of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke presents · have played a major role in University...

Volume 14, Number I Sampson-Livermore Library The University of North Carolina at Pembroke The Friends of the Library of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke presents April 8, 2005 • 6:00 p.m. featuring QLY1)E EDGERTON Author and Musician and a April,2005

Transcript of of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke presents · have played a major role in University...

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Volume 14, Number I Sampson-Livermore Library

The University of North Carolina at Pembroke

The Friends of the Library of The University of North Carolina at Pembroke


April 8, 2005 • 6:00 p.m. featuring

QLY1)E EDGERTON Author and Musician

and a




Message from the University Librarian

Elinor Folger Foster University Librarian

Photo by Bobby Ayers

Another academic year will soon draw to a close, and the Library is proud to have played a major role in University progress and student success. Our circulation statistics and numbers of students receiving library-use instruction and reference assistance have increased substantially. The media we've added are popular with students and faculty alike. Our purchasing power has substantially improved due to enrollment increase funds added to our materials budget. . Our computing equipment and electronic resources are impressive and highly utilized. All of these factors point to our growth in strength and versatility and I am proud to say that we in the Sampson-Livermore Library feel useful and valued by the campus community.

Our Friends of the Library Board of Directors has been busy this year and I appreciate the hours and advice they have volunteered in support of various projects, including informational programs and fundraising efforts. I am grateful for the outstanding leadership provided this academic year by our President, Helen Pate, and the continuing contributions of our Secretary and Treasurer, Nickie Blanton and Susan Whitt, respectively, as well as our long-time Membership Committee Chairperson, Lillian Brewington. In January we welcomed two new members to the Board of Directors, Dr. Anthony Curtis as Vice PresidenUPresident-elect, and Amanda Perrin as our student representative. Other Board of Directors members this year have been Dr. James Ebert, Dr. Bruce Ezell, Dan Kenney, Janet Taylor, and Dr. Carolyn Thompson. I appreciate them all; their advice has been invaluable.

It has been a memorable year at the Sampson-Livermore Library, and I am grateful to have had the privilege of being a part of the experiences that library staff and Board of Directors members have planned and offered to our library users.


Message from the FOL President

My last hello! I cannot believe a year has passed since I wrote my first message to you. Time does fly when you are having fun and that is what this time with library board and staff has been ... fun, fun, fun!!!! It has truly been a pleasure to wor1< with such willing and able folks.

As we end this year, we can look back and see many accomplishments ... the new scholarships to be awarded in April, the varied programs for the students and the community that have been presented. We can also look forward to several projects that will be completed before the end of this school term.

Of course, we have the benefit coming up on ApriI8 ... a new and different presentation this year. Just wait until you see what lots of "stars" have donated to the Library to be auctioned!! This will be the most exciting benefit yet. Also, the FOL Board has had approved and is in the process of purchasing new outdoor fumiture for the patiO area of the Sampson­Livermore Library. And we have signed onto a new McNaughton BooklMedia Loan program that will bring the more popular reading and viewing materials to our students and other members of the University community. By the time you read this, the winners of the Poetry and Short Prose Contest will have been chosen. There will be a reading of the winning wor1<s after the General Membership Meeting on April 13, 2005, 3: 30 p. m. This coincides with National Library Week: April 1 0-16.

So, my last words to you as President of FOL are to please keep reading! Continue to improve your mind and encourage those around you by supporting UNCP's Sampson­Livermore Library and their programs with your attendance and contributions of time, energy, and financial help.

Helen Pate FOL President

Photo by Bobby Ayers


Clyde Edgerton Shines at "A Night of Stars @ the Library"

by Anne Coleman and Susan F. Whitt

Glitz, glamour, and glitter will be the stars of the night at the Sampson­Livermore Library on April 8, 2005. The Friends of the Library will host "A Night of Stars @ the Library," their fourth annual benefit. Guests will enjoy the look and feel of an old-time Hollywood event. Library staff member Tim Van Hooser will entertain with classic, well-known movie and theatrical music during a silent auction featuring many unique items and a dinner comprised of an array of specially prepared, mouth-watering delicacies offered at a variety of food stations. A live auction will follow, with UNCP's own Wendell Staton serving as auctioneer. A program featuring Clyde Edgerton, the critically acclaimed North Carolina author, will provide the finale to a "night of stars."

