New breakthrough for Indonesia...

Issue No. News CR Asia - Your reliable partner November 2014

Transcript of New breakthrough for Indonesia...

Page 1: New breakthrough for Indonesia securing new customers in ExxonMobil and Shell Bukom whilst managing high

Issue No.


CR Asia - Your reliable partner

November 2014

Page 2: New breakthrough for Indonesia securing new customers in ExxonMobil and Shell Bukom whilst managing high

The Group Perspective

The Group continues to have agreat year in 2014.

All companies in the Group have performed above expectation and we are on track against our long term growth targets.

The business has invested significantly in new equipment, achieving a record level of capital investment.

India has completed the latest Parex project for Reliance, completing the job in record time with no safety incidents. India completed many other projects including a large shutdown for HPCL, VGO's for Reliance and HMEL and a Hydrocracker internal replacement and catalyst reload for IOCL. The Jamnagar yard is now completed and the business is poised for further growth after considerable investment in equipment and facilities as it pursues its business plan objectives.


CR Asia Singapore, together with our agent in Indonesia, Kotaminyak, have been pursuing an opportunity for CDT at PT Asahimas for quite some time. Recently our persistence paid off when we were awarded with a pigging project for their TLX heat exchangers. We were

only given two weeks to mobilize. Although it was a very tight schedule both KMI and CRAS went all out to make this possible so that we could assist Asahimas with this first decoking work request.From 17th

August to 23rd August, my CDT team members together with KMI's team

executed the decoking project within their shutdown window to their satisfaction.

New breakthrough for Indonesia market

Elvin LowCDT Division Manager

CR Asia Singapore

Malaysia has had the best year in the company's history completing many successful projects including a large catalyst handling project for PTTSB, a tubular job for BASF, a tubular reload at Shell MDS and the ongoing BASF contract. The business invested significantly in new equipment this year with a new vacuum unit and several new HPWJ pumps.

Having secured the extension of the Shell Global contract the Singapore business continued to deliver through the year matching its record revenues from last year. Major completed projects include an initial load for JAC/PEC and a large volume of catalyst handling work for the ExxonMobil shutdown. The CDT business has performed well during the year securing new customers in ExxonMobil and Shell Bukom whilst managing high levels of activity in India, Malaysia, Thailand and Indonesia. The Group has purchased 2 new CDT units during the year which will further bolster the growth of this business. The Tubular business is growing as Singapore invests in new equipment to place us at the forefront of this market.

In Thailand the business has exceeded expectations successfully completing a number of very large shutdowns including SPRC, HMC and Bangchak. The ongoing CUEL project is going well, our offshore business is growing and the business has either secured or is well progressed in securing a number of new term contracts. The business also delivered several tubular projects during the year.

Mark StansfieldGroup Managing DirectorCR Asia Group, Bangkok

Phase 2 of the SITS system is complete with the release of the "PADS" system making procedures accessible to all staff with a computer through the secure areaof the company web site.

Levels of customer satisfaction are high in all businesses and our safety performance has been good with several safety milestones being met including 7.5 million man hours without an LTI and the 5th consecutive National Safety Award in Thailand.

"Safety is our First Priority". It is the responsibility of us all to ensure that our safety procedures and work instructions are followed at all times and that we take care of our fellow employees.

We will continue to pursue the business growth strategies identified in our 2014 business plan which will see significant new investments in personnel, equipment and facilities in 2015.

Once again on behalf of the CR Asia Board of Directors I want to thank you all for your efforts in 2014 and confirm our confidence that the Group will continue to deliver strong growth over the coming years.

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CR India GM is full of optimism……….

HMC PDH Plant Oleflex CCRand Regen Unit Change-out

Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

View of inner and outer screen,Lifting of surge pot plug distributorand cover decks

David RichardsonGeneral ManagerCR Asia Thailand

Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

I am very pleased to say that CR Asia India has had a wonderful year 2014 with several prestigious contracts completed and entering new business to expand service offerings to customers. When I look back last year during budget discussions, the budget was almost 50% higher than 2013 and I was thinking that service companies don't have such growth year over year. But the convincing part is the opportunity that we saw and we took on the challenge.

Between then and now, I can say that CRAI has evolved itself into a very different organization, starting from the employees who rose up to the occasion to meet deadlines in execution, working safely with no LTI, moving from one project to another from February to July. With their support, operational efficiency and minute planning from finance we achieved 90% of our budget by August 2014.

