National Tourism Management Policy Status Report and Future Outlook

National Tourism National Tourism Management Policy Management Policy Status Report and Future Outlook Status Report and Future Outlook


National Tourism Management Policy Status Report and Future Outlook. AGENDA. NTMP Background Status Update on Existing Management Plan Draft NTMP 2008-2012 Consultation Process Survey Findings Draft NTMP 2008-2012 key Objectives The Way Ahead. NTMP 2002- 2007 BACKGROUND. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of National Tourism Management Policy Status Report and Future Outlook

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National Tourism National Tourism Management PolicyManagement Policy

Status Report and Future OutlookStatus Report and Future Outlook

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• Status Update on Existing Management Plan

• Draft NTMP 2008-2012

– Consultation Process

– Survey Findings

• Draft NTMP 2008-2012 key Objectives

• The Way Ahead

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History on Current NTMPHistory on Current NTMP• May 2002 The Tourism Company, based in the UK, was chosen to

undertake the project

• November 2002 Final Draft of Policy was completed

• February 2003 EXCO approved the Policy

• April 2004 The Policy was official launched

• September 2004 Hurricane Ivan Interrupts the implementation process

• November 2004 Policy reviewed. Progress assessed and revised implementation strategy endorsed by the Steering Committee.

• September 2006 A policy renewal was called for by the Ministry of Tourism

• November 2006 The Project was sent out to competitive tender

• January 2007 Initial meeting to review situation; update by Steering Committee.

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NTMP 2002 – 2007 BackgroundNTMP 2002 – 2007 Background• A five-year policy designed to provide framework and clear

vision of the sustainable development of the tourism sector.• There are 7 implementation committees.

– 1 Steering Committee charged with overseeing the implementation of broad action items and

– 6 Sub-committees that with more focused plan development for the scores of action items.

• Following Hurricane Ivan, implementation strategy revised in recognition of the facts that volunteers were preoccupied with their own recovery and that decision making and financial resources were vested in government agencies. Committees now in more of a monitoring and advisory status.

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Current NTMP Implementation

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Policy #s # Action Items

Complete InProgress

Pending Examples

1 Provide a high quality product for the visitor

14 1 9 2 (2) Sandbar mgt plan; Improve terminal facilities @ airport/cruise, review entertainment trading hours

2 Present a distinctive Caymanian experience

10 0 8 1(1) PRIDE; Improve rural attractions

3 Adopt a sustainable approach to tourism development

11 0 9 2 Support local agriculture; Development Plan Review

4 Protect and enhance the marine resource

5 2 3 0 Beach erosion action plan;Marine Conservation


5 Attract a more discerning & higher spending visitor

4 0 2 2 Focus on niche markets & consider necessary product development issues

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Policy #s

# Action Items

Complete InProgress

Pending Examples

6 Develop a highly skilled Caymanian tourism workforce

5 0 4 1 Survey of Caymanian attitudes to working in tourism; Support Tourism Awareness campaigns

7 Develop Eco-tourism on the Sister Islands

7 0 2 3(2) Investigate opportunities & implications of achieving Int. recognition as Sustainable destination;

8 Organise tourism in the Cayman Islands more effectively

9 0 8 0 (1) NTMP; consultation with & support for community groups & other institutions providing tourism products

9 Research & monitor tourism more effectively

5 0 5 0 Dev. Economic impact model; gather analyse & present relevant tour. Data

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Why the NTMP Review and Update?Why the NTMP Review and Update? • The life of the first five-year plan had come

to an end

• Need to determine where we are now and the direction in which we want to be heading over the next five years

• Need to re-engineer the implementation process so that the policy could be put into effect as efficiently and quickly as possible.

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Current ProcessCurrent ProcessCurrently – a review and update exercise of the NTMP 2002 – 2007 is being undertaken

• February 2007 The Tourism Company won the bid to undertake the exercise

• March 2007 Public consultation began. Public opinion were captured via online and hardcopy surveys

• March 2007 First round of face to face public consultations and meetings were conducted by Consultant with stakeholders, DOT & MOT

• June 2007 Preparation of first draft of document by Consultant

• September 2007 Second round of consultations with stakeholders

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Current Process cont.Current Process cont.

Next Steps

• October 2007 Final draft document to be completed and submitted for ratification by Government

• November 2007 Cayman Islands Government to review and approve.

• January 2008 Commence implementation

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• Surveys (online, newspaper insertions, supermarket venues)

• Face to Face Interviews (with key public & private sector agencies and individuals)

• District Meetings (Bodden Town, East End, North Side, George Town, West Bay)

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Survey ResultsSurvey ResultsRespondent Profile by SectorRespondent Profile by Sector








Total respondents

Member of the General Public

Private Sector Tourism Industry Stakeholder

Public Sector Tourism Industry Stakeholder

Member of the Civil Service

Previous/Current member of NTMP Steering or SubCommittees








Number of respondents

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Summary of public consultation surveySummary of public consultation surveyGreatest priority should be given to Objectives 3, 1 and 4 in the previous NTMP i.e: • Adopt a sustainable approach to tourism development;• Provide a high quality product for the visitor; and• Protect and enhance the marine resource

The current major tourism issues/challenges are:• Control of cruise numbers;• Preservation of natural resources;• Control of costs and prices in the Cayman Islands;• Cost of access to Cayman;• Getting more Caymanians into the industry;• Control of development;• George Town;• Quality of service; and • Control of crime and safety.

