Newsletter Issue 4 - Jan 2010

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  • 8/14/2019 Newsletter Issue 4 - Jan 2010


    Issue 4 February 2010

    Moray ECO-WARRIORS Newsletter

    www.moray.falkirk.sch.ukOur new eco-representatives for 2009/2010 have already started their eco-work towards

    Moray Primarys 2nd Green Flag. We would like to welcome new recruits from P1 and Nursery

    Ellie-Rose Harper (1a), Marc Tilley (1b), Ben Anderson (1c), Nathan Baird (nursery am) and

    Summer McCall (nursery pm) who were voted onto the eco-committee by their classmates and

    teacher last month.

    1. School Grounds

    We are still waiting for Bardon Concrete to landscape our Outdoor Classroom, but they assure us we are High

    Priority. Pupils in Primary 6 & 7 had been busy in Oct/Nov planting daffodil and crocus bulbs around school. TheirGardening Club starts up again in March, ready for more digging and planting. Classes will be going out soon to

    grow their own plants or vegetableproper outdoor attire will be required! Does anyone know of how I can get

    logs to start a log pile (to attract minibeasts!)?

    2. Litter in the Playground Keeping Scotland Beautiful

    Three new pencil bins have been purchased and we intend to cement them permanently into the ground soon.

    Pupils are out weekly picking up litter, which they shouldnt have to do if everyone in the playgrounds didnt throw

    it on the ground. Vast improvement though over the last couple of years keep it up!

    3. Waste Minimisation

    Ragbag we need your textiles! Next date of collection is Tuesday 9th March, bags and cover note will be going

    home ASAP! The more we collect the more money we can spend on the Outdoor classroom and eco-garden.

    4. Transport

    One of our new eco-topics for our 2nd Green Flag. Every Wednesday pupils are asked to Walk to school on

    Wednesdays especially (or get dropped off and walk the last little bit).Those who come via bus, are helping the

    environment as more people can fit in it. Best classes are rewarded at assembly each week, and worst classes are

    named and shamed! Check out the board in the assembly for current pole positions!

    Congratulations to the 13 pupils from Primary 7 who passed their cycling proficiency test in Dec 09 and can now

    help the environment further by cycling to school when possible. Cycling Proficiency will start again for Primary 6

    in April 10 those interested will receive a letter of dates soon.

    5. Biodiversity

    With the making of our Outdoor Classroom, we hope to attract all kinds of wildlife, birds and minibeasts in to our

    school grounds. The Eco-Committee will be organising an Eco-Week-of-Action in the near future to do with

    wildlife-spotting at school and home, and a prize for the best class. We will keep you posted!

    6. Health & Wellbeing

    We have Snack Attack Tuesday where pupils are encouraged to bring a healthy snack to school for break-time,

    as well as trying to eat a healthy packed lunch too. Best classes are rewarded on a Friday at assembly. Check out

    the wall in the assembly for current winners and non-starters!

    The Eco-Committee