NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE JEW OF T11K DRAMATIST A>TD NOVELIST. THE JEW IN ENOT.ISH FICTION*. By Kabbl Unvld PbllBpaon, l). l>. l_«o, nv 1&«. UiKltinatl: Kolnrt claike * Co. Dr. Philip-o.i's bUlMuufl on "The Jew ln F1N1on., attraeted eont-lderable atteniion at the tinie ol th*ir dellvery, and they sbouM be weloomed ln thls onore permarent forni as the eipreevlon of educate.1 Jowlsb Mntiniont upon an lnterestlng question. Tho autbor follows the tTeatment of tbe Jew« ln tbe drama and novel, and sbow.< bOW gradiriUy the popular odlum wh*ch was reix-scnted ln the eoneeptioii of Martowr'a "Jew of Malta" ha* glv«i to a nioro Jn-t and dlsy-sslonat.. kfM of the JoWBa* e-baraeler. Fn.m BM " Jew of Malta'' even to ishakespeare's " Merobant ot Veniee" la a rondderahle dlstanee. Dr. Phillpson boMs that BB 9ky*M_ B_-MbB09M meant t"> draw a niore dlgnifie.1 aad gra*ra_y humau 9*9899" than Mar- lowe bad presented in Harahbas. t.bough ln effort the feroelty wltli Whtflt B_ftBOl B9M98 BBM ttM forfelt nomlnared ln tbe bond B**Ma_B8i the effort* of tbe diamailst temper tbe popular antiratliy to the race. Oumh. -vid. ln " The Jo.w." was tlie flrst Eng¬ llsh playwripht M put BBM the sta^re a BflBMfl concep- llon of a Jew. and some may thlnk thnt he overdld nhe thlng alinost as BMBflb as. In Dr. Phlllpson's oplnlon, Dlckens overdld lt ln hls characfcr of Rlah ln "Our MuMial 1 '.-»: Tbe rabbl has _B**B_g but adrnlratlon f<r BOOtFfl Reherea ln ¦ Ivanhoe," though be does not approve. nf Isaae of York. BM lt must be rBBBflaabMBd tbat. If the Jew of the Mlddle Is alwnys reprrsented as B usuier, the faet ls due far lnss to pj-ejudleo or mallee than to tbe suj.erlor proiulnenee whieh hlstnry bas gjven tn thN bIbm As Dr. FklBpMB observes. were also QbrlattM MBtBtB, and often thev were more grasping and avarlelous tban ttM Jewlsh money lend- era. Thls may be granted. yet lt does nol affrrt the faet that tbe majority of the old BB-fBro were .i.-w -.. and that thelr bMMMB ooneentrabd upon IbMJ Ihfl hatred of ttM eotninutdty. Dlckens Indeed becan Wlth a very bad J.-w- Fajrln.and only ereated Rlah. prae- Heally as e.:i aloneiaent far the -lii-i-r eOBMOflJ.OB, toward the elose of hls catwr. Dr. l'hlllpson thlnl'.s Rlah not natnral: too jrood, in faet, "for humau nature's dally fi.n.l." Perhaps he ls, but he ls cortalnly a very B^BOBt.g eharaet.-r. and pow.-rfiilly drawn. Dlsraell cf course BtaMaOOOBMtl Ms race ln " fJOOa_gaby" and "Tanrnrd." but Dr. F.BtBBM ls not sodurod by tbe glortes of ihe "t.n-at Aslim Mystery," and plalnly BBgMMM tbe oplidon tbat Dl-raell derelved htmsslf WttB vain Imaclnln^s when he wroflfl about tbe IMtOrar tion of the an.lent people to I'aKsttne. and when ho 6upi>osed them ro bold a monopoly of dlvine revelation. It is esperlally BBMflOMBg to note that tl.e rabbi has no faith wbafever ln the Palestlpe restoration seheme. Ho regards lt as wl.olly MfflBSJ.tabfo. He BaaaMM tbat tbe lowa have long developed beyond the possltiil' of re-establishing theruselvcs ln Pale*- tlne. whl.-h ti-_ OOOBOd BB off.-r any adequatc fleld to their energl.s. They are, he maintalns, no long-r a B8BMMBM natlon. They have beconie lmorpora-ted with tbe natlons they live ammiK. Amerlcan Mwa, Derman Jews, Krenrb Jews. Kngllsh Jews, are to- day Amerleans, OOHBOMB, iMBObSMB or Kn^lishmen Jiist as mneh as tho Chrlstlan elflret.s of thelr re- BaMtrM ooaatMja poorga EUot, iu " Daniei Deronda." he conslders tke only novellst who has fully prasped tbe Jewlsh ebataefer. but unfortunately she has rpre^ented In MooMBOl and Deronda only a helpl-ss fanafie and a-. uuprartieal dreamer. Many of the views ezptMBfld Lu t.k lintle volume are doubt- kMB new to most rearlers, and the kMlBlOB generally are full of intcrest and sbrewd. sagaelous r-fleetlon. Xcro Pnblications. N OW READY. NO. 4. LIBR.\IIY OF TRIBUSE EXTRAS. KNITTING AND CROCHET. A 04-p»eo pamphict. voutalnlng more tbaa a hun- s:cJ paltcrna aud 17 lllUFtiatlons. Elngle copics 20 ccuts, posrace pal_ Addrcss TIIE TRTDUNE. New-York. Jnsirnrlion. ForBovs and Youn? Men.City. C-«OLLE»;i-: EXAMIN VTIONS..Wooarirldg. Behool. * Meclal BKBarabon foi Sj.ri.'iK aud fall enirance and adva:..el exau l atlotis. 1. WOODUIUIKiK DAVIS. l'h. D.. 82 East 46tb.»t rp_£ JJiMXI.V f»C110O_ FOB KOV.\ o.H MA-tUON-AVX., BXW-TORK, BTtU ba 0F«nod un Tueadaj 0 tobei l»t rreuarauiou ler -..jei.tillc Schooi. PK1MARY BEPABTMENT. tV'Il.MAM J"M '>, B.A., Harvard, Master lu Charce. Clr.-ulara oa applicatluu io ;jhMoi, H. K. cor. Madisou- »vi. bbj tata m. _ 'Itl'.ixrrv rk'HOOL, 8_7 VIADIsON-AVE., F.und.-d 1 I'o-.i Ber. B HOLDEN, Reetor, onder Traad l'r..t. EpU. 1'uWl. Behool Bt. K.v. Hisii..p Potter. )¦>¦-. f'.r eollegfl or tmainess. For fiee beneB. ipplyt reaaiy. taj-ig pupda recelved. FarU_r par, Ucalara at schoo- Term lea-fn- oVptembei A. _ 1 . \:v: RaiTT eRAMMAB bCHOOL. 1.478 Broalway, %J near *_i st, 52d year; prlmary. tommtrcial aud classi. <al JlahaitmrntS" inatructloo IhorouKh M- M. IlOBuy. XV. L AkUN, N C UEKDKICKSON. Prlnclpals._ WEBT NB * ITi'OL. 113 W.-st 71st-Bt A efd'eiiiaus ach-ol for boysj mlitaiy drill; splendld lymuaalum. CHESTEB DONAI.DMJN, A. Al. For Young Ladina.City. ABT LECTLRJ-i BtkB LADIES.-Rer. Dr. Oardner'a n-hool for girls. 007 5th-»ve. Mrs. Gardnor. aathor cf I'latory ln Rhyme L_*y tejtfc'-i w_.»x.d ncit year M IsS |___U_-I AMi kUBB IHOMPBOJjPa 8CIIOOL FOB GIRXS. 32 and 34 BaM 57tli-st.. N-w-York. Address ui.fil Boyl. lat, cai-v J. K.-iui'dy Tod _ Co., saiili'-r-, l.*> \\ ;ill-si._ St'MMER SESfclON OF AWIK KIMD_RGART_N NORMAL SCHOOL..Fivo weeka1 cou.-* i,ei.-.ii» July Bt* EMILV M COK, PrlnelpaL aud Editor (,f Anu-i. Kinderi;urteri Magarine. K<, m 72. Blb.o Hou»e, New- _or_ TEACH__B WANTED. VA.N Ni.l'.MA.N INST1TUTE {Koniil.d 1P57) HOME AND DAY SfJHOOL-Central Park. W<;»t. at 024-at. ( Manslon.) Mme. VAN NOKMAN. Principal. For Both Sexeo.CitF A-CIRCULAKS OF (iOOD BCHOOES, FREE; atato . wh'-u.vr for boya cr giria; clty or country. K R. AV.itY. American aohooi Burcau. 2 Wosc 14_t-s%.. N. Y. Brooklyn. rnHE BROOKLYN HKI.JUT.S B-M_IaBT, 89U» year. 1 13^-llu M-miurue st..iJ.iardinK ai.d Day Kchool for Girls. Reope.a Mot, 2a. CalleM pteparatloa. circular> >n applicatiju. "I aao»i beartily eommeud this achool ander vne nets jMnagemeni.*.4Jharlea E. West. LL. D. THiUTKl.NTH YEAR. fcT. CATHABINE'S HALE. Dl<>ce-an s..hrK,i t..i foung an ri.lldren. 2^0 TO 2-..J WASHINGTON-AVE.. BROOKLYN. E. L In of th.- Blatera of St., th- Kvang-llsi- Kector, th. BUhop of Long lala.1 Advenl T-rro 1--k1iis beiitemU-r 26, 18S9- Puplll are charRt-4 from dato ^t BlitraBOe t<^ end of s.-h..i.l ve.i:. T-rn. i ix-r aiiuum. Erig- li-h. Fi-ench. Gennan _id Eatin. *360 o 0400. Frep.res for IloarJeri. 11m1 usL Appllcatlou to be mado . tho ^u[.erlor. TIIIRD YEAR. SL Catfiarine'a 1r the Mountalas, r.ce»eatlon Scbool, B0-DERNEB8, N II. bea-ton fr.m Juno 2b to t^utvm'.Ait 3. Terma $130. No E-traa. _ Boya anrl Young- Men--Country. A -61.M.VIE1B KCH"OL FOR BOYS.. N.-wloo, N. J.. A. Ii^UiiiU?; el.-vatloii. soo fo. t, atudj, jecivaUoo, camnin*; oatldle hoiscs, poniea. donkeys; 2 1-4 li .ura tioiu -V Y. ; D.. E. aud W. IL R. opuus July 1. ' J. WII.S'-N. A M I'ritic.pal. AUOCAMOER XNBTITUXE, MUlMry Boarding m ho ... Whlte Plalaa, N. Y. Pnndpal, 0. R. WIL-IB, A M. i'h. D_ BACKWARD AND 1NVAEID B0Yi>.-Th. ui.le.-lgned, ai. ejow-iicijcod phj'alcian aud U.atiit-r. mas,e» tUt care aud tJuoalion of such buys a apeclally. Locatiol. unaur- L.ik»ed for oeauty aud healt*. _ AdJr«-»* Dr. WlLLlAMBON. .New-Eondon, Oonn. B" ORliKNTuMS :N I V. I 1.11 AK Y l.N.VriTI TK, N. Y. ai.d l'l.lla. t> u!d fooiida.oBs ln Eng. Acaden.l" studles. I'reporaa fo bcbooU and Bu ...s- M..».'. Upton'a U. B. Tisctlc*. Lieul T. 0. EANDON. Com'd't Rhv. T. II. EAMjoN, A. M.. I'H" _ C" 'AYUOA LAKE MILITARY A'ADKMY, Aurora. . N. Y. Fvr lUaatiated II u.'ar, addrea» COL. C. J. WRD.IIT. li. »., A. M.. Principal. CIIEETENUAM ACADKMY. OfJONT*. PA Uri' kcel ed locatiot an 1 aiirrnundiiig*. New scnool (Qalo-nenL fiymriaslum. Milit..jr Drill. *c Th.noOL'b pt..l_rat_>n for Colieke o.- .». leutlflc bchoo:. For circular. j. caeyin BICM. a M.. Principal. EEMWOOD SCH'.OE FOR BOYS.At Mun.rd Conn. Fareiiia wbo «-o oi.fortunau la Uie Bkanacemmit of tuclr aona wlll *.» wa*l W protit hy ihe a4va..u».'.-» o.Iored bTiLlVsckool. Adln-as FRANE M. HOWK. 8ai/U I >_REEHoED IMSIXTUTR, FreiihoJl. N J ; 48U» year: c..lleg« preparauoa a speaialty; buabsa-.. higk soaool and elaMrical cearaea ._ C< I.I N vi<x>.) M 11.1TARY l NSTITUTE, ¦ mai iwan, .v J. _ ____ ,___. 0:_ hour from Waw-York. BMMM iM->.> (HAS A CataloKix--. ou apull.-ati.jii. I JaAiaR. A Sl.. l'h. Dt. l»rl...!pal. tllGtlLAS'I) MILITARY AJ.ADEMY WorcoMer. II Ma»*.-34ih year o-u Ba Sept. 12 l la»slcai. sel. ntinc BuWiiea*. primarv e.,u atHcl aupervlsl..u and BMM BaaMerBa. /oeepfc AM-i. hha«. A M H.iid Maator. IPVINO fNSTiTV'TF.. T-*rryte*»n-or'-IIod*on. offtrs nn- UfuaJ advai.Ukoa u. Larenu arekins the peat Instructioa t,.. »h. r ;> y id* A. A-iMA'.NAt. Pl .' aVfflTCHEEL'B BOYS BCHOOE. B II. rl .. .Ua i»l miUrt !i".->. Bo.u..,. o.. ai.d E»well R R. A aWaoBy aalect Faailli Scbool tot Boia lrom 7 U. 1* Inclus- "." °^ _, U _B_f___M_ A. M.. Priaci_a_ Unoirnction Bovb anrt Tottnff Men.Conntrv. IV KW-YOKK MILITARY AO.D.MT, cornwau on- ll Ilurb_.ii. Col. C. J. WRIOHT, B. «-. A. M.. bupt; B. l'. HYATT, Comd't of Oadsta. , 1)I..N.N,VUAMA "M1I.ITAIIY UAIH MY, V IH -II ft, PA Twenty-elfhth reai oiMii- Si'iit'.!"'' lo. A MlblTAIlY i OLLEGE. Clvli Englneerlng, i hendatry, ArehlBetwe, Arts. Th.DBOUOhly OrgBRlied Pianaralory 1 <-M" -. Clrcul.r-.ofMi. GEO. 11. STEftLING 52 >; .> ".'-. City. i .i. .11 AKl.l.s V. II VAT I', Pre R Oi'Kl.AVi. COLLEGE. Nyack op-the Hudjoa. Next eiHii-. e"|. ''.iiher 17 Seud f..r catalugaa. 1 \V 1! a. M Princlpal rv i ti ,m\v:';;^k's SCHOOL FOR" BOY8 ~\ lt Cold Bprlng .... liu.-.u: number liiultcd; 2 xacancles, U'lins eOOO; wuid h.r ciicuhr. RECTORY BCHOOL, llamden, Conn.-For lioya, 6825. »375; hon..; inllu. ikcs; thoroufk ackool *T*u>n__ *"x" u.r_lv« grout.ds. nyiiina>luro, boath»u<e, ae. AOIress Rev. II. L. EVERKgT, M. A.. Rector._ RIYEltVlEW A. U.KMY, ponghk< p*le. N. Y. _, 54th yev. Pr.pai,- thoroogdily foi- ceUeas, the Ooy. erumcnt AcadeuUc* h^^g^ *»'**' Ka'da-a ah«_,A_1l PREPARATOBT BUJIOOU Mewb-igfc. »""> N V., ou th- iiudsoii.-ewo, no eztraa __ It ls t'.e woper tbliiR u> do-tn >»r.d a:. oljiht-year-old boy awav froni bo_e to begin tu get ready for w.llege- vov.Mniu toow where to asod him. I have r>.»n. for Exaext full 1 dlacuBi the subleet Bl lenifth ln a prlmer. BlxotMUu. « HKNRY W. SK.l __\ > '!'¦ 80 '_+. GEORGfc'B BA_L r<>K BOYB. Bt Ojaorfo's, Md. "5* Oafiec. or baaTneas. Unsurpassed. $JOJ to 6-7o. . J. V. K1NEAR. A. W.. Prtl '" grTiiniN^Mitw^^vscTTdou Ru Rev. P. D. HUNTINO-ON, LL-Oot. W. VERBACK. »__l'VM!KSrH00LF<)r.BOYS.; J> AT THE PTl AKT BCHOOL. RoHyn. L. I.. N. T.. vetiooaint! L. -vmikI. Band f_ iilaaaaBd eaBfc_*e «_U_MEK SCHC-L FOR BOYK. J_> LNOKWA-K. CONNIXTIOIIT. ._._,.__ FRANK S. ROBERTS._ T_E CATHElIBAli SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL, <.» n City, i.. b. 17 mUas fraia Ncw.Y.rk. Th prrpsration for college or aelentlBc h. hool. Ml.lury dia'd- urtiie. Loeatlon anl un«urpa*«ed. CHAS. BTUBTi VANT MOORE, a. B. (_M___t H.-ad M:i»ter. T HE PRINCETON PREPARATORY Bt HOOL. ¦ Opeua Beptember 1J Ineilrtei may bc addresaed to Prebldcnt PATTON'. uf l'r.i.c. tor Callege. or to J. B. finf. Hi BdmaaBr, _prlnceton, "_._*__, rpHE PEEKBKILL MIXITARY ACADEMT, 6_B yeaf 1 becl.i Beptember 18th. 1RK9. Bend for eataloffoe. JOHN N. tii,ih'..n. M. A.. M. o. I^KIMTY SCIIoOb. Tlvell i.n-lful on, N. Y. Thfl Rev. .1 \ -1 s vi aku f'LARK, D. D., Reetor. A.*-l-t. by Bve reaMent fa, li,-r~.- BoT« wl y;.un« nvn tM.ruuirhiv fltted for thu t,ent eoBecei and unl-erfllHe*. aeitniine schools, or for baBlneas. Thli -''; ¦' °_'1. fh" advantagei ol h-nithful l..cti.,n. hmn' eoinforts. flrnt- clnss teafhern, tberomrh triiln'r.,.. aaaldOOBI ".i" Of bc.ltti, irutmtr» and morala. and the . xclus! ,n of bad rjoya t e n- scieiitluus parenta luuklng for . schoo wherj they may with confldence plac" thefr sons. Speclal ln«trncUM glven :,, p_Ti mlstry. Ihe twui.ty-third ycur v,iu bagla Bepi 10. v ii n.iMM'i rfc-i,M.rr,.%' in >'N »AP.n > ING bC HOOL FOR B0Y8 Su penaJnae Nexl s. hool rear befins Bepi lt*. Illusi Bpptleatlon. CARL A. BARSTROM. M. A.. Princlpal, BB r_ST JERSEY Ai'AHl.MV. BRIDOF.TON. N. J. A ,, Home ror the Boys. " -. tl ronah, _f_^^7-^* aurcs of Playeroond. BBd year. Terma, BBOO to $400. Princlpal, CAIiEB, li. A. (BagO w For Toun_ Ladics .Country. A1 MONG TIIR HILI.. _, __. _. :v... ii.:.. ;i(.m ><¦*-! ork- Order 1 ro- gramuie fof 1 .--s;»-'l'o aud plctare ..f HAPPAQb a MOI N- XAIN INSTlTITi'.., N. V. /lOM.FOIATF. SCHOOL FOR OIKI.S. ENOI.F.WOOD, "L N J. Ry-'opeti- BepMatbM 20. J'r. paraUuu for col- l._e a BD<ciB.iy. l' __uilttt'd to \'d-_r, Wcll"si.-T, aiTdl bii.itV o." our eertfflcata, ADALINL W. STERLING. CAKOLINE M. GF.RB1SH. A. B._ ( c '>Y) M.V'Vm llo-.b FOR YOTJNG LAD1EB, FSail tcrru betrlua Wedriesday, 8«pterabei 26, 1806. I UEORGE W. BT1 KLE, Hartfoi-_ tLABSICAL HOME IN8TITUTE PoughkeepBle, H. T. */ Y,,.nig Liidi. >a.. parsoe the brsn..!..'