TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbbw t UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O, I J.' tea* __ t mv sa^ TlMM I JOS. iiililr«B ' " " • _ r * t tuuate wm I - s-ron* Cia«!». WlHim^ ^ u.- •_» la.f -A-r - K-. »f -i.VO ^iTEiiXTtrS- _ I w tr Ola •in jK^Mtlt 5 I..--;- - .isn . T-, A" f Tb9 w o ttfto-kaCkV'a ijoa. »£ •^t-i^rr T AU H -ea _ -V .-^i-ctTirvoai: Bixt mara- figxl susva. max, ri.' . I.—.'. -.-I'-ur^ Sa-Ii^lir; - Klinl Mjfc ; . at '>.» ow. ^.^^.'ti-HuA tkeVM a .-I E L itt ' r- mmSm sii 1. i tirMB Wilr^i . •tlllliiij;?^ Bf TfiT»iMEUfc ^ WQSOJk f ATTTHOB O F ' l^ii^^i? fensrcas..^ t •asrtiii^i!" r ii »5««St - fed: rfaJTU Cwrsi -Tttl^SarlBJUCj . . i^i lul - -itsrnsiCT Ceiiirf- ^Cu nr -sE^nwe ^^ 1 i asmnwOka i affinajesn esTf «2r jriftfar ?» » U^mU pr; isjiftsaii , ^.iJrt Ttr-^f. t^ I w«s57 -'»B4 S i.3siiitA»a.fcMS<». . *. It. I. W. ClaxlMl aaKMaiMS^OoiB « W iJT-.f-CJ »• . Bcmic&ial "Ttwdte^ p -ST'IH UIZZSSA' [tSteCTSoon "f t»»««t •'s BrvncbfcU' c la C: K^iiti* itOwm-ta* UsaiT;. . a's BmnclUsil TrwiMS, 13 t^iaioaasfSIjtssi*. a irefca. Brnctifcrit m W Stm-ii K a Csua. Lit •• te*. a. rftvlss'^tira^ ssT. a-i-^jtssotw^ii I" n .EJtsci"* lTrfT«tnnr..« rsfcv. iTftST ^ - junt «r>«y • ilivlwa tii " AL I Lt M EDlCiSSS.—OF EjBw'w^* ttss l u m ^ ^ r ' .'tSat -itwl-mwx f^lsiaUlBtm ^ emi-^ amrOm^ lUs- SFtf-tsm i« T. TI ijii-^uo* •• •mi n ««th)t fjlii. •TOAi. a» HSllTS K s^^- iciate t> at^inrln* .afiUMtl •nTlwS*. A *flS« n*t« -to fteJIr r!»Stisf»»!» ttaa«nsi»TM « iimi" •• (TSSaoifr•flT I ^matrfSBaaa-'XMnrr )iaw«iis«.:;.;; ^ f^iU - tw jm « - »» mrnri 3 &] itraraf»» wW'-i'CiBWe ilalo*- a !• 'eirar-r^wl^**! I-*" » ', rB C.*Tt!0Uttii>a Ur » t ti-l-I.-J iBfi Blft^ Art li^ti- «ir> m MB ^t—tin ' t v Mil -AM trnrnut «f » niwi kl tfcsBltT. bia « . tki^ in, wrtM t Ctalrm • or B"-5k! Bi«l'k >» ' • . Shnv S. •lu^ S&a— b eiU» ' Hrt»m»»iMi «*»»t r UASKKXIE * mWiHllf " T^-—^ UiL5 Bii GUUfiXl, ID e^r^skuesecH^ 5h»*eCT atti-t I . teasanCt-vO* iOmOt Mn. a - _ rf^M^tJ , J. au M u v u . •.nsaojexmi. 't j'-v^^tiSi y ^ a. F. Xjjm. ( fiXATV. KAUS * OO. NASHVILLE, TENNj SATURDAY, JATJUARY 28, 1860. 10 AIL PSDQSAPXIStS QQjQ^ s j u c B 0 7 TBS oHHiiyriaTy o B a x - OISAXIOS 13 KmaOOK. Christ g m t l j i3iete»5ed. Maaj of tito pM-1 laiiagft I hare na doabl H a s m a siiowB i s toH tack tb* BUM (Stitf JPritsis. j t^e eleetka of tiie d e l a t e s te ih« G«orgU kflventisl i&emben ia manj pkoea I Baptist CosTentieii, whieli followed uome- jtoolc MUM Frksis, u d the dcft«oiia tool: | dktcl;. T!urte«e oa^ of firarteea of Utoee •L Ha ntaa «r esftttOBiei, w pretraded 11!>« name Lirilts Aftar »'JittI« 'ti]iio eacii | elscUd vill reeagniae Bio. Gimrca asd thoM ^MRiB^ii!, tkat k m b«ea sieptad a&d added t order elalmed aU die appendages ef tke oScs | who, intl: Mm, wiUidrev fcqm Eld. Howeira Imaa ^ elxa irf £vma rerclatiaa oan poa-1 wUdi Iseioiiged to it ia Jadunn, Tii^: and f(mned the Spring Street Ckoreh, as rS^iflieliag ts that Usgdom. Titis p i a p o a - / n i t i a , aad the jpteidU^ormm^a of BaptUts in order, and m n e h b ^ And the ^ k ss o k * as tie laat Thai t w j d b w l w ^ e ^ e oidera. fonrteenth ainoag Oie most popwlar miBisterg ia ia |3« OM a a i God brenglit downtoeaitk ia AstheGteek and Boma iiiyjtBW {e«e-laG tie dbarches, reeeiTed the lowest Buaber of Jchn,aed cleaily explainedia his!moaiesperfe^^ in teeret) gre»aj attraoted Totes as I baTS been infonaed. Thia, I think, TOd. 's"i33stiatwadww clo»d, aUwper-jtlie g^ and rtare, and interest of the. eooTfinciog erideoce to all nnprt jndictfdmioda adJed rite? of «mrsB are xfwun, and haTs no ia«Ititad«, the iaiitatioa of Aese mt/sitries that a majority of the Bethel Assodation, w»i rjmaniiaa at aU with that idngdiptt: all sach was aaUwrtasd in asanj Christian aasonblies. elearly cppoKd to Eld. Howell, and &TonJ>le rilM aro * | so as to miuntM a eompetition before the j to Bro. GraTes. The troth L^ it is diffiaalt There£iaoeTideiiesinhktKyaracjwhereJa»»iies in &Tor of Chriaiiam^. This pre- for me to imagine the probability of an in- cf aay infiuU biptaa eulter than ahoot the j pared the way soon for the adopUoB in many telligent and nnbiased mind to hare witnessed y8«r2a2; all earlier preteasw are deeeptions j places of " m j Pagan and JewitK rites j the proeeediigs of the Association without bo- —^piMU f r x a ^ " It wmiH be w y to pro- j riailar BtotiTsa. The Bagass alio gen-1 tag conriaoed of this. daoa froat fif:y to a haadred of the most taught ihtir religion by imagts, pm-1 I make this otatement because the pnrpsfia learned andiara, and Pedobap&ts, too, who in jto'MW*, «3d »g««. Proa daiilar n:od»es j i« manifested in ccrtain qoarter*, to oonTiaea &eir writiag* fix iw origin fallj as late, or | man v of thrao were adopted by Christiacs in 1 the Baptist nuEd that the Tote of the Bethel later than that* It is eertw it is not|»M7 plaoai. Yinble images iaftoeswd nn-4 Association was indicatire of the popularity aathorised ia ^ New Teataseet, and it is jealdrated lainda more than inteUeotnal trnth*. of the Sonthcm Bap&t Convention and its astaia that it nerer existad any esriier. I j f « reaacn i r a y Christians adopted them | Board, and the want of eocadeaee in Bro. baSsta all thotwigii iastomns agree that it {to enlisi this attention of sneh in the hope they Grares , and those who with him withdrew ez^nated is A&iea rery near the abore | would thns soon beeome Christians. Military j from Eld. Howell and his party, acd who now p«»d. The Wtifm porticB of people in I termi and t a e ^ were also used among j form the Spring Street Church. A&Mavers a-XTitOTyd to nerifioa babes to ( H e n e e then, too, wero adopted by | Whether the reference of the resclatio:. pro- Satsra, a i god, in uder to appease his j Christians. The ancient oemnoay for the ] posing to sustain our own miiaoEary to a i ^ if tiisy supposed hs was affieting tiem. J mamnnTvim of slares, was in use among j rica, disconnected with the foreign Bsard, te- If they iad no babes rf tiieir own they would I reprraenting the freedom of those who j cared its qiiet®" ia tho reference, dme slone steal th<se of others and EWtifise them- ifie j »ws icidated into their mysteries. Henee j will detennine. fTSinntfrnnt m n goaded m ^ ia. Jili way. A I Ghrisdans adautted the ceremony of manu-1 Allow nso to say in eonelnsion that I unwil- law at length was pMted a iitdo be&re the j m i a ^ for those tinses as a Christian rite, and lingly write to oorrcct wrong impresEioos, but ahora period, iniiBtiHg a penalty on any hea- j admicistered it to young eonTcrts afier bap- when I seo efforts laaking to prostrate princi feaa that ahonid eamndt aay aggremoa TUWJi. N*®. represent their manunuaeion from pics dear to erery lover of the plain teajh- tits. Chrisnaas. Baptam wm made ia ihzt j ^^ thraldom to Satan. kgs of oar SaTior, and to adopt in the settle- kw tiia line of .fiff--^^ between Christi-vis j Esar^m, or the ej^uisiou of the deTil from j meat of the Nash-rille diffisultiea principles as u d Wt?..^., Some few Chii^iaas in Africa tiw conTert—chrism, or the anointing of j odious to ne as th»e ooatrolling the Roman evBed baptism to be adaunistered to their I him with oil—feeding him after baptism with inqniaitioa, and to inaie these oantroUing pre- baha fcr protaotinn—as that law protected all j and honsy (food for tsabes}—and patting cedents for generations to come, for the Bap- b^tiasd persons. Tet the number thudid « ^ia °»onth, showing tiiat he must be tist churches, I feel thatT have no diicpetion. ea was Terr smalL H e » was its origin. The j kept pare, were all of them rites added in the May the lorcrs of truth bo on guard, and Szst eotrndl that eret ttesmmaitA it was centary. Abo, as aU nations before I waUh well the moTements making to csUhlish hdd at Mela in Africa, ia 418. Sobaequentij j Christ had the enstim of worshipping with (tiisnew and odious church poUty. (hs CaJhaUea extended it at the point of tiie towards the east, and stiE continued the mrad amaag aU natiosa, to exttnd their easto®. Christians, too, ia this centary dominian. Infknt baptism at length became U^Pte^ this rite. S i also tho Supper was one of the nmn sacramnia of the Catholics, deemed e s e n ^ t> salration. The enstoa It is a noseasary appendage to tho Catholic} to diride it and send portions to the sick gjatenmordertoextaidit. Batiafiot bap- ^o the absent Tender parents, belteriag tisanerer had ai^eaaaeetion with theKng-|i» «®«ut5al to salration and fearing their OE'XXCH o r XLI). W. or vaTcnsz. Bffitr* tk$ Sabbalk Sekool Union^at OojUOH, Xis*,. 1U Btpati of CommUtu on ''CSkadrm't Fritnd." Bao. MoDMUToa:—I am obliged to Bro. Brown, for information i^peoting "self-sns- t ^ i n g guehines," bat really, sir, I did not be- fore know, that this Sabbath School Union had rei^ohed ileelf into a "aiaohine*' shop—"self- sastainicg maohines" at that,—that is, per- petual motions!!. Bat seriously, or, I would Uke to tee this paper widely eircalated. Scat- tered like the leares of the forest, and at the lowest possible c ^ , or I would like to it pat f m l y int) erery Sabbath School, and erery family, wlsere access can be ^iced. I hare hope of doicg greater good in this way, than by almost any other, acd I bc- liere alM, aay reasonable amount of money ap- propriated in this way, will accomplish more than ia any other manner connected with this Union. The short practical articles, the can- dens^ statements, tho Uttie gems of trath, here presented to tho nxind of yoath; fresh, in every issae, and moalding so msny irrepres- sible sympathi®, so newly to tiie whole trath; cannot fail to work oat the most lasting re- L ott W^AASX. Albisy, Qa., Dec. 24, 1S59. »ur U*. TnmMK* BiptUt JUDAS AJID THE SCPFEH. In tho Tinaesst* Baptist of Oct. 1, 1859, Bro. J. M. Hant a^mu that Jndas did par ^ ^ Uite of the Lord's Sapper; and the first srgu- daa of Christ any more than any other part children m%ht die, fed portions of it to Uieir j^ggj^, mentions in proof of his proposition of popery. children. Thos girag the Sapper to babes I ^ ^^ ^^t to- The pretaisa that Origea writes in &Tor of gn^d^Uy crept in as a rite during tiie Utter iafiuit b^idsia is a '^piinu fraud'—& Catho- lis daraption. Tha Catholies ists'lined hi: book after his death, to Kuh tit extent, that no one could know how maeh of ic he wrote and haw mash of it they wrote. They asade him say rreiy tiiisg they w^died. AU that his part of the second centary," Also, renouncing £ca <.)eTU with all his pomps before baptiiou, beeaiae a eB^tom near the end of this eenturv. Now, it is true that Chri.t and tae tweWe sat down together to eat the passover, bat this is no proof that Judas did not get ap aad learc the room, ia which they had i • WiU '1. r. B." tiro* » Jittw «ior» oa tlil« nutltr ia ] a nbae^Mst UtUr. Ncafidtf on S3S: ** ^ I dweh of Scrth AMu. tu tks bit U briic pTSBlKatlr Uto j soun ti» of lafuU lopUua. •> la eoca«lloii wtlli book eiHitaias ia fiTor of infant baptism the 1 u u o 4 « « 4 ^ ti» •omwnica «t j^iau: hi u I mj^^t be statid that a thousand men entered a •jJ^ KK i u. iiTto. tiit-iiei I certain house of worship and that they aU sat semaled, before the sapper was iastitated, or I before Christ garo it to his disciples. It Cathali>i3 wrote, not he; also mudi on severtl Other sabiaau. Aad yet PadobaptisJs depend I »ath«t k uu ta taomk eWta oWoiui-. jwiiei j together, bat this woald not be proof almi^enorelyoa Origea's book-thus cor- reo^ieed and heard the sermon Tttpted Mfzet his dCfttH. ai * " piotts ^^rtiu^' | p«r, thAi tMs. fin» U m t^T Arst, wm ftr their prttended historical erideaca for in-1 fsnt baptiac>.t I nama in&at baptism firit, beeaasa it has ooaasisffied, aa a aap«atitation, mora mischief to tiM esasa cf Chi^tianity than all other rites. It has beea made the iastramsst for building Bp popery, national eharahat, aad all the Tarie- ska of popt^ aad semi-popish puties. It has madfl Ihfi armies thm eiGstad as a passive, an- •OJaeistts, helpless act of o6en>, thus patting &SB in tho (chaol aad aader drilling of popery, aad aanfi d s g them thero to prepare them for war itnCa: I tnmmikfa>n istzodocet k*fera lafut baffClim > W* uk th«w ^Vr^ias* tMrlag aeiM of onr rMiUn m>7 set mad«ntuJ t&lm oupaiatT WU:J.r.B.p!MMUs<*«rr-[<ss.Tu>.Bu^iST (to bk cosTisrin.) —that none of them went oat. •'Mark says tccy all drank of tho sacramen- tal cap." This is mentioned as another proof that Jadas partook cf the Lord's Supper — Then according to the same process of reason- ing Jndas had the promise of driskicg of th? fr^ts of tho Tine asew with ia the kicgdom of God, and joined wiih the other iidcipies in eisging a hytnn, went oat with them into tho Mount of Oiives, rnd was of- fended bcciuse of Chrii-t that same night; acd afier Christ rose from the dead he went before hia, (Judis,) iato Gaililte; for i t b written, "And as tkty were eatiog Jesus took bread. jpst U* Tsuhsm mxToaxcaJU—BKVBKI. JUSOCULTIOS. Bbo. Emtobs:—I know many of 'J oar read- ers woold be pleased cot to have any allusion to the NaahTille di&eoldes in jccr czeellect paper, and that cothirg would be mora agreea- ble to you, than to have a right ending of the - e r a the war of extermination of the king-1 Th« pleaaare, it «e=:.. i5 not ^ ^ dam of C&riat It has thus always been the ^^ ^ ^ ^ J®" and b W d it, and break it, and gave it to the •OisW of an«nse«« ones t-3 beeome JC'irselres. actrog apoa irfcrmit.on ^ ^ ^^^ .. papish armies-aationai armies and seetarisn «"oneons :m- ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ amies to ll^ht against that kingdom. It has F ^ ' o a upon tha m^d of m « y of u to them, saying, driak yc all of it; for this alaced tiie^ w 2 r e all tiicit training " 7 f is n.y blood of tho new testamett, woich is wera adapted » prepwa tiiem for this Ttnn^, Baptist of the 3rd ^^^^ ^^ re^saon of sins. Bat - - seiTiea, and to beUera that while Isay unto yo«, I wiU not drink hcnttefcrth cf wer^ Mindly warring against that kingdom Purport cf tha resolaUoa frait of the viae until th.t day when 1 ' "Jowi by »e. w , that, in continuing to act ^^^ ^^^ ^^ kingdom, as agent for the clarclses, and iadiridaals, ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ia rceeiricg acd forwarding their contribations I ^^ ^^^ Mount of OUres. Then Jesus to any of the Beards of the Sf-athem Baptist ^ ^^ ^ offended be ConrendoD, tha A^isooiation was net to be , ^ . , I CBisidiaed ss aprrcTice the tleeiioa cf Eld kiaadom—that,too. that nerer existed till thei " . . . . . .. .. I Howell President of tha conTtntion, tcereby inaugurating his system of church polity in tha matter of Elder J. B. Graves, which wai ucjuit, tyrannical, aad unaathoriacd by the laws of Chriit A qaetica cf order was made, and the mcdtratcr decided the resolu- ii;n in order, and cn appeal frcm the mcdera- they wire doiag God sertiea. That which en- Bts armies for sad a purpose, ia :aeh malu- [ tadea, fastens them td a drilling so wieked and sa^odly, and trains them to tach aa anti-1 serTiaa and war, belong to that! adidle of tha third eea-ntry! As well might we a j that derastatioa ia tha presperity of | the dwastatad ragioa—that craiting davastat- iag armies ta war agauiat tea Mngdoat of Gbist is pramatiBg its proeperity—scd that the rite whic& enlists intmica! soldiers is part of that king^Eu Wltea wo can traly say-j that u d traising ciildraB ia popery k ptoaotiag that kingdaai, against wiiieh they are trainBdfa>wa*'—that war is peaea—that| tru»d siemies are fri«3i& — ^ t tieasoQ agvmt God is tuhsujBon ts hi> law—ihati waning aghast Hint aad traiaiag natioas tc beeaoiis saliifiH a that war is right, then, aad Bfrt til then, aaa we say that the popish priir cause of me thu i>ight; for it Li written, I will smite the shepherd and tha skup of tho shsll be seittered abroad. Bat after l a m riien agaio, I will go before you into Galli- lee." Mat XXVI: 26.-32. Jadas certainly was not cffeadcd beeaase oi Christ that night, or at any other tima, for he had betrayed tho Savior into the hands of sin nera. He ccrtainly did net follow Chriit af- ' ^ u f ^ ; ^ " ! ^ to tha ,i^l-ito^iadi«bret^a.gai^tB..G^v. •mtary.- W« will take up the oiiesf rites, aaasrding to tha esstaiias whsa they began. First airfwry.—Moaheim says that al- tita^^ Christ estah&^ied bmttearitea—Bap- Ukm. aad HeiSvgptr; yet, eroi ia the first ff!3ktn7, w^ere a church had a aamber of Jews aa tsasbesi, quita a namber of Jewi^ cereatsaias dared. tar jadgment was sastained, and I ^ ter his resurrectioa, into GsllUca, beoaaso he, eaaa the eoarso of ehnrdi polity parsued by , j d_ c . Eld. Hcwell and his party ia the ease pf Bro. ^^ ^^^^^ 5 jgg^ Grares, ©adtaaatory of that action ef H and party, and no one attempted to sustain i5 ; atd in this, certaialy, "diseictioa was the batter part of Talor." Ton express ror sarprisa that ia a locality where- HendarBon, Dawson, aad Walker had labored wiOi cneh For th* Tucmm Ba;tUl- BSCri.AH ASSOCIATION. aiaar or CHracais 10 kkcxivs KSPKi.t,ip PBKS3S3. Mxssbs. Emtobs :—At tho session of this I aseoeiation in 1857, the right of a chaich to i raoeiva one expelled from another eharch was prised when I say to yon and yonr reade-s for the direct consideration and ae- ^ the majority w«i not against him - "011 of tiie body. The question w « rcfcrrrf I do rot beUave tii5a was one doiea of » "mmittee, which reported through its she members of tha Assoeiatioa who approv- ehairman (one of its leading mmuters, tiien, as ed of the election of Eld. Howell or sympathirirg with tiie t c ^ g s of mOMlroasaoarsa of dealing he and his par- ^ ^^^^ hadthenght , t f punuad ia tha case cf Brother Graves. »d=ut to membership those pr«ntu.g en- las weia oftaa adopted, cr at least en- brethren, members of the Asso- dene> i f r ^ t a ^ c a acd baptisn:, regardless In tia Aato af tha Apoflla and » ^ miBi«t«M,h»Ta beea mem- of Kiy oJier coB^.^^r•iion whatever. The t i e Epsfiate tha GalatiMMwa&id this fcct L rf the Conventiaa aad voted for Eld. »pMt was with direct referenea toacasa stated aad eoodemaed. Ia thsEpistla to ^ jjg,^ ^^ their behalf it may urged that j«» whidi a church loceired one expelled; Hebrews tSis teadcney a eaitfitily escater-| ^jotign » personal eassara aad, ««« moaths aaterior to the acted by stewing Jadaim as t y ^ of the j ' ^ ^ ooasidsred. After I had dosed iaauguratioa of tha NashviUe troables. CaiBfiia estshlishaMiit, tnit that the latter is' totdly diiercst from the former. S«aa»d to Mtarytiia stnaig 1 tmbmtj to adopt otfcer rites beadee titoae-ef t1vI>r.W*tt.a<T. AXifk ivU. WtcMmc OHt. L*. n. I.iBlwRk'^ mnrnTUttbCUektitt*: •^Daowt W la*Bt kiltbam MttetX kr CiubtKtacn i^te Sn* OrWTm Mte tk* M^aaBJltittalk* ^^ lia- mv ^ ^ ^ and a sahstitatehai beea o f l ^ j rileace the saying tiiat "this is «iamou«t«»«ae«dthosal«tittttc,*wam new gotten,up to sait tha NarfiviUa Kecdof Bre. Graves remarked tiiat the elec- a^®®^" tioa ef Eld. HeweE liad done aU the ham it Were all s a ^ hanted ap, would •»lddo, aadlw wa. fearfal the passage of be dear »hat there « maeh less of p i e ^ my reaelatioa would do ham; he moTedtoUrdlortlui taWe, uidthisBotioa ^har^es, and m ar- waaearriedbya »a.ilmajori^.wd » bow exe^agnembm « w^t a rfaimed a. evideace ef the msjori^ ^ ^ knew ti«. the«» e h ^ e s r e g ^ « flm-y peeedte B«. G. «»d faveriaff Eld. H. «dlBs F e t « ^ to eov« the g r ^ e . ^ of p ^ p S , iadadiag the action rf the Coaventioe; aaimestw^thw to x t c ^ ladindaJs tiiey aad joa seem to have beea so impRned. It eieiwea. nli^ I a n w : ^ it is not so. The tesstoa of tfe* Aasodatiioai it waa fcdkred had t h a beea ptotrseted laeger thaa w y other sessien, aad ray little tf its VutaseB doB^ aad the M e m ^ Dae. sK), 1S38. J. We mast eaatiane oar atteadaaea t^Mn thovgk we be alone ia i t Whatever . 1. -.w w- • |Othe»do,we mast serve the Lord. If they ben sBXions to go through witk the Imameasl^^^tolteavta withas,yetwemost Bot ^adjoBBtiMk aii^t,—eUtUi asda B00«|g9 talidlwiat Aeat. dTe^WBBre&dx^i^aaM the msjori^ t n e stream of i d ^ t m n a a atber dew or tobyoB taUs^ the i]kaUaw,astlwUakaef ^sabbitA are salts. I say this sir, because I am aot ignorant, you are not ignorant, of the infiaeace we have to meet. It Is not simply that we mast be equal to other and noble efforts of oar breth- ren, Not that we wiA to stand u if opposed to the labirs of the Southern Baptist Pablica tioa Society, or tha Society at Philadelphia, bat sir, wa mast take pgrition with, and be able tn meet tha pabUeations of tha " Amcri- cia Sabbath Sfthool Union," " Tha American Tract S atiety," and I may aay, the whole Pe- dobaptiit worid. Thay have their hundreds of thoasands of dollara employed in tiiis work, and so far, they have an advantage of as.— They are on the alert, and penetrate eveiJ pcasible movement with their deficient litera- ture, and grataitoasly furnish it, when other- wise it woald not be received. In another rcspeet, they have the advan- tage of us, they address a principle which moved the most irreligious and depraved por- tion cf human nature, under the plaasibla and popular idea of liberality. They form anion schools, collect funds from ail classes, snpply such schools with apparatus, and libraries, for- ni»h rooois, eta., aad then, so soon as opportunity offers—by having worked in a majority of teachcra, and operators, or by less fair means,— appropriate the whole to their own deaomica- tional oscs. Their literature, is a kind of 00m- •promiiB between unqualified and entire obe* dienee to tho will of Chrbt, and rebellion aa- der the direction of Satan; and hence, eo far, they have a more ready access to the affecUOBS, and depraved wishes of men, and of children, while uaconverted. It ia true, wo have an advantage over them one thing, in so far as pure truth is better than error, as God's wisdomfasuperior to man's, the Bible is superior to humanisms, as God's Spirit is to the world, as God's power is above human, as motives drawn from eternity, from from heaven, from hell, from the love, the rre- senea, the power, the. wrath, and tho faithful- Dcss of an all-.e«iBg God, are Superior to earth. Tilkof tho cxpcdieacy, or policy, crliber- ality, sir; ia this thing it is all an illuiion. Who over heard of a trtt being one side, strong sol- id cak, and on the other, soft pitchy pine ? Talk of compromise tir, to Jesus Christ 1 of liber- ality, to the word of God' of the will of mm 1 aid going to the judgment 1 of hamin authori- ty shaping rcligiou, whila held by an inexora- ble aad chaogelets sovereignty, before which every knee must bow, and every toague must comprcsi! Why, sir, of liberality, the devil has formed a cable, that in its millions of mi- nutest threads, has deceitfoUy appeared to be sa'^pcnaion bridge across the galf; but in re- ality has swaog whole aations into hell t We mast have a piiro Bibla, and a para Bible literature. l u want is felt everywhere The iMtaaces referred to by Dr. Taasdale, urge it, other icstsjices urge it. A brother who isaow in heaven, has not lived to see his cSiildrcn Catholics. Had they received a pare bibli- cal literature, and in their ehildhc«d, b«n un- der tho influence of such a pspcr as "The Children's Friend," there is reason to believe tho result would have beea o^erwise. Those of us who have been r ^ e d Pedobap- tists, know the stronghold, gained upon the af- fealioas of the young. And you, ?ir, know, and t kaow, that the moment we observe, conceal, withhold, or depart from the teachings of the tck<d» Bible, that moment we tako a direct eourso toward the obliteration of all distinction between Popery and piety, between the followers of Christ and Satan, atd to annihilate, and wipe out, all true religioa from tha earth. Take aa an example, Hambarg, in Gamany, where there were, or are now, one thoasud eight hundred prostitates, by chtirch authority lioeaied, M.d so, by cfficis! documents, aathorixcd to osrry on thair vile work of degradation, jaat beeassa they ones were sprinkled babies 1 I dioald like to see Uie priee of this paper pat as low as the priee of the paper of tha Ameri- eaa Baptist Pablication Society, or even that of the Sabbath School Union, and so far, meet them on their owa leveL And I would do more. I woald send, if it oaa be done, one thousand papers to London and five handrcd each, to Ihtblband Elinbargh. They would parhapa pave the way to self supply, and so to permanent bleesicgs ia that direction, (a voice here said, "What if tiiey woald'nt let themiar'} WeIl,theB, Bro. Moderator, I woald do as Bro. Oackea, who s ^ d a week at my hoase ia Quiacy, III, said tl«y did ia Germany, "We wanted to send soma of oar books aad traata, aad Bibles, uito Berlin.— The g a ^ were earefally guarded by the "gead de ariaes," aad all boxes aad p a e k i ^ opaaed, aad oar liooks spedally prohibited, aad for a laagtime,every effinrt was irastrateil, at length we liad a maa who was six feet fire inehes a tall, lawboaed man with Img tiiia a n a s a ^ body, aad we liad him a smt of dotbasmade, t b t voald & iii aldormaa of three haadied and t h j poands, wad he pat them oa over his owa dothes, aad we staffed Uat, andMnrai aad ^aiwd papers aad treats, •ta, vaiil he was a aeUe UtMag filiew, thea w prtUm ^•protM aod ia kf laanhed like a giant, anpaeked his books, took off his stdt, and caste outlaak and lean as himself"— [Laaght^.] (A araxyman,pr8aeat,faU rix feet high, and thin, sud, "Gentle- msa yea may oiaiwdeT ma a standing oSa- to be staSsd fof Loadoa."} Bro. Moderator, I see lOT, yoo aU Oftderstead it, and I think I will desist and .take my seat." far a* T« mmc * S«i!ts«t THA.OT81 TSAcra! Why ean't we have theraf Some u e al- ready oat fram the South-Weeteni Pabiiihisg House, bat we want more. Hilliona of one and two page. trtcU w« want for the West. Ye$, Baptist handbills. WiU net the b r ^ - ren at Na&hvilie arrange to send oat raeh ? The Tfn»tsu§ Baptist is a great paper. It has dene a vast amoaat of good. A large nnmbcr of the books sent oat by Graves, Marks & Co., are cf tha very best kind. Their smaller works are alike good. But there are few who read the whole of a large newspaper, and fewer stili who read large books. Little books are more read. . But tracts are always read. The Amerieaa Tract Sodety has found out this great trath, and aro acticg cn it. They axe filling all the land with hand bills. The Amerieaa Bible Union is doing tha same. Small tracts on Bevision are being eircalated largely, and for the simpla reasm that tracts can da mere good in extending a knowledge of Bevisicn than all other means pat together. Then let as have Bipnsr—i. «., Bibla tracts—to send all over oar caantry. Oar pastors need them by the thoas»d to give away aaiocg tfadr coagregations. Bretati:a, yoa who con write, yoa are earaostiy requested to prepaie these tracts, and let as have them, just as aooa as possible, through tho Saath-Western Pabliih- ing Hoase. W. M. Davis. CUTTOS, Ala, Deo. 12,1859. C TWO K U i i s n awailbK < IFLAXEBax NS MCA a » FLU N S X . 1 THE INFIDEL'S CONFESSION, oa THE POWEB OF CHBISTLiN UKION. Asswsa —We are traly gratified that, anti- cipating the wants of the deaominauoii, we have beo:i preparing a series of cheap tracts, religious and denominational, for universal circulatioa. We have within the last few months had iS) tracts on different subjects stereotyped. Thousands are ready for order?, at 25 cents per package, cf 360 pages, by b?x (without diseoant.} The postage mast be added if sent by cuiL New tracts will be onstaatly added to the list, upon every sabjtct that should be pressed upon the 00a- ecicnees of tha eharches. The foUowiog is a Ikt of the Tracts already issued: 1. Oofht Baj-tists L>ag»r to bo Coanectwi witi or Pitroaizd the American S. S. Union or Tract So- ciety 1 2. Onzbt to cse Comproo^ise Bodka b their S&bbatii Schools'! 3. The Principles a! Cc'sipromise cpoa vbich tho American 8. S. Ucioa sni Tract Saeety aro based, rifal. ~ 4. The Neglect of Inljct BspUsm co S.d—ibe Dc-tasioa of a Presbytrriu Svnod. 5. Qaestioas by a Msiio^is; to MKhc-iiats— and 2i scri^. 0 Proleslml Dtaoullies. 7. Short Artides on C^mnzioc. 8. The Convert and a Cigir. 6. Infidd Methodism Aoti-Aa>»ricac. 10. That Blessed Hope. 11. SenoBS Addresses to the Spectitori oi a B»p- liim. IZ Bciiptoral Btp'Jsm, and eeveral others. csanxs ni.—uasaauTX. XTOST men have their iatimatea. Js^^Bo- JlL lea's mosk valued friend sad most fnfinea- tial adviser, had been, fer asaay years, tlM only brother Mrs. B a l ^ wb<ni oar teaia kav9 embalmed asanearlyvtctim of discaae aad death. Afser her death, her brodier, Mr. Todd, a fine scholar and polished gentlesi^ who had long enjoyed the eoafidence of the -rillsge as the prinffipsl of-ita high schod, sad was now, thoagh past fif^. active aad b a o y ^ as a boy, Boemcdto fall heir to a luga pwtioa of ^ a £ - fectica froiii viudi its objecs had bsesiremoved in tha death of Mrs. Bolen. TolumtheJu^e rdited the priacipil incidents of the interview betweca himself and Mr. Sdlera. Mr. Todd was also a Prssbytoiaa, and havisg leaised that the Jodge ha-4 mads aa e&rt aod a are to stir up tha Jodga to his duty, teeolved to try his infiaecce; far he fdt no Uttie iater- est in having tha Judge to asite with las ehareli. B e avoided iatrodueiBg those poinb ca which Mr. tellers had found his mind k> fully a»de ap, and oonfiaed hiauelf d i ^ y to the supposed impcsability of a gaeral anion of Christiacs. •-I aadcistscd," saidhe.'Hhatyoa a«dday- ing to join the Ciarch, nntil, by so dwng, yoa can j >ia ail Gad's people at ones. Yoa mast hava great fsith tobetieve that poi^Ie. I kaow the prophets foresell the gjorioas time 'whea tha watchmen shall all sea eye to eye, isd Speak the same thing,' bat I have bo idea is will be in oar day. 1 sappaae it ia reaaved fjr the milleanisl day.'* J. ••You Qi£;ht raths' s y it wiB make the miileniam. But ds yoa not sometimes piay for tist time? I think I hare several times heard yon, in cpecisg the Sabbath Sshad, pray God to hasten ii, and yoa seemed tc grow Winn with tie petition. Now, what is not of laita i« sio. Yea sareJy do not introdaca m ^ ter into your prayers, only to make oat tiieir length andbeaaty, while yoa do aot even hope to rfalii2 what yoa atkT To do eo is certainly ti tta very solemnly. As to j lining all the people cf God at once, I know that is impoa- sible. Bat I am unwiliiig even to ud in per- .t r 1 * pe(aaiias the evils of disanioa among Ciois- tsana. Nothing m the history acd prospects of Christianity retis so like a bii^t on its pow^ to convert the world, as the divisioo of belie- vers iat-j sects. Now, what I desire and ex peet when I become a charch member, is, to occupy that pUtfarm cn whidh all God's peo- ple can s ^ d without saerifise of oonsaieaoa or principle. Tben if they do not unite with me. thoiddjdayna. Iratarethepr^ietieaaim, that tie PtwbylaiBaseed £p:'4e7pe!iiaawiB t(catia th« same way, tiie ae^isg ro be kda iaa&wda^by thaHa&odiste. Yoa eOllt aa evil, aad a^ itoaghtaettoexH iwtit k w ihat gtswa oataf aairaas. Aa weU m^gkt joa dry ap a stream Howicg inaa a f i ^ fasa- taiB,asanestaitde8rethmev2s wititeatie- aioTi^ eaaae. Ardmii ea-^mtUam. tens iipposistgsmisUtimatsprim^^bgikt mrst ef motues—a tdBiasmss im jKtrdiast by tha^aprifi» ifprim^iU.'*- Jlr.T. -Yoarreaaeaa seoat^iw. I aaly w(H.-der I had not thought of thoa befare. I tim^ I fed willing to ^ asythicf in my jio^ erto oorreet evils so enarmcas. Bat wiiat can Idol- Is sot tiia fAsiXom ef the Prei^y- tariaa ehardi as aoiiptcial, as catholic, aad as anctjeetionaWfl as aay esa hai Coald a c j eae^ eoasmeBee be eericariy hsrt by j m i i ^ it? Naea, sardy none is more sable ia doe- triis, or ia benevolent cSirt, ec in devatina to l ^ e ^ inteH^esea. I g l i ^ in ahssst all its featares." J. "Tobe&aakffnnsstagreawi&yeatltat I kaow cfaoaelaai liable to o^estiMB-sai yatto Jgiait WOTld iijmw enr cnwoeaae in KvenI impwtant partieulara. The view I from t^M New Testament as to aeier of Christ's charo^ » . t h a t i t s s a local, iadepeodeat, eoBgregatioaal crganisiti-m, czmr p<Bed of vdanta^ menbers, Wtiaed apon a prcfessoi of tiieir own ftiilL From ^ thefs featnres the Presbyterian dtardi K a » to dif^ fer. Islsokv&fimhistci^thatJohnCilvia, dxmt three handred years ago, laid d u n the bads of PreaA>yt«ria3 ghardi gorenmett, aad that t ^ stracUire d ^ Bst its prescst state of ocgusixition aatil rixty or aeraJy years ago, whea the Saceral AeemUy waf es- tablided. From ftis last meatio^ fast alene, it is evident that Prediyt:riui<m esn lun 1 m tha ehereh whieh oar Svrior estsboj^- ed more thaa dghteen haadred years ago; bb4 iieaeBlmnldBotj«Bitwith t^he]»thataIl - Christians woald oanimr in eeketicg it far the dnrti of Christ" Mr. T. "Yoarobjaetiaastcalasl oar chard ara eatitled to a eaneid cxuninatim, and if yoa please, we will eoBsds them is detail I hope to remove them. I woald first have y « define iritat yoa mean by a oscgregatioas], ia- dependeat chuich." J. "Oofr which recogcixs no eedesasdeil power eaperim to its owa, tat elaiais and cx- ersises within itself all the power vested ia a ehareh, of reeavtog aad expelling aeailiaa, appointtng aad depo^g misstm; acdia a word, one &om w h ^ dedsion, in aaT.ea«e el diar^jariadiction, there is ao appeal. Tpbt ehardi differs from diis in tiieixet tiiatitir gCT- emed by 'BuHng Eldsxs,' and seeks the a s i ^ acd ctHiperatiou of its members by the aa'^hor- ityofsapreae 'esarts of renew and oOEtnd.* I understand that yonr dureh does b ^ inde- pendntir eseate its own cdnistij, and that from its dedsion aay msmber has Sie rij^it of appeal to a higher power. Ti* New Testa- mrat churches seem to have resoived oa all their aets by vote of the whole msmberihip. The ohareh asd tiis ministers Eeea to have acted ooDjdntly in crdsising ministers and dcacons." ifr. 21 "On this pdnt I have beiiovcd Tx t!i« T-esnsm E»p-J.t. AS APPKAt FROJI ARKAXSAS. Messrs. Editor ?:—Permit me, throagh your widely circulated paper, to make some fuggcstions which may interest some cf the brethren who read it. Wo havo a nambcr of good' eitiisns here who removed froa Tennes- see, aad I am satisfied that if the iaducsmcals anil adrsntag^ of the State of Arkansas were fally known, huudreds would rcih to it immediately. I wiU here cff?r a fe-* rtasoES why I, as well as many others, think that St. Francis county presents peculiar in- ducements to those who wish to procure homes in thickly settled neighborhoods, where there will bs schools, chaichcs, and every ihirg ncee£;ary to make life happy aad asefol. Oar !a:ids aro as ;rich and prcdoctivc as can be fo'and in aay cjuntry, and immediately west of Crowley's Kiilgc is sapposed to be the most healthy portion of Ihs Stale; maeh mtro healthy, no doabt, than many cf the old settled portions of Tesnessoe and Musiasppi. These lands are now sellicg at reasonable prices. The cars now ran from Memphis to oar roonty saat, thas bringing Memphis within soma three hears' ride of oar doors, affording loidy market for all tha prodactions of the eoaniry. This road is said to be .a part of the great Southern Paeifio Bdlroad, and will soon bo completed through to Littie Bc?k. It is also exceoted that tha Iron Mouatain aad Helena Bailroad will pass through car county, intersecting with the Memphis and L^oisiana Bailroad is tho very heart of the coanty, thus affording advantages assarpassed by any other region of eountiy—causing the three great Westero empiriums, St. Lows, Memphis, and New Orleans, to stare as in the faca. Thcae coosiderations, together with the acprecedtnted kierease of -wealth uid po'wer in tha great West, oa whidi the eyes of the world are intentiy gating, show the podtioa oar aotmtry is destiaed to oeeapy, asd the im- portaoco of all its power aod inflaenca being so controlled as to safeerve tie caasa of rdi- gioaaad humanity. WhowUl oame and aid us in cocdacting prayer-meeticgs, Sabbath schools, &C., and thas ba the means not only of banding ap ohardiea of Christ iud moald- ing the ehanieters of tiib fioarishiag Stats, perhaps ant quailed ia its vast resoaroes the Qfpidi^ of its growth, bat abo of putting into operation inflaenees whidi 'will tell &v«- ably apos tha destiny of t h o s ^ d s apon thoa- Aads. My poet-cffiaa address isHadisoB. Idioald be pleased to hear fima brethren and friads who wish to oosM to oar eotmtry. I will eheerfally give them all the aid in my powec. We would lay to aU eoaw aad ezamiae finr yourselves. B. F. Thoxab. Madisoa, Ark., Jsay., I860. Fw the ehaiA'sstko ei yaavahs itsba^ udweUy«,itsoattiaaaaeeaad^oq^ty in the '^for^d,—if yoa lave aay regard to its bleefing euse, t» its dying intereets^-do w W y e « eaa bwer of tte day. the fiult will not be mine. If I join a schism, or seet, holdiog terms cf membotship or eam- manion, opposed to God's Word, or even not esjoined by it, from which tha conscienses of some Chrbtians ara compelled to revolt, Ij as an iadlviduai, endorse and become respontible for all the evils cf divisions xatasg Chratians. fcowing, as every Bih'e reader, mast, that G 3d suspends the world's conversion on the uaion cf Lis people, I dare cot aid to the faH extent of my power, aad that knowingly, by j/iaicg a tcct, to ^troy all the gcfuls that _ schisms are daily destroyicg, Kid mast con- j some" thought heretofore, and while I aj^ree tiaao <0 deitrsy year by year so long as schisms] with yoa that our church differs d i ^ y from exis!-." . j the New Testameat order, I do aot caoaedi ITr, Todd. "Daar sir, yoa certainly forget | that we are wrong. I eaoBder the form cf that God's people are now acited in that which {gjvcrcmest a matter of iadiff.tfeBce, and that is cost «:Si:atiai—love ts Gh>d, and love to I oar form has soma advantages over any other, each other. I d j aot sappose the Bibla means j Dr. Madieira give aa a rasoa {or the iramm- to forbid th«s existenoe of different denoauna-1 pleteneaa of the charch orgasintiaa ia apos- tiass. bat only that they should fall oat and j tilie times, that we would' aataraUy add the qnsrre! with each other, and more ejpedally, I needed eidinasees, asd while I do not lelirre wiat ajembsrs of tic same charch should do ao. j with himtiiat we Aoald ba jastifiable ia add- Sach evils are isdcod deplerabie." ling or abolisluEg an ordinance, yet I do agree J. "Yoa arc baand to admit that the wcrld j »ith the notion of John Calria, tiiat wc hare is not csavertcd, aad that God Euspends its can- j arigihtto asa the ordinaneea changed soma- verstoa upon the anion of his people; 'that they I whu only in their outward f»m; and boa cejl asl m>y bs one,' prayed Savior, Sis thon, I be&eve it not wrong that oar arsanixstira dlffiin F&'.hcr, art in mc, and I in thee, that ih* world I somewhat from that Isid dova ia tha Ssrip- •II sy bdicve thii! tkcu hast stai nu.' This I tares." plaialy ajtatas that cnnvcrts cannot be extcn-i J". "You admit, then, that yradboald sot ap- siwly tanitiplied by the preaching of the Gofi-j propriate the apostle's benediction f o r ' k r ^ pel where Christainii, are dirided, and thatliagthecrdinancesasfi^iacrxii^tenduate where they aro aslted, sinners wQl cot rejast | j^ou,' aad for th^ reaoca s S {nricuaca ooald the Gc'spfcL Kiw they do rtjeel it very gea- j tot fidlowdiip you. I don't 'wiiA io show titat • crall?: ye a ma^t admit rither that the anioa I tjea* can. Ia that esse yea could refute bm required not exist, or that Christ was mis- j by saying y w do. Now will yoa not eat actio taken vrhcn he pi^yed for it 'tAai tie tcorid I what I clai d 'withoat farther argnmnt mipfit btlitre on himJ" j Jlr. T. "Moat certainly. 1 will go fsrihET, Mr. T. ' Other hiBdranocs may delay the I acd admit that for as to leqmrayoar eaa- worli's casveriiaa—the avarice, the inicti^ty j idenea to sabmit to oat eharch gerersauat aad prajcrl .^si;cjw of God's people. I think I cxaetiy as it ia, woald be to rrquira what tite you will admit that these are i^eat hindrances, I New Teetament does not; end yea and oihaa and if eo, all eaasot ba referred ta tha disan-1 do not, I em in favor of aorreeting tha errar. ion of Christiaas." | Now, how eaa this be iimeT' J. ''Bat yoa shoald remember that these | J. '•Your questioa develops ffitao ditsrlj evils hiva an origin cr ctase, and aince|thanIe9clddo,thef(»oeoftiieohjeeitioBlhave yoa canaot show that the caaso would | tgainstyoar f(»m of goT(niBeBt,zhat, aot be- txat be rem?v<-d by the anioa cf Christians, | iog independent, vaa eac ocrrect so t m r that vca bate no right to eoatecd that sddsms in I it may in'roire. To alter pae cf its.feataret, religioa do aat dday the warid'a ooarerson. j yoa mast cM-rinee of the error, act oily joar Physieal pbenoaiena generally dedaze tiieir I own eoogrcgatioa, bat year whcle Preahytei^, eaases fiw greater certiinly than moral se-1 jotir. Syaod, aad your Geaersl AnanViy. qcecces do theirs. PhQosophy woa!d forever | Yoahave no raaedy but to rff.-ct tiiat mighty fail to tries the origin of haman de{3ar-1 work, or to resoanee PresbyteriainEm itK}£ ity with all its woe to the eating aa ^ple. ] I defy yoa to diow any thing Use poesible If a far<i:t is prostrated, we natorally and cor-1 the case. Were yoar gavetamMt oongtega- reei'.y iafcr that a tempest has swept over it. | ticmsl, the evil i^ghtte ieaehcd;)nK bow I Bat while thon.«»nd8 are swallowed up in the I think it ean not." vES^^ vortex cf those moral evils which yoa name | Jfr. T. ''I ewfess the di&enlty. It i>seau, sad clifsify, yet Gi>d only eaa expoand the or-1 as yoa say, impoaHbktore&rmas crrariaont igin of those evils, and t ^ caases cf their per-1 diaidu Bat as I had aotthcioght ^ tius be- {Mtaity; aad hcaiea he only ean prescribe {at I fore, you mast sot insst apoa my taking the their removal. In the ptasagc quoted I say | othw haca ef yonr dilmma and leasisg the he has centralicad them aU in the disanloa of | ehardi- I ch^nld hare te think a Iwg time ' alla- ehardi. aa, not'detsct the ossaaadaeaB of yonr objMtioa, {obj^etioa against Pies^taiaiaiLmT" that worid's eonTcnion is hindered br oth-1 jr. "Indesd I do. Of itadf it is ntam^ ta cr thiogs as much a.« by the disanio&cf Chris-hvitiate its elaim to 1 mti>ediareh cf ChrtH: tia«s." Iforlit ehardi was arganiitd ia tha apostia^ ifr. 21 "I Msfess that my reaampng was an-1 days, sad thoi^h I know not widoh cec whera ecand. I begin to fear that yoa wiUpreseatiy j it is, it mast iuve esstad ever liaet; far he maka me doubt everythii^ I hare luthertoi said,'Che gates bell Aall sot prevail agaitM 1»aeved." it"* • J. "Another thing ^ ^ might note, whidi j Jfr. 21 "We do aot elsiua ia ho ikt ehsreh is,thatif yoa eoald jaatify yoar reaaoniag,] of Christ, bat only of itairsndUx." yoar objeetira would lie, not agmnstmy rea-| J. " I ^ BiMe ^>faks nathing olitah^tKfae. \ bat agaisst apl^dedaratioa of God's | The brakes ^ a eoart weotd bean ideaae ia> ord> tdligiUeastliebraodia of i^eitaek; If^ Ifr. 7 . " I mast then admit tli%tthedilem-|chnrdhss1sa8dtes,the«iioIe<diardte3Utiie ma for which yoa are contending for is a fiuribowad by the aets of eaelilirsseh, aiid t t o e one, and as I canaot admit my Ssrior nurta-1 mast be harmimy, or the bnandan wiU all 1 m ken, lamfcreedtoaonfessthat the antanr»|lsdBeBelt Baeaast of tiiis wwt quired is still waatinc. Aad, dr, it is to aie, | in aelioBs, tlw diSaeat ehardMi eie ill e^ an alarmicg truth. Tbrgia to saspeat m^adf 1 tatd fiem eadi other, ^woepaey., B n s l ^ repoaeible. Bat yoa s i ^ y do not b^ere | teaiaaism, acd Lntheranisw woe all n g r i M tha aaioa eaa ba dSeeted by merging all the j frma Ttnawniiw, aad thdr fogndoii^ttatlM; Christians into oae body? Thatloelks. Indeed, jmatixed as hsrrties; were they Bat^iiiBa like a hopeless eoasaanation." | not WTettodtsni eat tf£pBnE[ ^ J. "Aod yst 1 eenoot eonedve iia existeaee ] eftts^pesed iietes; ia foiik anaj^eSavr ia any other way. SeeU aeeeasarSf iandve I Biist^be a a c a l ^ aata^Btsms. Yoa mast think ymaeetrigi^jBameroas aid ao dissaulaE. U j icer mt^ 09eoppoaedtoityoaniB»teoBsider«iDBgia|^o« will have to aWodon iaaadi na^ every oppoi^featare. With tha^yoaemneit tin." hesi^y syoj^thiseaad eo-i^Maate. Todoitl Mr. T. "He^ se &et; fofwliie tbcM iiypo«itieall; iA as great a ta&aatopayforidicdmcilemQj jifii^li^mjtiMcnti^ whatyoadoaotbdiereGod win eimfer. Itllieait ]jsdeedthi^Matbe,iat]rfaaw cw coald iiot be blessed. It.was,se doabt, fbrlBaviot's pnyarTegriredjjBBOess ysiiiL take the this reason that «o few Methodist aad Spraeo-jstnmge pedtieatfaitJUb^yer f < s N ^ pdiaabeeaoe intooted in the aKn»»^Ultii«iioBer«nrthdr meetiegs held here two er-tfaee years agBb|ls»twetedt'4e yea fliiSkU wtwMftf"' Dr. Stewart Yoa remember bow they stMd I • —•— back." 1 Those are straagati t a g e * aad t w f c e O Mr. T. "re8;1mtthatwaeetaBSBfe^ng.}tb»udn%irin]lsMaw^^ better They were afrud snne of thdr rdativee, er|sehbatkday^ wte weald istkeej*iiri^: : scBU) per«mv who nzigte dse muda aMerjaju vacsiHHiiarGed. SI ~ thdr laSaaaee, voidd, if eemetted, jda twr dmralu . I Itete to impaga thdr upliras, reaHy I eaaaMribe it to ao betteiu" J. "t'Keikdy; itadf e u eawiifaat n ? i B i » t i t a 4 U ( e BOUOw htSmi y ^ •Mt'vMg'laia' 'wMt'inQwf 'mr^' AH t h n e a t e s n gnidwl aid eoaudefGei^iaals toUii^teyin IMaiivean