During June and July CRAT completed the catalyst and internals change-out of the Oleflex CCR unit at HMC PDH plant. The design of this unit is completely different to the conventional CCR's that we do. There are only 8 of these units in the world and it was the first time for CR to work on one. There are 4 reactors in series with multiple components that need to be swapped out. The regen side is mostly similar to the standard CCR's that we work on.

The scope of work included heavy lifting, cutting, welding, pipe bending,

At the beginning of the year the CR Asia Board and Mark Stansfield madea commitment to expand our Business Development activities by having Ian Thompson, Group BD Manager to be based in India to develop strategy, map our customer base and target potential customers for new business and new market. This think tank process worked really well under Ian who gelled with the CRAI team and executed strategy by bringing in a dedicated BDM based in Mumbai. I must here thank Ian, Mark and the Board for this initiative.

During this year we executed several projects like PAREX, two VGO's, OHCU, multiple CDT and HPWJ jobs. We also executed a complete shutdown project in HPCL in 18 engineering days, more information on these projects are available in other sections.

We also moved to a bigger yard in Jamnagar to accommodate growing resources and have hired several key employees to be part of this exciting

journey. We also invested in critical equipment to support our growth plans.

Overall, I see CRAI is transforming rapidly to become one of the best T&A companies to lead the industry in core services and capture new business which I will share in my next episode. I am really happy to lead this organization with dedicated, motivated and focused employees. I also would like to thank all CR associated companies for their support, CR group management for guidance and the Board for their support to grow CRAI.

Thanks to everyone who have been a part of this journey. This is only a start, the goal is to achieve or exceed our commitment given to the management.

HPW, dry ice and glass bead blasting and fitting up and alignment checks on internals with very small tolerances. This unit is done every year so it is a good opportunity for us to be able to perform this project annually and increase our work volume. It was a learning curve for all involved but having done the job once now I am confident that we can do this job very effectively when we get asked back to do it next time.

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The pressure increases as CR Asia Thailand's record breaking PPS Project starts to go full steam ahead at CUEL Fabrication Yard in Laem Chabang.

The Ichthys LNG project, a joint venture between INPEX and Total, is approximately 200km off the coast of Western Australia. The gas from the Ichthys field in the Browse basin experiences preliminary processing offshore prior to being exported to the onshore processing facilities in Darwin via an 889km subsea pipeline.The project is expected to produce around 8.4 million tonnes of LNG and 1.6 million tonnes of LPG per annum, along with an estimated 100,000 barrels of condensate per day at peak.

CRAT is now involved in just about every aspect of the project as the first four shipments are successfully sailed to Darwin Australia. The mammoth project has now incorporated several of CRAT's divisions on the project including:- Pipeline Services Division - testing, cleaning, dewatering, foam pigging and drying of all process lines, function testing of all critical valves; Specialty Services Division - cold cutting of process lines up to 52" diameter, bolt tensioning and flange management of the same size lines; Chemical Cleaning Division - full Aquis wash-down and treatment of all modules prior to shipment, line preservation and passivation including confined space entry.

Safety Milestones - the project is closing in on 15,000,000 man-hours without LTI. CRAT has contributed to that astonishing number by ensuring that our average of 90 personnel on site are trained and aware of the job they are required to do, participating in JSA's, toolbox talks and several other safety initiatives.

The CRAT team has adopted CUEL's Behaviour Based Safety (BBS) system which includes both positive and corrective nature of our daily work. Each employee is encouraged to submit one BBS card per month with awards being given to the best card per month and a lucky draw for others.

Thailand under pressure - CUEL INPEX

The first of many modules are loaded onto the vesselfor shipment to Darwin Australia as the CR Asia crewprepare the deck to ensure Aquis compliance

Specialty Services crew start a gigantic 52" cold cut.Total duration of the cut from start to finish wascompleted in a breath-taking seven hours.

CRAT Pipeline Services Lead Testing EngineerKhun Songkrand Paksi leads by example andshows his crew that sometimes you need somemuscle to get the job done.

Pipeline Services Lead Supervisor,Khun Chaiyarit Phuasuwan wins the best safetyBBS card of the month.

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Karl (Charly) DettkeSenior Project Manager

CR Asia Thailand

Chris GraysonProject Manager (Inpex Ichthys Project)

Pipeline Services DivisionCR Asia Thailand

Update from CRATon the Module Cleaningat CUEL INPEX Thailand

Just in time for the first module load-out. A CR Asia Thailand "wash-down team" from the CCD Division was mobilized to the CUEL Laem Chabang module assembly yard.

