Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD

Transcript of Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Page 1: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul BalaaghahThe Praise to Allah

By A.S. Hashim. MD

Page 2: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise


الرحيم الرحمن الله بـســـم

In the Name of God,

Lord of Mercy and

Lord of Grace

Page 3: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

Nahjul Balaaghah

Nahjul Balaaghah, a highly valued book, consists of:– 254 sermons, – 48 letters, and – 212 sayings of Imam Ali

Nahjul Balaaghah is unique to Imam Ali

None of the Sahaaba was ever able to produce anything like it:1. neither in substance

2. nor in literary eloquence.

No wonder Ali was referred to as:1. Sayyid al-Bulaghaa' (Pinnacle of Literary Expression) and

2. Sayyid al-Fu'qahaa, (Pinnacle of the Jurisprudents)

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

References about Allah’s Works

Nahjul Balaaghah contains 18 references about Praising and Thanking Allah, some of which appear here

The quotes appear in various sermons, – said at variable occasions and – about different subjects.

1. The Arabic quotes are from the book of Nahjul Balaaghah, by Dr. Subhi Al-Salih, and so is the numbering of the sermons and pages, 1st Edition, Beirut 1967.

2. The Number of the sermons may differ by a factor of 1 in other volumes of Nahjul Balaaghah

3. The references are quotes by Abd al-Zahra' al-Husayni in vols. I & IV of his work (see, internet)

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

Time Element

The majority of Ali's sayings and speeches were stated:– During his Khilaafah when in Kufa, – At Different Places– At Different Occasions– Often at Khutba of Jumu’ah

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 2, Page 46 Ali: In Praise of Allah

Delivered on his return from Siffin, Ali thanks Allah for all His favors, mentioning Arabia before the advent of the Prophethood, along with other topics. Part of this sermon appears as follows:See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Ibn Qutaybah, `Uyun, I, 326; 2. al-Tabari, al-Mustarshid, p. 73; 3. Ibn `Abd Rabbih, al-`Iqd, III, 112; 4. al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 331, 354; 5. Ibn Talhah, Matalib, I.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 2, Ali: In Praise of Allah

I praise Allah: Seeking His Blessings, submitting to His Sovereignty, and through Him to ward off disobedience to Him. I invoke Allah’s help to suffice me when I am in need.

He whom Allah guides does not get astray, and He whom Allah disdains gets no protection. He whom Allah supports does not remain needy. Surely this is most worthy of all that has worth, and valuable of all that is treasured.

I stand witness that there is no deity but God the One, who has no likes. A frank testimony, whose essence is our belief. We shall cling to it as long as we live and shall invest in it to face the tribulations, because it is the cornerstone of Belief (Iman) and initial step to good deeds and divine pleasure. It is a means to keep Satan away

ل ن ع#م"ت ه ، & #ماما ت ت اس# أح#م"د*ه*ت ه ، ل ع ز/ & "ما ال ت س# و"اس#

"ت ه ، م"ع#ص ي م ن# & ت ع#ص"اما واس#"ت ه ، ك ف"اي إ لى ف"اق"ة& *ه* "ع ين ت س#

" و"أو"ال ه"د"اه*، م"ن# "ض ل< ي " ال /ه* إ ن

م"ن# "ق ر* "ف#ت ي و"ال ع"اد"اه*، م"ن# "ئ ل* ي ;، و*ز ن" ما ج"ح* ر#

" أ /ه* ف"إ ن "ف"اه* ك. خ*ز ن" م"ا "ف#ض"ل* و"أ

الله*، / إ ال إ له" " ال "ن# أ ه"د* "ش# و"أ"ص*ه"ا، إ خ#ال & نا "ح" م*م#ت ه"اد"ة& ش"

