NARA_T733_R4_56 [Records of German Field Commands Armies (Part IX)]

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Transcript of NARA_T733_R4_56 [Records of German Field Commands Armies (Part IX)]


    No. 56. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part IX)

    The Nat iona l Arch ivesNat iona l A r c h i v e s and Reco rds Service

    Genera l Services A d m i n i s t r a t i o n

    Wash ing ton : 1968

  • This finding aid has been prepared by the National Archives as part of its programof facilitating the use of records in its custody.

    The microfilm described in this guide may be consulted at the National Archives,where it is identified as Microcopy No. T-312. A price list appears on the last pages.Those desiring to purchase microfilm should write to the Publications Sales Branch,The National Archives, Washington, B.C. 20^ 08.

    Some of the papers reproduced on the microfilm referred to in this and other guidesof the same series may have been of private origin. The fact of their seizure is notbelieved to divest their original owners of any literary property rights in them. Anyone,therefore, who publishes them in whole or in part without permission of their authors maybe held liable for infringement of such literary property rights.


    No. 56. Records of German Field Commands: Armies (Part IX)

    The National ArchivesNational Archives and Records Service

    General Services Administration

    Washington: 1968

  • R E F A

    This Guide is one of a series of finding aids describingthe seized German records deposited in the National Archives.The series was initiated by the Microfilming Project of theCommittee for the Study of War Documents of the American His-torical Association in cooperation with the National Archivesand the Department of the Army. With the termination of theAHA project in July 19&3 the National Archives assumed soleresponsibility for the reproduction of records and the pre-paration of Guides.

    This is one of a number of Guides describing the recordsof the German Army field commands. These records fall intofive categories: Records of Army Groups, Records of Armies,Records of Corps, Records of Divisions, and Occupational andOther Records.

    This Guide, which constitutes Part IX of records of thearmies, describes the contents of 258 rolls of microfilm re-producing records of the Fourth, Sixth, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth,Eleventh, Fourteenth, and Twenty-Fifth Armies, of the GermanGeneral with the Italian Eighth Army, and of Armeegruppe Wbhler.Additional records of most of these units are described in ear-lier Guides. Those in this Guide are largely records which werepreviously security classified or otherwise not available formicrofilming. Where appropriate, a footnote on the first pageof each unit's listing cites the relevant Guide number. Therecords in this Guide include material on the campaign in Polandin 1939, the security of the Upper Rhine area in 1939-^ 0, thecampaign in western Europe in 19^ 0 and 19^ -^ 5, the occupation ofFrance and Poland in 19^ 0-UU, the campaign against the SovietUnion in 19^ 1-1*5, and the campaign in Italy in 19^ 3-^ 5.

    The provenance to which the documents are attributed isthe army headquarters that originally kept the file, althougha large proportion of the items had in fact been retired bythe units to the Heeresarchiv Potsdam for permanent retention.

    There an accession number was stamped or written on the cover,and it is by this numbering system that the folders were organ-ized in the World War II Records Division and its predecessor,the Departmental Records Branch of the Department of the Army,which office administered the records before the assumptionof these duties by the National Archives. All folders acces-sioned by the Heeresarchiv were assigned numbers in sequenceand logged in by unit in the Potsdam Catalog. All such fold-ers bear numbers below 75,000. Folders that had not gonethrough the Heeresarchiv accessioning process before captureor had never been retired to the Heeresarchiv were givenfolder numbers in an extension of the Heeresarchiv systemusing numbers above 75jOOO, but otherwise following thePotsdam pattern.

    Considerable information on the fate of Germany's mili-tary records during World War II, including information onseveral destructive fires and subsequent efforts to recon-struct records that were burned, may be found in the filesof the Chef der Heeresarchive in the German Army HighCommand. (These records were filmed as Microcopy No. T-?8,Rolls 1-38, and are described in Guide No. 12 of this series.)

    The descriptive material for the units was prepared oncards and each card has been filmed before the folder it de-scribes. The cards for all folders on one roll of film arealso filmed at the beginning of that roll. This Guide con-tains the text of the cards.

    A short unit history precedes the file item listing foreach army. The unit history has also been filmed at thebeginning of each roll of the unit's records.

    The term "Roll" in the Guide refers to the sequence ofthe film. "1st Frame" gives the frame number of the firstpage of the folder. The "Item No." is the identification


  • symbol on the original folder. The "Item" provides (a) theabbreviation of the staff section that originated the docu-ment, (b) the title appearing on the folder cover, and (c)additional information providing a general idea of the con-tents . The inclusive dates of the file item are given undera "Date" column.

    The original records have been returned to the FederalRepublic of Germany. The microfilm has been deposited with


    the Publications Sales Branch, National Archives, Washington,D.C. 20*408, as Microcopy T-312. The microfilm may be con-sulted at the National Archives or copies may be ordered.A price list is included at the end of the Guide.

    The descriptions were prepared by Anton F. Grassl, IgnazErnst, Charles F. Gordon, Katharina Posner, Howard J. Puckett,Richard Scharf, and Henni Schwarz under the supervision ofDonald E. Spencer. Johanna M. Wagner prepared the stencils.



    Preface ill

    German Military Symbols and Abbreviations vii

    Organization of German Army Staffs x

    Records of Armeeoberkommando U (Fourth Army) 1

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 6 (Sixth Army) 13

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 7 (Seventh Army) 105

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 9 (Ninth Army)

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 10 (Tenth Army)

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 11 (Eleventh Army)

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 1^ (Fourteenth Army) 152

    Records of Armeeoberkommando 25 (Twenty-fifth Army) 153

    Records of the Deutscher General beim italienischen Armeeoberkommando 8(German General with the Italian Eighth Army) 15^

    Records of Armeegruppe Wohler 158

    Previously Published Guides to German Records Microfilmed at Alexandria, Va. l6l

    Price List



    laIcIc/A.O.IdI lalibIIIIVaIVbIVcIVdIVd/Ev.IVd/Kath.VVIVII


    A.Na.Ftt.Anl.Anordn.A.O.AOKA.O.KraftA.Pi.Fii.Arfu.ArkoArmeegeb.Art., Artl*Aufkl.A.V.L.Batl.Battr.

    OperationsabteilungFeindnachrichtenabteilungFeindnachrichtenwesen u, AbwehroffizierAusbildungsoffizier1. Adjutant2. AdjutantRichterIntendantArztVeterinarGruppe SeelsorgeEvangelischer KriegspfarrerKatholischer KriegspfarrerKraftfahrwesenoffiz ierNationalsozialistischer Fiihrungsoffizier (NSFO)Chef der Zivilvervraltung

    AbteilungAbwehrArmeekorpsallgemeinArme e nachr ichtenf iihr erAnlageAnordnungAbwehroffiz ierArme e ober kornmandoAbwehroffizier des KraftfahrwesensArme epionierfiihr erArtilleriefuhrerArtilleriekommandeurArmeegebietArtillerieAufklarungArme ever pf le gungs lagerBataillonBatterie


    BaupioniereBandBeobachtungbesonderebetreffendBetriebsstoffBrigadeBataillonBetriebsstoff versorgungBevollmachtigter TransportoffizierbeziehungsweiseChef des GeneralstabesDivisionEisenbahnFahrtruppenFallschirmfeindlicheFeIdgendarmer ieFeldkommandanturFeldlazarettFeldvorschriftenstelleFestungFeldkommandanturFliegerFliegerabwehrkanoneFlie ger verbindungs offiz ierFeldpostmeisterfreiwilligFlihrerGasabwehroffiz ierGebirgs-General der InfanterieGe neralkommandoGeneralleutnantGeneralmajorGeneraloberst



    Genstb.d.H.G. F. P.Grenztr.grdlg.Grz.Tr.HarkoH.Gp.H.Gr.Kdo.H.Mot.Hbh.Hbh.Art.Kdr.H.O.Kraft.Hptm.H.Qu.H.Streif.Dst.I.D.Inf.Ins p.I.R.I. u. A.G.Kampfw.Kan.Kav.Kdo.Kdr.Kdt.d.H.Qu.Kdtr.Kfz.Kgf.Kodeis.Kofeld.Kogend.Kol.Koluft.Komp.Koruck.Kp.

    Generalstab des HeeresGeheime FeldpolizeiGrenztruppengrundlegendGrenztruppenHbherer ArtilleriekommandeurHeeresgruppeHeeresgruppenkommandoHeeresmotories ierungHbhererHbherer ArtilleriekoimnandeurHbherer Offizier des RraftfahrwesensHauptmannHauptquartierHeeresstreifendienstInfanterie DivisionInfanterieInspektionInfanterie RegimentInfanterie u. Artillerie GeratKampfwagenKanoneKavallerieKommandoKommandeurKoiranandant des HauptquartiersKommandanturKraftfahrzeugKriegsgefangenerKommandeur der EisenbahntruppenKommandeur der FeldgendarmerieKommandeur der GendarmerieKolonneKommandeur der LuftwaffeKompanieKommandant des riickwartigen ArmeegebietesKompanie

    Kps.KradKTB, .Nachsch.Nahaufkl.Gr.NDnorweg.NSFONT01OBOb.d.H.Obit.Obst.Obstlt.Offz.OKHOKLOKMOKWO.Qu.O.Qu./Qu.lO.Qu./Qu.2O.Qu./IV Wi.


    KorpsKraftfahrradKriegstagebuchLastkraftwagenLeutnantLuftwaffeKarten- u. VermessungswesenMas chinengewehrmilitarischeMobilmachungmotorisiertMunitionMarineverbindungsoffizierNachrichtenNachschubNahaufklarungsgruppeNachrichtendienstnorwegischNationalsozialistischer FuhrungsoffizierNachs chubtrans port1. Ordonnanzoffizier des StabesOberbefehlshaberOberbefehlshaber des HeeresOberleutnantOberstOber s tleutnantOffizierOberkommando ^es HeeresOberkommando der LuftwaffeOberkommando der KriegsmarineOberkommando der VJehrmachtVersorgungsabteilungAllgemeiner VersorgungsoffizierS icherungs offiz ierArmeewirtschaftsfiihrerMilitarverwaltungOberquartiermeister der Luftwaffe



    O.Qu./Qu.Ro.O.QU./QU.T.O.Qu./W.Ing.ostw.Pak.Panz.Panzertr.Pi.Pi.Fu.Pi on.Pk.Po.Prop.Pz.Qu.Reg., Regt.Res.Ro.riickw.San.Schw.Stabsoff.f.Pz.

    Bekampf.Stb.stellv.Sto., R.u.F.Stoart.Stofeld.

