Natural Resource Conservation Program Poster

If you have any questions regarding these program please contact Fort Buchanan Directorate of Public Works Environmental Division at (787) 707-3508/3575 Introduction The Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division, through the Conservation Program, oversees the implementation of the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan. This plan integrates natural resource management with endangered species management , cultural resources, pest management and National Environmental Protection Act implementation. All aspects of the program fall inline with Federal Laws, Army Regulations, and Executive Orders, as a means to conserve our natural and cultural environment. National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): NEPA requires the Federal government to asses environmental impacts and alternatives of proposed actions. The Army guidance for NEPA compliance is 32 CFR Part 651; “Environmental Analysis of Army Actions”. NEPA primarily evaluates construction and renovation projects, reserve training, and real estate actions, among others. Army NEPA Analysis has three basic levels: 1. Record of Environmental Consideration; prepared for categorically excluded actions 2. Environmental Assessment; 3-6 month process, requires public notification 3. Environmental Impact Statement; 1-5 year process, requires public notification Endangered Species Management: Their are two federally protected species within Fort Buchanan boundaries. These are the Puerto Rican Boa (Chilabothrus inornatus) and the Palo de Rosa (Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon, small tree). The Conservation program works in collaboration with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources to conserve both species. Also, the Installation receive the support of the University of Puerto Rico and the US Army Corps of Engineers, implementing the Puerto Rican tagging project intended to document the population, habitat use and movement of this endangered reptile. Cultural Resources: The purpose of the cultural resources management program is to achieve regulatory compliance and ensure the Army stewardship responsibilities are met. Thus far, none of Fort Buchanan cultural resources have been determined to be eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. Natural Resource Management: The Natural Resource Program has integrated reforestation initiatives that have planted approximately 500 new native trees throughout the Installation. This initiatives have been undertaken with the participation Boy Scouts, Volunteers, MWR Youth Center and Child Development Center, and Garrison Staff. This strategy contributes to preserving natural habitats. Figure 1. Garrison Commander, Caryn Heard, COL participates with members of the Retiree Council in a reforestation activity where 25 tropical trees were planted near the 200 area. Figure 2. DPW Environmental Chief and Environmental Compliance Manager assist Boy Scout to plant trees. Figure 3. US Fish & Wildlife Service personnel work with Conservation Manager to analyze Palo de Rosa population in the limestone hill. Figure 4. Fort Buchanan Conservation Manger, responds to relocate a Puerto Rican Boa located within construction site. This strategy helps preserve snakes that would otherwise most likely be accidentally injured or killed. Community Outreach and Awareness: The Natural Resource program uses community outreach and education as a primary tool to achieve environmental protection and regulatory compliance. Figure 7. The Army Earth Day Expo is a major outreach event that integrates all internal and external community members for a common goal; becoming better environmental stewards. Figure 8. The Conservation Manger talks to Fort Buchanan Youth on the importance of reforestation . Figure5. Remnants rail bed of the American Railroad, originally constructed in 1902. This railroad connected Fort Buchanan to the San Juan port during World War II and were dismantled by 1962. Archeological Resource Description NRHP Eligibility Recommendation FB-1 (also Site 2,* and SJ-BU- 2/ Southwest Site**) Complex of four rock shelters with historic and prehistoric artifacts Potentially eligible FB-2 (Site 3/ Quebrada Santa Catalina)* Surface artifact scatter; 1 sherd recovered Ineligible FB-3 Surface historic artifact scatter on slope surrounding Chapel Undetermined FB-4 0.64 km (0.4 mile) segment of early 20 th century rail bed (American Railroad [ARR]) with segments of intact track Ineligible FB-5 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; small segment of intact track Ineligible FB-6 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; small segment of intact track Ineligible FB-7 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; served warehouses in Area 600, only gravel bed profiles in a drainage cut remain Ineligible FB-8 Cement slab foundation from ca. 1944 structure; no building # listed on maps Ineligible FB-9 Surface scatter of historic/prehistoric artifacts Ineligible FB-10 Surface scatter of prehistoric ceramics Ineligible Figure 6. Summary of Archeological Resources Identified at Fort Buchanan. L E G E N D PROJECT NOTES: Protected Areas; Endangered Species Habitat Palo de Rosa (Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon) Puerto Rican Boa ( Chilabothrus inornatus) Integrated Pest Management Program (IPMP): IPMP protects soldier, civilian and their families against potentially harmful pest. The Intent of IPMP is to use all appropriate technology and techniques to an effective degree of pest prevention and suppression in a safe, cost effective and environmentally sound manner. IPM types of control include: 1. Biological Control; using living organism including reproductive and genetic control 2. Mechanical Control; hand removal, traps, and exclusion (e.i. screens) 3. Physical Control; heat, cold, sound, x-ray to kill pest 4. Regulatory Control; establishing regulations laws and policies 5. Cultural Control; habitat modification and sanitation 6. Chemical Control; poison, insect growth regulators, repellents Fort Buchanan Slideshare® Site Scan it!

