Nebraska Advertiser. (Brownville, NE) 1874-09-03 [p...

or i 01 . la la A.Y S, 1874. Fabllsliers' Notices. aManuaeo p........ antnT fraiiKim AntfilRKfi ohmK iH'iHI h rates. I ,i ?. L r i T iMHK 2!2B F WWBiflP ideirawSfc v w1 ADVERTISER. MORNING. ... j OF THE AA 1W" J"t iui oam uj tscllcr, and iCews street, noxt to the Postofflce. set us ordinary reading matter. edtenceataper Insertion. ,y ype. twenty-Jiv- e per addlil- - tm&m&MKT'i nts under the of "Wanted." .VFor Sale." "Lost," "Found," ?., ..miniu .i" r " "" adver- - 1J?3K lu- - door line, each cent, head each tt lines, or leas. each Insertion, aq- - BggBfr- '- Hve lines, at the rate or nve Cfti ywwe.sach Insertion 'SVthorlzetl Afient. HK L., X. J.WtftSt. Deroln. is hw.. '",m"m' """ "" nl Ihitl JWMln irrrl - , r - J 1 4 . , - . " v. ., t " .1 ., V i 18KR. ir is our authorized nxent at Aspln- - ve subscription and and elpt for monies due us. at Peru, It herebv authorized to re- - Iiuion and ilvertIMiiB for the An- - ond collect and receipt for the same. &. hacker. I'ubllshcrs Advertiser. CITY ' SSy'Bridge Notice" for bids to JMJliKSjSrldge at Hannaford's. IMianlra In Rfpvnnenn Sr. CrOHH for lvz! ,t: r: ... :: , ,..,.. PlTfrvMnre, uuu water luuiuii uuii jwjynred. X FArrtnuoTiiKu ITTIE observation of market re price of wheat seems to tend rd everywhere. IHiSt Tnannh Trwliiafrinl Ti".Ynn. kiti0fwin commence next Monday and ewtinue all the week. citv fathers have had a sub- - staatMT crossing made on Atlantic Strtewcest side of Frst. 1- - I. Wi hear of nothing in regard to fcl&e "Independent ticket but disatis- - vjmhm jiveryuouy says an easy tlokt beat." Stationer -- AJdrew Seltzer, a German, ahd taToWtlMitcheI, a colored man. resi- - li l.Kf - I. .!.. . !.. imutni vjiiiauu, leui-uu- y jiil uiiu u tiftfetaitout a co-.v- , when the German -- rmat vne negro ueau witn a snot-gun- . r M Xaceived, constitution, by-law- s, yrfciliMiio-,- 3 and Mat of premiums for ttlW 5st Aiimiul ixlubilion of the Bfwllstriet Fair of Nebraska,' to WImS at Lincoln September 22, 23, &aixDd 2G, 1S74. 'The largest water melon we have season, about as large as t- - we saw at any time, was on ex- - ,Idf bitten a few days by Mr. Win. JBpocoH of citv. was grown liMdU HL. cfftflHr UIM SEPT. this and fctfd this and mrin. in mis vicinity. it 53 pounds. Who can beat Thauk to Mr. Rossell for 1. d tatho "sepiioiican is over Tfee whose record a Re- - BoUa3teni publican and not above al the Union Baptist proacii. i, in Richardson county, coni- - ijrbeptember lbth. Hie church lilies southwest of Aspinwall, & or awSmile west of the road from villeto Falls City. Will the of Johnson, Pawnee and Rich- - ".ar4f counties nlease cony. 10t2 man from the devastated re- - northwestern Kansas, with hisJBTe and ceven humrrv children draSBby a of horses i. a f n old wagon, stopped his earth- - other day in front of store, and went in ami at one pound of bacon. When jSa- - he r'a lor it he said, "that's the t I have in the world." Peo- - draw their own conclusions in to the facilities for living in ocalities of the West. lr. Kobert Teare informs us that tkjyoung grasshoppers are now Jj4iMng out, and that he has caught lt5f them and bottled them up to Ut observe their development. If it is aotajtly a fact the little pests are daatiigby the frosts which eoon oowSj every farmer will rejoice ex- - oeedtagly with the assurance . - . .... I l vie.t spring's crops win not be fi deaMfeVed bv prnsshonners. nnd nn &Q jftQ( with spirit and a great- - er fAh in the future. 3, TTnnvr TComoKo "Cly-rite- s about the ruffianly OMiaiKt some men that town 'WWjMjening last week. While Miss Franoes Hoover, Birl Hoover's dauuh-- C' feU' lfteen years of was taklg one of her first lessons in aqaeetrlanism, these men were is awagou, and probably drunk, started up their team, and putting :WlIj!to their horses rushed up the fetraagbehind the horse of Miss Fran-oasfblli- ng the air with yells and the 8tra5Jwith clouds of dust. Coming wth the lady horseback tk5wcreamed her get out of the "wwjcr they would run over her. Phjtjbe tried her best do, but guiding horses, could not out of the before wheel of tM.wagon struck the horse, but beiniSa very gentle animal, and Miss Fraaaae retaiuing her presence of -- mlnjpwas fortunateli' not thrown froaale saddle. Mr. Mrs. H., Whptnessed the whole proceeding ndje imminent danger of their dauper, were filled with terror, but wsrruly grateful its lucky term- - ioatii & 'c- at paid J. "R nf of in u on at to to to a at We do not know who the men were who would so treat g lady, or we would give their Katie to our They certain-Jtegfe- ht to be known and remember-aWJr- s. H. asks, "is there not gome liyw' -- iawto advertising, readers. 8tojsuch lowlived, unprinci-e- n from running their n ?" We auswer that the best stop it Is for Nemaha to have d police law ligorously enforced. cnnuBDCRs: JiHB, The State Fair will commence at Omaha on the 29th inst. The District Fair to be held at Lincoln will open September 226. Ed. Paker has taken editorial charge of the Lone Tree Courier, Mer- rick county. We had some nice rain showers on Tuesday evening and Wendesday morning. Charley MePqerson family, of Republican Citj', have been in town for several days. T. L. Schick, Esq. in company With MY. George Berkley went out to Tecumeeh on Tuesday of this week. Jnok McFall started last Monday for a visit at Troy other places in Ohio. Ho will be absent for several weeks. Levi Johnson, of Nemaha dropped in to see us a moment Tuesday. He was on his road to the State Convention. Samuel Smith, residing near Omnhn. rpnentlv run a tiMy nail into his foot, from effects which he took lockjaw and died with- in a few days. Last Thursday night Nemaha City had the nicest kind of a dance, and Mat Alderman played the fiddle. If there is one thing we like better than another it is a left-hand- ed fiddl er. The Blade that a Lincoln counter-jumpe- r told his landlord he Would not eat at the same table with a butcher, whereupon the butcher pitched into the clerk and gave a threshing. Friend Polock says in the Lin- coln Blade, that "Sedgwick," the Blade's Brownville correspondent, is a coward and a sneak ;" other- wise ho would not be ashamed of his real name. On last Monday the delinquent tax lands, as advertised, were offered for sale in accordance with the order and decree of the court, by the Sheri- ff, but there being no bidders, no land was sold. The Red Cloud Chief says, "Ev- ery day we see a large number of peo- ple pa-si- ng through our town who have become dlacou raged and lire leaving the country. On the other hand many are coming in and buy- ing railroad lands or taking claims. Other matters so engross our at- tention and occupy our pace that our article embracinir a personal ref Jerence to each of the candidates on Lti.. n .i. if , i., .. 'i oalod Advcrtis "ckcc laju lor hilch- - short wpek. Meantime Jet uasay therti is not a on the ticket second annual session of the standing as Baptist Association will j citizen is re Prairie nair lean Birl that will ..iS more us age, who young f0L waj and horses and and City, last says him "poor next that name and that We made an efTort to p'rocure the proceedings of ihe Farmers' ami La- borers' convention for publication this week, but Mr. Andy Skeen. thesecre-tar- y of the convention, failed to fur- nish them to ds. We went to him and requested him to do sd. as many of that party are our readers and pat- rons ; and because the minutes do not appear no blame should attach to us. On last Thursday evening the only avowed and public courtesan of the only bawdy houein our city, artd her "capper. one B'ibbptt, were ar- rested by M-irsh- Campbell, arid taken before Esquire Schick, charged with keeping a houe of ill-fam- e. nahhett. after a hearing of his cade, was released oy giving bond in $100 for his appearance before the District court. Lizzie plead not uuilty and asked for a ehnngo of venue to the court of Judge McComas. which was granted. As it would take consider- able time to make out the necessary papers for the transfer of the ctise. it was put over for next morning and Lizzie was permitted to depart to her Uaual place of business. But when next morning rolled around. Lizzie was not here. She had incontinently got up and turned her back on the city, and nobndy was sorry- - perhaps. If you get imo a scrape and Bill Rogers don't clear you, on due appli- cation, it will be a wonder. That's the way he cleared Lizzie Sail ford. On last Saturday morning in company with Coiinni--inn- er Mclvin-ne- y, wo took a ride out to the county farm to see the new hou-- e that has been erected thereon We found nothing more nor less than a good substantial brick building 40x46 