Normal Antepartum


Transcript of Normal Antepartum

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Student will summarize the care of the Normal Antepartum client by :

identifying maternal hormones produced during pregnancy, their target organs and their major effects on pregnancy.

discussing common discomforts in pregnancy with nursing interventions.

describing danger signals in pregnancy. identifying community resources for the childbearing


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describing the components of initial and subsequent prenatal visits.

calculating the estimated date of delivery. describing gravidity and parity with the four-and-

five-digit system. analyzing the effects of different life situations on

nutritional patterns and ways nutritional health can be improved

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Pregnancy- Period between conception through complete birth of the products of conception.

Pregnancy is divided into three trimesters

The nurse must be aware of :Physical, emotional, and, psychological changes

Discomforts that accompany each trimester

Danger or warning signs that need medical referral.

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Gravida refers to the number of times a woman has been pregnant

Para refers to the number of births 20 weeks gestation or greater


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The nurse is interviewing a client at the initial PNV. The client has had seven pregnancies prior to this one. She had two babies at 38 weeks each, one at 35 weeks, one at 41 weeks and 3 abortions at 6, 8 and 12 weeks gestation. She has four living children. What is her gravida/Para?

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Jane Doe is pregnant for the fourth time. At home she has a child who was born at 39 weeks. Her second pregnancy ended at 10 weeks gestation. She then gave birth to twins at 35 weeks but one of the twins died soon after birth. She has 2 living children. What is her gravidity and FPAL?

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A pregnant woman needs an additional 300 kcal/day




Fruit & Vegetable

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RDA for iron is 27mg/dl

Iron supplements must be given to most women (ferrous sulfate or ferrous sequels)

Take with orange juice

Normal Value: HCT = 37-47% Hemoglobin = 12-16

What are some food sources of iron???

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PICA – eating substances that have no nutritional value

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Normal weight gain based on BMI is 25-35 lbs

If the woman is overweight before pregnancy:Gain 15 to 25 pounds during pregnancy.

If the woman are underweight before pregnancy:Gain 28 to 40 pounds during pregnancy

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The goal of prenatal care is to monitor the progress of a pregnancy and to identify potential problems

Weeks 4 to 28: 1 visit per month (every 4 weeks) Weeks 28 to 36: 2 visits per month (every 2 to 3

weeks) Weeks 36 to birth: 1 visit per week

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Progesterone Estrogen HCG - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin HPL - Human Placental Lactogen Relaxin Prostaglandins

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Cardiovascular System Physiologic anemia Supine hypotension/venocaval syndrome/ aortocaval

compression Increase cardiac load and pulse Blood pressure decreases in second trimester Decreased blood flow causes edema and varicosities.

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Respiratory System Breathing changes from abdominal to thoracic

Hyperventilation Shortness of breathNasal stuffiness and epistaxis

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Renal System Bladder- Urinary frequency

Ureter- Urinary stasis and pyelonephritis

Urethra- Poor emptying

Glomerular filtration rate increases

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Gastrointestinal system

Heartburn and acid reflux

Constipation and flatulence

Gum tissue soften and bleed

Nausea and vomiting/morning sickness


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Relaxation of pelvis joints = Waddling gaitChanged center of gravityLordosis Diastasis recti

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Endocrine Thyroid - enlargement causes increased BMI

Parathyroid - allows for better use of calcium and vitamin D

Pancreas - in the first trimester decreased insulin production allows for more glucose availability for fetal growth

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Endocrine Continued Pituitary - Produce hormones that support pregnancy

such as prolactin, oxytocin, and vasopressin

Adrenals - Increased glandular activity

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Cervical Goodell’s signOperculum/Mucus plug

VaginalChadwick’s signVaginal secretions are increased (leukorrhea)

OvariesOvum production ceasesCorpus luteum persists and secretes hormones until weeks


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Acceptance of the Pregnancyoften accompanied by feelings of ambivalence

Acceptance of Baby feelings such as introversionemotionally labile couvade syndrome

Preparation for baby- End of Pregnancy

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Subjective Changes (Presumptive) Objective Changes (Probable) Diagnostic Changes (Positive)

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Presumptive - Subjective Amenorrhea Nausea/ Vomiting Excessive Fatigue Breast changes Quickening Urinary frequency

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Probable- ObjectivePelvic Organ Changes:-

Goodell’s sign, Hegar’s sign, Chadwicks’s signEnlarged abdomenUterine souffle Changes in pigmentationBallottementPregnancy tests

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Positive - Diagnostic Fetal heart tones

Fetal movement


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Nausea/ Vomiting (morning sickness)FatigueUrinary frequencyBreast tendernessIncreased vaginal dischargeNasal Stuffiness/NosebleedSalivation/Ptyalism

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BackacheShortness of

BreathMuscle cramps Carpel Tunnel

SyndromeConstipationVaricosities &


HeartburnEdemaBraxton Hicks


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Vaginal bleeding Increased or decreased fetal movement Headaches or blurred vision Swelling of hands and/or feet Burning on urination Abdominal or chest pains Chills or fever Persistent vomiting Increase in fluid from the vagina

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Stress    Rodents   Live vaccinations Heat (environmental, hot tubs, saunas) X-rays Kitty Litter or Cat feces

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Current PregnancyNagele’s Rule Fundal height measurementPresence of discomfortsAttitude towards pregnancy

Past Obstetrical HistoryGravity/Parity - FPALPregnancy historyPerinatal status

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Based on 280 day pregnancy28 day cycle40 weeks (38-42 is normal)Minus three months and plus 7 days to the first

day of the last menstrual period A client LNMP was June 10th. Figure her


6 month 10th day -3 +73rd month 17th day or March 17th of the

following year

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LMP: February 16, 2007. Due date?

LMP: August 3, 2006. Due date?

LMP: March 26, 2006. Due date?

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Fundal Height Measurement

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Gynecology History Last pap Prior infections Previous surgery Menarche Contraception Sexual history

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Current & Past Medical History

Personal History

Family Medical History

Partner’s Medical & Personal History

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Blood Studies Blood type, CBC, VDRL, MSAFP HIV, Hepatitis, Rubella, Sickle Cell, TORCH Glucose testing

Urinalysis & Pap smear Cultures – *GBS* Tuberculosis - PPD Ultrasound- AFI, Placenta

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Other Infections


Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Herpes Simplex

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Antigen – antibody reaction Mother is Rh negative and baby is Rh positive Sensitization-maternal body forms antibodies

when baby blood is mixed. Screening

Direct coombs test Indirect coombs test

Prevention Good pre-natal care RhoGAM

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Nursing Management Confidentiality

Develop a trusting relationship

Promote self esteem and physical health

Education- regular prenatal visits, STD’s, Substance abuse, signs of complications.

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Risk Factors Preterm labor Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD) Preeclampsia Iron deficiency anemia Low birth weight

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At the conclusion of the antepartum lecture you will have an understanding of the foundation necessary to understand Labor and Delivery , Postpartum and Newborn Nursery.