No. 48 Current leuseHo

vJ^lR?^, " * » ' ' ' * - ':' ' ' ' > '• , i i ^^••cy^wf^sKs? •*?»/•.•••' r WedBMday, October 30, 1957 No. 48 leuseHo I- V Local Man Named to Board of Directors of New Banking Business MANCHESTER WINS tl to 0 Manchester* team which had had .mly ona. ^ofoaV in 4 joars was too weU trained for Pinck Fr Aiftort Scamiit, Pastot SUNDAY MASSKS .Summer Masses: 6:S0, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A. M WVter Masses:8:00, 10:00 A M. ney and had little winning Weekday A U M : »;OU A, M. •- / In 1966 industrial wages were ( er in Michigan than anywhere else , in the nation $94.98 per week. Nevada ' j is 2nd with $92.10, Montana 3rd ! ot $92.20, Ohio $90.00, Indiana $86.68, llinois $84.25, Wisconsin $82.98,New Jersey $80.20, Penn., $80.20 and Now $78.98. Hourly wages in Michigan were Current Cc H man interference who did not heai- n «4~ The First Federal Savings and Loan Association will hold open house M ^ ^ ^ ^ the toilers and take' Friday, after Novenna Devor^s. ine first reaerai savings am* *-w«i» I-W^^M."^" ~ - — -« - - x»i^ u> m.y« ^ u w ^ •**»» » n » ' Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd at the building on East Grand \ h%m o u t o f ^ M^ester scored Saturday: 4:30 to 5:oO River in Howell in the new Shopping Center. Tho new organization will ^ r ^ tim#g ^ q ^ order Qn widt 8:SQ U 9;00 make various types of loans and will pay 3 percent interest on Savings j iW#eplng tnd r^,. Jerry Shadley P. r M Accounts. county and the community have long noeded such an iiutitutUm dimax©4 a «7 by going 8 yards for a touchdown. Jerry Meyers capped *n 8$ y4< drive by going yds, for the 2nd than van 58 yds. to due to its expanding economic growth, Similar institutions in other have flourished" for many years. ' The directors and officers are all county people. Harold Sutton is! " t f executive vice president aad acting manager, Ira Jayne is chairman of the' board of directors, and Dr. George Schafer is vioe president. The treasurer is Wilfred H. Erwin, county prosecutor, and the secretary is Patricia Orth. . The directori are John M. Schroeder, William J. Skusa, James Boyd and ***** ****- much ** running.Most Howard Read. Hohm ' n °* ly P ' nck gains wsre on .paases. They {had I scoring ^hanees but nullified [all by fumbling wttfe Manchester I getting tfco ball each time. Twice they got inside the Manchester 29 { and once ware on the 4 yd. line being aided in getting, there by a penalty, , Friday they play Stockbridge there; I This team is ^ndctfeated this year 1 They and their season next Wednes , tfay at S^W |^on. Tliis game w;-^ I moved up frona Friday so South i could play--* postponed game with > Manchester, go far Pia«k*#y has won 3 and lost I. Pinckney Manchester Ii«rry . Kitchen Whitiey HOWARD REAl>r W & X counts >"*« ! K.*W»''»"'rf Kennedy L E L G C ft -T B * Q C L a R k F fc Englanh Nickerson Calvary Mennonitte Cfaurofi Hrv. Uusa Beachy, Paster S. S. Supt Walter Esel MeruiF Worship Sun cm f^-hool . People's Meeting . >.. .7:80 • Fellowship Service Wedner-ias .. . . . . ... A)M ICth Annual ( ;ii'munity Summ*^* School L Calvary Mennonite CUureh Juiv 1 t 0 12, 0:00 to 11:140 fur A* l Ages ,4 anu up JSvtr *x/* Vv'tlc,o*i.fc Peoptes thurcii Undenominational West between Urtadilia anu M?in Stroets Brooks Sanders, Pastor Schoo} 9:45 a. in. Mor';ib Worship . 10:60 a.n>. Vouth Group . 0u p. :> KvininK Servict . . rf:00 p. :"L. Wed. Sr. Choir Practise .'. 8:0u p.m. Thur.Adult Prayer Meeting 8:00 ;.m. Youth Prayer Group 7:0J ; . JV I rate was $2.33. In 1951 the Michigan i wage was $75.56 a week. { Natural gas to heat Michigan and power industry is a major goal in I Michiagan. There has never been enough gas in Michigan. Gov. Will- iams has a commitee working to find out why it cannot be distributed all ! over the state instead of only to homes and industry in southern Michgan.,It ia a billion dollar busi- ness developed in Michigan over Ui« last 2 decades. In World War II the atate imposed restrictions on the numbr of #as heated hornets. They \vei« resindyd for 5 of 6 companies laat week bec- ause thev said their supplies were sufficient for new customers. The Consumers Power Co. who serves over 400,000 families outside Detroit say their supplies are still inadequate. There is talk of another pipeline com inv- into Michg-an and also of piping pas in from Canada. Charles district »ud niA wile attended 1111 iecepuou lor yu%*m LlinlMffli bl Vva»iungum . The conjfiinsilfsn iiad ms wile write ii up and aha ov. ideally lell like a ear load of brisk lov Queen Elizabeth as she wrios of nui i^reat cnarm and appeal &nd sint. pikity and friendliness to evoryoiio. Iu iuct she says the queen is just U'IKSI. We doubt H ihe t^>uld aell thia line to Wallie Siuupaon whom t&o royal family hus refused to recog. me since she married t&e Duke of I Windsor. The common people woro not invited to the queen's reception, Au.uission was by tickot or only. Two 18 year old students cl the gate and made the f font iw«jw, posing a* church pepej^ reporters. Kalph Taylor was attired in an Ep 1 mcopal minihiers cassock with whito cord and gold tasseb and woro hia fraternity pin. His companion Cam- eron Pipp, wore a big Sunday school badge. They represented themaolvOJ as reporter for a church paper tot in and talked to the prince. Herbert Brownell, attorney gonorai in the presidents cabinet .since 1958. Legislators may change the meth. ies i gne( j unexpectedly last week. .. . »i __ : 11 i.. U^., . . . . Smith ' Col» • Ball ; Gonyer Shadleyi Mayers | TruU Sunday School Mortfing Worship Wed <vboi:: Pastor . 9;»0 a. **• 1&:45 a. m cd of sending mentally ill to hos.. pitals. Now it requires 2 probate t ourt hearings. The new proppsal Nsould give toe probate judge the pow er to commit after a examination by by Uv-j doctors. The rights of tho*« tor. billed v.ould be protected. Nowr the only right they have is to make a will. M ary o ChMt0 . NOTES OF THE GAM1 I The queen crowning took place t>t tween half*. Th« 4 queens rod* on Una nthletic field in a dworated truck. \,i[d their court. They were Barbara Brcwn, freshman Anita Shirey soph more Judy They have three children, a son, Thorny .. . built on Patterson Lake mor% M yrua Uvingston junior and pher Monks hill. at the The general jquainted with the new v to those opening savings accounts. senior, Myma Liv waa sslected by the students and was crowned queen and adorned with the royal robes by Midge Higga last years queen.^Tht girls all nil wore formal* and must have got vafher chilled in th* 18 degree tern perature . The Manchester high school band was supposed to play at the game game but too many members had the flu. They could not make it, We wonder when tho Pinckney band who have boon two years in for mation will funetioa. They have no FOOTCALL tCORM South Lyon «,o, ijo^.iiie t;i)ext» 12, Grass Lake G; Holly 3°, Brigh ion 13; Ypsilanti 27, W.->.yne 20; A.nn Arbor 26, Lansing Eastern 6; HieUea 6, Flat Rock 0. Lincoln 47, Dundee 6; Milan 20, Saline 6; De witl 47, Morrice 0. Dansville 1H, rowlarville 14, Flint Bentley 28, Lin- den 0; Flint Northern Res. 24,Boys Vocational 14; Lansing; Resurrection 40, Maaon 6; Northville 20, Milford 14; Okemus 9, Leslie 0; Stockbridge 0, Everet 27, Howell 7; 52, St. Cecelia 0; Univer. sity 31, Roosevelt 6. GEORGE FOSTER SK. Foster Sr., 68 r who owns liause or Errest Frost farm on Howell Rd. died at McPherson ho , iuul, Monday of a heart attack, lie wa« born in Kingsville, Ontario in 1889. the son of Gedrge and Mary Easton Abney.He had a meut market • in R^'dford for years. He married Ethel Abney, She survives, There i* a son, George jr, ut home and u dat^hter, Mrs Lucille Stein, of De- troit. The funeral is at the Kantei- ^uncral Homo. Detroit. 11 a. in. Thursday. Hurial in Woodmere Cem t'tery . O. E. S. CALENDAR NOVEMBER Regular meeting Nov. 8. Officers wear formals. Nov. 17, 2:30 p. m Practise at NOTICE Masonic Hall All officers but choir. The Bovs of ths area neod yu^r , N o y 2 2 ; Sc:noo i ( ,f instruction. 