Native Daughters of the Golden West Installation · PDF fileNative Daughters of the Golden...

Native Daughters of the Golden West Installation Ceremony Adopted June 2017

Transcript of Native Daughters of the Golden West Installation · PDF fileNative Daughters of the Golden...

Native Daughters of the Golden West

Installation Ceremony

Adopted June 2017



(Prior to Installation, the Parlor will organize as at any regular meeting, but the customary Opening and Closing Ceremonies are omitted. The Chairman is usually a Member of the Parlor whose Officers are being installed. The Grand and/or Acting Grand Officers and Officers-elect retire to the anteroom before the Parlor is called to order. If the Grand President is the Installing Officer, address her as Worthy Grand President. Removing the chairs vacated by newly-installed Officers during the Installation Ceremony is optional.) THREE RAPS – (calls the Parlor to order) CHAIRMAN: The meeting will please come to order. Worthy Acting Grand Marshal, please fulfill your duties at the Altar. ONE RAP (The Acting Grand Marshal opens the Holy Bible reverently using both hands, steps back, and remains at the Altar.) CHAIRMAN: Worthy Acting Grand Marshal, please retire and invite the Worthy Deputy Grand President to enter. (The Acting Grand Marshal retires to the anteroom and returns with the Worthy Deputy Grand President on her left. The Acting Grand Marshal conducts the Worthy Deputy Grand President to the Altar.) ACTING GRAND MARSHAL: Worthy Chairman, it is with pleasure that I present Deputy Grand President ________________________________. (The Acting Grand Marshal steps back.) CHAIRMAN: In behalf of the Officers and Members of ____________________ Parlor, I am pleased to welcome you Worthy Deputy Grand President ___________________. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Chairman, in the performance of my official duties, I am here for the purpose of installing the Officers of _____________________ Parlor. Have they been elected according to the Constitution and Laws of our Order? CHAIRMAN: They have, Worthy Deputy Grand President. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Have they fulfilled the duties required of them prior to Installation? CHAIRMAN: They have, Worthy Deputy Grand President, and are prepared to be installed and assume the duties of their respective offices.


CHAIRMAN: Worthy Acting Grand Marshal, please conduct the Worthy Deputy Grand President to her station. (The Acting Grand Marshal and the Worthy Deputy Grand President pass to the right and left of the Altar respectively. The Acting Grand Marshal offers her left arm to the Worthy Deputy Grand President after they have passed the Altar. As they approach the President’s station, the Worthy Deputy Grand President passes to the left and ascends the platform; the Acting Grand Marshal passes to the right. The Chairman presents the gavel to the Worthy Deputy Grand President, then steps to the side of the Acting Grand Marshal, who offers her left arm and escorts the Chairman to her seat of honor. The Acting Grand Marshal returns to the Altar.) Refer to Installation Ceremony, Diagram One – Entrance of Deputy Grand President & Acting Marshal.) TWO RAPS DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Acting Grand Marshal, please retire and invite the Grand and/or Acting Grand Officers to enter. (The Acting Grand Marshal retires to the anteroom and returns with the Installing Officers in a double line as follows.) LEFT LINE RIGHT LINE Acting Grand Marshal Grand Vice President Grand Outside Sentinel Grand Inside Sentinel Grand Marshal Past Grand President Grand Secretary Grand Trustee Grand Trustee Grand Trustee Grand Trustee Grand Trustee (Five Grand Trustees may be used.) (The double line as listed above proceeds into the room and stops behind the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: The Installing Officers will assume their stations. (Upon instructions from the Worthy Deputy Grand President, the Installing Officers proceed to the front of the room, square-corner, and then proceed toward the rear of the room, stopping at their respective stations. The Acting Grand Marshal stops at the station to the left of the Marshal’s chair. In cases where the Acting Grand Marshal serves as the Installing Grand Marshal, no further reference to Acting Grand Marshal is made. Refer to Installation Ceremony, Diagram Two – Entrance of Grand Officers, Acting Grand Officers & Acting Marshal.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please retire and invite the Officers-elect of ________________________ Parlor to enter. ONE RAP


