November 2011 Cross Roads

All Saints’ Sunday Terry Johnston - Orange County Prison Volunteer of the Year Environmental Stewardship Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School Advent Wreaths and the Jesse Tree Lenten Retreat C ross R oads Journal of the Chapel of the Cross X November 2011


Journal of the Chapel of the Cross

Transcript of November 2011 Cross Roads

All Saints’ SundayTerry Johnston - Orange County Prison Volunteer of the Year

Environmental Stewardship

Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School

Advent Wreaths and the Jesse Tree

Lenten Retreat

Cross Roads

Journal of the Chapel of the Cross X November 2011


[ Contents ]

For a service schedule and information about the various ministries of the Chapel of the Cross

3 Dear Friends

4 Terry Johnston, Orange County

Prison Volunteer of the Year

5 Environmental Stewardship

6 Advent Wreaths and the Jesse Tree

8 Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School

November 1 All Saints’ Day - 5:45 p.m. - Holy


November 6 All Saints’ Sunday

9:00 Service – Children Wear Saints’ Costumes

11:15 Service - Solemn Eucharist for All Saints (see p. 8)

(Daylight Savings Time Ends)

[ Dates to Remember ]

9 Lenten Retreat

10 Christopher Hogin/Advent Quiet Day

11 Adult Education Calendar

12 Holiday Calendar

14 Vestry Actions

15 Christmas Wreaths

November 8 RSVVP - Local Restaurants Donate

10% to Inter-Faith Council for Social Services

November 24 Thanksgiving Day - 10:00 a.m. -

Holy Eucharist

November 27 Jesse Tree/Advent Wreath

Intergenerational Event


At diocesan clergy conference last month, we heard several very interesting presentations. One of them involved several of our deacons sharing their stories of discerning and following their call, as well as the challenging and fruitful ministries they are

now engaged in. They asked us to go back and educate our congregations about the ministry of deacons.

As you know, in the Episcopal Church, in addition to lay persons, there are three ordained orders of ministry: bishops, priest, and deacons. Deacons, in the words of the Prayer Book, are called to “a special ministry of servanthood directly under [the] bishop,” to serve “all people, particularly the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely,” and “to show Christ’s people that in serving the helpless they are serving Christ himself.”

An active order of ordained diaconal ministry was revived in the mid-1970s with the present Book of Common Prayer. We began ordaining deacons in this diocese about ten years later; and two and half decades later, we now have 43 active deacons, with 3 candidates and 9 retired (including our own Martha Hart). Bishop Curry’s articulated dream is to have a deacon in every congregation (about 120), to help each of our parishes and missions become more involved with those on the margins of our society. We obviously still have a ways to grow.

Dear Friends,At the Chapel of the Cross, we are fortunate to have two deacons serving with us: Bill Joyner and Maggie Silton. Both of them are involved with our Outreach Committee. In addition, Bill began and oversees our Special Worship on

the third Monday for people with developmental disabilities and has also worked closely with our Habitat for Humanity partnerships. Maggie serves on the board of the Inter-Faith

Council for Social Service. More important than their individual ministries is their organizing and enabling the rest of us to serve, e.g. Bill involving so many university students in Special Worship and Maggie parishioners at IFC. And of course, in their preaching and teaching, they speak to us on behalf of the voiceless.

Bishop Curry allows two deacons to serve here only because a major part of Bill’s responsibility is as Archdeacon for the diocese, i.e. assisting the bishop with the deployment and nurture of the other deacons, thus limiting some of his local involvement. I am very grateful to both Bill and Maggie for their service through our parish, which of course, as with all deacons, is on a non-stipendiary basis. Their dedicated service is a great boost to the outreach of the Chapel of the Cross and to our presence in the wider community.

Please feel free to speak with either of them about how they experienced this call to service and servanthood. Their stories will inspire you. And should you feel any stirrings within yourself to explore diaconal ministry, please do meet with one of them or with any of the staff priests. We will be happy to help you to discern what God might be calling you to do.

– Stephen

Chapel of the Cross Deacons - Bill Joyner and Maggie Silton


calls them, “Honor roll guys”. He says, “They’ve got more incentive to be good than anyone I know. I’ve never had anyone doing anything untoward”.

