My Pitch

PITCH Life is all about finding your identity Life is all about being confident to say who you are

Transcript of My Pitch

My Pitch

PitchLife is all about finding your identity

Life is all about being confident to say who you are

Identity, what is it really?Everyone has a name, but do they know who they really are. Identity means the concept that you develop about yourself that evolves over the course of your life.

What makes up your identity?Race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, gender and sexuality all make up your identity. Although these are the key factors that make up your identity, do they enable your individuality?


IdentityThe idea for this campaign is on the theme of Identity. We want to teach our audience to have self-confidence. We want to teach our audience to stop hiding. Gabrielle&Luana

The idea for this campaign is on the theme of Identity. To teach our audience that you have to have self confidence in order to know the true you. Also, to make people aware that hiding yourself wont help. We chose this as we believe there are loads of cases where people dont show who they really are and they hide themselves because theyre scared of being judged by society, scared of being rejected, scared that everyone around them will turn their backs and walk away.


Who IS YOUR AUDIENCE?The main audience for this campaign is young females aged 15-21

This campaign can also appeal to people outside the target audience because everyone has something that they hide within themselvesGabrielle&Luana

The main audience for this campaign is young females aged 15-21 who lack self confidence and struggle to find their identity, we chose this as, through our research we found out that 7 in 10 girls believe that they are not good enough in some way, including their looks, performance in school and relationships with friends and family members. This campaign can also appeal to people outside the target audience because everyone has something that they hide within themselves because they lack confidence to express how they really are because they are scared of being bullied.


Why do young people have low self-esteem?

Many young people have low self esteem as they are scared of being different or failing to meet the standards their parents want.

A huge factor which causes low self-esteems is society, as many people believe that society is going to judge them.Gabrielle&Luana

Many young people have low self esteem as they are scared of being different or failing to meet the standards their parents want. A huge factor which causes low self-esteems is society, as many people believe that society is going to judge them whenever they make the wrong decision. Sometimes its not society judging you its you judging yourself and not being able to accept who you are.


How society AFFECTS YOU AS A PERSON?Society has a split personality.

The whole of society wants everyone to be treated equally.

Society mainly judges people because they want everyone to be the same.Gabrielle&Luana

Society has a split personality. The whole of society wants everyone to be treated equally. But, it's the individuals who form society that judge everything and everyone. Its almost as if you are pressured to be someone your not. Society mainly judges people because they want everyone to be the same.


Ideas for a tv advert?For the TV advert we were thinking on showing different people saying I am also a human being and at the end the narrator will say You are strong, you are powerful, you are equal.

Why do I think this is going to be appealing? Because I know that this might change the way society think and I also know that it will give more confidence to the people that are different.


Poster ideas


Ideas for a radio advert?The idea we came up with for a radio advert was having a young female telling their experience on how they used to get bullied and lacked confidence, to how they got help and became a strong independent female. Then another one but from a males point of view giving is experience on having low self-esteem so it can appeal to both genders. Gabrielle&Luana

What is your message?The message for our campaign is to tell the audience its alright to be who they really are and shouldn't hide there identity, as it doesnt affect society but affects you as a person. If you dont love yourself, your not letting the people around you feel the same.

How do you learn about yourself and identity?Realize that you do not have to justify your worth.Take time to try different things to figure out what you enjoy.Look after yourself. Know that fitting in is overrated.Remember that your life is not set in stone.
