Newsletter june 2013

excing outreach. God has a heart for the naons and we must also. For some, that may mean going on a mission trip to Romania or Rus- sia. For some it may mean geng involved in local missions locally. This summer you will hear about a lot of ways to do missions globally and locally, because there are a lot of excing things happening right here in our hometown, too! Make sure you check it all out in this edion of LIFELINE. Let’s work together to take Jesus to the streets and to the world! Blessings, Pastor Tom Welcome to the summer edion of LIFELINE, our church newsleer. We have such an excing summer planned and there is a lot of infor- maon in this newsleer to help you idenfy what acvies and ministries you would like to get involved in. We will be celebrang what God is doing all around the world during the summer months in a wide variety of ways! In June and July, we will have the opportunity to host three of our mis- sionaries. Pastor Paul Laursen will be here the first weekend of June and will be leading our Men’s Advance. The Popet’s from Romania will be staying in our missionary house for five weeks this summer and will be sharing all about what God is doing in Romania in June, also. We are blessed to have Mark Papierski and his family vising us in July to update us on what is going on in Russian Min- istries! Our Vacaon Bible School has an interna- onal flavor to it, as well. In one week at VBS, the children will travel to Ireland, Ugan- da, India, Brazil, and the USA to learn about what God is doing in these naons! It is going to be a blast! Finally, we will be organ- izing a team to minister in St. Louis for a one day outreach in July with our friends and partners in ministry, Oasis Interna- onal. More infor- maon is available in this newsleer for this An International Summer Inside this issue: An Internaonal Sum- 1 The Webb Site 2 Boredom Breakers 2 OASIS Internaonal 3 YAM 3 Prayer Furnace 3 Vacaon Bible School 4 HNI Conference 4 Life Church Arenzville 4 Fascinate Youth Conf. 5 Community Pares 5 Miracle Healing Service 5 Birthdays 6 Anniversaries 6 On-Line Giving 6 Kids’ Korner 7 VBS Reap 8 Lifeline Newsletter Special points of interest: Vacation Bible School— June 17-21 Fascinate Youth Confer- ence—July 25-27 Prayer Furnace—Every Wednesday 4:30-8:30 On-Line Giving! CHURCH OF THE NEW COVENANT VOLUME 11, JUNE 2013



Transcript of Newsletter june 2013

Page 1: Newsletter june 2013

exciting outreach. God has a heart for the nations and we must also. For some, that may mean going on a mission trip to Romania or Rus-sia. For some it may mean getting involved in local missions locally. This summer you will hear about a lot of ways to do missions globally and locally, because there are a lot of exciting things happening right here in our hometown, too! Make sure you check it all out in this edition of LIFELINE. Let’s work together to take Jesus to the streets and to the world! Blessings, Pastor Tom

Welcome to the summer edition of LIFELINE, our church newsletter. We have such an exciting summer planned and there is a lot of infor-mation in this newsletter to help you identify what activities and ministries you would like to get involved in. We will be celebrating what God is doing all around the world during the summer months in a wide variety of ways! In June and July, we will have the opportunity to host three of our mis-sionaries. Pastor Paul Laursen will be here the first weekend of June and will be leading our Men’s Advance. The Popet’s from Romania will be staying in our missionary house for five weeks this summer and will be sharing all about

what God is doing in Romania in June, also. We are blessed to have Mark Papierski and his family visiting us in July to update us on what is going on in Russian Min-istries! Our Vacation Bible School has an interna-tional flavor to it, as well. In one week at VBS, the children will travel to Ireland, Ugan-da, India, Brazil, and the USA to learn about what God is doing in these nations! It is going to be a blast! Finally, we will be organ-izing a team to minister in St. Louis for a one day outreach in July with our friends and partners in ministry, Oasis Interna-tional. More infor-mation is available in this newsletter for this

An International Summer Inside this issue:

An International Sum- 1

The Webb Site 2

Boredom Breakers 2

OASIS International 3


Prayer Furnace 3

Vacation Bible School 4

HNI Conference 4

Life Church Arenzville 4

Fascinate Youth Conf. 5

Community Parties 5

Miracle Healing Service 5

Birthdays 6

Anniversaries 6

On-Line Giving 6

Kids’ Korner 7

VBS Reap 8

Lifeline Newsletter

Special points of


Vacation Bible School—

June 17-21

Fascinate Youth Confer-

ence—July 25-27

Prayer Furnace—Every

Wednesday 4:30-8:30

On-Line Giving!