    Gruppe RohstoffeGruppe TechnikWehrmachts-IngenieurostwartsPanz erabwehrkanonePanzerPanzertruppenPionierePionierfiihrerPioniereParkPolizeiPropagandaPanzerQuartiermeisterRegimentReserveRohstofferiickwartigSanitats-Schwadron

    Stabsoffizier fiir PanzerbekampfungStabstellvertretendStabsoffizier, Reit- u. FahrausbildungStabsoffizier der ArtillerieStabsoffizier der Feldgendarmerie



    Stabsoffizier der LuftwaffeStabsoffizier fiir MarschiiberwachungStabsoffizier fur PanzerbekampfungStabsoffizier der PionieretaktischeTatigkeitsberichtTransportTrans portvors chr iftens telleund andere; unter anderemund so weiterVerbindungskommando der LuftflotteVerbindungsoffizier der LuftflotteVersorgungVerwaltungVeterinarVerbindungsoffizier OKW/Wehrwirtschafts-

    u. RiistungsamtWehrbez irkskommandoWehrersatzWehrmachtWehrgeologeWehrmachtgraberoffiz ierWirtschaftWehrwirtschaftsoffizierWehrmachtspropagandaWehrwirtschaftsstabWaffen u. Geratzur besonderen Verwendung



    Fuhrungsabteilung (Operations Group)

    AOK* AK* Div.*

    Operationsabteilung (Operations Branch)Karten- und Vermessungswesen (Map & Survey Officer)Hbherer Artilleriekommandeur (Artillery Staff Officer)Pionierfiihrer (Engineer Staff Officer)Nachrichtenfiihrer (Signal Staff Officer)Stabsoffizier fur Panzerbekampfung (Antitank Staff Officer)Stabsoffizier fur Marschuberwachung (March Control Officer)Gasabuehroffizier (Chemical Warfare Officer)Kominandeur der Luftwaffe (Air Support Commander)Kommandant des ruckwartigen Armeegebietes (Commander of Army Rear Areas)Kommandant der Eisenbahntruppen (Commander of Railway Troops)Bevollmachtigter Transportoffizier (Transportation Officer)Kommandant des Hauptquartiers (Headquarters Commanding Officer)Technischer Offizier des Stabes (Technical Staff Officer)1. Ordonnanzoffizier des Stabes (Special Missions Officer)

    Ausbildungsoffizier (Training Officer)Feindnachrichtenabteilung (intelligence Branch)

    Feindnachrichtenwesen und Abwehroffizier (Intelligence Officer)

    laMessStoartGen d PiNa FiiStopak


    Gen Trs


    laMessHarkoPi FiiNa

    laMessArkoStopiNa FiiStopak



    StopiNa FiiStopak


    Quartiermeisterabteilung (Supply Group)

    Versorgungsabteilung (Supply Branch)Allgemeiner Versorgungsoffizier (General Supply Officer)Sicherungsoffizier (Security Officer)Armeewirtschaftsfiihrer (Army Economics Officer)Militarverwaltung (Military Occupation Officer)Wehrmacht-Ingenieur (Armed Forces Engineer)Betriebsstoffversorgung (Fuel Supply"Officer)Abwehroffizier d. Kraftfahrwesens (Security Officer for Motor Transportation)

    OQu OQuOQu/Qu.lOQu/Qu.2OQu/IV WiOQu/VIIOQu/VJ.Ing.B.V.A.O.Kraft

    Qu Ib

    * Ommissions of symbols in the H.Gr., AOK, AK and Div. columns indicate that either there was no comparable office for that echelon orinformation is not available at this time concerning the existence of an office on that level.


    Gruppe Technik (Technical Group)Waffen und Gerat (Ordnance Group)Feldgendarmierie (Military Police)Intendant (Administrative Officer)Arzt (Medical Officer)Veterinar (Veterinary Officer)Kraftfahrwesenoffizier (Motor Transport Officer)Feldpostmeister (Postmaster)









    Ad.lutantur (Personnel Group)

    1. Adjutant (for officer personnel) Ila2. Adjutant (for enlisted personnel) libRichter (Judge Advocate) IIIGruppe Seelsorge (Chaplain) IVdNationalsozialistischer Fiihrungsoffizier (Nazi Guidance Officer) VIChef der Zivilverwaltung (Chief of Civilian Administration) VII






    Armeeoberkommando U (Fourth Array)*

    The Fourth Army was formed on September 1, 1939s from the former Army Group C .It took part in the Polish campaign in September 1939 and. in the campaign ir:Belgium and northern France in 19^ 0. In June 19^ 1 the Fourth Army was trans-ferred as a subordinate unit of Army Group Center to the central sector of theeastern front where its major combat activity took place. In July 19^ , itwithdrew from the Upper Dnieper to the East Prussian frontier and was heavilyengaged in the defense of East Prussia that autumn. The Fourth Army sectorson the central front in Russia were in the areas of Minsk-Bobruisk, Orsha-Mogilev, Smolensk- Roslavl, and around Vyazma. Commanders of the Fourth Armyfrom 1939 to 19^ 5 were Gunter von Kluge, Ludwig Kubler, Gotthard Heinrici,Hans von Salmuth, Kurt von Tippelskirch, Friedrich Hossbach, and FriedrichWilhelm Muller. The Fourth Army was redesignated the Twenty- first Army afterApril 27,

    Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht . Report to Army Group North on activities of Uth Army intel-ligence units during the Polish campaign. Sep 1-26, 1939 P 217/a 1332 1

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lage Polen. Reports on enemy strength and activity, and Polishcode names and rocket signals; translations of Polish intelligence informationon German artillery, a Polish operations order, and a Russian propaganda leaflet;a map (1:1, 600,000) of Poland, East Prussia, and Czechoslovakia showing likelypositions of Russian forces on Sep 22, 1939, and a map of Poland showing movementsof Polish troops on Sep 6, 1939. ' Aug 27 - Sep 28, 1939 P 217/c 1332 23

    Ic, Anlage z. KTB. Reports pertaining to the tactical situation and activitiesbehind enemy lines, losses, troop identification, and treatment of the Polishpopulation. Also, special supply directives and army orders pertaining to theoccupation of the demarcation line and change in location of this line. Sep 15 - 27, 1939 P 599/d 1332 29^

    Ic, Anlagenheft z. KTB 2, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Information bulletins on the Oct 29, 1939 -enemy, with maps. Mar 13, 19^ 0 W 317/a-b 1332 399

    *" The greater part of the records of the iith Army are described in Guide U2, Armies (Part II) .

  • Armeeoberkommando


    TJ, Anlagenheft z. KTB 2, Wettermeldungen. Weather reports.

    Ic, Anlage z. KTB 2, Fernspruche. Records of telephone messages.

    Ic, Anlage z. KTB 2, Morgen- und Abendmeldungen. Morning and evening reports.

    Ic, Anlagenheft z. KTB 2, Lagenkarten. Situation maps.

    Feldgend., Kriegstagebucher 2-U der Geheimen Feldpolizei Gruppe 570. War journalsof the Secret Field Police Group 570.

    la/Mess, Kriegstagebuch 1, Druckereizug 20U03. War journal of Press Section 20U03.

    Ic/AO, Kriegstagebuch 2. War journal of the Chief Security Officer.

    Ic, Anlage 1 z. KTB 2. Intelligence reports to Fremde Heere West.

    Ic, Anlage 2 z* KTB 2, Meldungen Koluft U. Intelligence reports with photographs ofDanssais, Boussu, Les, and Walcourt showing enemy artillery positions anddirection of movement.

    Ic, Anlage 3 z. KTB 2, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming intelligence reports.

    Ic, Anlage U z. KTB 2, Eingegangene Meldungen. Intelligence reports on the enemysituation in northwestern France with sketches showing location of enemy radiotransmitters.

    Ic, Anlage 5 z. KTB 2, Tages- und Bildmeldungen der Luftwaffe. Air reconnaissancereports on the general enemy situation in the Flanders area and reports ondestruction of French and English forces in the Flanders campaign.

    Dates Ite-i. No. Roll 1st Frame

    Nov 11, 1939 -Feb 27, 19^ 0 w 3"7/c 1332

    Sep 15, 1939 -Jan 19, 19^ 0 W 317/d 1333

    Oct 9, 1939 -Jan 15, 19^ 0 W 317/0 1333

    Oct 2 - Nov 27, 1939 W 317/f 1333

    Oct 9, 1939 - W 5660/25-Sep 21, 19^ 0 W 5660/27 1333

    Nov 21, 1939 -May 8, 19^ 0 W 5660/28 1333

    Oct 7, 1939 -Sep 17, 19^ 0 W 5922/r

    May 9 - Jul 3, 19^ 0 W 6965/n






    May 10 - 17, 19^ 0 W 6965/0 133^ 503

    May 17 - 23, 19^ 0 W 6965/P 133^

    May 22 - Jun 30, 19^ 0 W 6965/1 1335

    Jun 1-6, 19^ 0 W 6965/rl 1335 383

  • Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlage 5 z- K.1' 2, Ta^eMmeldungen, Feindnachrichten. Intelligence data on north-western France, a sketch (1:200,000) showing radio positions in that area onJun 8, 19*1-0, and a mavj> of the enemy situation on the ij-th Army front on Jun 5, 19^ 0. Jun 5

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Ic, Anlage 5 z. KTB 2, Tagesmeldungen, Feindnachrichten. Reports on the enemysituation (radio, antiaircraft, tank estimates) in northwestern France.

    Ic, Anlage 6 z. KTB 2, Eingegangene Meldungen. Intelligence reports on coastalactivity and on road and bridge reconnaissance, a map (1:300,000) showing theradio situation in central Fiance (jun 21), and a sketch of enemy movement innorthwestern France from Jun 21 - 23, 19^ -0.

    Ic, Anlage 7 z. KTB 2, Nachrichtonblatter. Intelligence reports of the defensesituation in Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and France, with a map (1:1,000,000)dated Apr 7,

    Ic, Zwei Pausen aus Anlagen 7 und 8 z. KTB 2. Map sketch (1:300,000) showing thesituation in Belgium and France on Mar 25, 19^ 0, and a sketch (1:300,000)showing the enemy situation on Jun 11,

    Ic, Anlage 8 z. KTB 2, Feindnachrichten. Information concerning British tactics,charts showing organization and employment of British forces, and an analysisfrom the 6th Army of British tactics in a battle in Flanders .

    Ic, Anlage 9 z. KTB 2, Wettermeldungen. Weather reports for western Europe fromMar 22 - May 29,

    Feldgend., Anlage 10 z. KTB 2, Tatigkeit der Geheimen Feldpolizei Gruppe 570.Reports on activities of Secret Field Police Group 570, in Cologne, Belgium,and France.

    Ic, Anlage 12 z. KTB 2, Verschiedenes . Intelligence information concerning theterritory west of the Belgian- German borders, road and bridge reconnaissancein Belgium, description of terrain there and in Luxembourg, and a map(1:1,000,000) showing road networks of the zone west of the German-Belgian line.