بها "م"س/ك* "ت ن م*ص"اص*ه"ا، & "ق"دا م*ع#ته"ا "د/خ ر* و"ن "ا، #قان "ب أ ما & "دا "ب أ/ها ف"إ ن "ا، #ق"ان "ل ي م"ا " ه"او يل الة* و"ف"ات ح" ، اال #يم"ان ع"زيم"ة*

، ح#من الر/ ض"اة* و"م"ر# ، ان اال #ح#س"#ط"ان ي الش/ ة* . و"م"د#ح"ر"

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 45, Page 85 Ali: In Praise of Allah

In sermon 45 Ali speaks of Allah's greatness, belittling earthly life compared to the heavenly one; and he expresses his thanks in eloquent terms as follows: See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Saduq, Man la yahduruh, I, 327; 2. al-Tusi, Misbah, 458; parts of it recorded by (3)3. al-Mufid, al-'Irshad;4. al-Jahiz, al-Bayan, I, 171;5. Ibn Qutaybah, `Uyun, II, 235;6. al-Harrani, Tuhaf;7. al-Baqillani, I`jaz, 222.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 45, Ali: In Praise of Allah

The Praise is to Allah: from Whose mercy no one loses hope, from Whose bounty no one is deprived, from Whose forgiveness no one is disappointed and for Whose worship no one is too proud. Allah’s mercy does not ever cease and His bounty can never ever be missed.

The earthly life is a place for which demolition is ordained and for its people the departure from it is assured. Life is sweet and green, made attractive to its seeker, enchanting to his heart.

So depart from it ─O’ People ─ well supplied for the Hereafter, and don’t ask of it beyond what suffices, and demand not from it more than the sufficient.

م ن# *وط م"ق#ن #ر" غ"ي لله #ح"م#د* الن ع#م"ت ه ، م ن# Zو* ل م"خ# " و"ال ح#م"ت ه ، ر" " و"ال ت ه ، م"غ#ف ر" م ن# *وس ي

# م"أ " و"ال " ال /ذ ي ال "اد"ت ه ، ب ع ع"ن# #ك"ف "ن ت م*س#"ه* ل *ف#ق"د* ت " و"ال ،dح#م"ة ر" #ه* م ن ح* #ر" "ب ت

. dن ع#م"ة] الدنيا] ذم

"اء*، #ف"ن ال "ه"ا ل م*ن ي" dد"ار "ا #ي و"الد<نو"ه ي" "ء*، #ج"ال ال #ه"ا م ن " ه#ل ه"ا و"الع*جlل"ت# ق"د# ،dة خ"ض ر" dو"ة# ل ح*

ب ق"ل#ب "س"ت# "ب #ت و"ال ، ل لط/ال ب ن ; ح#س"

" ب أ #ه"ا م ن *وا "ح ل ت ف"ار# /اظ ر الن " و"ال اد ، الز/ م ن" *م# ت ك ب ح"ض#ر" م"ا

" و"ال ، "ف"اف #ك ال ف"و#ق" ف يها *وا "ل أ "س# ت"غ "ال #ب ال م ن" "ر" #ث أك #ه"ا م ن *وا *ب "ط#ل . ت

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 83, Page 107 Ali: In Praise of Allah

What follows is another selection in praising Allah, glory be to Him. Also In this sermon Ali talks about limitation of life, piety, and reminding people of Allah’s bounty. Part of this sermon appears in next slide as follows: See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 146; 2. al-Quda`i, Dustur, 59,3. al-'Amidi, Ghurar;4. al-Wasiti, `Uyun al-hikam;5. Abu Nu`aym, Hilyah, I, 77;6. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, I, 132 (b.d.d), II, 287 (`a.a.z).

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 83, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah: High above all, but Near, through His bounty. Allah is the Giver of favor and reward, and the Dispeller of misfortune and affliction.

I praise Allah for His ceaseless mercy and His copious bounties. And I believe in Him as He is the First and the Manifest. I seek Allah’s guidance as He is Near and the True Guide. I seek His help as He is the Mighty and Dominant. I depend upon Allah for He Suffices and Supports.

