New York State Supplement to the National EMS Information ...

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services & Trauma Systems New York State Supplement to the National EMS Information System (NEMSIS) Version 3.4.0 Data Dictionary Supplement Current as of: November 21, 2017

Transcript of New York State Supplement to the National EMS Information ...

Page 1: New York State Supplement to the National EMS Information ...

Bureau of

Emergency Medical Services

& Trauma Systems

New York State Supplement

to the

National EMS Information System (NEMSIS)

Version 3.4.0 Data Dictionary

Supplement Current as of: November 21, 2017

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This document is supplemental to the NEMSIS1 Data Dictionary – NHTSA v3.4.0 EMS Data Standard.2 Its purpose is:

1. to provide the New York State (NYS) specific information necessary for electronic Prehospital Care Report (e-PCR)

software vendors to deploy the NEMSIS Version 3 (v3) standard in NYS; and

2. to assist EMS Providers in understanding how to document EMS events using the NEMSIS v3 standard.

This NYS/NEMSIS v3 Supplement does not replace the NEMSIS v3 Data Dictionary2 but rather addresses the data needs of

the NYS EMS System within the established NEMSIS v3 schema.

This supplement is companion to any NYS Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems (BEMSATS) Policy

Statement regarding paper or electronic PCRs and patient care documentation. As EMS is evidence-based medicine, data

and documentation needs will change over time. NEMSIS may add or modify data elements – and NYS (or any of its EMS

Regions) may customize data elements – to capture new information or assist EMS Providers in documenting specific

conditions or situations (i.e., naloxone, blood administration, stroke care, Community Paramedicine, etc.). As such, users

should anticipate periodic revisions to this supplement and related BEMSATS policy statements, and be mindful of the

“Supplement Current as of . . .” date found both on the front cover and at the bottom of each page of this supplement.

NYS collects only specific data from an e-PCR, not the entire e-PCR. This supplement includes only the data elements

required to be transmitted to NYS (and NEMSIS). It does not address additional data elements that may be required by

an EMS Agency, Regional Emergency Medical Services Council/Regional Emergency Medical Advisory Committee

(REMSCO/REMAC), or Physician Medical Director for quality improvement, medical oversight, and/or medicolegal

documentation purposes. It should not be assumed that an e-PCR containing only the data elements listed in this

supplement will represent a complete PCR, meet generally accepted patient care documentation standards, or be legally

defensible. When determining what data elements to collect in a local e-PCR system, EMS Agencies must include all the

data elements listed in this supplement and carefully consider (in consultation with the REMSCO/REMAC and Physician

Medical Director) what additional data elements should be collected.

Any e-PCR system deployed in NYS must remain compliant with the latest NEMSIS standards and compatible with the NYS

e-PCR system. It is intended that this supplement will provide both the direction needed for software vendors to develop

NEMSIS v3 e-PCR systems for use in NYS, and clarification to EMS Providers in documenting patient care within the NEMSIS

v3 format. Should further clarification be needed, please contact:

New York State – Department of Health

Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

875 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12206

(518) 402 – 0996

1. National Emergency Medical Services Information System (


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A concern with the prior NEMSIS Version 2 standard was the use of data values (particularly “Not” values) that were not

relevant to the NYS EMS System, created confusion for EMS Providers when trying to document certain situations, or

created difficulties for software vendors trying to transmit data to NYS. For example, with Possible Injury it makes sense

to report “Yes” or “No” if there is a patient; but, what if there is no patient, or the situation is medical in nature, or possible

injury cannot be ascertained? What does the EMS Provider record in these situations, and what does the software vendor

transmit to NYS?

NEMSIS v2 Data Dictionary

This supplement provides the minimum list of NEMSIS v3 data elements that must be collected and transmitted to NYS,

as well as clarifications as to what NEMSIS or other values EMS Providers should document in certain situations, and how

e-PCR software vendors must transmit that documentation to NYS.

(See illustration on next page as an example of how clarifications are presented in this supplement.)

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Where indicated, the NEMSIS values shown are NOT to be transmitted to NYS (unless otherwise specified). If transmitted,

the data file will be rejected.



Unless otherwise specified, NYS will use “NOT” values in accordance with the whitepaper NEMSIS V3 Guidance for the use

of NOT Values. See the white paper for further guidance and clarifying examples.

Not Applicable

If the data element (question) is not pertinent to the situation, the value (answer) “Not Applicable” is to be

manually selected by the EMS Provider or auto-populated by the e-PCR software.

Not Recorded

If the data element (question) is pertinent to the situation but was not answered (left blank) by the EMS Provider,

the value (answer) “Not Recorded” is to be auto‐populate by the e-PCR software.

NOTE “Not Recorded” is to be used only in the software background and not available to the EMS Provider.

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Not Reporting

If the data element (question) is not being used by NYS or the EMS Agency, the e-PCR software is to auto‐populate

the value (answer) "Not Reporting".

NOTE “Not Reporting” is to be used only in the software background and not available to the EMS Provider.

NOTE Unless otherwise specified, all data elements listed in this supplement are required in NYS.

“Always Report . . .”

Where indicated, the NEMSIS/NISE value provided is the only value that will be accepted by NYS for that data element.

If any other value is transmitted to NYS – even if allowed by NEMSIS – the data file will be rejected.


Where indicated, the data element is required in NYS, but no NYS supplemental clarifying information is necessary. Unless

otherwise specified, the NEMSIS v3 Data Dictionary for that data element is to be followed, as is.


Automated Web Service. NYS will only accept data transmitted through the automated web service provided. Manual

uploading of data to the NYS e-PCR system will not be allowed.

“d” (Demographic) Data. “d” element data is to be transmitted to NYS – as soon as practical – whenever there is a change

in the local e-PCR system to any “d” data element listed in this supplement.

“e” (Event) Data. “e” element data is to be transmitted to NYS as close to real-time as possible. Although some e-PCR

systems may not be capable of immediate transmission, transmission only monthly, weekly, or daily is unacceptable.

Ideally, when the EMS Provider “closes” the e-PCR, the system should automatically begin transmitting data to NYS.

Data Checks / Quality Reviews / Resubmissions. NYS collects only specific data from an e-PCR, not the entire e-PCR.

Local e-PCR systems should employ automated data validation/error checking to detect incomplete/inaccurate NYS

required data and prompt the EMS Provider for correction before the data is transmitted to NYS. All data is to be

transmitted to NYS as described above and is NOT to be held for quality review prior to transmission. However, should

NYS required data later be corrected, the corrected data (entire record) should be re-transmitted.

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NYS Element / Value Customizations

Below is a complete list of all NYS element/value customizations [NEMSIS Implemented State Enhancement (NISE) Codes]

with corresponding mappings to NEMSIS v3 values.

dAgency.11 – Level of Care

NISE Value it9917.125 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9917007 – 2009 Paramedic

dConfiguration.02 – State Certification/Licensure Levels

NISE Value it9911.134 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9911007 – 2009 Paramedic

dConfiguration.06 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Perform Each Procedure

NISE Value it9925.134 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9911007 – 2009 Paramedic

dConfiguration.08 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Administer Each Medication

NISE Value it9911.134 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9911007 – 2009 Paramedic

dPersonnel.24 – EMS Personnel’s State EMS Certification/Licensure Level

NISE Value it9925.134 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9925007 – 2009 Paramedic

eResponse.15 – Level of Care of This Unit

NISE Value it.2215.100 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) [ALS-Critical Care] Maps To 2215013 – ALS-Paramedic

NOTE it.2215.100 - - - The extra “.” is correct.

eCrew.02 – Crew Member Level

NISE Value it9925.134 – NYS EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9925007 – 2009 Paramedic

eScene.08 – Triage Classification for MCI Patient

NISE Value it2708.105 – ORANGE (NYC Only) – The patient is experiencing a medical emergency that is of higher importance than any traumatic injury the patient may have.

Maps To 2708003 – YELLOW – Delayed

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eHistory.05 – Advance Directives

NISE Value it3105.103 – NYS MOLST (DNR) – The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating DNR Order: Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (Allow Natural Death).

Maps To 3105009 – Other Healthcare Advance Directive Form

NISE Value it3105.107 – NYS MOLST (DNI) – The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating Do Not Intubate (DNI).

Maps To 3105009 – Other Healthcare Advance Directive Form

NISE Value it3105.106 – NYS MOLST (No IV Fluids) – The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life- Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating No IV Fluids.

Maps To 3105009 – Other Healthcare Advance Directive Form

NISE Value it3105.112 – NYS MOLST (Limited Interventions or Comfort Measures ONLY) – The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating Limited Medical Interventions or Comfort Measures Only.

Maps To 3105009 – Other Healthcare Advance Directive Form eExam.15 – Extremity Assessment Findings Location

NISE Value it3515.001 – Patella-Left Maps To 3515053 – Knee-Left

NISE Value it3515.002 – Patella-Right Maps To 3515055 – Knee-Right

eMedications.10 – Role/Type of Person Administering Medication

NISE Value it9905.179 – NYS Certified EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9905007 – 2009 Paramedic

eProcedures.10 – Role/Type of Person Performing the Procedure

NISE Value it9905.179 – NYS Certified EMT-Critical Care (EMT-CC) Maps To 9905007 – 2009 Paramedic

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Table of Contents (dState & eState Groups)

dState.01 – State Required Element NEMSIS DD Page 8

eState.01 – State Required Elements NEMSIS DD Page 193

This Table of Contents shall serve as NEMSIS data elements dState.01 and eState.01.

All data elements listed in this Table and supplement are required by NYS, unless otherwise specified.

NOTE For the NEMSIS required timestamp, report the “Supplement Current as of . . .“ date found both on

the front cover and at the bottom of each page of this supplement.

dAgency Group Supplement Page #

1. dAgency.01 – EMS Agency Unique State ID 17

2. dAgency.02 – EMS Agency Number 17

3. dAgency.04 – EMS Agency State 17

4. dAgency.05 – EMS Agency Service Area States 18

5. dAgency.06 – EMS Agency Service Area County(ies) 18

6. dAgency.07 – EMS Agency Census Tracts 18

7. dAgency.08 – EMS Agency Service Area ZIP Codes 18

8. dAgency.09 – Primary Type of Service 19

9. dAgency.11 – Level of Service 20

10. dAgency.12 – Organization Status 20

11. dAgency.13 – Organizational Type 21

12. dAgency.14 – EMS Agency Organizational Tax Status 21

13. dAgency.15 – Statistical Calendar Year 22

14. dAgency.16 – Total Primary Service Area Size 22

15. dAgency.17 – Total Service Area Population 22

16. dAgency.18 – 911 EMS Call Center Volume per Year 22

17. dAgency.19 – EMS Dispatch Volume per Year 22

18. dAgency.20 – EMS Patient Transport Volume per Year 22

19. dAgency.21 – EMS Patient Contact Volume per Year 22

20. dAgency.22 – EMS Billable Calls per Year 22

21. dAgency.25 – National Provider Identifier 22

22. dAgency.26 – Fire Department ID Number 23

dConfiguration Group Supplement Page #

23. dConfiguration.01 – State Associated with the Certification/Licensure Levels 24

24. dConfiguration.02 – State Certification/Licensure Levels 24

25. dConfiguration.03 – Procedures Permitted by the State 25

26. dConfiguration.04 – Medications Permitted by the State 25

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27. dConfiguration.05 – Protocols Permitted by the State 25

28. dConfiguration.06 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Perform Each Procedure 28

29. dConfiguration.07 – EMS Agency Procedures 28

30. dConfiguration.08 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Administer Each Medication 28

31. dConfiguration.09 – EMS Agency Medications 28

32. dConfiguration.10 – EMS Agency Protocols 28

33. dConfiguration.11 – EMS Agency Specialty Service Capability 29

34. dConfiguration.12 – Billing Status 29

35. dConfiguration.13 – Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Provided to EMS Agency Service Area 29

36. dConfiguration.15 – Patient Monitoring Capability(ies) 29

37. dConfiguration.16 – Crew Call Sign 29

dPersonnel Group Supplement Page #

38. dPersonnel.01 – EMS Personnel's Last Name 30

39. dPersonnel.02 – EMS Personnel's First Name 30

40. dPersonnel.03 – EMS Personnel's Middle Name/Initial 30

41. dPersonnel.11 – EMS Personnel’s Date of Birth 31

42. dPersonnel.21 – EMS Personnel's Agency ID Number 31

43. dPersonnel.23 – EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID Number 32

44. dPersonnel.24 – EMS Personnel's State EMS Certification Licensure Level 33

dFacility Group Supplement Page #

45. dFacility.02 – Facility Name 34

46. dFacility.03 – Facility Location Code 34

eRecord Group Supplement Page #

47. eRecord.01 – Patient Care Report Number 43

48. eRecord.02 – Software Creator 43

49. eRecord.03 – Software Name 43

50. eRecord.04 – Software Version 43

eResponse Group Supplement Page #

51. eResponse.01 – EMS Agency Number 44

52. eResponse.03 – Incident Number 44

53. eResponse.04 – EMS Response Number 44

54. eResponse.05 – Type of Service Requested 44

55. eResponse.06 – Standby Purpose 44

56. eResponse.07 – Primary Role of the Unit 44

57. eResponse.08 – Type of Dispatch Delay 45

58. eResponse.09 – Type of Response Delay 45

59. eResponse.10 – Type of Scene Delay 45

60. eResponse.11 – Type of Transport Delay 45

61. eResponse.12 – Type of Turn-Around Delay 45

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62. eResponse.13 – EMS Vehicle (Unit) Number 45

