Northeast Ohio Regional Impact & Outcomes Lessons Learned New Vision Steps Forward Emily Campbell,...

Northeast Ohio Regional Impact & Outcomes Lessons Learned New Vision Steps Forward Emily Campbell, Williamson Family Fellow for Applied Research Rose Frech, Research Fellow Calley Mersmann, Policy and Planning Associate

Transcript of Northeast Ohio Regional Impact & Outcomes Lessons Learned New Vision Steps Forward Emily Campbell,...

Northeast Ohio Regional Impact & Outcomes

Lessons LearnedNew Vision

Steps Forward

Emily Campbell, Williamson Family Fellow for Applied Research

Rose Frech, Research FellowCalley Mersmann, Policy and Planning Associate

Improvement in the quality of life for Northeast Ohio communities and their residents as indicated by positive movement in specific measures (MOVE THE NEEDLE)

Health, social, and economic conditions contribute to quality of life for individuals and families

It is possible to approximate quality of life by tracking measurable indicators

Improvements in the lives of individuals and families can lead to improvements of whole communities

Selection of health, social, and economic indicators which, taken together, provide reasonable measures of quality of life

Data on indicators for the region, counties, cities, school districts, and “peer regions”

Regional and sub-regional objectives for quality of life improvements as measured by indicators

Extensive use of common demographic data by local governments and nonprofit organizations in strategic planning, goal setting, and evaluation of their work

Alignment of health and social services to achieve specific improvements in the status of families and individuals lead to improved quality of life

Assumptions and Rationale


Outputs Outcomes

Long-Term Objective

Broad application of data and objectives to resource allocation, initiatives, and service delivery by local governments, private funders, and nonprofit provider organizations

General sense of common purpose among public and nonprofit organizations providing financing or otherwise supporting delivery of health and social services

Extensive local government and nonprofit alignment around shared health, social and economic objectives(ALIGNMENT)

Numerous governments and providers build-on or leverage activities of other organizations for greater change within communities and across the region (COMMON PURPOSE)

Northeast Ohio Regional Indicators & Objectives (NEORIO)

Health and social services can prevent and ameliorate problems and barriers for individuals and families

Apply Community Solutions’ advocacy capacity to build shared, measurable objectives and common purpose among local governments and nonprofit agencies


Build on prior community input and goal-setting initiatives (e.g., Voices & Choices)

Bring CCS’s demographic research capacity & partnerships to bear on community problems

Establish advisory council and team of field consultants to align myriad local government and nonprofit organizations around a common set of measurable quality of life improvements

Clear explanation of relationship between indicators and objectives

Broad understanding of how health, social, and economic problems are interconnected and cross populations(AWARENESS)

Project Map

Data Challenges

How We Spread the Word

How We Spread the Word

Sustaining the Initiative