Online marketing trends

Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected] Online marketing trends Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]


A summary of main online marketing trends from different sources.

Transcript of Online marketing trends

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

Online marketing trends!

Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

In Spain brands are still mostly using digital as a mere new channel to communicate to consumers

–just like TV or radio.!But consumers are using digital beyond a new channel; for them itʼs a persistent layer of their

daily lives. All media are now digital and all experiences can be digital too. And brands who realize this and use the digital media to behave

like one more actor, humble and providing useful experiences and information and surprising

consumers, will find a great opportunity in the new digital era.!


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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!


The coming years are shaping up to be an exciting time for consumers and brands alike.!

Consumers will have access to more relevant and timely information, and !

Brands will be better informed and!empowered to develop the rich experiences that

establish and nurture strong!relationships with consumers.!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

1. Moxieʼs top ten!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

Moxieʼs Top Ten!

Cultural change

Business Goals



Every year, Moxie compiles a Top Ten List exploring the trends impacting the way consumers engage in the digital space and the way businesses function there.!

To get insight into where digital marketing is headed, we plant ourselves at the intersection of cultural change, technological progress and our clientsʼ business goals. This position gives us the perspective we need to develop a kind of roadmap for marketers; a guide for navigating the ever-shifting digital landscape. !

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

Moxieʼs Top Ten!

Sources: - Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!! - Telefónica: “La Sociedad de la información en España” 2013 !!

Before looking into the future, letʼs reflect on two key digital developments from 2012-2013 that will profoundly impact the way the future unfolds:!

63,2% of all mobiles in Spain are Smartphones!

Spain is the 1st EU country in Smartphone penetrarion!


Mobile has arrived. Mobile has gone mainstream in Spain, with 63% of all mobiles being Smartphones and the highest Smartphone penetration in the EU in 2012. This sets the stage for its continued evolution, with greater emphasis on location-based technology, near-field communications and even mobile sensors. Thanks to Smartphones, users are connected 24/7 and their digital and social lives are more active than ever. !


2)! Big data has finally gotten the respect it deserves. Businesses have actively and successfully begun to harness the data consumers leave behind. And this is only the beginning There is a huge opportunity at brands finding innovative ways to make use of interest data (how people are linked to interests), social data (how people are linked to each other) and purchase data (how people are linked to purchases).!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

1. Native advertising!Native advertising may announce the death of traditional, interruptive media. In the digital world we ought to develop brand creative in a format “natural

to the media channel being used.!

•  Native advertising such as paid search results in Google, Facebook sponsored stories and Tweeterʼs promoted tweets will spill into more social and emerging platforms.!

 There is a great opportunity for creative native advertising solutions that tap into the large, engaged audiences of networks like FB, Twitter, Tumblr, Pinterest, Mi Nube, etc.!

 Native advertising solves the conflict between user experience and connecting with a large audience; but brands have to align their ads with the platform in appearance and experience. A content that resonates on Twitter is not the same that works on FB or Tumblr. !

Aggressive messaging is unwelcome. But consumers allow brands to change their

behaviours and conform to the new digital reality.!

Brands will require a deeper understanding of the digital networks. Next years will see an increase in native advertising content over Smartphone

Apps, status updates, photos and videos.!

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

2. Remote possibilities!Wireless communication between devices is making it possible for our

mobiles to act as remote controls for everything from TVs to cars.!

•  In the coming years, brands will need to begin exploring ways to tap into the remote control lifestyle. For some companies, this means looking at how Internet connectivity can be integrated into existing products or wrapped into an app experience. Other brands will need to observe how connected devices change the purchase path to make shopping a “remote” experience that allows consumers to solve problems before they walk into the store.!

•  Meanwhile, all brands will benefit from the mobile device acting as a third screen. Marrying TV and mobile into a unified experience across devices can result in more engaging marketing campaigns. By developing robust multi-screen marketing experiences, brands and advertisers will be able to tap into the remote control trend without breaking the bank on new product development.!

The Wii U is a handheld gaming console with a GamePad controller, touch screen display, HD graphics, NFC capabilities and more.

Nest is a programmable thermostat that automatically adjusts the temperature according to the userʼs schedule, and can be accessed via mobile.