    - 8, 191+0

    28, 191*0

    W 66;/r2

    W 6965/r3




    621Jun 9 -

    Jun 13-29, 19^ 0 W 6965/3 1335

    Mar - May 9, 19^ 0 W 6965/t 1335

    Mar 25 - Jun 11, 19^ 0 W 6965/t1 1336

    May 31

    Feb 28

    Oct 25,

    Oct 17,

    Sep 10,

    Aug 30,

    1939 -Sep lU, 19*10

    1939 -Apr 10, 191*0

    W 6965/u 1336

    W 6965/v 1336

    W 6965/v 1336

    W 6965/y 1336




  • Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlage 13 z. KTB 2, Morgen- und Abendneldungen. Intelligence information (morningand evening reports, telegrams) concerning enemy movements, blockades, and airactivity across the Belgian border. Jan 19 -

    la, Ic, Karten z. KTB. Situation maps (1:300,000) of the western front.

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht (statt KTB 3), Osten. Activity reports concerning themilitary situation in the Bialystock, Grodno, and Kabryn areas.

    Feldgend., Anlagenheft 32 z. TB (statt KTB 3). Short accounts of daily activitiesof Secret Field Police Unit 570 in Poland, including investigations of sabotage,espionage, and desertions.


    May 18,

    - Mar 19^ 0Oct 1939

    Sep 19^ 0 - May

    Ic, Anlagenheft U z. TB, Nachrichtenblatter. Intelligence bulletins concerningFinnish infantry defense against Russian tanks, Red Army staff officers, fightingqualities of Russian troops, experiences \rl '_,b P.ucsian weapons, winter training inthe Red Army, Russian fortifications, a strength report of a Russian cavalryregiment, registration and training of recruits, and construction of bunkers.Also, maps (1:1,000,000). Sep 19^ 0

    Ic, Anlagenheft 5 z, TB (statt KTB 3), Allgemeines, Osten. Monthly compilations onRussian troop movements, intelligence courses, and lectures.

    Ic, Anlage 1 z. TB (statt KTB 3), Lagekarten. Tactical situation maps (1:300,000,and 1:100,000) of Lithuania, Estonia, and Latvia.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Kriegsakten, Einsatz Russland. Studies of military geographyand fortifications in the western U.S.S.R. up to the Dnieper River and data onthe enemy situation including a listing of the location of Russian units in theMilitary District of Kiev and the Baltic Military Districts. Also, maps andoverlays of various sizes.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagenkarten. Situation maps (1:1,000,000, 1:300,000, 1:100,000,and 1:25,000) showing the enemy situation, enemy movements, and fortificationsfrom Jan 15 - Jul 25,

    - May

    Sep 19^ 0 - May 191*1

    Aug 19^ 0 - Apr

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    W 69C5/Z 1336

    W 838l*/l8a 1336

    11157/39 1336

    Sep 191*0 - May 19^ *1 11157AO 1336

    11157A1 1337

    11157A2 1337

    11157A3 1337

    Jun 22 - Jul 25, 19^ 1 12553/1 1337

    Jan 15 - Jul 25, 19^ 1 12553/2 1337






  • Armeeoberkommando

    Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Eingegangeu- Kcildungen. Activity and situation reports; consolidatedinterrogation reports of Soviet prisoners of war concerning highways, railroadlines, and highway and railroad bridges; reports on Soviet and German action, in-cluding losses in personnel and equipment; German propaganda to the Soviet troops;and data pertaining to the identification of Soviet units. Jun 22 - Jul 28, 194l 12553/3 1337 465

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen, Russland. Activity, situation, air recon-naissance, and prisoners-of-war interrogation reports pertaining to the enemytactical situation and activities, order of battle, movement of troops andsupplies al^-v; roads and railways, and loss of equipment and personnel. Also,maps and overlays (1:300,000, and 1:2,500,000) indicating tactical dispositionof Soviet units facing the 4th Army sector in the Vitebsk, Gomel, Gorki, andOrsha areas. Jul 2 - l4. 12553A 1338

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen, Russland. Activity, situation, air recon-naicsance and prisoners-of-war interrogation reports pertaining to the enemytactical situation and activities, order of battle, movement of troops andsupplies along roads and railways, and loss of equipment and personnel. Also,overlays indicating tactical disposition of Soviet units facing the 4th Armysector in the Nevel, Vyazma, Rzhev, and Smolensk areas.

    la, Anlagen B z. KTB 9- Reports, maps, and telegrams concerning German and Sovietoperations in central Russia, German casualties, Soviet prisoners and booty,weather conditions, Operation "Taifun," and ammunition consumption; a list ofimportant railroad bridges near Moscow; a survey of Soviet defenses southwestof Moscow; and a chart showing the strength of 2d Panzer Army, 2d, 4th, and9th Armies, and Army Group Center.

    Jul 15-28, 1941 12553/5 1338 474

    13715/15- 1338- 1126,Sep 21 - Nov 5, 1941 13715/25 1340 1029

    la, Anlagen B z. KTB 9- Operational and intelligence reports, orders, messages,and maps concerning German and Soviet combat operations and the tactical situa-tion in the area of Pokrovskoye, Podols, Maloyaroslavets, Rusa, and Borovsk. Nov 11

    13715/27-27, 1941 13715/29 1341 1

    la, Anlagen B 22 z. KTB 9. Operational and intelligence reports concerning Germanand Soviet combat operations in central Russia, including an overlay (1:300,000)showing Soviet forces facing the 4th Army on Dec 12, 194l. Dec 11 - 17, 1941 13763/5 1341 971

  • Armeeoberkommando 1*


    la, Anlagen B 23 z. KTB 9- Operative and intelligence reports and radio messages con-cerning German and Soviet combat operations.


    Ic, Eingegangene Meldungen. Intelligence reports and maps pertaining to German andSoviet combat operations, prisoners-of-war interrogation reports, situationmaps, an overlay of Soviet air forces in the Moscow area, an evaluation reportof Soviet leadership and tactics, and reports of prisoners and booty captured.

    Ic, Lagekarten. Situation maps.

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity reports covering intelligence operations in Polandand central Russia.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen an H.Gr. und OKH. Intelligence reports concerning theenemy situation, condition of enemy troops, Soviet artillery and air forceactivity, booty and prisoners taken. Soviet propaganda, and Soviet commandpotentialities and intentions.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen an H.Gr. und OKH. Daily reports on the enemy tacticalsituation and operations; enemy unit identification, movements, and prisonersof war; weapons and equipment captured and destroyed in the Romny, Kaluga,Dorpat, Istra, Gorki, Kirov, Roslavl, Vyazma, and Moscow areas.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Intelligence reports concerning Germanand Soviet combat operations in central Russia.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB. Intelligence reports concerning security measures and othermiscellaneous matters in Poland.

    Ic, Anlagenheft z. TB, Wachrichtenblatter. Intelligence reports, overlays, andmaps (1:300,000) concerning enemy (Soviet) situation facing the German l*thArmy in Poland.

    Feldgend., Anlagenheft z. TB, Einsatzplan der Geheimen Feldpolizei. Plans foremploying the Secret Military Police in central Russia.

    Dec 18 - 26,

    Aug - Dec 1>1*1

    Aug 23 - Dec 31,

    Item No. Roll

    ll'^ 'o 131*2

    1^ 305/1-1^ 305/9114303 /LO-1^ 305/11

    1st Frame

    Oct 2, 19l*l -Mar 15, 1942

    Jan 1 - Mar 15,

    Dec 191*0 - Jun

    May 25 - Nov 28, 19!*! 17170/1 131*5

    Jun 22 - Oct 1, 19^ 1 17170/2 131*5

    17170/3-17170/5 1667

    17170/6- 131*5-17170/11 13^ 6

    17170/12 131*7

    May 29 - Dec 31, 19^ 1 17170/13 13^ 7

    May 25, 191*1 -Mar 15,




    17170/lU 220

  • Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Lagenkarten. Maps (1:300,000 and others) showing Soviet forcesfacing the German Hth Army in the Moscow area.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB. Intelligence reports outlining German and Soviet air activitiesand the Soviet combat situation.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen an H.Gr. und OKH. Daily reports on the enemy tacticalsituation and operations; enemy unit identification, strength, and movements;and partisan activity in the Mariupol, Borodina, Roslavl, Smolensk, Gorki, andKamenka areas.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagenkarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) showing the location ofSoviet forces.

    Ic, Anlagenheft z. TB, Luftaufklarungsauftrage. German air reconnaissance reportson central Russia.

    Feldgend., Anlagenheft z. TB, Tatigkeit der Geheimen Feldpolizei Gruppe 570. Inter-rogation reports made by the German Secret Field Police on Soviet officers andon individuals suspected of being partisans or Soviet agents.

    la, Kriegstagebu-eh 12. War journal containing daily entries on Russian and Germancombat activities and tactical situation in the vicinity of Kirov and Orsha,intelligence reports, supply data, and casualty reports. Also, reports pertain-ing to Operation "Hannover."

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports on German and Soviet combat activities in theSpas-Demensk area.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming reports concerning Soviet airactivities and German and Russian combat activities.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Ausgegangene Meldungen an OKH und H.Gr. Outgoing reports pertain-ing to German and Soviet combat activities, patrols, air reconnaissance,prisoners-of-war interrogations, antipartisan activity, prisoners of war, anddeserters.

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    13^ 7-2U260/16 1350

    Jan 1 - Mar 25, 19^ 2 17170/15

    Mar 16 - Sep 30, 19*42

    Mar 16 - Sep 15, 19*+2

    Mar 26 - Jul 23, 19*42

    Jun 25,

    Oct 1, 19^2 -Feb 15,

    Oct 1, 19^2 -Jan 31,






    1350Aug 29,

    Mar 23 - Sep 22, 19*42 2^260/21 1351

    Apr 1 - May 23, 19^2 2M&5/1 1351

    27070/1 1351

    27070/2- 1351-27070/9 1352



    Sep 16 - Dec 31, 19^ 2 27070/10 1352





  • Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Nachrichtenblatter. Reports concerning Soviet forces facing theJ+th Army; estimates, with overlays (1:300,000), of enemy strength, personnel,armaments, and fighting qualities.

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report concerning German and Russian combatactivities in the Spas-Demensk area.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming reports on German and Russianair activity.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen an OKH. und H.Gr. Reports on German and Russian combatactivities.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Ausgegangene Meldungen an OKH und Heeresgruppen, Russland. Dailyreports pertaining to enemy tactical situation and activities; troop identifica-tion; prisoners of war captured, enemy weapons and equipment destroyed, andpartisan activities in the area of Aristovo, Roslavl, Bryansk, and Gorodon.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000).