Meetings take place twice a month on Tuesday nights in the prison in Hillsborough. The cafeteria serves as the gathering place. They last about an hour. The goal of this ministry, Terry says, is not to preach but to listen. It gives inmates a chance to talk about their lives and their hopes for re-entry into the real world, “It’s just conversation, conversation over snack, sometimes guys bring clippings, something in their life in newspaper clippings and they share them with us”.

Besides serving on the prison volunteer’s board, Terry is the Yoke Fellows coordinator arranging for light refreshments and food for the meetings. Terry describes Yoke Fellows as a loosely organized national group committed to helping prisoners. The group takes its name from the gospel of Matthew where Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest in your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light” (Matthew 11:29-30).

He says there is a total of about 400 volunteers at the Orange/Alamance facility. About half are women. Besides the Tuesday night “listening ministry” male volunteers are allowed to take selected inmates out of the prison compound to church services, medical appointments, and meetings.

Terry would like to see parishioners joining him. He thinks ideally members might be retired, which would allow some time during the day to take prisoners on outings.

Terry has been an Episcopalian for more than 30 years. He broadened his theological education and sought to discern his calling through EFM, the four year Education for Ministry program offered to laity. He sees his calling to be a quiet listener. He hopes he is an agent of change. But he calls himself realistic, “All I can do is go in there and be one guy, just a real world guy who shows up and talks with one or two people, that’s what I can do, I can’t change the laws.

Johnston says winning the volunteer of the year award was nice. “It’s a real pretty plaque”. But his real reward comes from meeting the inmates who have changed their lives. He says many have become, “calm, caring Christians, wanting to help others. To me they are inspiring role models”. X

The last thing Terry Johnston wants to talk about is Terry Johnston. The long time Chapel of the Cross parishioner speaks softly, smiles easily, and turns conversation away from his recent

award as “Orange County Prison Volunteer of the Year”.

His passion is prison ministry. His worry is that he alone represents resource-rich Chapel of the Cross in pursuing it.

Terry is in his last two years on the board of the Orange/Alamance County prison ministry. He points out that it’s important that someone from this parish come on board, “Because we make a significant financial contribution to this program, we have a permanent seat on the board. Right now there is no one to replace me.”

He doesn’t know why there’s no participation from church members or clergy. A few years ago he says there were active volunteers from the Chapel of the Cross who recruited him. Now there’s a new chapel built partly with cash contributions from the Chapel of the Cross. He says there are a lot of volunteers from Quaker and Mennonite churches and from the more rural fundamentalist Christian churches. “Even Holy Family has a Faith Team there”. He thinks that maybe the greater representation from rural churches is because in small communities folks know a greater range of families whose members may have been incarcerated. He says at the Chapel of the Cross most of our members are more insulated from that part of society.

He wants to get the word out about prison ministry. He hopes that once Chapel of the Cross parishioners understand what it is some will join. He says this prison ministry is special. “You are dealing with the poorest of the poor. Many of these guys have spent years inside being transferred from prison to prison. They’ve now arrived here in Orange County at a minimum security facility.” Many will be released soon, some 200 this year. Johnston

Terry Johnston, Orange County Prison Volunteer of the YearBy Mike Shea


It has been several months since I assumed the chairmanship of the Environmental Stewardship Committee; and now is an appropriate time for an update on the committee’s activities, accomplishments, and plans for the future. Please be aware that much of our planning is in the formative stage needing more thought and consideration both in committee and, in some instances, collaboration with other committees before implementation.

A very significant accomplishment – I think it is critical for building and guiding our future – is that the committee functions as a very productive and hardworking body yet members retain their individualism; everyone is making a tremendous impact on projects and on the evolution of our thinking.

I firmly believe that any organization or body of people must have a mission statement if it is to develop meaningful programs and measurable goals. To this end, I spent many hours on the internet viewing local, state, and national websites related to Christianity (and other religions) and the environment. Not surprisingly, I found many common themes and missions, several of which were considered as we constructed the own mission statement for the Environmental Stewardship Committee of the Chapel of the Cross. We came up with the following:

Believing that all creation is interconnected and a gift from God to us, we commit to take an active and holistic approach to environmental stewardship through education, service, and sustainable practices.