Zipcarʼs mobile app allows users to view and reserve available Zipcars in the area. The app also acts as a remote to lock/unlock car doors.

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

3. Niche Apps (1/2)!The idea of the “long tail” is applied to the apps market. Consumers of

varied hobbies, interests and tastes have pursued personal portfolios of apps that can meet essentially every need.!

Possible approaches:!

1) Identify emerging leaders in the niche app space to build a closer connection to a new audience. Beer marketers are a great example. They have pursued audiences via apps like Untappd and Pintley, which are “check in” apps that track the different beers the user has tried. Breweries can develop badges and incentivize trial through the points system in these apps. !

•  Cons: Unfortunately, the fragmentation raises barriers to reaching scale and mobile advertising effectiveness.!

Brands will be, however, able to take multiple approaches to reaching niche app audiences in coming years."

•  Pros: Fortunately for brands, these apps are driving increased time spent with mobile media. !

Untappd is a social app that allows users to share the type of beer theyʼre drinking and where theyʼre drinking it. Users unlock badges and deals as they explore new beers and locations."

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

3. Niche Apps (2/2)!

Possible approaches:!

2) Work with platforms rather than with niche apps & give discounts and benefits to consumers: An example of a success story in the the US is Cellfire, a company that distributes loyalty card cupons through its own apps. It also opens their API so other shopper apps can deliver deals to their smaller audiences. !

!In Madrid, Danone recently launched a Campaign in Metro station Callao to teach consumers how to get cupons and discounts on Danone products through their App “Alimenta Sonrisas”.!

Brands will need to keep an eye on the long tail of mobile communities in the same way theyʼve monitored social networks in the past. Understanding these emerging

digital behaviors will give businesses an upper hand in adjusting to consumer demands for products and services in the years ahead.!

Consumers will be less inclined to show off their latest Apps discoveries as in previous years; they will care most about what the app can really do for them. Apps that provide richer, deeper experiences or information will draw users because they

provide something new within the context of the familiar.!

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

4. More & better video (1/2)!Video will fast become a two-way medium across all platforms delivering

richer, more informative experiences.!

•  The rise of YouTube channels, interactive video formats, and a shift toward online and mobile video sources will make video more effective and targetable than it was in past years.!

•  Consumers have gradually become more active in their video viewing experience. They bring more sophisticated expectations: from being able to move from one screen to the next, to being fully entertained, to having their questions answered instantaneously.!

•  Applying data, dynamic creative and interactive features will drive the evolution of online video advertising in the coming years. Some growing video trends: !

 Personalized video: Online video is a test bed for experimenting with the promise of personalized and more engaging video creative. The same data-driven approach that has produced dynamic banner advertising is becoming realistic for online video advertising as well. Companies like Eyeview are driving innovation in dynamic, personalized video advertising by combining first party, third party and social data to tailor messages to individual viewers at scale.!

 Cross-platform applications: Companies like TapAd are making it possible to track viewer exposure to ads across phones, laptops, and connected TVs. Connected TV ad networks are also expanding their reach into more households, opening up viewers to new forms of video content and exposing them to more video ads. !

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

4. More & better video (2/2)!

 Interactive video: In coming years brands will experiment with fully interactive features, combined with an industry-wide standard that can guarantee scalable reach of interactive video advertisements. Interactive video standards are also driving new methods of engaging with video. Interactive video standards like VAST and VPAID, which establish protocols for publishers and brands looking to utilize interactive video, allow brands to create rich video advertisements and are driving new methods for engagement. !

Eyeview is video advertising technology that can render hundreds of thousands of videos on the fly using a single video spot, then serve them dynamically.

Mozilla Popcorn Maker is a free online video editing platform whose drag-and-drop interface facilitates easy video sharing.

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

5. Better use of big data (1/2)!In the coming years brandsʼ concern wonʼt be whether or not to leverage big

data, but how to apply it intelligently in order to solve business problems and fulfill real consumer needs. !

•  Businesses have figured out how to use data to drive immediate results, but it often comes at the expense of an optimal user experience. Consumers want the right information at the right time – and thatʼs where consumers and businesses can help each other out. !

