1 June 18, 2013 NEW RICHMOND TIGERS FOOTBALL 2015-2016 Program Manual


As a steward of public trust and resources, it is the duty and the responsibility of The School District of New Richmond to provide a comprehensive educational program and a learning environment which allows for the intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, social, and ethical growth of children in a changing world.
The New Richmond High Football Staff will teach young men to
influence people in a positive way as well as teach student-athletes
the values, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in life, as well as
Purpose: The relentless pursuit of excellence in High School Football.
Our Mission Statement is the reason for which we exist. The Mission Statement for our
program keeps our minds focused, our heads clear, and our actions directed down the correct
path. If ever we question our actions, we use our mission statement as a measuring instrument.
Is what I am doing, or about to do, a valuable and necessary skill in life, and in football? We may
use our Mission Statement as a branding tool to promote our program and what we stand for.
New Richmond athletes are stalwart, true and courageous. It should not be hard to identify the
men of New Richmond High School in or out of uniform. Our Mission Statement will be a
beacon for those not involved. It will motivate members of our school board, staff members in
our school, volunteers in our community, and donors. Our Mission Statement is our code of
excellence. Working together is success and in doing so, student-athletes and coaches honor a
tradition of excellence for those who have come before us, and those who will come after. Go
New Richmond Tigers Football Philosophy
The young men who are members of the New Richmond High School football team will
demonstrate a positive attitude, a relentless effort, an unwavering character, and an enduring
commitment towards Tiger Football. Our character will be defined and measured by the
decisions we choose to make when no one is looking. While success will be measured in one
form on the score board, New Richmond High School football players will demonstrate the
ability to recognize it in as many forms as possible. Success will be achieved by helping our
student athletes develop character and integrity to give them the opportunity to perform in
society. Our student-athletes will learn and teach others how to manage family time and work
time to become better leaders for their families. Our student-athletes will learn how powerful
they can be if they believe and trust in a worthy cause. We will respond to hardships and
setbacks with a positive, unyielding attitude. We will demonstrate humility in our abilities and
accomplishments. Football is a game that demands loyalty, commitment, and immense
discipline. It will test your strength, courage and endurance. When every member of our team
develops a high level of integrity and trust, we will have a strong chance to be successful.
“Are you doing the best you can do to be the best you can be at what you choose to do?”
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What does it take to be a New Richmond High School Football
1. ARE YOU COACHABLE? As coaches, we are going to push you farther than you every thought you could go
physically, mentally and emotionally. Football is a demanding game in all three areas of
your life. Can you handle being coached? Can you take criticism personally without
looking for someone or something else to blame it on? Have you taken the necessary
steps to improve yourself as an athlete and a person? A coach’s job is to challenge you
to make mistakes full speed and help you learn from those mistakes to improve.
Football is a loud, intense and highly demanding sport and we will coach in the same
fashion. The criticism will always be directed at the performance and not at the person.
2. ARE YOU A TEAM PLAYER? Football is the greatest team game in the world. You MUST think of the team before
yourself. We will always be more important than You, but We would not be able to
accomplish greatness without young men like You. We must share the pain of training
and practicing together in order to fully appreciate the privilege of competing together.
Everyone must make the same sacrifice to guarantee the team’s success.
3. ARE YOU WILLING TO RELENTLESSLY PREPARE? Preparation does not begin on August 5th when practice begins. At that point, most
games have already been decided. The team that has prepared for victory from the
moment their last game ended, will most likely be the most successful this season.
Preparation starts in the off-season. A true athlete is continually trying to make himself
a better athlete by improving his strength, speed, and agility year round. It is easy to
give 100% under the lights on Friday nights, but our character will be defined in the
early morning hours when no one is watching. Our preparation will take place in our
Tiger Strength & Conditioning program. Our preparation may also take place by
participating in many other Tiger Sports. Are you willing to put in the time necessary to
WIN. Are you eager to sacrifice your time and energy during the hot summer months
and cold winter days to ensure our success under the lights in the fall?