Page 1: NASHVILLE, TENNj SATURDAY, JATJUAR 28Y 1860, . I FLAXEB …… · TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbb t w UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O,

TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbbw t UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O,

I J.' tea* __ t mv sa TlMM I JOS. iiililr«B ' " " • _ r * t t u u a t e wm I

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isjiftsaii , .iJrt Ttr-^f. t^ I w«s57 -'»B4 S i.3siiitA»a.fcMS<». . *. It. I. W. ClaxlMl aaKMaiMS OoiB « W iJT-.f-CJ »• .

Bcmic&ial "Ttwdte^ p -ST'IH UIZZSSA' • [tSte CT S o o n "f t»»««t

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ID e^r^skuesecH^ 5h»*eCT atti-t I . teasanCt-vO* iOmOt Mn. a - _ rf^M^tJ

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QQjQ s jucB 0 7 TBS oHHiiyriaTy oBax-OISAXIOS 13 KmaOOK.

Christ g m t l j i3iete»5ed. Maaj of tito pM-1 laiiagft I hare na doabl Has ma siiowB i s toH tack tb* BUM (Stitf JPritsis. j t^e eleetka of tiie d e l a t e s te ih« G«orgU

kflventisl i&emben ia manj pkoea I Baptist CosTentieii, whieli followed uome-jtoolc MUM Frksis, u d the dcft«oiia tool: | dktcl;. T!urte«e oa^ of firarteea of Utoee

•L Ha ntaa «r esftttOBiei, w pretraded 11!>« name Lirilts Aftar »'JittI« 'ti]iio eacii | elscUd vill reeagniae Bio. Gimrca asd thoM ^MRiB^ii!, tkat k m b«ea sieptad a&d added t order elalmed aU die appendages ef tke oScs | who, intl: Mm, wiUidrev fcqm Eld. Howeira I m a a ^ elxa irf £vma rerclatiaa oan poa-1 wUdi Iseioiiged to it ia Jadunn, Tii^: and f(mned the Spring Street Ckoreh, as rS^if l ie l iag ts that Usgdom. Titis p i a p o a - / n i t i a , aad the jpteidU^ormm^a of BaptUts in order, and m n e h b ^ And the

^ k ss o k * as t ie laat Thai t w j d b w l w ^ e ^ e oidera. fonrteenth ainoag Oie most popwlar miBisterg ia ia |3« OM a a i God brenglit downtoeaitk ia AstheGteek and Boma iiiyjtBW {e«e-laG tie dbarches, reeeiTed the lowest Buaber of

Jchn,aed cleaily explainedia his!moaiesperfe^^ in teeret) gre»aj attraoted Totes as I baTS been infonaed. Thia, I think, TOd. 's"i33st iatwadww clo»d, aUwper-jtlie g ^ and rtare, and interest of the. eooTfinciog erideoce to all nnprt jndictfdmioda adJed rite? of «mrsB are xfwun, and haTs no ia«Ititad«, the iaiitatioa of Aese mt/sitries that a majority of the Bethel Assodation, w»i rjmaniiaa at aU with that idngdiptt: all sach was aaUwrtasd in asanj Christian aasonblies. elearly cppoKd to Eld. Howell, and &TonJ>le

rilM aro * | so as to miuntM a eompetition before the j to Bro. GraTes. The troth L it is diffiaalt There£iaoeTideiiesinhktKyaracjwhereJa»»iies in &Tor of Chriaiiam^. This pre- for me to imagine the probability of an in-

cf aay infiuU biptaa eulter than ahoot the j pared the way soon for the adopUoB in many telligent and nnbiased mind to hare witnessed y8«r2a2; all earlier preteasw are deeeptions j places of " m j Pagan and JewitK rites j the proeeediigs of the Association without bo-—^piMU f r x a ^ " It wmiH be w y to pro- j riailar BtotiTsa. The Bagass alio gen-1 tag conriaoed of this. daoa froat fif:y to a haadred of the most taught ihtir religion by imagts, p m - 1 I make this otatement because the pnrpsfia learned andiara, and Pedobap&ts, too, who in jto'MW*, «3d »g««. Proa daiilar n:od»es j i« manifested in ccrtain qoarter*, to oonTiaea &eir writiag* fix iw origin fallj as late, or | man v of thrao were adopted by Christiacs in 1 the Baptist nuEd that the Tote of the Bethel later than that* It is eer tw it is not |»M7 plaoai. Yinble images iaftoeswd nn-4 Association was indicatire of the popularity aathorised ia ^ New Teataseet, and it is jealdrated lainda more than inteUeotnal trnth*. of the Sonthcm Bap&t Convention and its astaia that it nerer existad any esriier. I j f « reaacn i r a y Christians adopted them | Board, and the want of eocadeaee in Bro. baSsta all thotwigii iastomns agree that it {to enlisi this attention of sneh in the hope they Grares , and those who with him withdrew ez^nated i s A&iea rery near the abore | would thns soon beeome Christians. Military j from Eld. Howell and his party, acd who now p«»d. The Wtifm porticB of people in I termi and t a e ^ were also used among j form the Spring Street Church. A&Mavers a-XTitOTyd to nerifioa babes to ( H e n e e then, too, wero adopted by | Whether the reference of the resclatio:. pro-Satsra, a i god, in uder to appease his j Christians. The ancient oemnoay for the ] posing to sustain our own miiaoEary to a i ^ if tiisy supposed hs was affieting tiem. J mamnnTvim of slares, was in use among j rica, disconnected with the foreign Bsard, te-If they iad no babes rf tiieir own they would I reprraenting the freedom of those who j cared its qiiet®" ia tho reference, dme slone steal th<se of others and EWtifise them- i f ie j »ws icidated into their mysteries. Henee j will detennine. fTSinntfrnnt m n goaded m ^ ia. Jili way. A I Ghrisdans adautted the ceremony of manu-1 Allow nso to say in eonelnsion that I unwil-law at length was pMted a iitdo be&re the j m i a ^ for those tinses as a Christian rite, and lingly write to oorrcct wrong impresEioos, but ahora period, iniiBtiHg a penalty on any hea- j admicistered it to young eonTcrts afier bap- when I seo efforts laaking to prostrate princi feaa that ahonid eamndt aay aggremoa TUWJi. N*®. represent their manunuaeion from pics dear to erery lover of the plain teajh-tits. Chrisnaas. Baptam wm made ia ihzt j ^ thraldom to Satan. kgs of oar SaTior, and to adopt in the settle-kw tiia line of .f iff--^^ between Christi-vis j Esar^m, or the ej^uisiou of the deTil from j meat of the Nash-rille diffisultiea principles as u d Wt?..^., Some few Chii^iaas in Africa tiw conTert—chrism, or the anointing of j odious to ne as th»e ooatrolling the Roman evBed baptism to be adaunistered to their I him with oil—feeding him after baptism with inqniaitioa, and to inaie these oantroUing pre-baha fcr protaotinn—as that law protected all j and honsy (food for tsabes}—and patting cedents for generations to come, for the Bap-b^tiasd persons. Tet the number thudid « ia °»onth, showing tiiat he must be tist churches, I feel thatT have no diicpetion. ea was Terr smalL H e » was its origin. The j kept pare, were all of them rites added in the May the lorcrs of truth bo on guard, and Szst eotrndl that eret ttesmmaitA it was centary. Abo, as aU nations before I waUh well the moTements making to csUhlish hdd at Mela in Africa, ia 418. Sobaequentij j Christ had the enstim of worshipping with (tiisnew and odious church poUty. (hs CaJhaUea extended it at the point of tiie towards the east, and stiE continued the mrad amaag aU natiosa, to exttnd their easto®. Christians, too, ia this centary dominian. Infknt baptism at length became U^Pte^ this rite. S i also tho Supper was one of the nmn sacramnia of the Catholics, deemed e s e n ^ t> salration. The enstoa It is a noseasary appendage to tho Catholic} to diride it and send portions to the sick gjatenmordertoextaidit. Batiafiot bap- o the absent Tender parents, belteriag tisanerer had ai^eaaaeetion with theKng-|i» «®«ut5al to salration and fearing their

OE'XXCH o r XLI). W. or vaTcnsz.

Bffitr* tk$ Sabbalk Sekool Union^at OojUOH, Xis*,. o» 1U Btpati of CommUtu on ''CSkadrm't Fritnd." Bao. MoDMUToa:—I am obliged to Bro.

Brown, for information i^peoting "self-sns-t ^ i n g guehines," bat really, sir, I did not be-fore know, that this Sabbath School Union had rei ohed ileelf into a "aiaohine*' shop—"self-sastainicg maohines" at that,—that is, per-petual motions!!. Bat seriously, or, I would Uke to tee this paper widely eircalated. Scat-tered like the leares of the forest, and at the lowest possible c ^ , or I would like to it pat f m l y int) erery Sabbath School, and erery family, wlsere access can be ^iced. I hare hope of doicg greater good in this way, than by almost any other, acd I bc-liere alM, aay reasonable amount of money ap-propriated in this way, will accomplish more than ia any other manner connected with this Union. The short practical articles, the can-dens^ statements, tho Uttie gems of trath, here presented to tho nxind of yoath; fresh, in every issae, and moalding so msny irrepres-sible sympathi®, so newly to tiie whole trath; cannot fail to work oat the most lasting re-

L o t t W^AASX. Albisy, Qa., Dec. 24, 1S59.


In tho Tinaesst* Baptist of Oct. 1, 1859, Bro. J. M. Hant a^mu that Jndas did par

^ ^ Uite of the Lord's Sapper; and the first srgu-daa of Christ any more than any other part children m%ht die, fed portions of it to Uieir j^ggj^, mentions in proof of his proposition of popery. children. Thos girag the Sapper to babes I ^ ^ ^ ^ t to-

The pretaisa that Origea writes in &Tor of gn^d^Uy crept in as a rite during tiie Utter „ iafiuit b^idsia is a '^piinu fraud'—& Catho-lis daraption. Tha Catholies ists'lined hi: book after his death, to Kuh tit extent, that no one could know how maeh of ic he wrote and haw mash of it they wrote. They asade him say rreiy tiiisg they w^died. AU that his

part of the second centary," Also, renouncing £ca <.)eTU with all his pomps before baptiiou, beeaiae a eB tom near the end of this eenturv.

Now, it is true that Chri.t and tae tweWe sat down together to eat the passover, bat this is no proof that Judas did not get ap aad learc the room, ia which they had i • WiU '1. r. B." tiro* » Jittw «ior» oa tlil« nutltr ia

] a nbae Mst UtUr. Ncafidtf on S3S: ** I dweh of Scrth AMu. t u tks bit U briic pTSBlKatlr Uto j soun ti» of lafuU lopUua. •> la eoca«lloii wtlli

book eiHitaias ia fiTor of infant baptism the 1 u u o 4 « « 4 ^ ti» •omwnica «t j^iau: hi u I mj t be statid that a thousand men entered a •jJ^ KKi u. iiTto. tiit-iiei I certain house of worship and that they aU sat

semaled, before the sapper was iastitated, or I before Christ garo it to his disciples. It

Cathali>i3 wrote, not he; also mudi on severtl Other sabiaau. Aad yet PadobaptisJs depend I »ath«t k uu ta taomk eWta oWoiui-. jwiiei j together, bat this woald not be proof almi^enorelyoa Origea's book-thus cor- reo^ieed and heard the sermon Tttpted Mfzet his dCfttH. ai * " piotts ^^rtiu ' | p«r, thAi tMs. fin» Um t^T Arst, wm ftr their prttended historical erideaca for in-1 fsnt baptiac>.t

I nama in&at baptism firit, beeaasa it has ooaasisffied, aa a aap«atitation, mora mischief to tiM esasa cf Chi^tianity than all other rites. It has beea made the iastramsst for building Bp popery, national eharahat, aad all the Tarie-ska of popt^ aad semi-popish puties. It has madfl Ihfi armies thm eiGstad as a passive, an-•OJaeistts, helpless act of o6en>, thus patting &SB in tho (chaol aad aader drilling of popery, aad aanfi dsg them thero to prepare them for war

itnCa: I tnmmiikfa>n istzodocet k*fera lafut baffClim > W* uk th«w

Vr ias* tMrlag aeiM of onr rMiUn m>7 set mad«ntuJ t&lm oupaiatT WU:J.r.B.p!MMUs<*«rr-[<ss.Tu>.Bu iST

(to bk cosTisrin.)

—that none of them went oat. •'Mark says tccy all drank of tho sacramen-

tal cap." This is mentioned as another proof that Jadas partook cf the Lord's Supper — Then according to the same process of reason-ing Jndas had the promise of driskicg of th? fr^ts of tho Tine asew with ia the kicgdom of God, and joined wiih the other iidcipies in eisging a hytnn, went oat with them into tho Mount of Oiives, rnd was of-fended bcciuse of Chrii-t that same night; acd afier Christ rose from the dead he went before hia, (Judis,) iato Gaililte; for i t b written, "And as tkty were eatiog Jesus took bread.

jpst U* Tsuhsm mxToaxcaJU—BKVBKI. JUSOCULTIOS. Bbo. Emtobs:—I know many of'Joar read-

ers woold be pleased cot to have any allusion to the NaahTille di&eoldes in jccr czeellect paper, and that cothirg would be mora agreea-ble to you, than to have a right ending of the

- e r a the war of extermination of the king-1 Th« pleaaare, it «e=:.. i5 not ^ ^ dam of C&riat It has thus always been the ^ ^ ^ ^ J®" and b W d it, and break it, and gave it to the • O i s W of a n « n s e « « ones t-3 beeome JC'irselres. actrog apoa irfcrmit.on ^ ^ ^^^ .. papish armies-aationai armies and seetarisn «"oneons :m- ^ ^ ^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ amies to ll^ht against that kingdom. It has F ^ ' o a upon tha m^d of m « y of u to them, saying, driak yc all of it; for this alaced tiie^ w2re all tiicit training " 7 f is n.y blood of tho new testamett, woich is

wera adapted » prepwa tiiem for this Ttnn^, Baptist of the 3rd ^ ^ ^^ re^saon of sins. Bat - - seiTiea, and to beUera that while Isay unto yo«, I wiU not drink hcnttefcrth cf

wer^ Mindly warring against that kingdom Purport cf tha resolaUoa frait of the viae until th.t day when 1 ' "Jowi by »e . w , that, in continuing to act ^^^ ^^^ ^^ kingdom,

as agent for the clarclses, and iadiridaals, ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ia rceeiricg acd forwarding their contribations I ^ ^^^ Mount of OUres. Then Jesus to any of the Beards of the Sf-athem Baptist ^ ^^ ^ offended be ConrendoD, tha A isooiation was net to be

, ^ . , I CBisidiaed ss aprrcTice the tleeiioa cf Eld kiaadom—that,too. that nerer existed till thei „ " . . . . . .. . . I Howell President of tha conTtntion, tcereby inaugurating his system of church polity in tha matter of Elder J. B. Graves, which wai ucjuit, tyrannical, aad unaathoriacd by the laws of Chriit A qaetica cf order was made, and the mcdtratcr decided the resolu-ii;n in order, and cn appeal frcm the mcdera-

they wire doiag God sertiea. That which en-Bts armies for s a d a purpose, ia :aeh malu- [ tadea, fastens them td a drilling so wieked and sa^odly, and trains them to tach aa anti-1

serTiaa and war, belong to that!

adidle of tha third eea-ntry! As well might we a j that derastatioa ia tha presperity of | the dwastatad ragioa—that craiting davastat-iag armies ta war agauiat tea Mngdoat of Gbist is pramatiBg its proeperity—scd that the rite whic& enlists intmica! soldiers is part of that king^Eu Wltea wo can traly say-j that u d traising ciildraB ia popery k ptoaotiag that kingdaai, against wiiieh they are trainBd fa> wa*'—that war is peaea—that| t ru»d siemies are fri«3i& — ^ t tieasoQ agvmt God is tuhsujBon ts hi> law—ihati waning aghast Hint aad traiaiag natioas tc beeaoiis saliifiH a that war is right, then, aad Bfrt til then, aaa we say that the popish priir

cause of me thu i>ight; for it Li written, I will smite the shepherd and tha skup of tho shsll be seittered abroad. Bat after lam riien agaio, I will go before you into Galli-lee." Mat XXVI: 26 . -32 .

