Nano Tech Soft Copy

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  • 8/9/2019 Nano Tech Soft Copy



    The term nano-technology has evolved over the years via terminology

    drift to mean anything smaller than micro technology such as nano powders,microprocessors, micro-data chips, micro machines, which have a capacity much

    much more than its macro ones ..

    Nanotechnology gets its name from from the measurement called nanometer,

    which is one-billionth of a meter1/80000 the size of human hair. A nanometer

    comprises of many small atoms manipulating to form molecule ,the building

    blocks that produce new materials with exact properties they desire:smaller,

    stronger, tougher, lighter and more resilient than what has come before

    In this report you will find interesting creation by Buckminster Fullerfog

    By giving the proper command to this fog, you can cause any object to appear

    anywhere at any time. Thus you can do an angel's job carrying a remote control

    shaped like a wand with a star on the end.

    Also you will find Microelectronic devices First, in the 1950s and 1960s,

    solids state devices-transistors-replaced vacuum tubes and miniaturised all the

    devices(e.g., radios, televisions and computers) that originally had been invented

    and manufactured using tube technology. Then, starting in the mid-I960s,

    successive generations of smaller transistors began replacing larger ones. This

    permitted more transistors and more computing power to be packed in the same

    small space

    If computers are to continue to get smaller and more powerful at the same rate,nanotechnology will need to be employed for miniature electronic devices

    One of such technologies to get the most-micro transistor is scaling of



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    desktop PCs to the size of wrist watches. It's not just the size that is going to

    matter, the nano-revolution is going to give a big boost to power sources, chip

    technology and semi-conductors.

    Nanoscience is the science that deals with substances in which one

    dimension is less than 100 nanometre (nm). A nanometre is one billionth of a

    metre and the diameter of human hair is about 50,000 nm.

    Nanotechnology is the technology of designing, fabricating and applying

    nanosystems. A nanosysytem is a system that is synthesised to a nanometre

    scale (a nanometre is a billionth of a metre and spans approximately 10 atomic



    One of the first obvious benefits is improved manufacturing. We are

    modifying familiar manufacturing systems to offer precision on the atomic scale.

    This will give us greater understanding of the building of things, and greater

    flexibility in the types and quantity of things we may build. We will be able to

    expand control of systems from the macro level to the micro level and beyond,

    while simultaneously reducing the cost associated with manufacturing of

    products.Nanotechnology will touch our lives right down to the

    water we drink and the air we breathe. Once we have the

    ability to capture, position and change the con figuration of

    a molecule, we would be able to create filtration systems

    that will scrub the toxins from the air or remove hazardous

    organisms from the water we drink.


    Using nanotechnology we can design an intelligent polymorphic (shape-

    changing) material that, like your body, consists of trillions of microscopic

    machines. Like human cells, each machine will have a substantial local program

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    and information storage, but act in accordance with patterns of global

    information. Unlike your cells, they wilJ reprogram more quickly and more widely,

    adopt a wider array of functions and look like spiders rather than jellyfish.

    The particular scheme for this intelligent material is called 'utility fog.' Utility

    fog consists of a mass of tiny robots. They do not float in the air but form a lattice

    by holding hands in twelve directions (corresponding to the struts in an octet

    truss). Each robot has a fairly small body compared to its arm spread, and the

    arms are relatively thin. Each arm is telescoping-an action driven by a relatively

    powerful motor-and can be waved back and forth by relatively weak motors

    Of course, one could design a foglet (as the robots are called) with fewer

    arms, say, six, corresponding to the easierto-visualise cubic lattice. The main

    reason for avoiding this is that the lattice is not isotropic: it responds quite

    differently to forces applied along an axis and those applied along a diagonal.