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6 June 18, 2013
Tiger Football Team Rules
The following is a list of policies and rules that each student/athlete must adhere to in order to be a part of the New Richmond Football Program. These rules cover football players, managers, and film personnel. Please read these rules and understand that being a part of Tiger Football is a privilege. Accepting this privilege means that you will be held to a higher standard of accountability than the regular student. We expect everyone to be a positive role model on and off the field of play. We hope everyone will have a fulfilling season.
In short, our team rules are:
Academic Eligibility Rules
Students are reminded that athletics are extra-curricular activities. Academic progress is of
primary concern. Failure to meet the academic standards will result in penalty. Our goal is to
develop the total student in all of our programs. This requirement will improve our students
and give much needed credibility to our programs.
Code of Conduct Policies
1. Demonstrate a proper attitude, effort, character and commitment in everything that you do. Be a “CLASS ACT”.
2. Show respect for coaches, officials, trainers, managers, teammates and opponents.
3. Treat your teammates, as you want to be treated. Football is a team sport. We will win together and lose together as a team. Mutual trust and respect is mandatory if we are going to be successful.
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4. All practices and meetings are mandatory. This includes lifting times. If you are unable to attend any of these, it is your responsibility to contact the coaches about the conflict.
5. Alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs are a violation of the NR Athletic Code. Any such violation will be dealt with in accordance with Athletic Code guidelines.
6. Profanity is unacceptable. It will not be tolerated at any time.
7. Any time you have a complaint or concern it is important that you address it. There are appropriate times and places to discuss your concerns. The practice field and/or game field are generally not appropriate places. It is usually best if you see a coach in a one- on-one situation or see one of the team captains. Many concerns are simply a misunderstanding or misinterpretation.
8. The locker room is a place of pride. Treat it that way. Clean up after yourselves before and after practices and games. The coaches will post any important information on the bulletin board and/or coach’s office window. The locker room is always closed to all non-team members.
9. You will be issued a lock from the NRHS coaching staff. No locks from home. Always make sure to keep your locker locked. Leave all valuables in your hall locker or in your car.
10. Your equipment is given to you for your protection. It is your responsibility to take care of it and report any problems to the coaches and/or the equipment managers immediately. A. Helmets are to protect your head and not to be sat on. Helmets will be worn at all
times during designated practice time.
B. Spikes are not to be worn in the building. Take them off before entering
the locker room.
C. Mouthpieces are mandatory for all practices and games. It is illegal to cut them.
11. We are a team. Everyone will ride on the team bus to and from away contests.
12. If you have been injured, report it to the coaches and our athletic trainer. You must complete all rehabilitation workouts and get the approval of the trainer, before you can
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13. Every student/athlete is expected to be a positive influence in the classroom. Tardiness and misconduct that leads to detention, and/or suspension, affects the team. The team will address these violations.
Consequences for Conduct Violations
Unexcused absence from practice during game week = sit half of game
Missed weight training - o 1st offense = individual self-improvement, must make up missed session o 2nd offense = position group self-improvement, must make up missed session o 3rd offense = Team self-improvement, must make up missed session o 4th offense and more= Sit full game. Indefinite loss of playing time
Tardy to a team meeting or function, practice, or class in school o 1st offense = individual self-improvement o 2nd offense = position group self-improvement o 3rd offense = Team self-improvement
Continued issues with tardies will result in loss of playing time.
More than 10 minutes late to school you are unable to practice that day = unexcused absence.
*All other conduct issues will be dealt with as the coaching staff sees fit.
Tobacco, Alcohol, and/or Controlled Substance Policy
(Tobacco, Alcohol, and/or Controlled Substance Policy will be consistent with Athletic Code) 1. First Violation: Suspension from athletic competition for 20 percent of the regular season maximum number of contests in that sport as determined by the WIAA. 2. Second Violation: 50 percent. Removal from the Football Team. 4. Penalties shall be cumulative, grades 9-12. The student/athlete may be excluded from practice and/or connection with the team with the second violation and any subsequent violations. Football is a short season compared to many other sports. Any violation will be very detrimental to what the team is trying to accomplish each year. Using any of these substances will have a negative effect on your performance and your ability to prepare for competition.
