on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an...

VOLU?l!E XX. "CASSILIS ENGAGEMENT" AT EMERSON TONIGHT Tormen!ors \\'ill Present English Comedy. Many Prominent Dramatic Stude nt s Jn Cai:.L ls F irst Play By College S tudent s 1his Year. Miss Chubb uck Directs. Curtain at 8 :15. 'f ht" i:-. ,11/ set for thl' lar(!f'.._t and ch!\"er<-'st of dramatic productions t•\('r i>restnted to :\lontana State ... t 1dent.... . 'I ht' \\ill '"J he Cas.<;ilis Engagt..nu:nt" b) St. Hankin at the Emerson Auditorium tunii;rht prom1>tl) al s.l:l. The ca-,t has heen rehearsing- dilig-ently for the past :-e\l·ral \\t.'o.'h.s a1.d the dn .... s r·•hcnrsal earl) )esterda) C\ening- was final l'\ident"e that lhl"ir efforL"'i l\Otdd \\t•ll rl'"ardecl. Thl' pla) thi s ·---------------• yrnr i'.'i under the directit• n or Miss SHERIDAN READY FOR TURKEY fiAME f Florence Chubbu ck of the Enidish de- partme nt. "ho has dramatics at the l·nhcr ... it) of " ·as hington and at the of lo" a . Miss Chub- Quek is 1>ersunall) familiar "ith the h a\ taken part in its ::.hon- inJ,r in the Little Theatre at the Uni- BOZE:\fAX, MONTANA, TUESDAY. 'OVEi\lBER 20, 1928 BOBCATS Ht Frate Makes Sens.'.ltional Run ,,f 8.} "lards For :1-Iontana·s Touchd own PL \ YED ON \\' C'J' FIELD \h St:lte Thn·attns Strio usl) ln '1 hird Quarl r. rtah 01 1 en,-,e 0111.r. NU::VIBER 9 1 VOCATIONAL CONGRESS I OPENS HERE TOMORROW Fo urte enth Convention of :'lkntana High Sc hool Wom en This Week. l\'Dtecl Speakers "ill Address Meetin gs. Program Announced for Three Day Gathering. Expect Over 200 Delegat-es Tht.• ruurt1enth Gir ls \ocattonal ('tn!!rt..s-., ,,jJ I its three da) 1>r1>· l.l'o.m tomorro" e\l'ning at the g) m "it.h )oung "omen from more !han 100 1\Iontana high schools present. '\ationall) h.no''" \O<:ational experl"> and spc::akcrs will addrc'!'<I tht:' \\ t.nien "11ilt:' the) are ht>re and discuss "ith tht: m the life v. orh. ft...r "hieh the) are hest fitted. I l>e:rn l na B. Herrick. "ho direct ing the co"'entiun this ,ear ha s ar- 1 r anged an elaborate program for th e• · · ' 1h eo1u.._ tht..'. l. t:1h ;1mJ the Tont.ana lhret: daj meeting. One half of the EVENTS 0 .:i \HI..., leplete \\ thulb and DE.\.· C::\.\ B. llEHRlCK time of thl' "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs' Vocatio nal '' ith genera l and db:icussions ii .. a.ly l llf!l'li uff b:'- the Vtah men, \\hile the rcnHtinder of the time will thl nr..tl si.:ore being 1-1. in mm and has been dir- be ghc-n O\er to f'Srnall group meet- CONfiRESS llOLLY TH I PP "l 1<: i;.,uie.s .of the 1re JUSt about ltctin" them μtr onalh since Lhat ;I ::>how t :u rctatne stlln;.,,th of the two .... . · ings. Fa;;test Field Jn Slate mised For Bobcat Charles Clash Plays the part or Lady Mabel Yen- U:dnt:<.. 'liie Ltah ho<t!n on time. 1 hl· 't tat10nal at Helen Bennett. Is ProM1 'cnit) of Iona this past s ummer by ninz in "The Cassilis Engag-ement'' the fust t\\O period:i '.\lontana Stat._ rank as of the The speuker foi· t.omonuw SL [the ad, a need pla ys class. at the tonight. and a.._ain m Lhe last , wh:le tht Bob- k11 gathering-s 01f their program is Helen .\1. llcnnett, di- T hree Full Days of Important Happenings In Store For Delegates ance of .Jimmie 0,•ens, are ' ery en- 'd11ni qua1 lcr when l•d•ralc took the· C. hica:;.ro. Her will follow th<: 1 ... \\ hich ha'e been under the g u1d- 1.aL:- wo111cd the during Lht l.ind in the l'nite=i of tht '\"oman.::o \\'o;ltl's Fair aL s .. l!ll<l<in, \\"\O :\: 1:1 1he (.'t.Ulaginj!' and a hOU':SC COArH ovrHE I I ANNUAL Ar. rLUB "L field 111 th· staLt.: of\\ ¥ommg \\1ll Jn lu:n the <.urtam rises tonight_ an, lJ lJ U .. :-ulOlte.: U lJ ;...cneral chairman this Ext::cutive Staff-Hazel :\-1. )lellon, coffered to the t\\o Col- '"The a:-;silis Engagcmen-!;" i:s s SSEMBLY -u .._ ..... •• "" 1 i\lt'llnn's ..-1ster. Jt'anctt<: chairman ot <omentwn, Florence t!gt: h:am:; '\\:hich ,\ill .. here Engln•h of manners and con- AT MEN ' A \\t!.h g,a_in"S th1l!Ugh the line FITTING CONTEST who is i .. the hig+. Johnson an<l ..\ih:cn Rigg, secretaries; hw day-:\Iontana State I t1;.i.st::-, full vi\\ itly d1alogut' and com- ' anil <oruunJ end. lhe 1 1 1 \\as m ... dd) : !i.nol at the congrtts::;. will ma.kl" I Carol) n 11al<.y and .nary Ta):tor, • ,ll(•gl and )lt !:'t. Cluules. pliu1ted The members ot aJHI E;-cnicJ tu work to advc111l:ig<.! 1 s1,onse for the delegates. 11--bht.: hou$mμ;; Hazl•I Thompson, re<.:ept 10 n; 'lht: tield ha::;. bi;.•tn woii... .. d 0 ,er LhtA ha\e their parts te-1 ) 0 · l tah Lcam. Ti c BoJ<.:ab S:ePm- ___ i inntcd to attend this ;11:-;t nwetmg .\lar, Tattan, program, prmting, imt> and ai=;.un 1th b t t marknblv well and then· past N d F T \V I td t> be unable Lo .t,lt. or to the .. lpublic:ity; Iris Rose Peteis, finance; + • I . .. hs then rnro 1em:e on. the stage has been of ..:11."'at Stresses .i ce or eanl or' hi he oppu:-ini.: bar·!\::. on the :-;ozg') Six Classes of Lh·estock and CJLher nationally knvwn spt.aktt-s, Loubl' Tlip 1 ,,, .music; Elizabeth ,-aluc in the <le,·eloping of pl:1y. ..\.n1ong Students For Better- :... >unij. . . He\eral of Grains who will the thi'"' I Gaidmcr, conventton arrangements; fa hC!aV\ thL stars of Fred. Henmon 111 the lead_ing male ment of 8chool , .:.\I. the 01 tht> quar- 1 ' \ 'Sh al·e Dr. EsLher Allan Ga\1,.·, dean l.\Iary entertainment; Sp'Jr::i, ht. two )Jontana aie g-oin!!. role is of high school I --- t.:I th!;! ::.to?<l 111 1mor of - re own o women at the Cniversity of Ohlo; us.1er:$; \Vomen, pages. fin I f1r footin·.r un l n1 ath m which Lora Brown th{_• ..\g1.ne .... and it. looked a::;. though --- Isabel Ct aig Bacon, who i::; in charge -- o Thet of the i-ligh abo !iad Dolly Tripp The men's <li\·ision. ?f the 1 until Tne annual fitting- whit-h is oi 1ctail salesmanship on the ftdtral \\ Evening. 7:30 O'<.lock hcool ele\cn in t!1e 1!128 ha'.'.! and \ens Rn·enes are both well known· held lru::t Thursday, ).:o\' m!Jer l,) _ ... i.;ec.a<..ulai and \ ogt spon--ored b\· the A.r Club f ).I S C bnarJ !or ,·ocational e<luration at 1 Opening of . . chairman roused mule football sptriL here than to i:nll<::ge people through their pastlU:3U a. m., in the wa:=; ad- . th.e point the gcore .hdd ...:"a•urlaY ... . · \Vashin.1rton, D. C. AL t'.le small g-roup De,otiunal . .. Ruth Grush - ' p ·tic.patio i T l e tor plai·s d1·• sed b" Coa ·h DY ·h :.tr nn.'.hl.? 12-4. Jn th1s touch- . ' (. . . l1 . I l<l as been fur many Tht: I m 1 •• n , or 11 n . . . · , . ( ·: t · • - If JilW'l h the '"Cat::;" m · ht 1.:asik h:we Live;-: to k P1.n i!lion. Six of l 1:-cussion., junit.r an<l senior women At ress of \Yelcome Bernice Lranc e ... utt will be u for the 1 c. a::;t . 1 h.f! Engage- , an tt_n_g- on tied <\t for th_ gUt,th t(3.m.' In and se,·crnl. of graii:is at the c.::ollege will confer v,:ith the of A. "\V. S.) 1anks a:o the 1..vent of j as appeai at the r-l)\t'rnment iel.ltl\e to pu<le. I · . , · .. 1 \verc :-hown. Compet1t1on \\a-s keen m dt"le<.?u.tes and them on the .. Edna :\lae Fo ... ter h..t ath.etic )ear for northeastt:rn 1 Em!:.rson is: I ·.\fter }.Ji·. D)i;.·he's SJ),ech, Rcgisuar .. making the 1 .. :-:-ore th,t; BobM e\·e1\· with skill be- nwations. (Gallatm County High ::::. ... hool) ;\'yominl.!'. Ethel Berridge ......... Teresa \\. H. :.\lcCall talk(d the men s.ti;- up, t}, ing- ;hown in c:ondttionini:r and show- .\It ernate Cong res- Rc::;pon::.e of the High ::,chools of \ - 1. "t 0 ,. ,. to 1"01· the Lady )label Venmng ·····-·Dolly Tnpp I denh for a few m111ut.cs :-;tre I <H k \\ h1c:h met ro.or luek. :n,. _,, th St t J tt '1 II " " I D l th d. t ti f I I th I h . . e a e .. ... .. eane •' e en are due for Lady .... Alice yandenhook points in. Dyche's uc f) econ· 1 10n .o: k. ie c c · -p. f .. ..,h '\ 'h l . -I n t t:. n2.st 1t .nas b.en the custom (Ryegate High School) .. g ... · ·. . . h.. 2\Irs. Borridge .... Claudma Opdyke and al:'-0 mentioned a ltl t Id the t<•am.s pun ed quite often. ! 0 t soi s ·kl at< :in, to hold two \·cx:at1onal c_ongresses Roll Call .. . _ Secretaries lent> of adl\ltJe.:,. At nudmg l '\It - Cas;:;ilis K"therine Kellett scho'ar-=hip requirement· Lo b int10 \Yith a short time to J.'. U'ta.'1 men Trhs,·en plM·ed the ribbons on livt.!- )ea.r: one Ill f,all tor. the women "Somti Es.s.entials 1 ·n E'ducation" . e:o;·e. 100 1 . 1 .rnrathoners iI :s. H ..... ··· ·· _. D l rk d d I!J2q - . wcrked the ball do\\n the field to in a ve:·y manner h te h :v11l take off .Clly uce m Se.If Go,·ern mcnt ::'ll· ntana State'!:> 10 ard line where P.s io!lows: Hors(s, Egg-en 1 :\lurdent an':l one ii: t e: wm. r 1or t e men. \\"illiam C. :-f1alo. b,oun<l fo1 ... Shen<lan. O\ e1 ..,3 G. ff. . (' _,·1· F d B . -. . . \\rel-.h. "ho "as !'<1Ub:-tit¥ ted for hH s Cl'' • .! ;:1nett 1. Yuelk r 2. 1 h1s year wa:-; decided to al_ternate ( llontana State Col1ege) 'lies of dirt road. Crowd:s will foJJo\\ is ······--· _re Coaeh Dyche his spL:ech )}aec..: kicked the ball F<..t Eel \nrler::on 1. Holden 2. meetmg-s:. the boys meetmg- one One Act Play '' The London1..·trv Air·• hem all the c.:ours..._ and :'lrla:o1 Wa:ungton .... mamly around the depart- i1uart' Y bt•w! n lC to clirn.:h l'airv :\lakhhaten l Bulhart and the girls the .next, so there ttroliucc<l b\" Play Production. Clas.s nds are expecLed to see the.frnh•h at Recto1 . ..... )111hs ment, howeYer, the (oach pointed out e Yh.ior. p . :\E:nn 1. 2. Swine, \"\'l,ll be no boys \0t:at1onal of State College) aboot 7 o'clock in the morn111i;r. Dots-et, maid .Marga1et fact. that rull's may I _l · ___ --- O\Cr.-::treeL 1. Jlaa.3-c A th ts year. . . . . Thursda) '.\lorning 9.00 O'Clock That ,.,. .. 11 st.art r_he 1-rog-:·am for the I The Butle1 ........... Orland Oakland apply to the. and Jam t1tted and shown bv >:ev1n was Another di.fferent featu1e m this "'.-\rt as a Profession" la y. The• eame itself will be thP camp?c::. Dyche The and S'fAGE Cl ASS TO J;Ianrl \Vtth a hol:-:tein heift:r is L"iat junior . :'.\!rs. Olga eature of the afternoon ancl at A w s CHRISTMAS te ... hmque on fund1men.tal 1udiments. ith•d and s.hown bv :\{ake!haten as <Cont1m:e<l on .Page fwo) (::'.\lontana State College) hali a dozen dani.:es and entertah1· not s.trategy. i;ne _the fac-1 ..J el-ampion. ·Professor ··Opyortunities for \\'omen Tramed 11ents are btin,2' planned. m any a\.hlet1c e:·ent: 1111s, he GIVE TWO PLAYS pla ed the ribbons on vrain.,. as fol- ART BAZAAR ON in Home Economics ····· ........ ·- made today of SALE SATURDAY be!Hves, maJ,: Inv': l\Iarquis whf'at, \\'!Ison 1, . Dr. Jtssie E . Richa1·dson he appc1ntmclflt ot Will fon11er which l::;. .. a1y to C?n· I L ... 2. :\fontana >:o . . {ti whea . D.tonrana State College) commander of the American ! sntute better and .. cooperation I -- Z\\issler 1, :.\la1tinell 2. ::'.\larl y, )Jar- DECEMBER 7-8 'Yo .. ational Science". ..... ·-····. eg1on. as manager of the marathon. --- I among _student.,. ML u,che _left the Pl p. d t• Cl w·11 p. t:nell ). Zwissler 2. . Prof. w. }!. Cobleigh he names of vouths from all parts . that he did not wish to be I a,) IO UC 10n ass l . . . . . 'Thv Freyd Occupational I nterest f the state h'a,e entered the I Proceeds 'V1ll Go Toward Furn· intcrprett<l as a minh•ter ledurin'.!' on '"The Londonerrv Air" ::'.\luc,11 c1ed1t, tot the of the Blank" ..... Dr. Esther Allen Gaw he eYent were made public'. ishing Res troom ln ethics and dogma,_ but criticizing at Girls' CongreSs .. --- (Dean of \Vomen, "C. of Ohio} ·r1, are seeking the dozens of priZ<s H ·k H 11 th<>c :,htlessnes> of students on a on- I ru· h . · 1 ) '" •· L •·d - d .\1·t Club and Delta Phi Sponsor-I '}laking Good With Yourself" ... eing- offered ernc a I structive uremise . I -- c 1 t t: cona.. ing Annual Christntas - :.\liss Helen .M. Bennett Tickets for.the big game are going --- Reg-isnar \ \". H .. \Ic:Call took The meml.ers of :"ilis::. Chubbuck's I Ra ... ·k( haTn hail ch:.yi!j 01 Llvr G"ft S I Director of \Voman's apidly. Reservations ean be made The Associatt<l Won:en the floor about 10:10 a. m. and im- play prod.1..Ltion c: are gaining ;toc. r. . o 1 a e \\'or.d's Fair, Chicago, Ill. ) through Fred Goldberger chairman of of :\lontana State College are giving [pressed upon the mind.::. of the as5cm- experiPnce m ac::tini:r direct- ( on t e m Luncheon hli ticket committee of Sheridan a sale Saturday, and b1ed, that the point, •·Vi·e are at inz, s.tage costuntt and property man- w l' :'; .. owmg:- were ma e. the time nears for the Alt Commer.cia1 Club. Gerald Lansing, again December· 1 at the J.lontana to powers of thought". maJc agemcnt. The c.:la.-s is divi<lCd into . Ribbons .'\Ill h: :.!1''en ot:t at tJ: Bazaar, \\hich will be held in Henick Thursdav .\fternoon hainnan of houSingo committee, .t-O\\er building. By this sale the or-1 1 by. Dyche, rni:rnrily the !' Ye1al gToups, eath g-roup l.ub 1 ! 1 f>-eti.ntt '\\ c-<lnesda} e\·emng- at Ha.l l.Jt .. cember 7 and o, extensi'e ConL1ence ''·it h ::;peakers for ·ill make hotel resen·ations for any I ganization plans to ma kt cnoug-h obJecti\ of College. In his h, 1 ne-a<:t play sometime during the '·.W 0 dock. plan::. are progrtssing rapidly. :\lem- Junior nnd Senior women of JI. S. C. ·1sitors. Every prL .aution has been me ney to fmnish a restl com and J.lcCall an_ nounced prob- quarted. Besides appearing in QHC piny . 1c1 s 01.. tht: A1t Club and Delta Phi and High School girls. ken for the protection of \•ls!tors bEaunfy the halls of He.irick Hall./ ably a will b :.i.nnexed e:wh student is a munber of the pro- I LOST natetnity, the sponsors of the sale, nd all hotds and room:ng exi:enditures will greatl)· im- year 111 the .rrnl.'es<:. r.e1ty an<l stage managing ... onnmttee f _Two l·rc1wh. ttxL Look:<. have Lt;en annouee that the a1fair will offer a agne<l to only standard 1p·o .. ·e the beauty and t:omfo1t of that I schclarsh1p c.omm1ttces. wh11.:h rro f onC! of th othe>r rlays. Tne authors. are great opportunity for students and rice.-. Xo c:a:$e5 of "gou,2°ing'' were building. vide.:. that all. students must maki.> The of thr plays, ")lary .F1a\ard. Dean Hen1Lk':- name ls to\\nspeople to obtain unique lovely . at i:-:.action of the city's treatment of · alnady been contributed to the sale cre<ht.s. l efo1 e the .:\.uxiliary of Eastern Stars l heo bc--oks to Dean Hernc:k s offu:c. . "umerou:) imported art1C•e:s tro111 •ts is pr1)\ed by the fact that a I by t!11.: \Yomen ::i.tudent::; range from u.t their last \Yednesday --- -- L..hina, Japan. Greece, France. Thursday EHning. b :00 O'Clock ... rational Opportun- ities .. .. ..... . . ..... Dr. Gaw ·•\Yoman, t.he \Yindow Shopper" ... ..... :'o.liss Bennett epcited at las.t yEar's game and the, handmade articles Lhat have I ten _iriade pomts as well as kn \\'hat. She Says" was produced m C'ach 01 the book-:.. L-nri$tmas gifts of a wi<le variE.ty . o:Je;.e game has been awarded to 1 jellies and marma1ades to lampshades, I CONCERT COMPANY i.ite1noon . The play wa:;. so fa,orably CONGRESS SHOWS Sweden, Italy, an<l Denma1k are Frida) :\lorning, 9:00 OClock he1idan for 1928, J929. and handkerchiefs, table iunner5, pillo" 1 Jeu .. i\ ,d thaL they have been to t l'l mised. as well as handwork and """hy Be a Teacfier" .. Ther( h a good deal of difference covers, and holde1s. )!any Seniors of r:ut it on !tctain before the Aid oth .. r handicraft ll'Om the Indian .. .... :\liss Leora Hapner etw<.:e.1 th<.\ a\Cragc c-ollege game awl .ast year made their arti le.s during PLEASES STUDENTS Sot iety of Uw Pie byterian Church. LARGE INCREASE i(::,. (::'.\lontann State College} he one s!ag-ed in Sheridan. It mad2 th"' sumrner an<l are c::ont.ributing I Thl east Ls as follo\\s: 1 he Delta Phi membcts will haven •·Librarian:;.hip as a Profe:;;s10n" _ a:tivity hen, with them to the· sale. Bill Bohart .. AJ.am 1 sepatate booth for the .sale of their . J.li:::....s Elizabeth Forrest Comrnercial Club assuming adive Anno:..nc.ements con<:ern;ng the tom M --- Clay own work such as book end!.'"o (Llbtarian, )L S. C.) thar1.-e of the cn'Tlt anrl the \vhole ing- sale have been mailed to the Se lectio ns of Bettj Booth, Hu go! lfd("ll Bowen }Jury ct.• Or.iranization in I H13 Girl s' an<l hamdllg':$ . The Bnz:1ar ";n con- 8u$ine:-;s of \Vritin.,i:(' own Joimng- in to prodde ente1ta111-,weimen of the to\'.n . In 01del' to make B. dt d Pa 1 Cl rk l),h .. rian Johnson. . Janey l' nference Has Become tinue thro .. ;!'h Frid:l>· evening and un-J Dr. Sara\'\'. Jenning-s ent for the throng-s which make an tht new undo takrn,g a suece"-s 1t is 1 ran an u a ()y :aid '\·a rd P1-ank t1l 5 :00 p. m., Satuniay. I l ?-.lontana :::>t.ate l-Olleg-e) • nn .al hr ie. It 1s the only that all women students Deli g ht . \u d1 encc ':\h:neella Littl field Grandma ramoust• Institution '·\\'omln in t"Otlege 2'ame :-chcduled m no1thern ope1ab:'. EHryune tu1n 111 1 ___ The next play "The Londonerry \Ve l'all our 1rl B. V. D. because . lli:..s Harriette Cushman Wy oming. h.:1t article::; at on<:e Tn'-· "'cLti· Booth l'oii•·cil Air" will be \\'edncsday .'II ,.,,",<I< l••,'l<l ti> n-.·• nl'lll, 1 .,,,. lt>- the \\as born \Cry dumb. I Continued on Page ·.rwo) .u • . .. )< ' H"n;ng- at the opening se:-.sion of the " " .... ..,...., playmg f1om the J!Jeat Girl • \"(x·aticnal The ea!::>t mc1rt \'. be!!ins tht' 14th Annual Girls' ARCHJTECTUR£ DEPARTMENT masters, scnu-Ja"1c.•I, for this play is : Vr>·a::onal l<rn;!rcss, which """ or- H/GH SCHOOLS ANNOUNCE numht. rs an<l "Th :\-la:.r.1c: as Lound Girl Eth l<la Kt!mpciHrnr anizt.·d hv Pean Llna H. Herrick in RATES HIGH IN THE WEST J1hc,. foature of the e\enin,:, pfoa:;e<l a \li..i! w Po Loi;.;; for lhe (Hll_'pO:-e .or D£L r-GATES TO CONGRESS 1 smull but enthusiastic audience la'-'t Tt 1 0 p G lburt :\fcll'arland tht> high ;-:r·hool g-1rls 01 thL• at a £!. I Thur-.:day e\ enin1.!' at the e t ei EYel'l"tl Best 1 c:onfe1 \\ hei e th, y m11!ht hear ).fiss Booth won admitation with 1 111 ,. c-omc of the prominent women of the The Department of Architecture of 1att::i. as high other mi<l-wt::;t j het· !'Clsonality, costunwd 1 STEF ANSSON LECTURE day their ,·otations. The total for the com- crine :\[cg-ler; Butte. Kathleen the School of Engineering at ::;1·hooh1 m that 1t g1ve::1 a more com- son!! pr stintations, vocal made I Thl• ('oncrp..,-: Jll't!">t>l'lb to thl hig-h in;.c :.\1ont.ana Girh;' \"ocatiunul ('011-1 \ aug-hn, Caroline :.\kDaniels; tana State Gollege of1ers one of the ]Jct<: ctluc::c1t1on m both the -:e"t.et11.: 111 u1e atlra<:ll\e by he1 slic-ht uct·Pnt, -- 1. hool g-1rls lhl' is cxpe...:tr.<l to reach the two well, E,·elyn Fram-es Puekctt; 1111.rst J,1a:.:tical cour.:>Li gi.\en. In this un<l s:ru.tural side:$ of the profession. and her r1<:h and' _biant VOll't' Beau-! .. nd town p<'Ol_"llt' U'\d h•ac\1e, and h, mhed nutrk. As L'\t.ry hi!.!h ::::.,hool Fayt.1- Harmon. (.Tohanna <lepartment nineteen :students aTe en- In mo .t t wu distinct ,.;OUl :se::. t 1 ful .. wh1, h sh_e personally I" .111 bt • fa.\·ored, w1.1 h the orrmltnmty nl'Jta111zaticn lo thl• c:olll'f!e \\ 01l1c>n in .\lontana i$ entitled to two ofiit.:ial um. alternate), Etta Lytle; Choteau, rO!led for thl fail quarter. Of thes.e, ate ofrercd One i:s Lhc :s.lru<.:tural ln- 1 ise<:L red m fo1c1g-n countl 1es, 1endeted oJ hearmg \ 1lhJalmur The- nia•,1 point-: seoreJ th <1elei:tates th('.,,(' gi1·ls will rcpre:::.ent 'Ethel j.[on:::an, "·anet.3 P1·ice; t ly<le one a who will 1ec:eive his 'whit.h mu:;.t be st.udH:J l:cr part of th(• pro;..rrum 1110.1.. delig-hl- 1 nr 'l 'xpk1C'1.and in a lee- ..-·--c>akers in p_re ... their about Olh hun<l1ed high .st.·hoob. ft om Park, \"eru Gilbert, :\la1.: Qu1gle); !teg1.e in June and thn·e are Juniors. sepu.tately trvm that. cf This iul . . . nt'?g-ram,m tht' f!Ylllna.s- n.1e· .of pllHt.'s. ... wn. o\cl' the stall . The numher ui offkial Conrad, \-Ima .:\ewman. Rhoda _<lepartmE-nt heads Profess.or l l'quires lhe $tUdent to complete two Hugo :md 'No,emb"r .iO. Stefm1sr.;on I t1o1!s· oh,leoe' !On. dele).!atcs for thi:o: :,.ear doc$ not quite : Coughill; Con allis, Clare Kaue. \\1l liam R. Pkw Ass1stan Pio- <iist.im.·L whik' at _\1. s. l. t.he composer, was at h1;-. be:-.t 111 solof' 1;; _reco.u-nizcd as one of the.greatest l'!' al'11u;1ed and rmnn- t4ual numLcr for la...'it Be-,EYei)ll Carolyn Bidler. fessor Hurlburt c: .. I two are co:nbined. I·or this 11<n:ed any by his C'xplorers .. and la_ys ('l;um to the 1tial n•!nunl•1at1111I. Con- fon the ruling- \\as limiting- Fern I·lil!htner; Deer Lodge, Phyllis . th_e _or a Sl<CM tho"'e who take th( ir llegree anchenl·l·. Paul l lark teatur£'d solo honor of havm.tt Sl?Pnt morci j t.rn·s-5 1:-- ,·erv fortuncite in h:1"111g' the numbe:r of delcg-ate:, to t\\O from ::'lricltlym)!, Doris Horton: Denton, Yir- ar haecL 1s the to de- l·ere have a. better woiking knowledge /tang-os. . \\mters above the .\relic en· than o:t. ul st::itp Dr. N1C'l1 hi.L:'h :-;l.'hool, the lnrg<:'st Con:?rcss C"inia BroL'ks; Dillon Barbara Tower, and a natural sen...c;e, the <.l both side)$ of thlfr and "The \1ag1c any othel" rerf:.on. During- trip o.r Wnmf'n. Oliio rci:btt!rcll nbout 250 gi6s-. , \'i1·g:nia Randolph; Dixon Dulcy 1>resent his ideas clearly a bHter toundation for actual work proof the Betty Booth ( to the northlands :$P<'.nt 11.H• anrl I \I 1 s. HC'lcn Dennet.t. F'o!kndnμ; is a Ji::;t of the dcLc:atcs Flnnsburg, .luaniLa KiraC'ofe, ILtton, and cono:.:LSely, and _ a thorough.know!- tiu:.n these who graduate from other ccmpany one of _ most _a1t1sttc one-half \'ears, dm·m1'·.whlch tnne _he of th \V· Fmr t.he hi;.!h from which they Elina "·is1uu; ::'.\lae-dalin<: Goo<lell; of construction and. de:-1gn. A ; 1 hitec:tuial :-;chools. an1i vcrsn:t.1le 111 .the ll1?.ar11od lives and at. rh1ran-o: and :'lllss B.a.011 1..ome: . . I r:dgai", . \\pi1son, Florene iew of the courses friven bv the Lv<eum C on.crt f1cld. prncnam of lhe native Eskimo. of the I•'Nil."'r:il Bnard nf \ Abtoarokee, lk1nH:1.: .\rthun. ::\lmM Steeler; Ennis, Elinore Baker, A1 hilcctutal DE.partmcnt inten°d to V{ith few exceptions those who of lht· evr•ninP" was one The Slefansson led Te is. not a pa1·i F.due[ltion, \\'n.c:.hington, D. (' Other nit. Be.,s.: Alberton, l.'(•t.·Plia DuBois, .:\!<:Guire; Ekalakn . .:\la1y Rut.h Huntj de\•elop these abilities ar<.: t.-·iad ... ate from t.he Depar .. ment uf of thl• most entertainments of thf' Communitv Celeb1·ity Course, I will be g-rruhmt<" of the F'1 1 1th Bak, r. ::'\ln.ble Sutton. R('\"a Arp::i.n; Eureka, Eunit-e Hnvener, <.ourscs in desi!(n anti technical .\.lch1te·d1;11e are able to fill t<.tspon!'I,- <V r lrou;rht lo Bozeinan. but is a11 indl'p nd11nt rollPze and or facultv. Dorothy Bnktffi B!\rber, Deloris Ken- Jt'lortnt'l, Zt>lla. l\lnrtin; Fort Bent.on, Charcoal an<l water color i:Jlc 1 Onl)' one from the --· I in• .. , !'1.f'CUted for th<" units of the The attemlanl nt \''f)('ational Con- r. \"iiginia Denzer; llernke \Vhilt•horn: .\hnion llonford· are free hand work that is inM \\ho m ID28. ha.s no.L )1.\Tll-PJIYRICS ti l B G1·eater of '\fonlana •T<'ss has ... from Helen F.orem·, Freem:m: Frazer, . .'a\'annah SweC'ney, Harriet to prepare th .. student. for de-, ye: ht.en G. G. (.ott1er, u . . [ t.hroug-h tlw effol"ts of Chaneellor (ieJe·•otef' al the fll':-;t t'On!!rP<:..-; to two l!C'll!t Luella Leader, Froid, I rent.... :.\lont:.comcry: and r1e!lentation of his idear.;. of De!)artment ac:- Th7 meetmi.r. of thl· -\, Brannon. h1mclrc1 1 at last. ,.f'al''s mf"etinr'". Tt !.;; l,c'l·hne;. Relnrnnt, ... S_peann, l'rombt.•rg ... Rhodes, Shirley .\rch1teetural Design and one coUl:;e cl!pt.ed a ros1twn with Geo. Ph\'s1c.:. (!uh held m thci Phy::-ic:s. - -- : l"o ouite intf'r s+ing- to nrite thnt th ts· )fob le r; B1llml!s, Ehznbcth Ea ... ton , (,traldlllt. Doll::. .\n<ler<;on. in ":orkintr drawincr are actual prep-: of Falls, leading I lecture room, 1:l, at fi:.00 I .\ G. D E S_UC'CESS H':ir's 1 ae-e' number thirty. \ Helen }.fo(ir3;th; Ethel :\hitta.11; Gild ford, Irene arat1011 for practical work Of the I architect of the State. R alph Cu!')hrntt r'('lot·k. Prof. Kiefer J.t3,.<" a Ill- One of il1P mo::t l'llJOyable - -- Amonne . well; Bonnie ::'.\fundhenk; Glendne, te::hnical courses the two· most im- ilnother graduate h3:s al.::.o gone to discussion of. old . .and 1\l'W of thl" !'.· a;:;on took plaee at the Elk ' c:: Th<" f•1 ult,· jg c::till rr)n\'' 1cl'd that 1 lkwdoin. Thelma 1 .·\dkins, Gertrude Carrey ; Har- portant are l!raphics and steel desigTI. j Great Falls to suw the work I methods for the detenmnatwn of . aturd:n· <'VCnint!'. thP orcasion ,·r11·il'f v j, thP snite of narticu- 1 Bozeman, . Nma Dav1g, d111 . \l1ldrc-d t is also a in steel de- an<l Cohogen firm of a.rc:hi- velocity of light. Another mlell.ng lb·•.;''"' the in fP,t hnoki:: So we hurl our Frances Broadne,..,.·, lna Harrison C'anio \\'bite. Ret.a Diown- and one in Al·chitectural tn. ts. Other graduates of the will hf" held on Novemb.er 27. :'It whi h I r.:t·l Six Pie " Orehestrn fur- nif'P nPw Jnst vNtr ' .... ; Rrowmng-, back.: Havrt:=, Edith Grace History. 1 ment are also filling Te:$pons1b le f time Prof. Tall man will acldrcsJ the nishPd the. n.usic whi.<" h was enjoyed j into t he hen1> and our bank Echth Collins.,. Fmth Sherburn : Cannlla .-\n.<lvik; Hedgesville, Bernice The department of Architecture positions. Club. by all until eleven thirty. account dwmdleth. 'Butte Central, \ 1ola St. Georg.,, Cath- (Continued on Page 1\vo}

Transcript of on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an...