 On one hand, brands will need to make sure they are capturing and applying data to expand their market reach.!

  On the other hand, companies will have to be intelligent o how they use this data. They must avoid abusing the data and using it to create messaging that angers consumers.!

•  Brands will seek into opportunities to use the retailersʼ usefull data (for example from online supermarkets or other stores with a target market aligned to CCC brands). As a result some retailers will increasingly become key partners for brands in the digital marketing space. Thus the success story of Amazon could be replicated to other sector (such as beer or FMCG) as online purchasing grows in the Cannary Islands; to help brands taking the leap in communicating effectively to prospects. !

•  Open access to reliable purchase data will alter the way agencies, brands and publishers approach consumer targeting.!

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

5. Better use of big data (2/2)!

•  With Googleʼs move into digital goods through Google Play, combined with the rollout of Google Wallet, the company is also moving into the shopper profiling space with more ammunition than ever before. In the US, for instance, Walmart Labs utilizes Walmartʼs data to build new digital experiences for shoppers.!

! ! !

Consumers expect a certain level of personalization from brands today. They expect brands to know them and anticipate their tastes and needs. Consumers are eager to

adopt services and engage with brands that use data to give them more control over, and simplify the path to purchase.!

We shall expect shopper profiling to become a major force in improving campaign ROI, driving business results, and proving the value of big data in coming years.!

Google Play is Googleʼs new digital shop for apps, music, books, and movie rentals for Android devices. "

In the US Neiman Marcusʼ NM Service app adds a personalized boutique experience to stores. The app automatically alerts sales associates when users enter the store and provides them with their purchase histories.

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

6. Curated Media!A new breed of curators is taking content from

multiple sources and boradcasting it in a way that builds audiences on top of niche content.!

As the volume of created and shared content grows exponentially, curators are becoming increasingly important. Consumers are looking to digital influencers to filter through the noise and highlight the content they should engage with. !

In order to benefit from this trend, brands will need to take two approaches:!

•  They must expand their definition of “digital influencer” beyond bloggers and active Twitter users. There will be new social platforms that might have big impact on consumers (YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest, have already big impact in some countries). Curators might be on platforms your brand isnʼt paying enough attention.!

•  Brands themselves can begin to behave more like curators, creating a deeper relationship with consumers as they become alternative sources of great digital content.!

M AZ is a digital publishing platform that allows publishers to create their own iPad apps. With

the Clippings feature, readers can clip any digital content and share directly to Facebook,

Twitter and Pinterest." is a gaming and media streaming hub that provides comprehensive gaming-focused

programming. The number one entertainment channel on YouTube, it has over 5 million

subscribers and over 3.7 billion video views."

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

7. Mobile Wallets (1/2)!

Source: - Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!! - “Replace your wallets with smartphones” 2013!

In coming years, more consumers than ever before will use their mobile phones as wallets.!

Platforms like ISIS or Google Wallet™ are simplifying the checkout process and utilizing purchase data to make shopper loyalty programs and coupon redemption more convenient.!

Companies like Lexus and Samsung have used NFC technology in print and outdoor campaigns to interact with users with supported smartphones. Samsungʼs outdoor ads link users directly to videos, music, and other content. Lexus used NFC-enabled print ads to trigger a mobile experience that integrated with the print creative.!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

7. Mobile Wallets (2/2)!

Google Wallet™ securely stores credit and debit cards, offers"

and loyalty cards. Some devices offer NFC capabilities so users can tap to

pay in participating stores."

Tabbedout is a mobile payment app for bars and restaurants in the US."

It captures a customerʼs order history to help establish a"profile. Users can pay and tip directly from the app and

get personalized deals based on preferences or previous purchases."

V .Me has partnered with 53 banks and 23 retailers to allow

customers to purchase items online using an ID and password.

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

8. Real Timeliness!Brands will need to embrace the development of!

relevant, super-timely content to meet the needs of the “always on” consumer.!

To fulfill these demands, brands will have to take a newsroom approach to content marketing. !

Consumers are accustomed to "Internet time", where they can access information instantly and participate.!

An “always on” marketing approach helps build authenticity and more engaged brand communities.! The Oreo Daily Twist campaign was a series of

creative Oreo portraits highlighting holidays, major events and news stories."