    Also the octet truss structure, remains rigid even if all the arms are connected to

    the body by hinges. Since a rectangular truss would collapse, it needs powerful

    motors to control the angle each arm makes with the body. A 6-arm design

    would need three big motors per arm, i.e. a total of 18 motors. The octet

    structure needs only one big motor per arm, i.e. a total of 12 motors. The arm-

    waving motors need power just enough to position the arm itself, not to exert

    macroscopic forces throughout the structure.

    The material properties of this mass depend on the programming of the

    robots. The geometry is such that stresses in the material appear as longitudinal

    forces along the arms.

    Each foglet can sense the force along each arm and do something

    depending on the magnitude and relation of those forces. If the programming

    says "extend when the force is trying to stretch and retract when it is trying to

    compress," you have a soft material.

    If the programming says "extend when the force is trying to stretch and retract

    when it is trying to compress," you have a soft material.

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    If it says "resist any change up to a certain force, then let go," you have a hard

    but brittle material.

    If the programming says maintain a constant total among the extension of all

    arms, but otherwise do whatever the forces would indicate, and when a

    particular arm gets to the end of its envelope, let go,

    look for another arm coming into reach to grab," you have a liquid. and If you

    allow the sum of the arm extensions to vary with the sum of the forces on the arms, you'll

    have something that approximates a gas within a certain pressure range.

    Because the foglets can use their own power to move or resist moving, the

    apparent density and viscosity of the fluid can be anything from molasses to

    near vacuum.


    The only major breakthrough necessary to build the fog is Nano technology itself.

    Assemblers need to build molecule-size, individually controllable, physical actua-

    tors, arms, motors, gears, sprockets, pulleys and the like, and then molecular-size computers to control them.

    The lower limit is 1- or 2-micron body and 5- to lO-micron arms. , 1mm fog lets

    might be able to do all the physical tasks of interest

    Note that the user, embedded in the fog, is not really looking at it but at a

    synthetic image, probably generated by a pair of active holographic contact


    Invisible individually, would cause scattering good enough for a cluster of them

    to look like a cloud.

    To be economical, fog should be capable of self-reproduction For you to be

    able to afford them, they should cost less than $0.00000000001 a piece.

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    What foglets don't need is to be individually self-reproducing

    Assemblers will be the most efficient when they work in a vat of special

    precursor chemicals.

    This will also constitute a built-in safety against runaway replication


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    It consists of 12 arms, which can bend like hands of human with help of

    elbows, and has no fist yes but has three fingers

    Use of so many arms allows robots to let go briefly to change neighbors,

    and still retain strength and connectivity in the structure.

    Its three fingers form an extension of the arm when closed and spread

    apart at a slight angle when open.

    The gripper at the end of each arm has one degree of freedom (rotation)

    driven by a weak motor.

    The grippers are used solely for gripping the end of another arm in a

    straight line. These are designed such that two arms approaching each

    other can be slightly off the line and angle, and the coupling process is


    Once these are coupled, however, the resulting joint is straight and rigid.

    Coupling also makes power and communication connections between the

    two foglets.

    Assemblers are present which need to build molecule-size, individually

    controllable, physical actuators, arms, motors, gears, sprockets, pulleys

    and the like, and then molecular-size computers to control them.

    Micro chips store in data and programs which can be implemented when

    ordered to do the action

    Its strength is so high as to carry50kg of bag with help of 3 arms only


    The typical specialised nano-factory will be a breadbox to the refrigerator-size

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    object, with trillions of parallel assembly lines converging in a tree-like structure

    to produce ever-larger sub-components of the end product. For something as

    small as a foglet, the factory could be quite a bit smaller, of course.

    But how would one breathe when the air is a solid mass of machines? Foglets occupy only a

    small percentage of the actual volume of the air and need lots of space to move around easily.

    Thus there's plenty of air left to breathe. Fog could enter your lungs (and scrub them of air

    pollution, smoke, and what not with every breath), simulating the activity of unoccupied air or

    forming a fog-free region around you into which fresh air was continually fanned

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    What if the power fails and you are suddenly encased in solid unyielding ma-


    If foglets have a failsafe mode where they let go their

    neighbors and retract their arms as much as possible when

    they lose power, they would first form a super heavy smoke

    or dust storm, and then pack down into something like clay.