Clyde Edgerton was born in Durham, North Carolina, and grew up nearby in the small community of Bethesda. He is a graduate of the

Clyde Edgerton, author of Lunch at the Piccadilly (Algonquin Books)

Photo by David McGirt

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he earned the Bachelor of Arts and MAT. in English education and the Ph.D. in education. He taught English for several years, but in 1978 he watched Eudora Welty read

one of her stories on television and decided that he would like to become a writer. That decision has resulted in the creation of eight novels, including Raney, Walking Across Egypt, Killer Diller, and Lunch at the Piccadilly. He states that he writes about "the Southern life and culture because it was the water I swam in as a child." Several of his novels have sold over one million copies and he has received the North Carolina Award for Literature, a John Simon Guggenheim Fellowship, and several honorary degrees. A songwriter and musician, Dr. Edgerton is currently a tenured professor in the Creative Writing Department at the University of North Carolina at Wilmington. He will be discussing his novels as well as performing several musical selections, accompanying himself on the guitar and piano.

Tim Van Hooser is the Reference Library Technical Assistant at the Sampson-Livermore Library. He performed profeSSionally for years as a vocalist and keyboard artist before decidi:1g to take up a second career in libraries. He continues to perform locally in clubs and restaurants and for civic groups and charitable organizations, as time permits.

Wendall Staton, Director of Major and Planned Gifts for The University of North Carolina at Pembroke, will serve as auctioneer. He has just

Tim Van Hooser will entertain in true Hollywood fashion

Photo by Bobby Ayers

returned to UNCP after serving as the director of the Recreation Department in Lumberton, North Carolina. Mr. Staton was an assistant coach for men's basketball, head golf coach, and an instructor at UNCP before going to work for the city of Lumberton.

The silent auction will be exciting. For some months, the members of the Library's Friends of the Library Committee have been collecting autographed items from national, state, and local celebrities. A sampling of the memorabilia available include a wall hanging from Jimmy Buffet; autographed pictures from celebrities including John Travolta, Tiger Woods, David Copperfield, Maria Shriver, Tim McGraw, Tom Selleck, Denzell Washington, Dolly Parton, Martina McBride, Sophia Loren, and many more well-known personalities; autographed books, book jackets and catalog cards from celebrities such as Donald Trump, Neil Simon, Lillian Jackson Braun, Ray Bradbury, and Sue Grafton. The silent auction will again include pottery, art, gift certificates, and other sought-after items.

--- See Stars, continued on page 9




Sampson-Livermore Library Expands Access to Electronic Journals

by Susan F. Whitt and Jean E. Sexton

The Sampson-Livermore Library always strives to provide the best resources to its users. It supports The University of North Carolina at Pembroke in its commitment to academic excellence in a balanced program of teaching , research, and service. To accomplish this, the Library wants to provide the best quality resources for the lowest price, using a variety of methods to expand our offerings and to expend our budget wisely. With this goal in mind, we are extremely excited to announce our participation in the Carolina Consortium.

The Carolina Consortium is the creation of Tim Bucknall, Assistant Director for Electronic Resources and Information Technology at the Walter Jackson Library of The University of North Carolina at Greensboro. Tim took the concept that librarians should work together to see what kind of purchasing power they could leverage with academic publishers and made it a reality. The Carolina Consortium was created both to expand collections of electronic resources and information technology and to save money for the academic libraries participating in it.

There are 38 members of the Carolina Consortium who are located in both North and South Carolina, among them Appalachian State University, The Citadel , Clemson University, the College of Charleston, East Carolina University, Meredith College, the University of South Carolina at Columbia, the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, and Wake Forest University. The libraries at the member institutions have agreements with Wiley, Springer, Brill, and Blackwell, who are publishers of academic journals. The current agreement runs for three years and a library can select among the publishers to determine which will benefit the individual libraries. For each publisher chosen, a library in the Consortium has electronic access to that publisher's journals which are owned by any other member of the Consortium. This additional access is free of charge. In order to make this a fair agreement, the member libraries have agreed to maintain the same level of spending with the journals' publishers. However, if a library experiences a difficult budget year, the library can drop out.

This is a significant consortial agreement for UNCP students, faculty, and staff. If the Sampson-Livermore Library were to subscribe to the journals to which we now have electronic access, the price would be $1,841,352 . The Sampson-Livermore Library went from having access to 16 Kluwer titles to having access to 643 Kluwer titles. The publisher offered additional access, at no additional cost, to 424 Spinger titles and 97 Brill titles. Our library went from having access to 14 Wiley titles to having access 290 Wiley titles. These titles span a wide range of disciplines and are particularly strong in the sciences.

