Neeble: Presenting Photo Stories by Team 20



Neeble: Presenting Photo Stories by Team 20

Transcript of Neeble: Presenting Photo Stories by Team 20

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By Natalie

Over the past three weeks, Team 20 has worked on photo stories. Photo stories

begin with a photo. We creatively wrote about what was going on in the photo and

we added more. This was one of Mr. Mark’s favorite writing projects when he was

in Mr. D’Onofrio’s fourth grade. We added dialog in appropriate places and chose

a vantage point, either first or third person. We wrote as many photo stories as we

could. Then we looked over our stories, each chose the one we thought was our

best, and wrote the reason why. As a class, we created a revising checklist. Then

we changed and added details to our stories. We signed up for a kid-to-kid

conference and revised with a partner. We added even more detail to our stories.

We then conferenced with our teacher, Mr. Mark, and came to a final end. We put

our final drafts all together. Our class chose the title for our zine, Neeble. Neeble

was a popular word in a book we read as a class called Lizard Music by Daniel

Pinkwater. In this book Neeble in lizard language is the only word the lizards say

and it can mean everything.

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Taking Us Dogs for a Walk

By Sadie

We heard Jack call us into the river. “Come on!” he said. I could smell a treat in

his hand. I think Jack had the bacon-filled biscuit to get us in the water. It worked,

but we were still clamoring for that delicious biscuit. Vanilla, Lucy, Max, Maggie,

and I romped around in the water. Emma stood behind us clapping on the grassy

bank. I lunged for the treat and I almost got there first, but Max beat me to it. He

inhaled it, licking his chops. I let out a cry of despair, “Arooooo!” We ran around

chasing Jack, sniffing at his pockets, begging for a bacon-filled biscuit of our own.

Vanilla, the oldest, after trying just gave up and went over to be with Emma. We

don't get out much so I would say it was nice to splash in the water and get a bit

muddy. “Sadie, come here, girl!” Emma’s sweet voice called me over. I splashed

over to her, stepping in her reflection in the water on the way. Jack came over

when I did. The clothes on his body were drenched, but he was still smiling.

Lately you don't see Jack smile that much with all the work he has to do, but he

has always loved taking us dogs for a walk.

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The Trap

By Henry

The trap was nearly ready. My friend had dared me to catch a guy on film trying

to snatch some doughnuts out of a bear trap. I had the bear trap in place as well as

the glazed doughnuts. Now all I needed was a victim. Someone unintelligent

preferably. I pretended to be on my phone texting when I was actually looking for

people to pass by and try my doughnut. Then, at the perfect moment, someone was

walking by and stopped to study the doughnuts. I pulled my camera out of my

pocket and started filming. The man was studying those doughnuts pretty hard.

He went back the way he came. “Darn it!” I said to myself. The man had left, but

then he came back with a stick! I started filming again. The man bent over and

started to gently poke the doughnuts. Slowly, so slowly the glazed doughnuts

started to inch off of the bear trap. Then with a SNAP the bear trap shattered the

stick in half! “Ha ha ha!” I laughed out loud. The man grimaced and stomped


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A Night In The Woods

By Mike

“I never should have left my friends and wandered off on my own,” thought Rick

as he gathered wood to make a fire. A meal of local berries and his last protein bar

had left his stomach still growling for more. “At least I will be warm soon,” he

thought. Looking for dry sticks helped keep his mind off of food. Fortunately for

Rick, he had a fire striker. Soon, he had a nice hot fire to keep him company and

comfortable. Rick hoped that the smoke would be visible to his friends so they

could find him soon. Rick heard the crackling sound of leaves and saw a set of

glowing red eyes in the nearby bushes, yet he did not know that what made the

sound had not eaten in a week and had a growing hunger in the pit of its stomach.

As Rick stared into the fire, he could only think of his family and wondered if he

would see them again.

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By Madalinny

“Mom please,” I remembered saying while I stood in the kitchen in our Portland

apartment. “No, I told you, you can’t go to camp,” my mom replied standing furious in

the middle of cooking dinner. “Why not?” “Because it costs too much, now go to your

room!” “Uhh, I never ever get to do anything!”