Jadas certainly was not cffeadcd beeaase oi Christ that night, or at any other tima, for he had betrayed tho Savior into the hands of sin nera. He ccrtainly did net follow Chriit af-

' ^ u f ^ ; ^ " ! ^ to tha , i ^ l - i t o ^ i a d i « b r e t ^ a . g a i ^ t B . . G ^ v .

•mtary.- W« will take up the oiiesf rites, aaasrding to tha esstaiias whsa they began.

First airfwry.—Moaheim says that al-tita^^ Christ estah&^ied bmttearitea—Bap-Ukm. aad HeiSvgptr; yet, eroi ia the first ff!3ktn7, w^ere a church had a aamber of Jews aa tsasbesi, quita a namber of Jewi^ cereatsaias dared.

tar jadgment was sastained, and I ^ ter his resurrectioa, into GsllUca, beoaaso he, eaaa the eoarso of ehnrdi polity parsued by , j d_ c . Eld. Hcwell and his party ia the ease pf Bro. ^ ^ ^^^^^ 5 jgg^ Grares, ©adtaaatory of that action e f H and party, and no one attempted to sustain i5 ; atd in this, certaialy, "diseictioa was the batter part of Talor." Ton express ror sarprisa that ia a locality where- HendarBon, Dawson, aad Walker had labored wiOi cneh

For th* Tucmm Ba;tUl-BSCri.AH ASSOCIATION.

aiaar or CHracais 10 kkcxivs KSPKi.t,ip PBKS3S3.

Mxssbs. Emtobs :—At tho session of this I aseoeiation in 1857, the right of a chaich to i raoeiva one expelled from another eharch was

prised when I say to yon and yonr reade-s for the direct consideration and ae-^ the majority w«i not against him - "011 of tiie body. The question w « rcfcrrrf I do rot beUave tii5a was one doiea of » "mmittee, which reported through its she members of tha Assoeiatioa who approv- ehairman (one of its leading mmuters, tiien, as ed of the election of Eld. Howell or sympathirirg with tiie t c ^ g s of mOMlroasaoarsa of dealing he and his par- ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ hadthenght

, t f punuad ia tha case cf Brother Graves. »d=ut to membership those pr«ntu.g en-las weia oftaa adopted, cr at least en- brethren, members of the Asso- dene> if r ^ t a ^ c a acd baptisn:, regardless In tia Aato af tha Apoflla and » ^ miBi«t«M,h»Ta beea mem- of Kiy oJier coB . ^r•iion whatever. The

t i e Epsfiate tha GalatiMMwa&id this fcct L rf the Conventiaa aad voted for Eld. »pMt was with direct referenea toacasa stated aad eoodemaed. Ia thsEpistla to ^ j j g , ^ ^ ^ their behalf it may urged that j«» whidi a church loceired one expelled; Hebrews tSis teadcney a eaitfitily escater-| ^ j o t i g n » personal eassara aad, « « « moaths aaterior to the acted by stewing Jadaim as t y ^ of the j ' ^ ^ ooasidsred. After I had dosed iaauguratioa of tha NashviUe troables. CaiBfiia estshlishaMiit, tnit that the latter is' totdly diiercst from the former.

S«aa»d to Mtarytiia stnaig 1 tmbmtj to adopt otfcer rites beadee titoae-ef

t1vI>r.W*tt.a<T. AXifk

ivU. WtcMmc OHt. L*. n . I.iBlwRk'

mnrnTUttbCUektitt*: •^Daowt W la*Bt kiltbam MttetX kr CiubtKtacn

i ^ t e Sn* OrWTm Mte tk*



l ia -mv ^ ^ and a sahstitatehai beea o f l ^ j rileace the saying tiiat "this is « iamou«t«»«ae«dthosal«t i t t t tc ,*wam new gotten,up to sait tha NarfiviUa Kecdof Bre. Graves remarked tiiat the elec- a ^ ® ® ^ " tioa ef Eld. HeweE liad done aU the ham it Were all s a ^ hanted ap, would •» lddo, aadlw wa. fearfal the passage of be dear »hat there « maeh less of p i e ^ my reaelatioa would do ham; he moTedtoUrdlortlui taWe, uidthisBotioa ^har^es, and m ar-waaearriedbya »a. i lmajori^.wd » bow e x e ^ a g n e m b m « w ^ t a rfaimed a . evideace ef the msjori^ ^ ^ knew ti«. the«» e h ^ e s r e g ^ « flm-y peeedte B « . G. «»d faveriaff Eld. H. «dlBs F e t « ^ to eov« the g r ^ e . ^ of p ^ p S , iadadiag the action rf the Coaventioe; aaimestw^thw to x t c ^ ladindaJs tiiey aad joa seem to have beea so impRned. It eieiwea. n l i ^ I a n w : ^ it is not so. The tesstoa of tfe* Aasodatiioai it waa fcdkred had t h a beea ptotrseted laeger thaa w y other sessien, aad ray little tf its VutaseB doB^ aad the

M e m ^ Dae. sK), 1S38. J.

We mast eaatiane oar atteadaaea t Mn thovgk we be alone ia i t Whatever

• . 1. - . w w- • |Othe»do,we mast serve the Lord. If they ben sBXions to go through witk the I m a m e a s l ^ ^ ^ t o l t e a v t a withas,yetwemost Bot ^adjoBBtiMk aii^t,—eUtUi asda B00«|g9 talidlwiat Aeat. d T e ^ W B B r e & d x ^ i ^ a a M the msjori^ t n e stream of i d ^ t m n a a atber dew or tobyoB taUs^ the i]kaUaw,astlwUakaef ^sabbitA are

salts. I say this sir, because I am aot ignorant,

you are not ignorant, of the infiaeace we have to meet. It Is not simply that we mast be equal to other and noble efforts of oar breth-ren, Not that we wiA to stand u if opposed to the labirs of the Southern Baptist Pablica tioa Society, or tha Society at Philadelphia, bat sir, wa mast take pgrition with, and be able tn meet tha pabUeations of tha " Amcri-cia Sabbath Sfthool Union," " Tha American Tract S atiety," and I may aay, the whole Pe-dobaptiit worid. Thay have their hundreds of thoasands of dollara employed in tiiis work, and so far, they have an advantage of as.— They are on the alert, and penetrate eveiJ pcasible movement with their deficient litera-ture, and grataitoasly furnish it, when other-wise it woald not be received.

In another rcspeet, they have the advan-tage of us, they address a principle which moved the most irreligious and depraved por-tion cf human nature, under the plaasibla and popular idea of liberality. They form anion schools, collect funds from ail classes, snpply such schools with apparatus, and libraries, for-ni»h rooois, eta., aad then, so soon as opportunity offers—by having worked in a majority of teachcra, and operators, or by less fair means,— appropriate the whole to their own deaomica-tional oscs. Their literature, is a kind of 00m-

•promiiB between unqualified and entire obe* dienee to tho will of Chrbt, and rebellion aa-der the direction of Satan; and hence, eo far, they have a more ready access to the affecUOBS, and depraved wishes of men, and of children, while uaconverted.

It ia true, wo have an advantage over them one thing, in so far as pure truth is better

than error, as God's wisdom fa superior to man's, the Bible is superior to humanisms, as God's

Spirit is to the world, as God's power is above human, as motives drawn from eternity, from from heaven, from hell, from the love, the rre-senea, the power, the. wrath, and tho faithful-Dcss of an all-.e«iBg God, are Superior to earth.

Tilkof tho cxpcdieacy, or policy, crliber-ality, sir; ia this thing it is all an illuiion. Who over heard of a trtt being one side, strong sol-id cak, and on the other, soft pitchy pine ? Talk of compromise tir, to Jesus Christ 1 of liber-ality, to the word of God' of the will of mm 1 aid going to the judgment 1 of hamin authori-ty shaping rcligiou, whila held by an inexora-ble aad chaogelets sovereignty, before which every knee must bow, and every toague must comprcsi! Why, sir, of liberality, the devil has formed a cable, that in its millions of mi-nutest threads, has deceitfoUy appeared to be

sa' pcnaion bridge across the galf; but in re-ality has swaog whole aations into hell t

We mast have a piiro Bibla, and a para Bible literature. l u want is felt everywhere The iMtaaces referred to by Dr. Taasdale, urge it, other icstsjices urge it. A brother who isaow in heaven, has not lived to see his cSiildrcn Catholics. Had they received a pare bibli-cal literature, and in their ehildhc«d, b«n un-der tho influence of such a pspcr as "The Children's Friend," there is reason to believe tho result would have beea o^erwise.

Those of us who have been r^ed Pedobap-tists, know the stronghold, gained upon the af-fealioas of the young. And you, ?ir, know, and t kaow, that the moment we observe, conceal, withhold, or depart from the teachings of the tck<d» Bible, that moment we tako a direct eourso toward the obliteration of all distinction between Popery and piety, between the followers of Christ and Satan, atd to annihilate, and wipe out, all true religioa from tha earth. Take aa an example, Hambarg, in Gamany, where there were, or are now, one thoasud eight hundred prostitates, by chtirch authority lioeaied, M.d so, by cfficis! documents, aathorixcd to osrry on thair vile work of degradation, jaat beeassa they ones were sprinkled babies 1

I dioald like to see Uie priee of this paper pat as low as the priee of the paper of tha Ameri-eaa Baptist Pablication Society, or even that of the Sabbath School Union, and so far, meet them on their owa leveL And I would do more. I woald send, if it oaa be done, one thousand papers to London and five handrcd each, to Ihtblband Elinbargh. They would parhapa pave the way to self supply, and so to permanent bleesicgs ia that direction, (a voice here said, "What if tiiey woald'nt let themiar'} WeIl,theB, Bro. Moderator, I woald do as Bro. Oackea, who s ^ d a week at my hoase ia Quiacy, III, said tl«y did ia Germany, "We wanted to send soma of oar books aad traata, aad Bibles, uito Berlin.— The g a ^ were earefally guarded by the "gead de ariaes," aad all boxes aad p a e k i ^ opaaed, aad oar liooks spedally prohibited, aad for a laag time, every effinrt was irastrateil, at length we liad a maa who was six feet fire inehes a tall, lawboaed man with Img tiiia anasa^ body, aad we liad him a smt of dotbasmade, t b t voald & iii aldormaa of three haadied and t h j poands, wad he pat them oa over his owa dothes, aad we staffed Uat, andMnrai aad ^aiwd papers aad treats, •ta, vaiil he was a aeUe UtMag filiew, thea w prtUm ^•protM aod ia kf laanhed like

a giant, anpaeked his books, took off his stdt, and caste outlaak and lean as himself"— [Laaght^.] (A araxyman,pr8aeat,faU rix feet high, and thin, sud, "Gentle-msa yea may oiaiwdeT ma a standing oSa- to be staSsd fof Loadoa."} Bro. Moderator, I see lOT, yoo aU Oftderstead it, and I think I will desist and .take my seat."

far a* T«mmc* S«i!ts«t THA.OT81 TSAcra!

Why ean't we have theraf Some u e al-ready oat fram the South-Weeteni Pabiiihisg House, bat we want more. Hilliona of one and two page. trtcU w« want for the West. Ye$, Baptist handbills. WiU net the b r ^ -ren at Na&hvilie arrange to send oat raeh ? The Tfn»tsu§ Baptist is a great paper. It has dene a vast amoaat of good. A large nnmbcr of the books sent oat by Graves, Marks & Co., are cf tha very best kind. Their smaller works are alike good. But there are few who read the whole of a large newspaper, and fewer stili who read large books. Little books are more read. . But tracts are always read. The Amerieaa Tract Sodety has found out this great trath, and aro acticg cn it. They axe filling all the land with hand bills. The Amerieaa Bible Union is doing tha same. Small tracts on Bevision are being eircalated largely, and for the simpla reasm that tracts can da mere good in extending a knowledge of Bevisicn than all other means pat together. Then let as have Bipnsr—i. «., Bibla tracts—to send all over oar caantry. Oar pastors need them by the thoas»d to give away aaiocg tfadr coagregations. Bretati:a, yoa who con write, yoa are earaostiy requested to prepaie these tracts, and let as have them, just as aooa as possible, through tho Saath-Western Pabliih-ing Hoase. W. M. Davis.

CUTTOS, Ala, Deo. 12,1859.

C TWO K U i i s n awailbK < I FLAXEB a x N S MCA a » FLU N S X . 1


Asswsa —We are traly gratified that, anti-cipating the wants of the deaominauoii, we have beo:i preparing a series of cheap tracts, religious and denominational, for universal circulatioa. We have within the last few months had iS) tracts on different subjects stereotyped. Thousands are ready for order?, at 25 cents per package, cf 360 pages, by b?x (without diseoant.} The postage mast be added if sent by cuiL New tracts will be onstaatly added to the list, upon every sabjtct that should be pressed upon the 00a-ecicnees of tha eharches.

The foUowiog is a Ikt of the Tracts already issued:

1. Oofht Baj-tists L>ag»r to bo Coanectwi witi or Pitroaizd the American S. S. Union or Tract So-ciety 1

2. Onzbt to cse Comproo ise Bodka b their S&bbatii Schools'!

3. The Principles a! Cc'sipromise cpoa vbich tho American 8. S. Ucioa sni Tract Saeety aro based, rifal. ~

4. The Neglect of Inljct BspUsm co S.d—ibe Dc-tasioa of a Presbytrriu Svnod.

5. Qaestioas by a Msiio^is; to MKhc-iiats— and 2i scri^.

0 Proleslml Dtaoullies. 7. Short Artides on C^mnzioc. 8. The Convert and a Cigir. 6. Infidd Methodism Aoti-Aa>»ricac. 10. That Blessed Hope. 11. SenoBS Addresses to the Spectitori oi a B»p-

liim. IZ Bciiptoral Btp'Jsm, and eeveral others.

c s a n x s ni.—uasaauTX. XTOST men have their iatimatea. Js^^Bo-JlL lea's mosk valued friend sad most fnfinea-tial adviser, had been, fer asaay years, tlM only brother Mrs. B a l ^ wb<ni oar teaia kav9 embalmed asanearlyvtctim of discaae aad death. Afser her death, her brodier, Mr. Todd, a fine scholar and polished gentlesi^ who had long enjoyed the eoafidence of the -rillsge as the prinffipsl of-ita high schod, sad was now, thoagh past fif^. active aad b a o y ^ as a boy, Boemcdto fall heir to a luga pwtioa of ^ a £ -fectica froiii viudi its objecs had bsesiremoved in tha death of Mrs. Bolen. TolumtheJu^e rdited the priacipil incidents of the interview betweca himself and Mr. Sdlera. Mr. Todd was also a Prssbytoiaa, and havisg leaised that the Jodge ha-4 mads aa e&rt aod a are to stir up tha Jodga to his duty, teeolved to try his infiaecce; far he fdt no Uttie iater-est in having tha Judge to asite with las ehareli. B e avoided iatrodueiBg those poinb ca which Mr. tellers had found his mind k> fully a»de ap, and oonfiaed hiauelf d i ^ y to the supposed impcsability of a gaeral anion of Christiacs.

•-I aadcistscd," saidhe.'Hhatyoa a«dday-ing to join the Ciarch, nntil, by so dwng, yoa can j >ia ail Gad's people at ones. Yoa mast hava great fsith tobetieve that poi^Ie. I kaow the prophets foresell the gjorioas time 'whea tha watchmen shall all sea eye to eye, isd Speak the same thing,' bat I have bo idea is will be in oar day. 1 sappaae it ia reaaved fjr the milleanisl day.'*

J. ••You Qi£;ht raths' s y it wiB make the miileniam. But ds yoa not some times piay for t ist time? I think I hare several times heard yon, in cpecisg the Sabbath Sshad, pray God to hasten ii, and yoa seemed tc grow Winn with tie petition. Now, what is not of laita i« sio. Yea sareJy do not introdaca m ^ ter into your prayers, only to make oat tiieir length andbeaaty, while yoa do aot even hope to rfalii2 what yoa atkT To do eo is certainly t i tta very solemnly. As to j lining all the people cf God at once, I know that is impoa-sible. Bat I am unwiliiig even to ud in per-

.t r 1 * pe(aaiias the evils of disanioa among Ciois-tsana. Nothing m the history acd prospects of Christianity retis so like a bi i^t on its pow^ to convert the world, as the divisioo of belie-vers iat-j sects. Now, what I desire and ex peet when I become a charch member, is, to occupy that pUtfarm cn whidh all God's peo-ple can s ^ d without saerifise of oonsaieaoa or principle. Tben if they do not unite with me.

thoiddjdayna. Iratarethepr^ietieaaim, that tie PtwbylaiBaseed £p:'4e7pe!iiaawiB t(catia th« same way, tiie ae^isg ro be kda iaa&wda^by thaHa&odiste. Yoa eOllt aa evil, aad a ^ itoaghtaettoexH iwtit k w ihat gtswa oataf aairaas. Aa weU m^gkt joa dry ap a stream Howicg inaa a f i ^ fasa-taiB,asanestaitde8rethmev2s wititeatie-aioTi^ eaaae. Ardmii ea-^mtUam. tens iipposistgsmisUtimatsprim^^bgikt mrst ef motues—a tdBiasmss im jKtrdiast

by tha^aprifi» ifprim^iU.'*-Jlr.T. -Yoarreaaeaa seoat^iw. I aaly

w(H.-der I had not thought of thoa befare. I tim^ I fed willing to ^ asythicf in my j io^ erto oorreet evils so enarmcas. Bat wiiat can Idol- Is sot tiia fAsiXom ef the Prei^y-tariaa ehardi as aoiiptcial, as catholic, aad as anctjeetionaWfl as aay esa hai Coald acj eae^ eoasmeBee be eericariy hsrt by j m i i ^ it? Naea, sardy none is more sable ia doe-triis, or ia benevolent cSirt, ec in devatina to l ^ e ^ inteH^esea. I g l i ^ in ahssst all its featares."

J. "Tobe&aakffnnsstagreawi&yeatltat I kaow cfaoaelaai liable to o^estiMB-sai yatto Jgiait WOTld iijmw enr cnwoeaae in KvenI impwtant partieulara. The view I

from t M New Testament as to aeier of Christ's charo^ » . tha t i t s sa local, iadepeodeat, eoBgregatioaal crganisiti-m, czmr p<Bed of vdanta^ menbers, Wtiaed apon a prcfessoi of tiieir own ftiilL From ^ thefs featnres the Presbyterian dtardi K a » to dif fer. Islsokv&fimhistci^thatJohnCilvia, dxmt three handred years ago, laid d u n the bads of PreaA>yt«ria3 ghardi gorenmett, aad that t ^ stracUire d ^ Bst its prescst state of ocgusixition aatil rixty or aeraJy years ago, whea the Saceral AeemUy waf es-tablided. From ftis last meat io^ fast alene, it is evident that Prediyt:riui<m esn lun 1m tha ehereh whieh oar Svrior estsboj^-ed more thaa dghteen haadred years ago; bb4 iieaeBlmnldBotj«Bitwith t^he]»thataIl -Christians woald oanimr in eeketicg it far the dnrt i of Christ"

Mr. T. "Yoarobjaetiaastcalasl oar chard ara eatitled to a eaneid cxuninatim, and if yoa please, we will eoBsds them is detail I hope to remove them. I woald first have y « define iritat yoa mean by a oscgregatioas], ia-dependeat chuich."

J. "Oofr which recogcixs no eedesasdeil power eaperim to its owa, tat elaiais and cx-ersises within itself all the power vested ia a ehareh, of reeavtog aad expelling aeailiaa, appointtng aad depo^g misstm; acdia a word, one &om w h ^ dedsion, in aaT.ea«e el diar^jariadiction, there is ao appeal. Tpbt ehardi differs from diis in tiieixet tiiatitir gCT-emed by 'BuHng Eldsxs,' and seeks the a s i ^ acd ctHiperatiou of its members by the aa' hor-ityofsapreae 'esarts of renew and oOEtnd.* I understand that yonr dureh does b ^ inde-pendntir eseate its own cdnistij, and that from its dedsion aay msmber has Sie rij^it of appeal to a higher power. Ti* New Testa-mrat churches seem to have resoived oa all their aets by vote of the whole msmberihip. The ohareh asd tiis ministers Eeea to have acted ooDjdntly in crdsising ministers and dcacons."

i fr . 21 "On this pdnt I have beiiovcd

Tx t!i« T-esnsm E»p-J.t. AS APPKAt FROJI ARKAXSAS.

Messrs. Editor?:—Permit me, throagh your widely circulated paper, to make some fuggcstions which may interest some cf the brethren who read it. Wo havo a nambcr of good' eitiisns here who removed froa Tennes-see, aad I am satisfied that if the iaducsmcals anil adrsntag^ of the State of Arkansas were fally known, huudreds would rcih to it immediately. I wiU here cff?r a fe-* rtasoES why I, as well as many others, think that St. Francis county presents peculiar in-ducements to those who wish to procure homes in thickly settled neighborhoods, where there will bs schools, chaichcs, and every ihirg ncee£;ary to make life happy aad asefol. Oar !a:ids aro as ;rich and prcdoctivc as can be fo'and in aay cjuntry, and immediately west of Crowley's Kiilgc is sapposed to be the most healthy portion of Ihs Stale; maeh mtro healthy, no doabt, than many cf the old settled portions of Tesnessoe and Musiasppi. These lands are now sellicg at reasonable prices. The cars now ran from Memphis to oar roonty saat, thas bringing Memphis within soma three hears' ride of oar doors, affording

loidy market for all tha prodactions of the eoaniry. This road is said to be .a part of the great Southern Paeifio Bdlroad, and will soon bo completed through to Littie Bc?k. It is also exceoted that tha Iron Mouatain aad Helena Bailroad will pass through car county, intersecting with the Memphis and L^oisiana Bailroad is tho very heart of the coanty, thus affording advantages assarpassed by any other region of eountiy—causing the three great Westero empiriums, St. Lows, Memphis, and New Orleans, to stare as in the faca. Thcae coosiderations, together with the acprecedtnted kierease of -wealth uid po'wer in tha great West, oa whidi the eyes of the world are intentiy gating, show the podtioa oar aotmtry is destiaed to oeeapy, asd the im-portaoco of all its power aod inflaenca being so controlled as to safeerve tie caasa of rdi-gioaaad humanity. WhowUl oame and aid us in cocdacting prayer-meeticgs, Sabbath schools, &C., and thas ba the means not only of banding ap ohardiea of Christ iud moald-ing the ehanieters of tiib fioarishiag Stats, perhaps ant quailed ia its vast resoaroes the Qfpidi^ of its growth, bat abo of putting into operation inflaenees whidi 'will tell &v«-ably apos tha destiny of thos^ds apon thoa-Aads.

My poet-cffiaa address isHadisoB. Idioald be pleased to hear fima brethren and friads who wish to oosM to oar eotmtry. I will eheerfally give them all the aid in my powec. We would lay to aU eoaw aad ezamiae finr yourselves. B. F . Thoxab.

Madisoa, Ark., Jsay., I860.

F w the ehaiA'sstko ei yaavahs i t s b a ^ udweUy«, i tsoatt iaaaaeeaad^oq^ty in the ' for d,—if yoa lave aay regard to its bleefing euse, t» its dying intereets^-do w W y e « eaa bwer of tte


the fiult will not be mine. If I join a schism, or seet, holdiog terms cf membotship or eam-manion, opposed to God's Word, or even not esjoined by it, from which tha conscienses of some Chrbtians ara compelled to revolt, Ij as an iadlviduai, endorse and become respontible for all the evils cf divisions xatasg Chratians. fcowing, as every Bih'e reader, mast, that G 3d suspends the world's conversion on the uaion cf Lis people, I dare cot aid to the faH extent of my power, aad that knowingly, by j/iaicg a tcct, to ^troy all the gcfuls that _ schisms are daily destroyicg, Kid mast con- j some" thought heretofore, and while I aj ree tiaao <0 deitrsy year by year so long as schisms] with yoa that our church differs d i ^ y from exis!-." . j the New Testameat order, I do aot caoaedi

ITr, Todd. "Daar sir, yoa certainly forget | that we are wrong. I eaoBder the form cf that God's people are now acited in that which {gjvcrcmest a matter of iadiff.tfeBce, and that is cost «:Si:atiai—love ts Gh>d, and love to I oar form has soma advantages over any other, each other. I d j aot sappose the Bibla means j Dr. Madieira give aa a rasoa {or the iramm-to forbid th«s existenoe of different denoauna-1 pleteneaa of the charch orgasintiaa ia apos-tiass. bat only that they should fall oat and j tilie times, that we would' aataraUy add the qnsrre! with each other, and more ejpedally, I needed eidinasees, asd while I do not lelirre wiat ajembsrs of tic same charch should do ao. j with himtiiat we Aoald ba jastifiable ia add-Sach evils are isdcod deplerabie." ling or abolisluEg an ordinance, yet I do agree

J. "Yoa arc baand to admit that the wcrld j »ith the notion of John Calria, tiiat wc hare is not csavertcd, aad that God Euspends its can- j a rigiht to asa the ordinaneea changed soma-verstoa upon the anion of his people; 'that they I whu only in their outward f »m; and boa cejl asl m>y bs one,' prayed Savior, Sis thon, I be&eve it not wrong that oar arsanixstira dlffiin F&'.hcr, art in mc, and I in thee, that ih* world I somewhat from that Isid dova ia tha Ssrip-•II sy bdicve thii! tkcu hast stai nu.' This I tares." plaialy ajtatas that cnnvcrts cannot be extcn-i J". "You admit, then, that yradboald sot ap-siwly tanitiplied by the preaching of the Gofi-j propriate the apostle's benediction for 'kr^ pel where Christainii, are dirided, and thatliagthecrdinancesasfi^iacrxii^tenduate where they aro aslted, sinners wQl cot rejast | j ou,' aad for th^ reaoca s S {nricuaca ooald the Gc'spfcL Kiw they do rtjeel it very gea- j tot fidlowdiip you. I don't 'wiiA io show titat • crall?: ye a ma t admit rither that the anioa I tjea* can. Ia that esse yea could refute bm required not exist, or that Christ was mis- j by saying y w do. Now will yoa not eat actio taken vrhcn he pi^yed for it 'tAai tie tcorid I what I clai d 'withoat farther argnmnt mipfit btlitre on himJ" j Jlr. T. "Moat certainly. 1 will go fsrihET,

Mr. T. ' Other hiBdranocs may delay the I acd admit that for as to leqmrayoar eaa-worli's casveriiaa—the avarice, the inicti^ty j idenea to sabmit to oat eharch gerersauat aad prajcrl . si;cjw of God's people. I think I cxaetiy as it ia, woald be to rrquira what tite you will admit that these are i^eat hindrances, I New Teetament does not; end yea and oihaa and if eo, all eaasot ba referred ta tha disan-1 do not, I em in favor of aorreeting tha errar. ion of Christiaas." | Now, how eaa this be iimeT'

J. ''Bat yoa shoald remember that these | J. '•Your questioa develops ffitao ditsrlj evils hiva an origin cr ctase, and aince|thanIe9clddo,thef(»oeoftiieohjeeitioBlhave yoa canaot show that the caaso would | tgainstyoar f(»m of goT(niBeBt,zhat, aot be-txat be rem?v<-d by the anioa cf Christians, | iog independent, vaa eac ocrrect so t m r that vca bate no right to eoatecd that sddsms in I it may in'roire. To alter pae cf its.feataret, religioa do aat dday the warid'a ooarerson. j yoa mast cM-rinee of the error, act oily joar Physieal pbenoaiena generally dedaze tiieir I own eoogrcgatioa, bat year whcle Preahytei^, eaases fiw greater certiinly than moral se-1 jotir. Syaod, aad your Geaersl AnanViy. qcecces do theirs. PhQosophy woa!d forever | Yoahave no raaedy but to rff.-ct tiiat mighty fail to tries the origin of haman de{3ar-1 work, or to resoanee PresbyteriainEm itK}£ ity with all its woe to the eating aa ^ple. ] I defy yoa to diow any thing Use poesible If a far<i:t is prostrated, we natorally and cor-1 the case. Were yoar gavetamMt oongtega-reei'.y iafcr that a tempest has swept over it. | ticmsl, the evil i^ghtte ieaehcd;)nK bow I Bat while thon.«»nd8 are swallowed up in the I think it ean not." vES ^ vortex cf those moral evils which yoa name | Jfr. T. ''I ewfess the di&enlty. It i>seau, sad clifsify, yet Gi>d only eaa expoand the or-1 as yoa say, impoaHbktore&rmas crrariaont igin of those evils, and t ^ caases cf their per-1 diaidu Bat as I had aotthcioght ^ tius be-{Mtaity; aad hcaiea he only ean prescribe {at I fore, you mast sot insst apoa my taking the their removal. In the ptasagc quoted I say | othw haca ef yonr dilmma and leasisg the he has centralicad them aU in the disanloa of | ehardi- I ch^nld hare te think a Iwg time

' alla-ehardi.

aa, not'detsct the ossaaadaeaB of yonr objMtioa, {obj^etioa against Pies^taiaiaiLmT" that worid's eonTcnion is hindered br oth-1 jr. "Indesd I do. Of itadf it is ntam^ ta cr thiogs as much a.« by the disanio&cf Chris-hvitiate its elaim to 1m ti>e diareh cf ChrtH: tia«s." I for l i t ehardi was arganiitd ia tha apostia^

ifr. 21 "I Msfess that my reaampng was an-1 days, sad thoi^h I know not widoh cec whera ecand. I begin to fear that yoa wiUpreseatiy j it is, it mast iuve esstad ever liaet; far he maka me doubt everythii^ I hare luthertoi said,'Che gates bell Aall sot prevail agaitM 1»aeved." it"*

• J. "Another thing ^ ^ might note, whidi j Jfr. 21 "We do aot elsiua ia ho ikt ehsreh is,thatif yoa eoald jaatify yoar reaaoniag,] of Christ, bat only of itairsndUx." yoar objeetira would lie, not agmnstmy rea-| J. " I ^ BiMe ^>faks nathing olitah^tKfae.