8 help. The Portage Trails of the Boy . p ^ An o ffi cers wear colored or on Pinckney Chapter No. 145 O.E.S. held puuut, *u»v«..«..«.. _ r .. Saturday, Oct. 26 at the elementary school. The room was decorated white, and bronze mums. The meeting was opened by the Moran. American nag wu» presented in the East, and the ance to the Hag of our country and sang the Star ~ w.. Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons of the county were were the county officers. The installing officers were: Mildred Miller and Carrie Griffiths, stalling Chaplain Hazel Poulson, Installing Organist Etayse Campbell, stalling Marshall Clifford Miller, Installing Soloist Mae Bryant. » After the W^M. Roberta Amburgey Was the East by her daughter Chiqueta and son Joey. The soloist, Mae sang "It's No Secret." t n nx ,A wa8 es corted to the East by his ton boat oifanse ware with. S me* running interference. Tho middle of their line waa not so strong aa Pinckney vade first downs through it. Th* attendance was large probab ly aa big as big as the attendance at ^D«UT th . on# sided . Other °« iM " "The Martha, frfluce they re- ^ rcw .;, Mildred Miller; Treasurer, ^ S e n e ^ e fienry; A s s c ^ a % C o n d = once After she was installed the boioisi Mable Hammell; Ward; Esther, - Eleanor Baughn; Warder, C M » T ^ were: Chnsttan riag, tw 3 scoring chances all of which fumbtoa. twice they were nrip. 1111 1 v* w»»»» -- |j in. /*" uti Scout* of America have the respon- whiu formft i s . siBility to make available to every- Boy in Livingston County, the * __ Program of Scouting which places j LIBRARY NEWS Nov. 28: Initiation 8 p. m. emphasis on the Scouth Oath or Prom j New boo £ 8 f or boys are Johnny ist and the Scout Law for character , Tl . enia j n anc j North Woods Whammy. an assistant was appointed to succeed him. Brownell was the most power- full figure in the cabinet He is genor ally credited with effecting the nom- ination cf President Eisenhower over Senator Taft in 1952. He was an ex- perienced campaigner, having man- Gov. Deweys 2 campaign* fas president. Gov. Warren of California was suid to be a Taft man but Browm ell got him to switch to Eisenhower by promising him the first supremo court vacancy. Warren fot tho court job and wrote the deegregaUon decision. Brownell is also^lamed for Lending troops into Little Rook to to enforce desegrationj This has put the president behind the 8 ball ift the south. It M reported BrownoA will seek, the Republican-nomination for governor of New York in 1958. A southern governor remarkerr Ua resignation was the biggest fedorai retreat since Bull Run. « • * The invasion of foreign can In tfenbl country reached a new peak in Aof use and is still climbing. Aoguat sales reached 20,163 compared to t< 9,13fl in August 1956, The 8 n.onth total was 12:5,8*2 compared ics now selilng can in 106t garnered 4.1 %• of the sales during ugust With 4 ef'the 6 big comps* panies selling- foreign rars in 1969 sales are expected,.to reach 2JJ,009. The Volkeswagon made in Gernwqr accounted for over half the forfigB ear salea . development, citisenship training and phyiical fi In order to administer a qood Soout program it is necessary to maintain a council office with a staff which includes a full time district •xecutiwe who will devote his full time supervising: the scouting program in the county and in order to maintain such a service it is ne- For girls Sally on the Fence und do nated by Camille Buda the Green Cameo Mystery. An excellent set of Michigan His- tory given by Mrs.Elleneine Stones of Detroit. Several good mysteries and the Marshall by Andeis given Welton Chamberlain. Staring December 1st there will be a fine of one cent a day for over formed . cirete torn was to have' played coining game night cancelled due to flu lucky to got Grass Late to cessary to have funds with which to iu/booksrRleaso'rotum any books pay for such administration. To main that ^ ov<frdue or ^ ^ i n t h o tVn such » program as was admims d b o x o r duri Ub hourg tered la«t year it will cost 110.00 _ for every boy enrolled in the Scout- CONSERVATION NOTB8 in* program It ia now estimated From th e for corner> o f the word i^™*!! * T at !J Ob lt ^ ^ ' come plant, and shrubs to provdo $16.00 for each boy enrolled this food and %h ^ Y for Michigftn wild year. Part of the funds for Uiisoper ' ]ife ^ ^ ^ . g brom§ ^ ^ ataon come from the United Funda | prodaMI 2 crops a year and birdifeet Drives but wt in Pinckney have no , ttefo[] ^ mlfalfa b ^ . _ United Funda Drive so must raise our share with volunteer help from local citizens who give unselfishly of their tins. Now there are 81 boy* are enrolled in this program WAGNB18! HUSBAND. Give your wivea a break, Hava NOTICE Tht Pi^knty Girl Semrti hold a bakt aala Saturday C from 6 a m to 12. Hot Maaage or bacon and rolls and toaat, .•v_ v .trios cakos, coffee Froo will offering. Jtepubllesjn Proalrfast. Wive* come any time. tfeoV prisoa All *re wokoma. Mao Dallor wondered if Pineknojr*s not nave worked bott wore farther back. Ho usually had to flurry His thrown* and tho receiver* couUf not got down tho field far enough to catch thorn. Pinckney has i l senior* on their team, 9 of whom' are regulars. The other % station arOjttflfort. Mancheo ter had 9 seniors. 5 of whom woro regular*. Their other regulars woro 4 juniors and S sophmore*. As a rule, unless ha is exceptional a boy does this yoar and 287 boys of scout ago ia the Pinekney schools so you can our work cut out for us. ductive for 20 years, Cards notifying those who wsre lucky in the special deer drawings will bo mailed out Nov. 1. Rainfall eased Michigan forest On Friday and Saturday, November 1 and 2 there will be a volunteer work er call on you, Th© Pinckney Kiwan is Club sponsor the Boy Scouts in fire hazards as 11 fires only burned over 30 acres last week. Of 349 persons arrested for sensor vation law violations in August last week 344 were convicted. Most of offenses wore fishing law violation* Over 100 wounded and 7 dead of heart ottaekt was the toll of A navy plane which went np feet and took important science pU tures crashed in a swamp 25 mflos) from Iron Mountain last weokJirl. Jay. It was not salvaged until Tuoa. day when it was found it had boon stripped of everything including tbo camera and pictured taken. Appeals ^through the press have caused moat of the articles to be retumad. Just why was the plane left unguai£ ed if it contained valuable dataf In the meantime the Russian aaioO* ite ia still sailing around serenlf 1a outer space and the administratlom is still looking for alibies as~to wny Russia boat them to outer space. No date has boon set fox our launching of a similar satetttteA It might W next March. This country has Uraaea. a number of rockets some of wWdV ware failures One went up 109t miles. Former Defense Secretary Defense Wilson is being goat by some for our sputnik Tit wielded tho tneat axo defense and research app to the bone but he administration economy doub^ is Club sponsor the Boy Scouts * n ' heart ottackt was the toll of 46he We doub1 . tf ^ dofonso Pincknoy so won*t you do your share f i m d a y o f ^ % pheasant and small practical now duo to tho fi and contribute liberally to a worthy 1 ^ ^ ^^ w#tk Monday. Rain Mft ^^ ^ m **&* cause. GoraM ComnniRoo Reason ChairnuHs WHERE BLSB BUT AT not mako the toam nntil hia junior . the Hartown Roflereads? Three whole year. ' , - (gome, healthful, happy hours for Manchester put their ind toam in i 60c ovary night but Monday 8 to •tsyfaofadifew i t l M i t^om oaoa time 1. UU session Friday and Saturday »norev»4«a*;il№^ Sunday t to game season last week Monday, w M t t a nd ^ m a n y put a damper on hunting for a couplo ^rfd whe^ a of days. off a world war. Qooon i 1 * visit was followed by am OPEN HOUSB SUNDAY, NOV. * 01* by Premier MolOQaa Tho Rickett School for Retarded Britian. Jt now annouaflai Children on Rickett Road, Brighton president and McMUlaa^ will bold open hooso, Sunday,, Nov. Paris ia Doooaabor wtth 2 to I p. « . Tao puhUc ia ia. of Franco and MoMfflam Hs| \