(The Grand Marshal retires to the anteroom and enters with the Officers-elect in a double line as follows.) LEFT LINE RIGHT LINE Grand Marshal Outside Sentinel Trustee Inside Sentinel Trustee Marshal Trustee, Chairman Recording Secretary Treasurer First Vice President Financial Secretary Second Vice President Organist Third Vice President President Past President (The double line as listed above proceeds into the room and stops behind the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: The Officers-elect will move forward and proceed to their chairs. (With the Grand Marshal leading the left line, the Officers-elect advance to the front of the room, square-corner, proceed to the sidelines, square-corner toward the rear, and continue in front of the chairs placed in line with, but in advance of, the sidelines between the Altar and the station of the First Vice President. When all have reached their chairs, the Officers-elect will remain standing, and the Grand Marshal proceeds beyond the last chair and returns to her station. Since the Grand Marshal is seated at the Marshal’s station, there are only seven chairs on the left side, but eight on the right side. The Pledge of Allegiance is not repeated in an Installation following the Opening Ceremony of a regular Parlor Meeting. Refer to Installation Ceremony, Diagram Three – Entrance of Officers-Elect & Grand Marshal.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag and the singing of our National Anthem. (The Grand Marshal advances from her station approximately six steps along the sidelines, facing the Flag. All in attendance place their open right hand over their heart, their left hand empty and at their side, and the Marshal begins the Pledge with no further command.) (Current or former military personnel have the option of standing at attention and saluting.)


I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, And to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for all.



O say can you see, by the dawn’s early light, What so proudly we hail’d at the twilight’s last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight O’er the ramparts we watch’d were so gallantly streaming? And the rocket’s red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there, O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave?

(The Grand Marshal remains standing, facing the Flag, until the Pledge and singing of the National Anthem are completed, then returns to her station.) TWO RAPS

ESCORT (If any Grand Officers, Past Grand Presidents, or the Supervising District Deputy Grand President of that particular District are present, they are escorted to their seats of honor following the same procedure as in Subordinate Parlor escort work.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please escort our Worthy _______________________ to the Altar. Members (and guests) of ____________________ Parlor, it is with great pleasure that I present to you our Worthy _______________________ from _________________________ Parlor No. ________ of ___________________. (Give location.) (Change wording to suit the individual being escorted.)

ORDER OF ESCORT (Refer to the Manual of Instruction)

1. Grand President 8. Grand Outside Sentinel 2. Jr. Past Grand President 9. Past Grand Presidents 3. Grand Vice President 10. Supervising District Deputy Grand President 4. Grand Marshal 11. Parlor Organizer(s) [optional] 5. Grand Secretary 12. Charter Members [optional] 6. Grand Trustees (Five) 13. Permanent Members [optional] 7. Grand Inside Sentinel (The Deputy Grand President raps up the Parlor [ONE RAP] for the escort of the Grand President, only. The Deputy Grand President presents the gavel to the Grand President as she reaches her seat of honor. The Grand President immediately returns the gavel to the Deputy Grand President who then seats the Parlor [TWO RAPS] when the Grand Marshal returns to the Altar for further escort.)


DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: If there are any visiting Supervising District Deputy Grand Presidents present, please stand and state your name, Parlor name, number, and location, and District number and location. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: If there are any visiting Deputy Grand Presidents present, please stand and state your name, Parlor name, number, and location, and the name, number, and location of the Parlor to which you are assigned. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: If there are any State Chairmen present, please stand and state your name, Parlor name, number, and location, and the Committee(s) you chair. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Will the Parlor President or representative of each visiting Parlor please stand, state your name, Parlor name, number, and location, and the number of your Parlor Members present. (At this time the Installation Ode may be sung or recited, either solo or in unison. If read or sung solo, the audience remains seated; if in unison, the audience stands.)