feet, twotories high with a very excellent basement and cellar r.ndiieath walled with -- ton. The brick wore put up by Gates & B.iiinVld. und the tvnoil work by J B. Uerger Tti wdrk is said, by mechanics, to be don in ex- cellent manner. The houe was much needed, as the old shell of a thing now ued is small and not fit for any human to live in. It is not too large hy any means, but is of that character of public improvement that should always be made, being commodious, durable and plain, without any undue expense, for looks and orna- mentation, but standing on an emi- nence as it does, it shows well from the surrounding country This house will serve for the Uses intended for many years, and the people beln-tax- ed to pay for it would much rathi-- 7 build a good a good Inm-- e and be done with it than to have to build in a few years again. That which is worth doing is worth doing well, should be the rule in all public works, buildings, bridges &c, aqd those wha will see the house on the poor farm will thank the Commissioners for doing so good and permanent a work. AID BAI club. Tecumseh has organized a gle6 Our thanks are due R. V. Muir for some very fine tomatoes. A German named Flach, of Stan- ton county Neb, recently committed fiuicide by cutting his throat. The Nemaha county delegates to the Republican State Convention all left for Lincoln on Tuesday afternoon. The grading is finished for aside-wal- k on the eatslde of Second Street from Main street north to R. V. Muir's property. We are requested by Prof. Rich to annaunce thatthe Brownville High School will be commended again next Monday, September 7th. Nemaha City lias no salodtl now and the city authorities refuse to grant a license to retail whisky. This in- creases the whisky trade of Evan Worthing, receiver of the land office at Bloomington, paid our town a flying visit this week camd in Monday dvening and started back 0f to Lincoln next day. We thought Fairbrother of the Brownville Advertiser had jdltied the Sons of Tempdratice. But we must he mistaken, for he still calls us the Tribune. Pawnee Republican. Lapsus Calimi.lbaVa old brother Hassler. Johnathari Higgins, candidate for county commissioner on the Inde- pendent ticket, came to town on Tuesday. This is his first visit to our ciy for several months, as he does his principal trading in Nebraska City. Wonder if he came down this way looking for votes? We can tell him they are mighty scarce around here for him. Persons living In the vicinity of McCoy's Hog lot. have complained to the Mayor, with just cause we think, of the same. Mrs. August says the foul stench that permeates everything in and about her house, from that pe.i df hogs nearly drives lier from her home, and that they can't sleep of nitrhts from the everlasting noise kept up. Stock yards should not be tolerated within any inhabited part of the city, and not. even one citizen or family should be imposed upon or oppressed. On last Thursday the injunction which Mr. Barrett had placed on the ferry boat of Baily, McKee & Co., and which caused a alight interference! with the business of that boat for a few days, was dissolved by Judge Ganttat Nebraska City, after a due examination pCtJjiiIiihuats-ajj, i, pers filed in the matter, and the same old boat, tha old stand by, "Mary J. Arnold." which has Stood ...bytbe in- terests of this city and county and protected and advanced them in many ways, is running regularly again, all right. The "Mar3' Arnold" claims that her vocation is legitimate, and will rcent every attack upon her virtud. The point we wish to make is this there are three parties in this county. Brownville Advertiser. The Falls City Journal publishes the above, and then Comments false- ly about the same. The item was not copied from the ADVERTISER neither is it an extract from any ar- ticle we ever wrote or published. Brownville Advertiser. If the editor above quoted will take another squint when he is sober at an article in the Advertiser of the ()th inst . wherin the editor of this paper is the principal subject, he will find the identical words and sentence above quoted, his bold and and un- qualified assertion to the co'ntiary notwithstanding. We have the first time yet to attempt to garble and mutilate the article of a cotemporary. Falls City Journal. The editor of the Journal Is a most impudent perverter of truth and gar-bl- er of a cotemponiry's articles. He unblushingly stitiks to his falsehood when he knows it to be an easy mat- ter to expose him by producing the proof. The following from the Ad- vertiser of the 6th of August is the parigraph in which dccuN the part of aserttence garbled mis-quote- d by the Joitrnal : "The laughing-stoc- k of the best hen of both parties" are we Col- onel. Well if we are, the remark proves you to be the ignorant ass you are depicted in every silly efFort you make to discuss any subject. The point we would make art. you is this 'here are three parties in this county which you well know, but have' nev- er learned until now. and it is niir duty to instruct you, that the word both cannot be used with equal good ene in reference to three thing as it can be to two." "We h .ve the first time yet," says the Journal, "to attempt to garble and mutilate the article of a cotempo- rary." N.nv Col compare the above italicized part of a sentence with your garldcil quotation and you will find that in order to change the sense of the remark, you interpolated the word "wish." and expunged the words "on yoo." What kind of work is that Col. Stretch ? Is it not the smallest kind of garbling? That is another one on you Col., and the meanest one of all ; and by the way Col , your frequent insinua- tions that we are not at nil times duly sober is "getting old" and leads us to believe that you are either mistaken as to our habits, or. that you malici- ously intend to slander us. Which- ever it may be, we will inform you that we do not use any spirituous Mounts in any manner or form. To ny"you'rcd'rtlnI?t is the last resort of editors of small bore, who cannot successfully cope with an opponent. Now Stretch dare you publish the above entire in your colums without Garbling or mutilation? You dare not do it. Unless you do we will here- after regard you as beneath our notice as a newspaper man. PERSONALS. Mr. J. W. Middleton returned home last Friday from Chicago. J. W.Newman, Esq., who Was absent several weeks visiting Rich- mond Ind , returned to this city on Friduy last. Mr. Bennett, hog dealer of Tippedanoe, Ohio, has been spending a week or two in our city, and has bought quite a lot of stock hogs here, and shipped them to his place at Tip pecanoe. Last Friday we had the pleasure bf meeting Mr. M. V. Easterday, of Tecumseh, in th city. Mr. E is president of the Board of Agricultural df Johnson county. He says they are bound to have a Fair out there, and a good due j that if there was but little corrt raised in the county, they can show the best kind of wheat and ah abundance of everything but dorn. Mr. E. D. Speares, of Tecum!eh, came into the city last Thursday with' a lot of horses, which he had for saie or trade. He went on into AfisSHiiri on Friday, Mr. S. is of firm of) has. It funs a lathe, Spdars &, Peabody, who keep at Te cumseh one of the best livery stables in the west. Messrs. Oscar Scoville, Frank Henderson, Johnson Henderson, (which is "Tote"), and Win. Drain, all of Nemaha city, on last Friday night, joined tlld Sons of Temperance Brownville Division1 No. 19. Good for the boys. Mr. A. H. Gillett. of North Platt formerly a resident of Peru, favored us with a call last Saturday. Phil. Deuser, of the firm of Deu-se- r & Bros, hardware merchants of Rockport, Mo., spent a day or two with his friends in Brownville last week. In company with Jrio. B. Mc-Ca- be and behind his 3panking pair of ponies, we visited Grand Prairie school house last Monday and were present at the Fanners' ami Laborers' convention. Grand Prairie is becom ing n familiar name to the people of this section of the country from the fact that it is so frequently publi-he- d as the meeting place of the County Association of Granges, and the con- ventions of the new party. Grand Prairie is not a town, there is simply a school house there, and was so nam- ed on account of the beautiful country surrounding as 'far as the eye can see. It is not a wild monotonous scope of unbroken prairie as some might sup- pose, not by a good deal, for it is well settled with intelligent farmers and fruit growers. The farms all show thrift and care, and the buildings are better, so far as we observed, than the average farm houses of the fcouti-tr- y. It is not uncommon to see well constructed two-stor- y pind buildings, painted