The daily twist honoring the birth of Shin Shin, the Chinese Panda, garnered 52,346 likes and 8,220


Nike capitalized on the 2012 Olympic Games in the US by sending out"promoted tweets via its Jordan brand during different events."

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

9. Virtual Assistants (1/2)!

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

Virtual assistants will have a huge impact on how consumers search for and discover content online.!

The application of big data sets to virtual assistant technology will drive the industry forward in the coming years. Natural language processing (such as Appleʼs Siri) will improve speech recognition. Machine vision algorithms will improve image recognition. Dynamic content, like the codes in Appleʼs Passbook and traffic prediction in Google Now, will also build greater consumer adoption and affinity for virtual assistants.!

Due to the mass adoption of other Google services like Gmail and Maps, the company has been able to create a virtual assistant platform that better anticipates usersʼ needs and improves its recommendations every time it is used.!

A Catapult “Shopper Lab” study showed that shoppers were most interested in using Siri to assist in purchases in the food

and groceries (44%), electronics (39%), and clothing categories (33%)."


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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

The growing demand for indoor maps will also create new opportunities to help customers find the products theyʼre looking for, and create more user-friendly shopping experiences.!

Users want tools that help them self-manage and explore. Time-starved consumers want to make the most of every moment and every experience. !

The result: brands will begin to effectively apply data in order to develop their own approaches to assisting consumers digitally and anticipating their needs. !

Virtual assistant applications wonʼt just be handy customer service tools, but important products that add value and build loyalty with brands.!

9. Virtual Assistants (2/2)!

Waze is a free mobile GPS app that allows drivers to build and use live maps with real-time traffic updates

and turn-by-turn navigation."

IFTTT is a service that allows users to automate tasks"among different platforms. E.g., if user uploads a photo"to Instagram, it will also send the images to Dropbox."

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

10. Think Globally (1/2)!

Brands will need to!think beyond generational demographics when developing new ideas!

to ensure broader relevance.!

In coming years, brands and agencies will need to learn the new language of the Web by turning to international audiences to gain a comprehensive understanding of how digital media is changing the way people all over the world interact.!

Technology is also removing barriers to communicating ideas globally. Advances in translation software have resulted in real-time translation apps, augmented reality text translation, and a globalized media diet that exposes people to new ideas.!

Multicultural marketers will also begin to gain a better understanding of the nuances of different cultural groups on social media and other emerging platforms.!

Consumers are looking at the emergence of a truly global internet. Content can come from everywhere, as experiences.!

Brands will be able to gain deeper insights into how different cultures approach social media, what theyʼre comfortable sharing online, and preferences for interacting with brands digitally.!

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

10. Think Globally (2/2)!

In October, Microsoft® presented its new automatic translation software. Spoken English (for example) is translated directly into

Mandarin text, then into spoken Mandarin, which can then be"rendered to sound like the speakerʼs own voice."

Burberry has integrated digital technology into its entire flagship store in London. Videos play as customers walk by

screens, and RFID tags attached to clothing provide product information."

Source: Moxie. The 2013 Perspective: Ten trends changing the digital landscape!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

2. Digital consumersʼ trends!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

1.- Empowered and demanding (1/2)!The new digital consumer will be more empowered than ever to decide what they want at the moment of consumption. !

Digital consumersʼ trends!

Seamless channel experience!Consumers are most comfortable when combining “the best of both worlds.”  They are channel agnostic. They want the speed and convenience of an online  purchase, coupled with a more broadening, satisfying and social experience.  They seek a full and enriching customer experience, as well as a stimulating  “touch and feel” environment that still takes them to a “different world.”!

Savvy and empowered!Consumersʼ power has increased through technology  advances. With access to vast amounts of information, they are empowered to find almost anything online, making  them savvy consumers, proud in knowing how to compare  prices, read reviews, and get tips from blogs. Along with their distrust of authority and cynicism toward advertising, they like the independence they receive by making their own decisions.!

Source: Amadeus 2013 (“Trending with NextGen traveler”)

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

1.- Empowered and demanding (2/2)!

