Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

product guide 2011 2011


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Transcript of Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

Page 1: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

product guide


Page 2: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

Message from Nutrifi eld 1

Mediums 2

Nutrients 6

Additives 10

Water Treatments 19

Smart Garden Range 21


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ImprovementsThe new and improved Nutrifi eld® nutrients have undergone an extensive three-year research program led by the hard work of Nutrifi eld®’s Head Scientist, Dr M. Dakakni. But it didn’t just stop at our nutrients – you will fi nd a number of Nutrifi eld® products have become more concentrated since the 2009 catalogue. These exciting changes will give you the best results you have ever seen. Our research and development has really stepped up over the last three years, and we intend to keep our ever-important customers at the forefront with great products that work time and time again to give you the results that you demand.

Things are changing at Nutrifi eld®

For many years the approach to intensive nutrient programs has been based solely around chemical or periodic element programs. The rules are being redefi ned, and hydroponics and chemicals alone will no longer give you the optimum results. The science has taken over and the Nutrifi eld® feeding program has been upgraded to give plants what they require at exactly the correct time. The range has been updated to represent the changes in the industry, and it introduces a number of benefi ts from both chemical and organic supplements.

NF Zyme has taken the Australian market by storm over the last year and we will soon be offering our NF Regulator A&B and new to the market, the innovative NF pot system.

What do you want?For many years our approach has been to talk about what the company has thought is important, but we want to know what our loyal customers believe is important. If you can think of anything you would like to see happen in the new year, let us know by contacting us at www.nutrifi

Happy gardening!


A messagemessage fromfrom thethe team team atat NutrifieldNutrifield


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Nutrifi eld®’s NF Premium Coco is your ultimate organic-based growing medium. The medium is produced from coconut husks following a precise ageing and treatment process. The coco coir consists of 45% cellulose material to ensure long-lasting physical properties preventing the media from decomposing or compacting during use.

Nutrifi eld® Premium Coco is pre-buffered to prevent calcium and potassium lock out and stabilises PH. Lock out occurs due to the coco coir having a negatively charged complex that is surrounded primarily by sodium and potassium This becomes an issue when the fertilising begins as the sodium and potassium will be exchanged with calcium and potassium. The consequences would result in a calcium and potassium defi ciency for your plants. The problem is solved with Nutrifi eld® NF Premium Coco. The pre-buffering prevents this occurrence and also stabilises the medium’s pH while reducing the EC reading to less than 1mS/cm.

NF Coco® has superior physical attributes.Plants have complex air-water requirements and due to Nutrifi eld® NF Premium Coco’s physical attributes it allows for large water absorption while ensuring the essential 30% air porosity is maintained. This facilitates ideal rhizospheric growing conditions which are important to develop strong, healthy plants.

Nutrifi eld® NF Premium Coco is a clean product that is free from harmful parasites and diseases. Inferior products are enriched with neem, as they do not follow strict manufacturing processes and therefore require neem to control diseases and parasites due to their cheap manufacturing practices.

Nutrifi eld® NF Premium Coco carries the RHP stamp of quality. The RHP Dutch Standard of quality for horticultural substrates ensures a stringently monitored quality homogeneous product that will give you consistent performance. Serious growers rely on the RHP standard as a sign of excellence, as only premium products carry the Dutch seal of approval.

NF Coco Premium BagsNF Coco Premium Bags

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• Pre-buffered to prevent calcium • Pre-buffered to prevent calcium and potassium lock outand potassium lock out

• pH stabilised• pH stabilised• Capable of absorbing large amounts• Capable of absorbing large amountsof water while allowing for of water while allowing for the essential 30% air porositythe essential 30% air porosity

• 100% natural and bio-degradable• 100% natural and bio-degradable• No detrimental neem required• No detrimental neem required• RHP stamp of quality #036ST09• RHP stamp of quality #036ST09

Size: 50L






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NF Coco Bricks NF Coco Bricks & Mega Bricks& Mega BricksThe NF Coco® brick is the fastest expanding brick on the market. It arrives dried and compressed for ease of transportation, storage and handling. The brick consists of 100% coco coir (not peat like inferior products).

Biodegradable & Disease Free.Coco brick is your superior bio-degradable, pre-buffered organic water absorbing brick. It holds the RHP Dutch stamp of quality and is free from harmful parasites and diseases.

Sizes: 1 brick = 9L of NF Coco®

1 mega brick = 55L of NF Coco®#036ST09




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Hydro ClayHydro Clay

5Size: 50L

Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay is a natural growing medium that contains no harmful or undesirable substances. Hydro Clay is inert – meaning that it has a neutral pH, is resistant to chemicals and will not break down easily.

Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay undergoes a number of transformations before being a usable growing medium. The process begins with pelletised clay that is fi red in a rotary kiln at a very high temperature. During this process the organic compounds in the clay burn off, forcing the pellets to expand and become internally honeycomb-like in structure, while the outside surface of each granule melts and is sintered. The fi nal result is a ceramic-like Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay pellet that is lightweight, porous and has a high crushing resistance.

Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay helps to prevent oxygen starvation to the plant’s root system. When a plant’s root system is starved of oxygen the plant’s health suffers and growth rates decrease – this can be commonly attributed to over-watering or an overly compacted growing medium. Due to the shape and structure of Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay, the oxygen starvation can be prevented by keeping thousands of pathways open for the exchange of gases and drainage of water.

Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay can also help prevent root rot. Root rot can be prevented due to the increased oxygen levels that the medium promotes. As a result, aerobic bacteria are able to continue to breed and keep anaerobic bacteria at bay. Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay may also reduce algae, fungus gnats and unwanted weeds due to the surface of the top of the medium staying dry.

NF Hydro Clay can be blended with NF Premium Coco to create an impressive potting mix.




• Natural plant medium• Natural plant medium• Has a neutral pH• Has a neutral pH• Resistant to chemicals • Resistant to chemicals • Contains no harmful or • Contains no harmful or undesirable substancesundesirable substances

• Prevents root rot• Prevents root rot

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Why should I Why should I use Nutrients?use Nutrients?Macro NutrientsMacro nutrients include nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P) and potassium (K). These are the key elements required for plants throughout their life cycle.

Nitrogen is an essential component of amino acids and, therefore, of proteins which include nucleic acids, enzymes, and the green, light-harvesting pigment, chlorophyll. It is also the nutrient which normally produces the greatest yield response in crop plants (photosynthesis).

Phosphorus is an essential part of the enzymes which help the crop to fi x light energy. It forms an integral part of nucleic acids, the carriers of genetic information, and is important in stimulating root growth and protein formation.

Potassium is involved in processes which ensure carbon assimilation and the transportation of photosynthates throughout the plant for growth and the storage of sugars and proteins. The potassium ion is also important for water regulation and uptake.

Secondary NutrientsThe secondary elements are equally as important but are only required in smaller quantities. These include magnesium (Mg), sulphur (S) and calcium (Ca). Magnesium occurs in chlorophyll and is also an activator of enzymes, while sulphur forms part of two essential amino acids which are among the many building blocks of protein. It is also found in vitamin B1 and in several important enzymes. Calcium is required for plant growth, cell division and enlargement. The growth of root and shoot tips and storage organs is also affected by calcium, as it is a component of cell membranes. Calcium is also vital for pollen growth and to prevent leaf fall.

Micro NutrientsFinally, there are micro nutrients and these are equally as important but are only required in minute quantities. These are iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), zinc (Zn), boron (B), copper (Cu), molybdenum (Mo) and chlorine (Cl).

There are sixteen essential nutrients that plants require.

Three are directly absorbed from the atmosphere (oxygen, carbon and hydrogen); while the other thirteen essential elements must be absorbed through your plant’s growing medium.

The list of thirteen elements is further broken down into three key groups. They are defi ned as macro, secondary and micro nutrients.

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Sizes: 1L_5L_20L

Application Rates Rec E.C. mL / 10L mL/galCuttings / Seedlings 0.6-1.2 15 6Transplants 0.6-1.2 15 6 Vegetative Growth 1.2-1.6 25 9 Pre-Bloom 1.3-1.7 25 9 Early Bloom 1.2-1.7 30 11Bloom 1.2-1.9 35 13 Late Bloom / Ripening 1.0-1.6 25 9Foliar 0.5-1.0 10 4

NF Coco NF Coco 2-part nutrient2-part nutrient

It is important to use a specially formulated coco fertiliser with Nutrifi eld® Coco Premium. Nutrifi eld® Coco two-part solution is your complete nutrient solution specifi cally designed to be used throughout grow and bloom in Coco mediums.

NF Coco® uses materials of exceptional quality.The nutrient is fabricated from only pharmaceutical grade salts to ensure exceptional quality for you, the end consumer. It provides your Coco medium with all the essential macro, secondary, micro and organic elements required for your plants to ensure rapid growth and improved yields.

NF Coco® optimises plant strength, drought tolerance and assists food uptake.NF Coco® is high in calcium, which is an essential element for cell wall structure and also aids in the retention and distribution of other essential elements such as potassium and potassium. NF Coco® also contains the essential amounts of suspended silica to help insulate against wilting and to improve drought tolerance. To help improve the nutrient and water uptake of your plants, NF Coco® also contains humic and fulvic acids.

You’ve seen the best; now don’t waste your time with the rest.