Transcript of Natural Resource Conservation Program Poster

If you have any questions regarding these program

please contact Fort Buchanan Directorate of Public

Works Environmental Division at (787) 707-3508/3575


The Directorate of Public Works, Environmental Division, through the

Conservation Program, oversees the implementation of the Integrated

Natural Resources Management Plan. This plan integrates natural

resource management with endangered species management , cultural

resources, pest management and National Environmental Protection Act


All aspects of the program fall inline with Federal Laws, Army Regulations,

and Executive Orders, as a means to conserve our natural and cultural


National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA): NEPA requires the Federal

government to asses environmental impacts and alternatives of proposed

actions. The Army guidance for NEPA compliance is 32 CFR Part 651;

“Environmental Analysis of Army Actions”. NEPA primarily evaluates

construction and renovation projects, reserve training, and real estate

actions, among others. Army NEPA Analysis has three basic levels:

1. Record of Environmental Consideration; prepared for categorically

excluded actions

2. Environmental Assessment; 3-6 month process, requires public


3. Environmental Impact Statement; 1-5 year process, requires public


Endangered Species Management: Their are two federally protected

species within Fort Buchanan boundaries. These are the Puerto Rican Boa

(Chilabothrus inornatus) and the Palo de Rosa (Ottoschulzia rhodoxylon,

small tree). The Conservation program works in collaboration with the US

Fish and Wildlife Service and the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and

Environmental Resources to conserve both species. Also, the Installation

receive the support of the University of Puerto Rico and the US Army Corps

of Engineers, implementing the Puerto Rican tagging project intended to

document the population, habitat use and movement of this endangered


Cultural Resources: The purpose of the cultural resources management program is to

achieve regulatory compliance and ensure the Army stewardship responsibilities are met.

Thus far, none of Fort Buchanan cultural resources have been determined to be eligible for

listing in the National Register of Historic Places.

Natural Resource Management: The Natural Resource Program has

integrated reforestation initiatives that have planted approximately 500 new

native trees throughout the Installation. This initiatives have been

undertaken with the participation Boy Scouts, Volunteers, MWR Youth

Center and Child Development Center, and Garrison Staff. This strategy

contributes to preserving natural habitats.

Figure 1. Garrison Commander, Caryn Heard, COL participates with members of the

Retiree Council in a reforestation activity where 25 tropical trees were planted near the

200 area.

Figure 2. DPW Environmental Chief and

Environmental Compliance Manager assist Boy Scout

to plant trees.

Figure 3. US Fish & Wildlife Service personnel

work with Conservation Manager to analyze

Palo de Rosa population in the limestone hill.

Figure 4. Fort Buchanan Conservation Manger, responds to relocate a Puerto Rican

Boa located within construction site. This strategy helps preserve snakes that would

otherwise most likely be accidentally injured or killed.

Community Outreach and Awareness: The Natural Resource program

uses community outreach and education as a primary tool to achieve

environmental protection and regulatory compliance.

Figure 7. The Army Earth Day Expo is a major outreach event that integrates all

internal and external community members for a common goal; becoming better

environmental stewards.

Figure 8. The Conservation Manger talks

to Fort Buchanan Youth on the importance

of reforestation .

Figure5. Remnants rail bed of the American

Railroad, originally constructed in 1902. This

railroad connected Fort Buchanan to the San

Juan port during World War II and were

dismantled by 1962.

Archeological Resource Description NRHP Eligibility



(also Site 2,* and SJ-BU-

2/ Southwest Site**)

Complex of four rock shelters with historic and

prehistoric artifacts

Potentially eligible


(Site 3/ Quebrada Santa


Surface artifact scatter; 1 sherd recovered Ineligible

FB-3 Surface historic artifact scatter on slope surrounding



FB-4 0.64 km (0.4 mile) segment of early 20th century rail

bed (American Railroad [ARR]) with segments of

intact track


FB-5 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; small segment

of intact track


FB-6 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; small segment

of intact track


FB-7 Feeder tracks that joined with the ARR; served

warehouses in Area 600, only gravel bed profiles in a

drainage cut remain


FB-8 Cement slab foundation from ca. 1944 structure; no

building # listed on maps


FB-9 Surface scatter of historic/prehistoric artifacts Ineligible

FB-10 Surface scatter of prehistoric ceramics Ineligible

Figure 6. Summary of Archeological Resources Identified at Fort Buchanan.



Protected Areas;

Endangered Species


Palo de Rosa (Ottoschulzia


Puerto Rican Boa ( Chilabothrus


Integrated Pest Management Program (IPMP): IPMP protects soldier,

civilian and their families against potentially harmful pest. The Intent of

IPMP is to use all appropriate technology and techniques to an effective

degree of pest prevention and suppression in a safe, cost effective and

environmentally sound manner. IPM types of control include:

1. Biological Control; using living organism including reproductive and

genetic control

2. Mechanical Control; hand removal, traps, and exclusion (e.i. screens)

3. Physical Control; heat, cold, sound, x-ray to kill pest

4. Regulatory Control; establishing regulations laws and policies

5. Cultural Control; habitat modification and sanitation

6. Chemical Control; poison, insect growth regulators, repellents

Fort Buchanan

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