This mission statement is consistent with our Diocesan and National Church goals for Environmental Stewardship and is the basis of all our current and future endeavors. It directs us not only to work within the confines of the Chapel of the Cross but also to reach beyond to help where we can in drawing attention to environmental issues at large. Our basic premise is:


The Creation Cycle adult education series just completed highlighted a few of the many issues facing our planet

Earth through global warming. Notably, all speakers were local. We are planning to continue to tap into the many local authorities on this and other important issues related to our environment. Look for programs on such topics as renewable energy sources, environmentally degradable plastics, composting, green chemistry, green agriculture, plastics and their societal value and misuse, water issues, etc. We also plan offsite educational activities such as visits to local startup companies, for example Strata of Chapel Hill for solar energy development and Piedmont Biodiesel in Pittsboro.

Endangered animal species is another area where we expect to assist in education processes. The trip to the Lemur Center at Duke University is a great example of how we can work with our Sunday school and adults to focus on problems in the animal world.

Other opportunities that we are considering to attract attention of the children include involving the Sunday school students to help us identify good and bad local environmental practices.

In addition to all the above, we are, of course, committed to ensuring that we have sustainable practices in our own church recyclable and/or compostable articles, utilization of local foods, best energy practices, etc. The recent successful Fall Feast catered by the Mediterranean Deli was a great example of a local partnership from which we all benefitted.

We have re-initiated a membership in the Episcopal Environmental Network, Province IV in NC, which has the goal “Caring for God’s Creation: Called to be Stewards”. This we expect to be a fruitful collaboration with stimulation both ways and a chance to visit other churches.

Finally, I can assure you that we are all having an interesting and busy experience on this committee and we extend a warm invitation to everyone to come and join us. We meet monthly in the evening, come join us and share your thoughts, we will be pleased to have you. Remember our calling,


Update on the Environmental Stewardship CommitteeBy Graham Swift


Every year, on the first Sunday of Advent, we begin the four

of weeks of waiting for Christmas by waiting for the garden

shears … and waiting for a chance to clip some holly … and

waiting for children to push candles into the foam forms

that shape our Advent wreaths. Even when the First Sunday

of Advent falls on Thanksgiving weekend (as it does this

year) there is a festive and expectant crowd at the annual

Wreath-making and Jesse Tree Intergenerational event. This

year, the event will be held on November 27 beginning at

10:20 a.m.

Wreath-making will take place in the dining room. If

you have greenery in your garden to spare (boxwoods,

holly, cypress, rosemary etc), please consider sharing it by

delivering it to the church the weekend of wreath-making

or by contacting Boykin Bell for pick-up. Members of the

Children and Family Ministry Committee have become

rather expert at careful snipping and pruning.

In addition to greenery wreaths, there will be opportunities

for preschool hands to make pie pan wreaths and for new

Advent Wreaths and the Jesse TreeBy Boykin Bell


families to make wooden “tinker-toy” wreaths. If you have

carpentry tools and skills and would be willing to cut

wooden pieces for the tinker-toy wreaths, your help would

be much appreciated. There are about 20 new families with

young children at the church this year so there is lots of

work for carpenters.

On the same morning we wait for our Advent wreaths to

take leafy shape, we’ll wait for the Jesse Tree to be decorated

with symbols of Jesus’ genealogy, Old Testament prophecies

of the Messiah, the Virgin Mary, and the Holy Spirit. For

more than 15 years, parishioner Suzanne Sauter has helped

organize the glittering and gluing of ornaments, the patterns

for which she has created and updated herself. Look for old

favorites and new designs in the Campus Center.

Finally, we will kick off our Advent offerings of mosquito

nets and Dopp kits in the parlor. Since last spring, our

church has been raising money to donate one mosquito net

from each member of the parish to Episcopal Relief and

Development’s Nets for Life campaign. Mosquito nets will

be given to people in developing nations who are at risk

of contracting malaria. Dopp kits will be assembled for

local people who cannot buy toiletry and hygiene products

without financial help. Your financial donations will help

purchase shampoos and soaps. The kits will be distributed

through the Inter-faith Council for Social Services.