And I stand witness that Muhammad (blessing

of Allah be on him and his progeny) is His servant and His Prophet. Allah sent him to fulfill His commands, and to exhaust His pleas, and to present His warnings.

ب ح"و#ل ه ، " ع"ال /ذ ي ال لله #ح"م#د* الغ"ن يم"ة lل* ك م"ان ح ب ط"و#ل ه ، "ا ود"ن

ع"ظ يم"ة lل* ك "اش ف و"ك و"ف"ض#ل،ل "ز# .و"أ

ع"و"اط ف ع"ل"ى "ح#م"د*ه* أن ع"م ه ، ـ و"اب غ و"س" م ه ، "ر" ك

،& "اد يا ب & و/ال" أ به" *وم ن* و"أ

،& ه"اد يا & ق"ر يبا "ه#د يه ت س#" و"أ

،& ق"اد را & ق"اه را *ه* "ع ين ت س#" و"أ

. & "اص را ن & "اف يا ك #ه "ي ع"ل /ل* "و"ك ت" و"أ

& م*ح"م/دا "ن/ أ ه"د* "ش# الله( و"أ صلى

( وآله *ه*، عليه ول س* و"ر" #د*ه* ع"ب#ه"اء و"إ ن م#ر ه ،

" أ #ف"اذ ال ن "ه* ل س" ر#" أ

*ذ*ر ه ن "ق#د يم و"ت .ع*ذ#ر ه

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 90, Page 122 Ali: In Praise of Allah

Ali praises Allah and speaks about His attributes. Praising Allah appears in next slide as follows:

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Wasiti, `Uyun al-hikam;

2. al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 185;

3. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, II, 345.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 90, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah: Well-known while not seen, the Creator who ponders not, Who has always existed, Eternal.

He existed when there was no sky with domes, nor barriers with lofty doors, nor dark night, nor placid ocean, nor mountains with valleys, nor curved mountain paths, nor earth of flat floors, nor creatures self-reliant .

Allah as the Originator of the creation is their Master. He is the Lord of the creation and its feeder. The sun and the moon steadily move in pursuit of His plan. They make the fresh grow old and the distant be nigh near

#ر غ"ي م ن# وف #م"ع#ر* ال لله #ح"م#د* ال/ة، و ي ر" #ر غ"ي م ن# #خ"ال ق ال "ة، ؤ#ي ر*

; & د"ائ ما & ق"ائ ما ل# "ز" ي "م# ل /ذ ي ال " و"ال اج، #ر" ب

" أ ذ"ات* dم"اء س" " ال إ ذ# dل# "ي ل " و"ال "اج، ت إ ر# ذ"ات* dح*ج*ب

dل" ب ج" " و"ال اج، س" dح#ر" ب " و"ال د"اج،ذ*واع#و ج"اج، ف"ج{ " و"ال ذ*وف ج"اج،

dق# ل خ" " و"ال م ه"اد، ذ"ات* dر#ض" أ " و"ال

" ماد: ذ*وااع#ت   *ه*، و"و"ار ث #خ"ل#ق ال "د ع* #ت م*ب ذل ك"

از ق*ه*، و"ر" #خ"ل#ق ال و"إ له*ف ي "ان د"ائ ب #ق"م"ر* و"ال م#س* و"الش/

ج"د يد،: *ل/ ك "ان #ل ي *ب ي ض"ات ه م"ر#"ع يد ب *ل/ ك "ان ب lق"ر* و"ي

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 91, Page 124 Ali: In Praise of Allah

When asked: 'O' Amir al-Mu'minin! describe Allah for us in such a way that we may imagine that we see Him with our hearts.' Part of Ali’s answer appears as follows:See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Mas`adah ibn Sadaqah, author of Khutab Amir al-Mu'minin; 2. Ibn `Abd Rabbih, al-`Iqd, II, 406;3. al-Saduq, al-Tawhid, 34;4. al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, bab al-mala'ikah;5. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, discusses its unusual (gharib) phrases in

several places;6. Ibn Tawus, Faraj al-mahmum, 56.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 91, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah: When refusing to give does not enrich Him and When He generously gives does not impoverish Him, yet a man who gives would decrease of his capital, and a man who is miserly would stand to be blamed, except Allah

Allah obliges through His generous bounties and the plentiful gifts and rewards.