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Tatigkeit der Geheimen Feldpolizei. Reports on activities of theSecret Field Police, including interrogation of Russian prisoners of war(officers and enlisted men).

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports of the Intelligence Branch pertaining to Germanand Russian combat activities.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming intelligence reports on ownand enemy combat activities.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Ausgegangene Meldungen an OKH und Heeresgruppen. Outgoing intel-ligence reports concerning the enemy situation, prisoners-of-war interrogations,German propaganda, partisan activities, and reconnaissance.

    Feldgerd.j Anlagen z. TB, T&tigkeit der Geheimen Feldpolizei. Reports on activitiesof Lhe Secret Field Police, including interrogation of Russian prisoners of war(officers ana enlisted men).

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    27070/11 1352

    Feb 1 - Mar 31,

    Jan - Feb

    Feb 16 - Mar 31,

    Sep 19U2 - Mar

    Sep 19^2 - Mar 19^3 325^3

    Apr k - Jun 30, 19^3 3^5^1/1

    Apr 1 - Jun 30,

    Apr 1 - Jun 30,31*51*1/8-




    Feb 16 - Apr 3, 19^ 3 325^ 2/1 1352 1072


    325^ 2/2- 1352- 1083,325^ 2/5 1353

    325^2/6 1353

    325^2/7 1353

    325U2/8 1353 121*2

    Apr 5 - Jul 2U, 19^3 3^1/H 1355

    1353 1269




  • Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000). Apr

    la, Anlagen A 1-5 z. KTB 16. Intelligence reports concerning the enemy situation,prisoners of war and deserters, and enemy air activities; an order for thedestruction of enemy forces in the forest area northwest of Bryansk; an orderfor the allocation of cut and round timber for the construction of positions;a railway map (1:2,500,000) showing locality and number of partisan attacks,rounds of artillery, air attacks, and demolition of bridges; a chart showingammunition and ration supply; instructions on handling of Russian deserters;and a report on the status of construction of "Barbarossa" positions. May 9 - Jul

    la, Anlage A 7 z. KTB 16. Reports and messages pertaining to enemy and own combatoperations and situation in the Bryansk and Smolensk area. Also includes intel-ligence reports and reports on enemy personnel and materiel losses.

    la, Anlagen B 1-7 z. KTB 16. Casualty reports and reports on enemy and own operationsand situation.

    la, Anlagen B 8-9 z. KTB 16. Reports on the combat situation and operations andan order by Heinrich Himmler concerning antipartisan action.

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily reports concerning German and Russian combat opera-tions west of Roslavl in the Shumyachi area.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming reports pertaining to combatin the Shumyachi area.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Meldungen an OKH und Heeresgruppen. Reports to higher head-quarters concerning operations in the Shumyachi area.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000) relating to the IntelligenceBranch activity reports.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Arbeitskarten - Feindlage. Situation maps (1:300,000) showingenemy positions.


    - Jun 21, 19^ 3

    Jul 18 - 30,

    Apr 1 - Jul

    Jul 9 - 30, 19^ 3

    Jul 1 - Oct 31,

    Jul 1 - Oct 31,

    Jul 1 - Nov lU,

    Jul - Oct 19U3

    Aug 10 - Oct 28,

    Roll 1st fframe

    1355 686

    3^ 558/1- 1355- 698,3^ 558/5 1356 950

    3^ 558/7 13563^ 558/8- 1357-


    3^ 558/15-3^ 558/16 1359

    U2672/1 1359U2672/2- 1359U2672/9 1360U2672/10-U2672/13 1361


    U2672/15 1361





  • 10 Armeeoberkommando


    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen. Reports containing intelligence informationobtained through interrogation of prisoners of war and deserters. Informationabout the enemy (obtained through captured documents) pertaining to troop strength,losses, weapons, and ammunition; location and capacity of armament factories;training, morale, and rations of the Soviet armies; and care and administration Oct 26,of German prisoners of war held in Russian camps.

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Ic, Tatigkeitsberieht. Daily reports of the Intelligence Branch on own and enemyoperations.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Eingegangene Meldungen. Incoming intelligence reports.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen an OKH und Heeresgruppen. Dispatches to higher head-quarters .

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lage- und Feindlagekarten. Maps (1:300,000) showing own and enemysituation.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Reports concerning the disposition andevaluation of enemy forces and the development of German and Russian combatactivities in the Orsha sector. Included are charts, sketches, order of battlecharts, and overlays showing strength, organization, location, and combat ef-ficiency of Russian units facing the 4th Army on the eastern central front.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Gefangenenvernehmungen,interrogation of prisoners of war.

    Intelligence information based on

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Reports of the Intelligence Branch concerning the enemysituation in the Maloyaroslavets and Spas-Demensk areas.

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht, Propaganda. Reports on the propaganda situation behind theGerman and the Russian lines.

    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Propaganda. Meldungen an OKH und Heeresgruppen. Prisoners-of-war interrogation reports, propaganda, and enemy situation reports.

    Oct 20, 191+3 ^2672/16 136l

    Dec 31, 19U3

    - Dec 31,

    Nov 1 -

    Nov 15

    Nov 15 - Dec 31, 19^ 3

    Jan 2 - Dec 28,

    Nov 2 -

    Nov 29,

    Feb 2 - Nov 28, 19^ 3

    Dec 31, 19^ 3

    Jun 21,

    Jan 1 - Jun 30,

    Jan 1 - Apr 30,

    1+8W+8/1 1362

    Lv8UU8/2-3 1362

    U8M+8/1* 1362

    1+8UU8/5 1362

    U8/6 1362

    U8UU8/7 1362

    551^ 9/1 1362

    551^ 9/2 1363551^ 9/3-









  • Armeeoberkommando h


    Ic, Anlagen z. TB, Propaganda. Eingegangene Meldungen. Reports on the propagandasituation, including data on German and Russian air activity.

    la, Die Entwicklung der Lage bei der U. Armee wahrend der russischen Sommeroffensive19^ ? und die Vorgange bei den abgesprengten grosseren Verbanden, Russland.Karten 1-3? Die Entwicklung des russischen Grossangriffs gegen die HeeresgruppeMitte im Sommer 19^ . A report on military developments during the Sovietsummer offensive in the Borisov and Orsha areas, with maps.

    Ic/AO, Anlagen z. KTB, Lagenkarten. Tactical maps (1:1,000,000) showing the posi-tion of enemy units.

    Ic/AO, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Information bulletins about the enemy (Poland)and pamphlets concerning Polish warfare characteristics.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Allgemeiner Schriftwechsel. Reports, announcements, orders, andmessages concerning the results of police investigations in France.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Feindnachrichtenblatter. Intelligence reports concerningGreat Britain, France, the United States, and the Soviet Union.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Schriftwechsel "Geheim" (Westen). Procedures for the interroga-tion of British prisoners of war, names of WCO's and enlisted men in the GermanArmy who speak a foreign language, and other matters.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Organisation, Verwaltung. Orders and directives concerningtreatment and interrogation of British and French prisoners of war.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Schriftwechsel (Osten). Reports on interrogations in criminalcases, on activities of border police, and on similar matters.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Meldungen und Berichte. Reports and messages pertaining toinvestigation of criminal cases, to police activities, and to other matters.

    Ic/AO, Abwehr III, Akte "GFP-West". Reports on police investigations and trials.


    Jan 1 - Jun 21,

    Jun 22 - Jul 5,

    Jan 7, 19^ -Jan 22, 19^ 5

    Aug 19 - Sep 30, 1939

    Mar 31 - Aug 10, 19^ 0

    Jun 1 - Aug 31?

    Jan - Aug 19*4-0

    Jun - Aug 19^ 0

    Oct 19^ 0 - Jul

    May 1 - Jul 31,

    Nov - Dec 1939

    Item No.

    551^ 9/5-551^ 9/10

    6^ 188

    6^ 189/1-6^ 189/3




















    1st Frame



    9^ 9,1








  • 12 Armeeoberkommando li-

    lt em Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Ic, Tatigkeitsbericht. Report on intelligence activities on the Russian front. Dec 11 - 31, 19^ 2 85579 13&7 $99

    Ic, Verschiedenes. Material on the treatment of foreigners, interrogation of Sep 28, 1939 -prisoners, and other matters. Hov 27, 19^ 1 8-580 13&7 922

    Ic, Meldungen und Befehle. Messages and directives relating to French -works ofart, shooting of prisoners, court-martial, and reports on personnel. Jun 20 - Jul h, 19^ 0 85581 13&7

  • Arnieeoberkommando 6 (Sixth Army) *- 13

    The Sixth Army ^ as formed in Oc'uobe^ 1939 from the former Tenth Army and withfacilities of the former Fifth Army on the Rhine. It took part in the cam-paign on the western front in 19^ 0 under General Walter von Reichenau and wastransferred to the southern sector of the Russian front after the opening ofhostilities with the Soviet Union in June 19^ 1. It saw action in Kiev, Khar-Lr ,and Stalingrad, where, under Field Marshal Friedrich Paulus, it was encircled.and destroyed in January 19^ 3- The army was re-formed in southern Russia onMarch 5? 19^ 3 j under General Karl Hollidt. Later commanders were GeneralsMaximilian de Angelis, Maximilian Fretter-Pico, and Hermann Balck. In March19^ the Sixth Army suffered heavy losses while withdrawing from the LowerDnieper Bend. In August 19^ it withdrew from the Lower Dniester and sub-sequently through Rumania and Hungary, and became responsible for the defer,sof Budapest in the autumn of 19HH. It was disbanded on May 8,

    Item Dates 'Item Ho. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Kriegstagebuch-Auszug. Daily reports of the military situation in northeasternFrance and Belgium, and communications regarding Belgium's impending surrender. May 19 - 22, 19^ 0 E 169/1 1368 1

    la, Armeebef ehle . Daily strategy and situation reports of military operations innorthern France and Belgium which include lists of 6th Army units, charts ofcommunications systems, and maps of the battle zone giving Allied troop dis-placement and battle data and showing the disposition of British and Frenchforces in the last stages of organized resistance. May 10 - 30, 19^ 0 E 169/2 1368 12

    Ia> Armeebef ehle. Daily strategy and situation reports of military operations innorth and west central France including lists of 6th Army units, communicationscharts, and a victory letter (celebrating the fall of France) from the commanderof the army. Jim 1-25, 19^ 0 E 169/3 1368 154

    la, Morgen- und Abendmeldungen an H.Gr. B. Daily reports on military strength andprogress in northern France and Belgium. May 10 - Jun 25, 19^ 0 E 169/U 1368 295

    * A small part of the records of the 6th Army are described in Guide No. ^3-> Armies (Part III).