Reliable brand prescriber!Brands can play an essential role in a world that lacks reliable references. Leading brands are those that make consumers feel special and unique, and offer trendy ideas and aspirational activities. This leads to strong rapport and trust, which builds more secure emotional bonds and create loyal customers.  !

Cross screens and ubiquity!Content is liquid and the touch point with consumer moves from one screen to another. Tablets, smartphones, PC, smart TV... the new shopper owns the decision of where and when consume the content. A unique campaign based in detailing the strengths and values, the storytelling of their products must be adapted and explained properly to new audiences across screens. The use of transmedia storytelling will be a must in the coming years. !

Digital consumersʼ trends!

Source: Amadeus 2013 (“Trending with NextGen traveler”)

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

2.- Social interaction: Complete social integration will power the future (1/2)!Socializing is innate to the Canarian consumer. They like to be in contact with others, sharing experiences and hobbies that reflect how they want to be viewed by peers. Mobile adds to their 24/7 connected lifestyle. Digital consumers have a “digital personality” that evolves and matures with time –just as their real personality does. Access to unlimited information has major implications for retail. !

Project personality!Smart consumers donʼt just want to be a number; they want to be valued as individuals. They have online “personalities” showcased through their photos, friends, interests and hobbies. Consumers are more transparent than ever; understanding and engaging with them is now a real possibility.!

Personalized brand content!Engage consumers with personal content. Success cannot be gauged by the number of likes/followers a brand has, but rather engagement with its audience. New consumers want content that adds value and supports them like a friend in a group. This personalized interaction is key to relationship building.!

Digital consumersʼ trends!

Source: Amadeus 2013 (“Trending with NextGen traveler”)

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

2.- Social interaction: Complete social integration will power the future (2/2)!

Social media is the “personal assistant” to their social life!Social networks inform consumers about relevant news, enable them to share photos, communicate with friends, and invite others to events. Blogs and forums provide a platform for communication among brands, peers and experts who can provide purchasing and decision-making advice.!

Stay connected!For todayʼs ever-connected consumers, a world of amazing opportunity abounds. Consumers now demand interaction on a regular basis just as they do with friends. Brands must become part of their social circle and serve as the “go-to guy” for any shopping-related question.!

Across borders!One barrier for tourists is the cost of using a mobile device when travelling to the Canary Islands. While limitations still exist, giving those the opportunities to still engage with content will create happy consumers. This includes making information pre-downloadable, available offline, or “light” for limited data usage. !

Digital consumersʼ trends!

Source: Amadeus 2013 (“Trending with NextGen traveler”)

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

3.- Finding the unfound, telling the untold, searching for uniqueness!Digital consumers want authenticity, and search for products, experiences and information that deliver “something different” and do not duplicate what they already have or know. They also want content and experiences specifically tailored to them, not intended for mass consumption.!

Co-creation!Positive collaboration between both the digital consumers and brand will lead to an increased overall experience. BRands can help by adding value through collaboration with the consumer in a personal way to improve their personal experiences -social or related to beer consumption.!

Inspiration – not dictation!Digital consumers have strong opinions about what they want, but are equally open to ideas and suggestions. Similar to co-creation, the best way to build strong, long-lasting relationships with consumers is to inspire them with activities that are different from the “typical consumer”. !

Personal fulfillment and growth!Every experience must enhance a person and fulfil needs and expectations. Because digital consumers crave uniqueness, the opportunity to improve themselves becomes more compelling than ever. Being able to pinpoint unique consumption or social experiences will develop rapport, longevity and loyalty to our brands.!

Digital consumersʼ trends!

Source: Amadeus 2013 (“Trending with NextGen traveler”)

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

Annex 1. Infografía del consumo móvil en España – septiembre de 2013!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!Source: Mobile Marketing Association. September 2013

Infografía del consumo móvil!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!Source: Mobile Marketing Association. September 2013

Infografía del consumo móvil!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!Source: Mobile Marketing Association. September 2013

Infografía del consumo móvil!

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Joaquin Hermoso | [email protected]!

Madrid C/ San Lorenzo 11 28004 Madrid. Spain Tel. +34 913 350 360

Valencia Calle Moratín 17 - 5º 46002 Valencia. Spain Tel. +34 963 47 43 42

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