For more information about Advent Wreath-making or

the Jesse Tree, or to help with providing greenery, making

wreath bases, or contributing to Nets for Life, contact

Boykin Bell at 929-2193 or

[email protected]. X


Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School is one of the community organizations that received a grant from the 2011 ABC Sale. A number of parishioners have children who attend Chatham County Schools, Perry Harrison in particular. I’m one of those parishioners and have been lucky enough to serve as a Fuel Up board member.

To understand the importance of this small program, a quick look at the numbers helps put things in perspective. According to the US Department of Agriculture, 14.5 percent (17.2 million) of U.S. households were food insecure at some time during 2010. The USDA defines Very Low Food Security in homes where there are multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake. Last year, a report made by the Chatham Outreach Alliance (CORA) indicated that one in four children in Chatham County live in food-insecure homes.

The Fuel Up concept began in three Chatham County elementary schools in the 2007-2008 school year. Started by parents in fall of 2008, Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School was created to (anonymously and discreetly) provide bags of food to students to meet their nutritional needs during weekends and breaks from school.

Food is provided through donations only; no tax dollars are spent on the program. Fellow parishioner and Executive Director of Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School Sarah Blake Finigan says, “People really want to reach out to help others in need, especially children; but they’re not always sure how they can help, and they all want to do something that makes a direct and meaningful impact. Weekend food programs such as ‘Fuel Up’ allow people to do just that. Reports from teachers and parents of our program’s participants demonstrate that there is a marked difference in their child(ren)’s overall health and wellness, their behavior, their

Fuel Up at Perry Harrison SchoolBy Mary Beth Grealey

academic performance, and perhaps most importantly, their self-esteem. People who volunteer to help in our program have all indicated that they, too, are richly blessed by the experience of helping children in their community live healthier, more productive lives.”

For a regular weekend, the backpacks contain three dinners, two lunches, two breakfasts, and two snacks (additional food is provided for longer breaks). With the exception of the fresh fruit that is also provided each week, the food is shelf-stable; and even a very young child would be able to prepare most of, if not all, the items without adult assistance. The program currently serves 42 children each weekend and continues to grow.

For the last two years, Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School has also provided a 10-week summer gap program that provides weekly food for program participants, thanks to grants from the ABC Sale and community volunteers. ABC Sale funds were used to purchase fresh produce, pantry staples, and dairy products.

Fuel Up at Perry Harrison School has helped start programs at Pittsboro Elementary, North Chatham School, and Pollard Middle School in Chatham County, as well as Rashkis Elementary in Chapel Hill. The hope is that more schools will develop similar programs to address the needs of food-insecure children in their communities. X


Paul J. Ilecki, Ed.D., will lead a three-day Lenten retreat, “Just Noticing ... Awareness Tools for Contemplative Practice,” from Friday afternoon, March 23 to Monday morning March 26, 2012. The retreat will be held at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, NC, approximately 30 miles north of Greensboro. The Prayer Center is a 25,000 sq. ft. state-of-the-art facility situated on 140 acres of beautiful and peaceful wooded property that offers a natural setting for prayer, reflection, and meditation.

Just noticing: Most journaling techniques rely on reflection and insight, a gathering of memories and understandings that may prove helpful but ultimately remove the journaler from the immediate experience of awareness. Just noticing is a set of awareness tools that can lead the journaler back into the flow and energy of life as it is being lived, with sufficient attention to the forms of experience (events) to address their energies and force. We then move silently toward states of awareness that may bring deep peace and calming mindfulness. An outcome of just noticing practice is a life lived with attentiveness, expanded awareness, and graceful acceptance.

The retreat will include meditation practice, instruction, small group discussion, and a silent environment. More detailed information on the retreat, along with a downloadable detailed .pdf document, can be found at Paul’s website here:

The leader: Paul J. Ilecki, Ed.D., a former priest and monk at St. Benedict’s Monastery, holds a doctorate in adult learning and development. He was assistant dean of the Graduate School at UNC-Chapel Hill. He currently

Lenten Retreat - March 23-26, 2011Just Noticing...Awareness Tools for Contemplative Practice

serves on the staff of Intensive Centering Prayer retreats for Contemplative Outreach of Colorado, conducts his own meditation retreats and workshops, and teaches reflective journaling using the Intensive Journal® developed by Dr. Ira Progoff for Dialogue House, NYC. He developed Just noticing in response to a felt need for a noticing process that more directly complements contemplative practices.