* uf the Uiadu- Btlna Conrae, oi the "Pi.i*rato,y foi V:i.«-ui.' Ilomecom- fortf aad speclal care. bIUs 8ARAH V. H BTJTLEB, flREW LADIFJs' hFMINARY, Csrmel. N 24th rear 'r.- Beptemb ll Uealthfnl, homellke, thor- euii.. IllaStratod circular. UEO CRO-BY SMITH, A.M. _s I.M1K4 COLLEGE, FOR WOMEN, J_4 advanUfres ::. t ,.... I and Pr-psratory of study; a;-,, lu Mnalo and An ueated by steam. aod fumlahed with an Blevator, Chargea aru uu- uaually moderate. Bend for Caulogne to PRES'T. A W COWL1 S LL, It.. ________________ TsOKT EUWABD COLLbtilATE INSTITUTE. A Board.g Benlaary of hiphe.t Rra-ie. excltj- BIVELY POB LADIES. Buyarb modern bui_loga st_m- beated, with hand ind eoa_~.oui ihapsl, ittaas.r,.,,_i». :iryi ari-r.-eiii-. p..ri ¦ .l_B aad foraiahei s otrm foi 100 roung ladtei and for 19 Profeasori and Teachers. Flve eoursea ol study, .-: b dlpl uaUon; also Preparato. t'1'.-. 62 0 rear, b ird, j_ _i__, :,, m .,,., _ii iu ixeepi Mu-le Art, Btonef. raphy aul Typowritltw. 8_d yeai Bept, 10. v. i. k;ni, li. Ii Y Kde ,: 1. N ^. nODGHTON SEMTNaRY, foi . Ul-.- uii-ui..i.-M-i Attraetlve. U> Ulch ScM BBBM. Laboratot] work tn »clei.c*s; Freuch and Geiman conversatlon; m_>le and ..rt. 29th year. Address A. u. BENEDICT, a. M ( laton, H. Y-_ KKill.l. 81 HOOL. BYRli >'. . tRLING bCHOOL b'.n UIWA Uadar tha su- I rvl-l ii .,! the bt ll".. K. D. IIUNTINGTON. 8. T. D. Tlie nlcatecnth sthao! m ' ". IrtSJ- Apply t<> Ml^- MAllY J. JAl KaON. Pili.clpub |j 11 ,,.,.. it-.., a ory Sehool for Glrla Fourth \_.r. Open Octobei I. t elreulars addrea* ¦ rWDON IIAbb. POl GIIKEEPBIE, N Y. Ji a ' ne .il l»aj pVh. Ilsi y. ar heijlns ., r Ihih. BA41UEL \VI.I,I..S BL'OK, A. M. Ml .1 \.N bEMINARl Youna lad.e-, !.. autifu !"...b. ..-- fi m N.'v.-Vh.k. Addr. Rev. I lt. McLEAH \| 1>s, V-VABLK M Ih ai Ui.. 1 oong _il Ladios and Littl. GlrU 1.B60 Pl_»>a_, PhUadeiphla. .||-t y.'._ ¦- ¦¦ _}__._ Ml'..- - u tBJJINO V> D DAY st BOOL n-n-on-tlie-Uudson, wul leopea \\ Im i- M'.-s ['.AMl.''s IXM I"! i k Corm.-A Home Bchool f ¦;¦ gli i-: 44 mlles from 1 1 >n N. r. t N ll. K. it. Board aad tultlon . Mustc, a-t an.1 the laug PUPILS itoAKIiJ^U THROUGH Tlli SUMMER. Bend foi i.iilar. MB& BAZEN'B BOAROU10 anu DAT BOHOOL POR VO! NG I.MUKK, PELTJAM MANOR-O-J-SOUND HEW-TORK, Will open Bept. _.:. .'::¦. u ppllcatlon. II PfNSYLVANIA, BF.THL_.HEM, BISIIOPTUORPE 1 -a boardlnR scbool for glrla 22d year. Opens beat 18. Givei full aeademfi' rourae. \\ h, n d,»ir.-.|, Drenares for Vassar, 8n.ltt>, \v,il,-i.y. or Bryn Mawr i1'',:!.^. F. i W.U.SH, pi __BV_M Gablf.s, MRS. WKscori» a Bobi_. O laa Sch.oi for Tb.ia .adlaa, Bridgeton, ln >,uth New-Jersey. Preparea foi bot eoBege < llmate mild and dry. ftvmna-lum. Illustratad circular._ l> SHORT UILL8, NewJorsey..Biouet InsBtate: ihoraen Prench German and Bngllsh; home sehool foi | ladles and ck Idren; locatioi. m.a other BdvaaBges _aa_r> faU tena wln **#n*»g*%*fa^ rr., _ rgiHE MIS8ES AiVABLE'S Boardlng and Day Bchool 1 (oi Fouoa Ladles irlll rvopen Beptambw _-i, at gg Bayard-Bt., Wew-BronswIck, N. .)._ E.MPLE GROVB LADIES" BEMIHART, Baratofa Suilnjrs, N. V Thlrtv-iifth !. ar beglna Sepiember feg -, ( I1A^. l DbWD, Th. D., Prea. IVALMUT i.ank SCHOOL.Fon_arly MadaaM Chna- lf eoPa.Boardlng a;.d Uav Bchool fur youni? ladles. 33d ycir oponn Bept, --V _ud Collegl Pi araurc to.i- PunJli eniei WVllesley on uu: exsm< [n»_on. Poi clrculan addrasi MIs AIJA N SMITH. Mrs. T. B. RiciiAKB.s, Prlnclpala Germaotow- vi.n.v dejiihla. _ Wl sT WALNUT STREI BOARDING BCnOOL. fur Y'liun^' Ladlei s:rl ',!:.¦..'. Ad Mlbb J. TitAUTMANN. 4.801 Walnut-st.. l'hila.. Pa For Eocn Sexes.Coun'iy. LAIR E_U_.1YTERIAB ACADEMT. BOTH BEX l.S. . .in l. BLA1R Foandatloo. EngUah, Latln. Greek,, German, bpautnh Mustc, Drawlng, Palntlng, Physlcal Culture, ttcholarshlps, Prixea Large endow. in.i'.t, luw rates. J. H. MH'MAKi'-ii, Prlnelpal, .\, !l, .%,-«' JI CLINTON LIBERAL IN>ITirTF. -I'ne in n ,\ . im, .. i-. bathrooou all floors, la m ,- ladleB* _viiiir. .lum, 60x82 b ys 7..x.">,,: a'l 'l'' sol 't hranches; 116 (jai-hers; 11>s uiu-U _>u_;lli. l->:> ii ;.,,, ...ui . bu_ne«s traudng. PARSELL, A. M., Prue't, Port Pbaln, N. Y. II \' Kf I Nl,,\.,\ .N La lta boardcrB, i»*4,.-« ,. II.IIN »,,« -., . , .ii,-,', utiv.» yeara; - ¦' th 4. Catalogue Iree. ;. i.i ORGE ., WH1 . ^ l_ :- l.-i.t. Rui i,|,\Mi COLLEGE, N.;..k,. Hi.f.h .. \,.,. N ¦., \. .. opeua ,,'- I7ih. ^"i"l f-.r W I! BANNJSTl R. A __._ Princlpal. C'OIWt .MAPLEWOOD INSTITl'TE, for botb rpdvU, ... 1. Ille, Pi on !''. ,.¦ Engll-h BTaduatlng, scleotlflr and collegl preparatonr ,.,,MiM-- t !¦. little boys hlghl; reeommended. JOB. BHORTXIDGE fTsle), a. kf., Prlnelpab ii ^.nr.ii.-»i.'...^ ... ¦'.- . ..,.»,. [_ reputatloi. n- ..'I,-.'.' prenar-tor] for youna men. ic, BM, .."¦ ii best bulld loardera: i-rti.. refused from !;<¦ i> ¦.( i _fiu!)crs. A.'1 i, i .ii;>, |. proK-a-om. teachers all » branches suppli. sohooli aud tamlHas, cuUrs kbooIs t" j,.ir Uirn languag. -i in. MliUAAl COYRiKHE :n i. 17th, bet. 4th-ava aad Broadway, AMERICAN AND FOKFIGN TEACHlOIbS' AO.BOT Buppbe* Professora,- Teacaers, Tuturi., Govcruesaea, 4c, tu Cuiiii*.¦-, behooMraod Pamlllea. Apply u> M^ M J YOl'NiJ-FLLTON'. _3 UnioB fc-iuaro. -BEST Tl.Ai Ill.iUS, Amorlra'i and lor"l«n. -uppil^i ,fur sll braeches, li. all locabt. -, bo abarga. TKACH- ___ VVA.NTFO; liO ft'. fur rCglsarstlOO; furm fu: -Uiniu. K. K. AVERY, Anierlcaii Sehool Buirsu, 2 Weat 14th-a_, N Y._ BBOC_WAT'8 TEACHERS1 AOEWCT [faraarly Chi- <*e"j. supplle» BUpsrlur teacliirk for sehoolf, culle^cs . i.d famfllea Mrn. L. PREEMAM BROOKWAT. 2o WbbI Z8d-st. Recommeads sehooU u, pireota._ IV UPTOWN BCHOOL wanted ... ps wllMnic L., i,;i ii hei kindergaru u be> i i'",.|. ReBsonable terms refereuee* IWMTAMTKR.1,002 Ptl., rfWlE OMIOK T-ACnERB' AGElfCT (Est_,il»h,'i 1 IhHO) prevtdes i>fh..ols with teachers teachera with p-jhltioua W. D. KF.RB. AsU.r Plieo. 1». Y .irpfTTORIWG ATsii.mvan BARBOR MAIVK." J A late hon ,r»,,an li. BMtfttmatlea, of rjinbrldps iy, Fii/:an I. will prei ar>. . f pup ls fo «r sehool darlng tha ronnner vaaatlon. good ln I'l.uid BBB A'l; - a it n ¦¦> 40. rrlbane 0_ee. _ Xl'OMAWK FJtrnANOF. Tr.ACHF.RB' BDREAU ftat ti _, .., -'., p it. profeiaon teao~er», goTorosana, muHlc'Biia. hout"-Scrner«. oaipanlor*. .Iiat.eriiiisi, 6c te Bollagas. sehooU and famlllsi; liw boofek^eoar*. atenotra- th> i- and c.pyl't* U' t,usln».»i flrina Mrs. D- A i'"LVFR M 6th ave.. Now-Tor. City. itiannng IXfaucinu-c . X-SAirrjli MACGRKGOR-K. 108 W_*T MTH-B_ i PrtTtS* hnvu aud Cliooa In Lai.Uis dUIy. _e_d_b*u_i HaU lo im lur Brlvato BMH.!.__., .finannal. D Ml.nVAI,l,.M'. SEW-YOKK. CAPITAE. MBB.BBB. Bl KPl.l rs. 83BO.'ilX (imitKHFONDENTS! TWENTSIlIi: HANIO KKEEMIiiNG, AUSTKItliAM. IIOIJ.AM). B. W. ni.YI»EN*TElS * CO., EOMMlN.ENC.I.AME All,.»s MMBOM - .,! t..-.r*t, M M_BW M ac-tiv aocoanta of _ >* i. m' an . otnei .. Tmnaae'- i seneral lui.tinu' bustneaa. u i.. .v .I i.-..t..:s-..rv notes .Hifi New-York or Br.K_.yi. api.riiiM'd r.:.tasM llr.t -..rtgafe. wlth Tltlo ^'r^i.^'T;;!- Baa"ttuardlaa under w.u. f.r* ,e n'.-l s'..,...rv cbargee: also a. Rejgtstrar. TtubIm. Ti mafer ...d Flnanclsl A .-,' I'les, «."»»«* T.vni and other corporatlons, si.d lor I'.eal Eetate Mort- «K " wm en".... b-.tid- !.. Maw-Tork, Brookiya and alee- w.,. r.. Solleel reuta, eeapoas aad dljndonda, MegoUaMB Btote, Cfty, R ^ aud eorpoeate loana- flarret A. Van Allen, IeM I). Verrneula, Warncr Van Norden, Hoeper C. Van Voratj B. Van WoerU O. V'.m Noatrand. John R. Planl-n. nenry W. H.mkstaver, Robert B. Ronsevelt, 000. M. Van lioesen. Wm. 1'owd, Wllllair, Rem>en, J, l.ti Van Voorhia, W W. V-i Vf.i.rhU, Oeo. W. Van Slclea, J.-.res n.o»>-.'VCt_ u- Van Wyefc Am".-". j w. Van*n.orst Kuyt, Henry W. o. Kdyo, J.'tiiam ('.iiolnow, Oe<*ne V. II'.l«man, Peter Wyckofl. W D~ Vaii Vlec'k. Dsnl.d A Il-ald. . w _. van viecit0BKRTB_ gpOBEV-ET, Prestdant. Joll.V D VEKMin.F.. Vlre-Fresident, GEO. W. VAN SICLEN. S«cretary. Ilnn. Nfw-York Serurily & Trost Company, lt. WALI.-ST. CAPITAE.§1.000,000.00 INVEbTED IN UNITED BTAXBB BONDS. SIKPEtM.93011.000.00 0H_____ S. FAIIU'MILD. B_BB_ WM. Ii. Al'PI.ETON. IM Vfee-Pres't. WM. U BTBOtt-, _l Vice-Frea't. TlirHTF.Efs. CHAS. B. rAEBCHlXD, L«'. 'Mls b WHITF, WM II Al'PLI'TON, JAs. lllt.L. BC I'l.ul, Mi WM L STMNfl ML'DSON IJOAGLAND. WM! E BUcXlEY. 1',..-sUI-.I.I. I'. Il.nWElt. WM A BOOTH, JAMES hTl-LMAJJf, WM. II. TILUrfGnABT.A. BACKEK, wm ii 1;: EBS Jul!.. 1.1N«>, WM I - >'l'I ':"¦, Pi..i.. N. GIIIBS. Norwleh. Cnnn. I'.vl.lAVIX B T MAI Sl li ia, M?B- feTUART G. NEESON. M.H.FOU;i itKlngaton.Oot,, M l. 1J. BOltDEN, DAN'I, S. I.AMONT. AL'fi K'M RTZE. ^^t _ jon.v u LAMSOM, Bouielery. Thla fompnny la n Ii_kI drpnaitnry for Court nnd Troat fuiida. AllowsliilereM «n dra.talta. Arla na Ex- rei.lor. Triialee, Adn.iiiUtrntor, finnrdifin nnd Itr- rel»rr. Tnkea rnlire rlinme of K.-hI nnd IVriomil Estnt.-a. Arta ae B__MMf »'"' -MmBM A*ent of oll MocUa and liouda. THE MERCANTILE TRUST CO., RQl IT.WiLK BOt-DIMO, Ni.w-V IRK, CapiUl - . - **,.+*. I.s a le^al d.p"slt<.ry for ooarl m.d trunt funds and for jr-nerjl depoalta, upon whl.-h II 9*T'mr,^ram _1BERAL RATES "1 l.NTKP.l-.ST _ Irom the date of depoMt ui.Ml Ute date ot withdrawil. The emnpsay als- by law acta as executor, admlnls. trat..r, g_u_aa, reeelMr. aad traMea, aa BaeaJ aud tran.'fev air.nt, and aa rcglstrar nf atoeka aad hunds. I_¦.ei.tii.nai rates and raeilltiea are offered to i.-i.eious Md tenevolent UiotitoUoaa and to OMMMM or tru.-.tccs " mmm THI *TEEM,- EOUIS EITZOERAED, Prealdent, jniiN T. TKBRT. f JI I S KY It. IIVDE, > Vlre rre^ldenta. EDWARD 1.. M.iNTOOMRRY. ) HEKRY A. HURLBUT. WUITEEAW REID. HENRY G. MAI'.QUAND. FRED. L. AMES., tl'ssi;i.|,SAi.!. JAMF^STOKES, ._,___ IIIM'.V M. Al,! XANDER, JAMI.sW. ALIAANDER, 61DNEY DIEEON. GfOKKl'. blUVi.S, NORVIN GREEN A. E. DI NM8, JOHN Vv. I.rNi'l'.'R. fMr^iifI^VoL^E^Sa!T¦ III SRY DAY. * flA1U.Es. (<M. DI.R1. j. HAMPDEN ROBB. lOBH J. MeCOOK, AESJIN CORBIN-. ELBERTB. MONROE, RIC IIARD ll'.VIN. Jr. EDWARD A, Qt.'INTARD. THhMVsT ECKERT. WM. II. SLOC1 M, EDWARD F. WINSLOW. W1L-IAM L. STltONO. 1U..M \S MAITLAND. B- F. RAND'H.I'II. BRAYTOjlTIVEB WM. P. THOMPB0B7. W1LLIAM II. i'ltnfKF.R. 1IF.VUY C. D1..MINO, B«e.rer_ry and Treasurer. fl.INTON HUNTER, _aa___t Setretary. LOMBARD INVESTMEI.T COMPANY, |f*J BlOaiWOJ. NesT-Yorl_ nrATIANTF.KS FIRBTT MO_TOAO)-9 AT C TERCENT. ( npitnl nnd ?«urpl!M.Bl.r.10,000 Toiul Tnlue of liunninty I'nnd .«0,OOO,OOO F.srhlK.nrtlsseeur9.11iyan.>v» On%n.uty BM_BM_9_B_n_ Mort_a_ronBral»_ < srtt threa t_l_ra m anny doiiar 1. -..:..!. Tals company ls one ot th.. oMest, atreBgeatand haat ai,«t l.iv.-.tiuaumi. Kew-»ork raterencea _l the ' lirbeat 11. iracteranfl full mf .rmaUou ..n M had on apuil. catlou Kilty i,v.-Miiiiiit« B.akaanfl ..r.rt>»u huudrwl lusu- . ,.., DBholdthi aecwlrteaof thlaontapany. a KBW-TOBB- CIIICAGO. JJTJ-T INVF.STMENTS. WB llWN' _9TB OKKElt 9100.000 WVAMMITTF. ( O.. g_ta-_J8, 9% 810,000 DtTBPQITB ( o.. lowt, .la, 81S000 BAY ( ITY, MI1IIIGAN, 4s, 810,000 _VCA8 CO- OHIO. ..«. S' E. BAOIKAW, nomCaJti 4*aBj 87-V 000 (ITY OF rOEl'MBIs*. OHIO. 4s, OJJjaJlg t ITY OE IJETROIT, NII IIKJAM, 4s, and other choicc secnntlca. Correspondcnce aollcltod, 8. A. _EAN _ CO., llaukere. 115 Brotaway, NewYork. JDoitKcrs and BrorterB. FRANKC.HOLLINS&CO. BAlfKEBS AND BEOKEBS, 11 \V\EI.-MT.. NK.W-YOKK. TRANSAPT A BEOU-AB 1IANKINT. RTIRINrRP, DKAL IN AI.I. KI.NDS OK INVKhTMENT SKCURI- TH^i. BUY AND BE-L STOCKS ON C0MMi__I0N BOB OABB OB ON BU_BB_B. lOUNTZE BR0THERS7 Ii AXKKKS, 19JB Brondwnr, (Eiiiiilable Biiil.llnBl. New-York. INVESTMENT BOXOflJ DOI <;HT AM) SOED. Or.lrr* re.civi-d for tbe nnrehn«e «r BflJfl 01* G*IO*_a meni. Itiillror.d un.l Mtaeell.BOa. B*e_rltte_ Ad.uiie.-a tiiiidr on A|>|ii.ivpil < ollnleriiU. P. W. GALLAUOET & CO., BA1VKBIIS, COMMERCTAE PAPER. KTOCKS AND BONDH. I'ouahkeep-i.- Hrid*e Bonda nnd BflaaB D.-nlt In. II. Fll'If. JK.. 1 WA1I. ST.. Member N. V BUKk Errhaner. 5 COR. IlR.iADWAY. N. Y. Siiningo Uunks. l.MO.V DI.Hr. SAVI.\_S INSTITiJTMH, BBOAOWAT. a2ii-M\ and 8TB-ave.. MBW'TOBX, JIM. 19 1889. [nl ¦-¦ al Bm Baaal raa_ __» r iOUB i«.-r eent per Bonnni op t.. tl.. ."..' THIlEh .. eent un anj exc - \..t. t the pr.nt a_M year by ... ol ii---- ..>; pajable .... ar aftei Jn-.v 17, ..r, ir BO) B thdl IWI bM D* n. . r.--l fi .ii. July 1. Ouen dxlly n.-n.-iin- B-4t'irdarsi Ull '¦'¦ Mnadaya tii: 7. M,,.,. !. i, t. i on or befor* Jup 10 drawo Inu-rest from Ju -, 1 B II. DUTI III.K, i't-^idest. DARDNEB S. CHAPIM, tBMoarei ( IIARI.i S I-:. bPRAOUa. h. retarr UERMAN >s\ IM,> BANK IN TIIE CITY ul NEW-YORK. CORNER sTII-AVE AD I4TII ST NEW-YORK. Jijii« 2*. _Ba\ INTERFST at tbe rate of THKEE A.\h oXK- 1 HAl.K (8*1.) pei <¦> ni p'-r aniuiiu wlll aer il- p. Ul i- foi (Ji-- -Ix iiioiifJis eiidlukt Jur.fc 80, lbr'j, »n all Miiii-. untlUed ili-r-t.. .if.d'-r t!,.- by-lawa, not > \. -.,.-, ,..:,. i.i dollaea. I'M ll.ll' BI88INOER, rtllfllBt _c K. AMTHOR, Trea nrej_ III I1\M< FOR BAVING8. 67 BI.I I.< KI.K Sl'.. NEW-YORK, .lulr L 1R89. 'iMli; BOAHDOF Titl 8T£_y have de. larad 1 thfl Us'ial ll.O re>t m.d-r the |.r.j\l»lon» Of iho bj- lawa, f,.r th.- -I' niontUs erulltui Un- aoth of June. as f.,1- lo»n Al tlie rar< if fO*r (4) ^.