During the final module construction period our "ship loose team" was very busy with cleaning and preserving ship-loose items such as HU-spools, ladders & walk-ways, which afterwards will be stowed and secured into the modules.Meanwhile, in the modules, a "sealing crew" cleaned and sealed all vent holes in handrails and pipe-supports, gaps between flanged joint connections, valves, lighting systems and electric junction boxes, basically any place where BRM (Bio-Risk-Materials) could have landed and remain hidden. A "module housekeeping team" performed maintenance dry-cleaning tasks in order to shorten the duration of later wash-downs.

On the day prior to load-out, CRAT performs a final clean of the entire module, to a standard that will satisfy a thorough inspection by the Quarantine Coordinator and his team.

cleaning activities a vessel will come in to berth and the new grillage already cleaned by our "ship loose crew" will be installed.Once the module has been transported onboard the vessel and after completion of all sea-fastening activities,the last task for our "marine-crew" consists of dry cleaning of the entire ships-deck ready for a final inspection in order to be ready for "sail-away". The above circle is repeated as the next modules are close to completion. No time for R&R.

CRAT play a key role in supporting CUEL to ensure cargo to Australia is as 'clean as new' and satisfies the Projects and DAFF standards. Non-compliance can cause harm to humans, fauna and flora and will eventually result in damaged reputation, delays to the project schedule and additional costs.

Where the module cleanliness is acceptable, the entire module is sprayed with insecticide. In parallel with the module completions and

Khun Nattapong Vareecholis is key to HSE matters onsite and instructs the many CR Asia crews prior to performing a task at site about the hazards they can face and reiterates that safety is the responsibility of everyone. The team representing CRAT on the

CUEL INPEX project have contributed to the overall safety culture and records on site by working over 165,000man hours without a single Medical Treatment Incident or Lost Time Incident. This is a record that we

are very proud of and intend to maintain until the end of project completion.

4 out of 28 voyages completed.Lots of works still ahead for all of us.SAFETY FIRST!!!


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PTTEP, the Thai national oil company, entrusted CR Asia and its partner Conbit with the task of replacing two of their flare tips on the Bongkot North Platform.

The combination of CR Asia

Thailand as a general contractorand the special-lifting capability of Conbit is of great benefit to the client. By awarding the project to CRAT/Conbit, the platform operator can be sure the shutdown will be as efficient and safe as possible.

The project for PTTEP further strengthens the continued partnership between CR Asia and Conbit in the South East Asian region.

CR Asia Thailand was awarded the Bangchak Petroleum Co Ltd turnaround. We were given quite a short period for preparation, however, with the experience that CRAT has for delivering turnaround projects we were prepared to give our best effort to achieve the goal of this project regarding safety, quality and the schedule required.

The turnaround schedule included the pre-shutdown period in April, actual shutdown in May and post-shutdown in June 2014.

After the mobilization of equipment to Bangchak Petroleum it seemed like everything was under control by CRAT until we received information from the client that we were required to handle the

additional work to remove internal parts and carry out internal cleaning on the fractionator. Although this was initially unforeseen CRAT reacted to the challenge and set out to solve the problem. Some lessons were learnt and we able to carry out the work which we realize can be part of our normal expectations.

Finally, the job was successfully completed to the satisfaction of the customer, thanks to the effort from Khun Trakool and his teams to work closely with the client. We will look towards the future with Bangchak Petroleum where we hope to support them for their next turnaround.

Surasit Wong-onOperations ManagerOffshore Department

CR Asia Thailand

Patcharin SermkitOperations Manager

Mechanical Services DepartmentCR Asia Thailand

Bangchak Refinery Turnaround 2014,Thailand

CR Asia - Conbit form a good flare tipreplacement team

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CRAT Executes IRPC Wet Dump


Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

and reinserting, fin fan cleaning, valve replacement and several othermechanical and piping jobs. There were a total of 18 engineering days and we handed over the plant back as per schedule. Jagajjeevan, our Operations Manager and his team executed the complete job with zero incidents. Great job execution and the client was very pleased with our performance.

CRAI was awarded the complete turnaround and shutdown of FCC - NHT in the month of Feb 2014 with the job due to start in 40 days. This required a herculean task of planning, organizing, allocating resources amidst ongoing PAREX job which had consumed some of our most experienced mechanical crew.

