OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter;...


Transcript of OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter;...

Page 1: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Page 2: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Concepts for this lecture• class; object; instance• method; parameter; signature• data type• multiple instances; state• method calling; source code; method result

• Reading: Objects First with Java, Chapter 1

Page 3: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


• Objects represent ‘things’ from the real world, or from some problem domain• e.g. the red car down there in the car park• e.g. the lecturer talking to you now • e.g. you!

• Classes represent all objects of a certain kind • e.g. Car, Lecturer, Student

A class is a group of objects that have similar characteristics and that exhibit similar behaviour

An object is a specific instance of a class

Classes and objects

Page 4: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Example• The set of all students forms the class Student • Each individual student is an object of the class Student • John Smith and Janice Lee are instances of Student

Page 5: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Example• The set of all dogs forms the class Dog • Each individual dog is an object of the class Dog • Spot, Rover, and Rex are all instances of Dog

Page 6: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Why do we use classes?• To reduce complexity • Often, we know how to deal with an object based

purely on knowing its class, without knowing anything specifically about that particular instance

• For example, if we encounter a dog – i.e. an instance of the class Dog – we already have a basic understanding of how to deal with it, even if we have never previously met that particular dog • We know that it might bark, or bite, or wag its tail,

based purely on knowing that it is a Dog• Barking, biting, and tail-wagging are best viewed as

features of the class Dog, not of any individual dog

Page 7: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Describing a class• We describe a class by listing the common features that

are shared by all the objects in that class• The attributes that each object has, and • The actions that each object can perform

• Student number is an attribute of the class Student • Every student has a student number; although each individual

student has a different student number

• Barking is an action that all objects of the class Dog do• Every dog barks; although different dogs do it differently,

based on the attributes of a given individual

Page 8: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


What is a Waiter ?• A Waiter has the following attributes

• Name • Tax File Number

• And the following actions• Bring menus • Take orders • Bring meals

• This collection of attributes and actions defines the class of Waiters

• We can deal with any individual waiter, whether we have met them before or not, based solely on our knowledge of the class Waiter

Page 9: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Exercise• Download and open the shapes BlueJ project• Create objects from the classes Circle, Square, Triangle

• Right-click on the class and select new(...)

• Inspect the objects • Double-click on any object in the object bench

• Invoke their methods • Right-click on an object and select one of its methods

• Experiment! • Making mistakes is OK – it is a good way of learning to program!

Page 10: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


What's in an object?• Objects have operations that can be invoked

• Java calls these methods• An object usually does something when we invoke a method

• Objects have state• The state is represented by the stored values of attributes in

“fields” • The state of an object is a “snapshot” of that object at a

particular moment in time

• e.g. the class Student might have • An attribute studentNumber, that never changes, and • An attribute booksBorrowed, that does change

Page 11: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Object state

• Notice the types of the fields: int, String, boolean

• Types restrict the values that a field can take

Page 12: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Instances• Multiple instances:

Many similar objects can be created from a single class

• An object has attributes: values stored in fields

• The class defines what fields an object has

• Each object stores its own set of values (the state of the object)

Page 13: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


A Java method

/*** Move the circle horizontally by * 'distance' pixels.*/public void moveHorizontal(int distance) { erase(); xPosition += distance; draw(); }

Page 14: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


About methods• Methods often have parameters• Parameters pass additional information

needed to execute the method• i.e. “input” to the method

• Parameters have types• The type defines what kinds of values a parameter can take

• Methods may also return a result via a return value• The head of a method is called its signature

• The signature describes the information needed to invoke the method

• Objects communicate by calling each other’s methods

Page 15: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Source code• The source code of a class specifies three things

• The form of the state of each object • i.e. what fields it has

• The behaviour of each object • i.e. what methods it has

• How objects are created• i.e. how the fields are initialized by a constructor

• A Java application is a collection of classes

Page 16: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Return values• All of the methods in the figures project have

void return types; but …• … methods may return a result via a return value• Such methods have a non-void return type• More on this in future lectures

Page 17: OBJECTS AND CLASSES CITS1001. Concepts for this lecture class; object; instance method; parameter; signature data type multiple instances; state method.


Summary of concepts introduced• You should now be able to give an explanation

of each of these terms• object; • class; • method; • parameter; • signature; • data type; • multiple instances; • state; • method calling; • source code; • result

• Try it! Turn to code example 1