Network Marketing Success & The Reasons No One Will Buy From You

Network Marketing Success And Why No One Will Buy From You

Transcript of Network Marketing Success & The Reasons No One Will Buy From You

Network Marketing Success

And Why No One Will Buy From You

Let me just lay this out there. It does not matter how much you talk about your network marketing success, products or services.

I mean let’s take the gloves off and really look at what we’re trying to do. Too much time is spent talking about why someone should

purchase from you and not enough time is spent talking about why people don’t buy

from you.

Well, that’s typically what it’s like from most up-lines out there in network marketing / home

business ‘lala land’.

In this PowerPoint & video, I’m going to give you four reasons why no one will buy from

you. And I’ll share with you a look at the exact methods and systems I use to earn well over $2000 grand per month just to advertise and

support my current business and how you can too.

This is information that very well could put everything into perspective for you around this very subject. But first let’s look at what

our focus is.

Our focus is typically so heavily laser targeted on increasing the amount of people we want to say yes to our offers rather than identifying

ways to decrease the amount of people who say no.

There is such a huge difference between the two and when we identify the reasons why people say ‘no’ it usually gives us far greater results

by addressing those concerns than just focusing on the the ‘yes’.

FACT: When you run your home business the right way, your network marketing

opportunity is just another one of your products. I think it’s important to repeat this now and then because so many tend to forget

this fact.

This leads us to the four reasons no one will buy from you and why:

1. You’re selling to someone that doesn’t know you.

2. You’re attempting to sell something to a market that doesn’t want what you have.

3. People don’t want what you’re selling more than what they would have to give up to get


4. People don’t believe you or believe in you. They don’t know you yet.

Combined, all four reasons reflect the most possible variations of why a prospect won’t do

business with you and often keeps network marketing success out of reach for most


This last reason is one of the most overlooked. If you’re able to overcome and break down these walls you absolutely will succeed but how do we overcome these to

begin with?

Without belief, nobody buys. If you don’t build a relationship first you won’t build

belief. People are looking for something they can hang their hat on that says, “This is the

right choice”.

You can position yourself to be that person that one believes and give people a reason to believe you. When you do, you’ll have far more success as a marketer than you ever

thought possible.

To quote the famous copywriter Gary Bencivenga…

“Belief is today’s most overlooked yet most powerful key to boosting response to any ad, in any medium. Harness it and you unleash

the core atomic power for exploding response. Because the hunger for belief is so vast in every market, so deep-seated in human

nature itself, you can tap into it again and again—infinitely—to make yourself and your

clients rich.”

So how ‘bout that? One of the most essential elements to the whole process is also the one thing that is lacking more than anything else

in our particular business.

What a conundrum.

It doesn’t matter what you’re selling because every person is going to have reasons

for wanting to buy and those reasons are essentially emotional.

However, they are also usually going to have strong pre-existing feelings about the product,

your opportunity, or even your industry.

What about the skeptics? I’m sure you’ve ran into that before too right? No trust? Lack of credibility or professionalism? Failing to take

us seriously?

I mean, let’s be honest. Step back and look at the network marketing industry as a whole,

who can blame them? It’s our responsabilityto do the right thing, educate, and be a

servant leader and change the minds of our prospects through our actions.

One prospect at a time.

How do we move forward and build belief and allow others to believe in us? Better yet, how do we overcome and allow people to believe

in you?

The difference could be the knowledge and training you have or in some cases, don’t


If you would like to see the exact system I use and in fact, work directly with me to grow

your business, no matter what niche you’re in…

…I would invite you to please feel free to visit >> and sign

up to learn all about My Lead System Pro.

I would love to work with you and share ideas to grow our businesses.

Thanks and please comment below!

Darin McCall – Internet Strategies for building relationships and dreams. Come work with me.