Obama Strategies; What Lies Beneath; Stupid or Subversive?

Obama Strategies; What Lies Beneath; Stupid or Subversive? These observations of President Barack Obama are from a distance, as a citizen, as close as I could get as an ordinary citizen. From information I’ve heard and read from the media and triangulated with the basic common sense I have been given by my parents and experience. Obama’s Nurturing Of Muslim Terrorism And Isis Barack Husian Obama may not be a Muslim as many accuse him of being. However, he for certain is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer. His actions and policies have nurtured ISIS allowing and encouraging it to grow, becoming a force in the Middle East. His actions have allowed ISIS to grow militarily, economically and in manpower, while he told the world they were the JV team and no threat to America. This was either just another failure of Obama’s judgment or another of his many lies to cover his destructive intentions. When looking at his policies toward Muslim terrorism, there is a clear pattern of allowing them to grow stronger. One must ask is that a result of Obama’s incompetence or was that his intention? That clear pattern could easily be concluded as his intention! His actions acted as an incubator for a fledgling terrorist organization allowing it to grow to a full blown army eating up the Middle East. Is his half hearted, perhaps token attempts at fighting ISIS his way of nurturing even incubating their movement, allowing them to grow, but looking like he is against them and appearing to do something about it. Prematurely pulling out of Iraq leaving no residual force, Obama turned an American success into a failure. He set the US back to the pre 911 days with regard to the Middle East, giving Muslim terrorism fertile ground to grow stronger. 1 of 5

Transcript of Obama Strategies; What Lies Beneath; Stupid or Subversive?

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Obama Strategies; What Lies Beneath; Stupid or Subversive?

These observations of President Barack Obama are from a distance, as a citizen, as close as I could get as an ordinary citizen. From information I’ve heard and read from the media and triangulated with the basic common sense I have been given by my parents and experience.

Obama’s Nurturing Of Muslim Terrorism And Isis

Barack Husian Obama may not be a Muslim as many accuse him of being. However, he for certain is a Muslim terrorist sympathizer. His actions and policies have nurtured ISIS allowing and encouraging it to grow, becoming a force in the Middle East. His actions have allowed ISIS to grow militarily, economically and in manpower, while he told the world they were the JV team and no threat to America. This was either just another failure of Obama’s judgment or another of his many lies to cover his destructive intentions.

When looking at his policies toward Muslim terrorism, there is a clear pattern of allowing them to grow stronger. One must ask is that a result of Obama’s incompetence or was that his intention? That clear pattern could easily be concluded as his intention! His actions acted as an incubator for a fledgling terrorist organization allowing it to grow to a full blown army eating up the Middle East. Is his half hearted, perhaps token attempts at fighting ISIS his way of nurturing even incubating their movement, allowing them to grow, but looking like he is against them and appearing to do something about it.

Prematurely pulling out of Iraq leaving no residual force, Obama turned an American success into a failure. He set the US back to the pre 911 days with regard to the Middle East, giving Muslim terrorism fertile ground to grow stronger.

Barack Obama’s Vengence Against America Through Immigration Policy

Barack Obama has a grudge against America and his policies seem geared toward punishing US for his animosity.

Obama’s “failed” policies, perhaps an “intentional strategy” have put America in danger of terrorists and drug cartel gangs and killers and drugs. By failing to enforce America’s immigration laws, Obama has encouraged and invited the illegal entry of hundreds of thousands illegal immigrants through our southern border! Many of them terrorists from around the word and drug thugs from those countries south of us!

Doctor Keith Ablow when appearing on FOX’s “Out Numbered” has stated several times Obama’s apparent failures in the Middle East are not due to incompetence and neither are they failures in Obama’s eyes. The results achieved are his intentions. Obama furthers the terrorist danger through his intended policies of premature withdrawal from Iraq. This allowed and nurtured the growth of ISIS in the mid-East. Obama’s apparent impotence and indecision in Syria has created a refugee disaster in the Middle-East.

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Now he is promising to take those migrants that ISIS has promised would be laced with their Muslim Terrorists. Obama’s importation of terrorists and law breakers puts all Americans and America in danger.

Giving Muslim Terrorism Room to Grow

Obama is intentionally giving Muslim Terrorism an environment, an atmosphere to incubate its growth. His half hearted actions and denouncing words are only intended to camouflage his destructive intentions. The air strikes so often lauded as Obama’s being serious about stopping ISIS have been few and a vast majority of them ineffective. A majority of times aircraft returned with their ammunition, action restricted by Obama’s hands tying rules of engagement. His strategy seems to be to abet Muslim extremists in their goals.

The November 13, 2015 terrorist attacks in Paris are the result of Obama giving ISIS an environment to thrive. Obama is biding time through his intentionally failing policies, which he is sticking to, to allow Muslim terrorist organizations to geminate, take root and grow.

Obama’s ISIS policy of token bombing was not to bomb their oil wells or trucks transporting the oil “to avoid damage to the environment?” This going on for at least a year, only till after the Paris attacks. Or didn’t he want to shut off the ISIS financing, their “life blood”? It certainly fits in with the strategy of giving ISIS the room, the resources to germinate, take root and grow.

Obama’s Submissive Deal With Iran, The Biggest State Supporter of Terror

Obama couldn’t pursue a treaty with Iran, because he knew he could not get the two thirds vote of the Senate. Republicans capitulated with Obama sparing him that need by passing a law that requires such a bill instead of being approved by a two thirds vote, requires Obama’s Iran deal to be voted down by a two thirds vote. The Iran Nuclear Agreement Review ACT alias the Cocker-Menendez Bill has subverted the Constitution turning its prescribed processes upside down. So he made a dangerous agreement with Iran, a good portion of which would remain hidden from Congress and the American people.