Page 1: on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs' Vocational '' ith general ~preches and



Tormen!ors \\'ill Present English Comedy. Many Prominent

Dramatic Students Jn Cai:.L l s F irs t Play By College S tudents

1his Year. Miss Chubbuck Directs. Curtain at 8 :15.

'f ht" ~t;q!e i:-. ,11/ set for thl' lar(!f'.._t and ch!\"er<-'st of dramatic productions t•\('r i>restnted to :\lontana State ... t 1dent..... 'I ht' Tormentor~ \\ill pre~ent '"J he Cas.<;ilis Engagt..nu:nt" b) St. .Ju~rn Hankin at the Emerson Auditorium tunii;rht prom1>tl) al s.l:l. The ca-,t has heen rehearsing- dilig-ently for the past :-e\l·ral \\t.'o.'h.s a1.d the dn .... s r·•hcnrsal earl) )esterda) C\ening- was final l'\ident"e that lhl"ir efforL"'i l\Otdd h~ \\t•ll rl'"ardecl. Thl' pla) this

·---------------•yrnr i'.'i under the directit• n or Miss


f Florence Chubbuck of the Enidish de­partment. "ho has ~tudied dramatics at the l·nhcr ... it) of " ·ashington and at the l·nin~rsit) of lo" a . Miss Chub-Quek is 1>ersunall) familiar "ith the ~ubject. ha\ in~ taken part in its ::.hon­inJ,r in the Little Theatre at the Uni-



Ht Frate Makes Sens.'.ltional Run ,,f 8.} "lards For :1-Iontana·s



\h ul~na St:lte Thn·attns Strio usl) ln '1 hird Quarl r. rtah

01 1 en,-,e ~t 0111.r.

------on~nt NU::VIBER 9


Fourteenth Convention of :'lkntana High School Wom e n This

Week. l\'Dtecl Speakers "ill Address Meetings. Program

Announced for Three Day Gathering. Expect Over 200 Delegat-es

Tht.• ruurt1enth Gir ls \ocattonal ('tn!!rt..s-., ,,jJ I OIH~n its three da) 1>r1>·

l.l'o.m tomorro" e\l'ning at the g) m "it.h )oung "omen from more !han 100 1\Iontana high schools present. '\ationall) h.no''" \O<:ational experl"> and spc::akcrs will addrc'!'<I tht:' \\ t.nien "11ilt:' the) are ht>re and discuss "ith tht: m the life v. orh. ft...r "hieh the) are hest fitted.

I l>e:rn l na B. Herrick. "ho 1~ direct ing the co"'entiun this ,ear has ar-


ranged an e laborate program for the• · · ' 1h a1rnu~d eo1u.._ ~(_·~w<•l'll tht..'. l. t:1h \ggie~ ;1mJ the Tont.ana ~;t~1tc lhret: daj meeting. One half of the EVENTS 0 l._~ob .:i ~ \HI..., leplete \\ ~n thulb and DE.\.· C::\.\ B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs ' Vocational '' ith genera l ~preches and db:icussions

ii .. a.ly l llf!l'li uff b:'- the Vtah men, \\hile the rcnHtinder of the time will thl nr..tl si.:ore being 1-1. Con~res<.; in mm and has been dir- be ghc-n O\er to f'Srnall group meet- CONfiRESS PROfiRA~·-

llOLLY TH I PP "l 1<: i;.,uie.s .of the • 1re JUSt about ltctin" them µtr onalh since Lhat ;I ::>how t :u rctatne stlln;.,,th of the two .... • . · ings.

Fa;;test Field Jn Slate mised For Bobcat

Charles Clash

Plays the part or Lady Mabel Yen- U:dnt:<.. 'liie Ltah ho<t!n wa~ on u.~ time. 1 hl· 't tat10nal Con!.:"re~:-.es at Helen ~I. Bennett. Is ProM1 'cnit) of Iona this past s ummer by ninz in "The Cassilis Engag-ement'' d1cn:-ot~ durin~ the fust t\\O period:i '.\lontana Stat._ rank as t~o of the The speuker foi· t.omonuw nig'ht'~ SL [the ad, a need pla ys class. Tic~et at the Emer~on tonight. and a.._ain m Lhe last, wh:le tht Bob- k11 ~l":.-,L vn~mal gathering-s 01f their program is Helen .\1. llcnnett, di- T hree Full Days of Important

Happenings In Store For Delegates ance of .Jimmie 0,•ens, are ' ery en- 'd11ni qua1 lcr when l•d•ralc took the· C. hica:;.ro. Her addrc~s will follow th<:


~.'..I. l e ... \\ hich ha'e been under the g u1d- 1.aL:- wo111cd the Ag,._i~:s during Lht l.ind in the l'nite=i State~. t'~ctor of tht '\"oman.::o \\'o;ltl's Fair aL

s .. l!ll<l<in, \\"\O :\: 1:1 1he fa~t- (.'t.Ulaginj!' and .indi~ate a ~ull hOU':SC COArH ovrHE TALK~ I k.~~,k-t~~~ ~~\lh~heo'l~aj I ~ak1L;~1~.o~-"~ ANNUAL Ar. rLUB l~~:\~::i~:n~th~--pe,~<.:io/Y\\O~~llli;~ \\I~~~~ "L field 111 th· staLt.: of\\ ¥ommg \\1ll Jn lu:n the <.urtam rises tonight_ an, lJ lJ U t;l~\!~:!~···l~t," 1 n11.~.t3k1i1n1 i:,t~''\' .. :-ulOlte.: l~~:a-Jn" U lJ ;...cneral chairman this ~ear .llis~ Ext::cutive Staff-Hazel :\-1. )lellon, coffered to the t\\o ~lOntana. Col- '"The a:-;silis Engagcmen-!;" i:s s SSEMBLY -u ~ .._ ~"" ..... •• ~ "" 1 i\lt'llnn's ..-1ster. :\.Ii~:; Jt'anctt<: :\l~llon, chairman ot <omentwn, Florence

t!gt: h:am:; '\\:hich ,\ill .. ta~h here Engln•h com~·<b of manners and con- AT MEN ' A \\t!.h L"<ns1~tt"nt g,a_in"S th1l!Ugh the line FITTING CONTEST who is i .. prc1~entin.cr the ~yt>gate hig+. Johnson an<l ..\ih:cn Rigg, secretaries; hanks~n hw day-:\Iontana State I t1;.i.st::-, full vi\\ itly d1alogut' and com- ' anil <oruunJ end. lhe 1 11 \\as m ... dd) : !i.nol at the congrtts::;. will ma.kl" t~!: I Carol) n 11al<.y and .nary Ta):tor,

• ,ll(•gl and )lt !:'t. Cluules. pliu1ted situation~. The members ot aJHI E;-cnicJ tu work to th~ advc111l:ig<.! 1 s1,onse for the delegates. T~e 11--bht.: hou$mµ;; Hazl•I Thompson, re<.:ept10n; 'lht: tield ha::;. bi;.•tn woii... .. d 0,er LhtA ca~t ha\e tak~n their parts te-1 )0 · th~ l tah Lcam. Ti c BoJ<.:ab S:ePm- ___ i inntcd to attend this ;11:-;t nwetmg .\lar, Tattan, program, prmting,

imt> and ai=;.un 1th b t t marknblv well and then· past cxp~r- N d F T \V I td t> be unable Lo .t,lt. ~tart<.•d or to the .. ongre~. lpublic:ity; Iris Rose Peteis, finance; + • h· I . • .. hs then ~1~ rnro 1em:e on. the stage has been of ..:11."'at Stresses .i ce or eanl or' h~ hi he oppu:-ini.: bar·!\::. on the :-;ozg') Six Classes of Lh·estock and CJLher nationally knvwn spt.aktt-s, Loubl' Tlip1,,, .music; Elizabeth

~11:~e~~ hu~{J~.e~~-~~t'O Uullar~ a~~~:.~~ ,-aluc in the <le,·eloping of th~.:; pl:1y. ..\.n1ong Students For Better- :... >unij. . . He\eral (Ja~ses of Grains who will adores~ the delegaL~ thi'"' I Gaidmcr, conventton arrangements; fa hC!aV\ ~tol"iH break~ thL stars of Fred. Henmon 111 the lead_ing male ment of 8chool , .:.\I. the be~mnmz 01 tht> thi~«l quar-


' \ 'Sh ~~ar. al·e Dr. EsLher Allan Ga\1,.·, dean l.\Iary o~L,eary, entertainment; Sp'Jr::i, ht. two )Jontana ::;~hoo'ls aie g-oin!!. role is i~' tcr~l of S~\·eral high school I --- t.:I th!;! ~co1~ ::.to?<l 12~0 111 1mor of - re own o women at the Cniversity of Ohlo; us.1er:$; }1eshm~n \Vomen, pages.

fin I f1r footin·.r un l n1 ath production~. m which Lora Brown th{_• ..\g1.ne .... and it. looked a::;. though --- Isabel Ct aig Bacon, who i::; in charge --o Thet :--u~~1~1.-::-. of the s~:nJan i-ligh abo !iad le~lHng part~. Dolly Tripp The men's <li\·ision. ?f the assd~ibl;,~ th.t~ j.;a~1 ~ .\~«.ls. ~n~h. 1 until DeF~·att.i Tne annual fitting- contc~t whit-h is oi 1ctail salesmanship on the ftdtral \\ (;d ne~da) Evening. 7:30 O'<.lock hcool ele\cn in t!1e 1!128 ~eason ha'.'.! and \ens Rn·enes are both well known· held lru::t Thursday, ).:o\' m!Jer l,) a~ niad~ ~·!' _ ... i.;ec.a<..ulai !l~n and \ ogt spon--ored b\· the A.r Club f ).I S C bnarJ !or ,·ocational e<luration at 1 Opening of Congre~s . . chairman roused mule football sptriL here than to i:nll<::ge people through their pastlU:3U a. m., in the gymnasi~m . wa:=; ad- . n~·(·r.ed th.e point lllakm~ the gcore ~v·1s .hdd ...:"a•urlaY ... . afte1n~o · ~t


ti1~ \Vashin.1rton, D. C. AL t'.le small g-roup De,otiunal . .. Ruth Grush - ' p ·tic.patio i T l e tor plai·s d1·• sed b" Coa ·h DY ·h :.tr nn.'.hl.? 12-4. Jn th1s quar~t: ~.nother touch- ~. . ' (. . . l1 . I l<l as been ~ecn fur many ~·ear:;. Tht: I m 1

•• n ~. , or 11 n . . . · , . i.:_~- ( • ~ • ·: t · • - • • If JilW'l h the '"Cat::;" m · ht 1.:asik h:we Live;-: to k P1.n i!lion. Six cla~~~ts of l 1:-cussion., junit.r an<l senior women At ress of \Yelcome Bernice Lranc e ... utt will be u re~·ou.i 1.:r~wd for the 1 h~. c.a::;t of~ . 1 h.f! C~sstl!s. Engage- , ~aq:• an mle~e: tt_n_g- spe~h on .~ ~ tied ~ief <\t for th_ gUt,th t(3.m.' In e~t.m:k and se,·crnl. c.la~.;;e::; of graii:is at the c.::ollege will confer v,:ith the ll're~id1:.nt of A. "\V. S.) ~an.et.hat 1anks a:o the b1~ 1..vent of j ~ent as t~t;) '~ 1 11 appeai at the r-l)\t'rnment iel.ltl\e to campu~ pu<le. I ~.\ · . , .· · . . 1 \verc :-hown. Compet1t1on \\a-s keen m dt"le<.?u.tes and ad,·i~ them on the var- 1 Gieetin~s .. Edna :\lae Fo ... ter h..t ath.etic )ear for northeastt:rn

1 Em!:.rson t~night is: I ·.\fter }.Ji·. D)i;.·he's SJ),ech, Rcgisuar .. =~itei. making the1 .. :-:-ore th,t; BobM e\·e1\· clas~ with con,iderabl~ skill be- iou~ nwations. (Gallatm County High ::::. ... hool)

;\'yominl.!'. Ethel Berridge ......... Teresa O'Don~ell \\. H. :.\lcCall talk(d ~o the men s.ti;- C~t.~ op~~ed up, ~ t}, llm~ aeu~l a~- ing- ;hown in c:ondttionini:r and show- .\Iternate Cong res- Rc::;pon::.e of the High ::,chools of \ - 1. ,· "t 0 ,. ,. to ~he1·1"d·1n 1"01· the Lady )label Venmng ·····-·Dolly Tnpp I denh for a few m111ut.cs :-;tre ---m~r I <H k \\ h1c:h met \~,~h a~he1 ro.or luek. :n,. _,, th St t J tt '1 II " " • I D l th d. t ti f I I th • I h . . e a e .. ... .. eane •' e en hanks:ri\-in•~ holldav~ are due for Lady ~1archmont .... Alice yandenhook ~ome points in. ~Ir. Dyche's spee~\ uc f) econ· 1 10n .o: k. ie c c · -p. f .. Y· ..,h '\ 'h l . -I n t t:. n2.st 1t .nas b.en the custom (Ryegate High School) • .. g ~ ... · · . . . h.. 2\Irs. Borridge .... Claudma Opdyke and al:'-0 mentioned a chan~e ltl t Id the t<•am.s pun ed quite often. ! 0 t soi s ~tu.,... an~ ·kl at< :in, to hold two \·cx:at1onal c_ongresses ea~h Roll Call .. . _ Secretaries

lent> of adl\ltJe.:,. At nudmg l '\It - Cas;:;ilis K"therine Kellett scho'ar-=hip requirement· Lo b int10 \Yith a short time to J.'. ~he U'ta.'1 men Trhs,·en plM·ed the ribbons on livt.!- )ea.r: one Ill tr~e f,all tor. the women "Somti Es.s.entials 1·n E'ducation" . ~anks;rh;n.it e:o;·e. 100 1.1.rnrathoners iI :s. H ~.· ..... ··· ·· ~f _. D l rk d d .~ I!J2q ~ - . wcrked the ball do\\n the field to ~toek. in a ve:·y s~.t1sfa-.:"ton· manner h te h

:v11l take off ncn~ ~he .Clly H_al~ ~t )1:-~: Ree~11~~ham K~t~11~:ine oK:1~e~t uce m Se.If Go,·ern mcnt ::'ll· ntana State'!:> 10 ard line where P.s io!lows: Hors(s, Egg-en 1 :\lurdent an':l one ii: t e: wm. r 1or t e men. ~1r. \\"illiam C. Ston~ :-f1alo. b,oun<l fo1 ... Shen<lan. O\ e1 ..,3 G. ff. . (' _,·1· F d B . -. . . \\rel-.h. "ho "as !'<1Ub:-tit¥ ted for ~- hH s Cl'' • .! ;:1nett 1. Yuelk r 2. 1 h1s year ~t wa:-; decided to al_ternate ( llontana State Col1ege)