  • lU Armeeoberkommando 6

    Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Allgemeine Anlagen. General military information on the battle of France includ-ing charts with unit locations, copies of the Franco- Italian and Franco-Germanarmistices, and a summary of the six-weeks Blitzkrieg stating achievements andlosses of both sides. May 10 - Jul 3, 19^ 0 E 169/5 1368

    la, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:300,000 and n.s.) pertaining to the conquest ofFrance and Belgium with German troop positions demarcated to emphasize corpsareas and avenues of advance. May 12 - Jun 22, 19^ 0 E 169/6 1368

    la, Entwurf zum Kriegstagebuch 2. Semihourly reports on land and air activitiesduring the invasion of Belgium, Holland, Luxembourg, and northern France. May 9 - J"1111 Hj 19^ 0 E 2l6 1368 533

    O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch 1. Daily reports on sanitation, munitions, engineering, Oct 10, 1939 -transport, and postal affairs. May 9, 19^ 0 W 651/a 1368 693

    O.Qu., Anlagen 1-190 z. KTB. Memoranda, telegrams, and directives of the rearechelon concerning strength, health, transport, and medical facilities. Alsoincluded are a map (1:300,000) of the 6th Army area (extreme west Germany)and lists of staff officers. Oct 10 - Nov 2U, 1939 W 651/b 1368 9lk

    O.Qu., Anlagen 191-^ 27 z. KTB. Appendix to war journal containing special direc-tives for supply and rear services and strength and casualty reports. Also,a map (1:300,000) indicating supply routes in the areas of Cologne, Duren, Nov 2^ , 1939 -Aachen, Miinchen-Gladbach, and Krefeld. Jan 31, 19^ 0 W 651/c 1369 1

    O.Qu., Anlagen 2^8-713 z. KTB. Appendixes to war journal containing specialdirectives for supply and rear services and strength and casualty reports.Also included is a map (1:100,000) indicating supply routes in the Wesel,Duisburg, Dusseldorf, Barmen, Cologne, Dortmund, Neuss, and Duren areas. Feb 1 - May 9j 19^ 0 W 651/d 1369 573

    A.Pi.Fu., Kriegstagebuch 1 mit Anlagen. War journal with charts and five com- Dec 1, 1939 -mimications maps showing unit locations in western Germany. May 9> 19^ 0 W 672/a 1370 1

    A.Pi.Fu., Kriegstagebuch 2 mit Anlagen. War journal with daily activity reports bythe Chief of Engineers of the 6th Army and map overlays showing river crossingsand march routes in Belgium. May 9 - 31, 19^ 0 W 672/b 1370 78

  • Armeeoberkommando 6 15


    A.Pi.Fu., Anlage z. KTB 2. Photographs of Belgian bridges, canals, factories, andother targets.

    A.Pi.Fu., Anlage z. KTB 2, Armeebefehle. Army field orders, charts, a map, andsketches of 6th Army telephone networks.

    A.Pi.Fu., Kartenanlage z. KTB 2. Maps (1:200,000, 1:100,000, 1:50,000 and n.s.)of Belgium.

    A.Pi.Fu., Kriegstagebuch 3 mit Anlagen. War journal with daily activity reportsby the Chief of Engineers of the 6th Army and photographs of French landscapes.

    A.Pi.Fu., Lagekarten z. KTB 3- Thirteen maps (1:200,000) and two maps (1:300,000)of France.

    A.Pi.Fu., Anlage z. KTB 3, Armeebefehle. Army field orders, special directivesfor signal communications, and enemy information bulletins.

    IVd, fatigkeitsbericht (Evang.). Activity report of the Protestant Chaplain.

    IVd, Tatigkeitsbericht (Kath.). Activity report by the Catholic Chaplain duringthe Dutch and Belgian campaign.

    IVd, Tatigkeitsbericht (Kath.). Activity report of the Catholic Chaplain.

    IVd, Tatigkeitsbericht (Evang.). Activity report of the Protestant Chaplain.

    A.Na.Fu., Tatigkeitsbericht 1. Activity report of the Signal Corps Commander.

    A.Na.Fu., Anlage 1 z. TB. Appendix to the activity report of the Signal Officerpertaining to the establishment of signal communications (code word "Walkure),and main highways. Also included are overlays (1:300,000) indicating disposi-tion of signal units, sketches of telephone networks, and special directivesfor signal communications.


    May 9-31, 191+0

    May 9 - 31, 19^ 0

    May 9-31, 191+0

    Jun 1-24, 191+0

    Jun 1-24, 1940

    Item No, Roll 1st Frame

    Jun 1 - 24.

    May 10 - Jun 1, 1940 W

    May 12 - Jun 1, 1940 W 705

    Jun 2 - 30, 1940

    Jun 2 - 30,

    Feb 8 - Jun 27, 19^ 0 W 843

    W 672/d

    W 672/e

    W 672/f

    W 672/g

    W 672/h

    W 674

    w 705W 791

    w 803w 843























    Feb 10 - Jun 28, 19^ 0 W 8U3/a 1371

  • 16 Armeeoberkommando 6


    A.Wa.Fu., Anlagenband 2 z. TB. Appendix to the activity report of the Army ChiefSignal Officer containing special directives for signal communications, regula-tions governing radio communication, and sketches of telephone networks.

    Ila, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal pertaining to daily activities and tacticalsituation along the 6th Army front in the area of Efdsseldorf-Cortessin.

    Ila, Anlagenheft z. KTB. Supplement to war journal containing staff orders,officers' assignment lists, and reports pertaining to war strength records.

    lib, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal containing chronological entries pertaining todaily activities and to the tactical situation along the 6th Army front in theBrie-Chevillou area.

    lib, Anlagenheft z. KTB 1. Reports pertaining to occupational deferments, leaves,transfers, training, and special field units.

    Ila, IVd, Beilage z. KTB, Tatigkeitsbericht. A supplement to the war journal ofthe Officers' Personnel Branch and an activity report of the Chaplains' Branch.

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Feb 9 - j-un 26, 19^ 0 W 8U3/o 1371Oct 6, 1939 -

    Jan 27,

    Oct 6, 1939 -Jun 25,

    Feb 1 - Jul 9, 19^ 0

    Jan 26 - Jul 1, 19UO

    May 10 - Jun 30,

    Ila, IVd, Beilage z. KTB, Tatigkeitsbericht. A supplement to the war journal of theOfficers' Personnel Branch and an activity report of the Chaplains' Branch. May 12 - Jul 1,

    la, Kriegstagebuch. War journal pertaining to daily activities and tacticalsituation in the 6th Army sector, Army Headquarters Dusseldorf.

    la, Kartenanlage. Situation maps (1:100,000).

    la, Kriegstagebuch 2. War journal pertaining to daily activities and to the tacticalsituation along the 6th Army front in the Bussereid, Namur, Sully, Montidier,and Demuir areas.

    la, Senderanlagenband zum Kartenblatt Belgien und Holland, Aufmarschanweisung der6. Armee. Orders pertaining to strategic concentration of troops for Operation"Gelb."

    Oct 7, 1939 -May 8,

    Dec 1, 1939 -May 6,

    W 1059/a 1371

    W 1059/b 1371

    W 1059/c 1371

    W 1059/d 1371

    W 1059/e 1371

    W 1059/f 1371

    W 1060/1 1371

    May 9 - Jun 27, 19^ 0 W 1060/2 1372

    Mar 11 - May 9, 19^ 0 W 1060/3 1372






    7^ -2


    W 1060/la 1371 1011


  • Armeeoberkommando 6 17

    Item Dates Item No, Roll 1st Frame

    la, Sonderanlagenband zum Karteriblatt Belgien und Holland, Aufmarschanweisungen derHeeresgruppe B. Special map appendixes of Belgium and Holland and troop movement Oct 19, 1939 -orders of Army Group B. Apr 18, W 1060/4 1372 411

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band A, Nr. 1-33- Special directives for supply and rearservices and maps (1:160,000 and n.s.) showing the disposition of 6th Army supplyunits.

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band B, Nr. 34-44. Orders, reports, intelligencereports, announcements, and special directives for supply, rear services,signal communication, and air forces; army orders; and reports dealing withstrategic concentration "Gelb."

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band C, Nr. 45-95- Orders, reports, and special direc-tives for supply pertaining to strategic concentration "Gelb"; a road map ofwestern Germany and other maps (1:100,000).

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band D, Nr. 96-135 Orders, reports, and special direc-tives for supply, rear services, signal communication, reconnaissance, security,and supply pertaining to strategic concentration "Gelb"; reports on evaluationof the enemy; and order of battle charts of 6th Army units. Also, maps showingsupply routes in western Germany.

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band E, Nr. 136-169. Special directives for supply,rear services, and air forces; reports concerning training and strategic con-centration "Gelb"; entraining and detraining tables; and a map (1:300,000) ofthe Rhineland showing disposition of Frontier Guard Regiments 26, 36, 46, 56,66, 76, and 112.

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 1, Band F, Nr. 170-195- Messages, orders, reports, andspecial directives for supply and rear services; order of battle chart of rearservices; reports pertaining to reorganization of 6th Army units and to stra-tegic concentration "Gelb1'; and a map showing disposition of 6th Army units inthe Rhineland.

    Oct 10 - 30, 1939 W 1060/6 1372 671

    Cct 29 - Nov 4, 1939 W 1060/7 1372

    Nov 5-22, 1939 W 1060/8 1372



    Nov 23 - Dec 9, 1939 W 1060/9 1373

    Dec 10-22, 1939 W 1060/10 1373 228

    Dec 22-31, 1939 W 1060/11 1373 435

  • 18 Armeeoberkomniando 6

    Item Dates Item Ho. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Anlageriband II z. KTB 1, Band G, Nr. 196-26H. Orders, reports, and special direc-tives for supply and rear services; an order of battle charts of 6th Army units;reports concerning training and strategic concentration "Gelb" ; and army orders. Jan 2

    - 31?