Workforce deployed was in excess of 700 people and as planned we mobilized on site to

execute this project which included catalyst change out, column revamp, vessel revamp, heat exchanger cleaning

Major shutdown for CRAI at HPCL Vizag

CR Asia Thailand were recently called into IRPC to discuss the unloading of 30R001 at the VGO/ HT plant.

We were unable to unload under inert atmosphere due to technical issues. So having recently completed wet dumping at another job site, we presented the client with this option, which they approved. The vessel was first given a chemical treatment to try and reduce the amount of residual product in the vessel. After that we filled the vessel with water and using our specialist equipment performed the unloading. The unloading was done safely and quickly with no spills. The water was recirculated into the vessel to minimize waste and we stopped intermittingly to open trays.

The crucial part of wet dumping is that you have to make sure the water level is always above the highest point of catalyst

IOCL Panipat awarded 3 hydrocracker change-outs of catalyst and internals to CR Asia India. This job was again back-to-back with the completion of the major HPCL Vizag turnaround. CRAI operations with their meticulous planning and support from procurement mobilized as per the client requirements. The job schedule was 25 days with 120

personnel on a 24/7 basis. The team executed the job 2 days in advance as per the clients' wishes who expressed their appreciation for CRAI's dedication to complete ahead of schedule.

David RichardsonGeneral ManagerCR Asia Thailand

Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

IOCL Panipat - OHCU job for CRAI

to prevent it drying and self-heating and this was able to be done with our specialist personnel, equipment and procedures.

Water separation bins

Decanting catalyst

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Initial Loading Project in Singapore

consisted of isolating the 2nd

stage reactors, lowering one of two exit coolers, replacing 2 salt coolers and a third salt cooler needed to be lifted for inspection.

A 400T crane was needed to lift the top dome off the reactor. After the removal of the top dome a cat house was placed on the reactor to provide all the necessary utilities for the catalyst unload/reload. Due to a layer of coked up catalyst the unloading was hard and labour intensive work. With some adjustments to the unloading tubes it became easier and we were able to gain time by combining several steps of the schedule. We gained almost a full day on the schedule.

The loading of the fresh catalyst started slowly because of some minor issues and after replacing some machines the progress pick up greatly improved. After the pressure drop all that was left to do was sweep in the last layer of inerts. The top dome was lifted back onto the reactor to complete the job 2 days ahead of schedule.

There were set-backs during the project that were overcome with team work and honest endeavor. The pro-active mindset from both CR and BPC were key to the overall success of this project.

Jelmer BoltGeneral Manager

CR Asia Singapore

Robert van OversteegDivision Manager Tubular Services

CR Asia Singapore

CR Asia Singapore was awarded the initial loading of 37 reactors for a new Aromatic Complex at Jurong Island in Singapore. The first discussions were held in August 2013 and the contract was awarded to CRAS early January 2014.

It was the intention to start the actual loading in February 2014 but as quite often happens with new plants the starting date was delayed a couple of times until May 2014.

A lot of work has gone into the planning and preparation for this job not to mention the additional training requirements for all our staff for this new customer.

Finally on July 31st 2014 CRAS completed the initial loading of these 37 reactors. In total approximately 1,400 m3 of catalyst, clay, adsorbent and ceramic balls have been loaded into several types of reactors whereby most of the catalyst was loaded using the sock loading method while two reactors were dense loaded.

The work was mostly executed in dayshift under the supervision of Dennis Pua and was completed after 3 months of hard work. Although we had during a few occasions two or

even three teams working at the same time, Dennis has been on the project for the whole 3 months duration. The work was executed without any safety incident and with the quality CRAS is well known for. Well done to Dennis and his team and of course also a big thank you for the support from our guys and girls in the office and yard.

In June CR Asia Malaysia was asked to bid for the CAA turnaround at BASF - Petronas Chemicals (BPC).The scope of work wasn't only for the catalyst replacement in their tubular reactors but also included all the mechanical work, lifting work and cleaning of certain equipment items in the CAA unit. The mechanical work


Client : Shell Eastern Petroleum SingaporeProject : HCU & HMUScope : Catalyst change out of HCU and HMU reactorsPeriod : June 2014Manpower : 40+Executed by : CR Asia Singapore

CRAM completesCrude Acrylic Acid plant2nd stage turnaround

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repair. Repair works went on almost around the clock to get the equipment ready and at site. Due to various reasons the job execution saw quite some delay but in the end was completed successfully. It was a very good experience for our crew but for the next project more preparation time would be welcome.