'lies of dirt road. Crowd:s will foJJo\\ '~~ ~ej:~ a_~:sl is ······--· _re ~~mo~ Coaeh Dyche c~nt.l·It'd his spL:ech \Yn·~incton, )}aec..: kicked the ball F<..t Eel l'l~, \nrler::on 1. Holden 2. th~(' meetmg-s:. the boys meetmg- one One Act Play ' 'The London1..·trv Air·• hem all ~l.:.m~ the c.:ours..._ and thou~- :'lrla:o1 Wa:ungton .... Ha1ol~ Rne_n~s mamly around the athlett~ depart- i1uart' Y bt•w! n ~ lC o.;.t~ to clirn.:h l'airv Heiier~. :\lakhhaten l Bulhart y~ar and the girls the .next, so there ttroliucc<l b\" Play Production. Clas.s nds are expecLed to see the.frnh•h at Th~ Recto1 . . .... .1~ed )111hs ment, howeYer, the (oach pointed out e Yh.ior. p . ~. ~hePp, :\E:nn 1. :\foor~ 2. Swine, \"\'l,ll be no boys \0t:at1onal congte~::, of ~Iontana State College)

aboot 7 o'clock in the morn111i;r. Dots-et, th~ maid .Marga1et D~wey th~ fact. that t~~· ~ame rull's may I _l · ___ --- O\Cr.-::treeL 1. Jlaa.3-c ~. A hnmp~hite th ts year. . . . . Thursda) '.\lorning 9.00 O'Clock That ,.,. .. 11 st.art r_he 1-rog-:·am for the I The Butle1 ........... Orland Oakland apply to the. :nt1r~. st~.dcnt b.o~l)~ and Jam t1tted and shown bv >:ev1n was Another di.fferent featu1e m this "'.-\rt as a Profession"

lay. The• eame itself will be thP camp?c::. Dyche s~1d The b~s1:i and S'fAGE Cl ASS TO J;Ianrl t·ha·~~p:on \Vtth a hol:-:tein heift:r ~ea1's conf~rence is L"iat ~oth junior . :'.\!rs. Olga Ro~~--H~-n~on eature of the afternoon ancl at ni~h! A w s CHRISTMAS te ... hmque on fund1men.tal 1udiments. ith•d and s.hown bv :\{ake!haten as <Cont1m:e<l on .Page fwo) (::'.\lontana State College)

hali a dozen dani.:es and entertah1· not s.trategy. i;ne _the imp::~ru.~~t. fac-1 ..J ll~etYC el-ampion. ·Professor Po~ ··Opyortunities for \\'omen Tramed 11ents are btin,2' planned. tor~ m any a\.hlet1c e:·ent: 1111s, he GIVE TWO PLAYS pla ed the ribbons on vrain.,. as fol- ART BAZAAR ON in Home Economics ····· ........ ·-Anncu~ ~ment \~as. made today of SALE SATURDAY be!Hves, maJ,: be.~pph~\~c::m·~:::.eli ~o\·- ~ Inv': l\Iarquis whf'at, \\'!Ison 1, . Dr. Jtssie E . Richa1·dson

he appc1ntmclflt ot Will )l~tz, fon11er er~mcnt, which l::;. nece~., .. a1y to C?n· I L ... 'UllmPr~ 2. :\fontana >:o . . {ti whea . D.tonrana State College) tat~ commander of the American ! sntute better and _mor~ .. cooperation I -- Z\\issler 1, :.\la1tinell 2. ::'.\larl y, )Jar- DECEMBER 7-8 'Yo .. ational Science". . .... ·-····. eg1on. as manager of the marathon. --- I among _student.,. ML u,che _left the Pl • p. d t• Cl w·11 p. t:nell ). Zwissler 2. . Prof. w. }!. Cobleigh he names of vouths from all parts . 1mpre~s1on that he did not wish to be I a,) IO UC 10n ass l re~ . . . . . 'Thv Freyd Occupational I nterest f the state ,~·ho h'a,e entered the I Proceeds 'V1ll Go Toward Furn· intcrprett<l as a minh•ter ledurin'.!' on ~ent '"The Londonerrv Air" ::'.\luc,11 c1ed1t, tot the succe.~s of the Blank" ..... Dr. Esther Allen Gaw he eYent were made public'. Sen~ral ishing Res troom ln ethics and dogma,_ but '~a::. criticizing ~ at Girls' CongreSs ~ ~yto\~v ~:j1 ~u:u:~:\ ~ .. 1;~~~~~ f~~t~~.: ~~~d --- (Dean of \Vomen, "C. of Ohio} ·r1, are seeking the dozens of priZ<s H .· ·k H 11 th<>c :,htlessnes> of students on a on- I ru· h . ·1) '" •· L •·d ~·· - d .\1·t Club and Delta Phi Sponsor-I '}laking Good With Yourself" ... eing- offered ernc a I structive uremise. I -- c 1 t t: Jl~< g,n~. cona.. t~g ~n ing Annual Christntas - :.\liss Helen .M. Bennett Tickets for.the big game are going --- 'Ih~ Reg-isnar \ \". H .. \Ic:Call took The meml.ers of :"ilis::. Chubbuck's I Ra ... ·k( haTn "·~10 hail ch:.yi!j 01 Llvr G"ft S I (~lanaging Director of \Voman's

apidly. Reservations ean be made The Associatt<l Won:en S~uclents the floor about 10:10 a. m. and im- play prod.1..Ltion c: rt~s are gaining ;toc. an_~ g{an~I' respec~1Ye r. a1·~ . o 1 a e \\'or.d's Fair, Chicago, Ill. ) through Fred Goldberger chairman of of :\lontana State College are giving [pressed upon the mind.::. of the as5cm- l~1act.kal experiPnce m ac::tini:r direct- ( u~ .c~nth~ituhnte. on t e n~annn m Luncheon hli ticket committee of ~he Sheridan a sale Saturday, :\o\~mber ~4 and b1ed, that the point, •·Vi·e are at s~·hool inz, s.tage costuntt and property man- w 11 ~· l' :'; .. owmg:- were ma e. A~ the time nears for the Alt

Commer.cia1 Club. Gerald Lansing, again December· 1 at the J.lontana to de,~lop powers of thought". maJc agemcnt. The c.:la.-s is divi<lCd into . Ribbons .'\Ill h: :.!1''en ot:t at tJ: A~. Bazaar, \\hich will be held in Henick Thursdav .\fternoon hainnan of th~ houSingo committee, .t-O\\er building. By this sale the or-11

by. Co~ch Dyche, '"·a~ rni:rnrily the !' Ye1al gToups, eath g-roup produt'in~ ~ l.ub 1!1f>-eti.ntt '\\ c-<lnesda} e\·emng- at Ha.l l.Jt .. cember 7 and o, extensi'e ConL1ence ''·it h ::;peakers for ·ill make hotel resen·ations for any I ganization plans to ma kt cnoug-h obJecti\ ~ of College. In his ~peet h, ~ 1 ne-a<:t play sometime during the '·.W 0 dock. plan::. are progrtssing rapidly. :\lem- Junior nnd Senior women of JI. S. C. ·1sitors. Every prL .aution has been me ney to fmnish a restl com and ~1r. J.lcCall an_nounced t~at n~ri,: prob- quarted. Besides appearing in QHC piny ~ .1c1 s 01.. tht: A1t Club and Delta Phi and High School girls.

ken for the protection of \•ls!tors bEaunfy the halls of He.irick Hall./ ably a reomreme~t will b :.i.nnexed e:wh student is a munber of the pro- I ~ LOST natetnity, the sponsors of the sale, nd all hotds and room:ng hoa~es 1'lhes~ exi:enditures will greatl)· im- n~xt year ( ~929-19)~) 111 the .rrnl.'es<:. r.e1ty an<l stage managing ... onnmttee f _Two l·rc1wh. ttxL Look:<. have Lt;en annouee that the a1fair will offer a a\~e agne<l to char~e only standard 1p·o .. ·e the beauty and t:omfo1t of that I J~ schclarsh1p c.omm1ttces. wh11.:h rro f onC! of th othe>r rlays. m1~wla<.:etl. Tne authors. are Rohn~=-- great opportunity for students and rice.-. Xo c:a:$e5 of "gou,2°ing'' were building. vide.:. that all. students must maki.> The fir:$~ of thr plays, ")lary ~nd .F1a\ard. Dean Hen1Lk':- name ls to\\nspeople to obtain unique lovely

. ati:-:.action of the city's treatment of · alnady been contributed to the sale cre<ht.s. l efo1 e the .:\.uxiliary of Eastern Stars l heo bc--oks to Dean Hernc:k s offu:c. . "umerou:) imported art1C•e:s tro111 •ts g'.lCst~ is pr1)\ed by the fact that a I by t!11.: \Yomen ::i.tudent::; range from u.t their mcetin~ last \Yednesday --- -- L..hina, Japan. Greece, France.

Thursday EHning. b :00 O'Clock "C.1~at!.ng Oc~ ... rational Opportun-

ities .. .. ..... . . ..... Dr. Gaw ·•\Yoman, t.he \Yindow Shopper" ...

..... :'o.liss Bennett epcited at las.t yEar's game and the, ~Jhe handmade articles Lhat have I ten _iriade pomts as well as kn ~!um,, \\'hat. She Says" was produced m C'ach 01 the book-:.. _P:~a;-:.e ~·etuTn L-nri$tmas gifts of a wi<le variE.ty .

o:Je;.e game has been awarded to 1 jellies and marma1ades to lampshades, I CONCERT COMPANY i.ite1noon. The play wa:;. so fa,orably CONGRESS SHOWS Sweden, Italy, an<l Denma1k are Frida) :\lorning, 9:00 OClock he1idan for 1928, J929. and 19~0. handkerchiefs, table iunner5, pillo" 1 Jeu .. i\ ,d thaL they have been a~ked to t l'l mised. as well as handwork and """hy Be a Teacfier" .. Ther( h a good deal of difference covers, and holde1s. )!any Seniors of r:ut it on !tctain before the Laclie~· Aid oth .. r handicraft ll'Om the Indian .. . ... :\liss Leora Hapner

etw<.:e.1 th<.\ a\Cragc c-ollege game awl .ast year made their arti le.s during PLEASES STUDENTS Sot iety of Uw Pie byterian Church. LARGE INCREASE a~1..·n i(::,. (::'.\lontann State College} he one s!ag-ed in Sheridan. It i~ mad2 th"' sumrner an<l are c::ont.ributing I Thl east Ls as follo\\s: 1 he Delta Phi membcts will haven •·Librarian:;.hip as a Profe:;;s10n" _ co~.imunity a:tivity hen, with th~ them to the· sale. Bill Bohart .. AJ.am 1 sepatate booth for the .sale of their . J.li:::....s Elizabeth Forrest

Comrnercial Club assuming adive Anno:..nc.ements con<:ern;ng the tom M --- Sk1~c River~ Clay own work such as vas~.:-. book end!.'"o (Llbtarian, )L S. C.) thar1.-e of the cn'Tlt anrl the \vhole ing- sale have been mailed to the Selections of Bettj Booth, Hu go! lfd("ll Bowen }Jury ~.;in ct.• Or.iranization in I H13 Girls' an<l hamdllg':$. The Bnz:1ar ";n con- "Th~. 8u$ine:-;s of \Vritin.,i:(' own Joimng- in to prodde ente1ta111-,weimen of the to\'.n . In 01del' to make B . dt d Pa 1 Cl rk l),h .. rian Johnson. . Janey l' nference Has Become tinue thro .. ;!'h Frid:l>· evening and un-J Dr. Sara\'\'. Jenning-s ent for the throng-s which make an tht new undo takrn,g a suece"-s 1t is 1 ran a n u a ()y :aid '\·a rd P1-ank t1l 5 :00 p . m., Satuniay. I l ?-.lontana :::>t.ate l-Olleg-e)

• nn .al pil;:!.rm·a~e hr ie. It 1s the only ls~ential that all women students c~-1 Deli g ht .\ud1encc ':\h:neella Littl field Grandma ramoust• Institution '·\\'omln in A~ri1.:ulture'' t"O tlege 2'ame :-chcduled m no1thern ope1ab:' . EHryune ~hould tu1n 111


___ The next play "The Londonerry \Ve l'all our 1rl B. V. D. because . lli:..s Harriette Cushman Wyoming. h.:1t article::; at on<:e Tn'-· "'cLti· Booth l'oii•·cil (~umran\" Air" will be pre~tnted \\'edncsday .'II ,.,,",<I< l••,'l<l ti> n-.·• nl'lll, 1.,,,. lt>- the \\as born \Cry dumb. I Continued on Page ·.rwo)

.~ .u • . .. )< • ' H"n;ng- at the opening se:-.sion of the ~ " " .... ..,...., ~ playmg compo~1t10ns f1om the J!Jeat Girl • \"(x·aticnal (.'on~ress. The ea!::>t mc1rt \'. be!!ins tht' 14th Annual Girls' ARCHJTECTUR£ DEPARTMENT masters, scnu-Ja"1c.•I, m•t1ume.~1tal for this play is : Vr>·a::onal l<rn;!rcss, which """ or- H/GH SCHOOLS ANNOUNCE numht. rs an<l "Th :\-la:.r.1c: :\folo~I~ as Lound Girl Eth l<la Kt!mpciHrnr ~ anizt.·d hv Pean Llna H. Herrick in

RATES HIGH IN THE WEST J1hc,. foature of the e\enin,:, pfoa:;e<l a \li..i! w Po Loi;.;; Stol'~ J~ll:i for lhe (Hll_'pO:-e .or a~semhling D£L r-GATES TO CONGRESS 1 smull but enthusiastic audience la'-'t Tt

1 0p cl.Ilg-~:-- G lburt :\fcll'arland tht> high ;-:r·hool g-1rls 01 thL• ~tnte at a £!.

I Thur-.:day e\ enin1.!' at the g-ymna~ium 11 -\~a e t ei EYel'l"tl Best 1 c:onfe1 t.•nct..~ \\ hei e th, y m11!ht hear ).fiss Booth won admitation with