The whole creation is His dependants in sustenance, for Allah has guaranteed their livelihood and ordained their sustenance. Allah has prepared the way for those who turn to Him and those who seek what is with Him. He is as generous about what He is asked as He is about what He is not asked.

ه* "ف ر* ي " ال /ذ ي ال لله #ح"م#د* ال#د يه *ك ي " و"ال #ج*م*ود*، و"ال #ع* #م"ن ال

; *ل< ك إ ذ# #ج*ود* و"ال اال #ع#ط"اء**ل< و"ك و"اه*، س dق ص" #ت م*ن م*ع#ط

"ه*، خ"ال م"ا dم"ذ#م*وم م"ان عب ف"و"ائ د /ان* #م"ن ال و"ه*و"

الم"ز يد و"ع"وائ د lع"م ، النم ، #ق س" و"ال

ض"م ن" "ئ ق*، #خ"ال ال *ه* "ال ي ع ، "ه*م# "ق#و"ات أ و"ق"د/ر" ، اق"ه*م# ز" ر#

" أ#ه ، "ي إ ل ب ين" اغ الر/ ب يل" س" "ه"ج" و"ن#س" "ي و"ل #ه ، "د"ي ل م"ا و"الط/ال ب ين"

ب م"ا #ه* م ن ج#و"د"" ب أ ئ ل" س* ب م"ا

. "ل* أ *س# ي "م# ل

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 100, Page 145 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. See `Abd al-Zahra', II, 198-199.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 100, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah: Who distributes His bounties throughout the creation, Who extends His generous hand among them. We praise Him in all His affairs and seek His assistance for the fulfillment of His Rights.

We stand witness that there is but One God and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.

Allah sent him to manifest His commands and to urge His remembrance. The Prophet fulfilled it effectively, and he passed away while on the right path. Muhammad left among us the standard of right ─Whoever deviates from it goes out of Faith, whoever lags behind it is ruined, whoever sticks to it would be in the right. Its guide is short of speech, deliberate of steps, and quick when he rises……..

ف ي ر /اش الن لله #ح"م#د* ال"اس ط #ب و"ال "ه*، ف"ض#ل #خ"ل#ق ال

"ح#م"د*ه* ن "د"ه*، ي #ج*ود ب ال ف يهم#م*ور ه ،

* أ ج"م يع ف ي"ة ر ع"اي ع"ل"ى *ه* "ع ين ت "س# و"ن

ح*ق*وق ه ، ه*، #ر* غ"ي "إ له" ال "ن# أ ه"د* "ش# و"ن

#د*ه* ع"ب & م*ح"م/دا "ن/ و"أ*ه*، ول س* و"ر"

،& ص"اد عا م#ر ه " ب أ "ه* ل س" ر#

" أد/ى

" ف"أ ،& "اط قا ن #ر ه و"ب ذ ك ،& يدا ش ر" و"م"ض"ى ،& "م ينا أ

،lح"ق# ال "ة" راي "ا ف ين و"خ"ل/ف"و"م"ن# ق"، م"ر" "ق"د/م"ه"ا ت م"ن#و"م"ن# ه"ق"، ز" #ه"ا ع"ن "خ"ل/ف" ت

م"ك يث* *ه"ا د"ل يل "ح ق"، ل "ز م"ه"ا ل"ام ، #ق ي ال "ط يء* ب "الم ، #ك ال

، ق"ام" إ ذ"ا dر يع ……. س"

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 108, Page 155 Ali: In Praise of Allah

What follows is another selection about Allah, glory be to Him. In this sermon Ali praises Allah for what He is and talks about the wonder of creation. Part of this sermon appears in next slide as follows:

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 85, 209;

2. al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, bab tabaddul al-'ahwal.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 108, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah: Who is Manifest before His creatures by way of their creation, Who is apparent to their hearts because of clear proof;

Who created without meditating, since meditating befits one who has thinking structure, while Allah has no thinking organ in Himself.