clear white, standing in the midst of planted groVe2, all adding fascinating chariiis to the natural rBeaiity otlie scenery; or the wavey and, undulating prairie, makingtja Grand PrairieTingtruth. " , J" . All along the road froraBrowhviIle. to Gram! Prairie the country is very Inviting, thickly settled and well cul- tivated, but still there is much splen- did laud awaiting only the industry and enterprize of the husbandman to yield rich rewards. Now the coun- try displays Ies3 df its real worth, ag- riculturally, thau we have ever seen it before; the corn fields being shorn of fodder making them look ragged, and the fruit trees, apple trees dspecially, arestrlpped of their leaves, leaving the apples to ripen without any protecting shade. Notwithstand the ravages of the grasshoppers dnd withering drouth and afl unpre-cedeuedt- ly hot summer, we saw some commonly good crops of corn, and none, we thirik, where there is an en- tire failure, and take the averagcnrn crop, there will be sufficient to amply supply th'e wa'fil9Torflfe,p'erip1elr"r' Tile frnitfropUft'gtfadf but'fjedfche5 while the trees are generally loaded with fruit, are not so large as they would have been had there been more rain. Apples, pears and plums are not effected in this respect so much. In passing we noticed the fine fruit of Mr. H. O. Minick especially his pears, which appeared to be of good size and abundant. Mr. Wilkison Sage's ap- ple trees seemed to be nearly break- ing under their loads of rich fruit; and Mr. Mahle's ten rfcres of peaches, right in the centere of Grand Prairie, looked so luscious and tempting, that could we have discovered a place of ingress through the splendid locust hedge, we would most certainly have run the risk of bull-dog- s and shot-guu- s in the attempt to appropriate a hat-fu- ll of peaches, but with such a hedge, the best we have seen in the State, Mr. Mahle's orchard is safe from intrusion. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Annual State Convention at Green- wood, Septemeer 22. Hebor.v, Aug 25, 1S74. Editor Nebraska Advertiser. The annual State Convention of the Christian Church in Nebraska will be held at Greenwood. 18 miles north of Lincoln, on the B. & M. Railroad, be- ginning on Tuesday, Se'pt. 22, at two o'clock p. m. Congregations throughout the State are incited to send each two delegates", and all who come will be made wel- come. . c. Barrow. State Evangelist. W. H. McCreery always keeps a full stock of pure drugs. 52-3- m Fruit Jars the best and Cheapest, by Stevenson & Cross. Prescriptions filled at all hours, at Nickell's Drug store. 50m3 Eight pounds tea for one dollar by Stevenson & Cross. NICKELL is at Thunnan's old stand, next door to State Bank. A full line of smoker's articles con stantly on hand at L. A. Bergman's very low for cash. The St. Joseph Exposition will commence next Monday. A niimher of Brownville folks will visit the fair during the week. The ticket nominated bv the i nnmiuatintr a full Ktnto ticket, and Farmers Laborers at Grand Prai- - ' whereas thev have . , - rie last aionday is as follows : State Senator, O. B. Hewett; Representa- tives. Church Howe and C. F. Hay-de- n. For County Commissioners, drat district, W. M. Stokes; third district', Jonathan Higgins. The names of the gentlemen appointed as delegates to the State Convention we did not get. One day this week we dropped into Mr. Lockwood's shop, nearly at the foot of College street. We don't hardly know what kind of a shop to call it, he does so many different kinds of work; but. we can tell of some things we saw. In one ddrher of his shop he bus put up n bran new little Bookwaltersteam engine, which serves many good purposes for a me chanic with the ingenuity that Lock the wood turning their the and a little circular saw, by which he oiits and forms his wagon timber into the desired shape, and he also turns iron as well as wood. In an adjoining room Lockwood has put a small "Premium" mill with wheels and belts attached, and his eugine-run- s that, artd he will grind you a sack of horse feed, ddtS or rye, or a grist of corn, in a very feV min- utes. Take it altogether we think he has the handiest place we have seen. Adjoining this shop he has just biiilt another one intended for a biuciksmith, and when Mr. Jack Mer- cer gets back to Brownville, which will be within a short time, he will take charge of that department, and then they propose to do all the work of any kind that is brought them. Mr. L. says his main business will be machine repairing, aud those who have any ngricultural machinery to repair will know where to take it to be made very nearly as gooil aS hew. This is quite an addition to the busi- ness of our city, aud we hope Mr. Lockwood will be well lewarded with business to compensate liini for the large expense he has incurred in starting his shops. A'EW jilliLIXERY GOODS. Mrs. Berkley takes this method of returuiug thanks to the ladies of Brownville and Nemaha and adjoin ing counties for their very liberal cus tom during the spring and summer seasons just past, and also ot inviting their attention td the fact that next week, about Friday, she will com- mence receiving her stock for the fall trade, which will more thau equal in variety of fine aud fashiduable goods, any of her previous stocks those who want splendid fashionable hats, fancy goods, or anything in her line should not fail to call, for she is de termined, ashei'tetofdre. td s'UU all in ker heriexperlence and.taateiquatifivs a . - , . ' Jierjprwarranc -- sausiaction in every case. 1 lie preparation of bride's trous&eaus Mrs. B. makes a specialty aud would call attention to the wed ding trousseau of Mrs. Doleti fig" the richest and iifo3t beautiful robe that ever decorated a b'ride in this city. For fair dealing and the lowest fig- ures go to Steveiiso'n & Cross. If you. want a No. i stove for the least stamps, call and buy of Tis'dei &. Richards. Scythes and Pitchforks the best and cheapest by Stevenson &, Cross. ANNOUNCEMENT. I wish to inform all my old friends and the public generally, that having sold out my hotel business td Joseph O'Pelt. I aiuriiovV devoting, my entire. alteHtidtMtf the sdfrer!uteiio!fifeof,my liveryT fttubier rfhu" feeT catfftilenv r . !. . T that in the lUture.iBS in uie uuai. x "generaitsatlsfactior??" can give Ben. Rogers. Machine oils and belting by & Cfdss. wasted: Corn in the ear for go'ddstti the Red Store. For the West implements of any kind, stoves, hardware, groceries or wagons, go to Stevenson & Cross. A choice selection of plain and fan- cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's. Fruit Jars the best and cheapest, by Stevenson & Cross. W. H. McCreery has a large stock of paints. OlKs, glass, wall paper and window sliaMee a"t reduced prices. 52"-3- n Fruit Jars the best and cheapest, by Stevenson & Croa If you want something to' eat when in town in the shape of a nice lunch good bread and butter, boiled ham, cheese, SSc, go to Sn afFfl. Hardwa're, Tinware an'd Queens-war- e by Stevenson & Cross New style belts received at Stoves, groceries nud iron by Ste"-venso- n & Cross. Keep" the largest and best selected stck of rihbo'ns ami fancy goods at Louis Lowman's. Saddles and codfish for sale by Ste- venson & Cross. Lard Oil, Che pu're'Jt in town, at Nickell's Drug Store. Q.D EENS WARS?. Large stock at Stevenson" & Cross'. New Bed Stead.", Carpets, Bureaus, and Wash Stands, cheap for cash, at Roy's Furniture Store. Call soon Carpet chain, cotton yartr and Cot ton batten bv Stevenson & Crcsd. TEMPERANCE CONVENTION. Whereas, As the State Temper- ance (jentrai Committee has called a State Convention to be held in Lin- coln SepJerhberDth. for the purpose of and her the temperance Voters of each county In the State hold a Djass meeting at the county seat on the 5th of Sept., to elect delegates to represent the coun- ty in said State Convention. There- fore, notice is hereby given by the undersigned Codtity Central Commit- tee, that said County Convention will be held at the court house in Brown- ville, Saturday Sept. 5th, at one o'- clock p. m., to elect eight delegates for the purpose aforesaid. Wir. Tidrow, John H. Dundas. Jarvis S. Church. County Central Committee of the Temperance parly. fcliASTERIXG HAIR For sale by the pound or by the bushel by J. H. Bauer. Cabinet work of ail kinds made to order at J. L. Roy's. CtiOTHI.VG. If you wish cheap suits, call and see our ctock of clothing. F. E. Johnson & Co. Wanted. All kinds of grain. Theo. Hii.l & Co. DICK HUGHES has quit his old trick of drinking la- ger beer, and has just re eived fifty kegs of Beyscli lag's pure lager, one year old, which he prriposeA to sell at five C'euts ii glass if