National Holiday (Quebec)

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  • 7/28/2019 National Holiday (Quebec)


    National Holiday (Quebec) 1

    National Holiday (Quebec)

    Quebec's National HolidayFte nationale du Qubec

    Fte nationale parade, Montreal, June 24, 2006

    Also called La Saint-Jean,Fte de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste

    Observed by Quebecers

    French Canadians

    French Americans

    Type Historical, cultural, national

    Date June 24

    Celebrations Parades, bonfires, fireworks, feasting, drinking, musical concerts, flag waving, patriotic speeches, contests

    Quebec's National Holiday[1] (French:La Fte nationale du Qubec) is celebrated annually on June 24, St. John the

    Baptist Day[2][3]

    In Quebec, the national holiday[2] is a paid statutory public holiday covered under the Act Respecting Labour

    Standards.[4] The festivities occur on June 23 and 24, and since 1978 are publicly financed and organized by a

    National Holiday Organizing Committee (Comit organisateur de la fte nationale). June 24 continues to be

    celebrated as a festival of French Canadian culture in other Canadian provinces[5][6][7] and the United States.[8][9]


    The feast day of Saint John the Baptist or Midsummer was a very popular event in the Ancien rgime of France, and

    it is still celebrated as a religious feast day in several countries, like Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Estonia,

    Spain, Latvia and Lithuania.

    The tradition landed in Canada with the first French colonists. According to the Jesuit Relations, the first

    celebrations occurred on the banks of the Saint Lawrence River on the evening of June 23, 1636, with a bonfire and

    five cannon shots.[]
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    National Holiday (Quebec) 2

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

    The green, white and red tricolour used by the Parti patriote between

    1832 and 1838

    In Lower Canada, the celebration of

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day took a patriotic tone in 1834

    on the initiative of one of the founders of the

    newspaper La Minerve, Ludger Duvernay, who would

    later become the first president of theSaint-Jean-Baptiste Society (SSJB). In the spring of

    1834, Duvernay and other Patriotes attended the

    celebrations of the first St. Patrick's Day, the

    celebration of the Irish diaspora, in Montreal. This

    would have given him and others the idea of organizing

    something similar for all the Canadiens and their


    On that June 24, George-tienne Cartier's " Canada! mon pays, mes amours" was first sung during a grand

    patriotic banquet gathering about sixty francophones and anglophones of Montreal,[11]

    in the gardens of lawyer JohnMcDonnell, near the old Windsor Station. The Canada in the song refers to Lower Canada, today's southern Quebec.

    Rounds of toasts went to the Parti patriote, the United States, Ireland, and the Ninety-Two Resolutions. [12]

    Two days later,La Minerve concluded: "This holiday, whose goal is to solidify the union of the Canadiens, will not

    go without bearing fruit. It will be celebrated annually as a national holiday and will not miss producing the happiest

    results."[13] The celebration recurred in 1835, 1836, 1837.

    Following the defeat of the insurrectional movement during the Lower Canada Rebellion and the military repressions

    which followed, the day was not celebrated for several years.[10]

    Drapeau Carillon Sacr-Coeur: A Carillon flag waved by people on

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day from its creation in 1902 until 1948. The

    current Flag of Quebec is based on this design, and was adopted in


    In 1843, Duvernay established the charitable

    Association Saint-Jean Baptiste in order to have the

    Saint-Jean Baptiste celebrated that year. The

    association was chartered in 1849 with the mission of

    promoting social and moral progress. (See

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society.)

    The celebrations were supported by the Catholic

    Church and were primarily religious around that time.

    The lighting of bonfires, a traditional custom on the

    Nativity of Saint John which ultimately reached back to

    pre-Christian Midsummer celebrations were still lit at

    night.[14] In addition, the first Saint-Jean-Baptisteparades were organized. They became an important

    tradition over time. The procession of allegorical floats

    was introduced in 1874.[15]

    On June 24, 1880, the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society

    organized the gathering of all francophone communities across North America. The event was the first National

    Congress of French Canadians (Congrs national des Canadiens franais). On this occasion, the citizens of Quebec

    City were the first ones to hear the " Canada" of Calixa Lavalle, based on a poem by a Quebec Superior Court

    judge, Adolphe-Basile Routhier. The song was commissioned by the Saint-Jean-Baptiste Society. It was well

    received but did not become a widely known song for many years. English words were later written for a royal tour

    in 1901. In 1980, "O Canada" became the official national anthem of Canada.
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    National Holiday (Quebec) 3

    In 1908, Pope Pius X designated St. John the Baptist as the patron saint of French Canadians. From 1914 to 1923 the

    processions were not held. In 1925, 91 years after the Ludger Duvernay's banquet in Montreal, June 24 became a

    legal holiday in Quebec.

