My E-Portfolio

E - Portefólio Maria Irene Tiago


Finding my purpose and passion through reflection.

Transcript of My E-Portfolio

E - Portefólio

Maria Irene Tiago

With this work I intend to:

Show moments of my teaching journey;

share my teaching philosophy as an educator;

share my experiences:

innovative teaching projects and roles;

special training and teaching related experiences;

samples of students’ works;

samples of teaching materials, tools;

samples of collaborative projects;

some of the work done over the past couple of years

in my 7th, 8th and 9th grade classes.

My motto “Always try new things!”

I believe ….. The role of the school as the major source of knowledge transmission couldn’t been taken for granted. Learning can take place anywhere. The traditional link of “learning” within specific spaces, such as “classrooms”, is broken as time and place constraints for connectivity are abolished (Miller et al., 2008). The future of education will be influenced by a need to foster skills that are “generic, transversal and cross-cutting”, through which learners will be able to actively and responsibly engage in lifelong learning (Redecker et al., 2011).

In the Past ...

In the 21st Century ...

The focus of school education will shift from knowledge to competences, such

as, in particular: problem-solving, reflection, creativity, critical thinking, learning

to learn, risk-taking, collaboration and entrepreneurship.

Though the process of learning is natural, the process of education must be structured, organized and meaningful. The same is true for learning materials, which were previously only accessible from one single physical place for those present at that place at a dedicated time. Now, many teaching, learning materials are accessible anywhere and anytime, by different learners from different places. Information is increasingly stored outside school servers, and acceptance and adoption of cloud-based applications and services is changing the way information is conceptualized in education (Johnson et al., 2011).

As a consequence of the changed learning needs of students, teachers training and professional development needs change as well. Teachers will need to be able to upgrade their competences, so as to keep updated with changes and be able to respondent to fast changing working environment. In parallel, school policies need to better align learning objectives with societal needs mainly because in the future societies will be more intercultural and students need to be become better active citizens.

Watch this vídeo!

Soon I discovered… Being an educator rather a teacher was my purpose; Tight timetables and overloaded curricula did not allow me much time to explore innovative pedagogies; I shouldn’t feel isolated in my own school and be confined to a single school experience;

We can do great learning teaching moments if we work collaboratively;

Teacher networks and the unprecedented opportunities brought about by networking tools enable to network and collaborate with other teachers from anywhere, at any time.

How I teach….. Plan instruction based on knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, students and community

What I do….. Collaborative work with school colleagues, parents and community agencies to maximize students welfare and knowledge.

What I use with my students…

- Instruction that facilitates students’ critical thinking and problem solving;

- Meaningful learning experiences;

- Individual and group motivation;

- Effective verbal and media communication techniques;

- Formal and informal assessment strategies to maximize student learning;

- The portfolio as demonstration of each student progress and

accomplishments in all four skill areas of the English subject: reading,

writing, listening and speaking.

What I also do…

Active Learning

In terms of metacognition, I ask my students at the beginning of the cycle to

make their portfolios.

They must to go to the platform Moodle ; download the files; read them

carefully, consider the comments and grade, and

reflect on the rubric.

This makes students aware of their own learning

process, and it also makes them responsible for their


Activities …

Our School in action

All year long our school offers a variety of

activities, in which students are encouraged to

participate, to help them grow, listen and develop

different skills and competences such as tolerance and team spirit, and, above all, make


Newsletter nr2

Students wanted to be in these projects because they were given individual

attention, were given some choice in what they wanted to do, to read , to learn

more about and how they learned, and they learning to do by doing, they were

part of a family.

As a tutor teacher… Give a close look to her work!

Antonella Di Benedetto - Italian Teacher

Bengül - Turkish Teacher

My Refection…

If the world of education is going to change, it will be the classroom teachers

who change it.

The more teachers talk to each other, the more powerful their teaching


What better time and way to generate ideas as well as to learn how to connect

with others.

Kids are spending less and less time in the

company of adults. Whether this is good or bad

is a different discussion, but it is a fact. As a

result, social skills are frequently not as

developed as we would like or expect.

Projects, Field trips can become safe places to

have and promote a social life.

I always ask people for help; collaborate and share. Isolation in teaching should be prohibited.

Now, I’ll ask my students to build their E Portfolios, instead of the old portfolio, for self-regulated learning:

- Reflecting the past; - Planning the future; - Doing the present!


Teaching is truly a noble profession. It is also a very time consuming one, requiring a commitment on your part but it can also be extremely rewarding. Everyone has an opinion of what a teacher should be doing.

We have to act as educator, coach, activity sponsor, nurse, career advisor,

parent, friend, and most of all innovators. We have to realize that in any class,

we will have students of varying levels and abilities and you will be judged on

how well you can reach each student by individualizing their education.

But, I remember always that teachers are important and valuable to society.

And, when I’m feeling down and depressed; when teacher burnout is raging full

force, I pull out my scrapbook and rekindle why I became a teacher in the first

place and then I think to myself to keep on teaching:

“I’m special and I do indeed make a difference!”



I used the following links:

Life Manifesto


iTec – Informal learning

Some ISSUU links

Helen Barrett

Portfólio de Língua Inglesa

Site European Schoolnet Academy

Teaching – Cambridge

Cambridge Webinars

Site etwinning

Classroom material – Films

EPortfolios Alunos

Teachers Networks


What is 21st Century Education?

Meeting the Diverse Needs of Learners


Bruner , Jerome - The Process of Education


Do you Teach or do you Educate?


MEMORIES – students, parents


Songs You Have Made A Difference

I will survive – teacher’s song

I'm a Teacher and I Know It