We hail thee our Sisters, whose merit has claim’d Our badges of honor to wear, We greet thee in friendship, we greet thee in love, Those jewels so pure and so rare. Be constant, be loyal, be true; Let patience and filial love ever unite, with duty’s strong claims upon you.

As true Native Daughters, we love our fair State, The land of the bright Golden West, And firm in our Order, united we stand, To strive with our zeal for the best. And when we would falter, or our courage fail, We’ll look to our Father for light; And find in His sunshine a strength that shall beam, Till merges our day into night.

DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Members of ______________________ Parlor No. _____, Native Daughters of the Golden West, we have assembled in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of our Order to install your Officers-elect for the ensuing term. I request your attention and assistance in this Ceremony. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Secretary, please call the Roll of Officers-elect, who will stand and face the Altar as their names are called. (The Grand Secretary is provided with a list of names of the Officers-elect and/or


proxies. In case of a proxy, the name of the Officer-elect is called, followed by the name of the proxy. Only Members of the Parlor being installed may be appointed as proxies.) (The Roll is called in the following order.) 1. President 8. Treasurer

2. Past President 9. Recording Secretary 3. First Vice President 10. Marshal 4. Second Vice President 11. Inside Sentinel 5. Third Vice President 12. Outside Sentinel 6. Organist 13. Board of Trustees (Three) 7. Financial Secretary

GRAND SECRETARY: Worthy Deputy Grand President, the roll has been called. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Officers-elect, you have been chosen by your Parlor to fulfill the duties of your respective offices for the ensuing term. We have full confidence in your ability, your zeal in behalf of the Parlor, and your devotion to the best interests of our beloved Order. You are about to be formally installed, invested with the Regalia of your office, and to enter upon the active performance of your duties. Although thus reposing full confidence in your good faith and your earnest desire to fulfill your responsibilities, it is fitting that in the presence of these witnesses, you solemnly obligate yourselves in accordance with the Constitution and Laws of our Order. The Worthy Past Grand President will administer the Obligation. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please conduct the Worthy Past Grand President to my left. (The Grand Marshal proceeds to the station of the Past Grand President and conducts her to a position to the left of the Worthy Deputy Grand President and about halfway between the Officers-elect and the Worthy Deputy Grand President. The Grand Marshal steps back. Refer to Installation Ceremony, Diagram Four – Escort of Past Grand President for Obligation and Prayer.) PAST GRAND PRESIDENT: In obedience to the request of our Worthy Deputy Grand President, please place your open right hand over your heart and repeat after me, in unison, the following Obligation: I do solemnly promise – – – that I shall faithfully perform – – – the duties pertaining to the office – – – into which I am about to be installed. – – – I shall at all times – – – give due allegiance to those in authority – – – and, to the best of my ability – – – shall fulfill all obligations imposed upon me – – – by the sanction of our Order – – – its Constitution and Laws – – – striving at all times – – –


to promote its interests – – – and using my best endeavors – – – in the furtherance of its Aims and Objectives. – – – To all of which --- I pledge myself --- as in honor bound. (The Past Grand President lowers her hand to her side and pauses.) PAST GRAND PRESIDENT: May you ever prove faithful to this Obligation and enjoy the esteem and confidence of your Parlor Sisters. PAST GRAND PRESIDENT: (Turning to the Worthy Deputy Grand President.) Worthy Deputy Grand President, at your request, and in the performance of my duty, I have administered the Obligation to the Officers-elect. They are now prepared to be instructed in the duties of their respective offices and to be installed therein. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: We shall invoke the blessing of Almighty God upon this assembly. Worthy Grand Marshal, please conduct the Worthy Past Grand President to the Altar. ONE RAP (The Grand Marshal conducts the Past Grand President to the rear of the room, in front of the First Vice President’s station, and proceeds to the Altar. The Grand Marshal steps back while the Past Grand President offers the prayer. Refer to Installation Ceremony, Diagram Four – Escort of Past Grand President for Obligation and Prayer.) PAST GRAND PRESIDENT: Great Ruler of the Universe, may Thy supreme blessing rest upon these Officers about to assume official duties in this Parlor. Inspire them with a keen realization of their responsibilities and an appreciation of the privilege of being children of this Golden State. Encourage all of us to remain true to the noble ideals taught by our Pioneer Mothers and Fathers, and to be loyal citizens of this great Nation. Amen. PARLOR: Amen. DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please conduct the Worthy Past Grand President to her station. (The Grand Marshal escorts the Past Grand President directly to her station and remains in a position slightly to the left of the Past Grand President until the hymn is concluded. Refer to the Diagrams in the Manual of Instruction.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: We now shall sing or recite “(A Hymn to) California”. (It may be recited or sung either solo or in unison. If read or sung solo, the audience remains seated; if in unison, the audience stands.)