\ bat agaisst apl^dedaratioa of God's | The brakes ^ a eoart weotd bean ideaae ia> ord> tdligiUeastliebraodia of i^eitaek; I f ^ Ifr. 7 . " I mast then admit tli%tthedilem-|chnrdhss1sa8dtes,the«iioIe<diardte3Utiie

ma for which yoa are contending for is a fiuribowad by the aets of eaelilirsseh, aiid t t o e one, and as I canaot admit my Ssrior nurta-1 mast be harmimy, or the bnandan wiU all 1m ken, lamfcreedtoaonfessthat the antanr»|lsdBeBelt Baeaast of tiiis wwt quired is still waatinc. Aad, dr, it is to aie, | in aelioBs, tlw diSaeat ehardMi eie i l l e ^ an alarmicg truth. Tbrgia to saspeat m^adf 1 ta td fiem eadi other, ^woepaey., B n s l ^ repoaeible. Bat yoa s i ^ y do not b^ere | teaiaaism, acd Lntheranisw woe all n g r i M tha aaioa eaa ba dSeeted by merging all the j frma Ttnawniiw, aad thdr fogndoii^ttatlM; Christians into oae body? Thatloelks. Indeed, jmatixed as hsrrties; were they Bat^iiiBa like a hopeless eoasaanation." | not WTettodtsni eat tf£pBnE[ ^

J. "Aod yst 1 eenoot eonedve iia existeaee ] eftts^pesed iietes; ia foiik anaj^eSavr ia any other way. SeeU aeeeasarSf iandve I Biist^be a a c a l ^ aata^Btsms. Yoa mast think ymaeetrigi^jBameroas aid ao dissaulaE. U j icer mt 09eoppoaedtoityoaniB»teoBsider«iDBgia|^o« will have to aWodon iaaadi na every oppoi^featare. With tha^yoaemneit tin." hesi^y syoj^thiseaad eo-i Maate. Todoi t l Mr. T. "He^ se &et; fofwliie tbcM iiypo«itieall; iA as great a t a & a a t o p a y f o r i d i c d m c i l e m Q j j i f i i ^ l i ^ m j t i M c n t i ^ whatyoadoaotbdiereGod win eimfer. Itl l ieait ]jsdeedthi^Matbe,iat]rfaaw c w coald iiot be blessed. It.was,se doabt, fbrlBaviot's pnyarTegriredjjBBOess ysiiiL take the this reason that «o few Methodist aad Spraeo-jstnmge pedtieatfaitJUb^yer f < s N ^ pdiaabeeaoe intooted in the aKn»»^Ultii«iioBer«nrthdr meetiegs held here two er-tfaee years agBb|ls»twetedt'4e yea fliiSkU wtwMftf"' Dr. Stewart Yoa remember bow they stMd I • • —•— back." 1 Those are straagati tage* aad t w f c e O

Mr. T. "re8;1mtthatwaeetaBSBfe^ng.}tb»udn%irin]lsMaw^^ better They were afrud snne of thdr rdativee, er|sehbatkday^ wte weald i s tkeej*i ir i^: : scBU) per«mv who nzigte dse muda aMerjaju vacsiHHiiarGed. SI ~ thdr laSaaaee, voidd, if eemetted, jda twr dmralu . I Itete to impaga thdr upliras, reaHy I eaaaMribe it to ao betteiu"

J. "t'Keikdy; itadf e u eawiifaat n?iBi»tita 4U(e BOUOw htSmi y ^ •Mt'vMg'laia' ' w M t ' i n Q w f 'mr^'

AH t h n e a t e s n gnidwl aid eoaudefGei^iaals toUii^teyin

IMai ivean

Page 2: NASHVILLE, TENNj SATURDAY, JATJUAR 28Y 1860, . I FLAXEB …… · TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbb t w UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O,
Page 3: NASHVILLE, TENNj SATURDAY, JATJUAR 28Y 1860, . I FLAXEB …… · TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbb t w UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O,

>.% £

I n s i x t . ' «J«s» TOW--; '•HABnaTg tmmjQi. ^

s Z l .

> tiwnra.^aAaneiti lUtma^WagyWl

-HA ia»w ^

irf W t a ^ •31 ?>- ipt ta^BfUg:

1% U a ^ toe Sim iisutrBar

I Sri tnclmn ffiTkr J i j -i-jtRrpecaihr «a4j

5 hsT^ t i a t tWB-afe t a , »eacdaci;asd if

! ml'j^l ia i u> Sne^ t;>> B i ^ , ^

» wlui ite Biain tMcM H1 , *la» will tw—«}at Ban pi»»30 n:hf? Sim

• '.h' tcSa^ia oC ' T ^ i f t r i a ^ .

r » aasracSer, sail iriii " b S ^ , •wens siilHT' aftx^ to j

(if « atd® esjfa-^asnoBi ^taBchia? wtiairttaiaJTO.

i thmgrnraa tn.« rt'!rniIl«rfUes,B^ wiea t ^ " " • a i they wia pi to Si^fe

r win b»iiE»r-«anu3rf brSasi ^ rilBBilirUMnimiitetiotlki r era amaaavKted, OKT wis i

I ha?a»«il>l» to «r»Bc«la t i» | . k hxnt f c t m aft aot i ? eBnrinorf; wittnal fcqnirj, tbati

bir tzse, Tht X EUbrr tdos I

, ar U itccs E-OflX CMEOot be wsztfc ^ _

InpaaMtau ecoEdant&sdaer] of PirRaisrat caSed,

S l-;> prailiiae'

« hear » Han Rw, I ^(skar, t k ^ I tSat Oie caor. Ifa^MmOBt; I I Irs iim in,

» tty S " Mat j r t Mm Bttt-" t apfoit tie tiachin? af e&Bina | r i M •• is tsnxit is Qijqaj^ I

I abmtt wMch ( iiMot WKica tiry »?Te»,

ftUla mesit m i e - to atetbar i rrror. sad Uii* "faiiv^jt^

war%arx tiuT bsi«kt& ttors&re., (fist _ r t!tma t&«tsn> pecsTSsrlB .

LbaM«al that my meiAatfCi tlitt Om i ^ i i a ] ^ vt

t viiit^ Ctebt oniatad} fib b _ ^ iteM titiazs Sa tiaaa mia^

«&ea|ip<Mdiic«xan, 1 M c u n v am taosfBt to .

f famMt ana lu wma v«ieiia»itjisi r 9sir itedam is tfa>es*# at

apta EsstttPo t ^ I or nseioss Uoa. Th; MriL

r Vboa ^Qod mhA k n DM b e n reolUntP^

I trail, anrw-J} TOritc B-;i i^Ui OW3 Jit»»i»iaiHw»Ui« trnUt taiifraKa Ifrnii ttm wmt mw it tn dw Mnr _ ^Wfani It hu flSlrf Ky

cti's* nf mar.

» w n hise c«i !s «n t BatTf'-fi by a

Etu Tb-u i=m wr—hV no FT-!Tfakai ] [to rert^f SnoUKSi^s.iA Srhwii

*3tl»e-tiii=latbsT>« Eti ^ ^ }!»«». Sijrtirt Sbbbiib

Ibem lad ms, tat hrts'i

- TSi* wlKto tarw Tijan I tofaafctfiar J

' tSxira is m iprittes tint^^eini rlr-^iii Ti^Fn-wrr^tfe

»AatincR jhnday SAori Qatbs," [ia»5«»«i1>rii.AB»fi!e«nTsMl<

JSonh, Bnd lh» a « i CannKii fibnti, I^RiaBTd ir pTrtfeytetfet:

i iKra aaU taai, tz^ ta r ibat lei^fei AnUxmi.. Thtxr

>i in ssar Kbrr-Sfc I Cossh aesl aa oninr fora. SssdQ

I «nr»to jnell bodta M1 > St* m sisd'i titat siany of i^eat

e CT wojBr bnola,;

• • Ot^iilt (EbSBt <a- fiB 019 BBj ^kwu -JirTiPeiiii ba to taeaterrf-l

IhJ* iowTcr. is to-

pfittdcM srw I • c d ilaM; «r

I mia- tlse> Uapmefen oa tea

mitmiitani aag, Ayy w m a t i IwsMijttraBB ; mS. jney waml ^ piaeaert «r IBS, WB sot of a

Xbti hi-vi miaa n a iiixds«f 1 r&rt tfcatia workapiNdtefavto lof tteiran{a<Sad,dta» waai

l a atnilc nteaea. nmr or wjti, a fs^msScd Oat Cmw doBtrnir i

^ <0T aBcam ar ^nsdatltai is.

tSaShu 3di!reS lacBof »H«pti« C S a : ^ ^ maaii ha . Itoteae&w&zt l&i erfc i r -* taaek-

I B^as ihatsia tras^ -wsaUagjwe. r ««r A o ^ fctl la t««E& tho* tbic^ t

rnQn< thi<) tottBirp«zwt»;ir3lf»»»Bli I rfisfl cp to fijfeJin,

, tinott xsd pfeBiliriatKEis «byi lOoa HimgrnmBsm eanwaaiyaod L Umb abost Kbidlt tlwta »ts) (fet tbom MAjMto then U m j

Tbay »iB hexr is oa s (taOtsii&a. T&ayem. tedlj aitta'i

tea* paista ; Int if aa da 1 • BiaaetlihUi itMA mato oa to ; tbry acffi «<wBr Inca tea a.

tmKiimf to pes ia aileiai V* /test any aibar^

odE divr aS nii^rela Si, ®Br fttBB o t t e r t

fadfc^- finaviOdb aaartlafxchxicd. Batsadsootl

I to M 4 pnHin IS? tiiio; 1 c iafen la tteWordci

I to ibinr liem, »h«y Itora ipoS f eftbn-awt !l la taAtSwa,•» tiaS »»< fsftaii to »hanr ta

TlaSwB beJd acOi E'CLKICVt nJNB hS«titTZSlMS4t.'vilicbtfftC

I PSD03iEIi3T?, toi iBsusrltga of 1

r jfanOrm b Uist i* i '. to Issw c6ccEnuL2! f^^ip^^

m i j h i lam t s y t U r i f n j a

l^ft&aio;^; "pmpRbooka," M l It Bn«I» Osaaoavaa aadtflnl r (XTa SB, fltiec {fcqtUitni Baptbta

(vaa ind anl frr^sect fbr a . ItbatuadcxUw ntpf-rTiifaa of M7ji6UGS£nt &)c!«4y at Cbsz!)

^^Jtedifecdb Imta AdaoL AoA^ t vaa Ibat ipskat aC aan

tcamntte UkIt liaeSataUatta I M < , snd aa ; St anat b«

1 «iw &a:« tha tvadarsia »tehaab«ri«i nijuaaxL I f ^ )

r tba rriJ* Ktlacgfclt, aad jo 1 iisaaatei sJwm, t&u emid rat

i m m n oM THM xjxbxst- ' mtkaamntotuIiMM £ir«a]tSldj of tiis Boiftis Gmtut t ia l

J » and al»e letter " evf Mtbsan , Matjltoa, ta tbiJ

t m t h a e:msSi3aaotdiS ri j 'amrn, w * win tem m ia

aaUte vcII vikrtli' tiia Asaaitet mlOii .

. 0 ^ 5

tiJmillill fllliilOBbrCT b

S ^ I U L A B B E P A B T M E N T ,

j u a s n u ^ sAxtrnoiT. j a m s a m t i m .

"Arira . iaAateik, 1»» p Mill IM <T w*r m itwab-*


i U i a

Tb«.^B9la5haagsfimw^«s vftii news &ani lEonqia ot arasto iBporSaieR. TbefimitRBbtbe Itsm! of t ^ ginC H w n b y m Westima^^ I f j . A Boltits^s fidlowed ttira to tiic g r x n

BuOisiii^Ias, ippiRBtly, mtiiariy doUb. saa cf t^ts si«at nund lias aet in sonoTfal epUa-

dur, wtSe fiosr, HBcq otJed, 'ras anOm lits icadi. Iilirtr,trB«aadsi^}eIiIiertT,it35^ adxmpoo. Agreat is^etiQs £cea IwU by tbe Boonn Dit}K£et £ir parpoiB of aa ad(h«ncf ejrmpa-i 3 i j te t&e Pope. Weareinfiinud tlat Ctsal^SOOto S-CCOpeiaw wgrapnatgt.ipdBiiingalai'EeiBaa-tior of woBea. Gnat asammit^ and estlmsjBm TJlTO&nL Oaeof.tlv :t«H^nti9as adopted to tito fii^tKriss eSect: <-Tl>at,althai]gh u C a t i i ^ , w e f i n u l T t i a t ^ l a spiriteal antboritj-rf t beFc^ is iu>t to fce, cf>ieuj*it»,dfpeBdent<3iliia tesponl powir. we j e t eoo»der t ia t a dimirm-^sn of andj teiaporal ptnre-wimld detrinwa--Ul 3»d isftinocs to tba best mtensts of reiigioD.'" 13» giuaiauig of t ie Britisi people for a rtforst Wn if dewrring onr attentkiB. We do not pre-•sict tfeit claim *ill be cade Sue a EencbBeangoT-aEsent, but t}i:e t j u x s a of le^tsoitation v31 Iw greatlr extended. By our advtceaire lears tiiattiie GaitffiTtfwBri MjffexAu publghq a Ee-

Bill, wbidi n a fu;^fx»ed to ta?* 1>eea' coo-aocted i c & r t i e ans^ee* of tia OnwerratiTe par-ty ; Imtnsorffiijj to l ie tondon ffiraJi, the Ml ia qsatum tas beei pii{in»&ed estirsly witlioat the koaviedgs sr.aacetkis cf the kadeta of tbe ConserratiTepertT. I b a exbiUts t!ie aszieiT'of wJuciwe»pe^ AnsiHr«s»toPahiie!ttiJ,pr«j-iaS tite Gonnasect to ose infiseooe is suio-tKionstiie integrity acd isdependcnce of the Pope"* doDimDW, is being tigced ^ tlie Irish CathoHcsL

Fn jm Frata we hare iiot yet receired m£jncatioD esIaUshis; tiie poa^Ei^ of a Coogrmt. Indeed, ti» Losdair T a a a n n tiiat th* prCTcnt a p p e s n i ^ fatBfity that the ccmteiapUted Enropean Co^rew win not take pbce. Other anthoritiea My seariir the nsia thing; A airrespondest of tlie nnw

jaamal writiBg fimn Psrts, s ^ that it wm theo reported ia Paria that the Congresa would be gasmuned at theeod cf Jutnair, bot the exact day waa not knows. Sach are the canfiietisg opiniciR aboot this imp^rtiBt iBeetis^. A rcmor haa gained cnrreacy that the Tisit of Lord Cotr-fcr, the Bijtish Ecibaiaador at the French Coart ia TfW^"", had rsferrence to the settlecsent of the Italias qoeaticHi withoiit the asaembiage^ of a SETopeaa Congraa^ bat aince it baa not been ooo-finned wa pot no confidence in it. As before ao-noaoead, acairdiiis to costom the Emperor oa 2Sew Tear's dsj- recefred the B»3nben of the diplo-matic sirpa is l i e ^ e da Crcse. The l^ipai Sos-eia addr»ed the Eaperor as WJows r ' Sire—On the first day of the year, which a«Femb{es the dipiomatie body amosd joor Slajestr, I tare the bonor, fire, to offer to yoa ita tespectftd homage." The Emperor t e ^ j ^ "I thank the dipIomaUc Body fia- t ie sood wishes it bas esprtMed on the Meat of t3to New Tear, asd am specially iitpps at tiiis time ta hare as bpporttmity of remindirg i » represeatotiTes that ance my accesaioa to power I hare always profeseed a tost profooad respect JBr its reeopised riEhta. Be, tiin, assured that the eoiBtant lim. of myeSbrnwiUfaetore-eatab-iJah ererywhereamfidEnce and peace." The dis-

of Walewski fivia the head of the Fnaich Ministry is attracting ext«n.«iTe attention. The Iioa-?im Taati tells Kapoleon that he may const oo'Eo^ub imspi^y, bst not oa as cSensira alli-aace^Kustotherpowers. Other journals repud tiValewski' soceesaor as astagosi»tie to &g!aad. The pramise of the Eogiish jynipathT is oa the gnntad that the of Walewiki is regard-ad is a declaration tiu^ Napakiui is csmmitted to -the Italim cause, against afi despotic powens and hwti£ty t9 the dtnrch. It is also stated, and it wonUaeem to OS posAIe of belief thtt Lord Cow-lef haa goaa to Loodon with the Empeiors's pro--pogdi thai France and Es-Jand immediately de-

that.thw win not interfere, nor aKow others to iatrafere, in t ie aSaira of Italy. We must pa-tiestiy wait the great denoneaaseat. oae ia which crcry irae maa is iaterested.

Mt^S a m interested ia the result of the crown-e d - i e a ^ coodaTC, is waitiDs with bitter iiapa-tisBeg b r its doom- The Losdoo T ^ a qciet-ly remarb that ia the tTent of no Conpressbeiap held, aH thai win remaia will be to reojgaize tiie Cennai Itafiaa States, wiudi b « e beai formed, •at of Bi>trusaa sad the Duchies, ather as an in-•^pendenS kin^iiHS as part of the Sardinian 3iaQ3ichy,'%>ta£soQr staadon accooplished £uts and Jeara the Pope and las supporter to their ramedy." The SaSg Stxt, a paper of authority, atso remaria that so firjead of the causa of Ctee-dom ia Italy seed tepet t ie tamporaiy difficulty ia whidt^^ocacy SnibHiseli^ as ereiy month gained omfirras the nbcr^ of the It^Uan States and justifias the rerolution befiae the worid.— Garib^di is still actite. On the war to Tuiia, to leeet-re as sup|<osed the appcratsieiit of Comaaa-

IwpIaM. Oaa*mt lMiPrM>te toc te«d t U msf at Spn^jUd to awd m v ^ t i he C^bcrte9toB,Ai«BstaH)d Baton B o ^ nine t^Mn^i i f laafroa Waterlown aatd Waterrille u-seMlafitrSootliraiQse. I t iMa id t^ theF t e t -BiBterGeDRal Bolt t i ra ta to to miga imlw [ ^ C o o l t b e rewoTtd finm t te C h i a ^ Foot OfSce, »ad that the Secretary of W ar m a t s on QzdeciigMaatgan«ryH.M^ to Florida, wbidi the Pranamt, JdL Dans and Toomba impose.-These are said to be the eanaea of rcmtsed ^ sessions in the Cabinet.

By O j e r W J&a we learn that the snow is Enna three to fire Ceet deep in Canon ValUnr.and that t&e British GoTcrBmest bas ordered ita'aen-of-wrr from Saa Joas until the GoTemment set tlethe affienltf. We al«>leara that there is atw& sn&rii^aianogtheladiaDs. The Eel River Bangen Cragbt the Indians at LoDg TaU^, UU-

30 odt of SOl Capt. Jaboes' company foogbt tb« Indians on the 13th, killiac 30 and taking 28 priscoen.

tfisieaM intdl%enee ts that Miiaraon obtained s eoiaplete Tictoi; one the Libvala at CoUau, asdcaptai«dtbepUm; Be haa Hnt an expedi-tion to take MjFjlfjti -X cumber of mtUtary men hare writtm to Washington aa to the truth of tfia r^iort that the Janrex Gonsiinient has inrited Tolunteos fiom the TTmtad States, but there is no authority to sortain it, nor , wi»ld tltey be accepted-without tbe concurroKe of our Gtrremment. The armed men and othera win are preparing togo Sooth may bareother aehemes m view, or be is ezpectatioD of a call for t h ^ soriees ia Mexico. As tha protest of Mr. McLaae against the Tacnbaya masaaere met with no responje from JCramon, so tha protest of the lat ta aguast the reeogni&>n of the Jaures Got-etsaient willreeaTo no official notice frtan our

I t is also worthy of apacial notice that for-merfT mJt promiaeBt Libenlists were imprisoned there, but now nltia Beac OTuats are amiUrly punished, owi^ to th«r leapectite political opa-ioDS. We may also notice that the adriees re^ c ^ e d thoe fmm England are &Torab!e to the reccgnition of the Jaures GoTerainent, wMch is expected soon to take place, and together with Pre<ident Bochaoan's relatioiiB to Mexican alKrs, has brightened the hopes of the Liberals of a com-plete success, and produced a correspondent de pressioa among the BeaceonistB. The Menian Cabinet, bowerer, do not think it will be become necraary fer ai^ of the American troops in the COTtiogeney suggested by Mr. Buchanan.

Frcis Cal^amia we leufi that Phillip xire was chcsm Speaker rf the Califiwaii Ij^;islatnre, and that there bare been fifty attempts to choose a ITnited States Senator. Wellw's diance is con-sidered the best. Belly's canal pttject is repudiat-ed by Sicaragna, owing to the non-payment of b^idues. ^ O.

THOKAS BABISOTOS XAOAUZ.AT. In our "aiummriaa" of last week and this we

made reference to the unexpected death of one of the greatest of the present century. Beiicr-ing that our readers would be pleased with a

of the history of the great historian, we undertake the task with pleasure and yet with somw.

Tioraaa BatHi^ton Macaulay was the son of the celebrated Zachary Macaulay, and was bora in the year 1800. He was educated at home uis-der the care of the Ber. Mr. Preston, but finally-graduated at Trinity College, Cambridge. He enttred Trinity in 1818, won the Chancellor's medal S)r the best oompositioo in English rarse in 1S19, and in 1S2I took the degree of bachelor of art.*. In 1826 he was called to the bar, and in 132T his memorable Essay on MJtoo appeared in the EiiiAvT^Reviar. This production won hii " lame, but in after yeara Macaulay himself spoke of it as follows: "Written when fresh Irom C0I-; lege, it contains searcdy a paragraph that ray matiu*d judgment can approre." Macaulay was nerer critidzed by any more unsparing than him-selt His subsequent contributions to the Rmiev are memonbSe (or their "erjwKl* sw^iicifj."

In 1831 Macaulay was ekcted to the British Parliament as a Whig, and made his first speech in S,TOT of the Beform BUI then introduced. Hw eloquence and taleata won him uniTersal respect. In 1834, as member for Leeds, Mr. M. was ap-pi^ted Secretaiy to the Indian Board. In 1S35 fce wa» made member of the East India Compooy's Sufrems Councit at Calcutta; and ia 1S3S return-ed again to Ei^laad after nearly four years ab-sences This Tisit gare him power in his wri-tings on the Hastingsand Cleric careers. In ISo9 he was elected member £jr E£nbcrgh, and in lf'40 was. appointed Seoetaiy of War. It is suppoHed that on account rf his Tote on the Mayaooth griat be lost his seat, at tbe general riec-doa of ISC, for the Capital of Scotland. Bp refused to run again, but in 1S52 without his coming forward as a camSdate, or opening his Eps to icSaesce aTote, he was triumphantly tetomed for Ediabargb again. Durii^ this year appeared

K E W S F B O M T H E H E L D , . ABB rrsD woxDa raxm. nixxsa.

diET-is-ehiefof all tbe Natioaal Guard of the kisg-iam, thapeople hoaored him with as eathnsastic OTBticsi af lEaa, although he eo'Iea-rored to paa* thruugh that city, ct m«> Ear Turin, qmeUy and snobMrred. By a di^iatA6wn j&dena we learn t^iatiaam^cqueace of a dcmandicade by the£uni-ly of the Jewish, boy, Mortara, who had giTtn proof that th> kidaappii^ of the child was order-ed t w &ther and iaquintxH- Z'lette, the latter had bees arreted and proceedings had been ustitntei. The Sirdinian Coverszoeot piotested a^iisR the p-ilHtment of Gfrmana by the Papal Gusetiuueat, and threatess to send troops into the i^iatiocs.

i NESvA sews is that on Friday rrenisg thr Uaius Tigorcndy attacfaid the Spaaish eneamp-mcst, but were lepnliedwith great loss. TV

'spaaiards showed great brafcry. Thexr less, bow-«(ec, is not coasideiable. The rmnor that peace Jiad bees cocdoded is altogether false. After glnwus Sl^t the Spasiah army, commaaded by

"OeaBa! Prim defeated the Moors oo the whole fine, a=d advaoced r as Ga^iligas. The

-Hmaes ejtecatgd se I heraae ehai:;:cs, aad cap-tured a flag. The Moors were lOflOO Strang, and los ta t les t 1,500 sen. The Spanish baa was b a a 400 to CQX The greatest enthusiasm pre-Tatls intlteaimy. Three Tesaris, sailing under the English Sa^, carrying contraband goods, had luea lamght 1-em Cents to Alj

Ji'Hi'n'gi izitfU^eaee is that a t c t t unfHeodlv fwlin; toward the French again prerailed ia the ea^uL The tddrsnes to the Pope, wbidli had baen lying i a ^ Tieaaatchnniea, wet» cot so Bumerou^sgned as was expected. Aa imperial o r i e r & e e t s t h a t a m sbtf be ao'Jery ofre-crmts in ISGC and that no more than tbe<adina-oaryaoaberof meashaHberaiaediBlSSI. The Emperor had aenounced hia iate&tkm to diast^Te

the firrt two Tolumes of his great history, which he wrote while out of Parriament. In a few months 30,000 copies were sold at an enormous price in Edinburgh aloae. What more conrinc-ing eridoice of the popularity of these Tolumes tbss thisoae&ctcanbe giTec? In the U. S. sales were also immense. P e ^ p s it contabad errors. an.1 perhaps then; was aome excuse for the conduct oftheCoTenastees and Quakers. But with ail they were the ablest exposition of English historr erer written. In 1856 he resigned his seat in ParUamoit, and in 1S5T reerired the title.of Lord Macaulay wbid gare him a seat in the House ^ Lards. In that body he took no active part, but devoted his ecergies eidusiTcly to tbe piodactioo of the promised Toluaies, which we Csr are not ; e t completed.

It would ill become us to aSempt a criticism of t&a mighty prsductioos of the great Essayiat and Historiao. Men of g e i ^ hare {ncked flaws, but the criiisjiets hare been absorbed istbe gknyof the criiisiaed. Macaulay had his firalts, but they were only as spots oa the sun. He has introduc-ed the present genentiinis to themlt ofpastgen^ entiens, aad through that introduction w? hare dii^iTered the history of the growth of rivil Uwtf. • C.

TSK <miKH 8ISS n r n E Z A B - s a u j i v x BBcanvx oooD j o t s : | o t bvix.p

WecabmliaaextiMt&am&ar foobeap bgr Oeoeaa Asbory Dioid, ^ Indrpcaideoce, Texaa, wboaabadfeefings BrokFarqaiur^kindleUnabeBt oaaadee^atirrednp. We a n truly aorry fbr Dea. Asbory Dtale!—but really we aumot rrifcTe bia candltEon, nor base we ttlnoorltaait io iiiAiet so great a> izijBiy vpon Um as as to putd&h his e c ^ letlet

Hereisthei^y^cf that conceroed hiou "Itbposdblethat BrowFarqohardoc* sdkkzow

that at the convestioa at Waco, (oe of tbe oldest deaccea la Texas, wbo waa one, losg befixe Elder OraTca waareodved itito IbeMooai FreedcisChordb Ey., i^praacbed (be Prrsldefit of the Ccomi'.iaD, SIder B. C. Borleaao, before tbe appoSctawcl of tbs* CoomiUee on KrtneierTiee, aad said "Or, you and others have geceraily appaiated me es that commit-tee. I cocsider J. S . Gravea an expsHed member froQ the Baptist chsndi; aad tbe 'Hild had mark prim^es as ieotned by me from the New Testamcct, aodaaIbM.ii them set forth and expocndedbya Kercer, a Hallaty, a Sherrood, a I)aw»>n, wiH not penJt BMt> appMct a man to preach who is ia dis-order." Tbe PreeMect excused acd appoitsed another in his place.

Bio. perh^ , is cot aware that another deacoa, asaoiidBl4»a3t,aorf girded, refused to sJt«:d the session of Ui« ConTfutjon b»«n»o J. K. Grares was expected t'> be Ihere." '

Now Dtaeon Daniel, b known to be a m^cst man, aad tils may be the reason he does not gr»e tte came cf the aforecaid deacon, of aacb distin-euisbed note and Importasce as to have been a gen-eral "Ihtture" on ommiileca maBagirg Ufe preadi-ing at his Stale eoaveiitiaa. But we are wiUicg to do him a kiodness, asd therefore our readers (hat said deacon wa* Asbary Daniel o( Isdepecdeoee, Texas. It is doabVfal if there was a member cf tbe oooTeotton at Waco, who did not know that deacon Daniel did that very thinz, U buv Oat k* wtmU he appointed ! Dea. D, could not be happy if be knew how they locked upon his aUibtde,

Deacon Daniel bas aa extensive acquaintasco with the deaccsa of Texas, and we presame be has heard of one wbo would cot go to Waco on cur accent, though we presume that both these deacons wonld give libersl coctributions to baild Methodist mr«t ing bouses, as deacon D. did to get tbs Methodists to bund themselves a church right beitntn tk* Bap-

tist Malt aud FauC* CdSegu, and is in ftvor, if we remember rightly,of the Baptists giving up one Sab-bath so that the coildrea of Baptist, who aie sent tbeie to school Jn order to be under Baptist Influence, might have the beceH'. of Metbirfiat preaching-Deacon Daniel it one of the three or four rarmber* in his church, wbo ere la fivor of Caioo Sibbath Schools, t3 tbe excIasioQ of Baptist Sabbath Scbcol bo-.ta. If deacon DazJel wilt give us the name of Uiai other deacon in Texas, who thinks aa be dees, w« win give bim the name of a prominent BapUit preaUier near him who does loo, and who In a pul-pit, last summer, thanked Gad that there were so many daUreat- denomuitioos, for If all christiacs were Baptists t'ls Devn would take tbe world. Dea. Daaiel never fsilswheo heisacomoiittee-B>aii,topu'. this, hia liberal misded preacher, ia tho UsS to preach.

Fiaallj, in our sympathy with Dea. Dtniel, asd men of bis class, w« suggest that the Texas Conven-Uon bereafler abolish the coromillee oa preachina, and elect the preachers for the Sabbath, aa well as for li» Coaventioo, by ballot. Thep to profeslooal commUwe-man'a feelings will ever again bo so dis-tressed, and the couveaUou will bear the men, a mtjority of Its members wish to bear.

Wiiat aay commllie-roen and preacl^ geterallj to this 1 Whatssys DftcoaDanien

Brother *arqibar will remember there ii Dsacoo Daniel and another deasoo in Texas, ard a memWr or two of l&mtl ses'Jmerts.

Croia Btrrr, At*., Dec. 26, ISO®.' Iinsa J. E. Gaava-s—Diaa Sia aid Bao:

Bap^t ctureh at this place, at its rei^iar monthly meetic;;, in Nov. !a.<4, passed a resolution inviUog you to meet thU ciurch on the 21 Sibbatb in Sept, 1S60, for ibe purpose of dedicailcg their eew house which they expect to have compleUd by that time. Oor (tbe Cherokee Baptist) Assoclaxioa will coc-veoe with this cburcb' oe the Friday p.-ececitg.

Hoplcg tha: It will be your pleasure to comply,we aubi^be ourself jour unworthy frieod and broth, i g ^ JOBS iAwaasca, Ch. Cl'k.

This is too far ia the future for us to answer posi-tively. But »e eater it upoE our book of icvitatiocs aad will give a timely respoose. The brother will aece vt our tbaiiks for tha kladoesa implied in the invitiUon. Bao Q:—1 gsve jou an iocooat of « prf>ric'.ed meet-

ing, bald th=j &Ii. ai the Pisvjle Cbarch, Teas., wLKib restated La 35 additioas to the church; we !;ave bad 20 sdditioris sicce thit pubUcitioc, (iiur more Meth-odists amang thai Eamber. To Gad be ail tbe gl sy.

Mij tbe blessings of ki£.-d Heaven rest t:pon yoa, my desire aadjprayer. J. J. Jixss.-^

Ar Box* Nsia Paeis, Tkss. Daaa Bao ;—1 give jou tbs panicuiaxs of aome

meetings I have hive had ibe pleasure of attending. My health was very bad daraa: the pteater pan of the summer, so I did not attend the meeting.

There were three baptized icto the fellowship of Sew Hope Charch, Gibson coaitj. 1 was their pas-tor.

I have b«n labodnz for the church at old Bethle-hem, Heary ocmoty; this little church Is in the same eoadition of your Sprisg Sseet. We were caused to labor tmder much embarr4»sm?nt, ba; the Lord was with us to bless. I coaUaued oar Angusi tneetiog a few days—several were bopefoUy converted—and several very valaable additions were tsytle to tbe little body; 5 by baptism.

I atteoded the meetio; at Sew Hope, Weakley county, of wbicb Bro. D. >1. Fletaiag, is pistor—tie meeting continued 9 days, asd some 7 cr 8 bapUit j others profeised fUth. There were aevsral cccviiti added to Springl nil! church, Urcry corjitr, Bro. F. C. Gray is Paster.

There has been other m^etiogs of importacce ia this cotmtry,—thoa^h m^cy of the cha^xhec are i» a ce'.d coadiiwa C. L. Cars.

—The Bndaa eamtfrUaM Ibat a CBstaBakoase ofBccr, itatiooed 00 tbe trocti" irf the UpporSei*-^ was latoly saipriaed by a bead .of amagglera, who tied U a to »tree ta a ihkk fomt, aad aboadco-edhiatofcteftto. Tbe totfoctacatoatiawaa Ibnnd son* d i ^ after t i that parfdso; aa tbe fieah was tons cSUasbo«]4era,«Bd{t ia sapposed that, txioK rendered desperate by hm!ga• be bad, before he died, gnawed them.

-Ufa said that tbe United S^tesManb^ of this Dlstriet bas recelred a bundle of doeameuts fr<«n Seaator Mason, chairman of tbe eeanmlteeto invntti. eate tbe lato atleapted intamctkm at Barper'a Ferry, eommaading bim toaaifuaJoshua B' Oid-dioe«> Balpb Flumb, aad Joba Smwn, Jr., ttf West

. Andovrr, Ariitabola County. cU to appear fa WssV 'isgtoo fottwitb, before laid Inveaileatittg eommittee, ibeieaiMl then to tester under oath to oUtbey may know of the ocganiiaioo of the ' 'Sona cf Ubcrty»" of Obertia coosj^cin. ixL, vr any other move-mesU. oooference meettngs. prayer meetltiei, cr any otber kind of BH!etic«a touehiosJtibn Brown's '-Xan-sas work."—TocadsifcniU, 19(*.

—The yirginta LeKltlaUtre having tsquir^ of Gover&or Wise tbe cost of tuppiesticg tbe lato iava-aion a ^ b a i ^ g of tbe prisooeis, be aaswo* that tbe acccunts are act la, and will not be until bis term e s p ^ ; but tbe expenses will be very Saw. oa acoooat of the disorganized coaditios of the Tir-glula militia. m«kin(; It uecessary fin Mm to impro-vise a force for the cccaaiva.

—A horrible deed of blood was perpetrated aboat tea mile* ftran Little Bock, Atkueas, Sosday, Sth inst. It appears that a mac, whoeeiume our iaform-ant was unable to ascMctalu havlrg received some imrs^oaiy injury frvm a Mr. Kimber, vmt to the Ittter'a boose about cisbt o'clock on tbe veaing in qjeaUou aad called Mm cut into tbe T«.'d. Mr. Kitaber, aospectlag cothlog, wntout, wb^u his vis-itor, who was ari>^ with a gun, bellbrratriy flred, lod^:^ sixteen bUckabot in Mr. Eimber's breast, klTiiag turn instantly. The morderer isunidiately Bed.

