October 2009 Chatter

VIEWS AND REVIEWS “IF CHRISTIANS WERE REALLY CHRISTIANSMore people throughout the world identify themselves as Christians than any other faith. What does the world have to show for it? Not enough. Yes, wonderful things have been done by Christians. Schools, hospitals and orphanages have been built where there were none. Social reforms have been envisioned and supported by Christians. The weak and vulnerable have been sheltered by Christians. And, yes, the good news of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed. And yet, in many, many instances Christians have been agents of exclusion rather than inclusion. They have involved themselves in wounding rather than healing. They have been driven by greed rather than being instruments of generosity. Instead of advancing justice they have promoted the interests of “just us.” Jesus said he was sending out his disciples to be like sheep among wolves. But too often Christians have howled with the wolves. Why is this the case? What’s the problem? Many people value their faith for the comfort and the uplift they receive from it. But when all is said and done, Jesus is largely sidelined. His teachings and the example of his own life plays only a marginal role in the lives of a great many Christians. They may love the sound of his name. But their priorities, goals, loyalties and vision of life come from some other source than Jesus. It is a tragedy that Christians celebrate Jesus as the way of their salvation but they don’t embrace him as their way of life. They look to the cross to save them, but they don’t allow the cross to shape them. Yet Jesus calls his followers to be a people who live cruciform lives. He left us an example so that we might walk in his steps (1 Peter 2:21). It is in his steps that we find our deepest joy and our truest fulfillment. The word “Christian” means Christ-like. How would things be different if Christians were really Christian? First of all, they – or should I say we – would keep Jesus front and center. Alongside other Christians we would continually open the Gospels to consider what Jesus taught and did. We would ponder his words and actions. We would allow his story to penetrate our lives. A superficial acquaintance with Jesus as the Gospels present him is not enough. Asking the question “What would Jesus do?” is meaningless unless we know what sorts of things he actually did. Without that knowledge we will end up answering the question “What would Jesus do?” with self-serving fabrications and projections. Without being regularly confronted and challenged by the Jesus of the Gospels we will end up with a lamer, tamer and untruthful version of Jesus, one that will simply underwrite our inclination. If Christians were really Christian, they – we – would not be so quick to insist on being “realistic” and “practical” as these words are normally understood. Instead, our view of everything would be seen through the lens of the kingdom of God, just like Jesus. Concerns about safety, security and personal prosperity would all be secondary. Instead we would understand that taking up our cross to follow Jesus cannot be done with out risk and vulnerability. If Christians were really Christian, we would be determined to speak more truthfully, forgive more radically, give more abundantly, love more boundlessly and live more nonviolently. Quite simply, if Christians were really Christian, we would be a lot more like Jesus and a lot less like everyone else. In other words, we would be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” Jesus said his followers would be (Matthew 5:13, 14). The church would be the bright and shining “city set on a hill” that no nation ever has been or ever will be, if Christians were really Christians. God wants to use us in wonderful ways. We have a high and holy calling. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, there is no end to how God can use us, bless us and bless others through us. Let’s always support and encourage each other to be people who are fully Christian. Grace and Peace, Craig Church Chatter October 2009 “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6)


V IEWS AND R EVIEWS “Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6)

Transcript of October 2009 Chatter

Page 1: October 2009 Chatter


More people throughout the world identify

themselves as Christians than any other faith. What does the world have to show for it? Not enough. Yes, wonderful things have been done

by Christians. Schools, hospitals and orphanages have been built where there were none. Social reforms have been envisioned and supported by Christians. The weak and vulnerable have been

sheltered by Christians. And, yes, the good news of Jesus Christ has been proclaimed. And yet, in many, many instances

Christians have been agents of exclusion rather than inclusion. They have involved themselves in wounding rather than healing. They have been driven by greed rather than being instruments of

generosity. Instead of advancing justice they have promoted the interests of “just us.” Jesus said he was sending out his disciples to be like sheep among wolves. But too often Christians

have howled with the wolves. Why is this the case? What’s the problem? Many people value their faith for the

comfort and the uplift they receive from it. But when all is said and done, Jesus is largely sidelined. His teachings and the example of his own life plays only a marginal role in the lives of

a great many Christians. They may love the sound of his name. But their priorities, goals, loyalties and vision of life come from some other

source than Jesus. It is a tragedy that Christians celebrate Jesus as the way of their salvation but they don’t embrace him as their way of life. They look to

the cross to save them, but they don’t allow the cross to shape them. Yet Jesus calls his followers to be a people who live cruciform lives. He left us an example so that we might walk in his steps

(1 Peter 2:21). It is in his steps that we find our deepest joy and our truest fulfillment. The word “Christian” means Christ-like.