Transcript of No. 48 Current leuseHo

Page 1: No. 48 Current leuseHo

vJ^lR?^," * • » • ' • • • • • ' • • ' * - ' : ' ' ' ' > ' • , • i • i

^^••cy^wf^sKs?• * ? » / • . • • • '


WedBMday, October 30, 1957No. 48


I- V

Local Man Named to Board ofDirectors of New Banking Business


Manchester* team which had had.mly ona. ^ofoaV in 4 joars was too

weU trained for Pinck

Fr Aiftort Scamiit, PastotSUNDAY MASSKS

.Summer Masses:6:S0, 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:30 A. MWVter Masses:8:00, 10:00 A M.

ney and had little winning Weekday A U M : »;OU A, M.

— •-

/ In 1966 industrial wages were( er in Michigan than anywhere else, in the nation $94.98 per week. Nevada 'j is 2nd with $92.10, Montana 3rd ! o t

$92.20, Ohio $90.00, Indiana $86.68,llinois $84.25, Wisconsin $82.98,NewJersey $80.20, Penn., $80.20 and Now

$78.98.Hourly wages in Michigan were


CcH man interference who did not heai- n «4~The First Federal Savings and Loan Association will hold open house M^ ^ ^ ^ the to i lers and take' Friday, after Novenna Devor^s.ine first reaerai savings am* *-w«i» I-W^^M."^" ~ — - — -« - - x»i^ u> m.y« ^ u w ^ w « •**»» » n » — '

Friday and Saturday, November 1st and 2nd at the building on East Grand\ h%m o u t o f ^ M ^ e s t e r scored Saturday: 4:30 to 5:oORiver in Howell in the new Shopping Center. Tho new organization will ^ r ^ tim#g ^ q ^ o r d e r Q n w i d t 8:SQ U 9;00make various types of loans and will pay 3 percent interest on Savings j i W # e p l n g t n d r ^ , . Jerry Shadley



Accounts.county and the community have long noeded such an iiutitutUm

dimax©4 a «7 by going 8yards for a touchdown. Jerry Meyerscapped *n 8$ y4< drive by going •yds, for the 2nd than van 58 yds. to

due to its expanding economic growth, Similar institutions in otherhave flourished" for many years. '

The directors and officers are all county people. Harold Sutton is! "t

f executive vice president aad acting manager, Ira Jayne is chairman of the'board of directors, and Dr. George Schafer is vioe president. The treasureris Wilfred H. Erwin, county prosecutor, and the secretary is Patricia Orth. .The directori are John M. Schroeder, William J. Skusa, James Boyd and ***** *° ****-much ** running.Most

Howard Read.

Hohm'n °* l y P'nck

gains wsre on .paases. They{had I scoring ^hanees but nullified[all by fumbling wttfe ManchesterI getting tfco ball each time. Twice

they got inside the Manchester 29{ and once ware on the 4 yd. line being

aided in getting, there by a penalty,, Friday they play Stockbridge there;I This team is ndctfeated this year

1 They and their season next Wednes, tfay at S ^ W |^on. Tliis game w;-I moved up frona Friday so Southi could play--* postponed game with> Manchester, go far Pia«k*#y has

won 3 and lost I.

Pinckney Manchester

Ii«rry .Kitchen



W & X counts >"*« ! K.*W»' '»" 'r f




ft -TB *Q C

L aR k

F fc


Calvary Mennonitte CfaurofiHrv. Uusa Beachy, Paster

S. S. Supt Walter EselMeruiF WorshipSun cm f^-hool .

People's Meeting . >.. .7:80• Fellowship Service

Wedner-ias . . . . . . ... A)MICth Annual ( ;ii'munity Summ* *

School L Calvary MennoniteCUureh Juiv 1 t0 12, 0:00 to 11:140

fur A* l Ages ,4 anu upJSvtr *x/* Vv'tlc,o*i.fc

Peoptes thurciiUndenominational

West between Urtadilia anuM?in Stroets

Brooks Sanders, PastorSchoo} 9:45 a. in.

Mor';ib Worship . 10:60 a.n>.Vouth Group . 0u p. :>KvininK Servict . . rf:00 p. :"L.Wed. Sr. Choir Practise .'. 8:0u p.m.Thur.Adult Prayer Meeting 8:00 ;.m.

Youth Prayer Group 7:0J ; . JV

I rate was $2.33. In 1951 the Michigani wage was $75.56 a week.{ Natural gas to heat Michigan and

power industry is a major goal inI Michiagan. There has never been

enough gas in Michigan. Gov. Will-iams has a commitee working to findout why it cannot be distributed all

! over the state instead of only tohomes and industry in southernMichgan.,It ia a billion dollar busi-ness developed in Michigan over Ui«last 2 decades.

In World War II the atate imposedrestrictions on the numbr of #asheated hornets. They \vei« resindydfor 5 of 6 companies laat week bec-ause thev said their supplies weresufficient for new customers. TheConsumers Power Co. who serves over400,000 families outside Detroit saytheir supplies are still inadequate.There is talk of another pipeline cominv- into Michg-an and also of pipingpas in from Canada.

Charlesdistrict »ud niA wile attended

1111 iecepuou lor yu%*m LlinlMfflibl Vva»iungum . The conjfiinsilfsniiad ms wile write ii up and aha ov.ideally lell like a ear load of brisklov Queen Elizabeth as she wrios ofnui i^reat cnarm and appeal &nd sint.pikity and friendliness to evoryoiio.Iu iuct she says the queen is justU'IKSI. We doubt H ihe t >uld aell thialine to Wallie Siuupaon whom t&oroyal family hus refused to since she married t&e Duke of

I Windsor. The common people woronot invited to the queen's reception,Au.uission was by tickot oronly. Two 18 year old studentscl the gate and made the f font iw«jw,posing a* church pepej^ reporters.Kalph Taylor was attired in an Ep

1 mcopal minihiers cassock with whitocord and gold tasseb and woro hiafraternity pin. His companion Cam-eron Pipp, wore a big Sunday schoolbadge. They represented themaolvOJas reporter for a church papertot in and talked tothe prince.

Herbert Brownell, attorney gonoraiin the presidents cabinet .since 1958.

Legislators may change the meth. i e s i g n e ( j unexpectedly last week.. . . »i __ : 11 i . . U^. , . . . .

Smith 'Col» •Ball ;

GonyerShadleyiMayers |


Sunday SchoolMortfing WorshipWed <vboi::

Pastor. 9;»0 a. **•1&:45 a. m

cd of sending mentally ill to hos..pitals. Now it requires 2 probatet ourt hearings. The new proppsalNsould give toe probate judge the power to commit after a examination byby Uv-j doctors. The rights of tho*«tor. billed v.ould be protected. Nowrthe only right they have is to make awill.

MaryoC h M t 0 .


The queen crowning took place t>ttween half*. Th« 4 queens rod* on Unanthletic field in a dworated truck.\,i[d their court. They were BarbaraBrcwn, freshman Anita Shirey sophmoreJudy

They have three children, a son, Thorny .. . b u i l t o n Patterson Lake mor% Myrua Uvingston junior and

pher Monks the

The generaljquainted with the new

vto those opening savings accounts.

senior, Myma Livwaa sslected by the students

and was crowned queen and adornedwith the royal robes by MidgeHigga last years queen.^Tht girls allnil wore formal* and must have gotvafher chilled in th* 18 degree ternperature .