The cost for the retreat, room, and meals is $295 per person for double occupancy, or $375 for one of the six available single rooms; parishioners can receive financial assistance by contacting a member of the clergy. Registration is limited to 25 attendees and will be open exclusively for members of the Chapel of the Cross and other local Episcopal churches until November 30. Call the parish office to sign up at 929-2193 and reserve a place with a $100 deposit. For questions or details, contact Pat Moore, 919-967-1961, [email protected] or the Rev. Tammy Lee, 919-929-2193, [email protected]. X

Dear Parishioners,My name is Christopher Hogin, and I will be your Duke Divinity intern for the year. Although I’ve been attending services here for a while, I look forward to becoming more involved on a deeper level through programming and worship.

Originally from Knoxville, Tennessee, I lived in the Washington, DC area for the past 10 years working as a counsel for the United States Senate, then later as a corporate antitrust attorney. The call to ministry has always resided within, but I delayed taking formal steps. For me, exploring other areas of life was necessary before pursuing holy orders. My hobbies include just about any kind of outdoor recreational activity, creative writing, improvisational theater, and very bad stand-up comedy. I also love traveling, and had a profoundly moving experience last spring in Haiti, which I hope to share with the congregation at some point. Currently I’m in my second year of seminary at Duke Divinity School.

I look forward to making connections with the parish, and am so grateful for this opportunity.

Faithfully - Christopher Hogin

Advent Quiet Day - December 3, 2011

Please join the Spiritual Life Committee and the Reverend Stephen Elkins-Williams for our annual Advent Quiet Day on Saturday, December 3, from 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at Camp New Hope.

The Advent retreat will have the theme: “Centering on God.” Alex de Tocqueville once remarked of Americans that “each citizen is habitually engaged in the contemplation of a very puny object, namely himself”! These few hours will give us a chance to be still before the Lord and wait patiently for God. The retreat leader, the Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams, has served as Rector of the Chapel of the Cross since 1985 and in his role as pastor, priest, and teacher serves as spiritual head of the parish.

The Advent Quiet Day will include ample time for quiet reflection outdoors or by the fire. Breakfast snacks and lunch are included, and a closing Eucharist will complete the day. Casual dress is encouraged, as there will be opportunities for walking the beautiful grounds of Camp New Hope. The Quiet Day will be held in the spacious and comfortable main Dining Hall at Camp New Hope, which is located on Highway 86 just a few minutes north of Chapel Hill ( A $10 donation is requested to cover the cost of meals. Sign up in the parish office (929-2193). Contact Allen Dawson at [email protected] for additional information about the Quiet Day.

Here is a web link for a map of Camp New Hope for directions to the main Dining Hall:



Adult Education

November 6Introduction to Old Testament as Scripture, (the Minor Prophets), Part 4 of 6,- David Jamieson Drake

Growing with Your Aging ParentsA monthly support group- Zoe Ulshen

Newcomers’ Welcome Class- The Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams

November 13Introduction to Old Testament as Scripture, (Wisdom Literature), Part 5 of 6,- David Jamieson Drake

CrossTies Sunday NOOMA Series- The Rev. David Frazelle

Parent Gathering, Emotionally Intelligent Parenting- Leslie Branden-Muller

November 20Introduction to Old Testament as Scripture, (Wisdom Literature), Part 6 of 6,- David Jamieson Drake

Parent Gathering, Emotionally Intelligent Parenting- Leslie Branden-Muller

November 27Making Advent Wreath and Jesse Tree Ornaments, An Intergenerationl Event

Other Opportunities

November 29:00–10:30 a.m. - LibraryFirst Wednesday Women’s Bible Study, “Letter from James”, Chapter 1,- Gretchen Jordan

Tuesdays, 5:00–6:30 p.m.Centering Prayer, Choir Room

Thursdays, 6:00–6:30 p.m.Veni Spiritus, Binkley Baptist Church

Looking Ahead

Saturday, December 39:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m. - Camp New HopeAdvent Quiet Day, Centering on God- The Rev. Stephen Elkins-Williams

Sunday, December 410:20–11:05 a.m.The Service of Lessons and Carols (to be sung on December 18)- Van Quinn

January 9–February 6, 2012Monday Mornings - 9:00–11:00 a.m.Let The Bones Dance- The Rev. Marcia Mount Shoop, author and theologian

Sunday Mornings - 10:20-11:05 a.m.