According to Chuck Norris, Obama has perpetuated at least six lies to promote his Iran nuclear deal. Obama claims, “I’ve had to make a lot of tough calls as president, but whether or not this is a good deal for American security is not one of them.”

Chuck Norris in his Culture Wars August 30, 2015 article, Obama’s 3 Biggest Lies About Iranian Nuke Deal, states, Lie number One. Obama goes on to say, “the vast majority of experts on nuclear proliferation have endorsed this deal. The world is more or less united.”

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Norris goes on to refute Obama writing, “But 200 retired generals and admirals completely disagree as they sent a letter to Congress last week urging lawmakers to reject the Iran nuclear agreement which they said “would threaten the national security and vital interests of the United States.”

Lie number Two, President Obama pushed, “Because this is such a strong deal, every nation in the world that has commented publicly – with the exception of Israel – has expressed support.”

The Wall Street Journal reported that “Saudi Arabia, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates – are just as distraught as Israel about the Iran nuclear deal.”

While Obama keeps telling us it is a good deal, the only other alternative is war, his supporters are buying his lies as usual, realizing it is a bad deal trusting the Iranian leaders, but is the best we can do and it is better than war. Obama is also practicing Neville Chamberlain’s WWII strategy of appeasement which we found did not work with tyrants like Hitler. Obama’s capitulation with Iran assures them the atomic bomb which they have practically promised to use against Israel and the US. This agreement with Iran is pure fiction, a pack of lies, like most of what Obama presents.

Lie Number Three, President Obama initially said the International Atomic energy Agency (IAEA) inspectors would be allowed to “access any suspicious location” in Iran. He withdraw later saying “Inspectors will be allowed daily access to Iran’s nuclear sites.”Obama’s continued retreat from any time any where inspections “The process can take up to 24 days, once a site has been identified that raises suspicion, we will be watching it continuously until inspectors get in.”

The Wall Street Journals look into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action released by the Obama administration “Reveals that its’ terms permit Iran to hold inspectors at bay for months, likely three or more.” This gives Iran plenty of time to play the international shell game.

These are just three dangerous big lies out of a multitude of lies Obama has perpetrated on the American people about his Iranian agreement. Iranian leaders are bragging how they have fooled Obama, Kerry and therefore America in these negotiations. They are laughing at Obama and America.

Bypassing Congress, Pushing Through Bad Policy

Bypassing Congress and pushing through dangerous policy. Obama has done this luring children from Central and South America to and through America’s borders, placing many in deplorable living conditions exposing them to rape and child abuse of Mexican gangs.

Obama’s numerous Obamacare and IRS lies, Benghazi lies, ISIS is the JV team and a multitude of other lies portends and accentuates his lies on every other issue he is

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involved in. Bottom line is Obama is a compulsive, pathological, habitual liar and cannot and should not be trusted.

Obama Has Selected Failed Policies to Follow, Incompetently or Intentionally

It appears Barack Obama has selected strategies that have historically proved themselves to be failures. On the foreign policy front he has chosen Neville Chamberlain’s policy of appeasement that embolden Hitler to oppress Europe as a prelude to World War II. Making it easy for Germany to waltz into Europe and a world war!

Obama is using much the same strategy in both the Middle East, and Russia. China is also becoming emboldened by Obama’s displays of weakness. His appeasement is letting ISIS and other Muslim extremists like Al Qaeda, the Taliban and Boco Haram run wild, only taking token actions so it appears he is not nurturing their growth.

In his domestic policy, Obama has rolled out the failed policies of FDR’s New Deal, which extended the Great Depression for ten years. Obama has used FDR’s failed methods extending the sluggishness of his Great Recession for his entire eight years.

The appearance that Obama is sabotaging America, economically and its safety and stature in the world community is difficult to deny! Following the dots of his actions and policies one can certainly make the case this is his intent, not merely incompetence.

Obama is rolling out the red carpet for terrorism to come to America. With his planned importation of refugees from Syria, he is also importing terrorists and terrorism to our shores. As he is doing with his executive actions regarding America’s immigration policy! He is handing a gold engraved invitation to ISIS to savage America.

Looking at Obama’s policies and their results looks like a strategy rather than just incompetence. An intelligent strategy to disable America, not the random result of incompetence!

Obama keeps using the compassion of America to dupe us into accepting the imminent dangers of terrorism on our shores. He tries to scare us by saying delaying the bringing of refugees from Syria will further fuel the anger and hate of the terrorists and create greater recruitment to their cause. As if they don’t hate infidels, us enough to fuel the push to their agenda. Obama keeps writing his narrative to buy time and camouflage his devious intents.

Obama uses “Climate Change” alias “Global Warming” to disguise his support of Muslim Extremis Terrorism. He States, Climate Change is the greatest threat to America and the world! He persists in his fiction that Global Warming is causing the terrorism and if we succeed in the impossible task of arresting global warming, assuming it exists, it will eliminate the hate filled Jihad Terrorism. His convoluted fictions designed to hide his support to allow Muslim extremists to germinate, take root, grow and thrive.

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Obama uses his vast experience and expertise in lying to sell his fictitious narratives, fires those who don’t agree with him, it is no stretch to think he pressures his intelligence people to edit their intelligence data gathered to fit his desired narrative. Is Obama molding, warping, even distorting the intelligence to fit the narrative he is pushing to hide his failures and create a positive legacy instead of the negative one he is actually leaving? Is Obama our Neville Chamberlain, or perhaps Benedict Arnold or Quisling? Maybe the Wizard of OZ, a fake hiding behind the curtain pulling the strings of destruction?

See also The Obama Government, Of The Lie, By The Lie and For The Liar http://www.slideshare.net/oceanssailed/the-obama-government-02

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