News Bulletin from Greg Hands #431

From: Greg Hands [email protected] Subject: News Bulletin from Greg Hands #431 Date: 4 April 2015 17:42 To: [email protected] In this edition: Greg Hands's Diary Website of the Week: Share the Facts Greg Hands meets local commuters to celebrate District Line improvements Greg Hands welcomes a hat-trick of good news on the economy? Greg Hands warns Labour will put up Income Tax on working families Leaders of Britain's biggest businesses back the Conservatives' long-term economic plan Photo news: Campaigning in Hammersmith Are you registered to vote? "Please forward this information to ex-pats to register to vote," urges Greg Hands Men's and Women's Varsity Boat Races come to Hammersmith & Fulham World War One Touring Exhibition in Kensington & Chelsea 7 ways to contact Greg Hands Issue 431 -Saturday 4th April 2015 Since the last edition, Greg: Launched his re-election campaign in Chelsea & Fulham by meeting Tube commuters for three successive mornings at Parsons Green, Putney Bridge and Fulham Broadway tube stations. For more, and photos, see below. Joined Hammersmith Conservatives Parliamentary Candidate, Charlie Dewhirst, canvassing door-to-door in Hammersmith. Played a key role in organising the media effort surrounding David Cameron’s appearance in the election Leaders’ Debate. Issued special appeals for people to register to vote for the election on 7 th May, and also for British nationals overseas to register and vote by post. Carried out his duties as the Government’s and the Conservative Party’s Deputy Chief Whip. Website of the Week: The General Election campaign website of the Conservative Party. Share the Facts with your friends and neighbours for the most important General Election in a generation, on 7th May. Greg Hands meets local commuters to celebrate District Line improvements Greg Hands meeting commuters outside Fulham Broadway station this week. Since Parliament dissolved at the end of last week, Greg Hands, who is now no longer the local MP but the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham, has been making the most of his mornings to meet commuters at local tube stations including Fulham Broadway, Parsons Green and Putney Bridge. Greg talked with morning commuters on their way to work on three mornings this past week, about the Government’s record on the economy as well as their opinions on the London Underground and other local transport matters. Residents were also able to raise with Greg other local issues or problems they may have. Some of the topics which frequently came up in discussion were the new trains which have come into service on the District Line, as well as other improvements in service and capacity. For many years, whilst the local MP, Greg led a long-running campaign for more frequent and upgraded trains on the District Line, and especially on the Wimbledon branch. Chelsea and Fulham has the highest number of Tube users of any London constituency. In 2011, 14,000 residents responded in a TfL consultation which resulted in five more rush-hour trains running through Fulham during the morning peak. Greg himself was a guest of Transport for London when visiting one of the very first S-Class trains, when they were introduced on the Hammersmith & City Line early in 2013. The new 'walk-through' S- Class trains, which are one carriage bigger than the Line's old trains, came into operation for the first time at the end of February 2014 on the Wimbledon Branch Line, which runs through Fulham and through Sloane Square. A total of 80 new District Line trains will be phased in gradually until all are in service by 2016. The S-Stock is unique as it is the first train on the Tube with a walk- through gangway between carriages - the inside of the train is one continuous length, providing improved capacity, security, and passenger flow. The new trains, which are built by Bombardier in Derby, can accommodate 865 passengers, 17 per cent more than current stock, and have wider doors and walkways, as well as air conditioning. They are also better adapted for wheelchair users, and CCTV enables the driver to see into every carriage for increased safety and security. Welcoming the new trains, Greg said: “It’s been great talking to local people outside the Tube in the mornings. It allows me to get a first- hand sense of the issues that are most import to people. It is clear that the continued recovery in the economy means a lot to people. “It’s also clear that these new trains are fantastic news for everyone in Fulham and many stops beyond. I have been campaigning for more trains on the Wimbledon branch for years. These new trains will now add significantly more capacity on the line, making for more efficient, comfortable, and smoother journeys. The air-conditioning will also be welcome during the coming summer months. I travel by the District Line at least twice a day between Fulham, Chelsea, and Westminster. It’s always nice to see one of the new trains rolling into the station. I enjoy using them and many residents have told me they do too.” The District Line is also used by more than 700,000 people each day. At peak times the Wimbledon branch of the District Line operates at 92 per cent of capacity with some trains operating over capacity and many passengers unable to board at stations such as Parson’s Green and Fulham Broadway. Similar S-Stock trains were introduced on the on the Circle and Hammersmith and City lines September 2013, and have proved popular with passengers. The District Line's existing trains are more than 40 years old. They started service in 1969/70 and were manufactured in two batches in 1969, with a further supply in 1977. By the end of 2016 there will be 191 of the new trains on 40 per cent of the Tube network running on the Circle, District, Hammersmith & City and Metropolitan lines. Greg Hands campaigning outside Parsons Green station this week. Greg Hands campaigning outside Putney Bridge station. Greg Hands welcomes a hat-trick of good news on the economy New figures released from the Office for National Statistics this week show the British economy grew more strongly last year than previously thought. This was part of a hat-trick of good news – with new figures also showing consumer confidence is at its highest level in over 12 years, and that living standards are now higher than in May 2010. Growth in 2014 has been revised up to 2.8 per cent. In 2014 UK GDP grew by 2.8 per cent – revised up from 2.6 per cent. This is fastest annual rate of GDP growth in this country since 2006 – and the fastest in the G7 last year, ahead of Canada, the next highest, which grew at 2.5 per cent in 2014. Meanwhile, consumer confidence is at highest level in over 12 years. The consumer confidence barometer, compiled by market research institute GfK, is now at +4, up from +1 in February, and at its highest level since March 2002. Consumer confidence has increased significantly over the last year, with the index now 9 points higher than a year ago. In addition, living standards have risen 1.9 per cent over the last year. Real Household Disposable Income (RHDI) per person, in Q4 2014 increased by 1.9 per cent compared to a year earlier according to the ONS, Quarterly National Statistics, (31 March 2015). Living standards are now 2.2 per cent higher than they were before Labour’s Great Recession. They are also higher than they were at the last election. In Q4 2014 RHDI per capita was £4,187, in Q2 2010 it was £4,178. These findings are backed up by the independent Office for Budget Responsibility, which forecast in the 2015 Budget, that living standards in 2015 would be higher than in 2010. Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham said: “This week we’ve got a hat-trick of good news about the British economy and with less than 35 days to go the election it’s another sign that changing course would put recovery at risk. “We’ve had a significant upgrade to GDP, the highest consumer confidence for over 12 years and confirmation that living standards are higher than they were at the last election. This is good news for families and businesses across the country. “So voters now face a clear choice: do we stick with a plan which is working, delivering growth and jobs, or do we put all that at risk with Ed Miliband whose policies of more spending, more borrowing and higher taxes will lead to economic chaos.” Greg Hands warns Labour will put up Income Tax on working families Labour’s Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls has let slip that Labour will put up income tax for people on middle incomes – including teachers, nurses, and police officers. In a TV interview this week, Ed Balls admitted he would drag more basic rate taxpayers into the 40p tax rate as part of Labour’s £3,028 tax hike on working families. This tax rise would mean teachers, nurses, and police officers paying income tax at 40 per cent, rather than the 20 per cent they pay now. The Conservatives announced that the threshold for the higher rate of tax would rise from £41,700 to £50,000 in the next parliament, but when pressed on his plans, Ed Balls suggested this would not happen under Labour: Interviewer: I just want to clarify this because it’s an important point. You are leaving the door open tonight to changing the tax thresholds that mean people in that 40 per cent bracket could be paying more tax under you. You’re leaving that door open? Ed Balls: What I would like to do is find ways in which I could have fewer people in the 40 per cent tax bracket. Of course I would. But I have to be honest with people. The deficit is going to be £90 billion. I have got to find a way to get the deficit down in a careful, and staged and balanced way. (ITV News West Country, 31 March 2015). Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham commented: “Ed Balls has let slip that he will raise income tax as part of Labour’s £3,028 tax hike on working families. This is all part of Labour’s plans to hike taxes with every working household facing a £3,028 tax rise if Ed Miliband becomes Prime Minister. “Labour have already voted in Parliament to commit to £30 billion worth of deficit reduction. Ed Miliband has said in the past that, to plug the deficit, he would find 50 per cent of that money from tax rises. By contrast, the Conservative plan is to increase to £50,000 the threshold at which people pay the higher rate of tax. So there is a clear choice at this election: You can choose economic security and lower taxes with David Cameron and our long-term economic plan an economy that grows, that creates jobs, that generates the money to ensure a properly funded and improving NHS. Or you can choose the economic chaos of Ed Miliband’s Britain — over £3,000 in higher taxes for every working family to pay for more welfare and out of control spending. Debt will rise and jobs will be lost as a result. In addition, the Prime Minister and Chancellor have ruled out raising income tax, national insurance and VAT in the next Parliament. The Conservatives are giving a very clear commitment to working people, that we are there to help them. Leaders of Britain’s biggest businesses back the Conservatives’ long-term economic plan Over 100 major business leaders, who employ more than half a million people, have backed the Conservative Party’s policy of lowering corporation tax. They say that David Cameron’s long-term economic plan is the right way to create jobs, grow businesses and secure a better future for Britain. It is an independent endorsement of the Conservative economic plan by the people who do the most to create jobs in our country and make our economy grow. Over 100 of the UK’s foremost business leaders – people who create jobs and grow our economy - have signed the letter. The signatories – who signed in a personal capacity – hold senior positions in companies which employ over half a million people in the UK. They include senior executives of 9 FTSE 100 companies and 21 FTSE 250 companies, as well as 29 small and medium sized businesses. The list includes senior business leaders such as Bob Dudley (CEO, BP Plc); Sir Charles Dunstone (Chairman, Dixons Carphone and Talk Talk plc); Peter Grauer (Chairman, Bloomberg LP); Andy Harrison (CEO, Whitbread Plc); Sir Nigel Rudd (Chairman Designate, Meggitt Plc); Tidjane Thiam (CEO, Prudential Plc); Nick Robertson OBE (CEO, ASOS); Chrissie Rucker (Founder, The White Company); Malcolm Walker CBE (Founder Iceland); George Weston (CEO, Associated British Foods Plc) and many others. Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelsea and Fulham commented on the Conservative Party’s policy of lowering corporation tax: “By cutting corporation tax, we are backing businesses to grow and create jobs, helping make Britain the fastest growing major economy in the world and creating 1.9 million jobs. As these senior business figures point out, a change in course will threaten jobs, send out a negative message about Britain and put the recovery at risk. “The choice is simple: throw it all away by putting Ed Miliband in Downing Street – with every working household facing a £3,028 tax rise. Or vote Conservative so we can continue the job of building a strong economy that underpins everything else we want to do as a country whether it’s caring for our elderly, educating our children, looking after our military or investing in our health service.” You can read the letter of 100 business leaders supporting the Conservatives’ economic plan here . Photo news: Campaigning in Hammersmith Greg Hands with a team of volunteers ahead of a campaigning session in Hammersmith for Conservative Candidate Charlie Dewhirst. Are you registered to vote? There are less than 40 days to go until voters go to the polls to elect Members of Parliament. This means that residents have until April 20 to register to vote in the general election – don’t lose your voice! Anyone not yet registered to vote should do so as soon as possible in order for them to be able to have their say on issues that affect their lives. To register to vote please visit: . Hammersmith & Fulham residents can find out more by visiting or calling 020 8753 4466. Kensington & Chelsea residents can find out more by emailing [email protected] or calling 020 7361 3444. “Please forward this information to ex- pats to register to vote,” urges Greg Hands Greg Hands is asking residents to ensure friends and family living overseas are registered to vote. There are 5 million British ex-pats, of whom around 3 million are entitled to vote, but very few of them are currently registered to vote. That’s an average of 4,600 voters per constituency. Overseas voters can vote in the constituency of their last UK address. Voters can now register and order a postal vote online. Every British person living abroad for less than 15 years is entitled and actively encouraged to vote in the 2015 General Election. Every British citizen has a right to vote for his or her government and most British ex-pats still have strong links to the UK, and cannot generally vote in their new country of residence. The Electoral Commission wants as many Britons living overseas as possible to vote and has now made it very easy to register for a postal vote. Just click on and you can complete the online form in 3 minutes. All you will need is your passport and National Insurance number for identification. Greg said “Today I'm asking you to think of three people you know who live abroad and encourage them to vote by forwarding them this newsletter - or directing them to the website: “The next election is the most important in a generation - and it's vital that everyone who can vote gets behind our plan to secure a better future for Britain. In an election with so much at stake, overseas voters could be the difference between a Conservative Government committed to reducing the deficit, cutting taxes and building a stronger, healthier economy - or a return to higher taxes, higher borrowing, and less control over welfare with Labour.” Please can you THINK OF THREE Britons you know who live abroad and send them this message by email or on Facebook. Men’s and Women’s Varsity Boat Races come to Hammersmith & Fulham Sporting history will be made on Saturday, April 11, when both a men’s and women’s boat race hit the Thames on the same day. It will represent the first time that the annual men’s Oxford v Cambridge BNY Mellon Boat Race is joined by the women’s Oxford v Cambridge Newton Women’s Boat Race. First raced in 1829 and 1927 respectively, the boat races are amongst the oldest sporting events in the world and you can watch the action from two of the best vantage points on the route, Bishop’s Park in Fulham, and Furnivall Gardens in Hammersmith. Hammersmith & Fulham Council will be hosting two family-friendly Boat Race in the Park events, where revellers can catch all the action on giant screens for free, accompanied by beer tents and food. Both events take place from noon to 6.30pm. Bishop’s Park is at the start of the races and Furnivall Gardens takes in the middle of the course where the races will start to heat up as the crews make their move under Hammersmith’s iconic bridge. The first Boat Race took place in 1829 after Cambridge challenged Oxford to a race on the Thames. The modern race still runs along the same lines and has now become a major international sporting occasion drawing millions of viewers from around the world. On race day up to 250,000 spectators crowd the banks of the Thames to witness the action. The race runs through four London boroughs but H&F is the only borough to host public viewing on both the Thames path and on large screens, with family-friendly activities and special beer, wine and food tents. Oxford won last year’s race by just over a length in a time of 17 minutes 28 seconds. However, Cambridge lead the overall series by 81 wins to 77, with the sides drawing in a dead heat once in the 1800s. On the Women’s side Oxford were also victorious last year, but still trail Cambridge who lead the overall contest 40 to 29. World War One Touring Exhibition in Kensington & Chelsea Residents of the Royal Borough have the opportunity from now until the end of July 2015 to find out more about the contribution and experiences of residents of Kensington and Chelsea during World War One. A touring exhibition will include items such as images of the lives of female munitions workers, war orphanages founded by suffragettes and a young Daphne du Maurier manning a chocolate stall to raise money for the Kensington War Hospital Supplies Depot. The tour starts at North Kensington Library and will be there until Sunday 12 April. From there it goes to Brompton Library and then around the borough before finishing on Sunday 26 July in the St Charles Centre in North Kensington. The full itinerary is: Thursday 2 April to Sunday 12 April at North Kensington Library Monday 13 April to Sunday 26 April at Brompton Library Monday 27 April to Sunday 10 May at Chelsea Library Monday 11 May to Monday 25 May at Central Library Tuesday 26 May to Sunday 31 May at Chelsea Theatre Monday 1 June to Sunday 7 June at the Pepper Pot Centre and New Horizons Monday 8 June to Monday 22 June at Chelsea Academy Monday 22 June to Friday 3 July at Holland Park School Saturday 4 July to Sunday 19 July at Kensington Town Hall Monday 20 July to Sunday 26 July Open Age at St Charles Centre The four libraries hosting the event will also be offering opportunities to research your ancestors and look at the poems and letters of the period. These will be held as follows: Research your WW1 ancestors and curating WW1 memories North Kensington Library, Tuesday 7 April from 2pm to 4pm Brompton Library, Monday 13 April from 3pm to 5pm Chelsea Library, Monday 27 April from 2pm to 4pm Kensington Central Library, Tuesday 12 May from 2pm to 4pm WW1 Reading and Creative Writing Group North Kensington Library, Tuesday 7 April from 10am to 12am Brompton Library, Tuesday 21 April from 2pm to 4pm Chelsea Library, Tuesday 28 April from 2pm to 4pm Kensington Central Library, Tuesday 19 May from 2pm to 4pm 7 ways to contact Greg Hands: By Phone: 020 7385 1002 By email: [email protected] By post: Greg Hands 4 Greyhound Road London W6 8NX In person: Click here for details of how to book an appointment at Greg Hands’s weekly surgery More news from Greg Hands, coming soonPlease forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. If you have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be added to the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] with “JOIN” in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail to [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading. Greg Hands – a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands, both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN


News Bulletin from Greg Hands #431

Transcript of News Bulletin from Greg Hands #431

  • From: Greg Hands [email protected]: News Bulletin from Greg Hands #431

    Date: 4 April 2015 17:42To: [email protected]

    In this edition: Greg Hands's Diary Website of the Week:Share the Facts Greg Hands meets localcommuters to celebrateDistrict Line improvements Greg Hands welcomes ahat-trick of good news onthe economy? Greg Hands warns Labourwill put up Income Tax onworking families Leaders of Britain's biggestbusinesses back theConservatives' long-termeconomic plan Photo news:Campaigning inHammersmith Are you registered to vote? "Please forward thisinformation to ex-pats toregister to vote," urgesGreg Hands Men's and Women's VarsityBoat Races come toHammersmith & Fulham World War One TouringExhibition in Kensington &Chelsea 7 ways to contact GregHands

    Issue 431 -Saturday 4th April 2015

    Since the last edition, Greg:

    Launched his re-election campaign in Chelsea & Fulham bymeeting Tube commuters for three successive mornings atParsons Green, Putney Bridge and Fulham Broadway tubestations. For more, and photos, see below.Joined Hammersmith Conservatives Parliamentary Candidate,Charlie Dewhirst, canvassing door-to-door in Hammersmith.Played a key role in organising the media effort surroundingDavid Camerons appearance in the election Leaders Debate.Issued special appeals for people to register to vote for theelection on 7th May, and also for British nationals overseas toregister and vote by post.Carried out his duties as the Governments and theConservative Partys Deputy Chief Whip.

    Website of the The General Election campaign website of the ConservativeParty. Share the Facts with your friends and neighbours for themost important General Election in a generation, on 7th May.!

    !Greg Hands meets local commuters tocelebrate District Line improvements

    Greg Hands meeting commuters outside Fulham Broadwaystation this week.

    Since Parliament dissolved at the end of last week, Greg Hands, whois now no longer the local MP but the Conservative ParliamentaryCandidate for Chelsea and Fulham, has been making the most of hismornings to meet commuters at local tube stations including FulhamBroadway, Parsons Green and Putney Bridge. Greg talked with morning commuters on their way to work on threemornings this past week, about the Governments record on theeconomy as well as their opinions on the London Underground andother local transport matters. Residents were also able to raise withGreg other local issues or problems they may have. Some of the topics which frequently came up in discussion were thenew trains which have come into service on the District Line, as wellas other improvements in service and capacity. For many years, whilstthe local MP, Greg led a long-running campaign for more frequent andupgraded trains on the District Line, and especially on the Wimbledonbranch. Chelsea and Fulham has the highest number of Tube users ofany London constituency. In 2011, 14,000 residents responded in aTfL consultation which resulted in five more rush-hour trains runningthrough Fulham during the morning peak. Greg himself was a guest of Transport for London when visiting one ofthe very first S-Class trains, when they were introduced on theHammersmith & City Line early in 2013. The new 'walk-through' S-Class trains, which are one carriage bigger than the Line's old trains,came into operation for the first time at the end of February 2014 onthe Wimbledon Branch Line, which runs through Fulham and throughSloane Square. A total of 80 new District Line trains will be phased ingradually until all are in service by 2016. The S-Stock is unique as it is the first train on the Tube with a walk-through gangway between carriages - the inside of the train is onecontinuous length, providing improved capacity, security, andpassenger flow. The new trains, which are built by Bombardier inDerby, can accommodate 865 passengers, 17 per cent more thancurrent stock, and have wider doors and walkways, as well as airconditioning. They are also better adapted for wheelchair users, andCCTV enables the driver to see into every carriage for increasedsafety and security. Welcoming the new trains, Greg said: Its been great talking to localpeople outside the Tube in the mornings. It allows me to get a first-hand sense of the issues that are most import to people. It is clear thatthe continued recovery in the economy means a lot to people. Its also clear that these new trains are fantastic news for everyone inFulham and many stops beyond. I have been campaigning for moretrains on the Wimbledon branch for years. These new trains will nowadd significantly more capacity on the line, making for more efficient,comfortable, and smoother journeys. The air-conditioning will also bewelcome during the coming summer months. I travel by the DistrictLine at least twice a day between Fulham, Chelsea, and Westminster.Its always nice to see one of the new trains rolling into the station. Ienjoy using them and many residents have told me they do too. The District Line is also used by more than 700,000 people each day.At peak times the Wimbledon branch of the District Line operates at92 per cent of capacity with some trains operating over capacity andmany passengers unable to board at stations such as Parsons Greenand Fulham Broadway. Similar S-Stock trains were introduced on the on the Circle andHammersmith and City lines September 2013, and have provedpopular with passengers. The District Line's existing trains are morethan 40 years old. They started service in 1969/70 and weremanufactured in two batches in 1969, with a further supply in 1977. By the end of 2016 there will be 191 of the new trains on 40 per centof the Tube network running on the Circle, District, Hammersmith &City and Metropolitan lines.