Now I am here burning in the sun, lost in the woods with you guys begging to go

home. “Are we there yet Rosie?” “ No there is still a long way to go!” As we were

climbing the rough gray rocks. I climb and climb, which goes on forever! All the while, I

was thinking about mom and and how she was right that I shouldn’t have come. I just

should’ve stayed home watching t.v and eating candy, hot cocoa, and popcorn in my

warm cozy bed. Only if my dreams could come true. Now I’m sobbing like a baby

wanting to go home. My cuts sting like a bee sting. The sweat slowly drips off my nose

as I work my way up the rocks. “Hey OMG! We are almost there!” Rosie yells. “Really?”

I yell back. “Hold on. Wait! Nope. Never mind. It’s just another hill,” Rosie says with a

tear in her eye. An hour later our mouths are as dry as a desert, the sweat is all over us,

and finally we make to the camp. We fall on the ground and drink about a gallon of


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How Farmer Brown Got Half His Silo Painted

By Alex

Slrrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. We have been painting Farmer Brown’s giant silo near his barn for

twenty-nine days straight. Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. I dip my paint roller into the paint bucket.

Bluuup. “Hey, Tate,” I say. “How are your arms doing’?” I feel lousy. My arms feel squishy

like raw tofu. “Not so good, Henry,” replies Tate. “My arms feel like boiled noodles.”

Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. “Tofu? Noodles? Yum! I’m hungry,” says Jake.

Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup.

Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. We can’t stop for lunch yet, because we have to finish painting

Farmer Brown’s silo. “We can eat after we finish this twenty year span,” I say excitedly.

Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup. Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. Bluuup.

Slrrrp...slrrrp...slrrrp. “You there, in the red hat. Are you done yet?” yells Farmer Brown from

the ground forty feet below. “You guys were supposed to finish yesterday. I’m gonna only pay

you half as much.” Tate, Jake and I look at year other. “Twenty-nine days of painting and he’s

only gonna pay us half as much?” said Tate. We all nod to each other. Suddenly we all had the

same idea. All at once we dump our buckets of paint on Farmer Brown’s head. And that’s how

Farmer Brown got half his silo painted

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Captain Marshmallow

By Abbey

BANG! POW! “How about a knuckle sandwich!?” BAM!! I punch a slug in

the face. The slugs start to crawl away. “That’s right you evil slugs go cry to your

mommy! stay away from this planet and never come back!” I

start to walk, but stept on slug slime. “Eww, can you at least clean up after

yourselves?!” “Merp?” said the head slug. “So immerture,” I whisper to myself.

My name is Captain Marshmallow...What? I like marshmallows. Got a

problem with that? Good, can I get back to my story now? Thanks! I fight evil

creatures that invade this planet. Those stupid evil slugs attack this appliance

factory almost every week. I ran and jumped on a washer but fell and hit my face.

I’m still working on that part. I try again and this time I did not fall. I am the

greatest superhero of all time. I am…

“Dan get off of the washer and help me deliver this refrigerator,” said my

friend Jon. Fine, I’m a deliverer. “You daydream too much,” said disappointed

Jon. The truth is I have a secret identity as a deliverer and nobody knows that I

fight crimes. “You don’t, and stop talking to yourself!” said Jon impatiently. FINE

FINE! I don’t, but one thing is true...I LOVE me some marshmallows! “Now that,”

said Jon “I believe!”

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Race Day

By Peter

I am a horse and it is race day. I am black with a black mane and white around my

hoofs. I am sleek and blazingly fast. Sometimes something with a funny white

helmet is sitting on my back and keeps hitting me with a stick on my buttocks. I

look around me. Other horses are galloping at top speed right behind me. They,

too, have things on their backs wearing funny white helmets. I guess I’ll keep

galloping along. As I start down the homestretch I see lots of things cheering and

yelling. They aren’t wearing funny white hats, but they sure do yell a lot. Up

ahead there’s a line on the ground. “Neighhhh...owww!” That thing on my back

keeps hitting me more frequently as we head toward the line. The things along the

side keep yelling louder and jumping up and down. A couple milliseconds later, I

see myself on a giant jumbo screen. Then I get a thing around my neck with

yummy flowers.