California, Golden State, at the nation’s Western gate, Where the poet’s dreams unfold, California, land of gold.

From thy purple mountains reaching Through thy forests, down to the sea, To thy plains so richly bearing, Thy sons and daughters pledge faith to thee. Truth and honor be thy pride, justice for all men abide In thy heart and keep thee great, California, Golden State! (The Grand Marshal returns to her station.) TWO RAPS DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Officers-elect, in the ensuing term, we hope your duties as an Officer will be fulfilling and enjoyable. However, on occasion, these same duties may seem trying and burdensome, testing your patience and commitment. Remember the Obligation you have taken is a meaningful promise, and its fulfillment requires your focus and dedication. Be mindful that the prosperity and success of your Parlor depends in a great measure upon the manner in which you perform your duties. Carelessness and negligence by the Officers lead to apathy and disorder within the Parlor. Be prompt at your stations and impartial in the performance of your responsibilities. Thus will you merit the confidence of your Parlor Sisters and promote the interests of our Order. (Once an Officer of the Parlor has been installed and assumes her station, Installing Officers may be escorted to chairs placed at the sides of the room. When there is a shortage of chairs, the Installing Officers may be seated in the chairs vacated by the Officers-elect. The Officers-elect, with the exception of the President-elect, will meet the Grand Marshal in front of the station of the First Vice President.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Trustees-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal proceeds along the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, conducts the Trustees-elect to the Altar, presenting her arm to the Chairman, and the other two follow together.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Board of Trustees, you have responsible duties which are fully outlined in the Constitution and Laws of our Order. Study them carefully, that you may justify the trust reposed in you. At the end of each term, and at any other time designated by the Parlor, you will report in full all business transacted by you


during your term of office, and turn over to your successors any Parlor books, papers, and property in your possession. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Trustees to their station, invests them with their Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Sentinels-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Past President, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, presents an arm to each Sentinel, and conducts them to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Outside Sentinel and Worthy Inside Sentinel, you guard the threshold of the Order and have the privilege to greet and welcome our Members and guests who wish to enter. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your stations and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Outside Sentinel to her station and invests her with her Regalia. The Grand Marshal then returns for the Inside Sentinel, conducts her to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Treasurer-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Marshal, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Treasurer-elect to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Treasurer, you are the custodian of the funds of the Parlor. The contributions of our Members pass through your hands. Keep accurate and impartial accounts, and by a faithful performance of your duties, you will protect the material interests of the Parlor. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station, deliver into your keeping the Treasurer’s books, and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Treasurer to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Marshal-elect for Installation.



(The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Past President, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Marshal-elect to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Marshal, you are charged with keeping the property of the Parlor, arranging the floor for the various ceremonies, and performing responsible and important duties in the Ceremony of Initiation. Your work well and faithfully done, will engage the attention of the Members and promote the welfare of the Order. Let it be your aim to fulfill your duties in a commendable manner. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Marshal to the right side toward the station of the Past President, around the rear of the room to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Financial Secretary-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Marshal, proceeds along the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Financial Secretary-elect to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Financial Secretary, you are to keep an accurate and impartial account between the Parlor and each of its Members, to notify Members when in arrears, and to deliver to the Treasurer all monies received by you. Carelessness and inattention on your part may cause great inconvenience, harm, or loss to the Parlor and Members. Keep your records properly and carefully that no injustice be done. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station, deliver into your keeping the Financial Secretary’s books, and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Financial Secretary to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Recording Secretary-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Past President, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Recording Secretary-elect to the Altar.)



DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Recording Secretary, yours is a most important office. You record the proceedings of the Parlor, and in so doing, add unto its history. Be faithful to the trust placed in you, and you will receive your reward in the confidence and esteem of your Parlor Sisters. Let this be an incentive to the faithful performance of your duty. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station, deliver to you the records and seal of the Parlor, and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Recording Secretary to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Organist-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Marshal, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Organist-elect to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Organist, in your office you have the privilege of adding to the beauty and impressiveness of our Ritual. Therefore, we shall look to you for the harmonious melodies that enhance our ceremonies. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal conducts the Organist to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Vice Presidents-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Past President, proceeds on the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, offers her right arm to the First Vice President, the Second and Third Vice Presidents follow together. The Vice Presidents-elect are conducted to the Altar, the First Vice President is at the center, the Second Vice President to her left, and the Third Vice President to her right.) Worthy Third Vice President, Worthy Second Vice President, and Worthy First Vice President, you may be called upon to fill the office of an advanced Vice President or President. Study carefully the duties of these offices in conjunction with that of your own. The manner of conducting the proceedings of the Parlor should constantly engage your attention, so that you may be prepared to act as occasion requires. You are in direct line of promotion to the highest office of the Parlor, and it should be your aim to merit such promotion by the faithful performance of the duties of the office into which you are about to be installed. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your stations and invest you with the Regalia of your office.



(The Grand Marshal individually conducts the Third, Second, and First Vice Presidents, to their respective stations, invests them with their Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the Past President-elect for Installation. (The Grand Marshal turns toward the station of the Past President, proceeds along the sidelines behind the chairs of Officers-elect, and conducts the Past President-elect to the Altar.) Worthy Past President, your faithful services in subordinate offices have advanced you, under our Constitution and Laws, to a position of merited honor and dignity. From your past experience and knowledge of our Order, you are now the Parlor’s advisor and mentor. In your office you are charged with conducting the Devotional Ceremonies. Perform these duties with great respect, and, by your example, stimulate your Parlor Sisters to a keen observance of our Constitution and Laws and sincere devotion to our Principles. The Worthy Grand Marshal will conduct you to your station and invest you with the Regalia of your office. (The Grand Marshal escorts the Past President toward the Marshal’s station, around the rear of the room to her station, invests her with her Regalia, and returns to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Grand Marshal, please present the President-elect for Installation. ONE RAP (The President-elect stands at her chair. The Worthy Grand Marshal proceeds to the President-elect, turns and offers her right arm to her, and escorts her toward the Marshal’s station, along the sidelines, to the First Vice President’s station, and proceeds to the Altar.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy President, to you above all other Members has been confided the honorable and important office of President. The destiny of the Parlor for the ensuing term, perhaps for all time, is entrusted to your fostering care. Upon you depends its prosperity and future progress. As its presiding officer, an accurate knowledge of Parliamentary Law is required since your duties are many, diverse, and responsible in the highest degree. Be patient, but firm, in the performance of your duties and, above all, be punctual, courteous, and strictly impartial in your rulings. Exact at all times faithful adherence to the Constitution and Laws of our Order, and, in conducting our Ceremonies, permit no digression from the prescribed Ritual. You are the sole custodian of the secret work, and through you alone can it be communicated.