The Manchester high school bandwas supposed to play at the gamegame but too many members had theflu. They could not make it,

We wonder when tho Pinckneyband who have boon two years in formation will funetioa. They have no

FOOTCALL tCORMSouth Lyon «,o, ijo^.iiie t;i)ext»

12, Grass Lake G; Holly 3°, Brighion 13; Ypsilanti 27, W.->.yne 20;A.nn Arbor 26, Lansing Eastern 6;HieUea 6, Flat Rock 0. Lincoln 47,Dundee 6; Milan 20, Saline 6; Dewitl 47, Morrice 0. Dansville 1H,rowlarville 14, Flint Bentley 28, Lin-den 0; Flint Northern Res. 24,BoysVocational 14; Lansing; Resurrection40, Maaon 6; Northville 20, Milford14; Okemus 9, Leslie 0; Stockbridge

0, Everet 27, Howell 7;52, St. Cecelia 0; Univer.

sity 31, Roosevelt 6.

GEORGE FOSTER SK.Foster Sr., 68r who owns

liause or Errest Frost farm onHowell Rd. died at McPherson

ho , iuul, Monday of a heart attack,lie wa« born in Kingsville, Ontarioin 1889. the son of Gedrge and MaryEaston Abney.He had a meut market

• in R 'dford for years. He marriedEthel Abney, She survives, Therei* a son, George jr, ut home and udat^hter, Mrs Lucille Stein, of De-troit. The funeral is at the Kantei-^uncral Homo. Detroit. 11 a. in.Thursday. Hurial in Woodmere Cemt'tery .

O. E. S. CALENDAR NOVEMBERRegular meeting Nov. 8. Officers

wear formals.— Nov. 17, 2:30 p. m Practise at

NOTICE Masonic Hall All officers but choir.The Bovs of ths area neod yu^r , N o y 2 2 ; Sc :nooi (,f instruction. 8

help. The Portage Trails of the Boy . p ^ A n o f f i c e r s wear colored or


Pinckney Chapter No. 145 O.E.S. held puuut, *u»v«..«..«.. _ r . .Saturday, Oct. 26 at the elementary school. The room was decorated

white, and bronze mums. The meeting was opened by theMoran.

American nag wu» presented in the East, and theance to the Hag of our country and sang the Star ~

w.. Worthy Matrons and Worthy Patrons of the county werewere the county officers.

The installing officers were: Mildred Miller and Carrie Griffiths,stalling Chaplain Hazel Poulson, Installing Organist Etayse Campbell,stalling Marshall Clifford Miller, Installing Soloist Mae Bryant.» After the W^M. Roberta Amburgey Wasthe East by her daughter Chiqueta and son Joey. The soloist, Maesang "It's No Secret."

t nnx,A w a 8 escorted to the East by his ton

boat oifanse warewith. S me* running

interference. Tho middle of theirline waa not so strong aa Pinckneyvade first downs through it.

Th* attendance was large probably aa big as big as the attendance at

^ D « U T

t h .

on# sided „

. Other ° « i M "


Martha, frfluce

theyre- ^ r c w . ; , Mildred Miller; Treasurer, ^Sene^e fienry; Assc^a%Cond = once

After she was installed the boioisiMable Hammell;

Ward; Esther, -Eleanor Baughn; Warder, C M » T ^

were: Chnsttan riag, t w

3 scoring chances all of whichfumbtoa. twice they were

nrip. 1111 1 v* w»»»» - - |j in. / * " u t i

Scout* of America have the respon- w h i u f o r m f t i s .siBility to make available to every-Boy in Livingston County, the * _ _Program of Scouting which places j LIBRARY NEWS

Nov. 28: Initiation 8 p. m.

emphasis on the Scouth Oath or Prom j N e w b o o £ 8 for boys are Johnnyist and the Scout Law for character , T l . e n i a j n ancj North Woods Whammy.

an assistant was appointed to succeedhim. Brownell was the most power-full figure in the cabinet He is genorally credited with effecting the nom-ination cf President Eisenhower overSenator Taft in 1952. He was an ex-perienced campaigner, having man-

Gov. Deweys 2 campaign* faspresident. Gov. Warren of Californiawas suid to be a Taft man but Browmell got him to switch to Eisenhowerby promising him the first supremocourt vacancy. Warren fot thocourt job and wrote the deegregaUondecision. Brownell is also^lamed forLending troops into Little Rook toto enforce desegrationj This has putthe president behind the 8 ball iftthe south. It M reported BrownoAwill seek, the Republican-nominationfor governor of New York in 1958.A southern governor remarkerr Uaresignation was the biggest fedorairetreat since Bull Run.

« • *

The invasion of foreign can In tfenblcountry reached a new peak in Aofuse and is still climbing. Aoguatsales reached 20,163 compared tot< 9,13fl in August 1956, The 8n.onth total was 12:5,8*2 comparedics now selilng can in 106tgarnered 4.1 %• of the sales duringugust With 4 ef'the 6 big comps*

panies selling- foreign rars in 1969sales are expected,.to reach 2 J J , 0 0 9 .The Volkeswagon made in Gernwqraccounted for over half the forfigBear salea .

development, citisenship trainingand phyiical fi

In order to administer a qoodSoout program it is necessary tomaintain a council office with a staffwhich includes a full time district•xecutiwe who will devote hisfull time supervising: the scoutingprogram in the county and in orderto maintain such a service it is ne-

For girls Sally on the Fence und donated by Camille Buda the GreenCameo Mystery.

An excellent set of Michigan His-tory given by Mrs.Elleneine Stonesof Detroit. Several good mysteriesand the Marshall by Andeis givenWelton Chamberlain.

Staring December 1st there willbe a fine of one cent a day for over

formed . ciretetorn

was to have' playedcoining game

night cancelled due to flulucky to got Grass Late to

cessary to have funds with which to iu/booksrRleaso'rotum any bookspay for such administration. To main t h a t ^ o v < f r d u e o r ^ ^ i n t h o

tVn such » program as was admims d b o x o r d u r i U b h o u r g

tered la«t year it will cost 110.00 _for every boy enrolled in the Scout- CONSERVATION NOTB8in* program It ia now estimated F r o m the f o r c o r n e r > of the word

i^™*!! * T a t ! J O b l t ^ ^ ' come plant, and shrubs to provdo$16.00 for each boy enrolled this f o o d a n d %h^Y f o r M i c h i g f t n w i l d

year. Part of the funds for Uiisoper ' ] i f e ^ ^ ^ .g b r o m § ^ ^ataon come from the United Funda | p r o d a M I 2 c r o p s a y e a r a n d birdifeetDrives but wt in Pinckney have no , ttefo[] ^ m l f a l f a b ^ . _United Funda Drive so must raiseour share with volunteer help fromlocal citizens who give unselfishlyof their tins. Now there are 81 boy*

are enrolled in this program


HUSBAND.Give your wivea a break, Hava

NOTICETht Pi^knty Girl Semrti

hold a bakt aala Saturday

C from 6 a m to 12. HotMaaage or bacon and



.•v_v .trioscakos, coffee Froo will offering.

Jtepubllesjn Proalrfast. Wive* comeany time. tfeoV prisoa

All *re wokoma. Mao Dallor

wondered if Pineknojr*snot nave worked bottwore farther back. Ho

usually had to flurry His thrown* andtho receiver* couUf not got down thofield far enough to catch thorn.

Pinckney has i l senior* on theirteam, 9 of whom' are regulars. Theother % station arOjttflfort. Mancheoter had 9 seniors. 5 of whom wororegular*. Their other regulars woro4 juniors and S sophmore*. As a rule,unless ha is exceptional a boy does

this yoar and 287 boys of scout agoia the Pinekney schools so you can

our work cut out for


ductive for 20 years,Cards notifying those who wsre

lucky in the special deer drawingswill bo mailed out Nov. 1.

Rainfall eased Michigan forest

On Friday and Saturday, November1 and 2 there will be a volunteer worker call on you, Th© Pinckney Kiwanis Club sponsor the Boy Scouts in

fire hazards as 11 fires only burnedover 30 acres last week.

