
What is narrative? Narrative is the coherence or organisation given to a series of events. The human mind needs narrative in order to make sense of events. In all aspects our of lives, we seek a beginning, middle and an end to make connections of events. Media texts are generally organised as audiences need to be able to engage with him without requiring too much effort on their behalf in terms of understanding.

Transcript of Narrative

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What is narrative?Narrative is the coherence or organisation given to a series of events. The human mind needs narrative in order to make sense of events. In all aspects our of lives, we seek a beginning, middle and an end to make connections of events.

Media texts are generally organised as audiences need to be able to engage with him without requiring too much effort on their behalf in terms of understanding.

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Narrative Structures

Aristotle identified the basic linear plot structure.

The linear structure suggests there is a clear beginning, middle and end to a narrative and that the middle section may involve a crisis or disruption of an event which will be resolved later at the end.

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Narrative Theorists

Vladimir Propp (1895-1970) - He examined hundreds of fairy tales in the generic form 'folk wonder tale'. He broke down the tales into the smallest units, which he called narrative functions, necessary the for the narrative to exist. From his research he identified 8 character types and 31 functions which move the story along.

Although the main plot is driven by the actions of the protagonist (usually the hero), the 31 narrative functions are spread between all the main characters. Prop defined the character categories as: villian, the donor, the helper, the dispatcher, the princess, the father, the hero and the false hero.

Tzvetan Todorov - developed the theory of disrupted equilibrium:- Equilibrium - the 'status quo' where things are as they should be and undisrupted.- Disequilibrium - the 'status quo' is disrupted by an event- Equilibrium/resolution - restored at the end of the story by the actions of the heroes.

Claude Levi-Strauss – Narratives are structured by pairs of binary oppositions.

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What narrative theories link to the genre horror?

From a perspective, Todorov’s narrative theory of equilibrium can be applied to the genre of horror as the beginning of the film may see the ‘status quo’ as how they should be, being introduced to the protagonist who may become to victim . A disruption however, may occur, forcing the victim to perhaps transform into the hero figure in order to solve the problem that is causing other characters to be scared and afraid. The solving of the problem, (e.g. Destroying the monster) at the end could be seen as the resolution of the narrative.

In addition, in his essay The Philosphy of Horror, Noel Carroll sets out the traditional narrative structure of a horror film in three stages – similar to what Todorovproposed:

oThe first he names as the ONSET PHASE where a disorder is created, generally in the form of a monster.oNext comes the DISCOVERY PHASE where the characters of the story discover that the disorder has occurred. oThe third phase known as the DISRUPTION PHASE where the characters destroy the course of the disorder and restore normality.