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band B, Nr. 72-153- Special directives for supply andrear services and daily reports pertaining to tactical activities . Also includedare maps (1:300,000 and n.s.) indicating tactical disposition of 6th Army units. Oct 25 - Nov 10^ 1939

    1060/12 1373

    W I06o/ll4 1373

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band C, Nr. 156-223. Information bulletins for theindoctrination of the troops and two maps (1:300,000) indicating tactical dis-position of 6th Army units.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band D, Nr. 22*4-319- Enemy information bulletins andmaps and overlays (1:25,000, 1:50,000, and 1:100,000) indicating tactical dispo-sition of 6th Army units.

    la, Anlagenband III z.KTB 1, Band E. Enemy information bulletins and situationreports with maps (1:300,000 and n.s.) showing tactical disposition of Alliedunits.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band F. Daily reports pertaining to tactical activi-ties, situation reports, and maps (1:500,000, 1:300,000) showing tactical dis-position of German units in the Rhineland.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band G. Reports and messages pertaining to dailyactivities and to the tactical situation, and maps (1:300,000) showing tacticaldisposition of Allied units in Holland and fortifications along the border inHolland, Belgium, and France.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 1, Band H. Reports and messages pertaining to dailyactivities and to the tactical situation, and maps showing tactical dispo-sition of German units in the Rhineland.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Special directives for supply, rear services, reconnais-sance, shelter areas, air forces, and security; reports pertaining to strategicconcentration "Gelb"; sketches (1:300,000) of radio telephone networks of the

    Nov 11-22, 1939

    Nov 23 - Dec 9, 1939 W 1060/16 137*4

    Dec 10 - 31, 1939

    Jan 1-17,

    Jan - Jun

    Jan - Feb

    W 1060/17 137*4

    W 1060/18

    W 1060/19

    W 1060/20


    W 1060/15 1373 1026




  • Armeeoberkornmando 6 19


    6th Army; and a map showing the tactical disposition of Allied units in Holland,France, and Belgium.

    la, Anlage z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities and to thetactical situation along the 6th Army front, a study of economic conditions inHolland and Belgium, special directives for the administration of Holland andBelgium, report pertaining to Operation "Gelb"; and maps (1:300,000) showingshelter areas and tactical disposition of 6th Army units.

    la, Anlage z. KTB. Reports concerning reorganization and regrouping of 6th Armyunits and strategic concentration "Gelb." Also included are special directivespertaining to supply and rear services, signal communication, air forces andreconnaissance; maps (1:300,000 and n.s.) indicating tactical disposition of6th Army units in the Rhineland; and order of battle charts of German AirForces, 6th Army units, and rear services.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports concerning training and other activities of 6thArmy units, officers' assignment lists, order of battle charts of 6th Armyunits, and maps and overlays (1:300,000) showing location of river crossingsand tactical disposition of 6th Army units in the Rhineland.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports concerning strategic concentration "Gelb," specialdirectives for signal communication and the closing of the border, plan of move-ment of 6th Army units with transport tables, order of battle charts of 6th Armyunits and rear services, and maps and overlays (1:300,000) indicating tacticaldisposition of 6th Army units.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities, andto the tactical situation along the 6th Army front, special directives forsignal communication and administration of occupied territory, army orders per-taining to entry into Holland and Belgium, order of battle charts of 6th Armyunits, and an overlay showing the location of river crossings.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities andto the tactical situation, special directives for signal communication with

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    Feb 1-15, 19^ 0 W 1060/21 796

    Feb - Mar 19*4-0 W 1060/22 137^

    Mar 6-19,

    Mar 20 - 26,

    W 1060/23 1375

    W 1060/2U 1375 167

    Mar - Apr W 1060/25 1375 223

    Apr - May W 1060/26 1375

  • 20 Armeeoberkommando 6


    sketch of telephone network, order of battle data of 6th Army units, army orders,enemy information bulletin, and maps (1:500,000) indicating tactical dispositionof Allied units in Holland and Belgium.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages concerning daily activities andtactical situation, special directives for signal communication with sketchesof telephone networks for the 6th Army and German air forces, order of battledata of 6th Army units, and corps and army orders.

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messa^tactical situation, special directivesof telephone networks for the 6th Armydata of 6th Army units, army orders, asurrender of the Belgian Armed Forces,showing disposition of Allied units in

    ;es pertaining to daily activities andfor signal communication with sketchesand German air forces, order of battlereport dealing with negotiations forand a map and an overlay (1:100,000)Belgium.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages relating to daily activities and tothe tactical situation, special directives for signal communication withsketches of telephone networks of the 6th Army, order of battle data of the6th Army, and an overlay (1:200,000) indicating tactical disposition of Alliedunits southeast of Dunkirk.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities and tothe tactical situation, and the continuation of operations after completion ofbattles in Artois and Flanders; order of battle data of German and enemy units;a map showing disposition of 6th Army units in northern France; an overlay(1:200,000) showing disposition of Allied units; special directives for airforces and signal communication; and directives for Operation "Rot."

    May 12-23,

    May 18-23, 19^ 0

    W 1060/27 1375 731

    W 1060/28 1375 1001

    May 23-28, 19^ 0 w 1060/29 1376

    May 29 - 31, 19^ 0 w 1060/30 1376 281

    May - Jun 19^ 0 W 1060/31 1376

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages concerning daily activities and thetactical situation in the 6th Army sector, corps and army orders, special direc-tives for signal communication, an enemy information bulletin, an order of battlechart of Army Group B, and two overlays (1:300,000) indicating tactical disposi-tion of Allied units in northern France. Jun 5-8, w 1060/32 1376 710

  • Armeeoberkommando 6 21


    la, Anlagen z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities and to thetactical situation, order of battle data of 6th Army units, special directives forsignal communication with sketches of the 6th Army telephone network, corps andarmy orders, an enemy information bulletin, and two overlays (1:300,000) indicat-ing tactical disposition of enemy units in northern France.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages relating to daily activities and tothe tactical situation, enemy information bulletin, army orders, directives forcontinuation of the attack, special directives for signal communication withsketches of the 6th Army telephone network, an order of battle chart of ArmyGroup B, order of battle data of 6th Army units, and three overlays (1:300,000)showing disposition of enemy units in northern France.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activities and tothe tactical situation, an enemy information bulletin, army orders, a situationreport, order of battle data of 6th Army units, special directives for signalcommunication with sketches of the 6th Army telephone network, activity reportof antiaircraft units, and an overlay (1:300,000) indicating tactical disposi-tion of enemy units in northern France.

    la, Fotokopien eines Filmes zu einem vom Generalfeldmarschall von Reichenau beab-sichtigten Kriegsspiel. Operations file pertaining to strategic concentration"Rot."

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Anlage z. KTB, Lagenkartenmappe, Holland und Belgien. Situation maps (variousscales) of Holland and Belgium.

    O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch 3- Orders pertaining to supply matters from A Day (A Tag),/attack day/ through the following 10 days.

    O.Qu., Anlagen 1-19 z- KTB. Special directives for supply, rear services, andtraffic control; casualty and strength reports; overlays and maps showingdisposition of supply units of the 6th Army; and a map (1:100,000) indicatingtactical disposition of enemy units in northern France.

    O.Qu., Anlagen 20-35 z. KTB. Special directives for supply and rear services,report on negotiations for the surrender of the Belgian Armed Forces,

    Jun 9 - W 1060/33 1376 952

    Jun 13-18, 19^ 0 W 1060/3U 1377

    Jun 19 - 27,

    Oct 26, 19UO

    W 1060/35 1377 237

    W 1060/35a 1377

    May 9 - Jun 27, 19^ 0 W 1060/37 1377

    May 9 - 31, W 1173a 1377 685

    Apr 17 - May 20, 19^ 0 W 1173/b 1377 715

  • 22 Armeeoberkommando 6


    casualty and strength reports, and two overlays (1:300,000) indicating army"boundaries.

    O.Qu., Sonderanlage z. KTB, Aufmarschanvieisung "Gelb". Directives concerningstrategic concentration "Gelb."

    IVd, Anlage z. TB. Appendix to activity reports of the Catholic Chaplainsstationed in Belgium and Holland.

    O.Qu., Sonderanlage z. KTB. Reports and messages pertaining to daily activitiesand to the tactical situation, maps indicating disposition of enemy units inBelgium and road conditions in northern France, tables showing assignment of6th Army units, and reports concerning military administration in Belgium andHolland.


    May 21 - 31, 19^ 0

    May 9 - 31, 19^ 0

    Mar 25 - Jul 1,

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    W 1173/c 1377 1070

    W 1173/d. 1378

    w 1178 1378

    May 9 - 31, W 1178/a 1378

    IVa, Kriegstagebuch 1. War journal of the Administrative Branch concerning rations, Oct 9, 1939 -clothing, equipment, pay, and other administrative matters.

    IVa, Anlagen z. KTB 1. Reports pertaining to organization, billeting, strength,administrative services, rations, and clothing.

    IVa, Kriegsrangliste der Beamten. Army directory of officials of the 6th Army.

    IVa, T&tigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Administrative Branch.

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Kriegsrangliste der Beamten. Army directory of officials of the6th Army.

    IVa, Anlagen z. TB. Appendixes to activity report of the 6th Army AdministrativeBranch pertaining to rations, a report on rations strength for men and horsesfor 6th Army units, a report on the status of supply, and a list of divisionaldepots.

    IVa, I*atigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Administrative Branch.

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Kriegsrangliste der Beamten. Army directory of officials of the6th Army.

    Jan 31, 19^ 0 W U273/1 1378

    Oct 1939 - Jan 19^ 0

    Oct 1939 - Jan

    Feb 1 - May 9,

    W 1+273/2 1378

    W U273/3 1378

    W U273A

    Feb 1 - May 9,

    May 10 - Jul 9,

    Feb 1 - May 9, 19^ 0 W U273/5 1378

    W U273/6 1378

    W U273/7 1378






    May 10 - Jul 9, 19*10 W ^ 273/8 .1378




  • Armeeoberkommando 6 23


    IVa, Anlagen z. TB. Tables showing status of rations at ration depots and breakdownof army troops within the 6th Army; daily reports pertaining to rations, clothing,and equipment; and overlays showing the location of ration depots in Belgium andHolland and the number of men supplied by these depots.

    Ic/AO, Anlage z. TB, Meldungen und Berichte. Reports, messages, directives, andannouncements relating to combat in France.


    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band I mit Anlagen, Erster Tagenemy activity and reports on supply for own troops.

    Intelligence reports on

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Messages, reports, announcements, orders,and directives pertaining to combat in France; and intelligence informationon British and French activities.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagekarten, West. Situation maps (1:300,000, 1:500,000, and1:200,000) showing disposition of own and enemy units in Belgium and France.

    Ic, Anlage z. TB, Lagekarten, West. Situation maps (1:200,000, 1:300,000) showingdisposition of own and enemy units in France.

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band II, Teil 1. Daily activity reports and messagespertaining to own and enemy tactical situation, losses, and order of battlein the Tours, Compiegne, Scissons, and St. Quentin areas of France. Also in-cluded are enemy information bulletins^ situation reports, and overlays(1:300,000) indicating tactical disposition of enemy units in northern France.

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band II, Teil 2. Daily activity reports and messagespertaining to own and enemy tactical situation, losses, and order of battlein the Caulaincort, Namur, Ypern, Lie'ge, and Chailly areas. Also includedare reports pertaining to assignment and organization of 6th Army units, propa-ganda leaflets in French, photographs showing scenes of French cities, andoverlays (1:300,000) showing disposition of enemy units.

    Ic/AO, Anlagen z. TB, Funkanlagen. Intelligence reports on action in France, andon the location of radio stations and networks.