^ VC

G E N E R A L N E W S -

A Ci»» »6 tax BomBom.—n» *e». VBBua <k«tOTe,wUleIabacteK aa aaaisdMUDTtitJi^K^ was cmed of OeoBiHiptfcn, wbeo all otber naeaua bad fiuSed. by a redpe obtdtM^ettn a leunid

TUsreei-pe bas cored great Eombers who wen nflMng firom CaaBmptiod, Brxiefa^ Bore Tbnao, Coughs, and Colds, aad the debUlQ^ aad aenrona depmisiaD eaased by these disorders.

Dcslnnu bendl&g odtm, I will aecd tlds tee-Ipe, wbleb I have brought home with me, to an vrim Deedlt, f.'Mof chuge. Addraes

B*T. W*. CotaaovE, S30 BaMc snivel, BiooUyc, K. T.


TSX ULWBJEBTCK lUSaACBS. Last week our rodeis mourned over the sad

calamity at Lawreni»,JXa«». We wish not to dvreil longer upon this painful oceanence, atd would not, but that recttt dereiopments should bf-isade known to our readers.

It has now come to light, after eaieful exami tios, that the Pembertoo MilU were aa awful sham ilk the way architeetniie. At tlie period ot their erection it was believed by many, that the walls cooM acaiady sostaia their own weigbt, but that the madiinery would «anly crumble tkem tothe ground. This the ^prietors them-selves Jwliered, aad to prereotthe catastrcpbe oo IeBthantmrfy-(c« t n s ofktaya were used m bradng the imperfiwt structure. Even these far-mshed ao security, aad many of the cautions

tlttrty-Swr re{jments, aad rifect such other rc^tfembletl with fear. The building waaiasured. dactioas as woiilil a&ortir piaes t i» army oo a jeace CiotiBip.

KoSpeait tyet W« will not fegastouriead-er> with aa attompt to gire the leaaoa why.— From WauAiMgtm w* ieaiBtliat the iaveat^atiag eaaiaitUaarehriayng«oia>tSmgi thingstoGght in nfaeaes te the Harper's F e n ; nU. Weleaia thatMr.Baalf has testified that Wilson wrote a MCectoDr. ann ia lS37ar I8Sd , stating that belflsraad insm M&. Forbes Brown was aboat to maka & raid ia M m irf'th* Soathcni States for the porpaaatf riberatir^aiavw, asd that be irutild nse monrr furoisbad hisa br paitJes u> 'Msaodu-setaSirhiaKiBaBas wodEjfoaidxbim ia his otm p n j i ^ tad that ia Ms (WilsaoS) o^aioo, it was MdBcasiB & w n i t o t t t n ^ s a d i • thiop, wd tbat be COma) a a s t withdtswaUsMaas fmiMli^ ed ocinlnaBd to be fimiisMSir strrkasia Eas-ass, if ttey-ww to b* i^Bed $a the manaet dicstitdl^ Furbai^ S«totor WasOB w a a ^ B O ^ by SaMtor JUoB Oat Staff Itad allBd^ t^ bin

tHtimai^^^wi s»tifi«d Wasoo that hk r i ^ r n d t H t s s t i

i ^ S m l t

i i n t k ' B ^

Etgii kwndrtd men, women aad boys were placed ia. it to work, aad—can it be true?—no more tn«i!)low»»Mt by the propfetoWjCff though it fea, the buildiBg waa »ai«mi:

Batalltbiiwoaljoiiaiaeee with tbe whole rrstcm of sichitectnn tolentad by OS Xorth u d South. Whweissafistyt Turn car eyes to oar sceamboota, railroads^ bridges, fiMtoriee, acteW-nMwaad<tertit*,andwereeoU iDbocior. 'Cie majority of them are but "mas-trai^" drive asen by boadreds from tbe stage earthly existewau Oarkwac«sreM*li«Uoons,Mdtbe afceard ;;3aa is now qaite popolar of erecting Wil£ng« uxazulBeTen stories high of only two |ricka,orabridtandfthaUi»tkiekoeaR. Webare n»ttcd la rn chotebcs aod pubScbalbi. disfigored ^ ugly b ^ aad bus, pfaMd then to thMrtambCsgdowa. Wbo, knowisg sn Qia TOitur* vitbia them withoot qaalan at eat-sdeoee?

We e n q m w t who is to Uaao. I t Is t ^ ' f i l ^ i ^ i t ^ vodid eieet

fcrpStsteBMbeseewsJyfwWMd. O.

Bao. Gxans:—As it is always grali^icg toChris-tiaas to bear of the prosperity of Zion, 1 have taken up my pen to write a few lines cotKeming a very intereatlac meeting, Just <^ed, at Aider Braccb, Tens. The flnt day of the oleetmg tbe charch adopt?d the fjlloxiag rtsaintioc

Buebxd, "That each male memb^of this church, beii2g the bead of a family, wilJ i r t^ba te oae diase at every mantiily meeting, for the spread of the gos-pel; to be apprt^iated at the end of lbs year, as tbe church may deem meat advisable."

Oar n«etiog lasted ciEe dkys—resulted In greatlj (dicing the church; and in the conviction a:id con-veisioa cf sevRal souls. The oocverts, I believe, were an, or aearly all, Sabbath School schoUrs.— Tbe diurch at this place have great re asnss to lejoice. First, because of iter i n j l u t i u * eter ker oira ckiUrtn

aad seoocdly, becsAie cf the aalotary itSaence Ute Gospel baa bad la tbe rurroanding neighborhood.— Few n^bborboods are miwe noted for morality and Cbristiaa piety. ToGodbealilhebocor.

Dec. 24, 1^9. *• Etiis, Pastor. MacxT ET., Dec. 18, 1859.

Brethren D. B.Bay asd C, H. OUpbaat, com-meuced a awcdag with us ia Maury, on Saturday be&ne the t l Lord's da; in last mootb, which coo-tinued day and nlghtup to aigbt before last. These bntbrraUbned faithlully. aal xealoaaly, in the cause of tha Bsdeemrr, aad Ood haa blessed their labaca abaodautly. Clrrisiiat s have been made to tvj^tee in tbe prosperity of Zion. Tan aicnera bave been m^e to bow, and a goodly aumber bare ob taised peace in b^ering ia Christ. 18 have been

S otbera received ascandidatea &<r bapttei and 3 bave beea Rietved by letter and examinadcn, naUag in tveuty-foor oddUioaa liaee tbe eom-

of (be meetiBff. Hiaiateriag btethnn

—The Missouri Lesisls'ure adjonnied sias dit cn Tuesday morning. Gar. S;ewart immediately issut d a prcdamatioo ^Ung ao extra sesu-itn cn the 2Ttb of February, to Uke actioa upcn tlm railroad bUls, asd other nr.fiiii>brd bttsiaess.

—Baron BoUtscbild is said to have pu'cbased front tbe government the railrcad frt<m Bt. Petersburg to UoTCDw, for something like SGS OOO.OOO, which, if true, win exerta great IcBtieoce on Bajsian floaaces, and relirre the now depressed commerce aad indus-try of the country.

—A remarkable bereav'mect hss btf^Hrn the hous€bxiId of Mr- Micbael FilaseraM, of F»ljfi»Id, Termoci cnasisUog of father, motfaer,aiid fivecbil dren. Oa Friday mcrains, as we leam, they were all well, and 00 Boaday foilowins four of the chil-dren died of scarlet fever. On Tuetdsy foUowirc. ibe four were commitled to one crave, aid on the return £.-om the sad ofSce the parents foood the te-maininj child, whom they had left at hinae.acd sick with the same disease, had alfo died. The cup of (fflictioR could hardly be more trying to parenu' hearts.

A carvicj knife apd fork are to be presorted to the Presidect of the United Stjt es from tbe csario-facttirer, Mr. Bamori Balleo. a blackrmitb, acd Tit-iien of the Sato of Maine. Tb» bacdles are mt-Ie of tbe horns of a back, shot fay Mr. BallfD, ac-d ia stith a mttmer as to m^n the trucks of the aailera answer tor the bafts, tbe shield of the fork conalMfcn of one of tbe amall branches of tlm aatler. Each piece is about twenty inches ia leugih. awl tbvj blade of the kaife about an inch aad a half wide.

—Ia a lectnre at Baltimore, on Monday night, Mr. Nelson, an American member of Coreress froia Ten-nessee, said: "I can never thick of tbe dissuIaUoc of this Dnioc. Dissolve this Unioo^tbe thiC2 is im-possible. (Eathusiastic applause ] Howcoald we di-vide U—bow separate our Sttiotal airs, how divide our common glory 1 fApplau- e ] 1 bare always thoa»ht that if ever tbe two srcUocs of this Union were arrayed aeainat each other. Bad tbe two cppo-slnit armi<« were to meet, man-hing to the taae of Hui Columbia, 1 thick that as tSey approached each other and heard the old familiar air, that they wonki throw down their arms and ru -h into fraternal embrace. Dissolve thia Uaiou, never. No, tir», its dtssoln'Joo would roll back tbe tide cf civiliiUioD to sr.cb an extent that It would never recover irem it. Tbe di>solati«a could do no good, and wonld only result in some cocqueror placlci: a crown cj-oo his head.

—At tbe last President's levee in Wasbfcgton, con-siderable amasemeat was creased darina the eTenias by tbe rather stracse ecitiduct and naif^nn worn by "genilemea present. Who made himself unoiuslly

_jcspicuous. It was ascertained tiist he was a ,»traccer from the West, aad bad lieea persuaded to

dopt the attire bs wore by some w»(;«, who iatonned isim that he mast wear a court dress or military naif -nn on his appi-aroXiCe at the rtcepUoa of the Presideat.

Srai-Disa's Paxraaao Otn.—We bsre eista-ined cbeiaically prepyed elue spe ialiy deslsred f->r rep^ng luraiture, picture fratnes. sheli work, etc., withcutthe trouble of calliaz ia the cabiaei-Diaker or professed repairer. reliable article cf tbi* kit d has li>nE been an unsnpplied wsat of '.be b<vnseho"d and if Mr, Spalding baa socceeded in diocoverin

Ig way to make a reliable prepared jf'a" ihet will • ' srfuble, and uairjared Ky time a d tetn-

perature, aad tlial will supply s cb«^p, (.vpr reailr. and fcfBfieot mesas for repairiag household wjurs. a-s be seems to have den- be is a Incky man, and wilt be sure of heartv ::ratitnde of all gticd bouse-keepera. Milliors of dollars irill be saved in the pre»»rvatlnn aad expense of rrpairice of fanl-tare aloce. every Te«r bv the f f f r a l iDtrodsrtioo of stjch aa article,—JaJj lCA, 1559.

—We leam &t>m tbe Rockport Democrat that a ras^ificetJt vein of coal b%a be -n discovered on a firta sboct three m'les west of that viilsee.. Thc< vein is from thn» to three and a lilf feet tUici. and the qasiity of tbe cnal Ls cUimed to rqa-1 that e i thi" Pi: tsbure tairra. The s rce paper sars aac-tber V. io—beiag six fce»l thick of pure c^al—bas ix-'-n found abnntthree miles a^d a balf foutb-wjjt of that (own. This vein is only fiitv feet below t^e surfs'^ nf lb" ETOuad, sad cia be miasd with very litiJe diS ficany.

—Tlie foilawin; brs reaehetl us fro-a a qair>r doubtless correctly infJtme-l 03 thi sab5?rt: Tota corrcspondect "Ion," in his letter of yesterdav, does not seem to b&ve precsel.v presecW tie ob-ect of t*ie bill befof" the last Cocgress for t se re-lief of tie Hon. John T. Mmoa, at that ti®» ear Micister to Paris. It was cot for aay Incrr-as" of hia salary. The salaries of tb» Miatswrs to France arid EaiUad'are cow, and bi»e, sicce 1S56, ex4ctly tb* same, to-vrit, each $17,500 ' p-r aaccm. But there wis »-«b<>rt periid—oae year—whea. r.a-deriheac'. of 1855. th«7 were no'.rqaal. Mr. Ma-soil daimej the difference for tbu year, as aa over-iifilit ia the Iweilation of CocsreR'-, which claim. hcwrv^r. wsj« deaiwl to him by the Senate, th^ cniy bed* befJTO which it was considered.

-A cweep^ndect of ih» Lawrenc. Sfpvb:i,an, srriUas from Boutbcn County, describes a fc-nible »Cr-»y. wtich took fJace 5n that couatv on tb' 35 in'*L,"^woen JatiM Fiti?itriek and J< ff?rsoa Pot-ter. Owiog to dispwina remuki-mi'ie by TfAler

lacertiiEg F iu^ t r i^ , ' the lif er citacked lilsn bile he waa enf.'c3 a log, when Potter cat him in

Jie!{-defenc»», btrryine the blade of bis ax irto his icf. side. Potter a»d f.-om bim atrikjoe bim bat Fitrpatrick seized bis cua, wUicU wa* ne«r,ard sbnt hits, the ball passieg through his li^er. At tbe date ot the letter, both parties were still alire. Pot-ter ia mortally wonaded; Fi'rjatiick is ia a fsir way of reciytery. Potter if from Grucdy conaty, Ma, and Fixpattick from Raatoal, Hi.

s p B C i A i . N o n c a E S b ¥5-

Eu). a Hsin.—Correspendeats cf EM. 8. Head, win address Um at Pleaaact Talley, B.C., isatead of Baundemril^ a. C.

Da. T. M. Laws, bas removed to Bnabaaa, Wash-ingtoQ Co., Texas, where his oortespandsota win ^eue address

MaxtcaxMcsTasaLixmsi.—Ita woBdeiftal ef-fect and cocsequent popularity—p«haps so artide in tbe history of the BaSma Jfeikm, ever aeqttlred tbesamepatrooBge.wasEuljectedto the same com-brr of ssvere tests, and nsst irith so few failutes, as tbe Mcatasg Linlmeot. It baa JcsBy been styled tbePsaaeea for all external wooadi, cuts, aweCicgs, spiaics, bruises, cr er; >doDs on man or beast. It i ssofu araedidneof suipri^g virtue, that Phy-dmos are cupelled to prescribe It, and from kkds remakaUe carea of Ckrow umd Distaritd Bketam-

aiit etua it b ^ catuiaDy attracted lanch attraticn fkom tbe first scientiflsBricds of the agew Hofuaily canaff^ to be without a bottle the Mnstang Lin-iment ia the h<m!& Batartof taiiiafwai!

gyaulne ti sold by respectable dealers in aH parts of Ite world. EAKSES t PARK,

Jac.14. Im. Proprietors, New Tcrk.

Y e o n $ L M l B i s t e r ^ l i f e r a z r .

I ^ t m m t i n ^ i t n g d ^ ; ~ ' rij^svu.: . -MIS

SariftanTaatMokcatCni^, . . . • Umat *Mekaa tb* a^rwras <>m ZmatrnikstiaC^ukalB. - . . . »

8 B x ! f t e r t S v ^ - . . . XSS « o t « I t i « Itanwiwrt, • . . . . ISS Uffayt BaM Mattsta, • • • 1 tS Ootetlas i-anSt^ - . . . -Pic't 1tm«t«t T*.lliBr. OatlMrraSnatrnflaHV. - - - - 1 »

Bjs tor ia l Wwi*. HistK7 at fara^ BafU^ DRte*. m^tmrtttXefBA^H'MM, - . •

Blataans BMatv al Siytlm • • gaman i «l earJiswfcthata. . -HlaSatyaC0>«» Cantwiirtna. -- - -

' StnnlM «Bt CitmK|&a«t >»>>(>«• Tltaitj, Tofeeaftfe* Ch»d>ta «]!<(>•, • -Un^blm't ClBirek Bitmj - - • Eteiy cf tbalifcrwitliiL. VX

- . H ' H

• l a s ' . IS . JS . I aa - SCi . *ss

.MB: Its • aBHSa,'* OaAacskVa

rnms.f S «iSiEsa.B< * AMdM:.'w SeeSotW t a m j . t r r n t M M . ! * * Xania.'WisXterh.JWlMii;

V ta?. w > r AttKtwtT. Va > r cma, JW mrnat. J IWaaia. SMaal S B

fl alayiMlw.jrg • liatds^ S«» Sha(H«. J WiClaaa, J W bias a eaiiat. mta . W east. Ka tat, Btiik«. IbuUz Boats. li«,WKAm.J<MiiS>S<r.i e*att,V IWoaSMdi m SOB. a^Iasiu.aateetiBMa,'rBi>U.S

« •uikFEFkQafa.CA SfiUa».X« raoy.

Omiiuteiilal V v b .


^ m e r i c a a Bapt is t Pobiieaiion S o d e t j , 6SO AECn SIBEBT, PHILADELPHIA.

W« will atna f t f t ef Baftlit T r a e t a . t o r S t 00-

Tbmm truU ar« a t* mad ktad la th* rmacr la tbry tT«»t lh» ntidUs Ml^:* coaac«t«d wltS t ^ j>uii.>f3tiTB fitiscKiaw PBicnois

e» Tsa Baptist "naTinTTiiTiatinTI.

ALSO, A. UiT" «.f Trmntx tor tbv aMeevrrteJ tSw

PAiirHLEXS. •rh« fu,U>»tiii Importaat boaU bar* itm lm«i la a s<*t aoi .tu-«i>U»« t»t=«- »•>» at nry lo« prlMl, U wdsr to lartiv c m tk. wt4<al fa>uk>« elnUattoa.

aril, Ztiatiil. (3 Ui»;».T.«Uia««t tad Hssto.-iciS Ars»nMnt»- ISoio. Iw4i>p. ISeaatt.

XJl Aintf ro.« t« 6. pst o«n by Iraa of 0*1. A Miaoa. Bj W. K. WUumh, ft B. I W Infui. a Part aad Ptilar «r P,>r«y. IScaa.

r u f i t ^ B>i>u>u sot Zislulv*. A LatUr to AlWt Busm, la «<««•- to - KxclMUlna.* Oj J. Vhmtiaxi £u,£:h. ISats TSpft M- 10 p.uta.'l Laiten tn ia«»3eietT«f Prtads,ontb« 6*»J>eU. aiKl Hdd* Xht Jll:* of >U;tua. ISsj. ISpigis. a B.iii,t.<tOi'«ii»«»M£««-o<«aUiig»C«ptUt. Mmo. Si PMi'. ^ PJWaM of SMtrlstttl. CeosBBlaa. ISoiA » T^ daiit3-«a;r of Wfcter (or B tUIax at Jcxulles. ISsni. eti-ajX, S Tb« a.pd<o>*i B»I»-<». ISaio. TO pafoa. S S«{>iij;01i«[oa KkBa4i. ISxoo. S8p«c«« t Fr'.oi ttT« c& rcamsa. or aooMM wAj I an aa •(Onoptliu Ismo. • A Pi c CbttTca no li-im* tjr a 1«ido UUjO. S Bcou'a TtmUcaUoo ot Hm BaptUts. Ubo. M pkJtxa. S r^tUj'i Sn!ptan GsM* to Baftiim. tSra. ti > Soelrat or. B 'i.fKa^ Bap-.l b«far« CoMoa-oo. Bt W. T. D. O. ISjbo. Si e Arn*brPzii>e!;!n: or, tta« Ba itina aad t3a Orfl nAa?M. A


Tfcaoitealatiawt.lvaL • • • XS( T!»od;AXrHat.Ivai. • - - t«S enaiboaWhoI, - - ISS tidiilM>ltil' »iJ Tliiaj TTlta TilMUlliiiia' Si THr*^ for T-wtwt— tf Bfam. . j i GoaaMeaoofPaSatofUata.- - - IS •ijtWiataiT. - - • »•• GtOM TfWMO, - . -- - , 1 SS JetorMCasqAeZbaiXiaaiM. - - ISS Ui^'tVfnimttttUC . - - ISS

Clsnieal Worio. 0»«iiazfe»o.Lld<BantC«£l'a, • asa l»tte-Ss<'a«h--CT**aaDl>*w, SSS OniAPtiywt-iiwuaniCuwof Sam, • S iS Gt.»kC«aKrt»aoeof 5«» I««a«««. . S i»

General Books of Beferenas. Wrt«t«l"»Wl<lo»«r»,fCati«»»«T» • - »SS OndaaVCoaBTidaDM. - • • • • ISS. Sati«> AsalaKT, . . . - - 1 Si PaSiviimPHtuiPnsaat, . . . . aw •ar.aaJ'i*Mradt%!Jo»!pi* - . s IIS AtluefSmhoIOR^n^T. - - - l a B^Wta-itPretaitaBta. . . . . 14 OamsaProrMaaeo. . . . - . ISS SoUJa-a Aixa<aB!-tt»y. . . . - t « tbtfcodiit DiwJpSlot. *» H6iJ'-i*ooti«l>l»el!>ll»», - .- - • 9 Bf. ii<ni-0«DnreaIoo, . . . . U 8t»l»«f t!»lra|>taltrBtlV*4, . . . si TtxTraoMlastaaofBaftMa. . . . u tHK^ IS

• «0 >tl0B Of Ilu A«N U T;maTb*<^o>^av«as!U<HB*votki aMsOa] to a

thaWflv* ot 6oi. W> win Fsiai^ tk* aVsnlistlaBlalaUnatSSiarsaat

rrca tlo tV-nTrtMtar cub—«>«• f b wo^ al M; A. CKKTb .

New Series of Sootbem S c ^ I B m I u .

T EIE S0UTH-WE3TEES PUBLTSH-Isac Sai&TU]*, Tana., cnmnn-iod Smlac

MtUo of Seboot Bxki It; ffUbai aaidaia. Thtf kana. aa t«r ui »c titod. fcM IJOWWMd «:p«ii»r » axy HoRj

a Ki-.fc r e? an t>i Mat paU. {itiea £1


of Trwi*. &0., i s , prle««. "Mjt fro*. asoUca-UOIV JAMSj it. QtCEEaSO.S. J»a SS-St. Hffow-orw Afeats-


Asie f icsn Bapt is t Fiiblieatios Scc ie t j . 530 ABCH STREET, PHILADELPHIA.

tai tbeDeigbberitaod casse bi snd aatisied In tbe meet, iag, Bke good soWiera of tbe croaa. Great, Indeed,

bitn tbn uptnadilnn to tht Binntlnf butOodbas cairied «« his C M work «r«r tbe bead ot all oppo-aiitoa. XUats, I am tbU, tbs fbst revival ever enji^ea Ja the town «rf Maivy. We expect to ccmswoce agaiadar after to-BKMiow. Jfaay are still saxloosly ^ ^ r i a c what they BBst do to be saved. Brethren « ( » fgras, that tin good wsritssay eout

oor cWsens Bte happay convetted to God. JavBS L. Mesros.

XhMs MceoBtisre ebsettag toevor C&iistiaa yi Tt. WediBgbt ta leeorAttas, aad hope oor

breitewgeBersBy wiE report tto rani* of sMottaga. BiSkC. whOehefcepiydepJono, Bswe

4be nMiBg stotoof agbatkn aad dlscoska BaptiB^fesbeaD^Bttllal•gt«•t uhiBate

L«f* Pletsnw, n • - F%rij

Tie fKKllT. THo ai>Uif>T Wraiib. TL« St3i7 o' Co«Xr*«i. T o V l of Books. T!» Ufti* RSVVIT. Llll',* Ri- Boa, of u*«ra:B«it*.

Pnro t2 eesta. •' II -- -• -- T» -- TS -• » -- «l -

r. -All tb« KbTra niastr«t#d vnA vili fcroaz^d, (m of pSklft , Bp a t ^ pr:* Wi vtll forvizd to &E7 idt -tal. frM cf p->«tace. XETT IZLHSTEATBIt CATALOGUE OT BOOXS


Sir A nro book mrj we^ far tli» year ISI? (E. JA]i£S s. Dtcssasox.

, ©tiXjflMTy Ajoit.

r oSood to tko Iiaklla. nu> »scka'atraa£x taaSan L

aad Bndn. Tint Book (UiasttaUQ - -IL

aad B«»i»r. S«!>d Biok. HL

KmJ-t olJl B?«aigl Lm»II«. Third B«o>, IV.

Hud Book for PanstaaadTaachKa. TkfMwtab.ft'nowWIiTa'e^o-'®™"'"*""^*

wntsal airf CSaaieil a»r1sa-«a ij-geatboa aalkora. lha RifiitiXcssmitr.ti UtaifStlt. thia apaaksof hi

SSOOXDBOOK: T«Th»«o CoolUtt!* LMnara; atEnao, «t D>t kIioc>1. or at 5aM«£b-MA«>!. By 8. A. TaaflaB. XokTlUi. 5o3-Ji-oo.tcra Pabaahti* Hooja. Ktm. Or»M. Mirk! fc Co. haro trardad tt eop> of tkla

V>ok Fir oar ntpt Oaa. W« nut a>y «o aro dMld dly p).**-rtmth tliSa»liIJU»«'oKa>ooJfco.tattr 4:tlokoyaairi (tria. Tb> a aTsra a»d r-«dog« ar»«eT»rteda»d Imtenpalael, 11 to Iwt t:o 'rouf lotod oo m ai^aaut w>-d.wUla aaay tkts|a an prw^taJ la o>tr.ks« a. ts ante tho b m ^ aisd mx-r: tho Badonuadta*. TUa valana la oaiWiaM wlthavwiatTof (trahatid a-traaUnjJctaiia. Ia ibalaSar f»rt •--o hiEin loiVOM PBIttO^ICil. SEBiaS: For il>o PaiaSr ami tka Er iL a T.cfbu- KachTtUa. Tosa., 8ax! -»<a:aEa Pab-IWhais H bm.

Thlj To'ar.* liroa. or what nay Vo eanad tilid ruirr." tuiitmai fttta- It eooaiai mock of food dla;or9>. UD nito • oo>el of ncanaa attastloa to or t Mltaplir aol phllrtcrr. Wo iik« to oi«« iSo ortbaftaphloal vxorrts . toA. whtcb oxo cooflaovd tkroofb tko took. At tte «!<>•» wJmM mr!!Va>«lo»l taW^ Teo prtiwrto-t of tho »oBtb-»«o oim PaklhMri; Bosm do trm c-riil f >T •atunae aooa t&ta aisort aalnddra pub ta Soo'o- Ov T*«t coaatry OrBaedo aUta* oabeol teeka tut to fonUtfa^ LvttooSoo^nkakookafer

hM thlMroo. l.-<t Soatfce-a p-ojio mooang* SoKbn a!i4 8Mtk»ia o«t»rprt«»a. thaawM wa

aaa folly till tioa-W. ai™. m r j Ttoehar ofco wiAm to aiviaso bte

nsldiT, at ibo Kuao tlao oo tboa eha aad wtth tboir •<» to proem tUa saw aarUa apoa ao aotjroly saw rvAB

iaaancti-B. aim all panata wbo tna raet thair oUldzaa baxoa.. Trytbera.

Taa r« of tb* TrMMtttr Opeiit bokI ant ba la •BI13B cf ti- ! f c! iB-riwairia* taloot of • P." Itam wbt MSTpcr iaHaitkabook.

( a r j a w o F B L

k t r n j m i s a a M a n » o Ifaa XV»aA)aa.AK T JOaii,


t M r a a s M l a c U H :

J CiUMM »ov.»air»Po»aSB«.*»wek W « e « i » B a a . B e t t a i t i a P a k , I i r l « X a i a l B . ^ -

t h a B S a « l a ( aabsaribsa b a a * fail ap teJaaaa^SX ISJi: -

c « ffimipla. S i M d . J a » B i n a t . 1 6 K ] I 3 B t a > b t ] i ,

h a t k M a a a . W S K M a a M h A P B a n r t a a . B T S t a T p a . M b M

: ( a i 1 i a . B M T o a ^ A B a i a a r . W X B a o A S l o C a a m t t ,

B M w a a A C a M , » i B O B a j w o U l a .

T h a l k S a o l ^ a a h B s r a a a h a v a i a l t t a t e d a M a a a o s a a a s a

tb^aaaaatwIMit T C a a a B o t h a l S O c t . e W B v n s t s 3 E a y C B » a » r > a

3 B a f . X z a L X y i a l s l a r . X b a a A 4 a o a a a A a f S I J r J r *

A o f . M i a X. A a o o l l « S s » 0 « > t * B a a l S J a a . B P S b r a S l a

U S a p , B i - k r K f s t b U B a a . B i d O B T o u c A f t . J X i a r -

« H a c S * e b r f * W i C l a a a » P a k l u I t T M o a t a t i A p t ^

a L a a B w n B o c . W I > B a j « a J o t a a t l * . * . * O

S a a a S • o . . B * W « e « i J — « J a i r . W - C h a j i t e S i J a J y .

_ B W a a » Oca. A l o v a l a r a U « a t . W * J o o a l ® . K A ^ .

WCSala l » a » , H B a M » r r » U O c t . * T « a a i 1 B * . W B

H a a l a r » i a a a . »t l i a d a a y a s J a a a . Om» » iaaa,» » C a l r a l » a B , W H C t a w a a P a k . d a a ^ a P a r y d S < * fiW

S a t f t a • A p t i A » a m B S A p r . S a a O P a a f ! * S J a a . I t L B a o a a S J a ^ . I I t T a o a a y i B t U l « 1 4

AStaciaTBaa. immt Boiaod J a S y . H T a s d y t J a l j . l l t a A w a t J o c k l * a . . B P BaJiat SI t p r , K 3 a b a s a a d 3 a a . B U W « r i w i n W H a a k l ^ J a s i .

B W I s a l B i V . W O B U t c k s l l W K a r . J M B A l i a a a t e l t l t a a .

C r L S T o f c o o t J a a . W W Waltar M J a » , j « U l i a a r a a . 1

i . p , P B B a « i l J J a « a 4 X b a . B a o a l y J A o » P » m a » A o a . « t

t^'MSMalttaKf.K^ EnotatoaS » S o v , A T B ^ a k . } l i O c t . » B P a a i a a 1 H a y .

T l o i i r o a l i i t a a l a i " ' • i • ^ n m | r f * t c

t M i a n a a l o r l i a s _

G W b a a l a r l J a s . I I PeWis B 7 a B , g T r i B i a T i a t t O • t l a « T J a a . J W P K t j m a t J « O a t * » i a a B f M a • J a a .

J a a C a j a o a . l i n . S I A a t . P L P n i y » i U r . B A O o a - W I J a m ,

K I d l B a i s a ' S S a p . S B l i k y S J a s a , X a P o r . v » * p r , a K

i a a U ) t a r , B l d T P b t 2 t f a l J a a , B B i k U 3 ' . J a s . J a v a

B l a « « r t » : a a . W T B a a a a . l « l a a . B * l U r t i a a « I H t , • T

M, M S i a i . W S P K » « a o o l J « a , e W B i i n a a U i S P a h .

K C B c G « T « r a b . X q a a l l l a a a n S i i t . - . W m Ta^nJl 1 J a a . B d

« D o d o i « S J B l y . W a T t o ; T » J a a t S « l B P n e m i s W J a a .

K d W B W t a I S O T . I . > a a t a ( B a U J a a . J O c t t l a a i M d « B t , TaiinnfimTlaii T — 1 - - twtlti o . . ,^ UPok. M A 4 1 1 U « t S l J a » . J W W a ^ y l J a a . ! « M w r s b j * l P A , B

U a x h a c a s M J a a - W S U t o a a P a k . B w r r 1 .3aeao S J a a ,

K P i i b B a U i b a J a a - W I C o x S J a a , W A A a t u a « l a o . W A S t a k a a S J a a . J A SortsaK O c t . BW t « »o«i • »at, iaMs I C

S a y S J a a a . S A a a > t SS P a k , B M K a b a a n a a t P . k . M a P B

W O a o a U P A T A a a y RB«,BK Biaam = t J a a . B a o a U a

L t i i a f a t a a S J a a .

Bo iBllootv C B b a s a o i a b o o a p a M ts t b o d a t a a aBMHl ta B a s M l a r I S B t :

J H E o w t c a d l l l a i .

BntbarPTP«iacya«aiori(l^ PxiltsBa;t«t0,ln>. i( XlBXliia J OBloBHa.Iia« Pra^act, lt>«,iha«tiM> hair t* is ban.

Oormpgadwwi Oa^aaiioBa]mbaaavarTprB3pt ia akaa.iln«gnrg»

ofpottlBCtkaPoatOSoa asd Btataopoa tb«« iKUcm. tbia yoar. aat bopa that tl»7 wQ ahnya koap a la Btad ah« tb>

itaatiltaBa. . Woha»a.lia»nw.aoawMt»»- waqr CIB,

Puaomeaslthawiitan: . - . Eakaly.IaaacBi. «BHaIl,«14arl«

•bio.IokB 8i»», Jtin r.a Gi-J Plinlar, B-H-Baiioa.W.B. BaaAJ.A. Boo. Haaiy • SiEiakrlIts.B.C. lle6a2>ao.A£a WaaCWsu Hoaco.TlmaaX.<o(ToBB.> To«ir,J.IF.(MW«>!Cl) a

WIrtboaowbaacBdaanadtasaM Sat »a ja^-r wiB »». neeabertepetllaaaiBeeftboPiatMieiaxieefciTaii tbci? Wtlac.ttwlI<aBB2>!rBat>app:ytboaioSFtpKpali!:- Bew^kaa aapBtlbePBrtOSaa aadBeaa-jriea phaao. JEI

g - Wa baao ti naaat taifaiaaa. -Baw Aall wa aead paw aaoDayr- Wo a^ ta aacb. aaad aa a cbaek ar diaa wbaa )<w

i.ajiBaaoa!!«aottllaMaaMl.toB.(aaorio!d.aart5 It la tbo praaaMa et poanoale, aadl* kl» eartHy 12*1 y*

ril!.aBdknptb>aartiaaal».aBiett|alalaat. aaadaaOa 1,1 ntSiata, aa<nwaka oah ta aa. JOmt jaiilHw. At ta klBdaarf BBoayaaaedaeaer Bat «f cwnoeis-. O.