63. eResponse.14 – EMS Unit Call Sign 45

64. eResponse.15 – Level of Care of This Unit 46

65. eResponse.19 – Beginning Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle 46

66. eResponse.20 – On-Scene Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle 46

67. eResponse.21 – Patient Destination Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle 46

68. eResponse.23 – Response Mode to Scene 46

69. eResponse.24 – Additional Response Mode Descriptors 47

eDispatch Group Supplement Page #

70. eDispatch.01 – Complaint Reported by Dispatch 48

71. eDispatch.02 – EMD Performed 48

eCrew Group Supplement Page #

72. eCrew.01 – Crew Member ID 49

73. eCrew.02 – Crew Member Level 50

74. eCrew.03 – Crew Member Response Role 51

eTimes Group Supplement Page #

75. eTimes.01 – PSAP Call Date/Time 52

76. eTimes.03 – Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time 52

77. eTimes.05 – Unit En Route Date/Time 52

78. eTimes.06 – Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time 52

79. eTimes.07 – Arrived at Patient Date/Time 52

80. eTimes.08 – Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time 52

81. eTimes.09 – Unit Left Scene Date/Time 52

82. eTimes.11 – Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time 52

83. eTimes.12 – Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time 52

84. eTimes.13 – Unit Back in Service Date/Time 52

85. eTimes.14 – Unit Canceled Date/Time 52

ePatient Group Supplement Page #

86. ePatient.01 – EMS Patient ID 53

87. ePatient.02 – Last Name 53

88. ePatient.03 – First Name 53

89. ePatient.07 – Patient's Home County 54

90. ePatient.08 – Patient's Home State 54

91. ePatient.09 – Patient's Home ZIP Code 54

92. ePatient.10 – Patient's Country of Residence 54

93. ePatient.12 – Social Security Number 54

94. ePatient.13 – Gender 54

95. ePatient.14 – Race 55

96. ePatient.15 – Age 55

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97. ePatient.16 – Age Units 55

98. ePatient.17 – Date of Birth 55

ePayment Group Supplement Page #

99. ePayment.01 – Primary Method of Payment 56

100. ePayment.50 – CMS Service Level 56

eScene Group Supplement Page #

101. eScene.01 – First EMS Unit on Scene 57

102. eScene.06 – Number of Patients at Scene 57

103. eScene.07 – Mass Casualty Incident 57

104. eScene.08 – Triage Classification for MCI Patient 57

105. eScene.09 – Incident Location Type 58

106. eScene.10 – Incident Facility Code 58

107. eScene.11 – Scene GPS Location 58

108. eScene.15 – Incident Street Address 58

109. eScene.17 – Incident City 58

110. eScene.18 – Incident State 58

111. eScene.19 – Incident ZIP Code 58

112. eScene.21 – Incident County 58

eSituation Group Supplement Page #

113. eSituation.01 – Date/Time of Symptom Onset 59

114. eSituation.02 – Possible Injury 59

115. eSituation.03 – Complaint Type 60

116. eSituation.04 – Complaint 60

117. eSituation.05 – Duration of Complaint 60

118. eSituation.06 – Time Units of Duration of Complaint 60

119. eSituation.07 – Chief Complaint Anatomic Location 60

120. eSituation.08 – Chief Complaint Organ System 60

121. eSituation.09 – Primary Symptom 60

122. eSituation.10 – Other Associated Symptoms 60

123. eSituation.11 – Provider's Primary Impression 60

124. eSituation.12 – Provider's Secondary Impressions 60

125. eSituation.13 – Initial Patient Acuity 60

126. eSituation.17 – Patient Activity 60

127. eSituation.18 – Date/Time Last Known Well 60

eInjury Group Supplement Page #

128. eInjury.01 – Cause of Injury 61

129. eInjury.02 – Mechanism of Injury 61

130. eInjury.03 – Trauma Center Criteria 61

131. eInjury.04 – Vehicular, Pedestrian, or Other Injury Risk Factor 61

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132. eInjury.05 – Main Area of the Vehicle Impacted by the Collision 61

133. eInjury.06 – Location of Patient in Vehicle 62

134. eInjury.07 – Use of Occupant Safety Equipment 62

135. eInjury.08 – Airbag Deployment 62

136. eInjury.09 – Height of Fall (feet) 62

eArrest Group Supplement Page #

137. eArrest.01 – Cardiac Arrest 63

138. eArrest.02 – Cardiac Arrest Etiology 63

139. eArrest.03 – Resuscitation Attempted By EMS 63

140. eArrest.04 – Arrest Witnessed By 63

141. eArrest.05 – CPR Care Provided Prior to EMS Arrival 63

142. eArrest.06 – Who Provided CPR Prior to EMS Arrival 63

143. eArrest.07 – AED Use Prior to EMS Arrival 63

144. eArrest.08 – Who Used AED Prior to EMS Arrival 63

145. eArrest.09 – Type of CPR Provided 64

146. eArrest.11 – First Monitored Arrest Rhythm of the Patient 64

147. eArrest.12 – Any Return of Spontaneous Circulation 64

148. eArrest.14 – Date/Time of Cardiac Arrest 64

149. eArrest.15 – Date/Time Resuscitation Discontinued 64

150. eArrest.16 – Reason CPR/Resuscitation Discontinued 64

151. eArrest.17 – Cardiac Rhythm on Arrival at Destination 64

152. eArrest.18 – End of EMS Cardiac Arrest Event 64

153. eArrest.19 – Date/Time of Initial CPR 64

eHistory Group Supplement Page #

154. eHistory.01 – Barriers to Patient Care 65

155. eHistory.05 – Advance Directives 65

156. eHistory.06 – Medication Allergies 66

157. eHistory.07 – Environmental/Food Allergies 66

158. eHistory.08 – Medical/Surgical History 66

159. eHistory.12 – Current Medications 66

160. eHistory.17 – Alcohol/Drug Use Indicators 66

161. eHistory.18 – Pregnancy 66

eNarrative Group Supplement Page #

162. eNarrative.01 – Patient Care Report Narrative 67

eVitals Group Supplement Page #

163. eVitals.01 – Date/Time Vital Signs Taken 68

164. eVitals.02 – Obtained Prior to this Unit's EMS Care 68

165. eVitals.03 – Cardiac Rhythm / Electrocardiography (ECG) 68

166. eVitals.04 – ECG Type 68

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167. eVitals.05 – Method of ECG Interpretation 68

168. eVitals.06 – SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) 68

169. eVitals.07 – DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure) 69

170. eVitals.08 – Method of Blood Pressure Measurement 69

171. eVitals.09 – Mean Arterial Pressure 70

172. eVitals.10 – Heart Rate 70

173. eVitals.11 – Method of Heart Rate Measurement 70

174. eVitals.12 – Pulse Oximetry 71

175. eVitals.13 – Pulse Rhythm 71

176. eVitals.14 – Respiratory Rate 71

177. eVitals.15 – Respiratory Effort 71

178. eVitals.16 – End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) 72

179. eVitals.17 – Carbon Monoxide (CO) 72

180. eVitals.18 – Blood Glucose Level 72

181. eVitals.19 – Glasgow Coma Score-Eye 72

182. eVitals.20 – Glasgow Coma Score-Verbal 72

183. eVitals.21 – Glasgow Coma Score-Motor 72

184. eVitals.22 – Glasgow Coma Score-Qualifier 72

185. eVitals.23 – Total Glasgow Coma Score 72

186. eVitals.24 – Temperature 73

187. eVitals.25 – Temperature Method 73

188. eVitals.26 – Level of Responsiveness (AVPU) 73

189. eVitals.27 – Pain Scale Score 73

190. eVitals.28 – Pain Scale Type 73

191. eVitals.29 – Stroke Scale Score 74

192. eVitals.30 – Stroke Scale Type 74

193. eVitals.31 – Reperfusion Checklist 74

194. eVitals.32 – APGAR 74

eExam Group Supplement Page #

195. eExam.01 – Estimated Body Weight in Kilograms 75

196. eExam.04 – Skin Assessment 76

197. eExam.05 – Head Assessment 76

198. eExam.06 – Face Assessment 76

199. eExam.07 – Neck Assessment 76

200. eExam.08 – Chest/Lungs Assessment 76

201. eExam.09 – Heart Assessment 76

202. eExam.10 – Abdominal Assessment Finding Location 76

203. eExam.11 – Abdomen Assessment 76

204. eExam.12 – Pelvis/Genitourinary Assessment 76

205. eExam.13 – Back and Spine Assessment Finding Location 76

206. eExam.14 – Back and Spine Assessment 76

207. eExam.15 – Extremity Assessment Finding Location 76

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208. eExam.16 – Extremities Assessment 76

209. eExam.17 – Eye Assessment Finding Location 76

210. eExam.18 – Eye Assessment 76

211. eExam.19 – Mental Status Assessment 76

212. eExam.20 – Neurological Assessment 76

213. eExam.21 – Stroke/CVA Symptoms Resolved 77

eProtocols Group Supplement Page #

214. eProtocols.01 – Protocols Used 78

215. eProtocols.02 – Protocol Age Category 78

eMedications Group Supplement Page #

216. eMedications.01 – Date/Time Medication Administered 79

217. eMedications.02 – Medication Administered Prior to this Unit's EMS Care 79

218. eMedications.03 – Medication Given 79

219. eMedications.04 – Medication Administered Route 79

220. eMedications.05 – Medication Dosage 79

221. eMedications.06 – Medication Dosage Units 79

222. eMedications.07 – Response to Medication 79

223. eMedications.08 – Medication Complication 79

224. eMedications.09 – Medication Crew (Healthcare Professionals) ID 80

225. eMedications.10 – Role/Type of Person Administering Medication 81

226. eMedications.11 – Medication Authorization 82

eProcedures Group Supplement Page #

227. eProcedures.01 – Date/Time Procedure Performed 83

228. eProcedures.02 – Procedure Performed Prior to this Unit's EMS Care 83

229. eProcedures.03 – Procedure 83

230. eProcedures.05 – Number of Procedure Attempts 83

231. eProcedures.06 – Procedure Successful 83

232. eProcedures.07 – Procedure Complication 83

233. eProcedures.08 – Response to Procedure 83

234. eProcedures.09 – Procedure Crew Members ID 83

235. eProcedures.10 – Role/Type of Person Performing the Procedure 84

236. eProcedures.11 – Procedure Authorization 85

237. eProcedures.13 – Vascular Access Location 85

eAirway Group Supplement Page #

238. eAirway.01 – Indications for Invasive Airway 86

239. eAirway.02 – Date/Time Airway Device Placement Confirmation 86

240. eAirway.03 – Airway Device Being Confirmed 86

241. eAirway.04 – Airway Device Placement Confirmed Method 86

242. eAirway.06 – Type of Individual Confirming Airway Device Placement 86

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243. eAirway.07 – Crew Member ID 86

244. eAirway.08 – Airway Complications Encountered 87

245. eAirway.09 – Suspected Reasons for Failed Airway Management 87

246. eAirway.10 – Date/Time Decision to Manage the Patient with an Invasive Airway 87

247. eAirway.11 – Date/Time Invasive Airway Placement Attempts Abandoned 87

eDisposition Group Supplement Page #

248. eDisposition.01 – Destination/Transferred To, Name 88

249. eDisposition.02 – Destination/Transferred To, Code 88

250. eDisposition.05 – Destination State 88

251. eDisposition.06 – Destination County 88

252. eDisposition.07 – Destination ZIP Code 88

253. eDisposition.12 – Incident/Patient Disposition 88

254. eDisposition.13 – How Patient Was Moved to Ambulance 89

255. eDisposiiton.14 – Position of Patient During Transport 89

256. eDisposition.16 – EMS Transport Method 89

257. eDisposition.17 – Transport Mode from Scene 89

258. eDisposition.18 – Additional Transport Mode Descriptors 89

259. eDisposition.19 – Final Patient Acuity 89

260. eDisposition.20 – Reason for Choosing Destination 89

261. eDisposition.21 – Type of Destination 89

262. eDisposition.22 – Hospital In-Patient Destination 89

263. eDisposition.23 – Hospital Capability 90

264. eDisposition.24 – Destination Team Pre-Arrival Alert or Activation 90

265. eDisposition.25 – Date/Time of Destination Prearrival Alert or Activation 90

eOutcome Group Supplement Page #

266. eOutcome.01 – Emergency Department Disposition 91

267. eOutcome.02 – Hospital Disposition 91

eOther Group Supplement Page #

268. eOther.05 – Suspected EMS Work Related Exposure, Injury, or Death 92

269. eOther.08 – Crew Member Completing this Report 92

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dAgency Group

dAgency.01 – EMS Agency Unique State ID NEMSIS DD Page 22

NYS will use dAgency.01 to group together related EMS Agencies.

o i.e., All agencies associated with the New York City 911 system.

o i.e., All agencies operated by the AMR Corporation.

o i.e., Agencies operating more than one service (different NYS EMS Agency Codes).

o etc.

