NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…....

9/20/2019 1/19 Guido T. Poppe & Philippe Poppe - Since 1994 New Additions | Auction | Encyclopedia | Shell Topics September 21, 2019 PONT-AVEN Our little voyage to Brittany lasted about 16 days, at the end of June and the beginning of July 2019. As you witnessed through the many newsletters, we usually moved fast, stayed rarely more than 3 nights in the same place and spend our days visiting and driving the fantastic roads of that wonderful countryside. Of this mixture of strong experiences, some stood out more than others. At nine years old, young Alex can be called a quite innocent witness of the trip. If you ask him today, of what was the best of the Brittany voyage, he will tell you without hesitation: "I want to go back to Pont-Aven". Pont-Aven is a small village, hidden in a narrow valley, not far from the south coast of Brittany. For more than a century it attracted a multitude of interesting people with a kind of magic which is difficult to explain. For newcomers to the newsletters: best follow this trip on Google Earth by typing Keywords such as "Pont-Aven" and/or "Quiberon". This will give an easy geographic overview of how we move. The same key words can be used in Wikipedia: many of the places are so charged with history that Wikipedia has pages and pages with the most interesting details on each of them. "Pont-Aven" is a small but good example on that. We continue with documented photographs: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8

Transcript of NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…....

Page 1: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

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Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Since 1994

New Additions | Auction | Encyclopedia | Shell Topics September 21 2019


Our little voyage to Brittany lasted about 16 days at the end of June and thebeginning of July 2019 As you witnessed through the many newsletters we usuallymoved fast stayed rarely more than 3 nights in the same place and spend our daysvisiting and driving the fantastic roads of that wonderful countryside

Of this mixture of strong experiences some stood out more than others At nineyears old young Alex can be called a quite innocent witness of the trip If you ask himtoday of what was the best of the Brittany voyage he will tell you without hesitation Iwant to go back to Pont-Aven

Pont-Aven is a small village hidden in a narrow valley not far from the southcoast of Brittany For more than a century it attracted a multitude of interesting peoplewith a kind of magic which is difficult to explain

For newcomers to the newsletters best follow this trip on Google Earth bytyping Keywords such as Pont-Aven andor Quiberon This will give an easygeographic overview of how we move The same key words can be used in Wikipediamany of the places are so charged with history that Wikipedia has pages and pageswith the most interesting details on each of them Pont-Aven is a small but goodexample on that

We continue with documented photographs


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Out of our hotel we got some one hundred steep steps bringing us down to thisbridge over the river Aven which runs through the whole village from north to south Asone moves from street to street or shop to shop the clear water of the Aven withsometimes small falls and its sprinkling noises is never far away

Alex admiring the river which is already quite broad on this place We are at afew kilometers from the sea only and where we stand the water will rise and go downwith the tides

Here the main place in small Pont-Aven with some terraces shops all overrestaurants and bars All is peaceful

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What placed this small cute village on the world map was an event by nowabout one and a half century ago on this memory stone of 1959 the essence iswritten and we translate as it is a little difficult to read and it is French


At that time already painters first observers of nature remarked that naturedoes not have everywhere the same light quality in order to produce the bestpaintings So they were constantly in search for the miracle place

It is clear for example that the Mediterranean Sea Brings quality light It is notonly for the beautiful weather that people like Matisse Dali and Picasso were neverfar away from the southern French coast and the Catalonian corner When one movesto the south coast of Brittany light quality is different - not necessarily better in my

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opinion - than along the north coast Definitely colors of the nature are paler as thesouthern light of the Bay of Biscay is stronger

Pont-Aven lays in a valley and has great qualities Light is fantastic warm yetstrong The Aven river brings a relaxing noisehellip Wherever you go and since the oldpainters have gone the post WWII Pont-Aven became a working spot for modernpainters About 40 shops sell art-works most often paintings and one can visit manyof the artists at work

The public attracted to this kind of culture - paintings - is well off and this gaverise to half a dozen excellent restaurants many bars and the like

In fact Pont-Aven is the perfect place to come at peace with yourself and a oneweek stay with some good books in a nice hotel there in summertime is definitely agreat idea for most of us

A main shopping road in Pont-Aven Virtually all shops are painting shops

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Several boats are vintage which adds to the picturesque of the place

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Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

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Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

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big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

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Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

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Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

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A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

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On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

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There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

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Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

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The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

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And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

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The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

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animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

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listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



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copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 2: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

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Out of our hotel we got some one hundred steep steps bringing us down to thisbridge over the river Aven which runs through the whole village from north to south Asone moves from street to street or shop to shop the clear water of the Aven withsometimes small falls and its sprinkling noises is never far away

Alex admiring the river which is already quite broad on this place We are at afew kilometers from the sea only and where we stand the water will rise and go downwith the tides

Here the main place in small Pont-Aven with some terraces shops all overrestaurants and bars All is peaceful

