Nota Tahun 6 Pengawetan Makanan (Bi)[1]

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Transcript of Nota Tahun 6 Pengawetan Makanan (Bi)[1]

  • 8/12/2019 Nota Tahun 6 Pengawetan Makanan (Bi)[1]


    Food Preservation

    Food Spoilage

    1. Characteristics spoilt food.

    a. Unpleasant smell.

    b. Unpleasant taste.

    c. Changed colour.

    d. Changed texture.

    e. Mouldy.

    Microorganisms can spoilt food.

    1. Bacteria and fungi mainly cause food bad and spoilt.

    2. They feed the food and break them down into simpler substance.

    3. Microorganisms produce toxid materials and give unpleasant smell and taste food.

    4. Can cause food poisoning.

    Conditions for Microorganisms to Grow.

    a. Udarab. Airc. Nutriend. Suhu yang sesuai (5c - 65c)e. Keasidan yang sesuai (tidak terlalu asid dan tidak terlalu alkali)

    # Makanan yang mengandungi air yang banyak cepat busuk berbanding makanan yang kering.

  • 8/12/2019 Nota Tahun 6 Pengawetan Makanan (Bi)[1]


    Food Preservation

    Enables food to be kept for a longer period time.

    a. Drying

    * Placing the food under the Sun

    * Heating it in the oven

    * Heating it with flame

    * Example: fish, cuttlefish, prawns, chilies, fruits and grains.

    b. Boiling

    * kill many microorganisms.

    * Example: meat, eggs and seafood.

    c. Cooling

    * Food is stored in the refrigerator (0c - 5c)

    * Slow down the growth of microorganisms.

    * Examples: fruits, eggs, milk, vegetables and meat.

    d. Vacum Packing

    * Store food in airtight containers.* Without air microorganisms can`t grow.

    * Examples: fruits, beans and sausages.

    e. Pickling

    * Soaking food in vinegar, salt solution or concentration sugar solution.

    * Acid in vinegar stop the growth of microorganisms.

    * Sugar solution prevent the growth of microorganisms by drawing water from food.

    * Can last longer but taste is different and less nutritious.

    * Example: chillies, onions, cabbage, soya bean.

    f. Freezing* Kepping foof in freezer compartment in refrigerator (-10c)

    * Cause microorganisms frozen, inactive, and cant grow.

    * Does not the food to change in colour, shape, taste and size.

    * Most nutrient content in food are maintained.

    * Example: meat, fish, prawn, chicken, cuttlefish.

    g. Bottling and canning.

    * Food is heated to a high temperature to kill microorganisms.

    * Food is placed in cans and added with additives.

    * Air is removed from can and the cans are quickly sealed.

    * Without air microorganisms cannot survive.* Example: chicken, meat, peas, fruits, juice and vegetable.

    h. Pasteurisation

    * Milk is pasteurized by heating it to 70c for 15 minutes and the quickly cooled and packed.

    * Cannot kill all bacteria but can destroy harmful germ and preserve the flavour.

    * Milk can be kept.

    * Example: Milk, juice, ice cream and carbonated beverages.

    i. Salting

    * Salt draws out water from food.

    * Microorganisms can`t grow.* Food soaked in salt solution or rubbed with salt.

    * Example: fish, meat, eggs, fruits dan vegetables.

  • 8/12/2019 Nota Tahun 6 Pengawetan Makanan (Bi)[1]


    j. Smoke

    * Drying the food with smoke in the smoke house.

    * Chemicals in the smoke and effect of smoke help to dry food.

    * Heat helps kill or slow down growth of bacteria.

    * Smoke add flavor to the food.

    * Example: meat, fish, fruits( banana, dates)

    k. Waxing

    * Process of coating wax on the surface of food to replace natural waxes removed duringwashing or cleaning.

    * Wax obtained from bee, plants, petroleum and beef fat.

    * Wax helps

    o Slow down the loss of watero Slow down the decay of foodo Increase the shelf life of food.o Food not easily infected by microorganisms.

    * Example: oranges, banana, apple, pears. Tomatoes, cucumber, watermelons, brinjal and


    The Importance of Preserving Food.

    1. Food can be stored for longer time.

    2. Easy to stored.

    3. Light.

    4. Can be exported.

    5. Reduce wastage of food.