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Reinstatement to the Tiger Football Team: If an athlete quits the team or has been removed from the team they may speak to the
coach about reinstatement. In order to be reinstated to the team the athlete must speak directly to the head coach. After the conversation, if the head coaches chooses to do so, the athlete will be put on a one week probationary period. After the probationary period is complete, the student-athlete must find 3 individuals, other than his parents and/or brothers and sisters to vouch for his character. The player and those three people will meet with the head coach. If approved, the player will meet with the Team Captains to make the decision final. Upon the request from the Team Captains, the player shall be reinstated.
Practice It is critical for our success to improve during every single practice we have. Improvement
comes from many things. We need to maximize our on the field improvement. Your goals for on the field practice should be the following.
A. Improve your technique for your individual position. B. Help your teammates improve by coaching each other, encouraging each other, and
playing hard in live situations to challenge your teammates. The harder you play the better they have to play to keep up.
C. Improve your conditioning for better performance throughout the entire game. D. Improve your understanding of the game and your position. E. Come together and grow as a team. All practices are mandatory. If you are going to be absent from practice for any reason you
must let your head coach know with a note in advance. If you are injured or need treatment from the trainer, you are required to follow the
procedures listed below. A. If you need to be taped for practice, you must get it done ASAP. If you cannot get in
right away, get dressed first and then get taped. B. If you need treatment, see the trainer. C. If the trainer has modified your participation, you need to be in full practice gear and do
what you can. D. If the trainer has severely limited or said no participation, you still need to be dressed in
shorts and t-shirt. No one is to be in school clothes. 1. You are to be with your position coach at all times so you can hear everything that is going on. 2. You are to assist your coach any way you can. Standing on the sidelines and having casual conversation is not acceptable.
10 June 18, 2013
During fall camp, all players will be required to bring a light snack to school. You will
need to keep hydrated. Dehydration will affect your strength, endurance and energy. If you are
to going to keep up the energy to maximize your ability, you must stay hydrated. This means no
pop. Most pop has caffeine and caffeine dehydrates the body. You also need to eat the right
types of food that help you stay energized after the first practice but do not slow you down for
the second one. Any food high in fat will stay in the stomach too long and will affect your
energy and possibly make you vomit during the second half. We will supply Gatorade during the
break in-between practices. Our break will only be 30 minutes, so don’t plan to eat much.
Remember to eat breakfast and lunch before coming to practice each day. Lunch should
be something that will get your blood sugar up without triggering a sugar (insulin) crash. It must
be light enough, so it leaves the stomach before practice starts. The meal right after camp is the
one that will help you recover fully for the next day. After camp it is critical you eat a high
sugar/high protein meal for maximum recovery. You should eat within an hour of practice
ending. Each meal should consist of about 10-20 grams of high quality protein. Below are a few
suggestions on what are the best things to eat during camp.
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Milk Milk Milk
Fruit Fruit Fruit
Juice Juice Juice
Waffles Veggies Veggies
1. Relentlessly pursuing excellence in everything that you do.
2. To give your best effort in the classroom to graduate.
3. To follow all team and school rules.
4. To attend all classes.
5. To treat teachers, coaches, managers, etc. with respect.
6. No whining, no complaining, no excuses.
7. To be a man of action; a man of his word.
8. To be on time.
9. To attend all meetings.
10. If not in an off-season sport, fully participate in all aspects of the off-season strength
and conditioning program.
11. To know your assignments.
12. To promote, defend and be loyal to New Richmond High School and the football team.
13. To be the best they can be.
14. To be critical, confident and optimistic.
15. To be competitive.
Coach Expectations
1. Relentlessly pursuing excellence in everything that you do.
2. Consistently acting as a role model for the young people you teach / coach.
3. To promote New Richmond High School athletics and be loyal to the program and the
school year round.
5. To attend all staff meetings.
6. To know all offensive/defensive/special teams assignments.
7. To be fully prepared for all practices, games and meetings.
8. To be interested in the success of each coach and player.
9. To further his football knowledge during the off-season through clinics and seminars
and to stay abreast of any rule changes that may have occurred.
10. Willing to devote time to review film, practice, scouting, strength & conditioning,
recruiting and all other aspects of the football program.
11. Effectively communicate ideas with staff.
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13. To be forward thinking – FIND A WAY.
14. To take it personally.
15. To be competitive.
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Parent Expectations
Parents have valuable ideas, are in a very unique position, and need to be understood
when it comes to dealing with their children in any sporting activity.
1. Support your son’s efforts to success.
2. Work to promote a positive environment that is conducive to the development of your
3. Treat all coaching personnel with courtesy and respect.
4. Assure that your son will attend all scheduled practices and athletic contests.
5. Promote and model mature and sportsmanlike behavior at all athletic contests.
Appropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches
1. Situations involving your child.
2. Ways to help your child improve.
3. Your child’s attitude, effort, character, or commitment level.
4. Concern’s about your child’s behavior.
Inappropriate Concerns to Discuss with Coaches
1. Playing time of any student-athlete, including your son.
2. Team strategy, practice organization, or play calling.
3. Other student-athletes.
Procedures to follow if there is a Concern to Discuss with a Coach
1. Your son should speak to the coach about the issue, before you intervene. This will help
student-athletes grow into young adults.
2. Contact the coach to set up an appointment. If the coach cannot reached immediately,
please leave a detailed message! If the concern is immediate in nature, please contact
the athletic director. They will assist you in setting up a meeting.
3. If a meeting with the coach did not provide a satisfactory resolution, call to schedule an
appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation. Both the athlete and the
parent must be present at the meeting. The AD will only intervene if the issue has
already been discussed with the coach.
Please do not confront a coach before or after a game or practice. Meetings of this nature
normally do not assist in creating a resolution to the situation. A 24 hour cooling off period is
always appropriate.
Use of Social Media Guidelines
The guidelines for appropriate use of social media are intended to provide a framework for
student-athletes to conduct themselves safely and responsibly in an on-line environment.
Remember playing football at New Richmond High School is a privilege, not a right. You are
expected to portray yourself, your team, and New Richmond High School in a positive manner
at all times.
New Richmond High School athletes should:
1. Be careful with how much and what kind of identifying information you post on social
networking sites. It is unwise to make available information such as: full date of birth,
social security number, address, phone number, cell phone numbers, class schedules,
bank account information, or information about your daily routine. All of these can
facilitate identity theft or stalking. Facebook, Twitter and other sites provide numerous
privacy settings for information contained in its pages, however, remember once posted
the information becomes property of the website.
2. Be aware that potential, current, and future employers and college admissions offices
often access information you have placed on social networking sites. You should think
about any information you post on Facebook, Twitter, Vine, or any other social media
network. This information is considered public information. Protect yourself by
maintaining a self-image that you can be proud of years from now.
3. Do not have a false sense of security about your rights to freedom of speech.
Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited. The online social network sites are
NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without consequences.
4. Remember, photos put on social networking site’s server become their property. You
may delete the photo from your profile but it still stays on their server. Google searches
may still hold that picture long after you have deleted it from your profile. Think long
and hard about what type of photo you want to represent you.
Inappropriate use of social media:
1. Derogatory language or remarks about teammates or coaches, other NRHS student-
athletes, teachers, or coaches, student-athletes, or representatives of other schools.
2. Demeaning statements about or threats to any third party.
3. Incriminating photos or statements depicting violence, bullying, hazing, sexual
harassment, vandalism, stalking, underage drinking, selling, possessing, or using
controlled substances, or any other inappropriate behavior.
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4. Creating a serious danger to the safety of another person or making a credible threat of
serious physical or emotional injury to another person.
5. Indicating knowledge of an unreported felony, theft, or felony criminal damage to
6. Indicating knowledge of an unreported school or team violation – regardless if the
violation was intentional or not.