Non Infectious Diseases Unit 6 Lesson 2. Health Class Getting Started Disease Unit Page Due May...

Non Infectious Diseases Unit 6 Lesson 2

Transcript of Non Infectious Diseases Unit 6 Lesson 2. Health Class Getting Started Disease Unit Page Due May...

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  • Non Infectious Diseases Unit 6 Lesson 2
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  • Health Class Getting Started Disease Unit Page Due May Friday May 22 nd Vocabulary Make sure to number and underline Crossword Review Questions Weekly Reminders Pick up new Non-Infectious Disease Notes Page on the front TA desk. We will be taking notes today. If you were not here yesterday the new unit page is on the second white shelf by the flag. Class Objectives Identify the difference between non-infectious and infectious disease. Describes ways in which non-infectious disease occur. Explain ways to reduce risks of getting a non- infectious disease.
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  • Starter Quiz 1.Describe how a vaccine makes you immune to a specific disease. Be specific Include the immune response B-cells T-cells Antibodies
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  • Infectious Disease Lesson Review In the last lesson we learned that infectious disease are caused by germs / pathogens. We also learned that the germs / pathogens can be transmitted between person, animal, food, or object.
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  • Non Infectious Diseases A non infectious disease is a disease that is not caused by a germ / pathogen. Non infectious disease cannot be transmitted from person, animal, food, or object.
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  • Non Infectious Disease This means: You cant sneeze on someone Get bit by a dog Drink infected water or food Touch a surface And get a non-infectious disease
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  • Non Infectious Disease Non infectious diseases can be caused by many different things. Some people are more at risk for certain non infectious disease than others.
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  • Risk Factors Risk factors is a characteristic or behavior that raises a persons chance of getting a noninfectious disease.
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  • Risk Factors Some risk factors you have no control over like: Age Gender Race Heredity
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  • Risk Factors Some risk factors you do have control over like Diet and Weight Injuries Lifestyle choices Wearing a helmet Avoiding drugs and alcohol Exercising Daily
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  • Types of Non-Infectious Diseases There are several categories of non-infectious disease. Some of the common include: Hereditary Metabolic Neurological Environmental Accidents and Injuries Cancer
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  • Hereditary Hereditary Diseases are diseases caused by defective genes inherited by a child from one or both parents. They are caused by changes in the structure of the genes
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  • Examples of Hereditary Diseases Sickle Cell: Red blood are miss shaped making it difficult to carry oxygen
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  • Examples of Hereditary Diseases Down Syndrome: A third chromosome shows up on the 21 st pair.
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  • Examples of Hereditary Diseases Cystic Fibrosis: The body creates too much mucus making it hard to breathe and digest food
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  • Examples of Hereditary Diseases Hemophilia: The body cannot clot blood.
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  • Examples of Hereditary Diseases Muscular Dystrophy: Muscles slowly start to atrophy over time making it difficult to move and maintain body posture.
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  • Metabolic and Nutritional Diseases Metabolic and nutritional diseases deal with the bodies inability to digest foods properly.
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  • Examples of Metabolic Diseases Diabetes: The pancreases stops producing insulin or it produces insulin that does not work Insulin is a hormone that regulates blood sugar levels Some one with diabetes will have higher blood sugar levels which causes damage to organs
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  • Examples of Metabolic Diseases Celiac Disease: The person cannot digest gluten. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye. The gluten causes damage to the small intestines making it difficult for other nutrients to be absorbed.
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  • Examples of Metabolic Diseases PKU: An inherited disease that prevents a person from metabolizing the essential amino acid phenylalanine. Too much phenylalanine can cause mental retardation, seizures, and learning disabilities.
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  • Health Class Getting Started Disease Unit Page Due Friday May 22 nd Vocabulary Make sure to number and underline Crossword Review Questions Weekly Reminders Take out Non-Infectious Disease We will be taking notes today. If you were not here yesterday the notes are on the front TA desk The new unit page is on the second white shelf by the flag. Class Objectives Identify the difference between non-infectious and infectious disease. Describes ways in which non-infectious disease occur. Explain ways to reduce risks of getting a non- infectious disease.
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  • Neurological Diseases Neurological diseases are primarily diseases of the brain, spinal cord, and neurons.