Allah’s knowledge has split forth the inside of the unknown secrets

And had recognized the imperceptible beliefs even in the depths of the hearts.

"ج"لlي #م*ت ال لله #ح"م#د* الو"الظ/اه ر #ق ه ، ل ب خ" #ق ه ل ل خ"

ت ه ، ب ح*ج/ *وب ه م# ل ق*ل

#ر غ"ي م ن# #خ"ل#ق" ال ل"ق" خ"/ات* و ي الر/ "ت "ان ك إ ذ# /ة، و ي ر"

ب ذ"وي / إ ال "ل يق* ت " الب ذ ي #س" "ي و"ل الض/مائ ر ،

ه ، "ف#س ن ف ي ض"م ير"اط ن" ب #م*ه* ل ع ق" خ"ر"

، ات *ر" ت الس< #ب غ"يع"ق"ائ د ب غ*م*وض "ح"اط" و"أ

ات ر ير" الس/

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 114, Page 169 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Yamani, al-Taraz, II, 335;

2. al-Harrani, Tuhaf, 156;

3. al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, II, at the beginning of each part;

4. al-Qadi al-Quda`i, Dustur, 33;

5. al-'Amidi, Ghurar;

6. al-Tusi, al-'Amali, II, 107.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 114, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Him Whose praise leads to bounty and the bounties to thankfulness. We praise Him for His bounties as well as His trials.

We seek Allah’s help against hearts slow to obey His commands, and quick to what is forbidden.

We seek Allah’s forgiveness from what His knowledge covers and His Book preserves ─ it is knowledge that is complete, and a register that doesn’t omit a thing.

We believe in Him like one who has seen the unknown and has attained the promised rewards ─A belief of purity disowning belief in associates with Allah, whose conviction removes any doubts

#ح"م#د" ال #و"اص ل ال لله #ح"م#د* ال"ح#م"د*ه* ن #ر ، ك ب الش< lع"م" و"الن lع"م ب الن

ع"ل"ى "ح#م"د*ه* ن "م"ا ك "ئ ه آال ع"ل"ى"ئ ه ، "ال ب

<ف*وس الن هذ ه ع"ل"ى *ه* "ع ين ت "س# و"ناع ر" lالس ب ه ، ت# *م ر" أ ع"م/ا #ب ط"اء ال

#ه*، ع"ن "ت# *ه ي ن م"ا إ ل"ىب ه "ح"اط" أ م م/ا ه* "غ#ف ر* ت "س# و"ن : dم# ل ع *ه* "اب ك ت "ح#ص"اه* و"أ #م*ه*، ع ل

م*غ"اد ر، #ر* غ"ي dاب" و"ك ت ق"اص ر، #ر* غ"ي"ن" ع"اي م"ن# إ يم"ان" ب ه *ؤ#م ن* و"ن

ع"ل"ى و"و"ق"ف" ، *وب" #غ*ي ال"ص*ه* إ خ#ال "ف"ى ن & إ يم"انا #م"و#ع*ود ، ال

، ك" الش/ *ه* "ق ين و"ي ، ك" ر# lالش

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 132, Page 189 Ali: In Praise of Allah

Ali praises the Almighty then speaks about death and its consequence. Part of this sermon appears in next slide as follows:

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 282;

2. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, II, 210 (w.f.z), V, 239 (h.b.1).