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What placed this small cute village on the world map was an event by nowabout one and a half century ago on this memory stone of 1959 the essence iswritten and we translate as it is a little difficult to read and it is French


At that time already painters first observers of nature remarked that naturedoes not have everywhere the same light quality in order to produce the bestpaintings So they were constantly in search for the miracle place

It is clear for example that the Mediterranean Sea Brings quality light It is notonly for the beautiful weather that people like Matisse Dali and Picasso were neverfar away from the southern French coast and the Catalonian corner When one movesto the south coast of Brittany light quality is different - not necessarily better in my

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opinion - than along the north coast Definitely colors of the nature are paler as thesouthern light of the Bay of Biscay is stronger

Pont-Aven lays in a valley and has great qualities Light is fantastic warm yetstrong The Aven river brings a relaxing noisehellip Wherever you go and since the oldpainters have gone the post WWII Pont-Aven became a working spot for modernpainters About 40 shops sell art-works most often paintings and one can visit manyof the artists at work

The public attracted to this kind of culture - paintings - is well off and this gaverise to half a dozen excellent restaurants many bars and the like

In fact Pont-Aven is the perfect place to come at peace with yourself and a oneweek stay with some good books in a nice hotel there in summertime is definitely agreat idea for most of us

A main shopping road in Pont-Aven Virtually all shops are painting shops

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Several boats are vintage which adds to the picturesque of the place

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Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

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Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

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big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

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Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

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Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

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A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

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On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

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There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

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Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

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The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

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And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

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The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

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animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

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listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 3: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

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What placed this small cute village on the world map was an event by nowabout one and a half century ago on this memory stone of 1959 the essence iswritten and we translate as it is a little difficult to read and it is French


At that time already painters first observers of nature remarked that naturedoes not have everywhere the same light quality in order to produce the bestpaintings So they were constantly in search for the miracle place

It is clear for example that the Mediterranean Sea Brings quality light It is notonly for the beautiful weather that people like Matisse Dali and Picasso were neverfar away from the southern French coast and the Catalonian corner When one movesto the south coast of Brittany light quality is different - not necessarily better in my

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opinion - than along the north coast Definitely colors of the nature are paler as thesouthern light of the Bay of Biscay is stronger

Pont-Aven lays in a valley and has great qualities Light is fantastic warm yetstrong The Aven river brings a relaxing noisehellip Wherever you go and since the oldpainters have gone the post WWII Pont-Aven became a working spot for modernpainters About 40 shops sell art-works most often paintings and one can visit manyof the artists at work

The public attracted to this kind of culture - paintings - is well off and this gaverise to half a dozen excellent restaurants many bars and the like

In fact Pont-Aven is the perfect place to come at peace with yourself and a oneweek stay with some good books in a nice hotel there in summertime is definitely agreat idea for most of us

A main shopping road in Pont-Aven Virtually all shops are painting shops

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Several boats are vintage which adds to the picturesque of the place

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Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

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Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

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big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

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Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

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Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

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A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

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On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

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There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

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Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

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The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

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And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

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The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

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animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

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listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

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copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 4: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 419

opinion - than along the north coast Definitely colors of the nature are paler as thesouthern light of the Bay of Biscay is stronger

Pont-Aven lays in a valley and has great qualities Light is fantastic warm yetstrong The Aven river brings a relaxing noisehellip Wherever you go and since the oldpainters have gone the post WWII Pont-Aven became a working spot for modernpainters About 40 shops sell art-works most often paintings and one can visit manyof the artists at work

The public attracted to this kind of culture - paintings - is well off and this gaverise to half a dozen excellent restaurants many bars and the like

In fact Pont-Aven is the perfect place to come at peace with yourself and a oneweek stay with some good books in a nice hotel there in summertime is definitely agreat idea for most of us

A main shopping road in Pont-Aven Virtually all shops are painting shops

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Several boats are vintage which adds to the picturesque of the place

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 619

Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 719

Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 819

big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 5: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

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httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 519

Several boats are vintage which adds to the picturesque of the place

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 619

Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 719

Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 819

big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 6: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 619

Part of Philippes education was in the arts school in Antwerp in a short timethere he learned a lot and never lost interest in the subject Here Mona and Philippecould not resist and they bought this small but deliciously beautiful painting Thebright colors fit well in the Asian atmosphere of the Philippines

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 719

Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 819

big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 7: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 719

Several of the artists work with open atelier And you can see that making oilpaintings is neither simple nor cheap It is definitely a professional thing

One of the days we found in a remote corner a fantastic shop The artistrevealed himself as one of the best on the planet the name is Alain Thomas In factwe all knew the work not the man behind You can read all on him in WikipediahttpsfrwikipediaorgwikiAlain_Thomas Unfortunately the better of his works wereout of our price range that day so we could not afford and bought instead twofantastic scarfs one for Mona one for Sheila They are masterpieces made in not so