¦r OBBt l*r annum OB all auma ..f t"> :>. d upward. not e*ce<_ing 88,000, |,,..abl- on ao,i i.c. th- thlrd Monday, beli I IStl da ol thla montb. 'I.i-.' i- ...' -..-i: al ie- ti, t..',,. ,..lic ' ..., ipaJ ou Un iii-t laal abote it aMadi onetly aa a I ti «.11 tx- entered on th»- paas-booka at anj tin « when rei,n ie,l r.n ai.d alt i ti.. lftrl. ln*. ROBER.1 S. iioi.x, heCwtar___ MANHATTtN SAV1M.S INsnTUTTON, VIAV rORK Jbim 38. iusx 7f7IIl SK.MI-ANM'AL D1VIDEND. I "I i irod iBtoraM ,.ii all « .a i... rate ui niEEE and uxi: iiai.k per t'Ktci ?ir ant.uiii, payabi* MONDAY ln uly n.xt. EDWARD SCI1ELL. FrerrtdeuU R. 6. JJAYWARD, bttroiaij. JTinannal. Guaranteed at least 7 per cent. Florence Cottoo & Iron Co. OF FLOBENUE. AbABAMA. CAPITAL STOCK, $2,000,000. -0.000 MIAIIKS OP 8100 F.ACU. FULL PAir> AND NON-ASSl-SABLE. Rcclstry BBd Tunsfcr Ag"t.t\ ___4BM4B _BB and Trost co., niiu h Maa BapsMtaey : >r th. BaBi T)il« c.nipat.f BB. ll.elr t!ca»ury BBBBa, fOt d-'velop. ment BBip.6B only, at 85 per cont. Interest gnannt-¦ (44 MbB 7 per Bat) by a lyndleaM of genUemen l li with tho eeeaa.rp. The BUaw.a bbbbbbI of U> aa*. dltlon BfttBBd and aubmltted: 400 N.wn b.ts at 6500 ead. .~.«_0O,O0fl patma. BBd BB ae m M laaa... 8.000 lots (60x150) st .100 esch. MIO.WiO 1.000 acrcs of ore Isnd. Cotti.u mlll and gln ln full opcftrlon. 30.00" 10,000 shsres treanury stock a'. 85c.J EVi 0,000 p_.o,o,o»a Th» above property ls owned In fee ulrnple and fi all dehu and ineiirnbran.o*. Also bBm BdM. llgarlBB rleht on Cypras Cr-'ek. with three ilan.s hulit and ln BBB, and MeaMaa. for thb. Bare, aaaa to baaaaa a ivnnanent aourcn of Incnjne. The growth ef IFlorence la tho BBM BBBH.BM in tr>« "New 8>,uth," the popBlatiOB kavli.k* BeUBBd slnco Bep MflBB la-st from L',300 to 7,500, duo entir-ly M BdTBflMgBI ofTerod ali cl_ss,-s ,,f mar.uf.iciirers. Ps_ IBllllBfll BntOI Pleraaee, ahaagh aaaaaBBg wtta BttgathB b BbTbbbb BBBM a "wwn lot" hoom BBBefe Florenrje, whlch ap-' p-ar-. BBTBB ln the n.-ar futuro, the ciinp'iny'." pr,,p.-rty sbculd BBBBB Iu ralB. b'a B tWBBl d.sturhlnt; the traSBBrj BBBtB, B M BBIBBBd on a BBBfal MbB. _M _. aaaoal laaniB bUI Uj wnlnMwl tu pay tho .,. kh ,..!.¦ at least 15 PER CENT. DIVIDENDS. lnvestors ar. BfgBd M n,iK0 a thurough exaniioatiuu of the BfaparMaa Full partiMilara awl pfBBpBetaBBS can r><5 ha.1 of BB gmrt*-1 Bgaat, Wfca has peraonally VBUOg and exandned t_- p spatBea KA.MVb II. FOOTE. _4gBroadwaT. Wew-York. NEW ENGLAND LOAN AND TRUST COMPANY, Do Molr.cs. Ia. Oiuat.a, Beh BBBB. City, Mo. 1830 BBOADWAY, NEW-TOBK. Paid Capital. - - - $500,000 W" affat I...H l DebenBree, Guaranteed Mori yleldlng >l\ PF.K CEST., and Munlclpal Bond*. u/e bandle .. wiucb we have not eareiuuy examlned and u noi fully re< mmend. w,. 60 Ti.i-t aad Inauranee t'-., Collegea and Bavlaga Banka, j. roany promInent nnaneien aad ln\.* «t". have been tor many y,.ars bolders of our securttiea BnnUera-Bn.ik ol >».-Ynrk, N. II. A Trustee The 1-armera' Lou.i iii.d Truat Co. MyInvestments. Statii Line aiifl Mm R. R. Co. IgBTHOB.BAGBa pkrcknt. Ii()\l)s, DATEDJAN. 1. 18TB, DUE JAN, I, (I,Mlll.II t__l BTBTfPT.BT), New Csstle _d Staanp Ms, R. R. Co. IST HOBtTQ ICn « PBB CBBT. C.OLI) BOBBB, DATED JL'LY 1, 1887, BUB JTJIiT 1. 1017. <N. Y. I- K. A \V. BTBTBBD. PUKT._K PA_T1CU_A.8 rfJBBZBB.B OB AP.'LI- * I'»N. S.V.WHITE&CO,, lt iVMiiis, H AM>7 WAI.L-ST. CRAWFORDSVILLE, (NDIANA, WATER WORKS COMPANY PIBMTMOBTOAGB BOBBB, Hnidcrs of Hmb. boada are reqaeetod to dl B] .on '-.. with n 41- a ii lag Ihe forael .¦¦ure >f Be werigBge weorBg Ih s. boada The oompaay l* d dcfauit a> tn the BBapea. both ,,f Oetober and Apeft, atthoagb adraafiee on aeeoaat of pai: of th.ipoaa bev. iii^.i: by partie. Breegh vhoa tho bui_u won to gotlati L ROBERTSON & JAMES, 7 BAB8A1 'BT., BEW YORK. DOUGLAS & JONES/ ^j* rjfi mtx i- f the Mew-l TJ BROADWAY AND 11 BEW-ST., N 1 Buy and sell Ktodts, Bond 0 Provlslons for cj h oi ra ma ¦. lotoreat allowed an depoalta i.m,. aiMindenco r»>l il I. Ji'HN V. DOUULA8. I WILLVItn II. JONtS. I.K.TI hli.. Wo buy and wll Bibs of E:. ehtwivn on and n ,'¦" eable tram i|L. fert- ef raoaey ra Eurone, Aut- KJ£ tr...» Bad Be WesI In ,,...,,,,. m.ik.' oll ctlona aad laaoa oa. :n lable in all parts ,,f the world BKOWN BEOS, CO.. Banketa. 5u W;ill-_t. QITY OP st. LOUIS. PROP08A_8 POB ANTJ BTEBXING BOXI6. MAPOR'S OFFII !.. BT LOI IS. .I.ii. _1. W-:.. By vlrtne or Or 1", .1, authorlzlng ihe Is.'i.; and -1" of renewal honds of v, tj ol St, Lot -, ataled psoposals for _i, -. ventj slx thou boala, and opened :it the Sayor's OfSce, ln 11>. Bl i. .uis, niiti! IJ ,.'.u. do !,. of t_i .1, lt >ndi to yl« .njy will b. sai i bon i ...... -.!"..,(' i .v ii ,1 n mlnai in ol 11,000 L'nlt»: l Stat l Coln, oi p Ui"ir date, an i uni i. at Ue ra... of i).^-.- in 1 OftJ h. ,r |^r siiiiun.. Seml-anrrnal laten-st coupona, payable ln Cnlbd '... d ln »r In i of February each bond, :,ti 1 teth Ikib -. * il. l.. ii ,- bu»i__Oilh< .1 tTIONAL BANK OF COMMF.KI'l' IH !t_W-l OBK CIT1 a' th« offlce of J. 8, MOKOAJ k C41. LONDOB, i-m; I.AM'. ln - i , itate in Mr !r propoaali ti.i Bal pi i.'. .. .:.!.!, - |. bond. All r"~-r\ <.; as of thli advertlsement, and must n- n iMirili.n nt on the ;i.,.-t of the mnsi be addresM ,, tho undersigni i. "Pro- h i-.- of 8t. L |e|H.kl1 nf -i _i |e fi the order of the C-omptresler al I, ..Cjnal ll. BBl nr,t .. I!\. ai uni : propoa il -.¦!. I, ,,.. tnrn.-d If the proposel I- n..t .. 1,. id -.ii, t to forfeltore u. _, .,, r fatiure .n the part of the hlddsi \>- eomply with hls p in raa ol eompllanee, t-. be reuined as jnr- of i ba »iii .¦. ,.,; ef the c,... initi'-.' .", Ways aad Meaua .,f i.,,th braachea uf tbe Mui lelpal A 11, h. i, I- ii,.- '.. paid for ln urretw f.n.d-. and ui i,.. d"iiv. :ei| on the lst daj f Aa the Omptroller ln tl i \ew-Vork at the ontioii of th" sui eessful hldl in bu bl Tl,,- onderslgned reserves the rlght rejeel any i.n.| Ml bbla A -ainip'c bond and fnilher Inf, _t the offlce .,f the Cnmptroller ,,f the City ol bt. Louls. EDW. A. ' v . ".Tor. _JOHN D.J BPtroBer. rhENVEB MOHTG iGE8, 8*8 AND 7_, Ofl CHOICE ' itv PBOPBBTT. MrlNTOfSH A; MYIJATT, llnnkera, Denver, Col., and *.»tJ Brsadway, V. Y. PBABt is him.. | rpOLEDO, st. LaOUIS \N'U I-AN8A8 flTi' 1 pi \\ l.l.I.IM. t M \\.. OM -,i F.xrbang< P I.i I'l l: t'KXT IM\ llHAli PA1 ING SX 1 * TIOBAIi BABI BTOCKB, I PER CEBT Ql \t- itv OBARAMTEED. 18 por saal IttratB ..t Baa..i 8 p- eeal lalH edgad) bn loana, li uni pri.'n irnl payahl. pmmp i 4' matarity. for imIb hj MORTOAOE BANK AM. I.VVl'STM i.\ I' )., Pargo' Dak Full partlc.ari ind n."'" of ciien.- md si'icsholderi In anl .u' of New-1 City BBd ip- v...: it 1 1.11,;. will he . I Uou rom Mae lav a. 1 to laaraday, p ra., July 4, and wmiid !*. pl.-jn'-d talli "tplaiu Uu shuvu leeuriBas wiv uinics eaUMg «pou kl__ financial. JULY INVESTtfElfTS. $200,000 KANSAS CITY, MO., SMl- Yenr 4 per rent. Ronds, $24,000 TOWHSMd Bf Mi, IIII MOK K CO., MINSf., 1O-'iO-yrnr 3 I -'i Per C'ent. Ketaodln- Bonda, AND OTHER DESIRABEE INVESTMENT IJONDS AYINO FROM 8 TO 0 12 PER CENT INTERE3T. 6RISW0LD & GILLETT, 3 WAEE-WT.. NKW-YOItK. $100,000 SHARON RAILWAY (of Fennsylvania) FIRST MORTGAGE 4.>a PER CENT. BONDS. nATEn.HNEl.l*H», IMKJINF.I.IOIB. Mortt'&ee. at the rate of §N.«sOO per mlle on 19 mllea r.f r,.nd, arhtfeB la vlrtually a doublo traek. THISROAIITTA-sPAW 30 <0\*E<TTIVE BB-Ha AVM AEIHVIDF.NDS OF ;* !.- PERCENT. OMM ( APITAEMTOI K. A EEGAE INVESTMENT FOR CONNECTICUT SAVINCS DANKS. l'KH'E AM) Fl-HTIIKR PARTICTLAR-i FROM COFFIN & STANTON, IIANKKIIS, 7'i BKOADWAY. 8. V. WHITE & CO., BANKERJ*. 5 AND 7 WAM.-sT. A6 FER NET CENT INCOItIE IS ASSURED BY BUYING THE Real Estate Debenture Bonds ibbubo by THE MIDDLESEX BANKING GO., (Al'lTAL PAID $000,000. In Deiiomliintiona Irom 8100 I'psrnrd. Thexe l.iin.K *?" iBBBrflg by flrst mnrtcaRCS on real estate ln Mlnnesota, Dakofci. Wls.-onsln, Color_l. and T'-xas, heid ln trust by ihe Dnion Truxt Company of New-York and the Securfty Company of llartr.rd. and hy the capttal and . .1 the. Mlddleaox HankltiB Company, whose llabllltles nre llmlted t.v law, being re.iuir.-l to havo not le»s than |0 ix ¦-..>. i. ra .'ta on hi.nd than lts liahllltie*. As a in.i'i.-r ',r fa. .. it ha- ovor twlce that aa>ount.-_M Bank -' Renort lt is onder tho superrlalon of tho Btate Bank Cnrnnis-loners, tho same a- oth.-r Imnks tn Connectleut. Every tsafe^uard Is thrown around thcse Londs to inako them a- -af. aa GoverUBMat bonds. . IT«s ItKCIIKI). Thlrteen year' ln b.BBflM BlBMal a dnllar lost. or a day'a delav ln peyment of principal or Interest. Apply for full Inf'.-rmatlon to FRANK _.JfJ-DtaOB, New-YorU A«ent, (With Ollder, Farr Co.), Bl AND 3.1 RHOAD-ST. Dimfj-'tiJ Notices. THE MIBSOTTRl PACIFIC RAIEWAY CO.. 1..". Broadway, N>;w-York, June 13. i»8a DIVLDEND NO. .;»;. \ qnaro y divldend of ONE PER CE.NT on tho etock "f tlus .oni|.;uiy haa this day tx-en de land pavable ou July 1".. 1889. The tranafe b'.oks will bj on Friday. laaa 21. I889i at A o'.-lo&k p. m., and reopened ou Tutslay, July lo. lrj.-'j. at, io oVlock a. m. A- II. CAf.KF. Tieaaarer. illi.CEM'RUrNATIONTvL nANK~OF THE"CITY OF NEW-YORK. NEW-YORK, Jaae '-'1st. 188'.). PORTT-KINTH SE3II-ANNUAL I>IVI- L Dl-.NI>.--.Thfl Dlreetora ..f rhl- bnnk have this day a seml-annual divldend >f THREE IXU ON_- HALF PER ..r tax. cui of trm earnlnsa ..f ti,..- paat -l.v in .ntli.i. pay-bu ou and Bftel Monday, fer li'.oks will ':om 3 o'clock p. m. 3 Juno 20th. uniil th. iiiorn ,ur of Julv xrh. prox. EDWD BKI-LIN, Caahler. |(E «D lll'.NN CENTRAL It.Wl.KOAI> CO_ TRF.ASURER'8 OFFICE GRAND. KTRAL STATION, LN W-YORK. Jum 28, 1889. .Plli: HOAIUJOF DIRECTORS of this Cofla- 1 pany hs thls du d. od ol two PER \ i ipon on THi'li>l)AY, t i".-' :.-. of August next, ;if, thla "tt. e. Tha tratwfer losed ar 3 p. m. on Monday, th.- 18th day ol July, and wlll be i che monuag ol _ tbe l'j.ii day ol Au,-u-t IIBNRY PRATT, Tr. i_a_ r. NEW-TORK CENTRAL AND HTDSON RIVER R.R. CO ICE OF THE :: Asl NEW-YORK. .luuo ^S, 1889. rPirK BOABDOF DIRECTORS, al 9 meetiBR 1 beld thla d.iv. deelared a gjoarwrly divldend >.f One al thla ..lllce, on Uie l.">ih day of July n. \t, to rtockholder* i.f rveord, at tbe eloaln* "f tha tiau.v .- ..ii the J.eii lu-t. E. V. W. ROS8TTER, Tr.-a--.urer._ '- \-.,i>\\ FBANCI8C0 FIAILWAY COM. PANY, lo BROAD-ST. (MIL.8 BtTILOING), NEW-YORK, Jim.- 99, IBBk rpHE BOARD of Direotora _m thla dai de- X. clared a auarterljr dlvldjmd ot ONE Pl-'.K . ENT on the preferred st...-.; of thls company, payable Jnly IV ltm'j, -_ ,| r. ,-i*i oo thfl booka in thls ..ffl.-,- oa .^.v iu>AV. Juiv ii. 1880, at. 12 bl No oartifleataa >'¦ the I -I,.-;. nill !.e ..-. .'ivil (OI tran^'r after Katurday, Jui-/ ti. at 1^ ui., umll th.- Qiorolai of J'.iy L8 foUowln*. T. vv. LILLIE. Treawuer. IUE BOWERY "BTNK "H *.N KW-YORK. [4EW-YORK, .I'ln- 97, 18X0. TIIF; DIRECTORS, from the earDingii of tho i. .-¦ -\ montha, hav. deelared a divUtend of six oer oent, Bayabla ou and after July l. 1 it UAM1LTON, Cashier._ THE THIRD QUARTEBL1 DIVIDKM) of i i pei .-''ui. payable on aad u ¦¦< -tui^ i"t'.. al lers of the National Uoa Unprovement ('.,.. of reeord OO Julv tlth. 1880. Trsjisfer OOOBfl wlll bfl cloaod .o Julj 8th, rt'n.1 reopened on luly 18th. \ Btoek dlsldean ot the Btate ( ompanlea, u, the amuunt, of 12 i er eent,, hss also been lecl NATIONAL t. vs IMPRoVl MENT »'". _rooMS81 and :.'¦ 116 BROADWAY. city. THE ELKVENTH ^ » rl!> BANK. N EW rOBK. lu;..- JI. leSO. It Iir r.OAKDOF DIRECTORS bavi thia day deelared a seml-annual divldend ..r four (41 eent, frt'- frorij taz. payal la oo and afte* Julv l. The tr;.ii-.f.-r bonks wlli rernaln elnaed ui.til 'h.t date. CUARLEIS. E. BROWN, <j»hler._ fV HE NATIONAL PARK BANK OP NEW- 1 vokk 21M June, 18M..A _Tldend ot l"i' i: PKR .^ [c lared upon the MocB "f thla ank. tax. on itid -iftei -Diiy 1. l»s'.». anl mo Iran fer ie.ok.s wlll !». oloaed ....til that date, Ci OROE s. iik'Rok. Caahler. ...i ICE ol' Wi ' < "Ml'\ N v, N<>. 08 BKOADW v ». Nl WYORK, lune 20, 1888 THF. REGUHAB SEMI-ANNITAL DIVT m.n'Ii ..r fo.ii per eeni in* been deelared by the Ul ectors of thla conpe_7. pByabta July l"., UBM, at our offlce a-> Bbove, Thfl tranafer booka wlll etoefl June 20. 1889, and Juiy in, laao. n ii i'\i;s'.\- \ lary. CITI7.ENS' IVSl-UAN. loMPANY Of NF.W-1 iRK, 156 BROADWAY. NEW VollK. Jull .1 1880. oi 8T DIVIDEN1)..a l»ivi.!.-n.l of THREE < ' I PER RNT on the apiul Ktoek. .»!*.> nn Interest of II ,'.' E AND A II u l".i: CENT mi thM I. PARKER, Se.-ret.iry. BailroiiOs. rVIEW-YORK, ONTARIO AM) WESTERN _> B'Y CO, r.- ¦-,.-. r trslna leave fool ol Jay-»t. aa .wa (tro. ; t - Mol.tle.-IB.. ! Uberty, . oocB, Waltoui Delhl, Hlduey, i I'tlca. Rojpe, 0_ ida, Oawego, !>. tr.eir. t-.i ._.-.. jnd .<!! polnta w ' 0 .i.-j ;i :u. f..i I aoipbrll Hall. I.ike< Mobook ,iiii >lm- ,. WaUklll V..i.¦.¦. 8taU., bton; Foid. Mi>«u. M' Il 1 j laburgh, ii vtlle I.'.. n ¦. ii Mohoak an l Mtn ii..«.».hj' Wiiisnl Valley Stationa, Mlddleuiwn biiib, Port rla, MooaeeUo, i-aiNhur.!., BarkorvUM, .1" |. ii,. f,.r .stot.r Ford Campbetl Hall, Middi.-t..w.i, .. WurUboe II. :.v II. foi Middletowo, Pallsburgh, f.i!..-riy, Han- eoek. WaJten, Bldaey, Norwleh. Ittl. Rome, Onelda, Oswego. li'" ''. -u'r Susponaloo UriiUe. Chieago and |K,in«a Beal Ro. lolng vi.alr Var free lo Bua|ain-i..u llrl.lve; i Bo i. i, aamrdara ooly, f..r CamBbatl nui. miiii.