More arrangements are being considered by the Carolina Consortium, including a dozen database, e-book, and e-journal offers. Each library will be able to choose from the offers as interest and funding levels dictate. Mr. Bucknall's vision of the Carolina Consortium allows our library to provide access to a wide range of information and we are indebted to his hard work in seeing the Consortium thrive. We feel that this is a thrilling prospect for each and every member and look forward to taking advantage of this increased purchasing power.

When you access an electronic journal offered through the Carolina Consortium, you will see an acknowledgement on your computer screen of how it is being offered to you . Stay tuned for more.


consortium 12/1/1997


Staff Milestones by June Mills

Michael Munford will graduate May 7, 2005 with a Bachelor of Arts in sociology. He joined the library staff on April 1 ,2003 as Systems Library Technical Assistant. Michael is responsible for assisting with the day-to-day maintenance and performance of the Library's computer technology, which includes performing routine maintenance, troubleshooting of PCs, instructing library personnel in use of appropriate software, hardware, and media owned by the Library, as well as assisting with keeping the Library's website current.

When asked about his educational experience here at UNC Pembroke, Michael commented that it has been very positive due to the personal "one on one" interaction with his professors.

Michael Munford

They are always available to assist with student needs. Not having to stand in line at their offices is also a definite plus. Michael expressed gratitude to the library staff for being patient and working around his class schedule. When asked about his future plans, he commented that

graduate school is something he is considering, as well as a move to the Research Triangle Park area.

Vicky Dial..Jacobs, Acquisitions/Serials Library Assistant, was recognized in a ceremony on January 28, 2005 for her 10 years of service to the State of North Carolina. Vicky worked with the Public Schools of Robeson County, serving six years as a teacher's assistant and three years as a library assistant before coming to UNC Pembroke on April 1, 2003. She works in Acquisitions Services and among her responsibilities are researching and inputting order records and invoicing purchases of new library materials. Among her responsibilities in Serials Services are assisting in the receipt and handling of microform and bound periodicals, processing the mail, and assisting patrons at the Serials Desk.

Please join the library staff in congratulating Michael Munford and Vicky Dial-Jacobs on their personal achievements.

SGA Continues Media Donations to the Library

by Susan F. Whitt

The Sampson-Livermore Library is excited about our expanding media collection . We continue to purchase more titles with our allocated budget funds, as well as receive donations to our collection. The University of North Carolina at Pembroke Student Government Association (SGA) is a shining example of continued library support. As a result of their SGA Movie Library Project, the Sampson­Livermore Library has again received $50C worth of DVD and VHS movie titles. This is the third year the Library has received donations of movies from the SGA. Furthermore, plans are to continue this as a yearly project with the same amount budgeted by the SGA for the next academic year, according to SGA Entertainment Chair Dominique Mack.

Vicky Dial-Jacobs

Media are available for UNCP students, faculty, and staff to check out. Due to library policy, the general public may not check out these materials. We encourage the UNCP community to explore our media collection by coming to the Library. All media holdings are also listed in BraveCat, our online catalog, at www.uncp.edu/ library. The most current media acquisitions can be accessed through the Library's website by clicking on the link "New Books, Current Reading & Media." Donations of media are accepted and evaluated for adding to the collection . To make a donation, please contact Susan Whitt at 910.521 .6513.

Dominique Mack (left) presents SGA movie donations to Dr. Elinor Foster,

University Librarian Photo by Saprina Oxendine


What is Instructional Services? by Carl J. Danis

"Instructional Services" is one of those phrases in the library business that seems to throw quite a few people off. It may also be referred to as "bibliographic instruction," "library instruction," or even the current buzzwords of "information literacy instruction." No matter what it is called, the primary goal of Instructional Services is to help patrons develop the skills to find information quickly and efficiently. Not only do we try to give patrons, usually students, the technical skills and tools to access information, but we also try to instill in them the ability to analyze, evaluate, and interpret their results. Quite simply, it is our job to increase the level of "information literacy," or the ability to find all of the information they need.