Exercise great care and caution in the performance of your duties. Encourage assistance and loyal support from your Officers in furthering the best interests of the Parlor and Order. Being faithful in all these requirements, your administration will be successful, and you will retire from your office with the respect and commendation of your Parlor Sisters and with the assurance of having, in a great degree, promoted the welfare of the Parlor. Worthy Grand Marshal, please conduct the Worthy President to her station. (The Grand Marshal escorts the President toward the station of the Past President, up the sidelines, to the left of the Deputy Grand President. The Grand Marshal immediately returns to her station, proceeding along the sidelines.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy President, I now present to you the Constitution and By-Laws of our Order, and this gavel – the symbol of your authority. (The Deputy Grand President then invests the President with her Regalia.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Members of________________________ Parlor, give your Officers loyal support and sustained encouragement, for without your full cooperation and constant assistance, the labor of your Officers will be in vain. May every Member of this Parlor labor wholeheartedly for the furtherance of the worthy and significant projects sponsored by the Native Daughters of the Golden West, endeavoring to exemplify the principles upon which our Order was founded – Love of Home, Devotion to the Flag, Veneration of the Pioneers, and an Abiding Faith in the Existence of God. (Pause) And now, by virtue of the authority in me vested as Deputy Grand President, I declare the Officers of _____________________ Parlor No. _________, Native Daughters of the Golden West, duly installed. Worthy Marshal (Parlor Marshal), please escort the newly-appointed Deputy Grand President to the Altar. (The Marshal proceeds to the seat of the newly-appointed Deputy Grand President, escorts her along the sidelines toward the station of the First Vice President, and proceeds to the Altar. The Marshal then steps back.) (The Deputy Grand President introduces the newly-appointed Deputy Grand President.)



DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Members and guests of______________________ Parlor, it is with pleasure that I present______________________ of ___________________ Parlor No.________, your newly-appointed Deputy Grand President. (Pause for applause.) DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy Marshal, please escort the newly-appointed Deputy Grand President to her seat of honor. (The Marshal escorts the newly-appointed Deputy Grand President to the President’s station, then retires slightly to the left of the station, facing the rear of the room. The retiring Deputy Grand President invests the new Deputy Grand President with the Regalia of her office.) RETIRING DEPUTY GRAND PRESIDENT: Worthy President, please enter upon the performance of your duties. PRESIDENT: Worthy Marshal, please escort the retiring Deputy Grand President to her seat of honor. (The Marshal escorts the retiring Deputy Grand President to her seat of honor, which is the chair to the immediate left of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees. The Marshal then returns to her station.) PRESIDENT: Worthy Marshal, please attend to your duty at the Altar. (The Marshal closes the Holy Bible reverently, using both hands, and returns to her station.) TWO RAPS (At this time, the newly-installed President expresses her appreciation for the honor conferred upon her. She may then announce the committees and/or chairmen she has appointed. If she desires, she may introduce the members of her immediate family and her guests. Parlors may deviate from the regular procedure of introductions and presentations if a program has been planned.) PRESIDENT: The Officers will form the Regalia March. ONE RAP (Officers remove their Regalia as the Organist sounds the chords. The Marshal proceeds to the station of the President for the President’s and Deputy Grand President’s Regalia, then to the Organist for her Regalia, after which the Marshal marches along the sidelines to a position in front of the First Vice President.)



(Regalia are to be carried with both hands, the right hand holding the loop end in an easy position slightly above the waistline, the medallion resting on the fingers of the left hand, slightly below the waistline. Officers then proceed as in the Balloting March. Refer to the Diagram in the Manual of Instruction.) (The Marshal extends both hands to receive the Regalia. Officers in the line led by the Second Vice President place their Regalia on the left hand of the Marshal; Officers in the line led by the Third Vice President place their Regalia on the right hand of the Marshal. Officers proceed as in the Balloting March and return to their stations. The Marshal transfers all the Regalia cords to her right hand, the medallions to her left hand. She follows the last Officer and returns to her station, at which time she removes her own Regalia.) PRESIDENT: I now declare this Installation of Officers to be duly closed. ONE RAP