At the time the job in Baluchistan was about to finish, we reached an agreement with another Independent Power Supplier, this time in the Punjab for the engineering, supervision and equipment supply for the post operational chemical cleaning of their 325MW forced circulation Boiler Unit 1. The job schedule was under pressure due to logistical problems caused by severe floods and it took a lot of effort to start the cleaning operation as planned. However, the actual chemical cleaning of Boiler Unit 1 at Lal Pir Power Ltd was finished in the record time of seven shifts, including equipment set-up and dismantling.

The client's staff and CRAS/Reets personnel worked together as one experienced team, as if they had worked with each other for many years. The job result was excellent, achieved within record time and without even the slightest safety issue.

With these two jobs, CR Asia has placed itself firmly in the market for post operational chemical cleaning of large power station boilers.

Every trade has its favourite type of project and for chemical cleaning it is likely the post operational cleaning of large power station boilers. Post operational chemical cleaning is performed on these boilers either as preventive maintenance or after accidental ingress of foreign substances such as, seawater.

An important factor in the success rate of the tendering process is references of similar jobs done previously. Although CR Asia has been cleaning boilers, this particular type of cleaning, and especially the capacity, could not be backed-up by the often required case studies until recently. In mid-June 2014 our agent and working partner in Pakistan, Reets International, received an urgent call from a 1200 MW thermal power station in Hub Province, Baluchistan. They asked for assistance in chemical cleaning of their 323 MW natural circulation Boiler Unit 1. The power station had planned for the clean to be started on the 1st of July. Their appointed European contractor wasn't able to supply the complete requirement in time, mainly due to the ongoing political and security situation in Pakistan. As the plant did most of the engineering and piping works by themselves, the requirement for CR Asia consisted of the supply of pumping and chemical mixing equipment together with technical consultancy. This meant that less than ten days were available to get manpower and equipment to site. A considerable part of the equipment just came back from chemical cleaning works at Engro Chemicals and was still under

Air Cooler Condenser(ACC) Cleaning from CRAM

Post Operational Boiler Cleaning in Pakistan

To determine the effectiveness of this cleaning method, CRAM has introduced an air monitoring system where data is collected and recorded before and after the cleaning work completed. This data is submitted to the customer for future reference.

Since 2011, CR Asia Malaysia has been completing the yearly fin fan cleaning job at NUR (Northern Utility Resources Generation Sdn Bhd). CRAM completed the ACC cleaning for NUR on its A-frame finned tubes located at Kulim, Kedah in May 2014. The cleaning works were completed one day earlier than planned.

Saiful Azman YusopProject Engineer

CR Asia Malaysia

Harry VandermeerManager, Industrial Cleaning

CR Asia Singapore

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Message from the GroupSafety & Catalyst Manager

CRAI opens new yard in Jamnagar

Pete CheshireGroup Safety & Catalyst Manager

CR Asia Group

Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

CR Asia Board of Directors and the Group Managing Director visited the new yard in Jamnagar to officially inaugurate and dedicate the yard to CRAI. Although the yard started functioning since Feb 2014 the official opening was held on 19th August 2014.

Santosh, Yard Manager and his entire crew prepared for this event from the time the Board arrived at the yard. The proceedings started with an introduction of the Jamnagar staff to the Board, followed by ribbon cutting and lighting the lamp - one of the Indian traditions.

Yuvraj, Project Engineer gave a welcome speech and bouquets were exchanged. The Board took a walk in the yard and was very pleased with the set up and especially the staff.

It was a great experience for the staff to meet the owners of CRAI which does not happen so often. The Board

then visited the Mumbai office to meet with the staff. Thanks to the Board for making the effort to visit the yard and office which strengthens the commitment the owners and management have on CRAI.

study, you have a signed and valid permit to work, you have completed all required gas testing, personnel are wearing all of the requisite PPE, the team has done the same job 100 times before…Now, whilst all of these pre-working precautions are absolutely vital to a safe job execution, none of them will save you or your team if firstly, all of the precautions go unheeded and secondly, if you do not take 5 to double check the minor details that if left unchecked could cause harm or ultimately a fatality.