How would things be different if Christians were really Christian? First of all, they – or should I say we – would keep Jesus front and center. Alongside other Christians we would continually

open the Gospels to consider what Jesus taught and did. We would ponder his words and actions. We would allow his story to penetrate our lives.

A superficial acquaintance with Jesus as the Gospels present him is not enough. Asking the question “What would Jesus do?” is

meaningless unless we know what sorts of things he actually did. Without that knowledge we will end up answering the question “What would Jesus do?” with self-serving fabrications and

projections. Without being regularly confronted and challenged by the Jesus of the Gospels we will end up with a lamer, tamer and untruthful version of Jesus, one that will simply underwrite

our inclination. If Christians were really Christian, they – we – would not be so quick to insist on being

“realistic” and “practical” as these words are normally understood. Instead, our view of everything would be seen through the lens of the kingdom of God, just like Jesus. Concerns about

safety, security and personal prosperity would all be secondary. Instead we would understand that taking up our cross to follow Jesus cannot be

done with out risk and vulnerability. If Christians were really Christian, we would be determined to speak more truthfully, forgive more radically, give more abundantly,

love more boundlessly and live more nonviolently. Quite simply, if Christians were really Christian, we would be a lot more like Jesus and a lot less like everyone else. In other

words, we would be “the salt of the earth” and “the light of the world” Jesus said his followers would be (Matthew 5:13, 14). The church would

be the bright and shining “city set on a hill” that no nation ever has been or ever will be, if Christians were really Christians. God wants to use us in wonderful ways.

We have a high and holy calling. If we keep our eyes on Jesus, there is no end to how God can use us, bless us and bless others through us.

Let’s always support and encourage each other to be people who are fully Christian.

Grace and Peace, Craig

Church Chatter October 2009

“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.” (Psalm 62:5-6)

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At the end of the first full month of school everyone is well, happy and enjoying their friends and fun days at school. A gentle reminder: we

are a peanut free school. Due to severe allergies we cannot have peanuts, peanut butter or snacks containing peanuts at school. Thank you for your support.

On Saturday, October 10th, from 4:00 – 8:00 pm we will be holding our Third Annual Fall Fiesta. We encourage families to come by for some child friendly craft activities, bounce house,

yummy food and raffles. We’ve been working hard to create an event to be enjoyed by all.


10th Fall Fiesta 4 - 8 pm 16th Miss Rita, Dramatic Storyteller 19th Student Photos (Darling Photography)

20th Student Photos (Darling Photography)

Children’s Sharing with Pastor Craig 21st Children’s Sharing with Pastor Craig

23rd Planning Day – Full Time Care Open Preschool Closed 26th Scholastic Book Fair Begins 30th Classroom Halloween Parties


DID YOU KNOW? � Children who eat dinner around the table with their families do better in school.

� Children who take family trips do better in school. Simple, free trips to the park and

library are as good as expensive trips away from home.

� Children who are read to frequently read earlier and better.

� Children who see their parents read regularly are likely to read more themselves.

� Spending 30 minutes a day with your child can

help them to achieve better grades. � Children love to spend time with their parents!

Saturday, October 10th

4 pm ~ 8 pm

Bounce House, Crafts, Food & Fun

Raffle Items…plus a 50/50 Raffle

FAITH AND FINANCES WORKSHOP Struggling with money matters? Want to

know how God can help? On Sunday, October 25th, Royal Palm Christian Church is hosting a workshop on “Faith and Finances.” Manny

Collazo, an expert in this area and a marvelous presenter, will lead the workshop. It will take place following the 10:45 worship service, immediately after a meal that will take place on

that day. Don’t miss this faith-building opportunity!

MINISTRY APPRECIATION MONTH There are thank you and appreciation cards available in the Narthex if you would like to

use one to write a note of appreciation to Pastor Craig or anyone else in a ministry leadership role. You can give the note directly to the person of

your choice, or you can place it in the basket provided and let us take care of the distribution. We will also be showing our appreciation with a special coffee fellowship on November 1st.