1 111 ,. c-omc of the prominent women of the

The Department of Architecture of 1att::i. as high a~ other mi<l-wt::;t j het· plea::;m~ !'Clsonality, costunwd 1 STEF ANSSON LECTURE day dil"''ll~:-; their rt:'-,pN·~he ,·otations. The total 1e~1stratiun for the com- crine :\[cg-ler; Butte. Kathleen the School of Engineering at ~Ion- ::;1·hooh1 m that 1t g1ve::1 a more com- son!! pr stintations, vocal ~olos made I Thl• ('oncrp..,-: Jll't!">t>l'lb to thl hig-h in;.c :.\1ont.ana Girh; ' \"ocatiunul ('011-1 \ aug-hn, Caroline :.\kDaniels; Canl~ tana State Gollege of1ers one of the ]Jct<: ctluc::c1t1on m both the -:e"t.et11.: 111 u1e atlra<:ll\e by he1 slic-ht uct·Pnt, -- 1. hool g-1rls lhl' opp.'1rtumli.e~ l'Olle~e gn·~:i is cxpe...:tr.<l to reach the two well, E,·elyn C'rnn~: Fram-es Puekctt; 1111.rst J,1a:.:tical cour.:>Li gi.\en . In this un<l s:ru.tural side:$ of the profession. and her r1<:h and' _biant VOll't' Beau-! Bozcm~n stutl~nts .. nd town p<'Ol_"llt' 1 cifc>1~. U'\d h•ac\1e, 1e~n:Jn,1bi!Jt.v and h, mhed nutrk. As L'\t.ry hi!.!h ::::.,hool Cir~Je. Fayt.1- Harmon. (.Tohanna Boy~ <lepartment nineteen :students aTe en- In mo .t ~chool:-- t wu distinct ,.;OUl :se::. t 1ful i:o~tunH> .. wh1, h sh_e personally I" .111 bt• fa.\·ored, w1.1 h the orrmltnmty nl'Jta111zaticn lo thl• c:olll'f!e \\ 01l1c>n in .\lontana i$ entitled to two ofiit.:ial um. alternate), Etta Lytle; Choteau, rO!led for thl fail quarter. Of thes.e, ate ofrercd One i:s Lhc :s.lru<.:tural ln- 1 ise<:L red m fo1c1g-n countl 1es, 1endeted oJ hearmg \ 1lhJalmur StC'fan~~on. The- nia•,1 point-: seoreJ b~· th <1elei:tates th('.,,(' gi1·ls will rcpre:::.ent 'Ethel j.[on:::an, "·anet.3 P1·ice; t ly<le one i~ a ~enior who will 1ec:eive his ~inec.iinK 'whit.h mu:;.t be st.udH:J l:cr part of th(• pro;..rrum 1110.1.. delig-hl-


nr 'l 'xpk1C'1.and ~c1entist 1 in a lee- ..-·--c>akers in p_re ... ettt~ng-. their t.o?ic~ about Olh hun<l1ed high .st.·hoob. ft om Park, \"eru Gilbert, :\la1.: Qu1gle); !teg1.e in June and thn·e are Juniors. sepu.tately trvm that. cf <le~ign. This iul . . . ~u1e nt'?g-ram,m tht' ~·o.l.IC"g~ f!Ylllna.s- n.1e· nan'.~' .of pllHt.'s. ... wn. nualif~<.:a- o\cl' the stall . The numher ui offkial Conrad, \-Ima .:\ewman. Rhoda r~e _<lepartmE-nt heads ar~ Profess.or l l'quires lhe $tUdent to complete two Hugo Er~ndt, P~hsh 1~1an1st :md ~11111 Fnd~'"· 'No,emb"r .iO. Stefm1sr.;on I t1o1!s· oh,leoe' wn.~. nrcC'~~nry ednr~t !On. dele).!atcs for thi:o: :,.ear doc$ not quite : Coughill; Con allis, Clare Kaue. \\1l liam R. Pkw ~nJ. Ass1stan Pio- <iist.im.·L cours~~ whik' at _\1. s. l . t.he composer, was at h1;-. be:-.t 111 solof' d~d 1;; _reco.u-nizcd as one of the.greatest n~dl\'C' l'!' al'11u;1ed ati:ht~-, and rmnn- t4ual tht~ numLcr for la...'it y1..~:1r . Be-,EYei)ll ..\dams;Darb~~. Carolyn Bidler. fessor Hurlburt c: .. C..:h~ever. I two c::our~cs are co:nbined. I·or this 11<n:ed any opt~r.ac; s~le<:kd by his ll\~llf! C'xplorers .. and la_ys ('l;um to the 1tial n•!nunl•1at1111I. Thi~'·~·· th~ Con- fon the ruling- \\as pas~ed limiting- Fern I·lil!htner; Deer Lodge, Phyllis . Ai;i-on~ th_e qu3:lit1cat1on~ _or a Sl<CM ea~.on tho"'e who take th( ir llegree anchenl·l·. Paul l lark teatur£'d solo m~IC1Ull honor of havm.tt Sl?Pnt morci j t.rn·s-5 1:-- ,·erv fortuncite in h:1"111g' fl~ the numbe:r of delcg-ate:, to t\\O from ::'lricltlym)!, Doris Horton: Denton, Yir­c;:s~iul ar haecL 1s the ab1ht~,r to de- l·ere have a. better woiking knowledge /tang-os. . \\mters above the .\relic en· 11..~ than o:t. ul st::itp ~rl'akt•:·s: Dr. E~thcr N1C'l1 hi.L:'h :-;l.'hool, the lnrg<:'st Con:?rcss C"inia BroL'ks; Dillon Barbara Tower, s1~~ and a natural a~tis~ic sen...c;e, the <.l both side)$ of thlfr pofes~ion and "The \1ag1c \felod~' brou~ht o~t any othel" rerf:.on. During- o.~e trip 1 ,~ll~n G~w. Pe~n o.r Wnmf'n. Oliio rci:btt!rcll nbout 250 gi6s-. , \'i1·g:nia Randolph; Dixon Dulcy ~b1ht~~ ~ 1>resent his ideas clearly a bHter toundation for actual work proof lha~ the Betty Booth ( n_ce~t, to the northlands ~t· :$P<'.nt 11.H• anrl I tTlll''f't·s1t~·: \I 1 ~ s. HC'lcn Dennet.t. F'o!kndnµ; is a Ji::;t of the dcLc:atcs Flnnsburg, .luaniLa KiraC'ofe, ILtton, and cono:.:LSely, and _ a thorough.know!- tiu:.n these who graduate from other ccmpany 1~~ one of ~h _most _a1t1sttc one-half \'ears, dm·m1'·.whlch tnne _he '\lnm~i:'°"l" of th '\\1~\lH"ll'.,. \V· rid~ Fmr ~ml t.he hi;.!h ~t'huol from which they Elina "·is1uu; ::'.\lae-dalin<: Goo<lell; ~dge of construction and. de:-1gn. A ; 1 hitec:tuial :-;chools. an1i vcrsn:t.1le Ol'!4°~mzations 111 .the ll1?.ar11od th~ lani;u~gl~. lives and h:.ib1t~ at. rh1ran-o: and :'lllss I.::nbcJ~('· B.a.011 1..ome: . . I r:dgai", Ra~·hel . \\pi1son, Florene iew of the courses friven bv the Lv<eum C on.crt f1cld. Th~ prncnam of lhe native Eskimo. of the I•'Nil."'r:il Bnard nf \ ~wntionnl Abtoarokee, lk1nH:1.: .\rthun. ::\lmM Steeler; Ennis, Elinore Baker, Bernie~· A1 hilcctutal DE.partmcnt inten°d to V{ith few exceptions those who of lht· evr•ninP" was undouht~dly one The Slefansson led Te is. not a pa1·i F.due[ltion, \\'n.c:.hington, D. (' Other nit. Be.,s.: Alberton, l.'(•t.·Plia DuBois, .:\!<:Guire; Ekalakn . .:\la1y Rut.h Huntj de\•elop these ''ariou~ abilities ar<.: t.-·iad ... ate from t.he Depar .. ment uf of thl• most ~plendid entertainments of thf' Communitv Celeb1·ity Course, I ~f)<'akers will be g-rruhmt<" of the F'1 11th ~lcl(f'C'; Bak, r. ::'\ln.ble Sutton. R('\"a Arp::i.n; Eureka, Eunit-e Hnvener, <.ourscs in desi!(n anti technical .\.lch1te·d1;11e are able to fill t<.tspon!'I,- <V r lrou;rht lo Bozeinan. but is a11 indl'p nd11nt featur(~ off~'r- rollPze and member~ or th~ facultv. Dorothy Bnktffi B!\rber, Deloris Ken- Jt'lortnt'l, Zt>lla. l\lnrtin; Fort Bent.on, studie~. Charcoal an<l water color i:Jlc 1 o~itwns. Onl)' one from the --· I in• .. , !'1.f'CUted for th<" units of the The attemlanl nt \''f)('ational Con- ~u: r. \"iiginia Denzer; Beun·n•t~k. llernke \Vhilt•horn: .\hnion llonford· ~.\'Olk are free hand work that is inM ~even \\ho ~r~td~ated m ID28. ha.s no.L )1.\Tll-PJIYRICS t i l B G1·eater Pniver•:il\~ of '\fonlana •T<'ss has incr~a ... ~d from ~ixt.\~-~e\en Helen Fo1n~y, F.orem·, Freem:m: Frazer, . .'a\'annah SweC'ney, Harriet ~nded to prepare th .. student. for de-, ye: ht.en e1~1plo.}ed. G. G. (.ott1er, u . . [ t.hroug-h tlw effol"ts of Chaneellor ~1. 1 (ieJe·•otef' al the fll':-;t t'On!!rP<:..-; to two l!C'll!t ~.uh.". Luella Leader, B.el~h ~traml; Froid, I rent.... :.\lont:.comcry: ~.gon. and r1e!lentation of his idear.;. :..induatt~ of ~!1e De!)artment ~ms ac:- Th7 re~'Lllar meetmi.r. of thl· :\Ia~h- -\, Brannon. h1mclrc11 at last. ,.f'al''s mf"etinr'". Tt !.;; l,c'l·hne;. Relnrnnt, ... ~erylt' S_peann, l'rombt.•rg ... :\lm·~aret Rhodes, Shirley .\rch1teetural Design and one coUl:;e cl!pt.ed a ros1twn with Geo. Shan~ey Ph\'s1c.:. (!uh wri·~ held m thci Phy::-ic:s. - -- : l"o ouite intf'r s+ing- to nrite thnt th ts· )fob le h.lost~ r; B1llml!s, Ehznbcth Ea ... ton , (,traldlllt. Doll::. .\n<ler<;on. in ":orkintr drawincr are actual prep-: of ~reat Falls, ~ leading con:;ult~ng I lecture room, N'~V'E'mber 1:l, at fi:.00 I .\ G. D \~( E 1 ~ S_UC'CESS H':ir's 1 ae-e' number thirty. \ Tiir~t, Helen }.fo(ir3;th; Boul~ler, Ethel :\hitta.11; Gild ford, Irene Pe~ni-arat1011 for practical work Of the I architect of the State. Ralph Cu!')hrntt r'('lot·k. Prof. Kiefer J.t3,.<" a ve1·~~ Ill- One of il1P mo::t l'llJOyable event~ - -- Lomst~ Jack~on. ~Inxine Amonne . well; Bonnie ::'.\fundhenk; Glendne, te::hnical courses the two· most im- ilnother graduate h3:s al.::.o gone to t.ere~ting- discussion of. old . .and 1\l'W of thl" !'.· a;:;on took plaee at the Elk ' c:: Th<" f•1 ult,· jg c::till rr)n\'' 1cl'd that 1 lkwdoin. Thelma Jarr~tt. Syh~a 1 l-~elen .·\dkins, Gertrude Carrey ; Har-portant are l!raphics and steel desigTI. j Great Falls to suw n1~e the work ~f I methods for the detenmnatwn of ~he fJ~,11 . aturd:n· <'VCnint!'. thP orcasion ,·r11·il'f v j, thP snite of Iif~ narticu- 1 ~wanson: Bozeman, . Nma Dav1g, d111 . \l1ldrc-d T1"U~sdl. \'iol~ t ~Tayo: ~he~ · is also a cour~e in steel de- ~Tdver an<l Cohogen firm of a.rc:hi- velocity of light. Another mlell.ng lb·•.;''"' the .\~.Ball. l~l"lv in fP,t hnoki:: So we hurl our Frances T~yl?r; Broadne,..,.·, lna P~til- Harrison C'anio \\'bite. Ret.a Diown-~ 1~nmJ; and one in Al·chitectural tn. ts. Other graduates of the clep~rt- will hf" held on Novemb.er 27. :'It whi h I r.:t·l hoff'~ Six Pie " Orehestrn fur- nif'P nPw Jnst vNtr ' rr,·;~c<l edi'ion~ .... ; ::'l!~'l'Jl~"e Bccn~sn: Rrowmng-, back.: Havrt:=, Edith Grace Law~on, History. 1 ment are also filling Te:$pons1ble f time Prof. Tall man will acldrcsJ the nishPd the. n.usic whi.<"h was enjoyed j into the i~mk hen1> and our bank Echth Collins. ,. Fmth Sherburn : Cannlla .-\n.<lvik; Hedgesville, Bernice

The department of Architecture positions. Club. by all until eleven thirty. account dwmdleth. 'Butte Central, \ 1ola St. Georg.,, Cath- (Continued on Page 1\vo}

Page 2: on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs' Vocational '' ith general ~preches and

PAGE TWO T HE \\'BEJ.;: LY EXPO:-.IE.'IT, TUE DAY , NO\ ' Ei\IBER 20. Hl28

, -o c.\TIO:\' .\L CO:\'GRESS S;\L\ TTERINGS FRO~I HERE A~D THERE I:\' Ol' R ;l)ll), :'

OPE:\"S HE_R_ E_ TOMORRO\YI ~aid the hioloJ!' 1>rore .. sor to th <" cias .... "\\ e "ill no\\ ~o around the' i 'Continued from Pag-: One) cJa':~ :u•d n:tme ,.ii tht. lo '~~r '' µe~ of a nimals-.... tarti11 ~ "it h Orla n:! Wn rrt

und :-• 111or womi.n an• 1n\;tl'd. l n the · ____ _

!1:,S:n~~YA~~ci~ic~;h ~h~ 1~ 1~1~~~~~~~::s '"·~~~ The Sigmn \his say that the Chi .O's look awful. nkt.• wht.•n tht:>y an Pubii"he<l en·r;· Tul·~dny of the college yenr by the st.a.ff chosen from the im·it'-d 1t b expt.•.t .. •d that th~re will drt:>:-sl'd up. That 's nice- -but you l'an t fool the publu;·.

Established 1910

Continuancl! of the • lonthly Exponent, Established 1 95

..\ !'sot:iatt.·d ~tudents of ~1ontana Stak College at Bozeman, Montana bt> a <lt.'<.'id\d inut.use in the number l of \\Oll\1.'I\ at the eonforent:e thi~ \·ear. Ibby Smith: I tlon·l lik1• your moust~1che. t L'l..st \ear there w1..·rc 200 at th ... .-con- Bukh: \\' ell. you don't han• to u:;c it for n tooth-bru:sh. Ii gre~: lhis .Year betwe<.·n 200 and :300 ----:ub~cri1>lion Rate: $2.00 per school year

P lace Your

THANKSfi lVINfi FLOWER ORDER NOW! \\'e can han' flower• ddi' ered any place in the United tales or Canada fo r ThanksgiYing .

Lan~ohr' s Flower Shop art expected. Imagine the shnnw nnd t~mbnrra~:'mcnt of the ~tudl.'nt bc.'LIY whi'll it read i

Accept.ti.nee for mailing nt special rate of po:stage prO\'idcd for in Section 1103, . \ rriq~d Tod a ~ in tht:' ('hronkle of the shooting of Frnnk '\'anl. i::;:::31..,;::;:;:;wg:;;:::i!mii=:::21E:::::t• ,;;:::::::;;;9l5;::;alii::::::!• C:i.•::::i• m:=::::a•c:1

Act. of October :l. I927, authorized February 17, 1019 clafh~u~~el~~~n~·~n~,:~ll.'1~~·:i~11~Jn~!Wf t~~ .l'ews nute: Tia• Wyoming let_11_n_i_rn_d_t~ir l\('adqunrtcr:-; :lt the i\orthcrn

19 East l\ la m Phone 95

housed in tht homes of the c.·it.y. In Hotel ut the recent gam'"' in Hillin~!-'. ~~~: yb~~g ~~~~~ 0\'~~~,1~·e;:;;n!'\~.\J)1 b~,·~ Editor·~ Note: Fay1..• und Platt ~a:. lht• chnirs didn't C'\'l'J1 !'Ll'lll uncom-

Frnnk Hunsaker, 129 hrc-e d:\\· S(':.-;:-;ion. Tht• ctm"-'TC'ss will fortahle nfter th C' first two hour!' .

Telephone 117- ..-\"h. ror E).ponent. On :\londays \fter 12:00 noo n-SO

Editor ... Hardy Tharp, Jr.1

129 rnd Saturdcn- niirht with th~ ··Pa{!ent o:· PromisL" put on by lhe l'Oll,ge \\·e thinJ, t he Pi Phi bur~lar) \\:l Si just n me re rumor-just ~n e '\cuse :.tu<lcnb for a not her open-house .

Business 1\lanager

Associate Editors .... . :\largaret De\\l'Y1 '29, E~ther ""tockton, '30 that the mt·etmg- \\'ednl'--da:. C\enmc: The Chi Omega',. al~o had open house the other night-but the guest 1

1111111 ~I :;1~1 ~~ I l~ o~I~ l~l ~l~I~ •;;._I~ 111111



All OccasionA CONCERT - BALLR00;1[

E. D. :'l!yerA. Manager and Director Phone 468

Managing Editor .... ..

.i'\e"s laff [ All stu<lenb ~11c iet}Ul',.,tC'd to not..

. . . .. . . . .. \Ym. JilcCall, Jr. 131 will be a l lu-..l'd lllL L ting- !Or the dele- failed to get away with the fur coal.