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 132, Ali: In Praise of Allah

We praise Allah for what He takes or gives and for what He inflicts or tries us with.

Allah is aware of all the hidden and He sees all the concealed. He knows what the breasts contain or the eyes hide.

We testify that there is no deity except Him and that Muhammad was chosen by Him and deputized by Him ─evidence tendered both secretly and openly, by heart and by tongue.

ذ" "خ" أ م"ا ع"ل"ى "ح#م"د*ه* ن#ل"ى "ب أ م"ا و"ع"ل"ى "ع#ط"ى، و"أ

"ل"ى، #ت و"اب/ة، خ"ف ي lل* ل ك "اط ن* #ب ال

ة، ر ير" س" lل* ل ك #ح"اض ر* ال ، الص<د*ور* *ك ن< ت ب م"ا الع"ال م*

. *ون* #ع*ي ال "خ*ون* ت و"م"اه*، #ر* غ"ي إ له" " ال "ن# أ ه"د* "ش# و"ن

*ه*، "ع يث و"ب *ه* "ج يب ن & م*ح"م/دا "ن/ و"أر< lالس ف يه"ا *و"اف ق* ي ه"اد"ة& ش". ان" اللlس" #ق"ل#ب* و"ال ، "ن" اال #ع#ال

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 157, Page 221 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, II, 510 (sh.w.l);

2. al-'Amidi, Ghurar, 97;

3. al-Wasiti, `Uyun al-hikam, see Bihar, vol. XVII, 113.

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Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 157, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah Who made His praise the Key to His remembrance, a means to increase His bounties, and a direction for His Glory and Sovereignty.

O' creatures of Allah! Time will deal with the survivors just as it had dealt with others gone by.

The earlier times will not return, nor what they offered would remain for good.

The value of its deeds are the same, be they the former or the later ones, whose adversity tries to excel one another.

ج"ع"ل" /ذ ي ال لله #ح"م#د* ال#ر ه ، ل ذ ك & "احا م ف#ت #ح"م#د" ال

م ن# #م"ز يد ل ل & "با ب و"س""ئ ه آال ع"ل"ى & و"د"ل يال ف"ض#ل ه ،

و"ع"ظ"م"ت ه .الد/ه#ر" إ ن/ الله ، "اد" ب ع ي ه "ج"ر# ك "اق ين" #ب ب ال "ج#ر ي ي

، #م"اض ين" ب الو"ل/ى ق"د# م"ا "ع*ود* ي " ال

م"ا & م"دا ر# س" #ق"ى "ب ي " و"ال #ه*، م نف يه .

و/ل ه ، " "أ ك ف"ع"ال ه آخ ر*

ه*، م*ور** أ dاب ق"ة "س" م*ت"م*ه* "ع#ال أ dة "ظ"اه ر" . م*ت

Page 26: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 182, Page 260 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Wasiti, `Uyun al-hikam, see al-Majlisi, vol. 77, 310;

2. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, II, 145, 198.

Page 27: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 182, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah to Whom all creation and all matters return. We praise Him for His munificence, the clarity of His proofs, and the measure of His kindness and favors:

Praise that may fulfill His Right, repay His Thanks, take us toward His reward and to the increase of His favors.

We seek Allah’s help hopeful of His bounty, anxious for His benefit, confident to ward off mishaps, who acknowledge His favors, and are obedient to Him in word and deed.

We believe in Him with unwavering conviction, incline to Him as believers, humbling ourselves before Him obediently, believe in His exclusive oneness, regarding Him with Awe, acknowledging His sovereignty, and seeking refuge with Him with urgency and vigor.