• A nutrient A&B balanced for • A nutrient A&B balanced for coco mediacoco media

• Contains all essential macro and• Contains all essential macro andmicro elementsmicro elements

• Humic and fulvic acids, benefi cial• Humic and fulvic acids, benefi cialfor plant nutrient uptakefor plant nutrient uptake

• Suspended silica to insulate• Suspended silica to insulateagainst wilting and droughtagainst wilting and drought


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Sizes: 1L_5L_20L

Application Rates Rec E.C. mL / 10L mL/galGrow A&BCuttings / Seedlings 0.6-1.0 15 6Transplants 0.6-1.2 15 6Vegetative Growth 1.2-1.6 25 9 Pre-Bloom 1.3-1.7 25 9Foliar 0.5-1.0 10 4

Bloom A&B Early Bloom 1.2-1.7 30 11Bloom 1.2-1.9 35 13Late Bloom / Ripening 1.0-1.6 25 9Foliar 0.5-1.0 10 4 9




Elements Elements 4-part nutrient4-part nutrient

• Designed to promote early root • Designed to promote early root developmentdevelopment

• Contains each of the 16 key elements• Contains each of the 16 key elements• Enriched with various organic components• Enriched with various organic components

The new Elements is a premium 4-part nutrient specifi cally optimised for Grow (2-parts) and Bloom (2-parts). Nutrifi eld® Elements is the by-product of an extensive research program that was undertaken to improve the key stages in a plant development. The key factors from this study helped identify early root development for Elements® Grow to ensure an accelerated vegetative growth boost and ingredients to aid in cell division.

Elements Bloom ensures an impact on fruit and fl ower maturation, fl avour and hardening. The new formula will achieve optimum results with Nutrifi eld® Hydro Clay, as well as rockwool, vermiculite, perlite and all soil mixes.

Elements uses materials of exceptional quality.Nutrifi eld® Elements has been scientifi cally formulated using chelated pharmaceutical grade salts.

It contains each of the 16 key macro, secondary and micro elements required for plant nutrition and is enriched with natural plant ingredients to deliver high performance in your growing medium.

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Plant nutrient requirements differ throughout their entire life cycle. In each stage there are certain elements and organic compounds that are more important than others. It is essential that the correct proportions of elements are being added at the right time to avoid nutrient defi ciencies within your plants. This is extremely important, as defi ciencies will impact the size and quality of crops and yields.

Optimise your plant’s yield potential.Broad spectrum nutrients alone will give excellent results, but are unable to be completely balanced for every stage of your plant’s life cycle. For a truly superior result and to maximise your plant’s yield potential, the correct use of additives is extremely important. This is why Nutrifi eld® offers a number of additives that cater to your plant’s every requirement. All of the Nutrifi eld® additives are designed to be able to be used in synergy with your base nutrients and other supplements.

Why should I Why should I use Additives?use Additives?

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NF ZymeNF ZymeNF Zyme will unlock your plant’s potential by developing an improved fruit-bearing structure. The unique formula will help control cell division and optimise root growth. NF Zyme aids in photosynthesis and food formation, which is caused by the regulation of stomata openings. This is important, as it controls the carbon dioxide supply to your plants.

Optimise root and shoot development.NF Zyme has the ability to optimise all modes of growth or fl owering. The reaction that will occur is dependent on the mode of root development, growth or fl owering that the plant is experiencing.

NF Zyme also contains amino acids. These help by assisting nutrient uptake, growth, root formation and increase the plants metabolic rate.

NF Zyme contains micro nutrients.NF Zyme is an exceptional source of micro nutrients and will aid presently unavailable nutrients and minerals to become plant absorbable, through natural chelation. Chelation is the process of combining minerals with organic molecules. NF Zyme also strengthens cell walls and assists drought resistance.

Application Rates mL / 10L mL/gal Transplants / Seedlings 5 2Cuttings / Foliar 30 11Vegetative Growth 10 4 Pre-Bloom 10 4Soil 30 11

‘it has far exceeded my expectations ...

Nutrifi eld products rule!!!’-Brad, SA Australia

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Sizes: 250ml_500ml_1L_5L_20L

• Optimises root and shoot growth• Optimises root and shoot growth• Optimises all modes of • Optimises all modes of growth or fl owergrowth or fl ower

• Aids plant’s metabolic rate• Aids plant’s metabolic rate• Optimises yields and higher • Optimises yields and higher brix levelsbrix levels

• Naturally chelated trace • Naturally chelated trace elementselements

The newest addition to the Nutrifi eld range


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Cargo BoostCargo BoostDelivering nutrients to the root zone to optimise yields.Cargo Boost® continuously delivers nutrient to your plant’s root zone for improved growth and larger yields.

Cargo Boost® helps to deliver rapid growth and larger yields, as it is made up of small molecules that aids the nutrients ability to chelate.

Unlike conventional chelation, the small molecules work in a two-step process. The fi rst step is the creation of nano-clusters through sequestration. This is followed by specifi c molecules in Cargo Boost® attaching themselves to the sequestered elements like a container of cargo. The molecules then deliver the food to your plant’s root system, where Cargo Boost® pushes the nutrient through the plant’s outer cell wall, before returning to the nutrient pool to begin the process again.

Cargo Boost® also stabilises your systems pH from large fl uctuations to maximise nutrient uptake.