lie don't make a rod. ' Farmers will not have cheap; wagons, but buy the Bain. HAND BOOK OP POLITICS FOR 1874. By Hon Edward McPlieraoii, Clerk of House of Representatives U. S. This acdiirdte add impartial volume gives the full record on the "Increas'e of Salary Act" and its repeal, od transportation, civil rights, and finan- cial questions, including tho act of 1S62 creating the "legal tenders" and coin interest on bonds, and the vari- ous expanding and coh'traeiliig acts since. Piesident Grant's mess'ages and memorandum, interviews, letters, proclamations, and action in Alaba- ma, Arkansas, Loui-ian- a and Texas. Supreme Court decisions. Illinois and Wisconsin railroad laws, constitution al amendments, made and pending, in States aud Nation. "Buck-pay- " statistics; tables of appropriations, debt, elections, currency distribution by States and sectiodsJ, &c. itivahia-bl- e for campaign. Cloth, $2.50, post paid. Address Geo. Frs. Dawson, P. O. Box 434, Washington, D. C. 8w4 NOTICE; SPORTSMEN. Those 'fuT'want. jof thordugh-ife'- d Irish setter T3iraDoxanbgunuIJS' t;d by calling on gffilgSWif -- ""TOIie' be8titenrceii tfcal ico sold .ut,. tL. Lowman's. Sugar cured hams and country eon at S'wtui & Bro's. Ulilllb'S. Why is it thai, people trade at Deu's? They all tiadc at Deu's, and will continue to trade where they find a shot gun at stove, a wagon, a suit of clothes, furniture, dry goods, fi-.l- i pitch forks and handles, hats and caps, bobts and shoes, powder and shot, cart- ridges, gun wads or any kind of goods they want, cheap for cash. Call on Den and see. ha- - Our Goverrfo.'d Clioice is the ftfvof f ldJ.4gfeiiuf''i4ji', -- KtcniH L Bergman, 41 Main btreetss. &4 pr Large stock of clothing for men, youths auil children, at L. Low- - Another car laud of StU- - ' tleb.iker wugoh jint re- ceived hj' W. T. Deil. Who sells tile best wagon? Why, Den sells all tho vvagorts, both spring nfiii farm, and (he Stndebaker fnu'st be the bent. Choice Hannibal fall wheat flour at Swifn & Bro's. FEL1L.OW SPORTSMEN. Now is the time to buy your breech and muzzle loading shot guns lit W. T. Detr'a H6 Una just received it ton of shot, a cargo of Bogardoes dead shot powder, caps, cart- ridges, gun wads, and ev- erything in the sporting line will be Sold cheap for cash at W. T. Den's. Closing o'ut go'ods cheap at Louis Lowman's". Summer fclothing at cost by Louis Lowman". St. Joe. No. 1 Flour at A. more & Co's. H. Gil- - 50 PIECES New st3les of Prints just receives by F. E. John on & Co. FARMERS, Get3our Machine repairing done at Lockwood's machine repairing shop. CatS'TY OrfOERS Taken in exch mge for dry goods by F. E. Johnson & Co. JIACrilSE REPAIRING Done nt Lockwood's machine repair- ing shop in the best manner, rthd for the least mouey, 0 any place in the county. LARGE IiOT Groceries Just received by F.E. John son & Co St. Joe. No. more & Co's. .trVMft,'!i.v.a.i,ftTti"saa35a Flour at A. H. Gil- - Boots and Shoes for men, ladies and children, atL. Lowruan's. TEAS t TEAStt Tho cheapest and best at Gilmore& Co's. Farmers, don't throw away.SOorCof dollars on a wagon to save id dollars. But buy the Bain they are the Call at Nickell's Drug store, when you come to town. 50m3 FRUIT JARS. A large lot just received by F. E. Johnson & Co. Machine Oilat Nichell's iiriig Store. MACHINE OIL. Call and try C. Lett's Polarine engine oil ; warranted to bebetterdnd cheaper than any oil in use". A new stock of Pure Drugs at Nick- ell's Drugstore. 50m3 The '"National Currency Tobacco" made by Colhap of this city, when we consider its quality, nnd cheapness, and the peculiar style in which it is put np, is the best thing in the tobac- co line we have seen. It is put up with a view to small wholesale customers. Farmers, Grangers a,nd others who want to buy directly from the manu- facturer should see Colhapp' before supplying themselves. Paints, Oils and Glass, at Nickell's Drug store. 50m3 MACHINE ,1LS Kept at H. C Lett's drug store, of every variety. Saginaw salt at Swan & Bro's. California Wine rind Brandy at Nickell's Drug store. 50mS Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate Agent and Convei'encer. Court Room. Lritii.sville cement. Alton lime, and hair at Swan & Bro's. TOU AltE INTERESTED. If you regard life and property go and see the Non-Kxplo.i- ve Lamps at H. C. Lett's drug store. W. H. McCreery has all kinds of machine oils, and will not be Under t.old- - 52-3- NON-EXPLOSI- VE LAMPS. Go and see the non-explosi- ve lamp-a- t H. C. Lett's drugstore. He"has a lamp that every family should have. Engine Oil, 70 cts. a gallon, at Nick ell's Drug Store. Paper Floor Carpet, 25 cents a yard, at Roy 's. Closing linen goods at and cosLat Louis Lowman's. Sellfriggbod'a SpjJenSap as ever -- at D, Lowman's. ' - It vCMD " Mr-G- , -.- - "LSEf eOE iTV-- . A 1 ts. J. BLAKE, EITISI All Pir- - Slif' formed. la the best : s- manner. AtresidenceonMain street. At Rock Port, Mo., from 1st to Tlh of each month. BS8WITVILLE Marble Works rjrt5 7Jft JMK-"K- ' ii"irr,V7 OffIcjs: L3 -- . ' ; 1 t?W i1. a i CHARLES NEIDHART, Mnnulacturcr and Dealer In Poreign&Domestic Marble Monuments, Tombstones, t-tB- TOPS, &c Main Street, between 6th and 7th, BROWSTILLE, NEBRASKA. All orders promptly tilled and hatlbmction Kuurantecd SPECIAL DESIGNS FURNISHED. CIIAS. NEiriHAUT. Proprietor. M. M. CONN'CIt. rratlu:g Atnt. jcrniz cftAnDocK. w. r. ckaddock. "tJJtODOCK & SOW, -- H m mm Breech-Loadlii- R Shot Gun"?, Rifles, CAltni.VES, A3IjIUITI0.,SP0KTI.VG GOODS. MalnStVeet. Brownville. Neb. Gnns made to order. Repairing neatly done. A.. lEOBISOiST, DEALER. IS $w 0OT5 AND SHOE custom wosk Oucrattnns 3XA.rE to oiiXn:i d Repalrins neatly done-- . 27d.Milala strew. Brov v'Jle.Xeb. TWILL hottf Pnblic ExarninatSoo oi the of eacli month, at n- - office In Bmu-nytrr- Tho;o wishing ctrtiueale will please take notice. 12tf H. out D.W.PIERSOX, Co. Scperlnteailent. t3 Clay's Patent Wcatber- - StinAjm.- - ... r. -- . ,- !., ( ov lwCmmag wiaa. Dts or Kaia from eafio' doon. Fnrnalebv swiX . Tfv M WAGaNSTHEBEST. SOLDIaND WAR-RANTE- D BYiSflvlS ip ... ' ' " . " I. ' TEIKETS. A .Ufcr L .rT"jfcST. LOUIR BIAIUTTSY.:- - ,V 9 FA-uo- 31. Wheat No. 3: red faUl$1.051.06; No 2, $1.13r.l5. ,4Corx No. 2 mixed 6S63c; and sieauy anu urni. OATS No. 2. mixed 48434c. r & (CHICAGO CATTLE AND li6G stlU ICETS. Aug. 31. Cattle Common grade" Texans, $2.00$3 20; choice steer3 $5.006.u0; extra. SG.1006.25. Hogs Common to good, $6.25 $0.75; greasers. S3.0fl$o.0G ; ctiolco to extra, $7.00S.2o. browaville markets: Hogs $55.5Q for fut; stock, .$2:50' 3.50. i Wheat 5560o. . - . Corn 75c ottered foricorn in eic. Oats 30c. Barley and Rye, same-- an last week. 0S SPECIAL NOTICES. THE GREAT CAUSE OK HUMAN MISERY. JZst published, in. ft Sca!c, Ekwte&e. jrrncaa: tens. A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment, nud Radleil Cure of Seminal Weuknes.s,or &prlnator-rhaj- a. Induced by Involuntary Emis sions. Xmpotency. Xervoui Debility, and Impedi- ments t ninrriase generally ; Piles. Consumption, Epilepsy, ami Fits: Mental Tliysical Incpac-lty.4c.-P- y KOBEItr J. CCLVEftWELK, M.D.. author of the "Green Eoolt." The vorI4-jenovnc- d author. In this admlrabla Lecture, clearly proves from his own experience that the awXuIcoU3Cjuences of Self-Abus- e may ba effectually removed without medicines, .and with- out dangerous surgical operations, boagiea. instrut ments. rings, or cordials, polntlnsj out s jbsVjs of at onc certain and effectual by which overy sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and rad- ically. tfS" This Lecture willprove a boon to thousands and thousands. Sen; under seal, lo any address. la a titin sealed envelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two post- age stamps. Also. Dr. -- .UlsbeeV BE3IED Y FOR PILES. Sendioreirciilar. Address the Publisher, CIIAS. J. C. KLIXE 4 CO., 127 Dowerr New York,Post-Ou!ceI5ox45S6- ,' 9)1 ? Mi' i wi i:nfPllTiai;,T.,iw;i'gn"sggg3 J". EC. jB-A-TTIEIR- v Manufacturer and Dealer in IJ ?3ifer''SaHKB5r z I mm J& - I J B til D7iiS (Jl thips, Bohes, Blankets? Ely-yetsj- tc .--. .. TJm . . K brated Oil Blncklffg; ?or Harness, Booth, bhoes, 4c, alajS oU luid. 6A Mala Street, BROW.WILLE, A'CaiRASKA. F. t Mtitfui nnd 4c. cure and Dealer in ADDLES, COLLAR mm rJmsSF&z. Brssfces'fc prcrvlin? Manufacturer at-o- 5;i t5r?S ARKESS, BRIDLEi Zlnlc PiuIsBnislie,, Ulanketii. BROWATILLE, .YCHRVSKA. L . fcT'a MAIX STILKET, tTV& Joliii W. Smitls. . BKOWSVlLhE, NEB. V JPJ. 3 j is5k& 1 gfJi' 55 S g. 4- -- h ir' j CT. JL. ttOltj "IMU- - ffik. V - $ f p &s tflK 2&e? .. -- t. . r. 02 Vacuum TT I a. il Undertaking a Specialty Xe&jv3 a fail Sice of METAIalO AND WOOD BUBIAL GASES. 56 Main Sircet, BBOSTILli, SlD. Ji liTTI' f 1 P $ t&

Transcript of Nebraska Advertiser. (Brownville, NE) 1874-09-03 [p...







A.Y S, 1874.

Fabllsliers' Notices.

aManuaeop........ antnT


h rates.




L r












OF THE AA 1W" J"t iui oam ujtscllcr, and iCewsstreet, noxt to the Postofflce.

set us ordinary reading matter.edtenceataper Insertion.

,y ype. twenty-Jiv-e per addlil- -


nts under the of "Wanted.".VFor Sale." "Lost," "Found," ?.,

..miniu .i" r " "" adver- -


lu- -


line, eachcent,


eachtt lines, or leas. each Insertion, aq- -

BggBfr- '- Hve lines, at the rate or nve

Cfti ywwe.sach Insertion

'SVthorlzetl Afient.HK L.,X. J.WtftSt. Deroln. is hw..

'",m"m' """ ""nl Ihitl JWMln irrrl

- ,

r - J






." v.




.1 .,




ir is our authorized nxent at Aspln- -

ve subscription and andelpt for monies due us.

at Peru, It herebv authorized to re- -

Iiuion and ilvertIMiiB for the An- -

ond collect and receipt for the same.&. hacker.

I'ubllshcrs Advertiser.

CITY' SSy'Bridge Notice" for bids toJMJliKSjSrldge at Hannaford's.

IMianlra In Rfpvnnenn Sr. CrOHH forlvz! ,t: r: ...:: , ,..,..PlTfrvMnre, uuu water luuiuii uuii





observation of market reprice of wheat seems to tend

rd everywhere.

IHiSt Tnannh Trwliiafrinl Ti".Ynn.

kiti0fwin commence next Mondayand ewtinue all the week.

citv fathers have had a sub- -

staatMT crossing made on AtlanticStrtewcest side of Frst.

1--I. Wi hear of nothing in regard tofcl&e "Independent ticket but disatis- -

vjmhm jiveryuouy says an easy

tlokt beat."


--AJdrew Seltzer, a German, ahdtaToWtlMitcheI, a colored man. resi- -

li l.Kf - I. .!.. . !..imutni vjiiiauu, leui-uu-y jiil uiiu u

tiftfetaitout a co-.v-, when the German

-- rmat vne negro ueau witn a snot-gun- .r M

Xaceived, constitution, by-law- s,

yrfciliMiio-,- 3 and Mat of premiums forttlW 5st Aiimiul ixlubilion of theBfwllstriet Fair of Nebraska,' toWImS at Lincoln September 22, 23,

&aixDd 2G, 1S74.

'The largest water melon we haveseason, about as large as

t-- we saw at any time, was on ex- -

,Idfbitten a few days by Mr. Win.JBpocoH of citv. was grownliMdU




this and

fctfdthis and

mrin. in mis vicinity. it53 pounds. Who can beat

Thauk to Mr. Rossell for1. d tatho "sepiioiican is over

Tfee whose record a Re- -

BoUa3teni publican and not aboveal the Union Baptist proacii.

i, in Richardson county, coni- -

ijrbeptember lbth. Hie churchlilies southwest of Aspinwall,

& or awSmile west of the road fromvilleto Falls City. Will theof Johnson, Pawnee and Rich- -

".ar4f counties nlease cony. 10t2

man from the devastated re--

northwestern Kansas, withhisJBTe and ceven humrrv childrendraSBby a of horses




n old wagon, stopped his earth- -

other day in front ofstore, and went in ami

at one pound of bacon. When



lor it he said, "that's thet I have in the world." Peo- -

draw their own conclusions into the facilities for living inocalities of the West.

lr. Kobert Teare informs us thattkjyoung grasshoppers are nowJj4iMng out, and that he has caughtlt5f them and bottled them up to

Ut observe their development. If it isaotajtly a fact the little pests are

daatiigby the frosts which eoonoowSj every farmer will rejoice ex- -oeedtagly with the assurance

. - . ....I l vie.t spring's crops win not befi deaMfeVed bv prnsshonners. nnd nn

&Q jftQ( with spirit and a great- -er fAh in the future.

3, TTnnvr TComoKo"Cly-rite- s about the ruffianlyOMiaiKt some men that town'WWjMjening last week. While MissFranoes Hoover, Birl Hoover's dauuh-- C'

feU' lfteen years of wastaklg one of her first lessons inaqaeetrlanism, these men wereis awagou, and probably drunk,started up their team, and putting:WlIj!to their horses rushed up thefetraagbehind the horse of Miss Fran-oasfblli- ng

the air with yells and the8tra5Jwith clouds of dust. Coming

wth the lady horsebacktk5wcreamed her get out of the"wwjcr they would run over her.Phjtjbe tried her best do, but

guiding horses, couldnot out of the before wheelof tM.wagon struck the horse, butbeiniSa very gentle animal, and MissFraaaae retaiuing her presence of

-- mlnjpwas fortunateli' not thrownfroaale saddle. Mr. Mrs. H.,Whptnessed the whole proceedingndje imminent danger of their

dauper, were filled with terror, butwsrruly grateful its lucky term- -






J. "R nf

of in

u onat to



atWe do not know who the

men were who would so treatg lady, or we would give their

Katie to our They certain-Jtegfe- ht

to be known and remember-aWJr- s.

H. asks, "is there not gome

liyw'-- iawto



8tojsuch lowlived, unprinci-e- n

from running theirn ?" We auswer that the beststop it Is for Nemaha to have

d police law ligorously enforced.cnnuBDCRs:


The State Fair will commence at

Omaha on the 29th inst.

The District Fair to be held at

Lincoln will open September 226.

Ed. Paker has taken editorial

charge of the Lone Tree Courier, Mer-

rick county.

We had some nice rain showers

on Tuesday evening and Wendesday


Charley MePqerson family,

of Republican Citj', have been in

town for several days.

T. L. Schick, Esq. in company

With MY. George Berkley went out to

Tecumeeh on Tuesday of this week.

Jnok McFall started last Monday

for a visit at Troy other places in

Ohio. Ho will be absent for severalweeks.

Levi Johnson, of Nemahadropped in to see us a momentTuesday. He was on his road to theState Convention.

Samuel Smith, residing nearOmnhn. rpnentlv run a tiMy nailinto his foot, from effectswhich he took lockjaw and died with-

in a few days.

Last Thursday night NemahaCity had the nicest kind of a dance,and Mat Alderman played the fiddle.If there is one thing we like betterthan another it is a left-hand- ed fiddl


The Blade that a Lincolncounter-jumpe- r told his landlord heWould not eat at the same table witha butcher, whereupon the butcherpitched into the clerk and gave athreshing.

Friend Polock says in the Lin-coln Blade, that "Sedgwick," theBlade's Brownville correspondent, isa coward and a sneak ;" other-wise ho would not be ashamed of hisreal name.

On last Monday the delinquenttax lands, as advertised, were offeredfor sale in accordance with the orderand decree of the court, by the Sheri-

ff, but there being no bidders, noland was sold.

The Red Cloud Chief says, "Ev-ery day we see a large number of peo-

ple pa-si- ng through our town whohave become dlacou raged and lireleaving the country. On the otherhand many are coming in and buy-ing railroad lands or taking claims.

Other matters so engross our at-

tention and occupy our pace that ourarticle embracinir a personal ref

Jerence to each of the candidates onLti.. n .i. if , i., ..

'i oalod Advcrtis "ckcc laju lor

hilch- -


wpek. Meantime Jet uasaytherti is not a on the ticket

second annual session of the standing asBaptist Association will j citizen is rePrairie

nair lean










f0L waj









next thatname



We made an efTort to p'rocure theproceedings of ihe Farmers' ami La-borers' convention for publication thisweek, but Mr. Andy Skeen. thesecre-tar- y

of the convention, failed to fur-

nish them to ds. We went to himand requested him to do sd. as manyof that party are our readers and pat-rons ; and because the minutes do notappear no blame should attach to us.

On last Thursday evening theonly avowed and public courtesan ofthe only bawdy houein our city, artdher "capper. one B'ibbptt, were ar-rested by M-irsh- Campbell, aridtaken before Esquire Schick, chargedwith keeping a houe of ill-fam- e.

nahhett. after a hearing of his cade,was released oy giving bond in $100for his appearance before the Districtcourt. Lizzie plead not uuilty andasked for a ehnngo of venue to thecourt of Judge McComas. which wasgranted. As it would take consider-able time to make out the necessarypapers for the transfer of the ctise. itwas put over for next morning andLizzie was permitted to depart to herUaual place of business. But whennext morning rolled around. Lizziewas not here. She had incontinentlygot up and turned her back on thecity, and nobndy was sorry- - perhaps.If you get imo a scrape and BillRogers don't clear you, on due appli-cation, it will be a wonder. That'sthe way he cleared Lizzie Sail ford.

On last Saturday morning incompany with Coiinni--inn- er Mclvin-ne- y,

wo took a ride out to the countyfarm to see the new hou-- e that hasbeen erected thereon We foundnothing more nor less than a goodsubstantial brick building 40x46 feet,twotories high with a very excellentbasement and cellar r.ndiieath walledwith -- ton. The brick wore put upby Gates & B.iiinVld. und the tvnoilwork by J B. Uerger Tti wdrk issaid, by mechanics, to be don in ex-cellent manner. The houe was muchneeded, as the old shell of a thingnow ued is small and not fit for anyhuman to live in. It is not too largehy any means, but is of that characterof public improvement that shouldalways be made, being commodious,durable and plain, without anyundue expense, for looks and orna-mentation, but standing on an emi-nence as it does, it shows well fromthe surrounding country This housewill serve for the Uses intended formany years, and the people beln-tax- ed

to pay for it would much rathi-- 7

build a good a good Inm-- e and be donewith it than to have to build in a fewyears again. That which is worthdoing is worth doing well, should bethe rule in all public works, buildings,bridges &c, aqd those wha will seethe house on the poor farm will thankthe Commissioners for doing so goodand permanent a work.


club.Tecumseh has organized a gle6

Our thanks are due R. V. Muirfor some very fine tomatoes.

A German named Flach, of Stan-ton county Neb, recently committedfiuicide by cutting his throat.

The Nemaha county delegates tothe Republican State Convention allleft for Lincoln on Tuesday afternoon.

The grading is finished for aside-wal- k

on the eatslde of Second Streetfrom Main street north to R. V.Muir's property.

We are requested by Prof. Richto annaunce thatthe Brownville HighSchool will be commended again nextMonday, September 7th.

Nemaha City lias no salodtl nowand the city authorities refuse to granta license to retail whisky. This in-

creases the whisky trade of

Evan Worthing, receiver of theland office at Bloomington, paid ourtown a flying visit this week camdin Monday dvening and started back

0f to Lincoln next day.

We thought Fairbrother of theBrownville Advertiser had jdltiedthe Sons of Tempdratice. But wemust he mistaken, for he still calls usthe Tribune. Pawnee Republican.

Lapsus Calimi.lbaVa old brotherHassler.

Johnathari Higgins, candidatefor county commissioner on the Inde-pendent ticket, came to town onTuesday. This is his first visit to ourciy for several months, as he does hisprincipal trading in Nebraska City.Wonder if he came down this waylooking for votes? We can tell himthey are mighty scarce around herefor him.

Persons living In the vicinity ofMcCoy's Hog lot. have complained tothe Mayor, with just cause we think,of the same. Mrs. August says thefoul stench that permeates everythingin and about her house, from thatpe.i df hogs nearly drives lier fromher home, and that they can't sleepof nitrhts from the everlasting noisekept up. Stock yards should not betolerated within any inhabited partof the city, and not. even one citizenor family should be imposed upon oroppressed.

On last Thursday the injunctionwhich Mr. Barrett had placed on theferry boat of Baily, McKee & Co.,and which caused a alight interference!with the business of that boat for afew days, was dissolved by JudgeGanttat Nebraska City, after a dueexamination pCtJjiiIiihuats-ajj, i,pers filed in the matter, and the sameold boat, tha old stand by, "Mary J.Arnold." which has Stood ...bytbe in-

terests of this city and county andprotected and advanced them inmany ways, is running regularlyagain, all right. The "Mar3' Arnold"claims that her vocation is legitimate,and will rcent every attack uponher virtud.

The point we wish to make isthis there are three parties in thiscounty. Brownville Advertiser.

The Falls City Journal publishesthe above, and then Comments false-ly about the same. The item wasnot copied from the ADVERTISERneither is it an extract from any ar-ticle we ever wrote or published.Brownville Advertiser.

If the editor above quoted will takeanother squint when he is sober atan article in the Advertiser of the()th inst . wherin the editor of thispaper is the principal subject, he willfind the identical words and sentenceabove quoted, his bold and and un-qualified assertion to the co'ntiarynotwithstanding. We have the firsttime yet to attempt to garble andmutilate the article of a cotemporary.

Falls City Journal.The editor of the Journal Is a most

impudent perverter of truth and gar-bl- er

of a cotemponiry's articles. Heunblushingly stitiks to his falsehoodwhen he knows it to be an easy mat-

ter to expose him by producing theproof. The following from the Ad-

vertiser of the 6th of August is theparigraph in which dccuN the part ofaserttence garbled mis-quote- d by theJoitrnal :

"The laughing-stoc- k of the besthen of both parties" are we Col-

onel. Well if we are, the remarkproves you to be the ignorant ass youare depicted in every silly efFort youmake to discuss any subject. Thepoint we would make art. you is this'here are three parties in this countywhich you well know, but have' nev-er learned until now. and it is niirduty to instruct you, that the wordboth cannot be used with equal goodene in reference to three thing as it

can be to two.""We h .ve the first time yet," says

the Journal, "to attempt to garbleand mutilate the article of a cotempo-rary." N.nv Col compare the aboveitalicized part of a sentence withyour garldcil quotation and you willfind that in order to change the senseof the remark, you interpolated theword "wish." and expunged thewords "on yoo." What kind of workis that Col. Stretch ? Is it not thesmallest kind of garbling?

That is another one on you Col.,and the meanest one of all ; and bythe way Col , your frequent insinua-tions that we are not at nil times dulysober is "getting old" and leads us tobelieve that you are either mistakenas to our habits, or. that you malici-ously intend to slander us. Which-ever it may be, we will inform youthat we do not use any spirituousMounts in any manner or form. Tony"you'rcd'rtlnI?t is the last resort

of editors of small bore, who cannotsuccessfully cope with an opponent.

Now Stretch dare you publish theabove entire in your colums withoutGarbling or mutilation? You dare notdo it. Unless you do we will here-after regard you as beneath our noticeas a newspaper man.

PERSONALS.Mr. J. W. Middleton returned

home last Friday from Chicago.J. W.Newman, Esq., who Was

absent several weeks visiting Rich-mond Ind , returned to this city onFriduy last.

Mr. Bennett, hog dealer ofTippedanoe, Ohio, has been spendinga week or two in our city, and hasbought quite a lot of stock hogs here,and shipped them to his place at Tippecanoe.

Last Friday we had the pleasurebf meeting Mr. M. V. Easterday, ofTecumseh, in th city. Mr. E ispresident of the Board of Agriculturaldf Johnson county. He says they arebound to have a Fair out there, and agood due j that if there was but littlecorrt raised in the county, they canshow the best kind of wheat and ahabundance of everything but dorn.

Mr. E. D. Speares, of Tecum!eh,came into the city last Thursday with'a lot of horses, which he had for saieor trade. He went on into AfisSHiirion Friday, Mr. S. is of firm of) has. It funs a lathe,Spdars &, Peabody, who keep at Tecumseh one of the best livery stablesin the west.

Messrs. Oscar Scoville, FrankHenderson, Johnson Henderson,(which is "Tote"), and Win. Drain,all of Nemaha city, on last Fridaynight, joined tlld Sons of TemperanceBrownville Division1 No. 19. Good forthe boys.

Mr. A. H. Gillett. of North Plattformerly a resident of Peru, favoredus with a call last Saturday.

Phil. Deuser, of the firm of Deu-se- r& Bros, hardware merchants of

Rockport, Mo., spent a day or twowith his friends in Brownville lastweek.

In company with Jrio. B. Mc-Ca- be

and behind his 3panking pair ofponies, we visited Grand Prairieschool house last Monday and werepresent at the Fanners' ami Laborers'convention. Grand Prairie is becoming n familiar name to the people ofthis section of the country from thefact that it is so frequently publi-he- d

as the meeting place of the CountyAssociation of Granges, and the con-

ventions of the new party. GrandPrairie is not a town, there is simplya school house there, and was so nam-ed on account of the beautiful countrysurrounding as 'far as the eye can see.It is not a wild monotonous scope ofunbroken prairie as some might sup-pose, not by a good deal, for it is wellsettled with intelligent farmers andfruit growers. The farms all showthrift and care, and the buildingsare better, so far as we observed, thanthe average farm houses of the fcouti-tr- y.

It is not uncommon to see wellconstructed two-stor- y pind buildings,painted clear white, standing in themidst of planted groVe2, all addingfascinating chariiis to the natural

rBeaiity otlie scenery; or the waveyand, undulating prairie, makingtjaGrand PrairieTingtruth. " , J" .

All along the road Gram! Prairie the country is veryInviting, thickly settled and well cul-

tivated, but still there is much splen-did laud awaiting only the industryand enterprize of the husbandman toyield rich rewards. Now the coun-try displays Ies3 df its real worth, ag-

riculturally, thau we have ever seenit before; the corn fields being shornof fodder making them lookragged, and the fruit trees, apple treesdspecially, arestrlpped of their leaves,leaving the apples to ripen withoutany protecting shade. Notwithstandthe ravages of the grasshoppers dnd

withering drouth and afl unpre-cedeuedt- ly

hot summer, we saw somecommonly good crops of corn, andnone, we thirik, where there is an en-tire failure, and take the averagcnrncrop, there will be sufficient to amplysupply th'e wa'fil9Torflfe,p'erip1elr"r'

Tile frnitfropUft'gtfadf but'fjedfche5while the trees are generally loadedwith fruit, are not so large as theywould have been had there been morerain. Apples, pears and plums arenot effected in this respect so much.In passing we noticed the fine fruit ofMr. H. O. Minick especially his pears,which appeared to be of good size andabundant. Mr. Wilkison Sage's ap-ple trees seemed to be nearly break-ing under their loads of rich fruit;and Mr. Mahle's ten rfcres of peaches,right in the centere of Grand Prairie,looked so luscious and tempting, thatcould we have discovered a place ofingress through the splendid locusthedge, we would most certainly haverun the risk of bull-dog- s and shot-guu- s

in the attempt to appropriate ahat-fu- ll of peaches, but with such ahedge, the best we have seen in theState, Mr. Mahle's orchard is safefrom intrusion.