Burnett's Cocoaine. BURNETT'S COCOAIXE.


-fi- for dr««aait lie bar. For cSiacy aal ajraaab li aa, it ia Oitboat ao aq al. It pnraata tbe hotr fioaa falllrf off. li prr Ta aaollky acdvlgunu f.avtb. It i4 ont c-ea-y or at ck;. It CO jlaacTWobl* « It *.f- ca tba katr irh o ba-d tod dry. It ao-nOM tbe trrtta ad aea p saia. It a orda tbo rtcbaat iatitto. Is leAkl.-a ta a*"^ It ooafa Cny e Ota tor a batf pfot bottla.

—The dwellfcsg-honvs of Georsc K. Lar.kford. Bear Maasfietd, Parke county, la., was entered oo San-day tfi uS, the 8>A last., by a buntlar, or burgUrs. and robbed of tl,4SL A reward offoOO iicff red forthedeteetfnaof the thi^aud recovery o( the money, or #300 for the mooey aloae.

—Gerrit Smith baa been so nearly restorM te OBSidete health.that he oa Wednesday last, retorted t4 his home at Pet«»boro,by the desireof Us nf ar-

aad dearest frleais, aui the approval of bis ph;sidan.

—Tise funeral of Armis'esd Walker, a colorcd preacher off Frtdericksbors, Ta., oo Soaday week, was attended by over 1,000 slaves aed 400 whites, iaeladicsmaiiy ladim. The deceased was* slave, and bv bis respectful behirior woo the estsem cf alL

—OarArksasasnelgblKca are very stricEeat Ic their letial provisions asaitst free negroes, tbe new Uw relating to tbem vest Isto rfr<«t on tbe SI imL, and provides that all bee aesross found ia the S'o^e at that period are to be sold into ^ver.y

—The wMids aiiljacecl to Kortdk.. Virgiaia, are said to be ive wita robbias. QtustiUes of ibfwsrs belEg killed and brcugbt iato market, where they aed ready sale at tbity-aeves and a half cenU per dcaeo. '

— Twectv-eSiBt slares of Bank cf -Kas^atiy stock sold in Pailaddpbia oo Saturday at 16.

—The Lftoflwi oorrwpciidect of tie Kew Totk ficralitsnitM tbat tbe Oamaoent of Great Britajn baa approptiaied £iOO.OOO, about a miUion dollars, to keep up the slavery a g i t a ^ la the United States.

—Tbe Ct umbU (Teon.) S t r M Jmttt that B Mi-a» boy, about ten or eleveo yearaof ase, a few days atoee came to Mr. James HaeyX of Mawy couaty, acd reported to Mr. H;?y that be had been atoJea f ^ bis borne and psrests, in Clarke coBaty Mis-soori, by a band of <Hpsl^ and whUe passlrg throoobUt.PleasaBtbadeff.'etedMs ete^ie. Mr. Baey haa writtea to bis poiesta,

—GoTCOacBoop wbo claims to be tbe Vetrito-riaUy^lretad Oerverner of Seisda, ddaveic« his first sinstige oa the 15«h«K. Itlsol noisipanaaee exMiAasilwwii^Bdispesidociof (he people to set Bp » gOTeraasmof Uxit v n , iadeprBdcat of Ibe Salt Uke anftoricieB. Gov. Rooptefbnas the Jk-

tbax the ladisns la Tntckoe Meadows are

Burnett's Cocoaine. Tb tuttocsfkl coa axiro of ita eSoary £a t ^

t w cf DAXDECFF.

B0ST0»,0et. a . UJS. Ifaotn. Jcfth Baraeit & Co.: Gsotteaiao—I a«ed yoor Coeoalo* oVnt eIt week*, aad t-» aflVct ia iO Ko kad aad txieaatdumy that X is doty to Mora tx ,«* yoo. oom «9Tp'.«tat f T arr?T»I yrara baa »-aa Pardrtff, oi-.b ttibirt aot Inita^tMo'acitp. SRer »ro»4ir.f a i balf, B.T coot nsl-ar voali bo errmM wltb tbe trbtta loowa. (daodroIT ) vkfck iocbid Ul« aabovai of abo*. My rfcsar trted Tarbu a;pt»tio>s ottboot <S*t.- Hia abBae cf year Corooloa, aad kta obat'.sata rafaaal to ofo tt. pr faoked BM to .pjoeoto aad tiy It. Ikoa«aa>dIaastbu>aretU«. tbo dudiaff. aad tho brtta-tSoowblch caBaad at,baa« aottraly d aappcand, aad op bou waa amr bef-Ta ia aoa^ coadttloo.

Tool o>adtaLloUTaTit, • A. A. prtirB.

N E W B O O K S . nutttry of KwitUab Baptiata, vol. S a; tboaaiiaa.

By G. H. Orcborc: pil=o. - - $1 « A moat eoeI R*tiaa of Bapilat Bbtcry la

tb- »i-t:«b la-ao "It® Bijdat aboald be wtt^I R. It a Iwait-'e; eo*r»vtaEo« tSa astbor.

t>eiuilrtoik-a Scraaoiu, 0« Iwaavasv aaigacsa. W!Ji^-Sr.Tt3ioltSoaitb£T;rrise, - US

oftb- T, _ obo

aitjiecli! Ttie Ota Pice Farm, cr Tza Bocrxaaa 8»b. By

BaoMbaiaSSiBiaer: piiea. - - - » t cioet ie! jit'al tHto »ork. "fatraiad ta abow ap

aoniaof t!j»fc*taiaa«if BiftiatrtlaJ Uaaaoai taoooBa -try chorcoaa-' It t» a oiolfioU Kiena. Tbe laSdel'a Confcaatim, ortao ponr of Cbcla.

V.aoCol<». by E. I. Jojlor. Ky.; pciio - - ISS A ij-'i^foCv oritloa oork oostaiBSaf mamf ^ facta -

worthT uf Sclri ttorrf awar ia the bmbot. Kurrtaeo 3UxiiBd Ufb. By J. M. Bl.

Co'es; TJ SofkmGT»lio ti»»ii>!nBtooopT. Toncpaopla offl aotSada^awfotrjoilodOl it

The Inlldcl^a Dwiaslitcr, wd be toady by Jaaaaiy ; IK tee, t o Sao fiart^ arfeefol fitna Jbo adaaaao abaata. aW pab. liabMf CO -.3sa ootsiaa oT tku paoao.

Hew Sebod Series. Speller and Be««ar,PtaaTBoox. ByS. A.Taack-

a=: priec- » Cpctler ana SeAder, Paasn Boot By S. A.

Taactao; pr'ca- « Readar witlj Spelllnj I^aaewa, Tatao Bosz.

SI S. A- Taijto; jcaco, - - - a M.-a. Vurko bal tba soat rocoesafa! Bnibad of latw-c«lwl tba ckSdioo tbst h<a yat kMB Iztrodaaad. Sasb 10 opt opsnioo aa a Taarbar. C-

A Bapdat Mlslalor.abaattwaaAa-bar yooaal a|«. b«t«s 50 paatBc.aiaate^taa«Vt wiiiMtaliy 1»

1 "1-^T —• »- a—1. Graak. Bofsaa. aad Laqaarai, to»saor « t t aB Wadfanaaaet anl Sdaaoaaawklla Anortaaa OoSapa. «Bai» a •ftaatlBB la tbo SoBtb-Woat. Pnlan ta dcaoto Unodl eBtXrO la tba atta-latiy.bBliawliaiit.taeoBoartloooUbtl, ta Saxktsa^ t*-tptcttHa ImtftstloB.. Satiafacary n'onacaa wt:i ba irtnai. AddM. B. P. Oa:~ntai, PJakoao Coaaty. Alakaao.'

1S60. TSB

c h u i s t i a n r e p o s i t o r y .

Burnett's Cocoaine. TbetiBootsc taaUaoalalla coaelanlrac tu oBcaey ta tbo

BALDXESS. BoMob. Sa>OB>bcr It, ISm

Omtlaneo—Wiioo I Sat aaad your CoaOB>oo I bad l>..aB .kdaoveayoua. Ia tbo Koaat.'Bte 1 bad cttad a dona dlBar-eat aropuattOM a»ee-aJ!y rKo«»«a»loa fat bildoaaa. Caai aJ uamut t-* ba iaraiUde.) witboat aay baaidrtal affdet. Tbe iadiaaofnj koOM oid or eC Be to by yoar Cosoata>, obicb I dii TO pSMa tkov. rot bavU^ sayaeu, asy taftb la tao ponr of Kaa <0 loawo »y kolr 1 hoaa bmO tba CK. taata o< oae bottle, asd sy bald pat* la oovarel oil oror wttb ysoBKbatr. aboot tbRO afi-bcaa of aa Isck leas, wklch an>ooi» ateofio asd brotlby-a^ daionslaed toftow. Ia a word, joor CecjabM la eao^iw-t^ bort^^mliPB far tbo balr t ban oaor koon, aod tboOBty

p l u b a a w o n t a a o U p e o a a t a e o ^ ^ Trty wart yoar obBsad aad obaTI aamot, DLX.U&WIK. Vaaara. JoHfll Banal.t & Co., Baatoi.

M d t o o a r p o ^ win work ostof it; that tb* Itnes ^ A s t m b s the pasldaa of bS BapUsts, taditew -Mttlblatha bsorts ef BapUsts to b^ev* t t4 t> .proettOB. WatgnewKhttik

SxUagaadsiarTteg todestb by scorea. In one cabin tteOovsnsr «aa i tkne cbildfcn dead aad diisg. ThswbteswefwdsiaC sBtbeycoaU tool-terisM the sikMiiea of the poor VsAoes.- Tbey bare sntosil and boDt firea fbr then sod offned tbws piBiMsBi, bBftto sMwy iotaacn ito Mtriag Mltas mtesA to MA IMIag ftBt tte WH pd W l ^ vSVyattdbBtoaw aevertlT^bi tba iMSte toltewbitas.

T H E NINTH VOLUME OF THIS X Icailas Msxtb.<T ef tl>o Baptist Brom-laanoa win ewntala

A TETT BOOK ON BAPTISM, ZBibiasios an tbo aatboittlio. oMMaau, aad oaaaaal a«rf«n oa tba oaalimeif. Wank toa whaio aBbaslptlaa

THE BATTLE OF THE CHCBCHES, tielsr a biatny of tbe oacSicta tor a aptiitaal BoebaaUp vortdiy aod daapotieb wazablaa. KISE OF THE CCSBEXT PaEFOBMATION,

Its tWb. atiaiJsm, as* cBlicU. wiltlaB tBB aatkactle «ea»-Bisota. ^

roe«a. 1-««.ai.l Bertrtaal Mnaraiaaea. wltb Bataale ot the DaooBtaobae. U tbe alEiraet eaelb-wwta eiatafc

Bo. fc-Xsasas. Brooas :-At a lato wdag * IbF »ewae-tJaBiiBidlartbaBaislftaarOaidvaicr isaaHtaa.1 waa anwrtoiaaPMdestaf tbaBaaidtoiaBfea lapUiSaa Ekaoas* tkaBadiaaaBf thoTaBBOBaa »ftitt lod Mlmaalpid Sapltal tot aa^doBtmirtteiaiy to labor wt£tiaae>eaB*a lar tba

BOO af this y«ai. tlx oeiapaBKSiiB ta aa^ a XlariaBaap wdtoBadaaallihi ui y. PImim k—I ttaanatbaa w»*g (ka kaad*ryBarKaeaicy.Btaas<SataBka*Tlwllw abaao. Ky

Idrw la aa « Ptaaaaat Xacai. Panito CaasQ. MM. tt. baxxxaitkbwb.

E W I N , P E N D L E T O N & C O . , tnuiiaaU I>talm In

DRUGa CHEMICALS, P E R F U i t E E T , Tobacco, Cigara, Snaf^ QUm,

Paints, &C. . • Inn Blsafea KJLbUVUXS. XKMS,




BrwPlWPi»tsair.«=d ecBate 1eaaatleaetaaoadarWaaa aayatbarartbamvolatioi'laaalilTa.loa lBlhIaa><lviiy. . Tbta Bna-kar-v kaa woo rrattod f-«r » a»»a oKb alBt«» »a-aBVa. Kbaabaaat aaaaal~d»T I asit iiit jodiaa »lg»e BM.Aaia—BO-aodtbaOomt'.ttana lapwt anttaa laRnr S>* I»t-aaar«oaaaiill*iiu tb.SviaaSoA:-osdaIa.iaaao-aial adbsr lacSlaa Janaala. I SB aoan ef tb. roe: eUnppalBtBMSb Ibet npAaaar* i t ef ikia atd otter daBOaai a«rw tnrtt. al bib paiieaelaiBla™ Botwltb.aadZkKTa taaii. uwUtaatoprawt cf

as Bndibw ScnwocRein the aabaa aiUora; r^'.aaf onEtiaatioB tt by aM asu!!Ha.«l -[ad^ tbnkanac'aaanaaaiBs&aBdaotbosatlrt^tf iboOeBmdttaae IBO*—Baatitt* re«*tofeae ei™t. lotOKsol. aapadon^aat d stSad OanaOtWao aetodaadBilor'nUaet. AmmMf ibaloMa-»n|.o« t b a C ^ Bttioowia bo iPadtte Pnofdoot aiBd o» tto n Ctmatf A«>icaB«iaI .4aaBalMojl^-..»a ci » miMm.ii Jaciroaia. OWarsof »a«Wim,la«yen »k. oC «• Ja eoraobony artB b. aa«Ha I

tbomwiliiaejalmraotboy <laaiiB.atB» diod. orlth a, M±aak:a Oaaaut Va taaw eSelcf 'a tesar l «kaf « «r BBT *«two dcasn pUrbS oe= J* if St-J

^BBdaBotaoMybaBKll aaaayyctal toosMsay.

yaaKnBMtecOiwaimii teo jiAIliMtWwicpMWcas ofwMMll

Burnett's Cocoaine. The USooias toatteoala] ia oostiBalva <f iu aOatay la t ^


I a the »tiKi.v SBSkKram. LTDLA, o» THE POWER OF TRUTH,

(Vr Iba tatbor oT Oraoo Traoaaa, Xteaaaar'a Band Saa^ktar. i i . t a D aaatlo Stacy of SaBmtiaatla Knv ad BIctoa lilxaataoJaa.

rattABxa'a Baraapmwr will be aafter tbe dtioarla. of aa xxaertaaacd My aad wtU ba daeuad ta tba tacnaltoa *t eUldns. E l ^ t r PagM, BwrnttToBr mostntocl.

DOIXAKS P*r a-- .—, La advnnca.

Bawntr't P n l i f i t S t r a d i e i r ^ S ^ ^ ef d b

KrSBifHtWJ CwBtgfaB. - Ibao* ban. T»ad earBBty. SaBObanlaa. an navBor'aPtsl-fla

•aSe aaat»«SlOTK?JtattoiB era »»w _auBa(T«(A.* Itoasei.aajBte-•aitlly toabf Ma z la a fiat ( t o ^ a r a a w ———aao-iS

an la •sL-Ba IMIl^r B>9P awaaSaS tboVat 01 m alaeaf lam aa* • Saaae. es* Sn *oi>aaB»J >1=* ndasca aC ykSi. AIM tbovlaoe bnl bmn'ltiw e^torai aa ilaM iaa»»i«a #Ba«aar tfa» gart

ml tboclbar

JaIyia.Un. laaara. JaO'pb BoTBsti * Co: 1 eaaoot rrfaaa to atat. tho aOlBlaiy aBaat, ia wy oatm ac (nvatod .aaa.a« «o«- txcoflaBt Balr 0.k--^0aea^

Far Btaae aaoot By aaic bad boeo hlUac clTaatn I waa (Mrtatol Wlailtoaurrty. Tbo akla open By bead binOBi cra^tiv Bs7aa4 Batala8eaBa4.aatkattco.UBot tmek laia biitaiod aoadttt. I Ut>ib.ta4 ta tbo ba« waakas wWeA 1 to^ B y ^ a i f ^ Byp^totetowboByjB Wrfc,™ w •mm of patiMtf too 00, IcoBaMoaed ita wo tbo laat

inttatlaa; to thiaa oc ioardaiatka itdasaa aBStaaiiriiiai dwIaB*d,Mbo balraaaa-dtatoB. aadlbaeo a.w atblo* ISwuTS B—aab. Itrae* tbaaotbtfa atBUaity aantod. T<wa,VB;7t»Ta BCIAS «. FOPB.

Bumett'B Cocoaine. JTAfff i* tha bait sttaortldtJjaBftMidsW tar •iwBaidafa. Uia byaU«baiUoa«Mdttt»ba tkabaataad «Boi

BtTltirr * CO. XaaMB, and «>raala

s . h : r o s D . CSmiie* Mtpmlorg,

— of laB(.Mctb'o PaaMfct iSyii naw^BB. fc^'b (.•oA^VkBovKlar PBobadTVKoarvaMVb Xmtk . - t ^ o . Bnaig'a SaaiBat. BeyaTtao, ,ltaa 1 aa t ^ X . ^ ^ t a i t S a r m mimtl MBrla)twhi>o.aa tboaaooaaKtMiK^^^ - - -^BnaWwaa acffi ^ tana Bbobc^ PMibi

PaSt-jy anOac J«« BfUk tba jasev-y Mai

ka-e-weos. uassa;.w«. W O O I > it 1 . 0 w ,

COTTON r i m s s m o c o m s a o s • E S O U i T S ,

Sa lsr%A>eaBaah

. cdBBtwrw*

Page 4: NASHVILLE, TENNj SATURDAY, JATJUAR 28Y 1860, . I FLAXEB …… · TR^AIS ALL-ma^ as^ -a •Jbb t w UOwua. a [JteseK-Rir-O,

T H E O L D F I N E F A B l .

M ^ w m rr.— tBm w c b u u z x n a x M .

m O B i m d ^ b b m a g eendder-

X aUtt A T M w!mb the fiunfly reared to.fae^

g r a j u B y »3ii h f m H a i ^ t

w s s O L ' ! Q w » r B » g li«aka d w a o d e a l i ,

M i d f t f i r a a ^ ^ e ^ q ^ r ^ a v t m . ^ H B and

kaiijldB,n^a«lta,fTSBi ilapnre er^staOs, t2te

t»3*tt ftmdted v o f o

tin fnftMnnn s f i B m a s a g •mxrmA, t h e n

m a t k j k % Taporj dLsod wauld

iawiniw is cf dtaeesd-

M ^ w t n e * . f t S I i K n n t t d s s s m

tka fanwBa, H m S i i g « &>od o f iig^t

• r e r w n n t i m t s l T U l e T , S e M s a d fcient, f a r off

tem, « i w r « t k e » » b i a t s « r tfae r » a

ia ttsTsstckOMd freedom, !as dauera ttp<Ri

tie d M btie cnifier; dornuat g a a t i ef

flsrA M k U s Ii&-girtB2 power, u d B k n n ' s

w a r U a a j(Raed.ia » ^ a r i u of thaiJcTgrriB^ to

H i a i ^ M irnJa i k b ran ta rale tite d x y . T & e

dsep tnaea, m ibaj flMiad ia m a n n l MTeaui-

tf fnm ika tptm dT the e n w d e d eitf. u>d

tfcAiveei}; mtd«st n a g of tke viBsge bdl'-

a & d UteS*bb«ta stOIiuaiBof tte ei»astrj, &ii

A I u !

tindb WMM OtvM m ebll^ itisc*.

n a L o i d ' e d i ^ J W l o t i K a a s n ?

adk tlm s K ^ l e d saldietr v k o s x w tlic

W f i t n « B « } i cH l a d r Uuf stiKse &o ia door

A i k J e r a a l e m n u i e d s s d hez

iOBiw . box tL«t S ^ t e n j i J ikos m b w to

s i a a c B t U d l h e s t d & t t e m d , ^

B o w d k and ii b ^ D i z s a litdl W t n e d . ' "

i K s k 7 M bed betttr speak to frUser

a b M t i t . I d o givejwtedTieafit

(Otaportvit k Battmr."

Bjf tMs tiaa U i e j b a d m d b e d t l « k r » Ie«d-

aadHttl® T w a m y , liarfflg

a u ^ t (tf tbem eeatiag, zaa to get a


Stop, Cyras, and let i i m ^ m , " ««id

Mrs. W . ' • H i a b j E t f e « m been a good

" Y e a , F i e beoa a dood b o y ; I d i d n t cy,

bat Semsej did.® - ,

« H e r e ' » P a a p e y , too, at tlie ,t»te." « d « t

d o g « 3 t i R ! k J i i & a s d SassiijMrs. W . bade

O jxaa u k e Pompey in witli T a m m y and drive

Uteat rossd tit t ^ etaUs. a & d irailbid into Uic

bonse w h e w Betty w a s U y i n g the table for


8aJ 7 5 tfntr k> Oras«» , »arfct,<t Co., cotd rtcnv* Vu abom iOigitfid iooiL

a « e I i u e b e t t e a tiMC(»Teiition,bearaw it

is only a M a w H U f f y b o d y . " I f B ^ ^ ^ t i i ^

can tnosfer their right t j etity oa M i i B W

l y w m k to A e CaBTeatioB.ttoi m a y they g i w

s a y other.

Beeidee,tiu*ety(tf s o dasfrer isdeeepUTe.

H a a not the Co&Teadflo abwadr been u e d as

a a e x q ^ t o i ^ p a k t e e h K r e i i d i f i a a l t i e B ? H a s

not the dfitMiwfnariffin been notified b y ewae of

o«r poblie j o n n a l a tiiat a inert czMtiiig parti-

sta a & i r « a i d n g g e d into the C o a T s t i e a at

its last aes ioBf A n d w a s i t n o t a p o a ^ ' n -

ry xTcoad that the P m i d e a t i t f tke C<mTeat»m

was fleeted r- N o d a a ^ I S o tiion^t the

Ttejatts when they admitted the voodea b o m

ieto saoied Troy, bat, alas! it was the r«in of

Use d t y . . N o daager w h e a Ihe moot import-

ant part of ChristiaB daty, that of preaehisg ^esatate plaen, leriTine i^iircfaea ra tbo dseiine.

the )p»pel to the world b to be eosdaeted and uixaed Terr sncooBftal " mSudotuur in a »

d e a & mtipii^ted^ aad derila ia dis-

A a k the eloiBi of wuaiaaea w h o bare nta

tiiiff l a w . iteeiied their etowas, aad ia corn-

p a y with t b M e w h o besrd the moiaia^ stars

i in^ t a n ^ M r . strike t h w harps c f gi^d to the

glory tf ^ B e l r m e r .

H e a r that ahoat whieb filled heaTsa as h «

•atered, " L i f t a p your heads y s evecLutiog

b e ye Efted a n ye er-rfastiag

» aa y o a leara of the resarreeUoa of

' • t&siist fruts of t h e n that sfa^t," l e a n , too

that b y M t h ia H i m m a y ear&*s ehildrea

eozsad, be able j d a the shoat of eh3drea, re-

dacoael, " O d e U h w b e r e i s & y t ^ T Ojrrsre

w h a n ia thy fiiBtaryt" BJessed be €k>d f»r

the Latd ' i day, iritea the laborer ciay rest,

aad irtaa tha pioas a n y go a p to thi hoass of

G o d , to l e a n wisdom Craoi the teaebiogs of

H i s Soirifk tasfuatua .

A day K k s ^ oae w e ha*a dasenbod was

laeii aa woald eaU Uis wordtipers to the h o a »

• r O o d , a a d as there was m Bteetiair of theiT

« w a people w i t U a reaeh, ihe family at th«

A r m d s m a u a e d to p a y a short -risis to their

Ibthodist frittds w h « asieaiUed at a Btaetia^

h n a a r m m fcor b i 3 m £ s i u t .

Mrs . V . Kgnifisd this iatoitioa to C^rns,

a a d t a d a a t i m a h e had haraemad a p the r«

b o n e , a gentle, steady, animal, kaewtt

a a d was ia vaitiag with the eiam

• e y wagOB at the gate. T h e two larger tibil

i n n w e n toaeecBapaay their BMdter, w h i ,

t a k ^ J o i n b e B d e ker and , teatisg S n a a ia

a s i n u e&air, b a d * Cyras oeeapy the & a a t

seat as n a eld m a a bad p r o s e d bim-

•rif i q p m a a a k e i : h M m a s t e r ^ old

aad k o k a d aa staid a a d respeetaUe as a a y par-

s o a ^ s e r f a a f c m t h a ooaatry. S r e r y ^ i a ^ b o -

i a ^ ready, A e party diara eS^ b a T i a g T o a m y

ia tha ear* ^ the fiothliil Betty, whose bin-

b a a ^ J o a b a d eoma to visit her itom a —

b a n a ^ & B B .

asay dx irea f a a h o a r iaaag^t t ^ i ^ - t e

Ipd is lLpNMl iCT b d a g

i^iwets aoamwrfebg

ak O a a ^ m a t o d tiate,Mrs. W . £elt

x u A a t aurttSad, a neaeher 's wife, at

S a £ a g t k e i n i B B c t s g t b * i r s t a y m a . Howerar.

taldsg bar t ^ ^ a a b y d t t b s ^ ibe eaterei

tiiabaaaeaad t o d c a s h a poaatioa at tha first

eaanaisBtaeBtt^ inal fteongrent i f la staad-

tha dagitig of tJ»byav»- Titis

t d b y a p a y e r e f a a d s e e m i a g e s z -

s a d aaefioa, ia w h i d the members

partidpatod, maaifcetiag thro sympathies b y

a a " A a w a " a ^ otbiR

tioas to thai peeiple.

T h a s m g w o E a s t o b y the jamaber , com-

pleted the pieEaiaary a a d devatiaoal serrieei,

w b e a ha aaaaaaoed h n text,and b e ^ I m dis-

esmaa . H a w a a a ataa of edaeatiaa and tal-

e a t i ; a a d kariag an ea?y fiaw a t w i » d s , e m -

m o B to a e a d y all b a daaa, b e a p p w e d to

iuTa a s tzaabla ia g r a i o g a s d istaims^ the

o f a w i i i v ~ A t first- e s i s sad

deGberato, gtadaally r i n i g a bsrvt , i d w

worand e c a w f a g £ir atseraaoe. H e ^ r e a ,

aartb, a a d b « Q , earns w i t & raags of his ar-

Muaisat a a d n a i ^ a a ^ a , a a d & r s w i : ^ off in

u a etHt^aaoa sisns paisazc! wbteb w«nld

hxra daaa eredit ta the d i ^ a e a e e cf m e a of

greater f i a a , ha appeared to ttitJwaaaM of M i

hearers iata aa e e s t a ^ of bappiaess. A s e a !

G ^ K j t a a d elappisg of mlgbt b e

h a s t i m £ & c e 8 t parts of tha bsase, a s d ia

or two e a a » a !an{;b, staadisg stnagcilT

ta aaaceBtomad ears, ladleated the

a f tibsbeartofroB wbeaesit p n o e e d ^ ;

J a tha s idst af O i s aeeae, s o s a w s ^ » y of

e a i f a w B , of spciitas} ecjayinsiit, the

preaitiier d o a e d lus serausa a a d a a

iarifatina to a a y w h o desred to jiin

ehareb, ar bave prayer made ftrr thcta to

e a a a forward to altar." A

" w e a t B p . " while the « o e g r « f a & « sacg aa

M ^ i t i i i a g byiaa. Tbis esadoded , two

{ r r r " . a a a a ^ d w a m a a , aembers , of

A a A a x A , Reseated aa i a & a t ebfli to re-

a e h a O a rite of baptism, w b e m p o a tha mia-

ista . a^'i '^J'ng to ptasatibed serriee, prti-

amjbdtopf f i i ra f i taewsteonits f fK ' dtead .—

A a i i i ^ a f spptxatakeats folkraed, a a d the

p e e a c t e , i M s a g bis haada, fisiaisei dts peo-

platothsxr z s ^ e a t i v B b a m ^

A-firaaiaateapaaMdia skakiB^ bsadi aad

— i i B t i i i i i e s ssade ia rdaixott to eaab ath

e c ^ fc—aad tbe fr'Tr^i—.—la

• a x j n ptftwnt « l i a a ^ ia the w e a t h a

a a d t t e s s n ] ^ j u t d ^ n r s d ; iaritaUonsex

teadsd a a d ptamiies a a d e m r e ^ o n to nsit-

i i ^ , a a i o a r l i t l a p a r ^ was on its h a a u w u d

^ H o w fid Toa B ^ the BHetii^, Cyras

a ^ H n . w b e a O ^ had gsttsa fairiy OS

O a way . K n ^ Cyras was aa oat aad-oat

N a ^ G S g ihort o f aa old-fashiosed

u d gei f^ "elcaa. aader , " eame a p

to'hts Bataoas « f a C h t n t u a bs{Kiagi. H e

w a a alwaja ready, too, for a dtsesBsnai on tb

saijeet w t & wsybady w b o opposed bim,

ite w o l d s o m i ^ a B s a ^ a w d y b e t h m d , hai ,

fikadU J ( ^ B ! m y a a , w b ! > w a s always ready

Itar a E f t w i ^ 4 m ! , C ^ wrnld " p i ^ ttto'

tha a a a i eaaoaeat w i & aadsasiad e e n m i ^

a a d t h a a ^ b a »rgmmt a u f ^ t b a h h a l ^ !

t k a a no tai^ as sinkiBg h i s M t h —

as try fa audca Sir Isaas K « a t a a

tepoM^ or giaiitatiaa.

« U a » d a p r M e h i a a a d piayxa b o r y m a d )

a a a o ( £ ^ y aavaared, '•Hoid de

• a g i a ^ m a k a m a b£Laafjt3^ good


••IfathtK. i a « « aay a t a s d ^ d r r a bsea bap-

' " B a ^ a y dsartka Baptibti acfer bi^ptisa

a n w t o 4 a a a t ^ a c e t e tob^ia** a a d itpeat

• f s « . »

" W I ^ A b b , d a tha Ibtkadxsta d a so

> isaa tba B i U a . » T ^ B C H t r

" • X k a B O I t doea a a i ea jsm t i k 4 i « p t « i af

i a t a t i L t e t ^ l b a a & t a , M i l i e « C n i ( A h « r

d M n m a t f f i m » . a > i a k i t a h a d d be i m a beeaase

wadar tha J a i n d t S i i a i ^ tibsy w e n rt-

a a s i s d a a f a t i a t tha sMgri m rUit eg A a r e b ;

t a a * w « i e w S * r t l * y e a a d a s a »

n i S i m tlie B i l i l ^ ^

l i l m a a S a v i a r . a B d

VlMktta Bxaacr Bi»!bt.

THJt B O O T H E E U K B A P T E S T B I E S a i ^ C O H -

V J i S m O H " .

T H E !aisM«iarT operMioas o f tbe Biptists

uf the Ua ite i S u i e s were carried ob, in

eoaTsatiea with the otd Trieeaial CoaTeatiim

a g to 1S45 , w a c a the A b o U t i o n i ^ got pos-

S H ^ of its Boards a&d refused to admit aav

af towrSsatkem brethren to the offieei of

tbe C-jaTentkm, or erea to appoint aay South

e m m M as a ^ s M O o a r y to a foreign field —

T b e B a p & t s o f the Soath, feeling that tbey

woald be degraded shoald tbey aabmit to saoh

iajastieev resolTed to withdraw frwa those of

the North, and to M t a p for theaiselres. A

meetiBc was called a s d beld in Aagoaia , Q a

at which there were bretbrea from most, if

ast all the Smttbmi States. Aftor maeb fer

Tent prayer a a d earaest d«liberaUan they form-

ed w ^ is now known as the S o a t h e m B a p

t i « Bttinrial CooTtctioB. B o u d s were nomt

aated, a s d tbe Co&reatioa went to work in

a i o ^ earnest, animated, no doabt, b y a U a d a

Ele desire to show their brethren of tbe North

that tbey were able to take care of their own

oonretjjs', as wall as b y the bibber motiTe «f the great Commisuoa . Thi$ Con-

Teuuaa was ^ e * prodaet of the wisest and most

pioas Baptists of the S o a t b ; acd it is dae to

tnidt to'say that it is ia some respeei^, as

iatproTcment apoa plaa of the old. I n tt]<>

fir»t plaoe it meets more frequently, aad in tbe

seeoai it has more of tbe representaUre cle-

ment ia it. S i fiu', if I eanll gire m y aaqaali

fiid todcrsemeat to tbe imperfect work of any

K t of men , I might « x t « d it to tb& Soathem

Baptist Bieanial ConreatioiL B a t the error

o f thoM wise aad pioas mea, in m y bumble

jad^meat. was in orgaaixtDg a a y ConTcation

at I see the eoaseeatioas reader bold

a p bis hands, in pioas honor , at the presamp-

tioa of tbe writer, and I bear bim exclaim.