Sizes: 500ml_1L_5L_20L

Application Rates mL / 10L mL/galVegetative Growth 10 4 Pre-Bloom 10 4 Early Bloom 10 4 Bloom 15 6 Late Bloom / Ripening 15 6 Foliar 10 4

• Delivers nutrients directly to • Delivers nutrients directly to plant’s rootsplant’s roots

• Pushes nutrient through outer • Pushes nutrient through outer cell wallscell walls

• Stabilises pH• Stabilises pH


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Fulife® maximises your yields by optimising your plant’s metabolic processes.It is derived from organic carbon allowing your plants to grow faster due to improved photosynthesis.

Fulife® conditions soils and will aid more stomata openings. More stomata openings will allow for better plant respiration and transpiration, while helping the growth of benefi cial micro-organisms.

Fulife® does not increase the salt index of your system. There is little effect on osmotic potential (salt build up), allowing the plants water uptake to remain unaffected.

Fulife® enables you to run signifi cantly lower electrical conductivity (EC) without effecting nutrient absorption.

Fulife® is an organic electrolyte. Electrolytes are soluble particles that can effectively conduct an electrical current in liquid and plant substrates. The electrical activity serves to convert silica and metallic elements into easily absorbable plant food, while increasing the nutrient chelating speed. Plants respond by being able to take up previously unavailable elements leading to nutritionally satisfi ed, healthy plants.

For exceptional results use in conjunction with Oxygen Supplement (Bioxy®) and Defence System (Tri Boost®).

Sizes: 500ml_1L_5L_20L

• Optimises plant’s metabolic processes• Optimises plant’s metabolic processes• Converts silica and metallic elements • Converts silica and metallic elements to plant foodto plant food

• Improved rate of photosynthesis• Improved rate of photosynthesis• Aids plant transpiration and respiration• Aids plant transpiration and respiration

Application Rates mL / 10L mL/galCuttings / Seedlings 10 4 Transplants 40 16Vegetative Growth 10 4 Pre-Bloom 10 4 Early Bloom 10 4Bloom 10 4 Late Bloom / Ripening 5 2 Foliar 50 20


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Sizes: 250ml_500ml1L_5L_20L

• Optimises spontaneous growth• Optimises spontaneous growth• Improves cell metabolism• Improves cell metabolism• Provides natural chelation• Provides natural chelation• Relieves stress-affected plants• Relieves stress-affected plants

Application Rates mL / 10L mL/galTransplants / Seedlings 50 19 Vegetative Growth 50 19 Pre-Bloom 50 19 Early Bloom 50 19 Bloom 50 19 Late Bloom / Ripening 50 19 Foliar 150 56

Ocean Mist® aids spontaneous plant growth.Ocean Mist® is a unique natural blend formulated to optimise spontaneous plant growth. It is an organic nutrient and foliar spray combining the best from ocean and earth to optimise spontaneous growth and increase brix levels. It is derived from fi sh proteins, high analysis kelp, polysaccharides, liquid vermicast extract, humic and fulvic acids.

Strong fl owers fast.The unique mixture helps activate enzymes for improved growth and aids the amount of carbohydrates (brix levels) to improve yields and reduce fruit rot. It is ideal to relieve stress affected plants and provides natural chelation as well as being an excellent aid to optimise for micro organism activity.

Optimises fl avour and fragrance of the fi nal product.Ocean Mist® has the ability to aid an increase in the thickness of the plants cell walls and also improves fragrance and fl avour of the fi nal product. The added advantage of Ocean Mist® is you can regularly apply this formula, without risk of overdose.

Ocean Mist® can be used as a foliar spray!

Ocean MistOcean Mist®

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Alaska PureAlaska Pure





Sizes: 500ml_1L_5L_20L

• Complete fl owering optimiser• Complete fl owering optimiser• Improved brix levels• Improved brix levels• Exceptional source of natural • Exceptional source of natural plant promoterplant promoter

• Contains over 60 minerals to • Contains over 60 minerals to nutritionally satisfy your plantsnutritionally satisfy your plants

Maximise yield and vitality.Alaska Pure® is a complete fl owering aid containing rich sources of potassium, natural plant growth optimisers and 17 amino acids. It’s your ultimate organic potash.

Potassium directly affects the production of chlorophyll while regulating stomata opening. This in turn improves the plants ability to breath. Potassium is also essential for the storage and movement of carbohydrates in plants. Carbohydrates are essential to produce higher brix (sugar) levels as to maximise the weight of your yield. Alaska Pure® promotes rapid cell division, allowing the plant to uptake larger amounts of nutrient and may aid in the plants recovery from stress, disease or infestation.

Alaska Pure® uses materials of exceptional quality.Alaska Pure® contains over 60 minerals with exceptionally high chelating ability. The unique formula also provides frost resistance and is able to deliver stress relief to unhealthy plants.

Alaska Pure® can be added to your reservoir with your nutrient solution or can be used as a foliar spray.