Annual State Convention at Green-wood, Septemeer 22.

Hebor.v, Aug 25, 1S74.Editor Nebraska Advertiser.

The annual State Convention of theChristian Church in Nebraska will beheld at Greenwood. 18 miles north ofLincoln, on the B. & M. Railroad, be-ginning on Tuesday, Se'pt. 22, at twoo'clock p. m.

Congregations throughout the Stateare incited to send each two delegates",and all who come will be made wel-come. . c. Barrow.

State Evangelist.

W. H. McCreery always keeps afull stock of pure drugs. 52-3- m

Fruit Jars the best and Cheapest,by Stevenson & Cross.

Prescriptions filled at all hours, atNickell's Drug store. 50m3

Eight pounds tea for one dollar byStevenson & Cross.

NICKELL is at Thunnan's oldstand, next door to State Bank.

A full line of smoker's articles constantly on hand at L. A. Bergman'svery low for cash.

The St. Joseph Exposition willcommence next Monday. A niimherof Brownville folks will visit the fairduring the week.

The ticket nominated bv the i nnmiuatintr a full Ktnto ticket, andFarmers Laborers at Grand Prai- - ' whereas thev have , -

rie last aionday is as follows : StateSenator, O. B. Hewett; Representa-tives. Church Howe and C. F. Hay-de- n.

For County Commissioners,drat district, W. M. Stokes; thirddistrict', Jonathan Higgins. Thenames of the gentlemen appointed asdelegates to the State Convention wedid not get.

One day this week we droppedinto Mr. Lockwood's shop, nearly atthe foot of College street. We don'thardly know what kind of a shop tocall it, he does so many differentkinds of work; but. we can tell ofsome things we saw. In one ddrherof his shop he bus put up n bran newlittle Bookwaltersteam engine, whichserves many good purposes for a mechanic with the ingenuity that Lock

the wood turning



and a little circular saw, by which heoiits and forms his wagon timber intothe desired shape, and he also turnsiron as well as wood.

In an adjoining room Lockwoodhas put a small "Premium" mill withwheels and belts attached, and hiseugine-run- s that, artd he will grindyou a sack of horse feed, ddtS or rye,or a grist of corn, in a very feV min-utes. Take it altogether we think hehas the handiest place we have seen.

Adjoining this shop he has justbiiilt another one intended for abiuciksmith, and when Mr. Jack Mer-cer gets back to Brownville, whichwill be within a short time, he willtake charge of that department, andthen they propose to do all the workof any kind that is brought them.Mr. L. says his main business willbe machine repairing, aud those whohave any ngricultural machinery torepair will know where to take it tobe made very nearly as gooil aS hew.This is quite an addition to the busi-ness of our city, aud we hope Mr.Lockwood will be well lewarded withbusiness to compensate liini for thelarge expense he has incurred instarting his shops.

A'EW jilliLIXERY GOODS.Mrs. Berkley takes this method of

returuiug thanks to the ladies ofBrownville and Nemaha and adjoining counties for their very liberal custom during the spring and summerseasons just past, and also ot invitingtheir attention td the fact that nextweek, about Friday, she will com-

mence receiving her stock for the falltrade, which will more thau equal invariety of fine aud fashiduable goods,any of her previous stocks thosewho want splendid fashionable hats,fancy goods, or anything in her lineshould not fail to call, for she is determined, ashei'tetofdre. td s'UU all in

ker heriexperlence and.taateiquatifivsa . - , . 'Jierjprwarranc -- sausiaction in everycase. 1 lie preparation of bride'strous&eaus Mrs. B. makes a specialtyaud would call attention to the wedding trousseau of Mrs. Doleti fig" therichest and iifo3t beautiful robe thatever decorated a b'ride in this city.

For fair dealing and the lowest fig-

ures go to Steveiiso'n & Cross.

If you. want a No. i stove for theleast stamps, call and buy of Tis'dei &.


Scythes and Pitchforks the bestand cheapest by Stevenson &, Cross.


I wish to inform all my old friendsand the public generally, that havingsold out my hotel business td JosephO'Pelt. I aiuriiovV devoting, my entire.alteHtidtMtf the sdfrer!uteiio!fifeof,myliveryT fttubier rfhu" feeT catfftilenv

r . !. . Tthat in the lUture.iBS in uie uuai. x"generaitsatlsfactior??"can give

Ben. Rogers.

Machine oils and belting by& Cfdss.

wasted:Corn in the ear for go'ddstti the Red


For the West implements of anykind, stoves, hardware, groceries orwagons, go to Stevenson & Cross.

A choice selection of plain and fan-

cy ribbon at Louis Lowman's.

Fruit Jars the best and cheapest,by Stevenson & Cross.

W. H. McCreery has a large stockof paints. OlKs, glass, wall paper andwindow sliaMee a"t reduced prices.

52"-3- n

Fruit Jars the best and cheapest,by Stevenson & Croa

If you want something to' eat whenin town in the shape of a nice lunch

good bread and butter, boiled ham,cheese, SSc, go to Sn afFfl.

Hardwa're, Tinware an'd Queens-war- e

by Stevenson & Cross

New style belts received at

Stoves, groceries nud iron by Ste"-venso- n

& Cross.

Keep" the largest and best selectedstck of rihbo'ns ami fancy goods atLouis Lowman's.

Saddles and codfish for sale by Ste-

venson & Cross.

Lard Oil, Che pu're'Jt in town, atNickell's Drug Store.

Q.D EENS WARS?.Large stock at Stevenson" & Cross'.

New Bed Stead.", Carpets, Bureaus,and Wash Stands, cheap for cash, atRoy's Furniture Store. Call soon

Carpet chain, cotton yartr and Cotton batten bv Stevenson & Crcsd.

TEMPERANCE CONVENTION.Whereas, As the State Temper-

ance (jentrai Committee has called aState Convention to be held in Lin-coln SepJerhberDth. for the purpose of



the temperance Voters of each countyIn the State hold a Djass meeting atthe county seat on the 5th of Sept., toelect delegates to represent the coun-ty in said State Convention. There-fore, notice is hereby given by theundersigned Codtity Central Commit-tee, that said County Convention willbe held at the court house in Brown-ville, Saturday Sept. 5th, at one o'-

clock p. m., to elect eight delegatesfor the purpose aforesaid.

Wir. Tidrow,John H. Dundas.Jarvis S. Church.

County Central Committee of theTemperance parly.

fcliASTERIXG HAIRFor sale by the pound or by the

bushel by J. H. Bauer.

Cabinet work of ail kinds made toorder at J. L. Roy's.

CtiOTHI.VG.If you wish cheap suits, call and see

our ctock of clothing.F. E. Johnson & Co.

Wanted. All kinds of grain.Theo. Hii.l & Co.

DICK HUGHEShas quit his old trick of drinking la-

ger beer, and has just re eived fiftykegs of Beyscli lag's pure lager, oneyear old, which he prriposeA to sell atfive C'euts ii glass if lie don't make arod. '

Farmers will not have cheap;wagons, but buy the Bain.

HAND BOOK OP POLITICS FOR 1874.By Hon Edward McPlieraoii, Clerk ofHouse of Representatives U. S.

This acdiirdte add impartial volumegives the full record on the "Increas'eof Salary Act" and its repeal, odtransportation, civil rights, and finan-cial questions, including tho act of1S62 creating the "legal tenders" andcoin interest on bonds, and the vari-ous expanding and coh'traeiliig actssince. Piesident Grant's mess'agesand memorandum, interviews, letters,proclamations, and action in Alaba-ma, Arkansas, Loui-ian- a and Texas.Supreme Court decisions. Illinois andWisconsin railroad laws, constitutional amendments, made and pending,in States aud Nation. "Buck-pay- "

statistics; tables of appropriations,debt, elections, currency distributionby States and sectiodsJ, &c. itivahia-bl- e

for campaign. Cloth, $2.50, postpaid. Address Geo. Frs. Dawson,P. O. Box 434, Washington, D. C.


NOTICE; SPORTSMEN.Those 'fuT'want. jof thordugh-ife'- d

Irish setter T3iraDoxanbgunuIJS't;d by calling on gffilgSWif

--""TOIie' be8titenrceii tfcal ico sold .ut,. tL.Lowman's.

Sugar cured hams and countryeon at S'wtui & Bro's.