The primary way in which Instructional Services reaches our patrons is through classroom instruction . Robert Arndt, Michael Alewine, June Power, and I are the librarians who take care of the majority of classroom instruction. Occasionally other librarians will provide instruction, especially if they happen to have particular expertise in an area. We prepare,

research, and present an instructional session tailored for each individual class, based on what the instructor requires and expects. Quite frequently an instructional session may be assignment-driven, meaning the instructor's assignment coincides with our session.

Typically an instructor will contact the Instructional Services Librarian and schedule a time for the class to come over and visit the Library. As a general rule, the class sessions are very flexible. The goal is to provide the students and instructor with the resources they need and the information-seeking skills to use these resources well. Usually the instructor will work with the librarian to come up with a plan for the session . We introduce the students to selected resources and give them the basic skills for navigating that resource. As instructors, we also try to emphasize how to create a search strategy, how to put together a search, and how to evaluate the search results.

We can prepare for any type of class that needs instruction, regardless of academic discipline or level of the class. We have provided instruction for all classes ranging from the Freshman Seminar 100 sessions to graduate level education and business courses. The instruction provided has ranged from a simple tour and introduction to the Library to in-depth research using the many different resources that are available.

Instructional Services tends to be quite busy during the semester. Since many of our instruction sessions are tied to class assignments and papers, some weeks can be more active than others . Naturally this depends on the due date for the

Carl Danis assignment. During the fall semester we conducted 108 classes and introduced approximately 1,000 students to various aspects and resources in the library.

Within the Sampson-Livermore Library we have a modern classroom that allows us to provide demonstrations and hands-on instruction to the various classes. Our classroom has 20 student workstations with access to the Internet and a network printer. The classroom projection system allows the instructor to not only describe a particular resource, but actually show the search strategy and the results as well. The capability of the classroom allows the students to follow along and practice searching in a particular resource. Once the demonstration portion ends, they can actually search for information with help from a librarian.

Of course, all of our instruction doesn't necessarily have to take place in the Library itself. Instructional Services is more than willing to take its show on the road . We visit various classrooms and venues on- and off-campus to provide library instruction.

As the University continues its high growth rate and the Library continues to add more specialized and complicated resources , Instructional Services expects to get busier. After all, students will need to increase their "information literacy" to a much higher level as time goes on and Instructional Services will be there to help them achieve this goal.


You'll be a Star during National Library Week by Jean E. Sexton

The Sampson-Livermore Library is celebrating National Library Week, which runs officially from April 10-16, 2005. We'll be starting early though on April 8 with "A Night of Stars @ the Library." There'll be glamour, glitz, celebrities, a fabulous silent auction, food, a breath-taking live auction, and entertainment galore. Join us at 6:00 p. m. in the Library for the start of the festivities. Our guest celebrity will be Clyde Edgerton (see related article) .

******* On Sunday we will start our final Fine-Free Week (see related article) . This is the time for you to shine and return those

overdue materials. So search out your attics, clean out those cars, scour your dorm rooms or houses, and bring those books back.

On Monday, April 11 , we will have the opening of our Friends of the Library Book Sale. Sales will begin at 9:00 a.m. and run until 7:00 p.m. , but on this day the bargains are limited to members of the Friends of the Library. Once again we will be having the book sale upstairs. As usual , there will be some bid items. On Tuesday, April 12 , the sale opens to the general public at 9:00 a.m. and closes at 7:00 p.m. On Wednesday through Friday, the hours are 9:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. Prices this year are $1 .00 for hardbacks and any non-print materials, $0.50 for paperbacks, and $0.25 for magazines. We encourage you to come early in order to have the best selection and to find a stellar addition to your home collection . If you have a book or media item at home that no longer has those star qualities or your tastes have changed, please consider donating it to the Library. We will evaluate it to see if it should be added to the Library's collection or sold to benefit the Friends of the Library's projects.

On Wednesday, April 13, we will have a live reading of award-winning works from the sixth annual Poetry/Short Prose Contest. (See the previous issue of the newsletter for full details about the contest.) The top three entries from the UNCP students, area high school students, and the general public will be read . At that time, prizes will be distributed. The Kiwanis of Robeson are providing the prize for the first-place high school student entry and the Friends of the Library are providing all other prizes. Join us at 3:30 p.m. in the Library's main reading room to hear these literary stars. Campus authors will also be honored during the program. Following the reading, a reception will be held upstairs in the Library's leisure reading area. A display of selected works by campus authors will be in the Library as well as a bibliography of all works submitted as published.