م"ص"ائ ر* #ه "ي إل /ذ ي ال لله #ح"م#د* ال"#م#ر ، اال و"ع"و"اق ب* ، #خ"ل#ق ال

ان ه ، إ ح#س" ع"ظ يم ع"ل"ى "ح#م"د*ه* نف"ض#ل ه "و"ام ي و"ن ه"ان ه ، *ر# ب lر "ي و"ن

"ان ه ، و"ام#ت نق"ض"اء&، ل ح"قlه *ون* "ك ي & ح"م#دا"و"اب ه ث و"إل"ى "د"اء&، أ #ر ه ك و"ل ش*

. & با م*وج م"ز يد ه و"ل ح*س#ن ،& با lم*ق"راج ر" "ة" ت ع"ان اس# ب ه "ع ين* ت "س# و"نو"اث ق "ف#ع ه ، ل ن م*ؤ"مlل ل ف"ض#ل ه ، ، ب الط/و#ل "ه* ل "ر ف م*ع#ت ب د"ف#ع ه ،

. #ق"و#ل و"ال #ع"م"ل ب ال "ه* ل م*ذ#ع ناه* ج" ر" م"ن# إ يم"ان" ب ه *ؤ#م ن* و"ن ،& م*ؤ#م نا #ه "ي إ ل "اب" "ن و"أ ،& م*وق نا

"ه* ل "خ#ل"ص" و"أ ،& م*ذ#ع نا "ه* ل "ع" ن و"خ""ذ" و"ال ،& م*م"جlدا و"ع"ظ/م"ه* ،& م*و"حlدا

. & "ه دا ت م*ج# & اغ با ر" ب ه

Page 28: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 183, Page 265 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Zamakhshari, Rabi`, I, 53;

2. Ibn al-'Athir, al-Nihayah, V, 299;

3. al-Bahrani, Tafsir al-burhan, I, 9, from a source other than Nahj.

Page 29: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 183, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah Who is recognized even though not seen, the Creator with no exertion.

He put forth the creation with His Might, dominating over submitting rulers by His Power; Whose supremacy over great men is by His favors. It is He who made His creation to populate the world

And to the jinn and humanity He sent messengers: to direct them about life, to warn them of its harm, to present to them its parallel events, to show them its defects and to place before them matters containing lessons about the wholesome and the sickly, its lawful things and the unlawful things

And to all that Allah has ordained for the obedient and the disobedient, namely, Paradise and Hell and honor and disgrace

#ر غ"ي م ن# وف #م"ع#ر* ال لله #ح"م#د* ال"ة، #ص"ب م"ن #ر غ"ي م ن# #خ"ال ق و"ال "ة، ؤ#ي ر*

ت ه ، ب ق*د#ر" "ئ ق" #خ"ال ال ل"ق" خ"اد" و"س" ت ه ، ب ع ز/ "اب" ب "#ر# اال "د" "ع#ب ت و"اس#

/ذ ي ال و"ه*و" ب ج*ود ه ، #ع*ظ"م"اء" ال#ق"ه*، ل خ" "ا #ي الد<ن "ن" ك س#

" أ#س و"اال #ن lج ن# ال إ ل"ى "ع"ث" و"بع"ن# "ه*م# ل ف*وا #ش "ك ل ي "ه*، ل س* ر*م ن# وه*م# *ح"ذlر* و"ل ي غ ط"ائ ه"ا،

"ه"ا، "ال م#ث" أ "ه*م# ل *وا "ض#ر ب و"ل ي ائ ه"ا، ض"ر/

"ه#ج*م*وا و"ل ي "ه"ا، *وب ع*ي وه*م "صlر* *ب و"ل يف "ص"ر< ت م ن# "ر "ب ب م*ع#ت #ه م# "ي ع"ل

"ل ه"ا و"ح"ال ق"ام ه"ا، س#" و"أ ه"ا lم"ص"احام ه"ا، وح"ر"

#م*ط يع ين" ل ل "ه* ان #ح" ب س* "ع"د/ أ و"م"ا"ار، و"ن /ة ن ج" م ن# #ع*ص"اة و"ال #ه*م# م ن

و"ه"و"ان ام"ة "ر" و"ك

Page 30: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 191, 283 Page Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Harrani,

Page 31: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 191, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah Whose praise is well nigh, Whose army overpowers and Whose Sovereignty is grand.