    Greg Hands campaigning outside Parsons Green station thisweek.

    Greg Hands campaigning outside Putney Bridge station.

    Greg Hands welcomes a hat-trick of goodnews on the economy

    New figures released from the Office for National Statistics this weekshow the British economy grew more strongly last year thanpreviously thought. This was part of a hat-trick of good news withnew figures also showing consumer confidence is at its highest levelin over 12 years, and that living standards are now higher than in May2010. Growth in 2014 has been revised up to 2.8 per cent. In 2014 UK GDPgrew by 2.8 per cent revised up from 2.6 per cent. This is fastestannual rate of GDP growth in this country since 2006 and the fastestin the G7 last year, ahead of Canada, the next highest, which grew at2.5 per cent in 2014. Meanwhile, consumer confidence is at highest level in over 12 years.The consumer confidence barometer, compiled by market researchinstitute GfK, is now at +4, up from +1 in February, and at its highestlevel since March 2002. Consumer confidence has increasedsignificantly over the last year, with the index now 9 points higher thana year ago. In addition, living standards have risen 1.9 per cent over the last year.Real Household Disposable Income (RHDI) per person, in Q4 2014increased by 1.9 per cent compared to a year earlier according to theONS, Quarterly National Statistics, (31 March 2015). Living standards are now 2.2 per cent higher than they were beforeLabours Great Recession. They are also higher than they were at thelast election. In Q4 2014 RHDI per capita was 4,187, in Q2 2010 itwas 4,178. These findings are backed up by the independent Officefor Budget Responsibility, which forecast in the 2015 Budget, thatliving standards in 2015 would be higher than in 2010. Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelseaand Fulham said: This week weve got a hat-trick of good news aboutthe British economy and with less than 35 days to go the election itsanother sign that changing course would put recovery at risk. Weve had a significant upgrade to GDP, the highest consumerconfidence for over 12 years and confirmation that living standardsare higher than they were at the last election. This is good news forfamilies and businesses across the country. So voters now face a clear choice: do we stick with a plan which isworking, delivering growth and jobs, or do we put all that at risk withEd Miliband whose policies of more spending, more borrowing andhigher taxes will lead to economic chaos.

    Greg Hands warns Labour will put upIncome Tax on working families

    Labours Shadow Chancellor, Ed Balls has let slip that Labour will putup income tax for people on middle incomes including teachers,nurses, and police officers. In a TV interview this week, Ed Balls admitted he would drag morebasic rate taxpayers into the 40p tax rate as part of Labours 3,028tax hike on working families. This tax rise would mean teachers,nurses, and police officers paying income tax at 40 per cent, ratherthan the 20 per cent they pay now. The Conservatives announced that the threshold for the higher rate oftax would rise from 41,700 to 50,000 in the next parliament, butwhen pressed on his plans, Ed Balls suggested this would not happenunder Labour:

    Interviewer: I just want to clarify this because its an importantpoint. You are leaving the door open tonight to changing thetax thresholds that mean people in that 40 per cent bracketcould be paying more tax under you. Youre leaving that dooropen? Ed Balls: What I would like to do is find ways in which I couldhave fewer people in the 40 per cent tax bracket. Of course Iwould. But I have to be honest with people. The deficit isgoing to be 90 billion. I have got to find a way to get thedeficit down in a careful, and staged and balanced way. (ITV News West Country, 31 March 2015).

    Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelseaand Fulham commented: Ed Balls has let slip that he will raiseincome tax as part of Labours 3,028 tax hike on working families.This is all part of Labours plans to hike taxes with every workinghousehold facing a 3,028 tax rise if Ed Miliband becomes PrimeMinister. Labour have already voted in Parliament to commit to 30 billionworth of deficit reduction. Ed Miliband has said in the past that, to plugthe deficit, he would find 50 per cent of that money from tax rises. By contrast, the Conservative plan is to increase to 50,000 thethreshold at which people pay the higher rate of tax. So there is a clear choice at this election: You can choose economicsecurity and lower taxes with David Cameron and our long-termeconomic plan an economy that grows, that creates jobs, thatgenerates the money to ensure a properly funded and improving NHS.Or you can choose the economic chaos of Ed Milibands Britain over 3,000 in higher taxes for every working family to pay for morewelfare and out of control spending. Debt will rise and jobs will be lostas a result. In addition, the Prime Minister and Chancellor have ruled out raisingincome tax, national insurance and VAT in the next Parliament. TheConservatives are giving a very clear commitment to working people,that we are there to help them.