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  • Examples of Neurological Diseases Cerebral Palsy: Brain damage that is caused by the lack of oxygen reaching the brain at birth or shortly after birth, head injury, or infection. Cerebral palsy causes varying degrees of severity in controlling muscle movement.
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  • Examples of Neurological Diseases Alzheimers is a degenerative brain disorder causing loss of memory, change in behaviors, and inability to do everyday tasks.
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  • Examples of Neurological Diseases Multiple Sclerosis is caused by the immune system attacking the protective myelin sheath around nerves. The damage causes singles sent from the brain to the rest of the body to short-circuit.
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  • Examples of Neurological Diseases Seizures happen when the brains nerve cells give off several electric signals at one time. This causes messages to be sent to the body to twitch and jerk. There are many causes of seizures: Fever Injury Drugs Unknown reasons
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  • Examples of Neurological Diseases Strokes happen when part of a blood vessel leading to the brain is blocked or ruptures. The lack of oxygen causes and damage to that part of the brain. Many things can cause strokes to happens: Injury High Blood Pressure Old Age
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  • Environmental Diseases Often times our environment can cause non-infectious diseases Our environment is all the living and nonliving things around you
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  • Examples of Environmental Diseases Allergies occur when your immune system has an abnormal reaction to an ordinary substance. Many things can cause allergies: Food Pollen Medication Animals/Insects
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  • Examples of Environmental Diseases Asthma is when the bronchiole airways leading to the lungs get smaller making it harder to breathe. Many things can cause asthma: Allergies Infections Stress Exercise
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  • Examples of Environmental Diseases Emphysema happens when the tiny air sacs (alveoli) in the lungs are damaged. This makes it difficult for oxygen to leave the lungs and enter the capillaries. The primary cause of emphysema is smoking.
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  • Examples of Environmental Diseases Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is caused when a pregnant mother drinks alcohol. The alcohol causes damage to the unborn baby. Learning problems Hyperactivity ADHD Growth delays Facial Features
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  • Examples of Environmental Diseases Sudden Infant Death Syndrome is the unexplained death of a healthy baby after being put to bed. Some risk factors include: Premature babies Parents who smoke Sleeping on stomach Soft bedding and blankets
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  • Accidents and Injuries Sometimes non-infectious diseases can be caused by accidents and injuries to our bodies. Accidents are the leading cause of death for children ages 10-14 years of age. There are approximately 800,000 children who die from accidents alone every year.
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  • Accidents and Injuries Accidental injuries are also the most common non-infectious medical problem among young people. An accident is any unexpected event that causes damage, injury, and death.
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  • How to Prevent Accidents & Injuries 1.Dont drink alcoholic beverages. Alcoholic beverages play a large role in automobile and swimming accidents. 2.Dont use drugs or chemicals that are not prescribed by a doctor. The consumption of chemicals and drugs can cause sever brain damage, organ failure, and death. 3.Dont play with guns or explosives. 4.Always wear a well fitting helmet when riding a bicycle, skateboarding, or skiing/snowboarding. 5.Always wear protective equipment while participating in sports. 6.Learn CPR and basic first aid skills. 7.Wear a seatbelt every time you ride in a car.
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  • Cancer Cancer is a disease in which abnormal cells grow uncontrollably and invade /destroy healthy tissues.
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  • How Cancer Happens Normal cells make copies of themselves to form new cells. Sometimes in cell division the instruction for a the new cell can change the DNA of the cell. This change in the DNA changes the size, shape, and behavior of the cell.
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  • How Cancer Happens This happens more frequently than we think. Most of the time the abnormal cell just dies. But, if an abnormal cell divides, it make a copy of the abnormal DNA.
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  • How Cancer Happens The more the abnormal cells divide the more space they are taking up where normal cells should be. This causes the organ or tissue to not work correctly.
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  • How Cancer Happens Carcinogens are things that can cause the change in DNA of a cell. Examples of common carcinogens: Pollution Smoke UV rays Radiation Drugs Chemicals
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  • How Cancer Happens When abnormal cells continue to grow they can form a mass called a tumor.
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  • How Cancer Happens There are two types of cancer cells. 1.Malignant cancer cells continue to multiply and spread to other parts of they body. Malignant cancer cells are life threatening.