    TheFte nationale

    Fireworks over the Parliament Building of Quebec building in

    Quebec City on the eve ofSaint-Jean-Baptiste Day

    In Quebec, June 24 (St. John the Baptist Day), or

    Quebec's National Holiday, is officially a paid statutory

    public holiday covered under the Act Respecting

    Labour Standards.[2][3][4] In 1977, an Order in Council

    by Lieutenant Governor Hugues Lapointe, on the

    advice of Ren Lvesque, declared June 24 the national

    holiday in Quebec.

    The following year, the National Holiday Organizing

    Committee was created. The committee initially

    entrusted the organization of the events to the Socitdes festivals populaires du Qubec. In 1984, on the

    occasion of the 150th anniversary of the SSJB, the

    organization of the celebrations was entrusted to the

    Mouvement national des Qubcoises et des Qubcois


    After it became a statutory holiday, June 24 was officially a holiday for all Quebecers rather than only those of

    French-Canadian or Catholic origins. Celebrations were gradually secularized, primarily due to actions taken by the

    MNQ, and June 23 and 24 became as we now know them. While the religious significance of the civic celebration is

    gone, the day remains popularly called la St-Jean-Baptiste or simply la St-Jean and is still observed in churches.

    In 2010 and 2011, Franco-Ontarian New Democratic MP Claude Gravelle introduced a private member's bill in the

    House of Commons to recognize St John the Baptist Day as a federal holiday in Canada. [18][]

    Political nature of the celebration

    Free public concert in Battlefields Park on the eve of

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day

    During and immediately after the Quiet Revolution,

    Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day became highly politicized. The

    religious symbolism associated with the celebrations

    was replaced by political ideals of Quebec separatism.

    Governor General Georges Vanier, who, as viceroy,had always fostered unity and biculturalism, found

    himself the target of Quebec sovereigntists in Montreal,

    on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day, 1964, wherein a group of

    sovereigntists held placards reading "Vanier vendu"

    ("Vanier the sell-out") and "Vanier fou de la Reine"

    ("Vanier, jester to the Queen").[19]

    Four years later, with the new Prime Minister Pierre

    Trudeau in attendance on the eve of a general election,

    a riot broke out on Saint-Jean-Baptiste Day. A group of
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    National Holiday (Quebec) 5


    In English

    Thomas, Suzanne. " Saint-Jean-Baptiste celebrations (

    cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=U1ARTU0003085)", in The Canadian Encyclopedia, Historica Fondation, 2008

    Gouvernement du Qubec. " National Holiday Act ( 1/20080515/

    whole.html)", in CanLII, Federation of Law Societies of Canada, updated to May 1, 2008 Gouvernement du Qubec. " The National Holiday (http://www.cnt.

    statutory-holidays/national-holiday/index.html)", in the site of the Commission des normes du travail, June 17,


    Le Moine, James MacPherson, Origin of the festival of Saint-Jean-Baptiste ..., Qubec: Morning Chronicle

    Office, 1880 ( online (

    In French

    Joly, Diane. " Les processions de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste Montral (

    php/Les_processions_de_la_Saint-Jean-Baptiste_ _Montral)", inEncyclopdie du patrimoine culturel de

    l'Amrique franaise, July 21, 2008 Thomas, Suzanne. " Ftes de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste (

    cfm?PgNm=TCE&Params=Q1ARTQ0003085)", inL'Encyclopdie canadienne, Historica Fondation, 2008

    Keller, Catherine. " Fte de la St Jean (", in the on line edition ofLa Grande poque (http://french., June 21, 2005

    RDAQ. " La Saint-Jean-Baptiste (http://www.rdaq.qc. ca/cgi-bin/templates/framesets/bottomFrameset.

    cfm?dir=chroniques)", in the site of theRseau des services d'archives du Qubec, 2001

    Prmont, Donald. "24 juin 1834 - Le premier banquet de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste", in Les Patriotes de 1837@1838,

    March 10, 2000

    Nadeau, Claude, " Histoire de la fte nationale des Qubcois : la Saint-Jean Baptiste (http:/

    /", in, 1998 (her personal Web site)

    Bizier, Hlne-Andre and Paulette, Claude (1997).Fleur de lys, d'hier aujourd'hui, Montral: dition Art

    Global, 158 p. (ISBN 2920718673)

    Rumilly, Robert (1975).Histoire de la Socit Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montral, des Patriotes au fleurdelys,

    1834-1948, Montral: ditions de l'Aurore, 564 p. (ISBN 0885320891)

    Vaugeois, Denis (1978). "La Saint-Jean, fte de la fiert", inForces, XLIII, 2nd quarter, 1978