• Report same as dAgency.02 (EMS Agency Number);

• Unless the EMS Agency is identified by NYS as affiliated with a larger group,

Then contact NYS for clarification on what to report for dAgency.01.

dAgency.02 – EMS Agency Number NEMSIS DD Page 23

• Report the EMS Agency Code issued by NYS.

NOTE NYS EMS Agency Codes are currently issued as four (4) digits in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., Agency Code “123” is actually “0123” and must be handled as such.

dAgency.04 – EMS Agency State NEMSIS DD Page 25

Always Report “36” for New York State (NYS).

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dAgency.05 – EMS Agency Service Area States NEMSIS DD Page 26

dAgency.06 – EMS Agency Service Area County(ies) NEMSIS DD Page 27

dAgency.07 – EMS Agency Census Tracts NEMSIS DD Page 28

dAgency.08 – EMS Agency Service Area ZIP Codes NEMSIS DD Page 29

Use the NEMSIS V3 Agency Service Area Builder webtool to assist with these data elements.

• Report all territory in which the EMS Agency formally provides service:

- dAgency.05 Report ALL STATES (Including NYS).

- dAgency.06 Report ALL COUNTIES (Inside and Outside NYS).

- dAgency.07 Report ALL US CENSUS TRACTS (Inside and Outside NYS).

- dAgency.08 Report ALL ZIP CODES (Inside and Outside NYS)


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701003 – Not Recorded

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dAgency.09 – Primary Type of Service NEMSIS DD Page 30

In NYS, type of service is defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS values allowable in NYS.







9920001 911 Response (Scene) with Transport Capability Ambulance

9920003 911 Response (Scene) without Transport Capability BLSFR (Basic Life Support First Response)

9920005 Air Medical Air Medical

9920007 ALS Intercept ALSFR (Advanced Life Support First Response)


9920011 – Hazmat

9920013 – Medical Transport (Convalescent, Interfacility Transfer Hospital and Nursing Home)

9920015 – Rescue

9920017 – Community Paramedicine

9920019 – Critical Care (Ground)

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dAgency.11 – Level of Service NEMSIS DD Page 32

In NYS, level of service is defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







9917001 2009 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9917003 2009 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9917005 2009 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9917007 2009 Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it9917.125 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


9917009 – First Responder

9917011 – EMT-Basic

9917013 – EMT-Intermediate

9917015 – EMT-Paramedic

9917019 – Physician

9917021 – Critical Care Paramedic

9917023 – Community Paramedicine

9917025 – Nurse Practitioner

9917027 – Physician Assistant

9917029 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9917031 – Registered Nurse

dAgency.12 – Organization Status NEMSIS DD Page 33


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dAgency.13 – Organizational Type NEMSIS DD Page 34

Report based on the

Certificate of Need (CON) holder to whom NYS issued the NYS EMS Agency Code,

not a contracted operator of the service.


College 9912007 – Private, Nonhospital

Commercial, Private, Independent, or Industrial Company 9912007 – Private, Nonhospital

Fire Department, Company, District, or Protection District 9912001 – Fire Department

Hospital 9912005 – Hospital

Municipality (Other than Fire-Service Based) 9912003 – Governmental, Non-Fire

NYS / Federal Government 9912003 – Governmental, Non-Fire

Tribal Nation 9912009 – Tribal

dAgency.14 – EMS Agency Organizational Tax Status NEMSIS DD Page 35


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dAgency.15 – Statistical Calendar Year NEMSIS DD Page 36

dAgency.16 – Total Primary Service Area Size NEMSIS DD Page 37

dAgency.17 – Total Service Area Population NEMSIS DD Page 38

dAgency.18 – 911 EMS Call Center Volume per Year NEMSIS DD Page 39

dAgency.19 – EMS Dispatch Volume per Year NEMSIS DD Page 40

dAgency.20 – EMS Patient Transport Volume per Year NEMSIS DD Page 41

dAgency.21 – EMS Patient Contact Volume per Year NEMSIS DD Page 42

dAgency.22 – EMS Billable Calls per Year NEMSIS DD Page 43

Use the NEMSIS V3 Agency Service Area Builder webtool to assist with dAgency.16 and dAgency.17.

• dAgency.18 NOTE: Report ONLY the number of EMS calls, not the total of all calls.

• dAgency.22 Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if

dAgency.25 (National Provider Identifier) = “7701001” (Not Applicable).


7701001 – Not Applicable (Except dAgency.22)

7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

dAgency.25 – National Provider Identifier NEMSIS DD Page 46

Report the National Provider Identifier (NPI) issued to the actual EMS Agency,

NOT a parent company of the EMS Agency.

• Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if the EMS Agency does not routinely bill for services.


7701003 – Not Recorded

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dAgency.26 – Fire Department ID Number NEMSIS DD Page 47

• If the EMS Agency is fire-based [dAgency.13 = “9912001” (Fire Department)],

report the Fire Department Identifier (FDID) issued by the NYS Office of Fire Prevention and Control (OFPC).


• Otherwise, report “7701001” (Not Applicable).


7701003 – Not Recorded

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dConfiguration Group

dConfiguration.01 – State Associated with the Certification/Licensure Levels NEMSIS DD Page 68

Always Report “36” for New York State (NYS).

dConfiguration.02 – State Certification/Licensure Levels NEMSIS DD Page 69

In NYS, certification levels are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







9911001 2009 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9911003 2009 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9911005 2009 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9911007 2009 Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it9911.134 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


9911009 – EMT-Basic

9911011 – EMT-Intermediate

9911013 – EMT-Paramedic

9911015 – First Responder

9911019 – Other

9911021 – Physician

9911023 – Critical Care Paramedic

9911025 – Community Paramedicine

9911027 – Nurse Practitioner

9911029 – Physician Assistant

9911031 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9911033 – Registered Nurse

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dConfiguration.03 – Procedures Permitted by the State NEMSIS DD Page 70

dConfiguration.04 – Medications Permitted by the State NEMSIS DD Page 71

dConfiguration.05 – Protocols Permitted by the State NEMSIS DD Page 72

In NYS, permitted procedures, medications, and protocols vary by region, agency, and certification level.

Therefore, comprehensive lists of procedures/medications/protocols “permitted by the state” do not exist.

Always Report “7701001” (Not Applicable).


7701003 – Not Recorded

9914001 – Airway

9914003 – Airway-Failed

9914005 – Airway-Obstruction/Foreign Body

9914007 – Airway-Rapid Sequence Induction (RSI-Paralytic)

9914009 – Airway-Sedation Assisted (Non-Paralytic)

9914011 – Cardiac Arrest-Asystole

9914013 – Cardiac Arrest-Hypothermia-Therapeutic

9914015 – Cardiac Arrest-Pulseless Electrical Activity

9914017 – Cardiac Arrest-Ventricular Fibrillation/ Pulseless Ventricular Tachycardia

9914019 – Cardiac Arrest-Post Resuscitation Care

9914021 – Environmental-Altitude Sickness

9914023 – Environmental-Cold Exposure

9914025 – Environmental-Frostbite/Cold Injury

9914027 – Environmental-Heat Exposure/Exhaustion

9914029 – Environmental-Heat Stroke/Hyperthermia

9914031 – Environmental-Hypothermia

9914033 – Exposure-Airway/Inhalation Irritants

9914035 – Exposure-Biological/Infectious

9914037 – Exposure-Blistering Agents

9914041 – Exposure-Chemicals to Eye

9914043 – Exposure-Cyanide

9914045 – Exposure-Explosive/ Blast Injury

9914047 – Exposure-Nerve Agents

9914049 – Exposure-Radiologic Agents

9914051 – General-Back Pain

9914053 – General-Behavioral/Patient Restraint

9914055 – General-Cardiac Arrest

9914057 – General-Dental Problems

9914059 – General-Epistaxis

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9914061 – General-Fever

9914063 – General-Individualized Patient Protocol

9914065 – General-Indwelling Medical Devices/Equipment

9914067 – General-IV Access

9914069 – General-Medical Device Malfunction

9914071 – General-Pain Control

9914073 – General-Spinal Immobilization/Clearance

9914075 – General-Universal Patient Care/ Initial Patient Contact

9914077 – Injury-Amputation

9914079 – Injury-Bites and Envenomation-Land

9914081 – Injury-Bites and Envenomation-Marine

9914083 – Injury-Bleeding/ Hemorrhage Control

9914085 – Injury-Burns-Thermal

9914087 – Injury-Cardiac Arrest

9914089 – Injury-Crush Syndrome

9914091 – Injury-Diving Emergencies

9914093 – Injury-Drowning/Near Drowning

9914095 – Injury-Electrical Injuries

9914097 – Injury-Extremity

9914099 – Injury-Eye

9914101 – Injury-Head

9914103 – Injury-Impaled Object

9914105 – Injury-Multisystem

9914107 – Injury-Spinal Cord

9914109 – Medical-Abdominal Pain

9914111 – Medical-Allergic Reaction/Anaphylaxis

9914113 – Medical-Altered Mental Status

9914115 – Medical-Bradycardia

9914117 – Medical-Cardiac Chest Pain

9914119 – Medical-Diarrhea

9914121 – Medical-Hyperglycemia

9914123 – Medical-Hypertension

9914125 – Medical-Hypoglycemia/Diabetic Emergency

9914127 – Medical-Hypotension/Shock (Non-Trauma)

9914129 – Medical-Influenza-Like Illness/ Upper Respiratory Infection

9914131 – Medical-Nausea/Vomiting

9914133 – Medical-Newborn/ Neonatal Resuscitation

9914135 – General-Overdose/Poisoning/Toxic Ingestion

9914137 – Medical-Pulmonary Edema/CHF

9914139 – Medical-Respiratory Distress/Asthma/COPD/Reactive Airway

9914141 – Medical-Seizure

9914143 – Medical-ST-Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)

9914145 – Medical-Stroke/TIA

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9914147 – Medical-Supraventricular Tachycardia (Including Atrial Fibrillation)

9914149 – Medical-Syncope

9914151 – Medical-Ventricular Tachycardia (With Pulse)

9914153 – Not Done

9914155 – OB/GYN-Childbirth/Labor/Delivery

9914157 – OB/GYN-Eclampsia

9914159 – OB/GYN-Gynecologic Emergencies

9914161 – OB/GYN-Pregnancy Related Emergencies

9914163 – OB/GYN-Post-Partum Hemorrhage

9914165 – Other

9914167 – Exposure-Carbon Monoxide

9914169 – Cardiac Arrest-Do Not Resuscitate

9914171 – Cardiac Arrest-Special Resuscitation Orders

9914173 – Exposure-Smoke Inhalation

9914175 – General-Community Paramedicine / Mobile Integrated Healthcare

9914177 – General-Exception Protocol

9914179 – General-Extended Care Guidelines

9914181 – General-Interfacility Transfers

9914183 – General-Law Enforcement - Blood for Legal Purposes

9914185 – General-Law Enforcement - Assist with Law Enforcement Activity

9914187 – General-Neglect or Abuse Suspected

9914189 – General-Refusal of Care

9914191 – Injury-Mass/Multiple Casualties

9914193 – Injury-Thoracic

9914195 – Medical-Adrenal Insufficiency

9914197 – Medical-Apparent Life Threatening Event (ALTE)

9914199 – Medical-Tachycardia

9914201 – Cardiac Arrest-Determination of Death / Withholding Resuscitative Efforts

9914203 – Injury-Conducted Electrical Weapon (e.g., Taser)

9914205 – Injury-Facial Trauma

9914207 – Injury-General Trauma Management

9914209 – Injury-Lightning/Lightning Strike

9914211 – Injury-SCUBA Injury/Accidents

9914213 – Injury-Topical Chemical Burn

9914215 – Medical-Beta Blocker Poisoning/Overdose

9914217 – Medical-Calcium Channel Blocker Poisoning/Overdose

9914219 – Medical-Opioid Poisoning/Overdose

9914221 – Medical-Respiratory Distress-Bronchiolitis

9914223 – Medical-Respiratory Distress-Croup

9914225 – Medical-Stimulant Poisoning/Overdose

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dConfiguration.06 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Perform Each Procedure NEMSIS DD Page 75

dConfiguration.07 – EMS Agency Procedures NEMSIS DD Page 76

dConfiguration.08 – EMS Certification Levels Permitted to Administer Each Medication NEMSIS DD Page 77

dConfiguration.09 – EMS Agency Medications NEMSIS DD Page 78

dConfiguration.10 – EMS Agency Protocols NEMSIS DD Page 79

In NYS, certification levels are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







9917001 2009 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9917003 2009 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9917005 2009 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9917007 2009 Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it9925.134 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


9917009 – First Responder

9917011 – EMT-Basic

9917013 – EMT-Intermediate

9917015 – EMT-Paramedic

9917019 – Physician

9917021 – Critical Care Paramedic

9917023 – Community Paramedicine

9917025 – Nurse Practitioner

9917027 – Physician Assistant

9917029 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9917031 – Registered Nurse

Consult the following resources to determine the procedures/medications/protocols

permitted for the EMS Agency and its certified EMS Providers.

