on of...Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalz son Ronnie Mrs. Mar-garet lieuter, of Wood road left June 2tj to...

News of Cente reach and Lake Grove Mr» . Fthri Swilh . Kiln ' *. S-S "" .J Mrs . David Ovvrtc- n !• . ft for J'lattsburg to atlcf. d teachers al- lege for the M:;)::;:; -;- . Mrs . Oxer - tan is a Ho:::-. ' Economics teacher at the Bayport school. Bonnie Barr.ett was gue-t-ef- honor at a beach p. »r* > at tlu- Overton Cottage by the Sea . at West Meadow beach. Sunday in her.or of her ninth birthday Guests attending were Bonnie ' . - parents , Mr. and Mrs . Step hen Barr.ett. her sister . Nancy, and brother, Step hen , Mr. and Mis . Edwin Overton and daughter. Lin- ua, Mr. and Mrs . Frederick Sch- warnb and children , Pegviy, Freddy and Kevin, Mrs. John Overton and Miss Mabel Hallock. Mr. and Mrs . Step hen Barnett also observed their tenth wedding anniversary June 20. Mrs, Leonard Kingsley and chil- dren , Eunice , Ruth and Harold . and daug hters, Kim and Maude , have sold their home on Jefferson avenue and are now living in Huntington. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Herzfeld ajid daug hter , Joan , of Ridgefteld Park , N. J., were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynolds of South Colman road. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendel and children , Pamela. Candy and Scott , of Bellows Falls , Vermont , will spend the Jul y 4 weekend with Mr. Wendel' s mother, Mrs. Alma Wendel of Wood road. Nancy and Bonnie Barnett at- tended " the fifth birthday party June 26 of their cousin , Debbie Davis , in Setauket . Mrs. Jerome Suydam of Hunt- ington spent several days last week with her sister , Mrs. Wes- ley Hallock. A family graduation party was held June 24 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalz of Wood road in honor of the gradu - ation of their son , Raymond and iris c-a-i- ,. lUr.rv Keuter . > ,¦:: ot Mr. a- .i Mi- . Henry Keut.- - . - . aNc of W eed ro.ui. The families at- ' . r.doi tile g. ad- .iatio n exercise- at tire Pert Jefferson Hinh . -chooi and then return * >i to tile Sctimal/ heme. i;u< >ts were Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Fieige! and daughter , Elea- nor . Mr . and Mrs William Be-idv . Mr. and Mrs . H my Renter . Mrs. Margaret Keuter . Mrs . I. oiii. -e Haulers and Mis- Leah Keut. -r. Henry Beater araduated an honor st udent ami expects to enter state teachers college in Albany in the !a.i. Mr . and Mrs. Josep h Ceo enter- tained at a party at their home on Rustic road Sunday in honor of th. " graduation of their two children. Their daughter . Miss Ann Ceo, graduated from Port Jefferson High school June 24 arid their son, Nicholas . graduated from Junior High ninth grade from the I' nitv Drive school June 21. Ann received the Art award given by tho Bedfern shop in Port Jefferson. Guests were Mr. and Mrs . Peter Mieeli , Mr . and Mrs. Fred Mieeli . Mr. and Mrs. Ben Mieeli , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mi- eeli , Mr. and Mrs . Frank Walsh and their son , George. 'The Centereach Fire department will hold its meeting at the tire- house Monday night. The Fire de- partment with the Ladies ' auxili- ary paraded at the St James Fire department parade Friday. The Secret Pal club met at the home of Mrs . Alvin Smith Friday for luncheon. Attending were Mes- dames Albert Reynolds , George Bingay, Alma Wendel , George Kennedy, Sr., Henry Faustich , Percy Peters , Julius Hahn and Foster Overton. A surprise graduation party was given to Miss Jeannete Schorf daug hter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Schorf , of Smith street June 26, William Zerl of Brooklyn escort- ed her "\.o the Town and Country restaurant in Brooklyn and on ar- rival were greeted by a group of friends. All enjoyed a floor show , dinner and dancing to Tony Ben- nets orcliestra. Miss Schorf gradu- ated June 24 from Port Jefferson High school. Guests las t week of Mr. and Mrs. George Kennedy, Sr., of Wood road were Mrs . John Allen Ross and daug hter , Mary Marga- ret , of Williamsville; Mrs. Alex Ross and grandson , Dean Ross , of New Y' ork city, and Mr. and Mrs. William Anderson of Long Beach , Calif. While hero they hel ped cel- ebrate Mr. Kennedy ' s birthday June 26. Also present at that oc- casion was Mrs. Ann Lamboy of Wood road. Mrs. Ralph Wendel of Hawkins avenue and her father , Herman Mollenhoff of Lake Ronkonkoma , left b y plane recentl y for Ger- many to visit many relatives in many cities there , for about six weeks. They have arrived and at- tended a fiftieth wedding anniver- sary party fur Mrs. WeruK. i' s aunt and uncle. j Ral ph Williams of Hawkins ave- nue airlv -u home tioiu Carson Peck hospital in Brookl yn Friday a:ter undergoing surgery. While there he was confined in ihe same room with his father-in-law , Frank t oope r, of Brooklyn who also went and r surgery. Both are getting along nicely. The Centeieach-Selden Summer Recreation program will get un- derway Jul y 7. Registration days are Jul y 7, S and 9. The program will run throug h August 15. Morn- ing session will be held for chil- dren in the nr.>t through fourth grades with afternoon sessions for fifth through twelfth graders. The program will include athletic learn games , arts and crafts , mov- ies , picnics and pet shows. Mr . and Mrs. John Niblock of McGaw avenue entertained at a party with about 50 guests Satur- day night in honor of the gradua- tion of their son , Vincent , from tne Port Jefferson High school. The party was held in the recrea- tion room and four p iece orchestra played music for dancing and sing- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Katsaros of Eliott avenue entertained at a (barbecue party for about 50 guests Sunday in honor of their son , George Jordon , who gra duated from Cornell university as a Vet- ernarian. Many neighbors , friends and relatives attended. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steidel en- tertained the Sunday school of the St. John ' s Lutheran church , Hol- brook , at a picnic at their home on Eliott avenue Sunday after- noon. A surprise Open House Gradua- tion party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Sommerset street June 22 for their son , Daniel , who graduated June 21 from the Junior Hig h school , ninth grade at the Unity Drive school . Guests attending were Mrs. Mary Geiser of Astoria; Mrs. Susan Fleischhauer of Mat- tituck; Mr . and Mrs. Calvin Bl y- denburgh and children , Mary, James and Thomas , of Lake Ron- konkoma; Mr. and Mrs. William Gerrity and son , Arthur , and Mrs. Patricia Tony and son , William , of College Point; Mrs. Florence Burke , Mrs. Frank Golden and children , Patricia , Frank , John , Kenneth , Kevin , Florence and James of Hempstead ; William El- kins of Georgia; Harry Brown , Jr., Miss Dorothy Brown , Mr. and Mrs . Lawerance Ray and children , Bet- ty Ann , Harry and Kathleen , Mrs. Anna McNeil , George Wri g ht , Mr. and Mrs. William Johnson , Jr , and children , Patricia , Cheryl , Sharon and William , William Johnson , Sr., and Miss Patricia Bono all of Centereach. When your engagement ap- pears in The Patchogue Advance is the time for you to examine our display of Wedding station- ery. The Patchogue Advance, 20 Medford Avenue. —Adv. _ Mrs. Susan Fleischhauer of Mat- tituck spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brown of Som- merset street. Arthur Gerrity of College Point was a weekend guest. Mr. and Mrs. William Collora of 79 Long street celebrated the first birthday of their daughter , Linda Lee , June 19 with a party. Guests were Mr. and Mrs . William Lush and daug hter , Jennifer , of East North port; Mr. and Mrs. Ral ph Lush and son , Ral ph , of Kings Park; Mrs. Martha Calla- han and daughter , Debbie , and Linda 's brother , Bill y Collora , of Lake Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maier , Jr., of Oxhead road entertained at a double celebration June 21. The occasion was in honor of the grad- uation of their daug hter , Eileen , from Junior High school and the third birthday of their son , Ed- ward. Guests were grandparents , Mr. and Mrs . Charles Maier , Sr., of Ridgewood; Mr. and Mrs. Al- fred Zimmerman and Mrs. Sally Irwin of Woodhaven; Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hogan , Edward Rosch and Carolyn and Charles Maier. On June 18 Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Blydenburgh held a famil y dinner party in honor of Mr. Bl yden- burgh' s birthday . Guests were Mr. and Mrs . Harry Brown and chil- dren , Daniel , Harry, Jr., and Do- roth y, and Miss Betty Ann Ray. David Wetsell was guests-of- honor at a famil y dinner party held June 21 at the home of his grandpare n ts, Mr. and Mrs. Syd- ney Davies , of South Washington avenue in honor of his eleventh birthday. Present also were his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wet- sell , and his brother , Roger. . In the afternoon David participated in the dance recital of Mrs. Wil- liam Scott's dancing class held at the Community church. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of 41 Anne road entertained June 21 in honor of Mrs. Hansen ' s birth- day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs . William Howell of St. James; Mrs . Marion Dutzman , Miss Joan Han- sen , Arthur Hansen , Mrs. Ger- trude Howell , Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Gei ger and son , Ernest , Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Stordeur of Center- each , and Airman Third Class Frederick Berg of Westhampton. A graduation party was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Pacourek June 21 in honor of their son , Robert , who graduated from Port Jefferson High school June 24. It was an out-door party and guests were Mr. and Mrs. Frank Blydenburgh , Mrs . Frank Marti- nek , Mr. and Mrs. William Blyden- burgh , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bly- denburg h , Mr. and Mrs. William Davern , Mr. and M r s . Robert Jones , Mr. and Mrs . Al Broderick , Mike Wolosin , Jimmy Bokos , Ca- rol Pacourek , Joan Walsh , June Holihan , Marie Davern , Hudson Bokos , Celelia Wolosin , Charlie Sanders , Jimmy Jones , Dottie Nor- din and Carol Heafner. Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Walsh of Eliott avenue accompanied by Miss Ann Ceo and George Walsh motored to New York city June 21 and had dinner there in honor of the sixth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh. Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohut and children . Micky, Dennis , Arietta and Cir. i. -tina of -li Minerva lane visited Mr . and Mrs . p a ul Amutas of the Bronx June 22. Mis Amu- tas is Mrs. Kohut 's sister and the mother of a new ! .aby son . Wil- liam. It was also Christina ' s tenth birthday. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalz and son , Ronnie , and Mrs. Mar- garet lieuter , of Wood road left June 2tj to spend several days ' va- cation upstate. They visited the Grand Gorge , Hal Caverns , The Game farm , went through Troy and also visited West Point. Sth GRADE GRADUATION The Commencement exercises of the ninth grade graduating class were held J une 21 at the Unity- Drive school. The ceremonies were planned for outdoors but weather necessitated moving indoors. Stanton H. Miller , supervising principal , delivered the key ad- dress. Ronald Overton gave the valedictor" speech and was also the winner of four other classi- fications awards. He was a mem- ber of the National Junior Honor society, a member of the Student council and a past pre. ident of his class. Ronald was a member of the school baseball team and was manager last season of the soccer squad. Charles Becker gave the salu- tatory speech. He has served as president of the Student council , class representative on the school Hail patrol , a member of the soc- cer and basketball teams and was active in the World Affairs Semi- nar and Science club, Charles also won awards in two other classifi- cations. The students receiving awards are Ronald Overton , scholarship and citizenship; Martha Paulsen , science; Ronald Overton , mathe- matics; Elaine Bodkin , English; Charles Becker , American history; Ronald Overton , French; William Greenfield , Latin; Nancy Strong, Spanish; Charles Becker , social studies; Joan Eastwood , home eco- nomics and business; Fred Kirsch- enhoiter , industrial arts; Carole Stoffel , physical education; Frank Camerlingo , physical education; Ronald Overton , art; Janet Ford , school citizenship; Bernard Braun , school citizenship; Carol Stoffel, extra curricular; John Armato, extra curricular; Susan Seaman , civic attainment; Andrew JunKer , civic attainment; Daniel Panessa , personal progress; Darlinda Stil- wagen , punctuality; Rosemarie Pagnotta , student thrift; Arthur Kent , student thrift. AMBULANCE CALLS The Centereach Fire department ambulance answered two calls last week. June 27 at 4 p. m. Patrick McNulty of 58 Wagon lane , east , was brought home from Mather Memorial hospital by driver , Jack Corrado , and assistant , Robert Bekuhrs. On June 28 at 11:30 a. m. Mrs. Ann Wetzel of Parsnip Pond road was taken to Mather Memorial hospita l by driver , Gary Schor , and assistants, George Wright and Harry Brown , Jr. CHURCH SERVICES The Centereach Community church holds Sunday school at 10 a. m., worship at 11:15 a. m. and Westminstsr Fellowship at 3 p. m. at the Selden church. Members of the congregation attended the Farmingville-Holtsville Congrega- tional church Centennial service Sunday. A special meeting of offi- cers of the church will meet at 8 p. m. Monday. The Rev . Norman Minard recentl y baptized Leona Presutti , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Presutti. Gary Mentro and Paul Huller were welcomed into membership of the church at the morning service June 22. Five young people who will attend sum- mer camps were commissioned at the morning service Sunday. They are Elaine Leome , Linda Garms , Carol Williams , Koren Anello and Richard O'Daniels. The Centereach Mennonite church holds worship at 10 a. m., Sunday school at 10:45 a. m. and gospel evening service at 7:45 p. m. Sunday; Bible study hour at 7:45 p. m. Wednesday with a snecial class for young peop le. Tent meetings sponsored by the Mennonite church are being held at 7:45 n. m. all this week until July 13 in an open lot on Middle Country road in Lake Grove. Evangelist JDon Augsburger. will be the speaker and may also be heard over radio station WALK every day at 2 p. m. The First Congregational church of New Village held Sunday school at 9:45 a. m., worshi p at 11 a. m., gospel evening service at 7:30 p. m. and Young Peop le' s meeting at 6:30 p. m. Sunday; prayer and Bible study at 8 p. m: Wednesday. Hol y communion will be observed Sundav at the morning service. The Pioneer Girls enjoyed a bar- becue party at the parsonage last Thursday. Instead of Sunday even- ing service at the church , members attended the tent meeting sponsor- ed by the Mennonite church and the Wednesday night prayer meet- ing was held in conjunction with these special tent meetings. Sun- day evening and Wednesday pray- er meeting next week will be held at the tent meetings. Daily Vaca- tion Bible school will start next Monday morning at 9 a. m. The Assumption of the Virgin Mary R. C. church holds masses at the church on Crown Acres road at 8, 9, 10 and 11:30 a. m. Sunday with a dail y mass at 8 a. m. Our Savior Lutheran church holds Sunday school at 9 a. m. and worship at 8 and 10:30 a. m. Adult instruction class are held Monday. Dail y vacation Bible school will start on July 21. Here comes the bride! The strains of the wedding march will begfci auspiciousl y when you accept the cheerfully given serv- ice of The Patchogue Advance in your selection of wedding invita- 1 tions. Printed raised printing or engraving. —Adv. J left June 25 for Camp Pinnacle for the summer Mrs. Kingsley and son, Harold, will be emp loyed at the camp. Mrs . George Hulse of Hawkins avenue returned home last week after visiting two weeks with Miss Louise Tuthill of Savville. The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Ol- son and children , Karen , Tommy and David , moved into the par- sonage of the First Congrega- tiona l church of New Village on Hawkins avenue last Thursday. The Rev. Mr. Olsen was installed as the pastor of the church Sun- day. His parents , Mr. and Mrs. August Olsen , of Suffern are vis- iting with them. Mr. and Mrs . Ernest Overton observed their thirty fifth wedd- ing anniversary Saturday. In the evening they attended the Cen- tral Long Island Camp of Gideons meeting and dinner at Bronco Charlies ' restaurant in Oakdale. Also attending were Mr. and Mrs. Erich Wever. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jochum BAYPORT NEWS ITEMS Mr*. Hiram D.rruw . BAjporl 3-0699R Mr. and Mrs . William Ring house of Third avenue returned home June 21 after visiting a week with their son and daughter-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Ringhouse in Aurora , III. They attended the graduation of Mr. Ring house from Aurora college , where he was awarded a B. S. degree. Christine Watson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson of 278 Oakwood avenue , celebrated her firs t birthday June 25 at her home. One of her guests was her grandmother , Mrs. William Ring- house of Third avenue , who made the birthday cake , which was dec- orated with a circus ring, com- plete with animals and clowns as well as candles. Pink and blue decorations adorned the room , and the part y was gala with paper hats , streamers and candy baskets. Another grandmother , Mrs. Eve- l yn Watson of Sayville. as well as the fol' owing, also attended the party: Mrs. Richard Bernhard and son , Kenneth , Mrs. Albert Watson and children. Theresa , Deborah and James, Mrs. Gerard Aquaro and daughter , Susan Mrs. George Griswold and daughter , Susan , Mrs . Charles La Cour and son , David , all of Bayport; Mrs. Allan Ray- enhall and children , Susan , Bar- bara , Allan and Steven of Sayville ; Mrs. Edward Moore and son, Keith , of Patchogue; Mrs. Charles Haggerty and daughter, Carol , of Malverne. Miss Dale Rutkowski , daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Benjamin Rutkow- ski , of 63 Fairview avenue had as her guest last week her cousin , Miss Janet Rutkowski, of East Moriches. Mrs. Arnold Hanson of Oakwood avenue is spending a week visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Boag at Maiden. Mrs. Walter Haab of Gerrittson avenue has been ill for a week with tonsilitis. She is making a good recovery. Miss Barbara Bogel , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. J. Bogel , of Connequot road , held a barbe- cue picnic supper at her home for the Paunamake club members on Sunday. The Couples club of the Blue Point Baptist church met Friday at the hom e of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Mahler of Sayville. Members from Bayport attending the meet- ing were Mr . and Mrs. Benjamin Rutkowski , Mr. and - Mrs. Lewis Wo rrad , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schrage. Others were Mr. and Mrs. Alan Payne, Mr. and Mrs. De Verne Swezev, Mr. , and Mrs. Henry Morris , Mr. and Mrs. Rein- hard Nickelson all of Blue Point and Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Me- Daniel of Patchogue. The devo- tional discussion period was fol- lowed by a social hour and re- freshments. Mr. and Mrs . George Conte of Fairview avenue left Saturday for a week' s vacation at Lake George. Their son s, Steven and Tommy, and daughter , Lynn , accompanied them. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiriz and son. Charles, of Miami, Fla., were guests for dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zigrosser , Sr. , of Oakwood avenue , June 25. Mr. and Mrs. Stiri z are former resi- dents of Patchogue and are now- visiting there with Mr. Stiriz' mother , Mrs. Henry Stiriz of Conk- lin avenue. Other guests present at the dinner party were Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Reilly and, son , Ravmond. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. J. Bo- pel of Connequot road entertained June 23 at an "Open House" Grad- uation . party for their daughter, Barbara , who graduated from the Bayport High- schooL Miss Nancy Bogel. Barbara ' s sister , who is in nurse ' s training at Bassett Mem- orial hospital in Cooperstown and her guest , Dr. John Brasket of Concord , Mass., were weekend guests and attended the graduation exercises and the party at the Bogel home. Miss Mary Elizabeth Bortzfield , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bortzfield , of Edgewater avenue left June 21 from Idlewild Airport to spend the summer vacation with her grandparents , Mr. and Mrs . Green B. Cook, at their home in Bradenton. Fla. . Kathy Newburg , daughter of Mr. and Mrs . Lloyd Newburg, of Fi rst avenue celebrated her elev- enth birthday Sunday with an out- door barbecue. Guests were Karen Albin , Gail Elizabeth , Marilyn Scherff , Kathy Peterson. Maureen Maxian , Linda Marlin and Kathy ' s brothers and sister , Michael , Peg- gy, Terry and Danny. Mr. and Mrs. William Scherff of First avenue spent June 22 , at the Sayville Yacht club in Blue Point. Mr. and Mrs . William Shelbourne arid daughters of Suydam lane re- turned to the Scherff home for an outdoor supper with the Scherff children , Marilyn , William , Geor- gia Ann , Joan and Christop her , also present. Mrs. Ruth Mulson of Mamaro- neck spent a week with her broth- er-in-law and sister , Mr. and Mrs. Albert Zigroser , Sr., of Oakwood avenue. Mr. and Mrs. A rthur Shand of Gerrittson avenue and Mr. and Mrs. William Fechter of Atlantic avenue. Blue Point, returned home June 23 after a three day vaca- tion at a motel in Southampton. Miss Gail La Fountain , daughter of Mr. and Mr. Larry La Foun- tain , of Cherry avenue was the guest-of-honor at a bridal shower June 21 given for her by Mrs. Franklin McConnel at her home on McConnell avenue , Bayport. Present were Mesdames Larry La Fountain , Frank Barrie , Fred Sherman, Jack Barrie, Harol d Hirsch. George Albrecht , Alfred Van Emmerik, Jr. . Richard La Fountain , Harold Kaler, Edward Beintema , Jr., George Simms and the Misses Ann Van Wyen , Nancy Murphy and Janet Weedon . Miss La Fountain will be married Jul y 19 to Russell Barri e of Patchogue, rh the First Reformed church of Wept Sayville. SCOUT NEWS The annual father-son cook-out held at Camp Bianchi , June 23 was attended by more than thirty Scouts of the Bayport troop 130 and nineteen fathers. The salute to the Flag was led by Explorer Scout Steven Jonas. The Boy Scout pledge followed. The coming Sum- mer Camping trip slated for Aug- ust 2 to 17 was discussed by Ben- jamin Kenney scoutmaster and Philip Scott assistant scoutmaster for the edification of the fathers present. The activities of the camping trip' which will be held near Kent , Conn., were outlined. The need for adequate transporta- tion was stressed and enough pled ges of assistance given to in- sure the Scouts will reach camp and return home at the conclusion of the trip without difficulty. A weiner and marshmallow roast followed the meeting with the Scouts doing the cooking and serv- ing their fathers . Present in addi- tion to the boys were Charles M. Shillito , Powell Richards , Arthur Irvine , John Gedde. Charles Rog- ers, William Durland, Howard Kallmann , Gordon Bulcoek , Will- iam Schmid , George Batalias . Joh n Jonas , Leslie Scott , Melvin Leach , Philip Scott , Beniamin Kenney, George Kneiss , Charles Rehme , George Griswold and Dominick Papa. ' _ ' To benefit the troop in its camp- ing expedition this year, the Lions Club has donated two camper- ships , and the Bayport Fire De- partment two half-camoerships to be awarded deserving Scouts. METHODIST CHURCH At the Bayport Methodist church June 24 the Methodist Youth Fel- lowship group of 22 boys and girl s with chaperons , the Rev. and Mrs. Land on Owen and Mrs. Alfred El- lis , left for a day ' s outing at Bear Mountain. Sunny weather made the cruise up the Hudson on the steamer a very enjoyable one , with everyone enjoying a picnic lunch on their arrival. They ar- rived back home at 9 p. m. Alvin Ahern and Stewart Huggard furn- ished th' e transportation to the steamer. ' Members of the Bayport Meth- odist church Sunday school who enjoyed a week of camping at the Methodist Training camp at Shel- ter Island Heights were Warren Beitel , Richard Barrett , Gary Div- is, Elizabeth Foster and Judy Hes- ter. They left June 23 and returned June 30. Beginning Jul y 6 the Bayport Methodist church will have but one worsh ip service, at 9:30 a. rm., for the remainder of the summer and Sunday school will be discontinued until September. The Methodist Men ' s club will hold a clam bake July 19 on the Wesley House lawn. All members of the church congregation are invited. CORAM NEWS ITEMS In. Gloria Hotter. 8KM«a 2-IMt. Guests for two weeks of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bello are Mr. and Mrs. Anthony SgambeUuri and daughter , Angela, Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Flarety and child- ren , Kathy aand Thomas, and Mr. and Mrs . Dominick Santufo and daughter, Susan, all of Haledon , N. J. The third annual barbecue of the Coram Community club will be held on the club grounds at 4 p. m. Saturday. It will be held in the club house in the event of rain. Chef will be Wilfred Pa- quette, Sr., president of the club. The club will present its play Dreamer' s Vacation July 11 and 12. The play is written and di- rected by Mrs. Marjorie Clay. Marie " Mazzoni of Pauls path is spending a two week vacation in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. George Lyon and Mrs. Chris Wittschack attended the Centereach Lions Club dinner Saturday at. the Hotel Henry Perkins in Riverhead. Las t Saturday Mrs. Anna Seh wefel of Yaphank . road- cele- brated her seventy-seventh birthr day. Mrs. Sehwefel is, the mother or Mrs. Ann Christiansen, and grandmother of Howard Christian- sen and has a great granddaugh- ter , Penn y Christiansen, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Christiansen, all of Yaphank road. Val Marz won a gift certificate from Gertz Pie club for writing an essay on Space TraveJ. _ The Coram four leaf clover girls will meet at the home of Mrs . Julia Morris Thursday night. Their cake sale was a success and they are buying materials for their arts and crafts project. The girls are making plastic bracelets , holidav candl es and plastic flow»rs. These will be on display at the summer fair held &!¦ Yaphank infirmary in August. Airman, third class Leverett Brown arrived home Sunday from A' exandria , La., to vHit a week with his mother. ' Mrs. Elsie Brown of Mill road. Weekend guest of Mrs. Elsie Brown was Mrs . Elizabeth Con- don of Medford . Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs . Howard Christiansen were Mr and Mrs. Paul A. Freeth of Port Jefferson Stati on. The Naomi circle will hold its annual bazaar Julv 18 on the church grounds. There will be new and old articles for sale. Recentlv the Chapel choir of the Trinity Methodist church gave Miss Joyce Townsend of Moony pond a surprise bridal shower. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon and children Mark. Robi n and Crai g, are spending the summer in their summer home at Westmeadow Beach. New residents of Shady Lane are Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rade and children , William and Eileen , for- merl y of Ridgewood. Guests of Mrs . Julia Morris for a week were her daug hter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs . Arden Kinney of Mars HilL Me. Also Mr. Kinney ' s mother and father. Mr. and Mrs . Barnes Kinney. The card party held by the Co- ram unit of the Brookhaven Mem- orial hospital was very success- ful. Calling all brides ! Don't make your selection until you see our invitations, receptions or an- nouncements, raised -printed , printed or engraved. Popular prices, fast delivery. The Patcho- ogue Advance. —Adv. Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Marz were Mr. and Mrs Earl Hartt of Belle Terre. > Sunday Mr. and Mrs . Wilfred Paquette, Jr., and children , Paul Michael , 0 -gory, Bill y and Di- ane spent ie day in Brooklyn They visited the zoo and later visited Mrs. Joseph Connelly and Mrs. John Van Dyke CORAM FIRE DEPT NEWS No fires were reported in the area this week. The Middle Island fire depart- ment covered the Coram fire dis- trict Saturday night while the fireman and trucks participated in the St. James Parade. The children of the fire depart- ment band will meet at th» fire house at 6 p. m . tonight for the parade m Port Jefferson station Band practice will be at the Co- ram fi re house at 7:30 p. m. July 5 and July 7. . Legal Notice NOTICE OF SALE COUNTY COURT : SUFFOLK COUNTY : GROVER LUMBER <- S * U P P L Y CORP., Plaintiff, against STANLEY RULAND , ANT H O N Y MIRABELLA , JU- DITH RULAND , GRACE RUL- AND , ELIZABETH ROMEO and THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK , Defendants. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly made and entered in the above entitled action and bearing date the 4th day of June , 1958, I , the under- signed, the referee in said judg- ment named will sell at public auction at the steps of the Brook- haven Town Hall , Village of Pat- chogue. Town of Brookhaven , County of Suffolk , New York , on the 19th day of August , 1958, at 11:00 A. M. o' clock , the premises directed by said judgment to be sold and therein described as fol- lows : ALL tha t certain piece, parcel •or t rac t of land situate , lying and being at Patchogue , Town of Brookhaven , Suffolk County, New York , and more particularly de- scribed as follows : COMMENC- ING at a point on the south side of Liberty Street distant 200 feet east of Bay Avenue; running thence along the said Liberty Street 61.46 feet to land of Cisco ; running thence south 180 feet along land of said Cisco to a point and land of Dion; running thence by and with land of said Dion 55.58 feet to a point; running thence north 179.46 feet to Liberty Street and to the point or place of beginning. Dated : Patchogue, New York , June 18 , 1958, MAHLO N FECH- TER , Referee; DAVIDOW AND DAVIDOW, Attorneys for Plain- tiff , 24 West Main Street , Patch- ogue, New York. STATE OF NEW YORK) DE- PARTMENT OF STATE) SS. : 1 ; DO HEREBY CERTIFY that a certificate of dissolution of THE SEVE N GRAND CORP. has been filed in this department this day and that it appears therefrom that such corporation has com- plied with section one hundred and five of the Stock Corporation Law, and that it is dissolved. GIVEN IN DUPLICATE under my hand and official seal of the Department of State, at the City of Albany, this twenty-sixth day of June , one thousand nine hun- dred and fifty-eight. CARMINE G. DeSAPIO , Secretary of State By Samuel London , Deputy Secre - tary of State. NOTICE TO BIDDERS The Board of Cooperative Edu- cational Services of the Second Supervisory District , Suffolk Coun- ty (in accordance with . Section 305, Subdivision 14 of the State Education Law) hereby invites the submission of sealed bids on trans- portation for approximatel y one hundred seventy-five (175) stu- dents. Bids will be received until 3:00 P. M. Daylight Saving Time on the 11th day of July 1958, at the Office of the District Superinten- dent of Schools , 292 Medfo rd Ave- nue , Patchogue, New York at which time and p'ace all b : ds will be publicly opened. Specifications and Bid Form s may be obtained at the same office. The Board of Cooperative Edu- cational Services reserves the ri ght to reject any or all bids. Date : July 3 , 1958 Henry F. Osterm ann , Clerk NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the following license has been renewed to the undersigned to sell beer at retail under the Alcoholic Bever- age Control Law for off-premises consumption : 07 GB-5, #150-160 on the South side of East Main Street , Patchogue , N . Y. THE GREAT ATLANTIC and PACIFIC TEA CO. SUPREME COURT : SUFFOLK COUNTY RALPH BUECHELE ' : : ACTION Plaintiff : NO. 8 -against- : Index : Number TWO JANE WON- : DERLAND , INC. et al. : 42695 - : 1957 Defendants. : Pursuant to judgment herein, dated June 3, 1958, I will sell at public auction to the hi ghest bid- der , at the front steps of the Suf- folk County Court House , Grimng Avenue , in Riverhead , New York , at 10:00 o' clock in the forenoon on the 19th day of August , 1958, the premises in the Town of Brook- haven , County of Suffolk , State of New York , as in said jud gment described as follows: PARCEL 1 ALL those certain lots , pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the Town of Brook- haven , County of Suffolk and State of New York , and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Norton Park , Section One " , and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 26, 1906, as Map #387, and being known on said map as lots num- bered 226. PARCEL 2 ALL those certain lots , pieces or parcels of land situate , lying and being in the Town of Brook- haven, County of Suffolk and State of New Yo rk and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Nor- ton Park , Section Five" , and filed in the Office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on December 14, 1906 as Map #517 , and being known on said map as lots num- bered 83 to 86 inc.. 227 to 238 inc., 517 to 532 inc . and 828. PARCEL 3 ALL those certain lots , pieces or parcels of land situate , lying and being in the Town of Brook- haven , County of Suffolk and State of New York and designated on a certain map entitled "Map of Nor- ton Park , Section Ei ght", and filed in the office of the Clerk of the County of Suffolk on January 12, 1907 as Map #558, and being known ¦ on said map as lots num- bered 531, 637, 1047, 1048, 1164 and 1165. Refe rence is made to said judg- ment for a complete description of the mortgaged premises. Dated , June 19th , 1958. OSCAR MUROV . Referee CAMPBELL & HILLS Attorneys for Plaintiff 140 Nassau Street , New York , 38, New York NOTICE Notice is hereby given that license number 07A1696 has been issued to the undersigned to sell beer and cider at retail , under the Alcoholic Beverage Control Law , in a store at 836 Montauk High- way, Bayport , Suffolk County, Long Island , N. Y., for off-prem- ises consumption. KURT KNOERNSCHILD , d/b/a-Kurt' s Delicatessen 836 Montauk Highway, Bayport , L. I., New York NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that pur- suant to the Zoning Ordinance of the Incorporated Village of Patch- ogue , New York , a public hearing will be held in the Municipal Build- ing, at 14 Baker Street , in said Village , on Thursday, Jul y 10, 1958 at 7:30 P. M. o' clock to hear and determine the appeal of CARL H. HOFFMANN , executor of tho estate of Madeline E. Lightbody, dee'd., to alte r the existing build- ing and use so as to convert the same into an apartment house . with three apartments on the first floor and three apartments on the second floor , said building being located at No. 127 Rider Avenue , Patchogue , New York , in "B" Residence District of Building Zone Ordinance of the Incorporat- ed Village of Patchogue, New York. All persons desiring to be heard either for or against the pro posi- tion will be afforded an opportun- ity to be heard. MILTON G . WIGGINS , 2nd , Chairman Zoning Board of Appeals Village of Patchogue, N. Y. NOTICE TO BIDDERS Sealed bids are requested for the transportation of approximate- ly 380 pupils of school district number 19, Ridge , Brookhaven Town, N. Y. for 1 year beginning with the school year 1958-1959. (Trustees may not enter into contracts " either for one year or for more than one year unless specific authorization is . given by the voters or transportation has been directed b y order of the Com- missioner of Education.) ¦ The following is the route or routes of the transportation veh- icle:- Transportation of approximate- ly 95 pupils to Port Jefferson Hig h School and Parochial School. Transportation of approximate- ly 285 pupil?? to, Ridge School. Route of vehicles may be ob- tained from Arthur L. Minardi , Bo- 213, Ridge , L. I., N. Y. Form of proposal, copy of pro- posed contract and envelope in which to inclose bid may be ob- tained from John P. Schneider , Ridge. L I., N. Y. on request. Sealed bids on the forms and in the envelopes provided for the purpose are to be in the hands of the clerk, John P. Schneider , Ridge , L. L. N. Y.. not later than Julv 31st , 1958, 8:00 P. M., E. D. S. T. Thev will be publicly opened at Ridge School N. Y., July 31st , 1958 at 8:00 P. M-, E. D. S. T. The Board of Education hereby reserves the ri ght to reject any or all bids. John P. Schneider Clerk , Dist. No. 19 Town of Brookhaven County of Suffolk John Anastasi John Anastasi , Principal l /fJH?nW MORTGAGE 1 H H| L0ANS ^fflB^ AVAILABLE ON NEW HOMES PLANNING TO REBUILD OR REMODEL? WE ALSO HANDLE HOME IMPROVEMENT LOANS Bank oiXj Us to Meet Your Every Banking Need The National Bank of Lake Ronkonkoma MFMRF R * FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORP. lYlUTIDEIi. FEDERAL RESERVE BANK Hawkins Avenue ROnkonkoma 9-9394 OPEN FRIDAY EVENING 6:30 TO 8 f ¦¦¦¦¦--¦ ¦ " ' ' America Takes to the Water . . To millions, the fun of fishing and cruising has added joy to living. INSURANCE has kept pace with an "ALL RISK POLICY" covering Fire, Theft , Collision , even Overturn. So enjoy your new fou nd pleasure but call us for the p roper protection. HUGHES & STILL, Inc. Route 25 CENTEREACH RO. 9-8048—9 I -_ . i ' |J |J I' WWIU..1' . il'Mj i .. I ;II I , I , n il , . .. . , ,n State Capitol Construction of the present New York State capitol began Decem- ber 9, 1867.

Transcript of on of...Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalz son Ronnie Mrs. Mar-garet lieuter, of Wood road left June 2tj to...

Page 1: on of...Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalz son Ronnie Mrs. Mar-garet lieuter, of Wood road left June 2tj to spend several days' va-cation upstate. They visited the Grand Gorge, Hal Caverns,

News of Centereach and Lake GroveMr». Fthri Swilh . Kiln '*. S-S "".J

Mrs . David Ovvrtc- n !•. f t forJ'lattsburg to atlcf. d teacher s al-lege for the M:;)::;:; - ;- . Mrs . Oxe r -tan is a Ho:::-.' Economics teacherat the Bayport school.

Bonnie Barr.et t was gue - t - e f -honor at a beach p.»r* > at tlu-Overton Cottage by the Sea . atWest Meadow beach. Sunday inher.or of her ninth b i r thda yGuests a t tending were Bonnie '.-parents , Mr. and Mrs . Step henBarr.ett. her sister . Nancy, andbrother , Step hen , Mr. and M is .Edwin Overton and daughter . Lin-ua, Mr. and Mrs . Frederick Sch-warnb and children , Pegviy, Freddyand Kevin, Mrs. John Overton andMiss Mabel Hallock. Mr. and Mrs .Stephen Barnett also observedtheir tenth weddin g anniversaryJune 20.

Mrs, Leonard Kingsley and chil-dren , Eunice , Ruth and Harold .

and daughters , Kim and Maude ,have sold their home on Jeffersonavenue and are now living inHuntington.

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Herzfeldajid daughter, Joan , of RidgefteldPark, N. J., were weekend guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Albert Reynoldsof South Colman road.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wendel andchildren, Pamela. Candy and Scott,of Bellows Falls, Vermont , willspend the July 4 weekend withMr. Wendel's mother, Mrs. AlmaWendel of Wood road.

Nancy and Bonnie Barnett at-tended " the fifth birthday partyJune 26 of their cousin , DebbieDavis, in Setauket.

Mrs. Jerome Suydam of Hunt-ington spent several days lastweek with her sister, Mrs. Wes-ley Hallock.

A family graduation party washeld June 24 at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Herman Schmalz ofWood road in honor of the gradu-ation of their son, Raymond and

• i r i s c - a - i - , . lUr . rv K e u t e r . > ,¦:: otMr. a- .i M i - . Henry Keut .- -.- . aNcof W eed ro.ui. The fami l ies a t -'. r.doi t i le g. ad - . iat io n exercise- att i r e Pert Jefferson H i n h .-chooi andthen r e t u r n * >i to tile Sct ima l /heme. i ; u< > t s w e r e Mr. and Mrs.Fr i tz Fieige! and d a u gh t e r , Elea-nor . Mr . and Mr s W i l l i am Be-idv .Mr. and Mrs . H m y Renter . Mrs.Margare t K e u t e r . Mrs . I.o i i i . -eHaulers and Mis - Leah Keu t . -r.H e n r y Beater araduated an honorst udent ami expec t s to enter s ta t eteachers college in A l b a n y in the!a.i.

Mr . and Mrs. Josep h Ceo enter-tained at a party at their homeon Rustic road Sunday in honorof th . " graduat ion of their twochildren. Their daughter . MissAnn Ceo, graduated from PortJefferson High school June 24 aridthe i r son, Nicholas . graduatedfrom Junior High n i n t h gradefrom the I ' n i tv Drive school June21. Ann rec eived the Art awardgiven by tho Bedfern shop in PortJefferson. Guests were Mr. andMrs . Peter Mieeli , Mr . and Mrs.Fred Mieeli . Mr. and Mrs. BenMieeli , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mi-eeli , Mr. and Mrs . Frank Walshand their son , George.

'The Centereach Fire departmentwill hold its meeting at the tire-house Monday night. The Fire de-partment with the Ladies' auxili-ary paraded at the St James Firedepartment parade Friday.

The Secret Pal club met at thehome of Mrs . Alvin Smith Fridayfor luncheon. Attendin g were Mes-dames Albert Reynolds , GeorgeBingay, Alma Wendel , GeorgeKennedy, Sr., Henry Faustich ,Percy Peters, Julius Hahn andFoster Overton.

A surprise graduation partywas given to Miss Jeannete Schorfdaughter of Mr. and Mrs. OscarSchorf , of Smith street June 26,William Zerl of Brooklyn escort-ed her "\.o the Town and Countryrestaurant in Brooklyn and on ar-rival were greeted by a group offriends. All enjoyed a floor show,dinner and dancing to Tony Ben-nets orcliestra. Miss Schorf gradu-ated June 24 from Port JeffersonHigh school.

Guests last week of Mr. andMrs. George Kennedy, Sr., ofWood road were Mrs. John AllenRoss and daughter , Mary Marga-ret, of Williamsville; Mrs. AlexRoss and grandson , Dean Ross, ofNew Y'ork city, and Mr. and Mrs.William Anderson of Long Beach ,Calif. While hero they hel ped cel-ebrate Mr. Kennedy 's birthdayJune 26. Also present at that oc-casion was Mrs. Ann Lamboy ofWood road.

Mrs. Ralph Wendel of Hawkinsavenue and her father , HermanMollenhoff of Lake Ronkonkoma ,left by plane recently for Ger-many to visit many relatives inmany cities there, for about sixweeks. They have arrived and at-tended a fiftieth wedding anniver-

sary party fur Mrs. WeruK. i' s auntand uncle.

j Ral ph Williams of Hawkins ave-nue a i r l v -u home t i o i u CarsonPeck hospital in Brookl yn Fridaya : te r undergoing surgery. Whilethere he was confined in ihe sameroom wi th his father-in-law , Frankt oope r, of Brooklyn who also wentand r surgery. Both are gettingalong nicely.

The Centeieach-Selden SummerRecreation program will get un-derway Jul y 7. Registration daysare Jul y 7, S and 9. The programwill run throug h August 15. Morn-ing session will be held for chil-dren in the nr.>t through fourthgrades with afternoon sessions forf i f t h through twelfth graders. Theprogram will i n c l u d e athleticlearn games, arts and crafts , mov-ies , picnics and pet shows.

Mr . and Mrs. John Niblock ofMcGaw avenue entertained at aparty with about 50 guests Satur-day night in honor of the gradua-tion of their son, Vincent , fromtne Port Jefferson High school.The party was held in the recrea-tion room and four piece orchestraplayed music for dancing and sing-ing.

Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Katsarosof Eliott avenue entertained at a(barbecue party for about 50 guestsSunday in honor of their son,George Jordon , w h o graduatedfrom Cornell university as a Vet-ernarian. Many neighbors, friendsand relatives attended.

Mr. and Mrs. Paul Steidel en-tertained the Sunday school of theSt. John's Lutheran church, Hol-brook , at a picnic at their homeon Eliott avenue Sunday after-noon.

A surprise Open House Gradua-tion party was held at the homeof Mr. and Mrs. Harry Brownof Sommerset street June 22 fortheir son, Daniel, who graduatedJune 21 from the Junior Hig hschool , ninth grade at the UnityDrive school . Guests attendingwere Mrs. Mary Geiser of Astoria;Mrs. Susan Fleischhauer of Mat-tituck; Mr . and Mrs. Calvin Bly-denburgh and children , M a r y ,James and Thomas, of Lake Ron-konkoma; Mr. and Mrs. WilliamGerrity and son , Arthur , and Mrs.Patricia Tony and son, William ,of College Point; Mrs. FlorenceBurke , Mrs. Frank Golden andchildren , Patricia , Frank , John ,Kenneth , Kevin , Florence andJames of Hempstead ; William El-kins of Georgia; Harry Brown , Jr.,Miss Dorothy Brown, Mr. and Mrs.Lawerance Ray and children , Bet-ty Ann , Harry and Kathleen , Mrs.Anna McNeil , George Wri ght , Mr.and Mrs. William Johnson , Jr , andchildren , Patricia , Cheryl , Sharonand William , William Johnson , Sr.,and Miss Patricia Bono all ofCentereach.

When your engagement ap-pears in The Patchogue Advanceis the time for you to examineour display of Wedding station-ery. The Patchogue Advance, 20Medford Avenue.—Adv.

_ Mrs. Susan Fleischhauer of Mat-tituck spent last week with Mr.and Mrs. Harry Brown of Som-merset street. Arthur Gerrity ofCollege Point w a s a weekendguest.

Mr. and Mrs. William Colloraof 79 Long street celebrated thefirst birthday of their daughter ,Linda Lee, June 19 with a party.Guests were Mr. and Mrs. WilliamLush and daughter , Jennifer, ofEast Northport; Mr. and M r s .Ral ph Lush and son , Ralph , ofKings Park; Mrs. Martha Calla-han and daughter , Debbie , a n dLinda's brother, Billy Collora , ofLake Grove.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maier, Jr.,of Oxhead road entertained at adouble celebration June 21. Theoccasion was in honor of the grad-uation of their daughter , Eileen ,from Junior High school and thethird birthday of their son, Ed-ward. Guests were grandparents,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maier, Sr.,of Ridgewood; Mr. and Mrs. Al-fred Zimmerman and Mrs. SallyIrwin of Woodhaven; Mr. and Mrs.Daniel Hogan, Edward Rosch andCarolyn and Charles Maier.

On June 18 Mr. and Mrs. CalvinBlydenburgh held a family dinnerparty in honor of Mr. Blyden-burgh's birthday. Guests were Mr.and Mrs. Harry Brown and chil-dren , Daniel , Harry, Jr., and Do-rothy, and Miss Betty Ann Ray.

David Wetsell w a s guests-of-honor at a family dinner partyheld June 21 at the home of hisgrandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Syd-ney Davies, of South Washingtonavenue in honor of his eleventhbirthday. Present also were hisparents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wet-sell , and his brother, Roger. . Inthe afternoon David participatedin the dance recital of Mrs. Wil-liam Scott's dancing class held atthe Community church.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hansen of41 Anne road entertained June 21in honor of Mrs. Hansen's birth-day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs.William Howell of St. James; Mrs.Marion Dutzman , Miss Joan Han-sen, Arthur Hansen , Mrs. Ger-trude Howell , Mr. and Mrs. ErnestGeiger and son , Ernest, Mr. andMrs. Gerald Stordeur of Center-each, a n d Airman Third ClassFrederick Berg of Westhampton.

A graduation party was held atthe home of Mr. and Mrs. FrankPacourek June 21 in honor of theirson , Robert , who graduated fromPort Jefferson High school June24. It was an out-door party andguests were Mr. and Mrs. FrankBlydenburgh , Mrs. Frank Marti-nek , Mr. and Mrs. William Blyden-burgh , Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Bly-denburgh, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamDavern , Mr. and M r s . RobertJones , Mr. and Mrs. Al Broderick ,Mike Wolosin , Jimmy Bokos, Ca-rol Pacourek , Joan Walsh , JuneHolihan , Marie Davern , HudsonBokos , Celelia Wolosin , CharlieSanders, Jimmy Jones, Dottie Nor-din and Carol Heafner.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank V. Walshof Eliott avenue accompanied byMiss Ann Ceo and George Walshmotored to New York city June21 and had dinner there in honorof the sixth wedding anniversary

of Mr. and Mrs. Walsh.Mr. and Mrs. Michael Kohut and

children . Micky , Dennis , Ariettaand Cir. i.- t ina of -li Minerva lanev i s i t ed Mr . and Mr s . paul Amutasof the Bronx June 22. Mis Amu-tas is Mrs. Kohut 's sister and themother of a new !.aby son . Wil-liam. It was also Christina 's t enthbirthday.

Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schmalzand son , Ronnie , and Mrs. Mar-garet lieuter , of Wood road leftJune 2tj to spend several days ' va-cation upstate. They visited theGrand Gorge , Hal Caverns , TheGame farm , went through Troyand also visited West Point.

Sth GRADE GRADUATIONThe Commencement exercises of

the ninth grade graduating classwere held J une 21 at the Unity -Drive school. The ceremonies wereplanned for outdoors but weathernecessitated moving i n d o o r s .Stanton H. Miller , supervisingprincipal , delivered the key ad-dress. Ronald Overton gave thevaledictor" speech and was alsothe winner of four other classi-fications awards. He was a mem-ber of the National Junior Honorsociety, a member of the Studentcouncil and a past pre. ident ofhis class. Ronald was a memberof the school baseball team andwas manager last season of thesoccer squad.

Charles Becker gave the salu-tatory speech. He has served aspresident of the Student council ,class representative on the schoolHail patrol , a member of the soc-cer and basketball teams and wasactive in the World Affairs Semi-nar and Science club, Charles alsowon awards in two other classifi-cations.

The students receiving awardsare Ronald Overton , scholarshipand citizenship; Martha Paulsen,science; Ronald Overton , mathe-matics; Elaine Bodkin , English;Charles Becker, American history;Ronald Overton , French; WilliamGreenfield , Latin; Nancy Strong,Spanish; Charles Becker, socialstudies; Joan Eastwood , home eco-nomics and business; Fred Kirsch-enhoiter , industrial arts; CaroleStoffel , physical education; FrankCamerlingo, physical education;Ronald Overton , art; Janet Ford ,school citizenship; Bernard Braun ,school citizenship; Carol Stoffel,extra curricular; John Armato,extra curricular; Susan Seaman,civic attainment; Andrew JunKer ,civic attainment; Daniel Panessa,personal progress; Darlinda Stil-wagen , punctuality; RosemariePagnotta , student thrift; ArthurKent , student thrift.

AMBULANCE CALLSThe Centereach Fire department

ambulance answered two calls lastweek. June 27 at 4 p. m. PatrickMcNulty of 58 Wagon lane, east,was brought home from MatherMemorial hospital by driver , JackCorrado, a n d assistant, RobertBekuhrs. On June 28 at 11:30a. m. Mrs. Ann Wetzel of ParsnipPond road was taken to MatherMemorial hospita l by driver, GarySchor, and assistants, GeorgeWright and Harry Brown, Jr.

CHURCH SERVICESThe C e n t e r e a c h Community

church holds Sunday school at 10a. m., worship at 11:15 a. m. andWestminstsr Fellowship at 3 p. m.at the Selden church. Members ofthe congregation attended theFarmingville-Holtsville Congrega-tional church Centennial serviceSunday. A special meeting of offi-cers of the church will meet at8 p. m. Monday. The Rev. NormanMinard recently baptized LeonaPresutti , daughter of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Presutti. Gary Mentro andPaul Huller were welcomed intomembership of the church at themorning service June 22. Fiveyoung people who will attend sum-mer camps were commissioned atthe morning service Sunday. Theyare Elaine Leome, Linda Garms,Carol Williams, Koren Anello andRichard O'Daniels.

The C e n t e r e a c h Mennonitechurch holds worship at 10 a. m.,Sunday school at 10:45 a. m. andgospel evening service at 7:45p. m. Sunday; Bible study hourat 7:45 p. m. Wednesday with asnecial class f o r young people.Tent meetings sponsored by theMennonite church are being heldat 7:45 n. m. all this week untilJuly 13 in an open lot on MiddleCountry r o a d in Lake Grove.Evangelist JDon Augsburger. willbe the speaker and may also beheard over radio station WALKevery day at 2 p. m.

The First Congregational churchof New Village held Sunday schoolat 9:45 a. m., worship at 11 a. m.,gospel evening service at 7:30 p.m. and Young People's meeting at6:30 p. m. Sunday; prayer andBible study at 8 p. m: Wednesday.Holy communion will be observedSundav at the morning service.The Pioneer Girls enjoyed a bar-becue party at the parsonage lastThursday. Instead of Sunday even-ing service at the church, membersattended the tent meeting sponsor-ed by the Mennonite church andthe Wednesday night prayer meet-ing was held in conjunction withthese special tent meetings. Sun-day evening and Wednesday pray-er meeting next week will be heldat the tent meetings. Daily Vaca-tion Bible school will start nextMonday morning at 9 a. m.

The Assumption of the VirginMary R. C. church holds massesat the church on Crown Acres roadat 8, 9, 10 and 11:30 a. m. Sundaywith a dail y mass at 8 a. m.

O u r Savior Lutheran churchholds Sunday school at 9 a. m.and worship at 8 and 10:30 a. m.Adult instruction class are heldMonday. Daily vacation Bibleschool will start on July 21.

Here comes the bride! Thestrains of the wedding marchwill begfci auspiciously when youaccept the cheerfully given serv-ice of The Patchogue Advance inyour selection of wedding invita- 1tions. Printed raised printing orengraving.—Adv. J

left June 25 for Camp Pinnac lefor the summer Mrs. Kingsleyand son, Harold, wi l l be emp loyedat the camp.

Mrs. George Hulse of Hawkinsavenue returned home last weekafter visiting two weeks with MissLouise Tuthill of Savvil le.

The Rev. and Mrs. Kenneth Ol-son and children , Karen , Tommyand David , moved into the par-sonage of the First Congrega-tiona l church of New Village onHawkins avenue last Thursday.The Rev. Mr. Olsen was installedas the pastor of the church Sun-day. His parents , Mr. and Mrs.August Olsen , of Suffern are vis-iting with them.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Overtonobserved their thirty f i f th wedd-ing anniversary Saturday. In theevening they attended the Cen-tral Long Island Camp of Gideonsmeeting and dinner at BroncoCharlies' restaurant in Oakdale.Also attending were Mr. and Mrs.Erich Wever.

Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Jochum

BAYPORT NEWS ITEMSMr*. Hiram D.rruw . BAjporl 3-0699R

Mr. and Mrs. William Ringhouseof Third avenue returned homeJune 21 after visiting a week withtheir son and daughter-in-law , Mr.and Mrs. Ronald Ringhouse inAurora , III. They attended thegraduation of Mr. Ringhousefrom Aurora college , where hewas awarded a B. S. degree.

Christine Watson, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Joseph Watson of278 Oakwood avenue, celebratedher firs t birthday June 25 at herhome. One of her guests was hergrandmother, Mrs. William Ring-house of Third avenue, who madethe birthday cake, which was dec-orated with a circus ring, com-plete with animals and clowns aswell as candles. Pink and bluedecorations adorned the room , andthe part y was gala with paperhats, streamers and candy baskets.Another grandmother, Mrs. Eve-lyn Watson of Sayville. as well asthe fol'owing, also attended theparty: Mrs. Richard Bernhard andson, Kenneth , Mrs. Albert Watsonand children. Theresa , Deborahand James, Mrs. Gerard Aquaroand daughter, Susan Mrs. GeorgeGriswold and daughter, Susan, Mrs.Charles La Cour and son, David,all of Bayport; Mrs. Allan Ray-enhall and children , Susan, Bar-bara , Allan and Steven of Sayville ;Mrs. Edward Moore and son,Keith , of Patchogue; Mrs. CharlesHaggerty and daughter, Carol, ofMalverne.

Miss Dale Rutkowski, daughterof Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Rutkow-ski, of 63 Fairview avenue had asher guest last week her cousin,Miss Janet Rutkowski, of EastMoriches.

Mrs. Arnold Hanson of Oakwoodavenue is spending a week visitingat the home of Mr. and Mrs. HughBoag at Maiden.

Mrs. Walter Haab of Gerrittsonavenue has been ill for a weekwith tonsilitis. She is making agood recovery.

Miss Barbara Bogel, daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Charles H. J. Bogel ,of Connequot road , held a barbe-cue picnic supper at her home forthe Paunamake club members onSunday.

The Couples club of the BluePoint Baptist church met Fridayat the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed-ward Mahler of Sayville. Membersfrom Bayport attending the meet-ing were Mr. and Mrs. BenjaminRutkowski, Mr. and - Mrs. LewisWorrad , Mr. and Mrs. FrankSchrage. Others were Mr. andMrs. Alan Payne, Mr. and Mrs.De Verne Swezev, Mr. , and Mrs.Henry Morris, Mr. and Mrs. Rein-hard Nickelson all of Blue Pointand Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Me-Daniel of Patchogue. The devo-tional discussion period was fol-lowed by a social hour and re-freshments.

Mr. and Mrs. George Conte ofFairview avenue left Saturday fora week's vacation at Lake George.Their sons, Steven and Tommy,and daughter, Lynn, accompaniedthem.

• Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stiriz andson. Charles, of Miami, Fla., wereguests for dinner at the home ofMr. and Mrs. Albert Zigrosser, Sr.,of Oakwood avenue , June 25. Mr.and Mrs. Stiriz are former resi-dents of Patchogue and are now-visiting there with Mr. Stiriz'mother, Mrs. Henry Stiriz of Conk-lin avenue. Other guests presentat the dinner party were Mr. andMrs. Raymond Reilly and, son,Ravmond. Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. J. Bo-pel of Connequot road entertainedJune 23 at an "Open House" Grad-uation . party for their daughter,Barbara, who graduated from theBayport High- schooL Miss NancyBogel. Barbara's sister, who is innurse's training at Bassett Mem-orial hospital in Cooperstown andher guest, Dr. John Brasket ofConcord, Mass., were weekendguests and attended the graduationexercises and the party at theBogel home.

Miss Mary Elizabeth Bortzfield ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. CharlesBortzfield , of Edgewater avenueleft June 21 from Idlewild Airportto spend the summer vacation withher grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.Green B. Cook, at their home inBradenton. Fla.. Kathy Newburg , daughter of

Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Newburg, ofFirst avenue celebrated her elev-enth birthday Sunday with an out-door barbecue. Guests were KarenAlbin , Gail Elizabeth, MarilynScherff , Kathy Peterson. Maureen

Maxian , Linda Marlin and Kathy 'sbrothers and sister , Michael , Peg-gy, Terry and Danny.

Mr. and Mrs. Will iam Scherff ofFirst avenue spent June 22, at theSayville Yacht club in Blue Point.Mr. and Mrs . William Shelbournearid daughters of Suydam lane re-turned to the Scherff home for anoutdoor supper with the Scherffchildren , Marilyn , William , Geor-gia Ann , Joan and Christop her ,also present.

Mrs. Ruth Mulson of Mamaro-neck spent a week with her broth-er-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs.Albert Zigroser, Sr., of Oakwoodavenue.

Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Shand ofGerrittson avenue and Mr. andMrs. William Fechter of Atlanticavenue. Blue Point , returned homeJune 23 after a three day vaca-tion at a motel in Southampton.

Miss Gail La Fountain , daughterof Mr. and Mr. Larry La Foun-tain, of Cherry avenue was theguest-of-honor at a bridal showerJune 21 given for her by Mrs.Franklin McConnel at her homeon McConnell avenue, Bayport.Present were Mesdames Larry LaFountain, Frank Barrie, FredSherman, Jack Barrie, HaroldHirsch. George Albrecht, AlfredVan Emmerik, Jr.. Richard LaFountain , Harold Kaler, EdwardBeintema, Jr., George Simms andthe Misses Ann Van Wyen , NancyMurphy and Janet Weedon. MissLa Fountain will be married July19 to Russell Barrie of Patchogue,rh the First Reformed church ofWept Sayville.

SCOUT NEWSThe annual father-son cook-out

held at Camp Bianchi, June 23 wasattended by more than thirtyScouts of the Bayport troop 130and nineteen fathers. The saluteto the Flag was led by ExplorerScout Steven Jonas. The Boy Scoutpledge followed. The coming Sum-mer Camping trip slated for Aug-ust 2 to 17 was discussed by Ben-jamin Kenney scoutmaster andPhilip Scott assistant scoutmasterfor the edification of the fatherspresent. The activities of thecamping trip' which will be heldnear Kent , Conn., were outlined.The need for adequate transporta-tion was stressed and enoughpledges of assistance given to in-sure the Scouts will reach campand return home at the conclusionof the trip without difficulty. Aweiner and marshmallow roastfollowed the meeting with theScouts doing the cooking and serv-ing their fathers. Present in addi-tion to the boys were Charles M.Shillito, Powell Richards, ArthurIrvine, John Gedde. Charles Rog-ers, William Durland, HowardKallmann , Gordon Bulcoek , Will-iam Schmid , George Batalias. JohnJonas, Leslie Scott , Melvin Leach ,Philip Scott , Beniamin Kenney,George Kneiss, Charles Rehme,George Griswold and DominickPapa.'_ ' To benefit the troop in its camp-ing expedition this year, the LionsClub has donated two camper-ships, and the Bayport Fire De-partment two half-camoerships tobe awarded deserving Scouts.

METHODIST CHURCHAt the Bayport Methodist church

June 24 the Methodist Youth Fel-lowship group of 22 boys and girlswith chaperons, the Rev. and Mrs.Land on Owen and Mrs. Alfred El-lis, left for a day's outing at BearMountain. Sunny weather madethe cruise up the Hudson on thesteamer a very enjoyable one,with everyone enjoying a picniclunch on their arrival. They ar-rived back home at 9 p. m. AlvinAhern and Stewart Huggard furn-ished th'e transportation to thesteamer.' Members of the Bayport Meth-odist church Sunday school whoenjoyed a week of camping at theMethodist Training camp at Shel-ter Island Heights were WarrenBeitel, Richard Barrett , Gary Div-is, Elizabeth Foster and Judy Hes-ter. They left June 23 and returnedJune 30.

Beginning July 6 the BayportMethodist church will have but oneworship service, at 9:30 a. rm., forthe remainder of the summer andSunday school will be discontinueduntil September.

The Methodist Men's club willhold a clam bake July 19 on theWesley House lawn. All membersof the church congregation areinvited.

CORAM NEWS ITEMSIn. Gloria Hotter. 8KM«a 2-IMt.Guests for two weeks of Mr.

and Mrs. Frank Bello are Mr.and Mrs. Anthony SgambeUuriand daughter, Angela, Mr. andMrs. Donald Flarety and child-ren, Kathy aand Thomas, and Mr.and Mrs. Dominick Santufo anddaughter, Susan, all of Haledon,N. J.

The third annual barbecue ofthe Coram Community club willbe held on the club grounds at 4p. m. Saturday. It will be held inthe club house in the event ofrain. Chef will be Wilfred Pa-quette, Sr., president of the club.The club will present its playDreamer's Vacation July 11 and12. The play is written and di-rected by Mrs. Marjorie Clay.

Marie" Mazzoni of Pauls path isspending a two week vacation inVirginia.

Mr. and Mrs. George Lyon andMrs. Chris Wittschack attendedthe Centereach Lions Club dinnerSaturday at. the Hotel HenryPerkins in Riverhead.

Last Saturday Mrs. AnnaSehwefel of Yaphank . road- cele-brated her seventy-seventh birthrday. Mrs. Sehwefel is, the motheror Mrs. Ann Christiansen, andgrandmother of Howard Christian-sen and has a great granddaugh-ter, Penny Christiansen, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. HowardChristiansen, all of Yaphank road.

Val Marz won a gift certificate

from Gertz Pie club for writingan essay on Space TraveJ.

_ The Coram four leaf clovergirls will meet at the home ofMrs. Julia Morris Thursday night.Their cake sale was a successand they are buying materialsfor their arts and crafts project.The girls are making plasticbracelets, holidav candl es andplastic flow»rs. These will be ondisplay at the summer fair held&!¦ Yaphank infirmary in August.

Airman, third class LeverettBrown arrived home Sunday fromA'exandria, La., to vHit a weekwith his mother.' Mrs. ElsieBrown of Mill road.

Weekend guest of Mrs. ElsieBrown was Mrs. Elizabeth Con-don of Medford .

Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Howard Christiansen were Mrand Mrs. Paul A. Freeth of PortJefferson Station.

The Naomi circle will hold itsannual bazaar Julv 18 on thechurch grounds. There will benew and old articles for sale.