    May 10 - Jul 9, 19^ 4-0

    May 18 - 28,

    May 9,

    May 10 - 17,

    May 9-31,

    Jun 1-21, 19^ 0

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    W H273/9 1378

    W 5^ 09/a 1378

    W 5^ 09/al 1378

    W 5^ 09/a2 1378

    W 5^ 09/a3 1378

    W 5^ 09/aU 1379





    May 29 - Jun 10, 19^ 0 W 5^ 09/bl 1379 72

    Jun 11 - 2U, 19*10

    May 21 - Jun 21, 19^ 0

    W 5^ 09/b2 1379

    W 5^ 09/c 1379



  • Armeeoberkommando 6


    la, Anlage z. KTB, Bericht der 290. Infanterie Division uber Kampfhandlungen, mit8 Anlagen und 1 Planpause, Oise-Aisne Kanal. Combat report of the 290th InfantryDivision.

    O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch U. War journal containing chronological entries pertainingto planning, organization, and general operation of the services in the field.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Data on personnel and supply requirements and losses, intel-ligence reports, and maps showing tactical disposition of 6th Army units inBelgium and France.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Reports concerning military police and traffic controlservice, security measures, prisoners of war and captured booty, and themilitary commander in Paris; corps orders; special directives for trafficcontrol and road maintenance and construction; maps showing location of con-struction units of the 6th Army; and a road map of northern France.

    Bv.T.O., Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily activity reports of the Chief TransportationOfficer. Also, duty rosters, a map showing a railroad network in France, anda report relating to supply by air.

    Bv.T.O., Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily activity reports of the Chief TransportationOfficer. Also included are army orders of the day, special directives forrear services, photographs of destroyed bridges, a report concerning transporta-tion of fuel, and train tables showing arrival and departure time and shipmenton each train.

    la, Anlagenbande z. KTB. Announcements, orders, reports, and directives pertain-ing to operations in France.

    la, Anlage z. KTB, Lagekarten. Situation maps (1:100,000, 1:200,000, and1:1*00,000).

    IVd, Tatigkeitsberichte, evangelisch-katholisch. Activity reports of theChaplains' Branch.


    Jun - Oct 19*4-0

    Jun 1-27, 19^ 0

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    W 5721

    W 5767a

    May 9 - Jun 27, 19^ 0 W 5767b

    Oct 22, 1939 -Apr 27, 19^ 0

    Apr 28, 19^ 0 -Jan 26,

    Jun 28, 19^ 0 -Mar 23, 19^ 1

    Jul 1 - 3, 19^ 0

    Jul 13,Apr lU, 191*1




    1379 756

    138C 180


    Jun 1 - Jul 2, 19^ 0 W 5767/c 1380

    W 6^ 75/1 1380

    W 6^ 75/2 1380






    1380- 8^7,1383 1



  • Armeeoberkommando 6 25

    Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Kriegstagebuch k. War journal pertaining to daily planning and operationalactivities in France. jun 28 - Dec 31, 19*40 8718/1 1383 20k

    la, Kriegstagebuch 5. War journal concerning planning, operations, and activitiesin France. Jan 1 - Apr 15, 19^ 1 8718/2 1383 699

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 5- Announcements, orders, reports, and directives relating tooperations in France. iAar 21 - Apr 13, 19^ 1 8718/3 1383 853

    Ila, Tatigkeitsbericht . Activity report of the Officers Personnel Branch. Jun 28,Apr lU, 19^ 1 8863/1 1383 102?

    Ila, Anlagen z. TB. Correspondence, orders, lists of officers, and personnel Jun 28, 19^ 0 -directives. Apr lU, 19^ 1 8863/2 138^ 1

    IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Administrative Branch pertaining to Jun 30, 19^ -0 -rations, clothing, equipment, pay, and other administrative matters. Apr 1^ , 19^ 1 895 Vl 138^ 187

    IVa, Anlagen z. TB, Verschiedenes. Orders, directives, and reports on supplymatters. Jun 19^ 0 - Apr 19^ 1 895V2 !38^

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder der Schlachter Komp. 20^ . Photographs showing thefacilities of Butcher Company 20^ . No date 895^ /3 138U

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder der Backerei Komp. 216. Photographs showing thefacilities of Bakery Company 216. No date Qy^k/k 138^ U77

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder des Armeeverpf legungslageas zu Coutances. Photographsof the Army Ration Supply Depot at Coutances. No date 895^ /5 138^

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder des Armeeverpflegungslagers zu Le Mans, MarketendereiSt. Lo. Photographs of the Army Ration Supply Depot at Le Mans and of thePost Exchange at St. Lo. No date 895 V6 138U 503

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder des Armeeverpflegungslagers zu Carentan. Photographsof the Army Ration Supply Depot at Carentan. No date 895^ /7 138U 510

  • 26 Armeeoberkommando 6

    Item Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    IVa, Anlage z. TB, Bilder des Armeebekleidungslagers zu Nantes. Photographs of theArmy Clothing Depot at Nantes. " No date 895^ /8 138U 519

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band III. Daily activity reports relating to counter-intelligence duty in occupied France, information on the capitulation of France,war communique's, and enemy information bulletins. jfiSee footnote, p. 36^.7 Jun 25 - Aug 20, 19^ -0 9^ 3/1 1668 1

    Ic/AO, T'atigkeitsbericht, Band IV. Activity report of the Intelligence Branchpertaining to the control of radio broadcasts, the presentation of films, andsecurity measures to be taken against sabotage; and information bulletins ofthe High Command of the Armed Forces. Aug 21 - Oct 21, 19^ 0 9^ 3/2 138^ 5^ 3

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht, Band V. Evaluation reports of captured documentation,reports on the morale of the population in occupied France, war communiques,translations of British propaganda leaflets, and copies of correspondencebetween Churchill and De Gaulle. Oct 22 - Dec 31, 19^ 0 9^ 3/3 1668 6l6

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsberichte, Bande VT-vlI. Activity reports pertaining to thepresentation of films and to changes in personnel; list of speakers and subjectmatter; enemy information bulletins with maps (1:100,000) showing dispositionof enemy units in Greece, North Africa, the Near East, India, and Great Britain;a map showing disposition of German units in southeast Europe; situation reportson Rumania, Bulgaria, Greece, and Italy; and information bulletins of the ArmedForces High Command. Jan 1 - Apr 13, 19]+1 9*^ 3 A-5 13&5 1

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht. List of French corps, divisions, regiments, and battalionsand a study of the Netherlands concerning its history, politics, economics,society, law, and constitution. Apr - May 19^ 0 9858/1 1385

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht mit Anlagen. Counterintelligence file containing reportspertaining to construction of positions along the del'Ailette Canal, dutyrosters and organization of French units, radio control, supply routes in France,and interrogations of prisoners of war. May 13 - Jul 6, 19**0 9858/2 1386

    Ic/AO, Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily activity reports relating to British air raids onFrance, German war communique's, and enemy information bulletins. Nov 3 - Dec 31, 19^ 0 9858/3 1669

  • Armeeoberkommando 6 27


    la, Anlagen z. KTB. Reports on use and functioning of French artillery.

    la, Anlagenband I z. KTB 6. Detailed instructions for strategic concentration oftroops for the carrying out of Operation "Barbarossa."

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 6. Detailed information on strategic preparations forOperation "Barbarossa," order of battle charts, a map showing the dispositionof the divisions subordinate to the 6th Army, and a map (1:300,000) showingroads for the tank approaches (Panzergruppe l) into Soviet Russia through theUkraine.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 6. Information on military preparations for Operation"Barbarossa," details on the condition of roads leading from Krakau into Russia,and order of battle charts.


    Oct 19^ 0 - Mar 19^ 1 12551

    Feb lU, 1924-1

    Feb - Mar

    Mar - Apr

    la, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 6. Information on the concentration of troops for theinvasion of Russia. Also, details on survey work, communications, and supplies. Apr 8-22,

    la, Anlagenband V z. KTB 6. Information on the military objective of the 6th Army,order of battle charts, maps, and a description of road conditions.

    la, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 6. Information on troop concentrations, march routesfrom Poland to Russia (objective Kiev), charts, and maps. Also, regulationson preventive medicine and hygienic directives for troops.

    la, Anlagenband VTI z. KTB 6. Detailed information on the reconstruction and main-tenance of roads and bridges within the operational area of the 6th Army, amend-ments to plan Barbarossa, orders for combat unit "Staufen," charts, maps, andorder of battle charts.

    la, Anlagenband VIII z. KTB 6. Maps (1:100,000) showing strategic concentration oftroops of the 6th Army and their proposed course of advance into Russia, ordersfor combat unit "Staufen," and order of battle charts of the 6th Army.

    Apr - May

    May 10 - lU, 19U1

    May Ik - 27,

    May - Jun 19Ul

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame


    133^ 2/1** 1386 521

    133^ 2/5 1386 609

    133^ 2/6 1386 76l

    133^ 2/7 1386 875

    133U2/8 1387

    133^ 2/9 1387 199

    133^ 2/10 1387

    133^ 2/11 1387

    * Kriegstagebucher 6-8 under Items 133U2/1-3 are missing, but Items 30155/20-22 are Zweitschrift of KTB 6-8 and can be foundon Rolls 1^ 55-1^ 56. They cover the period Feb 11 - Sep 29,

  • 28 Armeeoberkommando 6

    Item Dates

    la, Anlageriband IX z. KTB 6. Orders and directives concerning the strategic concentra-tion of 6th Army troops. Included are maps and charts showing supply and communica-tion lines. Jun 5-15,

    la, Anlagenband X z. KTB 6. Detailed information on plans for strategic advancetoward Sulow including aerial photographs of Sulow, a chart showing the road netin the Krystynopol-Zamosc area, and a report on the disposition of troops of the6th Army. Jun 16-25,

    la, Anlagenband XI z. KTB 6. Reports on military operations north and west of Zabcze. Jun 2h - 29,

    la, Anlagenband XII z. KTB 6. Reports on military operations in the Dubno andKrzemieniec areas.

    la, Anlagenband XIII z. KTB 6. Reports on military operations, the tactical situa-tion, and combat activities in the Korosten area.

    la, Anlagenband XIV z. KTB 6. Reports and teletype messages on tactical operationsin the Zhitomir area and on the advance in the direction of Kiev. Included arereports on the enemy situation.

    la, Anlagenband XV z. KTB 6. Detailed instructions for the execution of Operation"Barbarossa." Included are orders for the actual commencement of hostilitieswith Russia.

    la, Anlagenband I z. KTB 7- Reports on the disposition of troops of the 6th Army,instructions for the conduct of battle by General von Reichenau, and teletypemessages on combat activities in the Zhitomir area. Also, reports on the enemysituation*

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 7- Detailed reports on combat activities in the Zhmerinkaarea. Included are teletype messages on the progress of military operations inthe battle for Kiev.