- NYS Statewide Pre-Hospital Protocols (

- NYS SEMAC Advisories (

- NYS Bureau of EMS Policy Statements (

- Respective Regional EMS Council Protocols (

- Respective Regional EMS Program Agency (

- Individual EMS Agency Protocols

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dConfiguration.11 – EMS Agency Specialty Service Capability NEMSIS DD Page 82

NYS EMS Agencies are officially recognized as providing only their Primary Type of Service (dAgency.09).

Always Report “1211019” (None).


1211001 – Air Rescue

1211003 – CBRNE

1211005 – Community Health Medicine

1211007 – Disaster Medical Assistance Team (DMAT)

1211009 – Disaster Mortuary (DMORT)

1211011 – Dive Rescue

1211013 – Farm Rescue

1211015 – High Angle Rescue

1211017 – Machinery Disentanglement

1211021 – Ski / Snow Rescue

1211023 – Tactical EMS

1211025 – Trench / Confined Space Rescue

1211027 – Urban Search and Rescue (USAR)

1211029 – Vehicle Extrication

1211031 – Veterinary Medical Assistance Team (VMAT)

1211033 – Water or Ice Related Rescue (Incl Swift Water)

1211035 – Wilderness Search and Rescue

dConfiguration.12 – Billing Status NEMSIS DD Page 83

dConfiguration.13 – Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) Provided to EMS Agency . . . NEMSIS DD Page 84

dConfiguration.15 – Patient Monitoring Capability(ies) NEMSIS DD Page 86

dConfiguration.16 – Crew Call Sign NEMSIS DD Page 87


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dPersonnel Group

dPersonnel.01 – EMS Personnel's Last Name NEMSIS DD Page 121

dPersonnel.02 – EMS Personnel's First Name NEMSIS DD Page 122

dPersonnel.03 – EMS Personnel's Middle Name/Initial NEMSIS DD Page 123

If the EMS Provider holds multiple NYS EMS certifications,

report the highest certification applicable to the EMS Agency.

• If the EMS Provider has EVER held NYS EMS certification (regardless if expired or not),

- Report the name elements as appearing on the Provider’s NYS EMS Certificate (“EMT Card”).

• If the EMS Provider has NEVER held NYS EMS certification, or certificate information is unavailable,

- Report the name elements as appearing on any other document of legal identification routinely used by the

EMS Agency (i.e., Driver’s License, Social Security Card, Birth Certificate, Passport, Government I.D., etc.).


- EMS Personnel names will be associated with (and may appear in) the legal e-PCR.

- e-PCRs may be reviewed for legal action many years after the EMS event, and after the EMS Provider is no

longer associated with the EMS Agency.

- Therefore, it is imperative the EMS Agency be able to clearly and accurately identify the EMS Provider using

the name elements copied exactly as appearing on the associated NYS EMS certification or substitute legal

identification document.

• dPersonnel.03 If the EMS Provider does not have a middle name or the middle name is unknown,

leave blank and report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701003 – Not Recorded (Except dPersonnel.03)

7701005 – Not Reporting

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dPersonnel.11 – EMS Personnel's Date of Birth NEMSIS DD Page 131

dPersonnel.11 is included for the purpose of populating eCrew.01 (Crew Member ID).


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

dPersonnel.21 – EMS Personnel's Agency ID Number NEMSIS DD Page 142

This is NOT the EMS Provider Certification Number (“EMT Number”) Issued by NYS.

• Report only if the EMS Provider has a UNIQUE (issued only once and never reused) identification number issued by

the EMS Agency or larger entity (municipality, county, EMS region, etc.) and routinely used by the EMS Agency.

- i.e., Badge Number

- i.e., MAC Number

- i.e., TEK (TECH) Number

- etc.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

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dPersonnel.23 – EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID Number NEMSIS DD Page 144

As the e-PCR is a legal record,

it is imperative that all personnel actively engaged in treating the patient be accurately recorded,

not just the certified EMS Providers.

Therefore, NYS will expand dPersonnel.23 [and the related eCrew.01 (Crew Member ID)]

to allow for recording of both certified and non-certified EMS Providers.

If the EMS Provider holds multiple NYS EMS certifications,

report the highest certification applicable to the EMS Agency.

• If the EMS Provider holds a current (unexpired) NYS EMS Provider certification (“EMT Card”),

- Report the number of this NYS EMS Certificate (the Provider’s “EMT Number”).

NOTE NYS EMS Provider certification numbers are currently issued as six (6) digits in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., Certificate number “1234” is actually “001234” and must be handled as such.

• If the EMS Provider does NOT hold a current (unexpired) NYS EMS Provider certification:

- Report a construct of the EMS Provider’s name and date of birth in the following format:

“dPersonnel.11 (Date of Birth)dPersonnel.01 (Last Name)dPersonnel.02 (First Name)”

- i.e., John Doe (d.o.b. 01/01/1900) Report “1900-01-01doejohn”

NOTE Max Length = 50 Characters - - - If more, truncate to the first 50.


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

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dPersonnel.24 – EMS Personnel's State EMS Certification/Licensure Level NEMSIS DD Page 145

In NYS, certification levels are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.

If the EMS Provider holds multiple NYS EMS certifications,

report the highest certification applicable to the EMS Agency

• Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if the EMS Provider does NOT hold a current (unexpired) NYS EMS Provider








9925001 2009 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9925003 2009 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9925005 2009 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9925007 2009 Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it9925.134 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

9925013 – First Responder

9925015 – EMT-Basic

9925017 – EMT-Intermediate

9925019 – EMT-Paramedic

9925023 – Other Healthcare Professional

9925025 – Other Non-Healthcare Professional

9925027 – Physician

9925029 – Respiratory Therapist

9925031 – Student

9925033 – Critical Care Paramedic

9925035 – Community Paramedicine

9925037 – Nurse Practitioner

9925039 – Physician Assistant

9925041 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9925043 – Registered Nurse

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dFacility Group

dFacility.02 – Facility Name NEMSIS DD Page 172

dFacility.03 – Facility Location Code NEMSIS DD Page 173

Transmit to NYS ONLY those facilities to which the EMS Agency routinely transports patients.

With implementation of NEMSIS Version 3, NYS will move away from the traditional “NYS EMS Disposition Code”

and instead use the NYS Department of Health “Permanent Facility Identifier” (NYSDOH PFI).

• Below is the complete list of NYS recognized Emergency Department facility names with corresponding PFI.

- For locations/facilities not listed, report the General Locations and PFI provided at the top of the list.

• dFacility.02 ONLY FACILITY NAMES PROVIDED BY NYS (below) are to be transmitted to NYS.

- NO Abbreviations.

- NO Local Names.

• dFacility.03 ONLY THE PFI NUMBERS PROVIDED BY NYS (below) are to be transmitted to NYS.

- NO NYS EMS Disposition Codes.

- NO Local/Regional Codes/Names.

- NO Facility Names/Abbreviations.

NOTE The PFI is always four (4) digits (characters) in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., PFI “123” is actually “0123” and must be handled as such.

NOTE If a facility undergoes a name, ownership, or other organizational change, contact NYS for assistance.


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• Local e-PCR systems are allowed to use local/regional facility names/codes; however, these must be mapped to the

appropriate names/codes provided in the list below prior to transmission to NYS;

- AND -

All nursing homes, medical facilities (not otherwise specified), private residences, and other non-hospital facilities

must be mapped, respectively, to:


“Nursing Home” NH01

“Medical Facility” M001

“Residence” R001

“Other Non-Hospital Facility” X001

- i.e., A nursing home locally known as “Acme Elder Care” would be mapped/transmitted to NYS as:

• dFacility.02 = “Nursing Home”

• dFacility.03 = “NH01”

- i.e., A physician’s office would be mapped/transmitted to NYS as:

• dFacility.02 = “Non-Hospital Facility”

• dFacility.03 = “X001”

- i.e., Albany Medical Center locally known as “AMC” (EMS Disposition Code “018”) would be

mapped/transmitted to NYS as:

• dFacility.02 = “Albany Medical Center Hospital”

• dFacility.03 = “0001”

- - - - - Please Notify NYS of Any Errors or Omissions in This Table - - - - -




Disposition Code




001 NH01 Nursing Home (Any nursing home facility.)

002 M001 Medical Facility (Any medical facility not otherwise specified.)

003 R001 Residence (Any private residence not a nursing home.)

010 X001 Other Non–Hospital Facility (Any non–hospital facility not otherwise specified.)


Albany 018 0001 Albany Medical Center Hospital

Albany 012 0002 Albany Medical Center – South Clinical Campus

Albany 014 0004 Albany Memorial Hospital

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Albany 015 0005 St. Peters Hospital

Albany 016 VA01 Albany Stratton VA Medical Center

Allegany 021 0037 Cuba Memorial Hospital

Allegany 023 0039 Hospital of William F. & Gertrude F. Jones (Jones Memorial Hospital)

Bronx 636 1164 Bronx–Lebanon Hospital Center – Fulton Division

Bronx 621 1165 Jacobi Medical Center

Bronx 627 1168 Montefiore Medical Center – Wakefield Hospital

Bronx 637 1169 Montefiore Medical Center – Henry & Lucy Moses Division

Bronx 626 1172 Lincoln Medical & Mental Health Center

Bronx 624 1175 Calvary Hospital

Bronx 629 1176 St. Barnabas Hospital Health System

Bronx 635 1178 Bronx – Lebanon Hospital Center – Concourse Division

Bronx 623 1185 Montefiore Medical Center – Montefiore Westchester Square

Bronx 628 1186 North Central Bronx Hospital

Bronx 639 3058 Montefiore Medical Center – Weiler Hospital of Albert Einstein College

Bronx 634 VA71 James J. Peters VA Medical Center

Broome 031 0042 United Health Services Hospitals, Inc. – Binghamton General Hospital

Broome 034 0043 Our Lady of Lourdes Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Broome 032 0058 United Health Services Hospitals, Inc. – Wilson Medical Center

Broome 037 U031 SUNY Binghamton Infirmary

Cattaraugus 041 0066 Olean General Hospital

Cattaraugus 662 0074 TLC Health Network – Tri–County Memorial Hospital

Cayuga 053 0085 Auburn Community Hospital

Chautauqua 061 0098 Brooks Memorial Hospital

Chautauqua 062 0102 Woman's Christian Association Hospital at Jones Memorial Health Center

Chautauqua 065 0103 Woman's Christian Association

Chautauqua 064 0111 Westfield Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Chautauqua 063 0114 TLC Health Network – Lake Shore Hospital

Chemung 071 0116 Arnot Ogden Medical Center

Chemung 072 0118 St. Joseph's Hospital

Chenango 081 0128 Chenango Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Clinton 091 0135 Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital Medical Center

Columbia 101 0146 Columbia Memorial Hospital

Cortland 114 0158 Cortland Regional Medical Center, Inc.

Delaware 125 0165 O'Connor Hospital

Delaware 123 0170 Margaretville Hospital

Delaware 122 0174 Delaware Valley Hospital, Inc.

Delaware 127 8554 Tri–Town Regional Healthcare

Dutchess 136 0180 Mid–Hudson Valley Division of Westchester Medical Center

Dutchess 134 0181 Vassar Brothers Medical Center

Dutchess 132 0192 Northern Dutchess Hospital

Dutchess 135 VA13 VA Hudson Valley Health Care System – Castle Point Campus

Erie 643 0207 Buffalo General Medical Center

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Erie 937 0208 John R. Oishei Children's Hospital

Erie 646 0210 Erie County Medical Center

Erie 657 0213 Mercy Hospital

Erie 661 0216 Roswell Park Memorial Cancer Institute

Erie 654 0218 Sisters of Charity Hospital

Erie 648 0267 Kenmore Mercy Hospital

Erie 641 0280 Bertrand Chaffee Hospital

Erie 656 0292 Sisters of Charity Hospital – St. Joseph Campus

Erie 659 1723 Mercy Hospital – Mercy Hospital Orchard Park Division

Erie 652 3067 Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital

Erie 663 M141 Brylin Hospital

Erie 655 VA14 VA Western NY Healthcare System – Buffalo VA Medical Center

Essex 151 0303 Elizabethtown Community Hospital

Essex 154 0306 Adirondack Medical Center – Lake Placid Site

Essex 153 0309 Moses–Ludington Hospital

Franklin 162 0324 Adirondack Medical Center – Saranac Lake Site

Franklin 161 0325 Alice Hyde Medical Center

Fulton 172 0330 Nathan Littauer Hospital

Genesee 181 0339 United Memorial Medical Center – North Street Campus

Genesee 182 0340 United Memorial Medical Center – Bank Street Campus

Genesee 183 VA18 VA Western NY Healthcare System – Batavia VA Medical Center

Herkimer 212 0362 Little Falls Hospital

Jefferson 223 0367 Samaritan Medical Center

Jefferson 227 0377 River Hospital, Inc.

Jefferson 221 0379 Carthage Area Hospital, Inc.

Kings 902 1286 Brookdale Hospital Medical Center

Kings 929 1288 Brooklyn Hospital Center – Downtown Campus

Kings 905 1293 New York Community Hospital of Brooklyn, Inc.

Kings 921 1294 Coney Island Hospital

Kings 672 1301 Kings County Hospital Center

Kings 934 1302 SUNY Downstate Medical Center at Long Island College Hospital

Kings 913 1304 NYU Lutheran Medical Center

Kings 914 1305 Maimonides Medical Center

Kings 915 1306 New York Methodist Hospital

Kings 916 1309 Interfaith Medical Center

Kings 927 1315 Kingsbrook Jewish Medical Center

Kings 935 1318 Wyckoff Heights Medical Center

Kings 918 1320 University Hospital of Brooklyn

Kings 926 1324 Mount Sinai Beth Israel Brooklyn

Kings 903 1692 Woodhull Medical & Mental Health Center

Kings 931 9753 NYU–Lincoln Medical Center – Cobble Hill

Kings 925 VA72 VA Harbor Healthcare System – Brooklyn Campus

Lewis 241 0383 Lewis County General Hospital

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Livingston 251 0393 Nicholas H. Noyes Memorial Hospital

Madison 262 0397 Oneida Healthcare

Madison 261 0401 Community Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Monroe 272 0409 Highland Hospital

Monroe 276 0411 Rochester General Hospital

Monroe 277 0412 The Unity Hospital of Rochester – St. Mary's Campus

Monroe 278 0413 Strong Memorial Hospital

Monroe 285 0414 Monroe Community Hospital

Monroe 275 0471 The Unity Hospital of Rochester

Monroe 279 9531 University of Rochester Medical Center – Strong West

Montgomery 281 0482 St. Mary's Healthcare – Amsterdam Memorial Campus

Montgomery 282 0484 St. Mary's Healthcare

Nassau 692 0490 Glen Cove Hospital

Nassau 704 0511 NYU Winthrop Hospital

Nassau 945 0513 Mercy Medical Center

Nassau 694 0518 Franklin Hospital

Nassau 706 0527 South Nassau Communities Hospital

Nassau 702 0528 Nassau University Medical Center

Nassau 705 0541 North Shore University Hospital

Nassau 703 0550 Syosset Hospital

Nassau 701 0551 St. Joseph Hospital

Nassau 691 0552 Plainview Hospital

Nassau 707 0563 St. Francis Hospital

Nassau 708 9691 South Nassau Communities Hospital Off–Campus Emergency Department

Nassau 693 A291 Patten Infirmary – Merchant Marine Academy

New York 941 1437 New York–Presbyterian – Lower Manhattan Hospital

New York 712 1438 Bellevue Hospital Center

New York 713 1439 Mount Sinai Beth Israel

New York 721 1445 Harlem Hospital Center

New York 735 1446 NYU Hospital for Joint Diseases

New York 723 1447 Hospital for Special Surgery

New York 728 1450 Lenox Hill Hospital

New York 731 1453 Memorial Hospital for Cancer & Allied Diseases

New York 732 1454 Metropolitan Hospital Center

New York 734 1456 Mount Sinai Hospital

New York 737 1458 New York Presbyterian Hospital – New York Weill Cornell Center

New York 736 1460 New York Eye & Ear Infirmary of Mount Sinai

New York 739 1463 NYU Hospitals Center

New York 742 1464 New York Presbyterian Hospital – Columbia Presbyterian Center

New York 743 1465 Rockefeller University Hospital

New York 759 1466 Mount Sinai Roosevelt Hospital

New York 745 1469 Mount Sinai – St. Luke's

New York 720 1486 Henry J. Carter Specialty Hospital

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New York 749 3975 New York Presbyterian Hospital – Allen Hospital

New York 738 9700 Lenox Hill Healthplex (North Shore – LIJ)

New York 724 VA73 VA Harbor Healthcare System – Manhattan Campus

Niagara 313 0565 Eastern Niagara Hospital – Lockport Division

Niagara 312 0585 Eastern Niagara Hospital – Newfane Division

Niagara 316 0574 Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center

Niagara 317 0581 Degraff Memorial Hospital

Niagara 314 0583 Mount St. Mary's Hospital & Health Center

Oneida 324 0589 Rome Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Oneida 326 0598 St. Elizabeth Medical Center

Oneida 327 0599 Faxton–St. Luke's Healthcare – St. Luke's Division

Onondaga 331 0628 Upstate University Hospital at Community General

Onondaga 334 0630 St. Joseph's Hospital Health Center

Onondaga 336 0635 University Hospital SUNY Health Science Center

Onondaga 332 0636 Crouse Hospital

Onondaga 335 M332 Hutchings Psychiatric Hospital

Onondaga 338 VA33 Syracuse VA Medical Center

Ontario 343 0671 Geneva General Hospital

Ontario 341 0676 Clifton Springs Hospital and Clinic

Ontario 342 0678 F. F. Thompson Hospital

Ontario 345 VA34 Canandaigua VA Medical Center

Orange 357 0694 St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital – Newburgh

Orange 352 0698 St. Luke's Cornwall Hospital – Cornwall

Orange 351 0699 Orange Regional Medical Center

Orange 363 0704 St. Anthony Community Hospital

Orange 353 0708 Bon Secours Community Hospital

Orange 359 A351 Keller Army Community Hospital

Orleans 362 0718 Medina Memorial Hospital

Oswego 370 0012 Oswego Hospital – Alvin L. Krakau Community Mental Health Center Division

Oswego 372 0727 Oswego Hospital

Otsego 381 0739 Aurelia Osborn Fox Memorial Hospital

Otsego 383 0746 Mary Imogene Bassett Hospital

Putnam 392 0752 Putnam Hospital Center

Queens 764 1626 Elmhurst Hospital Center

Queens 765 1628 Flushing Hospital Medical Center

Queens 768 1629 Jamaica Hospital Medical Center

Queens 763 1630 Long Island Jewish Medical Center

Queens 775 1633 Queens Hospital Center

Queens 776 1635 St. John's Episcopal Hospital – South Shore

Queens 762 1637 New York Hospital Medical Center of Queens

Queens 769 1638 Forest Hills Hospital

Queens 761 1639 Mount Sinai Hospital – Mount Sinai Hospital of Queens

Queens 753 VA74 VA Harbor Healthcare System – St. Albans Community Living Center

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Rensselaer 413 0755 St. Mary's Hospital

Rensselaer 412 0756 Samaritan Hospital

Rensselaer 417 9250 Burdett Care Center

Richmond 785 1473 Richmond University Medical Center – Bayley Seton

Richmond 782 1737 Staten Island University Hospital – South

Richmond 783 1738 Richmond University Medical Center

Richmond 784 1740 Staten Island University Hospital – North

Richmond 781 1741 Staten Island University Hospital – Concord Division

Rockland 437 0775 Helen Hayes Hospital

Rockland 436 0776 Nyack Hospital

Rockland 431 0779 Good Samaritan Hospital of Suffern

Rockland 438 0793 Summit Park Hospital – Rockland County Infirmary

Saratoga 453 0818 Saratoga Hospital

Saratoga 457 M451 Four Winds Hospital

Schenectady 462 0823 Ellis Hospital

Schenectady 476 0831 Sunnyview Hospital & Rehabilitation Center

Schenectady 465 0848 Ellis Hospital – Bellevue Women's Care Center

Schoharie 471 0851 Cobleskill Regional Hospital

Schuyler 481 0858 Schuyler Hospital

St. Lawrence 441 0798 Claxton–Hepburn Medical Center

St. Lawrence 448 0812 Gouverneur Hospital

St. Lawrence 445 0814 Massena Memorial Hospital

St. Lawrence 446 0815 Canton–Potsdam Hospital

St. Lawrence 442 0817 Clifton–Fine Hospital

Steuben 502 0866 Corning Hospital

Steuben 504 0870 St. James Mercy Hospital

Steuben 503 0873 Ira Davenport Memorial Hospital, Inc.

Steuben 505 VA50 Bath VA Medical Center

Suffolk 527 0245 University Hospital

Suffolk 525 0885 Brookhaven Memorial Hospital Medical Center, Inc.

Suffolk 520 0889 Southampton Hospital

Suffolk 514 0891 Eastern Long Island Hospital

Suffolk 517 0895 John T. Mather Memorial Hospital of Port Jefferson New York, Inc.

Suffolk 528 0896 St. Charles Hospital

Suffolk 516 0913 Huntington Hospital

Suffolk 521 0924 Southside Hospital

Suffolk 515 0925 Good Samaritan Hospital Medical Center

Suffolk 513 0938 Peconic Bay Medical Center

Suffolk 523 0943 St. Catherine of Siena Hospital

Suffolk 524 VA51 Northport VA Medical Center

Sullivan 791 0968 Catskill Regional Medical Center – G. Hermann Site

Sullivan 796 0971 Catskill Regional Medical Center

Tompkins 541 0977 Cayuga Medical Center at Ithaca

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Ulster 551 0989 HealthAlliance Hospital – Mary's Avenue Campus

Ulster 553 0990 HealthAlliance Hospital – Broadway Campus

Ulster 552 1002 Ellenville Regional Hospital

Warren 561 1005 Glens Falls Hospital

Wayne 584 1028 Newark–Wayne Community Hospital

Westchester 825 1039 New York Presbyterian – Hudson Valley Hospital Center

Westchester 817 1045 White Plains Hospital Medical Center

Westchester 820 1046 The W. M. Burke Rehabilitation Hospital

Westchester 823 1047 New York Presbyterian Hospital – Westchester Division

Westchester 808 1061 Montefiore Mount Vernon Hospital

Westchester 809 1072 Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital

Westchester 814 1097 St. John's Riverside Hospital – St. John’s Division

Westchester 815 1098 St. Joseph's Medical Center

Westchester 818 1099 St. John's Riverside – Park Care Pavilion

Westchester 810 1117 Northern Westchester Hospital

Westchester 806 1122 New York–Presbyterian – Lawrence Hospital

Westchester 804 1124 St. John's Riverside Hospital – Dobbs Ferry Pavilion

Westchester 812 1129 Phelps Memorial Hospital Association

Westchester 824 1133 St. Joseph’s Medical Center – St. Vincent's Westchester Division

Westchester 821 1138 Blythedale Children's Hospital

Westchester 803 1139 Westchester Medical Center

Westchester 827 M591 Four Winds Hospital

Westchester 805 VA59 VA Hudson Valley Health Care System – Montrose Campus

Wyoming 601 1153 Wyoming County Community Hospital

Yates 612 1158 Soldiers & Sailors Memorial Hospital of Yates County, Inc.


Connecticut 830 CT09 Connecticut (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

Connecticut 831 CT01 Connecticut Medical Center

Connecticut 832 CT02 Stamford Hospital

Connecticut 833 CT03 Danbury Hospital

Connecticut 834 CT04 Norwalk Hospital

Connecticut 835 CT05 Greenwich Hospital

Connecticut 836 CT06 Sharon Hospital

Massachusetts 840 MA09 Massachusetts (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

Massachusetts 841 MA01 Bay State Medical Center

New Jersey 850 NJ09 New Jersey (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

New Jersey 851 NJ01 Medical University of Newark

Pennsylvania 860 PA09 Pennsylvania (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

Pennsylvania 861 PA01 Robert Packer Hospital

Pennsylvania 862 PA02 Hamot Hospital

Pennsylvania 863 PA03 St. Vincent's Hospital

Vermont 870 VT09 Vermont (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

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Vermont 871 VT01 University of Vermont Medical Center

Vermont 872 VT02 South West Vermont Medical Center

Vermont 873 VT03 Fletcher Allen Healthcare – Burlington

Vermont 874 VT04 Porter Medical Center – Middlebury

Quebec 890 QC09 Quebec Province, Canada (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

Ontario 880 OC09 Ontario Province, Canada (Any location/facility not otherwise specified.)

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eRecord Group

eRecord.01 – Patient Care Report Number NEMSIS DD Page 207

NEMSIS defines eRecord.01 as:

“The unique number automatically assigned by the EMS Agency for each Patient Care Report (PCR).

This should be a unique number for the EMS Agency for all of time.”

eRecord.01 MUST ALWAYS be the same in the local e-PCR system as it is in the NYS e-PCR system so that NYS can

provide an eRecord.01 value to an EMS Agency and the EMS Agency can find that exact eRecord.01 value (e-PCR) in its

local e-PCR system.

Further, NYS will use eRecord.01 in overwriting (correcting) records, and linking e-PCRs to other data.

As such, e-PCR numbers must be unique not only within an EMS Agency,

but across all EMS Agencies and e-PCR systems, across all NYS, for all of time.

To accomplish the above objectives,

any e-PCR system deployed in NYS MUST automatically generate eRecord.01

using the computer industry standards of the

Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) / Globally Unique Identifier (GUID).

eRecord.02 – Software Creator NEMSIS DD Page 208

eRecord.03 – Software Name NEMSIS DD Page 209

eRecord.04 – Software Version NEMSIS DD Page 210


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eResponse Group

eResponse.01 – EMS Agency Number NEMSIS DD Page 213

• Must always be the same as dAgency.02 (EMS Agency Number).

eResponse.03 – Incident Number NEMSIS DD Page 215

eResponse.04 – EMS Response Number NEMSIS DD Page 216


eResponse.05 – Type of Service Requested NEMSIS DD Page 217

NOTE “Mutual Aid” (2205009) should be reported ANY TIME the EMS Unit responds to an incident

not within the EMS Agency’s primary operating territory – outside its “CON” (Certificate of Need).

eResponse.06 – Standby Purpose NEMSIS DD Page 218

• Report only if eResponse.05 = “2205013” (Standby).

