Offender Workforce Development

Francina Francina Carter Carter John John Rakis Rakis Catherine Rose Catherine Rose Martha Russell Martha Russell Defendant/Offender Defendant/Offender Workforce Workforce Development: Development: Providing a Second Providing a Second Chance Chance


This PowerPoint was used for a Professional Development Institute presentation given at the National Career Development Association's Annual Global Career Development Conference in San Antonio, Texas in June 2011.

Transcript of Offender Workforce Development

  • 1.Defendant/OffenderWorkforceDevelopment:Providing a SecondChanceFrancina CarterJohn RakisCatherine RoseMartha Russell

2. Welcome Who are we? Where do we comefrom? Why are we here? What do we hope tolearn? 3. National Institute of Corrections U.S. Department of Justice Federal Bureau of Prisons NIC is a federal agencycreated in 1974 as a centerof correctional knowledge toprovide leadership andassistance to the field ofcorrections. 4. 1 in 100 In 2008, 1 in every 99.1 adults wasbehind bars in America More than 1.5 million were in state orfederal prisons More than 700,00 were in local jails 5. 1 in 31 In addition, over 4.2 million were onprobation Over 800,000 were on parole In total, over 7.3 million adults wereunder some form of correctional control,a ratio of 1 in 31 6. The Criminal Justice System Today After sharp increases in the 1980s and 1990s, theincarceration rate has recently grown at a slowerpace. 7. Offender Reentry Annually, approximately 750,000 arereleased from state and federal prisons Over 9 million are released from localjails 95% of all offenders will return to theircommunities 8. Career Development Workforce Development Identity and Role of ServiceProvider Content Rich Process Focus Best Practices 9. What works and what does not: evidenced based principles, organizational development, and collaboration 10. Employment Restrictions In preparing for careers, clients shouldconsider employment restrictions basedon: Nature of crime Length of time since conviction Occupational bars Licensure requirements Check with states Office of the Attorney General 11. Employment Requirements A client on probation or parole mayhave additional requirements: Office visits Telephone access Drug testing Site visits Violations 12. Record of Arrest and Prosecution Be familiar with the clients criminal history Clients should obtain a copy of their Record of Arrest and Prosecution (RAP) to: Check for accuracy See what employers will see in a backgroundcheck Obtain from states Criminal RecordsRepository 13. Career Exploration It is important to explore career optionswith: Juveniles Clients with limited work history Clients who can no longer work in theirfield due to their criminal record 14. Job Readiness Developing resumes Functional vs chronological Completing job applications Using a letter of explanation Preparing for the interview Role playing the incarceration speech 15. Job Placement Match clients interests and skills to jobsthat meet legal and supervisionrequirements Encourage entry level positions thatmatch career interests 16. Employer Incentives Coach clients about employerincentives: Work Opportunity Tax Credit Federal Bonding Program 17. An incentive to the employer to hire an at-risk job applicant,including ex-offendersInsurance to protect employer against employee dishonestyCovers any type of stealing: theft, forgery, larceny, andembezzlementThe bond insurance issued ranges from $5,000 to $25,000coverage for a 6-month period THE McLAUGHLIN COMPANY 1725 DeSales Street NW Suite 700 Washington DC 20036PHONE: 800.233.2258 or 202.293.5566 18. Work Opportunity Tax Credit A federal tax credit that reduces an employers tax liability forhiring an individual in one of twelve targeted categories,including ex-felon Ex-felon--an individual who was convicted of a felony and who ishired not more than one year after the conviction or release fromprison $2,400 tax credit for each new adult hire $1,200 tax credit for each new summer youth hire 19. Offender Voices 20. Employment Barriers Specific toOffenders 21. Basic Principles Underlying Facilitation Skills Acceptance Respect Understanding Empathy Trust Genuineness 22. Facilitation Skills Attending Questioning Clarifying Reflecting Encouraging 23. Facilitation Skills Setting expectations Honoring confidentiality Tone and Pace Self-Care 24. Whats in Your Career Development Professionals Toolbox? Career Assessments Professional Network Community ResourceGuide Labor Market Information Employer Contacts Education and TrainingResources YOU! 25. Offender Barriers Internal External Self concept Family issues Self knowledge Offender issues Self efficacy Transportation Locus of Control Housing Beliefs and attitudes Education and training Planning and decision Employment historymaking skills Addiction issues Mental health issues 26. Barriers and Strengths Activity Divide into groups Read case study Confer and complete worksheet Report out to class 27. OES: Building Bridges Introductory level training Promotes collaboration Corrections Community supervision Community agencies One-Stop services Range of practitioner roles 28. Curriculum Design and Delivery Ease in facilitation using video content and OESGuide Book with activities and discussion questions Flexible delivery schedule can be tailored to fitaudience and training needs Cost effective training requirements Facilitators/guest speakers Training facility Printed curriculum materials AV equipment 29. OES Curriculum Components OES Introduction-a brief video overview of trainingthat can be used for marketing OES Facilitator Training-a step-by-step process onvideo designed to train facilitators OES Guide Book-training curriculum that includesactivities and discussion questions OES Curriculum-DVDs with over 5 hours ofcontent 30. OES Model Key Processes Key players Capacity Practitioners Opportunity Employers Motivation Offender 31. Transition Issues Decision-making Transition from structuredenvironment Lack of opportunity for decision-making Cognitive skills training 32. Transition Issues Legal financial obligations Fines, restitution Supervision fees Child support Health and Human Services Office of Child SupportEnforcement 33. Transition and Planning ToolsDevelopment of an action plan Long-term goals Short-term goals Mini-steps Positive reinforcement 34. Transition and Planning ToolsUsing Nancy Schlossbergs 4-Step ModelTake stock of the situationTake stock of the self-characteristicsTake stock of supportsTake charge with a strategy 35. Tips on working with personswho have criminal convictions Firm, fair and consistent Friendly, but not friends Offer hope Positive incentives Clear information Be aware that they may be jugglingcompeting demands 36. Tips on working with personswho have criminal convictions Reinforce careers Look at transferable skills Provide guidance on budgeting Provide assistance with gatheringnecessary documents Provide mentors Encourage peer support through AA orNA 37. Tips on working with persons who have criminal convictions Collaborate! Develop resources tomeet needs Keep abreast of changes in the field 38. Career Resource Centers 39. Online Job Application 40. Labor Market Information 41. Websites National Institute of Corrections National HIRE Network National Reentry Resource Center