Sunday, November 27 Intergenerational Advent Wreath and Jesse Tree Ornament Making (During the church school hour, 10:20-11:05 a.m.)This annual event offers parishioners a chance to make Advent wreaths and Jesse Tree decorations. If you have evergreens to share (spruce, holly, rosemary, etc) please bring them to church before 10:20 on November 27 or contact [email protected] to arrange pruning and pick-up. New families may also make a tinker-toy wooden wreath; toddlers may prefer a simple pie pan wreath. Foam forms and candles will be for sale in the dining room. Jesse Tree ornaments will be made in the Campus Center.

Saturday, December 3

Advent Quiet Day (see article on p. 10)

Sunday, December 4

Two and Three year olds receive gift Bibles in Church School. Please contact Boykin Bell at [email protected] to have a two or three year-old’s name inscribed in a book.

10:20 a.m. Newcomers’ Welcome Session

2:30 – approximately 5:00 pm Caroling to Homebound Parishioners. Gather in the Chapel to divide into groups which will visit homebound parishioners and share the gift of song.

Friday, December 9 – Sunday, December 11

Bishop’s Ball, a weekend for diocesan youth, at Camp Walter Johnson in Brown Summit, NC.

Saturday, December 10

4:00 p.m. (note new time) - Young Children’s Christmas PageantThis is a practice-free, participatory re-enactment of the story of Christ’s birth especially for children ages 2-elementary school. Angel, animal, shepherd, and wise person costumes may be created at home or borrowed from the Christian Formation office. Small gift bags will be given out after the service.

Advent and Christmas CalendarNovember 27 - December 26


Sunday, December 11 Last Compline service for fall term; service resumes on Sunday, January 15, 2012.

Saturday, December 17 1:30 p.m. Junior and Senior Choir rehearsal for Lessons and Carols service.

Sunday, December 18 Advent Service of Lessons and Carols; identical services at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m.

Monday, December 19 7:00 p.m. Christmas Pageant during Special Worship with People with Developmental Disabilities; all are invited to join in this unrehearsed telling of the Christmas story.

Saturday, December 24

3:00 and 5:00 p.m. Christmas Eve Pageants

Actors come from our Episcopal Youth Communities. Most families with young children attend the 3:00 service.There is also a 5:00 service with candlelight. Both services are crowded; arrive at least 30 minutes early for a seat.

7:30 p.m. – The First Eucharist of Christmas

11:00 p.m. – The Christ Mass

Sunday, December 25, Christmas Day

10:00 a.m. Eucharist; no nursery care

Monday, December 26

Parish Office Closed


Vestry Actions

At its meeting on September 15, the Vestry:

• Approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee to adopt the Preliminary Financing Plan for Phase One of the Master Plan

• Authorized the Wardens to spend up to $20,000 of the previously approved architect expenses now to be used for concept design work aimed at reducing the cost of the project

• Approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee to distribute the total share of $16,546 for seminary support for 2011 in the amount of $4141 each to The School of Theology at the University of the South (Sewanee), Berkeley Divinity School at Yale, Virginia Theological Seminary, and The General Theological Seminary of the Episcopal Church

• Approved the recommendation of the Finance Committee for approval of the Credit Card Usage Policy

• Endorsed Martha Brimm for her candidacy for ordination to the priesthood

• Elected Ann Craver and Dick Taylor to three-year terms to Annual Convention and named Robert Wright as first alternate, Bill Stockard as second alternate, Syd Alexander as third alternate, Alice Cotten as fourth alternate, Jessica Bodford as fifth alternate, and Jimmy Satterwhite as sixth alternate

• Approved the recommendation of the Personnel Committee for an adjustment in the hours for Christian Formation, with Boykin Bell’s hours to be increased to 32 hours, with health insurance support, and Gretchen Jordan’s hours to be reduced to 20 hours per week, these changes to be effective retroactive to September 1

• Approved the nomination of Richard Gaillard, Mary Beth Grealey, and Perri Kersh to the Outreach Ministry Committee

• Approved the recommendations of the Outreach Ministry Committee to distribute from the discretionary funds line item $500 to Project Connect, $2000 to the Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship Fund, and $1000 to El Futuro

• Approved the nomination of Judy Wyne to the Global Mission Committee

• Approved the request of the Global Mission Committee for endorsement of a grant proposal to the Diocese for $2000 to establish a sewing collective at the Kwasa Centre in Springs, South Africa.