· ·· · ·· •· •· · ·· · Leonard \\'mg ~~It~~"· c.·o~ll~,~~,:~.me;~;,m~h~ubn~~~~:~~ Said Jim fllc Ka\· a~ he C1pcned _t_h_e_d-oo-r-and crawled out, .. Be nonchnlant- -.............,. ., • • ,,,.,, . .... . . . 11 1 11 1 · 11 11 1111111 1 11111 1 1111

Assistant Editor .. Sports Editor .... Feature Editor Society Editor . Exchange Editor

Frank Ileikkila Thm:-:.J:1y night and tht~ r:.'lgeunt Fri- light a )luracl .'' · llmn Sterli ng says he certa inly got the lo\\:-t~own on ... James Morrison <l~l\ nii.rht Lnnone intt:'re!'tecl i!' Brownie"s. t·nr (and it'!-< occupants}. ull)."s first words. on rcsnunmir con-.~Frances Polger oi·di21Ly in\'ikd lo uttcnd. sciousne!'s . wen1 "\\'here's my other book. 11 (?\otc lo Professor:-.: Il e mu:'t

~~'-~~'-'-'-'-'-~'-'-'-'-'----~'-~'-'-~'-'----''~''''''~~'~ ~ .,

Ruth Platt As in pn!:it yc..•ar~ thl' t•oJJcgC' womt:.>n b(' trying to mnke his g-rndc~). ha\'e had 1.:hargt:.' of the t!L•h\ils of 1.lt'al management tor the con.i.trt:'::-s. Hazp) )ldlon. is gen~ral c.·hnirmnn: F'.on•ncc. Johnson, st..~ c.· r ctn r y; .\ . R1~n!':5, ttcasurcr: lommitlec c hn 1 rm .an

porlo;., Geo. II art, \\'allace lfonity, Pat )lal·Elliot: \\ omen's \thlet ics, Dorothy Garrc>tt; '1 usk. Teel Chaddock, :\laqrnrct Choate: Ora mntics, Helen Schultz, AJ?nes 1\u,l?'c-nt, :\larie Dolezalik, Kathr)·n Kcllc.'tt; Chemistry. Arlone Crane; EnginecrinJ?". Earl Rudbcrg-; Agricu ltu ral })~pt.. Horace Bolster; Hamilton Hall. Vern O'Neil; Societ), .Judith B<"ldl'n. Twnnette (.'heny , Char­lotte Smith. 11<.>lcm Crockett. Loui~e Saunden:., Florenl'e Haines; Proof Header. Geo. Pelton: Cnlendnr. Florn Da,·i~: Fea ture. 1\Iary Hale, Jim Gabriel, John Houston. Helen Oli\'l'l', ~Iarl'ia Smith; ;\ r"''"' \\ riter ..... :'\orma B('ck, Martrnret Bowman, VirJ!'inia :'\lill!:i. Lois Cobleigh. Bill Flynn. l'hnrles llle. Franklin De\vey, E~tht·r Riddell, Jluzel .:\lellon, B1..·tty Bailey. Dorothy Hannah. Caroline Delaney, Clnu~e Dc-\\.it. Alice \'und, nhook. 11nrold Greiner. Ruth \Voodard, Bernice Xorrice, Lois \\" ell~. :'.\Iarjorie Foote. ~lieheal Dee\')". Alice Taylor, )lartrarl't Gary. )lary O"Lear)·; TypinJ?, .:\fartha Flynn, .\largaret Brown, Elizabeth .. t:itz . .:\lary Hakala. h.abelle \\'ood.

Our j(Uess is thnt G0orge Shan ley thinks lle is the consulting- physician for the Pi Phis \H' mean Pi Phi-. It is \·cry e\'ident that he..~ tnkes his duty $Criou::-ly-judg-ing- frum the number of calls he makes n day.

~ ~ ~ Why Rent a ~

hc.. ... sing". Caroline Haley; r .eption, Hazel Thompscm: FUblicity. ~\la rj Tatton; finnnct', l ri!"i Ro~c Petu·~;

Jig-g-~ i8 cnn·ying" hi~ hind quarters in a s ling, and !30 i!" finding difficulty in making C'iasses on time.

musit·. Dvlly T1 ipp; cn~ag, m('nt$, J ~hall borroweth me an "i\l" sweater befor e I <' limbeth the stairs to l\li~~ E.lizab·th Gar<linl"r: f•lllL•rtainnwnt, J Power's class. \\?hen I enterelh the room 1 shall s itteth in the front row )lnry O'L<':Hy. and pretendeth 1 nm a Bobcat. :\ l iss Power will beameth upon me. She ~ Tuxedo ~ a ~ ---- ----- will a::;k me. "Thin kt·~t thou :-10?" And I shall answer. "Yea, verily. \'erily." HI GH 'C HOOL."l ANNOUNCE Anrl whcn the quurt<'r endeth I ~hall findeth an ".-\"in my grade slip.

DELEGATES TO CONGHESS ~ ? ~ Studt:nb Prayer ~g ~ Upward and onward, oh. time be your flight, I' ~

(t-Ontinu<'d from Pnge One) Lorri make the lll'll ring before l recite. ~ Business Staff Ad\'erti~ing )faru\j.!"er . . . .. .. ..•.•. .Joe Delaney A!"~istants Len Robbins. Ed :'.\laxey, Geo. Gruenfoldt'r, Jim Gabriel, Carl "'all

Antoine. El~:e \\'amplt:'r; lit.'iurn, • ~ Bt tty 0 .. 1opc.•t', )l:ny Louis~ Shrot--d.er; Did you hear the one nbout lhC' Frosh who thought n good example of ~ ~ Hob~on. i·hu·('nce )lartin; llnzcl )far- perpetual motion was .ligg:;; chewing gum? ; g~

tin: Holy Rt»oi-y lli~h School, Boze- 1 , b 1 . r 'I s (' -1 1 b · h g" Beautiful wool wors ted T uxedos . kin nero • nurn, Irene J1..•n!'ltl, :\larg-arct Crowley; Jf you cont elic.'n t 1crc is war are at J.l . • ., comm c1· t 1e nn 111 t e ""' Ilysham. Lizntl:11a Ball. E\elyn f~'lac; ;.~.µ~~~~~tr.office . The rig-an'ttc fiends ha\'e now retreated to the parked - Ratin facing. s ilk linjngs; all hand tail- ~

Business Department .. ... ..... Ed Burke Circulation Jack Erkkiln, Ruth Grush, BnH.'L' Gnrlinghouse

Ing-o:i:ar, )Ja1 \' Scho1..•nhols Elizabeth I ~ orcd: A Tuxedo t ha t is truh.· worth ~ Fost1..r; .Jclict: Gladys Lo,·ennj.!', Lil- ~ ~ lian .)11..yer; h.ulispell . Irene AkCowen. One of l he big t•n•nts of the pre$ent quarter thal arouses Lhc int1..•rest of ~ S35.00. all size at ~ Kathryn F'1ynn; J,lein, :\lnbd Roman- practically en ry student ~n l\Iontana Stat(' Colleg-e is the case now hefore 'I ~ ~

Montana State College and the city of Bozeman welcome the J ia. )lnry Gi?cobazzi: Laurel. Ruth the roui-t• between till' :\ational C'onsoliclated llankerehief Corporation of ~ ~ • • • • .. • \1, old, :\fary ::inrdL•; Lewistown. Lucille the world and the ll~alth Department of the ::\l ontana Stak OllC'gc. ~ $2 5 o o

high school delegates to the fourteentn annual G1rb \ ocat10nal Rid~eway, )lari(' Thomas: Lima, Lu· It seem~ that th r1..· ha~ been a new discovery unearthed by th~ afore- ~ ~ Congress this week. " 'ith the ne\\. plans and arrangen1entg that cilc Og-e<.-. Eileen Ric..·haul~on, Lidng· mentioned health dc-partment which docs away with the ~niffles and the ~ • ~

stcn )lan· ~n !er on He! ln Ht J • us.e of handkl'rchiet'~ at thl' same time; and the effects ha\·e been so ~alis- "-ha\·e been created by the comn1ittee. indications point to one of I ~Iaila: Reith.a )1e 1~ 0,~itz, ~·crda

1 ~I~~.: factory thut the s:tll' of linen nostril wipers has droppC'd off to littl~ moH: ~ the largest and n1ost successful n1eetings in the history of the ~·ow; .\Ianhat.tan . ,Ji.:.dith ::\oble, Dori::. tt::u. nothing-. Prl't•lStL•rous As.tounding UnbC'lie\•able! l mpos~ible!-but true. ,,

. • 1 lumlec; ~hldrc<I Pearl c. Gcrmar, It i~ a ~irum pn•parecl especially to ward off the cold and t·ough that !'O V \Valk a F'light--Save a igh t sehool. There has been a tendency dunng the past tew year Lorna )I. )lon-~w; )lisoula. Ali.c far Old Gol<l> ha',. failed to •top. One shot and you t\el bad, two and ~ - >! for the intere~t and effecti\·eness of such meeting~ as these to Taylor, Phoebe Patt<.r:-;on: )lon·asin, you ieel w •• rse. th1t't' and you're s.ick. four and you wi$h Gabriel \'"<iuld ., ~

decrease, probably due to the cumbersome method~~ employed in I ~l~:.~~h B·:~hcr~~l\:dne!·:·en~lari~·~~fi~~: ~';;;:~l!. ~~~~I l~~~~n~~~~tlll~i~~)U \~~~· c~~~~( o~h~of~~t:l~:lrr;o~r~t:~\'~u1~0~iit~:!~t~~~c a F II' Cl ti Sh ~~ handling the affairs and to the annual frequency of the time I thews; Xoxon. Tanna Saint, Roberta !adv fri<'nd who ha,n't taken the stuff. ~ arre s 0 1es op