Of 349 persons arrested for sensorvation law violations in August lastweek 344 were convicted. Most ofoffenses wore fishing law violation*

Over 100 wounded and 7 dead ofheart ottaekt was the toll of

A navy plane which went npfeet and took important science pUtures crashed in a swamp 25 mflos)from Iron Mountain last weokJirl.Jay. It was not salvaged until when it was found it had boonstripped of everything including tbocamera and pictured taken. Appeals^through the press have caused moatof the articles to be retumad.Just why was the plane left unguai£ed if it contained valuable dataf

In the meantime the Russian aaioO*ite ia still sailing around serenlf 1aouter space and the administratlomis still looking for alibies as~to wnyRussia boat them to outer space. Nodate has boon set fox our launching ofa similar satetttteA It might Wnext March. This country has Uraaea.a number of rockets some of wWdVware failures One went up 109tmiles. Former Defense SecretaryDefense Wilson is beinggoat by some for our sputnikTit wielded tho tneat axodefense and research appto the bone but he

administration economydoub^is Club sponsor the Boy Scouts *n ' heart ottackt was the toll of 46he W e d o u b 1 . tf ^ dofonso

Pincknoy so won*t you do your share f i m d a y o f ^% pheasant and small practical now duo to tho f iand contribute liberally to a worthy 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ w # t k Monday. Rain M f t ^ m **&*

cause. GoraMComnniRoo


WHERE BLSB BUT ATnot mako the toam nntil hia junior . the Hartown Roflereads? Three wholeyear. ' , - (gome, healthful, happy hours for

Manchester put their ind toam in i 60c ovary night but Monday 8 to•tsyfao fadife w i t l M i t om oaoa time 1. U U session Friday and Saturday»norev»4«a*; i l№^ Sunday t to

game season last week Monday, w M t t a n d ^ m a n y

put a damper on hunting for a couplo ^rfd whe^ a

of days. off a world war. Qoooni 1 • * visit was followed by am

OPEN HOUSB SUNDAY, NOV. * 01* by Premier MolOQaaTho Rickett School for Retarded Britian. Jt now annouaflai

Children on Rickett Road, Brighton president and McMUlaa^will bold open hooso, Sunday,, Nov. Paris ia Doooaabor wtth

2 to I p. « . Tao puhUc ia ia. of Franco and MoMfflam Hs|


Page 2: No. 48 Current leuseHo

. _ , , * . • • > > ' ; ; • • • , ; • . . . ; • ' • , • " • > ^ • . - y - . ! . * • • : • ; . - • • . ; . > v • • / " . ' ' , _ • / - • • ' - • • • ' ' • ' . " ' , • • • • i ' . • ' • • " / • • I ' r - H . : - 1 - ^ • : ' - ' • " . ' . . " ; : " • • •

• • * , L J . • •

Oetofcv SO, INT

• • • •* • •*






f Note at «• fern Afcfe leaching in


Serving Since 1865




Intereston ALL Savings Accounts

Effective November I, 1957

Compounded and Credited Semi-annually



#pea your Mriagg account at one oi our offices today. Make deposits regularly$mi watch it grew. You can now "have your cake and cat it loo": Bank safety aadavailatiity for your savings plus a greater reward for your thrift.


• • •

Announcing the1958 DE SOTO...the'exciting tool* and fed ofthe future !

the }ook of the

w--the engine of the

the jrtde of the future...todayON DISPLAY TOMORROW AT YOUR DE SOTO DEALERS'

•TOST Anavi: Tin: IIMVIHT. . . i mrmvrrp • HIUXMIME • FIIII 1 LJIB



« . • . • VAN'S MOTQR SALES145 East Main St. Phone UP 83341. Pinckney.


• •*',

Brian Keith and Ralph Meeker


Bill EHoti and Ele*nore Tanis

Ella MeCloskejGreen Oak*

Mra^ Monks Monks has bought!the Will Moran house near the mill.She sold her f a m to Floyd Reason.

j Flora Culhane who is running a• rooming house in Ann Arbor was herefirst of the week.

Mrs Sweetman and daughter/Tessie,have moved from the Will Moras

; house to the Mary Eagen house on' on Unadilla St. {

The Pinekney OES install their jofficers Nov. 6.

Lucille McCluskey is attending jschool in New Baltimore .

Earl Day started the Stockbridge .creamery Monday. >

The members of the Methodistchurch gave Rev, Exelby and familyA reception at the Methodist parson..age Tuesday night. Punch and wafers *vere served. • v

Dr. H. F. Sigler and 2 grandsons, jHollis and Donald, were in a wreck on Wednesday, Thursday Nov 6 7the Dexter Road, Friday at the Mark « - u a j , « o \ , . 6, 7ham farm. The flap came downover the top obscuring the doctorsvision and and they went in the dit;hDonald who was in the rumble seatgot out but the doctor and Hollis were

J pinned under the c&r until released



Friday. 8at«rda,y November 1, 2 ( flow#lLToday's Headtiaen

'RUN OF THE AERO*is Technicolor '. _ _ — —

Wttk . Tuee.. Wed., Thur.>Oe. »» *• S 1

Bod Stieger and Serita Meatiel Tyrone Power and Ava Gardner

Sun., MOB., Tues., Nov, 3, 4. IGreatest Air Sp«ctac)e of the

Howard Hughes" J E T P I L O T "




Friday. Saturday V r e a b e r 1, 2piubte Fratare

Kathryn Grant and William Leslie

John Wayne and Janet Leighand the U. S. Air Force

«%lty Newt Color Carle >n


akoJeff Morrow and Masa Corday



"THE LONELY MAN"in Vista Vision

wltfcJack Palance and Anthony PerkinsFeaturetto Color Cartoon

Sunday Monday, Nov, 3, 4Matinee Sunday 2:30 p. m. coal.

Doubl* FeatureWalter Brennan


• \

K t h e l B a r r ymore «nd Cecil Kellawajr


Pinckney high school beat Stockj by Mr. Markham who pried the car t> rjd g e h e r e Friday 32 to 6. Murray '! up with a fence rail. . Kennedy 4 touchdowns »hd Lyman !

Teeple Hardware are busy putting , Rattle 1. Bob Smith and Russell \up stoves they stored, repaired and > Head got extra points The Pinckney '

! polished for famlies during the sumrnJ Jine of Cliff Miller/ center; Fritz,er. Jerry Keaton did the polishing, j Gardner and Lucius Wilson, guards- •'<James Cagney and Dorothy Maloae

Arthur Swarthout is back from j John Amorso and BillDrown tackles' ) **Mobile, Alabama, an leaves for Ore- , j o h n Wylie and Bob Smith e n d s ' " " * * 1 "" * i r " ' " T - * ™pon last week. \ played a great game.

Dan Baker writes b« and his wife \ _ _ _ — _ _ ,...leave for St. Claude, Florida, this < -week where they will build a house, i Week end visitors of t i e Robert

Miss Eleanor Brogan and Max L e d g e s were the Stanley Murdocks of .v/idge were married Wednesday at / Corruna and Roosevelt Pike and son, j

* " rry of Garden City. IErnest Lounsberry of the Pinck..

-Howell Rd. SSunday, Funeral »-

St. Mary's curch by Rev. Fr. Commerford.

Alma McCluskey is teaching atWhitmore Lake.

Adrian Lavey and Bert Roche vis-ited the school Monday.

Donald Poole has enrolled in Iheprimary room, bringing the numberup ot 49. Sol Reed has enrolled in

Tues., Wed, Thurs., Nov. 5, 6, 7



neyat Schnackenburg Funeral Home inHowell today.

Mrs. Wayne Wagner has been, illwith the flu.

The Lloyd Hendees spent Sundayst the Edward Nuoffer home in Holt.

The Edwin Sprouts were SundayHarohl Heusmans in

McDonald jr. andChubb) last Friday, a

j the intermediate.| Leslie Mortenson brought a wasps* * quests of the

nest to school for the 3rd grade sci '< Ypsilanti.,'cnce table. . ' Born to

•Florence Reason taught the gram-!' vv i fe (Nancymer room Monday for Dede Hinchey. • daughter, Sandra.

Josephine Culhane underwent an j Kenneth Darrow of Three Riversoperation for appendicitis at the 1 s P e n t t h e f i r s* °* the week with thePinckney Sanitarium last week. ' M l E- Dmiws .

; Sadie Harris entertained a party ' D » v i d Brady and Miss Joyce Willfriends at her home Friday night. , l a m s o f Roscommon who are attend

; ing the U. of M. called on the M. E.if Darrows Sunday.