" W i j , those were men of witdomand piety—

m e n of p r a y w , — a n d tbey e«tainly did right

— t h e y could not all bare been wroag V I a d

aiit the premises, '•they were w i M and pioas

m e n — m e n of prayer," bat I deay the eon

elasioa, siajply b e o u u e it is not I n t i m a t e . —

I f w e are to reeeire wbat B « a do upon the

aiero fiwt that tbey are wise aad ytoas, thea

w e atast adaiit the cim««s of the Ecameaieal

Coaneils whie!tmetat diffauittimes and pltocs,

eren thai calkd the Coan<^ of Trent, for tbey

were mostly eataposed of wise aad pioas men.

T h e n a l » w e mast s a p ^ the Westminster

A s m a b l y £ d right, a ^ ao did J o b a Calvin

and so ^ th^ W o l e y s , ia their efforts at cre^-

f ^ i ebardi-baildlng. I eanaot receiTe

tSSfwwkrfsi iy m a a or m « i « i any 8a<i ground

Pious m e a are not in&llible, and heccs la mat

tzrs relasiag to r ^ g i o a s & i t b a a d practice,

tbey mast bo a U e to gira a ^ tbas saitb the

L j r d " for iriiat they do.

B a t to brisg this m u t « ' more direetly h o m e

to the aaderstaadisg aad hearts of Baptists,

let m e hers reaiark that those w b a f o r m M tbe

old Tnesnisl Caavestioa were wise a s d pious

men, bat see b o w sooa it was aLsde a n e i ^ n e

of o p p r e s s to the SouthertiBap^ that

taey eaald not eoatinao tbeir canaection with

it, w i & o u t coaieisus degredatim*. A n d ongbt

not oar wisa and prudaat bretbreo to bare teen

that aay great central p<jw« mijfbt be aaploy-

ed in t ^ Esme w a y ? S a d i di£eaity is cot

bat essta ia the Tcty n a t s r » asd

traeaea of the ising. A ^ r r w t oeatralixatioa,

it tiae, s ( % r U fis w r y *;^eitnt, and tbe saaie

ean be s ^ of an absolate tmm&rchy. That

oertaislyis tbasjmijrist go ' esMaeat , aad is.

eoatroUed b y an iastitadoa w b i ^ is aiaaifest-

ly tbe work of a u m ! Let Baptista beware,

a a d let them awake while tbey m a y reaiedy

tbe eriL L e t them not listen to the Toiee of

the rirea, anta e w y thin? dear to the Baptist

heart baa been sacrificed, a a d cctbiag left them

bat UBarailinjr regrtts for their past anfeitb-

falnea . H C . H .

( TO a a o o s n s m t a . ) •

O R D I N A T I O N S & R E S O L U T I O N S


IHedeo tbeaSOi



}|M|aber, 18S9, Eider ICtrtlB

Ban, fa ibe S n j ' ^ e e c e a ^ u ^ bis Bf^ w u a

aaCTe of South CaRdi i » , ^uren ' « District; was baptised latb the fcUewtlilp of Bethabua OnoRdi in

1SS2; waa penaitted to ezerdsa U s «Ut in I S M .

sodUoecsedtopnacbtbe nuns and ATdatoed.

tothego^mhiteTia 18S6. In w W d i kc libored

arfueoJr sacees^foUj-, sertteg chardits as

pastor, and his sssociatioa u Bodemtor par. of the

tiaie TOlfl tbe sprie* of 1815, when he • » » e 4 to

IlissWppi. Poatotoc eosn^ , leariBg b«h!nd hiai vsraHlMnad and dcTOlcd biecd* aad s u a ; n a b cf


Heentetedupoobis nsw ftdd of JaborwiUi hta

acciBt«med seal and laeoeas; bollduie up the csase

boands of the CUckasaw Aaaodaaos, of whlei -fee


T h e following resolutions from the Little

Bethel A«ooialion, K y ^ speak in the right epir-

it. It gladiecs oar heart to hear in rarious

ways (if the great interest w b i ^ oar brethren

ia Keutaeky are feeliag in the Soathem Bap-

tiit Stbbatb School Uaion . K T e b a n a let

tcr fgsm tbe Pastor of tbo East Chureb in

LouisTille, urgiog that thaaext aanirersaryof

the Union shall be held there. W e like' the

i,uggesti(ia Tery m u ^ , but this a aiatter to be

d e e i d ^ b y the Unioa itself at its aeetiog in

Caatoa. Till w « meet there and hare all the

lights before ua w e cunnot certainly deter-

mioe w h i t will b s best. T h e Union has no

warmer £nends than scma w e wot of ia tbe

great State of Kentucky A C . D

T b a C o m a i t u e on Sabbath Schools beg

leare to report, that w e deeply deplore the great

indiff.'recce that seeci!i to pervade oar chnrebes

ia regird to S^bbaUi Sshool interests. There-


ResolvfJ, That rre recommend to the

cburzbes the importance of orgaBii'mg acd f>>s-

tetiog Sabbatb Schooh ui^der their own pit-

Tosage and c;>ntrol, and that they be request-

ed to m i k o a foil report of their Sabbath

School statlities ia their annual letters to this

body, further

Btsdireii, T h a t w e reeomiaend to the

cbnrehes tbe propriety of istrodneing into

tbeir scbooh tbe publiMtions of tbo S.>uthern

Baptist Sabbatb Sebool Uaioa.

SiseiptJ, That tbe d e r k of tbi« Associa-

tion be required to trasuimit tbe ^'tat)stie3 of

our Sabbath Schools, together with a copy of

thcoe resolutions, to A . C , DAytoe, Cor. Sec.

S . B . S S . U . ia XasbTille. forAwitb.

£ssoIetd, That w e now appoint a messenger

to repre^f^at this A^jO<aation, in the Southern

BaptUt Sabbath School Conventioo, which

holds it* next aiiEirepfary in the city of Caa-

1, Staio of

S M D beouaa Ilodentar aad enaUneed to b« anul

bis death, except one year, whea }>e m excnsed by


Tne prosperSly of the chanies and thn nrtraelc-o

Christ's laMpJoin were the ol^jeds for wh!d» be

SMxiSeed and labored. Indeed, be was always

imoeg U w dnt ia praoiatiBS eTun' soo4

caiuMqaeQUy, this boucditry braiaio too smul f x

hit unlimited desires.

I D 1657, he (eeepud an asftiey fiom tbe Ba»rd of

Fondgn M o ^ j b s , wbieh be lUled (accevfaQr Qs^i

called home by tl<e >eTM« illcee%t' U i In thp

coBucracnBent of ISfiO, tw accepted an a«en<7 ia

behalf of Domestic snd Indian Miisboa, ia which he

labored with ncptf&IMed SQCcesH. Tiios witli a

soul of increadng delight and absorltlce iaterett, be

was dritkig bis work before tim. In filling hi* ap-

p<dntmait3, he reached Oktibeba county, sear

SOoam. At a cocaia's, Borrell Bail's, after preich-

ton. Stats of Misjas.sippl, begioniGgon Friday,

before.the fottrth Sabbath in Xareiaber, next,

and that w e pledge ourselrts to d e f n y the ex

peases of said messenger at onr next Associa-


T b a aboTe resolutions were banded us, bat

were mi-ilaid. T a b aecountj for the language

of Bro . C . C .

ia a u a y respects, the m!»5 effiiient,aad in ths

hands of a wise acd good soTeragu might af-

ford lbs izteatest security a a d b a d n e s s to th^

soTeraed^ but tyro ia statesaani^ip ean tdl

y o « that tbe best gaaraatee agaiast oppression

is to withhold the powar to oppress. A go-id

SHSsdtatieaai gcrerameat is sa£er in bad b u d . >

than abstdutisa, tbougb wielded b y the pares:

asd b ^ oa e s K b . J o b a C . Calboas,

than waosi a greater political sags, perhaps,

a<»rer lived, aaoe said, " I t is safer to stand up-

on d » rack of the coosSitotiaa t iaa upon the

ahiftisg s o d s of eaqiedieaey," a n d to this sen-

timent every patriotic heart most xesposd. A

g s a t eEatrjlixa4ia!s,'o«isk as the S a a s a e m Bap-

tist Bissnial Cjaveation, and wbieb m i y be

a'timatfily a.^ed to lord ft over the eharefees,

oag»stt>baTe b . t t e r g w a a d upoa which to

stand than mere expedi^iey.

B ^ w e are to te told in this discusriion

i&tt those w k > farmsd tbe Cissrcntioa acted

under tba special direction of Divine Pr*>Ti-

doice, as b u bsea evinced b y tbe success at-

tsnding its operations. Here , a g M , I might

enter a b o b stqtdixr I might grant a g«>d

fiegree c f sassess has resulted from the oper-

atiaca of tie Coarentioa. bat I eancot

hraca c s a d u d e that its frszners wcro cpc-

G s l i j directed b y Providenee. Such a. eon-

I r i ^ o a i s o u t

H O L I ^ m ^ S I N S T I T U T E , V A .

T p n i s I N S T I T U T E F O E Y O U N & X umut. W W la ttKteiMatk j w , to >mt»4

tort Baiti«a, XMaak* courr.T*. o;»«arU«U. Wlkha^ »l.,rml •»rt>c<. rt ck •M«nawWt«H><M» >M« M . • ( a ^ n t a ^

iMtUate. uSbaovSmtt^wsWr <itjMtcaftk«Kh«a Ts*allm«liMtoaMat«Mur>-»'S>i*'

t>xw-i«MWtraci t m •cvmin.sai rrt«MU;«om-_ mef »»* >»««»>»« eautiT. vttk Ik* B u a U ^ oa •!>• aU* a ^ t!M a i K ^ M U * •UMC.'vttlk > n0MI(<ktad cumrrcIlaiMvUta^

laetlitlMMakMit. T W prarat •cKWBoUtliiaa coMltt ct tm t3irM->iaclc4

•MSsn. Mch 141 (Mt Iw.lrilk MhM- tma=ii>rt— xSueLKrambrant&xtSMMttki i i &a>!lM. w w i » I M rutitt rttllM. S m n socooaBotedM* a n of tiw bMt tied.

TkltMr* ct iMtnctiM «9« (eTMrsnHt LMlllitl •ix

T M artMrtBait e r « « U li e<wd«eti4 t m Amsui ynAw-an. vko « TOM aa • ( tliaU t i n t* tku

Thaacaixaf tu'nettea .K>Sc»t.« <!»fcfitak Atcitit aal Laci<«*(<» KlUMsuUas Katsnl aai H ajul ornaiuau.

a c b m O , ^

A L L T | B . B A A E S S T E S A T S XJmam. . n i l a i g h — w «B •Mv. CWasfCta, b l w B a . ; t w t t i * l t « « t a . T k w t . rilo^: 1

- Senbila. aW«i»»iini. fiwt, i

g P A I i D n r G ' S F S £ P A B E D G I A T E !

O U U H W a n t X P A X S O O E C B t

BjfAMJoamt F f t K P U t K D coimst

S A T B t m H K C B S I

K O O a O X T t M S P A T C H t j

Svnoa a T a a aivas I A u c f U M i -

^ — — I — . T T T ^ -

apiutfuo's PutasxB sua I TUMOSS ASI> SWELUSGS »^Uan»ack >iau4iac<i«. »a4 » l i n w a a M txmaSbrS >• I rf 4—Biytt—.aa attbHt it. It to Zmvr* rtatj aa* M a? ts tba aaekhif I nqiBii ^nntsKlz. ftmx to »« taw ajymiJtT toe B m ; ^ •'f'?-1 airtorijiiain

Judtha act •apalarvtaiKliwarr

K t o • tka

th« g.i»taa« cfm ttoUt.l«t W«i>ac»toy ta JsnaaddsM ob tk« lit WiK.aaida/ la a|Ml. PasiU m l k* at aaj Um,k«vrm.v««Bt1wSak»al baetSdl, aaS i^CTtd bsD :a»>ito»«»t«at!a»an» Uw-aloaaa^thafml w.

TkM* PortM rrika ntir nrt(taU a*! TM.uiw».a3J5 i«klibra:4U>vatttwS>)aaarata-«>ac:k.'<I><|X>l. foriu tHar sutiealan ad liaaa th* ?e3Kiat«i>4wt. BstMoart SiaOf^ VUflats. - CHAS. U coca* . »a!i«nat««d«t.

lunausxib-autan at tha Tuiaaaan SuUit. Xdnsn f>l a * KaUjIov HaiaiS. K««. iakm 4. SruarMsa aid Bn . a Hu!r. Jr.. OraaatilU. 8. C.. am. X . T. SasMT. Xutoa. Aia. VLtf. J B. Ttjix %ad Kar. a. U. I>«ial-xttT. Stotoaa*, Ta.. TinrtaU. B«i>. W. U CKoczU, Utartijra-Hso-H. a XtaiaKSmi. M. C . of Tlictala. u. t. Tatfcse,^. 8i< Lick Ta, O. t. Ijjja-, itiAiSa.

itaai taato [wia|ia*i»a atoiaiatoaat tba "CamaaC'aaeri.iai

Mtadab:* hi naS w 1 S , M b ( * « I w I I 7 | BCBtitotoatoi!u]K;a. « t u u t n w t ta lia fca». krti ia arfwttoa. aiswiaa-toc aU tltoV^ato «]Ml>a«tmbI>ataukacS(iaa. Ittoartoa^la llwflaaaati - i m i r a n a , ia

. . IrMiuiuMfanytiaaaSwnbaattbaaaarfttTkaat^a. s u m la ZVXXT BOCSX.' tai »i»t«atm iaaatnl1j-Ti»-^-a " i - T ^ j

X.B_ABr«ibae»apaBiaaaachb3t>Ia. ntoa.Saaa>a. I ataa i m r rlM lit b«a«iail

ing tbe night before at Aberdeen, be wsa prostrtted

by pceomonla acd icflunmalioD of tbe Urer. Afler

aa Ulsns of Ofteen dij^ of iodescribable aoff^rirg,

sarroacded by his danabter, son, son-ia-U'

and brother (for whom be had seat), acd tbe rer^

cind family with whom he bad lodged, and (iber

biesds, with sirord in band asd pacoplied with the

whole gospel armor, hsTtiig fooglit a good Q^ht, and

baviBg kept the Aittb, aod bein; ready to be oOered,

with a chatacter, both ptirale and micifterial, un-

blemished. be feU at U s po«t; acd, donblleu, his

fpirit w u ecooitedbf the Holy Trinitv and premised

angels away from the laud of prajers acd teais to

tbat'wber« piayen and tears forever ead. H » body

Ue« beceain the bon^hs of tha green o*k ia his

farorite charehyaid, Cherty Creek, erjajlag that

cilm which neitber life oor deslh disturbs.

Bat, in this dtspeculion of Gad's providence, may

wt? Dot asy: " Behold what desolaliocs He hath made

ia the earth." Ia it bU ocaniry's interest has loit a

&ilhfal and onfllnciucg friend; the cscso cf Christ

has felt the shock of ese g(HBg down ia the midet of

his years, in foil itres jth and vigor, contecding fur

sad defecdiss the fUth once delivered to the s&la:^

Another of Israel's peacemtkers and coasiellon;

also, one o( the Chnrch's b e a discipUcarians; acd

yoacg ministers acd tbe caioe of edacatioa has lost

friend. Hi» Dt-igbborhood acd church—boUi Ic

precept ssd example—bas lost a correct guide; his

fsmily a provident beoeikctor; his band of children,

cumbering ci^ht, haa lost a kind, firm; affectionate

parent; bis wife a kind, aympathiz^, aSecUonate,

loving buband . .\Dd truth, virtU'? acd hooor one

in whom they were persociiL>d—acd aU hive lost

aelf-ncriflciag, energetic, high-toced getiJemsa aad

CbriaUts, ready to every gocd word ccd work

Thus the wife, the children, the Wcdred, the hna-

dreds of acqaaintacccs sie wia^t in seUtode acd

clad ia mooniag.

bat the great disposer of hcmac life cat

torn this mourcfal and ucexpected stroke to any

good accooat; bat H e who aeea ihe end from the

beirincio2, caa cacso the uime to work for E«>d to

those who love Him. May the sof.eaicg dews cf

E A T O N F E M A L E C O L L E G E .

W O U L D Y O U SE-N'D Y O U R D a U G H -V V t « to aa iMUtatine kr tia maat « * » « ;

ancia:;? >Sh«ra tkaeaanaof <aatr««t'a3 !a aa tbei eaj aa ta a»T »a!a la ika Waai» Wk-w. vba irtH "da'J orad tM" aut b^r aa ]mi« aa poaub2«1 WBara |n^:a>i* kaa!Ut; t f«t,4 to Ealoa raaau Cotusa Karftwaboro. Tvaa.

TVS limtmi da'Iua. yaU atrletlT ta xtnat*. -^tb a »ara poSia t»'i«T»MT » « ; faralabaa, wtj 'litfiaj sJ iir xipacva toi co« yaar. axclaalT,»f «t«ua«ata2a

Tka Soantlag Daputmaot ia csdar tW aa^MrUiu c( KMat K. D. ETaraaaaox, wka vUl apar* pdaa to praalila lai thr laula aad owiorta al Ibwa ]ua«<l aa-or b!a <ua.

Vo; fartbar partieatan aJoraea iha ^MMaat juiT-tt DiTSOiS H. satra.

rat a* tot BaaJaea te Caac* t»ai>a* »ae

9-A>t«t* i»ttto ar m x D a e r t r m a x o g l c x «1U i w t»a tlatoa Hi aort aMtaaBf U ^ ^ t o w a A t i M .

SaUtran wcnlaaat FtaOaBna. ntaalatik B*l*«at» mjla/a l^naaia. Giacaia. a~it Taarf Hioraa CasatTT asrtdaaia aboaU aiaka a ante af ErSUttaS?

any tltoaw. JaaM-ly

U N I O N U N I V E R S I T V .

• ^ P H E P R E P A R A T O R Y D E P A R T M E N T

Tb* Ptlixripft} Awtlt ^ioM^if*f t&M XA rKmf liU KT^*'^^ ih&ittoi to hU ^htreui IW v rtr r«rv •<e7;ror; 4aTte< ilM t#rui j««t H* \hm wv' Frt«ft4« mt lkt« that g S ^ tha tiwi^t el ^piia b«> vUl •»!»>

T M frtocl^l Km boardicf'ia fMat!v » aasbM teS bo*« «iA «ccoffimo-)V* • or 12 ttw

J. a UkOAli, Pria.

n p H E

J U D S O S F E M A L E K S T I T U T E ,

M A R I O S , A L i .

T W E N T Y - S E C O N D A N N U A L f W o B vin Ut^o aa VsatlT, O-inW IL tttS Thia t>

atltat^aoa nf t^a CMlaat aai ta tba SMtb-ara ftataa, aal a f to r^aa;* EJacatloa of htah oriar. ha<.aci»iata carM*r of noitftaraDtM far tvaat;-ei»a Taaria. aaj drava froa avrrr portiaa of tb.. aoath w««t. Tba raea*t7 o' I.katra£ttoa eoaalata at rocsTasa Pratann aad<iiM<rtbwoSI >a<a. Tbalaatlaia «wsaed< iha bnt talant. akUI asl <X(*ria«aa. aad tt mil: eemtlKaa fa tba ad,ae«*. t*a«!las to Jat ki^bar laaalta t& Fa nala KtfnoalUn.

Uterary Departnwat. Tba Ad-aaead Coaraa cf Bta^> praaertM tor Iboaa wbo aa

tira to tba booof^ -f Gradaactaa, fa aad

foar •»«a. It la anbaUatlaUr a CoQar-ata coaraa. aod foaa* boaoraWa eerapl-tlay It al:; rfoalaa a n4|uo-aa. aadar lb* SmI cf tha Osrvora-iaa.

Tba (a aHb a:l ap^aatajaaJ for laatrwttMi ta tbq rkyaUal bciaao a. aat !;!aa«r»tcil Lac taxM a'adaltwvd r*<Blarl

Tba t.;brarr caotalaa tbaa ooa tb-Muaal aa-Sar-ad aoiasiaa. aad la farskbad alth {xofW aarMkcaU.

Fr.para.ti aMvaaca baaoad lb« oat a tboreacb kaoar adfa of Ctaaaitr. O. _ Kalto. aad otbar KtffUa!t braa^aa. Fraqaaat caanlaaa a»a

allk-iKiafhT. Sritb

!ai|iu«,d tbioa^baat la a-adls(. rmanrabtiv Caoi-Ittoa. Lattal vrttirt Taeal Naite. aad T • " caaaot balli wltbaat tbU feaadstloa.

rv-partiaKUt of Art.

rear aocoaaVUbad NvlcUsa ara axelaalraW occaplad


d a s o n . in the first elaee is aot geraas , t? the

^«uu9e9 , aad ia the Ecooitd p i a M it is a d«al

too broad fi>r.them. I f success ia any"reli-

ftous movemsct is to be taken as an infallil^e

-ijjn o f divicB approbation, ibea Mabaaime-

dani^B m i ^ t put ia its d a i m , besides a tbcui-

s s d asd one other isats w b i ( & ara eondeinscd

as esron^us even b y those w h o advance the

ai^aient .

^ t 0US diseaceioB has rested too loag ca

the abifiing taads of exped iea^ , and I a m de-

termined to earry it to the reek of Divise re-

Tcia^KNi. I s car present plaa of Coareations,

Boards, , to, b « foosd ia the N e w T e s t v

jttsntt This I bdtere a aot claimed b y any

of those w h o adroeate t h e m ; aad this scenw

to a a to bii} a sarresda of the whole ( ^ a n d .

I f a colacal pjwsr , aacb as wielded by tbe

gTtatSoataeta 'daaTs&tioD, caa be aastaiacd

s-B^ngtt B ^ J s t i , withoat a singte iota of

Scripture to suppart i ^ th«» I d o not see

« b y oar P ^ j i n ^ a s t &ieads m a y sot bo al-

ktweda p h a e e e the saate platform of uc-

l^dieney.witbftetr Epis-

i » p » « y , j i o t u i t s a l t s t b ^ Surely, BspUsts

da aoi iuiead to pttsh tbesi oS , sc thai they

caa oesapy ths i ^ k of it tbeaiselvus! In-

deed, wbat b otir OoaTCBtiasal plan b a t £pi>-

ai^ney ? aar B i ^ p & t shaw tite di£^enee

b e W e n tbea T No^huaic u wtatieg bat tbe

aaaMaadpretaesiaes. N o t laag siaee a a ia*

tsUigent l a t h e r drew a p a plaa for Missions,

» rather, took it diracUyCKia tbe Methodist

book of IKrapIiae, only d a o g t c g aaatcs,

aad t h « e x b S i t M it to saaio b S f dszia or

BK»a Board laea, without appttsisg them of

tb« iki>ar«s wbtsca b s abtahied it, a s d every

T h a f»llowicg res Ia:ioas were auaaimauily

adopted by Eufauia B»pti>t Gbureb

eonferesee held Doc 2 6 , 1S5)).

C . RHODES. C h . Gi'fcpro. Urn. BesolfftJ, T h a t in a review of tbe past re

latioa to this Church of R s v . A V a n Hiosc,

who has been ou.- beloved pa»tor for ncsrlj

fira y sats, and who is about to depart to aaoth

cr Sild of k b s r , wo feel it du4 to hiiu to ex-

press onr deep obligation for the faitiiful in

s t m c t i ^ and p s ^ r a l guidance hs hsia a f jrd

ed us. i s d for that cansiant a f ^ c i o a with

which he has vaschcd and guarded all our is

teres ts.

Bisolvtd, That tliis is a &t ccca^on to record

our ^ t e f i i l aciawwled^^uisnts to Alaiiglity

G o d fjr these senaibla eviienoes of H i s divine

approbation, seen in lbs addition of m u i y bap-

tised believers to tbe nKmbdrsbip of this ^ u r ^

during the minisisrial councctioa of car rc-

tirins pA«ic>r-

Bisolrfi. That ire hereby tender to Bra.

V a n H w s e tbe as^uranes cf onr warm person-

al eitecm a r d ciriitian fellowship, and of our

ddvout hope that all^ the toils and viiL^itaies

of the fat are ha s ^ j continue the recipient cf

oar heavenly Fatiicr's biesaings.

EtsoJvtd, T h a t w e tender" to Sister V a n

Hoose our tijcere thanis for tbe invaluable

servioes-rcacerci b y her, for sa long a t ^ e in

the sacrcd cb?ir of tie cturcb: and thii ia

view af ear jeparati^a.-wkile many of our msm-

bers bi've kaowa and loved her fram acr child-

hood, for the rare and wcminly virtues which

L&ve a i c m e d her walk and onversation, and

havs increased with cicr j eara—we all truly re-

irret her actieipated departure from u s ; acd

•aitb full hearts i n d our most earnest prayers

w e cjuinjend i a r , and her little ones t o tbe

christian ejrapatliy acd regard of those amocg

w h c m they n:ay s!>joanm,—and above all w e

commit tbcm to tbe us fating protection of onr

Heavenly F i ^ e r , " W h o s e loving kiadnefs

a5.d tendcrcess are over ail the works of bis

band . "

Bisolstd^ Tbat tbe c'erk present a eeni-

Scd cory of tbesa resolutions to Brother V a n

H o r s e ; and forward a copy thereof to the

Soitik WtsUrn Biptisi, Christian Index, and Tttnuesst* Baptist, with a rtquest that the

same shall be published in eoeii of tbe said

0 B 1 T U A E I E &

31HS. C A S A X I U U W O S A C K .

Bied Jtaaaiy S, IsSO, in. Maiioa coscty; Ga., in

the 62:1 year of her a^e, a xember of the BapUst

Cbnreh S2 yeait; the dsaghtrr of Mordeeal Bectoo,

fomserly of C i ^ i a W s ccunty, Qi . The ties wbleb

made iUe glow with Ixiehtcess, have been rest asoo-

der. Siiter Womack was iadeed, aad urolf a devcted

Chriatisn, a k>vily aad aj&ctiacaxe c-jmpacioa, nn-

Unn^ in deVotSoc to her faa.ily, every penoa was

Ttsdeped camfetuWe acd happy in her presecce.

As she felt dfath a;>!»oachics hr«r, all became ciear

^he ezi^isid an retire m i r a t i o n to tbe will cf her

Seavrafy Fafeer, No ofthe fatatedistmbed

h«r mind. She left a brokes-hear.ed hssbscd acd

sevcnd tore^y eh3drea to sioiirc tlalr irreparable

loss. H i y tl^ Ood of all grace sostain the bemtved

h u h i a d in thia dark hour of trial, and esdrcie the

discooKiatc oites in the arms of his mercy. O h !

i 9w does death rob us of onr richett jewels npco

eirtht Rt*J so, thou dear oce, we will aoos jcin

voaintheakie*. J . P .

Xhe ifutttttj^ S ^ i a please ccpy, tbe sdsten

itasmacy relatives in llisaitai[>p3i.

tbia baaaeb. TwastT piaooa, aad a .f otbaf giawa^ la<tiBaTUttB. a.-.- e >aataBt!r ta aaa. IVp^rtal at aat oa la fta-aa to asd ai»l X>^t Moflac. aad ta tba btgbvr Tocahzatioa.

A aopartot Arttat iD»traeU ta l>ra«iac aiai FalatU c, aamaa! attai.tloaacdca7« baiE( (lava to tbaaa Varcbaa. PBjtlaart taacbt t3 akaUb arcarata y loai aatara.aad •slor taatataiir. aamcad pcpUa ateSr tbt Art of 9aa:;a.

Xsatra tiaa ia (trva la a {taat variet; af (.naMaa brascbaa, Bomi-Uas Daputsaest .

Eaa-r ta mada f * tb* ooaatbn if »ba boaadara. aa Ih- rsrVoaiTa >at -dlcir abatata <road fd 3*r jilat. Tba Priati

Sal laIba lactihita, aad b*. attbtta ttatfarv'a, wi;i aa-

Ma V to is^ba it a >ti booa. - a tL't'.tal axd a>!lc2«cit Marrca darctaa taraa'-f actiral -.. tboaa motbarlT att.atksca »o caMBtial ta tha baallb oT jcitj

one cf tbeia a ^ " W h y that is aar pr«-

scat M b l th«ra is w> a e e e s K ^ for pnaeat-

i e g f t ^ t o t b e AwtKaatioa." O a t of t h w o w a

K s a ^ oar m m t aoaTcatioBai ^ a a waseoa^

doatsed ac Spbeopal , and yet BaptitU aia

e d a d apos to m t r a n d t aa od^aidtatkB,

a n d tihMa w b » bars tba aerve u i d t b e & M & l -

U B S to rat«a ^ d t vaieeii ^ ; » iast it aie to be

dascaaeed as letless agitMna , a a d aaseta^-

k n a h n u s t s .

<-Bat, replites tba b a n t f a d t e a d a , '-woald

y a i : b r e a k a p < m r G a B T i a i i w ? A r e you such

a i a d a a d a a t U a r * I sdaed , I « a a radical to

i&e extent that I w a a U t b a f ^ r e i y p b A t wiuob

» j beawndy ^TaiAcr fcw aot j iaate* were loat-

I b l ^ c a m a & K i a a f M a « aad i f

w * ate to sabatiiatalseme p t o r i d * t k a & i a a ,

thca lat aa asida a a aaak abaat t i ^ : K b i a

bAoi ; a s a d pia^iee,---

aad «b a ^ w n d e d g a ttaditiai^ taftlStatf ,

or a a y t i y K A a w b t t M a a M g r i a T e B L i a

o c t e to l U tba Biattkasiw a t j U J h U M ,

^ M a g O a o t iata ta^bga l A m f & M t

B a » . « » t U a it w i n pMha-

ifipit to

God'a Spirit fall g«ctly oa the heart cf hia afiicted

wife ; a::d may the grace which 5» a i.>re»ral help la

tbe tim-> of trouble paSiate the atroke. And aay

th* life he tired—his k!ci admocltiAos, earaeai ec-

txeatiea, toaay prayent, atroDg fuih, uawaTcricg m-

fa ' anw and fortitod# through life aad darjig his

Us*, illress, f o r c o t a marmur was heud t o escape

h i s lips, b a t cft^a eaid h i s suflerics^ w?re aot worthy

to be compare:) with what Christ ecdarvd for him ;

acd tbas upeakia^ h ? wonM exsUUc

foriic^, acd would repest his familiar eiprefiioc—

"HiUeloj ih ; " aad said VsBroiher Efaceit " Say to the people 1 dW at m y post,"

I say, may Iho foregaiaj be so eaablloted, cher-ished, acd indehbly recorded in U>» cjcmo.-y of each of tit children, that each of them may by thoi^bt

aal elfjrt bend to rai.-* aad j.jia him in tbe luJisi t f k ndr^d and iho-isinds b e his bera imilm-

mratal i a b r i a r s t o G ^ . F o r while wo ar^ shea |

baOied ia tears sad te»n-brcki-a wiih crief, »iih j

the spirits of j a i l ntaa maie periec:. '.i^ers atai-i th3 domei of heivea axii walk^ amid tha tp'tei^dsrs

of Paradise, bsaiias ia ti» smiles of. Him whose

aaiiif is t b e fjast o f th» muI, acd dricJaL-g e f t k e pjrenaial fount of tl>» Witers of life, hSLticc e3t»r»>d

apoa the JuUaess of jiya aad pJeisarej, wci<± BT,-forevev at Gad s right ha : d .

F o r truiy h e iit^i

Christian. May God grant a spirit nf resis^citijc to Lis wili.

L. Bail .

.udarAbaat tba aaa af tba Tbaaa taat naaMd dJaoaa^

rSiSnatac'kf^ rdtoaaivata-l

WbataaU aapot. So. «a Cater atlaat, Saw T m ^

B S S K T ' ^ S F A U H K B 4b CO-,

Sax no. 3JBOO H e w TorkT

_ „ Mac iwr. elfbt. aad aWil l.lib.nt^bte ShawCuS aoaacapaar

a s m K x i J i KEas, a z a T n t r a a c x ^ .


wbWk B * RllaM* iar attWr aaa aaS aS acaa-lwMa rttaataa Xat-Impata af aaar; faa-fptiaaj alia a TtateafantSdal aniolafeaaas tattaaHji-* '

' larbMUiiaudSnabia

A K T I F I C I A i HA^ftnn. I witk tka Sts a>« Kkor aUaiteaast; amimCCiav

Ite aaklt, Iiaf. WaaaJtriat UBK-bMBL TkMaitlalMaia paiftaaijrBua'a]. sad«4a|Ml

ar. axid f*a ba aaart W aipraaa aa * p«rt of taa i Ua^joTTiaaav fcrBarala aa ax>tara a( aaay , awaltkaraax. ••STtiaaMa putMIanr adaaga* la L waak aoMUUaa: aJaa far &oaa attk fralaiaaiTlaa^

B.wtM' Baaraa la aaa af tba u s : erMiraMaad i

R . J . S H U M A K £ ,

K a a a & c t a r e r of Sttperiar Cotton Gias,

C X I O X T o w r w , F S a & T C O ^ A I A .

L L P E R S O N S W H O W I S H T O P U B -. cbaaa a aaoaSaa -&aanb* 6io." aarid Sa wall to

•aa at tblapIaae.M tkafaia nada bataaalT; asd t

, iaaaaarpr ^ a n iatsaza 4»ala« ta Dr.

ftj r>"<a laddaetal i •atraatalby win r^qaJrab'

unaauaa a o Uatea. _ r ptMaal «!tT af avid.

a a d n a k i

am tba oaij Ebuaika that b««=aaa ha S aja ol

Slabiu. JaaM-ty.