Page 2: Newsletter june 2013

We’ll gather together to help

with VBS set-up, service

projects, fun and games, and

swimming parties. If you

can, stay for the day and

join our worship/prayer sets

in the prayer furnace from

4:30-8:30 p.m. Pack dinner

and make a day of it.

Schools out! Youth Group

is over. What are the youth

going to do with their sum-

mer? Boredom is setting in.

Let’s break the boredom

every Wednesday from 1-4

p.m. beginning June 5 for

those going into 6th - 12th


Boredom Breakers

What was the best piece of advice you ever re-ceived? “Don’t put your tongue on a flagpole in January?” “Don’t spit in the wind?” “Girls (or boys) will give you coot-ies?” Well, it’s gradua-tion season and that means just one thing; advice will be dispensed from countless speakers to even more countless graduates at world rec-ord pace! Some of it might even make sense, if you heed it. Advice is like an armpit: everyone has one and sometimes it stinks. Even Jesus was asked for

advice. Somebody asked

him what the greatest

commandment was.

Now think about this for

a minute; the greatest

commandment in the

entire Old Testament.

Hmm. What was the

greatest commandment

found in the Pentateuch

(first 5 books of the Old

Testament), the books of

history (Judges, the

Kings, etc.), the books of

wisdom (Psalms, Prov-

erbs), the Prophets (both

major and minor) and all

the other books that

make up the Law or the

Old Testament?

In effect, how do you

condense the entire Old

Testament to one thing,

the main thing, the point

that God was trying to

get the nation of Israel to

see? Jesus didn’t hesi-

tate with his answer,

“Love God with every-

thing you have and eve-

rything you are.” Then

he added, “And then

demonstrate this love by

loving people the way I

love them.” How simple

and yet, how profound.

Please understand that

this transcends simplicity

and profundity; it is earth

-shattering and world-

changing. “Love God

and love people.” Can it

get any better than that?

I don’t think so.


Pastor Rich


“Love God with

everything you have

and everything you


“and then

demonstrate this

love by loving

people the way I

love them.”

Page 3: Newsletter june 2013

Last summer a team of

youth and adults went to St.

Louis for a week long mis-

sion trip and helped in a

wide variety of ways with

Oasis International. In the

summer months Oasis

sponsors Saturday BBQ’s

once a month in the plaza

across the street from their

missions base in the inner

city. These events have be-

come an exciting part of the

ministry of Oasis to the ref-

ugee population surround-

ing them. This summer we

are not organizing a week

long effort but rather a one

day event on Saturday, July

13th. Would you consider

joining us for this one day

event? We need individuals

who will help cook and

serve the food and beverag-

es, help facilitate the games

and/or activities, and just be

available to help with the

outreach. For more infor-

mation about Oasis Interna-

tional please visit their web-

site: www.oasisinternational

.info. Watch the weekly

bulletin for more infor-

mation about this exciting

missional opportunity.

phere of worship and prayer.

We also provide regular semi-

nars and small groups to

equip you to have a praying

life-style. Our prayer board is

always available to post pray-

er requests. Finally, we also

have a prayer chain via text

messaging that can distribute

Prayer is at the center of eve-

rything we do corporately.

Our desire is to provide you

with resources to make this a

reality in your personal life,

also. The Prayer Furnace is

open from 4:30-8:30 p.m.

every Wednesday and is a

place for you to come and sit

before the Lord in an atmos-

immediate prayer concerns to

a wide audience for concen-

trated prayer efforts.

Isaiah 56:7 ~ “Even those I will bring to My holy mountain and make them joyful in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and their sacrifices will be acceptable on My altar; For My house will be called a house of prayer for all the peoples."