. . . ,. . ,. . . . .. · . Ellen Dodge; Park Cny, Do1·othy \\ hat could he \\'el'tcr than to ha\·e a couple of million bugs floating ~ for then1. Added to the~e d1ff1cult1e.s \\as the f1nanc1al ba111e1 :\lartin,. 'atalie Kril•g-eri Phillip!'-burg, aimlt:'~:->ly around your unntomy. Sh\nd back boy:.;, one at a timl!; thl!re ;, ~ "·hich was alwa~·s encountered. The re,·ised plans of alternating Eliza Huffman, Eileen Durfee: Pol- are ei1d1tY-six ahead of you. but there is lots left If The College S hop ~

~~~~a~~te~~tt :~:\11:1~: :i;~~;n~·;:~ ~;1 ~h~o~~a~1~':7i';~~:~: t~~-~I~ ]~~\': I r:::,~:;~~::~f~;'Yr~~~:/~;:,:,-~'.~1B3; C'lif~ c:rnnon set·n1' lo. he the big gun at the o .. B. Hou.e. '1 a e .· ' I. . I f ' d ff . b , t,. d wig-; Power, Ruth Gt'ise, Ruth Burk- We dare not publish a 11icture of llnrd this " eek. ~'-~~~'-'-'-'-'-'-'-"-'-~~'-'-'-~~~~~

ausen. ::\ot on~ ma) t 1e mances an e OI t e (en e1e upon a lund; Rnpelje, )lar·Iha Fil.l'hner, :\lar-single meeting from the college standpoint, but also the selected ,ar« Gu•tafson: Red 1A<l~e. Olg-a ----delegate method will create greater interest and effectiYeness Karhu: ~lary Knlurie_h; Red Point, (Gymnasium buil, ng-Direeted by I

Glady:,-; \\ a~ner, \ JUlet Lamb: )liss Stewn.rt-\Vrj o.ten by l\l iss Pear} with the indiddual high schools. Undoubtedly a larger number Robu1>. En·ell Heikkila, \'iola Erirk- Robertson) 1

of high school girls than e\·er before will be dsitors to the State >on; Round. p, >Jarg-ai-et Benjamin, l' HOLOGL' E J Letty Alt; Roy. Pearl Hl"al , ,Jo~cphme First. Episode Sl~ retarial .

College this "·eek. and it is the desire of the college community )Jiller: R,-,~ut<· .. f,·anett,• )Jellon. se,·ond Episod Science I in general that the~e girls and their chaperones be most cor- Ethd s,hu.Itz; "'""''"" Anno Hede- Third Episo<l• Education

. . . .tranrd, :\lildred )I Kmstry; Shelby. F'ourth Episode Eng-lish dial!,- wekomed to our campus. Then- pleasure and en.ioyment, :llarian "'"""· Pearl Kohnen; Shep- Fifth Episode Physical Education as well as a profitable. instructi\·e experience for the benefit of herrL .Joa~ne. Henke. \\'inifr-«l ~ixth Episode Art,

. . . . Andr1esen; ~hendan. FlorencL' Tolson, Se\'enth Ep1sod1..· Home Eco1u.>m1t•s themseh·es and then· schools is our ob.1ectn·e . Jeanette J?uncnn:. ::;imms. Alzora /Eighth Episode Our ('olor-

Prcwetr. \ 1ola Lrndbtrg; 8tol·kett. E1>ilouge I J.Ia1y James, Arlelin1..1 Ooura; St. Jgna- Danting aftt:'r the Program.

The talk by Coach Dyche at t he assembly Thur ·day morning was the culmination of a line of petty misdemeanors by men students that haYe been att racting the attention of gymnasium goers for some time. The maintenance of a building such as our gym is an important matter and it is hoped that the high points of Dyche':; message will sink in. Our idea of the height of indifference, howe,·er, wa the freshman who :;craped his pencil along the wall on the third floor, spit on the :;teps on his way down tu the second floor. and struck a match on the wall and lit a cigarette before lea\'ing the building after the assembly.

t1us. ~orothy Phillip1:'. \Yinifnd / Saturda) 'lorning, 9 :00 O'Clocl.. 1

G;_1ble; Sum~tr:1. Ebie S.<.·hl~der. Iona '"\\'hy I il_ikc to Teach ll omc E~o- I Rnll ;_ Rupe nor, )lary. Cast\<.':;., llelen I nomic..-s" Mi::ts Lill inn Stone :\lcl\11llan; St. R<t!:is. C~llt•n Ka111, (Bozeman Public Schools) · Hi!'ll'n \\"('stfnll; Terry, )fnxiiw An· "Public St'hool \1·t" letson, E\'l'lyn Dixon, Beatric.·e ::\l'I- ' li :s.s Th Ima :\kl'all I ~c:n: Townst·nd. Buel ah F'u!'s, Thais {Boz.cman ( l·blic Schools\ l~mnit.·1n1an; Twin Brid~t>s, :\latilcla "\"ocat.ions in tlw Field oi Art'' B1r~l, E_l~na Som rs; \"ictor. Jolm:->ic J :\ l iss :\l ary C. E~an Blair.\ 1olet Rog-l:'rs; Yircrinia City. {Dillon ':\ irmal School) Lut·y C~nklin. ~lar) Smith: \Yhiteha!J, '"Experien.C'.;; in ln"titutional :'ilan-Ht.len h.loos. Hettie Lowe; \\"ibaux, agement" :\l1s Dorothy ;\oble Scott E!:zabeth Dahl. \'ernie )kCann; (Bozeman, ~loin.) \\ 1llc w Crflek. Charlotte Bdl. Ro:-:.alie "Opportunities :·er Girls \Yithout Je\\ca: \\'inh~1.m. Yiij{inia Rel'tor. Colleg(' Traintl\Sr" :\liss Bnt•on

1 Opal Re<.:tor: \\ mnett, Ardela Hans.on, "Tht.> Fil:'ld of Sncial Ser\'ice"' Wr.:rlen. Airntha \\'eidingt•r, Gra t.> I \Liss. Ada Bel..'"r!'t~cher I

m1th. "Types of lns.u· utions"

~1:u:i-i:r!Xl<HX>i:n:Hlo~ EYE~TSBoOKED ON I . .\Ir» C'. D. ll'igg-<nhorn I

CONG RE S PHOGRAi\1 i SOU \I CA LEND .I H I --- Emer~on.

(Continued from Page One) No\·. 21,. 22. a nd 2;1- Girls ' \ ' oca · ()lontana ~tate College) t ional Con~re~~.

'ls \\'oman Equal to lie!' .Job'' ~ o'. 2 1-Udta Tau Part ) : :Hiss Stewan Xo\~. 2 1- Pi P hi pled t!c-S.

(lifontann State C<>lle-g-e) :'\·O\·. 2:">-.\li;ha 0. re rq>iti on tca.-.. Retail Salt•smanship" . Xo\·. 28-Frt•~hman dnnc£> .

1 Federal Boa~·!t~;,f 1 ~~l~1c~!ti~~~1it E~~~~1~ I ~~~- : ;i!='f~~!~:d~~~i;li~il! i>~~~~d~::-. tion, \\'ashing-ton_ n. c) :\° o\, 30-.\migo 1>led j.!e~.

"The Click of H1..·r lll'ch'' :'\o,·. :lO-\ ilhj almur Stt(a1:~~on


Try a Box of



THE BUNfiALOW -:----------------====---=====--===== Dec. 1 -hap~a ii:ma dance.

I ~ho;.s Bennett Lecture.

- Frida\ .\ft crnoon Dec. 1-Rigma Chi Part~. ~::u::::-·:.::u::--•=:·--.n:::uu•-·r.:::..:n.-::r.:i~-:i."'!ll:t• Conforenl't• silme a:-. Thu1sclnv aftpr Sept. 7-B. F.. flart\. !J - ...... -- .... •••• • •• • ._ • , noon . r.ec. 7-C'hi 0. Part.\ .

:t fi Ike. 8-8. I. E. !';; rt). ii gl ' Frida) EH•ning , $:00 O'Clock n ee. 8-.\lpha Gamma Hl10 part) . ij £i I 1.i·, "Pngl'<llll of P1omis<"" Dec. 2 1 -<h~ar tcr Ends .

il Ii -:::_:_:----------====----- ------ff EHry Fraternity House should own the New Ii Stephen Fo ·ter Album - come in and ask lo see Ii "1 ~ I and hear it. M· 7fu1nmz'ng Cl3ird

:t ORTON BROS. I FULL FASIIIO ED HOSIERY Ii " 71/lJA! IRTNW OFYOIJTtl_ T//lJJ'LC.l'DOR l)f /W>ALTY a q t::~m:::.:.:::.t::tt::::::::::::::::..!!!u::..-n:::::t::ttm!:t::n:trm:mu::uu::

! I I I I I I I I I I • I I I • I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I~

Place Your Order On

PERSONAL XMAS CARDS Mo -t Exce llent Line Low Priced

Engrm·ing. Printing or Grapicose W ork Done Neatly


II I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I f I I I I I I I I I I I I ; i

Something to shollt aboltt is S tyle 30 Hummi ng Bird Full Fasl-.ioned Hosiery. lc's a win­ner for wear with its invisible reinforcements and narr w lisle hem. Unusually lo ng. In all colors- approved by Paris for Aut~.11n wear.

S'IYt.E 30. Service We!~;ht


{8A.f:!~~~]tlf ~,}~R@

Mould the man first, then the metal C ARNEGTE developed the stee l in­

dustry by first developing his men. The Bell System i growin!{ fa ster

than ever before in its history and this growth, like the steel g ro \\ ti;, is based on the development of men.

Today, in the telephone industry, men in supervisory positions mu t co­ordinate many and varied factors. For example, before locating a new entr;tl

office, population trends are studied. \\'hile it is being built, telephone appa­ratus i~ pbnr.ed , nude, ddin'.red and installed on crLkrh scheLlule.

But more basic than all this, the executive shows leadership h) his in-ight into the hunun equ.tti0n and by

the . \'lllpath\' ;t!ld understanding "1th \\ hich he ~dapts individu~I to job, moulding his men first.



Page 3: on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs' Vocational '' ith general ~preches and

THE WEEKLY EXPOi ENT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1928 PAGE THREE .. ~ I The Freshman dtbate tryouts were [ ~ s :: :·: :: :: :·: :: :: :·: :t :: :: :·: :: :: ~ l"E\l' S OF SOCIETY ;: held last night m the little theatre. '.: W O~IEN'S ATHLETI CS :·:

•• About f1ftc.~n students tried out, and ··• a &:: i: :: ~. :·: :-: :: :: :: U :: :-: :: ~ thl1e \\as some very mtnesting ma- rt :: •.• ..... :·: :: :t t·: :: :·: :: •• •• ::

ter 1al presented. Each speaker gave a. short rebuttal of the speech pre­ceeding his, and then ga\c. an eight

:: :: :·: :: :: :: :: :: :·: :·: :·: - :: :: I FROSH DEBATE TRYOUTS 1-.

"'o r Hetty Booth Compa ny. The members of P1 Beta Phi en­

e1 taine<f. for t.he Betty .Hooth Concert ·omr.an~ after their performance hu1-sda.r e\ ening.

HOCKEY minute talk on some phase of the The hockev season came to a cio~e ju1y system, whi..h is the subjLct for Saturday, :\ovember 17 , when the the year chosen by the ):ational De- sophomore team, captained by Hcl<.n bat.<~ Fraternity. Fe~hter. won a victor}- O\el' the upper­

innlr \Vi lh Sigma Chis . The winner of first. place is to be class team, led by Erma Monroe. The .:::iun<lay dinner guests at ihc Sigma awarded a silver loving cup and a s~cre. wa~ 4-2.. The two tc..ams had

hi hou~c were Dr. and Mrs. Be:ll gol<l midal i winners of second and tied m an earhe!· contest. Thi~ gives rom Deer Lodsre, and l\Ir. and )1Ts. third place will be awarded medals · the so_Pho1~1oes first place by merit or Jayton \Valker. and the fil'st Len placing highest c:om: two victories_; the uppe1·classmen. scoe-


prise the Freshman Uebatmg te.un ond place, with one \'lctory; and third l>.nner at the P1 Ph' ll ou::,e. for the year. place goes to the All Star Fres.hmen

.\1r and '.\lr~ . R. E . l:Sluwn and ).Ir The nanH.s of the wmners will be team. T_he latter was cantained by and '.\lr::;. John Lovelac:e ''en. l'hur~-

11 given oul m tho next issue of the :\1.argur·nte Ros~oe.

~hrp~;·1en~~~se~hnne1· gtKsts at the Exponent. The tcurn~ment displayed some ex-, -- REVIEW OF BOBKIT'l'ENS ocllent .~laym.,. As this is the first

1gma \ lpha Ep:sdon 1 ~ the first time hockey ha<; been con-t he pledges of Sigma Alpha The Kitten!> ha\ e turned 111 their ··idered 1~ major sport for thr(~ ,·e:irs.

psilon entertained at a pledge lsu1ts for the year and many will don an exrC' ent Stas.on is anticipated for [ moker at the chapter house Satur- tht:_m, again in t_he spring tor spring next fall. lay nig-ht. t~ammg. The eight men on the \"ar- The rlayer~ on the teams were as j

------ _ s1ty squad who will play their last follows: I AGS HEAR LECTURE ~ame this season will ha,·e to be re- Upperela"•ncn.

placed. It is the F'rosh team that L. \\'i n~-(\J;arv O'Leary Dr. H. \\". Albt.·rtz of Sitka. Ala:ska, m1nishes the::;e new nlEn and this was L. fnner For~,·ard-Ain.v Be 11 e

\'ho is head of the Alaska Experi- the chief aim of Adams this year. Markin. • tent Stations gaYe a \ery intensting Only four games were scheduled Center Fol"\vard-Ag-nes Nugent. 1 alk before a g-roup of Ag-ricultural this fall beca;.se most of the time was R. T.-Erma l\lonroe. 1 tudents Thu1sday tak(n up scrimmag111,r the vars1tv I R \Vm,!?'-l\Iaijc11 e >.'ye I

Ag11culture m Alaska, said Dr. Al- 1_he F'1osh team \\as made up of 1 ~- Cente1 Halfback-Martha Hawks-ertz, 1s only m the pioneer ::tage dn 1dauls who did not have much pre- worth ·

"'1th much land lymg 1dle which /v10us football expeuence Chee\'er, L Halfback-Wilma Van llo1sen 1m~ht be prof1tabl?-i tilted umh.r the c~1ptam and quai lC!1back \\as m1ured L. Fullback-Es1hor Stockten. I roper metho<l.s a" Alaska imports at the fu-st of the sEason Long \\as I R Fullhack-R-.:by Kinds ... hy. onside1able foodstuffs each year, [then ele led c.aptam and ,,a5 played Goalke ... per-Florence Johnson. ·h1ch can be produ.td theie. at qua1·tcrback replacing- Chee,·er In Sor-homores.

Dr. Albertz is on his way to \Vash- the LUb game Long was Dla~ed at ·end L. \Vinz-;,\largaret. Small. ngllin, D. C .. for a <:onference with to. r_eplacc Dahl who was declarnd in- 1:.· Inner Forward-Dorothv Garrett. I hl head of the U. S. Department of ehg-1ble. Frade and Larson were also I (enter Forward-He

1en Fechter.

griculture, 1elative to ag-riculture in declared ineli:gible which weakened R. I~:icr Forward-Marga1et Crest. la.ska. Enroute he will instaJJ th£ the team greatly. R. \""\ mz-Frances Durham. laskan exhibit at the International I· All together the Kittens, consider- R. Halfba<·k-Lillian Tubb.

-lay and Grain Show at Chicago. , mg t~e lac_k .o.f experienc:: in material Cn1ter 1-Ialfback~Edna Halbert. -------- 1and meleg1b1htes., show promi$e of I L. Halfback-Elmor Swingle.

YALU ABLE GRIDSTERS I makintr g-ood YarsiLy material when L. F'ullba<·k-Dorothy Woodard. they obtain polish and experience. R. Fullback-Helen Albrecht.

The av~rage. ~ootball player in the - - ! Goalkeeoer-Hazel Thompson. aq:, ir uJUvers1ties o~ th~ ... ountry I y W C A Subst~tuteS:-Marv Howkes, Eliza-1 ungs 10.000 to his a1ma mater · · • · heth Sr-itz. Lila Fairbun1.

tn1ough tht.., turnstil:!s of his school's I Pl~ns f?r the. annual Y. W. C. A. Frosh All-Star Team. ·tadium, but gets nothing in return membC'rs~ip drl\·e h~\e been ~om- L. Wing-Helen Oliver. ut cracked ribs and other injuries! pleted and ?1~e progr~ssrnz splendidly. L. Inner Forward-Bil Iv Henkle or his pains. This is the opinion of' The 1 ecogmtic:n. s_er\"lce, ~t which new Center Forward-Esther Riddell: ame~ :\·eb~r, profes~or of Englsh at ~~~ml.rs are mibated, ~v1l,1 be hel~ at R. Center Forward-'Vary Pattee. he Cnl\·ers1ty of Chicago. j .30 p. m., DecembcT ·~ m the fire- R. \\"inP"-1\far?"Uerite Roscoe.

Weber, speaking befo1 c. a group of place r 00!11· I L. Fullback-Buella Shennum . ootball fans, said: :\tu~h t11ne has been devoted Lo the R. Fulback-1\larv AJi,·e 'Vil son. ")lanr of the big universiti£s clear 1 plannm_g- of the year's program. l... Halfhack-Florence Llovd