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 819

big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 8: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 819

big numbers but enough to become affordable This is of the same level stuff as somebig airport brands we all know either you frame them or you use them

And this great publicity in the street was all made out of ceramics Within thecenter a beautiful piece of art in the style of Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 9: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 919

Here the river Aven splits in several levels

The Museacutee de Pont-Aven is dedicated to the movement of Gauguin and hisfriends However it is ultra modern quite fantastique very worthwhile to visit and theyalso feature one more modern artist all the time

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 10: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1019

Set over several floors there is plenty space The spirit of the old Brittany houses hasbeen kept but inside it is all modern

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 11: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1119

A 19th century furniture we think decorated by master Gauguin himself

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 12: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1219

On the left old photos document the life at the time of Gauguin on the right oldpaintings document the same

A painting of 1904 a last meal with Gauguin as centerpiece Shortly after thedeath of Gauguin who passed away in 1903 at 54 years old Much influence of hisentire career including his taste for the Polynesian ladies

This remarkable painting is one of the last ones Gauguin made possibly eventhe last one It is a scene in Pont-Aven but the painting was made in Polynesia Out ofhis memoryhellip

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 13: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1319

There was a painting machine with screens kind of computers where you couldmake your own creations So I competed with 9 year old Alex who made the forest onthe right Me I tried boats on the sea on the right Nobody wanted to play judgetherehellip

After a couple of hours studying all in the museum an extra walk through the villagediscovering corners which likely did not change since Gauguin

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



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copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 14: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

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httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1419

Very low tide on the river Aven near the sea For sure this is interesting formollusks Ellobiids Hydrobiids and some great bivalves must have a great life thereWe did not have the courage to dig the mud

We finish with a few nice views on corners of Pont-Aven

This photo we took because we think that in the 19th century this was the kind of roofseen on most houses

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httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

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httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

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copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 15: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1519

The nice church in Pont-Aven We did not visit a mistake I was told later The tower isin the style of the Finistegravere-region

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

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copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 16: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1619

And finally a photo of Philippe which each water lover will adore crystal clear waterwith the rocks in the Japanese style the overhanging plants and some fast running

parts Only koi are missing here

In the next and last newsletter on Brittany we move even more westwards


Last auction got only 20 chosen items for sale and all lots sold Prices variedfrom high to average to low but the shells were all excellent so many will be happywhen opening the parcels

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 17: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1719

The most bidded shell was unexpectedly the Chama crenulata from West AfricaDefinitely a difficult item to get in nice quality and the one for auction got a fantasticcolor game in the shell This conchological treasure went through 17 bids up to 70


And this crinoid has nothing to do with shells but it is a top level natural historyitem wanted by many A deep sea creature usually seen as a fossil but seldom as an

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 18: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1819

animal still existing today It went for 415 euro through 15 bids to a famous Belgiancollection This is still a moderate price compared to what international major auctionhouses got for the same item so the winner was very lucky indeed and the crinoid issheer beautiful

Another favorite of the auction was this fabulous loebbeckei in orange andalready well sized with 50 mm This beauty went for 390 euro a perfect pricing for thesize but hardly higher than our buying from the fisherfolk I possibly overpaid the shellbut could not resist because of the impressive wings


Features 100 shells all starting at 1 euro This auction ends on Monday 23September at 2 pm CET (Central European Time)


The shells are better than average this time but do not come with a certificateas this is a regular auction


Tom Rice and Frank Maartense achieved another milestone in this fantasticproject and with the help of 221 more persons they reached a stunning 60 112 entriesTODAY

We strongly invite you to contribute by adding not listed shellers conchologistsor malacologists professional or amateur Also more information on the ones already

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc

Page 19: NEWSLETTER: FRANCE, BRITTANY 8 · 21/09/2019  · The Aven river brings a relaxing noise…. Wherever you go, and since the old painters have gone, the post WWII Pont-Aven became

9202019 httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191

httpswwwconchologybenewsbodyphpid=191 1919

listed is welcome The list is a helpful tool for the many topics entered for eachpersons History matters

GO TO httpswwwconchologybet=9004


Many arrivals of amazing shells in Conchology Inc this week You will get freshmaterial in Chinese landsnails Chinese freshwater Vietnamese Amphidromus Indonesia landsnails many hitherto unseen shells in this one including thespectacular microshells of the family DIPLOMMATINIDAE In the marine shells greatTom Rice material from localities impossible to collect today along the North Americanwest coasts An avalanche of conchological treasures

We work constantly to keep updated to photograph and document properly allthese things for your and our pleasure and quality of life

Thanks for reading and the constant support

Sincerely yours

Guido T Poppe For Conchology Inc

You can contact us



You are receiving this e-mail because you asked us to notify you about any updates from Conchology Inc

If you no longer wish to receive any e-mails please click here to unsubscribe from this mailing list

copy 1994-2019 Guido T Poppe amp Philippe Poppe - Conchology Inc