Networking for Analysts: Why This Course?

Why this course? Networking for Analysts George J. Mount networkingcourse

Transcript of Networking for Analysts: Why This Course?

Page 1: Networking for Analysts: Why This Course?

Why this course?Networking for Analysts

George J.

Page 2: Networking for Analysts: Why This Course?

“I don’t need to know about networking.

That’s for salespeople.”

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“Why network if I’m not looking for a job?

Why help people if I’m not going to get paid for it?”

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Don’t be the tree in the forest…

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Being the best isn’t enough.

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“The very successful people I know are, as a group, not especially talented, educated, or charming. But they all have a circle of trustworthy, talented, and inspirational people whom they can call upon.”

-Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone, Expanded and Updated: And Other Secrets to Success, One Relationship at a Time