    Not something to look forward to. Each foglet would reserve a certain

    amount of power for normal operations, since energy flows into as well as out of

    the fog in the course of everyday movements.

    Furthermore, the fog should carry along small special-purpose batteries/fuel

    cells like raisins in a pudding.

    Even larger power generators could be carried along with each person, so

    their personal cloud of fog could be autonomously worn like a suite of clothes

    wherever they go. In a general power failure, the room fog would retract to make

    thicker walls and ceiling (where it would lock in place), while your personal batch

    continued to help you cope.


    Creation: Cause objects to appear

    and disappear on command

    Levitation: Cause objects to hover

    and fly around

    Manipulation: Cause forces (squeezing, hitting or pulling) on objects a few

    centimeters away; for example, bend steel bars like Superman

    Teleportation: Nearly any combination of telepresence and virtual realitybetween fog-filled locations

    Shape-shifting: Want to be a mouse? The fog around you will simulate

    very large feet, baseboards, etc, while your telepresence drives a mouse-

    shaped fog program

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    Articles by Prof.G.R.Kulkarni & P.K.Raval inELECTRONICS FOR YOU



    Since the invention of the transistor in 1948 by Shockley, Brattain and

    Bardeen, scientists and engineers have striven to put increasing numbers of

    these devices onto a single integrated circuit (Ie). The transistor is the most

    important building block in modern computers. By placing more transistors on a

    computer chip, larger computer memories and more powerful microprocessors

    can be built. In 1959, it was only possible to put a single transistor on an IC.

    Today, the microprocessors in typical home computers contain several million


    There are limits to how far this exponential decrease in device size can go.

    Presently, the transistors in the most aggressive commercial designs measure

    approximately 350 nanometres (nm) across. A nanometre is a billionth of a metre

    and is a linear distance spanning about ten atomic diameters. It follows that

    future transistors might still be reduced in size by another factor of 100, allowing

    for up to 10,000 transistors in the space taken up by one current transistor.Transistors this small will be, by definition, molecular-scale devices.

    Scaling simply means reducing all the dimensions of a device by a constant


    Scaling works well to a point. However, once transistor size starts to approach 100 nm,

    the properties that control the device operation begin to change. Current designs for

    microelectronic transistors (see Fig.) are not ideal for molecular-scale transistors. New

    designs for nanoelectronic transistors will have to be formulated

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    Limits on scalability

    Scaling down the metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) design

    has worked well up to current commercial device sizes, but when they are fabricated

    below 100 nm in size certain factors may inhibit their usefulness. 100 nm, or 0.1

    micron, is often called the '0.1 micron barrier.' Beyond this barrier, many scientists

    believe that new devices will need to take the MOSFET's place.

    Molecular-scale MOSF

    ET replacements Another way of looking at the problem of miniaturizing the MOSFET is to

    consider the properties that are essential to its operation, and how these prop-

    erties change below 100 nm. Most MOSFETs are made of regions of silicon that

    are doped with impurities. The ratio of impurity to silicon is typically very low.

    When transistors are made below 100 nm in size, dopant atoms may number in

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    tens or hundreds.

    The relatively massive flows of electrons and holes that allow modern

    transistors to function will no longer be possible in devices this small. Moreover,

    the placement of the few dopant atoms will vary, and this variation will cause

    extreme differences in the operation of similar devices.