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I Wish I Could Be Running

By Franny

I wish I could be running. Not eating grass in this stupid field. All these other horses are

just dumbos dreading the day when the farmer mows the beautiful green grass in the field or at

least when he hires some city boy wanting money for a new hairbrush to drive the mower

instead. Maybe I’m daydreaming too much. Is it really worth the work? Anyway, I just wish that

the farmer would get off the couch and come take us out for a run. (He really needs the exercise

anyway.) Then a thought struck my head that I had never thought before and left me feeling like

I was as dumb as the other horses. I could just run away. Would it really be that simple? I think I

should think about it. Or should I? Oh, all right! I don’t want my head to be swimming with

nonsense thoughts like Snowflakes. Maybe she’s rubbing off on me. I should step away from


Well, maybe I should tell you a little bit about myself. I’ve always been a little cautious,

as you probably could just see. My name is Coco. I came to this farm about five or six years ago.

I can’t remember the exact date. All the workers at the farm were shocked by my mother’s death,

she had been so intelligent. Maybe that’s where I get my artistic flair.

I’m thinking I could stick around for a couple of days. Or I could leave right now. The

whole troop would come follow me. When we’re running out in the open fields, they don’t seem

so dumb. Well, I believe I’ve made up my mind. I bolt and jump the fence, and everyone comes

and follows me. I feel so light on my feet. This is exactly what it should feel like.

“Coco!” the farmer calls as we gallop into the distance. “Snowflake!”

We’re running away, I think. We’re really doing it! What do you expect when you put

in wild horses with this makeshift fence that falls down every time a summer breeze comes?

Well, at least they didn’t come after me. At least I’m running out in the open fields with my pals,

who are now as smart as ever.

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The Trap

By Connor

It was horrid place for humanity. His company, not the famed Guantanamo

Prison in Cuba. Though, for Wally it was just another day in his dreary Cubeland.

He was pretending to work when, “Wally, you must slay our Vice President, or we

will all be downsized!” said Alice, as she burst urgently into his cube. “Why can’t

you do it?” “Too much work.” Wally sighed. “Verily well, damsel in distress, I

shall slay the evil dragon.” “Say that again and I’ll rip out your tonsils, Wally.”

“Point taken.”

The clever sir Wally had just set a cunning trap when the vice president

came by. He quickly readied his phone to capture the moment on video. The V.P

was incredibly stupid.”What’s this? Oooh, yummy donuts!” he said. SNAP! The

V.P was slayed. But the adventure wasn’t done yet. Security appeared and shot at

him with Kalashnikovs! Wally quickly pulled the beet red fire alarm and ran!

Cubeland was in ruins. M-16s blazed in the distance. It was apocalyptic. He found

Alice the Hun looting the supply cabinet. “Alice, I slayed the dragon!” “It’s the

end!” “Actually I pulled the fire alarm.” “Ah, I see,” and they lived UNHAPPILY


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Big Time at Bat

By Lawson

I was up for bat. Bottom of the ninth inning, championship game on the line, bases

loaded, down by three and we had two outs. Everybody was watching me as I go

up to swing the bat against the best pitcher in the league. When I get up, I am ready

to swing the bat. I got a strike on my first try. Then a foul ball. Strike two, bottom

of the ninth. I think to myself and say, “Ok, it’s now or never.” I hit the home plate

three times before I swing the bat. POW! It seemed like everybody was frozen in

time as we watched it go up and up and up and from what I saw, it never came

down. I knew it was a homerun so I ran the bases and the game ended. My best

friend George Herman Ruth went up to me and gave me high five. After the game

my team lifted me up and chanted my name “Bo Jackson”. Then we went to the

park and had a little celebration, with all of the parents, friends and we held up the

trophy. Coach said, “This has to be the best championship I have ever won.” It was

mine too!

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Jared’s Donut

By Tate

Well, today’s my first day on the job! I’m working as a computer programmer at Dave’s

Computer Warehouse. As soon as I walked in, there was this one guy who looked like he

had suspicions about me, even though this was my first day “Oh, hey,” he said, observing

me. Actually, now that I remember, I came here once to get my Macbook Pro checked

out, because it wouldn’t let me press the M key. While the guy, whose name I think was

Jared, checked it out, there was a delicious glazed donut on the counter. Out of impulse, I

ate it. I guess it was Jared’s, because I saw a bear trap full of glazed donuts as soon as I

walked in. I managed to avoid it for the whole day until I left, when Jared threw a stale

glazed donut at the back of my head. It felt like it was a sugar-covered rock when he

threw it. Ow! That’s strike one. The next day after that, he glued multiple glazed donuts

on my office door. Strike two. After that, he replaced my doorknob with a glazed donut,

which wouldn’t allow me to open it. Strike three. I talked about him with Dave, my boss

and the store owner. He didn’t even really listen; he just nodded his head multiple times

and said, “Sounds like an easy problem to take care of.” He was clueless of what was

going on. On February 27th, 2014, I quit. I was out. When I got home, the door was

surprisingly sticky. I thought the whole donut ordeal was over, but when I opened my

door, a glazed donut was taped to my cat, Perry.

