD

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Foreman GUI

• After a few mins the Installer VM is up and is set up with Foreman• We can access the Foreman GUI using the VM’s public IP• To access the Installer VM, on the Jump Server go to “ cd

/tmp/bgs_vagrant/” and run “ vagrant ssh”• This would log you into the Installer VM that runs Foreman to check

its public address

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After Deployment Foreman Dashboard

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• ODL runs on the first controller and can be accessed:<IP of controller>:8181/dlux/index.html

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Fetching Functests

• On the Jump Server, Clone the Functest repository by running“git clone https://gerrit.opnfv.org/gerrit/functest”

• Fetch the OpenStack RC file for the deployment to be tested• Source the download admin-openrc file• Go to the functest repository that is cloned• Go to testcases directory and run : python config_python –d <functest

repository location>

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• This script fetches the needed testing tools that are used by Functests• Includes:

1. Rally2. Tempest3. Vping4. Robot5. Downloads Glance Images

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Running Tests

• http://artifacts.opnfv.org/arno.2015.1.0/docs/functest.arno.2015.1.0.pdf

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Rally Tests

• Rally bench suite can be used to benchmark OpenStack components such as glance, Nova, Neutron, Cinder etc and generate results in .html pages• To run:

“python <functest dir>/testcases/VIM/OpenStack/CI/libraries/run_rally.py <functest dir> <test>

Where test can be

1. Authentication2. Cinder3. Glance4. Nova5. Neutron6. all (runs all above)

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Tempest Tests

• Rally uses Tempest to run smoke tests

• Run “ rally verify start smoke”

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vPING (Live)

• Uses OpenStack to create 2 VMs and one network. The 2 VMs are connected to this created network and are assigned Ips• A simple Ping test is performed between these 2 VMs• To run: “python <functest_dir>/testcases/vPing/CI/libraries/vPing.py –d <functest_dir>”

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ODL Tests (Live)

• Checks if ODL is accessible and performs basic testing• Run “. <functest_dir>/testcases/Controllers/ODL/CI/start_tests.sh”