A. sTaxTca. »«- waaaa-

S T R E T C H & F O R B E S ,

• r C o U c ^ a a d Valoa Sta^ XadiTlIte,Vaauk,

W H O L E S A L E A 2 f D R E T A I L D E A L -T T ,«|a»™ca.Cb«aitaia.ralata.OTfcl)TaMa»i,WT»-

do.<»a«aaad Glaaa m a . Wklla i M A V l ^ . y a ^ ^ ^ d>co aad MaSdar. Ftao Taaa. aan WlaaS u « Baaajy. lir llSMaal ^t^aaaa. I t w A , Ba^lab aad a . a ^ f ' ! ' * ^ ; Ktailab tootb »»U aad BaJr Bi«»aa ,e»r»^ ^ S«tiJ laatrmBMit.. Fi.b!a« Tatkia U all U a ^ ^ Tlteta u d artt»ta Braabafc (tba lamaat atock la tha ^ - J a l ^ tnnlaa Saalaia ta aaOEatTpa. MataotTM. *hoJt*tapk ajd I>.(aatra«^ Gaoda. aad aztlaCb a»aataa aad Cbanliali.

•aaay dMartrtua ta aaa

Wa aaa aail aarraoda la aar Baa at lav • • f W eaa ba boacblta.raClaSati.^ Wa-aacTlar^aatraUToaU tike: "

b&a2 a iaralahia 83-'OiSsa h » n t m S a . a . ta d a .

aocnwaAAsaa . COaa. ltd aMd<aaT, a tar Aaan tbaaa ( a ^ ^ ^ TttHOt^ j^i


T ^ R . J . A J T A S E , ( A U T H O R ( » ! J L ' SOCTHXaS VAXII.T rBTEICUX,)ate bat

laSsa aar waaaa. Carlat bit Oa^ ta acaite ItaiiTfta ba oalhl lar


•fcUyi • cTCaawta tbaBoxt^a

tloa arceaatiT mrebaata aad atbara ta aar I lbnatbaja>aMUBabalt laif^ta thalT latamtso can«a aj Vrfan (ATsbaaist aiaaabara. i<af-t{.

OjruaTca Flatala, Xataoea. rtaaza. fiuqtaa fxaatkM

acd Saxra:(U: Taaaoaaa W m aad aU aaaateal^air K<sidi:a«iai Kaa : aatiaaza Caiaa. Wiiba.1 tiaata aE tba taacoiac ittafataa afOa tba pnadgiait^ aar*?. •alaiaaTaradaad'BUl batoiaeaiaaaa«aM) raaata batzanadbr H i , aadannasufata I t e ™ at he lawBlj eaa ilfcad.

Ha traati aaeeaarolT Scroiala, ChTsadc I aad an faisaja dxaaaaaa; BbaeaiatiKa m

Hia madlciMa ara aaaiH »1! m a n d «<• ttepla tad itamaae.tbec#h aeeeibi hyat* da

BaartBaaafta tej>trta( tWUattaiStiaaa,sal e# Sae daCara. Badfahaie eaSdaet to ear* ae J a

BlaOiraar aadUaa b a tifaid J aaaat taflacad ta CO ocl of bla a a » .

HabubaBfiFaeaofaatlbataa. tbtt rardMaraataiadate af

T > A P T I S r H O M E M A G A Z I N E , M O T H --L> s i r jocaxtL a « D raaiLT T m r a S T : Tiia«« XXT. ttSX a aahitoaa aad UlaraiT Moatblj Utfulaa Ijt tba Haaaaitold. ambalHabad atth

- sraat Tixaa. woonctrrs. m b i s .

ThaoaWXantlaa et tta fciad in tha at|«iat donaaJs Taa Baw aalatta a m attrtrtlva u d Valaa^ thaa erar. Cbrlrtita I4taa:xia Sw tha ramUy Cinla.

CSS.T 03ta aoixaa a Txaa .

Bata It frt, by taadtej taa M «baarib« T a ^ W a | f r m t u u t u th<i**a]kft(ata»Clal(tathanhataBCB*l(h.|

^ ^ d ? ^ •- Motbara' Jaaratt. M f i t a nraat. Ta Jaald-t* aow

fciSaalnc aaitlScala:

Va, tha aainsltBad cfilaaaa of atoit I kaex kaova aar w t h r M]aa-c2tiiaa.Bs..^a.I ciaa cf lata(Ttta tad aatae»7. and aa axpOTiaaar' teljiir«Waa- S-H-SliiCtAltn-faaalSK

W . n. SOT, Xfljaaatalath. « . « . waits, J i t o y«BSau L W . SGaan.'tt^iiB. Oazb: J. a. jacsss* . CIatk<BnaB«

, aa.» a V a .KKVaa m.—f'l

B r i a w a ^ s B r s a c b i s U T n i e k e c , "

OK. w u s a u a o e x g .

Car. Caul., Oo:d

S a M k a n t Faalmfaa I adttaa kj .f A enati aa< jr I

aailaSaam. alxbalbux.

Tbafiilloaistla 6 tilt o( filcad af tha tStmml, tlam mm at]Jaa el U a d i ^

BoBailaShaiv.SIaao. . - . Sa " - iStao. . . . »

jLobatzsa, StBMV - " ' • SI BO. c^adfa) ss

T8rbaTSCan<aa.SSa>a. - - SttS - Moo . » - J i t

UUtattoa - S2 tao. - . 1 » - u o o - . ssa


S 2 0 0 R E V F A R D .

mix. f«

X^ a caaa ^ arrusa C acaa acratrrKi Citrimg G

CXTIKlXa, T>» f f y-sM'a a-» u aa la r'bar Ta.tTta

tioifrf rwfiaetabV K'ad* ia x\* A'i Tbo-a raeaaaartir loctTWt Y.. a fco..-d r4 f ^ i *2 -b- tjtarar.- •X eia*iaa of tooLa. a kuof elotbl ;, taaaoat cf abicb •» lim lad i'r tba Ci-*? CalfiK-ai Om!!*. psvacrl^ by tb-antmtata.. |ido CO Aactaat or SO lie Sla^eAl laa'raeti«a. w rt. r-a <r lastmiwet IS OS l>T».»'.a5 aad Oi Paja-tttc to Ol'a. and Ar: t-.f tw. aa. W 0.-

S-b^ Staa'c- M*!."*!**, Ht.t? pa/-«act 1-. ta aiusca. r«cAat aafii a U attl aljua.d

anuES . WarSoa ia «co*ct«d ar!*b A iai asa ltr<K7.

C iAaaa. bf Kail Koai. a£d a t aa ras to as-i tro<:> Co^csttax. iHm. iri.y. SMial Ti^a ara Tba a eskaU£ar« mIa* anetba wtlboa-. tal rmiaatas. r;>r eUealara. ratalaf^a, or aafiai»U-bad pa-^«a;aca. aK>tl

to S iAa K BAXli, Pri-eyi^

D™.BibarIta.»M.aWl«ht Havana Boy. aaaad I _a Caa».aJtiat:wrfflMlTi ar MSJba.:ha4 oa|

wb-a ba le8 Oiiard aaa*«alt-a lsn»etnpaeaaleoa$l bnad r m a d . iow emnad black hat: »ffl pacbapa laaka hia j »ai Sonb: t»o ct blaSsjaia atiS aabla laS baad: bat aa , bMtd: larratwbrbMd: aovHlt^taiaaaknaaairaa tea abita nta Abort raavd w U ba (<aaa tf takaa oat at tha ! Etata.or t!93 <> tba Stata. or Ida ia tha eaaatj whan ha kC. | orlodiadtaaoiBejanabaTalaaacatfclm.

Jaal-l-tt- 5.'JOHS90X.

aaUaaa tba HaAias Ocac^ ia ( •ailaaa Bmatlutla. a«;biatta4 Cataah

B r * w s i < a B r e s k d d U a l T f f l c h c %

Olaar aad cti* at:>a«th to tha Talaa at Sitfttt. T ll'n laaV i ta fabJa fyaafcara.

B r e w a ' a B r a a c U a l X r o d b e a ,

- a tad altprt nmrbtna-lra far CaaiU. aa.-IlM- G. r. kiuiaar. Baa

'-I larmaiand thateaaa1»>abai! Saaibi li.-aax. a a.Qtana.a«r Ta

« JI««S atlatUT laSaf la Si«irt»«." Xav. & Sannm. 'Hardna

- BaarSritl afcaa aegyaPad to rprnX. tstada^-! acr. S. J. r. tiaiaraa, Kt- Xm

-ZSbesaal la : >Tts7 Bsoaseaw* and Irrj oa attb Sjp Iirna aad Cancan"

Faar. H. naCT iaBBHiS. Sa . tiiaibiTTira-TTiir "rni-tn ~ ' ~~

»&faaX baaaSx aba: Takra balaca aad afkar thay praaaat Poa i m i, a«i, (rata tbas aafil cOKt, ] artil ba ai a*BfcacBl a6aaa2a«a ta Ba.*

Itts a.ajaturr.a

B3-Said ba i'^^tsl^ 3 oa-

U X I O N U N I V E R S I T Y ,

Siar&eeatoro. Tensacisee.

_ . . . . . . I aiaaosa that naat MbltraxwetatlaaBa tanraM tha 4 x s e o . V o x - 3 < i . x s e o . I

Pcxuasaa Bvkxt SAmsAT,



ef alaaaa £zS.rKis MadleaM. aiaaac aUch via I ba fcaad a » arkiea it iR^ieabJa to a-at dtK tfcSaaoaatlT. a jaraaj«f tha atdaO an t«a>a«<d partiaa. thai aaa Madielaa k a

cf tha caaatrT,>i-»d£j>a«ai:he« xb» taor*. P-Jixiiar ard raaalrfa Acr^itaral WaakiT ia tba Swsti, aad ttpaxior taaaj Sortbar:pafa:. ts-lhaaoothara

^•^.•Hcaa Cacxa-'ha = « «»* i ^ J ^ i ^ ^ W B tad Haaot aat BeSaaitlSe 1 -

labraaiua uiaara aa^r- • ^ ~ Tba3mDFia'txaaKtfi3—atabcadattnklaitaf aaa

tha aar; nta:'<«aa«. Tlia Uoaatactat. a-tan-aa!. atnaaladwaklai glaiaj

ataKsai^t «( tbo «it.mi<ia of tba Sav OBtaaaa,

tbaaaaVlaatSaBaaaat b7BaS.ri t b b &asi :au or Kau .TH a i

aaikaf SNna(>a.|Kiata*al laaclatraad aqOts ) - tSa^a. «ilb a atoPC* at tha :

B (MialiT n«ac ia tha < llaattiaetb; aada4t> it. th>awsharla ax «ae» | l| I

I ^ aaaasrra^Moatjtt af thai ttiaaMlaa

K D T C A S D n O C S T O X a S W T O X .

Died,«f coBiOsiptioa, at the tes£dem» cf Bra. S.

Ales. Smith, in DtamssvlDe, Qa., oe Tacsday, evea-

ins the STih December, Bro. Edwai4 Hcoatcn

Sewton, cf Cherokee, Geortia.

BtOwSewtoawasbocaJsIySih, 1S40, andwas 19

yeaisacda few menttia old. H e wasbapUzedb ;

U s & i 2 > t bi his tbiitecttb year, aadtSl his Ceath

EvedtheBfeof a Ctrfatian. and died the death


HswasadatlftaasdaffactioDale ciD3d,aad gave

proBtoe « f IWare useftOaess, bad his' U b bees

spazel a » k * A B O t b c e a k a f i a e a r f l » e F , t o i r ! ^

he ka i csae, hoping a mSdesr cEmata wea24 i ^ i m

bIm, bat ia the few weeks be was here, he woo the

sffeisfass^ m a r , of all with wbeai be became ao-


A ««rriB9nMii»iaeU«ttoecni«diaeiiaBeclka

w i A M s i a ^ B M H M S i ^ I M waa strusgHag ftic « r

iMt hRkOi, u d ia a atvete. c a S ^ w bedoaldtaa

O m i ^ l M t ectwiaBtUaaaDS ateaad U s

afaiwatis wvtifeg seM ta U s

faitor: " I j o t e M B p e a t h e c n e m . " H e

flc lather a t i e » » tod now deahdilB "tietfe ia

fcnab'aadaftarawknaUlSavfctwffl o m b '

F A cr L T T

J. a. T ^ W j i a . A ^ -» J. A. D»!A-. A. . r ^ m o T It R-». J. G. MrCall, A. 51, r.-oTaaso; ef T . t — " a f r ?

aad Kat^ourra. O. 3. H»r;i.v A M . FroTOir cf XsxfnJ. Lusfufaa. Prxf J - at. PaodiatuB. Acttae Cbairrjaa. frvt i. A. t>aa.3 aid A^a*.

L til tbe eoaalij, tro.-n 1? i S to ^ ^ ... - -J, tba - IS 00 to U

uke a K):d:4«r sua Cled Use a : Si>rii Sa»<aoa c tLj Jaacarj 14. ista i »»I1 - - CTi-.ambar

For Cata^e^ra or f^jtba; p&r'-.c&iAra xiis.^ t^h.l'^ms or iKao. jAjisi r. vLeteasi .

d-clT-ly s,e7 B.V17Ti.a:Ma

a L O X Z O K e t A M t l A X R O G E R S

Depsrtrf this life- on the 13-Ji ef October, 1S59

Soa of S- B . and Sartriwa Rogers, agrd «sa yeci,

elerea months acd oce day, ' iSclTrr little chiidrra

V> come unto me, azd foibid them uot; for of fcch 1

ia the Ein^dora of Heaven." LiiUe Aio-zo goae |

from the evils to ccote t- the joys of hssreci. j

J . H . E . Misaitsippi Bafiist please ct^iy.

A X T E B — A S I T C A T I O X A S T E A C H -hj » frca cf sm

TiaTxTfit'. a. l» & H cb i-cLooi c r ©r ^nwkiVTtttw far a k ^ I as.E>b<>r f t ia -

lur li* t^ju^fc trareb^ fmaciL u>4 th-SMU®: - Vr«-ic-» ** A. S b o x ii. T. irvclWt

CA B R A D I N E & M 0 G R I D G E , ;

i If

C O H B Q S S I O i r M E B C H A l f T S .

BOS. M Axa ss raosT, s x a it axn a 3Ta£Z7&



I ' - P H E N E X T S E S S I O N O F T B I 8 D«'-j A at'tali (ra a ^ ofcs-cn

I Ztaxday. aotb Aurnat.

•ae:sra l»>»rl ta tiV rffSait-. Mr;; i^^iSctUes ba

/clTV.tu-tJ. J. W. S0JT, PnaUx^t.

Tbo Fotaardiaf Bmataaaa alii r«o*ta« ipacfai attaatlos tad dtapatcb. Oeaaig a'aaata baTa paocpt agd aarwjoal tttaa-tloB. Allordazasnadattboahortoatcot'caaadicasataaarkff prl-a. LlbanlCttbJtdaaaoatKadaaa Pndaoa cr M>Rbaa-dtM, in btad. t«c»-ta

J . W . T O I . S O N ,

a a n s r a l Caia ia ias ion J t e r o t a n ^

CEXLTOS, lauof >aod.Sbai:ca

Sl Co. KaaiTkla.

r . a. josss. A. mAICESV,

tAtaafBarmaCo. Kaai]>Ua, Tcaa.

C H E L T O N , J O N E S , & C O , C O T T O N O talTiib>eMTattan.aa<e<aariIOnKBit<ira Venhaati.

!rc.<t. yxaat Baa. Kaoqdila. Tau. AicilSfr-tL

PW . a rLAI

N A X K Y Sc, CO- Dealers in T I N


Plj*. Wba. Iioa tad Tta SiraU, n s B b ^ Ts3l> tad Mataf!il>

laoa UA!<TU».Faxu>s ssatios.

, Bto-aa. (br wood or easi:. Xajaaaad tod To. 4S. attt SIdt o( Kwkat St.,

Saalaaia, ^


g.—WaatU kaweaaaUiitlankaod Tta-aalth^Ma-foo^ V i e m u ikr tack. Sxith ^ >>a,.Soath-

r . w . i i . * o o .

S C H O O L F O R Y O U N S L A -ntia.—Via. B. X . X a ^ atu apaa. ai tha (nt Noadty

la JtaatfT. isaa t»h«r ttaldiant ia MaifitaabMit.T—a, a - - ' -- Barwataaoflaaaae'JoaaKU tac)BSatiIthait8ti«*Bbraead U abat it taraiai a .«lastia« taiclaia'nltiaatttu. iMttaa atS W (tna Ss ICstic. Tot

' ' l i ^ t i i r ^ - ^ ^ a s . a . , A « > S . Prioei^U

H E X X C A N H U S T & N G .

T B E P O P U L A B I T T O P T H E M E X I -

CJtH JreSTASiS UUmCBBT it ae-aiWJTa ar Ih tha oMiUiatlaaatthatlBha. Otbae arttoka alalai to aSmiaac ^ a aaS dia.Jaaa-thIt a*m. rtafiT rbjld-taaa. Gaaaiaiavat 2)^^<aMttntf«th»tbet.tkraa(hsat ibtaarid. Mo ut^oa*rb*SK«iaoataad aach aadlvUad iwalat asdasfpurt twaadtltadiclittSaa—.

K I I K I W A T i a H

aebaaaodrataa ayaa

HORSES^ CATTLE, f C . , t u t s i & m S ^ wiMTaas

Ton. ifj^ a a , a n M h a a d aad anadkyth*

T a t a a M * B a n a Bawadl K r . a t n a Biatftga T U « t a a t ; - ' T ^ l h a l w » a

aaltaadaaathia-. a ^

•adk TacrUalaataal

tba a »

« » Baata Stasn. rkOadt^i^ fa. M a t t ) 'Ta amactha battetateSMia .htataa a laiair'iTi —• ' • aaSaiaMtdarhaadltaanwaaia , ^ 2 t * e * « E l * . It ana aM aarfti atabt. Tbo Xaataac J m B • M a u a T a axtavt lb. f a l a - ^ t e M a ^ S ^ .


iMih atwttaVtnd atMrr Urn

j J l a t Z Z S e e a •ar»«B.*kSe e e ^

A . r A o l F P A I D S T R I C r L Y I X A D -Tasea. fara {.u Board a.i:d Toi lloa fort una of S3

ttU ckwa of aaid t-rsu at kS ead PrU-ria laati ata, ilossd Pzair l*. Aa.!*!-*?!® coaaty,

PACtn.T r . XLDSS JAS. B. ilALOKIt. M. A_ rmftmr

Laaa, Qtwl. £pact«X rsra MaTbaTTaaca msi 5a 2«a Irfiixmk

Sl.Dr3 V. SJRTH, ProiaaaeT IitliA BtWicSaa. SatiTa.

S&tes of Toitias,

Km. A l i M 0 » TWCTTT WZSJLB.

rint C'.aat.tI«l». 6raad Clua, SU«L Tklrd ClaM.

CoeUafriat tan, die on Kstnaet. t 09

Tbo PraaMaot caa aeeeanroSUi- lortT baaidara. te-adToiiaa oa bla «w= Uni, at lia axcMatiafif Sow frtea of tiA ioratiHTior twar:tT worka. tr raid atrictir ta Ifaol Mid till c>aa of twjo $70. PwiitlaaJy ao dadBBUa ia Bcarl or Talttoa £roai tba ateaa la'H, tar tbaaera or aar cuaa abataw. t l ^ fratnx^*' •<ekaa». JJt duatf* deat to docalt<«laa or^nutar*«U! b*r.haiv>4l^tbaoeea#«dita.

re. B.—All btlto tor Board aod TaUtos dsv aad aad« (ajabio at Koattada, toitarMVi eoaatr. Toxaa.

i a » tf J. a. «tAU>!r«. VrtHi^.

M o u l t o n Female I n s t i t u t e .

n p H E U N D E R S I G N E D H A V I N G

aarta<,sak<iiaa Mwdar.iAaSlof Juaai; TUtacboai la m^-* >ha patcooaca of tba ^awl* bbotia Bi^t^i! Aaaocia-t]oe.tcdUlatbaaNjjr*eAMl laSoTtb A^aWaaa nadartba loatff^cf vVa Rtplat naacaalsjit^ Wo t^^t^ro aartaat v app-a: to tha BcpfuK ct Xartb Alabtst. tu t>d aa ta oor af iorta totaUd ay tbaa «ib<»>r. WbUa taaeb saUuac of a a<«tai1aBebar.ctar. 3«t >bU temi to U a raaSrt na-aosilaatioo. azid tb«r*baa!l tu'jali It, if U b aaiibf, tad Itia taa dat-n ta aaaka It.

Tba Ii>ad:*t<oa it aaiws^d witb a rMd rbl naafbical a m ra'atasdaL'biarT. Caapaiaot Aaajnaata will ba aacmad tar tha aarioaa dafaztjaaou of |.«ttj«cttaa.

Moahao flr«a#at> aata^ tdvaatafaa aa aa adaca^knti a- at. tttlb«altk«,afti«haad paacffaL Xttaaaarofacaan M a c ai^Tt>ei2)^ beta C<«rtJa<Hi.oa>V>!dm^i» aad Cbirlatna a t d i ^ . atth whidt «^ltttaat:sae:td Staca..

m r ra!tt<:t> boai SIO t.-> ti* farsastaa ct S oastha: C ^ tlB(<aatr»a,Sl: )«»aic,t5i;> f«cauuh. Ttrttt thniafl»tai«l*»ijto<hatrrtad^

d a c t s — s a a c n : { . r o a B .

BETHEL COLLEGE nvBsxsjuvrtax, «rT.

n p H E N E S T S ^ r O N O P T E 1 8 IN-

JL dBtaUaaarinacoMadt

IHaaajUiy, S e * t a * * « t latriasa,

UadacasAK ••ckiat.aadafcaaatieadaatTaaUaa. ^ ceemitioaaf tbe eadwrawt of tte tatmaucek lashitteM thatrattaattatiaiNthoic a Btattty laBitcatlaa hr that! teaa. asd watda. that «Ua.ia«atkti la dtDnhhawataB

thartagh tdataidta. thadaotba lataUha »ttgw


naraaatta iT aarsBTwaire. ItlClav..

o Q u a s a n o r a a

« S i t

•aaittacati^haaBtnadlathabdat >m«>«fi»«K Mattaaat.Strfl'n f*c aaak.

" " ( d w a n t a a a ^ affiW



B A P T I S T B O O K C O B .

Sbia otbar stvtea. TbaKcaAtwiUb. laiataAbiatatba Scathaca Fltsiac ^

Sxckraiw. aboaJiba la tibabaada efaaacjoaa. , raatCRaaitb abicii fti ctrcalaslaa hat iaoataH dartag : T ^ l S a .arrutacita tba batiar that itapowtkUaaivai ba«nioatapi;a2rfIath»aoa^

Txxu. etnet^ ta ad-aiasa-SaisZa ocy*. SI ciabt tf th-T. or oral, s : OB. Addraaa. J, L. SaVIB.

cec»T-tf eiaaada.

Tha Ciahabwf, Oaniiftaia'a riartaa r " ^

»3aii!laO«a.ijati«l GiatabKz Maiteaa-tj-

Wi io I n v i t e d the S e w i n g TIsrfmift t


K- B O W K , Jr . , (tttierxAi. n m a n o K asx>

P a T K S T B K .

T ' H S S E M A C H I N E S A R E S T R I C T L Y

daraKUta.aadaacifacTlaiasck^C- ara aat^aaCti b» aqy.— a tijb: io-katJteh Mao aaacijatiba aaca' "

atdai of'.ha p-an taaa tlat mile aay atbar BtdUoa. Tmt ar-ca^ab^a tX doi=E a [nalar aaraaty at week Skaa

axT atbcr fa^tiy aiatbiwo. Th* fe> mi Mil a ia waziaetad to SoaaSaovKkaaiha Wa«B,aadaabatTf tatha lar^ trarhfaa

^ (AJdli-T XACai5X!.-Pticca: tSa. Hd. *»>. «Sa, aad

H a w CTUadar Xadtaat. Itrta laaihar at&dliap taeb u Boot asd Sboo vat*. Cirit^ TriwailaC. Bl

s^lth Btttoca. •grraa! af Bi ~

r a a r B a r j t c r S K a a ' m E i e r a U a a i i

Baa iSE or ASESICAS v o i m a s 9 t —la aa aaaatra Sa a aa7tathatraexaala^X;idtadE»& laiat

T E a CBrU>ZC.NT TaaseaabaaK-a: .of E^nstaa d s z ^ tha aaiiiialf •

I^aka with Eraat adaaatac^te I> bt»al < alta the aaawtaar aad baet aantflai. a

HaasailiZ.'E CTXEIXX CATBObiCCCXtaaa f K a n t a u c a a ^ T irragaSariaM, aaakas*. ! T ca fallTrTr"**"a. n'tiai ' the ataeto arratafc. to veC atth#eaae«nzlla

WtfcanrScaatta S I » far baccia. ar aaa bacdt^

(aattahoat^ihita tt-clEBtt ia sB ankuta^Tin i i KstFaa^aaMnr

a S ^ S u Sa o t W ! r a . j l-rasAar fr-ao — C "-i-TWIEt^ . tra d ^ rmaUaaMCa ai tbaBcaa tJallrderlltcbiati, Ptica-gBi I a* arU aaad Sat a m = « •< o a C ^ a at i ^ j

J aad rar tha M e l t af tbm ^ I I t h a s w l a a


\n>at Cawttltntea m Gaod S a w l ^ ]

V rtai^id b- waOaiaiSa. tttafia U iSac caa^a kaat ia ordfs-.

X Itaboa-dBataattii=leefci«ch.taki aaWtbtlln

S. naboa'^aaw aar a=itIiata-Wa1t that aaa baagaad-4 Xtaboa.tdboab.ataaateat ee.tbfisl.cTaUk. >. It abaold ba abla to aaa bom «ar>a v> fisa. aad frost

tikkUtUa.atthrsildi:Tasdaithaat c^aiyac Tialftllit. ,

M-ltaboaidWaJwaTara^jtoa^ _ _ _ g n i a r f f i S S S C S S T t o ^ ^

aaCEBSZia a mai-aia

I aai .1 I ..--•ill. ~ -—~— —~ a ^ . _ I T!at frir*—T I T fc*** aowaaila rf •»» I eactl&earaa< t h a p a i a M t f thc&lhaaaaaidta^ I that that Baildaa baa capad Mar , awaafha Baa.1

Bin III r ~ — • Cbiaiiiai.arm tha hM tha JMtol Vaatty. had cahaattod th-ir atlB aai baa* S

»*. Tt»r « » tax ltd to I? A t C»iatti ^ the-Tbaintfaf tha BMrdtllfaal^ar&w 1

It. It aboaal b. eaj>ab:aof aah» lh» 1 both aldaaaf tha v»c«,aadcl aarag dlffasaat cofacad tbfl aad a iUk. aboaa or b^jtr, to c n a q ^ with aay taa

X i . u*oaidbaabJtt»«akaato«scrAitt»ttt^^ IS. Ita aaMc - . - -U f ^ at tha Snt aObA.

aaakatatntHaiti i. . 14. It thoaJd raa tjaUy _ . _ U . ItaiaaldbaTaaaaaa! laad; aoaoefthanantsccaataat

aaa-tct atth tb* wtlk. I t . Itabaa-idaoCbaBaWatajataatotcidw.

It ahaald mat ba llabia u hiatk tha thttaS, aar Aly

'"l^'naboaH att b* tlabU 1» an tha ayatatcrl diae. M . ItaboQtdaoC «ona a lidga oathaaiwlartldaaartaaal

oa:, aor b. waabsftl of tbiaad. aa tt tha caat with aiD ala

• awatiMbto thaa tt CST TBXaSST !

Tba K m ras-Ca aail Laatbar Kachiaar ara warrasiedta H n iiatMr aatWa-tloa thta tayathtta acbtaaa 4a tha aar. k.1, or asotcy tafacdod. < » a « BaOa.,

B Ccn«»a tcaat, aacr WrlT-rlUaga.

L a a d i a a r k S a B B o - & C h e r d t c c B a p t i s t .

PaKiakad aS Jbaaa. Oa . ae tSjxraaaaat, ik afasaa. X IE. W O O B . S d t e

Caaa<w«ti<x<s aorrats-B. O. BtcafcStT. Sa . U T. Btjal, 6 k J. a. Baa{.t>c. aia. B- JP. KaaiKc tM

TaATxuxa Cnaatmsaoi-J. 8. Baku,Ha.

O E S I D E S M A N Y U S E F U L S U B J E C T S , X>tac>anpoaaaorialarmatlca, af dgj ipln tha ^aty at

ao* dtesaadac. aad arraaci^ ta dlwaaa tba Sta qeilu,s.aMehtraaf trttalla-trtaaaBtetaiata

I qto^Ja^iLtdaiw ayy»iallta> a . WL Otaafcaca a.1b>talT. aoaaaf th* Bearta.aad athan.

a. T V T M n c a w aaj Jl><r«> ^ Taa>v Jks'a C M U m iliamahaia Byfl-t. O j a f . a . a.Biibtfax a IBWfcatat »rlj»..aato!ia». _

a c»Tgtiw^c«aat>«r tiBiii- M h r > v t t . a . w : w i . d .WirtiiaCTy ibarJt aad j^at^f Iftttitat. L a ( W K . ( L

a r>.rhaafO<aSaaiiar-*ft*— W n itt-aethtaiawrt-ttaiioaaf A-H»a>>ttala«!Ttiata aTHyatlrti tii Mat tdatltc. bad w. B . Ciai*. a FMannd Blaaiaaaty.

a. Oiai ni l iiBi mil Ogtaweaa. hi< I7 Kitre.lL«b«ti*. tea, a TViglUaa Bayrtu laanar.

ct. bCt Van«a . » . a . Vbaea. a. C. I I 0 M , Babart Rattiat. riaa. ajakhast, Br. SiabQaiaa. W . a W . B-J.1Ut». a ^ a t a j afkiithaaa

- Of aaaraatba Xdfca, aad Oo-ta^peadl^ Bditto a«l leek wtB ta lhafc ean •ibratlao.^

Bow iaataodtlnabsaa^aerlbarxtha -aatafahatatttdaalt-rtlr M y . Oar


dactJ-Iai j-K-wooa.

p i A P T I S T C H O R A L S : A T O N E H Y M N -UBaa>.«ia|taille|iiiMii" laapmHaatl rtaaSltatha

taba toaad laWththa Mm^ok htiaaady i,,,, 1 » » I W H I H H I MMli • • j f i ^ l a a a A h y a . S < m a a a ^

lilliilf iia


E E V . B . J l i S L T . Ja. , DJDl;

Wartii tdif'idhy

I S B . A B B 0 0 K 8 K T Z S X R .

.rrtTliliiltatfctattaVT.JLI anC Staf^a :

T N T K R L I N K A R C L A S S I C S . — X iKiaafia.i9atA. • cjDAa.byCtok. . T i a W L l f B t — C W B M I . y Chi


r < A N C K R S U A H B K C U B l i l B . £1

V > ^iadaaladl7>kl«>c<taatwa^ » Witt th* kalk aid n a.-BayBFaeaa&Ial. tkt l atat aatitoaa aaa caate taaa Ifca t ^ t e o a a e r d

" ^ ^ ^ b ^ E B ^ t a a t a h i H i acta aad iiiltliiiii i iacthtaaclxla atna af (hit diatd Sttaaia. fiaB laa haaaaaadarahttaii* iitftiiTlili jatit aTntaiiTtrrTnBinrtnnrrrTmai

WhatphjiddaalaltaaawiaeeiTfldtarMB t aalti»«r»inilirt TatMatoHAatia * e r thtis latj Mtt afCaatata ttac eaodi A a ttay < —

aadt Xal «1B au .waaa TO AbT x a a o ^ acaooLS rlWUetllc^eriial^ Cattad Slaim J

wltb acbat tba JtoSr c l aaH Schaai I as"'a' a Ctarir.aailaaiaecBilai

TCiy CatMi^ jRvidtd >ii* laeattT ot ttU I m < -=»oa»at«lt*=e«***eBilatiha «=» , H a a * rthsaadaaalod artth ^ iraai av: mltia^ •

r ahal] acd b. rw atrad ta tba aadtScaSt tar l - aBBaaaa«BsthaaBtth.akaaa ta

ratatv « aay )M<aI CoS<«a. ora=r raaft* .otytataiaaf rana at aandtaatd B iiiw. j

aiaeiaataeoaatataattf Ilia uiitltaaliM a la • adidaaaaawatttailiijliillii'tii -

a t n a f a e t t a M M W M a t 1 . ^ atyakgiathtlnttataCtibatli iiwaa tht n a t s tSrWal.

n n a a tatiH I B t a ^ ^ te ahaaa ChaSa I. OaMtr ta th* wcth ar tSaaa. I. WWikoatad *han .a ataaot >• lataM Igr 1

a Whptfcasalfl 'i tBiilad aiSt iat rhm

^ a w a x ' s n w .

. lfal.illL»att.W.a;.KIn.kt.es3««.


D H I L O S O P ^ O P B B J t l f i i O j X W l B - C t a w , — 1 M e * a t t * . a i d B a r o i *


Kattaw*. 1 1 .


o o i r s S A I D i .

K i s a a a ^

f p m a t C a a r r a y . —

-1- i)a]}d£Bt, tie

witii a l (dirisB), i

Bp?a the bsptii

tej ta dta n r v

OsStarj bsSare