Come join us and Be a Star @ at the Library!

Farewell to Fine Free Week

This is the last chance you will have to get long-overdue materials back to the Sampson-Livermore Library without paying a fine.

It has been a long-standing tradition at the Library to let people return books or other materials during National Library Week and not face any penalty. It was good for the Library, good for the taxpayers, and good for those people who accidentally kept a book too long.

Now, for the good of our University's students, we must end it. We have been noticing a trend with some people deciding to keep books out longer,

knowing that they could return them in April with no penalty. Recently, some people have refused to return books that others needed for a class, stating their intention was to keep the books until April and not have to pay any fine.

In order to best serve the University's stUdents by making all needed materials and information available in a timely manner, the Library regretfully ends offering a fine­free week. We do not anticipate reinstating it in the future as part of the National Library Week activities.


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April 8, 2005 A Night of Stars @ the Library, 6:00 p.m. Featuring Clyde Edgerton Live and Silent Auctions Glam, Glitter, and Glitz!

April 10, 2005 Start of Final Fine - Free Week Be a Star·and Bring Our Books Back

April 11 ,2005 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. [FOL Members Only]

April 12, 2005 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.

April 13, 2005 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Poetry/Short Prose/Campus Authors Reading and Reception, 3:30 p.m.

April 14, 2005 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

April 15, 2005 Friends of the Library Book Sale, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

April 16, 2005 End of Final Fine-Free Week.


··Stars, continued from page 3

Live auction items include an autographed NASCAR racing shirt and photograph from Richard Petty, two airline tickets provided by Southwest Airlines to any destination in the continental United States, several exquisite handmade quilts, and customized window shades valued at $800.00. A current list of auction items is available from the Library's website at

www.uncp.edu/library. The list is updated as new

Nickie Blanton with some of the items to be auctioned at the library benefit

Photo by Bobby Ayers

the McNaughton leasing program for popular reading materials and movies on DVD. Library staff members Lillian Brewington (910.521 .6655) or Nickie Blanton (910.521.6834) may be contacted for tickets and more information. Tickets are $50 each. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. in the Sampson-Livermore Library and glam, glitter, and informal evening attire are appropriate. Come out, enjoy, and participate in a lively, entertaining, and worthwhile benefit to help UNCP students and the Sampson­Livermore Library.

donations for the benefit are received. "A Night of Stars @ the Library" benefit is the first

event scheduled in our celebration of the 2005 National Library Week. Money raised at this benefit will support the Friends of the Library initiatives such as funding three scholarships established to assist students at UNCP, supporting library improvement projects such as purchasing furniture for the Library's patio, and funding

Wendell Station will be the benefit auctioneer Photo by Bobby Ayers

Annual Renewals for Friends of the Library

The Friends of the Library agreed to an annual renewal date for memberships at the October 2004 Board of Directors meeting. The renewal date will be in October each year and will become effective this October. All current memberships will expire at that time and will need to be renewed for 2005-2006. Letters informing members of this change were enclosed with the newsletter to all FOL members in February. Renewal information is also available on the Library's website, www.uncp.edu/library, in Library Lines, our newsletter, or by phoning Lillian Brewington at 910.521.6655.


Life Membership Brooks, Brian Cabe, Pat Cabe, Suellen Lee, Pope Pate, Helen H Thomas, James A

Patron Membership Beasley, Cherry Burns, Julia Collins , Jeff & Sybil Cook Jr, Weston Fairmont Rotary Club Foster, Elinor Gibson, M Carr Grizzard , Wayne Humphreys, Josephine Kania, Richard Lennon, Wayland Maynor, Bryan McKinnon, Henry Metzger, Don & Linda Owen, Jerry & Janet Oxendine, Dr. & Mrs. Joseph Oxendine, Louis Oxendine, Olivia Parfitt Jr, Henry E Reissner, John & Zollene

Sustaining Membership Austin, William Reid Barrineau, Nancy Brayboy, Gene Brayboy, Isaac Timothy Brown, Dr Roger Byars, Dr. Janita K Evans Jr, Samuel Farley, Martin Finney, G Marguerite Gunter, Pauline Holmes, Leonard Hunt, Pat McNeill, John Meadors, Dr. & Mrs. Allen Murray, Ottis Normandy, Elizabeth Osborne Jr, Colin Purvis, PC Rundlett, Mr & Mrs Mark Rundus, Raymond Sampson , Gilbert L Stacy Jr, Horace E Thompson, Dr Carolyn Ward, Frank