Application Rates mL / 10L mL/galCuttings / Seedlings 30 11 Transplants 30 11 Pre-Bloom 20 8 Early Bloom 20 8 Bloom 30 11 Late Bloom / Ripening 40 15 Foliar 30 11


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Herbal BoostHerbal Boost

Aiding plant’s natural defence.Herbal Boost® is an organic growth promoter that helps boost the bio balance of your plant’s natural immune system. It is sourced from the roots of an ancient Chinese tree root called Sophora. It has long been used in Chinese natural medicine and is a by–product of many years of research into studying Chinese medicine and its applications in today’s society.

Detailed research has shown that the product works by stimulating the bio balance within the plant to ensure the internal health of the plant. Not only will Herbal Boost® strengthen your plant’s immune system it will invigorate your plants by producing strong healthy roots and green, lush foliage.

Herbal Boost® will become inactive when used with products with high alkalinity.

Size: 50ml




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pH up & downpH up & down

pH up and pH down are tank controllers that will adjust your solution to the desired pH. pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution. The pH scale ranges from 1 to 14. pH 7.0 is considered neutral and is based on pure water.

Solutions with a pH less than 7 are considered acidic, while those above 7 are considered basic (alkaline). pH affects nutrient uptake for most plants. The optimum pH range for plants is from 5.8 to 6.5.

pH up and down comes in both concentrated and ready to use (RTU) forms.

Sizes concentrate: 250ml_1L_5LSizes RTU: 500ml_1L_5L


ter T





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Introducing our Introducing our Smart Garden Range Smart Garden Range


The Smart Garden™ range is the product of excellent results and feedback from horticultural and agricultural customers.

From all the encouragement we have received, we thought that it would be a natural progression to offer these products on the domestic retail market.

The Smart Garden™ product range consists of micro-organisms and liquid additives/fertilisers. The liquid additives and fertilisers are mainly adapted to soil applications but in some cases maybe used in soil-less applications, while the micro-organisms should be used in all conditions.

What are Micro-organisms?

Benefi cial micro-organisms are one of the most infl uential discoveries in modern science. Although they are not

all completely understood, Nutrifi eld® has been able to source a number of revolutionary products that are well

documented and provide superior bio-dynamic solutions.

Benefi cial micro-organisms are natural organisms that are already living in our soils. Generally, they are not available at the appropriate levels to produce the desired outcomes or are damaged due to poor crop management. It is essential to understand that the interactions between plant and micro-organisms will promote strong healthy roots, vigorous growth, reduce fruit drop, optimise yield, promote nutrient uptake and ward off negative bacteria that affect your plant’s vitality.

Micro-organisms have long been a missing link in soil-less crop production mainly due to the fact that these interactions that occur naturally in soil were not understood for so long.

Now the answer is here with the BFA certifi ed organic Smart Garden range by Nutrifi eld®.




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Soil Soil ConditionerConditioner



Smart Garden™ Seaweed Concentrate aids spontaneous growth, optimises root development, and signifi cantly aids fl owering and fruiting. It is superior in drought and frost resistance. It also strengthens and speeds up recovery of plant stress, such a transplant shock. This is a natural alternative to reducing pest and disease infestation unlike other harsh chemically based fertilisers.

Smart Garden™ Seaweed Concentrate is derived from ascophyllum nodosum, harvested from the pure, clean and cold North Atlantic waters. This is the purest and most unique kelp product available in Australia. It is rich in potassium, natural growth promoters, essential amino acids and over 60 minerals to treat your plants the natural way.

Smart Garden™ Soil Conditioner is a specially formulated blend that will bring back life to a tired garden. The unique formula conditions, detoxifi es and reduces salt build up in your garden soil.

Smart Garden™ Soil Conditioner is excellent as a clay breaker and wetting agent to help reduce the amount of water used in your garden. It also rejuvenates plants and delays having to re-pot plants.

Smart Garden™ Soil Conditioner will increase fertiliser absorption and speed up plant metabolism.



Type of plant Rate per 9L water


Lawns 20ml (2 cap) Every 4 weeks

Vegetables, Herbs, Annuals, Potted plants, Fruit trees, Transplants

20ml (2 cap) Every 2 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 1L water


Foliar 10ml (1 cap) Every 2 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 9L water


Lawns 20ml (2 cap) Every 2-4 weeks

Vegetables, Herbs, Annuals, Potted plants, Fruit trees, Foliar

30ml (3 cap) Every 2 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 1L water


Transplants and cuttings

20ml (2 cap) Use as dripping solution

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Plant Plant ReviverReviver



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Smart Garden™ Plant Reviver is a patented formula containing key plant vitamins to bring your plants alive. Smart Garden™ Plant Reviver assists slow release fertilisers to work more rapidly. This unique design also stabilises the acidity and alkalinity of soil to unlock the plant’s true growth potential.

Smart Garden™ Plant reviver promotes a reduction in fruit rot and stimulates benefi cial micro-organisms in your soil.

The key to Smart Garden™ Plant Reviver’s success is the patented nutrient delivery system technology. This allows unavailable nutrients in your soil to be delivered directly to the plant’s roots.