Thurs., Fri., Sat, Oct 31. No?. 1,2


James McArthur and Km Huater

Sun., Monw Tues., Nov. 3, 4, $Glenn Ford, VanHafU*

Felicia Farr

"3:1» TO TUMA"



Th* P/obate Court for the Chanty1

Notes «n 25 Years Age)The Community Players will put

; or the play "The Blue Bag" at t!>eCommunity Hall Friday night. Thescene is a a small eastern hotel and ' * t h * Matter of the Bstatf otinvolves jewel thieves, The cast is (Clara Mercer, Deceased.Menry Shifrey, Irving Richardson, # At a session of said couri heH ntC W. Hooker, Glenn Slayton,Ralph I Hottell in said county on OctoberCarr, Dorothy Carr, Pauline Veddcr, [^ th A. D. 1957 at ten a. m.

< Mary Wilson, Alice Stottlemire, H.C. ;' Present: Hon. Hirain J. Smith,' Vedder, Irene Richardson. The specii ^ldge of Probate .' ties are acrobatic number, Billy Mar- i Notice is Hereby Given, That

tin, tap dance Mary Wilson, song: anddance Edsil Meyer, Rex Smith. Com

• inunity Quartette.Harry Lavey, son of Paiick L.4v-

«y of Pinckney was married to Elean( • / Holland of Detroit at Royal Oaki on October 24.

Mrs, Laura Burgess Miller, 36,diedt suddenly at her home here Oct, 27.

persons interested in said estate ar*directed to appear before said Pro.,bate Court on November 5, 1957 atten a m. to show cause^-why a license should not be granted to RalphGlenn, Administrator de bonis nonof said estate, to sell or mortgagethe interest of said estate in certainreal estate described in his petition,

' She was the daughter of Nelson and j f o r t h e Purpose of paying debts| Lmma Hicks Burgess and graduated i «harges and expenses.i from Pinckney high school in 1916.She i Tt l s Further Ordere That Publicj married Charles Johnson in 1921. | **№* thereof be given by publication{ (!icd in 1923. In 1927 she married ' <* • «°Py o f this ^rder for three su«cI Harley Miller who survives, Funeral »••»«^e veeks previous to said day• and Burial were here Sundlryr - j «* Bating, in the Pinckaey Dispatch) Saturday was Democrat day i n { * »ww»paper printed aiid circulated

Pinckney and they had a big rally *» " u " — * A i U " " ^' " v i i 1 " -#nd flagpole raising on the square. »**The parade was led by the Democrat S

Yoa Are OnYour FeelLong


yea*foot on l(VC09 uny t ' :ta'Dblwr, laTelvft • S MAir. Onsbioatftoes.

#t^¥ty#_- osil at yout eoavtaitaet iayotr home, oBo«, or s>op. to five

IW Ul«ft Of t \ 0 t tOXfktQtt.


county, and that thea copy of this notice tr be terv 1 ; The C\iltond Haine* family art

{ mule loaned by Mrs. Edna Spears.|i It was driven by Sheriff Finley and

the wagon it drew carried the countycandidates. The mule carried bannersreading "Roosewelt and Prosperity",

I "Roosvelt Days are Happy Days."i The Cohoctah Fife and Drum Corp.| furnished music. The parade stopped j Helen! at the square where the flagpoleI was raised with the Stars and Stripes[ above and the Roosevelt flag below. JLee Lavey, colal chairman, called *the meeting $o order tn the Commun [

1 ity Hall and Alfred Pfau, countychairman presided. Lester Huff sang,

i remarks were made by Walli Knapp1 for state senator, Henry Howlett for! representative; Sheriff Finley, MMarfin La van Major Bravener for clerk;Gw Fay, trea,s., Ed Millet, register,Frank Knight, supt of poor andClaude Cady for congress. The adless was made by Dan Mahoney ofLansing, a silver tongued orator ofthe Wood&ridge N. Ferris style.Des-pite rainy weather a good crowd turned ,oot.

While coming home from thtteachers institute in Detroit last<veek Beatrice Lambom of Gregorywrecked h«r ear 8 aflat waft tf

Pincknay, She receved laceraionsakeut the head Nellie Dtatoa

j The C\iltond Haine* familyupon e«ek known party J» interest* hnmng a n e w home on Rose St.hi l t k dd b iat his last known address by register j T h e ° H o w e l ] D u k e g c o t t a g # a t H 1

*d mail, return receipt demanded, a t i land Uke bmed down Monday. Itlast fourteen (14) days prior to *• -eh., W M unoccupied,baarfaafftor by personal service at least >fire (5) days prior tc such hearing.

Hiram R. Smith, Judge of Probate<2opy

M Gould

The Dougliu Plummer faniily ofGarden City -nd Frank Skoman otAnn Arbor were Saturday vsitortof the' Edmund Haines family.

Bottle Gast hLlTING



H» t h e Water LatmAromai tad StoreOpen Winter aid Summer Opm Monaaystrees KaM .dfi M-3«, LakeUnd.MIch Soft Watar. - FaailytmXtj Wash, Jrx Claaaing, Cotton Rugs. SOutf Bugs, Bidton*- Ut Oi Bi-Galar vMk^v C o ^ * ^ 1*—



Page 3: No. 48 Current leuseHo

Wednesday, October 80, 1957

s TheStore





Many New Features On 1958 Plymouth

Silver Dart two-tone exterior styling trim, sweeping backward and up lo the tip of the PlymouthBelvedere 4-door hardtop's familiar fins, is new with 1958 Belvedere models and Sport Suburbanstation wagons. The contrasting dart is available either in anodized aluminum for a striking neweffect, or in compatible colors. Plymouth's outstanding Torsion-Aire suspension system and itstrouble-free mechanical push button controls are retained for 1958. Six tngine options, a new Con-stant-Control power steering system providing Plymouth's famous fifll-time ease of operation, inew Sure-Grip differential and a new automatic Econo-Choke are available on 1958 Plymouth carsbeing introduced in dealer showrooms across the nation on November 1.

Plymouth's new Sport Suburban station wagrn for 1958 goes even more modern with an upsweptSilver Dart two-tone treatment that heightens interest in the popular roar fins. Also new for 19Sffare the dual headlights, standard equipment on all Plymouth cars, and a dressed up lower grille s otion which matches the horizontal lines of the upper grille. The distinctive rear-facing third scatwhich P!:••?.: • h introduced in 1957 is again-available with Sport Suburban station wagons for 19=>$The new V\* t:<-, v.ith six engine options and 19 separate body styles and models, will be Uktroduccd Tn dealer <iiio»roorj)*i throughout the ftr-'ij-u^iii .November *

T VAN'S MOTOR SALES . . . . 77. 145 East Main St. Phone UP 83341. Pinckney.

Williro Davis I Mrs, Beulah Miller, son, Norman,i and Ona Campbell called on Mrs.

KDXNG AND ROOFING k - Marion Pearson at McPher*on bos...AMD REMOBELUNG P i t a l l a s t w e o k -

Finekney Dispatch t«d as Second ClassSatered

Matter at PoetofficeAt of March 8, 1877

14 South Howeti ft.fP«sin»ey4Mkb,Subsostptioa Wee |LfO a Yt«r

The D. Conklins had a Halloweenparty Saturday at thier home toGrand Rapids lor Pvt. Davy

IBurns. Those there were Ray Bum*

f i l d thBuns Thos yand wife, Don Burns faibily and thf

| Jack Young family.The Kenneth Fry famflyof Brighton

[spent Sunday at the Ray Burns

Thursday night was \he 14tnbirthday of Tommy Kead.There was

' a dinner at the Elks temple, AnnArbor. Those there were the HowardReads', Ross Reads, George Wilde sr.and wife , George Wilde jrs. and Mrs.Britts of Calfornia.

Geoge VanNorman goes to Mil.waukee, Wis., this week to attendan electrical engineer convention.

Mrs. Carmen Porter and Marilyndustafson was in Detroit last Wed.uesday to attended a Rainbow Girlmeeting.

Mrs. Louise Shehan spent last weekwith Mrs. Edna Spears,

State Trooper Garth Meyer ofof Flint visited at the W. H. Meyerhome Friday anl attended the football game here.

C, W. Hooker and wife of Ann Arbor called on Mrs. Jennie HookerSunday.

Mrs. Jane Clark and family of Dexttr and Robert and Junior Darrowwere Sunday puesta of the MarkNash family.