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eResponse.07 – Primary Role of the Unit NEMSIS DD Page 219


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eResponse.08 – Type of Dispatch Delay NEMSIS DD Page 220

eResponse.09 – Type of Response Delay NEMSIS DD Page 221

eResponse.10 – Type of Scene Delay NEMSIS DD Page 222

eResponse.11 – Type of Transport Delay NEMSIS DD Page 223

eResponse.12 – Type of Turn-Around Delay NEMSIS DD Page 224


7701001 – Not Applicable

eResponse.13 – EMS Vehicle (Unit) Number NEMSIS DD Page 225

eResponse.14 – EMS Unit Call Sign NEMSIS DD Page 226


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eResponse.15 – Level of Care of This Unit NEMSIS DD Page 227

In NYS, level of care is defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







2215001 BLS – First Responder/EMR NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

2215003 BLS – Basic/EMT NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

2215009 ALS – AEMT NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

2215013 ALS – Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it.2215.100 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC) [ALS – Critical Care]

NOTE it.2215.100 - - - The extra “.” is correct.


2215005 – BLS-AEMT

2215007 – BLS-Intermediate

2215023 – BLS-Community Paramedicine

2215011 – ALS Intermediate

2215015 – ALS-Community Paramedicine

2215017 – Nurse

2215019 – Physician

2215021 – Specialty Critical Care

eResponse.19 – Beginning Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle NEMSIS DD Page 231

eResponse.20 – On-Scene Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle NEMSIS DD Page 232

eResponse.21 – Patient Destination Odometer Reading of Responding Vehicle NEMSIS DD Page 233

• Report only if captured by the EMS Agency.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eResponse.23 – Response Mode to Scene NEMSIS DD Page 235


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eResponse.24 – Additional Response Mode Descriptors NEMSIS DD Page 236

Always Report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701001 – Not Applicable

2224001 – Intersection Navigation-Against Normal Light Patterns 2224003 – Intersection Navigation-With Automated Light Changing Technology 2224005 – Intersection Navigation-With Normal Light Patterns 2224007 – Scheduled 2224009 – Speed-Enhanced per Local Policy 2224011 – Speed-Normal Traffic 2224013 – Unscheduled 2224015 – Lights and Sirens 2224017 – Lights and No Sirens 2224019 – No Lights or Sirens 2224021 – Initial No Lights or Sirens, Upgraded to Lights and Sirens 2224023 – Initial Lights and Sirens, Downgraded to No Lights or Sirens

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eDispatch Group

eDispatch.01 – Complaint Reported by Dispatch NEMSIS DD Page 239

eDispatch.02 – EMD Performed NEMSIS DD Page 241


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eCrew Group

eCrew.01 – Crew Member ID NEMSIS DD Page 248

As the e-PCR is a legal record,

it is imperative that all personnel actively engaged in treating the patient be accurately recorded,

not just the certified EMS Providers.

Therefore, NYS will expand eCrew.01 [and the related dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel’s State’s Licensure ID Number)]

to allow for recording of both certified and non-certified EMS Providers.

eCrew.01 IS NOT “EITHER / OR”

If the EMS Provider holds a current NYS EMS Provider certification, the number of that certificate MUST be reported.

“Name/Birthdate” reporting [see dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID Number)]

is to be used ONLY when there is no current NYS EMS Provider certification.


Any NYS EMS Provider certification number (“EMT Number”) reported in eCrew.01 implies that the associated NYS

certificate is current (unexpired) and the associated EMS Provider is permitted to practice under that certification;

– Which They Are Not If Their Certificate Is Expired –

• Report from dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel’s State’s Licensure ID Number).


7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

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eCrew.02 – Crew Member Level NEMSIS DD Page 249

In NYS, certification levels are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.

• Report from dPersonnel.24 (EMS Personnel’s State EMS Certification License Level).







9925001 2009 Advanced Emergency Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9925003 2009 Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9925005 2009 Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) NYS Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9925007 2009 Paramedic NYS Paramedic

it9925.134 NYS EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

9925013 – First Responder

9925015 – EMT-Basic

9925017 – EMT-Intermediate

9925019 – EMT-Paramedic

9925023 – Other Healthcare Professional

9925025 – Other Non-Healthcare Professional

9925027 – Physician

9925029 – Respiratory Therapist

9925031 – Student

9925033 – Critical Care Paramedic

9925035 – Community Paramedicine

9925037 – Nurse Practitioner

9925039 – Physician Assistant

9925041 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9925043 – Registered Nurse

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eCrew.03 – Crew Member Response Role NEMSIS DD Page 250


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701005 – Not Reporting

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eTimes Group

eTimes.01 – PSAP Call Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 253

eTimes.03 – Unit Notified by Dispatch Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 255

eTimes.05 – Unit En Route Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 257

eTimes.06 – Unit Arrived on Scene Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 258

eTimes.07 – Arrived at Patient Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 259

eTimes.08 – Transfer of EMS Patient Care Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 260

eTimes.09 – Unit Left Scene Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 261

eTimes.11 – Patient Arrived at Destination Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 263

eTimes.12 – Destination Patient Transfer of Care Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 264

eTimes.13 – Unit Back in Service Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 265

eTimes.14 – Unit Canceled Date/Time NEMSIS DD Page 266

• eTimes.08 NOTE: This is transfer to another EMS unit, not hospital or other facility.

• eTimes.11 NOTE: In case of hospital emergency department, this is


• eTimes.12 NOTE: Transfer of patient care is considered to have occurred when BOTH:


2. FACE-TO-FACE VERBAL REPORT HAS BEEN GIVEN to the receiving hospital/EMS unit staff.

• eTimes.14 If unit was not cancelled, do not include in the XML export to NYS.


7701005 – Not Reporting

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ePatient Group

ePatient.01 – EMS Patient ID NEMSIS DD Page 271


ePatient.01 is reserved by NYS to hold the SPARCS3 or other unique patient identifier, as determined by NYS.

Local e-PCR systems are allowed to use ePatient.01; however,


(Do not include in the XML export to NYS)

3. Statewide Planning And Research Cooperative System (

ePatient.02 – Last Name NEMSIS DD Page 272

ePatient.03 – First Name NEMSIS DD Page 273

NOTE Although NYS will allow use of “8801019” (Refused) and “8801023” (Unable to Complete), the EMS

Agency should consider if not indicating a patient name on the legal e-PCR is best policy/practice; or, if

the agency should adopt a policy/practice of using a commonly accepted “unknown name” (such as

“John Doe”) for cases where the actual patient name is unobtainable.


7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

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ePatient.07 – Patient's Home County NEMSIS DD Page 277

ePatient.08 – Patient's Home State NEMSIS DD Page 278

ePatient.09 – Patient's Home ZIP Code NEMSIS DD Page 279

ePatient.10 – Patient's Country of Residence NEMSIS DD Page 280

• ePatient.10 If the Country of Residence cannot be determined,

leave blank and do not include in the XML export to NYS.

ePatient.12 – Social Security Number NEMSIS DD Page 282

NYS uses the last four digits of a patient’s Social Security Number

in matching medical records across various healthcare datasets.

• A full nine (9) digit social security number must be transmitted to NYS.

• It is acceptable to report only the last four digits, provided the first five digits are all zeros.

- i.e., Transmit either “123456789” or “000006789”

• Transmit all zeros (“000000000”) only if:

1. the patient does not have a Social Security Number; or

2. the last four digits are otherwise unobtainable.

ePatient.13 – Gender NEMSIS DD Page 283


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ePatient.14 – Race NEMSIS DD Page 284

Always Report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701001 – Not Applicable

2514001 – American Indian or Alaska Native

2514003 – Asian

2514005 – Black or African American

2514007 – Hispanic or Latino

2514009 – Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander

2514011 – White

ePatient.15 – Age NEMSIS DD Page 285

ePatient.16 – Age Units NEMSIS DD Page 286

An EMS Agency should exercise caution

in having its e-PCR software calculate the age from the date of birth.

The context of the e-PCR (the legal medical record) can drastically change

simply by the EMS Provider incorrectly entering the year of the patient’s date of birth.

i.e., A DOB 01/01/1917 makes the patient geriatric, while a DOB 01/01/2017 makes the patient pediatric.

e-PCR software should auto-check and prompt when “Year of Birth = Current Year”.

ePatient.17 – Date of Birth NEMSIS DD Page 287


7701005 – Not Reporting

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ePayment Group

ePayment.01 – Primary Method of Payment NEMSIS DD Page 295

ePayment.50 – CMS Service Level NEMSIS DD Page 344


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eScene Group

eScene.01 – First EMS Unit on Scene NEMSIS DD Page 354

eScene.06 – Number of Patients at Scene NEMSIS DD Page 359

eScene.07 – Mass Casualty Incident NEMSIS DD Page 360


eScene.08 – Triage Classification for MCI Patient NEMSIS DD Page 361



2708001 RED – Immediate

2708003 YELLOW – Delayed

2708005 GREEN – Minimal (Minor)

2708009 BLACK – Deceased



The patient is experiencing a medical

condition that is of higher importance than

any traumatic injury the patient may have.

* NYC ORANGE Triage Level *

- This triage level is not nationally recognized; therefore, there is no NEMSIS Value.

- However, software vendors are expected to create the ORANGE triage level in any e-PCR system used in the

greater New York City EMS region (for any EMS Agency that normally would respond to an MCI within NYC),

and transmit this ORANGE level to NYS using the NISE value shown.


2708007 – GRAY-Expectant

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eScene.09 – Incident Location Type NEMSIS DD Page 362


eScene.10 – Incident Facility Code NEMSIS DD Page 363

• Report the NYSDOH PFI from dFacility.03 (Facility Location Code).


7701005 – Not Reporting

eScene.11 – Scene GPS Location NEMSIS DD Page 364

• Report if available – either imported from dispatch or calculated from incident address.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eScene.15 – Incident Street Address NEMSIS DD Page 368

eScene.17 – Incident City NEMSIS DD Page 370

eScene.18 – Incident State NEMSIS DD Page 371

eScene.19 – Incident ZIP Code NEMSIS DD Page 372

eScene.21 – Incident County NEMSIS DD Page 374


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eSituation Group

eSituation.01 – Date/Time of Symptom Onset NEMSIS DD Page 379


eSituation.02 – Possible Injury NEMSIS DD Page 380

Report if consideration of “Possible Injury” is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• If no patient or not pertinent, report “7701001” (Not Applicable).

• If considered, but no injury is determined, report “9922001” (No).

• If considered, and injury is known or likely to have occurred, report “9922005” (Yes).

• If considered, but the situation is unclear so that Possible Injury cannot be determined,

report “9922003” (Unknown).

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eSituation.03 – Complaint Type NEMSIS DD Page 381

eSituation.04 – Complaint NEMSIS DD Page 382

eSituation.05 – Duration of Complaint NEMSIS DD Page 383

eSituation.06 – Time Units of Duration of Complaint NEMSIS DD Page 384

eSituation.07 – Chief Complaint Anatomic Location NEMSIS DD Page 385

eSituation.08 – Chief Complaint Organ System NEMSIS DD Page 386

eSituation.09 – Primary Symptom NEMSIS DD Page 387

eSituation.10 – Other Associated Symptoms NEMSIS DD Page 388

eSituation.11 – Provider's Primary Impression NEMSIS DD Page 389

eSituation.12 – Provider's Secondary Impressions NEMSIS DD Page 390

eSituation.13 – Initial Patient Acuity NEMSIS DD Page 391

eSituation.17 – Patient Activity NEMSIS DD Page 395


7701005 – Not Reporting

eSituation.18 – Date/Time Last Known Well NEMSIS DD Page 396

Report if “Date/Time Last Known Well” is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if:

1. the information cannot reliably be determined; or

2. the information is not pertinent to the situation/assessment.

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eInjury Group

eInjury.01 – Cause of Injury NEMSIS DD Page 400

eInjury.02 – Mechanism of Injury NEMSIS DD Page 401

eInjury.03 – Trauma Center Criteria NEMSIS DD Page 402

eInjury.04 – Vehicular, Pedestrian, or Other Injury Risk Factor NEMSIS DD Page 403


7701005 – Not Reporting

eInjury.05 – Main Area of the Vehicle Impacted by the Collision NEMSIS DD Page 404

• Report only if this information is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

Note This is the U.S.D.O.T. standard diagram. Variations may exist between e-PCR software.

2014 FARS/NASS GES Coding and Validation Manual (DOT HS 812 216)

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eInjury.06 – Location of Patient in Vehicle NEMSIS DD Page 405

• Report only if this information is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eInjury.07 – Use of Occupant Safety Equipment NEMSIS DD Page 406


7701005 – Not Reporting

eInjury.08 – Airbag Deployment NEMSIS DD Page 407

• Report only if this information is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eInjury.09 – Height of Fall (Feet) NEMSIS DD Page 408

• Report only this information is pertinent to the situation/assessment.

• Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

NOTE Same level falls (i.e., “tripped and fell to the floor”) are falls of “0” (zero) feet.