Smart Garden™ Complete Fertiliser combines fi sh emulsion, high analytical seaweed extract, vermicast, fulvates and humates to encourage healthy growth. It contains all the goodness the garden requires in one simple to use bottle.

Smart Garden™ Complete Fertiliser improves fl avour, fragrance and essential oils developed by plants. The uniquely balanced formula enhances soil fertility with very low risk of overdose. Smart Garden™ Complete Fertiliser is ideal for small crop production.



Type of plant Rate per 9L water


Vegetables, Herbs, Annuals, Potted plants, Fruit trees, Transplants, Cuttings, Lawns, Composting

10ml (1 cap) Every 2 weeks

Greenhouse and hydroponics

10ml (1 cap) Every top up

Type of plant Rate per 9L water


Lawns, Potted plants 15ml (1½ cap)

Every 2 weeks

Vegetables 30ml (3 cap) Every 1-2 weeks

Fruit trees 60ml (6 cap) Every 2 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 1L water


Herbs, Annuals 15ml (1½ cap)

Every 2 weeks

Greenhouse and hydroponics

5-15ml Every top up

Transplants and cuttings

10ml (1 cap) Use as dripping solution

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Defence SystemDefence SystemDefence System produces abundant healthy roots to promote accelerated growth for your plants, while increasing their drought tolerance. Once the micro-organisms make contact with the plant’s root, they begin to colonise the surface area and improve the bio balance for improved plant health. They then follow on and fl ood the plant’s rhizosphere with benefi cial bacteria. This improves the plant’s ability to produce more robust roots and substantially optimises the number of deep roots. The derived benefi t from deeper roots will aid plants for drought tolerance.

Recent scientifi c discoveries indicate that the introduction of Defence System may help improve the health and bio balance of the plants natural immune system. This effectively causes robust healthy roots and larger yields.

Sizes: 60g_120g_250g

• Aids to restore the bio balance within • Aids to restore the bio balance within a plants root systema plants root system

• Promotes and assists in increased root • Promotes and assists in increased root structure and root depthstructure and root depth

• Formerly known as Tri Boost• Formerly known as Tri Boost®

Promotes plant root production

60g (2x30g satchets)

• Increases drought tolerance• Improves nutrient availability


Organic* Micro Organism

Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

dSmart Garden™ Defence System helps defend your plants from drought and stress. ™

Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072



Type of plant Rate per 9L water

Rate per 1gal water


Garden, Soil 2g (2 spoons)

1g (1 spoon)

Every 4 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 1L water

Rate per 1gal water


Foliar 2g (2 spoons)

3g (3 spoons)

Every 4 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 3L water

Rate per 1gal water


Cutting, Transplant, Seedlings

30g (1 satchet)

30g (1 satchet)

When planting

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Plant StarterPlant StarterS


rt Ga


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Plant Starter improves yields, nutrient accumulation and your plant’s reproductive success by extending the surface area of your plant’s root system. The naturally occurring fungi form symbiotic associations with many plant species, therefore increasing the ability of roots to explore a soil volume for immobile nutrients such as phosphorus. Due to the immobility of such elements, depletion zones occur in and around root zones where all the available nutrient has already been quickly utilised.

Therefore, for a plant to fi nd it possible to obtain more phosphorus, the plant’s root zone must bypass these depletion zones by further root activity elsewhere in the medium. The outcome of this quest for phosphorus (and other relatively immobile medium resources, such as copper, zinc and iron) is determined by the surface area of a plant’s root system. Plant Starter is primarily responsible for forming an extension of the surface area of your root by binding to your root fi laments and extending outwards.

This effectively causes a metabolic response from your plant’s root zone and rapidly promotes the production of fi ne root fi laments while increasing the surface area of your plant’s rhizosphere.

A by-product of this reaction is caused by the secretions of the fungi which help to contribute to improved soil structure by way of mechanical aggregation. This results in a loosely bound crumb-like soil structure optimising the growth of your plants.

Size: 30g_90g

• Helps to provide essential • Helps to provide essential nutrition to young plantsnutrition to young plants

• Formerly known as X10 Boost• Formerly known as X10 Boost®

Helps to provide essential nutrition for young plants


• Promotes early root development• Excellent delivery system of nutrition to plants


Organic* Micro Organism

Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

dSmart Garden™ Plant Starter helps to provide essential nutrition for young plants.

Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072



Type of plant Rate per 1L water

Rate per 1gal water


Garden, Soil 1g (1 small spoon)

4g (4 small spoons)

Every 4 weeks

Tank, Reservoir

1g (1 small spoon)

4g (4 small spoon)

Every 2 weeks

Bare roots 1g per large plant

4g per large plant

Sprinkle on before application

Cutting, Seedling, Transplant

30g (1½ large spoons)

110g (5½ large spoons)

When planting

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Growth BurstGrowth Burst

Smart Garden™ Growth Burst aids growth and will make your plant’s leaves green again without the risk of overdosing on nitrogen.

