Olympus Ck2 Brochure

download Olympus Ck2 Brochure

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Transcript of Olympus Ck2 Brochure

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure


    nverte icroscope

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure


    A New Advanced Concept the CK2 Series ProvideSuperb Versatility for Routine and Research Microscopy

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure


    Olympus Superb Optical and Precision TechnologyAchieves Supreme Functional Design

    Simple and Rapid Phase Confrast

    Contkwous phase m t r a s i observath over afull range of magnifications, h om 4X to 40X

    (W.D. 72mm NA 0.3). ParfocaHty is maintaineddespite the change o rnagnlffcatlons and aneasily operete centering mechanism makes

    alignment of phase annuli and annular dia-phragms a sknple procedure. Olympus exclu-sive phase cntrsst slider has 4x (dstaohat+ie)and 1OX magnfficatlon (used for 2 X alsoannular dlaphragrns. Anannular dkphragm for40X magnification can be inserted into thewnpty

    saresuit r a p i d ~ t i m ~ f t o mlow to high magnlflcations Is easily performed.

    Lage High Profile FlasksCan Be MountWBy detaching th an ultm-high~ s p a c e 1 5 0 m n ) i S d r t a l n e d ~ t h e

    stage. This enabk the researdm to o k r v especimens in large, high-profile flasks.

    Polarhed Liglrt Observationwith an Optional AccessoryO h e m a h n polarized light b v b l e bysimply attaching the polarizer to the kngworldng istme candenser (standard). Theanalyzer slides Into a sl t located below thenosepiece.

    6 can be mounted simr

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure


    dfadhragm l m f k ulldamw dlstMEs 00nd 61 w 4 03 W.O. 72mn).da nhaWs

    asaContrast8Nder 4CMcanaleeb~clcnnnursr-lor4Xand 1 v x M O X a r a b u l l N n . i M d t k n a l ~ lILarge Sturdy st geHlgh - wide flexibilityrodc-sdid

    bib, apid swation are the basicfeatures ofthe @ W e d , ~~ W.lb sbandard plain st ge 160mnx240mm)alburs the attachment of tw stage Wemion@ata 7Chnmx t8Cwnm) and of the CK2-MVRattachablemechanicalStaga,HhichhasanE FAW scannkrQ a m 78mm x f 20mm).As a reah thorollgh obsm im of 24 hdeand ids mtcm test plates can be carriedout esslly and quicldy. Moreover by using the smdntt~ utfitoplkn l Terasald balder and the 54mm dfa.

    Ind 40mn dis Petri dish holders, attaching

    and deCaching the s q b s a simple matter,a c e o m p l w

    A 5 m dla. Petri dish holder i6 lncludsde r sw hrdequipment

    W16YvktydFllknAnPmvkbdIMrscan e uss with CK2micmcapes.

    l h e u d q u e f i b r h d d e r ~ 4 5 m m ~ rfa te rsup to11 .5rnmth~at thesamet im.

    W W b M o k m r t k n w W I W H K mQ t d WHK f OX (EN. 20) eyepieces areauahbkinaddltlon othestandardCWHK 10X

    I8) eyepieces The combined use of theIOX with 4X objecthe provkies wider

    ~ f i e l d o f W . T h E s f a d l ~ ~ da mlcro t t plate and a W counting plateAlso opt mlly avalW are th WHK 15XF.N. 12) -

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure


    The highly advanced Olympus CK2 Series inverted microscops provide convenience ~ersatii@~nda r m qoerational capability both for brightfiekiand ph se contrast observation.The CK Series are the only routineand research micm copes wm a single wmWser system whichcan handle a 4X to OX magnificationrange without modifications.The compact CK2 Series offer superbI newlydeveloped LB Series long workingdistance objectivesfor superior high contrast images. A wide array of design features and a fkx ible choice of accessoriesmake the CK2 Series ide lly sulted for tissue culture microscqly.

    Trlnocular Tubes Designed yiExceptional Durabilityand .OperabilityThe CK2 body k designed wlth a low cof gravity for higher stability and to facithe usa of a large stage The stage isanchord to the body with thm retainensuring high quality, vibration-free, pmicrography. The rwdving nosepiece isproof and water repellant. And eech operapart is ergonomically designed or easyfatiguefree operation.C m B i BhoeukrThe W-Bi s designed with the observVaaaular ordthellal cell D Ach 10X PL, NFK s 3 ~ OtUbeg inclined at a 5 degree forviewing The eyepdnt is 34 knm, and thepupilktry distance is adjustable from 53m72mm. Dlopter adjustment is alw possc m mnoerrbrIncreased versatility is provided by thecuiar tube model which permits the ament Or photomicrographic ecvlpment Tdegree inclined obsefvatkm tube s deWhnd llows use of attachmenEs such a

    magnification changer and the draattachment. Diopter adjustment can beformed for both eyes and constant

    length is maintained even when theHda cell, s plan 4x PL, NFK w LD F l Wa o t u r v ~ A C ~0x ~ 1 NW x LO pupillaty distance is varied.

    Olympus Superior Optics ProBrilliant High Contrast ImageA large choice of newly develcped LB Slong working distance objectiveg prneedlesharp images fromlow to high mfation. And a V 0W habgen lamp combwithOlympus special heat reduction sysenables observation of brighter micrascimages with minimal or no d mqje to tculture cells.

    lvlslon of autlnophrys D Ach 1OX P L NFK 5X LD A N I ~ D A C ~ 0 ~L.NFK x LD

    Convenient Binocular and

  • 8/9/2019 Olympus Ck2 Brochure