    Leaders of Britains biggest businessesback the Conservatives long-termeconomic plan Over 100 major businessleaders, who employ more thanhalf a million people, havebacked the ConservativePartys policy of loweringcorporation tax. They say thatDavid Camerons long-termeconomic plan is the right wayto create jobs, grow businessesand secure a better future forBritain. It is an independentendorsement of theConservative economic plan bythe people who do the most tocreate jobs in our country andmake our economy grow. Over 100 of the UKs foremostbusiness leaders people whocreate jobs and grow oureconomy - have signed the letter. The signatories who signed in a personal capacity hold seniorpositions in companies which employ over half a million people in theUK. They include senior executives of 9 FTSE 100 companies and 21FTSE 250 companies, as well as 29 small and medium sizedbusinesses. The list includes senior business leaders such as Bob Dudley (CEO,BP Plc); Sir Charles Dunstone (Chairman, Dixons Carphone and TalkTalk plc); Peter Grauer (Chairman, Bloomberg LP); Andy Harrison(CEO, Whitbread Plc); Sir Nigel Rudd (Chairman Designate, MeggittPlc); Tidjane Thiam (CEO, Prudential Plc); Nick Robertson OBE(CEO, ASOS); Chrissie Rucker (Founder, The White Company);Malcolm Walker CBE (Founder Iceland); George Weston (CEO,Associated British Foods Plc) and many others. Greg Hands, the Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for Chelseaand Fulham commented on the Conservative Partys policy oflowering corporation tax: By cutting corporation tax, we are backingbusinesses to grow and create jobs, helping make Britain the fastestgrowing major economy in the world and creating 1.9 million jobs. Asthese senior business figures point out, a change in course willthreaten jobs, send out a negative message about Britain and put therecovery at risk. The choice is simple: throw it all away by putting Ed Miliband inDowning Street with every working household facing a 3,028 taxrise. Or vote Conservative so we can continue the job of building astrong economy that underpins everything else we want to do as acountry whether its caring for our elderly, educating our children,looking after our military or investing in our health service. You can read the letter of 100 business leaders supporting theConservatives economic plan here.

    !Photo news:Campaigning in Hammersmith

    Greg Hands with a team of volunteers ahead of a campaigningsession in Hammersmith for Conservative Candidate Charlie


    !Are you registered to vote? There are less than 40 days to go until voters go to the polls to electMembers of Parliament. This means that residents have until April 20 to register to vote in thegeneral election dont lose your voice! Anyone not yet registered to vote should do so as soon as possible inorder for them to be able to have their say on issues that affect theirlives. To register to vote please visit: Hammersmith & Fulham residents can find out more by or calling 020 8753 4466. Kensington & Chelsea residents can find out more by [email protected] or calling 020 7361 3444.

    Please forward this information to ex-pats to register to vote, urges Greg Hands Greg Hands is asking residents to ensure friends and family livingoverseas are registered to vote. There are 5 million British ex-pats, of whom around 3 million areentitled to vote, but very few of them are currently registered to vote.Thats an average of 4,600 voters per constituency. Overseas voterscan vote in the constituency of their last UK address. Voters can nowregister and order a postal vote online. Every British person living abroad for less than 15 years is entitledand actively encouraged to vote in the 2015 General Election. EveryBritish citizen has a right to vote for his or her government and mostBritish ex-pats still have strong links to the UK, and cannot generallyvote in their new country of residence. The Electoral Commission wants as many Britons living overseas aspossible to vote and has now made it very easy to register for a postalvote. Just click on and you cancomplete the online form in 3 minutes. All you will need is yourpassport and National Insurance number for identification. Greg said Today I'm asking you to think of three people you knowwho live abroad and encourage them to vote by forwarding them thisnewsletter - or directing them to the The next election is the most important in a generation - and it's vitalthat everyone who can vote gets behind our plan to secure a betterfuture for Britain. In an election with so much at stake, overseas voterscould be the difference between a Conservative Governmentcommitted to reducing the deficit, cutting taxes and building astronger, healthier economy - or a return to higher taxes, higherborrowing, and less control over welfare with Labour. Please can you THINK OF THREE Britons you know who live abroadand send them this message by email or on Facebook.

