Only Human 27

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  • 8/14/2019 Only Human 27


    Chapter 27

    Title: Only Human (27/27)Author: Amethyst JacksonRating: M/NC-17Category: Drama, Angst, RomancePairing: Edward/BellaSummary: A wish sends Bella back in time to Chicago, 1918, and to a human Edward.Disclaimer:All this genius belongs to Stephanie Meyer. Im just having a little fun.

    EpilogueWhat has you smiling like that? Edward asked as I came out of the bathroom in our new home

    in northern Canada. Wed moved just two days ago and were still settling in. Charlie and Renee

    thought wed left for college. Id had to say my goodbyes to them already.

    You look relieved, almost, Edward went on.

    My period started, I told him, blushing. Menstruation was a topic we tended to avoid it was

    uncomfortable on so many levels.

    Edward raised an eyebrow. You never seemed to consider it cause for celebration before.

    I twisted my hands, feeling awkward. It, uhit means Im not pregnant.

    Comprehension flashed across his face before his expression turned unreadable. Oh. I see.

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    I stood there fidgeting in the doorway, looking at him sitting on our bed. Are you sad? I finally

    asked. I was afraid this would be a disappointment to him.

    Sad that youre not pregnant? No, I have to say Im relieved as well. I cant imagine two vampires

    trying to raise a human child. But I suppose I am sad for what I can never give you.

    I forced myself to move, closing the distance between us. You know all I need to be happy is


    He smiled, reaching outto cup my cheek in his hand. I cant imagine how that could possibly be

    so, but Ill take your word for it.

    Silly vampire, I sighed. Dont you know youre all I ever wanted and more?

    He offered me a crooked grin. Keep saying it. Im sure it will getthrough my head one day.

    Are you positively sure youre ready?

    Edward, I whined.

    He held his arms up in surrender. I just dont want you to have any regrets, he explained


    Im completely certain, I promised. Please, Edward. Waiting is just making me anxious.

    Very well, he nodded before stretching out beside me on the bed. Carlisle will be listening

    outside, just in case

    Im not worried, I interrupted, reaching out to touch his face one last time before my world was

    changed forever. I love you.

    He kissed me softly, and I couldnt help but relax completely. My brave little Bella. Im glad I get

    to keep you.

    His lips pressed to mine again before they moved to hover over my throat. My heart pounded

    harder as he placed a gentle kiss to my neck, sanctifying the act, and then his teeth broke through

    my skin.

    The pain ebbed away slowly, lingering in my bones for what seemed like forever. When all the

    aches were gone, all that was left was a strange emptiness. It took me a few moments to realize I

    wasnt breathing, and I struggled to make my lungs work. I felt like Id forgotten how to live since

    the pain had begun.

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    After that much was accomplished, I tried to remember who I was. That task was more difficult. It

    finally came to me. Bella Swan. But that wasnt quite right; eitherit had changed beforebefore

    And then a voice called to me, a voice so beautiful I would have crawled through hell just to hear it

    speak my name.

    BellaBella, come back to me now

    For that voice, I forced my eyes open. And then I saw the face that went along with it, the kind of

    face I would have launched a thousand ships for. He smiled, and everything fell into place.

    I knew this man hovering over me. He was Edward Cullen, and I loved him. That was why I was

    no longer Bella SwanI was Bella Cullen now, and he had promised me forever.

    And now forever had arrived.

    Edward, I breathed.

    He surprised me by lifting me up into his arms, clutching me to him.

    You had me worried. I thought you would never come around.

    I couldnt remember how to breathe, I explained apologetically, burrowing into his embrace. He

    didnt feel cold to me anymore, or hard, but it was a pleasant change to feel warm lips grazing my


    He chuckled. Im glad you figured it out.

    I pulled back to look at him again, to study the face that I realized Id never really known before.

    My human eyes hadnt been powerful enough to take in his extraordinary beauty. He was studying

    me, too.

    Do I look very different? I asked hopefully. I didnt imagine there would be some radical

    transformation there was no way I could ever be as beautiful as Rosalie or Alice or Esme but

    Id hoped to at least look worthy to stand at Edwards side. Seeing him now, I doubted that would

    be the case.

    No, he shook his head. No, you look like my beautiful Bella. Come look, he said, tugging me

    up from the bed. I went with him to the long dressing mirror on the closet door and found he was

    right. I hadnt really changed the same features were there in front of me. Just a little more

    angular, a little bit enhanced.

    You look lovelier than ever, he told me, brushing the hair away from my neck to plant a kiss

    there. I watched him, enthralled at the image of his lips on my skin, and shocked by the feelings

    coursing through me it had never been like thiswhen I was human.

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    I wondered if the others were home, and then I realized I should be able to hear them now if they


    Are we alone? I asked him, just in case.

    Yes, the others thought we might want some privacy. Theyre not far, though, if you

    I whirled around and cut him off by crushing my mouth to his. We both moaned as the kiss

    deepened and I pushed him back toward the bed.

    They better not come back for a few days, I said against his lips.

    His laugh was short-lived as I shoved him onto the mattress.

    The End

    A/N: Yes, that is THE end. No sequel, Im sorry. The story is told, and now its time to movealong to a new one.

    That said, thank you all for reading and reviewing and being supportive (and impatient). It means

    more to me than youll ever know.

    Ill be starting a new story very soon, as soon as I finish the first chapter, I suppose. It will be called

    Bonne Foi, and it goes a bit like this: Edward was changed in 1918 and abandoned by his sire.

    Since, he has fed off human blood, and has every intention to remain doing sountil one night

    with one frail human girl changes everything. This will be a darker story, and there will be a lot of

    sexual situations. Just to forewarn you.

    If youd like to bekept up to date with what Im writing, just go down to the bottom left of your

    screen and put me on your author alerts.