    Once transistors approach the molecular scale, the bulk properties of solids be-

    come the quantum mechanical properties of collections of atoms. Properties of

    doped semiconductors will become less evident. Effects such as tunnelling and

    energy quantisation will be apparent. Transistor that will work on the molecular

    scale must use these new properties, instead of considering them as


    Single-electron transistors--

    Single-electron transistors. (SETs)

    are a new type of switching devices

    that use

    controlled electron tunneling to

    amplify current. A SET is made from

    two tunnel junctions that share a

    common electrode. A tunnel junction

    consists of two pieces of metal

    separated by a very thin (rv 1 nm)

    insulator (see Fig.). The only way for

    electrons in one of the metal

    electrodes to travel to the other

    electrode is to tunnel through the

    insulator. Since tunneling is a

    discrete process, the electric charge

    that flows through the tunnel junction

    flows in multiples of the charge 'e' of

    a single electron

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    As shown in Fig.below, an SET can be made by placing two tunnel junctions in

    series.The two tunnel junctions create so-called 'Coulomb island' that electrons can enter

    only by tunnelling through one of the insulators.

    This device has three terminals like an ordinary FET: the outside terminals of tunnel

    junctions and a 'gate' terminal that is capacitively coupled to the node between the two

    tunnel junctions.

    The capacitor may seem like a third tunnel junction, but it is much thicker-than the

    others, so no electrons can tunnel through it.

    The capacitor simply serves as a way of setting the electric charge on the Coulomb Island


    When the gate voltage is set to zero, very little tunnelling occurs through the two

    tunnel junctions.

    This opposition to tunnelling is called the Coulomb blockade.

    However, when the gate voltage is raised to e/2Cg, which corresponds to half of

    the charge of an electron on the plates of the gate capacitor, the tunnelling cur-rent goes up dramatically.

    The charge on the gate capacitor can be set to non-integral number of electron

    charges because charge transfer in metals is continuous.

    As shown in Fig. below, this voltage-controlled current behavior makes the SET's

    operation much like that of an FET, but on a much smaller scale

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    Whenever electrons are constrained to a small region, the effects of energy

    quantisation need to be taken into account. In this all-metal type SET, there are

    so many electrons in the Coulomb island that these discrete energy levels ap-

    pear to be a continuous energy spectrum. In other types of devices that work with

    far fewer electrons, energy quantisation plays a much more important role. Quan-

    tom dots and reasont tunneling devices are two such devices..


    Reasonant tunneling transistors(RTTs) are hybrid micro electronic-nano

    eloctronoic devices. These hybrid can represent more logic states than

    microscale devices , thereby increasing the density of logic on a chip. RRTs are

    very fast and use primarily convectional fabrication. With thesr, fabrication of

    terabyte dynamic read-acces memories(DRAMs) is possible

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    Articles by Prof.G.R.Kulkarni & P.K.Raval inELECTRONICS FOR YOU



    Nanotechnology is often termed as a system innovation, implying that it is

    expected to initiate an increase in number of innovative developments in various

    sectors of technology, various social areas of applications and economic sectors.


    One of the biggest scientific trends of the 21st century has been centered

    on something incredibly small: nanotechnology. But what is nanotechnology?

    That is the most difficult question to answer, even though its all over the news

    these days. The crux of the problem is that it is beyond the understanding of

    most people. Unless we have studied it extensively in university (and even then

    the picture isnt necessarily complete) we wont know what a quantum dot is. We

    will need to know the underlying science that drives it, the tools we use to apply

    it, and the potential benefits and dangers of it.

    Nanotechnology is a broad term for the application of scientific

    understanding towards fabricating devices and materials at the nanometer scale.

    Nanotechnology takes its name from a unit called nanometer-NM, which means

    its the one billionth of a meter. [1nm = nanometer (1,000,000,000 nm per m, or

    10-9 m)].

    Nanotechnology is primarily characterized by its overall dimension: the

    Nano-world. The Nano-world exists at the level of single molecules and atoms-

    the size of a millionth of a millimeter. Nanotechnology involves building

    sophisticated products from the molecular scale. As the molecule is the smallest

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    particle of matter that exists independently, it cannot be ruled by any of us, but

    the technologists have started ruling the same understanding the molecular world

    as a tough process. This kind of molecular manufacturing will in fact result in

    high quality, smart and intelligent products that are 100% efficient, produced at

    low cost with little environmental impact.