>. ; Rocklaod hiinla-- ii-., t, Mi :.. ¦..>»!«. Dally througb. Otbof i.i >..n IjV. Pullniati Dt:i- -"'ats and flpeepin*-- .1.. (NDERMON Pullniati S.-ata and .sl-vplim-rar H.-rtha I. vNIH ltS<'N. i..n. I'a^s AR'... 18 E\;e Pl* BALTLMORE AND *»riI«> RAILROAD, ii i is. \ia i riiiA. to llAl.TIMOUri \V.\Mll\, 1 l\l INMII ht, I ."I . \N II K M..I. 1-1 I.M \\ I'AR sl KVI.'I UN VI.I. TRAIN8. 1^ ,i. CIID'Ali I 18 i. 12 "ii ii.idnlBht. IN' inn \ I -i a * <>n p. m. For WAKHINUTON IIAl riMORI h m a. m 11 no a ti,., 1 Kl |. ii, 1:16 b, in., o :o.) p, ,0i nlduigiti Unnday B*0 a. ..., 1 30. 2 *). a:ia, S:(s. p. in. 12 (*) irldnlrht. ^,l i r aud Wll.nli.irton mrept. 3 :lj p ih. I'.i li ui a. ->|... .. .1! ,4 i. t .) 140 iir.... Iwbv ,,r at Boa \.> s. Traaator V.,.u.~uv will c_l for aul ebOM >: re~Juio«. J. T ,.|'t I i. CHA8. O. BOVTLL, Ouneral Managea a_t'l Paaa. Agenk _Sailroooa. I?__5_ BAILWA1.-Ttcke4 Offlcaa, 4 0_71il 713 and 057 Broadway, 168 Boecry, 1 Batterji Place Chainhers and gSd-at, lerriea, N'.w-.orfc: 33, and 333 Fultou-at., Brooklyn; 107 Broadway, Wlilun.s. hurg; coruer N. warh and il i-l-.,n st-.., Hoboken; an, New SUtion, /eraey citr, where Tickets and Psrh.r or B_sea_B < _r :ea_rvatieaj a..d afdera for ehaeuag _t traiKf.-i ,,f baggag. eaa B Bbta_ad. Kxpr»«s tralna j:id-*t. 5 iidnut"H earlier than t!m« arwwn froav l-hanilH-rs-st. local tralna 6 to 12. pilimtea eurller. 0 a in., Day Kxprcaa. Buffet Brawli.B-roo. Coaches tu Butf-lo. connert at lloro'dlsvibe for Jamea. town and ChatiU'tqua Lak. 3 P- rn every day, ..thl'-ag'i and 8t. Loolii Uinlted." eoltg I unman 'raln of Day, Dlr.lng and »le< pl/.g coaches ta Mea/ivllli;, v,.iniK«t'i«in Marion .n Chleage v»t>h,,«f Ch»n_e. Pulln an blceplnir eotebea t. Cl T-'l«n<l, Cbx .. natl «nd St. Loul*. BO SXtn h.rir- for fa»t tlme. 6 p_ m. eyery day, Chlcaeo and Orand Tmnk F.xpreaa n,\\* Pnllman train of Day and IJ'.rT-t, Bleeplng coaches U BuflBlo, Nlsgsra KbIIa, Hamaion. LonoVn, I-v sii.g, BbUM Oraeh. hi/iith B«nd and Chlcago wltbnut changa, Buffet Bleeplng t.ia.h to Roeheater srrl\c ; 3o ». 8:30 ti. in. sverr d iy, "Chlcago Kxpr»«s," Pullman iniffoj bWjiers, Elmlia. II <y,trf Meadville, Yoangstowo, ClaeBaatl and <»bago. Orango. <j, 8:07.. 9, 11 :l<>a. m.. 12 40. _.Io. 8 15 4 .QV% 4:37.. 6.07.. i.arH. 6:18, 6:62 '. a |_ 11 30 P m. Sur.days 8 45. 10 30 a. n... 8. 0 :15 8:15 10 g at Riitherford, 4, 4:45, rt. 7. 7:52., 8 :3o. !*.*>. I0:*T 13 _>___,, 1, 1:50. 2:50. 3 37"s. 4 :07'3. 4.37., 5 22.. 5:37., 5:45, 0, 6:15. 6:80. 7, 7 30, 9. 10 *i, 12 p. iu. Pawalc. 4. 4:45, 0. 7. 7 ..V.4-. SO. 10:30 lf! » nL I. ' 50. 2-5.J. 3:07., 3:i7.. 4:0T 4 37'-. .-,. 6.H* 5 37\ 5:45, 8:07'3. D 15, 1:80, 7. 7:30. :. Ifl 30 1_! PaUrasa, 4. 4:45. ... 7. 7 :52_, !):*.. 10:30. (| 4. _ L 1:50. 2.50, 3:07.. 3 30 3:37.. 4, i-W., 4 !3»L 4 :37h. 5, 6:15. 5:30. 6:37-, 5:40, 6:07.. b 15. t 30. 7, 7 :30. 8 :30, ». 10 :30, 12 p. m. * ~ Newark and Paterson, vla N.wirk. 6:46, 5:40, 7 ._._. 8:30 10. 11 :80 a m. (1 p. m Katti-lay only). % 1 30" 4 :22_, 4:52.. 5:22.. 5 52.. 0 _?i 7 80, 10. 12 p. n. Rid.ewood, 4. 4:4.. 7 :5C_, 8 -3... 30. lo:3" 4. b... C 1 50, 837%, 4. 4 :g0, 5, 5:22b, 5.30, fl. 8 07V fl 80, 7. s 30, 10:80, 12 p. 111. Rnir.'rn bn-ai. 4. A 18 7 .'».'., 30. 10 :30 s. B, L l_i_ 3:07.. 4, 6, 5 80, 6:07*1 '1 80, 7, 16 60, I. B, _ 1 Kowhur.'ii, 7:'.J1-.', 9, 10:80, 3:4.5, 4 :3o. 5::w. Ih* 8 4.i ]>. iu 1. isl ipresa eith parlor u Tu'-do, 4 45, 7:52., 6, 10 -30 x Bt: 1, Past ExpreB rr~:i :45, v i'Ii I'arlor Car, 4, 4 :.<), 5:30. 7 p. in Uosheo, I 45, 7 ^."i, 9, 10 :30 a. _ 1 3 3o, 4 -30. 6 :30, 7, 8:.'10 p. m. Mlddletown and Port Jcrvts. 4 :45, 7 :52'a. 9. 10 :30. a BL I 1 8, :< U 1,80. BUM I, 7, 8 ::kj p. m. Bund.y local tialna, maln llne. 4:45, 8:15. 10:30 a 1 W, 4. 6:80. 18 p. m. Expre^a tralna from WrH arrive 0:50, 7:40 a m., 4:684 WORTHERM RAILKrAD OtF V. J. DIVIKIOW. Enprlewood and Tenatly.6:15, 0, 7, 7:30, S:I5. 1:4», 0 45, 10:15, 11:30, 12:20. 1 10. 1 30. 8 8 30 4. 4 :.-._.. 5 fJ-BO i, :45_ fi:(>7_, 6:46, M. 10 30. 12, Suu- davn, 1 :]"., '.. :80 a. BV, 1.30, 4. 7 :30, and 8 :15p. m. Nyark and Sparkiil-5:15. 7. 8:15. 10:16, 11 M. 1:80. 8:30, 4. 4.:45. 4 :5'.'_. 5:30, 0:07.. tt 1*7 8. 10 30. 11 Bundaya, 8:15. «»:30 a m.. 1 .30. 4. 7 :W. 8 15 p. ra, 10 eenti ln po-faije f.. i^-n'l Paaa'r A^eut fag "Suhurban flfr.^*.n wltn lucal tin.e-tahlea. W. J. Ml'KPliy, l.l PABMBB. Qen'l bu.t fb-neral Paasenger A.ent.^ IJEW-TOBK CENTR.U4 HTJDBOB EOv__ ItArLKOAD, THE OBEAT rOUR-TRAI K TBUBB LINB selsct.'d by the fiovernment »¦< 'he RODTE OF THE FAST r_AlL. THTS I*- 6LBOTHP NUf;tKA FAbl.S Bot'TH. ALLTKAIN^ ARRIVE ANU DEPAKl' FKu_l GRAND CEXTBAL BTATIOB, Lar.eBt and Flii"Ht Pa»s,'i.i!er Ktailoi. in Amertt. a_| the ouJy Trunk blne Ballway Station ln NewOTork CUf. mo imi oM ANO Aj.gRjt'NE 80, 1886 t8a. m.. Roohester F._pie., Wak'.^r drawlng-room CBB Kfew-Yoifc to fsvrn'O*. (XI a m fa'a: lt. «. La_1 Oeor.e. All-onia'k in^ Mob- troal SD-^clai! Wa.n'-r drawlng-raoai cars, N'.-w.y,,rk ta fearat-ura t'ajlwell and Montraal, vla Hud- i.n Rail'roNd. aud Bow-York P, st. AIBub». VM OBMM V^g^aa_!*FA¥OUa BAOBER yaBTlJBPLCT BTrBV TOIIK CHICAOO ANU BT LOUI8 LIMITED, -oi_. posed exclu^lvely of buffet s_o_ngcBr, dlnlog<ar. draw- fne-room anl >!eepinit cars for \ __;?_> I'.' hester nufTalo, \ia«ara Falla. Erl" rj'^'j Ctc, airlvln. at, Chleago at 9:50 a. m., Indlai'*^, la U 36 a. m., St. Louls 7 -'40 p. m. next day. < nn ¦* it 1 leve_ Uind with traln for Coltimbu- and Clnetn. atl. <.oni.»eu aa Albariy with drawlng-room car for Cooperstowa. BBBBB compartroent ileeplng-.ra aow M a»r tlO:Hfi a. m.. Chba.o F.xprese f,.r Nia.ara F»U\ To. ronto, t'lcv>land, CtoelnnaU. Inl'.anr<V_US r??jy'*_ *.* Chicajro: Wagoet dn»wlii_-r.,om cars to K7:hueld Sprtnga, Caivaudalgua and lt.«'heer>r. ._,___, tll 1 m , Weatert. New-Vork and North^rn t-.xpreaa, for barato-a, Lak-i f»eorg«. RoUand, B^nnlngton, NorB Ada::m, Be. ua-ne'r draa.f-i B4W.T66B ta .->_ra','Ma and Caldn-ll IJike George). 3.30 p. n... baratoga bpectal, with Wa_.ier drawlag. room curs u, Barataffa and I'tl.a. .8:68 p. m.. Aceo4_nodation to Aibany and Ttot. ro_ nectd for WllllaaiatowB, North Artams and inp-rmedlaB nointa on Tlt.-hb.irg R. R. Waguer drawlng-r.>jm car. New-Vork tu Alhaiiy. __ -j.) p n_. Faai ( hb-ago CInclnnail and St. L'.nla Ex, presa for Nia.aia FaJK BufTalo. SuspenalOB BrldgJ, To* md Clevoland, Clnclnnatl, li.dianap.dls, ht. r.u!_ 1). trott and Chicago, with WBa_H v>-"ii.uied sle.plng aoA "»ri:0orp. m., Thouond Island and Adirondack F.-presa, waauer bflvping Car, Bew-Yorb t.. cityv.n vta, C tlea, dally. Wa_ner bleeplng Car, Bew-York to P»u bmth a, \ia L'tlca aud Northc-ru Adlrondack Rallroad, dally BBBBB *f6T5y'D. m., Cansndalgua Accommodation. Wagnea si...i, i,_..'_r Naw-York to 9yr_cuae. and .syraense ta Canandalgua. Tbr,.u«h Beepdng-ear, New-Vork to tanan. dalglia, «n Uie 7:3.1 p. I... Uain. ____ 10 u tn Monfraal, vdironds/k and 1 ansndalguB Exvress Wagiier »Ieeplng-ears dally to Nortb <'r,-ek, >tar a and Adliondack b-_ir,,_il, aU. to i'iatt-nurg, con- necUuia at PlBi-burg with paHor sar for baxanae bata , i_|.lvk Mo.iiituii. polnt... Uairner a. epins-.-are _a_y do Montreal, vla ll<,ur.-'s Polot aad via Bt AlfH__*_ ¦in 1 to Byracuse aud Canandaltrua dally. excepl bunday. ¦1 d m. bpedal Mall L;_,:> il B_>_.BBB 'v...__!.. A -Q* m _nr1 1*'!,-v»*!_ni1 1 -'_l n. __, Bajaj IS.llA, Bt o_s Botroll and Chleago, mth Wagner sleepBg-eaeB. _leenln_*eara to Caaandalg_j on bundaya only. lVnildi.^ht for Baratoga, Whltehall aud Kutland. Vm pnntiertlon with train leawng .Satii^i-iy. \Va«r.,"r 4aBf_BB> caw to Alh*n" Conn^oa at Aibany with BBBfl M tha ^"Tlek^ts aiid^s'paeo In drawlnaroom and aleeplnc _rs ot* ^u"., ,. s-a-ion !i:i. 785 .04 848 l!-vlw_y ,.,... I.,--. Place. 68 WeM 125_.1.. -nrl' -a-l,., S"'.v-V.rk, 333 Wa-hlngtor, and 7_f Fulton ito., anl 898 Belfordave.. K. U BrwjWya._' V-,"r,,,ti'- Kxprese caUs tor snd checka bavK.'. -On. "^r'othor. dally except bnnday. | Stop a 138th-wt. etatlon, N'.w-York. FA^T PTTTSFfFr.T) AM> NORTH ADAMB RPFCIAIj, wi'h ewnl Wagner l.raaMti.-w iu ar^. leavea tl "4 Coti-I stetlon, via Uarleni Dlvfalon. dally. except .S-.r__.ji, ,, i ii, t, ii. -_*l tiuio. Bupertor - _*0_\_fl\ OEOR1 -MF.r.S, WtST S1IORE RALLEOAI), N. Y. C. __j H R H. k. ... nea.Tralas h-ave u^*t -i_!-._. wc-.Uon Bew-York, a.-. foUowa aad iweau rolnuasa aaatBB ttom f'^-t of .b.v-t.. N. R. Chlcago, I>".:o.t. L.>n..n« Hamllton, -o 65 a m., .8:18, .8:18 p. n_ *t- la,ai». .5 15 -8:15 p- ni. Topantn, 10:5-> a m.. *5:15. *8 lf p m. Moatroal, Canadu Ka<t, .."> ii p bl Mu« FilN Byracaae, Utlea miA pn. .-pai inwn.. diace »¦- I ;-, B to a BL, .'.:l-">. '8:18 p. m. ,_nd .. H*p___ m. for L'ti.a erlri. KlngBtan, aaug-nles, i.ata-I 1 Aibany. 3 T5 "i 18 ".' 5">. a, II :S0 a. bl, and *8 b| B. BL N-.'bui-. '10 15 .1. BL, 1 18 4 1V 6_S8. »6 80. *11 -15 D BL H.v «f .. . 8: 5 a B. 2:4 . 8 B "- Baratoga Bpe al (a> 11:80 a. m.. ta 3.i.'.p T»rawl in_ room ears tiu-eiwu t.. tsantovra. _»___. lake C". rge, 11 80 a. m Ivawlt.g R>om Cars to Cal_> frelL So irli"' onbr, (.a) 3:4.'. p. m. l.ak,- Mohonk aud Mlnnawaeka, via Niw-Pa'a. 9 .or»_ (a, ll M) ¦ Bl., 1 p >u OataBars onlyi (s) 8:48 p. bl. Oramlna Room Can t«> KIi.k».n on '. uO, taa 11 3o a bl- (Si 3 .4"> p. ni- Ka.t> Huntor. f;rand If.t.1 Stafbrn. and .hoe- nlci-i 3 1\ '.» 00. (Bl 11 .'*' a. BV - * *8 P- m. Iirwitg K.,.; Can. t,, i.rai.l Botel b:a:t'i aod t_ PhoenlciB ifoa lbity! RaaBraklll aad McnaBta il aat aa aoo, taj ll 3a a m ard s) 3:45 p. ui. tiali.n. I.envllle, Calr. and MoonBUB Roaa. Station. 8 16, - |.-, a BO :. 11:80 a- n - 3 I". p, BL I'rawlog Room Car. to Catsklll oo (a) HMt m. aod i-, 3 l". p. a_ it bleeplng Cars for BulTaki, Nia.aia FalU, Toionto, Detroft, «'hl.__» ar.i i»t. L.,nl». *!»__].. Uhi v e\,--pt Sat'irilaj.. Other tralni. d_Jly n./pl Bm.dBTS, fa S) I.. a\c I- R. It _i_'bi_. all 20 a- nv. s3:3o p. n>. Boboksn. Weal Btef. hu. Men ,11 2>1 a. ..,.. -3 .4', |) n.. lo tlcketa, t1ue"-tal.lea or Infonnallon, applj a ofruaa t'.r .,,ki< n-;wg Wa^Mcgton. .r 72>. Pultoi * ex Offlce. I Fulw t. N»w. V.''k Cltd 271. 808, 785 anl '.t42 ll..*,l»av. 153 18 IS l'.rk Place. flrt We-t U.'.lh.Ht.. and We,t Shnra Htatlnna, fool of Weai 4fid-st. and Im>' ol Jav--t. N R_ \> otfi Expreaa ealM for au.t aheeBa ba_.'_.o froB l...t<'la and lasld r. F LAMBP.RT. BeMMl PBSBMCBI Asei t, 5 VSilderf.l '-4'. ti T. ¦0 D ni *>pe':lal Man ..lieo. irnrti a jv"-n,_ 7-40 aT' m.' BuffsJ,) 9:35 a. tn., and Ctove_ad 1:25 p. -tlo r^'m I'ait Blajhi Bxpresi for RoehaeSer. Buffa Nl'i-ara Fall* Toronto, Ci'-v-laud, Cinelnnatt, Inrtianaiml' l.Hli.ll VALLEY RAILROAEk. PABSErtOER TRA1N8 I .¦' of r-rtlaodt an<B .. I I >wi 7 a ,i im. >'. |N.inu B a. ui. for '¦'.¦ '¦'¦¦¦ It.ii7_iu> Wi-st, anl prtnrll i.P_ ' ,,_lr o_ u( Lyona aud ¦ '. .Urtd6w. 11 a. BL for and ii.iertuedBB BBBB. t'hala oai Ma.K h . _______ 1 p in. f,,r hinkhanaoch spd Imerroedlate |Kiinte_ ihalr ..'- Ui Tuiikhaniimtk. lonnc'tlan b Rtsnliiu :_j llurrl«burg. iu p. in. f»r l.l.'.lra _nd princlpal IntermediaU' im .j,t«. ¦ I' . L. * 11 J 111'': 'il an t P pef u. I l.l p. ni. f'T B'atli l"o. and It.terttiedt*'* p .|ma. (, n, f,,r ^la«^h i»,lnta, nalr _. _al iiunk. ,- t. :i f,r Gen< ^ unlra, lt,K-h.-»_ -. l'...(TaI_t ai.d the W«»t. I'.illm.ui ' >i.«|M_a___l Drldge. Traln* 1> avln* at H a ti, 11 I Bl I p in ,n<| g 49 t for all pelnt* tu Mahaiioy _nd Il.tric.¦ .-...1 rag IDAY rRAiaa 8 a. m. for Mau,:. 1 kuuk, HailetoQ and liitrrme__tB p. n,. f,,r Slvi'ii Fhnnk .- " m, foi Roeheat, i.n raw and tn* We-t. Fuliiinii ^i-eper t., I.v,,n« and 8u*u.-na.s_| General FaaBarn (.*, e. ggg HmadwaT N EW LINETO WASHINGTON sn ti 11 4 I.TI NTif.f, VIA N rilAL K lt. .¦) \| St |. i;.| t*. PH1I.A Wi. i;i tlHMI R K anl IIALTIMolll n r: belld Traln*- N,. Tm-..r \ ,. , ( ,r. , . K-_», Ti_a» 11 l.l.MAN Alt - » AL- Tl AlNJi. BCIIF.DCI F. IN I 1 |' m w |_TM. . rr?\'rJ'*Y L."ll_*. '',' lUili-al of aleW-JBBBBBj foot Utn rt> -t. North Rlver. Ir W4ahll1gfc.11 and !l.l'in...r.-. p ;,i , _, II i Bl I " -' | ., J.M... b *t> a. BL| All tralna «t»p at » hen... and \V.iiuit..toti. *xc»-pt 3 1B p. 111. 1 ,.r pblladrlpata at 4, : 1 - ... I H a m I *\ i » -, , Mindayea !.. |:| I 1, 1 tl *. |> ... 12 Mkh- 1 ¦.K¦ t* and parl . ¦¦! at 21, T_, t81. 415 '.>»«. 1.140. 1.8.3 I .44 18 \ rk 4 1 ..urt-a_J New-t will .sll for and ahBBJ baargage fr,,.i, k.-fc r rr.i ,. .. niH.11 ¦_ -."O .4 :|t> H'ape .- .¦¦ -«pru*e. e.CBMQ P.e-i Hanki, 1 20 -vprn.). 5 10. 7 w p. iiu buiidayaj .. .<. p m ^| Prora r,«i of ui.»»o .. * 00 * 16 . *> 11 tn av _v_ -.80 8.30 teSBSWSB I '" 4 30 .rxpre..,. 6 Bfl ie,i,..,.,l 0 1.' p. Ui 8.1"^*^ '' >i 4 11, 4 iSI p. ni., fsntiday trahta d., aot »U>p at iKoaa Groyv and A-b_M Pir. ~ RFPITS BI.onC.FTT. J R Woort, biiie-inten.b<«t. Oew'l PBaa. A f-ni IVen R R. II- P. BALDWIM, G«n'l I > > B B f jQ OT. LOI 18 m;i THE \VAH.\S!| Ifl It. ^J Th la vM Ma«« aia Fall* Imj\". tle' iir.1,,1 t'.'i.ti 11 l»..p..t al 6 u. ni. i.lallrT vla tl... V > \ m eni 4: M ,,l \Vasi__ Railwaya.dlulng cars for ali meala-afrivtng m g| ta«l_ 7:45 *.', 1.11.I ni.i.nn.g n«,^'; n. ,1, Unb-a **-__! ____ Loiu. fw all peluta Weal aad iwiiia f ^^ m"**


Page 1: · NEW PUBLICATIONS. THE JEW OF T11K DRAMATIST A>TD NOVELIST. THEJEW IN ENOT.ISH FICTION*. By Kabbl Unvld PbllBpaon, l). l>. l_«o, nv 1&«. UiKltinatl:



THE JEW IN ENOT.ISH FICTION*. By Kabbl UnvldPbllBpaon, l). l>. l_«o, nv 1&«. UiKltinatl:Kolnrt claike * Co.

Dr. Philip-o.i's bUlMuufl on "The Jew ln Englt.shF1N1on., attraeted eont-lderable atteniion at the tinie

ol th*ir dellvery, and they sbouM be weloomed ln thls

onore permarent forni as the eipreevlon of educate.1Jowlsb Mntiniont upon an lnterestlng question. Thoautbor follows the tTeatment of tbe Jew« ln tbe drama

and novel, and sbow.< bOW gradiriUy the popular odlumwh*ch was reix-scnted ln the eoneeptioii of Martowr'a"Jew of Malta" ha* glv«i to a nioro Jn-t and

dlsy-sslonat.. kfM of the JoWBa* e-baraeler. Fn.m BM" Jew of Malta'' even to ishakespeare's " Merobant otVeniee" la a rondderahle dlstanee. Dr. PhillpsonboMs that BB 9ky*M_ B_-MbB09M meant t"> draw a

niore dlgnifie.1 aad gra*ra_y humau 9*9899" than Mar-

lowe bad presented in Harahbas. t.bough ln effort the

feroelty wltli Whtflt B_ftBOl B9M98 BBM ttM forfeltnomlnared ln tbe bond B**Ma_B8i the effort* of tbediamailst temper tbe popular antiratliy to therace. Oumh. -vid. ln " The Jo.w." was tlie flrst Eng¬llsh playwripht M put BBM the sta^re a BflBMfl concep-llon of a Jew. and some may thlnk thnt he overdld nhe

thlng alinost as BMBflb as. In Dr. Phlllpson's oplnlon,Dlckens overdld lt ln hls characfcr of Rlah ln "OurMuMial 1 '.-»:

Tbe rabbl has _B**B_g but adrnlratlon f<r BOOtFflReherea ln ¦ Ivanhoe," though be does not approve. nfIsaae of York. BM lt must be rBBBflaabMBd tbat. Ifthe Jew of the Mlddle Is alwnys reprrsented as

B usuier, the faet ls due far lnss to pj-ejudleo or malleethan to tbe suj.erlor proiulnenee whieh hlstnry bas

gjven tn thN bIbm As Dr. FklBpMB observes.

were also QbrlattM MBtBtB, and often thev were more

grasping and avarlelous tban ttM Jewlsh money lend-era. Thls may be granted. yet lt does nol affrrt thefaet that tbe majority of the old BB-fBro were .i.-w -..

and that thelr bMMMB ooneentrabd upon IbMJ Ihflhatred of ttM eotninutdty. Dlckens Indeed becan Wltha very bad J.-w- Fajrln.and only ereated Rlah. prae-Heally as e.:i aloneiaent far the -lii-i-r eOBMOflJ.OB,toward the elose of hls catwr. Dr. l'hlllpson thlnl'.sRlah not natnral: too jrood, in faet, "for humaunature's dally fi.n.l." Perhaps he ls, but he ls cortalnlya very B^BOBt.g eharaet.-r. and pow.-rfiilly drawn.

Dlsraell cf course BtaMaOOOBMtl Ms race ln " fJOOa_gaby"and "Tanrnrd." but Dr. F.BtBBM ls not sodurod bytbe glortes of ihe "t.n-at Aslim Mystery," and plalnlyBBgMMM tbe oplidon tbat Dl-raell derelved htmsslfWttB vain Imaclnln^s when he wroflfl about tbe IMtOrartion of the an.lent people to I'aKsttne. and when ho

6upi>osed them ro bold a monopoly of dlvine revelation.It is esperlally BBMflOMBg to note that tl.e rabbi

has no faith wbafever ln the Palestlpe restorationseheme. Ho regards lt as wl.olly MfflBSJ.tabfo. HeBaaaMM tbat tbe lowa have long developed beyondthe possltiil' of re-establishing theruselvcs ln Pale*-tlne. whl.-h ti-_ OOOBOd BB off.-r any adequatc fleld totheir energl.s. They are, he maintalns, no long-r a

B8BMMBM natlon. They have beconie lmorpora-tedwith tbe natlons they live ammiK. Amerlcan Mwa,Derman Jews, Krenrb Jews. Kngllsh Jews, are to-day Amerleans, OOHBOMB, iMBObSMB or Kn^lishmenJiist as mneh as tho Chrlstlan elflret.s of thelr re-

BaMtrM ooaatMja poorga EUot, iu " DanieiDeronda." he conslders tke only novellst who hasfully prasped tbe Jewlsh ebataefer. but unfortunatelyshe has rpre^ented In MooMBOl and Deronda only a

helpl-ss fanafie and a-. uuprartieal dreamer. Manyof the views ezptMBfld Lu t.k lintle volume are doubt-kMB new to most rearlers, and the kMlBlOB generallyare full of intcrest and sbrewd. sagaelous r-fleetlon.

Xcro Pnblications.




A 04-p»eo pamphict. voutalnlng more tbaa a hun-

s:cJ paltcrna aud 17 lllUFtiatlons.

Elngle copics 20 ccuts, posrace pal_Addrcss



ForBovs and Youn? Men.City.C-«OLLE»;i-: EXAMIN VTIONS..Wooarirldg. Behool.

* Meclal BKBarabon foi Sj.ri.'iK aud fall enirance andadva:..el exau l atlotis.

1. WOODUIUIKiK DAVIS. l'h. D.. 82 East 46tb.»t

rp_£ JJiMXI.V f»C110O_ FOB KOV.\

o.H MA-tUON-AVX., BXW-TORK,BTtU ba 0F«nod un Tueadaj 0 tobei l»t

rreuarauiou ler -..jei.tillc Schooi.PK1MARY BEPABTMENT.

tV'Il.MAM J"M '>, B.A., Harvard, Master lu Charce.Clr.-ulara oa applicatluu io ;jhMoi, H. K. cor. Madisou-

»vi. bbj tata m._

'Itl'.ixrrv rk'HOOL, 8_7 VIADIsON-AVE., F.und.-d1 I'o-.i Ber. B HOLDEN, Reetor, onder Traadl'r..t. EpU. 1'uWl. Behool Bt. K.v. Hisii..p Potter. )¦>¦-.

f'.r eollegfl or tmainess. For fiee beneB.ipplyt reaaiy. taj-ig pupda recelved. FarU_r par,Ucalara at schoo- Term lea-fn- oVptembei A.


1 . \:v: RaiTT eRAMMAB bCHOOL. 1.478 Broalway,%J near *_i st, 52d year; prlmary. tommtrcial aud classi.<al JlahaitmrntS" inatructloo IhorouKh M- M. IlOBuy.XV. L AkUN, N C UEKDKICKSON. Prlnclpals._WEBT NB * ITi'OL. 113 W.-st 71st-Bt

A efd'eiiiaus ach-ol for boysj mlitaiy drill; splendldlymuaalum. CHESTEB DONAI.DMJN, A. Al.

For Young Ladina.City.

ABT LECTLRJ-i BtkB LADIES.-Rer. Dr. Oardner'an-hool for girls. 007 5th-»ve. Mrs. Gardnor. aathor

cf I'latory ln Rhyme L_*y tejtfc'-i w_.»x.d ncit year


32 and 34 BaM 57tli-st.. N-w-York.Address ui.fil Boyl. lat, cai-v J. K.-iui'dy Tod _ Co.,

saiili'-r-, l.*> \\ ;ill-si._St'MMER SESfclON OF AWIK KIMD_RGART_N

NORMAL SCHOOL..Fivo weeka1 cou.-* i,ei.-.ii» JulyBt* EMILV M COK, PrlnelpaL aud Editor (,f Anu-i.Kinderi;urteri Magarine. K<, m 72. Blb.o Hou»e, New-_or_ TEACH__B WANTED.

VA.N Ni.l'.MA.N INST1TUTE {Koniil.d 1P57) HOMEAND DAY SfJHOOL-Central Park. W<;»t. at 024-at.

( Manslon.) Mme. VAN NOKMAN. Principal.

For Both Sexeo.CitF

A-CIRCULAKS OF (iOOD BCHOOES, FREE; atato. wh'-u.vr for boya cr giria; clty or country. K R.

AV.itY. American aohooi Burcau. 2 Wosc 14_t-s%.. N. Y.

Brooklyn.rnHE BROOKLYN HKI.JUT.S B-M_IaBT, 89U» year.1 13^-llu M-miurue st..iJ.iardinK ai.d Day Kchool forGirls. Reope.a Mot, 2a. CalleM pteparatloa. circular>>n applicatiju. "I aao»i beartily eommeud this achoolander vne nets jMnagemeni.*.4Jharlea E. West. LL. D.


Dl<>ce-an s..hrK,i t..i foung an ri.lldren.2^0 TO 2-..J WASHINGTON-AVE.. BROOKLYN. E. L

In of th.- Blatera of St., th- Kvang-llsi-Kector, th. BUhop of Long lala.1 Advenl T-rro 1--k1iisbeiitemU-r 26, 18S9- Puplll are charRt-4 from dato ^tBlitraBOe t<^ end of s.-h..i.l ve.i:. T-rn. i ix-r aiiuum. Erig-li-h. Fi-ench. Gennan _id Eatin. *360 o 0400. Frep.resfor IloarJeri. 11m1 usL Appllcatlou to be mado. tho ^u[.erlor.

TIIIRD YEAR.SL Catfiarine'a 1r the Mountalas, r.ce»eatlon Scbool,

B0-DERNEB8, N II.bea-ton fr.m Juno 2b to t^utvm'.Ait 3. Terma $130.

No E-traa._

Boya anrl Young- Men--Country.A -61.M.VIE1B KCH"OL FOR BOYS.. N.-wloo, N. J..A. Ii^UiiiU?; el.-vatloii. soo fo. t, atudj, jecivaUoo,camnin*; oatldle hoiscs, poniea. donkeys; 2 1-4 li .uratioiu -V Y. ; D.. E. aud W. IL R. opuus July 1.'

J. WII.S'-N. A M I'ritic.pal.

AUOCAMOER XNBTITUXE, MUlMry Boarding m ho ...

Whlte Plalaa, N. Y. Pnndpal, 0. R. WIL-IB,A M. i'h. D_BACKWARD AND 1NVAEID B0Yi>.-Th. ui.le.-lgned,

ai. ejow-iicijcod phj'alcian aud U.atiit-r. mas,e» tUt careaud tJuoalion of such buys a apeclally. Locatiol. unaur-L.ik»ed for oeauty aud healt*.


AdJr«-»* Dr. WlLLlAMBON. .New-Eondon, Oonn.

B" ORliKNTuMS :N I V. I 1.11 AK Y l.N.VriTI TK,N. Y. ai.d l'l.lla. t> u!d fooiida.oBs ln

Eng. Acaden.l" studles. I'reporaa fobcbooU and Bu ...s- M..».'. Upton'a U. B. Tisctlc*.Lieul T. 0. EANDON. Com'd't Rhv. T. II. EAMjoN,A. M.. I'H" _

C"'AYUOA LAKE MILITARY A'ADKMY, Aurora.. N. Y. Fvr lUaatiated II u.'ar, addrea»

COL. C. J. WRD.IIT. li. »., A. M.. Principal.

CIIEETENUAM ACADKMY. OfJONT*. PAUri' kcel ed locatiot an 1 aiirrnundiiig*. New scnool

(Qalo-nenL fiymriaslum. Milit..jr Drill. *c Th.noOL'bpt..l_rat_>n for Colieke o.- .». leutlflc bchoo:. For circular.

j. caeyin BICM. a M.. Principal.

EEMWOOD SCH'.OE FOR BOYS.At Mun.rd Conn.Fareiiia wbo «-o oi.fortunau la Uie Bkanacemmit of

tuclr aona wlll *.» wa*l W protit hy ihe a4va..u».'.-» o.IoredbTiLlVsckool. Adln-as FRANE M. HOWK. 8ai/U

I>_REEHoED IMSIXTUTR, FreiihoJl. N J ; 48U» year:c..lleg« preparauoa a speaialty; buabsa-.. higk soaool

and elaMrical cearaea ._

C< I.I N vi<x>.) M 11.1TARY l NSTITUTE,¦mai iwan, .v J.

_ ____ ,___.0:_ hour from Waw-York. BMMM iM->.>

(HAS ACataloKix--. ou apull.-ati.jii.I JaAiaR. A Sl.. l'h. Dt. l»rl...!pal.

tllGtlLAS'I) MILITARY AJ.ADEMY WorcoMer.II Ma»*.-34ih year o-u Ba Sept. 12 l la»slcai. sel. ntincBuWiiea*. primarv e.,u atHcl aupervlsl..u andBMM BaaMerBa. /oeepfc AM-i. hha«. A M H.iid Maator.

IPVINO fNSTiTV'TF.. T-*rryte*»n-or'-IIod*on. offtrs nn-

UfuaJ advai.Ukoa u. Larenu arekins the peat Instructioat,.. »h. r ;> y id* A. A-iMA'.NAt. Pl .'

aVfflTCHEEL'B BOYS BCHOOE. B II. rl .. .Uai»l miUrt !i".->. Bo.u..,. o.. ai.d E»well R R. AaWaoBy aalect Faailli Scbool tot Boia lrom 7 U. 1* Inclus-"." °^

_, U _B_f___M_ A. M.. Priaci_a_

UnoirnctionBovb anrt Tottnff Men.Conntrv.


ll Ilurb_.ii. Col. C. J. WRIOHT, B. «-. A. M.. bupt;B. l'. HYATT, Comd't of Oadsta. ,


Twenty-elfhth reai oiMii- Si'iit'.!"'' lo.A MlblTAIlY i OLLEGE.

Clvli Englneerlng, i hendatry, ArehlBetwe, Arts.Th.DBOUOhly OrgBRlied Pianaralory 1 <-M" -.

Clrcul.r-.ofMi. GEO. 11. STEftLING 52 >; .> ".'-. City.i .i. .11 AKl.l.s V. II VAT I', Pre

R Oi'Kl.AVi. COLLEGE. Nyack op-the Hudjoa. NexteiHii-. e"|. ''.iiher 17 Seud f..r catalugaa.1

\V 1! a. M Princlpali» rv i ti ,m\v:';;^k's SCHOOL FOR" BOY8 ~\lt Cold Bprlng .... liu.-.u: number liiultcd; 2 xacancles,U'lins eOOO; wuid h.r ciicuhr.

RECTORY BCHOOL, llamden, Conn.-For lioya, 6825.»375; hon..; inllu. ikcs; thoroufk ackool *T*u>n__ *"x"

u.r_lv« grout.ds. nyiiina>luro, boath»u<e, ae. AOIressRev. II. L. EVERKgT, M. A.. Rector._

RIYEltVlEW A. U.KMY,ponghk< p*le. N. Y. _,

54th yev. Pr.pai,- thoroogdily foi- ceUeas, the Ooy.erumcnt AcadeuUc* h^^g^ *»'**' Ka'da-aah«_,A_1l PREPARATOBT BUJIOOU Mewb-igfc.»""> N V., ou th- iiudsoii.-ewo, no eztraa


It ls t'.e woper tbliiR u> do-tn >»r.d a:. oljiht-year-oldboy awav froni bo_e to begin tu get ready for w.llege-vov.Mniu toow where to asod him. I have r>.»n. forExaext full 1 dlacuBi the subleet Bl lenifth ln a prlmer.BlxotMUu. «

HKNRY W. SK.l __\ > '!'¦ 80

'_+. GEORGfc'B BA_L r<>K BOYB. Bt Ojaorfo's, Md."5* Oafiec. or baaTneas. Unsurpassed. $JOJ to 6-7o.

. J. V. K1NEAR. A. W.. Prtl '"

grTiiniN^Mitw^^vscTTdouRu Rev. P. D. HUNTINO-ON, LL-Oot. W. VERBACK.

»__l'VM!KSrH00LF<)r.BOYS.;J> AT THE PTl AKT BCHOOL. RoHyn. L. I.. N. T..vetiooaint! L. -vmikI. Band f_ iilaaaaBd eaBfc_*e«_U_MEK SCHC-L FOR BOYK.J_> LNOKWA-K. CONNIXTIOIIT. ._._,.__FRANK S. ROBERTS._T_E CATHElIBAli SCHOOL OF ST. PAUL, <.» n

City, i.. b. 17 mUas fraia Ncw.Y.rk. Thprrpsration for college or aelentlBc h. hool. Ml.lury dia'd-urtiie. Loeatlon anl un«urpa*«ed.

CHAS. BTUBTi VANT MOORE, a. B. (_M___tH.-ad M:i»ter.

T HE PRINCETON PREPARATORY Bt HOOL.¦ Opeua Beptember 1J Ineilrtei may bc addresaed

to Prebldcnt PATTON'. uf l'r.i.c. tor Callege. or toJ. B. finf. Hi BdmaaBr,

_prlnceton, "_._*__,rpHE PEEKBKILL MIXITARY ACADEMT, 6_B yeaf1 becl.i Beptember 18th. 1RK9. Bend for eataloffoe.

JOHN N. tii,ih'..n. M. A.. M. o.

I^KIMTY SCIIoOb. Tlvell i.n-lful on, N. Y.Thfl Rev. .1 \ -1 s vi aku f'LARK, D. D., Reetor.