Safety is driven by behaviour and attitude. In most cases, these two personality traits are attributed as contributing or direct causes of safety incidents. CR Asia Singapore, have for some time now, been piloting a Behavioural Based Safety (BBS) program.We have created and finalised an opportunity to prepare ourselves and take the next step towards expanding this program, across

the whole CR Asia Group. In August, the Singapore based training provider for BBS conducted a "Train the Trainer" course. This was held for nominated delegates from each of our CR Asia Group companies. Those company delegates will benefit by gaining knowledge through the course that will equip them to set up their own BBS programs back at their home base companies.

I look forward to seeing some positive results from this training and the BBS programme's consequent expansion across the Group. Driven by improved behavioural attitudes and a rock solid safety culture, we can strive even closer towards our ultimate goal of "Zero Harm".Work safe, play safe and live life to the full.

2014 continues to race by at a great rate of knots. Project after project and with many overlapping, across the Asian region are being executed and involving high numbers of staff.

Safety is, and always will be, our top priority and this must remain our key focus, ahead of schedule and profit. The cost of taking 5 minutes to think through your intended actions, to double check that isolation blind or that electrical lock out tag, is minuscule in comparison to the potential consequences of not being diligent and safety conscious. The well-worn phrase of "Take 5 and Stay Alive" is far closer to the truth than you may realise. In fact, I would go so far as to say that if everyone adopted this mantra and applied it prior to starting every task, the possibility of eliminating all safety incidents is very real.

Scenario - You and your team have attended the clients safety induction, you have carried out an immaculate HIRAC (Hazard Identification Risk Analysis & Control)

BBS "Train the Trainer" Team

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Gunavel RathinamGeneral Manager

CR Asia India

Nuchanart LapasanoiGroup Quality Systems Manager

CR Asia Group

Integrated Management Systems(IMS) update

for improvement with 9 NC's, the new management is fully committed to maintaining the systems and paying more attention to systems improvement.

In the last quarter of 2014 CR Asia Malaysia will conduct their 3rd re-certification audit for ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007, which is targeted by the end of October. This will be an additional challenge for them as they have just recently employed a new QEHS Management Representative in July 2014. The CRAM ISO 9001:2008 is still valid until January 2017.

The QEHS Management Representatives for each CR Asia business are: Mr Ragavan Nair (HSEQ Manager, CRAS); Mr Poonpipat Chathaisong (Quality Systems Assistant Manager, CRAT); Mr Swapnil Patil (Quality Engineer, CRAI); and Miss Ruqyyah Mohamad (HSEQ Engineer, CRAM)

CR Asia Singapore has certified for 3 IMS systems since July 2008. This year (2014) is the 3rd re-certification audit for them and with all support from each member of their team. They again passed re-certification audit in April 2014 without any Non Conformances. New certificates for 3 systems have been delivered and are valid until August 2017. Congratulations to all of them!!

Since August 2002 we first achieved ISO 9001 certification for CR Asia Thailand, followed by the ISO 14001 certification in January 2003 and then OHSAS 18001 in December 2004. Now in 2014 CRAT has just passed their 4rd

re-certification audit for ISO 9001:2008 and 14001:2004 in July 2014 without any NC's. Both certificates will be valid until October 2014.The OHSAS 18001:2007 is still valid until December 2016.

Recently CR Asia India also passed their 3rd re-certification audit for ISO 14001:2004 and OHSAS 18001:2007 in July 2014. Although there is some room

CRAI was awarded the catalyst change-out of a VGO reactor, main reactor and guard-bed reactor. The execution time was 17 days. Again this was scheduled at the back end of completion of the hydrocracker job in Panipat. CRAI deployed over 100 personnel with the anticipation of fused catalyst, but fortunately it wasn't. CRAI executed the job in 15 days thus saving 2 days for Reliance. We have set another benchmark with RIL. This happened due to complete synergy of Reliance operations and the CRAI team. A great job..!!

After a plant trip off at HMEL, the customer changed our scope from just the change of the first bed of catalyst to a complete change-out. As we embarked on this change in scope we ended up doing the complete mechanical and catalyst change-out in 24 days with 90 crew members. Another great job executed by CRAI.

Reliance VGO HMEL VGO2 more jobs for CR Asia India

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Equipment Update - CRAS

Equipment Update - CRAM

maximum vacuum. Both these safety measures are installed to increase the lifetime of the unit. The unit also generates its own compressed air and electricity which is needed to operate the filter unit.