    Nanotechnology is expected to have an enormous potential for innovation

    because it may create effects which have not yet been feasible with any other

    technologies. The far reaching possibilities of nanotechnology development,

    which are

    currently being assessed according to feasibility, find their echo in partly extreme

    judgments of the technology.

    The specific characteristics of this dimension are that nano-particles show

    a completely different behavior to their larger, coarser pendants. The relatively

    big specific surface of nano-particles usually leads to an increase in their

    chemical reactivity and catalytic activity. The relatively small amount of atoms

    within nano-particles offsets the quasi-continuous solid state of the particle,

    leading to new, deviating, optical, electrical and magnetic features. From these

    basic features and characteristics of nano-technology, a number of possible

    positive and problematic (negative) effects can be derived.

    Characterization of Nanotechnology:

    To know about the impact of a technology, we require a familiarity with

    three basic elements. Viz.,

    1. An Agent (the technology, substance etc whose possible effects are to


    2. An impact model (a scientifically verifiable theory on how the agent acts

    on a potential target)

    3. A target entity upon which the agent acts.

    One of the basic principles of nanotechnology is positional control. At the

    molecular scale, the idea of holding and positioning molecules is new. Before

    discussing the advantages of positional control at the molecular scale, it is helpful

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    to look at the property of self-assembly of molecules. A basic principle in self-

    assembly is selective stickiness i.e., if two molecular parts have complementary

    shapes and charge patterns-(one part has a hollow where the other part has a

    bump, and one part has a positive charge where the other part has the negative

    charge). Then they will tend to stick together in one particular way. This bigger

    part can combine in the same way with other parts, letting us build a complex

    whole from molecular pieces.

    While self-assembly is a pathto nanotechnology, by itself it would be hard

    pressed to make the very wide range of products promised by nanotechnology.

    For ex: we dont know how to self assemble shatterproof diamond without using

    positional control through nanotechnology. During self-assembly, the parts

    bounce around and

    bump into each other in all kinds of ways, and if they stick together when we

    dont want them to stick together, we will get unwanted globs of random parts.

    Many types of parts have this problem. So self-assembly wont work for them.

    To make diamond, it seems as though we need to use in-discriminatory sticky

    parts (radicals, carbines and the like). These parts cannot be allowed to

    randomly bump into each other (or much of anything else, for that matter)

    because they would stick together when we didnt want them to stick together

    and form messy blobs instead of precise molecular machines.

    We can avoid this problem if we can hold and position the parts. Even

    though the molecular parts that are used to make diamond are both in-

    discriminatory and very sticky (more technically, the barriers to bond formation

    are low and the resulting covalent bonds are quite strong), if we can position

    them, we can prevent them from bumping into each other in the wrong way.

    When two sticky parts do come into contact with each other, they will do so in the

    right orientation because we are holding them in right orientation. In short,

    positional control at the molecular scale should let us make things which would

    be difficult or impossible to make without it. Given our macroscopic intuition, this

    should not be surprising. If we could not use our hands to hold and position parts,

    we must develop the molecular equivalent of arms and hands.

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    Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for evaluation of nanotechnology


    Following on from the characterization of nanotechnology and the hitherto

    existing production methods, we have to next identify the sustainability effects byprocess monitoring and evaluation of specific examples of nanotechnology

    applications. The most advanced and standardized procedure for evaluating

    environmental aspects associated with a product and predicting the product

    specific environmental impact is the method of life cycle analysis (LCA) which

    should consist of the following stages:

    1. Establishing the objectives and the scope of the assessment.

    2. Life cycle inventory.

    3. Appraisal of impact.

    4. Overall evaluation.

    Following is the flowchart which clearly illustrates interdependence of these


    The arrows between the individual stages highlight the interactive nature

    of the procedure with the outcome of a given step always being fed back into the

    preceding stage and resulting, if necessary, in the repetition of the procedure.

