Nature Conservation for Sustainable Life -...

Peduli Konservasi Alam Indonesia (PEKA) Foundaon Address: Villa Bogor Indah 5, Cluster Pelikan, Blok CE 3 No. 18 Bogor Telp.: +62817 274 533 Email: [email protected] Website: We welcome for any kind of collaboraon related to nature conservaon, insect and biological control research, environmental educaon, community development, capacity building and other related aspects. Peduli Konservasi Alam Indonesia Foundation (often called PEKA Indonesia Foundation) is a civil society organization working on en- vironment & sustainable development issues. The main goal of the foundation is "Management of Naturel Resources and Environment for Sustainable Life". We were established as non-profit and non- government organization to work on nature conservation and sus- tainable use of natural resources. Based on the goal, PEKA Indone- sia’s missions are to combine between research, education and com- munity development to support the natural resources conservation works in Indonesia, to develop stakeholder awareness in conserva- tion works, to evolve networking and data base for nature conser- vation researches and to manage data center in biodiversity conser- vation actions in Indonesia. Nature Conservation for Sustainable Life

Transcript of Nature Conservation for Sustainable Life -...

Peduli Konservasi Alam Indonesia (PEKA) Foundation

Address: Villa Bogor Indah 5, Cluster Pelikan, Blok CE 3 No. 18 Bogor Telp.: +62817 274 533 Email: [email protected] Website:

We welcome for any kind of collaboration related to nature conservation, insect

and biological control research, environmental education, community development,

capacity building and other related aspects.

Peduli Konservasi Alam Indonesia Foundation (often called PEKA Indonesia Foundation) is a civil society organization working on en-vironment & sustainable development issues. The main goal of the foundation is "Management of Naturel Resources and Environment for Sustainable Life". We were established as non-profit and non-government organization to work on nature conservation and sus-tainable use of natural resources. Based on the goal, PEKA Indone-sia’s missions are to combine between research, education and com-munity development to support the natural resources conservation works in Indonesia, to develop stakeholder awareness in conserva-tion works, to evolve networking and data base for nature conser-vation researches and to manage data center in biodiversity conser-vation actions in Indonesia.

Nature Conservation for Sustainable Life

We are focusing our work through four main programs. Research on Insect and Biodiversity Species conservation through habitat managemnt and developing environmentally biological control to promote healthy ecosystem. Environmental Education and Conservation Program To increase the community awareness and responsibility toward environmental conservation and to enhance the human resources quality in the field of insect conservation and biodiversity conserva-tion in general. Community Empowerment for Sustainable Use and

Management of Natural Resources in Support of Nature Conservation in Gunung Halimun Sa-lak and Coastal Vil-lages in Berau East K a l i m a n t a n(Community-Based Nature Conserva-tion) Conservation of natural resources by integrating environmental conser-vation and community development agenda.

Capacity Building for Development of Peka Indonesia Organization

Increasing staff capacity in the field of insect research, nature con-servation, environmental education and organizational manage-ment.

Programs 3. Environmental education collaboration Supporting schools in Jakarta, Bekasi, and Bogor for environmental education program. We have developed a mutual collaboration with schools in Jakarta, Bekasi and Bogor to initiate the integration of school formal curriculum with environmental education. 4. TFCA Kalimantan Program– KEHATI Foundation Supporting local organizations and local communities in Biduk-biduk subdistrict, Berau District, East Kalimantan in TFCA Kaliman-tan program with KEHATI Foundation. We also have developed good relationship with local government institutions to initiate the local policies about conservation in Biduk-biduk subditrict. Some of government institutions involved: 1. Biduk-biduk, Teluk Sulaiman and Giring-giring Vilages, 2. Biduk-biduk subdistrict 3. Berau District 4. Tourism Departement in District Level 5. Environment and Forestry Departemen in District level 5. Bogor University of Agriculture (IPB) PEKA Indonesia also having collaboration with IPB in conducting researches, trainings and environment education. Department of Forest Conservation, Plant Protection Student Association are two of department that involved in PEKA Indonesia activities.

Network Networking has always become the most important part of the growing of PEKA Indonesia. We have been developing mutual asso-ciations and networking with different counterparts as institutions and/or individuals who obtain aligned mission and task with us. Some of the alliances, affiliate, and individuals that PEKA Indonesia involved in : 1. Wildlife Trust Alliance Almost 18 different alliance countries or individual all around the world has established this alliance since 2003, and PEKA is one of the pioneers of this alliance. The head quarter of this alliance is in New York, US. The Mission Statement for the Wildlife Trust Alliance: Com-bining the skills and wisdom of local conservation professionals world-wide to conserve nature through innovative, multidisciplinary science and action. The Vision Statement: The Wildlife Trust Alliance will be a global, egalitarian, international fellowship of dedicated conserva-tion professionals who have a key voice in setting the international agenda for environmental stewardship, and whose programs will serve as models for excellence in conservation practice. 2. Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), Task Force 7 for Environmental Sustainability We recognize the fundamental importance of addressing hunger, water availability, disease, civil unrest and the other MDGs. However, a root cause of these unmet human needs is the increasing degrada-tion of the biological systems upon which all life, including the human population, depends. The Task Force on Environmental Sustainabil-ity, therefore, seeks to identify appropriate policy measures that will reverse environmental degradation and ensure more productive management of ecosystems as a basis for enabling the other MDGs to be met.This will require that the sustainable management of ecosys-tems, their constituent species, andtheir essential services are directly incorporated into development planning in sectors such as agricul-ture, water, forestry, fisheries, energy, transportation, health, and in-dustrial production.