A.*-l-t. by Bve reaMent fa, li,-r~.- BoT« wl y;.un«nvn tM.ruuirhiv fltted for thu t,ent eoBecei and unl-erfllHe*.aeitniine schools, or for baBlneas. Thli -''; ¦' °_'1.fh" advantagei ol h-nithful l..cti.,n. hmn' eoinforts. flrnt-clnss teafhern, tberomrh triiln'r.,.. aaaldOOBI ".i" Of bc.ltti,irutmtr» and morala. and the . xclus! ,n of bad rjoya t e n-scieiitluus parenta luuklng for . schoo wherj they maywith confldence plac" thefr sons. Speclal ln«trncUM glven:,, p_Ti mlstry. Ihe twui.ty-third ycur v,iubagla Bepi 10.v ii n.iMM'i rfc-i,M.rr,.%' in >'N »AP.n> ING bCHOOL FOR B0Y8 Su penaJnae

Nexl s. hool rear befins Bepi lt*. IllusiBpptleatlon. CARL A. BARSTROM. M. A.. Princlpal,BB

r_ST JERSEY Ai'AHl.MV. BRIDOF.TON. N. J. A,, Home ror the Boys. B« " -. tl ronah, _f_^^7-^*

aurcs of Playeroond. BBd year. Terma, BBOO to $400.Princlpal, CAIiEB, li. A. (BagO


For Toun_ Ladics .Country.A1MONG TIIR HILI.. _, __. _.

:v... ii.:.. ;i(.m ><¦*-! ork- Order 1 ro-

gramuie fof 1 .--s;»-'l'o aud plctare ..f HAPPAQb a MOI N-XAIN INSTlTITi'.., N. V.

/lOM.FOIATF. SCHOOL FOR OIKI.S. ENOI.F.WOOD,"L N J. Ry-'opeti- BepMatbM 20. J'r. paraUuu for col-l._e a BD<ciB.iy. l' __uilttt'd to \'d-_r, Wcll"si.-T,aiTdl bii.itV o." our eertfflcata, ADALINL W. STERLING.CAKOLINE M. GF.RB1SH. A. B._(


'>Y) M.V'Vm llo-.b FOR YOTJNG LAD1EB,FSail tcrru betrlua Wedriesday, 8«pterabei 26, 1806.


*/ Y,,.nig Liidi. >a.. parsoe the brsn..!..'* uf the Uiadu-Btlna Conrae, oi the "Pi.i*rato,y foi V:i.«-ui.' Ilomecom-fortfaad speclal care. bIUs 8ARAH V. H BTJTLEB,flREW LADIFJs' hFMINARY, Csrmel. N 24thI» rear 'r.- Beptemb ll Uealthfnl, homellke, thor-euii.. IllaStratod circular. UEO CRO-BY SMITH, A.M.

_s I.M1K4 COLLEGE, FOR WOMEN,J_4 advanUfres ::. t ,.... I and Pr-psratory

of study; a;-,, lu Mnalo and An ueated bysteam. aod fumlahed with an Blevator, Chargea aru uu-

uaually moderate. Bend for Caulogne toPRES'T. A W COWL1 S LL, It..



A Board.g Benlaary of hiphe.t Rra-ie. excltj-BIVELY POB LADIES. Buyarb modern bui_loga st_m-

beated, with hand ind eoa_~.oui ihapsl, ittaas.r,.,,_i».:iryi ari-r.-eiii-. p..ri ¦ .l_B aad foraiahei

s otrm foi 100 roung ladtei and for 19 Profeasori andTeachers. Flve eoursea ol study, .-: b dlpluaUon; also Preparato. t'1'.-. 62 0 i« rear, b ird,j_ _i__, :,, m .,,., _ii iu ixeepi Mu-le Art, Btonef.raphy aul Typowritltw. 8_d yeai Bept, 10.

J« v. i. k;ni, li. Ii Y Kde ,: 1. N ^.


Ul-.- uii-ui..i.-M-i Attraetlve. U> Ulch ScMBBBM. Laboratot] work tn »clei.c*s; Freuch and Geimanconversatlon; m_>le and ..rt. 29th year. Address A. u.

BENEDICT, a. M ( laton, H. Y-_KKill.l. 81 HOOL. BYRli -¦ "¦ >'.


tRLING bCHOOL b'.n UIWA Uadar tha su-

I rvl-l ii .,! the bt ll".. K. D. IIUNTINGTON. 8. T. D.Tlie nlcatecnth sthao! m ' ". IrtSJ-

Apply t<> Ml^- MAllY J. JAl KaON. Pili.clpub

|j 11 ,,.,.. it-.., a ory Sehool for Glrla Fourth\_.r. Open Octobei I. t .¦ elreulars addrea*

¦ rWDON IIAbb. POl GIIKEEPBIE, N Y.Ji a' ne .il l»aj pVh. Ilsi y. ar heijlns

., r Ihih. BA41UEL \VI.I,I..S BL'OK, A. M.

Ml .1 \.N bEMINARlYouna lad.e-, !.. autifu !"...b.

..-- fi m N.'v.-Vh.k. Addr. Rev. I lt. McLEAH\| 1>s, V-VABLK M Ih ai Ui.. 1 oong_il Ladios and Littl. GlrU 1.B60 Pl_»>a_, PhUadeiphla..||-t y.'._ :¦ ¦- ¦¦ _}__._Ml'..- - u tBJJINO V> D DAY st BOOL

n-n-on-tlie-Uudson, wul leopea\\ Im i-

M'.-s ['.AMl.''s IXM I"! i "¦ k Corm.-A HomeBchool f ¦;¦ gli i-: 44 mlles from 1 1 >n N. r. t

N ll. K. it. Board aad tultlon . Mustc,a-t an.1 the laug PUPILS itoAKIiJ^UTHROUGH Tlli SUMMER. Bend foi i.iilar.


PELTJAM MANOR-O-J-SOUND HEW-TORK,Will open Bept. _.:. .'::¦. u ppllcatlon.

II PfNSYLVANIA, BF.THL_.HEM, BISIIOPTUORPE1 -a boardlnR scbool for glrla 22d year. Opensbeat 18. Givei full aeademfi' rourae. \\ h, n d,»ir.-.|,Drenares for Vassar, 8n.ltt>, \v,il,-i.y. or Bryn Mawri1'',:!.^. F. i W.U.SH, pi

__BV_M Gablf.s, MRS. WKscori» a Bobi_.O laa Sch.oi for Tb.ia .adlaa, Bridgeton, ln>,uth New-Jersey. Preparea foi bot eoBege < llmatemild and dry. ftvmna-lum. Illustratad circular._


SHORT UILL8, NewJorsey..Biouet InsBtate: ihoraenPrench German and Bngllsh; home sehool foi |

ladles and ck Idren; locatioi. m.a other BdvaaBges _aa_r>faU tena wln **#n*»g*%*fa^ rr.,


rgiHE MIS8ES AiVABLE'S Boardlng and Day Bchool1 (oi Fouoa Ladles irlll rvopen Beptambw _-i, at

gg Bayard-Bt., Wew-BronswIck, N. .)._E.MPLE GROVB LADIES" BEMIHART, Baratofa

Suilnjrs, N. V Thlrtv-iifth !. ar beglna Sepiemberfeg -, ( I1A^. l DbWD, Th. D., Prea.IVALMUT i.ank SCHOOL.Fon_arly MadaaM Chna-lf eoPa.Boardlng a;.d Uav Bchool fur youni? ladles.33d ycir oponn Bept, --V _ud Collegl Piaraurc to.i- PunJli eniei WVllesley on uu: exsm<

[n»_on. Poi clrculan addrasi MIs AIJA N SMITH.Mrs. T. B. RiciiAKB.s, Prlnclpala Germaotow- vi.n.vdejiihla. _

Wl sT WALNUT STREI BOARDING BCnOOL.fur Y'liun^' Ladlei s:rl ',!:.¦..'. Ad

Mlbb J. TitAUTMANN. 4.801 Walnut-st.. l'hila.. Pa

For Eocn Sexes.Coun'iy.LAIR E_U_.1YTERIAB ACADEMT.

BOTH BEX l.S.. .in l. BLA1R Foandatloo. EngUah, Latln. Greek,, German, bpautnh Mustc, Drawlng, Palntlng,Physlcal Culture, ttcholarshlps, Prixea Large'.t, luw rates. J. H. MH'MAKi'-ii, Prlnelpal,

.\, !l, .%,-«' JI

CLINTON LIBERAL IN>ITirTF. -I'nein n ,\ . im, .. i-. bathrooou all floors, la m ,-

ladleB* _viiiir. .lum, 60x82 b ys 7..x.">,,: a'l 'l'' sol 'thranches; 116 (jai-hers; 11>s uiu-U _>u_;lli. l->:>

ii ;.,,, ...ui . bu_ne«s traudng.PARSELL, A. M., Prue't, Port Pbaln, N. Y.

II \' Kf I Nl,,\.,\ .N

LaltaboardcrB, i»*4,.-« ,. II.IIN »,,« -., . ,

.ii,-,', utiv.» yeara; - '¦ ¦' th4. Catalogue Iree.

;. i.i ORGE ., WH1 . ^ l_ :- l.-i.t.

Rui i,|,\Mi COLLEGE, N.;..k,. Hi.f.h.. \,.,. N ¦., \. .. opeua -¦ ,,'- I7ih. ^"i"l f-.r

W I! BANNJSTl R. A __._ Princlpal.C'OIWt .MAPLEWOOD INSTITl'TE, for botbrpdvU, ... 1. Ille, Pi on !''. ,.¦

Engll-h BTaduatlng, scleotlflr and collegl preparatonr,.,,MiM-- t !¦. little boys hlghl; reeommended.

JOB. BHORTXIDGE fTsle), a. kf., Prlnelpab

ii ^.nr.ii.-»i.'...^ ... ¦'.- . ..,.»,.

[_ reputatloi. n- ..'I,-.'.' prenar-tor] for youna men.ic, BM, .."¦ ii best bulld

loardera: i-rti.. refused from !;<¦ i> ¦.( i


A.'1 i, i .ii;>, |. proK-a-om. teachers all» branches suppli. sohooli aud tamlHas, cuUrs

kbooIs t" j,.ir Uirn languag. -i in. MliUAAlCOYRiKHE :n i. 17th, bet. 4th-ava aad Broadway,

AMERICAN AND FOKFIGN TEACHlOIbS' AO.BOTBuppbe* Professora,- Teacaers, Tuturi., Govcruesaea,

4c, tu Cuiiii*.¦-, behooMraod Pamlllea. Apply u>M^ M J YOl'NiJ-FLLTON'. _3 UnioB fc-iuaro.

-BEST Tl.Ai Ill.iUS, Amorlra'i and lor"l«n. -uppil^i,fur sll braeches, li. all locabt. -, bo abarga. TKACH-

___ VVA.NTFO; liO ft'. fur rCglsarstlOO; furm fu: -Uiniu.K. K. AVERY, Anierlcaii Sehool Buirsu, 2 Weat 14th-a_,N Y._BBOC_WAT'8 TEACHERS1 AOEWCT [faraarly Chi-

<*e"j. supplle» BUpsrlur teacliirk for sehoolf, culle^cs. i.d famfllea Mrn. L. PREEMAM BROOKWAT. 2oWbbI Z8d-st. Recommeads sehooU u, pireota._IV UPTOWN BCHOOL wanted ... ps wllMnic

L., i,;i ii hei kindergaru u be> i i'",.|.ReBsonable terms refereuee* IWMTAMTKR.1,002 Ptl.,rfWlE OMIOK T-ACnERB' AGElfCT (Est_,il»h,'i1 IhHO) prevtdes i>fh..ols with teachers teachera withp-jhltioua W. D. KF.RB. 1« AsU.r Plieo. 1». Y

.irpfTTORIWG ATsii.mvan BARBOR MAIVK."J A late hon ,r»,,an li. BMtfttmatlea, of rjinbrldps

iy, Fii/:an I. will prei ar>. . f pup ls fo«r sehool darlng tha ronnner vaaatlon. goodln I'l.uid BBB A'l; - a it n ¦¦> 40. rrlbane0_ee. _

Xl'OMAWK FJtrnANOF. Tr.ACHF.RB' BDREAU ftatti _, .., -'., p it. profeiaon teao~er», goTorosana,muHlc'Biia. hout"-Scrner«. oaipanlor*. .Iiat.eriiiisi, 6c te

Bollagas. sehooU and famlllsi; liw boofek^eoar*. atenotra-th> i- and c.pyl't* U' t,usln».»i flrina

Mrs. D- A i'"LVFR M 6th ave.. Now-Tor. City.

itiannng IXfaucinu-c. X-SAirrjli MACGRKGOR-K. 108 W_*T MTH-B_i PrtTtS* hnvu aud Cliooa In Lai.Uis dUIy._e_d_b*u_i HaU lo im lur Brlvato BMH.!.__.,





B. W. ni.YI»EN*TElS * CO., EOMMlN.ENC.I.AMEAll,.»s MMBOM - .,! t..-.r*t, M M_BW M

ac-tiv aocoanta of _ >* i. m' an . otnei ..

Tmnaae'- i seneral lui.tinu' bustneaa.u i.. .v .I i.-..t..:s-..rv notes .Hifi New-York or

Br.K_.yi. api.riiiM'd r.:.tasM llr.t -..rtgafe. wlth Tltlo

^'r^i.^'T;;!- Baa"ttuardlaa under w.u.f.r* ,e n'.-l s'..,...rv cbargee: also a. Rejgtstrar. TtubIm.Ti mafer ...d Flnanclsl A .-,' I'les, «."»»«*T.vni and other corporatlons, si.d lor I'.eal Eetate Mort-«K

"wm en".... b-.tid- !.. Maw-Tork, Brookiya and alee-

w.,. r.. Solleel reuta, eeapoas aad dljndonda,MegoUaMB Btote, Cfty, R^ aud eorpoeate loana-

flarret A. Van Allen, IeM I). Verrneula,Warncr Van Norden,Hoeper C. Van B. Van WoerUO. V'.m Noatrand.John R. Planl-n.nenry W. H.mkstaver,Robert B. Ronsevelt,000. M. Van lioesen.Wm. 1'owd,Wllllair, Rem>en,

J, l.ti Van Voorhia,W W. V-i Vf.i.rhU,Oeo. W. Van Slclea,J.-.res n.o»>-.'VCt_

u- Van WyefcAm".-".j w. Van*n.orst Kuyt,Henry W. o. Kdyo,J.'tiiam ('.iiolnow,Oe<*ne V. II'.l«man,Peter Wyckofl.

W D~ Vaii Vlec'k. Dsnl.d A Il-ald. .w _. van viecit0BKRTB_ gpOBEV-ET, Prestdant.

Joll.V D VEKMin.F.. Vlre-Fresident,GEO. W. VAN SICLEN. S«cretary.


Nfw-York Serurily & Trost Company,lt. WALI.-ST.


SIKPEtM.93011.000.000H_____ S. FAIIU'MILD. B_BB_

WM. Ii. Al'PI.ETON. IM Vfee-Pres't.WM. U BTBOtt-, _l Vice-Frea't.TlirHTF.Efs.

CHAS. B. rAEBCHlXD, L«'. 'Mls b WHITF,WM II Al'PLI'TON, JAs. lllt.L. BC I'l.ul, MiWM L STMNfl ML'DSON IJOAGLAND.WM! E BUcXlEY. 1',..-sUI-.I.I. I'. Il.nWElt.WM A BOOTH, JAMES hTl-LMAJJf,WM. II. TILUrfGnABT.A. BACKEK,wm ii 1;: EBS Jul!.. 1.1N«>,WM I - >'l'I ':"¦, Pi..i.. N. GIIIBS. Norwleh. Cnnn.

I'.vl.lAVIX B T MAI Sl li ia, M?B-feTUART G. NEESON. M.H.FOU;i itKlngaton.Oot,,M l. 1J. BOltDEN, DAN'I, S. I.AMONT.

AL'fi K'M RTZE.^^t _

jon.v u LAMSOM, Bouielery.Thla fompnny la n Ii_kI drpnaitnry for Court nnd

Troat fuiida. AllowsliilereM «n dra.talta. Arla na Ex-

rei.lor. Triialee, Adn.iiiUtrntor, finnrdifin nnd Itr-

rel»rr. Tnkea rnlire rlinme of K.-hI nnd IVriomil

Estnt.-a. Arta ae B__MMf »'"' -MmBM A*ent of oll

MocUa and liouda.


CapiUl - .- **,.+*.

I.s a le^al d.p"slt<.ry for ooarl m.d trunt funds and forjr-nerjl depoalta, upon whl.-h II 9*T'mr,^ram_1BERAL RATES "1 l.NTKP.l-.ST


Irom the date of depoMt ui.Ml Ute date ot withdrawil.The emnpsay als- by law acta as executor, admlnls.

trat..r, g_u_aa, reeelMr. aad traMea, aa BaeaJ audtran.'fev air.nt, and aa rcglstrar nf atoeka aad hunds.

I_¦.ei.tii.nai rates and raeilltiea are offered to i.-i.eiousMd tenevolent UiotitoUoaa and to OMMMM or tru.-.tccs" mmm


jniiN T. TKBRT. fJI I S KY It. IIVDE, > Vlre rre^ldenta.EDWARD 1.. M.iNTOOMRRY. )


1IF.VUY C. D1..MINO, B«e.rer_ry and Treasurer.fl.INTON HUNTER, _aa___t Setretary.


|f*J BlOaiWOJ. NesT-Yorl_


( npitnl nnd ?«urpl!M.Bl.r.10,000Toiul Tnlue of liunninty I'nnd .«0,OOO,OOOF.srhlK.nrtlsseeur9.11iyan.>v» On%n.uty BM_BM_9_B_n_

Mort_a_ronBral»_ < srtt threa t_l_ra m anny doiiar1. -..:..!. Tals company ls one ot th.. oMest, atreBgeatand haatai,«t l.iv.-.tiuaumi. Kew-»ork raterencea _lthe ' lirbeat 11. iracteranfl full mf .rmaUou ..n M had on apuil.catlou Kilty i,v.-Miiiiiit« B.akaanfl ..r.rt>»u huudrwl lusu-. ,.., DBholdthi aecwlrteaof thlaontapany. a



WB llWN' _9TB OKKElt

9100.000 WVAMMITTF. ( O.. g_ta-_J8, 9%810,000 DtTBPQITB ( o.. lowt, .la,

81S000 BAY ( ITY, MI1IIIGAN, 4s,810,000 _VCA8 CO- OHIO. ..«.

S' E. BAOIKAW, nomCaJti 4*aBj87-V000 (ITY OF rOEl'MBIs*. OHIO. 4s,


and other choicc secnntlca. Correspondcnce aollcltod,

8. A. _EAN _ CO.,

llaukere. 115 Brotaway, NewYork.

JDoitKcrs and BrorterB.


11 \V\EI.-MT.. NK.W-YOKK.




19JB Brondwnr, (Eiiiiilable Biiil.llnBl. New-York.

INVESTMENT BOXOflJ DOI <;HT AM) SOED.Or.lrr* re.civi-d for tbe nnrehn«e «r BflJfl 01* G*IO*_a

meni. Itiillror.d un.l Mtaeell.BOa. B*e_rltte_Ad.uiie.-a tiiiidr on A|>|ii.ivpil < ollnleriiU.



I'ouahkeep-i.- Hrid*e Bonda nnd BflaaB D.-nlt In.

II.Fll'If. JK.. 1WA1I. ST..Member N. V BUKk Errhaner. 5 COR. IlR.iADWAY. N. Y.

Siiningo Uunks.

l.MO.V DI.Hr. SAVI.\_S INSTITiJTMH,BBOAOWAT. a2ii-M\ and 8TB-ave..

MBW'TOBX, JIM. 19 1889.[nl ¦-¦ al Bm Baaal raa_ __» r iOUB i«.-r eent per

Bonnni op t.. tl.. ."..' THIlEh .. eent un anj exc -

\..t. t the pr.nt a_M year by... ol ii---- ..>; pajable .... ar aftei Jn-.v 17, ..r, ir

BO) B thdl IWI bM D* n. . r.--l fi .ii. July 1.Ouen dxlly n.-n.-iin- B-4t'irdarsi Ull '¦'¦ Mnadaya tii: 7.M,,.,. !. i, t. i on or befor* Jup 10 drawo Inu-rest from

Ju -, 1 B II. DUTI III.K, i't-^idest.DARDNEB S. CHAPIM, tBMoarei( IIARI.i S I-:. bPRAOUa. h. retarr


AD I4TII STNEW-YORK. Jijii« 2*. _Ba\

INTERFST at tbe rate of THKEE A.\h oXK-1 HAl.K (8*1.) pei <¦> ni p'-r aniuiiu wlll h« aeril- p. Ul i- foi (Ji-- -Ix iiioiifJis eiidlukt Jur.fc 80, lbr'j, »n allMiiii-. untlUed ili-r-t.. .if.d'-r t!,.- by-lawa, not > \.