The filter unit is designed to withstand the big capacity airflow generated by the vacuum unit. It has an electronically controlled cleaning system for the filter bags which will give a burst of air every few seconds. Added pneumatic vibrators on the side of the filter ensure easy discharge of the catalyst dust. With adjustable legs the unit can be set to the correct height to allow the ground support easy access underneath to remove big bags or drums.

CRAS has procured a large capacity vacuum unit to address the common problem of the lack of vacuum capacity due to the relative large amount of people inside the vessel when unloading tubular vessels. This is part of the ongoing commitment to develop local capabilities for the Tubular Services division.

The vacuum unit arrived in August and is containerized in a 20ft container with a blower capacity of 8000m3/hour. This capacity will allow us to unload tubular reactors easily while having 8 to 15 people inside using vacuum. Inside the engine and blower area extra safety filters are installed to ensure no dust will go into the blower. Safety valves are installed and will open automatically if the unit reaches

CRAM took delivery of two brand-new high pressure pumps in May 2014 to support its High Pressure Water Jetting (HPWJ) Term Contracts at BASF Petronas Chemicals Sdn Bhd (BPC) in Gebeng, Malaysia. The pumps are from NLB with 15,000 psi (1,000 bar) at 110 lpm flow rate with 305hp Cummins engine. With the arrival of these pumps, CRAM now has six HPWJ pumps in its fleet.

Robert van OversteegDivision Manager Tubular Services

CR Asia Singapore

Mohd Saifudin Abd AzizPlant Engineer

CR Asia Malaysia

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Soda Blasting Unit Commissioned

New SPU's for CDT fleet


CR Asia Singapore has recently commissioned the MCO-Gritco soda-blasting unit, designed for the (on-line) external cleaning of Air Cooled Heat Exchangers or fin-fans. Two MCO experts, Jasper Rietveld and Martin Heijnsdijk, came over to give the required explanation and operational advice. The unit was first used for the removal of paint on parts of equipment due for load

testing. The baking soda blast method is very suited for this application as the base material is totally untouched - no impact whatsoever.

After the required adjustments we used a make shift "finfan" bank by stacking a couple of roller-tracks on top of each other to simulate the tubes in a bundle. The baking soda was blasted through the bundle

from the bottom under the right angle to remove all debris. For the application of flat surfaces, like machinery and concrete walls, water can be applied to reduce the dust. Soda blasting has many applications and can be a great aid to the CR Asia services.

Harry VandermeerManager, Industrial Cleaning

CR Asia Singapore

Due to the overwhelming demand for heater decoking projects in Asia over the last few years, three CR Asia branches' pigging machines were fully occupied at customer sites. Hence, the Singapore and Thailand businesses decided to expand the CDT (CR Asia Decoking Technology) fleet by adding one new SPU (Single Pumping Unit) to each of their respective areas to better serve our customers.

CRAT will now have a total of two units and will be able to serve all their customers in Rayong,

Map Ta Phut and Sriracha area of Thailand in double quick time. CRAS will now have six units for Singapore, Malaysia, and all other SEA region's refineries, etc. CRAI currently have four units to cater for RIL's and Essar's plants in Jamnagar and all other refineries in India.

We have acquired these new pigging machines from Europe, as we believe in choosing the right vendor which can deliver high-tech and good quality pigging units to serve our respected and valuable customers.

Elvin LowCDT Division Manager

CR Asia Singapore

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People Update

Vaibhav Gajbhiye Vaibhav Gajbhiye joined CRAI as National Business Development Manager based in the Mumbai Office on 23rd May, 2014.

Vaibhav holds a Mechanical Engineering Degree along with Diploma from Yashwantrao Chavan College of Engineering, Nagpur. He is an MBA in Oil & Gas Management from University of Petroleum and Energy studies, Dehradun.

He has 8 years of multifarious experience in the oil and gas industry covering 5 years in upstream and 3 years in downstream segments in the value chain in various geographical locations in the country. Vaibhav was heading the Sales & Business Development Division with Sulzer Chemtech, Mumbai corporate office, prior to joining our organisation.

Santosh Jadhav Santosh Jadhav joined CRAI as Yard Manager, Jamnagar on 9th June, 2014.

Santosh holds a Mechanical Engineering Diploma along with degree from Mandar Education Society Mumbai. He has 4 years

Pradeep Solanki, Electrical Engineer married Manisha in Melana, Gujarat on 10th February 2014. Vinayak Nair, Project

Engineer tied the knot with Akhila on Wednesday, 16th April 2014 in Kerala.