OASIS International - One Day Missions Trip

Prayer Furnace

meets every other Sunday night

(2nd and 4th Sundays) from 6-

9 p.m. at Jay and Jenny Diers’

home. It’s a great time to con-

nect with others through fel-

lowship, cook-outs, fun and

games, swimming, along with

prayer and Bible studies which

will enhance your spiritual

growth. For further spiritual

training, a group of young

adults travel to St. Louis every

other Tuesday to Destiny

Church for a one-day intern-

ship of training in the prayer

room, learning to prepare a

teaching, and learning how to

study the Bible. For further

spiritual growth, you may re-

quest a mentor who will spend

one-on-one time with a pur-

pose of discipleship, spiritual

formation, and accountability.

Plan now to get involved in

this ground breaking new min-

istry in our area!

YAM ~ Young Adult Ministries

Young Adult Ministries (YAM)

is a small group for seniors in

high school or 17 years old

through 20 somethings. This

ministry is designed to fit the

wide variety of needs for this

generation. A small group

Page 3 VOLUME 11, JUNE 2013

“It’s a great time to

connect with

others through

fellowship, cook-

outs, fun and games,

swimming, along

with prayer and

Bible studies which

will enhance your

spiritual growth.”

Page 4: Newsletter june 2013

tension of our church into the

small towns and villages sur-

rounding Jacksonville.

Life Church will be meeting

every Sunday morning from 9

Life Church Arenzville is a

brand new church that has

been planted by Church of the

New Covenant. Part of our

unfolding vision is to plant

new churches that are an ex-

-10 a.m. at The Side Door

Youth Center. Everyone is

welcome to get involved in

this exciting missional out-


Vacation Bible School— “Let’s Go On A World Tour”

speaker. He was the editor of Charisma Magazine for 11 years and continues writing articles for the magazine, along with writing books. He will bring spiritual insight and revelation at the conference. We are affiliated with Harvest Network International, an association of churches and ministries dedicated to help-ing one another fulfill the Great Commission. Through this ministry, we have asked

two men to serve as an Out-side Advisory Team. Pastor Jim Anderson from Hastings, Minnesota and Pastor Paul Laursen from Cleveland, Ohio are valuable members of our leadership team.

Harvest Network 2013 Annual Assembly Harvest Network Internation-al will be assembling together for their annual conference on June 24-26 in Hastings, MN. Our Senior Leadership Team will be attending this event to network with others, enhance spiritual growth, and to impart greater vision for our local church. The main speaker at this con-ference is Lee Grady who is an author, journalist, ordained minister, and conference

Vacation Bible School is

coming to the Church of

the New Covenant on

June 17-21, 2013 from 6-

8 pm. Get your suitcase

packed, because we are

going on a world tour.

As we travel from Ire-

land, Uganda, India, Bra-

zil, and back to America,

we will discover how

much God loves us wher-

ever we are and that there

is nothing we can do to

make God stop loving us.

On the tour, we will learn

about each country and

discover a new biblical

truth about God’s love

through worship, recrea-

tion, crafts and fellowship

groups. To join the tour

contact the office at the

Church of the New Cove-

nant to register your

child. Hope to see you


~ Linnay Costello


“Open my eyes,

that I may behold


things from

Your law.”

~ Psalm 119:18

Page 5: Newsletter june 2013

July 25–27, 2013

The call is going out to teenagers

in this nation to consecrate their

hearts in radical pursuit of Jesus.

At a time in history when the

eyes of this generation are being

captured by the emptiness of the

world, God is raising up a com-

pany of young people with a

vision for one thing.

Fascinate, a conference geared

for high school students, con-

nects teenagers to the prayer

movement. It is based on Philip-

pians 3:8, the call to be fascinat-

ed with Jesus: “I also count all

things loss for the excellence of

the knowledge of Christ Jesus

my Lord.” Only Jesus—His

person, His presence, and His

power—can satisfy the longings

of a generation for love, pleas-

ure, and impact.

We are making plans now to

take our Jr. and Sr. High youth

to the Fascinate Conference.

