New Learning Management System - Kenyatta University

New Learning Management System How to Log in

Transcript of New Learning Management System - Kenyatta University

New Learning

Management System

How to Log in


• Open the web browser eg Google Chrome, Mozila Fire fox or any other browser

• On the Address bar, type this url: and press the enter key on

your keyboard

Address bar


This log in page opens where you are required to enter your username and password

STEP 3• Enter your username which is your short registration Number eg. 12345/2018

• Enter your password as 1234 if you are a new user


STEP 4• The system will prompt you to change your password

•Type the current password which is 1234

•Type your new password

•Save the changes

STEP 5Click on Dashboard to get into this screen


Dashboard tab

The Timeline will give you the

activities as scheduled by the LecturerCourses registered for; Click here and

select the Unit name to start reading

STEP 6• Before you start navigating into your units, click the following tabs to learn

more about the platform:

• A) Welcome message tab

• B) Online Netiquette tab

• C) Kenyatta University website – you can access the KU website from here

• D) DSVOL – IBP and Digital School students can access the Digital school website from here and access the students resources and other important notices

• E) Library tab

• F) Open Education Resources tab (OER)

• G) Training resources tab

Important Tabs