Jayapalsinh Solanki, Mechanical Engineer got married to Sukeshaba on Saturday 3rd May 2014 in Ahmedabad.

of diverse experience in spiralwound metal jacketed gaskets for the oil and gas industry. He also worked for 5 years in the machine building industries for printing newspapers and 7 years for chemicals and fertilizers manufacturing industries.

CR Asia India celebrate 3 weddings

Page 15: New breakthrough for Indonesia securing new customers in ExxonMobil and Shell Bukom whilst managing high

HSEQ Information - CRAT


CRAT General Manager, Dave Richardson, Operations Manager Virote Sawangsri and Chatchai Phaksukhi travelled down to South Thailand in September to collect an award in Chana, Songkhla.

CR Asia Thailand received "Best Performing Contractor" for the recently completed "Columns and Catalyst" shutdown at the Trans-Thai Malaysia Gas Separation Plant. The job was completed with 120 personnel without any safety incident.

on July 3, 2014 CRAT General Manager, David Richardson received the National Safety Award from the Privy Councilor at BITEC Bangkok. CRAT is one of only 56 companies throughout Thailand which were presented with this award. This is the fifth national safety award received by CRAT.

This Stop Card is a result of the Group BBS program for "change agents training" in Singapore during 19-21 August 2014.

CRAT has launched a "Please STOP" program for intervention and observation on job sites. This will improve the focus of Site Supervisors and motivate their confidence in supervision.

CRAT receives awardfrom TTM

Chatchai PhaksukhiCatalyst Handling Division Manager

CR Asia Thailand

Saenpithak DechpanyaratSenior HSEQ Manager

CR Asia Thailand


Jefri Yasin receives award for dedication, commitment and performance contributing to the successful completion of the LRRCU Shell Turnaround 2014 without any recordable injuries.

Shell awardfor CRAS

Page 16: New breakthrough for Indonesia securing new customers in ExxonMobil and Shell Bukom whilst managing high

CR Asia GroupRegional Office for Asia17th Floor Unit 1706,142 Two Pacific PlaceSukhumvit Rd Klongtoey,Bangkok 10110, Thailandtel: +66-2-653 3913/5fax: +66-2-653 3916email: [email protected]

CR Asia Singapore28 Jalan Buroh,Singapore 619484tel: +65-6268 0255fax: +65-6268 3369email: [email protected]

CR Asia Thailand15/1 Moo.3, Bankoh-Mabkha RoadT. Mabkha, NikhompattanaRayong 21180, Thailandtel: +66-38-698 399fax: +66-38-698 398email: [email protected]

CR Asia India404, Baba House,86 M.V. Road, Andheri (East),Andheri (East), Mumbai -- 400 093, Indiatel: +91-22-6570-1556/57-6692-4221fax: +91-22-2682-1317email: [email protected]


CR Asia MalaysiaLot No. 1, PT 8250-1,Teluk Kalong Industrial Area,24000 Kemaman,Terengganu Darul Iman, Malaysiatel: +60-9-863 2325 to 26fax: +60-9-863 2328email: [email protected]

CR Asia Malaysia (Branch Office)No. 54, BBC Industrial Estate,Bintulu-Tatau Road, 97000 BintuluSarawak, Malaysiatel: +60-86-331-569fax: +60-86-331-585email: [email protected]

CRAS long service awards

Jelmer BoltGeneral Manager

CR Asia Singapore

On Saturday, July 19th 2014 CRAS held their company dinner. One of the reasons to hold this company dinner was to highlight and hand over long service awards to some of our staff. Co-incidentally, all of them were receiving their 10th year service

award. They are namely Hoh See Onn, Reena Ting, Ben Griessel and Goh Swee Peng.

Both Hoh See Onn and Ben Griessel have been working with the Catalyst Handling Division

while Goh Swee Peng has spent most of his time with the CR Asia Decoking Technology Division. Reena Ting has been our strong driving force as receptionist first and later with the Administration Department.

All four of them received their 10 years long service plaque that evening together with an additional bonus as a token of appreciation for their good work and loyalty. Needless to say that CRAS is very grateful for their excellent contributions during the last 10 years.

Unfortunately it was also a bit of a sad occasion as we had to say goodbye to both Ben and Reena who had decided to leave the company for very personal reasons. In the meantime, Ben left CRAS by the end of July while Reena had her last day with CRAS on August 28th 2014.

1st January 2014 1st July 2014

1st August 2014 1st September 2014