Contributing Membership Blue, Dorothy


Friends of the Library Membership List March, 2005

Bonner, Donald Brewington, Lillian Brooks, Michael Brown, Robert & Monika Bullard , Normie Burnette, Richard Byrne, James F Canida II , Robert L Carmical, Beth Chavis , Marie Long Chen, Alex Deese, Rogena Ebert, James Elkins, Jerry Ezell, Dr William Bruce Fisher, Robert F Gash, William Goldston , Joseph Gray, Gibson Hall, M Elizabeth Hinnen, Dean & Kathleen Hunt, Wanda 0 Jenkins, Charles R Jones, Randall & Diane Kelley , Bonnie Learn, Shirley Locklear, Rosette Lowery , Ronnie Mackley, Michaela Malcolm, Vera L McBride, Suzanne McBryde, Nancy M McCaskill , Lloyd McLean Jr, Dickson Miller, Merrill Morgan, Velva Oxendine, Linda E Price, Alec Price, Robert & Linda Ross, Tom Saylor, Cindy Sexton, Jean Sharpe, J Simpson , Emily F Smith, P J Swett, Vardell Thompson, Gary Tubbs, Mr & Mrs William G Valenti , Patricia Wei , Guo Weinstein, David Whitt, Susan & William Young, David W

Annual Adams, Debra Alewine, Cynthia H Alford, Ruth P

Altman , James Amendola, Dan Anderson, Ronald Askew, Malcolm Atkinson , Jeffrey Atkinson, Vickie Baker, Ida T elisa Baker, Warren Baldwin , Etta M Barnes, Donna Mitchell Barton, Bruce Bass, Gretchen Beck, Christine Bell, Craig Bell , Lakeshia R Bell, Marilyn S Bell , Sharon Bigelow, Scott Biggerstaff, Glenda Blanton, Rachel N Bloomer, R Denise Bowman, John Bracey, Ruth Bradley, Cynthia Branch, Patricia Diane Brandon, Pighet Brayboy, Kenneth Brewer, Keith Brewer, Ronnie Britt, B Paul Britt, Craig Britt, Kristen M Britt-Evans, Melissa Kay Brockington, Katie Brooks, Becky Brooks, Ginger Brooks, Howard Brooks, Julia Nicole Brooks, Wanda Brown, Leonard Brown , Linda Monroe Bryant, Janice Bukowy, Stephen Bullard, Daniel K Bullard , Lenora Bullard, Linda Bullard , Linda Baker Bullard, Patrick Bullard, Sybil Bullock, Morris Beutler, Nancy Byrd, Lisa Byrd , Steven Cain , Sharon Campbell , Anthony Campbell, Elsa Marie Campbell, William & Alice Canada, Mark


Carter, Anita Carter, Dan Carter, Donnie Carter, Jennifer Carter, Mickey Cartrette, Rebecca Caulder, Jonathan Charles, Katherine Chavis, Adrianne Chavis, April Chavis, Ashkea G Chavis, Chester Chavis, Chris Chavis, Donna Kim Chavis, Elizabeth Chavis, Eric Chavis , Jo Ann Chavis Jr, Robert Chavis, Melissa Renee Chavis, Shantonia Cherry, Faye Paul Ciechowski, Frank Clark, J Michael Clark, James M Clark, Phyllis Clark, Vinita Maynor Clark, Willie S Coe, Marian Coffman , Ruth E Cole, Marjorie Coleman, Annie H Coleman , Rebecca Collins, Audrey Collins , Teresa Colonna, Loida Connell , Margaret Coronado, Karen Coronado, Vibrina Cozart, Scott Crane, MD, John Crawford, Betty Cummings, Delora Cummings, Josephine Cummings, Kent Cummings, Peggy H Cummings, Quae Cummings, Susan Cummings, Wendy Moore Curtis, Anthony Curtis, Judith D'Arruda, Jose Deese, Alisa Deese, Brenda Deese, Carolyn B Deese, Robert Dellinger, Rhonda Denson , Lucille Desai , Chetna Dial, Anthony Dial, Carol J Dial , Dorathy

Dial, Ellen Dial , Fredia A Dial , Woodrow Drain, Major Henry Drake, Annie Duncan, Crystal Dunn, Julianne B Dunn, Michael B Eddy, Marcus Edgell, Slartibartfast Edmund, Kelli Edwards, Deirdre Emanuel, Bobby Emanuel, Elgin L Enriguez, Olga A Epps, Joseph Graham Epps, Leslie Ann Evans, Aneetra Jestagia Evans, Patricia M Florian, Mary Flournoy, Shannon Floyd, Margie Fluellen, Christiane Ford, Chester Foy, Arthur Freeman , Gene Freeman, Henry A Freeman, Ken Freeman, Veronica Freiwirth, Paul Geller, Jeff Gibson, Joyce Gibson, Kathi Glover, Ann Godwin, Sheila Goins, Evelyn Goins, Jacqueline Gooden, Melissa Graham, Donna Grice, Alice Grimes, Beth Grimsley, Jacquelyn Hagen , Catherine Hall , Ruth Hammonds, Jonathan Hammonds, Leah Hammonds, Renee Hardin, Virginia Harrell , Elizabeth Harris, Dawn Harris, Garry Harris, Wanda Hawk, Neill & Connie Hedgpeth Jr, George Steven Hester, Peggy J Hilton, Kathleen Horne, Rodney Houser, Helen D H Hudler, Jennifer Lyn Hunt, Amanda Renee Hunt, Angela

Hunt, Anita Hunt, Jessica Hunt, Jonnie Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Marcus Hunt, Olivia Hunt, Paula Hunt, Peggy S Hunt, Randy Ivey, Jason Dwayne Jackson, Sharon Jackson, Steve Jacobs, Belinda C Jacobs, Bernice Jacobs, Brian A Jacobs, Carol Jacobs, Catherine Jacobs, Deborah Jacobs, Larry Jacobs, Polly Jacobs, Teresa Jernigan, Mary Johnson, Dorothy Jolicoeur, Caroline Jones, Alicia 0 Jones, Connie F Jones, John Jones, Tammy Jones, Tammy Jopson, Pamela Kelly , James Kelly , Sandra Kennedy , Christopher Kenney, Dan Ketterman , Delilah Killens, Rushyannah Kimani, Dianah Knecht, Michelle Knight, Jacqueline Andree Kornstadt, Rebecca Kuester, Gerald Lamb, Linda Lancaster, Willard Langley, Terry Ann Lee, Susan Leggerton, Mac Leggett, Brenda Lewis , Monica


Lewis, Patricia Leigh Baker Lewis, Sandra T Lewis, Yolanda Locklear, Ann Locklear, Betty H Locklear, Beverly Locklear, Brinda Lee Locklear, Carol Locklear, Charles Locklear, Charmaine D Locklear, Cheryl Locklear, Cindy Locklear, Claudia


Locklear, Elisha Locklear, Elizabeth A Locklear, Gwendolyn Locklear, Jeri Lynn Locklear, Joel Locklear, Jonathan Locklear, Joseph M Locklear, Kimberly Locklear, Kimberly Locklear, Loretta Locklear, Marie Locklear, Millard Locklear, Patricia Ann Locklear, R D Locklear, Revia Locklear, Rose M Locklear, Rose Locklear, Rose Locklear, Sandra C Locklear, Sheila Locklear, Stella Locklear, Tammie R Locklear, William Locklear, William L Lockley, Betty Lowery, Dale 0 Lowery, Janine Lowery, Julianna Lowery, Nicole Lowery, Revonda Lowery, Stewart Lowry, Brian Lowry, Dwayne Lowry, Earlena Lowry, Janice Lowry, Marty Kay Lowry, Monroe Lowry, Stewart Lowry, Tonya Lucas, Gary Lucas, LaRhonda L Lytch, Daniel MacLean, Hector Macleod, Lynda Malcolm, Caleb Malcolm, Lawrence Malloy-Kisseih, Libby Mandel, Joe Marson, Steve Maxwell, David Maynor, Lesa Maynor, Louise & Waltz McCallum, Patsy McClanahan, Kay McCormick, Haywood McCormick, Richard McCormick, Virginia McCoy, Richard McGirt, Barbara McGirt, Jeffery McGuirt, Victoria