Frank Clark and wife of Milfordwere Sunday jrue.sts of the WinstonReughns.

Lynn Hendee and wife and LloydHendee and wife were Thu"sd".yguests of the Dr, Lloyd Nath family

* • • • • « *

B. «d. River, HowtH, Mfch.. . . Phone HOT ill 717*

Mesdames Joon Mattewm andCarrie 'Grffiths gave a baby showerat the formers horn* last Wednes

Roy Reasons entertained theLarry Lobdeli Sunday in honor of

at Cold water. 1Sunday guests of W. H. Meyer anJ

wife were Mrs. Willa Lamb amifamily of Ann Arbor and the JamesMeyer family,

G. W. Meyer has purchased a cao-i/i in northern Michigan and he andWilliam Lamb spent the week end••.litre.

The Charles Rice family of Detroit:md the Earl Sampson family ofFlint were Sunday quests of IV !,:«-ter McAfpss.

Mr, u.:J Mrs, Tom Neff oi AimAnn Arbor a])ont Sunday wi.h [h.Hobert Ackeys ,

The C. J. Clintons went to Detroit.Sunday Mis. Clinton remained for avis-it with her s hJ.Ge.ald and kalpii.

The card club ynve Mrs. DorutliyParker Sprout t\ baby shower la-tMoiul.iy at the ofMam me)

Mrs. Viola Rnul tcok hor mother,Mrs, Claudia P t . r s , back to J nek" onMundayt

Mrs.Blanche Cl.ak and Mr.i.^hir'eyClark and children were Tuesdayguests of the Iviaynard Clarks inMilan.

The Tom Clark fami'y of Ann Ar-bor called on te Mrs, Mirgaret Clarkfamily Sunday.

Mrs. Dorothy Dinkel and Johnnyand Christine were in Ann Arbor Sat

v*rday. • >(

Chiquita Amburgey gave her par-ents, the Merlin Ahburgeys a surprise 'Sunday on their 12th wedding anniv !rsay. Those there were the Ot.s Mattesons, Joe Griffith, Clifford .Miiloii,

I Mrs, Mary Amburgey and the Har-- :old Henrys, j

• Martin Ritter sr. and wife of Lake| land week Sunday guests of the Mar-! tjn Ritters. :

David Ledwid^e came home from| Venice Culifornia, last week and it

working at the Michigan MoldedPlastics, Dexter. !

The \)ale Meabon family movedinto the William Kennedy apartmenton Putnam St. Sunday.

Mrs. Mary Fitzsimmons and 2daughters of Detroit and Mrs. JrvinKennedy called on Patrick Murphyand family in Fitchburg Sunday.

George Meabon and wife spentiast week at Lovells.

Mrs. Barbara Shelten and child:en of Howell called on tke AndrewXesbitts last week .

Mike Carver visited the Robertf Secfeld family Saturday.

Wagoners GroceryM66 PINCKNEY ROAD

ty MerchandiseLOW P R I C E S

Beer aad Wine To Take Oil

Marion DavisFainuag

Also Ceraaue PaimM»gFkoM Howell 7 1 7

East Grand Jttrerjo Xtp

The Doyle Tetnpletons of KeegoI Harbor spent Sunday with the Albert.) spent Sunday with Albert Shirleys\ guest of Janet Shirley.I Among those who called at the

Walter Glover home at

for Agatha Knight. 26 were there.Charles Eisele and Steve Geryc?. I The Louia Haydu family will move

and wife Fowletrrille called | from the Harold True form to the'~ "" " ~ Joe Stackable farm.

Bernard Lavey and wilt «f Lansingcalled on ye editor Saturday.

William Burroughs and wife havesold their farm at Pettysville to Ed&<arschner of Brighton and moved

on Mrs Emma Vollmer Sunday.

Mrs. FJorence AtLe« is tintingson, Cy. and family in Gladwin.

Mrs. Marion Pearson is gettingalong nicely at McPherson hospital.Her leg is in a cast.

lies, Mrs. Lettie Nesbitt, Mrs.Viola Read, Mrs. Claudia Peters,Fred Wylie and wife, Mr. and Mrs.Roy Dillingham. Mr. and Mrs Her.Jesse Henry was taken to Univev

aity hospital, Ann Arbcr Friday. * * n Widmayer, Aza Decking, Mrs.Gerald Henry of Detroit spent E v * Allan, Mr»- Olah Bidweil.

the week end at the g^^yy Roy Clark and v mother, Mrs.

the borneof Mrs. Charles Gatatman of Howell.

Articles sold well at the Hayduauction Friday. The cows averaged$280 each.

The Greeene school bad their Hall-oween party Tn—day night and the

Howard Read and wife spent theweek end in Pittaborg, Pa. with theRussell Read family.

Mr. and Mrs. Clare Miller andCarol were in Detroit Saturday.

Carol Miller found a fur neck piecein Dexter last weak. It bekojrtd to

Wost Marion drafts) pasty la on Ann Arbor My. Sh* got $10 rvww*


Coal and Fuel OilWill Soon Be Needed

We Have The



U. I HOLY & SONS.1A S-&119 Uexier




• i

HO*la; no well Mieityr*ir

^ You Should Pray ForBy Rev. Donald F. Miller, former editor of "The Llf«etfta«"

PEOPLE WHO say, MI don'tget much out of my prayers," or"God doesn't seem to answer myprayers'," have a wrong Ideaabout the principal purpose ofprayer.

Prayer Is not for what you getout Oi *o, but what Cod wants togive you in answer to prayer.

TOO MANY people come tolook upon prayer as though itshould always be a means of

get! ing an answer that can befelt and enjoyed.

The ef f e c tlooked for maybe a feeling ofintense devotiona n d delightfulcloseness to God.Or you may belooking for bet-ter lit ami, themoney to pay bigbills, a change T»»" •' '"»**»of heart in an ungrateful hus-band or wife, or something elselo make life easier.

Nv.TE OF these things is badin itself, nor completely outsidethe purpose of prayer. Butr ^rntration on the things of1 =; wo.Id blinds you to prayer's

.1 i. .;,ovtant goal: union withC i in this lift as a beginningof union v/th God in eternity.

C: J v : s four things for• •. that He has creat-

:o every Christian•':? nn agreement with

r >v r.ri rh the prayers of•, arid n.'::in?» sure that

c. . i:osc> .-. n covered. Thep.' ..' rii-uni \-'"i the fol-Jc ;




THE FIRST purpose of ever|prayer I ever say, O Qod, will Mto ask You for the grace to te,v4my soul, to reach the happlMtiof heaven, to- enjoy the gloriousbeitiflc vision of Yourself for-ever.

THE SECOND purpoM <fevery prayer I ever say, O Oo4will be to ask You for an tvar•increasing measure of the metutto salvation, that Is of the helpfnecessary to do Your will, •n<tof the courage I shall nee* tausing my free will to cooperatewith your help.

THE THIRD purpose ofprayer I ever say, O Ood, willto ask You for the gracesalvation for all whom I lfor all who are dependent upopme, for all to whom I am lft*debted, and, In a special manneffor my enemies.

THE FOURTH purpose of mprayers, O Ood, may be to ob-tain relief from any ont of t»Uthousand forms of temporal suNfcring. or the benefit of any oneof a thousand sources of pastingjoy, e.;.'ner for myself or others,This purpose may at times seemfirst and uppermost in my mintfI intend it now and always lo btlast, and subordinate to thethree purposes named above.

One may pray for a cure ofcancer, for a happy marriage,or for a loved one. But If btprays as a true Christian, haknows that although not gettingexactly what he asks for, ht 14receiving a surer hop* afjoying heaven forever.

UP AND OVER go members of the special Mlcniraaemit company at Great Lakes Naval Training Cmd* ">irse. Th.e agile recruits are (1 to r) BasaM B.Sarinaw; Thomas J. Gobble of Mt Clemm: Fraa* L.V ' eUL. Glann of Flint; John D. Jewell afr of Charlcvotx; and Archie K. tHBtt «f< n o f t h e W o l v e s • « c : > S e p t W L ^

. i ' i - . . ^ / y H O B I C C ? " ' • •••••:

Page 4: No. 48 Current leuseHo


• ; - ^

• • • / *



they last


r October «» 1957

$499t(j5•+***** " — - • • - . . J r

„.:>,;..•>.. •..-,}

top quality, top features. . . fop construe/ ion /

• TITE-SEAL CONSTRUCTION: Protects flavor of food,

o HANDY PACKAGE DISPENSER: Holds 24 packages.

o FULL-WIDTH PULL-CUT D3AWER: Stores bulky and odd-shaped packages.

o AUTOMATIC CONTROL: Maintains perfect storage temperature.