3rd Lillian Coe Briana Euler 6th Paul Veliyathil 8th Christine Dunhill

Jasmine Maximilien 10th Lydia Genno Brittany Maragh Eric Wilson

11th Brandon Ehlebracht Tami Ehlebracht 12th Mary Karen Miller

16th Sharon Jennings Kristen Ramos 17th Lori Beach 19th Nicole Nembhard

21st Coral Wiedman 23rd Paul Shuster 24th Mike Burke

26th Angela Edwards Bev Worst 30th Lee Gold Jeff Snyder

31st Jonathan Watts

OCTOBER ANNIVERSARIES 11th Coral & Ken Wiedman 27th Tony & Luisa Saltalamacchia

[We apologize if your name is not on the list. Please call the office to update your information!]

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GOOD NEWS OF BLESSINGS Praises! After many months and many

prayers, Sharon Shuster’s mom’s house is now sold! It has been such a witness to Joyce that we pray for her, and the continued

prayers and visits since her fall and surgery have been special to her. Sharon, Paul and Joyce say, “Praise God and thank you!”

Our nursery care provider, Ms. Maritza, is

engaged and will be getting married to Eduardo this month. We pray blessings for them and their new life together.

We received the following card from Tony

Saltalamacchia: “This is a long overdue thank you for all your thoughts, prayers… kind words, sympathetic concerns, and hugs

during this difficult year for me. I surely would not have made it this far without each and every one of you being there for me. It has been a difficult yet heartwarming

experience, thanks to everyone’s support and love, especially God’s who, through all of you, showed his steadfast love for me, lifting me

up and helping me along. Love and blessings to all.”

A man who has been served a number of times at our food pantry has gotten a new job

and wanted to share his blessing. So he cooked up a big batch of chicken – island style – and brought it to share with the other clients last night!

WISH LIST Item Approx. Cost

Video System for Sanctuary $8,000.00 Vinyl Signs for Wooden Sign $ 300.00 pair

Pew Bibles (NRSV) (3 cases) $ 180.00 case Bibles for Food Pantry clients $ 150.00 Care for plants (live & artificial) - time – Weeding in Courtyard area - time -

Walk property for trash - time – Walk property for ants - time –

The following idea was discussed at the September Board Meeting in regards to the new Bibles for the Sanctuary pews listed above. We can all have an opportunity to help pay for these

Bibles if we purchase one (or more) in dedication or memoriam for someone we love. The dedication information would then be listed on a bookplate in the front of one of the Bibles before

it is placed in the pew. The cost for one Bible will be $10.00. Forms will be available soon.


In preparation for the landscaping project

which we hope to begin in the Spring of 2010, Karyn O’Shea is looking for a few serious and like-minded individuals who would be willing to help on the following plant project: Pot, start /

root some of the extra volunteer plants or cuttings you may have from your yard or the yard of someone you know. If they are potted

now, they will have a strong root system by Spring. [Karyn has purchased a large box of Miracle Grow, and she is willing to share with others to help these plants grow and be healthy!] In April or May we will hold a Plant Sale –

and these plants will then be for sale to the public for their patios or planting in their yards, etc. We have had plant sales in the past; however, we have not done it in this fashion.

Hopefully it will be a good start financially to help offset the cost of the landscaping to be done. In order for this to be successful, we must

have the name of each plant and the stats on growth. Karyn will keep data on the plants that are potted and how many we have. Thus far Karyn has potted: Queen Emma Crinum Lilies;

Elephant Ear; Banana Trees; Flax Lilies; Agave; white Bird of Paradise; 2 varieties of Crown of Thorns; a variety of Bromeliads; Snake Tongue;

Curly Leaf Fern; Lady of the Night; a Staghorn Fern; and tropicals. If you’re interested in participating, or if you have questions, please call Karyn at home

(954-340-6616) or cell (954-303-6320).

INTERESTED IN MEMBERSHIP? Are you thinking about becoming a member of Royal Palm Christian Church? Do you want to learn more about the church? Do you

have questions you would like to have answered? Here’s your opportunity. After church on October 11th an “Inquirer’s Class” is being offered. The

class will be no more than two hours long. A light lunch will be provided. The class will take place in the Conference Room. Plan to attend. All are welcome. Call the church for more


Don’t miss on October 10th.

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