My Family and where they came from

By Nicholas Haddad


My Family and where they came from. By Nicholas Haddad. Introduction. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of My Family and where they came from

Page 1: My Family and where they came from

By Nicholas Haddad

Page 2: My Family and where they came from

I decided to do a project on my dad’s heritage. As you will see in my presentation, my grandmother and her siblings were the first to come to America on my dad’s maternal side. On my dad’s paternal side, my great-grandparents were the first to come to America. Hope you like it! Enjoy!

Page 3: My Family and where they came from

Sito (Si-toe) n: In english, “Sito” means “grandmother”.

Jido (Ji-doe) n: In english, “Jido” means “grandfather”.Jido may be spelled Jiddo, also.All of these words are underlined in the rest of the project.

Page 4: My Family and where they came from

Hayat, my Sito, and Edward, my Jido, came to America from Lebanon in the 1950s. Eddie’s parents came to America before Hayat and Eddie came to America. Eddie was actually born here in the late 1920s, and then moved to Lebanon, which is where his family is from, and then came back with Hayat. They came to America because America is known as “The land of opportunity.” Another reason they came to America is that Eddie came back to get a job in the automotive industry. They also wanted a better life.

Page 5: My Family and where they came from

Who (Immigrated?): Hayat, my Grandmother, and my great-grandparents, Wadih and Anne.

When (When did they move here?): My Grandmother came in the late 1950s. My great-grandparents came in the early 1900s.

Why (Why did they come?): They came for a better life, like many other immigrants in the late 1800s, early 1900s.

Where (Where did they immigrate from?): My Grandmother immigrated from Aalma ech Chaab, Lebanon. My great-grandparents immigrated from Sour, Lebanon.

Where (Where did they moved to?): Detroit, Michigan

Page 6: My Family and where they came from

My Dad

My Dad was born

in America. His

mother was born

in Lebanon. He

was taught to

speak some

Arabic when he

was a child. He

grew up in Detroit

and moved to

Bloomfield Hills in

the 1970s. He has

1 brother, 2 step-

brothers, and one

half sister.

Page 7: My Family and where they came from

Click to begin

Page 8: My Family and where they came from

My Sito

My Sito came to

America in 1959.

She came from

Aalma ech Chaab,

Lebanon. When

she came to

America, she was

only 15, and was

married to Eddie

through an


marriage. She

had my dad at the

age of 16.

Page 9: My Family and where they came from

My Jido

My Jido was born

in America, but

then left for

Lebanon at a

young age. He

came back to

America in 1959

with my Sito.

Page 10: My Family and where they came from

Here are some things you may have learned in my presentation.

My whole family is from LebanonMy Jido was born in Detroit, but then moved

to Lebanon in the late 1920s.Edward took Hayat to America in 1959.Fun fact: My dad learned Arabic as a kid.

Thank you for watching my presentation. Bye!!