Christmas Wreaths for 2011

Benefiting Mission and Outreach for 2012

Clean Water Well-building in Guatemala

Since 1996, the Chapel of the Cross has been selling beautiful balsam wreaths from Wotton’s Evergreens in Thomaston, Maine, to support its mission trips. Over the years we have sold hundreds of wreaths, the majority of which are to repeat customers. The wreaths are 24-26 inches in diameter and come with pine cones, berries, and a large bow. The cost is the same as last year, $32.00 per wreath, which includes shipping and handling. You may include a brief gift message with your order on a separate gift card provided, which also serves as a mailing label. A separate order form is required for each wreath.

Please consider buying one of these fragrant and fresh wreaths shipped directly to you, a friend, or a family member for the Advent and Christmas seasons. Stop by our tables after services on November 13 and 20 to see a photo of the wreaths. We appreciate your help. Please return this form to the parish office with a check in the amount you wish to contribute, payable to the Chapel of the Cross. Please mark ‘Wreaths’ in the memo line. Delivery will take place during the first week in December. The last day to order is November 30.

Name: _____________________________________________

Address: ____________________________________________

Phone: _____________________________________________

Is this wreath a gift to be sent to someone else? ____Yes ____No

Please write recipient’s information below.

Name: _____________________________________________

Shipping Address: _____________________________________



Christmas Wreaths for 2011

The vestry regularly m

eets on the third Thurs-

day of each month. A

ssignments, contact

information, and photos of the vestry m


may be found on the parish w

eb site (ww, and on the board across the hall from

the parish office.

The Vestry

Terms end 2012

Valerie Bateman

James M

oeser Linda R

imer (Junior W

arden) Ford W

orthy (Senior Warden)

Terms end 2013

Alice C


ancy McG


Dick Taylor

Joel Wagoner

Terms end 2014

Joe FerrellH

ugh Morrison

Alan R


Nancy Tunnessen

David Joseph, Treasurer

Nancy K

elly, Clerk

Eugene Dauchert, C


The C


e Rev. Stephen Elkins-W

illiams, R


e Rev. Tam

bria E. Lee, Associate for U

niversity Ministry

The Rev. Victoria Jam

ieson-Drake, Associate for Pastoral M


e Rev. D

avid Frazelle, Associate for Parish M


e Rev. D

r. William

H. Joyner, D


e Rev. M

argaret Silton, Deacon

The R

ev. Dr. R

ichard W. Pfaff, Priest A


e Rev. D

r. William

H. M

orley, Priest Associate

The R

ev. John M. K

eith, Priest Associate

The Staff

Dr. W

ylie S. Quinn III, O



retchen Jordan, Associate for C

hristian Formation

Boykin Bell, Associate for C

hristian Formation

Caren Parker, Youth M

inistry Assistant

Mary A

nne Handy, Parish Adm


arsha Pate, Parish Administrative A


ick Jaeger, Com

m. and Tech. M


ebby Kulik, Parish Accountant

Ron M

cGill, Facilities M

anagerJoy G

attis, Sunday Morning C

hild Care D

irectorElizabeth Terry, C

antus Choir D

irectorSarah M


Anna Lorenz

Rebecca R

ogers Susan G

ladin, Johnson Intern Program D


Wedding C


Parish Offi

ce hours: Mon.—

Fri., 9 am to 5 pm

. Phone: 919-929-2193Fax: 919-933-9187 W

eb: ww Em

ail: [email protected]

The R

t. Rev. M

ichael Bruce Curry, Bishop

The R

t. Rev. W

illiam O

. Gregg, A

ssistant BishopTh

e Rt. R

ev. Alfred C

. “Chip” M

arble, Jr., Assisting Bishop

A Parish in the Episcopal Diocese of N

orth Carolina

304 East Franklin StreetC

hapel Hill, N

orth Carolina 27514