Our projects in last 5 year were conducted in Kalimantan island, Ti-mor Leste and West Java. Besides, recently we are also active in Envi-ronment Education Program of Bogor District Environment depart-ment.

“Development of Sustainable

Forest Area Management Model based on the Communities on 3 Coastal Villages (Desa Biduk-Biduk, Desa Giring-Giring dan Desa Teluk Sulaiman), Berau District, East Kalimantan.” TFCA, 2014-2016

“Promoting Sustainable Management of Bukit Baka Bukit Raya National Park Through Community-Based Conservation Approach” Whitley Fund for Nature-Continuation, 2012-2013

“Community based Microhydro at Bunikasih Hamlet, West Java.” Bank Negara Indonesia, 2013

“ Mapping of HCV (high conservation value) Area as campaign tools of pro-tected area outside forest area in Sintang District, West Kalimantan.” SETAPAK, Asia Foundation, 2013-2014

“Mapping of the Existing Conditions in Nino Konis Santana National Park, Timor-Leste” UNESCO Regional Office Jakarta, 2014-2015

Gunung Halimun Salak Project

Gunung Salak is one of the last remaining nature reserves in West Java, Indonesia. As a nature reserve, its existence is threathened by the increase of human activities especially for economic development purpose, with less attention on conservation effort. The effort to con-serve and rehabilitate are very weak in comparison with the deple-tion, degradation and erotion of genetic resources. Increasing illegal logging and timber exploitation with the minimal rehabilitation and cultivation effort, contribute to several impact on water loss and soil erotion. Insects on several ecosystem in Gunung Salak, from agroeco-system to forest ecosystem has been threatened by direct or indirect impact of human activities. The illegal hunting of beetle in forest ecosystem, and increasing chemical pesticide utilization on agricul-ture practices complete the major problem on deforestation.

PEKA Indonesia conducted some conserva-tion activities such as: 1. Environmental Education in Gunung Sa-lak, West Java - Indonesia 2. Community Empowerment in Gunung Salak, West Java - Indonesia 3. Participatory Mapping of Cisarua sub-village “ Ensuring forest conservation and community livelihood” 4. Environmental Education in Gunung Halimun, Sukabumi, West Java – Indonesia 5. Community Network on Forest Corridor Conservation 6. Insect Research Program

Collaborated with some funding from various donor, PEKA Indone-sia achieving its purpose to reduce illegal logging, timber exploita-tion and beetle illegal hunting in Gunung Salak area. By the end of 2012, PEKA Indonesias projects in Gunung Salak published 6 reports in insect research, 1 report about frog conservation and some of com-munity development.

Started on 2014 in Tropical Forest Conservation Action (TFCA) Project on 3 coastal villages in Berau district. That villages named Biduk-Biduk, Giring-Giring and Teluk Sulaiman. The title of the project are Pengem-bangan Model Kelola Ka-wasan Hutan Lestari Ber-

basis Masyarakat di 3 Desa Pantai (Desa Biduk-Biduk, Desa Giring-Giring dan Desa Teluk Sulaiman), Kabupaten Berau, Kalimantan Timur. (Development of Sustainable Forest Area Management Model based on the Communities on 3 Coastal Villages, Berau Dis-trict, East Kalimantan). Those are the villages in the strategic area that still need to be conserve for its natural forest, combination of freshwater and coastal lake ecosystem, mangrove ecosystem and karst ecosystem. The wildlife in this area is still origin. Kalimantan typical animals such as bekantan also found in the forest of this area. In our view, there are at least four different types of apes foraging in this area. The diversity of the fishes and sea wild life are high. Some of the unique species such as green turtles, eagles, apes and some reptiles been reported living in this area. Record of the wildlife in this area is still very few. More information and research about the popu-lation and species of animals in this area are needed. The main issue in this area is land conversion into karst mining indus-tries and for tourism industries by investors. PEKA Indonesia is trying to develop the local residents in human resources and strengthen the local communities. Here, PEKA Indonesia working to develop the management of Ecotourism. Conducting trainings, workshop and seminars for local organization to improve their awareness about en-vironment. The foundation is also work with women groups to strengthen them in economic aspect. We are also the initiated Si-gending area as become Protected Ecotourism Area.

TFCA Kalimantan Project