    SSJBM (1926).Processions de la Saint-Jean-Baptiste en 1924 et 1925; [...], Montral: L. Beauchemin, 315 p. (

    online (

    SSJBM (1904). 70me anniversaire de l'Association nationale St-Jean-Baptiste, Montral, 1834-1904, Montral:

    Socit Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 66 p. ( online (http:/






    toc.aspx?id=2390)) SSJBQ (1902).Programme des ftes du soixantenaire de la Socit Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Qubec, 1842-1902 :

    fte nationale des Candiens-franais, lundi, 23 juin 1902, Qubec: Impr. Darveau, J. Baeuchamp, 16 p. ( online

    (http://www.ourroots. ca/e/toc.aspx?id=2405))

    SSJBM (1903). Souvenir patriotique de la St-Jean-Baptiste, 1903 : ddi aux familles canadiennes, Montral:

    Association Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Montral, 44 p. ( online (

    SSJBM (1901). Souvenir de la fte de la St-Jean-Baptiste, 1901, Montral: Association Saint-Jean-Baptiste de

    Montral, 32 p. ( online (http://www.ourroots. ca/e/toc.aspx?id=2396))

    Chouinard, H.-J.-J.-B. (1890).Fte nationale des Canadiens-franais clbre Qubec, 1881-1889, Qubec:

    L'Imprimerie Belleau & cie diteurs, 537 p. ( online (

    SSJBM (1884). Souvenir de la St-Jean-Baptiste Montral, 1884, Montral: Canada Railway News Co., 48 p. (online (
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    National Holiday (Quebec) 6

    Chouinard, H.-J.-J.-B. (1881).Fte nationale des Canadiens franais clbre Qubec en 1880, Qubec:

    L'Imprimerie A. Cot & cie diteurs, 1881, 632 p. ( online (


    External links

    Official Website of the Fte nationale (
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    Article Sources and Contributors 7

    Article Sources and ContributorsNational Holiday (Quebec) Source: Contributors: A Sunshade Lust, A. Lafontaine, AlainV, Andrew Gwilliam, AnthroGael, Arcturus,Audrey, Auric, Babbaluci, Bahihenher, Bearcat, Boffob, Bosonic dressing, Bouchecl, BrainyBabe, Brinerustle, BruB, CRKingston, Calvados, Carolynparrishfan, Cenarium, Cortomaltais, DJClayworth, DanMS, Danntm, Dbrodbeck, Decyferdown57, Disfasia, Dkreisst, Dmitri Lytov, Efghij, Eingangskontrolle, Emijrp, Epbr123, Everard Proudfoot, FJM, Fat pig73, FisherQueen,Freshacconci, Fumitol, G2bambino, Gabrielthursday, Grafen, Green Giant, Greg-seth, Grstain, Howcheng, Indefatigable, JHunterJ, JamesLavoie, Jeanleloupjeanleclerc, Jiang, Jimmy, Jlin,JoDonHo, John Lincoln, Joseph Solis in Australia, Kanata944, Kchishol1970, Kpalion, KsprayDad, Lanelot, LiTzzS, Liberlogos, Lilac Soul, Magnius, Magog the Ogre, Mais oui!, Mathieugp,Mddake, Menchi, Miesianiacal, Mindmatrix, Montrealais, MountainSplash, Mr pand, Mrboire, Mufka, Musicluver3659, Mvavrek, Myidoru, NJA, NameIsRon, Notwillywanka, Optimist on the

    run, Oreo Priest, OwenBlacker, P.T. Aufrette, PAR1138, Palefist, Pigman, Piledhigheranddeeper, Plasticup, R'n'B, Ramdrake, Rich Farmbrough, Rjwilmsi, Robofish, Samwb123, SimonP, Skarg,Skeezix1000, Sonjaaa, Soulscanner, Tearfree, TheHerbalGerbil, TheJF, Thirty-seven, Toddsschneider, Tremblay, Tyler.szabo, UnQubcois, Varlaam, Wafulz, Walter Grlitz, Wmahan,Woohookitty, Writtenright, X johnnyy, X96lee15, Ycote, Yoshi Canopus, Zundark, 161 anonymous edits

    Image Sources, Licenses and ContributorsFile:Fete nationale du Quebec.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 2.5 Contributors:Evrik, Montrealais, Skeezix1000

    Image:Flag of the Patriote movement (Lower Canada).svg Source: License: PublicDomain Contributors: Benoit Rochon, Iketsi, Josette, Makaristos, Skeezix1000

    Image:Drapeau-Carillon-Sacr-Coeur.jpg Source: License: GNU Free Documentation LicenseContributors: Damzow, Skeezix1000, 3 anonymous edits

    Image:Sjb-day-fireworks.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Contributors: Original uploader wasSkarg at en.wikipedia

    Image:Sjb-day-concert.jpg Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Contributors: Original uploader was Skargat en.wikipedia


    Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported//