Nationalism in Pakistan

NATIONALISM IN PAKISTAN NATIONALISM: Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's nation. Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state's decisions and actions. From a political or sociological perspective, there are two main perspectives on the origins and basis of nationalism. One is the primordialist perspective that describes nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct groupings based on an affinity of birth. The other is the modernist perspective that describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon that requires the structural conditions of modern society in order to exist. An alternative perspective to both of these lineages comes out of Engaged theory, and argues that while the form of nationalism is modern, the content and subjective reach of nationalism depends upon 'primordial' sentiments. NATIONALISM IN PAKISTAN: Pakistani nationalism refers to the political, cultural, linguistic, historical, religious and geographical expression of patriotism by the people of Pakistan, of pride in the history, culture, identity, heritage and religious identity of Pakistan, and visions for its future.


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Transcript of Nationalism in Pakistan


NATIONALISM:Nationalism is a belief, creed or political ideology that involves an individual identifying with, or becoming attached to, one's nation. Nationalism involves national identity, by contrast with the related construct of patriotism, which involves the social conditioning and personal behaviors that support a state's decisions and actions.From a political or sociological perspective, there are two main perspectives on the origins and basis of nationalism. One is the primordialist perspective that describes nationalism as a reflection of the ancient and perceived evolutionary tendency of humans to organize into distinct groupings based on an affinity of birth. The other is the modernist perspective that describes nationalism as a recent phenomenon that requires the structural conditions of modern society in order to exist. An alternative perspective to both of these lineages comes out of Engaged theory, and argues that while the form of nationalism is modern, the content and subjective reach of nationalism depends upon 'primordial' sentiments.NATIONALISM IN PAKISTAN:Pakistani nationalism refers to the political, cultural, linguistic, historical, religious and geographical expression of patriotism by the people of Pakistan, of pride in the history, culture, identity, heritage and religious identity of Pakistan, and visions for its future.Unlike the secular nationalism of other countries, Pakistani nationalism and the religion of Islam are not mutually exclusive and religion is a part of the Pakistani nationalist narrative. From a political point of view and in the years leading up to the independence of Pakistan, the particular political and ideological foundations for the actions of the Muslim League can be called a Pakistani nationalist ideology. It is a unique and singular combination of philosophical, nationalistic, cultural and religious elements.Most of modern-day Pakistani nationalism is centered around the common Indo-Iranian identity and heritage of 99% of the population. Baloch, Kashmiris, Mohajirs, Punjabis, Pakhtuns and Sindhes and minorities are mainly of Indo-Iranian stock. It also refers to the consciousness and expression of religious influences that help mould the national consciousness. Nationalism describes the many underlying forces that moulded the Pakistan movement, and strongly continue to influence the politics of Pakistan.

Conditions of nationalism in Pakistan:Conditions of rising nationalism in Pakistan are following:1) Leadership: The critical issues of corruption and poor governance, disillusioned populace and a young population with few economic prospects have to be addressed quickly. This requires Pakistan to come up with a new generation of leaders, who are capable of relaying the foundations of State in crisis and who are also capable of defending its populations interests better, based on unwavering respect for different State institutions.2) Education System: The education system has to be Pakistani and not the western. It has to be based on true spirit of Pakistani nationalism. The notion of provincialism and separatism should be eradicated from minds of our generations through nationalistic curriculum of our schools. Inculcating Pakistani nationalism should be the hall mark of our education system. 3) Literacy Rate: The positive relationship between rising nationalism and the literacy rate demands that we should all possible measures to enhance literacy rate in the country. 4) Justice: Merit should prevail. Everyone, poor or rich, strong or weak should get his/her due without any discrimination based on caste creed or religion. 5) Self Reliance: No country in the world can live on crutches of foreign aids. Pakistan has to get rid of economic problems by managing its own resources in a better way. This is the only way to get rid of foreign interference; otherwise friends like USA will keep dictating and imposing policies of their interest. 6) Due Share to Balochis: Despite the fact that it had the strongest national movement in 1947, the KPK never presented a significant challenge to Pakistans central institutions. The reasons are clear. The Pukhtoons have been given a considerable share in the country. (Jones Bennett Owen, 2002, pp.139-40) The same treatment needs to be given to Balochis as well.