200.000 a year in their football ::;ea- Several of the intensting features J Center Halfbc:ick-Katheririe ·L,·on en." That's $600,00U for the players· nr~ ~ holly sa.lo and Chris.t!nas Suhstitutc.s-l\1abel D. Smith. ('ar~­hree years of eligibility. Di\ide th.at I ca_iollm~. The .lectures and mee~mgs lyn Delaney, Rae Anceney, and Mil­y a squad of 60 men and it nu.ans \\.Jll b? rnterest!ng and worthwhile. I dred Buhring. ac.:h. player has paid $10 000 each in "". ~abmet i~eetmg-s are hdd every The referees and officials included he gate n~.:eipts alone. \\'hat does he F '.ida~· a~ five o'clo~k in the studci:-t ::'\[isr: Marv Stewa1t. Ula Fairhurn.

t m retu1n ! Only the opporti..;nity ~lgamzat10!1 ro?n:· Anyone who is JAmy BellC' i\larkin. Virginia O'Neil, ? sweat blood and c1ack ribs on the mterested 1s prinleged to attend. Ae-nes i\-_·zt:nt, and Dorothy Garrett. iel<l and try to keep up with his tudi,s. He ou.-ht to lul\·e the best pecial attention obtainable."

Wednesday - Thursday



Mary Roberts Rinehart


Saturday TIM McCOY



Coming Sunday


with Norman Kerrv

Lewis Stone.

An echo that circles the globe,

Sightseers returning from the Alps never fail to babble of the marvelous echoes that re­verberate so oblig ingly from peak to peak.

Bur no such phenomenon macches a certain echo th at keeps circling this whole mundane sphere. It is the best-known cigarette slogan ever coined - the Chesterfield phrase •'They Satisfy."

Originated to describe a uni<Jue coupling of

qualities seemin3ly opposed-''chey're mild, and yec~hey satisfy"-its descriptive accuracy was instantly perceived. Today it echoes and re­echoes wherever cigarettes arc smoked :

" "Satisfacen ... ilssatisfo11t ... THEY SATISFY!"

And r ightly enough, for Chesterfields are mild -and they DO satisfy ... and what more can any cigarecce offer?

ti ESTEllFI ELD l\IIL D enough for anybody .. and yet .. THEY SATISFY


HAUSEMAN & McCALL "Stationers"

4 East Main PHONE 407

Page 4: on~nt€¦ · B. llEHRlCK time of thl' congres~ "tll be taken up B OKED ON , c ta~ l1 ar JJlays an l v1du1y \\as \\ho urgani1.1"d the GjrJs' Vocational '' ith general ~preches and



Special price on all r ings from .. 1 up. All ri ngs are eit her s terling sil ver or ~olid gold.

LESLIE E. GAGE Jeneler •md Optician

n rokrn Len!'le~ Replaced the Same Day



'-~ "''"''"'"''''''''''"'· ""'''-'-'-''"'''"'''''-'-'''"'--'''-~ a ~ ~ WINTER IS HERE! ~ ~

~ Tr) Our Soups g ~ ~ CHlLI OllR SPECL\LTY a

Tc~~~="FERENCE s~~-\ND L'\'~ct. MT. ST. CHARLES IS :fa:!;:,'.:.,~'~"d~::r.:;·i.~~m:::~;":~ ::" .·a s TAR HAMB ER fi ER s H 0 p a t tah l 1.llOll ) luch h &o been hi>ard of :\lt ~· · ~ a l<.lorndt.l r. .l'\00 RATED TOP OUTFIT Charles this yenr in 1(,l()tb:dl l·tnk-. ~ L'tah Ai<>. .700 :ind tho rc;.utntion of thdr t "" '111• '~'-'-'-''-'-'-''''''''-'-._''~''-'''~'-'-'-'-'-"'._'-'-'-~'-'-'-'-~~ Colo. Col. .G67 - be c n ,!!aininK wick'-~pr~:ad 11 1 t it e

20 S. Black .1\\·e. Phone 4:!5-'V I The mtl"\mma1 \"Olll'v ball s:rarne~ c l ,\ t.ltii J On Thanksgiving- d:-iy. ;\Q\(•mlwr :!~l, th10'i r:hout thl' nortlnH':-L Tlw tilt in •\re bein~ run oti in fine !i-harl' ul\d c~1~: T~~~ht.·r~ :tit.ii l-tl3t:h J)yc.:he will take hi~ midlt .Y ~hl'ridan wil be the rt.•:ll .. lt1w dtW n'' ~~-Q-0-0-~~<KlKX><H:>O-OO<;H:KX><H:><l with _h:_il[ till' games playl'd !\114! hn~f :\I. :s. c. .600 B:) h\_at~ _to Sherid!rn . >\"yommg:'. wh~n· on .:\fontana ' :-; foc1~ball ~itttation. © rt.·m~1.mmg tu ht.• plhJt.•d thL· h!'t. lS Dt.•n\"(?r l', ...100 they w11l ta ni.de with thl Fid1t111': St. ('har:cs hus dcfontt l l•r pln~·l-.~ I .\FTER THE SHOW OR 0 .\ , ' CE FOR .\ ~ICE


I hendt'i.l b\· ~knw ~ h:. "ho have thus Colo. :'lline:- .. IQ() Snints ol :\l t. St. C'!iarll':-. ~·olle'-!e ot doS-l' g-anw..- with tlw leadin!:!" u·~im~ l l

, , , 1 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ,, 1 , 1 1 1 1 1 .far come.uut llll thL• top ;n :di of thl•ir B. Y. L'. .:!50 H('Jrna. Both ttnms :trc J!'{Jlllf!" at top four l'Onfrrcnc~>:-; and haH• a Vl'fY , • - ~allll's. (1nll':!a llda I"' ~cn~md with \\'yo:itin).!" .000 term this year with C"han '-'~ of win· L·n•ditablt.• n»·flrd •n bt.~ proud of. Their : Il_\ ·1rnRS SPECL\L : ~\ll 1c~ n·nt.'\htlt..• h.app_a ... ·i)!lll:l a_nd Wt..·~L ~l!l~l' .000 nin;..: bt.'in~ about an t.·n.•n break. A l d.tory OH'1 ~urth Dakota last !:\~tur-- ::::- . . :\. E. are ttld for thud a:.. .h0ll record crowd of bt•th ) lont.an.l an.i dav slrnuld )!iH· tlll'm :hidl'tl l'llltii-

F'or :\[ild Snlokers t'a~·h. e<:t3 Epsilon holds fourth place .. l'rnic" d B:bket h;ill . W),Hl~il~I-!' fa_n.s is c:xpt..'l'~t·d to witne~s deiue for tlll'}r. 1,.·ontl•sl with t~t..' B1~)-... W• fl an lQU!d number uf win:-:. and "1th t 1l! end 0 ilh)tball :--l'a~t'n m t~": f1a) \\htch p~·vmist•:- to bt• ~n <.'X- J c:Hs. The :--:lint:-- .rompc1l l)\('f the

lo:-:-:L•s to tht..•ir Lrcdit Lambda Phi \'itw tht.• alll•nth)n pf tans is turnillJ!" t'lllnj.!' and eolorJul t\l'llt. l nl':dC'nt- . ·orth Dakota umn•rslt)· tt.>am at g


THE SUfiAR BOWL each The Home of Homemade Candies

Kleinschmidt Co.

- a1:d Delta Tau !Ht..· next with ..100 and to baskt·tball. )Jontana·., wond~·r tt:am I all): this ganw will h<' foug-ht o .• t ttl l(;rt..':l~ FHll:' h)· a :!1J to L! :-:<.·ore. Th<' 'I a 1:-t1}()nl•d g-anit• bt.>lWt.>cn thu·c two t~' ic.:t• l'Ollll'll'll<'l· l.'hamphH.ts. b prnc- de<.:1dt.> the s.t :1tL• yhnm1uu11gh1p .o.f :\odaks h3\t." a n•ry sth'll!!" 31.!"~rt·za~ is )'t L to be pl:iyt d to ~ct tie for 3 ~ It':lily intal.·t with 1 hl' t'Xl'L ption ot .'llvnt~rna ~md fo1: t Ins n•us~n the 111- j ti on :11hl o.rC' the proh.1hlt,_ w 111wr~ ol

• l 111l who "ill 110Jd tlw f ifth place. The t.'f ·· c..;r'-'enie" \Yorden, who wns tht' t<.>nst ot the rn::1sme ~tate fans Lhl.•ir l·onf,·r<.>nt:t' . .-\miP:u t'.uh b lll'Xt "ith a pert..•entag-t nH ~l n•rsitilc m!l!l 011 the squad. will l:(' t.',.:->pedally dir h·d tu ~hen- - - O<HJCi)-0-0-~0<i-U-O-OO~I)~ of .ltili whilt.• the Alphn Gamma Rho's Fr:lnk \\'arit, lanky l't.•ntt•i· und dan on >:ovcm bt..·r ::!!l .

1, .

1.1, \\l l' l'.ll . <HlKXH'.H:>O-<Hl<Kl><><H'.HC<><HJKX><H><l

hold the i.:dlar wilh no victories thus \!!l.pt:lin, is in n·ry !..:.Oc~i cone itillll and Thi::. L'ontt•.:->t wiil h<' t~t· linal 1.rnmt: .. " ~ fa."'. lhl saml• old l \"l' for tlw ha.skl't. of tho )'t•nr for :\lontnna :-;1ate and

12 EAST 1\1.AIN Durin).!' tilt' past "t!l'k th<'rl' have Frank looks bel.tt•r untl hea' it.•r thi~ the Ja~t l!Rlllt. s111Ht' of the Bnbt·nt The hantl bull .c-aml•:-. a1 coming: ! 1 • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • ' • • • • • • , • , , , 1 , , , 1 , , , 1 • 'ccn s.en1·d 1.'Xl.'Itin1! g-·1ml·· phvcd )t:':n·. tat Tlwmpson is bmk :md ~tar~ will phly for i~1c Hlt11.: and Gold. :llong- at. a rathcr fa:->t eLp and :1 I

ID'j '' I y~\ \~


, - ~ I

=, 1 1 1 1' '

1 1' ' ' '

1 1 1 1'

1 1 1 1 ' ' '~ I"hc vktot; for this \\L'l'j\ w~rl• }3. E: ~h,•ultl I 1.•rfurm in hi ... usual uli-l·On- Amon).{" thost• who will light tht•;!. bst game~ lllU$l be pl:l)·cd bt•forc thL f bl ..

I O\H Alpha c._;amma Hho, Lambda Phi ft;>rem:e s.tylt.'. ll. \\'anl will tahl' l·!HC fo~>tball bntt lC'::.; f >1 \[. ~. C . . 11'\.~ ~"'ap-, of Dt>c<'mber J t Js ;:1b,olt1tl•I) 111•1 C':-s· "'

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o\<..r Ami~t>. Sig-nm Chi downl'd tl. 13 It w otlar wing. t:llJ\ C'hez. G1ad). \\ L'll1111rton, \ ot!'t ~.tn· that hnndhnll bl' gotttn out of

und ~ .. \. E .. lldta Tau be~tt.'d B. E. Gardner. Hu1d, 1'-t''l'!:', and H1l'l'1kn lhf' "ny s.O that 1t \\di 1H1t i11le11\· a!ld ~ .. \. E .. and tht•TJ downed tht: ~ \\'hile the exnll lml'UP of tht B11b- "Ith ... \,immmg- and bn ... h.l'tbnll. .\s !l -Amigo < Jub. O. n. defratl"<I the I c:nb hn~ not been J!'1' l'n out un louht· man l.'an only part11.·1pate 111 unc "JltH.. : .. \.migos and. thl•.Kt~ppa !:'i.c:mas won ~-,- t•dh- all of the' resrulat~ and mo~t of <..•ac 11 qu:Utl'r thetl' ~houltl bt.• 1:1•hl•l 1 "'

I trn:n tht.• DPlta l~rn~. ~:-iy;y'f'I J ~ the ~ec('lnd ~trirn: nwn on thl• ~quad kl n competit ion in lhl.":-.C' cn•nts. I :

1 he··· st~tndm~. thus ~ar. .....:: :L~ -/~'""f;J will make t he trip and if ~uch per- Intramural mnnng-C'r :\lo~t.·r !'t:ttt>:-. · .. 0,"'.'.> t.- L fo1111(•rs as "Wyli< . Penfic-ld. G~1nlner. that basketball mny beg-in toward thr -

:-;ii..,.ma t 111 ·· 1.00() ..,. • • : :~ \\"ellint."'"1.c.111 . DeF rn'l' anti Chez trC'l iro- l'n<l of this qnart<.>r anrl. 3!' wns the : ~). \B.£ · :~~~ G.u..O.. £J.i..@11 ing- in Hwir usual : •l"m tht•,- will makl• l'asl" la:-t year. thl•rt> will ht> a rounJ-



Prompt. Reliable Sen ice - Careful. Cour teous Drhers

PHO E 3-1-1-W ..__ ~ t -.....--..._ ;;.-=~ :~ (( qRJ 1_ 11 '-? ~~

1..:.ai,Pa ;ig-ma .GOn ~Q~~ u comhinntion t.hn will he h:ird to l·obin tournanll nt lwtwet·n " .-\ " anti • B. E .50ll s•op. l n fad, e\·ery pl:tyt•r on tie Bob. "I": "" teams. ' ' • • • ' • ' ' ' ' ' • ' ' • ' ' • ' ' ' • ' ' • ' • ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' • • ' ' ' ' ' • ' • • ' ' • ' • Lanwda Phi -!OO T he- l" n hl'r:-.it) j! o t "taken I

[~~~~\~~ ~~7~ A

Dl•lta Tau :.JOO ho ml'· at th ti r big home <.·oming 1 - -=

\ mig-o ]ijti j!a mt.' b) I da ho. I I • I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I 1 I I I I • I t I I I ' I I I '

Alpha (;amma Rho .oou :_~ Ql l.\LJT\' SEEKER" Bl'Y FROM THE ; t°-.-.•.•.-.-.·.-.-.-.-.·.•.-.-.-.-.-.-.·.•.-.•.·.-.·_. ........ _. ..... -.-.-.·.·······-·.-.·.-.-.·.-.-. llue to tll<' (;irb' Y atinnal Con- B. Y l ·,. 0-ll ''" '"I ug;aino.c the · •

II ~1]) gress this week tlll're will be no l::niY<·rsit..- ut Ctah wa~ th....- big- s. n · ~ s : ~ II I ""-fi~~- ~~!1~.~ .. i~~"~'.;~·k thin.,, will he 1 '"'i"n m the Confer, m·o Snturd11y. i ~ W:-.;E' t•111Tle <1sn1dol'[ancfi·)· Rc;or·occeEriResy -~: ~~.· H 0 WA R D's I hunil~J :doni"!' to r:m~h t l· .., ht.>dule t 'It. St. Charlt..~ ~ot O\t•r ~orth , so !hat b:t!'>.kl•thnll an bl• started :l~ Daktita H' f) ha ndd ) and con'.'!e-:-oon ~1~ po-:~iblc. qu l·nt l ~ bl\( .... ted tlll'ir rat in g- for

~ A~ ~~




BROADCLOTH DRE.:'S SHIRTS Collar .\ttached

··y "ur 1 art11l·r h.t:-. :t t'Otnpll'li.!

the Turk eJ da, gnmo. PRICES RIGHT • \

PJu1.·ntien. ha~n·t he~" •·. · . hl·\• •· ~:ic.·~l or··

Th<..• llil!topJWrs l'Olltil1UL' with their • " ~ "Y." :Xews. 1ine of drnttH and plnc(' thl'ir 1-ti : Phone 2U 6 110 " ' · Curtiss : \

pound n:.•ntl T in a dn~s w·ith the all-1 - • \

I· .. • 111 t .--111 t I I ti I I I I ti 1111 I . .


·o::~,:::: ~:~:~:.Wilson. J ~'1 ' 1 '


.... "" """'' " " "" """"" """"" ·, ·,"" ""'·"" ·,·, '.'.'.'. '. ·," ""'.'.'


" """' ~ ently goes well on I : ; '

• wet fiel d. llis JArOBS roSTUME SHOP ··= ~\. b illiani 85 yar I lJ l.J 1 :::eturr, of ~1 kkk~

orr for a touch- E. R. Gregory, Prop. ~ down, nnJ gath- Phone 77 l O W. ~lain • ering in a 30 .. ~ yard forwnrd • ~ pass on unother •,

For the remornl of war ts, corns and other abnor mal growths. occasion in t he CLE \:\'IN G PRESSIXG REP.\IRIN G ~

.. Utah game ea~ily •

FO R TH .\:\KSGl\T'>G , 'OCL\L EYE:'\TS

Complete sho\\ ing of new st~· le· in


Tm.edo Suits 25.00 to S50.00

ohe HUB ED and LOU HO\\'ARD

$1.45 and up p I a cc d him in HE:llODELIXG ~ ,,. Jk O h Simple and harmless to • stardom. ~ a .·- ver oes

u~e. ~ •• I I • I I I I I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I ' I I I I I I I 1 I • I I • I ••• I I I • I • I I I Ii ..... _ ............................................. , ............................................. _ ................. - ..................................... , ......... , .................... """'-....

Stetson Ha ts Nobby Caps


$1.00 50c ~ I T he l'nin· r~it ) ~cored the ir

StC"Ond ttrn chdo" n o f the ' e~Lr in

Wagner Bros.

confe renre ci rcll' s ' \ ht·n the) ,\ent don n benea th th~ mudd3 cleats t..f the lda ho Ya nda)!> 21-6, a team nhum the Bobcab t ook J.>-12

~ Roecher Drug Co. . ~;.;.'. '. :~i,'.: 1

:~.i::.:~~- ""' dt·reated I I' bi l hadron ;\ormal ;ll-0 while ~IL Dozeman's Leading l\Ien's

and Boys' Stor e ~ Phone 327 St. l harws t1 am peel on the sam<. t ea m

I! Prescriptions a Specialty : J rn-1~. The Bob ak wore lucky to get

--------------• .;: .. 1 over the "yomm).! Gnd.st.crs 1-1-7. On ; : paper the Saints have an l"ll~t: but I' • • 1

• 1

• • • • 1

• • • • • • 1

• • • • • • • • • l'an they last the pael they h n·c been tr:...n~ling this ~ea~on ~:iffcring- bu t one d('frat and that by thl' Gonzag-a Bulldogs. Last Satur<la,· the 'aints pounded Xorth Dakota 20-12. The Uakota team occupies the top posi-

The Willson Co.

-1/ ~~ 1/Qmfort v

snrh a• pajnm3s never gave before is yours, now, in ou r Paj am as trulored b} Glover- with the new A<lju s to-b a nd wai >t ! A s y ou breathe, i t s-t-r~-t-c-h-C'-s. A s }OU turn . it n eve r twists or bind,._ it fit< lik e a -.·ron<l okin, for it is adju.u.ble to ,)'Our exact r e quire m e nts. No drawstring to trouble vou. l'io , hed rubber to rot. Come in aod see t11io g..catPst impron •meot yet made for sleep­ing comfort-

tion in the \\"e:-tun conforC"ncc an<l ha\"t? a wonderful llam. The Bob-


t..·ats will han~ to d frat the.- Saints to eli_minate .them _from ~tatc: champion­~h1p constdE'ration. Thu i;rume w1ll bl

1 played in Sheridan, \\'yomin~.

I Thanksg-iving- day.

l'ta.h's hold on Cottfrren c honors

I' was dimmed $lig-htly by Brigham 1

"I oung- wh<> ht•ld them to a tie, neither I ttam cros~ing the g-oul line. Both t h l

I Bob«ats and l t.nh ..\.1r1.dl's ln.n• de­f<•nre<i Brigham Youni:. The t wo other l'ta~1 ~ehnoh: mt"et on Thank~g-hing" day to dl» .. id._. th<' st:ltl• titlt• of l 'tuh and po ..:foJy tht eon <:'rem as C'ol­orndo Ct1 lll'!!l' took tl1 C' undt.•rdoi..:-s

I i osition to l "'.()lorado l' niversity and tht.>y wert• on u.:1r with tht• .\ g-g-i<.·$. Shoultl rhe ..\g-J!'iC's win uvtr l.'"tah the,· han a <.·h!llll.'C' for Confert.nL'e honor:;. 1