• 5-YEAR WARRANTY: On hermetically-sealed freezing system,

o FOOD SPOIUGE WARRANTY: 3-year's protection — free.

• And many other outstanding time-saving quality features.

STOP ir *•<*•-*'" . . . OFFER IS LWJZD> . . • -



Ac Ditpat

incus r ney's








FOB SALE:Refricer»tor, WestingtmaU $20; Eketrie Bange,

Weatin^ious $20; Dining Room Tab-le and Chain, like new $20.. Call trevenings or Sundays,

Clyde McCleer, Gregory, Mich.


FOR SALE: 1951 Concord PlymouthCoop. Everything is good about thisPhone UP 8-3419


The PiD6tejrSmifetinIL Jnffi It

CO A. M. U tiMP. M.



PBONB U PP. M. Frei C Rawkfcrff, Sr.


Radio |«.00 Washing Machine $15.00Upright Sweeper 111, Living ReomSuite $25.00.412 East Main St., Pincknej.

120 West GrandHoweU. Midbigsa

MALE HELP WANTED:- Now takink applications for light press andlight welding ARCO INC.46 N. Dexter St, PinckAty- Mich.


MfeilSTfiRKb LAN1>suRtrnVoB

Qffloe »11H »i*t Gxaad1SI1-W HowelL otilllogoa

U U W. MuneH.


Made to Deirur


FOlt KENT: 4 room apartment in \ i l K . Vl* K«Pinckney. Call B.igh. r AC U 3731

FOR SALE:Fuel Oil Tanks, 275 and f210 gallon capacity.

John Keilman UP 8.3409 J— — — — i

FOR SALE :1955 Ford Convertible,^automatic, three tone blue, new top iwhite sidewall tires, radio, heater. \Harold Davia, Portage ake

DENTIST' lephon« Office 08t

tesid»iee 814by




PAKM 8ALE3 ft SPBCIAIXTIf 75 Shell Beach Rd. phone HA 6 5«14 j.^^ne UP $ 3146

*OR SALE: Halloween Pumpkins i v\ i t n O ^ I ^ ^ ^ S . lJon Loi Farm phone UP 8.3277 { I * . « K IrtOlmqUlSt

FOR SALE: 21 inch Televiiion,console model, excellent condition,Evans Oil Space Heater, good condition, Drum Top Mahogany Table.245 Unadilla St UP 8..3136

WANTED: Good used Furnitureantique guns, marble top tables,China dolls, Oil lamps and Jewelry.Violas Antiques 231 East Sibley St.Powell, Mich

Tuesday Thro igV Saturdty11 H 3 **& S to 1

And by AppointmentAC 7-2981

300 We?t Grand RiviP-BRIGHTDN

Roger j . Carr AgencyC'JMFi^Tu. INSURANCE €OV1»


EiithR-Carr 'I 4 2 MILL. ST.

Mich. Phone UP 8 SIM

UAL ESTATE, Homes, Lake Property

Business Opportunities%ict Your Propertyl with

(i EALD REASONBroker 209 Worth Peoxl ft.

PH0NE UP 8--8166

Mary Wolt^"""'AD Kinds of Real Estate LUtUf*

WantedMain Office HA 6-8*88 at 7411 Por-tage Lake Road, near N. Territorial

\ 132 ^'EST MAIN ST., PINCKNEYKenvv Krahn, Salooinsi VP 8-41.30

TRADE OR SELL: 12" Mall ElectrcChain Saw, ike new retails for $125.for used late model 12 ffuage auto,matic or pump shotgun or $50 cash,

Pete Gerycz UP 9 5517

FOR SALE— Kenmore Oil Heater


FOR SALE: -Double bed with boxsprings, mattress and spread $35.00.

T$10, 1 drake and 5 Muscovy ducks ]$10. Evenng only H Grodell, !•

Phone UP 8-5589

10440 Cedar Lake Road

FOR SALE:-- Two Space Heaters, 1a 5 eoom on,, 1 8 room one.Jane Widmayer, UP 8-3422

\ WANTED:- Expierenced bookeeprwoud Ike bookoenino; a n d generaloffice work to do in my home. Cang-ive excellent references.Laura Walker, 1331 EaM-36,Pinckney



Made to OrderA Low as S Line $1.00,«tra line Stt

Stock Stamp* 40c eaeb \Fact Accurate . . . . fbnrke


11922 Weiman St. Pinekaey, Mich.


FOR RENT .-Modem Furnished three

Irooms and bath apartment also lourrooms and bath unfurnished. Call IMrs. Oacar ! eck UP 8-3434 J

FOR SALE:-A pair of French Doors *•and Hardware, Mrs. John ColonePhone UP 8—3145

:-- Coal of wood heatng


11269 Ct. ,'HeH"Pinckney, Mich^

Salesman for King Realty

IFOR SALE. Spring and Mattress,[Refrigerator6.2, Floor Type Radiosl$6 and $10. Singer Sewing Machine,[Treddle Model with Electric Motor[Call after 5:30 p. m, UP 8-C272

, suitable for fishinc shanty, pit-«r pump with long pipe, all in ex-

celent condition. >,-ient, furnshod or unfurnished.N. J. Buzzard, 326 d Main, Pincknev i p h o n e U P 8-31^3 or UP 8 -3393

FOR SALfc,:- A Warm Morning F 0 R R E N T : FunUhed or unfurniiih_Stove, burns coal or wood

L. W. Umstead, UP 8-3235,*****+*****>* ****,

FOR SAIE:-.One 12 guago Snot

tnl 3 bedroom house and doubleag-e at Hi-land Lake .

H. Hunter U 3-3776 evening.

SALE: 12 guage double barrel':], Shotgun 22 repeating rifle, boji. in

line shape at 212 East Main St. inckney UP 8 3185..

i)R. W. W. MADSENBuilding Bitgnton, Mien.

OPTOMETRISTand Thun, 8:30 to 5;00

Evenings by Appointment1S6 Eait Grand

Gun, Double Barreel clean after] R 0 R R E N T : Upstairs apartment.5:30 a all day Satorday. [ ^r3< ^€ S 8 Henry U 8 345

p i n ^ ^ ' ^ T ' 3 1 5 S* H o w e U S t "FOR SALE: Holstein bull, 1QP;nckney, MichI old ready for service^

FOR SALE:.-Four Koo^*Homtf with ' M i l t o n Carver 1740 Hinchey RoadBath, 2 lots $3,500. ; PAINTING:.--interior and exterior.Dan Gardner.454 Dextei St Pinekney P h o h e J- B« i*** UPtowft 9-U09


gs WantedSaU»man for Geiild

jfitatea? Ail K ndg h*a t ) 2

' h t troe-.a,

Ontral Ianxrtaee


chenette and bath. Call VP 844JilSylvester Harris

I V\ANT9D:-iV and interior de.

d eithna4»M.M. A. Unit,


8 11ft

TonvMaodelfeSawFiliu* ShopLAWN MOWER SHABPKN1KG

1 1 6 24 Biverbank Ei*kad U k e


. . T* P*J D^tor or Deatict

P t o Defray School

RTLSORRELLWater Wolfe'and Pumps

All Makes of Pumps ServicedM5 D*xter-Pineknay Read

HA 6 9454

A-I Septic Tank SmficeLisemed and Boaded hjr Hk% State of

MieaieaC jPHCNE ST. 8-1128 /


New Tank, amd Lht«s Installed..739 Sooth Pleasait St.


. T o Got on Your Foot «MI•Bko ft

! Koa hvdcot axpensos naroyoi ooo thorn

or not). The cost is low booaioo wottftke so many leans. Torns are sd- ,,Josiod io ipeome. The tranrftioa I]




' '

National BankHOWOH, MkWfan

Under Federal SuporrfadoaVVenier of Pedtral Reoom Cor.1 Bofnion and Federal Dopott I»*uro*tof Corpeiatoa, All Depoot*



^ flWEWZ 5511




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