-.,.-, ,..:,. i.i dollaea.I'M ll.ll' BI88INOER, rtllfllBt

_c K. AMTHOR, Trea nrej_III I1\M< FOR BAVING8.

67 BI.I I.< KI.K Sl'.. NEW-YORK, .lulr L 1R89.'iMli; BOAHDOF Titl 8T£_y have de. larad1 thfl Us'ial ll.O re>t m.d-r the |.r.j\l»lon» Of iho bj-lawa, f,.r th.- -I' niontUs erulltui Un- aoth of June. as f.,1-lo»n

Al tlie rar< if fO*r (4) ^.¦r OBBt l*r annum OB all auma..f t"> :>. d upward. not e*ce<_ing 88,000, |,,..abl- on ao,ii.c. th- thlrd Monday, beli I IStl da ol thla montb.

'I.i-.' i- ...' -..-i: al ie- ti, t..',,. ,..lic ' ...,ipaJ ou Un iii-t laal abote it aMadi onetly aa a

I ti «.11 tx- entered on th»- paas-booka at anj tin « whenrei,n ie,l r.n ai.d alt i ti.. lftrl. ln*.

ROBER.1 S. iioi.x, heCwtar___MANHATTtN SAV1M.S INsnTUTTON,VIAV rORK Jbim 38. iusx

7f7IIl SK.MI-ANM'AL D1VIDEND.I "I i irod iBtoraM,.ii all «

.a i... rate ui niEEE and uxi: iiai.k per t'Ktci?ir ant.uiii, payabi* MONDAY lnuly n.xt. EDWARD SCI1ELL. FrerrtdeuUR. 6. JJAYWARD, bttroiaij.


Guaranteed at least 7 per cent.

Florence Cottoo & Iron Co.OF FLOBENUE. AbABAMA.

CAPITAL STOCK, $2,000,000.-0.000 MIAIIKS OP 8100 F.ACU.

FULL PAir> AND NON-ASSl-SABLE.Rcclstry BBd Tunsfcr Ag"t.t\ ___4BM4B _BB and Trost

co., niiu h Maa BapsMtaey : >r th. BaBiT)il« c.nipat.f BB. ll.elr t!ca»ury BBBBa, fOt d-'velop.

ment BBip.6B only, at 85 per cont. Interest gnannt-¦(44 MbB 7 per Bat) by a lyndleaM of genUemen l liwith tho eeeaa.rp. The BUaw.a bbbbbbI of U> aa*.

dltlon 1« BfttBBd and aubmltted:400 N.wn b.ts at 6500 ead. .~.«_0O,O0flpatma. BBd BB ae m M laaa...8.000 lots (60x150) st .100 esch. MIO.WiO1.000 acrcs of ore Isnd.Cotti.u mlll and gln ln full opcftrlon. 30.00"10,000 shsres treanury stock a'. 85c.J EVi 0,000

p_.o,o,o»aTh» above property ls owned In fee ulrnple and fi

all dehu and ineiirnbran.o*. Also bBm BdM. llgarlBBrleht on Cypras Cr-'ek. with three ilan.s hulit and ln BBB,and MeaMaa. for thb. Bare, aaaa to baaaaa a ivnnanentaourcn of Incnjne.

The growth ef IFlorence la tho BBM BBBH.BM in tr>«

"New 8>,uth," the popBlatiOB kavli.k* BeUBBd slnco BepMflBB la-st from L',300 to 7,500, duo entir-ly M BdTBflMgBIofTerod ali cl_ss,-s ,,f mar.uf.iciirers. Ps_ IBllllBfll BntOI

Pleraaee, ahaagh aaaaaBBg wtta BttgathB b BbTbbbb

BBBM a "wwn lot" hoom BBBefe Florenrje, whlch ap-'p-ar-. BBTBB ln the n.-ar futuro, the ciinp'iny'." pr,,p.-rtysbculd BBBBB Iu ralB. b'a B tWBBld.sturhlnt; the traSBBrj BBBtB, B M BBIBBBd on a BBBfalMbB. _M _. aaaoal laaniB bUI Uj wnlnMwl tu pay tho.,. kh ,..!.¦ r« at least

15 PER CENT. DIVIDENDS.lnvestors ar. BfgBd M n,iK0 a thurough exaniioatiuu of

the BfaparMaaFull partiMilara awl pfBBpBetaBBS can r><5 ha.1 of BB

gmrt*-1 Bgaat, Wfca has peraonally VBUOg and exandnedt_- p spatBeaKA.MVb II. FOOTE. _4gBroadwaT. Wew-York.


COMPANY,Do Molr.cs. Ia. Oiuat.a, Beh BBBB. City, Mo.


Paid Capital. - - - $500,000W" affat I...H l DebenBree, Guaranteed Mori

yleldlng >l\ PF.K CEST., and Munlclpal Bond*.u/e bandle .. wiucb we have not eareiuuy

examlned and u noi fully re< mmend.w,. 60 Ti.i-t aad Inauranee t'-.,

Collegea and Bavlaga Banka, j. roany promInentnnaneien aad ln\.* «t". have been tor many y,.arsbolders of our securttieaBnnUera-Bn.ik ol >».-Ynrk, N. II. ATrustee The 1-armera' Lou.i iii.d Truat Co.

MyInvestments.Statii Line aiifl Mm R. R. Co.IgBTHOB.BAGBa pkrcknt. Ii()\l)s,


(I,Mlll.II t__l BTBTfPT.BT),

New Csstle _d Staanp Ms, R. R. Co.IST HOBtTQ ICn « PBB CBBT. C.OLI) BOBBB,DATED JL'LY 1, 1887, BUB JTJIiT 1. 1017.

<N. Y. I- K. A \V. BTBTBBD.


S.V.WHITE&CO,,lt iVMiiis,



Hnidcrs of Hmb. boada are reqaeetod to dl B] .on '-..with n 41- a ii lag Ihe forael .¦¦ure >fBe werigBge weorBg Ih s. boada The oompaay l* ddcfauit a> tn the BBapea. both ,,f Oetober and Apeft,atthoagb adraafiee on aeeoaat of pai: of th.ipoaabev. iii^.i: by partie. Breegh vhoa tho bui_uwon to gotlati L


DOUGLAS & JONES/ ^j*rjfi mtx i- f the Mew-lTJ BROADWAY AND 11 BEW-ST., N 1

Buy and sell Ktodts, Bond 0 Provlslons forcj h oi ra ma ¦. lotoreat allowed an depoalta i.m,.aiMindenco r»>l il I.Ji'HN V. DOUULA8. I WILLVItn II. JONtS.

I.K.TI hli.. Wo buy and wll Bibs of E:.ehtwivn on and n ,'¦" eable tram

i|L. fert- ef raoaey ra Eurone, Aut-KJ£ tr...» Bad Be WesI In,,...,,,,. m.ik.' oll ctlona aad laaoa oa.

:n lable in all parts ,,f the worldBKOWN BEOS, CO.. Banketa. 5u W;ill-_t.


MAPOR'S OFFII !..BT LOI IS. .I.ii. _1. W-:..

By vlrtne or Or 1", .1, authorlzlng iheIs.'i.; and -1" of renewal honds of v, tj ol St, Lot -,

ataled psoposals for _i,-. ventj slx thou boala,

and opened :it the Sayor's OfSce, ln 11>.Bl i. .uis, niiti! IJ ,.'.u. do !,. of t_i .1,

lt >ndi to yl« .njy will b.sai i bon i ...... -.!"..,(' i .v ii

,1 n mlnai in ol 11,000 L'nlt»: l Stat lColn, oi pUi"ir date, an i uni i. at Uera... of i).^-.- in 1 OftJ h. ,r |^rsiiiiun.. Seml-anrrnal laten-st coupona, payable ln Cnlbd

'... d ln »r In iof Februaryeach bond, :,ti 1 teth Ikib -. * il. l.. ii ,-

bu»i__Oilh< .1 tTIONAL BANK OF COMMF.KI'l'IH !t_W-l OBK CIT1a' th« offlce of J. 8, MOKOAJ k C41. LONDOB, i-m;I.AM'. ln

- i , itate in Mr !r propoaali ti.iBal pi i.'. .. .:.!.!, - |. bond.

Allr"~-r\ <.; as of thli advertlsement, and mustn- n iMirili.n nt on the ;i.,.-t of themnsi be addresM ,, tho undersigni i. "Pro-

h i-.- of 8t. L|e|H.kl1 nf -i

_i |e fi the order of the C-omptresleral I, ..Cjnal ll. BBl nr,t .. I!\.

ai uni: propoa il -.¦!. I, ,,..

tnrn.-d If the proposel I- n..t ..

1,. id -.ii, t to forfeltore u. _, .,, r fatiure.n the part of the hlddsi \>- eomply with hls pin raa ol eompllanee, t-. be reuined as jnr- of

i ba »iii .¦. ,.,; ef the c,...initi'-.' .", Ways aad Meaua .,f i.,,th braachea uf tbeMui lelpal A

11, h. i, I- ii,.- '.. paid for ln urretw f.n.d-. and .¦ ui i,..d"iiv. :ei| on the lst daj f Aathe Omptroller ln tl i \ew-Vorkat the ontioii of th" sui eessful hldl

in bu blTl,,- onderslgned reserves the rlght rejeel any i.n.|

Ml bblaA -ainip'c bond and fnilher Inf,

_t the offlce .,f the Cnmptroller ,,f the City olbt. Louls.

EDW. A. ' v. ".Tor.

_JOHN D.J BPtroBer.rhENVEB MOHTG iGE8, 8*8 AND 7_,


MrlNTOfSH A; MYIJATT, llnnkera,Denver, Col., and *.»tJ Brsadway, V. Y.

PBABt is him.. |

rpOLEDO, st. LaOUIS \N'U I-AN8A8 flTi'1 pi

\\ l.l.I.IM. t M \\.. OM -,i F.xrbang< P


itv OBARAMTEED. 18 por saal IttratB..t Baa..i 8 p- eeal lalH edgad) bn loana, liuni pri.'n irnl payahl. pmmp i 4' matarity. for imIb hjMORTOAOE BANK AM. I.VVl'STM i.\ I' )., Pargo'Dak

Full partlc.ari ind n."'" of ciien.- md si'icsholderiIn anl .u' of New-1 City BBd

ip- v...: it 11.11,;. will he . I Uou rom Mae lav a. 1to laaraday, p ra., July 4, and wmiid !*. pl.-jn'-dtalli "tplaiu Uu shuvu leeuriBas wiv uinics eaUMg«pou kl__



$200,000 KANSAS CITY, MO.,SMl- Yenr 4 per rent. Ronds,

$24,000 TOWHSMd Bf Mi,IIII MOK K CO., MINSf.,

1O-'iO-yrnr 3 I -'i Per C'ent. Ketaodln- Bonda,





(of Fennsylvania)FIRST MORTGAGE 4.>a PER CENT. BONDS.

nATEn.HNEl.l*H», IMKJINF.I.IOIB.Mortt'&ee. at the rate of §N.«sOO per mlle on 19 mllea

r.f r,.nd, arhtfeB la vlrtually a doublo traek.





8. V. WHITE & CO.,BANKERJ*. 5 AND 7 WAM.-sT.



Real Estate Debenture Bondsibbubo by


In Deiiomliintiona Irom 8100 I'psrnrd.Thexe l.iin.K *?" iBBBrflg by flrst mnrtcaRCS on real estate

ln Mlnnesota, Dakofci. Wls.-onsln, Color_l. and T'-xas, heidln trust by ihe Dnion Truxt Company of New-York andthe Securfty Company of llartr.rd. and hy the capttal and. .1 the. Mlddleaox HankltiB Company, whose llabllltlesnre llmlted t.v law, being re.iuir.-l to havo not le»s than|0 ix ¦-..>. i. ra .'ta on hi.nd than lts liahllltie*. As a

in.i'i.-r ',r fa. .. it ha- ovor twlce that aa>ount.-_M Bank-' Renort lt is onder tho superrlalon of tho

Btate Bank Cnrnnis-loners, tho same a- oth.-r Imnks tnConnectleut. Every tsafe^uard Is thrown around thcseLonds to inako them a- -af. aa GoverUBMat bonds. .

IT«s ItKCIIKI).Thlrteen year' ln b.BBflM BlBMal a dnllar lost. or a

day'a delav ln peyment of principal or Interest.Apply for full Inf'.-rmatlon to

FRANK _.JfJ-DtaOB, New-YorU A«ent,(With Ollder, Farr Co.),Bl AND 3.1 RHOAD-ST.

Dimfj-'tiJ Notices.

THE MIBSOTTRl PACIFIC RAIEWAY CO..1..". Broadway, N>;w-York, June 13. i»8a

DIVLDEND NO. .;»;.\ qnaro y divldend of ONE PER CE.NT on tho

etock "f tlus .oni|.;uiy haa this day tx-en de landpavable ou July 1".. 1889. The tranafe b'.oks will bj

on Friday. laaa 21. I889i at A o'.-lo&k p. m.,and reopened ou Tutslay, July lo. lrj.-'j. at, io oVlock

a. m. A- II. CAf.KF. Tieaaarer.illi.CEM'RUrNATIONTvL nANK~OF THE"CITY

OF NEW-YORK.NEW-YORK, Jaae '-'1st. 188'.).

PORTT-KINTH SE3II-ANNUAL I>IVI-L Dl-.NI>.--.Thfl Dlreetora ..f rhl- bnnk have this day

a seml-annual divldend >f THREE IXU ON_-HALF PER ..r tax. cui of trm earnlnsa..f ti,..- paat -l.v in .ntli.i. pay-bu ou and Bftel Monday,

fer li'.oks will ':om 3 o'clock p. m.3 Juno 20th. uniil th. iiiorn ,ur of Julv xrh. prox.

EDWD BKI-LIN, Caahler.|(E «D lll'.NN CENTRAL It.Wl.KOAI> CO_


.Plli: HOAIUJOF DIRECTORS of this Cofla-1 pany hs thls du d. od ol two PER\ i ipon on THi'li>l)AY,

t i".-' :.-. of August next, ;if, thla "tt. e. Tha tratwferlosed ar 3 p. m. on Monday, th.- 18th day

ol July, and wlll be i che monuag ol _tbe l'j.ii day ol Au,-u-t

IIBNRY PRATT, Tr. i_a_ r.


NEW-YORK. .luuo ^S, 1889.rPirK BOABDOF DIRECTORS, al 9 meetiBR1 beld thla d.iv. deelared a gjoarwrly divldend >.f One

al thla ..lllce, on Uie l.">ih day of Julyn. \t, to rtockholder* i.f rveord, at tbe eloaln* "f tha tiau.v

.- ..ii the J.eii lu-t.E. V. W. ROS8TTER, Tr.-a--.urer._


NEW-YORK, Jim.- 99, IBBkrpHE BOARD of Direotora _m thla dai de-X. clared a auarterljr dlvldjmd ot ONE Pl-'.K . ENT on thepreferred st...-.; of thls company, payable Jnly IV ltm'j,

-_ ,| r. ,-i*i oo thfl booka in thls ..ffl.-,- oa.^.v iu>AV. Juiv ii. 1880, at. 12 bl No oartifleataa >'¦ the

I -I,.-;. nill !.e ..-. .'ivil (OI tran^'r after Katurday,Jui-/ ti. at 1^ ui., umll th.- Qiorolai of J'.iy L8 foUowln*.


[4EW-YORK, .I'ln- 97, 18X0.

TIIF; DIRECTORS, from the earDingii of thoi. .-¦ -\ montha, hav. deelared a divUtend of six

oer oent, Bayabla ou and after July l.1 it UAM1LTON, Cashier._

THE THIRD QUARTEBL1 DIVIDKM) ofi i pei .-''ui. payable on aad u ¦¦< -tui^ i"t'.. al

lers of the National Uoa Unprovement('.,.. of reeord OO Julv tlth. 1880. Trsjisfer OOOBfl wlll bflcloaod .o Julj 8th, rt'n.1 reopened on luly 18th.

\ Btoek dlsldean ot the Btate ( ompanlea, u, the amuunt,of 12 i er eent,, hss also been lecl


_rooMS81 and :.'¦ 116 BROADWAY. city.

THE ELKVENTH ^ » rl!> BANK.N EW rOBK. lu;..- JI. leSO.

It Iir r.OAKDOF DIRECTORS bavi thia daydeelared a seml-annual divldend ..r four (41 eent,

frt'- frorij taz. payal la oo and afte* Julv l.The tr;.ii-.f.-r bonks wlli rernaln elnaed ui.til 'h.t date.

CUARLEIS. E. BROWN, <j»hler._fV HE NATIONAL PARK BANK OP NEW-1 vokk 21M June, 18M..A _Tldend ot l"i' i: PKR

.^ [c lared upon the MocB "f thla on itid -iftei -Diiy 1. l»s'.». anl mo

Iran fer ie.ok.s wlll !». oloaed ....til that date,Ci OROE s. iik'Rok. Caahler.

...i ICE ol' Wi ' < "Ml'\ N v,N<>. 08 BKOADW v ».

Nl WYORK, lune 20, 1888

THF. REGUHAB SEMI-ANNITAL DIVTm.n'Ii ..r fo.ii per eeni in* been deelared by the

Ul ectors of thla conpe_7. pByabta July l"., UBM, at our

offlce a-> Bbove,Thfl tranafer booka wlll etoefl June 20. 1889, and

Juiy in, laao.n ii i'\i;s'.\- \ lary.

CITI7.ENS' IVSl-UAN. loMPANY Of NF.W-1 iRK,156 BROADWAY. NEW VollK. Jull .1 1880.

oi 8T DIVIDEN1)..a l»ivi.!.-n.l of THREE< ' I PER RNT on the apiul Ktoek. .»!*.> nn Interest

of II ,'.' E AND A II u l".i: CENT mi thM

I. PARKER, Se.-ret.iry.



r.- ¦-,.-. r trslna leave fool ol Jay-»t. aa .wa (tro.; t - Mol.tle.-IB..

! Uberty, . oocB, Waltoui Delhl, Hlduey,i I'tlca. Rojpe, 0_ ida, Oawego, !>.

tr.eir. t-.i ._.-.. jnd .<!! polnta w' 0 .i.-j ;i :u. f..i I aoipbrll Hall. I.ike< Mobook ,iiii >lm-

,. WaUklll V..i.¦.¦. 8taU., bton; Foid. Mi>«u.M' Il 1 j laburgh, ii

vtlle I.'.. n ¦.

ii Mohoak an l Mtnii..«.».hj' Wiiisnl Valley Stationa, Mlddleuiwnbiiib, Port rla, MooaeeUo, i-aiNhur.!., BarkorvUM,

.1" |. ii,. f,.r .stot.r Ford Campbetl Hall, Middi.-t..w.i,.. WurUboe II. :.v II.

foi Middletowo, Pallsburgh, f.i!..-riy, Han-eoek. WaJten, Bldaey, Norwleh. Ittl. Rome, Onelda,Oswego. li'" ''. -u'r Susponaloo UriiUe. Chieago and |K,in«aBeal Ro. lolng vi.alr Var free lo Bua|ain-i..u llrl.lve;

i Bo i. i, aamrdara ooly, f..r CamBbatl nui. miiii.>.; Rocklaod

hiinla-- ii-., t, Mi :.. ¦..>»!«. Dally througb. Otbofi.i >..n IjV.

Pullniati Dt:i- -"'ats and flpeepin*--.1.. (NDERMONPullniati S.-ata and .sl-vplim-rar H.-rtha

I. vNIH ltS<'N.i..n. I'a^s AR'... 18 E\;e Pl*

BALTLMORE AND *»riI«> RAILROAD,ii i is. \ia i riiiA. tollAl.TIMOUri \V.\Mll\,

1 l\l INMII ht, I ."I . \N II K M..I.1-1 I.M \\ I'AR sl KVI.'I UN VI.I. TRAIN8.

1^ ,i.CIID'Ali I 18 i. 12 "ii ii.idnlBht.IN' inn \ I -i a * <>n p. m.

For WAKHINUTON IIAl riMORI h m a. m 11 noa ti,., 1 Kl |. ii, 1:16 b, in., o :o.) p, ,0i

nlduigiti Unnday B*0 a. ..., 1 30. 2 *). a:ia,S:(s. p. in. 12 (*) irldnlrht.

^,l i r aud Wll.nli.irton mrept. 3 :ljp ih.

I'.i li ui a. ->|... .. .1! ,4 i. t .)140 iir.... Iwbv ,,r at

Boa \.> s. Traaator V.,.u.~uv will c_l for aul ebOM>: re~Juio«.

