New Marketing : The Game Changed

Photo: by binaryape The game changed…


An 18 min talk about marketing, making the point that although the way we have applied marketing is broken - the core marketing concepts are intact. There are new rules - but they are the same as the old rules when we were connected on a much smaller scale than now.Will try to turn into a slidecast soon.

Transcript of New Marketing : The Game Changed

Page 1: New Marketing : The Game Changed

Photo: by binaryape

The game changed…

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We didn't need brands. We knew that Hans made the best cheese.

Hans was the brand.

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Finding stuff people want, Finding a way of getting it to them and Getting them to talk about it.

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Winning at industrialisation Making average stuff for average people

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Broadcast dominatedSo we bought eyeballs . . .and interupted.

Photo by Bill on Capitol Hill

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Photo: by Ilya

We could create brandsThey listened, They believed you . . .and the message spread

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We don’t trust advertising

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Photo: by twose

Your brand is what the connected crowd say it is!

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South Africans are connected!

Photo: roscoe van damm

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A new game with new rulesConversationsRelationshipsFans

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The internet is word of mouth on steroidsdeliver the experience and the word will spread… They will tell thier friends

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Looking, searching, finding

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ListeningAll relationships start with honesty - trust.

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Activate your fans

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Using all the tools

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The game has changed and the race is there for the winning.

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PiKE The Integrated New Marketing Agency

Making sense of brands in an always on always connected world.