New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-05-16....Miei tin; leaore thereof,berefenedto a...

By This Morning's Mail. Farther from New-Jersey. TrKXTOH, May Uta. ISM. 7V1A7 Editor of 7"*c Tribune: The Convention for framing a new Constitution for Now Jersey appointed a Committee of nine this morning, to report 1 manner of taking up the busi¬ ness of ihr Convention, who this afternoon made tin* fo!low::i!; Report. viz: The Committee appointed to consider and report the manner ia which it will be expedient to proceed in the business .¦; thi* Convention, Report. That they have considered ofthe subj< < t ref< rrcd to them, and dial u is expt dient to adopt the following (tesolatrons: 1. Rtsvlrr\l. That inili-!i i-.f r'.c < 'o:.«:.ti:lmii in U; formed by thin Convention a> idatw to the L^islaUTO department be referred :<>a Committee thereon. 2. Resetted, i hat «<> much üteröel remtes to the Execu¬ tive Commiuee be referred to .. . immittee t.i report thereon. 3. Resolved, That v. much Ihereol a. relates t.i tar Jt;*ti.-mt Department be referred to a Committee t.> rci-irt thereon. 4. Resetted, That m imic:li theieofas relate*to the Power of ApiK!iutiiK-»to> Offi e. Miei tin; leaore thereof, be refened to a OsmmittM to wport thereoa. 6. Resolved, that so much thereof as relate* to the rieht ol ttirVraf« and oualifi* atioa of persons to i>e elected, Uie time ot ekeuonsnd tlie meeting of the Legislature bo a-l-rred to a Commfttea to report Uiereon. t>. Resulted, That so much ihereol as relates to, future amendments or alterations in the mid Constitution be referred to a Commr.ti-e t.i thereon. 7. Resolrcd, That so much thereof a. not embraced in the foregoing resolutions he refened t<>» Committee, to repMt thereon. 8th. Resetted, That « Committee tie appointed tu "nmnre isto the exped encj ol adopl as ¦ BUI ofKisats and Privileges, an.! to report thereon. Vhich report was unanimously adopted and each Committee to consist of seven n embers, except the last resolution, which Committee consists of eight members, thereby placing each member of the Con¬ vention upon a separate Committee, except the president of the Convention. a. P. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. bt tut reporter of TilK NKW-YoKK tribune. District Basinets.Adjournment of Con- gnis-Mri Alles, Jfcc. Washington. Tuesday, May II. In Senate, to-day, after the presentation of memorials, notices of certain bills and other un¬ important business, .Mr. Walker, from the Committee on the Ju¬ diciary, reported a bill to regulate the punish¬ ment of offences committed on the high seas. Mr. Dkrkien. from the same Committee, re. ported a bill for the relief of persons residing with, in the reputed limits of Arkansas and beyond the boundary line of the United Slates and Texas as established by the Commissioners appointed to ascertain the same. Bills f<r the relief of the widows and orphans of the officers ant! crews of the Grampus, Flying Fish, Ac and to abolish the office of Solicitor of the Land Office, were passed. Mr. F.vans called up the joint resolution lor adjournment sine die on the l?th proximo, (as amended by the House.; He preferred the origi¬ nal time fixed by the Senate, (the 27th inst.) but after consultation with gentlemen of the House, would move to amend by inserting 3d proximo. Mr. Rives wasas anxious asuny gentleman to get home, but thought the day of the House should be agreed to. Mr. Barrow, to prevent the debate which appeared likely to arise, moved to lay the resolution on the table for the present: Carried. Ayes24, Noes 1G. Tue Senate spent some time in Executive Ses¬ sion.r,n the Texas Treaty, as 1 understand. In the House, Mr. J. Campbell of S. C. moved to reconsider a vote of yesterday on the second reading of the District Bank bill nn order to refer it lo the Committee of the Whole in the Union, to ho acted upon the last day for District business. He complained of the action yesterday in refusing with a p icked House to refer it, and he cslled to mind the pledge, implied at least, which Messrs. Cave Johnson, Weller, and others of that sch< ol had given when the subject had before been up, that this Senate bill should be re¬ ferred and acted on. Mr. Cave Johnson resented the charge, and professed willing! e-s that a direct vote should be tp.krn mi 'he bill, notwithstanding he and the other Locos were using every means which the complicated rules of the House :md the force of numbers would give to prevent taking up the bill. Mr. Burke moved to lay it on the table: rejected.Yens T**. Nays 94. Mr. Campbem. was finally successful in get. ling the bill into Committee, where it was sub- sequentIv si ..' tu taken up.Arcs GIJ, Noes 6'i. Tims its fate is finally sealed. The bill to provide a new Charter for the City of Washington was further debated in Commit¬ tee of the Whole on <he Union Thequestion of the right of suffrage being slightly discussed, Messrs. Haralson, McCauslen, nod T. Smith of la. favoring its unlimited extension. The bill so amended as to require as qualifications for voting, one years' residence, twenty-one years of age, and the payment of a poll tax, was laid a«ii!e to be reported. Bills appropriating §28.000 for repaying of Pennsylvania Avenue n;-tl $10,000 for other streetsin this citv, and for repairs of the Court House at Alexandria, were passed, and with the bill last before named were reported to the House. Without farther action the House adjourned. The question of Mr Niles's Si natonal compe¬ tency which was referred to the select commit¬ tee two weeks since is siill under their considera¬ tion. Mr. N. has been before the committee once or t wice. A report prepared by .Mr Jar- naoix (Chairman,) and concurred in unanimous¬ ly by the Committee with the exception of Mr. derkien, who h is not been present at its meet, ing.; in favor of his claim to his scat, will prob¬ ably be made to the Senate to-morrow or next day. His health has been gradually improving and is now decidedly brtter than on his arrival in tins e-tv ; and as to his mind, although incli¬ ned to broo-.i over his physicial debilities and sufferings, when diverted therefrom and drawn out in conversation, its clearness, vigor, and ac¬ tivity cannot fail tostrike everyone who has per¬ sonal intercourse with him and to show the utter incorrectness of many of the rumors that have been current during this period of its alienation. AKGls. Thins- In Philadelphia, Conespoodenee ot The Tribune. PmLADZLFUlA, Muy 13.1*. M. Oik Cm. &c..Every thing appears to have «ettled down to perfect Iranquilitr. andpeopwaie once more pimumg their usual bus nets «itbeut leai or interruption. Meaofthe.Catbolic Churches wire protected hut evening bythemilitarr, mid will continue to be. I understand, lor ST vern! aigms jet u Keosingtc-a, many of those who fled the iceno ol death tre returning to theirdesolate homes. All is peace, and no lear pfany outbreak may be entertained. A stroi.n force, to ciiell am- aDturts nee, is kept in reserve. Tiie American Republican Conferees oftbeChy and C Hint* srjrausulelphw have :-<m-.l Adore* to their feliow-citizeiu, in wh" h they repudiate the recent '* commencing with the bunting ofthe Roman Catholic Church ot si. Michael's, in iMlHrtrsftofKedsinston, and the destruction ol St Augus. tjpaamtbis City." 'J'l-e destruction ol these Churches, says the Address, houiiiI before the \.-r» . ve-of tin- mintar) am! police. 'I'ije latter wer,- insufficient lor the purpose ofdefence, six! liirm.-i e.\|--rio!ire might have sufficed to show this.the asrmet ware not permitted to act, Tnei barge 11 Judge Psnona, delivered t.-.i. mominc to the {.rand Jury.;, spoken oTas tun n!.:.- production. enterinR it letik-lti ii;xiiith,- late dreadlulilntruetioosflife and property III thetli.trict ot hemau-toii unil the eity. A nuiiiln-r of names nave already beaoDteMuted to the Grand Jury, and there is e>?rr prospect of brineinc to speedy iusticeatleastsomeof tlw.«- who i-lnyeda COCSpiCUOUl part in the >ud draina ÜUOOCfa which we havejast paaed. Somestraorastone* are afloat icsatna iu tl«- Seminary of Bt. Charie«, at the corner ofsjciiuyllull, 6di and Bnoo strocti but 1 refrain from gi\ir.e publicity to them. Hi kmx. ok S r. Augustine s UHuacn..a voting m»n aamed Lelaad, «m arrested this rnorniot;, und commit tert in default ot 8l.r"00 bail, for a Inrtln I bearuiff, on a chur;e ofharmrbeenconcerned fines St. »ucustmel Church, and tao srfth aUemptine to force the lines at St. Jona*« Church, by ruiuiiic the rmrmuiiiit Kncine tht.-iikh t.i.m. Scv.-ial otl,er ari«.»u, 1 h.iilerstam!. «rill t»- mad.- th satternoon. Stocks..The Mock Market to-daj was rather inactive, with but little chance in prices. State 5*« advanced .«.«; Read«.* Railroad Bonds ',. rim! Reaninj sharw«: F,r»t Board -»0 sh.. lteadme Kadr.«d iZht: $AOOU >tatc 5V KU; KOOO Teuessee Bond*, int 1st July. H 10 d... Nesristown Rd. I: t-1"" tVihmnston R n llondi ba 1556.85: SJuCl Uaavtlle ..¦¦.¦i PoOaville Is*' ii. >.-o s-t-,1. . W»h. I mted State. Ilanlt i 4'ld". Headinr Railroad Si: 3d- I,e.-,.ii,..t..n Rank *, : «JW Cirard Rank f . ,. , Sectnd KoarL-V) share* Readme IW. .> .. U< do. 36H >io do Hi i ; S5th>CrandGulfti lib uo \v ihniaetoo lot. j.irial }.-, : IttM.irard Rank ti 5 lint s-, iio Sta >* s, W »Sts) VVilnungt m 8*s, I8S5, -o ÜM» Kaadins ih»<"» 'J ***** IsuueSV.b&Uat, w. n.77. Markets.I'hereis no new feature tn our mar- keu. Cotton conunues without ammattooj and hut hnriied salearx:cur. Flc-Uf i.a»de< iined a tf.Me. and mar beqUOUd at .1 »>, a 4 * f..r ?.«-! ami elected :- U:v t l-ur i- »Orth to day hut io IX,1* Coro Meal lOtle doing, l.ram WnUsenalv. mauve Con has bee:, takeni at 'M cents lor nsnnaylvaniatiouad, and 48 for Ssjulhern Yellow-. *>ur Country Produce Maiketissvell supplied wiui sll "ie .ieicic:. ofUm Mason. Gressn I'eas am telunc ar 2> cents use ball peck; r-t:-.iwU-m«a at 3T'V cents per quart.and outer Uiinfiin proportion. Butter, ofa s-h*'. qnalitr, tommano»» rent. i~t iHiiind eess IU a 1- cent. i»-r .1 ./en. Ship News.- Ij .'. M..Cleared this afternoon -Biik India. Selby. Montevideo, r-chr, Wm A CatdweM. Homei. St Ihomai ami Potto R leo: vesta. Ludlam. rail R:v.. ; i onsnrt. Mayo, Well Fleet. M«a»: S tt Payowr. Ro bin.-«i, Piovideoce; Palestine, täiesenson. suddletown. Cv; Kerry. Sear, Buston .n iejsolas II itdle. VValtop. Nanttfeket: Mexico. '1'.bo. Providence UM Messerole, xounc, N \ ork. Mm Philadelphui, NYork. . ,. Arrte-d. Schrs Üaniel Webster,Ogden. ~ days from.NWk: L'neas. Refers, i <U from .\ Urnlon't James £ Samuel. Milton, bdsfi.Providence: Invincible. 1 reisers. It) d»ys from Kattpyn. VV'iathw. clear und pieii»ui:l.V ind, »»«»k RaTMOSD & V\ ttK« MtN.MRIC, CORNER Of KlOHTH Srskt ano Howvrv..1 nectowdx who visited thu fruhinna- ni'lo nmi entertaining scene ol amusement yesterday, fully jus- tilic^ the gerternjrepbtatiofl ascribed totiu« management. Ereiy thmjr conducted «Ith u due retard t'> propriety rind good or¬ der, nmi we hesitate «ii,t r.i commend it iu ¦ ratbawLenicrtsJn. mg. and instructive recreation to n|| veno vain* the natural his¬ tory nt the offsprings «i the forest conducive to the informa¬ tion and edification ofmankind in general. Antun ,n McseuM..Tbe p e* nl «reck thus tar has been one of iinpnrrnllcled suceess nt this popular place of amuse went, Ti e introduction of diecelebrated Orphean Famityof .inge-s to tlie New York pub'"*, bv 'te- Mar.tirer. hn* re*ult--d in drawing lull nod fashionable nudicm-cs. Th--.e charming I iingci* are en-roged to appear to-day. Also Mr. \Vincheh\the dr'tt'-n*t; (.Vile, the emit irtiomst, with hn e!r.y: Certto and ¦-ther-i. in nil a rieh bill. Pcrfortnacces at 3'? and 8 P. M. (Jo io «>ri.on it'y.oi w «-»1«. IO' Portrait of Mr. Clay..A very heanuful lull length portrait of Mr. I'iny. painted by Mr. Wise,and en~ crave.1 in the highest tfyleofthe art. ran lie hnd .it tlie " Htie Recline Room, .Yatienal Ha!!." at the low price ol twelve shillings. This 11 pronounced by ninny of Mr. (.'lay'* intimate Inend*, n perfect likeness and incomparably truer to nature than any other portrait ol the distingabbed Statesman they have >e; seen. A fqe simile o{ Mr. Clay's opinion nccotnpa- ine» the engraeing, .it Use following words: .. 1 flunk thoengraving of Mr. Wier's full length portrait of me exhibit* an adminthle likeness, and prevent* tue original in n tine »ml fas inte i." lüde. H. CLAV." Washington. April 29, 1844. mill COURT CALENDAR..Tnts Day. Circuit Court..Nos. 32, 11, 40,12, 5, SI, 1, 4!', 47, IT, 50, .). 6, 4'i. 20, 36, -13. C 1 T V 1 N r E L LI G E N C E . wednesday. SITRKMI'. COURT. This Court !ins completed about TO cases on its Calendar. The Corporation A-aessmcn..-. in which Air. j Webster i* to,r. l-ti- ir: : fort her po-'p ined to Mou.lay.B COURT OF SESSIONS. ..liefere the Recorder, and Alder¬ men L.MMONS nnd Wll.l.l Ols. Jon as B. Phillips. Esq. District Attorney ad interim. Attempted Burglary..John White was tried for nn ntlemot to rommit burglary in the store of Charles A. Itell. No. 2£i Crandjtreet, The panel was cut through the rear window thr inch which to enter and prisoncrwa* caught Üierent, with a large kn Kr. 'rli".lury found ihe accused guitty. and the Court sentenced him to tbe Penitentiary lor one year. Assault ami Battery..John Keen was tried foran assault and battery on Richard llyde. Guilty, and tiic Court tuieii linn $1$, Forfeitures..Jacob Tilleger alias Jacob T. Krnymnii. Iy>ui*n Meyer nnd Vrilerede Ras, indicted for forge¬ ry 111 the 3d decree nnd George Gibbe fot grand larceny, sev¬ erally tailing to appear and im-wer, their recognizances were forieited. By the new law the fortestunM become a judgment record against defendants atone... Trial for Larcesy..Waldo Reed was tried for .tearing n gold watch nnd elnsin, worth SIM. from Cenrgc Field. 11 boarder at the Franklin Douse in Broadway, on Sunday morning tiSth April last, which he attempted to du. at-101 Broadway, the next day. Mr. VV nriit-r lurdefanca. *t;.t.-.l Ibal Heed hiol iiiir-'h't*-'d ti s watch ot n man neat Ilse stcaiiib iat fueling f..r Siö. who pressed Iii in to buy it. ntit! proved by live several witnesses that he staid at hup of his sisters im Greenwich street 011 Saturday nicht the 27th ult. and tnenttbc entire day at the house of his two«isters in Greenwich -trcet Laight, till tie.v.! m irn- ing, e*tablislm g « complete alibi. Reed is in winter a Yankee Schoolmaster nf West Granby, Connecticut, and work* nnd sells book, and pruvs tn the summer. Tor the prosecution it was proved by W. II. Hays, late ofthe Franklin, that bo saw prisoner at that bouse between2andÜ o'clock of tlie dny the watch was stolen, und tiller witiic knew c was stolen. Mr. Phelpi of ihe Exchange Hotel, deposed that Reed's cha- racier was bud.ihm be bad been charged with theft in West (.raub). but net indicted. W. U helply deposed dial a man must give positive evalence of good moral character to be a school teacher 111 (iriinbi-, where Reed taught. Several other witnesses were examined and tlie testimony closed. The l!i.rdercharged the Jury who found tlie prisoner guilty, nnd he was remanded for sentence. Plea of GuiLTI..James Jenkins pleaded guilty to an imlictmenl lor stealing a double barreled gun from Jas. Fow ler, 326 Pearl -ins--i onthel9tli ult, and was sentenced to the Penitentiary foi ti months. Demurrer..Mr. E. S. Derry, oi counsel, de¬ murred*;.eilly to it u-i'ictineiiU nguiiis't him for torgerv and penury.which demurrers are to be argued the present term. '1 he Court adjourned loThurday 11 o'clock. P( IJJCB OFFICE. KtoTi i's Ci>niu:ct ok fs'.vn.ons..A numerous corps ofsnilors who " bad strack" us it is called, for higher wage?, aller visiting numerous vessels, nt.d depriving them ol their men, proceeded to ihe brig Christiana, Marren. maMer. Ivirif- lit 'hi slipnnd ready to sail f ,r Mitt-ingns, nmi coiii|»mIciI nil tu« seamen on board to quit work nnd t.. ¦¦¦< on shore. Hiking their haggrtcc with tin m. t 'ant. Warren i.'oi-eeii.-i| to tin- I'm. hce Otliec and uhtnmeil the::.lance of otlicer* Steven*, I nison. Dun-hee, llowycr, Walsh, M'Grnlh and Kmck. who went to find ami arrestÜmrioters; i'meinethem across the City to the North Rtvr, tn,.. oflicers arrested öl of their number, who were conducted to the Police ( Mtlce w here the uiritc. .Mr. Vtirney. identified nine of them, named Willi-m Johnson, Rob'i Jone«, John Me Million N'icliolas Pitcher. James Lit ¦- Fmukhii Thompson, James Tucker, Robert Wilson and Wil- hnm Martin, all of whom ivere ordered to find bml to lie of good behavior, nnd in default were committed to prison. The others were discharged from custody. Various 'I'm n 5..Two boys named John Jones and Will nm Sanford, were nrrested nnd cornniilled for «tee.l- g a pocket I.k an.I s4 from the pocket of George Dillon, No. -I (atherine street, while he slept. Wiiluni Atherton wus arrested and committed for mealms a mahogany box, a rake and oil enn, worth S4 tJJ',, from Louis Aunch, No. & ChatJuun street. liiiiieit Carman wnsarreBied by officer Lyon, und committed for itealing a half bbl. brerin:, 20 fiithoms of l ue and some 20 coffee bags, from tne sehr victory, 'it Catherine -I'P- James Wood, colored, w as arrested nr.d commit- nil U.rstealing an asvning, worth 45, from Louis Aunch. No. 6S Chatham street Man Ann Murphy wns arrested and committed fir stenlmg :i pair of gaiter hoot. Irom Daniel Kelly, No. lift I ' *treet. , ~. Samis's SarsaParili^.The manner in which tlienutri- tiuu- pnrt of theioi d conveyed into tliecirculntiou, wns uu. covcreil by Asellms. tin Italian Physician, 111 '.<!.'. Tbis wn« a doveku*."t se und only totlial oi the circulation of tiie bleoi! ii.tuie by llnrvey. 11 few-years before. It »n> then si en Hint reined.e* des gned to tu t upon the blood must be directed tithe crgumzutioii «hirli prepmes ihm fluid, and conveys it to the eluiiiiii I* that through e«-ery portion of the sv-oin. from tliltt dny In the (lO'sent. liirht bus !..n-n nccimiu- liituii lipon the sc in- of medicine.aod 11 lielie«-e«l llint now in .'s,iii.|s's Snroipanlln th" long-«uiglil lics.ih n.tiim. of 1111 tin- failine remedy for ever)' disease which arises Irom a diseased condition of til- vital lluirts. has been found. Tlie expurea- t on ol unhealthy particles 1- complete, ami ofcnutsj the elect they produce, whether ii be Scrofula, Leprosy, Kings Evil, Soli Itheuin, Scuivy. Sciatica, Dyspepsia. Li lei Complaint, or imy other of the hundreds *l form-in winch the corruption of the blood manifest, ceases ui once nnd permanently with the removal of ihe primary cause. For further particulars, nnd conclusive evidence of us su¬ permini hie nmi etBcacy, see pamphlets, which may boob tamed of agents urnti*. Preimred und »ol-l whole-nle tri., retail by A. ii. Ac |). .-'AMIS. Wholesale Drugg -t-. 7'' l-'ulton N. V. Sold also rut 27:j Broadway; 77 East Broadway; and by Drucgisisgene- nil) throughout tlie fniledStates._ SiMMNO MkPICIXB..Now i* the lime to purifv and brace the physieil system so as to enable it to bear up tigrimst the enervating IwatsotSuiuiner. The coiid.tion ofthe blood at the expiration ofwinter, owingtoinnctive perspinitiou du- ring tbnl season, und fr.liier causes, is not in a proper state to resist diseases nur oredss digestive power*, which are iren- orally ?vettaseu by tin- appetite in cold weather.m their full vi- gor. hi fact a change in thestate ofthe oniina! tien hue to meet n new climate, i- ns necessary as n chance of clothing.. To purge from the blood tsonhealthy particles, nnd iimmrt to it a more nutritive eliaracter.ttt give Usiio to the stouuich nou expel.obstructions from die Iwwels.m short, to reinforce the whole system for the campnigiiofSUmuier. there is m. prepn- rationwhich can exceed oreipial Coniitock's Sursupurilhi. Price ill cent- pet bottle or $4 per doaat. cj" Da. McNair's AcoCstic Oil.For the cure of I kmf- iic-s. The success that lias followed the use or this (id has Earned for it n reput ition never befor.mailed, although other articlesheve been adretthed. yel the public nre not saiished. nnd the dent are 1111 *ure of being cured uale.-s they get the geniime .\coio.: i-< i:l'.011121 Coiirtlundt't. , Caution..Beware ofa couiilerteil article advertised in this city tor the cure of which is of no use. "Cot '.!!- SSnl osbumptios can he cured by the use of the genuine !ir. T.-WI.tilfS BALSAM OF LIVERWORT, prepared only at tbe orieinal oilice 375 Botrery, New-York.. head the toiiow tug certificate "N'kw York, April26th. 1844. " Ilaving expe-ienceil -treat advantage Irom the Use ol Dr. Taylor'- Bs I-am of Liverwort, and l>einc satislied Irom my own experience that it is a most valuable medicine for aflecüons of the lungs, I leel it to be my. duty as a well wisher of my fel- lows. t.. give my testimony teiative to tu w.lerful elhracy.. Almut ii »cur since. i wa> attacked with influenza, which con- t inns! to gl wor. ::ud worse, until at leu -th it wns theopi- nionofiny physiciansthnl my hums were greatly affected. Dr. Benrs tt attended me daily for several months, but i received no l-enetit whatever irom ins treatment,_On the contrary my cough continued to grow worse.- with frequent night sweats. tie. Tin- conünued until but March, whan I wus considered pnst nli lioneof recovery, and I did UM suppo e tbnt any- tliiug could ntlbrd me permanent relief Aixmt this nme.. however. 11 tner.d ii<lvi-i-d me r.i :ry Dr. Taylor's BnUam.ot Liverwort, and mid be would procure a !x.:t!e lor .me it I ivoidil take iL To.this 1 relurtanltj consented.ilor I did not suppose it possible tor n to help me.) I. however, took it, und the first bottle full relieved me astonishing!) ; it acted like ¦ charm upon mo. I have token three bott:.-. in nil. and am now aide to wrilk out. nmi I have not the len.i doubt that mil. or nt must two. bottles more will olfect an entire cure of my disease. Any one having the least doubt oft! e correctness of this statement, can satisfy iliemsclve* ot the truth of it by :illing 00 me St no resilience. No. 17 Lewis- s,r.v..New Vo:k. "MATTHEW WHITE." Tho-genuineTajflpr's Balsam ol Liverwort is lor sale only nr eo.'i. t »tl'i e. ,;7.'i |'.owcr\ : n -d In C. .1 Lo-ib, 1.. \\ uter- stn-et between Maiden Lane and Burling Slip. C. 11. '/.eit-er, Agent ti 1 Phil tdi Iphi.. comer Chesnul and 'I hiril^ts. IIkasacre..Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a certain cure for this distn s- ng compIoinLliecause they purge fromUie ImmIv th<e.e bilhou« humors which are the rpu«e. not only of beadache, tmov.-» and sickness, etc.. but ot all the ills to which the flesh 1* heir,** One 2S cent box of the above named Vegetable Pills, nar, n ... will I're.pieiitly carrv olf the mo«l \ lolent iittnck ol headaclie, ai d in all cases pcrserereoce in the use of medicine will most iu.siire.tly make a Speedy cure nl every description ol headache. ...... , 1 , Wright's Indian Vegirtabto P.Hs also aidand imnror. Uon and purity the blood; and tlrereforenot only mnl ¦. n.ui- cal cure of the abovevexatious comphuoss, but wt.i mipiirt sueii health and vigor to the constitution to enab-e :t to re- ¦bt any future attack of the cbiJis ami lever, Caihon.,\.mtrrlctts 'irenbro: d. ... d ah res ol a d.tuUliil character, ami beliarl.cnlar to:¦.» i»r .' Indian Vestetobl« Pdb. nirir,-, devoted exelnsivoiy ... tl.1 «f the Vntirrnc. »W.s,«,..,i..,rl-.\..M .. .et. NowYork; \e. 1*> 1 reiiior.t «inet, lloi-'on: e e street, Philadelphia. Dallkv's Magical Psi«t ExTfiactor, from CT Walker ....-I'1 " -The Rev. Mr. Sparry. J. U.ll-o,-. 1... .... .. ,.j Rilejr, Em.. Fifth Ward Hotel: thekson (UV I2fi Brond« aj. will cerUty to the fact fuit tlie genuine Uallej is m Ik- bad >e ib .v-. my16 fteod DST Gouraud's Yeretabie Rmige imparts a delicate hludt me tinge to ti,.- complexion, immoveable hv nibbing with 11 jmndkerchtel nr linen ekxh. Also, Gouraud's Biur.e d'- Lsuagne. or ."vam-h Wim- |i.,r |,vo,_ ponoo'e,, black and 11 awn I011 he hear, nmi other cosmetics. 67 IVa'kersL hrst store 1 R< IM B oedway. mMSteod Dtf7*('it im>..The tc- ui Mr,..,. .,i (..;. Lxtraetorto I* had orn). renMmbor, onlyat21 CnurUanm «t. Oh, women, sroman! w hen to ill Inclined. No fiend in bell contains a* biack a mind. tOr AS\\*EET PRETTY GIRL TRI STED A FALSE friend, Irtiiic sdtlicted With dreadful eruptions, ,| .;;-ore- menl-, treckle*. Itr. S1»s toU her 10 get 11 cake of Jones' Italina ( hem ei Soup ; the friend wenr and boiight n counter¬ feit beciiuse tiici sold it n -iiilliiig less to bur Toe girl tried 11 lound it useless, was 111 despair; a friend whispered to her. strange h should tad: i kie.w two or .lirce who have used .1 e;r5' Soup, ami it acted beautifully. rnsde tne'r skin clear and whitens snow The girl boagiaacake, Uied it ; one should sea her now. free irom every blemish or ire<-kle. Reader, if you get the genuine now here eha in ibis city bui »t tlie sign of t 'i Amcricau Eagle, Chatham street, or ' will do nd here stated. Foi curing sail rbeuai. ring worm, .urvy, 01 any oihet disease oftbe skin, a s iniull.ble. Trvit once. Agent, 1^' Fulttoo-street, tlriH.iJyij; e sj(!l(C itree*. Ih«- ton, 3 Ledger Liu ildui;rs, Philadelphia. cod .."i .K^T More pooor» ofthMxtrnorriinarv cures performed by Dr. Rrnirauds Italian Medicated SrVao for rariaepmipled. btowhed rrecklerl. dark, erurnire. tallow, chapped skins. Mr>. ft. i pnper, nl I rosby-st, had a very unsurbtly. red nnd pim¬ pled taro. She wed n cute »r Goumuds Medirxted Snap ¦nil emdonllv and healthy. Mi»s Lruioi ( amerpn. Will,am .t. had n hi,-.- rivaling a Mnlattre«-. soMllow wastt. 1 cake of Hr. G.'s Soap rendered her -k n DeauUIully clear. tni:«;>nrc:it n»,l delicately white. (rlhcni caube referred to. The gennine t" I* had where ehe mmd '.'.'.! ""r,,'.r- ''V1 "t the onginal othVe. S7 Walker -i l»i tore rjtUjl Broadway. r,o<-.-::i. g cake. ml9 2t. Ci?" Sra»\.ii:R- Loos Oct. or r..M n-» cheated leith n pernicious ceuntertert ofthe fiimons Italian Medicated Soap prepared by Hr. Felix Gonraud, for the ^ure of la-ckl. i, pim- pln. blotches, tan. sallotenesi, and harsh, much, dry, chap¬ ped [lesh. and in fact, a* can he proved he eettraeales ail .sin dtsenses. Found ouly in thu city, at 'j7 Walker-erect first ilnre own Broadway. One cake, 50 centi.ire warrant, will eftecta cure, _ mil 2t end The Annuol ilfeetlnfrof the Societi the Neu \ ..rk Institution f if the Instruction of the Deaf nu Dumb, will be held on Tne^lar the 21st instant, at the house ..( the Rev. |ir. .Miim.r, v2 Reekmnn «'rf-^t, I'.r th" «'¦ ¦¦: officers for tiie ensuing venr, nnd the transaction of any other business that may properly come before it. Tin- Poll» will be opened between the hours of! and SnV'nck I'M. Bs ordei f the Board. 11. 1'. I'KKT. .New i "RK. .May lj. l-ll myI3 h, - X5-Tlie Remedv-JOILN ^COLLINS. FROM the Skancsti le« ( ornmunity. having delivered several Lectures on tlie Evils of S.h ctl. will present !n> v .'» . tor the rciiwi!-. of the presentsoci;l evih. in f.'oni-ert Hall. 4t»5 Broadway.'on Wednesday evening, atBo'clock, precisely. All persons are re».rtfuRi invitod to be present. Seat reined for the ladies Entrance tree. '"15 1* Commercial Mad Money Blatter». EJ- f"'o-Cennt/Tnt.' Money Matters, set /.>.-*r Pose. WgDsnisOAl P. M. Tiie Stock market was very buoyant to-day, und nearly every description advanced. Canton vver:t up to 62, nn improvement^ 3'; per cent. Norwich nnd Worcester ulso improved. ^xclianee is pteatly at o-f u 'J premium ; Francs The Money mirket is very easy, and cood pnper cr.n !«.' negotiated freely at 5 i«?r cent, i in Government Stocks loans are occasionally made at a lower figure, but the rate is generally 5 per cent. Tiie increase of freight and travel over the Knil- road. in this and the neighboring States has, by the cem-ral im. proretnent in the condition of the country rn:d in the meanrof the people; been very marked this year, and the ran., appears to be larger its the year advances. We liav e before shown the gam over the Norwich and Wnrcc--er, Stonington, asd West¬ en! Roads. We give below the receipts over two of the link" ;n the great chain of Western Road., remarking that the win¬ ter months arc of course the !en«t profitable, nnd that the entire year will doubtless show a gain larger in proportion titan the increase below: Rlli KIFTS Of tik (TtiCA and Si HEsntCTADT RAILROAD/or ihr first Soar months a) 1S4-J. January to May, is;;.tk'.Mfi 17 Do. no. Usit. m,7fiiS} F.v.-i. m favor of 1H44.»l3.Uw.3n Equal to s-w.uou per annum increase. Ret Birrs or tub Svjui i>e asp Oh a Railroad > ¦>¦ tit tir.<: Jour months qf 1s41. 1843. IP 14. Januarj.84.910 48 £5>H 39 February. 4.093 03 52259 SO Narch. 4.303« 7,;;m 83 April. ]£-12il; T-.tal.S-i.373 *7 $7j7.Ni 71 23,373 87 Evccs« in favor of 1844.$13.813 Si Equal, a- in tlie case of the Utica nnd Scbenectady, to $10.(X0 iiernimiiui increase. It will l>e remarked that the gam in April u within a fraction of100 per »ont. i ivi-r the Western Road also, the receipts thus far. for the prc-ent year, exhibit a gratifying increase over the correspond¬ ing period ol* last year. Kor the first eighteen weeks, ending May 4, they were as follows, compared with last year: 18 4 4. 184 3, Increase. Percent. Passengers.$74.P1U .tiO.KtO.iU.3uu \U I'riu-ht.Aic.._.. 1>I..'1Q ti 1.^77..... 31.333 Ml Total.£171,150 »129.517.S-ii.033 For the week ending .May II, it is estimated not less than $17.- 000 were received, and ofthii n large proportion ofioerease il| be four.-! in freights, as produce iia. come down the New Ifock canals in a parfect avalanche. An official notice of the Treasury Department da¬ ted the 11th instant, notifies the holders ofcertificates issued by that Depurtim m. undet the Convention with the Republic of Mcxii u Uiafcon the presentation of theit certificates at theDank oftba Metropolis in tiu« city. <.r after the 16th ni.t ant, they will reccivo-üieir proportion oftlie third instalment and inter¬ est, paid by Mexico, after deducting expenses ol Uansmtsaion and insurance to tlie United States; The amount to tx: distri buted i> 81Ä.484 W, and iseqnivaleat toti.'.^-lto per cent, on CntTmnnts who Imvenpplied to receive the amount payable on their ceitificatvii at Boston. Xew Vork, Philadelphia, or Balumore, may present thi m for payment on or after the 30th instant, at the Merchant** Rank, Bo»tnn: Bank of America, filew York: Pliilad ;p:i:a Rank, Philadelphia, or at the Rank ofBaltimore.., , . New llailn ad enterprises are Btarting in »II in- rection in all directions, ami those in existence improving their condition with results of experience. The Tonawandn, which connects the Rtitlitlo and Aiti-a with the It... hc.n-r ami An burn, is to be rebuilt during this season. Messrs. Duuan and Fowler, nf Rochester, have contmcted to grade and lay the track to Batavin, 32 miles.and not less than SlSO.OOOwill be expended in this renewal. The Fall River Railroad in Mass., connecting with the New Bedford and Tnunton, and Boston, ha. been ai! subscribed tor, and will ¦ «n be commenced. The cheapest R lilrond yei built is undoubtedlj the Alüca and tini lalo which is connected svith Rochester by the Tnnawanda ia.t'iioliced. . toly $268^^TSwere expended to build 32 miles of railway und il- receipts I rom passengi rs wereS42.93d. Freight, $30t;i,and mail, SiJSOO, totaf. $49,1*6. For expenses $19.143 were required, leavingii net earning ol over Unity thousand dolhr.-. on a cost of $2682275, and the earnings were small un¬ til April, owing the Tonawands being in nod order; 11990 through passen, ei- were transported in September, and only 313 in .March. This stock was refusen by .'.Vw Vork capitala«U at 8», and üientaken by Rosten iovi stew. At Boston, wiiii mi easier money market, and prosperous condition nf Manufacturing and Railroad Corpora t on- prices of m-ai!v all deserip'ions have advanced. Amo-- keacB worth29. Merrimack 38. Lawrence 9. Mass. Milt 8. Boot! I-' Suffolk 13. Treniot: 12. Vork 18. Uamilton II Idivi- ,;. ml.:: Middlesex 14. Appleton 8. Perkins 8, and Dwigl: b .,t advance.Nashua $520 lor £500.Locks and (.'anal- £995 tor $CW. ,, ,,. has been a very great ami sudden rise in Worcester Ri In td.which is based upon it. increased receipts fr.H i-i ra Railroad business, and a liope ofloui per cent, divid.I in July. A-it-cnp.lal i. now in.-rea-ed s>2ul,ts.O. i.iivderiihle addition is newesaory to enable vide as usual. For tlie year ending Nov. 39 but, tire receipts were $383.307, and ex- iditi res "-bu.'d''. beside $16.092alkiwed for deterioration «'¦ cur. a.« *t::p-il in it- report lo the legi.l-itu-e. Il.vnlcmts to the loniiunt ot' $ Iii* 000. or «ix per cent, on S2.7u0,U«i. were made. Twenty-two i«-t cent, advance now asked.and 30 oftered.tbr Concord is- worths'; dividend of Juts i-ercent. off- This road K-aabu hat a moderate cost, and enjoyi a great freinht ami passenger trathc, which lor the last six months, baa enabled its managen to divido five per. eat,, after paying all expenses and laxe- and odd two thousand dollars in us loraier surplus fund. Lowell b steady at 25. Ea -tern 9 and 7 Nashua 25.Maine leu idil and I ; for extension.Providence tjV.Auburn and Rochester 7.Tounton 21 a 23.^Norwich CJ-Chnrlestnw-n Branch, 87.Reading 21 Li s 27 Portland BSJ .Western 75-^ " The operations in Western nnd Reading Railroads sad east Boston Company have heim large during the past week, and a rise established in the two first with a decline ou Kasl Boston, .. buy< rs ai low rim »realise. IchbUre Railroad has advan i-ii to 2 ;»-r cent, oflered and 'c naked, »iih lew tellers. The Alban) Atlas says: ''Business Ims seldom been in a more prosperous con. ition in our city than nt t!it- prs- Knttime Thespring ir tie, i.e tlie opening of nver_and ,..I navigation, ha- fully equalled the expectation:nl the most sanguine. -V* an iudicatmnof thij we point tuüsa large t of merchandize ow piled on the docks and stored in forwarding bouses awaiting shipments West by hont,, nt which a sufficient number can scarcely be obtained. As a counterbalance !.¦ Ulis flood g.-. W est, a deluge ol the agft- ciiltnr-il produce of the great Wesi is being poured in upon u- hi the canal. Busincsi ol all kinds may simi to ac in a sound and health? condition, and v\ hat is bellet than all. con¬ fidence Hems wntteu ou every face." Sales of Real Estate nt auction, May 1">. fi'tr. Inthauv J. Blectkcr .v (o. Three-story house and »hont Iwe lots ofground on Stuy- vesant-st, neat 3d ayeniie... ..¦.Si.&Z Virginia l^imls m Kennwha and rayette i ounl es. ..-lo a. rv_Bt5cenU..$3tl 00| 640acres...at5 tcenh $30 BO MO " .nt:'> *' ..ajWJilÄJI .. ...atSS 11040 «4P .. " .tä " .. 32(W T40 " . 30 50 uo - :.::.nt5 .. ..32001 mo ...22« 3Iaxkct8_Carefully Reported fur The Tribune. WinstsDAY. May 15. \^HU< .'rheenquiry i^r Pots i. not very active, but none ha've ...>"Id we believe below $1 37K. Vesterday altern, on and to-day nboutSOObbb tove been taken. OrPearhsee notice sule- of.'n' S4 75. The receipts amount to 141«' hhl. COTTON..We hear of about 10S0 bales taken to-day at ... ious price., but the market .!->es not vary in its downward appearuncc. The following Circular ol Messrs. Stewart & W nght. Tontine Buildings.; prepared lor the steamer, furnishes valuable inlonnaU'on on this staple. Nkw -\ onn. May U UVERPOOt CT^SStnCATtOS. , Uplands. N. Orleans ^ Mobile Inlcrier.»':»'!,. Ordiaary.';:>-..- g«4a fa , Middling.«:'. a i L. a i « .;.I middlino.i- ¦' : .'» Ä i,- Middlmgfair. L'1' a L 1 Fjl(r .'i a B o a s-. Fuily'lsK.'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'.'.'.'.".'.K*gfj ;! g«* GooAfait.gaagS '* a ! Fine...8&a9 V'.^.L Estimated »nies ot yesterday.... 1 Do. previously this week.2. i". _ Do. total siuceJstinst.'.::"£.. . Du. receipts »iure Is*,' RECEIPTS asp stocks OF nTTOS l: pates. Receipts...SI Iii« -.-on. Last sseason N'.-.v irleans, 4:h May.'&? 4 Mobile do.s.:u,a94 Florida ,b.134.23 Georgia ii».SrpsTi South Carolina. 11th May.27I.M4 North Carolina, 41 .">:¦» . .?-3«3 Virgil ia, 1st .March. Total.Jr**:1*1 , Stacks.. .This season. Last^aso New »:'*atts, -lih May. Mobile do. I lorida do. Georgia do. South Carolina, ll'h May. .North i .arolma. 4th May. . *g Virginia. Lt March., 2.300 1.W0 New V-rk. litb May...Viax*0 Total.«OJ0 239.401 exports to dates v< above. G. Britain, France. N Bur. Offi.porU. Total.. Tlifs Year 729 767 I t> .21 2I'.s4.. H..n l.oo!>. Ve«rprevious 739.149 3072*a -'..-4' 2u.. o 1.1U.37., Freight*. , Exchange. rjverpool.5-li a 11-32London.8i^a9 "since'ihc'd.iieV.t oii'r Oircula'r issned on 3.1h April, öui i ot t. .- r! et ha- been dull and unsettled, and prire- bar - grad- .'; . vet way '- a S. on all qualities except mvddltos and ¦ood mMdling. wln-hWc been in «od request or shipment. S d il is,- therefore not felt the decline in as grwtadegrwas üsenaausies below, which have now become abundant in this marl et and are comparatively neglected. ' Ti-e accounts from Liverpool«» 19ffiApnLpet Hiberr.-a. wer received .... tb-eth ml., but having been t.. a cren rx ««.t\m.ccnte,»lucedon '. i'.'i ... has.irsen more lr..m local cau«e» tiein -- .V f. r" ami winch st I! to the muusrncc i r sincethe BOlh April have been depress »ur pn..«. Ii e s rf r «h piucnt- upoii an average ol .M'j ales pel aar. s . , .iminerst nkmr- thcr usual supply. S.-s< uli.tio.i Mine tuticie dome ol importance. ..:_. _.j L.u GKAJN-.-No Wheat offering. Rye a loaelive, and aekl .t 40 c-nts. with small .imply. There » a lair .juantits-of Com offering, and the market is weak. i here is some i.e- mand f.-r White lor shipmant. and lair- 10* no-he). >.ere made atS3aS4cts: and 400 d.. at W cents. Sales 30sOhosbets Northern at &i a 51 cent- ; !M te. 1000 do -southern .it 49 cents. meai re; and some Jersey at 52 cents. OsJs are S3 a w cents, and dull. Sales 600 bushels Southern at 31 cer.U, WHI3KEY.The market is dull with small nrrivali Seles of.'O Wettern bbls. nt23'i rents. HAY .I ii» supply a good. Sales of 3>X) to 40V hates fur sniome' t nt 35 rents. PROVISIONS..Pott is-.till dull nnd IVi me was offered nt 6 £7-.. Prime mi.I Mess .-.^ eoulil ho '-ought nt 6d. orfi? Mid (9: Iteef continue, to iirejuie ami safe, were mml» ef3fju bbtsCity Me., at and 7j ihe i ire ru;,| C'ountrr at S.Vi . Sales ot 40 hbd*. Western Smnfced Shoulders, 3'» : and 100 do. H ei -, i refill New Buffer arrives freciy. and -ell. in tuh. a..j pails at J5 a 18 rent-, and Western nsiry ntl4; old isabrtut out of first hand*. ( beesc a dull nt 4a 6-, cents : stock r-.'i-. HIDES..We rmtice limber sates. The <r.|»«re jirocha- grc, on te-ms not made public and 60 St. Catharines. 27 !bs in¬ ferior Quality. 11. GRI 'CKRILS.r'.r 3days .The mark« f.,r Coffee remain* u fur Uroe past, very lall, the trade bus in* sparingly. The rele*are4G0 bogs Brazil ntö1^ a cents: 300 Lacuaym. 7'-.- ÄSi Cuba, »> ,, 4 in-~; a::d .ssi S: -m nga a is cts. cr.,h\ '.. .'- rut: -: mere pi-V tor Muse.wndo Sugar tin, week, but the market generali) remains inoctire The «nie« include IM bbds New.Iberia, on terms not transpir¬ ed: liO Porto Rico. fJ-^ a7'_j cent*: piiSLCroix. SS« a 9'.- IJO Cubs Muscovado, 6 ¦¦ a6 .: and JTOd t.r>. Brown Havana, [including one invoicecf Ii'sOlns. »' -. a with some very prime at S?*, all on ti:-.- usual time. Tbe demand for Molasses hhds Cubs Mu-eovaiio, un terms we dal cut ier.rn. METALS.Pig Iron is scarce and rateable. In Rar Imn there a little doing. Tbe tendency is apsrard in prices, ol Kn- gu*h and Aimer can particularly. Tlie rtcent rlecsYsan ofCoo- g-es.. that the present Tcriff -hull n*t bo distarsed far this scar t.t least gives eo ifidet es to tbe trade *Vew Cooper n firm nt 31 'j cents, svjth a tendency Ui_ adranee, some n.,i,:ers refusing to .*.!! le-luw 2J. 6 m-iulhs. Yei'jw Metal s^l!» in suits ii« wanted at "2- cents, ti mouths. 5CW lbs Uld Cop' perbn tight 175j cents, cash. RFKr-WAX.Yellow, since the large opem'ions ol itst week, has been inset.-,., most ofthe orders f,r export being then executed; 2 a SUB Itn -..Id since at 3) cents Cr Southern, nnd 30!a, cash, ti.r Northen II I'..Mr.Tli emarket tor moat deseript on« is dull, and pr ce* of American have a downward t-ndency. The sale* con-t-tof 2J0ba!e> Manilla at 814320; Dew-KoUed Arne icon. SU«), tj months; SO do very superior, S120; and iJdo Water-Rutted, about fit I. cash. NAILS.fa consequence ofthe recent improvement estab¬ lished in Iron, the price of Cut Nails has been advanced t«4-; n 4'- cent', cash and b months, UlLS.Ni soles ol Whale for export': the bist were nt 35 cents, r.t whieb it is now he'd.34-, is oäerej: Sit) a bbl<. snlii for home use. withia a week ht 36cents. Linseed Is in tc- i|tiest. and or. English some imptos-eiBeuthas l*een established: tue nr-'i rallor-.s American. i,t 70 a 72 cent, tor casks und bbU.; 3000 do !.'. i.!-hT.'-j: and 8000 do. to arrive. 72," all rn-'i; tbe stock of English remmmnr in rirsl hands is about Until gallons.heklai 73 rci.r-. and upw ards. Ba«ket OUve has nmn,minted n ti: r iani-luid :< .Ml: r.t $3 ."«); Jj b;»!-. snkl lor export at BO rents. 6 mos. short pnee: and .V-n af che-ts Florence, $4,75. teas 2 and 3 der cent, lor cn-h. Palm sei:* m lots at 6a 6% cents: Lard oil, 60; Bleached Winter Whale, SO und Unbleached. 45 cents. _ Nsw BEPF«iti'' >il MiRITET..(For the week end-'ig Mar 13.; i if Rirht Whale, a few hundred bbl. N. W. Irom cargo of-hip Governot Troup, having been sold at 3S cents per gallon. In Sperms, nothuig has l".-cn dor.e except m one or two small parcels of interior quality. _ Correspondence of Livingston it <Vs Express, No. 2 Wnll-st. BcrPALO, May 13. Ti.e drmsters which marked many of tlie Wheat operations last June are remciebered bribe nmnufn-airers, and they step with great rautinn. No transaction is entered into without linl nucertiiioiog how large the fi-H-rlii:.- where they nreto set out. A yearngoil ivns nreeiwlrtbe reverse. Every bush¬ el of Grain and every borrelol Flourwbich came forward were eagerly picked un. and when the dial cleared o,r mam- s>| the Liners'found thca beads in a haltei less arcums-cribed than tlu-v bud anucipnled. Those disastrous results had their effect, arid"we now find that nothing in the shape of bread stuffs is touched utile-s legiümate trad! sanctions lite operation. Tins feature cbarai lenzes the whole L ike region, the eonseqiience of w hich is that both Wheat and I lour rule at lower rates. In ihisplaeeSTJj cent- Ins been the standard price for Wheat some days, and now that tlw seaboard exhibits palpable evi¬ dences öl n decline, it slowly rttrcedes ta its reUüve p «ii. The best of Michigan City sample, are neglected to-day, at diatquntetiun, while severalIbits of merchantab'e Grain iia\c ¦.¦me off i- low tn "0 cents. Flour is almost entirely negletited. 7\ few old pan els in lots of 10 and loa barrels are picked up at A*rush of canal boats from below, has given the shippers the advantage again, and Flour is shipping tor Albany to.duy at GTj a 70 cents per barrel. _ Correspondence of the Buffalo . ommereial Advertiser. t 'i.evklami, UthMay. 1844. Tbey dnilrepottsof out market in tlie Herald hare shown von tlini the iJhio i-aiial eontribiittng ir« lull ipioration ofthe large quantities of Wheat and Flour noted as arriving at your port fur eastern destination. At this time in»t year uiis mar¬ ket was very laugusd, an speculaton and regulardealers took hold very timidly of Flour at n.i'j and Wheat nl 66 n tX cents.: without an] hopes ofrealising more than a fair com- mission on the investment, The prices were imprudently low. for in I.ness Operation., when >'.^ki "theie as much imprudence in lorcing down prices to such a point a* will prevent the producer from markeUng Ins products as there is in ;;n intlateil advance hii a temporary checkina of supplies. Such n price as sixty-six cents lor Wheat in Cleveland ruie ducedthiseffect, i.ud utter the sine I s -n lieiK,: w ere brought ah immediate ndvanse m pneo was necessary,toere- nie anyactivity intrude. Itetwecn ihn dale and the rermiiia. lion ofthe uHNitli, the price of Wheat ran up from sixty-sis io eighty-cents witlwut producing anymotenal increase in the the daily average uuaniiiy risceisxd. the average Kit the month being 4,000, ha. per d ay. and the tu t fifteen days falling -hurt oftbat quantity: Flour advanced in the same tune from BS'j UiC sl. but it il d not im re ise tbe reeeints any. the first luilfof tltei.ith.exactly emmliitsto the latter hal:. All places west ol Buffalo weresimibriy innuenccd, and from the first ofJune every bnrrel ofHour and bushel ol wheat liougbt west of Bul- lalowcreat prices unjiistnieil bi the waauol me I jist fiir con- sumptioa. The lower end of the sec saw w ont up. giving Ihe farmer enormous profits, and tiie opperend came dosen, upset ting the profit, of ihe dealers m tle- r U inter und Spring pur. chase-. '"June. 1843,** ought to becul on the ghsses ofevety operator's specmeies, thai it might come like a mi-i before Ins ..yes in every purehasc in the present and coming numth, and thus avoid the brill ant riutietpatioi,s of last year and iheir niUl- ous eonseqilrences, l*hisssBsna'sbusine-sshasoMii^ rationally 87) m IHi cents lor wle-at and 84-i lor llour at Buffalo are prices which from tlicirmedium position should ,-ive eoofidei.alike io tarrnen thai no material advance can reasonably be evppet- ed, and u> die dealers tliat tlie risk of »criouji need not be (eared. Other featuresin the trade may f.- developed as the supplies reach the eonsumers and the new liarvest npproacbes maturity, but judging from tlie general surface of maUers at present, fsrices are at about a fair rat- fur ',li patties. Tlie sales ofg.Isamples "i Vbrthern Wheat continue at S.1 cents, with a doposiiion thown hy several of tiie steady buy¬ ers to w ithdraw from Use market iiiiulUii re is anahatassjent or two or three cent- n bushel in the price. Some samples of Southern u Iteat from Lai caster and th* Walbonding Ca na I ctmipare favorably w-rth tlie Northern ami have braucht the same price. The English news by the packer of the -Ith ult. witlalrt-w many ol the Canada orders, which will confirm¬ ed by the advices of lite llkh, at bund to-day, as there is a furtherriecl ne. Flour h is met n 'tendy sale at 4s. with a 1 Itle falling offwhen the brands were not in good repute, go n.any fancy, brands arenow made in Ohiothai their inflnenoe is teh in raising the stamlanl of ti.e w hole, and nllilour from the Ohio canal will now bear a tavombki comparison wtüt that from the in.11s in New York ofsimilni rapae ty, A dec rli d preference r. eiven ui i tannda to I Slsits dour lor bakers! use. n-nt orders arc regubirr ly filled mtlie imirket liirsuch conwmption without reference to irariation in prices. Corn has advanced, and the only article in which muh fancy speculation bos been indulged. 'I he duty levied in Can nda iso temptation tn run some risks s\.iii small vessets, and 2,tW bmheb were sohl at US cent.tfsal liars have paid44 cents, ano ns lite supplies are not ample enongh to keep the market steads. prices »ary with the feelings <'' ie day. Pork !. ru much mil of favor n> Vun Burenism, and no oi e gosss for " annexation" to it. If-the qoestion is asked. What will you take for Porkl the mind ofthe ¦¦¦Hit floats n-r sundry tigiire« witlioul seUling at any poinLand wind, up witll. What will 5011 g vc ? In Iii- e of sales, e.iotatains woiiiil i.ot be fnefs. Lard ranges frem 15 25 to 550 per 100 pounds. B-efn ui s| ihe tan e couditain pork, nnd nuthing doing in it. Vessels have been very much wanted fer the last week, but the arrivals yesterday will give relief Moan.?. .May 7..There has been a fair business done to day, the sales smounting to fully 20 0 bales. Prices, however, nre slightly in favor of buyers. MkMllng cotton wo continue to quote atC^ifl 7eeu!s. An estimateof the stuck of cotton nfl band, unsold in this market jiet eompteted by some of the broker-, tl,.. amount in round numborsatnlioiit39,000 bales The tales of Use hut three days t-. 0 bn e.Saturdnv jUti, Morula v L *> :¦¦¦¦'. n, d-r. lvo The r.e. ua. Io .lay ii i\e been IijJl,nI ¦_ those of the week i.'.Tn. The total reeeints of the *«...,, at lb s port, have been I bah- In. lini ng 797 bale* from Florida. '1 he stock on hand, including all on .-hiplsoard. is 85 318 bales: Exchanges have been brisk to-day. with an upomrd tendency; We qiiotestcrhng at 7*1 a S}i prem.; francs 5 30 a 5 33. Sixty day bill on New York . per cent discount, and sight on die same '.¦ n prem. Sigi.i lulls on New «Irteons par to '.. dise. Alabaina moaey in good demand at 7 ~t't dtseouns. MARRIED. ' m ihe 4th u;si. by the Iter. Abraham Messier. D.D. ofSo- merville. N. J-Rev. William T. Docblcoay, of Bom- bridge, m 5lus FttAKCU M. .laughter of Francis Doremus, t,j New Y.-rk. >n tlie Uth inst, pt Sr. Peter' Church, by the Rev. Dr. Pow¬ ers, EdwardC. VVbst, of Madison County, Illinois, to Ji Ha , youngest daughter of the late Mathew Carroll, of this City. At Clinton. N. Y. on the 3uth of April, by the Rev. Dr. Nott.Mr. Rollis Root to Miss Sdss-S S. daughtei ofEd ward Elliott, all ol Clinton. Abo, nt Clinton, on Use8th inst by the Rev. Samnel <;.-.J. ley ol Waterloo. Join K. Llliott to Eurs, daughter of William .Marsh. At Newark. N. J. oa Wedriesday. 15th inst Lkxuxl Sjtrm of rh.» City, to Fram u Hi trii ma, daughter of John 11. Stephens, tsq, ol the lorun r 7. e. (»ILO. In this City, bist -. Way ICth, Anna MaHIs Brow s. daughter ol Charles an Mnry Ano Brown, ageil J year,. 5 months !i!;d 5 dsv TliaFronkl.n Disisi n Sons of remperenee and tlie frienils -. ii ml n e .i to attend the funeral to-day at 4P. M. fn*m38Chryst:c ireeL ' ni t:.c i ith insL nltir a short illnc-s, .1 imej ASCHKR. agisl On the 14th inst, O. StcvcssOX. aged 47 yeats, 8 months and 27 days. i rn tnc Inn uivt. Edward Moore, in the 51! yt..r of his age. In Brooklyn, on the 14'.ii imL Mr. Titos. C. Story, aged PnssengerS Arrive:! In ihr Patlset Skip SuUgt r'r.on ll.irre. JI- SoMa'.a. -Mr StotaH.177 «leenige. im the fhip SptfrtH i L*'tcrpoal.i 1eorga Smith, Manchester .1 Me.reton. l-ccds. J Wsdie. .Mcth.'ey: K Parkinson, no: J It Wilkes, Borwick: Henry Hassard, VVatertord; Win Johns, Pottsviile: CTownsend. Burlington, t; j Bobbins, St Louis; T11 Dmtensrorth, ofNew.York.311 steerage. In the bng Republic. 'i.>m Jtpglat.ktcUet.I'apt NieboDs of -hip Min,-... I. |i Roberts and KM nt Kr> Wost,Mrs l^ies. R A Edes.Capl Andrew, lady ami chiUI. (>.:i: t; Llarni... K No)es, SPatsobt, VA to. Bennett. S Ryan, David II. Kotxrt- son. MARINE JUl'iLXAL. PORT OF KEVsTYORK, -MAY 1C. Ml.MATl'KK Xi.y. \Sac.TKii f.V. The Sex" t The Möns. j FtllSra. Rises..4 44-Sets...7 091 Rises.4 041 Even.8 40 l.msilnTts, lernten.Ma 20 Havre.May Is Liven-ool.Mi»' 1- -^-"v '"«.'.>.\!a> . fXJ~See Lii-t Page._ A rri VCds Ship Sea. T.dw ird-. from i tverpool, .\pril 9th. aidge, Tay¬ lor«: MerriU. May Ist, ist 4'I2*. kme« 2S. sicriahzeJ ship -Mliert 7>! and 4tn, repeatedly surrounded by immense moun¬ tains of ice. P.-o-k-t si,. Sit.'y. Ed.-,r. Im Itnv Apnl JI. mdse, to Frx & Livingston. From long 45 to lü. pa,v.d immense rivets of ice. >'ti'n Sutten, Galloway, öds from Charleston, cotton, to G Sutton. Brig Republic, i.'ntcs, from Apalachicoh. mKy U»it.S davs. with c-tie.n. to E. D. Untibai stfi. _ !>>rr at Key Weut. rerirSarah.from Chartestoc lot Havana had been asimre on the ReiT..hi Ihe 4*h seas get otf by the wreckers and brought into port, cargoofrtca was dhehorged. BriUsb brig Uazeppa, fen:, 17 us Johns. ..F. te Mart- land. Comrt* Co. Beloxv, 9sl .:..-; hark Urron and brig SulbVan, Wane, fra Mobile.. Wind S. _ Spoken, Jtc. April 3D. In'27 40. h»ri»S4 tJ\ ship Courtney. fm Apaiachi- rnla for t.'.verp «ol.wishe,! t" lie reportesl Mar 2d, Kt 43 32, long 45 4.'. brg New EnclanJ of Beaton, fm Mntseiiles. _, May 8th, 1st43 33, long J? 21, l ark Kose, Bunk. Cj" Eccnh-nbion-Tn THE PUBLIC.Tb« Bin to- ot in., sr..nnric .ml jmt .ng Exhibit on. extrem*Iy grate- lul for tiie unprecedented y-.tronarc received at the band« of r, tUSttlwutaang and hrwra! pnldie, propcwes a series of bo tma lo th« ittrnHti Charitable Societies -if tru« t'ttv. and will ro-rmt»aice In r-.pptop: ,i,ng l!,e nUcre reCJjrptl oTFndar. th, I.thin«t. to the *Sa ,. -t.t.\g.,i and liaJu« t bespcct-ible Feaiales. Th*' »fSeer of«nid Sv otr author/ed P-?1** contributions. « dl have the c.vidiiess to cali at tn.> Exhibit .. Holl il 7 o'el efc Friday evening, and r«ee:ve the receI..; t,.-. ;tiv -,. ... t tii. i .y w,u yicaic noüc-". info 3!is* n> Phe. Anniversary of the Votith,' tl<«- «i.Mlury.*».?..:.¦ f y -.., - >.) £ « -. . i °? r-'"" Thoaday Eveningnext, iCth inrt.. at balfpait seven o el ,rtc. Themeeting will be sihL-eaaed by Rev. !>. no-bm of Die*. umoo Colkee, Rev^John A. Collm« of the Baltiroore Crwfer- erce. and Rer. J. Jj. F.ndlay. tint M ....:,. -ii- Wren- a " I' ¦. THOMAS HENDERSON n.liJf >eerct.i.-v. 11-T' « he Attention ofGemleim -. .... elegant extra light Black Benvers for Spnn; and Sommer for Dished brthesul~-r:^r. AM I DON, r ..¦ n-.-rr. ml) 2wi.« VVa:: -i-eet. r..r. Sassau. tzt. Plano-t..F< l at », r< splendid Piano Forte«, finished witli hII the modern improve- men!', and. in fart, a ii;>t rate rrt:e;e. rayl63ns F. COLTON.U3 rx".-^ Pa.'rr Hnturinir«. Bn--.l>r ami Kirr- RhaRIi PRINTS..J. H. ü'J M. PRATT. No. 31 South- \\ and 47 Sv me street, h-.-e on hand an extensive as¬ sortment r.f Paper Hangings. Borders and Fire Beard Prints, ah eh they otfer to Country Merchants arid otr«-r. on the man fivnrsble tarms. ni'ilS 3un« E3*" The Invisible VYlcr so .. resen real head of Fasirthat *cey:''*«a::.! eooittusaeufs havepranoQDC* ed ;t tiie most perfect a-'d extraordinary invention oi the day.. Thec-ent advantage of this novel ami unique Wig is it« !se- mg made witbont wwincot weaving, which causes itsappee r- nn<v soclosely to resemble the natural hair, both in liel I less and g.inernl appearance, as to defy detection, its texture being so beautiful; so porous am! «o tree that in all cases of perspira¬ tion evaporation i, unimpeded, and the greet evil» (,t" other Wigs entire!) avoided. The sceptic and conaoiseur are ill .: invited i.ipect this novel and beautiful Wig, and the pe¬ culiar method of Siting the hen,!, at the manufacturer's, \. f! barry, 116 Broadway, comer of Liberty-street, upstairs, e.,ii Ino. A SERIOUS DISASTER! Owing to the breaking «f a double cylinder press yestetbay. we \iere compelled to disappoint several thou-a:;.: people who were anxious to obtain NUMBER FIVE >F LI FE FIS Til E iN EW WORLD! BV SEATSFIELD, f oxtaimxi; SCENES IN THE SOUTH-WEST. Copie» are now ready at tiic having run a pte». dun Ig the whole night, in order to be Sble to supply the great demand. Tins work, which is a complete romance in itself, with a regular plot, srOI I-- concluded in two Nuinlnrrs. Price, H i cents each.$8 n hundred. JUST PUBLISHED, THE iniilll.A.NI'S OF ETHIOPIA, in four Part-, each a handsome illustration.the greatest book of travels of the present century. Price. 2i cent., each P.irt. THE MYSTERIES »F U >.Mi< IN.Part IV. Price, Li1., cetit«. A work of extraordinary mtcreat. the FALSE PRINCE, or the Communky of the Soven Deadly exciting romance. Price, 12'. renn. the CRUISE OF THE SOMErs.A capital work for all classes. Price, 12;, cents. WRIGHTS NARRATIVE AND RECOLLECTIONS OF VAN DLEMAN*3 LAND. Price, 25 cenu. Thedetaü« are of the must horrible kirn!.and show the !re:it'r..-ut of the American prisoners now in exile at Botany Bay. MUSICAL ALBUM.Parti I. to 111..The cheapest work for ladies ever issued..! Inly Irie l lent a nage for choice Songs I From the best Opems of the great inust.-.-s. Twenty five cents each Number. Also.All the cheap Publicatio is issued by ml6 J. IVLNCILESTER, Publisher. LADIES ATTEND! LIFE OF MADAME D'ARBLAY, .iFormerly M:s» Rorney,) Atrmoa <>r evblisia. ckcilia. stc. ü.-. BY MRS. HELEN BERKLEY, SI THOR OF "TI1K FoRTI-SE llt'NTVR. tU. AiC. '2 VoU. Cents Each. Tili, work has all the interest oil romance, although it deals in nothing but tacts. The life of tlw author of" Evelina," the most popular novel 6fits day, is full of incident and iie'ructien, Mi«s Burney was only sixteen when she wrote Evelina. It brought her immediately into acquaintance with Dr. Johnson, Burke.oui own Franklin. Sir J..s|nm Reynolds, and ailti.e in-,.1 extraordinary characters of the last well as the present century, tor she died only a few yean since. The numerous anecdotes oftheseextraordinary persons scattered through these rob. possess the highest interesr. Mrs. Berkley Im. produced here lbs most attractive book of the Kiason, and one which willbe read with delight by young and old. Ii is onejul the most amusing biographies ever written. Published And For Sale by JAMES Ml »IVATT. nip;_ 171 Hr. iiKvay. N. V. THIS DAV PUBLISHED, A New F il i t i) ii o : V I O L E T W O 0 D V 1 I. I. F OR.THE LIFE OF 7.V OPERA DJtXCER. A Tale ol the human Passion« and t IharactCCI. "A creature not too brightot good. For human n tture'sdaily f..<»;. Made up ot'charms and simple wiles, Praise, idsme. love, kisses, lean and smiles." Price roooeed to W cenos. For sale wholesale and ietail by BURGESS, STRINGER ii CO. mltj_22J Broadway, corner oi Ann-t. WHIGS AT FEND : : Tiit- National Clay DXelodiist, A Collection of popular and oattiotic SONGS FOR Tili; PRESIDENT1 VL CAMPAIGN; niustrated with numerous Original Hesigns, and a beautiful and correct likeness ut II c ii r y L' i ;i y. just pulil.sliwi, and can be hid at wholesale Ot retail of SAXTON se MILES. 203 Broadway. Price |8 a hundred.12,'.. cent, sm-tle. ml6 It A BOOK FOR EVERY FAMILY. SMITH'S BOTANIC PHYSICIAN. BEING A COMPENDIUM OF THE PRACTICE OF MEDICINE Together with n great Variety of USEFUL RECEIPTS. S..ld \Vnoleiaie und Retail, By SIIEPARD, iiiln_ l.'l l!r..-dv.,iy, ;v situ J.i:mf. THIfä dai PUBLISHED, Till. PASTOR'S APPEAL To Ills FLOCK r OS CONFIRMATION, Showing its authority,nature, qualifications for it and motive, to it. PRICE l-' CENTS. For sale by BURGESS, STKLNfiER tfeCO.. uila2tn 22! Broadway, corner Ann st. AVE HAVE NOW HOO'! BXOECH TO ACCOMMODATE ALL. BURGESS, STRINGER &i O »,222 Broaowav. Corxer oi \ nn.strklt, have lor sale tin-day tiic following new putt, hcittion*: Price, The Prone Bird.2". The False Prince.'-i "l Mysteries ofLondon, No. 4.12 2 Lite in the New World.By Seatstield.Nos. 1. 2.::, i. 12- , cents each.>i Major Jones's Courtship.12 lllustratio!.äu Cecilia Howard.By T.S. Aithni.25 , Rkhel ;i in Love.By T. S. Arthur. The Lord ofthe Manor.I2'i The Highlands of Eth ..; l- 4 ,-. ll -r.33 '-ents each... If) Ollnpodiona.Nor. I and 3.Price cents each. HO All the late public .ii .:« ire for -ale wholesale and rtt-ul bf III ItGEsS. STItXNGER tc, n i. 222 Broadway, mii2t _Corner ofAnnatreet. ONLY 12J CENTS A QUIRE! F o r Etiod Letter and Cnp Paper! BURGESS, STRINGER & C< >. 222 Broadway, Comer of Arm street. Intend keeping on hand at all times n gu^d supply of Paper of all kind'; Pens. Ink and Quills, Steel Fens, Wafers, fee. nil of which the) will -ell very cheap. A very good quality ol Letter and Cap Paper, at S2 a ream. ro~ A complete -et of tic Knickerbocker, for sale .24 vol- umes._miJ 2t TO TRAVELERS..J. DISTCRNELL. No. 103 Broad¬ way, between Pine ami Wall streets, bos just published the northern traveler: containing the hcpso* Rtvca Iii no-, and Torn to Tin: Sprisos, LakkGborob end t'sNAiiA. pn-s ng IhlOUgh Ijike Champlain.with two Mips showing the entire route. Price SO cent.. Thctrade sup- plied on liberal terms. ml63t" iVTEVV Bi »OKSTORE.Bl « »KSTHECI1E VPEST \ !. :'. ^ s i i.e siili-eribef [formerly at Its has opened a New- Book¬ store at 140Nassau st. where he invites Ins (handsand formet customen to call. All new and valuable boos, received a. -non as puolhbed. A large ¦ssoctment of standard works on hand very, rrre cheap. EZRA COLLIER, nil31wlJ&.ltW*_1K> «t. A SPECULATION. E\*ERY LAWYER, AM» EVERY SCHOOL TEsXUs ER IN THE LANII. should .apply themselves with at !tn-t a ream ofraked Cap Paper, at lid. a quire, good enough lor any Use. Ik, you know wheretn call. allLPARDS. utiie place. 191 Broadway, rr.13 oppo-itu Join, street. Jof'RNEYMEN SHI »E--MAKERS.WANTED.100 Jounieymen Shce-Maker>. or more, who can make jinl rair werk. None others need apply. Men'«. Women", and l 'inldren'« workmen wanted. For the icst icotawcsi that ..nn Is- hnd, tlte best price will be paid.. Price is of bttle consequence if the workmanship is firstrate. SMITH a. HARltflil IRNE, mlC_17u Fulton-street, Kr'»;klyn. V\".\NTi:i).To. day and tomorrow, 2 Car;-enters, 2 Coo- ii pets.andS BlicK.iuths, .>", Igtndsmen to proceed on Whaling voyages immediately.oil el. thing ami uther ncrcssa. ry articles fnroisbed on the credit of the \ .,yuze. Appl) l-vl South street, t.irve U'sor« east from Peck Slip 0 the r.t door op; . V\... ii iscutth ferry. S. BRADI'LV _n.lC lt*_ \ RF-SPF'TABLIIv iung wsatssi Btnation in a jTa. private family as cook; w »s-ier and ironer or laundress.. She has gixid extv reference. Please to call at W Mutts-rry -t. up ttjin. in tne front room._ml" li* TX7"ANTED.An infaat to nurse .r. her house, by an Ame- »V ncan woman.who srasconnhed on Sunday l«-t with a still born child. Comi reference-given and i-isiwl. App.y in F'irtxan-«trt.ft, tlurd door south of IJro.jk;yn ll- :/"'. nilo lit is* 'ANT PLACES-A large numlier of the !>est ierviints m the c.ty. Sot bo:.s «vnated, at cVj , \\ «:ker -t. ;." BOARDINU.Furm-hs-il rooms, with Breakfast and Tea. Also, a small family con beaccomui'Mlated with lull board at 112 Ls»oc.a:,l st. opposite tne C.-.rrton H.»u>?._m.J isir ALBERT BEACH. Ill CHATHAM-STREET, NEAR i'E \RL..STREET. OFFKRr1 for sale at low prices, an assortment of the follow¬ ing goods. Bronzed or ?,lvert.t ^iramlole«. Solar Lam;<s for Lard or Oil. Sandwich, Ucthi: and Convex Tea Trap, in «et« or sep- aratelr. iand Trav», kr. Plated t ake Boskets, Castnrj, Candlesticks, S-.utfers and Engli-h and Domestic Britannia Ware. Sds er Table and Tea Spo-^ns. tr. Tab'e Cutlery and a lot ot fancy articles. mlO 1 m DK. 5. C. F< has removed from ins'.ate res,,:- -c No. *:6 Houston-street to No. 17 Amtty-st. ml4 Iwts R. SAYRE has removed to thtTNorth-Wast corner ot hroadway and Spruig it, from LH Hudson »I. lim OFFICE TRIBÜNE BUILDING, XCO NASSAU ST. GRAHAMS MAGAZINE AHEVD. TU F. BEST PERIODIKA I. PUBLISHED CONTENTS OF THE JUNE M MliBR. Out Contributors:, So. 13, Robert T. Conrad, with a Port Hopeless Lot«. By AmeEn. "Chsuiga ofScene." Hy Mr«. A. M. F. Annan. The l>ij. .Versace. A Story otTarn in 17»;. By Frank Starr. !>~am Laad. By Edgar A. Poe. I aus Temptecno. By Mr*. E-nroa C. Eir.btiry. The T-.o,i'U-,. Itrj. K. Paulding.. A Jaunt to r' e Mongaup Falb. I!»' Alfred B. St-eet Sketch« of .\a<-ni Men. John Barry. By J. F. Cooper. ParadMe and the Pen. Feeimg versu« Beauty. By Mr«. Frances S. Osgood. Nureniberr. By II. VY. üsngfcllow. The Smith ofAursbarg A egend. By Mrs. E F. Eilet. To . '. Ye kos v. ho." By H. T. Tuekeruiaa. Sonnet It). CharlotteCushmaa. K!« e and Isabel, or Truth und F--sei ¦<..»:. By Ann S. Ste. Ruth. !!v Mrs. Lydia J. Perron. ''^ern^Aceoinpo«hrrieots, or .Nature against Education.. Browntrood Feniale Syminary. By H. W. Herbert. Review ot New Bonks. EMBELLISHMENTS Br.iwvwo.s-, rr«strt Sestrxsav: From so Original Sk.-t.-li. by KlChants, Engraved hy K loo, Wr : al Hatch. Pggj *>r> PsRsT-i-a: F-nnted by EdwardGorbauld.and engravedexpressly for C-af .o..'» Magumo. ;.y It. W. Uodtoo Portrait or R. 1'. I 'o\:t»r> From an original Picture t..r tin* Magazine Engraved by it. XV. Hudson. 'ir.t.iiNvL Menu Barcarole. The word* from James' new Novel Arratsr la St-iart. Mus e i>> i.'i.,rg ., Romani. _ Latest Fashions A verv new, ii not the most popular Terms.SC per annum in ad-, rutce. 2 copies for $3. single Nes. 3öcts Denvcred many" parted this atyand Brooklyn, paya¬ ble, on del.very by the exclusive A .-enr. WM.H.GRAHAM, Tribune'MRce. mlä .is_ I s) Nassau st. just published. THE STA IT. OF k.ELIGION IN ENGLAND VND GERMANY. COMPARED, Ming an examination >'i a review nf "New Evolastdisx, not the Re!:g:..n of'he II.I,-e" tithe .Neu Englander tor Apr I, im. PRICK 13<* i ents. For sale by 111 KG ESS. STRINGER ü Co.. jmyl3 333Broadsrmy. cor. Annst IMPORTANT TO MINISTERS. r£. l-sTt-T rtrsusiiBo A TREATISE ON PREACHING, In a Series of Letters. BY THE REV. IV. GitESLEY. A. M. Revised teith additions. nv rev. n. j. HAicirr. One Pet. \2rno. Price SI 35. McertiscuuaU.~ln preparing the American edition of Mr. Gresley's valuable- 'Fr«.-iEis«.. a few foot notes have been added uy the editor, which aredi»tmguishe<l by brackets. The in.,re extended notes at the end have heeii selected from the !«.*t work- on the subject.ind »inch, with 000 or two exception-, are not easily BCCeaaible to the Amen.-an student. FAMILY AND PARISH SERMONS, rRCAcnrn at ci.tpn.iM and rlasbury. BY REV. CHARLES BRADLEY.A. M. Two volumes oj English edition m one. raten »1 The Seriuous oi tin- Dn meare much admired t".>r their plain, yet chute and elegant .!>i-.': they wui In- ibu-nl admirable adapted tor family reading and preaching, when no pastor is located. Recommendations: might be given, if space would admit, from several ol our I!,-hop* and Clergy.also from Ministers ot various denrnnumtions. !>. APPLEl'ON fcCO. Publishers,303Broodivay. mlj 2ti«_ .JOOO NOVELS VT ii < ENTS EACH The suhaeribcrs having accumulated a large quantity of Nov.which they aredetrrmined to -.11 oil" in a rush. Among them may be found the following works: Si. -p Haler. orThe n I Boy m the! minibus.original price25. 'rice.6 cents TheGentleman's Daughter.tJ " The Capitalist.6 " The Village Inn.rj " Ellen Ramsey.>i " VVilford Lord.6 " Pel. r, by William lb.watt.* " The Rambles of the Emperor Chin Tili.»....<> " The Adventures of l.-.tirenlim m Search of his Father.i< " Tl.I Man of Uarlem.6 " Romantic Bingmphy of the Age of " The DiN.mof tlieTory'sHmm!. ti " The Gipsy's Bride, by N. P. Willis.6 " Hessens die Prisoner, ur AII for " Magdaline the Monk's Prophecy..! " Tl,.-1 boote, a Tale of the CrescentCIty.II " The Conspirator.6 " Modem Chivalry, by Aintworth.ti " .Inil.ih Bensalli, the Jewess.b' " The Battle of Lake Erie.6 .. ITie Private Secretary.ej " Edward M. relev.rj " The Brewer King, a splendid novel.6 " All of the above w ill be sold olfnl 6 cents each. Also, for sale ui Scents each, 10 or lieu Magazines, Graham, Gnllerv, Ate. for 1843, by BURGESS, STRINGER 4c CO. niI3 2: 322 Broadway, corner Ami street. HARPER *. BROTHERS WILL PUBLISH on tuesday MoRSINO. TH E P R AIRI E l> IRD, By the Hon. CHARLES AUGUSTUS MURRAY, Author of "Travels in North America," Forming No. XXXIV. of the Library of Select Novell. Price Twenty Five Cents. ON WEDNESDAY MORNING, AN INQUIRY. ADDRESSED TO THE CONS! IENCE < IF THE CHRISTIAN READER: CAN I JOIN THE CHI RCH OF ROME WHILE MY RULE IF FAITH IS THE BIBLE By the Rev. I /ESAU M A LAN. D. b i n Geneva, in Switzerhuid. Traruluted from the last French edition. Price Twcnty.five Cents. ON THURSDAY MORNING, NEAL'S HISTORY <>r THE PURITANS. No. V. *. . Tliis standard w ork wiU be completed in eight numbers of about 110 pug.."*, at twenty-five cents each. It is printed from Toulmin'a edition, edited by the Rev. J. 11. Choules,(bte ofthis city.) and embellished by a portrait of a distmgaished Puritan to each number. IN FRIDAY MORNING. THE VOL NO SAILOR: A NARRATIVE FOUNDED ON FACT, By MARY S. B. DANA, Authoress of "The Parted Family," "Charles Morton," "Southern ami Northern Harp," Ill one vol. 18mo. neatly bound. Price Three Shillings. IN A FEW HAYS. OBSERVATIONS IN EUROPE, _ml4 4t By the Rev. Dr. DURB1N. iFRANKLIN DEPOT >F CHEAP PUBLICATIONS. No. 321, BkoaPW \v. ALL TIIF. NEW PUbLICA'l lu.NS Will be found oo out counter at the earliest moment STATIONERY /VND RLAN'S BOOKS of every descrip¬ tion, Cheap. I ountrr doüeis supplied, i Irdcrs should be addressed Ipoal paid »tili n miltance to II. WILSON. &. Co., mil 321 Bl adway, N. V. j:;ir published. PRtl IE TWENTY-I IVE CENTS. C E C I L 1 A ll 0 W A It II , or THE Y< >ung LADY wo., inn FINISHED HER EDUCATION. by t. s. vk niua. Author nf " Insubordination." '" Six Nights with tho Wash- rngtooians," " Sweetliearts and VVives,"4tc A l!<i.ii< F'iR EVERY (AMERICAN WOMAN..THE LADY AT HOME: or, LEAVES Min d THE BVERV DAY BOOK OF AN AMERICAN WOM vv Bv Mary Eutwoon, . ,. . , rjep" This work a record ol home scenes, and n intended to exhibit the lady in the domestic circle, where the real charac¬ ter of every woman com.- out. This hook is lull of touching incident.and cannot fail, while it deeply interests every make a .alutnry iinprtsiion on the mind. Price Iii cents. mloo'us*_JOHN ALLEN. 13!' Nassau it PLEASE READ THIS! A DDRESSED to (llergymen, I lountrs Merchants, Postmas- l\ t.--. and all persons who may xvish toactas AosxTsin d -p,»ingot tn<--r pevvand e.-.utiful volumes, SEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS. History or the Bible, % vob. in one. with numerous fine Engravings.13 GO Bible Biogmpliy, ;tti Plates. 2 SO Wonders of the World. :») Plates. 2 50 Guide of Knowledge, 300 Plates . »80 Pictorial I Hirst of the Bible. 3voh.6D0 Plates. S W THE Musi' SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED VOL¬ UMES for lamilie ever issued on tho American Continent, containing moro man Two Thousand beautiful Engravings; designed by the most eminenl ',t' Lni-l-.'-d -.nd Arti.r-. Published an.1 sold hy SURS at WALKER, ill Foitonst New York City. z'j- Aoektb Wanted..The Publishers of '1"* above Work, are anxious to establish Deoositories foi their fate in everrtown and village through it the I nitad States and lint nh North American Provinces. We, Iherefisre, uivito the at¬ tention of t LBRorxiEN, Post s ssTxas, Supenntendenti and I'Teachen ofSabbsth Schools, thu matter. Oortermi are.we r.-imre to .«-?^>. .t.r the return i>l th»- books in good order, or the proceeds when soldi snd weahall .end a te>x asaurteil, ii>m>jii as we receive from each applicant the tiecssaarT-informatioo. Persons orocrinc bcaiks will be oar. ticular in givng their ' -.lice a.l.:.-e-s. a:el als-i -Uiting how ti.e !e.x .Ii;.,! -i to them, r- t-ir-: -r i-.-mlar- .i-.e to SAldreu, ... -.--paid.) E W VLKEK teCO.. 114 Fnit.n .ire. t. New \ ..rk t.'ity. [gf PerJQXS from the ciiuntrr v-siting the City, who may be desirous of engaging Ip tne saleol the above works, will please apply as alaive. The most hlerral comniisiioii allowed. myl lino._ C1 AUTION..AU persons ore cautioned against rcceiviag two cheeks drawn by John B. Taylor, on tue 7tb Ward Bank, one dale.! Mn v 13th for two hundred dolbin. the other e«t-<; May 14-h for forty-five dollars, bots, having been stolen. Payment of the MUM having tx-en "opped at the Bank. It* , ~. AT PRIVATE 9A LE.The lot of groom] 35 feel by fS?Sr 75 feet coverad xvrth a three .n.ry hncic budding. i.'..'.'' known a. No. IM' horch .trtet, between Leonard and Antiioiiy -treets, erect..) about 12 months, and let to good leiiiint*. For particulars, anplv U, AM'ib IN V J. BLEECKER U CO. ml>*_No.7 Broad tticet, neat Wall street rös I' r. itii \ \i i; \RDKN TO LET OR i_t ifrij? LEASE.'!. Ii- - ind Garde No. " «rr--A ^JU. Bou opposite the V. rn Theatre, !:.-....*.-: I i as /.uer's Gr.rdrn ;.the fixtures and st.-ck of the -auie i'.r sab.-. The above i.efer» a tavorahio opportunity to any one wishing to go into the business. Immediate pus-cssion giv-n. Apply at N... 117 H'ii.--t. - i.s. \Vat.:r -r. _n,K ' s_s TO LET.In the ricinity of St. Mark's Church. l -T» near the Stages and Railroad, i.i a gen-eel neighbor- _ hood, a part ofa three rtorjr house, consisting of the parlors.mahogany doors.u large front r.«im, bed room and cl</»<-ton the th r.l floor, a g.- >i light kitchen, the half or a good cedar, yard. &.r. To a small q alet family.the otter pen being trf-cu/ued by Will be let on very reasonable terms. References (riven and required. Andre*) ->!. v^.K-. ml6 3t >s* FOR S \I E.A good Farm at Urookhaven, Long Maud.coiiUinmg about 75 acres "t ex-ellen; land. 60 ot it in S first rare itateolaood cultivation, Iroin A't'1 ».^»|!and ore and aboul one acre of go.^1 orchard. A rloobw one story House, nea am and other <>-it bmldmgs.- For putieulan apply Hettett paid to W.tcl. r.TAPS- C'l i f. 7H Sonth-.treer.'-.-¦.ner Maulen lane. _mlo "T^J to LEI'.'The -mail More in No. S3 Pearl street Tillsitore rs well «ituatMl lor an Exchange Orrice, a i Millinery itore, a Merchant Tailor's EsiRblishnvent, oranvothe' kind of bosi ess ere it little room is required. Tiie rent will l»r ree.'-mable to a good tenant Applv to HO< I- PKR H. BR" »TU FR edioining, Of at tue Dry Dsik Bank, cor¬ ner Avenue Ü and Tenth itreet ml53tis* « HUBBARD G STONE'S %?V.\ STORE OF WATCHES. JEW EERY. Silret Jp4 ib Ware, 4ü-., Wfc 401 Broadway, cmnet Walkr.r »r. New York. \ Is of Repamng carefully done. Old Watches, Gold and Silver, taken la exchange, or Dough; fur cash._ rorilma ö. G. STONE, Sawood OT mi' - 'Ml i".itkF.M:K. su.-tioneero. CTORE .No. 29 La.,I street Nu**»«! IlaU.1 , 1 HB D VY May I«, M'rrar s SaAIC. -I.rv.rt r-M-,-,nf Fdcia. .! Th/,gd>V-tW.HttdayOfMay .mLat '.! h l -v>- 101 ^»etr^bec.mtoiitsofa Bathing turtrj. one targe pPper Kmler. mm reo h. v,. w -h mtures. br«Water< .tern. LookingGlass*,.Umps.Stove».Ksr Iuttutes. &>*c. Arc. Also, a rptanrity ofHoosehold Foroiinr», vir Wilton Cor¬ nets, i Ingrain do. 1 Pset Tabl-.2<Vd '!'«bV». .Ten Table« -3 I »t r: .- Pal 9 « _'i hairs. 3 Bureaus, 1i Z3ba Im t>l Cioth. Look1".- Glanes, Window Curtain*. P^urraoal Ile«i-. Be.).1!.-.,-. Be mask s. read. Kitchen and i'oofcn« t'tass- . . - fc« VVM. JO.\l>. StUiff JOBS GkaV. IVi'iifT >^enrT FK!hav. M \V 17. T> lis-.Lpra*.SiiKKifK*» Sals..um1 scM ndjy. Mai t7ta. at 10**o'clock. A. M. in tie v.ty of Sexenth avs> n:re and to *t by order of rho Sher.rT, »II the nglrt, title, and interest ..t Contt. Do ohue. of, band to a largo joantiir ot Bu.'ding Stooe.cotppristng«tbotttMOfcsnda, U M. JONES. shen.T. Joris, '¦' <v. epu'y ~l- r:'\ _ G R A N I) VOCAL AND LVSTRUMI NT VI CONCERT AT PAL- . M0*S OPEB \ HOUSE or Tut CHEVAI IER H. VIEUXTEMPS, Assisted bj SIGN« »Rl .NTOGXIXI kNDVAI.TELUNA. ASH Till: LARGE ORCHESTRA OFTBB I : «LIA.N i »PER \. ON Till RS DAY, MAY 16. PROGRAMME. riKsT part. *en ...'¦. ti IbrtbeViol in the CUttitalStnU. I. Grand Ouvertora, full Orchestra. 2 Melodic composed and stimt by Sign. Antngmm. 3. Graa.i Concvrtufor \ nl K ihr* pe '. Allegro6m l a". 'ed ,,j If. Yiruvtrmps. I Grail x r i, S c ioi Vnlfi II 5- <. :i' i .¦«'.., 2.1 a d ii ptrt.onm- POMrdandezceuted bj H. Vieuxtemps. .CCOXTJ FART. , 'r-n .Musk hi tii.¦ Romantii Stylt r>. (.rand Onvetiora. fi I!«irehe>tm. 7. Tremolo. Caprice br Yioun. by de Beriot, executed by H. \ leuxtem . S. Grand Seena and 7m..-.v. fret* 'Ac ürrd act of l.uciadi Lammavuar, suns m fu/l cosUnu by Sit. jinlognini end / alttUtna. 9. The «Termeal of Venice, by Pacarinu. executed hy ll.Vieux ternor. Tickets. One Udl -.r each at the Box OfBceof tite Opera llon-e. from 10 \ M. t p. M IVriormance to com¬ mence nt > o'clock, door. »ill open at 7^_ ml3 2trs 1'IIE PINE \RTS.-Nowexhi! liuc at the bite APOLLO I (iALLERV, "or Hr.««..». \ and « lumbers street, entrance in Chambers street, ^a collection of < ttiemolpil Pamt- uiiri. pi order. Those who ha\e x-en the rir»t csllere* of Eu¬ rope p.-'' roll r to be t<» anr tl>ey have ?vi». Adeetra ee 2'» ¦¦ -.!.>de«!. mit !»¦. KAYMO.M' \M' U i'.l'KS' t.'l! \\|) MENAGERIE, cor.i t Ku'luh street and Bowery.Fi>r oae wa-ekonly.. Messrs K lYMONU It \\ EEKS respi tfuUj ii Cmntbadtt- lemofNeu \ rk whoto iberally patroniseil then ipleodid anddt»"er«!riedexhibition«fw kits tttstaM season that ihey this day open their Grand Meoagerie nt the comer of Eighth street and Boxsrery.a.aaibte by ommbusses and >taces, and within n few minutes wnlk of the most central paiiaofth* citv. The Caravan has hod many new an.l cnn»u« animab sditsd to the previous collect on. and can stand eomiieiitioo with n:u similar establishment in Europe. Honrs ef exhibition from 10 to 12.3 to4, nml 7 to til in the evening, Her Una- bmtch will as usual exl Ih'I those instan es of eouragoosssdoi* espbne tiiar have ramlored In, name nt.tvr,.hi,h!e. nw 1'i \w »M ERICAN MUSEI'M AND PERPETUAL FAOL JA. V. Y xt e:-....r-r..rn. rof Hr.w.lwni and Ann street, opposite die Vstoi House. THK MOST BRJLLL1XT AXb TRIÜMTHMfT süi < >.>>." GRAND PER FOR M VNCES et erj anerni -on nt 3,1« o'clock and every evening at 8. THE. GtJiXT JIN'D OMATESS. The two ur~f,tt-»I w .infers nl the age, and the T »t.LKST puk ever known, it a) he seen seen even dor, from lo o'clock A. M. till I. from Still halfpost b. and from. nil In. The managet is h ippy t.> announce a ic engagement, for one xve-k only, with the URPME. LV FJIMILYI of five person*, nl' musi nans ul the first class.ona of whom is a LITTLE MISS OF.ONLi SIX YEARS! The Family appeal in a vnriet* ot SONGS Ii PS. Tit Ii 4. QUARTETTS, ate. .'fK. H nr.r,/ The inimitable Droltertsi and unequalled imitatos of Irish, Hutch, Yankee and.! cltonxcte .. isengaged, togrtherwitK MR. tVM. < .".>:. The best contortionist in America; Mr, LYNCH.B universal favorite tu n Ralliul Singer; La Petite CF.RITx». the Hog BILLY, and xntli others. Abcanlifuleollectiiia of Wnx Figno«. Tlie GIPSY UUEEN. the fortune leller, may he seen aad privately consulted at all noun of the day and evening, fcy" Tickets29cents children undei I" wars \2X, cents, p Z. 25 !. extru for cinsiilting theC^osy Uneeti privately. iVTEsV.YURK Mi'SEL'M \\:> PICT1 RE GAtT.ERY. Ooposiii the City Hall. Mr. H. Bennett, manaeer. HESTItl I'll'N OF ST. MICHAEL'S CHHRCII BY FlitK durinc the recent doturbe.n Philadelphia, taken upon the -p ¦! cv mi lainr.en! nitst. e-g _-o,| expressiy for tins occasion. This thrilling and sacrilegious seene is portrayed with lite most startling truth and tldclity. ft is a deseejaitioo tint must l>e deplored by every dispassionate person The pic- turo representing tue in lurnfiil and no lam hely cataslrcphe is (minted u,.ime hundteils ol square lis-t of eanvasa, and viewed through a cla.s of.h enormous magnifying poxvers as to mnihr each object pr rsented to the viexv of tiie »peetntor equal in size to Hie or g mil. \ HIV IRF tiir.- inehes shorter and ns. Id ns Cm. TOM THUMB; a HI I NTESS. neat!. SEVEN FEET llli:il! .Wli EIGHT PERFORMERS'! To .a ALL FOR ONE SHILLING! MRS PHILIPS, t!.harming song¬ stress; Ml!. VSUWICK, the much rocahst; tins GUI' VT VY1 STERN, MUS. U STERN. MIL II. < ON- OVER, lira CELES/FE, the grnceful dan«euse, and Mil \V. CONOVER, tl.ilebrated comic - i SELF-PLAYING MELODEON HARP, a MIL- I.K i\ H i l;in.-': riES. Git Win OSMOR \ MA AND SPLENDID l'lt TÜRE CALLERY,. nlaining Cw portraits of all tb.sebrateil cli meters during tlio REVOLDTION. Aflarnoon ciitertainmenl on IVbdoesoay and Saturday nl 3 o'clock. Evening petlormanee to commoaco at 8. m!5 j;ia:AI.EOBION..HATCHING EGGS »V Sl'EAM. kj The proprietor ol this wonderful invention, which is now earr.-sine so n uch oi' public attention, !. happxio announce tlie te.opi nut . ofthe Exhibit sn at Ni>.S8SBri>adway, opposite VYiulnngton llull trom 9 \. M. until sunset duly Ladies and gentlemen are assiiresl thai mis Exliibilion is not only of the highest order of rospectnbility. hot raimbiliei inssruction with amusement, and never hub to gratify visitors. Tickets 2S cts. (/Iii Iren 12't els. (Jtrlor received for tlie Machines. a23tsoa VAN l'iilil .V'S SoLtR SPERM OIL..Warranted su periaf in exrery respect to the hesi Sperm, and much chenp- e-. both as a beautifiil bummg iIii, and unon n.acliinery... Lienlers are requested to call and examine for UmumWet, at In- I ilI. STORE. 31 New street nivllmts 1>0»)MST0 I.I. -i ... tl: ..en can In-,itp .i.ihI with plea. I\ sanl bed-rooms, at reasonable als, at BBS Broadway. The Metropsihüra l.ircubiting Library. Iteadins] Room and r ...»room is open every da] andevemng. GeMMmea should patronise tins establ bment, Ternisl>| perannum. np3u «tf_ C'1 Ä/UI To a pewm ol met and pleasing address, who 11 W M /. cane inn md one or two ihousand dollars cash, Hchanee - odered r.. ei -* ige in .. genteel "ml useful hu-mesa, .. Broadway V nno -eeui.ty given for tlie inve>tnienL. Address G. P. Trihime oilier._mit istf ABRAHAM II SANDS & CO. WHOLESALE AND 11 1 '. PAL CHEMISTS AND D It !' <; <i I STS, ¦2V.I Broadway, Corner ChambertMreet, Granite Building, RESPECTFULLY c id the attention of Families, Physi- :i : generally, in town and country, to their. extensive and xvell-seisctedstock ol DRUGS AND MEDICINES, and a large assortment of the most debcata French, English, ... man and American PERFUMES, EXTRACTS, COS¬ METICS, fee, together with a great variety of Brushes, omus, and Fancy articles, adapted to the Toilet ot the Nur- sury. I'M Y.- [CIA N .' PRESCRIPT IONS, I and family receipts, will rcce.%.. parn'colaraltenUoo. The very host of Medicine constantly kept on hand, and a competout par- «oii always in -i idilMSS both night and day, to prepare thcio in tin- most careful and scientific manner, with u scrupulous regard to eoneetox is. LEEl MLS ofthe best kind always kept Cur sp.k?, or they will lie applied, nt any hour, by mi experienced person. MEDICINE CHESTS for sale of various patterns; also filled and refitted in the neatest mid most e irefill manner. MINER kL WATERS, from Saratoga, the ' on, Congress, Pavillion, and Iodine Springs! also. White Sulphur and Seltzer Waters always on hand, and packed so as to transport u ith tafety any di .tunce. \Xjt CoodsAenl tunny part ofthe eity. 273 Broadway, comer ..i Ihnmben street, Granite Building, nJJ Inn« REMOVAL OF THE NEW-YORK CASH TAILORING EstAbllssxixsent. From 112 Fulton-tlreet to 187 llrnn.Uray. Tho subscribers have removed their cslnblrshment to 187 Broadway. 3 door, beiow the Fmnkl.'i House and ure now prepared with u full mid varied rusortment of Cloths, CaasL mei s and Vestings, to which they would invite the attention ofthWroMemUsmersand die public In removing u> a nsoee central loeation,with increased facilities lordomg bu>in<ns, we shall \* enabled oder «tili gonu-r inducenientsto the cash paying e istoroer, us we shall ul.vay um, by Adhering to the t.'nsii aid i ine l'rie»; System, to return the ci'snrsdencc ofour customers. Having in our employ the most t,^-r i.I cut¬ ters, und employing none but the brut of workOM i. nnd having the wlxole business under our own irnusedinte supers ision, wa cm s»iLly auarrjiiliisi th^t our enrtnci.ts will compare in styl« j nnd cVgm.-e w t!( t.'v.o: »f any h.rti%e in rhe l.'iuted Stato*. In addition toourfbrmei rtoek, wehavaon band a fall and com¬ plete assortmentof every artic;e usually kept m a gentleman's outfitting house, where our customers can always depend on supplying iJiemselves xsith a lint rate article. _tri) tf_J. C. BOOTH fe CO._ NtrTICETO THE LA- ~C"*i DIES^-The Ladies of .New. f^Sy; \ York, my u-t uiiers in pnr- \.V- * Ucolsr.] ;.ro respeetfolfy in- t: -V-^Sisw formed.ijsatnotwrthssnndieg |i: ".v/v^v the advance of Josuueytueu^ r, *'v waces Ito which I have ac- B \\ v. ceded,) my L* mats'SHOES Iäöc-' '"'' .-tssstirr^jS» :,."'dl i^fT' ^'^l r-per pn r.madam tlw.' hit- -t r'rench style, and wamritesl .V) ;¦:<¦' i,nr..>o'ner nnd Utter than tie^eioid at the elieap su,re» at 'si je-r P's.r..,, .., , ,, , LADIES1 GAITER BCwS-Thw beaotifiil article at 16 and IS, and made to or<ier nr -JO ihilhngS pet [ner.eqiuil to any in the eitr. Particular street n paid to meesures, u. warrant a handsome tit. I.ADDS; SLIPPERS AND TIES-2d ...... t-.-AK- Tl 'II.LT SLIPS .,t i, »huhngs, nr.d BUSKINS lit 7 shillings per i>a r. Mtstes nnd Chddren's Borgsend Show of nil kinds nnd pr.i-es. \\ itli mnny thanks to tlie Ladies of .\eu York a.vs .f« vjemlty fortladi Ubcral petroaaga, 1 bops by triet afention lo business, to merit a continuance of their faiors. 1 i- not m mortals to command «ucccf«. But F II do mo:-..¦ <->eri - n. J B. Ml I.I B8, M2 Canal st. mit Stiseosl* Between Thompson and Sullivan »ts. fbL WATCHES.Tlx largesi and .-. ¦' splendid as. ]£t\ ssirtoieiit of IVsrtcbes in the citj i> to l»e found at the . cb siiWrtlier's. He nsceiiring oli dew \\\\ siism of Gold a, ..I Silver Watches, of the newest styles, from the inanufhcmreis-in Engtoad 1 ranee nnd Swit- rerisud nnd is ennb'ed to offer a ii.rgc r aassaStment, and at murh les. pnees at retail, thsn aar .j|.-r hoi..e in t!< city. Gold Wnici.e- as low as 820to CS each. Wotehei and Jeweby exchanged or bought. All watches w.-.rmnteil to keen good tjme or rlie money returned. Watches, < 'locks ami Seveay repe r"I m the best manner. bjmI runted. Iow.t than at any other place in toe > ty. G. C. ALLEN. Im-e rrcr ol V. arc <-s and Jewelry. jB« -r| whole.., i* and ntailjii VVall-»t.. up stair s«3r FINE WAT* HES.BENEDICTA ü V34MOND \ 14 >t.' ¦' Es. ¦' - "l .s.i a.:.: U C-» jSstteei entrance fust ilooi in WiMiom have received tKs.sSRi ladxhuoo to theii piarvtous stock an assortment of \\ v. lied a the city.c«tso4ing of Clirooometar, Duplex and Lever Wntchci, both lor .ml... and geiitlemen. \;.-.-.- m the South as w. il as ti.e cit> traije. will find when .uahty is coin|«iml' pn-es low. A ecrierol as«.rtne nt ol Jewelrr ol Ihe t,esit quality. gUlflmg silver wnre at mao.ifacf'irs-r's prices. ¦\ I, k.nds of Watchei msoiresl e pial to ihe t.pejaai. Mantsi Clocks KguhiWd by a fjat nk: wvtkttMs tpSitni _ * -.ISI

Transcript of New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-05-16....Miei tin; leaore thereof,berefenedto a...

Page 1: New York Daily Tribune.(New York, NY) 1844-05-16....Miei tin; leaore thereof,berefenedto a OsmmittMto wport thereoa. 6. Resolved, thatso muchthereof as relate* tothe rieht ol ttirVraf«

By This Morning's Mail.Farther from New-Jersey.

TrKXTOH, May Uta. ISM.7V1A7 Editorof 7"*c Tribune:The Convention for framing a new Constitution

for Now Jersey appointed a Committee of nine thismorning, to report 1 manner oftaking up the busi¬ness ofihr Convention, who this afternoon made tin*fo!low::i!; Report. viz:The Committee appointed to consider and report

the manner ia which it will be expedient to proceedin the business .¦; thi* Convention, Report.That they have considered ofthe subj< < t ref< rrcd to

them, and dial u is expt dient to adopt the following(tesolatrons:

1. Rtsvlrr\l. That inili-!i i-.f r'.c < 'o:.«:.ti:lmii in U; formedby thin Convention a> idatw to the L^islaUTOdepartment bereferred :<>a Committee thereon.

2. Resetted, i hat «<> much üteröel .» remtes to the Execu¬tive Commiuee be referred to .. . immittee t.i report thereon.

3. Resolved, That v. much Ihereol a. relates t.i tar Jt;*ti.-mtDepartment be referred to a Committee t.> rci-irt thereon.

4. Resetted, That m imic:li theieofas relate*to the Power ofApiK!iutiiK-»to> Offi e. Miei tin; leaore thereof, be refened to a

OsmmittM to wport thereoa.6. Resolved, that so much thereof as relate* to the rieht ol

ttirVraf« and oualifi* atioa of persons to i>e elected, Uie time otekeuonsnd tlie meeting of the Legislature bo a-l-rred to a

Commfttea to report Uiereon.t>. Resulted, That so much ihereol as relates to, future

amendments or alterations in the mid Constitution be referred to

a Commr.ti-e t.i thereon.7. Resolrcd, That so much thereofa. i« not embraced in

the foregoing resolutions he refened t<>» Committee, to repMtthereon.8th. Resetted, That « Committee tie appointed tu "nmnre

isto the exped encj ol adopl as ¦ BUI ofKisats and Privileges,an.! to report thereon.Vhich reportwas unanimously adopted and each

Committee to consist of seven n embers, except thelast resolution, which Committee consists of eightmembers, thereby placing each member of the Con¬vention upon a separate Committee, except thepresident of the Convention. a. P.

CONGRESSIONAL tut reporter of TilK NKW-YoKK tribune.

District Basinets.Adjournment of Con-gnis-Mri Alles, Jfcc.

Washington. Tuesday, May II.In Senate, to-day, after the presentation of

memorials, notices of certain bills and other un¬

important business,.Mr. Walker, from the Committee on the Ju¬

diciary, reported a bill to regulate the punish¬ment of offences committed on the high seas.Mr. Dkrkien. from the same Committee, re.

ported a bill for the relief ofpersons residing with,in the reputed limits of Arkansas and beyond theboundary line of the United Slates and Texas as

established by the Commissioners appointed toascertain the same.

Bills f<r the relief of the widows and orphansof the officers ant! crews of the Grampus, FlyingFish, Ac and to abolish the office of Solicitor ofthe Land Office, were passed.Mr. F.vans called up the joint resolution lor

adjournment sine die on the l?th proximo, (asamended by the House.; He preferred the origi¬nal time fixed by the Senate, (the 27th inst.) butafter consultation with gentlemen of the House,would move to amend by inserting 3d proximo.Mr. Rives wasas anxious asuny gentleman to gethome, but thought the day of the House shouldbe agreed to. Mr. Barrow, to prevent the debatewhich appeared likely to arise, moved to lay theresolution on the table for the present: Carried.Ayes24, Noes 1G.Tue Senate spent some time in Executive Ses¬

sion.r,n the Texas Treaty, as 1 understand.In the House, Mr. J. Campbell of S. C.

moved to reconsider a vote of yesterday on thesecond reading of the District Bank bill nn orderto refer it lo the Committee of the Whole in theUnion, to ho acted upon the last day for Districtbusiness. He complained of the action yesterdayin refusing with a p icked House to refer it, andhe cslled to mind the pledge, implied at least,which Messrs. CaveJohnson,Weller, and othersof that sch< ol had given when the subject hadbefore been up, that this Senate bill should be re¬

ferred and acted on.Mr. Cave Johnson resented the charge, and

professed willing! e-s that a direct vote should betp.krn mi 'he bill, notwithstanding he and theother Locos were using every means which thecomplicated rules of the House :md the force ofnumbers would give to prevent taking up thebill. Mr. Burke moved to lay it on the table:rejected.Yens T**. Nays 94.

Mr. Campbem. was finally successful in get.ling the bill into Committee, where it was sub-sequentIv si ..' tu taken up.Arcs GIJ, Noes6'i. Tims its fate is finally sealed.The bill to provide a new Charter for the City

of Washington was further debated in Commit¬tee of the Whole on <he Union Thequestion ofthe right of suffrage being slightly discussed,Messrs. Haralson, McCauslen, nod T. Smithof la. favoring its unlimited extension. The billso amended as to require as qualifications forvoting, one years' residence, twenty-one years ofage, and the payment of a poll tax, was laida«ii!e to be reported.

Bills appropriating §28.000 for repaying ofPennsylvania Avenue n;-tl $10,000 for otherstreetsin this citv, and for repairs of the CourtHouse at Alexandria, were passed, and with thebill last before named were reported to the House.Without farther action the House adjourned.The question of Mr Niles's Si natonal compe¬

tency which was referred to the select commit¬tee two weeks since is siill under their considera¬tion. Mr. N. has been before the committeeonce or t wice. A report prepared by .Mr Jar-naoix (Chairman,) and concurred in unanimous¬ly by the Committee with the exception of Mr.derkien, who h is not been present at its meet,

ing.; in favor of his claim to his scat, will prob¬ably be made to the Senate to-morrow or next

day. His health has been gradually improvingand is now decidedly brtter than on his arrivalin tins e-tv ; and as to his mind, although incli¬ned to broo-.i over his physicial debilities andsufferings, when diverted therefrom and drawnout in conversation, its clearness, vigor, and ac¬

tivity cannot fail tostrike everyone who has per¬sonal intercourse with him and to show the utterincorrectness of many of the rumors that havebeen current during this period of its alienation.


Thins- In Philadelphia,Conespoodenee ot The Tribune.

PmLADZLFUlA, Muy 13.1*. M.Oik Cm. &c..Every thing appears to have

«ettled down to perfect Iranquilitr. andpeopwaie once more

pimumg their usual bus nets «itbeut leai or interruption.Meaofthe.Catbolic Churches wire protected hut evening

bythemilitarr, mid will continue to be. I understand, lor STvern! aigms jetu Keosingtc-a, many of those who fled the iceno ol death

tre returning to theirdesolate homes. All is peace, and nolear pfany outbreak may be entertained. A stroi.n force, tociiell am- aDturts nee, is kept in reserve.Tiie American Republican Conferees oftbeChy and C Hint*

srjrausulelphw have :-<m-.l Adore* to their feliow-citizeiu, inwh" h they repudiate the recent '*commencing withthe bunting ofthe RomanCatholic Church ot si. Michael's, iniMlHrtrsftofKedsinston, and the destruction ol St Augus.tjpaamtbis City." 'J'l-e destruction ol these Churches, saysthe Address, houiiiI before the \.-r» . ve-of tin- mintar) am!police. 'I'ije latter wer,- insufficient lor the purpose ofdefence,six! liirm.-i e.\|--rio!ire might have sufficed to show this.theasrmet ware not permitted to act,Tnei barge 11 Judge Psnona, delivered t.-.i. mominc to the

{.rand Jury.;, spoken oTas tun n!.:.- production. enterinR itletik-lti ii;xiiith,- late dreadlulilntruetioosflife and property IIIthetli.trict ot hemau-toii unil the eity. A nuiiiln-r ofnamesnave already beaoDteMuted to theGrand Jury, and there ise>?rr prospect of brineinc to speedy iusticeatleastsomeoftlw.«- who i-lnyeda COCSpiCUOUl part in the >ud draina ÜUOOCfawhich we havejast paaed.Somestraorastone* are afloat icsatna iu tl«- Seminary of

Bt. Charie«, at thecorner ofsjciiuyllull, 6di and Bnoo stroctibut 1 refrain from gi\ir.e publicity to them.Hi kmx. ok S r. Augustine s UHuacn..a votingm»n aamed Lelaad, «m arrested this rnorniot;, und committert in default ot 8l.r"00 bail, for a Inrtln I bearuiff, on a chur;eofharmrbeenconcerned fines St. »ucustmel Church, andtao srfth aUemptine to force the lines at St. Jona*« Church,by ruiuiiic the rmrmuiiiit Kncine tht.-iikh t.i.m. Scv.-ialotl,er ari«.»u, 1 h.iilerstam!. «rill t»- mad.- th satternoon.Stocks..The Mock Market to-daj was rather

inactive, with but little chance in prices. State 5*« advanced.«.«; Read«.* Railroad Bonds ',. rim! Reaninj sharw«:F,r»t Board -»0 sh.. lteadme Kadr.«d iZht: $AOOU >tatc

5V KU; KOOO Teuessee Bond*, int 1st July. H 10 d...Nesristown Rd. I: t-1"" tVihmnston R n llondi ba1556.85: SJuCl Uaavtlle ..¦¦.¦i PoOaville Is*' ii. >.-o s-t-,1. .

W»h. I mted State. Ilanlt i 4'ld". Headinr RailroadSi: 3d- I,e.-,.ii,..t..n Rank *, : «JWCirard Rank f . ,. ,

Sectnd KoarL-V) share* Readme IW. .> .. U< do. 36H>io do Hi i ; S5th>CrandGulfti lib uo \v ihniaetoo lot.

j.irial }.-, : IttM.irard Rank ti 5 lint s-, iio Sta >* s, W»Sts) VVilnungt m 8*s, I8S5, -o ÜM» Kaadins ih»<"» 'J *****IsuueSV.b&Uat, w. n.77.Markets.I'hereis no new feature tn our mar-

keu. Cotton conunues without ammattooj and hut hnriiedsalearx:cur. Flc-Uf i.a»de< iined a tf.Me. and mar beqUOUd at

.1 »>, a 4 * f..r ?.«-! ami elected :- U:v t l-ur i-

»Orth to day hut io IX,1* Coro Meal lOtle doing, l.ram

WnUsenalv. mauve Con has bee:, takeni at 'M cents lor

nsnnaylvaniatiouad, and 48 for Ssjulhern Yellow-.*>ur Country Produce Maiketissvell supplied wiui sll "ie

.ieicic:. ofUm Mason. Gressn I'eas am telunc ar 2> cents use

ball peck; r-t:-.iwU-m«a at 3T'V cents per quart.and outer

Uiinfiin proportion. Butter, ofa s-h*'. qnalitr, tommano»»rent. i~t iHiiind eess IU a 1- cent. i»-r .1 ./en.

Ship News.- Ij .'. M..Cleared this afternoon-Biik India. Selby. Montevideo, r-chr, Wm A CatdweM.Homei. St Ihomai ami Potto R leo: vesta. Ludlam. railR:v.. ; i onsnrt. Mayo, Well Fleet. M«a»: S tt Payowr. Robin.-«i, Piovideoce; Palestine, täiesenson. suddletown. Cv;Kerry. Sear, Buston .n iejsolas II itdle. VValtop. Nanttfeket:Mexico. '1'.bo. Providence UM Messerole, xounc, N \ ork.Mm Philadelphui, NYork. . ,.

Arrte-d. Schrs Üaniel Webster,Ogden. ~ daysfrom.NWk: L'neas. Refers, i <U from .\ Urnlon't James£Samuel. Milton, bdsfi.Providence: Invincible. 1 reisers. It)d»ys from Kattpyn. VV'iathw. clear und pieii»ui:l.V ind,»»«»k

RaTMOSD & V\ ttK« MtN.MRIC, CORNER Of KlOHTHSrskt ano Howvrv..1 nectowdx who visited thu fruhinna-ni'lo nmi entertaining scene ol amusement yesterday, fully jus-tilic^ the gerternjrepbtatiofl ascribed totiu« management. Ereiythmjr i« conducted «Ith u due retard t'> propriety rind good or¬

der, nmi we hesitate «ii,t r.i commend it iu ¦ and instructive recreation to n|| veno vain* the natural his¬tory nt the offsprings «i the forest a» conducive to the informa¬tion and edification ofmankind in general.Antun ,n McseuM..Tbe p e* nl «reck thus tar has been

one of iinpnrrnllcled suceess nt this popular place of amusewent, Ti e introduction of diecelebrated Orphean Famityof.inge-s to tlie New York pub'"*, bv 'te- Mar.tirer. hn* re*ult--din drawing lull nod fashionable nudicm-cs. Th--.e charming

I iingci* are en-roged to appear to-day. Also Mr. \Vincheh\thedr'tt'-n*t; (.Vile, the emit irtiomst, with hn e!r.y: Certto and¦-ther-i. in nil a rieh bill. Pcrfortnacces at 3'? and 8 P. M. (Joio «>ri.on it'y.oi w «-»1«.

IO' Portrait of Mr. Clay..A very heanuful lulllength portrait of Mr. I'iny. painted by Mr. Wise,and en~

crave.1 in the highest tfyleofthe art. ran lie hnd .it tlie " HtieRecline Room, .Yatienal Ha!!." at the low price ol twelveshillings. This 11 pronounced by ninny of Mr. (.'lay'* intimateInend*, n perfect likeness and incomparably truer to nature

than any other portrait ol the distingabbed Statesman theyhave >e; seen. A fqe simile o{ Mr. Clay's opinion nccotnpa-ine» the engraeing, .it Use following words:

.. 1 flunk thoengraving of Mr. Wier's full length portrait ofme exhibit* an adminthle likeness, and prevent* tue original in

n tine »ml fas inte i." lüde. H. CLAV."Washington. April 29, 1844. mill

COURT CALENDAR..Tnts Day.Circuit Court..Nos. 32, 11, 40,12, 5, SI, 1, 4!',

47, IT, 50, .). 6, 4'i. 20, 36, -13.

C 1 T V 1 N r E L LI G E N C E .


SITRKMI'. COURT.This Court !ins completed about TO cases on its

Calendar. The Corporation A-aessmcn..-. in which Air.j Webster i* to,r. l-ti- ir: : fort her po-'p ined to Mou.lay.BCOURT OF SESSIONS. ..liefere the Recorder, and Alder¬

men L.MMONS nnd Wll.l.l Ols.Jon as B. Phillips. Esq. District Attorney ad interim.Attempted Burglary..John White was tried

for nn ntlemot to rommit burglary in the store of Charles A.Itell. No. 2£i Crandjtreet, The panel was cut through therear window thr inch which to enter and prisoncrwa* caughtÜierent, with a large kn Kr. 'rli".lury found ihe accused guitty.and the Court sentenced him to tbe Penitentiary lor one year.Assault ami Battery..John Keen was tried

foran assault and battery on Richard llyde. Guilty,and tiicCourt tuieii linn $1$,Forfeitures..Jacob Tilleger alias Jacob T.

Krnymnii. Iy>ui*n Meyer nnd Vrilerede Ras, indicted for forge¬ry 111 the 3d decree nnd George Gibbe fot grand larceny, sev¬erally tailing to appear and im-wer, their recognizances wereforieited. By the new law the fortestunM become ajudgmentrecord against defendants atone...Trial for Larcesy..Waldo Reed was

tried for .tearing n gold watch nnd elnsin, worth SIM. fromCenrgc Field. 11 boarder at the Franklin Douse in Broadway,on Sunday morning tiSth April last, which he attempted to at-101 Broadway, the next day.Mr. VV nriit-r lurdefanca. *t;.t.-.l Ibal Heed hiol iiiir-'h't*-'d ti s

watch ot n man neat Ilse stcaiiib iat fueling f..r Siö. whopressed Iii in to buy it. ntit! proved by live several witnesses thathe staid at hup of his sisters im Greenwich street 011 Saturdaynicht the 27th ult. and tnenttbc entire day at the house of histwo«isters in Greenwich -trcet Laight, till tie.v.! m irn-ing, e*tablislm g « complete alibi. Reed is in wintera YankeeSchoolmaster nf West Granby, Connecticut, and work* nndsells book, and pruvs tn the summer.

Tor the prosecution it was proved by W. II. Hays, late oftheFranklin, that bo saw prisoner at that bouse between2andÜo'clock of tlie dny the watch was stolen, und tiller witiicknew c was stolen.Mr. Phelpi of ihe Exchange Hotel, deposed that Reed's cha-

racier was bud.ihm be bad been charged with theft in West(.raub). but net indicted.W. U helply deposed dial a man must give positive evalence

of good moral character to be a school teacher 111 (iriinbi-,where Reed taught.Several other witnesses were examined and tlie testimony

closed.The l!i.rdercharged the Jury who found tlie prisoner guilty,

nnd he was remanded for sentence.Plea of GuiLTI..James Jenkins pleaded guilty

to an imlictmenl lor stealing a double barreled gun from Jas.Fow ler, 326 Pearl -ins--i onthel9tli ult, and was sentenced tothe Penitentiary foi ti months.Demurrer..Mr. E. S. Derry, oi counsel, de¬

murred*;.eilly to it u-i'ictineiiU nguiiis't him for torgerv andpenury.which demurrers are to be argued the present term.

'1 he Court adjourned loThurday 11 o'clock.P( IJJCB OFFICE.

KtoTi i's Ci>niu:ct ok fs'.vn.ons..A numerouscorps ofsnilors who " bad strack" us it is called, for higherwage?, aller visiting numerous vessels, nt.d depriving them oltheir men, proceeded to ihe brig Christiana, Marren. maMer.Ivirif- lit 'hi slipnnd ready to sail f ,r Mitt-ingns, nmi coiii|»mIciInil tu« seamen on board to quit work nnd t.. ¦¦¦< on shore. Hikingtheir haggrtcc with tin m. t 'ant. Warren i.'oi-eeii.-i| to tin- I'm.hce Otliec and uhtnmeil the::.lance of otlicer* Steven*, Inison. Dun-hee, llowycr, Walsh, M'Grnlh and Kmck. whowent to find ami arrestÜmrioters; i'meinethem across the Cityto the North Rtvr, tn,.. oflicers arrested öl of their number,who were conducted to the Police ( Mtlce w here the uiritc. .Mr.Vtirney. identified nine of them, named Willi-m Johnson,Rob'i Jone«, John Me Million N'icliolas Pitcher.James Lit ¦-

Fmukhii Thompson, James Tucker, Robert Wilson and Wil-hnm Martin, all of whom ivere ordered to find bml to lie ofgood behavior, nnd in default were committed to prison. Theothers were discharged from custody.Various 'I'm n 5..Two boys named John Jones

and Will nm Sanford, were nrrested nnd cornniilled for «tee.l-g a pocket I.k an.I s4 from the pocket of George Dillon,

No. -I (atherine street, while he slept.Wiiluni Atherton wus arrested and committed for

mealms a mahogany box, a rake and oil enn, worth S4 tJJ',,from Louis Aunch, No. & ChatJuun street.

liiiiieit Carman wnsarreBied by officer Lyon, undcommitted for itealing a half bbl. brerin:, 20 fiithoms of l ueand some 20 coffee bags, from tne sehr victory, 'it Catherine-I'P-James Wood, colored, w as arrested nr.d commit-

nil U.rstealing an asvning, worth 45, from Louis Aunch. No.6S Chatham streetMan Ann Murphy wns arrested and committed

fir stenlmg :i pair of gaiter hoot. Irom Daniel Kelly, No. liftI ' *treet.


Samis's SarsaParili^.The manner in which tlienutri-tiuu- pnrt of theioi d 1« conveyed into tliecirculntiou, wns uu.covcreil by Asellms. tin Italian Physician, 111 '.<!.'. Tbis wn«

a doveku*."t se und only totlial oi the circulation of tiiebleoi! ii.tuie by llnrvey. 11 few-years before. It »n> then si en

Hint reined.e* des gned to tu t upon the blood must be directedtithe crgumzutioii «hirli prepmes ihm fluid, and conveysit to the eluiiiiii I* that through e«-ery portion of thesv-oin. from tliltt dny In the (lO'sent. liirht bus !..n-n nccimiu-liituii lipon the sc in- of medicine.aod 11 1» lielie«-e«l llint nowin .'s,iii.|s's Snroipanlln th" long-«uiglil lics.ih n.tiim. of 1111 tin-

failine remedy for ever)' disease which arises Irom a diseasedcondition of til- vital lluirts. has been found. Tlie expurea-t on ol unhealthy particles 1- complete, ami ofcnutsj the electthey produce, whether ii be Scrofula, Leprosy, Kings Evil,Soli Itheuin, Scuivy. Sciatica, Dyspepsia. Li lei Complaint, or

imy other of the hundreds *l form-in winch the corruption ofthe blood 1« manifest, ceases ui once nnd permanently with theremoval of ihe primary cause.For further particulars, nnd conclusive evidence of us su¬

permini hie nmi etBcacy, see pamphlets, which may boobtamed ofagents urnti*.

Preimred und »ol-l whole-nle tri., retail by A. ii. Ac |)..-'AMIS. Wholesale Drugg -t-. 7'' l-'ulton N. V. Sold alsorut 27:j Broadway; 77 East Broadway; and by Drucgisisgene-nil) throughout tlie fniledStates._

SiMMNO MkPICIXB..Now i* the lime to purifv andbrace the physieil system so as to enable it to bear up tigrimstthe enervating IwatsotSuiuiner. The coiid.tion ofthe bloodat the expiration ofwinter, owingtoinnctive perspinitiou du-ring tbnl season, und fr.liier causes, is not in a proper stateto resist diseases nur oredss digestive power*, which are iren-

orally ?vettaseu by tin- appetite in cold weather.m their full vi-

gor. hi fact a change in thestate ofthe oniina! tien hue tomeet n new climate, i- ns necessary as n chance of clothing..To purge from the blood tsonhealthy particles, nnd iimmrt to

it a more nutritive eliaracter. ttt give Usiio to the stouuich nou

expel.obstructions from die Iwwels.m short, to reinforce thewhole system for the campnigiiofSUmuier. there is m. prepn-rationwhich can exceed oreipial Coniitock's Sursupurilhi.Price ill cent- pet bottle or $4 per doaat.cj" Da. McNair's AcoCstic Oil.For the cure of I kmf-

iic-s. The success that lias followed the use or this (id hasEarned for it n reput ition never befor.mailed, although otherarticlesheve been adretthed. yel the public nre not saiished.nnd the dent are 1111 *ure of being cured uale.-s they getthe geniime .\coio.: i-< i:l'.011121 Coiirtlundt't. ,

Caution..Beware ofa couiilerteil article advertised in thiscity tor the cure of which is of no use.

"Cot '.!!- SSnl osbumptios can he cured by the use ofthe genuine !ir. T.-WI.tilfS BALSAM OF LIVERWORT,prepared only at tbe orieinal oilice 375 Botrery, New-York..head the toiiow tug certificate

"N'kw York, April26th. 1844." Ilaving expe-ienceil -treat advantage Irom the Use ol Dr.

Taylor'- Bs I-am of Liverwort, and l>einc satislied Irom my own

experience that it isa most valuable medicine for aflecüons ofthe lungs, I leel it to be my. duty as a well wisher of my fel-lows. t.. give my testimony teiative to tu w.lerful elhracy..Almut ii »cur since. i wa> attacked with influenza, which con-t inns! to gl .« wor. ::ud worse, until at leu -th it wns theopi-nionofiny physiciansthnl my hums were greatly affected. Dr.Benrs tt attended me daily for several months, but i received no

l-enetit whatever irom ins treatment,_On the contrary mycough continued to grow worse.- with frequent night sweats.

tie. Tin- conünued until but March, whan I wus consideredpnst nli lioneof recovery, and I did UM suppo e tbnt any-tliiug could ntlbrd me permanent relief Aixmt this nme..however. 11 tner.d ii<lvi-i-d me r.i :ry Dr. Taylor's BnUam.otLiverwort, and mid be would procure a !x.:t!e lor .me it Iivoidil take iL To.this 1 relurtanltj consented.ilor I didnot suppose it possible tor n to help me.) I. however, tookit, und the first bottle full relieved me astonishing!) ; itacted like ¦ charm upon mo. I have token three bott:.-. innil. and am now aide to wrilk out. nmi I have not the len.idoubt that mil. or nt must two. bottles more will olfect an

entire cure of my disease. Any one having the least doubtoft! e correctness of this statement, can satisfy iliemsclve* otthe truth of it by :illing 00 me St no resilience. No. 17 Lewis-s,r.v..New Vo:k. "MATTHEW WHITE."Tho-genuineTajflpr's Balsam ol Liverwort is lor sale only

nr eo.'i. t »tl'i e. ,;7.'i |'.owcr\ : n -d In C. .1 Lo-ib, 1.. \\ uter-

stn-et between Maiden Lane and Burling Slip. C. 11. '/.eit-er,Agent ti 1 Phil tdi Iphi.. comer Chesnul and 'I hiril^ts.

IIkasacre..Wright's Indian Vegetable Pills are a certaincure for this distn s- ng compIoinLliecause they purge fromUieImmIv th<e.e bilhou« humors which are the rpu«e. not only ofbeadache, tmov.-» and sickness, etc.. but ot all the ills to

which the flesh 1* heir,**One 2S cent box of the above named Vegetable Pills, nar, n

... will I're.pieiitly carrv olf the mo«l \ lolent iittnck ol

headaclie, ai d in all cases pcrserereoce in the use of medicinewill most iu.siire.tly make a Speedy cure nl every description olheadache. ...... , 1 ,

Wright's Indian Vegirtabto P.Hs also aidand imnror.Uon and purity the blood; and tlrereforenot only mnl ¦. n.ui-

cal cure of the abovevexatious comphuoss, but wt.i mipiirtsueii health and vigor to the constitution n» to enab-e :t to re-¦bt any future attack of the cbiJis ami lever,Caihon.,\.mtrrlctts 'irenbro: d. ... d ah res ol a

d.tuUliil character, ami beliarl.cnlar to:¦.» i»r .' IndianVestetobl« Pdb.

nirir,-, devoted exelnsivoiy ... tl.1 «f the Vntirrnc.»W.s,«,..,i..,rl-.\..M .. .et. NowYork; \e.1*> 1 reiiior.t «inet, lloi-'on: e e street, Philadelphia.Dallkv's Magical Psi«t ExTfiactor, from CT Walker

....-I'1 " -The Rev. Mr. Sparry. J.U.ll-o,-. 1... .... .. ,.j Rilejr, Em.. Fifth Ward Hotel:thekson (UV I2fi Brond« aj. will cerUty to the fact fuit tliegenuine Uallej is m Ik- bad >e ib .v-. my16 fteodDST Gouraud's Yeretabie Rmige imparts a delicate hludt

me tinge to ti,.- complexion, immoveable hv nibbing with 11

jmndkerchtel nr linen ekxh. Also, Gouraud's Biur.e d'-Lsuagne. or ."vam-h Wim- |i.,r |,vo,_ ponoo'e,, blackand 11awn I011 he hear, nmi other cosmetics. 67 IVa'kersLhrst store 1 R< IM B oedway. mMSteod

Dtf7*('it im>..The tc- ui Mr,..,. .,i (..;. Lxtraetorto I*had orn). renMmbor, onlyat21 CnurUanm «t.

Oh, women, sroman! w hen to ill Inclined.No fiend in bell contains a* biack a mind.

tOr AS\\*EET PRETTY GIRL TRI STED A FALSEfriend, Irtiiic sdtlicted With dreadful eruptions, ,| .;;-ore-menl-, treckle*. Itr. S1»s toU her 10 get 11 cake of Jones'Italina ( hem ei Soup ; the friend wenr and boiight n counter¬feit beciiuse tiici sold it n -iiilliiig less to bur Toe girl tried 11lound it useless, was 111 despair; a friend whispered to her.strange h should tad: i kie.w two or .lirce who have used.1 e;r5' Soup, ami it acted beautifully. rnsde tne'r skin clear andwhitenssnow The girl boagiaacake, Uied it ; one shouldsea her now. free irom every blemish or ire<-kle. Reader, ifyou get the genuine now here eha in ibis city bui »t tlie sign oft 'i Amcricau Eagle, (ä Chatham street, or

' will do nd here stated. Foi curing sail rbeuai. ring worm,

.urvy, 01 any oihet disease oftbe skin, a s iniull.ble. Trvitonce. Agent, 1^' Fulttoo-street, tlriH.iJyij; e sj(!l(C itree*. Ih«-ton, 3 Ledger Liu ildui;rs, Philadelphia. cod .."i

.K^T More pooor» ofthMxtrnorriinarv cures performed byDr. Rrnirauds Italian Medicated SrVao for rariaepmipled.btowhed rrecklerl. dark, erurnire. tallow, chapped skins. Mr>.ft. i pnper, nl I rosby-st, had a very unsurbtly. red nnd pim¬pled taro. She wed n cute »r Goumuds Medirxted Snap¦nil emdonllv and healthy. Mi»sLruioi ( amerpn. Will,am .t. had n hi,-.- rivaling a Mnlattre«-.soMllow wastt. 1 cake of Hr. G.'s Soap rendered her -k nDeauUIully clear. tni:«;>nrc:it n»,l delicately white. (rlhcnicaube referred to. The gennine t" I* had o« where ehe mmd'.'.'.! ""r,,'.r- ''V1 "t the onginal othVe. S7 Walker -i l»i torerjtUjl Broadway. r,o<-.-::i. g cake. ml9 2t.Ci?" Sra»\.ii:R- Loos Oct. or r..M n-» cheated leith n

pernicious ceuntertert ofthe fiimons Italian Medicated Soapprepared by Hr. Felix Gonraud, for the ^ure of la-ckl. i, pim-pln. blotches, tan. sallotenesi, and harsh, much, dry, chap¬ped [lesh. and in fact, a* can he proved he eettraeales ail .sindtsenses. Found ouly in thu city, at 'j7 Walker-erect firstilnre own Broadway. One cake, 50 centi.ire warrant, willeftecta cure,

_mil 2t end

The Annuol ilfeetlnfrof the Societithe Neu \ ..rk Institution f if the Instruction of the Deaf nuDumb, will be held on Tne^lar the 21st instant, at the house..( the Rev. |ir. .Miim.r, v2 Reekmnn «'rf-^t, I'.r th" «'¦ ¦¦:officers for tiie ensuing venr, nnd the transaction of any otherbusiness that may properly come before it.Tin- Poll» will be opened between the hours of! and SnV'nckI'M. Bs ordei f the Board. 11. 1'. I'KKT..New i "RK. .May lj. l-ll myI3 h, -

X5-Tlie Remedv-JOILN ^COLLINS. FROM theSkancsti le« ( ornmunity. having delivered several Lectures ontlie Evils of S.h ctl. will present !n> v .'» . tor the rciiwi!-. ofthe presentsoci;l evih. in f.'oni-ert Hall. 4t»5 Broadway.'onWednesday evening, atBo'clock, precisely. All persons arere».rtfuRi invitod to be present. Seat reined for the ladiesEntrance tree. '"15 1*

Commercial Mad Money Blatter».EJ- f"'o-Cennt/Tnt.' Money Matters, set /.>.-*r Pose.

WgDsnisOAl P. M.Tiie Stock market was very buoyant to-day, und

nearly every description advanced. Canton vver:t up to 62, nn

improvement^ 3'; per cent. Norwich nnd Worcester ulsoimproved.

^xclianee is pteatly at o-f u 'J premium ; FrancsThe Money mirket is very easy, and cood pnper

cr.n !«.' negotiated freely at 5 i«?r cent, i in Government Stocksloans are occasionally made at a lower figure, but the rate isgenerally 5 per cent.

Tiie increase of freight and travel over the Knil-road. in this and the neighboring States has, by the cem-ral im.proretnent in the condition of the country rn:d in the meanrofthe people; been very marked this year, and the ran., appearsto be larger its the year advances. We liav e before shown thegam overthe Norwich and Wnrcc--er, Stonington, asd West¬en! Roads. We give below the receipts over two of the link";n the great chain of Western Road., remarking that the win¬ter months arc of course the !en«t profitable, nnd that the entireyear will doubtless show a gain larger in proportion titan theincrease below:Rlli KIFTS Of tik (TtiCA and Si HEsntCTADT RAILROAD/orihr firstSoar months a) 1S4-J.January to May,is;;.tk'.Mfi 17

Do. no. Usit. m,7fiiS}F.v.-i. m favor of 1H44.»l3.Uw.3n

Equal to s-w.uou per annum increase.Ret Birrs or tub Svjui i>e asp Oh a Railroad > ¦>¦ tittir.<: Jour months qf 1s41.

1843. IP 14.Januarj.84.910 48 £5>H 39February. 4.093 03 52259 SO

Narch. 4.303« 7,;;m 83April. ]£-12il;T-.tal.S-i.373 *7 $7j7.Ni 71

23,373 87Evccs« in favor of 1844.$13.813 Si

Equal, a- in tlie case of the Utica nnd Scbenectady, to $10.(X0iiernimiiui increase. It will l>e remarked that the gam in Aprilu within a fraction of100 per »ont.

i ivi-r the Western Road also, the receipts thus far. for theprc-ent year, exhibit a gratifying increase over the correspond¬ing period ol* last year. Kor the first eighteen weeks, endingMay 4, they were as follows, compared with last year:

18 4 4. 184 3, Increase. Percent.Passengers.$74.P1U .tiO.KtO.iU.3uu\UI'riu-ht.Aic.._.. 1>I..'1Q ti 1.^77..... 31.333 MlTotal.£171,150 »129.517.S-ii.033

For the week ending .May II, it isestimated not less than $17.-000 were received, and ofthii n large proportion ofioerease il|be four.-! in freights, as produce iia. come down the New Ifockcanals in a parfect avalanche.An official notice of the Treasury Department da¬

ted the 11th instant, notifies the holders ofcertificates issued bythat Depurtim m. undet the Convention with the Republic ofMcxii u Uiafcon the presentation of theit certificates at theDankoftba Metropolis in tiu« city. <.r after the 16th ni.t ant, theywill reccivo-üieir proportion oftlie third instalment and inter¬est, paid by Mexico, after deducting expenses ol Uansmtsaionand insurance to tlie United States; The amount to tx: distributed i> 81Ä.484 W, and iseqnivaleat toti.'.^-lto per cent, on

CntTmnnts who Imvenpplied to receive the amount payableon their ceitificatvii at Boston. Xew Vork, Philadelphia, or

Balumore, may present thi m for payment on or after the 30thinstant, at the Merchant** Rank, Bo»tnn: Bank of America,filew York: Pliilad ;p:i:a Rank, Philadelphia, or at the RankofBaltimore.., , .

New llailn ad enterprises are Btarting in »II in-

rection in all directions, ami those in existence improving theircondition with results ofexperience. The Tonawandn, whichconnects the Rtitlitlo and Aiti-a with the It... hc.n-r ami Anburn, is to be rebuilt during this season. Messrs. Duuan andFowler, nf Rochester, have contmcted to grade and lay thetrack to Batavin, 32 miles.and not less than SlSO.OOOwill beexpended in this renewal. The Fall River Railroad in Mass.,connecting with the New Bedford and Tnunton, and Boston,ha. been ai! subscribed tor, and will ¦ «n be commenced. Thecheapest R lilrond yei built is undoubtedlj the Alüca and tinilalo which is connected svith Rochester by the Tnnawandaia.t'iioliced. . toly $268^^TSwere expended to build 32 miles ofrailway und il- receipts Irom passengi rs wereS42.93d. Freight,$30t;i,and mail, SiJSOO, totaf. $49,1*6. For expenses $19.143were required, leavingii net earning ol over Unity thousanddolhr.-. on a cost of $2682275, and the earnings were small un¬til April, owing u» the Tonawands being in nod order; 11990through passen, ei- were transported in September, and only313 in .March. This stock was refusen by .'.Vw Vork capitala«Uat 8», and üientaken by Rosten iovi stew.

At Boston, wiiii mi easier money market, andprosperous condition nfManufacturing and Railroad Corporat on- prices of m-ai!v all deserip'ions have advanced. Amo--keacB worth29. Merrimack 38. Lawrence 9. Mass. Milt 8.Boot! I-' Suffolk 13. Treniot: 12. Vork 18. Uamilton II Idivi-,;. ml.:: Middlesex 14. Appleton 8. Perkins 8, and Dwigl: b.,t advance.Nashua $520 lor £500.Locks and (.'anal-£995 tor $CW. ,, ,,.has been a very great ami sudden rise in WorcesterRi In td.which is based upon it. increased receipts fr.H i-ira Railroad business, and a liope ofloui per cent, divid.I in

July. A-it-cnp.lal i. now in.-rea-ed s>2ul,ts.O. i.iivderiihleaddition is newesaory to enable vide as usual. For tlieyear ending Nov. 39 but, tire receipts were $383.307, and ex-

iditi res "-bu.'d''. beside $16.092alkiwed for deterioration «'¦cur. a.« *t::p-il in it- report lo the legi.l-itu-e. Il.vnlcmts to theloniiunt ot' $ Iii* 000. or «ix per cent, on S2.7u0,U«i. were made.Twenty-two i«-t cent, advance i« now asked.and 30 oftered.tbrConcord is- worths'; dividend ofJuts i-ercent. off- This road

K-aabu hat a moderate cost, and enjoyi a great freinht amipassenger trathc, which lor the last six months, baa enabled itsmanagen to divido five per. eat,, after paying all expenses andlaxe- and odd two thousand dollars in us loraier surplus fund.Lowell b steady at 25. Ea -tern 9 and 7 Nashua 25.Maine

leu idil and I ; for extension.Providence tjV.Auburnand Rochester 7.Tounton 21 a 23.^Norwich CJ-Chnrlestnw-nBranch, 87.Reading 21 Li s 27 Portland BSJ .Western 75-^"The operations in Western nnd Reading Railroads sad east

Boston Company have heim large during the past week, and a

rise established in the two first with a decline ou Kasl Boston,.. buy< rs ai low rim »realise. IchbUre Railroad has advani-ii to 2 ;»-r cent, oflered and 'c naked, »iih lew tellers.The Alban) Atlas says: ''Business Ims seldom

been in a more prosperous con. ition in our city than nt t!it- prs-Knttime Thespring ir tie, i.e tlie opening of nver_and,..I navigation, ha- fully equalled the expectation:nl themost sanguine. -V* an iudicatmnof thij we point tuüsa t of merchandize ow piled on the docks and stored in

forwarding bouses awaiting shipments West by hont,, ntwhich a sufficient number can scarcely be obtained. As a

counterbalance !.¦ Ulis flood g.-. W est, a deluge ol the agft-ciiltnr-il produce of the great Wesi is being poured in upon u-

hi the canal. Busincsi ol all kinds may I» simi to ac in a

sound and health? condition, and v\ hat is bellet than all. con¬fidence Hems wntteu ou every face."

Sales of Real Estate nt auction, May 1">.fi'tr. Inthauv J. Blectkcr .v (o.

Three-story house and »hont Iwe lots ofground on Stuy-vesant-st, neat 3d ayeniie... ..¦.Si.&Z

Virginia l^imls m Kennwha and rayette i ounl es.

..-lo a. rv_Bt5cenU..$3tl 00| 640acres...at5 tcenh $30 BOMO " .nt:'> *' ..ajWJilÄJI .. ...atSS 11040«4P ..


.tä ".. 32(W T40 "

. 30 50uo - :.::.nt5 .. ..32001 mo ...22«

3Iaxkct8_Carefully Reported fur The Tribune.WinstsDAY. May 15.

\^HU< .'rheenquiry i^r Pots i. not very active, but noneha've ...>"Id we believe below $1 37K. Vesterday altern, on

and to-day nboutSOObbb tove been taken. OrPearhsee noticesule- of.'n' S4 75. The receipts amount to 141«' hhl.COTTON..We hear of about 10S0 bales taken to-day at

... ious price., but the market .!->es not vary in its downwardappearuncc. The following Circular ol Messrs. Stewart &W nght. Tontine Buildings.; prepared lor the steamer, furnishesvaluable inlonnaU'on on this staple.

Nkw -\ onn. May UUVERPOOt CT^SStnCATtOS. ,Uplands. N. Orleans ^ Mobile

Inlcrier.»':»'!,.Ordiaary.';:>-..- g«4a fa ,

Middling.«:'. a iL. a i «

.;.I middlino.i- ¦' : .'» Ä i,-Middlmgfair. L'1' a L 1

Fjl(r.'ia B o a s-.

Fuily'lsK.'.'.'.'.'.'.*.'.'.'.'.".'.K*gfj;!g«*GooAfait.gaagS'* a !Fine...8&a9 V'.^.LEstimated »nies ot yesterday.... 1

Do. previously this week.2. i"._

Do. totalsiuceJstinst.'.::"£.. .

Du. receipts »iure Is*,'RECEIPTS asp stocks OF nTTOS l: pates.

Receipts...SI Iii« -.-on. Last sseasonN'.-.v irleans, 4:h May.'&? 4Mobile do.s.:u,a94Florida ,b.134.23Georgia ii».SrpsTiSouth Carolina. 11th May.27I.M4North Carolina, 41 .">:¦» . .?-3«3Virgil ia, 1st.March.

Total.Jr**:1*1 ,Stacks.. .This season. Last^asoNew »:'*atts, -lih May.Mobile do.I lorida do.Georgia do.South Carolina, ll'h May..North i .arolma. 4th May. .*gVirginia. Lt March., 2.3001.W0New V-rk. litb May...Viax*0

Total.«OJ0 239.401exports to dates v< above.

G. Britain, France. N Bur. Offi.porU. Total..Tlifs Year 729 767 I t> .21 2I'.s4.. H..n l.oo!>.

Ve«rprevious 739.149 3072*a -'..-4' 2u.. o 1.1U.37.,Freight*. ,

Exchange.rjverpool.5-li a 11-32London.8i^a9"since'ihc'd.iieV.t oii'r Oircula'r issned on 3.1h April, öui i ot

t. .- r! et ha- been dull and unsettled, and prire- bar - grad-.'; . vet way '- a S. on all qualities except mvddltos and

¦ood mMdling. wln-hWc been in «od request or shipment.S d il is,- therefore not felt the decline in as grwtadegrwasüsenaausies below, which have now become abundant in this

marl et and are comparatively neglected.'

Ti-e accounts from Liverpool«» 19ffiApnLpet Hiberr.-a.wer received .... tb-eth ml., but having been t.. a cren rx

««.t\m.ccnte,»lucedon'. i'.'i ... has.irsen more lr..m local cau«e» tiein|Ä-- .V f. r" ami winch st I!to

the muusrncc i r sincethe BOlh April have beendepress »ur pn..«. Ii e s

rf r «h piucnt-upoii an average ol .M'j ales pel aar. s . ,

.iminerst nkmr- thcr usual supply. S.-s< uli.tio.i Mine tuticie

dome ol importance. ..:_. _.j L.uGKAJN-.-No Wheat offering. Rye a loaelive, and aekl.t 40 c-nts. with small .imply. There » a lair .juantits-ofCom offering, and the market is weak. i here is some i.e-

mand f.-r White lor shipmant. and lair- 10* no-he). >.ere madeatS3aS4cts: and 400 d.. at W cents. Sales 30sOhosbetsNorthern at &i a 51 cent- ; !M te. 1000 do -southern .it 49 cents.meai re; and some Jersey at 52 cents. OsJs are S3 aw cents,and dull. Sales 600 bushels Southern at 31 cer.U,

WHI3KEY.The market is dull with small nrrivali Selesof.'O Wettern bbls. nt23'i rents.HAY .I ii» supply a good. Sales of 3>X) to 40V hates fur

sniome' t nt 35 rents.PROVISIONS..Pott is-.till dull nnd IVi me was offered nt

6 £7-.. Prime mi.I Mess .-.^ eoulil ho '-ought nt 6d. orfi?Mid (9: Iteef continue, to iirejuie ami safe, were mml» ef3fjubbtsCity Me., at and 7j ihe i ire ru;,| C'ountrr at S.Vi .Sales ot 40 hbd*.Western Smnfced Shoulders, 3'» : and 100 do.H ei -, i refill New Buffer arrives freciy. and -ell. in tuh. a..jpails atJ5 a 18 rent-, and Western nsiry ntl4; old isabrtutout of first hand*. ( beesc a dull nt 4a 6-, cents : stock'i-.HIDES..We rmtice limber sates. The <r.|»«re jirocha-

grc, on te-ms not made public and 60 St. Catharines. 27 !bs in¬ferior Quality. 11.GRI 'CKRILS.r'.r 3days .The mark« f.,r Coffee remain*u fur Uroe past, very lall, the trade bus in* sparingly. Therele*are4G0 bogs Brazil ntö1^ a cents: 300 Lacuaym. 7'-.-ÄSi Cuba, »> ,, 4 in-~; a::d .ssi S: l» -m nga a is cts. cr.,h\

'.. .¦ .'- rut: -: mere pi-V tor Muse.wndoSugar tin, week, but the market generali) remains inoctireThe «nie« include IM bbds New.Iberia, on terms not transpir¬ed: liO Porto Rico. fJ-^ a7'_j cent*: piiSLCroix. SS« a 9'.- IJOCubs Muscovado, 6 ¦¦ a6 .: and JTOd t.r>. Brown Havana,[including one invoicecf Ii'sOlns. »' -. a with some veryprime at S?*, all on ti:-.- usual time. Tbedemand for Molasses

hhds Cubs Mu-eovaiio, un terms we dal cut ier.rn.METALS.Pig Iron is scarce and rateable. In Rar Imn

there a little doing. Tbe tendency is apsrard in prices, ol Kn-gu*h and Aimer can particularly. Tlie rtcent rlecsYsan ofCoo-g-es.. that the present Tcriff -hull n*t bo distarsed far this scart.t least gives eo ifidet es totbe trade *Vew Cooper nfirm nt 31 'j cents, svjth a tendency Ui_ adranee, some n.,i,:ersrefusing to .*.!! le-luw 2J. 6 m-iulhs. Yei'jw Metal s^l!» in suitsii« wanted at "2- cents, ti mouths. 5CW lbs Uld Cop'perbn tight 175j cents, cash.RFKr-WAX.Yellow, since the large opem'ions ol itst

week, has been inset.-,., most ofthe orders f,r export beingthen executed; 2 a SUB Itn -..Id since at 3) cents Cr Southern,nnd 30!a, cash, ti.r Northen

II I'..Mr.Tli emarket tor moat deseript on« is dull, and pr ce*of American have a downward t-ndency. The sale* con-t-tof2J0ba!e> Manilla at 814320; Dew-KoUed Arne icon. SU«), tjmonths; SO do very superior, S120; and iJdo Water-Rutted,about fit I. cash.NAILS.fa consequence ofthe recent improvement estab¬

lished in Iron, the price ofCut Nails has been advanced t«4-;n 4'- cent', cash and b months,UlLS.Ni soles ol Whale for export': the bist were nt 35

cents, r.t whieb it is now he'd.34-, is oäerej: Sit) a bbl<.snlii for home use. withia a week ht 36cents. Linseed Is in tc-

i|tiest. and or. English some imptos-eiBeuthas l*een established:tue nr-'i rallor-.s American. i,t 70 a 72 cent, tor casksund bbU.; 3000 do !.'. i.!-hT.'-j: and 8000 do. to arrive. 72," allrn-'i; tbe stock of English remmmnr in rirsl hands is aboutUntil gallons.heklai 73 rci.r-. and upw ards. Ba«ket OUvehas nmn,minted n ti: r iani-luid :< .Ml: r.t $3 ."«); Jj b;»!-.snkl lor export at BO rents. 6 mos. short pnee: and .V-n af che-tsFlorence, $4,75. teas 2 and 3 der cent, lor cn-h. Palm sei:* mlots at 6a6% cents: Lard oil, 60; Bleached Winter Whale, SOund Unbleached. 45 cents.


Nsw BEPF«iti'' >il MiRITET..(For the week end-'ig Mar13.; i if Rirht Whale, a few hundred bbl. N. W. Irom cargoof-hip Governot Troup, having been sold at 3S cents pergallon.

In Sperms, nothuig has l".-cn dor.e except m one or two smallparcels of interior quality. _Correspondence of Livingston it <Vs Express, No. 2 Wnll-st.

BcrPALO, May 13.Ti.e drmsters which marked many of tlie Wheat operations

lastJune are remciebered bribe nmnufn-airers, and they stepwith great rautinn. No transaction is entered into withoutlinl nucertiiioiog how large the fi-H-rlii:.- i« where they nretoset out. A yearngoil ivns nreeiwlrtbe reverse. Every bush¬el of Grain and every borrelol Flourwbich came forward were

eagerly picked un. and when the dial cleared o,r mam- s>| theLiners'found thca beads in a haltei less arcums-cribed thantlu-v bud anucipnled. Those disastrous results had their effect,arid"we now find that nothing in the shape of bread stuffs istouched utile-s legiümate trad! sanctions lite operation. Tinsfeature cbarai lenzes the whole L ike region, the eonseqiienceof w hich is that both Wheat and I lour rule at lower rates.

In ihisplaeeSTJj cent- Ins been the standard price for Wheatsome days, and now that tlw seaboard exhibits palpable evi¬dences öl n decline, it slowly rttrcedes ta its reUüve p «ii.The best of Michigan City sample, are neglected to-day, atdiatquntetiun, while severalIbits of merchantab'e Grain iia\c¦.¦me off i- low tn "0 cents. Flour is almost entirely negletited.7\ few old pan els in lots of 10 and loa barrels are picked up at

A*rush of canal boats from below, has given the shippers theadvantage again, and Flour is shipping tor Albany to.duy at GTja 70 cents per barrel.


Correspondence of the Buffalo . ommereial Advertiser.t 'i.evklami, UthMay. 1844.

Tbey dnilrepottsof out market in tlie Herald hare shownvon tlini the iJhio i-aiial i« eontribiittng ir« lull ipioration ofthelarge quantities of Wheat and Flour noted as arriving at yourport fur eastern destination. At this time in»t year uiis mar¬ket was very laugusd, an speculaton and regulardealers tookhold very timidly of Flour at n.i'j and Wheat nl 66 n tXcents.:without an] hopes ofrealising more than a faircom-mission on the investment, The prices were imprudentlylow. for in I.ness Operation., when >'.^ki "theie i« as

much imprudence in lorcing down prices to such a point a*

will prevent the producer from markeUng Ins products as thereis in ;;n intlateil advance hii a temporary checkina ofsupplies.Such n price as sixty-six cents lor Wheat in Cleveland ruieducedthiseffect, i.ud utter the sine I s -n lieiK,: w ere ah immediate ndvanse m pneo was necessary,toere-nie anyactivity intrude. Itetwecn ihn dale and the rermiiia.lion ofthe uHNitli, the price of Wheat ran up from sixty-sis ioeighty-cents witlwut producing anymotenal increase in thethe daily average uuaniiiy risceisxd. the average Kit the monthbeing 4,000, ha. per day. and the tu t fifteen days falling -hurtoftbat quantity: Flour advanced in the same tune from BS'jUiC sl. but it il d not im re ise tbe reeeints any. the first luilfoftltei.ith.exactly emmliitsto the latter hal:. All places west olBuffalo weresimibriy innuenccd, and from the first ofJuneevery bnrrel ofHour and bushel ol wheat liougbt westof Bul-lalowcreat prices unjiistnieil bi the waauol me I jist fiir con-sumptioa. The lower end of the sec saw w ont up. giving Ihefarmer enormous profits, and tiie opperend came dosen, upsetting the profit, of ihe dealers m tle- r U inter und Spring '"June. 1843,** ought to becul on the ghsses ofevetyoperator's specmeies, thai it might come like a mi-i before Ins..yes in every purehasc in the present and coming numth, andthus avoid the brill ant riutietpatioi,s of last year and iheir niUl-ous eonseqilrences, l*hisssBsna'sbusine-sshasoMii^ rationally87) m IHi cents lor wle-at and 84-i lor llour at Buffalo are priceswhich from tlicirmedium position should ,-ive eoofidei.alikeio tarrnen thai no material advance can reasonably be evppet-ed, and u> die dealers tliat tlie risk of »criouji need not be(eared. Other featuresin the trade may f.- developed as thesupplies reach the eonsumers and the new liarvest npproacbesmaturity, but judging from tlie general surface ofmaUers atpresent, fsrices are at about a fair rat- fur ',li patties.Tlie sales ofg.Isamples "i Vbrthern Wheat continue at S.1

cents, with a doposiiion thown hy several of tiie steady buy¬ers to w ithdraw from Use market iiiiulUii re is anahatassjent ortwo or three cent- n bushel in the price. Some samples ofSouthern u Iteat from Lai caster and th* Walbonding Ca na Ictmipare favorably w-rth tlie Northern ami have braucht thesame price. The English news by the packer of the -Ith ult.witlalrt-w many ol the Canada orders, which will '« confirm¬ed by the advices of lite llkh, at bund to-day, as there is afurtherriecl ne.Flour h ismet n 'tendy sale at 4s. with a 1 Itle falling offwhen

the brands were not in good repute, go n.any fancy, brandsarenow made in Ohiothai their inflnenoe is teh in raising thestamlanl of ti.e w hole, and nllilour from the Ohio canal willnow bear a tavombki comparison wtüt that from the in.11s inNew York ofsimilni rapae ty, A dec rli d preference r. eivenui i tannda to I Slsits dour lor bakers! use. n-nt orders arc regubirrly filled mtlie imirket liirsuch conwmption without referenceto irariation in prices.Corn has advanced, and i» the only article in which muh

fancy speculation bos been indulged. 'I he duty levied in Cannda iso temptation tn run some risks s\.iii small vessets, and2,tW bmheb were sohl at US cent.tfsal liars have paid44 cents,ano ns lite supplies are not ample enongh to keep the marketsteads. prices »ary with the feelings <'' ie day.Pork !. ru much mil of favor n> Vun Burenism, and no oi e

gosss for" annexation" to it. If-the qoestion is asked. Whatwill you take for Porkl the mind ofthe ¦¦¦Hit floats n-r sundrytigiire« witlioul seUling at any poinLand wind, up witll. Whatwill 5011 g vc ? In Iii- e of sales, e.iotatains woiiiil i.ot befnefs. Lard ranges frem 15 25 to 550 per 100 pounds. B-efnui s| ihe tan e couditain a» pork, nnd nuthing doing in it.

Vessels have been very much wanted fer the last week, butthe arrivals yesterday will give reliefMoan.?. .May 7..There has been a fair business done to

day, the sales smounting to fully 20 0 bales. Prices, however,nre slightly in favor of buyers. MkMllng cotton wo continueto quote atC^ifl 7eeu!s.An estimateof the stuck of cotton nfl band, unsold in this

market jiet eompteted by some of the broker-, tl,.. amountin round numborsatnlioiit39,000 bales The tales of Use hutthree days t-. 0 bn e.Saturdnv jUti, Morula v L *>

:¦¦¦¦'. n, d-r. lvo The r.e. ua. Io .lay ii i\e been IijJl,nI ¦_those of the week i.'.Tn. The total reeeints of the *«...,, atlb s port, have been I bah- In. lini ng 797 bale* fromFlorida. '1 he stock on hand, including all on .-hiplsoard. is85 318 bales:Exchanges have been brisk to-day. with an upomrd tendency;

We qiiotestcrhng at 7*1 a S}i prem.; francs 5 30 a 5 33. Sixtyday bill on New York . per cent discount, and sight on diesame '.¦ n prem. Sigi.i lulls on New «Irteons par to '.. dise.Alabaina moaey in good demand at 7 [¦ ~t't dtseouns.

MARRIED.' m ihe 4th u;si. by the Iter. Abraham Messier. D.D. ofSo-

merville. N. J-Rev. William T. Docblcoay, ofBom-bridge,m 5lus FttAKCU M. .laughter of Francis Doremus, t,jNew Y.-rk.

>n tlie Uth inst, pt Sr. Peter' Church, by the Rev. Dr. Pow¬ers, EdwardC. VVbst, of Madison County, Illinois, to JiHa , youngest daughter of the late Mathew Carroll, of thisCity.At Clinton. N. Y. on the 3uth of April, by the Rev. Dr.

Nott.Mr. Rollis Root to Miss Sdss-S S. daughtei ofEdward Elliott, all ol Clinton.Abo, nt Clinton, on Use8th inst by the Rev. Samnel <;.-.J.

ley ol Waterloo. Join K. Llliott to Eurs, daughter ofWilliam .Marsh.At Newark. N. J. oa Wedriesday. 15th inst Lkxuxl

Sjtrm of rh.» City, to Fram u Hi trii ma, daughter ofJohn 11. Stephens, tsq, ol the lorun r 7. e.

(»ILO.In this City, bist -. Way ICth, Anna MaHIs Brow s.

daughter ol Charles an Mnry Ano Brown, ageil J year,. 5months !i!;d 5 dsvTliaFronkl.n Disisi n Sons of remperenee and tlie frienils

-. ii ml n e .i to attend the funeral to-day at 4P. M.fn*m38Chryst:c ireeL

' ni t:.c i ith insL nltir a short illnc-s, .1 imej ASCHKR. agislOn the 14th inst, O. StcvcssOX. aged 47 yeats, 8 months

and 27 days.i rn tnc Inn uivt. Edward Moore, in the 51! yt..r of his

age.In Brooklyn, on the 14'.ii imL Mr. Titos. C. Story, aged

PnssengerS Arrive:!In ihr Patlset Skip SuUgt r'r.on ll.irre. JI- SoMa'.a. -Mr

StotaH.177 « the fhip SptfrtH i L*'tcrpoal.i 1eorga Smith, Manchester

.1 Me.reton. l-ccds. J Wsdie. .Mcth.'ey: K Parkinson, no: J ItWilkes, Borwick: Henry Hassard, VVatertord; Win Johns,Pottsviile: CTownsend. Burlington, t; j Bobbins, St Louis;T11 Dmtensrorth, ofNew.York.311 steerage.

In thebng Republic. 'i.>m Jtpglat.ktcUet.I'apt NieboDs of-hip Min,-... I. |i Roberts and KM nt Kr> Wost,Mrs l^ies. R AEdes.Capl Andrew, lady ami chiUI. (>.:i: t; Llarni... KNo)es, SPatsobt, VA to. Bennett. S Ryan, David II. Kotxrt-son.


Ml.MATl'KK Xi.y. \Sac.TKii f.V.

The Sex" t The Möns. j FtllSra.Rises..4 44-Sets...7 091 Rises.4 041 Even.8 40

l.msilnTts,lernten.Ma 20 Havre.May IsLiven-ool.Mi»' 1- -^-"v '"«.'.>.\!a> .

fXJ~See Lii-t Page._A rri VCds

Ship Sea. T.dw ird-. from i tverpool, .\pril 9th. aidge, Tay¬lor«: MerriU. May Ist, ist 4'I2*. kme« 2S. sicriahzeJ ship-Mliert 7>! and 4tn, repeatedly surrounded by immense moun¬

tains of ice.P.-o-k-t si,. Sit.'y. Ed.-,r. Im Itnv Apnl JI. mdse, to Frx

& Livingston. From long 45 to lü. pa,v.d immense rivets ofice.

>'ti'n Sutten, Galloway, öds from Charleston, cotton, to GSutton.

Brig Republic, i.'ntcs, from Apalachicoh. mKy U»it.Sdavs. with c-tie.n. to E. D. Untibai stfi.

_!>>rr at Key Weut.

rerirSarah.from Chartestoc lot Havana had been asimre on theReiT..hi Ihe 4*h seas get otf by the wreckers and brought into

port, cargoofrtca was dhehorged.BriUsb brig Uazeppa, fen:, 17 us Johns. ..F. te Mart-

land. Comrt* Co.Beloxv,

9sl .:..-; hark Urron and brig SulbVan, Wane, fra Mobile..Wind S.


Spoken, Jtc.April 3D. In'27 40. h»ri»S4 tJ\ ship Courtney. fm Apaiachi-

rnla for t.'.verp «ol.wishe,! t" lie reporteslMar 2d, Kt 43 32, long 45 4.'. brg New EnclanJ of Beaton,

fm Mntseiiles. _,

May 8th, 1st43 33, long J? 21, l ark Kose, Bunk.

Cj" Eccnh-nbion-Tn THE PUBLIC.Tb« Binto- ot in., sr..nnric .ml jmt .ng Exhibit on. extrem*Iy grate-lul for tiie unprecedented y-.tronarc received at the band« of r,tUSttlwutaang and hrwra! pnldie, propcwes a series of botma lo th« ittrnHti Charitable Societies -if tru« t'ttv. and willro-rmt»aice In r-.pptop: ,i,ng l!,e nUcre reCJjrptl oTFndar. th,I.thin«t. to the *Sa ,. -t.t.\g.,i and liaJu« tbespcct-ible Feaiales. Th*' »fSeer of«nid Sv otr author/ed

P-?1** contributions. « dl have the c.vidiiess to cali at tn.>Exhibit .. Holl il 7 o'el efc Friday evening, and r«ee:ve the

receI..; t,.-. ;tiv -,. ... t tii. i .y w,u yicaic noüc-".info 3!is*

n> Phe. Anniversary of the Votith,' tl<«-«i.Mlury.*».?..:.¦ f y -.., - >.)£«- . .

i °? r-'"" Thoaday Eveningnext, iCth inrt.. at balfpait seveno el ,rtc.Themeeting will be sihL-eaaed by Rev. !>. no-bm of Die*.

umoo Colkee, Rev^John A. Collm« of the Baltiroore Crwfer-erce. and Rer. J. Jj. F.ndlay. tint M ....:,. -ii- Wren-a " I' ¦. THOMAS HENDERSONn.liJf >eerct.i.-v.

11-T' « he Attention ofGemleim -. ....

elegant extra light Black Benvers forSpnn; and Sommer forDished brthesul~-r:^r. AM I DON, r ..¦ n-.-rr.

ml) 2wi.« VVa:: -i-eet. r..r. Sassau.tzt. Plano-t..F< l at », r<

splendid Piano Forte«, finished witli hII the modern improve-men!', and. in fart, a ii;>t rate rrt:e;e.rayl63ns F. COLTON.U3rx".-^ Pa.'rr Hnturinir«. Bn--.l>r ami Kirr-

RhaRIi PRINTS..J. H. ü'J M. PRATT. No. 31 South-\\ and 47 Svme street, h-.-e on hand an extensive as¬sortment r.f Paper Hangings. Borders and Fire Beard Prints,ah eh they otfer to Country Merchants arid otr«-r. on theman fivnrsble tarms. ni'ilS 3un«

E3*" The Invisible VYlcr so .. resenreal head of Fasirthat *cey:''*«a::.! eooittusaeufs havepranoQDC*ed ;t tiie most perfect a-'d extraordinary invention oi the day..Thec-ent advantage of this novel ami unique Wig is it« !se-mg made witbont wwincot weaving, which causes itsappee r-

nn<v soclosely to resemble the natural hair, both in liel I lessand g.inernl appearance, as to defy detection, its texture beingso beautiful; so porous am! «o tree that in all cases of perspira¬tion evaporation i, unimpeded, and the greet evil» (,t" otherWigs entire!) avoided. The sceptic and conaoiseur are ill .:

invited i.ipect this novel and beautiful Wig, and the pe¬culiar method of Siting the hen,!, at the manufacturer's, \.f! barry, 116 Broadway, comer of Liberty-street, upstairs,e.,ii Ino.

A SERIOUS DISASTER!Owing to the breaking «f a double cylinder press yestetbay.

we \iere compelled to disappoint several thou-a:;.: people whowere anxious to obtain


BV SEATSFIELD,f oxtaimxi;

SCENES IN THE SOUTH-WEST.Copie» are now ready at tiic having run a pte». dun Ig

the whole night, in order to be Sble to supply the great demand.Tins work, which is a complete romance in itself, with a

regular plot, srOI I-- concluded in two Nuinlnrrs.Price, H i cents each.$8 n hundred.

JUST PUBLISHED,THE iniilll.A.NI'S OF ETHIOPIA, in four Part-, each a handsome illustration.the greatest book of travels ofthe present century. Price. 2i cent., each P.irt.THE MYSTERIES »F U >.Mi< IN.Part IV. Price, Li1.,

cetit«. A work of extraordinary mtcreat.

the FALSE PRINCE, or the Communky of the SovenDeadly exciting romance. Price, 12'. renn.

the CRUISE OF THE SOMErs.A capital work forall classes. Price, 12;, cents.

WRIGHTS NARRATIVE AND RECOLLECTIONSOF VAN DLEMAN*3 LAND. Price, 25 cenu. Thedetaü«are of the must horrible kirn!.and show the !re:it'r..-ut of theAmerican prisoners now in exile at Botany Bay.MUSICAL ALBUM.Parti I. to 111..The cheapest work

for ladies ever issued..! Inly Irie l lent a nage for choice SongsI From the best Opems of the great inust.-.-s. Twenty five cents

each Number.Also.All the cheap Publicatio is issued by


LIFE OF MADAME D'ARBLAY,.iFormerly M:s» Rorney,)

Atrmoa <>r evblisia. ckcilia. stc. ü.-.


'2 VoU. -Ö Cents Each.Tili, work has all the interest oil romance, although it deals

in nothing but tacts. The life of tlw author of" Evelina," themost popular novel 6f its day, is full of incident and iie'ructien,Mi«s Burney was only sixteen when she wrote Evelina. Itbrought her immediately into acquaintance with Dr. Johnson,Burke.oui own Franklin. Sir J..s|nm Reynolds, and ailti.ein-,.1 extraordinary characters of the last n« well as the presentcentury, tor she died only a few yean since. The numerous

anecdotesoftheseextraordinary personsscattered through theserob. possess the highest interesr.Mrs. Berkley Im. produced here lbs most attractive book of

the Kiason, and one which willbe read with delight by youngand old. Ii is onejul the most amusing biographies ever written.

Published And For Sale by JAMES Ml »IVATT.nip;_ 171 Hr. iiKvay. N. V.

THIS DAV PUBLISHED,A New F il i t i) ii o :

V I O L E T W O 0 D V 1 I. I. FOR.THE LIFE OF 7.V OPERA DJtXCER.A Tale ol the human Passion« and t IharactCCI.

"A creature not too brightot good.For human n tture'sdaily f..<»;.Made up ot'charms and simple wiles,Praise, idsme. love, kisses, leanand smiles."

Price roooeed to W cenos.For sale wholesale and ietail by

BURGESS, STRINGER ii CO.mltj_22J Broadway, corner oi Ann-t.

WHIGS AT FEND : :Tiit- National Clay DXelodiist,

A Collection of popular and oattioticSONGS FOR Tili; PRESIDENT1 VL CAMPAIGN;

niustrated with numerous Original Hesigns, and a beautifuland correct likeness ut

II c ii r y L' i ;i y.i« just pulil.sliwi, and can be hid at wholesale Ot retail of

SAXTON se MILES. 203 Broadway.Price |8 a hundred.12,'.. cent, sm-tle. ml6 It



Together with n great Variety ofUSEFUL RECEIPTS.S..ld \Vnoleiaie und Retail,

By SIIEPARD,iiiln_ l.'l l!r..-dv.,iy, ;v situ J.i:mf.



CONFIRMATION,Showing its authority,nature, qualifications for it and motive,to it.

PRICE l-' CENTS.For sale by BURGESS, STKLNfiER tfeCO..uila2tn 22! Broadway, corner Ann st.


BURGESS, STRINGER &i O »,222 Broaowav. Corxeroi \ nn.strklt, have lor sale tin-day tiic following new putt,hcittion*: Price,The Prone Bird.2".The False Prince.'-i"l h« Mysteries ofLondon, No. 4.12 2

Lite in the New World.By Seatstield.Nos. 1. 2.::, i.12- , cents each.>i

Major Jones's Courtship.12 lllustratio!.äuCecilia Howard.By T.S. Aithni.25 ,

Rkhel ;i in Love.By T. S. Arthur.The Lord ofthe Manor.I2'iThe Highlands of Eth ..; l- 4 ,-. ll -r.33 '-ents each... If)Ollnpodiona.Nor. I and 3.Price 2» cents each. HOAll the late public .ii .:« ire for -ale wholesale and rtt-ul bf

III ItGEsS. STItXNGER tc, n i. 222 Broadway,mii2t _Corner ofAnnatreet.

ONLY 12J CENTS A QUIRE!F o r Etiod Letter and Cnp Paper!

BURGESS, STRINGER & C< >. 222 Broadway,Comer of Arm street.

Intend keeping on hand at all times n gu^d supply of Paperof all kind';Pens. Ink and Quills, Steel Fens, Wafers, fee. nil of which

the) will -ell very cheap.A very good quality ol Letter and Cap Paper, at S2 a ream.

ro~ A complete -et of tic Knickerbocker, for sale .24 vol-umes._miJ 2t

TO TRAVELERS..J. DISTCRNELL. No. 103 Broad¬way, between Pine ami Wall streets, bos just published

the northern traveler: containing the hcpso*Rtvca Iii no-, and Torn to Tin: Sprisos, LakkGborobend t'sNAiiA. pn-s ng IhlOUgh Ijike Champlain.with twoMips showing the entire route. Price SO cent.. Thctrade sup-plied on liberal terms. ml63t"iVTEVV Bi »OKSTORE.Bl « »KSTHECI1E VPEST \ !. :'.^ s i i.e siili-eribef [formerly at Its hasopened a New- Book¬store at 140Nassau st. where he invites Ins (handsand formetcustomen to call. All new and valuable boos, received a.-non as puolhbed. A large ¦ssoctment of standard works onhand very, rrre cheap. EZRA COLLIER,nil31wlJ&.ltW*_1K> «t.


ER IN THE LANII. should .apply themselves with at !tn-ta reamofraked Cap Paper, at lid. a quire, goodenough lor anyUse.Ik, you know wheretn call.

allLPARDS. utiie place. 191 Broadway,rr.13 oppo-itu Join, street.

Jof'RNEYMEN SHI »E--MAKERS.WANTED.100Jounieymen Shce-Maker>. or more, who can make jinl

rair werk. None others need apply.Men'«. Women", and l 'inldren'« workmen wanted. For the

icst icotawcsi that ..nn Is- hnd, tlte best price will be paid..Price is of bttle consequence if the workmanship is firstrate.

SMITH a. HARltflil IRNE,mlC_17u Fulton-street, Kr'»;klyn.

V\".\NTi:i).To. day and tomorrow, 2 Car;-enters, 2 Coo-ii pets.andS BlicK.iuths, .>", Igtndsmen to proceed on

Whaling voyages immediately.oil el. thing ami uther ncrcssa.

ry articles fnroisbed on the credit of the \ .,yuze. Appl) l-vlSouth street, t.irve U'sor« east from Peck Slip 0 the r.t doorop; . V\... ii iscutth ferry. S. BRADI'LV

_n.lC lt*_\ RF-SPF'TABLIIv iung wsatssi Btnation in a

jTa. private family as cook; w »s-ier and ironer or laundress..She has gixid extv reference. Please to call at W Mutts-rry -t.up ttjin. in tne front room._ml" li*

TX7"ANTED.An infaatto nurse .r. her house, by an Ame-»V ncan woman.who srasconnhed on Sunday l«-t with a

still born child. Comi reference-given and i-isiwl. App.yin F'irtxan-«trt.ft, tlurd door south of IJro.jk;yn ll- :/"'.

nilo lit is*

'ANT PLACES-A large numlier of the !>est ierviintsm the c.ty. Sot bo:.s «vnated, at cVj , \\ «:ker -t. ;."

BOARDINU.Furm-hs-il rooms, with Breakfast and Tea.Also, a small family con beaccomui'Mlated with lull board

at 112 Ls»oc.a:,l st. opposite tne C.-.rrton H.»u>?._m.J isir


OFFKRr1 for sale at low prices, an assortment of the follow¬ing goods.Bronzed or ?,lvert.t ^iramlole«.Solar Lam;<s for Lard or Oil.Sandwich, Ucthi: and Convex Tea Trap, in «et« or sep-aratelr. iand Trav», kr.

Plated t ake Boskets, Castnrj, Candlesticks, S-.utfers andEngli-h and Domestic Britannia Ware.Sds er Table and Tea Spo-^ns. tr.Tab'e Cutlery and a lot ot fancy articles. mlO 1 m

DK. 5. C. F< has removed from ins'.ate res,,:- -c

No. *:6 Houston-street to No. 17 Amtty-st. ml4 Iwts

R. SAYRE has removed to thtTNorth-Wast corner ot

hroadway and Spruig it, from LH Hudson »I. 0» lim



Out Contributors:, So. 13, Robert T. Conrad, with a Port

Hopeless Lot«. By AmeEn."Chsuiga ofScene." Hy Mr«. A. M. F. Annan.The l>ij. .Versace. A Story otTarn in 17»;. By Frank

Starr.!>~am Laad. By Edgar A. Poe.I aus Temptecno. By Mr*. E-nroa C. Eir.btiry.The T-.o,i'U-,. Itrj. K. Paulding..A Jaunt to r' e Mongaup Falb. I!»' Alfred B. St-eetSketch« of .\a<-ni Men. John Barry. By J. F. Cooper.ParadMe and the Pen.Feeimg versu« Beauty. By Mr«. Frances S. Osgood.Nureniberr. By II. VY. üsngfcllow.The Smith ofAursbarg A egend. By Mrs. E F. Eilet.To. '. Ye kos v. ho." By H. T. Tuekeruiaa.Sonnet It). CharlotteCushmaa.K!« e and Isabel, or Truth und F--sei ¦<..»:. By Ann S. Ste.

Ruth. !!v Mrs. Lydia J. Perron.

''^ern^Aceoinpo«hrrieots, or .Nature against Education..Browntrood Feniale Syminary. By H. W. Herbert.Review ot New Bonks.

EMBELLISHMENTSBr.iwvwo.s-, rr«strt Sestrxsav: From so Original

Sk.-t.-li. by KlChants, Engraved hy K i« loo, Wr : al Hatch.Pggj *>r> PsRsT-i-a: F-nnted by EdwardGorbauld.and

engravedexpressly for C-af .o..'» Magumo. ;.y It. W. UodtooPortrait or R. 1'. I 'o\:t»r> From an original Picture t..r

tin* Magazine Engraved by it. XV. Hudson.'ir.t.iiNvL Menu Barcarole. The word* from James'

new Novel Arratsr la St-iart. Mus e i>> i.'i.,rg ., Romani._Latest Fashions A verv new, ii not the most popularTerms.SC per annum in ad-, rutce. 2 copies for $3. single Nes.

3öcts Denvcred many"parted this atyand Brooklyn, paya¬ble, on del.very by the exclusive A .-enr.

WM.H.GRAHAM, Tribune'MRce.mlä .is_ I s) Nassau st.

just published.THE STA IT. OF k.ELIGION


COMPARED,Ming an examination >'i a review nf"New Evolastdisx,

not the Re!:g:..n of'he II.I,-e" tithe .Neu Englandertor Apr I, im.

PRICK 13<* i ents.For sale by 111 KGESS. STRINGER ü Co..jmyl3 333Broadsrmy. cor. Annst


A TREATISE ON PREACHING,In a Series of Letters.

BY THE REV. IV. GitESLEY. A. M.Revised teith additions.nv rev. n. j. HAicirr.

One Pet. \2rno. Price SI 35.McertiscuuaU.~ln preparing the American edition of Mr.

Gresley's valuable- 'Fr«.-iEis«.. a few foot notes have been addeduy the editor, which aredi»tmguishe<l by brackets. The in.,reextended notes at the end have heeii selected from the !«.*twork- on the subject.ind »inch, with 000 or two exception-,are not easily BCCeaaible to the Amen.-an student.FAMILY AND PARISH SERMONS,

rRCAcnrn at ci.tpn.iM and rlasbury.BY REV. CHARLES BRADLEY.A. M.

Two volumes oj English edition m one.raten »1

The Seriuous oi tin- Dn meare much admired t".>r their plain,yet chute and elegant .!>i-.': they wui In- ibu-nl admirableadapted tor family reading and preaching, when no pastor islocated. Recommendations: might be given, if space wouldadmit, from several ol our I!,-hop* and Clergy.also fromMinisters ot various denrnnumtions.

!>. APPLEl'ON fcCO. Publishers,303Broodivay.mlj 2ti«_.JOOO NOVELS VT ii < ENTS EACHThe suhaeribcrs having accumulated a large quantity of

Nov.which they aredetrrmined to -.11 oil" in a rush. Amongthem may be found the following works:Si. -p Haler. orThe n I Boy m the! minibus.originalprice25. 'rice.6 cents

TheGentleman's Daughter.tJ "

The Capitalist.6 "

The Village Inn.rj "

Ellen Ramsey.>i "

VVilford Lord.6 "

Pel. r, by William lb.watt.* "

The Rambles of the Emperor Chin Tili.»....<> "

The Adventures of l.-.tirenlim m Search of his Father.i< "

Tl.I Man ofUarlem.6 "

Romantic Bingmphy of the Age of "

The DiN.mof tlieTory'sHmm!. ti "

The Gipsy's Bride, by N. P. Willis.6 "

Hessens die Prisoner, ur AII for "

Magdaline the Monk's Prophecy..! "

Tl,.-1 boote, a Tale of the CrescentCIty.II "

The Conspirator.6 "

Modem Chivalry, by Aintworth.ti "

.Inil.ih Bensalli, the Jewess.b' "

The Battle of Lake Erie.6 ..

ITie Private Secretary.ej "

Edward M. relev.rj "

The Brewer King, a splendid novel.6 "

All of the above w ill be sold olfnl 6 cents each.Also, for sale ui Scents each, 10 or lieu Magazines, Graham,

Gnllerv, Ate. for 1843, byBURGESS, STRINGER 4c CO.niI3 2: 322 Broadway, corner Ami street.



Author of"Travels in North America,"Forming No. XXXIV. of the Library of Select Novell.

Price Twenty Five Cents.




By the Rev. I /ESAU M A LAN. D. bi n Geneva, in Switzerhuid.

Traruluted from the last French edition.Price Twcnty.five Cents.


No. V.*. . Tliis standard w ork wiU be completed in eight numbers

of about 110 pug.."*, at twenty-five cents each. It is printedfrom Toulmin'a edition, edited by the Rev. J. 11. Choules,(bteofthis city.) and embellished by a portrait of a distmgaishedPuritan to each number.



Authoress of "The Parted Family," "Charles Morton,""Southern ami Northern Harp,"

Ill one vol. 18mo. neatly bound.Price Three Shillings.IN A FEW HAYS.


No. 321, BkoaPW \v.ALL TIIF. NEW PUbLICA'l lu.NS Will be found oo out

counter at the earliest momentSTATIONERY /VND RLAN'S BOOKS of every descrip¬

tion, Cheap. I ountrr doüeis supplied,i Irdcrs should be addressed Ipoal paid »tili n miltance to

II. WILSON. &. Co.,mil 321 Bl adway, N. V.

j:;ir published.PRtl IE TWENTY-I IVE CENTS.C E C I L 1 A ll 0 W A It II ,

orTHE Y< >ung LADY


by t. s. vk niua.Author nf " Insubordination." '" Six Nights with tho Wash-

rngtooians," " Sweetliearts and VVives,"4tcA l!<i.ii< F'iR EVERY (AMERICAN WOMAN..THE


rjep" This work i« a record ol home scenes, and n intended toexhibit the lady in the domestic circle, where the real charac¬ter of every woman com.- out. This hook is lull of touchingincident.and cannot fail, while it deeply interests every uue.tomake a .alutnry iinprtsiion on the mind. Price Iii cents.

mloo'us*_JOHN ALLEN. 13!' Nassau it

PLEASE READ THIS!A DDRESSED to (llergymen, I lountrs Merchants, Postmas-l\ t.--. and all persons who may xvish toactas AosxTsind -p,»ingot tn<--r pevvand e.-.utiful volumes,SEARS' POPULAR PICTORIAL WORKS.

History or the Bible, % vob. in one. with numerousfine Engravings.13 GO

Bible Biogmpliy, ;tti Plates. 2 SOWonders of the World. :») Plates. 2 50Guide of Knowledge, 300 Plates . »80Pictorial I Hirst of the Bible. 3voh.6D0 Plates. SWTHE Musi' SPLENDIDLY ILLUSTRATED VOL¬UMES for lamilie ever issued on tho American Continent,containing moro man Two Thousand beautiful Engravings;designed by the most eminenl ',t' Lni-l-.'-d -.nd Arti.r-.Published an.1 sold hy SURS at WALKER, ill FoitonstNew York City.z'j- Aoektb Wanted..The Publishers of '1"* above

Work, are anxious to establish Deoositories foi their fate in

everrtown and village through it the I nitad States and lintnh North American Provinces. We, Iherefisre, uivito the at¬tention of t LBRorxiEN, Post s ssTxas, Supenntendenti and

I'Teachen ofSabbsth Schools, thu matter. Oortermiare.we r.-imre to .«-?^>. .t.r the return i>l th»-books in good order, or the proceeds when soldi snd weahall.end a te>x asaurteil, ii>m>jii as we receive from each applicantthe tiecssaarT-informatioo. Persons orocrinc bcaiks will be oar.ticular in givng their ' -.lice a.l.:.-e-s. a:el als-i -Uiting howti.e !e.x .Ii;.,! -i to them, r- t-ir-: -r i-.-mlar- .i-.e to

SAldreu, ... -.--paid.) E W VLKEK teCO..114 Fnit.n .ire. t. New \ ..rk t.'ity.

[gf PerJQXS from the ciiuntrr v-siting the City, who maybe desirous of engaging Ip tne saleol the above works, willplease apply as alaive. The most hlerral comniisiioii allowed.myl lino._

C1AUTION..AU persons ore cautioned against rcceiviagtwo cheeks drawn by John B. Taylor, on tue 7tb Ward

Bank, one dale.! Mn v 13th for two hundred dolbin. the othere«t-<; May 14-h for forty-five dollars, bots, having been stolen.Payment of the MUM having tx-en "opped at the Bank. It*, ~. AT PRIVATE 9A LE.The lot of groom] 35 feel byfS?Sr 75 feet coverad xvrth a three .n.ry hncic budding.i.'..'.'' known a. No. IM' horch .trtet, between Leonard and

Antiioiiy -treets, erect..) about 12 months, and let to goodleiiiint*. For particulars, anplv U,

AM'ib IN V J. BLEECKER U>*_No.7 Broad tticet, neat Wall street

rös I' r. itii \ \i i; \RDKN TO LET OR i_tifrij? LEASE.'!. Ii- - ind Garde No. " «rr--A^JU. Bou opposite the V. rn Theatre, !:.-....*.-: I ias /.uer's Gr.rdrn ;.the fixtures and st.-ck of the -auie i'.rsab.-. The above i.efer» a tavorahio opportunity to any one

wishing togo into the business. Immediate pus-cssion giv-n.Apply at N... 117 H'ii.--t. - i.s. \Vat.:r -r. _n,K 1« '

s_s TO LET.In the ricinity of St. Mark's Church.l -T» near the Stagesand Railroad, i.i a gen-eel neighbor-

_ hood, a part ofa three rtorjr house, consisting of theparlors.mahogany doors.u large front r.«im, bed room andcl</»<-ton the th r.l floor, a g.- >i light kitchen, the half or a

good cedar, yard. &.r. To a smallqalet family.the otterpenbeing trf-cu/ued by Will be let on very reasonable

terms. References (riven and required. Andre*) ->!. v^.K-.ml6 3t >s*

FOR S \I E.A good Farm at Urookhaven, LongMaud.coiiUinmg about 75 acres "t ex-ellen; land. 60ot it in S first rare itateolaood cultivation, Iroin A't'1

».^»|!and ore and aboul one acre of go.^1 orchard. Arloobw one story House, nea am and other <>-it bmldmgs.-For putieulan apply Hettett paid to W.tcl. r.TAPS-C'l i f. 7H Sonth-.treer.'-.-¦.ner Maulen lane. _mlo"T^J to LEI'.'The -mail More in No. S3 Pearl street

Tillsitore rs well «ituatMl lor an Exchange Orrice, a

i Millinery itore, a Merchant Tailor's EsiRblishnvent,oranvothe' kind of bosi ess ere it littleroom is required.Tiie rent will l»r ree.'-mable to a good tenant Applv to HO< I-PKR H. BR" »TU FR edioining, Of at tue Dry Dsik Bank, cor¬

ner Avenue Ü and Tenth itreet ml53tis*« HUBBARD G STONE'S

%?V.\ STORE OF WATCHES. JEW EERY. SilretJp4 ibWare, 4ü-.,

Wfc 401 Broadway, cmnet Walkr.r »r. New York.\ Is of Repamng carefully done. Old Watches, Gold

and Silver, taken la exchange, or Dough; furcash._rorilma ö. G. STONE,


OT mi' -'Ml i".itkF.M:K. su.-tioneero.CTORE .No. 29 La., I streetNu**»«! IlaU.1

, 1 HB D VY May I«,M'rrar s SaAIC. -I.rv.rt r-M-,-,nf Fdcia.

.! Th/,gd>V-tW.HttdayOfMay .mLat'.! h l

-v>- 101 ^»etr^bec.mtoiitsofa Bathing

turtrj. one targe pPper Kmler. mm reo h. v,. w -h«Water< .tern. LookingGlass*,.Umps.Stove».KsrIuttutes. &>*c. Arc.Also, a rptanrity ofHoosehold Foroiinr», vir Wilton Cor¬

nets, i Ingrain do. 1 Pset Tabl-.2<Vd '!'«bV». .Ten Table«-3 I »t r: .- Pal 9 « _'i hairs. 3 Bureaus, 1i Z3ba Imt>l Cioth. Look1".- Glanes, Window Curtain*. P^urraoalIle«i-. Be.).1!.-.,-. Be mask s. read. Kitchen and i'oofcn« t'tass-. . - fc« VVM. JO.\l>. StUiffJOBS GkaV. IVi'iifT >^enrT

FK!hav. M \V 17.T> lis-.Lpra*.SiiKKifK*» Sals..um1 scM !¦ ndjy. Mai

t7ta. at 10**o'clock. A. M. in tie v.ty of Sexenth avs>n:re and to *t by order of rho Sher.rT, »II the nglrt, title,and interest ..t Contt. Do ohue. of, band to a largojoantiir ot Bu.'ding Stooe.cotppristng«tbotttMOfcsnda,

U M. JONES. shen.T.Joris, '¦' <v. epu'y ~l- r:'\





I : «LIA.N i »PER \.ON Till RSDAY, MAY 16.


*en ...'¦. ti IbrtbeViol in the CUttitalStnU.I. Grand Ouvertora, full Orchestra.2 Melodic composed and stimt by Sign. Antngmm.3. Graa.i Concvrtufor \ nl K ihr* pe '. Allegro6m

l a". 'ed ,,j If. Yiruvtrmps.I Grail x r i, S c ioi Vnlfi II5- <. :i' i .¦«'.., 2.1 a d ii ptrt.onm-

POMrdandezceuted bj H. Vieuxtemps..CCOXTJ FART.

,'r-n .Musk hi tii.¦ Romantii Stylt

r>. (.rand Onvetiora. fi I!«irehe>tm.7. Tremolo. Caprice br Yioun. by de Beriot, executed by H.

\ leuxtem .

S. Grand Seena and 7m..-.v. fret* 'Ac ürrd act of l.uciadiLammavuar, suns m fu/l cosUnu by Sit. jinlogniniend / alttUtna.

9. The «Termeal ofVenice, by Pacarinu. executed hy ll.Vieuxternor.

Tickets. One Udl -.r each at the Box OfBceof tite Operallon-e. from 10 \ M. t p. M IVriormance to com¬mence nt > o'clock, door. »ill open at 7^_ ml3 2trs1'IIE PINE \RTS.-Nowexhi! liuc at the bite APOLLOI (iALLERV, "or Hr.««..». \ and « lumbers street,

entrance in Chambers street, ^a collection of < ttiemolpil Pamt-uiiri. pi order. Those who ha\e x-en the rir»t csllere* of Eu¬rope p.-'' roll r to be t<» anr tl>ey have?vi». Adeetra ee 2'» ¦¦ -.!.>de«!. mit !»¦.

KAYMO.M' \M' U i'.l'KS' t.'l! \\|) MENAGERIE,cor.i t Ku'luh street and Bowery.Fi>r oae wa-ekonly..

Messrs K lYMONU It \\ EEKS respi tfuUj ii Cmntbadtt-lemofNeu \ rk whoto iberally patroniseil then ipleodidanddt»"er«!riedexhibition«fw kits tttstaM season that iheythis day open their Grand Meoagerie nt the comer of Eighthstreet and Boxsrery.a.aaibte by ommbusses and >taces, andwithin n few minutes wnlk of the most central paiiaofth*citv. The Caravan has hod many new an.l cnn»u« animabsditsd to the previous collect on. and can stand eomiieiitioowith n:u similar establishment in Europe. Honrs ef exhibitionfrom 10 to 12.3 to4, nml 7 to til in the evening, Her Una-bmtch will as usual exl Ih'I those instan es of eouragoosssdoi*espbne tiiar have ramlored In, name nt.tvr,.hi,h!e. nw 1'i \w»M ERICAN MUSEI'M AND PERPETUAL FAOL

JA. V. Y xt e:-....r-r..rn. rof Hr.w.lwni and Annstreet, opposite die Vstoi House.THK MOST BRJLLL1XT AXb TRIÜMTHMfT

süi < >.>>."GRAND PER FOR M VNCES et erj anerni -on nt 3,1« o'clock

and every evening at 8.THE. GtJiXT JIN'D OMATESS.

The two ur~f,tt-»I w .infers nl the age, and the T »t.LKST pukever known, it a) he seen seen even dor, from lo o'clock A.M. till I. from Still halfpost b. and from. nil In.The managet is h ippy t.> announce a ic engagement, for one

xve-k only, with theURPME. LV FJIMILYI

of five person*, nl' musi nans ul the first class.ona ofwhom is aLITTLE MISS OF.ONLi SIX YEARS!

The Family appeal in a vnriet* otSONGS Ii PS. Tit Ii 4. QUARTETTS, ate.

.'fK. H nr.r,/The inimitable Droltertsi and unequalled imitatos of Irish,

Hutch, Yankee and.! cltonxcte .. isengaged, togrtherwitKMR. tVM. < .".>:.

The best contortionist in America; Mr, LYNCH.B universalfavorite tu n Ralliul Singer; La Petite CF.RITx». the HogBILLY, and xntli others.Abcanlifuleollectiiia of Wnx Figno«.Tlie GIPSY UUEEN. the fortune leller, may he seen aad

privately consulted at all noun of the day and evening,fcy" Tickets29cents children undei I" wars \2X, cents,p Z. 25 !. extru for cinsiilting theC^osy Uneeti privately.iVTEsV.YURK Mi'SEL'M \\:> PICT1 RE GAtT.ERY.

Ooposiii the City Hall. Mr. H. Bennett, manaeer.HESTItl I'll'N OF ST. MICHAEL'S CHHRCII BY

FlitK durinc the recent doturbe.n Philadelphia, takenupon the -p ¦! cv mi lainr.en! nitst. e-g _-o,| expressiy for tinsoccasion. This thrilling and sacrilegious seene is portrayedwith lite most startling truth and tldclity. ft is a deseejaitiootint must l>e deplored by every dispassionate person The pic-turo representing tue in lurnfiil and no lam hely cataslrcphe is

(minted u,.ime hundteils ol square lis-t of eanvasa, andviewed through a cla.s of.h enormous magnifying poxversas to mnihr each object pr rsented to the viexv of tiie »peetntorequal in size to Hie or g mil.

\ HIV IRF tiir.- inehes shorter and ns. Id ns Cm. TOMTHUMB; a HI INTESS. neat!. SEVEN FEET llli:il!.Wli EIGHT PERFORMERS'! To .a ALL FORONE SHILLING! MRS PHILIPS, t!.harming song¬stress; Ml!. VSUWICK, the much rocahst; tinsGUI' VT VY1 STERN, MUS. U STERN. MIL II. < ON-OVER, lira CELES/FE, the grncefuldan«euse, and Mil \V. CONOVER, tl.ilebrated comic- i SELF-PLAYING MELODEON HARP, a MIL-I.K i\ H i l;in.-': riES. Git Win OSMOR \ MA ANDSPLENDID l'lt TÜRE CALLERY,. nlaining Cw portraitsof all tb.sebrateil cli meters during tlio REVOLDTION.Aflarnoon ciitertainmenl on IVbdoesoay and Saturday nl 3o'clock. Evening petlormanee to commoaco at 8. m!5

j;ia:AI.EOBION..HATCHING EGGS »V Sl'EAM.kj The proprietor ol this wonderful invention, which is nowearr.-sine so n uch oi' public attention, !. happxio announcetlie te.opi nut . ofthe Exhibit sn at Ni>.S8SBri>adway, oppositeVYiulnngton llull trom 9 \. M. until sunset duly Ladies andgentlemen are assiiresl thai mis Exliibilion is not only of thehighest orderof rospectnbility. hot raimbiliei inssruction withamusement, and never hub to gratify visitors. Tickets 2S cts.(/Iii Iren 12't els. (Jtrlor received for tlie Machines. a23tsoa

VAN l'iilil .V'S SoLtR SPERM OIL..Warranted su

periaf in exrery respect to the hesi Sperm, and much chenp-e-. both as a beautifiil bummg iIii, and unon n.acliinery...Lienlers are requested to call and examine for UmumWet, atIn- I ilI. STORE. 31 New street nivllmts

1>0»)MST0 I.I. -i ... tl: ..en can In-,itp .i.ihI with plea.I\ sanl bed-rooms, at reasonable als, at BBS Broadway.The Metropsihüra l.ircubiting Library. Iteadins] Room andr ...»room is open every da] andevemng. GeMMmea shouldpatronise tins establ bment, Ternisl>| perannum. np3u «tf_C'1 Ä/UI To a pewm ol met and pleasing address, who

11 W M /. cane inn md one or two ihousand dollars cash,Hchanee - odered r.. ei -* ige in .. genteel "ml useful hu-mesa,.. Broadway V nno -eeui.ty given for tlie inve>tnienL.Address G. P. Trihime oilier._mit istf


D It !' <; <i I STS,¦2V.I Broadway, Corner ChambertMreet, Granite

Building,RESPECTFULLY c id the attention of Families, Physi-

:i : generally, in town and country, to their.extensive and xvell-seisctedstock ol

DRUGS AND MEDICINES,and a large assortment of the most debcata French, English,... man and American PERFUMES, EXTRACTS, COS¬METICS, fee, together with a great variety of Brushes,omus, and Fancy articles, adapted to the Toilet ot the Nur-


I and family receipts, will rcce.%.. parn'colaraltenUoo. The veryhost ofMedicine constantly kept on hand, and a competout par-«oii always in -i idilMSS both night and day, to prepare thcio intin- most careful and scientific manner, with u scrupulous regardto eoneetox is.LEEl MLS ofthe best kind always kept Cur sp.k?, or they will

lie applied, nt any hour, by mi experienced person.MEDICINE CHESTS for sale of various patterns; also

filled and refitted in the neatest mid most e irefill manner.MINER kL WATERS,

from Saratoga, the ' on, Congress, Pavillion, and IodineSprings! also. White Sulphur and Seltzer Waters always onhand, and packed so as to transport u ith tafety any di .tunce.\Xjt CoodsAenl tunny part ofthe eity.273 Broadway, comer ..i Ihnmben street, Granite Building,nJJ Inn«


EstAbllssxixsent.From 112 Fulton-tlreet to 187 llrnn.Uray.

Tho subscribers have removed their cslnblrshment to 187Broadway. 3 door, beiow the Fmnkl.'i House and ure now

prepared with u full mid varied rusortment of Cloths, CaasLmei s and Vestings, to which they would invite the attentionofthWroMemUsmersand die public In removing u> a nsoeecentral loeation,with increased facilities lordomg bu>in<ns,we shall \* enabled t» oder «tili gonu-r inducenientsto thecash paying e istoroer, us we shall ul.vay um, by Adhering tothe t.'nsii aid i ine l'rie»; System, to return the ci'snrsdencc ofourcustomers. Having in our employ the most t,^-r i.I cut¬

ters, und employing none but the brut of workOM i. nnd havingthe wlxole business under our own irnusedinte supers ision, wacm s»iLly auarrjiiliisi th^t our enrtnci.ts will compare in styl«

j nnd cVgm.-e w t!( t.'v.o: »f any h.rti%e in rhe l.'iuted Stato*. Inaddition toourfbrmei rtoek, wehavaon band a fall and com¬

plete assortmentof every artic;e usually kept m a gentleman'soutfitting house, where our customers can always depend on

supplying iJiemselves xsith a lint rate article._tri) tf_J. C. BOOTH fe CO._

NtrTICETO THE LA-~C"*iDIES^-The Ladies of .New.

f^Sy; \York, my u-t uiiers in pnr-\.V- * Ucolsr.] ;.ro respeetfolfy in-

t: -V-^Sisw formed.ijsatnotwrthssnndieg|i: ".v/v^v the advance of Josuueytueu^

r,*'v waces Ito which I have ac-B\\ v. ceded,) my L*mats'SHOES

Iäöc-' '"'' .-tssstirr^jS»:,."'dli^fT' ^'^l r-per pn r.madam

tlw.' hit- -t r'rench style, andwamritesl .V) ;¦:<¦' '¦ i,nr..>o'ner nnd Utter than tie^eioid atthe elieap su,re» at 'si je-r P's.r..,, .., , ,, ,

LADIES1 GAITER BCwS-Thw beaotifiil article at 16and IS, and made to or<ier nr -JO ihilhngS pet [ner.eqiuil to anyin the eitr. Particular street n paid to meesures, u. warranta handsome tit. I.ADDS; SLIPPERS AND TIES-2d...... t-.-AK- Tl 'II.LT SLIPS .,t i, »huhngs, nr.d BUSKINSlit 7 shillings per i>a r. Mtstes nnd Chddren's Borgsend Showof nil kinds nnd pr.i-es. \\ itli mnny thanks to tlie Ladies of.\eu York a.vs .f« vjemlty fortladi Ubcral petroaaga, 1 bopsby triet afention lo business, to merit a continuance of theirfaiors.

1 i- not m mortals to command «ucccf«.But F II do mo:-..¦ <->eri - n.

J B. Ml I.I B8, M2 Canal Stiseosl* Between Thompson and Sullivan »ts.

fbL WATCHES.Tlx largesi and .-. ¦' splendid as.]£t\ ssirtoieiit of IVsrtcbes in the citj i> to l»e found at the

. cb siiWrtlier's. He nsceiiring oli dew \\\\ siism of Gold a, ..I Silver Watches, of the neweststyles, from the inanufhcmreis-in Engtoad 1 ranee nnd Swit-rerisud nnd is ennb'ed to offer a ii.rgc r aassaStment, and at murhles. pnees at retail, thsn aar .j|.-r hoi..e in t!< city. GoldWnici.e- as low as 820to CS each. Wotehei and Jewebyexchanged or bought. All watches w.-.rmnteil to keen goodtjme or rlie money returned. Watches, < 'locks ami Seveayrepe r"I m the best manner. bjmI runted. Iow.t than at anyother place in toe > ty.

G. C. ALLEN. Im-e rrcr ol V. arc <-s and Jewelry.jB« -r| whole.., i* and ntailjii VVall-»t.. up stair

s«3r FINE WAT* HES.BENEDICTA ü V34MOND\14 >t.' ¦' Es. ¦' - "l .s.i a.:.: U

C-» jSstteei entrance fust ilooi in WiMiom have receivedtKs.sSRi ladxhuoo to theii piarvtous stock an assortment of

\\ v. lied a the city.c«tso4ing of Clirooometar,Duplex and Lever Wntchci, both lor .ml... and geiitlemen.\;.-.-.- m the South as w. il as ti.e cit> traije. will findwhen .uahty is coin|«iml' pn-es low.A ecrierol as«.rtne nt ol Jewelrr ol Ihe t,esit quality.gUlflmg silver wnre at mao.ifacf'irs-r's prices.¦\ I, k.nds of Watchei msoiresl e pial to ihe t.pejaai. Mantsi

Clocks KguhiWd by a fjat nk: wvtkttMs tpSitni_

* -.ISI