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eArrest Group

eArrest.01 – Cardiac Arrest NEMSIS DD Page 431

eArrest.02 – Cardiac Arrest Etiology NEMSIS DD Page 432

eArrest.03 – Resuscitation Attempted By EMS NEMSIS DD Page 433

eArrest.04 – Arrest Witnessed By NEMSIS DD Page 434


eArrest.05 – CPR Care Provided Prior to EMS Arrival NEMSIS DD Page 435

eArrest.06 – Who Provided CPR Prior to EMS Arrival NEMSIS DD Page 436

• eArrest.06 Report only if eArrest.05 (CPR Care Provided Prior to EMS Arrival) = “9903003” (Yes);

Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eArrest.07 – AED Use Prior to EMS Arrival NEMSIS DD Page 437

eArrest.08 – Who Used AED Prior to EMS Arrival NEMSIS DD Page 438

• eArrest.08 Report only if eArrest.07 (AED Use Prior to EMS Arrival) =

1. “3007003” (Yes, Applied without Defibrillation); or

2. “3007005” (Yes, With Defibrillation).

Otherwise, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

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eArrest.09 – Type of CPR Provided NEMSIS DD Page 439

eArrest.11 – First Monitored Arrest Rhythm of the Patient NEMSIS DD Page 440

eArrest.12 – Any Return of Spontaneous Circulation NEMSIS DD Page 441


eArrest.14 – Date/Time of Cardiac Arrest NEMSIS DD Page 443

eArrest.15 – Date/Time Resuscitation Discontinued NEMSIS DD Page 444

eArrest.16 – Reason CPR/Resuscitation Discontinued NEMSIS DD Page 445

• eArrest.14 NOTE: If specific Date/Time of Cardiac Arrest is unknown, estimate.

• eArrest.15 NOTE: This is only for when resuscitative efforts are discontinued BY THIS EMS CREW IN THE FIELD.

Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if the patient is transferred to the hospital/other EMS crew,

AND at the time of transfer the patient remains in arrest,

AND resuscitative efforts are continued by the hospital or other EMS crew.


7701005 – Not Reporting

eArrest.17 – Cardiac Rhythm on Arrival at Destination NEMSIS DD Page 446

eArrest.18 – End of EMS Cardiac Arrest Event NEMSIS DD Page 448


eArrest.19 – Date/Time of Initial CPR NEMSIS DD Page 449

• If eArrest.01 (Cardiac Arrest) = “3001001” (No), do not include in the XML export to NYS.

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eHistory Group

eHistory.01 – Barriers to Patient Care NEMSIS DD Page 452


eHistory.05 – Advance Directives NEMSIS DD Page 456





3105005 None The EMS Crew inquired about advance directives but found none.

3105011 NYS DNR The standard NYS Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) form (DOH-3474).

it3105.103 NYS MOLST


The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

(MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating DNR Order: Do Not Attempt

Resuscitation (Allow Natural Death).

it3105.107 NYS MOLST


The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

(MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating Do Not Intubate (DNI).

it3105.106 NYS MOLST

(No IV Fluids)

The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

(MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating No IV Fluids.



(Limited Interventions or

Comfort Measures ONLY)

The standard NYS Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment

(MOLST) form (DOH-5003) indicating Limited Medical Interventions or

Comfort Measures Only.

3105009 Other Healthcare Advanced

Directive Form

Any other type of healthcare advance directive (Physician Order Form,

Living Will, Healthcare Proxy, Out of State DNR Order, etc.).


7701005 – Not Reporting

3105001 – Family/Guardian request DNR (but no documentation)

3105003 – Living Will

3105007 – Other

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eHistory.06 – Medication Allergies NEMSIS DD Page 457

eHistory.07 – Environmental Allergies NEMSIS DD Page 458

eHistory.08 – Medical/Surgical History NEMSIS DD Page 459

eHistory.12 – Current Medications NEMSIS DD Page 463

eHistory.17 – Alcohol/Drug Use Indicators NEMSIS DD Page 468

• eHistory.07 If no Environmental Allergies, do not include in the XML export to NYS.


7701005 – Not Reporting

eHistory.18 – Pregnancy NEMSIS DD Page 469

EMS is expected to assess for pregnancy in any female patient of child-bearing age.

“Female patient of child-bearing age” is not defined by NYS,

but rather should be defined by the individual EMS Agency in consultation with the Agency Medical Director.

• Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if:

1. ePatient.13 (Gender) = “9906003” (Male); or

2. ePatient.13 (Gender) = “9906005” [Unknown (Unable to Determine)]; or

3. pregnancy is not assessed (answer left blank).

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eNarrative Group

eNarrative.01 – Patient Care Report Narrative NEMSIS DD Page 473


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eVitals Group

eVitals.01 – Date/Time Vital Signs Taken NEMSIS DD Page 477

eVitals.02 – Obtained Prior to this Unit's EMS Care NEMSIS DD Page 478


eVitals.03 – Cardiac Rhythm / Electrocardiography (ECG) NEMSIS DD Page 479

eVitals.04 – ECG Type NEMSIS DD Page 481

eVitals.05 – Method of ECG Interpretation NEMSIS DD Page 482

• eVtials.03 Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if an ECG would normally be required/appropriate/

necessary for the patient circumstances, AND the EMS crew is qualified/equipped to obtain an

ECG, BUT the incident situation does not allow for an ECG to be obtained.

eVitals.06 – SBP (Systolic Blood Pressure) NEMSIS DD Page 483

• Report “8801005” (Exam Findings Not Present) only if measuring a SBP is attempted, but found unobtainable.

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or incident situation do not allow for a

blood pressure to be measured.

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eVitals.07 – DBP (Diastolic Blood Pressure) NEMSIS DD Page 484

Although allowed by NEMSIS, for NYS

DO NOT REPORT “P” OR “p” (for palpation) or “D” or “d” (for Doppler)

as this is reported in eVitals.08 (Method of Blood Pressure Measurement).

• Report “8801005” (Exam Findings Not Present) only if measuring a DBP is attempted, but found unobtainable.

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or incident situation do not allow for a

blood pressure to be measured.


7701005 – Not Reporting

“P” (Uppercase)

“p” (Lowercase)

eVitals.08 – Method of Blood Pressure Measurement NEMSIS DD Page 485


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eVitals.09 – Mean Arterial Pressure NEMSIS DD Page 486

Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) is included as reference for Advanced Life Support EMS Providers.

e-PCR software MUST AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE MAP based on the formula below:

- recording the result in eVitals.09, AND

- displaying for use by the EMS Provider.

EMS Providers must NOT manually calculate MAP and complete eVitals.09.

( 2 x DBP ) + SBP DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure (eVitals.07)

MAP = ------------------------- SBP Systolic Blood Pressure (eVitals.06)


2017 New York State EMS Collaborative Protocols – Resource: Mean Arterial Pressure Chart


• If MAP cannot be calculated, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eVitals.10 – Heart Rate NEMSIS DD Page 487

eVitals.11 – Method of Heart Rate Measurement NEMSIS DD Page 488

• Report “8801005” (Exam Findings Not Present) only if measuring a heart rate is attempted, but found unobtainable.

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or incident situation do not allow for a

heart rate to be measured.

• eVitals.11 Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if there is no corresponding Heart Rate (eVitals.10).

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eVitals.12 – Pulse Oximetry NEMSIS DD Page 489

• Report “8801005” (Exam Findings Not Present) only if obtaining a pulse oximetry is attempted, but found


• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if pulse oximetry would normally be required/appropriate/necessary

for the patient circumstances, AND the EMS crew is qualified/equipped to monitor pulse oximetry, BUT the

incident situation does not allow for pulse oximetry monitoring.

eVitals.13 – Pulse Rhythm NEMSIS DD Page 490

• Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if there is no corresponding Heart Rate (eVitals.10).

eVitals.14 – Respiratory Rate NEMSIS DD Page 491

eVitals.15 – Respiratory Effort NEMSIS DD Page 492

• Report “8801005” (Exam Findings Not Present) only if measuring a respiratory rate is attempted, but found


• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or the incident situation do not allow for

a respiratory rate to be measured.

• eVitals.15 Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if there is no corresponding Respiratory Rate (eVitals.14).

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eVitals.16 – End Tidal Carbon Dioxide (ETCO2) NEMSIS DD Page 493

eVitals.17 – Carbon Monoxide (CO) NEMSIS DD Page 494

eVitals.18 – Blood Glucose Level NEMSIS DD Page 495

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if measuring/monitoring the vital sign would normally be required/

appropriate/necessary for the patient circumstances, AND the EMS crew is qualified/equipped to

measure/monitor the vital sign, BUT the incident situation does not allow for measuring/monitoring the vital sign.


7701005 – Not Reporting

eVitals.19 – Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) – Eye NEMSIS DD Page 496

eVitals.20 – Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) – Verbal NEMSIS DD Page 497

eVitals.21 – Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) – Motor NEMSIS DD Page 498

eVitals.22 – Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) – Qualifier NEMSIS DD Page 499

eVitals.23 – Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) – Total NEMSIS DD Page 500

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or incident situation do not allow for GCS


• eVitals.23 Report GCS – Total as calculated from: eVitals.19 + eVitals.20 + eVitals.21.

NOTE e-PCR software MUST AUTOMATICALLY CALCULATE GCS – Total for the EMS Provider:

- recording the result in eVitals.23, AND

- displaying for use by the EMS Provider.

EMS Providers must NOT manually calculate GCS – Total and complete eVitals.23.


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eVitals.24 – Temperature NEMSIS DD Page 501

eVitals.25 – Temperature Method NEMSIS DD Page 502

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if temperature measurement would normally be required/appropriate/

necessary for the patient circumstances, AND the EMS crew is qualified/equipped to measure temperature, BUT

the incident situation does not allow for a temperature measurement.

• eVitals.25 Do not Include in the XML export to NYS only if there is no corresponding Temperature (eVitals.24).


7701005 – Not Reporting

eVitals.26 – Level of Responsiveness (AVPU) NEMSIS DD Page 503


eVitals.27 – Pain Scale Score NEMSIS DD Page 504

eVitals.28 – Pain Scale Type NEMSIS DD Page 505

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if the patient circumstances or incident situation do not allow for a pain



7701005 – Not Reporting

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eVitals.29 – Stroke Scale Score NEMSIS DD Page 506

eVitals.30 – Stroke Scale Type NEMSIS DD Page 507

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if stroke assessment would normally be required/appropriate/necessary

for the patient circumstances, BUT the incident situation does not allow for stroke assessment.

eVitals.31 – Reperfusion Checklist NEMSIS DD Page 508

Use of reperfusion checklists is dictated by local protocol and is not uniformly required across NYS.

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if use of a reperfusion checklist would normally be required/

appropriate/necessary for the patient circumstances, BUT the incident situation does not allow for a reperfusion


eVitals.32 – APGAR NEMSIS DD Page 509

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if APGAR assessment would normally be required/appropriate/

necessary for the patient circumstances, BUT the incident situation does not allow for an APGAR assessment.

• If APAR is not assessed, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

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eExam Group

eExam.01 – Estimated Body Weight in Kilograms NEMSIS DD Page 524

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if weight measurement would normally be required/appropriate/

necessary for the patient circumstances, BUT the incident situation does not allow for an actual, reported, or

estimated weight determination.


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eExam.04 – Skin Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 527

eExam.05 – Head Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 528

eExam.06 – Face Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 529

eExam.07 – Neck Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 530

eExam.08 – Chest/Lungs Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 531

eExam.09 – Heart Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 533

eExam.10 – Abdominal Assessment Finding Location NEMSIS DD Page 534

eExam.11 – Abdomen Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 535

eExam.12 – Pelvis/Genitourinary Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 536

eExam.13 – Back and Spine Assessment Finding Location NEMSIS DD Page 537

eExam.14 – Back and Spine Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 538

eExam.15 – Extremity Assessment Finding Location NEMSIS DD Page 539

eExam.16 – Extremities Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 541

eExam.17 – Eye Assessment Finding Location NEMSIS DD Page 542

eExam.18 – Eye Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 543

eExam.19 – Mental Status Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 544

eExam.20 – Neurological Assessment NEMSIS DD Page 545

Assessment data elements should never default to “Normal”.

“Normal” should only be reported when the particular assessment is actually performed by the EMS Provider,

and the EMS Provider determines their assessment findings to be normal for that particular patient.

The Provider Should Report “Normal” – The System Should Never Assume Normal

• If the particular assessment is not performed, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

• eExam.15 NYS Added NISE Values it3515.001 = Patella–Left

it3515.002 = Patella–Right


8801005 – Exam Finding Not Present

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eExam.21 – Stroke/CVA Symptoms Resolved NEMSIS DD Page 546

• Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if eVitals.29 (Stroke Scale Score) = “3323001” (Negative).

• Report “8801023” (Unable to Complete) only if stroke/CVA assessment would normally be required/appropriate/

necessary for the patient circumstances, BUT the incident situation does not allow for stroke/CVA assessment.