J. T ,.|'t I i. CHA8. O. BOVTLL,Ouneral Managea a_t'l Paaa. Agenk

_Sailroooa.I?__5_ BAILWA1.-Ttcke4 Offlcaa, 4 0_71il713 and 057 Broadway, 168 Boecry, 1 BatterjiPlace Chainhers and gSd-at, lerriea, N'.w-.orfc: 33,and 333 Fultou-at., Brooklyn; 107 Broadway, Wlilun.s.hurg; coruer N. warh and il i-l-.,n st-.., Hoboken; an,New SUtion, /eraey citr, where Tickets and Psrh.ror B_sea_B < _r :ea_rvatieaj a..d afdera for ehaeuag _ttraiKf.-i ,,f baggag. eaa B Bbta_ad. Kxpr»«s tralna

j:id-*t. 5 iidnut"H earlier than t!m« arwwn froavl-hanilH-rs-st. local tralna 6 to 12. pilimtea eurller.0 a in., Day Kxprcaa. Buffet Brawli.B-roo.

Coaches tu Butf-lo. connert at lloro'dlsvibe for and ChatiU'tqua Lak.3 P- rn every day, ..thl'-ag'i and 8t. Loolii Uinlted." eoltgI unman 'raln of Day, Dlr.lng and »le< pl/.g coaches taMea/ivllli;, v,.iniK«t'i«in Marion .n Chleage v»t>h,,«fCh»n_e. Pulln an blceplnir eotebea t. Cl T-'l«n<l, Cbx ..natl «nd St. Loul*. BO SXtn h.rir- for fa»t tlme.

6 p_ m. eyery day, Chlcaeo and Orand Tmnk F.xpreaa n,\\*Pnllman train of Day and IJ'.rT-t, Bleeplng coaches UBuflBlo, Nlsgsra KbIIa, Hamaion. LonoVn, I-v sii.g,BbUM Oraeh. hi/iith B«nd and Chlcago wltbnut changa,Buffet Bleeplng t.ia.h to Roeheater srrl\c ; 3o ». _»8:30 ti. in. sverr d iy, "Chlcago Kxpr»«s," Pullman iniffojbWjiers, Elmlia. II <y,trfMeadville, Yoangstowo, ClaeBaatl and <»bago.Orango. <j, 8:07.. 9, 11 :l<>a. m.. 12 40. _.Io. 8 15 4 .QV%4:37.. 6.07.. i.arH. 6:18, 6:62 '. a |_ 11 30P m. Sur.days 8 45. 10 30 a. n... 8. 0 :15 8:15 10 g atRiitherford, 4, 4:45, rt. 7. 7:52., 8 :3o. !*.*>. I0:*T 13_>___,, 1, 1:50. 2:50. 3 37"s. 4 :07'3. 4.37., 5 22..5:37., 5:45, 0, 6:15. 6:80. 7, 7 30, 9. 10 *i, 12 p. iu.Pawalc. 4. 4:45, 0. 7. 7 ..V.4-. SO. 10:30 lf! » nL I.' 50. 2-5.J. 3:07., 3:i7.. 4:0T 4 37'-. .-,. 6.H*5 37\ 5:45, 8:07'3. D 15, 1:80, 7. 7:30. :. Ifl 30 1_!PaUrasa, 4. 4:45. ... 7. 7 :52_, !):*.. 10:30. (| 4. _ L1:50. 2.50, 3:07.. 3 30 3:37.. 4, i-W., 4 !3»L4 :37h. 5, 6:15. 5:30. 6:37-, 5:40, 6:07.. b 15. t 30.7, 7 :30. 8 :30, ». 10 :30, 12 p. m.

* ~

Newark and Paterson, vla N.wirk. 6:46, 5:40, 7 ._._.8:30 10. 11 :80 a m. (1 p. m Katti-lay only). % 1 30"4 :22_, 4:52.. 5:22.. 5 52.. 0 _?i 7 80, 10. 12 p. n.Rid.ewood, 4. 4:4.. 7 :5C_, 8 -3... :» 30. lo:3" 4. b... C1 50, 837%, 4. 4 :g0, 5, 5:22b, 5.30, fl. 8 07V fl 80,7. s 30, 10:80, 12 p. 111.

Rnir.'rn bn-ai. 4. A 18 7 .'».'., f» 30. 10 :30 s. B, L l_i_3:07.. 4, 6, 5 80, 6:07*1 '1 80, 7, 16 60, I. B, _ 1

Kowhur.'ii, 7:'.J1-.', 9, 10:80, 3:4.5, 4 :3o. 5::w.Ih* 8 4.i ]>. iu 1. isl ipresa eith parlor uTu'-do, 4 45, 7:52., 6, 10 -30 x Bt: 1, Past ExpreBrr~:i :45, v i'Ii I'arlor Car, 4, 4 :.<), 5:30. 7 p. in

Uosheo, I 45, 7 ^."i, 9, 10 :30 a. _ 1 3 3o, 4 -30. 6 :30,7, 8:.'10 p. m.

Mlddletown and Port Jcrvts. 4 :45, 7 :52'a. 9. 10 :30. a BL I1 8, :< U 1,80. BUM I, 7, 8 ::kj p. m.

Bund.y local tialna, maln llne. 4:45, 8:15. 10:30 a _«1 W, 4. 6:80. 18 p. m.

Expre^a tralna from WrH arrive 0:50, 7:40 a m., 4:684WORTHERM RAILKrAD OtF V. J. DIVIKIOW.

Enprlewood and Tenatly.6:15, 0, 7, 7:30, S:I5. 1:4»,0 45, 10:15, 11:30, 12:20. 1 10. 1 30. 8 8 30 4.4 :.-._.. 5 fJ-BO i, :45_ fi:(>7_, 6:46, M. 10 30. 12, Suu-davn, 1 :]"., '.. :80 a. BV, 1.30, 4. 7 :30, and 8 :15p. m.

Nyark and Sparkiil-5:15. 7. 8:15. 10:16, 11 M. 1:80.8:30, 4. 4.:45. 4 :5'.'_. 5:30, 0:07.. tt 1*7 8. 10 30. 11Bundaya, 8:15. «»:30 a m.. 1 .30. 4. 7 :W. 8 15 p. ra,

10 eenti ln po-faije f.. i^-n'l Paaa'r A^eut fag"Suhurban flfr.^*.n wltn lucal tin.e-tahlea.

W. J. Ml'KPliy, l.l PABMBB.Qen'l bu.t fb-neral Paasenger A.ent.^


THE OBEAT rOUR-TRAI K TBUBB LINBselsct.'d by the fiovernment »¦< 'heRODTE OF THE FAST r_AlL.


GRAND CEXTBAL BTATIOB,Lar.eBt and Flii"Ht Pa»s,'i.i!er Ktailoi. in Amertt. a_|

the ouJy Trunk blne Ballway Station ln NewOTork imi oM ANO Aj.gRjt'NE 80, 1886t8a. m.. Roohester F._pie., Wak'.^r drawlng-room CBB

Kfew-Yoifc to fsvrn'O*.i» (XI a m fa'a: lt. «. La_1 Oeor.e. All-onia'k in^ Mob-

troal SD-^clai! Wa.n'-r drawlng-raoai cars, N'.-w.y,,rk tafearat-ura t'ajlwell and Montraal, vla Hud-i.n Rail'roNd. aud Bow-York P, st. AIBub». VM OBMMV^g^aa_!*FA¥OUa BAOBER yaBTlJBPLCT BTrBVTOIIK CHICAOO ANU BT LOUI8 LIMITED, -oi_.

posed exclu^lvely of buffet s_o_ngcBr, dlnlog<ar. draw-fne-room anl >!eepinit cars for \ __;?_>I'.' hester nufTalo, \ia«ara Falla. Erl" rj'^'jCtc, airlvln. at, Chleago at 9:50 a. m., Indlai'*^, la U 36a. m., St. Louls 7 -'40 p. m. next day. < nn ¦* it 1 leve_Uind with traln for Coltimbu- and Clnetn. atl. <.oni.»eu aaAlbariy with drawlng-room car for Cooperstowa. BBBBBcompartroent ileeplng-.ra aow M a»r

tlO:Hfi a. m.. Chba.o F.xprese f,.r Nia.ara F»U\ To.ronto, t'lcv>land, CtoelnnaU. Inl'.anr<V_US r??jy'*_ *.*Chicajro: Wagoet dn»wlii_-r.,om cars to K7:hueld Sprtnga,Caivaudalgua and lt.«'heer>r. ._,___,

tll 1 m , Weatert. New-Vork and North^rn t-.xpreaa,for barato-a, Lak-i f»eorg«. RoUand, B^nnlngton, NorBAda::m, Be. ua-ne'r draa.f-i B4W.T66B ta.->_ra','Ma and Caldn-ll IJike George).

3.30 p. n... baratoga bpectal, with Wa_.ier curs u, Barataffa and I'tl.a.

.8:68 p. m.. Aceo4_nodation to Aibany and Ttot. ro_nectd for WllllaaiatowB, North Artams and inp-rmedlaBnointa on Tlt.-hb.irg R. R. Waguer drawlng-r.>jm car.New-Vork tu Alhaiiy. __

-j.) p n_. Faai ( hb-ago CInclnnail and St. L'.nla Ex,presa for Nia.aia FaJK BufTalo. SuspenalOB BrldgJ, To*

md Clevoland, Clnclnnatl, li.dianap.dls, ht. r.u!_1). trott and Chicago, with WBa_H v>-"ii.uied sle.plng aoA

"»ri:0orp. m., Thouond Island and Adirondack F.-presa,waauer bflvping Car, Bew-Yorb t.. cityv.n vta, C tlea,dally. Wa_ner bleeplng Car, Bew-York to P»u bmth a,\ia L'tlca aud Northc-ru Adlrondack Rallroad, dally BBBBB

*f6T5y'D. m., Cansndalgua Accommodation. Wagneasi...i, i,_..'_r Naw-York to 9yr_cuae. and .syraense taCanandalgua. Tbr,.u«h Beepdng-ear, New-Vork to tanan.dalglia, «n Uie 7:3.1 p. I... Uain.


10 u tn Monfraal, vdironds/k and 1 ansndalguBExvress Wagiier »Ieeplng-ears dally to Nortb <'r,-ek, >tar

a and Adliondack b-_ir,,_il, aU. to i'iatt-nurg, con-

necUuia at PlBi-burg with paHor sar for baxanae bata, i_|.lvk Mo.iiituii. polnt... Uairner a. epins-.-are_a_y do Montreal, vla ll<,ur.-'s Polot aad via Bt AlfH__*_¦in 1 to Byracuse aud Canandaltrua dally. excepl bunday.

¦1 d m. bpedal Mall L;_,:> il B_>_.BBB'v...__!.. A -Q* m _nr1 1*'!,-v»*!_ni1 1 -'_l n. __,BajajIS.llA,Bt o_s Botroll and Chleago, mth Wagner sleepBg-eaeB._leenln_*eara to Caaandalg_j on bundaya only.lVnildi.^ht for Baratoga, Whltehall aud Kutland. Vmpnntiertlon with train leawng .Satii^i-iy. \Va«r.,"r 4aBf_BB>caw to Alh*n" Conn^oa at Aibany with BBBfl M tha

^"Tlek^ts aiid^s'paeo In drawlnaroom and aleeplnc _rs ot*^u"., ,. s-a-ion !i:i. 785 .04 848 l!-vlw_y

,.,... I.,--. Place. 68 WeM 125_.1.. -nrl'-a-l,., S"'.v-V.rk, 333 Wa-hlngtor, and 7_f

Fulton ito., anl 898 Belfordave.. K. U BrwjWya._'V-,"r,,,ti'- Kxprese caUs tor snd checka bavK.'. -On.

"^r'othor. dally except bnnday. | Stop a138th-wt. etatlon, N'.w-York.

FA^T PTTTSFfFr.T) AM> NORTH ADAMB RPFCIAIj,wi'h ewnl Wagner l.raaMti.-w iu ar^. leavea tl "4Coti-I stetlon, via Uarleni Dlvfalon. dally. except .S-.r__.ji,,, i ii, t, ii. -_*l tiuio. Bupertor -_*0_\_fl\ OEOR1 -MF.r.S,

WtST S1IORE RALLEOAI), N. Y. C. __jH R H. k. ... nea.Tralas h-ave u^*t -i_!-._.

wc-.Uon Bew-York, a.-. foUowa aad iweau rolnuasa aaatBBttom f'^-t of .b.v-t.. N. R. Chlcago, I>".:o.t. L.>n..n«Hamllton, -o 65 a m., .8:18, .8:18 p. n_ *t- la,ai»..5 15 -8:15 p- ni. Topantn, 10:5-> a m.. *5:15. *8 lfp m. Moatroal, Canadu Ka<t, .."> ii p bl Mu«FilN Byracaae, Utlea miA pn. .-pai inwn.. diace »¦-

I ;-, B to a BL, .'.:l-">. '8:18 p. m. ,_nd .. H*p___ m.for L'ti.a erlri. KlngBtan, aaug-nles, i.ata-I 1 Aibany.3 T5 "i 18 ".' 5">. a, II :S0 a. bl, and *8 b|B. BL N-.'bui-. '10 15 .1. BL, 1 18 4 1V 6_S8. »6 80.*11 -15 D BL H.v «f .. . 8: 5 a B. 2:4 . 8 B "-

Baratoga Bpe al (a> 11:80 a. m.. ta 3.i.'.p T»rawlin_ room ears tiu-eiwu t.. tsantovra.


lake C". rge, 11 80 a. m Ivawlt.g R>om Cars to Cal_>frelL So irli"' onbr, (.a) 3:4.'. p. m.

l.ak,- Mohonk aud Mlnnawaeka, via Niw-Pa'a. 9 .or»_(a, ll M) ¦ Bl., 1 p >u OataBars onlyi (s) 8:48 p. bl.Oramlna Room Can t«> KIi.k».n on '. uO, taa 11 3o a bl-(Si 3 .4"> p. ni-

Ka.t> Huntor. f;rand If.t.1 Stafbrn. and .hoe-nlci-i 3 1\ '.» 00. (Bl 11 .'*' a. BV - * *8 P- m. IirwitgK.,.; Can. t,, i.rai.l Botel b:a:t'i aod t_ PhoenlciB ifoalbity! RaaBraklll aad McnaBta il aat aa aoo, taj ll 3aa m ard s) 3:45 p. ui. tiali.n.

I.envllle, Calr. and MoonBUB Roaa. Station. 8 16,- |.-, a BO :. 11:80 a- n - 3 I". p, BL I'rawlogRoom Car. to Catsklll oo (a) HMt m. aod i-, 3 l". p. a_

it bleeplng Cars for BulTaki, Nia.aia FalU,Toionto, Detroft, «'hl.__» ar.i i»t. L.,nl». *!»__]..Uhi v e\,--pt Sat'irilaj.. Other tralni. d_Jly n./plBm.dBTS, fa S) I.. a\c I- R. It _i_'bi_.all 20 a- nv. s3:3o p. n>. Boboksn. Weal Btef. hu.Men ,11 2>1 a. ..,.. -3 .4', |) n.. lo tlcketa, t1ue"-tal.leaor Infonnallon, applj a ofruaa t'.r .,,ki< n-;wg Wa^Mcgton..r 72>. Pultoi * ex Offlce. I Fulw t. N»w.V.''k Cltd 271. 808, 785 anl '.t42 ll..*,l»av. 153 18

IS l'.rk Place. flrt We-t U.'.lh.Ht.. and We,t ShnraHtatlnna, fool of Weai 4fid-st. and Im>' ol Jav--t. N R_\> otfi Expreaa ealM for au.t aheeBa ba_.'_.o froBl...t<'la and lasld

r. F LAMBP.RT.BeMMl PBSBMCBI Asei t, 5 VSilderf.l '-4'. ti T.

¦0 D ni *>pe':lal Man ..lieo. irnrti a jv"-n,_

7-40 aT' m.' BuffsJ,) 9:35 a. tn., and Ctove_ad 1:25 p.-tlo r^'m I'ait Blajhi Bxpresi for RoehaeSer. Buffa

Nl'i-ara Fall* Toronto, Ci'-v-laud, Cinelnnatt, Inrtianaiml'

l.Hli.ll VALLEY RAILROAEk.PABSErtOER TRA1N8 I .¦' of r-rtlaodt an<B

.. I I >wi7 a ,i im. >'. |N.inu

B a. ui. for '¦'.¦ '¦'¦¦¦ It.ii7_iu>Wi-st, anl prtnrll i.P_ ' ,,_lr o_ u(

Lyona aud ¦ '. .Urtd6w.11 a. BL for and ii.iertuedBB BBBB. t'hala

oai Ma.K h ._______

1 p in. f,,r hinkhanaoch spd Imerroedlate |Kiinte_ihalr ..'- Ui Tuiikhaniimtk. lonnc'tlan b Rtsnliiu :_jllurrl«burg.

iu p. in. f»r l.l.'.lra _nd princlpal IntermediaU' im .j,t«.¦ I' . L. * 11 J 111'': 'il an t P pef u.

I l.l p. ni. f'T B'atli l"o. and It.terttiedt*'* p .|ma.(, n, f,,r ^la«^h i»,lnta,

nalr _. _aliiunk.

,- t. :i f,r Gen< ^ unlra, lt,K-h.-»_ -. l'...(TaI_tai.d the W«»t. I'.illm.ui ' >i.«|M_a___lDrldge.

Traln* 1> avln* at H a ti, 11 I Bl I p in ,n<| g 49t for all pelnt* tu Mahaiioy _nd Il.tric.¦

.-...1 rag IDAY rRAiaa8 a. m. for Mau,:. 1 kuuk, HailetoQ and liitrrme__tB

p. n,. f,,r Slvi'ii Fhnnk .-" m, foi Roeheat, i.n rawand tn* We-t. Fuliiinii ^i-eper t., I.v,,n« and 8u*u.-na.s_|

General FaaBarn (.*, e. ggg HmadwaT

N EW LINETOWASHINGTON sn ti 11 4 I.TI NTif.f,VIA N rilAL K lt. .¦) \| St |. i;.| t*.PH1I.A Wi. i;i tlHMI R K

anl IIALTIMolll n r:belld Traln*- N,. Tm-..r \ ,. , ( ,r. , . K-_», Ti_a»11 l.l.MAN Alt - » AL- Tl AlNJi.

BCIIF.DCI F. IN I 1 |' m w |_TM.. rr?\'rJ'*Y L."ll_*. '',' lUili-al of aleW-JBBBBBjfoot Utn rt> -t. North Rlver.Ir W4ahll1gfc.11 and !l.l'in...r.-. p ;,i , _, II i Bl

I " -' | ., J.M... b *t> a. BL|All tralna «t»p at » hen... and \V.iiuit..toti. *xc»-pt 3 1B

p. 111.1 ,.r pblladrlpata at 4, : 1 - ... I H a m I *\

i » -, ,Mindayea!.. |:| I 1, 1 tl *. |> ... 12 Mkh-

1 ¦.K¦ t* and parl . ¦¦! at 21, T_,t81. 415 '.>»«. 1.140. 1.8.3 I .4418 \ rk 4 1 ..urt-a_J

New-t will .sll for and ahBBJbaargage fr,,.i, k.-fc r rr.i ,.

.. niH.11 ¦_ -."O .4 :|t> H'ape .- .¦¦ -«pru*e. e.CBMQP.e-i Hanki, 1 20 -vprn.). 5 10. 7 w p. iiu buiidayaj.. .<. p m ^|

Prora r,«i of ui.»»o .. * 00 * 16 . *> 11 tn av _v_-.80 8.30 teSBSWSB I '" 4 30 .rxpre..,. 6 Bfl

ie,i,..,.,l 0 1.' p. Ui 8.1"^*^ '' >i 4 11, 4 iSI p. ni.,fsntiday trahta d., aot »U>p at iKoaa Groyv and A-b_M


RFPITS BI.onC.FTT. J R Woort,biiie-inten.b<«t. Oew'l PBaa. A f-ni IVen R R.II- P. BALDWIM, G«n'l I > > B B f jQ

OT. LOI 18 m;i THE \VAH.\S!| Ifl It.^J Th la vM Ma««aia Fall* Imj\". tle' iir.1,,1 t'.'i.ti 11 l»..p..t al 6 u. ni. i.lallrTvla tl... V > \ m eni 4: M ,,l \Vasi__Railwaya.dlulng cars for ali meala-afrivtng m g| ta«l_7:45 *.', 1.11.I ni.i.nn.g n«,^'; n. ,1, Unb-a **-__! ____Loiu. fw all peluta Weal aad iwiiia f ^^ m"**