Growth Burst has the highest metabolic rate of any organism. Once applied, the product has the ability to directly fi x nitrogen aerobically onto the plant’s surface. The micro-organisms have uniquely high respiration rates that allows nitrogenase (normally oxygen-sensitive) to experience limited oxygen exposure, preventing any sudden stress.

Once fi xed to the plants surface, the micro- organisms convert the nitrogen into ammonia through the process of nitrogen fi xation, after which the ammonia is turned into proteins. This provides your plants with an extreme, vigorous growth boost.

Results in improved fl ower quality, reduced fruit drop and signifi cantly larger yields.

Sizes: 20ml_40ml

• Allows for nutritionally satisfi ed • Allows for nutritionally satisfi ed plant and improved fl ower qualityplant and improved fl ower quality

• Helps reduce fruit drop and • Helps reduce fruit drop and maximise yieldmaximise yield

• Formerly known as Multiburst• Formerly known as Multiburst®

Smart Garden™ Growth Burst contains Nitrogen fixation microbes which will help increase plant growth and keep your plants leaves green.

20ml (4x5ml satchets)

growth burstgrowth burstgrowth burstgrowth burstgrowth burstgrowth burst

Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

Makes your garden greener


Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072

Organic Micro Organism

Type of plant Rate per 9L water

Rate per 1gal water


All veg and fruit growth

10ml (2 satchets)

5ml (1 satchet)

Every 2 weeks

All fl owering 10ml (2 satchets)

5ml (1 satchet)

Every 4 weeks

Page 29: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

Compost TeaCompost Tea& Organic Accelerator& Organic Accelerator


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Smart Garden™ Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator will help reduce compost time by increasing the amount of benefi cial micro-organisms in your compost heap, as well as helping to produce your own plant fertiliser.

Smart Garden™ Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator is also an excellent plant invigorator.

Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator is your dormant micro-organism arsenal that invigorates your plants rhizosphere. The arsenal contains a cocktail of micro-organisms that optimise nutrient availability. Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator munches and decomposes dead root matter while fi xing minerals to leaf surfaces. It also has the ability to fi x minerals to enhance the uptake of nutrients and water.

Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator also has an ordinance of co-factor catalysts to enhance enzyme production. These micro-organism species are battle hardy and will thrive under the most adverse conditions.

Sizes: 105g_150g

• Helps increases the rate of • Helps increases the rate of decompositiondecomposition

• Improves compost effi ciency • Improves compost effi ciency to control compost odourto control compost odour

• Formerly known as Take Off• Formerly known as Take Off®



Smart Garden™ Compost Tea & Organic Accelerator will help reduce composting time

Helps reduce compost time

150g Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

• Compost tea activator• Controls compost’s odour

& Organic Accelerator

d ™

Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072

compostcompostcompostcompostteatea tea

Type of plant Rate of brew mix per 1L water

Rate of brew mix per 1gal-lon water


Garden, Soil (50m2)

0 - no added water

0 - no added water

Every 4 weeks

Foliar 1L (2 spoons)

1 gallon Every 4 weeks

Tank, Reservoir

20ml (1 spoon)

75ml Every 2 weeks

Cutting, Seed-ling, Transplant

500ml ½ gallon When planting

Page 30: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

Oxygen Oxygen SupplementSupplement

Oxygen Supplement is your benefi cial micro-organism that systematically converts enzymes into a natural source of hydrogen peroxide. The conversion can be contributed to action of the glucose oxidase present within the micro-organism. In simpler terms, the reaction that occurs releases the hydrogen from the enzyme, and then oxides to produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). The naturally occurring hydrogen peroxide acts as a steriliser or system cleaner. The advantage of this form of hydrogen peroxide over that of synthetic versions is that it won’t harm any of your benefi cial bacteria or fi ne root hairs. Therefore, providing for a healthier plant.

As the hydrogen peroxide is a non-synthetic source (and highly volatile), it is easily broken down into a free atom of oxygen. Essentially Oxygen Supplement provides a boost of oxygen to help stimulate your benefi cial micro-organisms and improve breeding rates.

• Brings your plant’s back to life• Brings your plant’s back to life• Aids nutrient uptake• Aids nutrient uptake• Improves soil porosity• Improves soil porosity• Previously Bioxy• Previously Bioxy®

Sizes: 60g_120g_250g

Smart Garden™ Oxygen Supplement is great for bringing the garden to life.

Brings your garden back to life

105g Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

• Converts enzymes into a natural source of Hydrogen Peroxide

• Provides oxygen to the plants root system


Organic Micro Organismsupplement

Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072

Type of plant Rate per 9L water

Rate per 1gal water


Garden, Soil 2g (2 spoons)

1g (1 spoon)

Every 4 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 1L water

Rate per 1gal water


Foliar 2g (2 spoons)

3g (3 spoons)

Every 4 weeks

Type of plant Rate per 3L water

Rate per 1gal water


Cutting, Transplant, Seedlings

30g (1 satchet)

30g (1 satchet)

When planting

Page 31: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue

Water CleanerWater Cleaner

Smart Garden™ Water Cleaner will help reduce algae and fungi bloom and reduce odours from tanks.