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 7- Reports and teletype messages concerning militaryoperations in the Zhitomir area. Included are order of battle charts.

    Jun - Jul

    Jul U - 9,

    Jul 9 - 11,

    Mar - Jun

    Jul 12 - 15,

    Jul 15 - 18, 19*U

    Jul 18-23,




    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    133^ 2/12 1387 627

    133^ 2/13 1387133^ 2/lU 1388

    133te/15 1388

    133^2/16 1388

    133^ 2/17 1388

    133^ 2/18 1388 1098

    133^ 2/19 1389 1

    133^ 2/20 1389 288

    133U2/21 1389 571

  • Armeeoberkommando 6 29


    la, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 7 Reports and teletype messages pertaining to combatoperations in the Vasilkcv area.

    la, Anlagenband V z. KTB 7- Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Krichev area.

    la, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 7- Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Kosin (Dnieper) area.

    la, Anlagenband VII z. KTB 7* Reports and teletype messages pertaining to combatoperations in the Rudka-Kanev area. Included are charts showing the disposi-tion of the troops.

    la, Anlagenband VIII z. KTB 7. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Litovskaya and Yurovka areas. Included is a survey on the dispositionof 6th Army troops.

    la, Anlagenband IX z. KTB 7. Teletype messages and reports on combat operationsin the Dnepropetrovsk area.

    la, Anlagenband X z. KTB 7 Reports and teletype messages and maps (1:300,000) oncombat operations in the Ivankov and Gornostaypol areas.

    la, Anlagenband XI z. KTB 7 Reports and teletype messages on combat operations inthe Ksaverov-Skuraty areas. Included is a Russian map (l:50,000) showing Kievand surrounding areas.

    la, Anlagenband XII z. KTB 7- Reports and teletype messages on combat activitiesin the Kotsherovo-Radomyshl areas.

    la, Anlagenband I z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Dnieper-Belgorodka area giving details on the progress of combatactivities. The military objective is Kiev. Included is a Russian map(l:50,000) of Kiev and surroundings and a chart of a Slovak division.


    Jul 22-28,

    Jul - Aug

    Aug 1-5,

    Aug 6-9,

    Aug 10-13,

    Aug 12-17,

    Aug 16 - 21,

    Aug 22-25,

    Aug 26, 19Ul

    Aug 26-30,

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    133^ 2/22 1389 870

    133^2/23 1389 H28

    1390 1

    133^ 2/25 1390 268

    133^ 2/26 1390 536

    133^ 2/27 1390 727

    133^ 2/28 1390 929

    133^ 2/29 1391

    133^ 2/30 1391 322

    133^ 2/31 1391 397

  • 30 Armeeoberkommando 6

    Item Dates

    la, Anlagenband II z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operations inthe Korop area. Included is a graphic sketch of a railway bridge north of Romanovkaand immediate surroundings. Aug - Sep

    la, Anlagenband III z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Dnieper and Chernigov areas. Details are given on the progress of combatactivities . Attached is a chart of the expected order of battle of the Red Armyopposing the German 6th Army. Sep 2

    la, Anlagenband IV z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Olishevka area. Included is a skctcn relating to telephone communica-tions in the region of Zhitomir.

    la, Anlagenband V z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Aleksandriya area. Included is a proclamation to the troops of the6th Army issued by Field Marshal von Reichenau.

    la, Anlagenband VI z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Ivanovka area. Included is a graphic chart pertaining to telephonelines originating in Ivanovka.

    la, Anlagenband VII z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationsin the Kiev area. Details are given on trie outcome and progress of combatactivities. Included are enemy situation maps.

    la, Anlagenband VIII z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operationseast of Kiev.

    la, Anlagenband IX z. KTB 8. Reports and teletype messages on combat operations inthe Kharkov area giving details on the progress of combat activities. Includedis a report on propaganda and cultural activities in Kiev.

    la, Lagekarten z. KTB 6. Maps (1:100,000 and 1:300,000) concerning billeting ofthe 6th Army, concentration of troops, and German and Russian tactical situa-tions in the southern sector of the Russian front.

    - 6,

    Sep 6 - 10,

    Sep 10-13,

    Sep lU - 17,

    Sep 1? - 21,

    Sep 21-25, 19*H

    Sep 26 - 29,

    May - Jul

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    133^ 2/32 1391 663

    133^ 2/33 1391 926


    133^ 2/35 1392 250

    133^ 2/36 1392 560

    133^ 2/37 1392 879

    133^ 2/38 1392

    133^ 2/39 1393

    133^ 2/1+0 1393 221

  • Armeeoberkommando 6 31


    la, Lagekarten z. KTB 7- Situation maps (1:100,000) concerning German and Russianunits in the southern sector of the Russian front.

    la, Lagekarten z. KTB 8. Situation maps concerning German and Russian tacticaloperations, bridge conditions over the Dnieper-Desna, and highway conditionsin the Zliitomir, Ovruch, and Kiev areas .-

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 9 Reports and teletype messages of the army command postat Lubny on combat activities in the Yablonevo-Piryatin area.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 9- Reports and teletype messages on combat activities inthe Krasnograd area including situation reports on the disposition of Sovietforces.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 9* Reports and teletype messages on combat activities inthe area north of the Sea of Azov. Attached is an overlay of the city ofKharkov.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 9- Reports and teletype messages on combat activities inthe Kolomak area. Included are situation reports on the enemy.

    la, Anlagenband z. KTB 9- Reports and teletype messages on combat activities inthe western area of Kharkov including a city map of Kharkov (1:15,000).

    la, Auszugsweise Abschrift KTB 9 War journal pertaining to the tactical situation,operations, and activity of the 6th Army in the Ukraine. ^Ttems 30155/23-2^ onRoll lU65 are a complete copy of KTB 9.7

    Dates Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    la, Anlagen z. KTB. Organization charts pertaining to artillery units operatingin Russia.

    Jul - Aug

    Aug 27-29,

    Sep - Oct

    Oct 5 - 9,

    Oct 8-12,

    Oct 13-17,

    Oct 18 - 23, 19*H

    Sep 30 - Dec 31,

    No date

    la, Anlagen z. KTB, Artillerie Akten. Reports and charts, compiled by the OperationsBranch, pertaining to the various artillery positions in the .line of combatagainst Russia. Apr - Dec

    O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch 5- War journal of the Supply Branch giving a daily account jun 28,of supply activities and an Army directory.


    133U2/U2 1393

    1U518/1 1393

    1^ 518/2 139k




    1^ 518/5






    Mar 31,


    1U998/1 1395 30

    1^ 998/2 1395 120

    151U2/1 1395 252

  • 32 Armeeoberkommando 6


    O.Qu., Anlage z. KTB 5- Reports and maps pertaining to preparations for Operation"Seelbwe."

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB. Reports pertaining to supplies (fuel and ammunition), graphiccharts on supply points, and special regulations on supply problems in connectionwith Operation "Seelbwe."

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 5 Detailed reports on supply operations and care of gravesof soldiers killed in action. Included is a report on the results of a meetingrelative to Operation "Seelbwe."

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 5 Detailed reports on supply activities, an order of battlecharts of reserve units, and an overlay (1:500,000) showing supply points of the6th Army.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 53 Kriegsgliederungen, Stellenbesetzungen. Order of battlecharts and names of army personnel assigned to various units.

    IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. A folder compiled by the Administrative Branch containinga daily account of administrative activities.

    IVa, Anlagen z. TB. Tables of ration strength for 6th Army units, list of detrain-ing stations, a chart showing status of army rations depots, and personnelcharts.

    IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Activity report of the Administrative Officer pertainingto rations, clothing, equipment, and pay for units of the 6th Army.

    IVa, Anlagen z. TB. Messages, orders, directives, and reports pertaining to armysupply in western Europe. Also included are special directives for supply andoverlays showing location of supply depots in France and Belgium with designa-tion of units of the 6th Army and the number of men and horses supplied fromeach depot.

    IVa, Tatigkeitsbericht. Daily activity reports of the Administrative Officer per-taining to rations, clothing, equipment, and pay for units of the 6th Army.


    Jun - Aug 19^ 0

    Aug - Sep 19^ -0

    Sep 29,

    Jan - Mar

    Jun - Aug 19*10

    Feb - May 19^ 0

    Feb - May 19^ 0

    Item No. Roll 1st Frame

    151^ 2/2 1395

    151^ 2/3 1395


    151^ 2/5 1396

    151^ 2/6 1397


    151^ 2/8 1397

    May 10 - Jul 9, 19^ 0 151^ 2/9 1397

    May - Jul 151^ 2/10 1397






    Jun 19^0 - Apr 191*1 151^ 2/11 1397



  • Armeeoberkommando 6 33


    IVa, Anlagen z. TB. Reports, orders, and directives relating to transport andsupply in France.

    IVb, Auszug aus KTB mit 8 Karten. Eight maps showing location of medical units andfacilities of the 6th Army in France and Belgium.

    O.Qu., Kriegstagebuch 6. War journal of the Supply Branch containing detailedreports on supply activities in Poland and Russia (Dnieper area).

    O.Qu., Anlage z. KTB 6. Detailed reports on supply activities in the area ofKrasnik and Lublin. Also, directives concerning supplies and army jurisdic-tion, regulations on hygienic measures for troops, reports on ammunition needs,and a map (1:300,000) showing Radom and vicinity.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports pertaining to supply matters; aerial photographsof Przemyslow, Brzezno, Nieledew, Witkow, and Werbkowice; and order of battlecharts of supply troops.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 6. Detailed reports on supply operations of the 6th Army,supply directives, and information on the disposition of 6th Army troops.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports on transportation and supply matters, informa-tion on combat activities in the Kiev and Malin areas, and a map showingsupply points near Zhitomir.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports on transportation and supply matters, directiveson supplying of 6th Army troops, and maps showing the supply situation of the6th Army.

    O.Qu., Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports and directives on transportation and supplymatters.

    O.Qu. Anlagen z. KTB 6. Reports and teletype messages concerning supply matters,regulations for rail transports in the winter, directives pertaining to troopsupplies, and a map showing the supply situation in the 6th Army sector.

    Dates Item No. Roll I-.1-,

    Mar - Jun

    Jun 1 - 27,

    Aug - Nov

    Nov - Dec

    151^ 2/21 1397

    151-2/22 1393

    151^ 2/23 1398


    151^ 2/25 1399

    151^ 2/26 1399

    2*10Jun 19^ 0 - Apr 19Ul 151U2/12 1397

    Mar 23 - Jun 27, 19^ 0 151^ 2/19 1397

    Mar 11 - Dec 31, 19^ 1 151^ 2/20 1397 7^3




    Dec 19Ul - Jan 19^ 2 151^ 2/27 1^ 00