Why is it thai, peopletrade at Deu's? They alltiadc at Deu's, and willcontinue to trade wherethey find a shot gun atstove, a wagon, a suit ofclothes, furniture, drygoods, fi-.l- i pitch forksand handles, hats andcaps, bobts and shoes,powder and shot, cart-ridges, gun wads or anykind of goods they want,cheap for cash. Call onDen and see.

ha- -

Our Goverrfo.'d Clioice is the ftfvoff ldJ.4gfeiiuf''i4ji', --KtcniH LBergman, 41 Main btreetss. &4 pr

Large stock of clothing for men,youths auil children, at L. Low--

Another car laud of StU- - '

tleb.iker wugoh jint re-

ceived hj' W. T. Deil.Who sells tile best wagon?Why, Den sells all thovvagorts, both spring nfiiifarm, and (he Stndebakerfnu'st be the bent.

Choice Hannibal fall wheat flour atSwifn & Bro's.

FEL1L.OW SPORTSMEN.Now is the time to buy

your breech and muzzleloading shot guns lit W.T. Detr'a H6 Una justreceived it ton of shot, acargo of Bogardoes deadshot powder, caps, cart-ridges, gun wads, and ev-

erything in the sportingline will be Sold cheap forcash at W. T. Den's.

Closing o'ut go'ods cheap at LouisLowman's".

Summer fclothing at cost by LouisLowman".

St. Joe. No. 1 Flour at A.more & Co's.

H. Gil- -

50 PIECESNew st3les of Prints just receives byF. E. John on & Co.

FARMERS,Get3our Machine repairing done atLockwood's machine repairing shop.

CatS'TY OrfOERSTaken in exch mge for dry goods byF. E. Johnson & Co.

JIACrilSE REPAIRINGDone nt Lockwood's machine repair-ing shop in the best manner, rthd forthe least mouey, 0 any place in thecounty.

LARGE IiOTGroceries Just received by F.E. Johnson & Co

St. Joe. No.more & Co's.


Flour at A. H. Gil- -

Boots and Shoes for men, ladies andchildren, atL. Lowruan's.TEAS t TEAStt

Tho cheapest and best at Gilmore&Co's.

Farmers, don't throw away.SOorCofdollars on a wagon to save id dollars.But buy the Bain they are the

Call at Nickell's Drug store, whenyou come to town. 50m3

FRUIT JARS.A large lot just received by F. E.

Johnson & Co.

Machine Oilat Nichell's iiriig Store.

MACHINE OIL.Call and try C. Lett's Polarine

engine oil ; warranted to bebetterdndcheaper than any oil in use".

A new stock of Pure Drugs at Nick-ell's Drugstore. 50m3

The '"National Currency Tobacco"made by Colhap of this city, when weconsider its quality, nnd cheapness,and the peculiar style in which it isput np, is the best thing in the tobac-co line we have seen. It is put up witha view to small wholesale customers.Farmers, Grangers a,nd others whowant to buy directly from the manu-facturer should see Colhapp' beforesupplying themselves.

Paints, Oils and Glass, at Nickell'sDrug store. 50m3

MACHINE ,1LSKept at H. C Lett's drug store, ofevery variety.

Saginaw salt at Swan & Bro's.

California Wine rind Brandy atNickell's Drug store. 50mS

Wm. II. Hoover, Real Estate Agentand Convei'encer. Court Room.

Lritii.sville cement. Alton lime, andhair at Swan & Bro's.

TOU AltE INTERESTED.If you regard life and property go

and see the Non-Kxplo.i- ve Lamps atH. C. Lett's drug store.

W. H. McCreery has all kinds ofmachine oils, and will not be Undert.old- -


NON-EXPLOSI- VE LAMPS.Go and see the non-explosi- ve lamp-a- tH. C. Lett's drugstore. He"has a

lamp that every family should have.

Engine Oil, 70 cts. a gallon, at Nickell's Drug Store.

Paper Floor Carpet, 25 cents a yard,at Roy 's.

Closing linen goods at andcosLat Louis Lowman's.

Sellfriggbod'a SpjJenSap as ever -- atD, Lowman's.

'- ItvCMD " Mr-G- ,

-.- -


eOE iTV-- .





EITISIAll Pir- -

Slif' formed. la the best: s- manner.


At Rock Port, Mo., from 1st to Tlh of eachmonth.


Marble Worksrjrt5

7Jft JMK-"K- '



L3 --. ';1 t?W i1. a


CHARLES NEIDHART,Mnnulacturcr and Dealer In

Poreign&Domestic MarbleMonuments, Tombstones,

t-tB- TOPS, &cMain Street, between 6th and 7th,

BROWSTILLE, NEBRASKA.All orders promptly tilled and hatlbmction



CIIAS. NEiriHAUT. Proprietor.M. M. CONN'CIt. rratlu:g Atnt.

jcrniz cftAnDocK. w. r. ckaddock."tJJtODOCK & SOW,

--Hm mm

Breech-Loadlii- R Shot Gun"?, Rifles,CAltni.VES, A3IjIUITI0.,SP0KTI.VG GOODS.

MalnStVeet. Brownville. Neb.Gnns made to order. Repairing neatly done.




0OT5 AND SHOEcustom wosk


3XA.rE to oiiXn:i


Repalrins neatly done-- . 27d.Milala strew. Brovv'Jle.Xeb.

TWILL hottf Pnblic ExarninatSoo oi theof eacli month, at n- - officeIn Bmu-nytrr- Tho;o wishing ctrtiuealewill please take notice.12tf



D.W.PIERSOX,Co. Scperlnteailent.

t3 Clay's Patent Wcatber- - StinAjm.- -... r. -- . ,- !.,( ov lwCmmag wiaa. Dts or Kaia from eafio'doon. Fnrnalebv swiX . TfvM WAGaNSTHEBEST. SOLDIaND WAR-RANTE- D BYiSflvlS

ip ...

' ' " . " I.


.rT"jfcST. LOUIR BIAIUTTSY.:- -,V 9FA-uo- 31. Wheat No. 3: red

faUl$1.051.06; No 2, $1.13r.l5.,4Corx No. 2 mixed 6S63c; andsieauy anu urni.

OATS No. 2. mixed 48434c.r &


Aug. 31. Cattle Common grade"Texans, $2.00$3 20; choice steer3$5.006.u0; extra. SG.1006.25.

Hogs Common to good, $6.25$0.75; greasers. S3.0fl$o.0G ; ctiolcoto extra, $7.00S.2o.

browaville markets:Hogs $55.5Q for fut; stock, .$2:50'3.50. iWheat 5560o. . - .

Corn 75c ottered foricorn in eic.Oats 30c.Barley and Rye, same-- an last




JZst published, in. ft Sca!c, Ekwte&e.jrrncaa: tens.

A Lecture on tho Nature, Treatment, nudRadleil Cure of Seminal Weuknes.s,or &prlnator-rhaj- a.

Induced by Involuntary Emissions. Xmpotency. Xervoui Debility, and Impedi-ments t ninrriase generally ; Piles. Consumption,Epilepsy, ami Fits: Mental Tliysical Incpac-lty.4c.-P- y

KOBEItr J. CCLVEftWELK, of the "Green Eoolt."

The vorI4-jenovnc- d author. In this admlrablaLecture, clearly proves from his own experiencethat the awXuIcoU3Cjuences of Self-Abus- e may baeffectually removed without medicines, .and with-out dangerous surgical operations, boagiea. instrutments. rings, or cordials, polntlnsj out s jbsVjs of

at onc certain and effectual by which overysufferer, no matter what his condition may be,may cure himself cheaply, privately, and rad-ically.

tfS" This Lecture willprove a boon to thousands andthousands.

Sen; under seal, lo any address. la a titin sealedenvelope, on the receipt of six cents, or two post-age stamps. Also. Dr. --.UlsbeeV BE3IED Y FORPILES. Sendioreirciilar. Address the Publisher,

CIIAS. J. C. KLIXE 4 CO.,127 Dowerr New York,Post-Ou!ceI5ox45S6- ,'


? Mi' i wi i:nfPllTiai;,T.,iw;i'gn"sggg3



Manufacturer and Dealer in

IJ ?3ifer''SaHKB5r

z I mm J&- I J B

til D7iiS (Jl

thips, Bohes, Blankets?Ely-yetsj- tc

.--. .. TJm . . K

brated Oil Blncklffg; ?orHarness, Booth, bhoes, 4c, alajS oU luid.

6A Mala Street,BROW.WILLE, A'CaiRASKA.

F. t





and Dealer in









ARKESS, BRIDLEiZlnlc PiuIsBnislie,, Ulanketii.




Joliii W. Smitls.. BKOWSVlLhE,


JPJ. 3 j is5k&


gfJi' 55 S g. 4--- h

ir' j

CT. JL. ttOltj

"IMU- -

ffik. V -

$ f p &stflK 2&e?

.. --t. . r.





a. il

Undertaking a SpecialtyXe&jv3 a fail Sice of


56 Main Sircet, BBOSTILli, SlD.

Ji liTTI' f 1 P $ t&