    Mens and Womens Varsity Boat Racescome to Hammersmith & Fulham Sporting history will be made on Saturday, April 11, when both amens and womens boat race hit the Thames on the same day. It will represent the first time that the annual mens Oxford vCambridge BNY Mellon Boat Race is joined by the womens Oxford vCambridge Newton Womens Boat Race. First raced in 1829 and 1927 respectively, the boat races are amongstthe oldest sporting events in the world and you can watch the actionfrom two of the best vantage points on the route, Bishops Park inFulham, and Furnivall Gardens in Hammersmith. Hammersmith & Fulham Council will be hosting two family-friendlyBoat Race in the Park events, where revellers can catch all the actionon giant screens for free, accompanied by beer tents and food. Both events take place from noon to 6.30pm. Bishops Park is at the start of the races and Furnivall Gardens takesin the middle of the course where the races will start to heat up as thecrews make their move under Hammersmiths iconic bridge. The first Boat Race took place in 1829 after Cambridge challengedOxford to a race on the Thames. The modern race still runs along thesame lines and has now become a major international sportingoccasion drawing millions of viewers from around the world. On race day up to 250,000 spectators crowd the banks of the Thamesto witness the action. The race runs through four London boroughsbut H&F is the only borough to host public viewing on both theThames path and on large screens, with family-friendly activities andspecial beer, wine and food tents. Oxford won last years race by just over a length in a time of 17minutes 28 seconds. However, Cambridge lead the overall series by81 wins to 77, with the sides drawing in a dead heat once in the1800s. On the Womens side Oxford were also victorious last year, butstill trail Cambridge who lead the overall contest 40 to 29.

    World War One Touring Exhibition inKensington & Chelsea Residents of the Royal Borough have the opportunity from now untilthe end of July 2015 to find out more about the contribution andexperiences of residents of Kensington and Chelsea during World WarOne. A touring exhibition will include items such as images of the lives offemale munitions workers, war orphanages founded by suffragettesand a young Daphne du Maurier manning a chocolate stall to raisemoney for the Kensington War Hospital Supplies Depot. The tour starts at North Kensington Library and will be there untilSunday 12 April. From there it goes to Brompton Library and thenaround the borough before finishing on Sunday 26 July in the StCharles Centre in North Kensington. The full itinerary is: Thursday 2 April to Sunday 12 April at North Kensington LibraryMonday 13 April to Sunday 26 April at Brompton LibraryMonday 27 April to Sunday 10 May at Chelsea LibraryMonday 11 May to Monday 25 May at Central LibraryTuesday 26 May to Sunday 31 May at Chelsea TheatreMonday 1 June to Sunday 7 June at the Pepper Pot Centre and NewHorizonsMonday 8 June to Monday 22 June at Chelsea AcademyMonday 22 June to Friday 3 July at Holland Park SchoolSaturday 4 July to Sunday 19 July at Kensington Town HallMonday 20 July to Sunday 26 July Open Age at St Charles Centre The four libraries hosting the event will also be offering opportunitiesto research your ancestors and look at the poems and letters of theperiod. These will be held as follows: Research your WW1 ancestors and curating WW1 memoriesNorth Kensington Library, Tuesday 7 April from 2pm to 4pmBrompton Library, Monday 13 April from 3pm to 5pmChelsea Library, Monday 27 April from 2pm to 4pmKensington Central Library, Tuesday 12 May from 2pm to 4pm WW1 Reading and Creative Writing GroupNorth Kensington Library, Tuesday 7 April from 10am to 12amBrompton Library, Tuesday 21 April from 2pm to 4pmChelsea Library, Tuesday 28 April from 2pm to 4pmKensington Central Library, Tuesday 19 May from 2pm to 4pm

    !7 ways to contact Greg Hands:

    By Phone: 020 7385 1002By email: [email protected] post: Greg Hands

    4 Greyhound RoadLondon W6 8NX

    In person: Click here for details of howto book an appointment atGreg Handss weeklysurgery

    More news from Greg Hands, coming soon Please forward this email on to anyone you think may be interested. Ifyou have had this email forwarded to you and would like to be addedto the mailing list, please send an email to: [email protected] with JOIN in the subject heading. To unsubscribe from this list, please return an e-mail [email protected] with "UNSUBSCRIBE" in the subject heading.

    Greg Hands a strong voice for Chelsea & Fulham

    Published & Promoted by Jonathan Fraser-Howells on behalf of Greg Hands,

    both of 44 Southern Row, London, W10 5AN