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The Big Day

By Ashley

The rain slowly drips off my nose. The mud puddles splash as others step in

it. “Over here I’m open!” I yell. Nobody passes. “I have a perfect shot!” I yell

again. Our team is losing one to zero. The ball was stolen by the other team. The

other team, the Knights, score again. Now it’s two to zero. That’s when I knew I

had to play on my own! I have to win the championship game, not for the team, but

for me, to show that I can play as good as anybody else on our team, the Bluejays.

A few minutes later, what do you know, the Knights steal the ball again. Now this

is my chance to get the ball! I mark one player. The Knights pass it to her. I steal

the ball. I take it all the way and...SCORE! It’s our first goal of the game. The mud

in my shoes oozes through my toes. It sends goose bumps throughout my body.

Finally it’s one to two. The Knight’s have the ball and there are only three minutes

left. I steal the ball and score again to make it two to two! Tie game. The Knights

have the ball with one minute left. I get the ball. There’s not enough time to take it

down so I kick it as hard as possible. It goes right in the net! I won the game for the

team! “Good job Emily!” Everybody hugs me.

The new shiny trophy is in a case in my room, and every time I look at it I

get shivers!

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The Trip

By Hannah

There I was, sitting on an airplane. I was supposed to be having the time of my life.

The pilot said this was the comfortable overnight flight that had all the delicious

food and best of all, no kids! But unfortunately I took the wrong flight and there

were tons and tons of kids, babies, toddlers, 10 year olds, and five year olds. There

was a toddler standing on the seat behind me banging his toy plane on my head and

kicking the back of my seat. My head might be bald but it’s not a runway. Worst

of all the plane was headed to New York. Oh the loud bustling noises of cars and

busses. Oh the horror! I was supposed to be headed for the sunny and relaxing

beaches of Florida. Oh the humanity!

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Baby Mommy

By Mary

I wonder where my mommy went. Well who’s going to do her job? I guess I have

to do the cooking, cleaning, browsing the web, and change my diaper. I wonder

when my mommy will be back. I hope some time soon, because I’m getting a rash.

Where could she be? Could she be under my bed getting my socks? Could she be

in my room picking up my toys? Could she have gone out for the day? I hope she

will be back because all I can do is browse the web. It’s been a while. My teddy

bear says she’ll be back soon, but I don’t think soon is soon enough. She’s been

gone for ten minutes now, but it feels like a week! When will she be back? I don’t

know. I want my mommy to cuddle me in her arms and to tuck me in bed at night.

Eck! Something hairy and crazy just touched my leg. Oh, no! There’s a monster

under the table. I kick it and it screams. I look under the table and what do I see? I

see my mommy staring at me. I jump into her lap and laugh and play thinking,

“Mom, what have you been doing down here all day?”

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Rock Trouble

By Phil

Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr! “I can't get it open!” said Connor. “It’s just too strong of a

rock!” Ash replied. “Dang it’s so dry that I am getting dehydrated and I will just be

stuck out here with you weirdoes,” said Chowder. So Ash, Chowder and Nate were

just standing there watching Connor trying to break open a rock with a saw. “This

will not end well,” Nate said.

“Guys, look-look! I made it halfway through the rock,” said Connor. “Hey, I

see something brown and puffy with tiny little claws,” Ash said. Nate took out the

fuzzy little thing with tiny claws and realized that it was a platypus. “It’s just a

cute, fuzzy and adorable platypus!” said Chowder. Chowder just went crazy. He

thought that it was going to be gold, but it ended up being a platypus.

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By Natalie

“Thump, thump, thump,” go the dogs’ paws against the snow. Two shoes on, two shoes off

running at full velocity. Their tongues hanging out of their mouths. The dogs running two in a

row carrying people on the sled. The bells jingle on their necks as they go around the mountain.

