News Broadcasting Analysis


Transcript of News Broadcasting Analysis





This is a long shot of the presenter. It shows the presenter sitting at a desk which is typically used in news. The presenter is wearing a suit and looks smart a formal. He talks in a formal manner. You can see the screen behind him. Its important to the audience as it’s the introduction shot, introducing the scene, news and presenter.

This shows a MCU of the presenter. He uses the words ‘Good afternoon’ to address his audience like he knows them. This is important that he greets his audience as it makes him come across friendly and professional. He is wearing a suit and looks well groomed and formal. You can see the BBC colours in the background to keep with the BBC theme.

This is a shot where the field reporter is in action. She is dressed casually to ensure she's warm but also smart. She is out reporting at an event to make it more realistic and trusted for the audience. This makes it more of a reliable source as you can see what’s happening with your own eyes.

This is a shot of the interviewee. It is a MCU to show the expression on her face and how she feels about the matter they are discussing. There is graphics at the bottom of the page which explains who the person is they are interviewing and why.

This is a cutaway to a shot of Keria Knightly on the red carpet. This is used as a filler shot to keep the audience interested whilst there is a voiceover talking about the problem.