    Establishing the

    objectives and the

    scope of theassessment



    Appraisal of


    Overall evaluation

    Direct applications:

    -Development andimprovement of products.

    -Strategic Planning.-Political decision-making



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    The LCA approach also includes methodological deficits: for some of the impact

    categories there exists no commonly accepted impact model.

    Broad Application of Nanotechnology:

    Wide areas of application of nanotechnology are found in every field and

    some of them are mentioned as under:

    Industry & Production of goods

    Stain resistant and wrinkle free fabrics

    Amusement and toys



    Nano-energy and,

    Nano-medicine and many more..

    We will look into the aspects of application in nanotechnology in industry &

    production of goods for the present:-

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    economical light weight plastics and coatings that enhance fuel

    efficiency and vehicle durability.


    Application in Food-Sector:

    Nanotechnology also has applications in the food sector. Many vitamins

    and their precursors, such as carotinoids, are insoluble in water. However, when

    skillfully produced and formulated as nano-particles, these substances can easily

    be mixed with cold water, and their bioavailability in the human body also

    increases. Many lemonades and fruit juices contain these specially formulatedadditives, which often also provide an attractive color.

    3. Application in Cosmetic Sector:

    In the cosmetics sector, BASF has for several years been among the

    leading suppliers of UV absorbers based on nano-particulate zinc oxide.

    Incorporated in sun creams, the small particles filter the high-energy radiation out

    of sunlight. Because of their tiny size, they remain invisible to the naked eye and

    so the cream is transparent on the skin.

    A Future based on Reflection and Responsibility:

    As nanotechnology continues to develop, it is likely that the debate over

    regulation will develop as well. Experience with recombinant DNA indicates that

    early concerns about safety are likely to be overblown, and that an effective

    regulatory regime can be based on a combination of consensus and self-

    Establishingthe objectivesand the scope


    Appraisal of



    Direct applications:

    -Development andimprovement of

    products.-Strategic Planning.

    -Political decision-

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    regulation. Though there are likely to be some calls for a complete ban on

    nanotechnology, such a ban is certain to fail, and its unworkability means that

    such calls will probably come mostly from anti-technology groups that command

    little political support. Similarly, efforts to limit nanotechnology to military

    applications are likely to face technical and political hurdles as knowledge

    diffuses and the public seeks access to potentially life-saving technologies.

    More responsible calls for regulation as well can be met through an

    approach that will not stifle the development of nanotechnology. Sound

    knowledge, calm reflection, and an aversion to media hysteria will be key

    requirements of those dealing with a new and highly technical subject with

    endless implications.

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    1. Non-volatile memory from nano-particles:

    Researchers from University of California at Los Angeles and ROHM and

    Haas Electronic material company have devised a potentially low cost, highspeed nonvolatile memory from polystyrene and gold nano-particles. This

    retains information when it is not powered. The memory can be easily

    manufactured from an inexpensive material making it potentially much cheaper

    than todays flash memory chips. It can be read to and written electronically,

    making it potentially much faster than todays CD and DVDs. According to

    researchers, layers of the film can be stacked making it possible to store even

    more information in a given area.

    2. Boeing Developing Nanotechnologies for New Aircraft:

    The Chicago Sun Times has reported that Boeings Phantom Works, is

    developing new materials using nanotechnology. The Company is also

    developing new materials for use in building lighter but stronger aircraft,

    specialized coatings-that means, planes do not need to be repainted. They are

    also planning to develop lighter, smaller, more powerful and longer-lasting

    batteries for satellites.


    Therefore, nanotechnology surely promises a brighter future and it will

    also help produce environment friendly products. Nanotechnology will mean

    greater control of matter making it easy to avoid pollution. Sophisticated

    products could even be made from biodegradable materials. Hence,

    nanotechnology will make it easy to attack the causes of pollution at technical


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    Electronics Today-July 2005.