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eProtocols Group

eProtocols.01 – Protocols Used NEMSIS DD Page 549

eProtocols.02 – Protocol Age Category NEMSIS DD Page 552


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eMedications Group

eMedications.01 – Date/Time Medication Administered NEMSIS DD Page 555

eMedications.02 – Medication Administered Prior to this Unit's EMS Care NEMSIS DD Page 556

eMedications.03 – Medication Given NEMSIS DD Page 557

eMedications.04 – Medication Administered Route NEMSIS DD Page 558

eMedications.05 – Medication Dosage NEMSIS DD Page 559

eMedications.06 – Medication Dosage Units NEMSIS DD Page 560

eMedications.07 – Response to Medication NEMSIS DD Page 561

eMedications.08 – Medication Complication NEMSIS DD Page 562

• eMedications.04 If no medication is administered, do not include in the XML export to NYS.


8801001 – Contraindication Noted

8801003 – Denied By Order

8801007 – Medication Allergy

8801009 – Medication Already Taken

8801019 – Refused

8801023 – Unable to Complete

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eMedications.09 – Medication Crew (Healthcare Professionals) ID NEMSIS DD Page 563

If Medication Administered By: NYS Certified EMS Provider

• Report the EMS Provider’s NYS EMS certification number from dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID


NOTE NYS EMS Provider certification numbers are currently issued as six (6) digits in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., Certificate number “1234” is actually “001234” and must be handled as such.

If Medication Administered By: Other Certified/Licensed Healthcare Provider

• Report the provider’s certification/license number.

If Medication Administered By: Other Provider/Responder OR the Certified Provider’s Number is Unknown

• Leave blank and report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eMedications.10 – Role/Type of Person Administering Medication NEMSIS DD Page 564

In NYS, certification/licensure levels allowed to administer medications are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







9905001 2009 Advanced Emergency

Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Certified Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9905003 2009 Emergency Medical

Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9905005 2009 Emergency Medical

Technician (EMT) NYS Certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9905007 2009 Paramedic NYS Certified Paramedic

9905015 First Responder Any person – not otherwise specified – acting in the capacity of a

professional first responder (i.e., Firefighter, Police Officer, etc.).

9905019 Other Healthcare


Any healthcare provider acting in the capacity of their own (non-EMS)

healthcare certification/license (i.e., Physician, Physician Assistant,

Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse,

Respiratory Therapist, etc.).

9905023 Patient / Lay Person The Patient, or any Lay Person – not otherwise specified.

9905029 Student

Any provider having valid/current standing as a student in a training

program leading to NYS EMS certification, and acting in the capacity of

that student role.

it9905.179 NYS Certified EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


9905009 – EMT-Basic

9905011 – EMT-Intermediate

9905013 – EMT-Paramedic

9905021 – Other Non-Healthcare Professional

9905025 – Physician

9905027 – Respiratory Therapist

9905031 – Critical Care Paramedic

9905033 – Community Paramedicine

9905035 – Nurse Practitioner

9905037 – Physician Assistant

9905039 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9905041 – Registered Nurse

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eMedications.11 – Medication Authorization NEMSIS DD Page 565

• If no medication is administered, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

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eProcedures Group

eProcedures.01 – Date/Time Procedure Performed NEMSIS DD Page 569

eProcedures.02 – Procedure Performed Prior to this Unit's EMS Care NEMSIS DD Page 570

eProcedures.03 – Procedure NEMSIS DD Page 571

eProcedures.05 – Number of Procedure Attempts NEMSIS DD Page 573

eProcedures.06 – Procedure Successful NEMSIS DD Page 574

eProcedures.07 – Procedure Complication NEMSIS DD Page 575

eProcedures.08 – Response to Procedure NEMSIS DD Page 576


8801001 – Contraindication Noted

8801003 – Denied By Order

8801019 – Refused

8801023 – Unable to Complete

eProcedures.09 – Procedure Crew Members ID NEMSIS DD Page 577

If Procedure Performed By: NYS Certified EMS Provider

• Report the EMS Provider’s NYS EMS certification number from dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel's State's Licensure ID


NOTE NYS EMS Provider certification numbers are currently issued as six (6) digits in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., Certificate number “1234” is actually “001234” and must be handled as such.

If Procedure Performed By: Other Certified/Licensed Healthcare Provider

• Report the provider’s certification/license number.

If Procedure Performed By: Other Provider/Responder OR the Certified Provider’s Number is Unknown

• Leave blank and report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eProcedures.10 – Role/Type of Person Performing the Procedure NEMSIS DD Page 578

In NYS, certification/licensure levels allowed to perform procedures are defined under NYS Law.

Thereby, these are the only NEMSIS/NISE values allowable in NYS.







9905001 2009 Advanced Emergency

Medical Technician (AEMT) NYS Certified Advanced EMT (AEMT)

9905003 2009 Emergency Medical

Responder (EMR) NYS Certified First Responder (CFR)

9905005 2009 Emergency Medical

Technician (EMT) NYS Certified Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)

9905007 2009 Paramedic NYS Certified Paramedic

9905015 First Responder Any person – not otherwise specified – acting in the capacity of a

professional first responder (i.e., Firefighter, Police Officer, etc.).

9905019 Other Healthcare


Any healthcare provider acting in the capacity of their own (non-EMS)

healthcare certification/license (i.e., Physician, Physician Assistant,

Nurse Practitioner, Registered Nurse, Licensed Practical Nurse,

Respiratory Therapist, etc.).

9905023 Patient / Lay Person The Patient, or any Lay Person – not otherwise specified.

9905029 Student

Any provider having valid/current standing as a student in a training

program leading to NYS EMS certification, and acting in the capacity of

that student role.

it9905.179 NYS Certified EMT – Critical Care (EMT–CC)


9905009 – EMT-Basic

9905011 – EMT-Intermediate

9905013 – EMT-Paramedic

9905021 – Other Non-Healthcare Professional

9905025 – Physician

9905027 – Respiratory Therapist

9905031 – Critical Care Paramedic

9905033 – Community Paramedicine

9905035 – Nurse Practitioner

9905037 – Physician Assistant

9905039 – Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)

9905041 – Registered Nurse

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eProcedures.11 – Procedure Authorization NEMSIS DD Page 579

• If no procedure is performed, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eProcedures.13 – Vascular Access Location NEMSIS DD Page 581


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eAirway Group

eAirway.01 – Indications for Invasive Airway NEMSIS DD Page 584

eAirway.02 – Date/Time Airway Device Placement Confirmation NEMSIS DD Page 585

eAirway.03 – Airway Device Being Confirmed NEMSIS DD Page 586

eAirway.04 – Airway Device Placement Confirmed Method NEMSIS DD Page 587

eAirway.06 – Type of Individual Confirming Airway Device Placement NEMSIS DD Page 589

eAirway.07 – Crew Member ID NEMSIS DD Page 590

• eAirway.07 - - -

If Airway Placement Confirmed By: NYS Certified EMS Provider

• Report the EMS Provider’s NYS EMS certification number from dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel's State's Licensure

ID Number).

NOTE NYS EMS Provider certification numbers are currently issued as six (6) digits in length.

• Leading zeros (“0”) may be required.

• i.e., Certificate number “1234” is actually “001234” and must be handled as such.

If Airway Placement Confirmed By: Other Certified/Licensed Healthcare Provider

• Report the provider’s certification/license number.

If Airway Placement Confirmed By: Other Provider/Responder OR the Certified Provider’s Number is Unknown

• Leave blank and report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701005 – Not Reporting

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eAirway.08 – Airway Complications Encountered NEMSIS DD Page 591

• Report “7701001” (Not Applicable) only if no complications were encountered during the invasive airway procedure.


7701005 – Not Reporting

eAirway.09 – Suspected Reasons for Failed Airway Management NEMSIS DD Page 592

eAirway.10 – Date/Time Decision to Manage the Patient with an Invasive Airway NEMSIS DD Page 593

eAirway.11 – Date/Time Invasive Airway Placement Attempts Abandoned NEMSIS DD Page 594

• Do not include in the XML export to NYS only if:

1. no invasive airway procedure is performed; or

2. the invasive airway procedure is successful.

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eDisposition Group

eDisposition.01 – Destination/Transferred To, Name NEMSIS DD Page 611

eDisposition.02 – Destination/Transferred To, Code NEMSIS DD Page 612

Transported/Delivered to a Facility/Nursing Home/Residence/etc.

1. eDispostioin.01 Report the Location/Facility Name from dFacility.02 (Facility Name).

2. eDisposition.02 Report the NYSDOH PFI from dFacility.03 (Facility Location Code).

Transported/Delivered to Another EMS Unit

1. eDisposition.01 Report the commonly used name/initials/identifier of the receiving EMS unit.

2. eDisposition.02 Report the NYS EMS Agency Code of the receiving EMS unit.

NOTE NYS EMS Agency Codes are currently issued as four (4) digits in length.

- i.e., Agency Code “123” is actually “0123” and must be handled as such.

▪ If the receiving EMS unit’s Agency Code is unknown, report the word “UNKNOWN”.

▪ If the receiving EMS unit is from out of state, report the words “OUT OF STATE”.


7701005 – Not Reporting

eDisposition.05 – Destination State NEMSIS DD Page 615

eDisposition.06 – Destination County NEMSIS DD Page 616

eDisposition.07 – Destination ZIP Code NEMSIS DD Page 617

eDisposition.12 – Incident/Patient Disposition NEMSIS DD Page 622


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eDisposition.13 – How Patient Was Moved to Ambulance NEMSIS DD Page 623

eDisposition.14 – Position of Patient During Transport NEMSIS DD Page 624

• If there is no patient transport by this EMS Unit, do not include in the XML export to NYS.

eDisposition.16 – EMS Transport Method NEMSIS DD Page 626

eDisposition.17 – Transport Mode from Scene NEMSIS DD Page 627

eDisposition.18 – Additional Transport Mode Descriptors NEMSIS DD Page 628

• eDisposition.18 Always Report “7701003” (Not Recorded).

eDisposition.19 – Final Patient Acuity NEMSIS DD Page 629

Always Report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701001 – Not Applicable

4219001 – Critical (Red)

4219003 – Emergent (Yellow)

4219005 – Lower Acuity (Green)

4219007 – Dead without Resuscitation Efforts (Black)

eDisposition.20 – Reason for Choosing Destination NEMSIS DD Page 630

eDisposition.21 – Type of Destination NEMSIS DD Page 631

eDisposition.22 – Hospital In-Patient Destination NEMSIS DD Page 632


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eDisposition.23 – Hospital Capability NEMSIS DD Page 633

eDisposition.24 – Destination Team Pre-Arrival Alert or Activation NEMSIS DD Page 634

eDisposition.25 – Date/Time of Destination Prearrival Alert or Activation NEMSIS DD Page 635


9908005 – Critical Access Hospital

9908029 – Trauma Center Level 5

9908033 – Cardiac-STEMI/PCI Capable (24/7)

9908035 – Cardiac-STEMI/Non-PCI Capable

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eOutcome Group

eOutcome.01 – Emergency Department Disposition NEMSIS DD Page 639

eOutcome.02 – Hospital Disposition NEMSIS DD Page 640

Always Report “7701003” (Not Recorded).


7701001 – Not Applicable

01 – Discharged to home or self care (routine discharge)

02 – Discharged/transferred to another short term general hospital for inpatient care

03 – Discharged/transferred to a skilled nursing facility (SNF)

04 – Discharged/transferred to an intermediate care facility (ICF)

05 – Discharged/transferred to another type of institution not defined elsewhere in this code list

06 – Discharged/transferred to home under care of organized home health service organization in

anticipation of covered skills care

07 – Left against medical advice or discontinued care

09 – Admitted as an inpatient to this hospital.

20 – Deceased/Expired (or did not recover - Religious Non Medical Health Care Patient)

21 – Discharged/transferred to court/law enforcement

30 – Still a patient or expected to return for outpatient services.

43 – Discharged/transferred to a Federal Health Care Facility (e.g., VA or federal health care facility)

50 – Discharged/transferred to Hospice - home.

51 – Discharged/transferred to Hospice - medical facility

61 – Discharged/transferred within this institution to a hospital based Medicare approved swing bed.

62 – Discharged/transferred to a inpatient rehabilitation facility including distinct part units of a hospital.

63 – Discharged/transferred to long term care hospitals

64 – Discharged/transferred to a nursing facility certified under Medicaid but not certified under Medicare

65 – Discharged/transferred to a psychiatric hospital or psychiatric distinct part unit of a hospital.

66 – Discharged/transferred to a Critical Access Hospital (CAH).

70 – Discharged/transferred to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in the code list.

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eOther Group

eOther.05 – Suspected EMS Work Related Exposure, Injury, or Death NEMSIS DD Page 667

• Report “9923003” (Yes) only if an EMS Provider (of any type or status) receives a dangerous exposure to a hazardous

or biohazardous substance, becomes ill, is injured, or dies as a result of providing care during this EMS incident.

• Otherwise, report “9923001” (No).

eOther.08 – Crew Member Completing this Report NEMSIS DD Page 670

• Report from dPersonnel.23 (EMS Personnel’s State’s Licensure ID Number).


7701001 – Not Applicable

7701003 – Not Recorded

7701005 – Not Reporting

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For further assistance interpreting the NEMSIS v3 Data Dictionary or this NYS Supplement,

or implementing v3 e-PCR in NYS, contact:

New York State – Department of Health Bureau of Emergency Medical Services and Trauma Systems

875 Central Ave., Albany, NY 12206 (518) 402 – 0996