Recentlv the Chapel choir of theTrinity Methodist church gaveMiss Joyce Townsend of Moonypond a surprise bridal shower.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lyon andchildren Mark. Robin and Craig,are spending the summer in theirsummer home at WestmeadowBeach.

New residents of Shady Laneare Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Rade and

children , William and Eileen, for-merly of Ridgewood.Guests of Mrs. Julia Morris

for a week were her daughter andson-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. ArdenKinney of Mars HilL Me. AlsoMr. Kinney's mother and father.Mr. and Mrs. Barnes Kinney.

The card party held by the Co-ram unit of the Brookhaven Mem-orial hospital was very success-ful.

Calling all brides! Don't makeyour selection until you see ourinvitations, receptions or an-nouncements, raised - p r i n t ed ,printed or engraved. Popularprices, fast delivery. The Patcho-ogue Advance.—Adv.Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs.Frank Marz were Mr. and MrsEarl Hartt of Belle Terre.

> Sunday Mr. and Mrs. WilfredPaquette, Jr., and children , PaulMichael , 0 -gory, Bill y and Di-ane spent ie day in BrooklynThey visited the zoo and latervisited Mrs. Joseph Connelly andMrs. John Van DykeCORAM FIRE DEPT NEWSNo fires were reported in thearea this week.The Middle Island fire depart-ment covered the Coram fire dis-trict Saturday night while thefireman and trucks participatedin the St. James Parade.The children of the fire depart-ment band will meet at th» firehouse at 6 p. m. tonight for theparade m Port Jefferson stationBand practice will be at the Co-ram fi re house at 7:30 p. m. July5 and July 7. .



In pursuance of a jud gment offoreclosure and sale duly madeand entered in the above entitledaction and bearing date the 4thday of June , 1958, I, the under-signed, the referee in said judg-ment named will sell at publicauction at the steps of the Brook-haven Town Hall, Village of Pat-chogue. Town of Brookhaven ,County of Suffolk , New York, onthe 19th day of August , 1958, at11:00 A. M. o'clock , the premisesdirected by said judgment to besold and therein described as fol-lows :

ALL tha t certain piece, parcel•or t ract of land situate, lying andbeing at Patchogue, Town ofBrookhaven , Suffolk County, NewYork, and more particularly de-scribed as follows: COMMENC-ING at a point on the south sideof Liberty Street distant 200 feeteast of Bay Avenue; runningthence along the said LibertyStreet 61.46 feet to land of Cisco;running thence south 180 feetalong land of said Cisco to a pointand land of Dion; running thenceby and with land of said Dion55.58 feet to a point; runningthence north 179.46 feet to LibertyStreet and to the point or place ofbeginning.Dated: Patchogue, New York ,June 18, 1958, MAHLON FECH-TER, Referee; DAVIDOW ANDDAVIDOW, Attorneys for Plain-tiff , 24 West Main Street, Patch-ogue, New York.


; DO HEREBY CERTIFY that acertificate of dissolution of THESEVEN GRAND CORP. has beenfiled in this department this dayand that it appears therefromthat such corporation has com-plied with section one hundredand five of the Stock CorporationLaw, and that it is dissolved.GIVEN IN DUPLICATE undermy hand and official seal of theDepartment of State, at the Cityof Albany, this twenty-sixth dayof June, one thousand nine hun-dred and fifty-eight. CARMINEG. DeSAPIO, Secretary of StateBy Samuel London , Deputy Secre-tary of State.

NOTICE TO BIDDERSThe Board of Cooperative Edu-

cational Services of the SecondSupervisory District , Suffolk Coun-ty (in accordance with . Section305, Subdivision 14 of the StateEducation Law) hereby invites thesubmission of sealed bids on trans-portation for approximatel y onehundred seventy-five (175) stu-dents.

Bids will be received until 3:00P. M. Daylight Saving Time onthe 11th day of July 1958, at theOffice of the District Superinten-dent of Schools, 292 Medfo rd Ave-nue, Patchogue, New York atwhich time and p'ace all b:ds willbe publicly opened. Specificationsand Bid Forms may be obtainedat the same office.

The Board of Cooperative Edu-cational Services reserves the rightto reject any or all bids.Date : July 3, 1958

Henry F. Osterm ann, Clerk

NOTICENotice is hereby given that the

following license has been renewedto the undersigned to sell beer atretail under the Alcoholic Bever-age Control Law for off-premisesconsumption : 07 GB-5, #150-160on the South side of East MainStreet , Patchogue, N. Y.




Plaintiff : NO. 8

-against- : Index: Number

TWO J A N E WON- :DERLAND , INC. et al. : 42695 -

: 1957Defendants. :

Pursuant to judgment herein,dated June 3, 1958, I will sell atpublic auction to the highest bid-der , at the front steps of the Suf-folk County Court House , GrimngAvenue, in Riverhead, New York ,at 10:00 o'clock in the forenoon onthe 19th day of August, 1958, thepremises in the Town of Brook-haven , County of Suffolk , State ofNew York , as in said judgmentdescribed as follows:PARCEL 1

ALL those certain lots, piecesor parcels of land situate, lyingand being in the Town of Brook-haven, County of Suffolk and Stateof New York, and designated on acertain map entitled "Map ofNorton Park , Section One", andfiled in the office of the Clerk ofthe County of Suffolk on January26, 1906, as Map #387, and beingknown on said map as lots num-bered 226.PARCEL 2

ALL those certain lots, piecesor parcels of land situate, lyingand being in the Town of Brook-haven, County of Suffolk and Stateof New York and designated on acertain map entitled "Map of Nor-ton Park, Section Five", and filedin the Office of the Clerk of theCounty of Suffolk on December14, 1906 as Map #517, and beingknown on said map as lots num-bered 83 to 86 inc.. 227 to 238 inc.,517 to 532 inc. and 828.PARCEL 3

ALL those certain lots, piecesor parcels of land situate, lyingand being in the Town of Brook-haven , County of Suffolk and Stateof New York and designated on acertain map entitled "Map of Nor-ton Park , Section Eight", and filedin the office of the Clerk of theCounty of Suffolk on January 12,1907 as Map #558, and beingknown ¦ on said map as lots num-bered 531, 637, 1047, 1048, 1164and 1165.

Reference is made to said judg-ment for a complete description ofthe mortgaged premises.Dated , June 19th, 1958.


Attorneys for Plaintiff140 Nassau Street,New York, 38, New York

NOTICENotice is hereby given that

license number 07A1696 has beenissued to the undersigned to sellbeer and cider at retail , under theAlcoholic Beverage Control Law,in a store at 836 Montauk High-way, Bayport , Suffolk County,Long Island, N. Y., for off-prem-ises consumption.

KURT KNOERNSCHILD,d/b /a-Kur t 's Delicatessen836 Montauk Highway,Bayport , L. I., New York

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNotice is hereby given that pur-

suant to the Zoning Ordinance ofthe Incorporated Village of Patch-ogue, New York , a public hearingwill be held in the Municipal Build-ing, at 14 Baker Street, in saidVillage, on Thursday, Jul y 10,1958 at 7:30 P. M. o'clock to hearand determine the appeal of CARLH. HOFFMANN , executor of thoestate of Madeline E. Lightbody,dee'd., to alter the existing build-ing and use so as to convert thesame into an apartment house .with three apartments on the firstfloor and three apartments on thesecond floor , said building beinglocated at No. 127 Rider Avenue,Patchogue, New York, in "B"Residence District of BuildingZone Ordinance of the Incorporat-ed Village of Patchogue, NewYork.

All persons desiring to be heardeither for or against the proposi-tion will be afforded an opportun-ity to be heard.

MILTON G. WIGGINS, 2nd ,ChairmanZoning Board of AppealsVillage of Patchogue, N. Y.

NOTICE TO BIDDERSSealed bids are requested for

the transportation of approximate-ly 380 pupils of school districtnumber 19, Ridge, BrookhavenTown, N. Y. for 1 year beginningwith the school year 1958-1959.

(Trustees may not enter intocontracts " either for one year orfor more than one year unlessspecific authorization is. given bythe voters or transportation hasbeen directed by order of the Com-missioner of Education.)¦ The following is the route orroutes of the transportation veh-icle:-

Transportation of approximate-ly 95 pupils to Port Jefferson HighSchool and Parochial School.

Transportation of approximate-ly 285 pupil?? to, Ridge School.

Route of vehicles may be ob-tained from Arthur L. Minardi ,Bo- 213, Ridge , L. I., N. Y.

Form of proposal, copy of pro-posed contract and envelope inwhich to inclose bid may be ob-tained from John P. Schneider ,Ridge. L I., N. Y. on request.

Sealed bids on the forms and inthe envelopes provided for thepurpose are to be in the hands ofthe clerk, John P. Schneider,Ridge, L. L. N. Y.. not later thanJulv 31st, 1958, 8:00 P. M., E. D.S. T. Thev will be publicly openedat Ridge School N. Y., July 31st,1958 at 8:00 P. M-, E. D. S. T.

The Board of Education herebyreserves the right to reject anyor all bids.

John P. SchneiderClerk, Dist. No. 19Town of BrookhavenCounty of SuffolkJohn AnastasiJohn Anastasi , Principal




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State CapitolConstruction of the present New

York State capitol began Decem-ber 9, 1867.