Nu's Blog

LoveLounge Blog: How do you view others.... Let me tell it to you straight - YOUR EMOTIONS ARE VALID AND REAL! Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!!! When we begin to have respect for the thoughts of others and we begin to cherish the feelings of others, as we do our own - we step into a larger world. Think about it. If you made a list of all your character flaws - and saw that part of yourself loud and clear, would you say that even though you know you are that way, you let yourself off the hook? Well, then let us see others with Love and compassion and let them off the hook, too. This doesn't mean we have to tolerate abuse or anything like that, but it does mean that we can choose to see and encourage the best in others. And when we do that, a strange thing starts to happen - the best of who they are begins to emerge. If we are constantly looking for what's wrong, if we are constantly trying to see how someone messed up - we miss the miracle and we miss the blessing that is his or her presence in our life. So when it comes to other people - I have a question, and answer honestly... What are you looking for in them? Are you looking for what's right? Are you seeing them as doing the best that they can - are you giving compassion to them at the same level that you give to yourself or those that you Love? Just some food for thought as we not only show love to others but begin to work on ourselves as well... ~Nuri~


If we are constantly looking for what's wrong, if we are constantly trying to see how someone messed up - we miss the miracle and we miss the blessing that is his or her presence in our life.

Transcript of Nu's Blog

Page 1: Nu's Blog

LoveLounge Blog: How do you view others....Let me tell it to you straight - YOUR EMOTIONS ARE VALID AND REAL! Don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise!!!When we begin to have respect for the thoughts of others and we begin to cherish the feelings of others, as we do our own - we step into a larger world. Think about it. If you made a list of all your character flaws - and saw that part of yourself loud and clear, would you say that even though you know you are that way, you let yourself off the hook? Well, then let us see others with Love and compassion and let them off the hook, too. This doesn't mean we have to tolerate abuse or anything like that, but it does mean that we can choose to see and encourage the best in others. And when we do that, a strange thing starts to happen - the best of who they are begins to emerge.

If we are constantly looking for what's wrong, if we are constantly trying to see how someone messed up - we miss the miracle and we miss the blessing that is his or her presence in our life.

So when it comes to other people - I have a question, and answer honestly... What are you looking for in them? Are you looking for what's right? Are you seeing them as doing the best that they can - are you giving compassion to them at the same level that you give to yourself or those that you Love?Just some food for thought as we not only show love to others but begin to work on ourselves as well... ~Nuri~