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  • How Cancer Happens 2.Benign cancer cells do not spread to other areas of the body. They are not life threatening
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  • How Cancer Happens The only way to know what type of cancer cells are growing is by a biopsy. A biopsy is a sample of tissue that is removed from the patient and analyzed by a specialist.
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  • How Cancer Happens Cancer can happen anywhere in the body. Some cancers grow and spread quickly, while others grow more slowly.
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  • How Cancer Happens Because it can happen anywhere and to anyone, it is important to know the signs and symptoms of cancer. The sooner a patient can receive treatment the better the chances are of recovery.
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  • Warning Signs of Cancer C change in bowel or bladder habits A a sore that does not heal U unusual bleeding or discharge T thickening or lump anywhere I indigestion or difficulty swallowing O obvious change in a wart or mole N nagging cough or hoarseness
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer Change in bowel or bladder habits Some changes could be: Diarrhea Frequent urination Urination stream starting and stopping
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer A sore that does not heal. Sores that appear on the skin for no reason and do not go away Unusual bleeding or discharge Bleeding and discharge from body openings that cannot be explained
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer Thickening or lump anywhere on the body. Remember that when cancer cells form they create a tumor. It is important that you are aware of any lumps that may develop. Girls need to be especially mindful of lumps in their breast tissue. This could be a sign of breast cancer. Boys need to be mindful of lumps or changes in their testis. This could be a sign of testicular cancer.
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer Indigestion or difficulty swallowing. Indigestion is an uncomfortable feeling or difficulty in digesting food. Concern should be raised when indigestion goes on for a long period of time or cant be explain.
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer Obvious change in wart or mole. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in both males and females. Changes in a wart of mole can indicate the beginning of skin cancer.
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  • The ABCs of Skin Cancer
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  • 7 Warning Signs of Cancer Nagging cough or hoarseness If the cough or hoarsens lasts for long periods of time and cannot be explained by other infections.
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  • Treating Cancer There are three main forms of treatment of cancer. Surgery Chemotherapy Radiation Although there are other treatments for cancer, these are the three main methods used.
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  • Treating Cancer 1.Surgery: Doctors remove cancer cells from the body. In some cases this could include removing large parts if not all of an organ. This works best if cancer that has not spread to any other part of the body.
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  • Treating Cancer 2.Chemotherapy: Chemicals are used to destroy cancer cells. These chemicals not only kill cancer cells, they can also kill healthy cells as well. This method is used to fight cancers that have spread to other parts of the body.
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  • Treating Cancer 3.Radiation: High energy rays from a radioactive materials are used to shrink or kill cancers cells. This method is usually used in combination with surgery and chemotherapy.
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  • Treatment and Cure Because noninfectious disease are not caused by germs, there are no vaccines or antibiotics to make someone immune. We can however treat people with noninfectious diseases.
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  • Treatment and Cure Treatments are procedures and medications that help slow down a noninfectious disease or helps the person live with the disease. Cure means to get rid of the disease. Sadly there are not many cures for noninfectious diseases
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  • Quick Check 1.A ____ is a mass of abnormal cells. 2.If your immune system overreacts to something in the environment, you probably have a(n) ______. 3.A(n) ______ tumor is cancerous and may be life threatening. 4.A(n) ______ is a characteristic or behavior that raises your chances of getting a noninfectious disease. 5.______are procedures and medications that help slow down a noninfectious disease or helps the person live with the disease. 6._____ means to get rid of the disease. 7.List three types of carcinogens 8.Explain why it is important for people who have inherited risk factors for heart disease to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.
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  • Quick Check 1.A TUMOR is a mass of abnormal cells. 2.If your immune system overreacts to something in the environment, you probably have a(n) ALLERGY. 3.A(n) MALIGNANT tumor is cancerous and may be life threatening. 4.A(n) RISK FACTOR is a characteristic or behavior that raises your chances of getting a noninfectious disease. 5.TREATMENTS are procedures and medications that help slow down a noninfectious disease or helps the person live with the disease. 6.CURE means to get rid of the disease. 7.List three types of carcinogens Pollution Smoke UV rays Radiation Drugs Chemicals 8.Explain why it is important for people who have inherited risk factors for heart disease to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise.