New techonolgies


Transcript of New techonolgies

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Throughout the process of research, planning, making and evaluation. I have used many different forms of technology. They have been technologies such as Emails, Web Search, Blogs, Prezi, Photoshop, iMovie etc.

In the next few slides you will see the different technologies I used and how they have helped me in the process and given me more skills and experience in my media project.

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Email was a way in which I could

send work to my teammates and

inform them about the changes

made to production and sending

work such as screenshots/ scripts etc.

We used e-mails as it was easy to

interact with and upload work

instantly to our blogs. Also very useful

when sending large files and images.

This is a progression from last years

foundation portfolio as it was

independent work so the use of e-

mail wasn’t active, having used e-

mail helped me understand that is just

effective and useful when trying to

contact someone.

A advantage about using e-mails was

I could enhance my our

understanding of e-mails and how to

access and download content via e-

mail which will become very useful in

the future.

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Prezi is a interactive presentation

slide, I used Prezi in the research

stages of production. As you can see

from my blog I used Prezi when

researching about horror stock

characters/ Horror protagonist ideas

and researching the construction of

horror posters. I have used Prezi

before when working on my media

foundation portfolio, I was able to re-

gain my skills using Prezi again and

also develop them when having to

create my own layout. I enjoyed

using Prezi as it is different from using

PowerPoint as it is all online and the

layout of presentation is more

professional. Also used Prezi at the

evaluation stage of production as

Prezi is a form expressing my idea


The advantage about using Prezi is

you can express your ideas in many

different ways depending on the

layout and theme you present with.

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YouTube is a video sharing website that is viewed by millions of people each day. YouTube was a way of me and my group researching more into our idea for a film trailer and also planning what types of things could happen in the trailer e.g. A glass breaking (YouTube: how to make sugar glass tutorial). This was done both independently and as a group.

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This is a Internet Movie Database is an online database of information related to films, television programs and video games. It allows you to research about the production company/ director/ actors/ taglines/ budget etc. In the research stages of my production IMDB was one of the most used websites I used as it helped me with researching all the horror films made and helped with comparing movies and seeing if our group idea was already a film, as we wanted to create something very different but real. Using IMDB helped inspire my group with coming up with new ideas. Using this website didn’t really enhance any of my skills as I have used this website before for other media reasons, but it did make me realise a lot of information is held on this website about films. I used this website as independent research into coming up with an idea to share with my group.

A advantages about using IMDB is that it is the most trusted internet movie database which would make my research must more valid than if all my researched information# was from one source (Wikipedia).

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Photoshop is a graphic editing software. This is the second time I have used Photoshop as I had to use it when creating my project for my foundation media portfolio. This time using Photoshop was very different from last year as it was very independent based and I had to learn how to use certain tools but as I had someone on my team that knew a lot more about Photoshop, I wasn’t as full on but I did re-gain the skill I learnt using Photoshop again. Such as manipulating photos/ composition & cropping.

Photoshop was used in the research/ construction and production of our print media. It was the software that both the film poster and magazine was created on and then creating and layout of the typography of our title.

A advantage of using Photoshop is it is a professional software when creating print media such as magazine and film posters, being able to experience using these software will help us in the future if ever wanting to create some thing that can look legit. As not everyone can use Photoshop.

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The site we used to upload our work on to as part of our A2 media project is Blogger. This is a online publishing journal. Blogger is a new technology that I have used over the past 2 years as we did use Blogger for my foundation portfolio, I have been able to re-gain and develop my knowledge of using Blogger such as embedding URL so that they display the video pic on the timeline. Blogger was used in the construction, research, planning and evaluation of my production work as it is meant to document all my work towards my final product.

Construction Stage: making of our film poster/ magazine and trailer, it is a way of broadcasting and expressing our ideas of a horror film trailer.

Research Stage: This is uploading existing horror poster/ magazine and trailers, onto blogs to help us look back at what our media product can improve or adhere to (follow conventions).

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I used these computers throughout the whole process of my media production in school. Research: having to use search engines to gather information for the production. Also planning of the trailer was made throughout on the Mac computer using the software ‘Celtx’. The making of media production was done on a Mac PC, the print media film poster and magazine was made on the Mac Computer using Photoshop and the Trailer was also made on the Mac PC using the software iMovie.

The Mac computers were used throughout the whole process of the production. (research/ planning and evaluation)

Advantage about using Mac Computers is that they are very technical from normal HP/Dell PC enabling me to develop new skills and re-gain previous skills as I used these computers last year when working on my foundation portfolio in media. Having these skills of using Mac computers may help me in the future as I will be confident in working certain software and using certain keys such as screen-shotting.

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Celtx is a professional script writing (layout) software. This was my first time using Celtx to

create a script, it was also used to plan and scudeulde filming times and a floor plan

of were cameras may be set up when filming. Celtx was very useful as we used it as a

structuring system for our production work, it allowed us to get things done in a

certain time frame. You can see how we used Celtx in different ways to help us with

our production on my blog. (screenshots)

We was only introduced to Celtx for our foundation portfolio, but we officially used it for

this project as it was needed for the content we was creating (horror trailer). I learned

a lot about Celtx such as how to create a basic script and how to highlight the

meaningful things in the script that we as a group will have to follow when planning

to film such as props/ setting/ characters etc. Also create a in-depth character


A advantage of using Celtx is that I can

now use the software confidently and

create a professional script as I know have

the knowledge and skill to. Also it kept my

group structured with the time frame we

was meant to film in. If it wasn’t for the plan

film scduedule most of our footage would

not have been filmed.

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iMovie is a video editing software application. iMovie was

the only form we could have used to express our idea

of a horror trailer, this software helped make our trailer

‘Top Ten’ visual to see in a trailer form. When using

iMovie it was collectively as a group as we all wanted

to show each other ideas in the trailer. By working

together to create the trailer.

The skills I learnt when using iMovie is that a lot of thought

has to be put in as you have so many effects and

transition options, it right you think about the right

transition to relate to the genre of the trailer. As a

group from AS to A2 we have developed our skills in

continuity editing / trimming shots/cropping/ cutaway

shots & adding titles using iMovie also being able to

edit voiceovers and add music/ sound layering and

editing of music played in the trailer. iMovie was only

used in the production stage of the project., as we

used it to structure the trailer.

An advantage about using iMovie from Adobe

Premiere is that it is much easier to use as the

tabs are visible for you to see and the layout isn’t

as complex as Premiere. iMovie is also very good

with the use of different transitions/ effects and

templates if wanting to create another type of


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Having used these cameras in AS to take pictures for our front cover/ contents page and double page spread. I had knowledge about what the camera can do and how I can make the images we took look of a high professional standard. Such as focus pull/ depth of field etc. But I also learnt new skills such as filming while zooming in and out and in and out of focus. Also the different high/ low light ISO capabilities of the camera.

The camera was the main focus of how we could communicate our idea to make the final product as without the camera we wouldn’t have been able to film any footage or take any pictures for the film poster and magazine. We only used the cameras for the research/ planning and the actual production stages.

A few advantages about using the Canon E0S 600D camera, is that we was able to film and take images in both HD quality which is good for our print media project (trailer) as it meant footage would not look pixel-ated if on the and main right setting. Also it encouraged us to use our camera skills and knowledge to create the shots we needed for the trailer. Having used this camera to film we had to use a tripod to make sure that footage was still and there was no shaky shots.

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