The cost per student will be

between $200-$250. More de-

tails will be available soon, but

mark your calendars now.

in their ministry. They

have been conducting

healing and miracle ser-

vices in the St. Louis area

God is a miracle working

God! On Sunday, June 9,

we will be having Miracle

Healing Sunday with spe-

cial guests Pastor Ben and

Laura Ratchford.

Ben and Laura have re-

cently stepped down from

being staff pastors at Des-

tiny Church in St. Louis

to follow God’s direction

and seeing God move in

supernatural ways.

Ben and Laura will join us

for both the 9 and 10:30

a.m. services, and also for

a special 6 p.m. service.

Please mark your calen-

dars for this exciting Sun-


Fascinate Youth Conference

Miracle Healing Sunday

the host family. Please pray

for these outreaches to be

an effective tool to share the

Good News of Jesus.

Watch the bulletin for dates,

locations, and how you can

get involved.

Community Parties Summer time is party time!

We will have three commu-

nity parties this summer that

will be located in neighbor-

hoods in Jacksonville and

South Jacksonville. At these

parties we will have free

food, activities, and games

for neighbors and friends of

Page 5 VOLUME 11, JUNE 2013

"Greater love

has no one than

this, that one lay

down his life for

his friends.”

~ John 15:13

Page 6: Newsletter june 2013

up a schedule of recurring contri-butions. You will be able to access the new on-line service through our website The availability date and further in-structions will be in an upcoming bulletin.

New Covenant is pleased to an-nounce a convenient new way to make your regular offerings which will be available in a few weeks. With our new electronic giving program, you can easily set up a recurring giving sched-ule or make one-time contribu-tions. We encourage you to set

On-Line Giving

June 2 Doreen Stampf 3 Joshua Stampf 6 Dean Allen 6 David Rain 7 Serendity Hankins 7 Rebecca Henderson 8 Breanna Frick 8 Mike Kline 11 Sharon Ward 16 Aaron Wade 17 Carolyn Colton 18 Myah Mefford 21 Marta Popet 22 Gaela Foliaki 29 Jemeica Kennedy

July 1 Raymond Credit 1 Mike Wyatt 3 Eli Holloway 3 Jennifer Lawsom 3 Mary Murgatroyd 9 Penny Credit 11 Ron Colton 16 Christian Credit 16 Peggy Wisdom 18 Jenny Diers 19 Hanna Heck 26 Tom Herbert 27 Linda McAdams 27 Keisha morris 30 Mary Cannon 30 Linnay Costello


August 1 Dorothy Zimmer 6 Brandon Pilarte 7 George Caufield 7 Joel Westerfield 8 Brett Burchard 11 Ed Ward 12 Faith Herbert 12 Tammy Rain 13 Martha Morris 13 Nancy Shive 15 Cary Coker 17 Debra Brown 17 Kathleen Hendricks 20 Duane Pfeiffer 20 Jody Rees 28 Donald Fairchild 29 Rhoda Walker

June 5 Ron & Carol Busen 6 Jeff & Anne McDaniel 21 Ed & Barb Wainscott 22 Ed & Kathy Owen 26 Steve & Nancy Shive

July 8 Rich & Janet Webb 10 Jay & Jenny Diers 22 Wes & Jennifer Lawson

August 7 Joel & Sheri Westerfield 14 Ron & Carolyn Colton 14 Oske & Rebecca Pilarte 23 Don & Connie Piper

Page 7: Newsletter june 2013

Kids’ Korner

Page 7 VOLUME 11, JUNE 2013

Page 8: Newsletter june 2013


June 17-21, 2013 6-8 p.m.

We are traveling around the world this year for Vacation Bible School! Registration forms are available at the church for children ages 5 through 5th grade. We also are in need of volunteers to help make this a great week of ministry. Please call the church or see Linnay Costello to see how you can help.

Phone: 217-243-5096 E-mail: [email protected]

Church of the New Covenant

“A House of Prayer

and a Bridge to the


We’re on the web!

520 Nazarene Road Jacksonville, IL 62695