I praise Him for His continuous favors and His ever great gifts.

Allah’s forbearance is so high that He forgives, and He is remarkably just in all that He decides. He knows what goes on and what has passed,

Allah is the Crafter of creation by means of His knowledge, the Producer by His Wisdom with no learning or limitation, nor by following the example of others, yet, He does things without mistake or without the help of any others;

#ف"اش ي ال لله #ح"م#د* ال#د*ه*، ن ج* #غ"ال ب و"ال ح"م#د*ه*،

ج"د<ه* "ع"ال ي #م*ت .و"ال

ن ع"م ه ع"ل"ى أح#م"د*ه*#ع ظ"ام ، ال "ئ ه و"آال <ؤ"ام ، الت

ف"ع"ف"ا، #م*ه* ل ح ع"ظ*م" /ذ ي الق"ض"ى، م"ا lل* ك ف ي و"ع"د"ل"

و"م"ا "م#ض ي ي م"ا و"ع"ل م""ئ ق #خ"ال ال "د ع #ت م*ب م"ض"ى،

#م ه ، ب ع ل " ب ال #م ه ، ب #ح*ك ئ ه م# #ش و"م*ن " و"ال "ع#ل يم، ت " و"ال اق#ت د"اء

ح"ك يم، ص"ان ع "ال ل م ث ت ذ"اء اح# " و"ال خ"ط"أ، "ة إ صاب " و"ال

" م"ال ة ح"ض#ر"

Page 32: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 213, Page 329 Ali: In Praise of Allah

See next slide pleaseOther sources:

1. Al-Majlisi, Bihar, IV, 319.

Page 33: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

In Sermon 213, Ali: In Praise of Allah

Praise be to Allah High above any similarity to His creatures, above the words of describers, Who displays the wonders of His Works for the onlookers, Who is hidden from the speculation of thinkers by virtue of His Great Majesty,

Allah has all knowledge but He did not acquire it neither by adding to it or drawing it, and He is the One Who ordains all matters without need for reflecting or thinking.

He is such that darkness does not engulf Him, nor does He seek light from brightness, night does not overtake Him nor does the day pass over Him so as to affect Him

His comprehension is not through eyes and His knowledge depends not on being informed.

"ه ب ش" ع"ن# lع"ل ي# ال لله #ح"م#د* الل م"ق"ال #غ"ال ب ال *وق ين" م"خ#ل ـ# ال

"ع"ج"ائ ب ب الظ/اه ر ، #و"اص ف ين" ال"اط ن #ب ال ، /اظ رين" ل لن "د#ب ير ه ت

#ر ف ك ع"ن# ت ه ع ز/ "ل ب ج"ال، "و"هlم ين" #م*ت ال

" و"ال #ت س"اب اك " "ال ب #ع"ال م ال"ف"اد، ت م*س# ع ل#م " و"ال "اد، د ي از#

/ة و ي ر" " ب ال *#م*ور اال ل ج"مي ع #م*ق"دlر الض"م ير، " و"ال

" و"ال ، "م* الظ<ل اه* "غ#ش" ت " ال /ذ ي اله"ق*ه* "ر# ي " و"ال #و"ار ، "#ن ب اال "ض يء* ت "س# ي

، dه"ار" ن #ه "ي ع"ل "ج#ر ي ي " و"ال ، dل# "ي ل " و"ال #ص"ار ، #ب ب اال *ه* اك إ د#ر" #س" "ي ل

. "ار ب ب اال #خ# #م*ه* ل ع

Page 34: Nahjul Balaaghah The Praise to Allah By A.S. Hashim. MD.

Nahjul Balaaghah in Allah's Praise

Be in Allah’s Care

Thank you and May God Bless you.

Dr. A.S. Hashim