You can hear the huskies howl from the ski resort about a half mile away. Pretty soon before

you know it, the dogs are on top of an ice-pond! The ice on the pond is breaking because of all

the weight. The dogs are all very neurotic because the ice is breaking. The three people on the

sled got off and are now calling for the dogs. The dogs are running around on all the different

pieces of ice. All the dogs finally get onto a big chunk of ice. When they were all on the piece of

ice there was very little space. One dog gets bumped off, and now the dogs are even more

neurotic. The owners help get the dog out of the icy, freezing water. More and more dogs are

getting knocked off the ice chunk and the owners are helping them get out. There are only two

dogs left on the chunk of ice. One hops off and swims to the side to get pulled out. The last dog

on the chunk of ice isn’t wanting to get off. “Come here, come here,” one of the owners says.

They’re whistling and calling her, but she won't come. Finally someone finds a piece of food in

their pocket. They are trying to get her to swim to the edge of the water pond. Finally she

comes off the piece of ice. She swims to the edge of the pond and they pull her out. They all got

out tired and cold, and go sit by the fireplace with blankets and drink hot chocolate in the lodge.

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Salty Slugs

By Simon

I am a granny smith apple. My name is Malus Domestica. I was born in Australia. I

went to Stanford University and have five PHDs. I enjoy using big words like

echinoderms and cephalopods. Those are all families of marine creatures that I

learned about in my marine biology class I took in my senior year. Now, as you

see, I am fairly astute and definitely smart enough to know that these two banana

slugs sitting in front of me are deranged! These slugs are dumping mounds of salt

on the table and are going to cover themselves with it. Salt will dehydrate and kill a

slug. I try to yell, “Stop! Stop!” but it is no use. My mouth is concealed by my

epidermis. The slugs start smearing the salt on their bodies and I turn away. I can’t

watch. The next thing I know the slugs are withered up on the ground. That my

friends is how two foolish slugs killed themselves that day.

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Big Wet Muddy Mess

By Emmy

“Woo-hoo!” I heard my brother shout from the pond. I ran over to see what it was.

There he was biscuit in hand, splashing around in the pond with all of our

labradors splashing around with him, determined to get a bite of that crunchy

biscuit. We own five labs. Three golden, two black. Rusty, Lucy, Bo, Flash, and

Charlie. “Come and join us!” shouted my brother. So I ran into the pond. The

water was cold, mucky, and my feet sank into the ooze at the bottom. We were all

romping around splashing each other, and the labs were still trying to get a bite of

that delicious biscuit! All of us were laughing. The water was stinging our legs

from the cold, and our clothes were plastered to us like wet paper mache. My

brother would call one of the lab’s names, and they would bolt at him and chase

him all around. Then another lab would join in the chasing, and another and

another, and then we were all running around chasing each other! It was soon

nightfall. We were all tuckered out, and a big wet muddy mess!

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Wrong Turn

By Nakoa

Three friends were on the way to the airport to begin a very luxurious trip to

Honolulu Hawaii. They had been driving for at least three hours, when two of the

friends, Pete and Snoopy, saw a beaming light coming from behind them. It was no

ordinary beam of light. It was a beautiful color changing light and they got

obsessed with it. They tried and tried to get Bob to turn around and follow it, but

he didn’t and argued. Finally after a long long time he turned around and only did

it because the two insanely annoying morons kept asking. After a while of driving

they found a donut shop and that is where the light was coming from. They were

awfully hungry and there was no one around, so they decided to rob the donut

shop. They took the donuts home, had a party, and ate all the donuts. The donuts

were very flavorful, fluffy, creamy and delicious. The next morning when they

woke up, they were in a very grassy place and the felt paralyzed. All they could

hear was “MMOAA HA! HA! HA! HA! Don’t eat my DONUTS!”

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The Garden Gnome

By Lesly

Let me tell you about a friend of mine who’s not like you or me. He’s not a human nor animal.

He lives with a woman named Jessie and her two kids. When I say kids, I mean monkeys that

she rescued after their mother was killed. Their names are Delilah and Mario. On this particular

afternoon Jessie was feeding them before her sister Miriam and her daughter Merliah arrived.