7) Geography:Pakistan was created astride the Mighty Indus River. Yet it was born moth eaten and deprived of its natural borders. Kashmir and other regions which were legitimate parts of Pakistan were forcibly denied to it. This unfair partition resulted in Pakistan-India confrontation which continues till date. This baggage of history and truncated geography has created the Security minded Nation State of Pakistan. Constant Indian threats and wars (with Pakistans vulnerable major population centers near Eastern border) created a siege mentality and Anti India bias of its nationalism.Two foreign misadventures in Pakistan & rsquo;s North Western border by Super Powers in Afghanistan further influenced Pakistani political geography. First the Soviets and later Americans occupied, but waged unwinnable wars in Afghanistan. These protracted wars and their fallout have had a major impact on Pakistani national thinking. Freedom loving Pakistanis feel insecure with foreign armies occupying Afghanistan and meddling in Pakistani National Affairs. The extremism and militancy also received a fillup due to these foreign wars in the overlapping neighbourhood. India & rsquo;s 1971 attack on East Pakistan to convert it into Bangladesh was also part of the Pakistani mindset. Further reminded by efforts of foreign hostile players to support separatists in Baluchistan today.The threat to Pakistans Geography influences Pakistani nationalism. Recent US Indian attempts to project an existential threat from Pakistans North West and image of a pacifist India runs counter to ground realities. Geographically, Pakistan separated from its East which is India and sought solace to its west in Afghanistan, Iran, Turkey and of course Saudi Arabia. This thousand year old historical plus geographical narrative cannot be negated by foreign propagandists. For Pakistani nationalism the clear and present danger to Pakistan is from the East. Yet peace efforts with India continue, to resolve issues amicably. In any event, nuclear armed nations have no choice but peace. Peace is required not only by Pakistan but also by India. Kashmir resolution can make peace permanent.8) Geo Economics:Pakistans Geo-Economics potential holds great promise for future integratation with nearby regions. Pakistans multiregional linked geography can contribute to its economic growth. As trade, transit, storage land for Central Asia, Russia China and linking with the Arabian Sea plus Gulf. The concept of Bridge State after resolving national and neighbourhoods issues are also sinking in. The Gwadar Concept is part of the Pakistani national inspiration amply highlighted in my book, Gwadar on the Global Chessboard. China, Central Asia and even Russia are now friendly aspirations. The masses of Pakistan deserve a better environment, where the basics of life are available to all the people.9) Ideology and Religion:Pakistan's ideology and religion Islam blend with and augment the concept of Pakistani nationalism. There is no clash between religion Islam and Pakistani nationalism. One complements and supplements the other. Today the modern states of Iran, Turkey and Egypt in the revolutionary Middle East display that Islam and nationalism are completely compatible. In fact Islamic nationalism is the theme and Pakistan is no different. Afghanistans war of GWOT fame besides mayhem projected an extremist version of Islam. Over all the people of Pakistan are moderates Muslims, patriots and nationalistic who deserve peace and prosperity. Pakistans ideology is blending finely into its nationalism overtime.10) Culture and Language:Pakistani nationalism draws inspiration from its varied cultures such as of Baluchistan, Sindh Punjab, Pakhtoon khuwa and Kashmir. The Muhajirs from deeper parts of India brought their rich traditions. This melting point environment is further unified by the Urdu Language. Urdu is spoken or understood in some form in almost every part of Pakistan. The centrally flowing Indus River and its saga with all provinces around or astride it. Pakistan has more natural affinity than other parts of the world. The food eaten in almost all parts of Pakistan is alike and so is the dress. Customs are similar and the media plus communication revolution are interconnecting Pakistan. By contrast Indian disunity is natural because of its sheer variety and size. Pakistani Nationalism has to be increasingly based upon respecting Baluch traditions, Pakhtoon values and cultures, rights of Mahajirs and Sindhis, Punjabi contribution, Kashmiri flair for freedom. Pakistani nationalism is for all and from all parts of Pakistan.11) National Security:Pakistani nationalism draws inspiration from the great people of Pakistan. People of Pakistan demand national security against local terrorists and foreign threats. The nationalism narrative aims to support the Armed Forces of Pakistan for defending Pakistan internally and externally. The Nuclear Program me and quest for deterrence against adventurous aggression enjoys full support of masses. Similarly ISI is highly respected in its efforts for national security and the nation supports this fine institution. 12) Bane and Hurdles to Nationalism: Pakistans self serving elite and foreign sponsored (or on foreign dole) liberal puppets still conspire against Pakistani National Interests. They aim to divide the nation for their own petty ends. Still the tide of the era is changing, Pakistan will unite and its nationalism will triumph13) Youth and Future:The Pakistani Youth is its real asset. This Youth bulge holds promise of taking Pakistani nationalism to new heights. Despite vacillating and inept elite, foreign sponsored disinformation and frustration, the youth is overall steadfast. The concept of nationalism appeals to bulk of the younger generation. A unified Pakistan, a reformed society for peace and prosperity. A unified Nation State of Pakistan where caste, sectarianism, ethnic, class and other divisive trends abate. Pakistani nationalism is determined to defend Pakistan against all odds. This is the future of Pakistan