~~~~~~~~~~~- !


I STUDENTS I ~ See us fo r a ll your needs in g the elect rical line. Reading g lamps, llfazda lamps, irons, 0 warming pads. hea te rs , per­g colator" . t oaste r~. waffle

11 iron ~ . etc.

D. H. BUDD CO. 30 W. l\Jain Phone 300



Funeral Directors and


Phone 122-W

II. IL Dokken, Phone 122-J


I 1,;a zk and Ernest

HEY roo K SIX BO W :) ! '\ N D UUc.I) HA ' E f ORC. E: D f\ ) E UEIV T H

Cll DO YO v c,(. T ·J 0 \ J FROIV\ A /\J

f l\/E FL\VVERS IN SINGL.f F1L.t: C R o.5511\J G A B R IDGE . . . WH AT T I M E I S I f /

1F T•·c CAT 'PuT HER) 'I FoLLow M t: CLosi::LY \\ITTE l>J S 11\l THe 8!.5- KITS FRAN >~. WHY IS Ar .. ; Ov N, WHAT Wot.J L D O L D G OLD 06ARtTTE

T""-Y B E "r / LIKE A HARD -..__,, --- \ - B OILED EGG?

~/ ~ ) /("~? . ~r{J


\IN \

A;1T:R f y

DGOLD The Smoother and BetteJ' Cigarette

• • not a cough in a carload

. . By BRIGG

You MeArJ To STA...iD ouT 1...i FRONT N' TH1S {' ffE.LLt G£ r I DID· A VD IE N <..'C AND TELL ME~ \F I You r<ELD You'<. ll..'IFE s HAD LET HA.UD Fe.'<. Ao..J 1-10<..' Go SHL') LAST NIGH-~A~E li'lllEci

~\ ~~ r:~ ~ ~