Delilah cheerfully finished the juicy strawberry Jessie handed her, but Mario seemed to be

interested in something else. The garden gnome to be exact. The garden gnome’s name is Bruce,

and I have been friends with him for a long time. Now most people don’t think much of him,

they think he just stands still, but he’s not really as “still” as people think. If you look closely you

can see him moving about the yard playing with the monkeys and watering the plants. About an

hour later Jessie’s sister arrived. While her mother and her aunt talked Merliah played with

Delilah and Mario. Then out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of something moving. The

garden gnome had moved. Merliah dashed inside to tell the grown ups what she had seen. “I

think you’ve been out in the sun too long,” said Miriam. “Sit down.” Merliah sat down and

looked out the window hoping to see the gnome move again. Nothing. “Maybe I have been out

in the sun too long,” Merliah thought to herself. Two hours later it was time to leave. Merliah ran

to the door that lead to the backyard and waved goodbye to the garden gnome. The gnome waved

back, except this time, Merliah stayed as quiet as a mouse.

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Three Thousand Two Hundred Seconds Ago

By Kaylee

My name is Slugzilla. I am truly grateful for what I am. My kind has its ups and downs

just like our allergies. Our allergies are atrocious but they get us out of terraprise (that

stands for school in human language). Humans have never once accepted slugs (they’re

always stepping on us), that is until three thousand two hundred seconds ago when

radioactive gas hit our beautiful land. I am a slug. Slugs aren’t humans. We have alluring

sticky slimy bodies. We are grateful and passionate. Humans, on the other hand, with

their abominable soft skin and ratty hair, have never once been grateful. I prefer slugs

over humans only because we are smart though we act stupid. We are smart because we

have no humor. Other than humans they are naturally stupid. The only good thing about

being human is salt. They can touch salt. Salt is something slugs can’t stand because we

go bats in the belfry when it touches our skin and then we fall over and expire. Right now

I’m a test subject for a slug scientist. They gave me an antidote for my skin so I can touch

salt. They just put salt on the table. Well here goes nothin! I think its an abhorrent idea

but we do only live for ten million five thousand two hundred seconds.

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The Three Stooges

By Austin

“Yes! I’m going to Hawaii!” exclaimed Jackson, a 55 year old man from Detroit,

Michigan. He was explosively excited to go to Hawaii in the private plane with his cousin

Michael, when suddenly Jackson heard on the loudspeaker with despair that his private

plane broke down in Florida and was going to be stuck there for about two weeks.

Jackson was furious because he knew what that meant. He had to take a public plane to

Hawaii. And yes with about 18 kids! As soon as he got on the plane his nightmare began

with a five year old sitting in the back of him and, to his left, a baby that would not stop

crying for the whole trip. At about two hours into the trip, the little five year old kid got

his little orange toy plane and started aggressively banging it on Jackson’s head. A one

year old was crying like he had been dropped from the top of Old McDonald's silo. A

man the was asleep, snoring like a 70 year old grandma that had just been chased an eight

foot puma. When he got off, Jackson was disappointed to see the baby, his dad, and the

kid stay were his next door neighbors in the same hotel. Those three, in his mind, were

otherwise known as the three stooges.

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The Deer

By Peyton

I, the gorgeous green frog, live in a forest. One day I encountered my first deer.

Many frogs say that a deer is a dangerous animal because they drink as much water

as they can from our pond. When I saw the deer, I panicked and scurried to the

bottom of the water as fast as I could. I peeked over a rock from curiosity to see if

the deer would be able to drink so much water. I accidentally made a big croak

when I came higher on the rock to get a better look and I startled the deer. Its ears

shot up and it said, “H-hello?” Then I sat on the rock and the deer’s ears lowered.

“Excuse me, don’t scare a lady like that!” the deer said sternly to me. Then, in fear,

as quickly as I could I said, “I am so sorry miss. I didn’t mean to scare you like

that.” She continued to sip the water. Then her ears stood up and she bound away.

Then I went on with my swimming and being a frog.

Page 27: Neeble: Presenting Photo Stories by Team 20

The Kids

By Kellen

“What’s this?” I muttered. “Three boys playing in my water fountain?” “I must be

dreaming.” So I went to ask my mom. “Oh no dear,” she answered. “I adopted

them this afternoon.” “Please treat them kindly.” “Of course mom, I will,” I

muttered. “Thank you dear,” replied my mother. So the next thing I did was prank

them. I tried putting a spider in their bucket, but the stupid boys just laughed and

said, “Oh looky, a birdy!” So I tried to tell them that the fountain was full of

germs. But the weirdos just started drinking it. “Wait a minute, I thought “Maybe

reverse psychology will work.” So I told them, “That water is good for you.” It

worked like a charm. They were out of that water faster than Twitchy can say

Mikasa Ackerman.

Page 28: Neeble: Presenting Photo Stories by Team 20