McKenzie, Gloria McLaurin, Corinne McLean, Arch ie McLean, Geoffrey W McLean, Margaret McMillan, Cleophas McMillan, Geraldine McMillan Jr, Belton McMillan, Leo McMillian, Juaconda McNeil, Emma D McNeill, Berrice McNeill, Betsy McNeill, Lisa McNeill, Ruth McQuage, Sherry McRae, Patricia Melvin, Alice Miles, Douglas Wayne Miller, Alan Edward Miller, Christopher Miller, Hatty Ruth Miller, Randall Mills, June Milsap, Evelyn Miranda, Jose A Moore, Jasmine Morrison, Nathaniel Murray, Khrishawn Noble Jr, Sam Odom, Saundra Oswald, Robin Oxendine, Alta Nye Oxendine, Beverly Oxendine, Bobby Dean Oxendine, David Oxendine, Fannie Carol Oxendine, Herman Oxendine, Janet Oxendine, Kim Oxendine, Lisa Huggins Oxendine, Lisa R Oxendine, Liz Anna Oxendine, Malina Pace, Pamela Pacheco, Ruben Horacio Pait, Cameron Pait, Maggie M Patterson, Theresa F Pettit, Steven J Phillips, Erika Pierce, Heath Pighet, Brandon Powell, Mavis Prevatte, Charles Price, William Pridgen, Amie Prine, John Paul Puleo, Joel Ramseur, Romesia Ransom, Eyrtle


Rapu, Chinedu Ray, Anna Reed, Annette Reinhard, Mary Alice Renee, Elizabeth Renfrow, Michelle Revels, Judith Revels, Sandra Rice, Timothy Richardson, Alicia Richardson, Phoebe Rileigh, Kathryn Rising, Hawhana Rising, Michelle Ritter, Timothy M Roach Jr, Tommy A Roberts, Kay Roberts, Mary E Robinson, Jack Rogers, James Romaine, Angela Rowan, Tina Sampson, Sonia Sampson, Terryl 0 Sanderson Jr, James Schaeffer, Mike Selles-Rivera, Giovanni Sexton, Warren & Carol Shannon, Ruby Shroff, Rushad D Shull, Kathy Dawn Sigmon, Dennis Simmons, Gwen Sinclair, Yolanda Smith, Cathy Smith, Joseph A Smith, Kimberly L Smith, Leon Smith, Martha Smith, Robert Smith, Victoria Sue Spahr, Ronald W Spaulding, Tony Spell, Glenn Spivey, Jeffery D Spruill, Willie Starnes, Nancy Stedman, Eric D Stenzel, Pamela Strati!, Sandy Strickland, Annette Strickland, Elliott Strickland, Fred Strickland, Rosann Strickland, Sandra Stubbs, Donna Summers, Merle Sweeney, Boyd Sweeney, John Sweeney, Pamela Sykes, Chester


Taukchirny, Wesley Taylor, Gregory Teets, Mary Alice Pinchbeck Tesmer, Wayne W Thaggard, Marlo Thomas, Betty Joan Thompson, Janice Thompson, William Tsisinevich, Petr Tyner Jr, Horace Mitchell Underwood, Tanya T Wade, Vestine Walker Jr, Arnold G Wallwork, David W Warrington, Trudy Washington, Eugene Watts, Dennis Weatherman, Martha Jane Weinstein, Melinda West Jr., Robert Lee West, Samuel A Westbrook, Sheila Whaley, Sybil Shelley Wheeler, Sharyl White, Saundra Wilkerson, Dorothy L Wilkins, Christina Williams, Charlotte Williams, Elaine Wilson, Robin Wilson , Sandra Wolinski, Edward Woriax, Carolyn C Worley, Camille Wright, Valeri Wynne, James Young, Mary Louise Young, Sara Zeigler, David

Student Membership Carter, Keith Erskine, Marcia Famulari, Ann Marie Hester, Stephen Robinson, Shirley Rouse. Sonya Swift, Shelia Taylor, Candice

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An Invitation To Join "A friend may well be reckoned the masterpiece of nature. " --Emerson

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This edition of Library Lines was edited by Jean Sexton, ([email protected]) and Susan Whitt (susan [email protected]). Other members of the Publications Committee were Robert Arndt, Anne Coleman, Carl Danis, Dr. Elinor Foster (ex-officio), Barbara Gushrowski, Gwendolyn Locklear, June Mills, Michael Munford, June Power, Cynthia E. Saylor, and David Young. Questions 910.521 .6656, 1.800.949.UNCP or www.uncp.edu/library. Photos provided by Cynthia E. Saylor unless otherwise noted .

1500 copies of this document were printed at a cost of $1 .02 per copy.

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