The main opportunities identified were:• Focus on sustainable development;• Promotion of Cayman culture and heritage;• Developing new and alternative forms of tourism;• Improving air access.

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Summary of public consultation surveySummary of public consultation surveyIn answer to some specific issues:

• 84% felt there was a need to control cruise ship arrivals to reduce negative impacts.

• 81% felt there was a need to control new accommodation development.

• Strong support for more education, better pay and increased awareness to encourage more Caymanians to enter the tourism industry;

• Strong support for law enforcement and management as a means of protecting the marine environment;

• Support for a range of initiatives to manage and protect sensitive sites on land including law enforcement, raising awareness of the need to protect and development control;

• There was less certainty about the need to re-organise tourism with a large proportion of respondents unsure.

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• The environmental objectives were considered to be the most important policy objectives.

• Large majority saw need to control the number of cruise ships.

• Large majority saw need to control new accommodation development in order to avoid over development.

• Smaller proportions saw human resources as a top priority but there were strong views on improving training and raising awareness of the industry amongst Caymanians.

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STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATIONSTAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION Participants included (but were not limited to) :

– MOT & DOT– Public Sector Agencies

• DOE• Planning• CIIB• Agriculture• Cayman Airways• CUC• Water Authority• Hazard Management• TAB• National Trust

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– Private Sector Participants:• Chamber of Commerce• CITA members• SITA members• Recycle Cayman• More than 14 individual companies• Attendees at 6 district public meetings

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What are the changes?What are the changes?

According to The Tourism Company, based on initial consultations, it would suggest that much of the policy still stands…..

BUT one over-arching change is the new agenda for sustainable development.

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The NTMP 2008-2012 ObjectivesThe NTMP 2008-2012 ObjectivesThe original nine policy objectives have been restructured to provide a new framework for a range of detailed Action points. The key policy objectives, with some inevitable overlaps, are to:

1. Sustain the quality of the environmental product;2. Manage the visitor and their impacts;3. Provide a high quality, sustainable Caymanian tourism product;4. Manage the Sister Islands as destinations for nature-based

tourism;5. Develop a highly skilled, Caymanian tourism workforce;6. Attract a more discerning and higher spending visitor;7. Research and monitor tourism more effectively; and8. Organise tourism in the Cayman Islands more effectively.

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Policy Objective 1:Sustain the Quality of the Environmental Product

Policy Priority Areas:Policy Priority Areas: To develop a new approach to planning

To prepare development guidelines for tourism zones

To institute environmental impact assessments for major tourism projects

To initiate protection for Environmental Areas

To develop a Cayman design guide

To prepare a regeneration plan for George Town

To review the quality of the public realm

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Policy Objective 2:Manage the visitors and their impacts

Policy Priority Areas:Policy Priority Areas: To manage cruise arrivals

To manage air arrivals

To facilitate access around the island(s)

To develop a marine tourism management plan

To enhance the visitor experience at the main attractions

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Policy Objective 3:

Provide a high quality, sustainable

Caymanian Tourism Product

Policy Priority Areas:Policy Priority Areas: To create a leader in sustainable practices

To upgrade accommodation To enhance local attractions

To provide access to arts and culture

To enhance interpretation of heritage and culture

To establish a Cayman Pride initiative

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Manage the Sister Islands As Destinations For Nature-Based Tourism

To prepare a sustainable development framework

To develop and promote nature based products

To provide essential infrastructure

Policy Objective 4:

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Develop a highly skilled Caymanian tourism workforce

To initiate a human resource strategy for tourism

To encourage more Caymanians to enter the industry

Policy Objective 5:

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Attract a more discerning, higher spending visitor

To attract high value stayover visitors

To work with the cruise sector

To develop the domestic market

Policy Objective 6:

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Research and Monitor Tourism More Effectively

To review data requirements, data gathering and analysis procedures

To develop and broaden market research

To develop an economic impact model for the Cayman Islands

Policy Objective 7:

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Organize tourism in the Organize tourism in the

Cayman Islands more effectivelyCayman Islands more effectively

To consider a new structure for tourism organisation in the Cayman Islands

To provide institutional support for representative bodies

To review public consultation processes

Policy Objective 8:

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• NTMP 2008 – 2012: Staying the Course but with new priorities

• Results in visitor arrival trends, accommodations inventory recovery and resilience to natural disasters such as Hurricane Ivan demonstrate this is a solid plan.

• The Implementation Process will be a key area for continued discussion with the steering committee.

• Confirming the understanding of the research with a final round of consultation is also paramount and commences immediately.