Smart Garden™ Water Cleaner is non-toxic and is safe to animals and fi sh. The active ingredients will break down decaying root matter, clean ponds, tanks and reservoirs.

Smart Garden™ Water Cleaner are your benefi cial micro-organisms that work together to form a natural fi lter. Most importantly they will break down decaying matter such as dead roots and convert these into a useful food source.

Sizes: 20g_50g

Smart Garden™ Water Cleaner will help break down organic matter and reduce odours from tanks.


water cleanerwater cleanerwater cleaner

Suitable for all plantsSuitable for all plants

Cleans ponds, tanks and reservoirs


Organic Micro Organism

Manufactured and guaranteed by Nutrifield Pty Ltd. PO Box 2103 Preston, VIC Australia 3072

• Cleans tanks and ponds• Cleans tanks and ponds• Sanitises nutrient systems to • Sanitises nutrient systems to reduce odour from tanksreduce odour from tanks

• Breaks down decaying matter & • Breaks down decaying matter & recycles into available plant foodrecycles into available plant food

• Reduces blocks ensuring all • Reduces blocks ensuring all plants are equally fedplants are equally fed

• Formerly known as Bio Kleen• Formerly known as Bio Kleen



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Type of plant Rate per 100L water

Rate per 26gal water


Tanks 1g (1 spoon) 1g (1 spoon)

When required

Hydroponic system†

1g (1 spoon) 1g (1 spoon)

When required

Page 32: Nutrifield 2011 Catalogue


Advanced Feeding RegimeThe following is the Nutrifi eld recommended advanced feeding regime designed for the gardener who demands results. For optimum results, follow the regime carefully and remember to adjust your pH to between 5.8 and 6.3 depending on the type of plants.


• Choose either NF Coco or Elements as your hydroponic


• If after week 3, size of plant is insuffi cient, repeat

week 3 until required plant size is achieved. For larger

fl owering programs repeat week 8

• NF Coco is specifi cally designed to be used with NF

Premium Coco

• When using NF Zyme as a foliar spray, use at 30ml per

10L. Not to be sprayed when used in nutrient tank

• NF Zyme can not be used in conjunction with Alaska

Pure or Ocean Mist

• Ocean Mist can be substituted with your hydroponic

nutrient for organic gardening or as a fi nishing fertilizer

• For optimum results apply oxygen Supplement,

Compost Tea and Plant Starter as a media drench,

for application rates refer to the product packaging

• Growth Burst, Ocean Mist, Defence System and

oxygen Supplement can all be mixed together when

foliar spraying

• For optimum results when foliar spraying, apply in the

evening or early morning, avoid direct sunlight and

spray both sides of leaves until run off

• Discard any diluted unused portion of Micro Organisms

• Keep a look out for the new look Nutrifi eld Micro


• PPM is in 700 scale

2 Part Nutrient

2 Part Nutrient

4 Part Nutrient

4 Part Nutrient

4 Part Nutrient

4 Part Nutrient





Micro Organism

Micro Organism

Micro Organism

Micro Organism

Micro Organism

Micro Organism/Foliar



NF Coco Part A

NF Coco Part B

Elements Grow Part A

Elements Grow Part B

Elements Bloom Part A

Elements Bloom Part B

NF Zyme

Alaska Pure

Cargo Boost


Oxygen Supplement

Compost Tea

Defence System

Plant Starter

Water Cleaner

Growth Burst

Herbal Boost

Ocean Mist

15 25 25 30 30 35 35 35 35 25 20

15 25 25 30 30 35 35 35 35 25 20

15 25 25 - - - - - - - -

15 25 25 - - - - - - - -

- - - 30 30 35 35 35 35 30 25

- - - 30 30 35 35 35 35 30 25

10 10 10 - - - - - - - -

- - - 20 20 30 30 40 40 40 20

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 15 15 10

10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7 5 5 5

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500 - 500

3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

10 - 10 10 - 10 - 15 15 15 -

0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1

10 - 10 10 10 - - - - -

- 40 - 40 - 40 40 40 40 - -

- - - 150 150 150 100 - - - -

Chart is per 10L GROW FLOWER

Rec EC 0.6-1.0 1.2-1.6 1.3-1.7 1.2-1.7 1.2-1.7 1.2-1.7 1.2-1.9 1.2-1.9 1.2-1.9 1.2-1.9 1.0-1.6

Metric – Imperial Conversions5 ml 1 tsp 0.1670 fl oz15 ml 1 tbsp 0.5 fl oz30 ml 1 ounce 1 fl oz0.9 L 1 quart 32 fl oz3.75 L 1 gallon 128 fl oz



















Prior to using this guide, please

refer to the notes section

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